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Detailed Lesson Plan

Science III
I. Objectives:
a. define force as the push or pull on an object.
b. identify whether the force being exerted on an object is pushing or pulling.
c. demonstrate a push or pull on an object
c. tell the important importance of pushing and pulling in daily life

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Force:Push and Pull
Reference: Science II pp.124-127
Material: Manila paper, Pictures, Objects.
Teachers Activities Pupils Activities

A. Motivation

Have you ever watched a basketball?

Yes Teacher
What does a player do to shoot the ball?
(varied answers)
What does he do when he steal the ball?
(varied answers)
B. Presenting:

How do you know that an object has


C. Discussion:

Things moved because you apply force

on them. And that is our Lesson for
today: FORCE: Push and Pull

Force can be a push or a pull exerted on

an object.
I have here a picture.
(posted a picture)

What did you observed in the picture?

The man push the door.
Very Good,
Push makes things move away from
your body.
If I will push this table, what happen to
the table when I pushed it?
The table moves away from your body.
Very Good! Did I exert force to move
this table?
Yes Teacher
How did I moved the table?
By pushing
Very Good! Who wants to come in front
and throw this ball to the floor?
(pupil demonstrate)
What happen to the ball when you throw
The ball moves away from my body.
Very Good! How did you moved the
By throwing
What force did you used?
By pushing
Very Good!
Can you give more example?
(varied answers)
Look at in the second picture
(posted picture)

What was the man do?

The man pull the door.
Very Good!
Pull makes things move toward your
If I will moved this cellphone towards me,
What happen to the cellphone?
The cellphone moves towards your body.
Very Good! Did I exert force?
Yes teacher
How did I moved the cellphone?
By pulling
Very good! Who wants to come in front and
close the door?
(pupil demonstrate)
What happened when you closed the door?
The door moves towards from my body.
Very good! Did you exert force?
Yes teacher
How did you closed the door?
By pulling
Very good! Can you give more example?
(pupils answer)
Pushing and pulling is very important to
our daily life because it can help us easily
moved an object.

D. Generalization:
What is a force?
Force is a push and pull.
What is push?
Push makes things away from our body
How about pull?
Pull makes things towards from our body.
In our daily life. What is the important
of pushing and pulling?
It can help us to move easily the object.

E. Application:

Scavenger Hunt
I will group you into threes. Around the
classroom find the notes. In each group
will collaborate or cooperate. Every
notes has need to observe or act and
answer what is asked. Once the pupil
found the items they must read and
answer the question in quietly and after
that, perform in front. The groups will
be given 5 minutes.

IV. Evaluation:

I.Look at the pictures below. Encircle the letter whether each picture shows a push or a pull.

V. Assignment

List down the things that need to be push and pull in your home. 10 points.

Push Pull

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