Occupational Accidents & Definitions

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• In general,

• An occupational accident is an accident that people suffer at work.

• It is an occurrence that the victim had not planned or expected.

Occupational Accident

• According to International Labour Organization (ILO);

• Job accident is an unexpected event that leads to a certain harm or injury.

According to World Health Organization (WHO);

Occupational accident is an unplanned event that often leads to

personal injuries, damage to machines, tools and equipments, and
causes production to stop .
According to Labor Law no. 6331;

Occupational accident refers to the event that

takes place in the workplace, causes death or

makes body integrity mentally or physically


An occupational accident is an unexpected and unplanned

Common Occupational Accidents
Common workplace accidents:
1) Slip, trip and fall

If we obey the law 6331, accidents are completely

avoidable where the correct safety measures are in place

Because of inadequate lighting, obstructions, uneven flooring, broken handrails on

stairwells, loose/exposed wiring and other materials
Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls at Work

Good housekeeping, quality surfaces and footwear are key factors that prevent accidents in
the workplace from occurring.
Employees should be reminded to engage in safe practice and procedure in the workplace
by employers. Hazardous variables such as clutter or spillage must be reported to prevent a
slip, trip and fall accidents * in the workplace.
• 2) Manual Handling – Moving Heavy Objects/Materials:

Manual handling is another common workplace accident claim. It comes as no surprise

that back, neck and shoulder injuries are common for those who must lift objects as
part of their daily tasks at work.
• Avoiding Manual Handling Injuries at Work
Firstly, Take appropriate organisational
measures or use appropriate means,
mechanical equipment, to avoid the
need for manual handling of heavy
loads by employees.

Provide personal protective equipment such as gloves The distance at which an employee
must move a heavy object must also
be analysed and reduced where

Physical capabilities of the employees

should be considered

Provide manual handling training to all

uygun araçları, mekanik ekipmanı kullanın.
• 3) Being hit by falling Objects:

In all environments, injury from falling objects can happen. Falling

objects can cause injuries such as cuts and head and brain injuries in
severe cases.

Common causes of falling object injuries are:

*Files, books, and other office tools and equipment

falling from a shelf

*Wall and ceiling fixtures become detached and falling

*Tools and other construction materials falling from a

height on a building site

*Unsecured loads lifted to a height and falling

Avoiding Falling Object Injuries at Work
• Equipment should be stored at appropriate heights
• so that if it moves it won’t fall on an employee

• In construction zones, using closed boarded platforms or kick boards to prevent objects
• from falling off the edge of scaffolding,

• Make employees aware of danger zones and how to store items properly to prevent future injuries
4) Injuries Caused By Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• Accidents in the workplace tend to happen when employers fail

to provide appropriate protective equipment (PPE) for workers.

Some of them;

Steel toe capped boots
Protective overalls
High-vis jackets
Hard Hats
Safety Harness
this subject will be
Protective masks discussed in detail
Eye protection goggles later.
5) Falling from heigt (Yüksekten düşme)

Falling from scaffolding on a building site

Using a step ladder when it is not appropriate to do so

Overreaching and losing balance when on a ladder

Not ensuring the ladder is properly footed

6) Burn Injuries

• Common causes of burn injuries in the workplace * are:

• -Electrical burns from faulty electrical equipment

• -Contact with overheated machinery or tools

• -Chemical burns from contact with corrosive materials,

acids or oils
• -Contact with direct heat sources such as welding.
• -Faulty wiring.
7) Vehicle Crashes

• These type of workplace accidents may involve cars, lorries or even other
vehicles such as forklift trucks.

There are two different kinds of vehicle-related accidents:

• On the Road – Workers can be injured due to a vehicle-related accident while

working on the roads or in traffic zones.

• In the Workplace – Operators of vehicles and equipment can be injured or cause

injury to fellow employees.
• According to statistical data,

• Every 3 minutes, occupational accidents are happening in the world.

• Every 4 hours, a person dies

• Every year, 260 million occupational accidents are taking place in the world.

• Every year, 160 million people are caught occupational disease.

• Every year, 2 million 200 thousand people are dying due to accidents at work and
occupational diseases.

• Turkey in fatal occupational accident is FIRST in Europe & THIRD in world.

1998-2009 years in Turkey:

• 927.727 occupational accident took place

• 4601 occupational disease detected.

• 10.543 people died as a result of an

occupational accident & diseases.
• Almost three quarters of occupational accidents occur during the daytime,

• between 08.00 and 18.00.

Question: When dooccupational accidents occur most often?

Answer: Between 08.00 and 18.00.
• The most commonly injured organs in occupational accidents are upper and lower
extremities, and the head.

• In 38.7% of the accidents upper extremities are injured, followed by lower

extremities (19,1 %); one every five accidents.

El-ayak sistemleri
• Unfortunately,
• Fatal occupational accidents are more common in Turkey, compared to European countries.

• In 2014, 1626 workers died (1589 males and 37 females) due to accidents, with an accident
mortality rate of 11.6 per 100,000.
• Accident mortality rate is in the range of 1 to 6 per 100,000 in most European countries.
• More than half (56,2%) of occupational accident deaths occurred in the 25-44 years
age groups.
• In terms of occupational groups, more than half (60.7%) of accident deaths occurred among
unskilled workers.

• Almost one fifth (18.9 %) of accident deaths occurred in three big cities:
• İstanbul: 243,
• Ankara: 107 and
• İzmir: 64 deaths

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