AEG - JSA - 107 - Oxygen Acetylene Torch PDF
AEG - JSA - 107 - Oxygen Acetylene Torch PDF
AEG - JSA - 107 - Oxygen Acetylene Torch PDF
Prepare for welding. Inhalation of fumes Turn on exhaust fan and timer.
Flashing Wear welding hood.
Sparks Wear welding jacket, apron, gloves, work shoes.
Slag splatter Wear welding jacket, apron, gloves, work shoes.
Set gauges, turn on gas cylinders. Pinching fingers and hands Avoid pinch points
Clean tip, make sure hose valves are Pinching fingers Avoid pinch points.
tight, unwrap hoses.
Tripping Keep hoses untangled and free from feet.
Use striker to light torch Burning fingers, hands body; flashing Wear welding hood, welding jacket, apron, gloves, work
Apply flame to material. Flashing, sparks, slag splatter Wear welding hood, welding jacket, apron, gloves, work
Allow material to cool on workbench. Burn to hands or fingers Wear gloves.
Chalk mark welded area “Hot.”
Close valves, bleed off regulators, wrap Pinching fingers Avoid pinch points.
Tripping Keep hoses untangled and free from feet.
Use chipping hammer to remove excess Eye damage by flying debris from hammer strikes Wear safety glasses.
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JOB/ACTIVITY NAME: Oxygen / Acetylene torch START DATE: __10/7/2009______
slag. Injuring fingers with hammer
Use caution to avoid striking fingers or hands with hammer.
I understand & will adhere to the steps, hazards & controls as described in this JSA. I
understand that performing steps out of sequence may pose hazards that have not been
evaluated, nor authorized. I will contact my supervisor prior to continuing work, if the scope of
work changes or new hazards are introduced.
I understand I have the authority and responsibility to stop work I believe to be unsafe.
Worker Name (please print) Signature Date
Brendan Dix ____
I have reviewed the steps, hazards & controls described in this JSA with all workers listed above
and authorize them to perform the work. Workers are qualified (i.e. licensed or certified, as
appropriate, & in full compliance with SLAC training requirements) to perform this activity.
Georg Gassner ____
I have communicated area hazards with the supervisor or listed worker(s) for this activity and
have coordinated the described activity with affected occupants. The above listed workers are
released to perform described scope of work in the following area(s):
Mike Racine
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