Lesson Plan Grade 9

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February 06, 2019

LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile (S9FE-IVa-34)
Cognitive: To discuss projectile motion
Affective: To raise awareness of harmful effects of projected weapons,
Psychomotor: To describe the horizontal and vertical motions of projectile.
a. Topic: Projectile Motion
b. Reference: Exploring Life Through Science 9 Page 381-383
c. Materials: blackboard, chalk, Power point presentation, Laptop, television
d. Interdisciplinary focus: Values Education “Proper use of dangerous weapons”
Teachers Task Learner’s Task
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer

Who would like to go in front and [a student will raise a hand to volunteer as
lead our opening prayer? prayer leader]

So Mr./Ms. _________ please stand [prayer leader will come in front to lead the
in front and lead us in our opening
[the class will stand up for the prayer]
Everybody please stand up for our
opening prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning Sir!
Good Morning Class!

3. Checking of learning environment

[The class will pick up scattered pieces of
Class look at your areas and please paper on the floor and arrange their chairs in
pick up the pieces of paper and other
proper order]
unnecessary things and kindly arrange
your chairs.

Now, Everybody may be seated.

4. Introduction of the Practice teacher

Class I would like to introduce

myself, I am Sir Timn Howard
Lanuza Andrada, I’m from San Luis
Aurora, I’m 23 years old, and I will
be your Practice Teacher for 3 weeks.

Class now that I’ve introduced myself

I need you to prepare a ¼ sheet of
paper and write your name, age,
nickname and address so I can know
you all.

When I call your name please stand

[students’ stand up when called by their
up so I can see you.
5. Checking of attendance

Is anyone absent today? No sir

Yes, sir ____________________is absent.

6. Checking of assignment

Class from you last teacher did he/she None sir.

left you with an assignment?

B. Review of the previous lesson

Now class, from your last teacher what [a student will raise a hand to answer and will
was your last topic that you’ve discussed? be called]
The last topic we tackled is about Climate

C. Motivation

Now class I will play a short video clip

and after that I’ll ask you questions.

[The teacher will play a video clip]

What game was being played in the [a student will raise a hand to answer and will
video? be called]
The game is called angry birds.

Yes sir
Did you played that game back then?
[a student will raise a hand to answer and will
be called]
How do you play that game? Sir you throw the birds to hit the pigs building
to win.

[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be

What happen to the birds when thrown?
The fly in the air.

[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be

What do you think are the factors that
Sir the angles on how you throw the birds.
make the birds destroy the pig’s

Very good! Now class I showed you that

video clip because our lesson for today is
about Projectile Motion.
[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
D. Lesson Proper called]
Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object
Now class, We need to define projectile that is thrown, or projected into the air at an angle.
motion. Can somebody read the meaning
of projectile motion?

[the teacher will show the definition of

projectile motion]

Very good! Projectile motion refers to the

motion of an object that is thrown, or [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
projected into the air at an angle. called]
Sir a ball being kicked.
Can you give examples of projectile A ball being thrown
motion that you’ve done or experienced?
[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
An arrow being shot
Very good! Can you give another A gun being shot

Very good class. Projectile motions are

everywhere it happens every day, here are
my examples of projectile motions.

(the teacher will show different examples Yes sir there is!
of projectile motions)

Now class now that we know what

projected motion is, do you think [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
projectile motion has components? called]
The horizontal and vertical motions
Okay, so what are these components?

Very good! We have the horizontal and [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
the vertical motion. called]
The horizontal motion of a projectile is constant
First we have Horizontal motion. Can because no gravitational force acts horizontally.
someone read the meaning of horizontal

Thank you! Horizontal motion is constant [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
meaning a fixed value or doesn’t change called]
because there are no other elements that
affects it.
Can you give examples of a horizontal [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
motion? called]
The vertical motion of a projectile is nothing more
Very good! Can someone read the than free fall with a constant downward
meaning of vertical motion? acceleration due to gravity.
Thank you! Vertical motions are just like
free fall, any motion of a body where
gravity is the only force acting upon it.
Also has a constant downward
acceleration due to gravity. [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
Can you give situations where vertical
motion occurs?
[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
Very good! Now class do you think that No Sir!
vertical motion and horizontal motion
affect each other?

Okay nice answer! Vertical and

Horizontal motion are independent
motions meaning they don’t affect each [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
other. called]
Sir a ball being thrown.
Class, Can you give me an example of
horizontal and vertical motion combined
together? [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
A curve shape.
Very good! What do you think is formed
when the two were combined?

Yes it forms a curve! Good! And that

curve is what we call as the trajectory of a [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
projectile. called]
The path of a projectile is called its trajectory.
Can someone read me the meaning of The trajectory of a projectile in free fall is a
trajectory and parabola? parabola.

Very good! No class remember that A

projectile, once projected, continues in
motion by its own inertia and is [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
influenced called]
Only by the downward force of gravity. An object projected horizontally will reach the
ground in the same time as an object dropped
Now can someone read the next slide? vertically.

No matter how large the horizontal velocity is, the

downward pull of gravity is always the same.

Thank you. Now here are images that will

help you more about the differences of
horizontal and vertical motion. Yes sir!

E. Valuing
Yes sir!
Now class do you think weapons like
guns and arrows have projectile motion?
[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
Do you think it’s dangerous to use guns called]
and other weapons? Sir we may harm others, or kill them.

What do you think will happen? [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
We should not use these things, hold these things
because they are unsafe.

How do you think we can avoid these [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
occurrences? called]
Yes sir! Because It can cause trouble and harm
Do you think it is important to be aware
of these dangerous weapons? Why?

[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be

F. Generalization Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object
that is thrown, or projected into the air at an angle
So class from our discussion can someone
describe projectile motion? [a student will raise a hand to answer and will be
The horizontal and vertical motion.

Very good! What are the two types of

motion in projectile?

[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be

Very nice! It is the horizontal and vertical called]
motion There is a major difference between the vertical
and the horizontal motion of a projectile. This is
Can someone differentiate or describe the that the vertical motion is changing, but the
two motions? horizontal motion is constant

[a student will raise a hand to answer and will be

No sir!

Are the two dependent with each other?

G. Evaluation
Students will be given 5 minutes to
Direction: Choose the best answer and
write the letter on the space provided.

1. Suppose a snowmobile is equipped

with a flare launcher which is capable
of launching a sphere vertically. If the
snowmobile is in motion and
launches the flare and maintains a
constant horizontal velocity after the
launch, then where will the flare land
(neglect air resistance)?
a. On the snowmobile.
b. Head the snowmobile.
c. Behind the snowmobile.

2. Suppose an airplane drops a flare

while it is moving at constant
horizontal speed at an elevated height.
Assuming that air resistance is
negligible, where will the flare land
relative to the plane?
a) Directly below the plane.
b) Below the plane and ahead of it.
c) Below plane and behind it.

3. Consider these diagrams in answering

the following questions.

Which diagram (if any) might

represent ...
a) The initial horizontal
b) The initial vertical velocity?
c) The horizontal acceleration?
d) The vertical acceleration?
e) The net force? 1.Suppose a snowmobile is equipped with a
flare launcher which is capable of launching a
Checking the quiz sphere vertically. If the snowmobile is in
motion and launches the flare and maintains a
Exchange papers with your classmates. constant horizontal velocity after the launch,
Who wants to read and answer number 1? then where will the flare land (neglect air
a) On the snowmobile.
b) Head the snowmobile.
c) Behind the snowmobile.
The answer is A

2. Suppose an airplane drops a flare while it is

moving at constant horizontal speed at an
elevated height. Assuming that air resistance
is negligible, where will the flare land
CORRECT relative to the plane?
Alright number 2 a) Directly below the plane.
(teacher calls a student) b) Below the plane and ahead of it.
c) Below plane and behind it.
The answer is A

3. Consider these diagrams in answering the

following questions.

Okay Great! Let’s have number 3 Which diagram (if any) might represent ...
(Teacher calls a student) f) The initial horizontal
g) The initial vertical velocity?
h) The horizontal acceleration?
i) The vertical acceleration?
j) The net force?
a. The initial horizontal velocity is A (It's the only
horizontal vector).
b. The initial vertical velocity could be B (if
projected down) or C (if projected upward).
c. None of these; there is no horizontal
d. The vertical acceleration is B; it is always
e. The net force on a projectile is B (there is only
one force - gravity; and it is downwards).

That is correct! (The students will pass their quizzes)

Alright anyone has questions?

Alright class write your scores and pass it



1. Why does the horizontal component of a projectile’s motion remain constant?

2. Why does the vertical component of a projectile’s motion undergo change?
3. A projectile is launched vertically at 100 m/s. If air resistance is neglected, at what speed does
it return to its initial level?
In a long bond paper, draw 2 situations in which you can observe projectile motion and explain each
Bring the following
½ Index Card
1 small notebook.


(Practice Teacher) (Cooperating Teacher)

Answer the following questions.

1. They are the building blocks of matter.

2. In 1863 _________ an English Chemist proposed the law of octaves.

3. __________ and 4. _____________ both came up with the periodic table the showed how elements
should be grouped. Both arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic masses while putting groups
with similar properties.

5. They are the vertical columns of the periodic table.

6. They are the horizontal rows of the periodic table.

7. Give one example of a family in the periodic table.

8.-10. The three big groups of elements in the periodic table.


1. Element

2. John Newlands

3. Lothar Meyer

4. Dmitri Mendeleev

5. Groups

6. Periods

7. Alkali Metals, Noble Gases Alkaline metals, earth metals.

8. metals

9. nonmetals

10. metalloids or semimetals

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