Not Inherently Patentable? An Analysis of The Patent-Eligibility of Prenatal Diagnostic Patents, by Bryanna Workman

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NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable? An Analysis of the Patent-Eligibility of Prenatal

Diagnostic Patents
Author: Bryanna Workman
EAP Date (approved for print): 12 November 2018

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NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable? An Analysis of the
Patent-Eligibility of Prenatal Diagnostic Patents



This paper analyses the patent-eligibility of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), an

issue which was considered by the Federal Court of Australia in 2018, with judgment
set to be handed down in 2019. NIPT represents an important development in prenatal
healthcare and has been taken up rapidly by clinical laboratories worldwide. In the
context of Australian patent law, the Court’s verdict on the patentability of NIPT may
have important ramifications for the patent-eligibility of methods of genetic testing
more broadly. The paper begins with a discussion of the current requirements for
patentable subject matter in Australia. This is followed by an analysis of these
requirements in the context of the NIPT claims to be considered by the Federal Court.
Included in this analysis is a discussion on whether NIPT is a ‘new class of claim’ and
whether the ‘other factors’ test set out in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics (2015) 258 CLR
334 (‘Myriad’) precludes patentability. The paper concludes that it is likely that, based
on the recent treatment of Myriad by the Federal Court in Meat and Livestock Ltd v
Cargill Inc [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018), NIPT will be considered patent-eligible
subject matter. However, this does not preclude the Court from finding the patent
invalid on other grounds, nor does it prevent the decision from being overturned on

1. Introduction

Recent advances in genomics have allowed scientists to develop diagnostic

tools for a range of genetic disorders and diseases, providing significant
benefits to the community. The issue of gene patenting has attracted attention
in Australia, the High Court of Australia recently ruling naturally occurring
DNA sequences non-patentable.1 However, the High Court did not rule on the

* Final year BSc-LLB student at the University of Tasmania. The author wishes to
thank Professor Dianne Nicol for her comments on a draft of this paper. The author
is responsible for any errors contained within.
1 D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics (2015) 258 CLR 334. For commentary on the patentability
of genetic materials see: M M Hopkins et al, ‘DNA Patenting: The End of an Era?’
(2007) 25 Nature Biotechnology 185–187; I Huys, G Matthijs and G Van Overwalle,
‘The Fate and Future of Patents on Human Genes and Genetic Diagnostic Methods’
(2012) 13 Nature Reviews Genetics 441–448; O A Jefferson et al, ‘Transparency Tools

Journal of Law, Information and Science Vol 25(2) 2018

patentability of methods for genetic diagnosis or methods involving the use of

nucleic acid sequences. Before the High Court’s decision, commentators were
confident of the patentability of genetic diagnostic tests.2 However, the decision
has raised uncertainty as to the position in Australia.

The patentability of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) – a genetic diagnostic

tool – is set to be considered in a case before the Federal Court of Australia,
Sequenom v Ariosa Diagnostics, this year. In 2016, Sequenom commenced patent
infringement proceedings, claiming that Ariosa Diagnostics and Sonic
Healthcare’s Harmony non-invasive prenatal test infringes its patent
(Australian Standard Patent No 727919). The respondents filed cross-claims for
invalidity, including on the ground of lack of patentable subject matter. The
patent at the centre of the dispute claims an invention that provides a ‘detection
method performed on a maternal serum or plasma sample from a pregnant
female, which method comprises detecting the presence of nucleic acid of foetal
origin in the sample.’ The claims of the patent cover prenatal diagnoses for
determination of both maternal and foetal conditions or characteristics which
relate to either the foetal DNA itself or the quantity or quality of that DNA in
the maternal serum or plasma. Uses include sex determination, detection of
foetal abnormalities like chromosomal aneuploidies or mutations, and
detection of pregnancy-associated conditions which result in higher or lower
amounts of foetal DNA being present, such as pre-eclampsia. The discovery
presents an important improvement in prenatal healthcare. Conventional
prenatal screening methods for detecting foetal abnormalities and for sex
determination use invasive techniques such as amniocentesis and chorionic
villus sampling. These techniques present risks to both mother and child. The
use of foetal DNA in maternal blood for non-invasive prenatal diagnoses
presents an alternative that is largely free of these risks.3

Australia is the latest jurisdiction to consider the validity of this patent, after
the US and UK came to opposite conclusions as to the inherent patentability of

in Gene Patenting for Informing Policy and Practice’ (2013) 31 Nature Biotechnology
1086–1093; G D Graff et al, ‘Not Quite a Myriad of Gene Patents’ (2013) 31 Nature
Biotechnology 404–410; John Liddicoat, Tess Whitton and Dianne Nicol, ‘Are the Gene
Patent Storm Clouds Dissipating? A Global Snapshot’ (2015) 33 Nature Biotechnology
2 See Charles Lawson, ‘Patenting genetic diagnostic methods: NGS, GWAS, SNPs and
patents’ (2015) 22 Journal of Law and Medicine 846.
3 See D Bianchi and L Wilkins-Haug, ‘Integration of Noninvasive DNA Testing for
Aneuploidy into Prenatal Care: What Has Happened Since the Rubber Met the
Road?’ (2014) 60 Clinical Chemistry 78; Jeanne Snelling, Nikki Kerruish and Jessie
Lenagh-Glue, ‘Non-invasive Prenatal Testing: The Problem with ‘Fast Cars’ (2016)
24 Journal of Law and Medicine 203.

NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

its subject matter.4 The US Federal Circuit Court decided that a method for non-
invasive prenatal testing was not patentable subject matter, as the method
began and ended with a naturally occurring phenomenon. The US Supreme
Court subsequently refused to grant certiorari to hear an appeal, and an en banc
hearing by the Federal Court was also refused. In contrast, the High Court of
Justice of the Business and Property Courts of England and Wales held that the
methods for prenatal testing and diagnosis were patentable subject matter.5
However, the patent was only partially valid, because it failed to satisfy other
technical patent criteria.6

This paper evaluates the inherent patentability of methods for NIPT in

Australia, based on the test for patentable subject matter as set out in National
Research Development Corporation v Commissioner of Patents,7 and re-emphasised
in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics.8 The interpretation of the plurality’s decision in
Myriad by lower courts will be considered, particularly the decision of Justice
Beach in Meat and Livestock Ltd v Cargill Inc.9 This case is pertinent to the
discussion on the patentability of NIPT in Australia for three reasons. First, it
is one of the only cases that discuss the ‘other factors’ test set out in Myriad.
Second, the case concerned the patentability of genetic diagnostic methods in
bovines, which is conceptually similar to NIPT. Finally, Justice Beach is the
presiding judge for the upcoming Federal Court hearing on the patentability of

Part 2 of this paper gives a brief outline of the test for patentable subject matter
in Australia, from the seminal case of NRDC, to Myriad and decisions that have
considered Myriad, including Cargill. Part 3 outlines the claims in Sequenom’s
NIPT patent and applies the NRDC test to those claims. Part 4 considers
whether the claims fall under a ‘new class of claims’ and applies the ‘other
factors’ test set out by the plurality in Myriad. It is likely that the claims in
Sequenom’s patent will be considered patent-eligible subject matter. However,
this does not preclude the claims from being rejected or revised on the basis of
the other criteria for patentability.

4 Ariosa Diagnostics Inc v Sequenom Inc, 788 F 3d 1371 (3rd Cir, 2015).
5 Illumina Inc v Premaitha Health PLC [2017] EWHC 2930 (PAT).
6 Ibid. Claims 1, 2, 5 and 7 of patent EP (UK) 0,994,963 were invalid for lack of enabling
disclosure by the Priority Document.
7 (1959) 102 CLR 252 (‘NRDC’).
8 (2015) 258 CLR 334 (‘Myriad’).
9 [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) (‘Cargill’).

Journal of Law, Information and Science Vol 25(2) 2018

2. Patentable Subject Matter in Australia

2.1 Manner of Manufacture

The test for patentable subject matter in Australia is set out in s 18(1)(a) of the
Patents Act 1990 (Cth). An invention must be a manner of manufacture within
the meaning of s 6 of the Statute of Monopolies 1624, 21 Jac 1 c 3. The leading
authority on the interpretation of ‘manner of manufacture’ is NRDC, where the
High Court held that ‘manner of manufacture’ could not be subject to a precise
formula.10 The Court held that the requirement was satisfied where an
invention included an artificially created state of affairs and had economic
utility.11 The High Court noted that the ‘process must be one that offers some
advantage which is material, in the sense that the process belongs to a useful
art … and its value to the country is in the field of economic endeavour’.12
NRDC concerned the patentability of a novel method for applying a known
herbicide to crop areas. The artificially created state of affairs was the
observable difference between the comparative growth of weeds and crops on
sown land. This process of weed reduction was clearly of economic utility in

Over time, Australian courts treated ‘artificial state of affairs’ and ‘economic
utility’ as a two-limb test for satisfaction of the ‘manner of manufacture’
requirement.14 The test was considered in relation to business methods in Grant
v Commissioner of Patents,15 where the Full Federal Court held that a mere
scheme, abstract idea or information is not patentable; there must be a physical
consequence, concrete effect, phenomenon, manifestation or transformation.16
The High Court applied the test set out in NRDC in a medical context in Apotex
Pty Ltd v Sanofi-Aventis Australia Pty Ltd.17 Four members of the Court, with
Hayne J dissenting, held that a method of medical treatment was patentable
subject matter where that method involved a new use of a known
pharmaceutical drug. However, Crennan and Kiefel JJ in their joint judgment
and Gageler J separately raised doubt over the patentability of methods of
treatment more broadly; the question of whether or not ‘the activities or

10 (1959) 102 CLR 252, 271: The Court held that any attempt to state the ambit of s 6 by
precisely defining ‘manufacture’ is bound to fail.
11 Ibid 276.
12 Ibid 275.
13 Ibid 277.
14 See CCOM Pty Ltd v Jiejing Pty Ltd (1994) 51 FCR 260, 295.
15 (2006) 69 IPR 221.
16 Ibid 228.
17 (2013) 253 CLR 284.

NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

procedures of doctors (and other medical staff) when physically treating

patients’ were manners of manufacture remained unresolved.18 The decision in
Apotex is not directly applicable to in vitro methods of diagnosis, however,
because such methods do not involve the physical (in vivo) treatment of
patients per se.

2.2 D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc (2015) 258 CLR 334

The most recent applicable High Court case to the patentability of NIPT is
Myriad, where the Court unanimously held that isolated naturally-occurring
nucleic acid sequences were not patentable subject matter.19 A joint judgment
of French CJ, Kiefel, Bell and Keane JJ (‘the plurality’) made it clear that the
concept manner of manufacture is to be developed on a case-by-case basis.20
Their Honours reiterated the test developed from NRDC, stating the test as:

1. Whether the invention claimed is for a product made or a process

producing an outcome as a result of human action; and

2. Whether the invention as claimed has economic utility.21

The plurality acknowledged that, in most cases, this two-limb test will be
sufficient to establish patentability.22 However, where the claim in substance
relates to a new class involving a significant new application or extension of
the principles of patentability, the Court should consider other factors.23 These
factors were listed as follows:

3. Whether patentability would be consistent with the purposes of

the Act and, in particular:

18 Ibid 384, 390.
19 Isolated naturally-occurring nucleic acid sequences are distinguishable from
sequences that cannot be found in nature (such as sequences with mutations that are
not possible without human intervention). The Court did not limit their analysis to
genomic or native DNA, but included any nucleic acid sequences, including
complementary DNA (cDNA). Complementary DNA includes exon sequences
encoding proteins, which are generated in the laboratory to exclude introns
(noncoding regions of the DNA). The plurality in Myriad reached the same
conclusion in respect of cDNA because it ‘is synthesized but replicates a naturally
occurring sequence of events’: [89].
20 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 339
21 Ibid 351.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid.

Journal of Law, Information and Science Vol 25(2) 2018

3.1. whether the invention as claimed, if patentable under s

18(1)(a), could give rise to a large new field of monopoly
protection with potentially negative effects on innovation;

3.2. whether the invention as claimed, if patentable under s

18(1)(a), could, because of the content of the claims, have a
chilling effect on activities beyond those formally the subject
of the exclusive rights granted to the patentee;

3.3. whether to accord patentability to the invention as claimed

would involve the court in assessing important and
conflicting public and private interests and purposes.

4. Whether to accord patentability to the invention as claimed would

enhance or detract from the coherence of the law relating to
inherent patentability.

5. Relevantly to Australia’s place in the international community of


5.1. Australia’s obligations under international law;

5.2. the patent laws of other countries.

6. Whether to accord patentability to the class of invention as claimed

would involve law-making of a kind which should be done by the

Factors 3, 4 and 6 are of primary importance, according to the plurality, while

factor 5 is of secondary significance.25 However, Gageler and Nettle JJ in their
joint judgment, and Gordon J separately did not expressly adopt this ‘other
factors’ approach. The importance of the factors set out in Myriad for ‘new
categories’ of patents has been debated. Some commentators argue that these
factors constitute a new test, additional to that in NRDC,26 while others argue
that the decision re-emphasises the NRDC test and the fact that it was never

24 Ibid.
25 Ibid.
26 Jessica Lai, ‘Gene-related Patents in Australia and New Zealand: Taking a Step Back’
(2015) 25 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 181, 193; Timothy Fitzgerald, Declan
McKeveney and Mark Egerton, ‘Developments in the Patentability of Biotechnology
in Australia and the United States – Part 1’ (2016) 29 Australian Intellectual Property
Law Bulletin 222; Tanya Obranovich, Biotechnology and Patentability: Navigating
Unchartered Waters (15 February 2016) Managing Intellectual Property

NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

intended to be rigidly applied.27 Lawson suggests that once the High Court
decided genes were not man-made according to the NRDC test, the factorial
test might be considered non-binding dictum.28 However, Dreyfuss, Nielsen
and Nicol argue that this overlooks the fact that the plurality did not rule out
the possibility that information encoded in DNA might be patentable.29 In cases
where a finding of patentability is possible, a finding that a new class of claim
is implicated is likely, and the factorial approach would then be applied.30
Indeed, the ‘other factors’ test is a way to deal with modern technologies. It
draws attention to concerns of patenting in these areas and requires the court
or patent office to engage with the social and proprietary implications of either
granting or denying a monopoly.

The plurality emphasised that whether a claim is patentable is a matter of

substance, not form.31 In substance, Myriad’s claims were to information
contained in the isolated nucleic acid sequence (the BRCA1 gene). This
information was discerned rather than ‘made’ by human intervention.32 The
‘other factors’ pointed towards a denial of patentability; the patent could have
a stifling effect on innovation as the patent could be infringed without the
infringer being aware they have done so.33 Myriad’s claims were broad enough
to include the application of any process for isolating a patient’s DNA
sequence. This would lead to the creation of an exorbitant and unwarranted de
facto monopoly on all methods of isolating nucleic acids containing the
sequences coding for the BRCA1 protein.34

The judgment by Gageler and Nettle JJ has been treated with varied degrees of
significance in commentary and case law.35 Gageler and Nettle JJ identified the
question of patentability as being whether the subject matter of the claim ‘is

27 William Bartlett, ‘D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc [2015] HCA 35 The plurality’s new
factorial approach to patentability rearticulates the question asked in NRDC’ 24(1)
Journal of Law, Information and Science 120; Jane Nielsen and Dianne Nicol, ‘Patent
Law and the March of Technology – Did the Productivity Commission Get It Right?’
(2017) 28 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 4.
28 Charles Lawson, ‘Patenting Nucleic Acid Sequences: More Ambiguity from the
High Court?’ (2018) 25 Journal of Law and Medicine 741, 749–750.
29 Rochelle C Dreyfuss, Jane Nielsen and Dianne Nicol, ‘Patenting Nature—A
Comparative Perspective’ (2018) unpublished manuscript, on file with author.
30 Ibid. The plurality applied the factorial approach as well as the two-limb test, and
concluded that this also indicated lack of inherent patentability.
31 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 371.
32 Ibid 340.
33 Ibid 372.
34 Ibid 340.
35 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018).

Journal of Law, Information and Science Vol 25(2) 2018

sufficiently artificial’ to be regarded as patentable.36 Their Honours held that

‘[i]t is necessary that the inventive concept be seen to make a contribution to
the essential difference between the product and nature’.37 There must be a
‘quality of inventiveness which distinguishes it from a mere discovery or
observation of a law of nature’.38 The presence or absence of the mutations and
polymorphisms in the nucleic acid was the discovery and the ‘antithesis of a
man-made artificial state of affairs’.39 Some commentators emphasise the
distinction made by Gageler and Nettle JJ between inventiveness and mere
discovery, arguing that it introduces a product of nature doctrine into
Australian patent law.40 However, this distinction did not form any part of the
plurality or Justice Gordon’s reasoning, and it has since been distinctly rejected
by the Federal Court.41 As such, the inventiveness/discovery distinction will
not be discussed at length throughout this paper, only in the context of the
factor 5, the applicability of international approaches.

2.3 Post-Myriad Decisions

After Myriad was handed down, the Australian Patent Office released a
Practice Note and made changes to the Manual of Practice and Procedure,
which now states that isolated nucleic acid sequences are not patent-eligible

36 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 382.
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid 383.
39 Ibid 394.
40 Peter MacFarlane and Betty Kontoleon, ‘Some legal issues regarding the patenting
of Human Genetic Materials’ (2016) 24 Journal of Law and Medicine 181; Cheng Lim
Saw, ‘Whither gene patenting and the patenting of diagnostic methods post-Mayo
and Myriad? The need for certainty in navigating the high seas of policy’ (2016) 8
Law, Innovation and Technology 207; See also Rebekah Gay and Tom Gumley ‘Patents:
D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics: What Next for Gene Patents in Australia’ [online] (2015)
18 Law Society of NSW Journal 70, 72.
41 In Cargill, MLA argued that Gageler and Nettle JJ in Myriad introduced a new
threshold test of inventiveness. This argument was strongly rejected by Justice
Beach. Justice Beach stated that even if Gageler and Nettle JJ had introduced a new
test, there were two binding authorities against taking such an approach: Myriad and
Lockwood Security Products Pty Ltd v Doric Products Pty Ltd [No 2] (2007) 235 CLR 173
(‘Lockwood No 2’). When commenting on Microcell, the court in Lockwood No 2 said
that [Microcell] does not involve a separate ground of invalidity or a discrete
‘threshold’ test. Beach J in Cargill noted that Gageler and Nettle JJ applied Lockwood
No 2, confirming his doubts as to whether their Honours intended to introduce a
threshold requirement. Justice Gordon in Myriad at [223] also stated that the
‘distinction between discovery and invention is not precise enough to be other than
misleading’. A similar sentiment was given by the High Court in NRDC at 264.

NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

subject matter.42 The Practice Note also excludes from patent-eligibility cDNA,
synthetic nucleotide sequences, probes, primers and isolated
interfering/inhibitory nucleotide sequences that merely replicate genetic
information of naturally occurring organisms.43 This approach is based on the
plurality’s holding at [89] that any full or partial sequence that replicates a
naturally occurring sequence constitutes information and is not patentable.

The guidelines and the findings in Myriad have subsequently been applied in
Patent Office decisions considering sequence information. In Cargill
Incorporated v Dow Agro Sciences LLC,44 a fungal sequence was held to be patent
eligible because it had been codon-optimised (altered in a laboratory to contain
a sequence of nucleotides that did not occur naturally in the fungus). The
Delegate did not consider the subject matter to be near the boundaries of
patentability, and therefore did not apply the other factors set out in Myriad.45
In Arrowhead Research Corporation interfering RNA was found to be patent-
eligible, because the particular nucleotide sequences claimed were not crucial
and therefore not the substance of the invention.46 Instead, the capacity
provided by the invention to identify specific target sequences was the crucial
component.47 In Sun Pharmaceuticals v Tasmania Alkaloids,48 the mutagenesis of
poppy seeds and screening of progeny plants to produce poppies with a higher
output of codeine was patent-eligible. The Delegate found no evidence that a
mutation producing levels of codeine observed in the plants had or would be
naturally occurring.49 Hence, the genetic code of the plants, and the information
it contained, was not naturally occurring.

42 Australian Patent Office, Manual of Practice and Procedure: Nucleic Acids and
Genetic Information, <
Help/Patent_Examiners_Manual.htm>; Australian Patent Office, Examination
Practice Following the High Court Decision in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc., (15
December 2016) IP Australia <
43 Fitzgerald, McKeveney and Egerton discuss this guidance note, arguing that it
indicates a narrow view of the exclusions set out by the High Court: Timothy
Fitzgerald, Declan McKeveney and Mark Egerton, ‘Developments in the
patentability of biotechnology in Australia and the United States – Part 2’ (2017)
Intellectual Property Law Bulletin 22.
44 (2016) APO 43 (5 July 2016).
45 Ibid [47].
46 [2016] APO 70 (13 October 2016) [19]–[29].
47 Ibid.
48 [2018] APO 7 (31 January 2018).
49 Ibid [69]–[71].

Journal of Law, Information and Science Vol 25(2) 2018

The Practice Note also sets out when the ‘other factors’ test set out by the
plurality in Myriad should be applied, stating that the test should only be
applied where a claim involves a ‘significant new application or extension of
the principles of patentability’.50 Claims relating to technical subject matter that
has not previously been rejected must be assessed according to the NRDC
requirements.51 The Practice Note states that subject matter that falls into
established categories of patent-eligibility include recombinant or isolated
proteins, pharmaceuticals and other chemical substances, methods of
treatment, methods of applying herbicides and applications of computer
technology.52 Until recently, the judiciary have seemed reluctant to apply the
other factors set out in Myriad.53 The applicability of the Myriad ‘other factors’
test was considered in Commissioner of Patents v RPL Central Pty Ltd54 and Gilead
Sciences Pty Ltd v Idenix Pharmaceuticals LLC,55 but the other factors were not
applied because the Court found that the cases did not involve new classes of
claims. This reluctance of the judiciary to consider the test has led some
commentators to criticise the High Court’s approach in Myriad, arguing that it
has led to uncertainty.56 However, the ‘other factors’ test has since been applied
by Justice Beach in Meat & Livestock Australia v Cargill,57 albeit as obiter, in
relation to a method patent. Indeed, Justice Beach highlighted the uncertainty
surrounding the ‘other factors’ test in his judgment.58 This is discussed further

2.4 Meat and Livestock Ltd v Cargill Inc [2018] FCA 51

Cargill required the Federal Court to consider the patent-eligibility of a series

of method claims for identifying bovine traits from nucleic acid samples using
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which resulted in ‘managing,
selecting, breeding and cloning cattle’.59 The SNPs were variants of specific
nucleotides in the bovine genome that are linked to particular traits, such as
meat tenderness, milk production and disease resistance. Livestock breeders

50 Australian Patent Office, Examination Practice Following the High Court Decision
in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc., above n 42.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 See Nielsen and Nicol, above n 27.
54 (2015) 238 FCR 27 [119] (regarding an implemented business method claim).
55 (2016) 117 IPR 252 (regarding claims to chemical and pharmaceutical compounds).
56 See Lai, above n 26, 193; Lawson, ‘Patenting Nucleic Acid Sequences: More
Ambiguity from the High Court?’, above n 28, 749.
57 [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [386]–[501].
58 Ibid [391].
59 Ibid [1]–[7].

EAP 10
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

can screen for these SNPs when deciding whether to breed particular cattle, in
the hope of obtaining the desired traits in the next generation. The patent
application (No 2010202253), entitled ‘Compositions, Methods and Systems for
Inferring Bovine Traits’, was filed in 2010 by Branhaven LLC and Cargill Inc.
Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) challenged the claims under Australia’s
pre-grant opposition procedure, arguing that the claims failed to satisfy the
manner of manufacture test. The Delegate decided that MLA’s opposition
failed on all grounds, except for one ground of lack of clarity.60 One product
claim to an isolated nucleic acid also failed for lack of patentable subject
matter.61 This decision was appealed to the Federal Court and upheld by Justice

MLA claimed lack of patentable subject matter on the basis that there was
nothing man-made and, therefore, no artificially created state of affairs.
According to MLA, the inventors merely discovered naturally occurring
bovine SNPs and the naturally occurring correlation between the SNPs and
bovine traits.62 This discovery was achieved using known standard techniques.
They argued the claims did not fall within the boundaries of existing patentable
subject matter, and the potential chilling effect of granting the monopoly and
the desire for cohesion in patent law denied an extension of ‘manner of
manufacture’ to include the claims.63

Justice Beach noted that there was some indication in the plurality’s judgment
in Myriad that, because they were not addressing method claims, by implication
such claims might be more readily viewed as being within the existing
boundaries of patentable subject matter.64 In regard to Cargill’s method claims,
Justice Beach distinguished Myriad because the claims in Cargill were not
entirely directed to naturally occurring genetic information.65 The case did not
just involve looking at a claim to a nucleic acid molecule and considering
whether the invention should be characterised as a chemical structure or as
genetic information. Nor did the case just deal with claims that involved the
discovery of an objectively observed correlation between genotype and
phenotype. This was only the starting point for the analysis of the claims.66 His
Honour held that the claims in issue involved the practical application of the
genetic information to a particular use. The claims gave rise to an artificially

60 Meat & Livestock Australia Limited and Dairy Australia Limited v Cargill, Inc. and
Branhaven LLC [2016] APO 26.
61 Ibid.
62 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [386].
63 Ibid.
64 Ibid [409].
65 Ibid [426].
66 Ibid [13].

EAP 11
Journal of Law, Information and Science Vol 25(2) 2018

created state of affairs because they involved the taking of a sample and
analysing that sample to identify SNPs associated with particular traits of
interest.67 Thus, the claims were ‘within the plain vanilla concept of manner of
manufacture as outlined in NRDC and Myriad’ and were not at the boundaries
of patentable subject matter.68

When commenting on the ‘other factors’ test, Justice Beach raised a number of
questions that remain unanswered as to how the test should be applied:69

• Is this a policy-driven approach to the assessment of patentability for

cases on or beyond the existing boundaries?

• Is this approach properly characterised as purposive or

consequentialist or both?

• Is there a clear threshold to justify moving into such a space, and if so,
what? In some cases, reasonable minds might differ as to whether a
case is within or outside of existing boundaries.

• Has the plurality just been more transparent about the considerations
to be taken into account when assessing whether new or difficult
subject matter is proper?

• How are factors 3.1 and 3.2 to be ranked and weighted with factor 3.3?

• What is the scope of factor 3.3?

• How are factors 3, 4 and 6 ranked and weighted as between


• How is factor 5 to be weighted with the other factors?

• Is a judge obliged to consider each and all of the factors or only some?

Justice Beach considered that it was not necessary for him to answer any of
these questions, because the claims did not constitute a new class of claim
involving a significant new application of or extension of the concept of manner
of manufacture.70 Nevertheless, Beach J went on to consider the other factors,
without answering the questions above. In his Honour’s view, all of the factors

67 Ibid [455].
68 Ibid [428].
69 Ibid [391].
70 Ibid.

EAP 12
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

pointed towards patentability.71 His Honour rejected MLA’s argument that

upholding patentability would lead to inconsistency with Myriad, as the claims
were not directed to genetic information per se but rather its use.72 When
considering coherency with foreign law, Beach J noted that he was unable to
undertake such an assessment by considering only ‘cherry-picked
jurisprudence from one jurisdiction’.73 Finally, Beach J held that the breadth of
the claims would not likely have a substantial chilling effect on innovation.74

Although the claims were deemed patentable subject matter, Beach J found
aspects of them to be lacking clarity and poorly defined.75 The parties were
instructed to amend the application on that basis. Given the litigious activity of
the parties in other jurisdictions, it is likely that the decision will be appealed.
Possible grounds for appeal regarding subject matter include whether the
claims were appropriately dealt with as method claims in substance, and
whether they involve more than the discovery of associations with naturally
occurring traits.

3. Application of NRDC and Myriad

3.1 Construction of the Claims

Before considering how the NRDC test and the additional Myriad factors might
apply in the context of the NIPT case, it is important to set out the claims in
Sequenom’s NIPT patent (Australian Patent No 727919).76 When determining
patentability, the court will consider each claim separately and
independently.77 The claims can broadly be separated into two types:

a) claims to a detection method for detecting the presence of foetal nucleic

acids; and

b) claims to a method of prenatal diagnosis.

71 Ibid.
72 Ibid [487].
73 Ibid [490].
74 Ibid [496].
75 Ibid [947].
76 Yuk-Ming Dennis Lo and James Stephen Wainscoat, Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis,
Australian Standard Patent No 727919 (1998) <
77 See Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [262].

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Together, the claims constitute a general concept of detection of foetal DNA in

maternal serum or plasma, which includes its application in a method of
performing prenatal diagnosis. An example of type (a) is claim 1, which
provides for ‘[a] detection method performed on a maternal serum or plasma
sample from a pregnant female, which method comprises detecting the
presence of a nucleic acid of foetal origin in the sample’. Claims 2–5 narrow
claim 1, claiming methods that: amplify the foetal nucleic acid; amplify by
polymerase chain reaction; amplify using a specific oligonucleotide primer;
and detect nucleic acids by means of a sequence specific probe. Claims 6–11
narrow the method based on the type of nucleic acids detected. These include
where the nucleic acid sequence is detected from: the Y chromosome; the
DYS14 locus (on the Y chromosome) and the SRY gene (located on the Y
chromosome); a paternally-inherited non-Y chromosome; a paternally-
inherited non-Y sequence that is a blood antigen gene (eg Rhesus D gene); and
a paternally-inherited non-Y sequence that is a gene which confers a disease
phenotype in the foetus. Claims 13–19 claim the use of the methods stated in
the claims above when used for specific purposes, including: for sex-
determination, to detect pre-eclampsia; and to detect foetal chromosomal

Claims 22–6 are examples of type (b), methods of prenatal diagnosis. Claim 22

A method of performing a prenatal diagnosis, which method comprises

steps of:

i) providing a maternal blood sample;

ii) separating the sample into a cellular and a non-cellular fraction;

iii) detecting the presence of a nucleic acid of foetal origin in the non-
cellular fraction according to the method of any one of claims 1 to 21;

iv) providing a diagnosis based on the presence and/or quantity and/or

sequence of the foetal nucleic acid.

Further, claim 25 provides for ‘[a] method of performing a prenatal diagnosis

on a maternal blood sample, which method comprises removing all or
substantially all nucleated and anucleated cell populations from the blood
sample and subjecting the remaining fluid to a test for foetal nucleic acid
indicative of a maternal or foetal condition or characteristic’. The final claim,
claim 26, broadly claims ‘[a] method of performing a prenatal diagnosis on a
maternal blood sample, which method comprises obtaining a non-cellular
fraction of the blood sample and performing nucleic acid analysis on the

EAP 14
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

The patent specification provides that the invention comprises of a detection

method for the presence of nucleic acids of foetal origin in a maternal serum or
plasma sample. The invention ‘thus provides a method for prenatal
diagnosis’.78 The specification highlights that the claims are methods of
detecting any type of nucleic acid, not just DNA. Further, the claims are not
limited to specific nucleic acid extraction processes. Standard amplification
techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can be used to amplify
the foetal DNA sequences. Examples given of the application of the method to
the detection of paternally-inherited sequences which are not possessed by the
mother include: foetal rhesus D status determination in rhesus negative
mothers, haemoglobinopathies, and paternally-inherited DNA
polymorphisms or mutations.

The plurality in Myriad emphasised the requirement to identify the substance

of the claims.79 On its face, there is no attempt in the NIPT patent to claim rights
over the foetal nucleotide sequences or the genetic information that the
sequences encode. As highlighted above, the claims are formally method
claims for the detection and use of nucleic acids. A possible argument is that
the claims are, in substance, to the genetic information found in the cell-free
foetal nucleotide sequences. Indeed, the genetic information stored in the cell-
free foetal DNA detected in the method is important to the ultimate outcome –
the diagnosis. However, particularly for the type (a) claims, it is clear that the
particular nucleotide sequences detected are not critical to the invention.80
Rather, the capacity provided by the method to identify sequences is the
substance of the invention. A more plausible argument relates to the type (b)
claims – that in substance, these claims are to the naturally-occurring
correlation between the quantity or quality of foetal nucleic acid sequences and
the foetal or maternal trait. However, given Justice Beach’s construction of the
method claims in Cargill,81 it is unlikely that the Federal Court would conclude
that the NIPT patent claims are, in substance, product claims to genetic
information or merely claims to the discovery of a natural correlation. Justice
Beach stated that diagnostic method claims are not directed purely to genetic
information; they are directed to methods involving the practical application
of the identification of the foetal nucleic acids and their association with a trait
or condition.82 Beach J also highlighted in Cargill that the claim must be
considered as a whole, not as its individual elements. It is inappropriate to
focus on an individual element of the claim, such as the foetal nucleic acids:

78 Lo and Wainscoat, above n 76.
79 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 371.
80 See Arrowhead Research Corporation (2016) APO 43 (5 July 2016).
81 [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018).
82 Ibid [453].

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It is impermissible to disregard the wording of the claims and diminish

their formal content under the guise of having regard to the substance of
what is claimed. There is no suggestion in Myriad that claims to methods
involving the practical application of nucleic acids could be dismissed as
being in substance just directed to genetic information.83

3.2 Application of Myriad

It is unlikely that the decision by the High Court in Myriad on the patentability
of genetic information can be directly applied to the NIPT claims. Like in
Cargill,84 it is possible to distinguish the NIPT claims from those in Myriad. As
discussed above, the claims are limited to methods of detecting foetal
nucleotide sequences in maternal serum or plasma samples and to methods of
performing prenatal diagnoses using the detected nucleotide sequences. The
NIPT claims are not product claims to the foetal nucleotide sequences or the
genetic information that the sequences encode. Justice Beach noted in Cargill,
the distinction between claiming the medium in which information is
embedded (nucleic acids) and claiming a concrete application of that

Passages throughout all three judgments in Myriad may in fact support a

finding of patent-eligibility for NIPT methods. Justice Beach in Cargill
emphasised that the judges in Myriad not only explained they were not
addressing method claims using nucleic acids, but perhaps implied that such
claims on their face may be more readily seen as within the existing boundaries
of manner of manufacture.86 The plurality in Myriad emphasised that the claims
relating to methods using nucleic acids and for preparation of chemically
synthesised nucleic acids were not in issue.87 Their Honours also stated that
there was no ‘question about the utility of the applications of isolated nucleic
acids reflected in those undisputed claims’.88 Further, the plurality observed: ‘If
a process which does not product a new substance but nevertheless results in
a “new and useful effect” so that the new result is an artificially created state of
affairs providing utility, it may be considered a manner of new manufacture.’89
Justices Gageler and Nettle also distinguished the product claims from process

83 Ibid [454].
84 Ibid [424]–[433].
85 Ibid [455].
86 Ibid [409].
87 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 365.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid 346, citing Lockhart J in Anaesthetic Supplies Pty Ltd v Rescare Ltd (1994) 50 FCR
1, 19.

EAP 16
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

the application of a naturally occurring phenomenon to a particular use

may be a manner of manufacture if it amounts to a new process or method
of bringing about an artificially created state of affairs of economic
significance. Even so, the inventor cannot claim to have invented the
naturally occurring product as opposed to the process of application. …
In so far as the invention consists in the application of a naturally
occurring phenomenon to a particular use, the inventor cannot claim to
have invented the naturally occurring phenomenon as opposed to the
method of use and has no claim to a monopoly over the naturally
occurring phenomenon as opposed to the method of use.90

Their Honours stated at [168]:

It is not disputed that a process or method of detecting the increased

likelihood of certain kinds of malignancy by isolating the BRCA1 gene
and examining it for the presence of any of the specified mutations and
polymorphisms may be patentable subject matter as a process (subject to
considerations of novelty and inventive step). But, to repeat, claim 1 is not
a claim for any such process.

Justice Beach in Cargill noted that the words ‘subject to considerations of

novelty and inventive step’ are not to be overlooked.91 Their Honours implicitly
recognised that a method involving the use of naturally occurring sequences
for a particular purpose may be within the established concept of a manner of
manufacture and may be patentable if it satisfies the other requirements for
patentability.92 Finally, Gordon J observed that claim 4 of the patent in Myriad
was an invention.93 Claim 4 was directed to a probe containing a fragment of
the isolated nucleic acid which was usually constructed artificially, had a
radioactive label attached and could be used to identify mutations that might
suggest a predisposition to cancer. Although claim 4 was not in dispute, and
thus the comments are obiter, the passage suggests that her Honour did not
intend for methods of detection or diagnosis to be considered non-patentable
subject matter.94

3.3 NRDC Test: Artificial State of Affairs and Economic Utility

3.3.1 Methods of Detection

If claim 1 is construed to be in substance a method of detection, it is likely that

the NRDC criteria are satisfied. Prior to the work of James Wainscoat and Yuk-

90 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 385.
91 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [429].
92 Ibid, citing Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 385.
93 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 414.
94 See Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [431].

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Ming Lo (the inventors named in Sequenom’s patent) it had not been suspected
that cell-free foetal DNA (cffDNA) was present in maternal blood. On the
contrary, maternal serum was typically discarded as biological waste.95 The
inventors were thus the first to discover that a useful result could be attained
by detecting the presence of a nucleic acid of foetal origin in a maternal serum
or plasma sample, as is claimed.96 The artificial state of affairs could be
described as the isolation of the foetal nucleic acids, which could be of economic
utility in providing insight into foetal and maternal conditions.97 Indeed, the
fast rate at which the technology was taken up by clinical laboratories
worldwide is indicative of the invention’s economic utility and the important
progression in prenatal testing it represents.98

3.3.2 Methods of Diagnosis

As discussed above, the claims to a method of diagnosis could in substance be

claims to information embodied in the natural correlation that exists between
the foetal nucleic acid sequences and the disease trait. If this were the court’s
interpretation of the claims, it is arguable that there is no artificially created
state of affairs because no product is ‘made’, and there is no process producing
an artificial outcome as a result of human action. The identification of the
disease trait from the information obtained from the sample is not information
made by human action; it is discerned.99 The propensity of the foetus or mother
for the disease or condition is not changed by the researcher who identifies that
propensity. It is merely a discovery and the only added knowledge is about the
inherent nature of the foetus or mother.100

Even if the court considers that the claims are to more than a mere correlation,
a diagnosis may be considered ‘at best an abstract, intangible situation’, only
involving ‘intellectual information’.101 Nothing concrete or tangible is created.
However, if the approach in Cargill is adopted for the NIPT claims, this
argument is unlikely to succeed. Like in Cargill, the diagnostic claims involve
the practical application of a naturally occurring phenomenon to a particular
use. The method involves human interaction, which generates an artificially

95 See Lo and Wainscoat, above n 76.
96 See Ylva Strandberg Lutzow, ‘Patent Eligibility of diagnostic methods in Australia
versus the United States’ (2015) Intellectual Property Law Bulletin 246; Bianchi and
Wilkins-Haug, above n 3.
97 NRDC (1959) 102 CLR 252, 275.
98 See Bianchi and Wilkins-Haug, above n 3.
99 See Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 340.
100 See the arguments made by MLA in Cargill: Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018)
101 Grant v Commissioner of Patents (2006) 154 FCR 62, 228.

EAP 18
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

created state of affairs of economic significance.102 Beach J referred to the

procedure through which the nucleic acid sample must be taken in the bovine
diagnostic method, and the requirement to identify the SNPs through practical
scientific methods.103 On a similar vein, the human interaction required for the
diagnosis in NIPT is set out in claim 22, which includes separating the maternal
blood sample into cellular and non-cellular fractions, detecting the presence of
foetal nucleic acids in the non-cellular fraction, and then providing a diagnosis
based on the presence, quantity or sequence of the nucleic acid. Described in
this manner, it is clear that the claim is more than drawing an inference about
the potential for the trait or condition to exist; it is more than an intellectual

It is also clear that the NIPT diagnostic method is of economic significance. In

Myriad, isolation of the nucleic acid per se did not lead to an economically useful
result. The plurality stated that ‘economic significance is not demonstrated by
stating that the artificially created state of affairs is a step along the way to a
process or method itself claimed as an artificially created state of affairs of
economic significance’.104 Likewise, Gageler and Nettle JJ stated:

it is not the isolation of nucleic acid … which leads to the ‘economically

useful result’ of treating breast cancers. It is rather the discovery of a
naturally occurring correlation between the presence of the mutations …
and an increased probability of actual or potential malignancy.105

These statements support a finding that methods using nucleic acid sequences
to obtain a prenatal diagnosis would constitute an economically useful result.

4. New Class of Claim? The ‘Other Factors’ Test

4.1 A New Class?

The other factors considered by the plurality in Myriad do not arise unless the
claims in question require an extension of the existing concept of manner of

102 Indeed, a method of physically isolating a serum sample, measuring expression
levels of foetal nucleotides and determining whether the foetus or mother has a
specific disease seem to satisfy the requirement of a man-made process producing a
useful and concrete result: See Strandberg Lutzow, above n 96; Charles Lawson,
‘Patenting genetic diagnostic methods: NGS, GWAS, SNPs and patents’, above n 2.
103 In reference to claim 8 of Cargill’s patent, Beach J noted that the inclusion of
additional features relating to the technical process of hybridising the nucleic acid
sample (in addition to the method in claim 1) confirmed that it was patentable
subject matter: [473].
104 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 370.
105 Ibid 394–5.

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manufacture to a new class of claim or if the claims are on the border.106 The
Australian Patent Office states that regard should be had to patents that have
already been granted when determining this.107 However, as highlighted by
Justice Beach in Cargill, it is likely that minds would differ as to when
something was on the border or was an extension of the concept, and the
plurality’s discussion in Myriad provides little guidance.108 The plurality simply
held that gene patents fell within a new class of claim involving ‘unimagined
technologies with unimagined characteristics and implications’.109 It is
arguable, however, that many new inventions involve unimagined
technologies, otherwise they would not satisfy the requirement of novelty.110
Considerable uncertainty remains as to exactly what is at the boundaries of

In relation to the claims for methods of detection, such as claim 1, an analogy

can be drawn with patentable methods of detection for biological molecules
other than nucleic acids. Examples include the detection of proteins and viruses
in human samples. Given that these methods of detection have received patent-
eligibility previously,111 it is unlikely that the NIPT detection claims would be
considered a new class of claim. In relation to methods of diagnosis, Justice
Beach in Cargill found that the methods for identifying a bovine trait from
identified SNPs were not an extension of the manner of manufacture.112 As
noted earlier, the claims, directed to novel and inventive methods and
processes, were within the ‘plain vanilla concept of manner of manufacture’.113
It is likely that a similar approach will be taken to the NIPT patents. Justice

106 Ibid.
107 Australian Patent Office, Examination Practice Following the High Court Decision
in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics, above n 42.
108 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [391].
109 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 348.
110 Indeed, this sentiment was recognised by the Court in NRDC when it emphasised
that the meaning of manner of manufacture would change over time: ‘To attempt to
place upon the idea the fetters of an exact verbal formula could never have been
sound’; NRDC (1959) 102 CLR 252, 271.
111 See, eg, James Albarella, Sally Cahill, Gary Johnson and Michael Pugia, Improved
method for detection of protein, Australian Standard Patent No 706440 (1999)
112 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [391].
113 Ibid [428].

EAP 20
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

Beach’s decision on this could, however, be appealed in the near future, so a

discussion of the ‘other factors’ remains relevant.114

4.2 Consistency with the Act’s purposes

The plurality in Myriad emphasised three primary considerations in relation to

the Act’s purpose: Whether the invention could give rise to a large new field of
monopoly protection with potentially negative effects on innovation (factor
3.1); whether the invention could have a chilling effect on activities beyond
those formally the subject of the exclusive rights granted to the patentee (factor
3.2); and whether according patentability would involve the court assessing
important and conflicting public and private interests and purposes (factor
3.3).115 As indicated earlier, it is unclear whether all three of these factors must
be considered, and whether they should be afforded equal weight. Indeed, it
seems that Justice Beach in Cargill primarily considered whether a chilling
effect would be felt on future research.116

4.2.1 Public and private interests and purposes

Policy arguments for and against patenting genetic diagnostic tests have been
surveyed by commentators previously. Nicol and Liddicoat identify potential
problems with patenting gene sequences and, by extension, genetic diagnostic
methods, including diagnostic labs being denied access to tests, difficulties in
obtaining second opinions, and delays in the development of adjunct or
additional tests or the increase in accuracy of current diagnoses.117 Similarly,
Saw emphasises the issues that patentability may have on the access and
affordability of genetic tests.118 However, these authors highlight the fact that
patent infringement is rarely instituted for research use of patented technology
in Australia.119 There is little empirical research supporting a correlation

114 Indeed, Justice Beach considered the factors himself on the basis that he could be
115 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334.
116 A potential chilling effect was also a key point to the reasoning of the plurality in
Myriad, as discussed earlier.
117 Dianne Nicol and John Liddicoat, ‘Do patents impede the provision of genetic tests
in Australia?’ (2013) 34(3) Australian Health Review 281; Dianne Nicol and John
Liddicoat, ‘Legislating to exclude gene patents: difficult and unhelpful, or useful and
feasible?’ (2012) 22 Journal of Law and Information Science 1.
118 Saw, above n 40.
119 While Sequenom’s diagnostic claims may not have a research use per se, the claims
to methods for detection may interfere directly with research. Research use may also
be excluded from infringement due to the ‘experimental use’ and ‘Crown use’
exceptions in the Patents Act 1990 (Cth). See ibid; Dianne Nicol et al, ‘The Innovation
Pool in Biotechnology: the Role of Patents in Facilitating Innovation’ (Centre for Law
and Genetics Occasional Paper No. 8, 2014) 86–7 <

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between gene patents and price inflation for diagnostic services, and recent
research suggests that the unique structure of the Australian system protects
public laboratories (a significant proportion of the market for genetic
diagnostic tests in Australia) from patent enforcement action.120 This point is
supported by research that reports minimal differences to accessibility to
diagnostic tests post-Myriad.121 Further, the purpose of the Patent Act more
generally should not be forgotten: to encourage innovation by means which do
not stifle it.122 Exclusive rights give a monetary incentive for invention and
investment in biotechnology, and the granting of patents leads to more
publically-available information.123 If patentability of genetic diagnostic
methods is denied, this may lead to more information being kept as trade
secrets.124 In this way, a chilling effect may be felt if patentability is denied. The
current uncertainty in the biotechnology sphere post-Myriad may also
contribute to this chilling effect.

4.2.2 Large new field of monopoly

Emphasis was placed by the plurality and Justice Gordon in Myriad on the
breadth of Myriad’s claims.125 It is arguable that, absent limitations on the type
of foetal nucleic acid detected, the purpose of detection and the technical means
employed, claim 1 of the NIPT patent is as broad as Myriad’s claims. The
monopoly is over any foetal nucleic acid ‘detected’ in maternal serum or
plasma. However, in Cargill, Justice Beach commented that the breadth of
claims per se is not indicative of a lack of patentable subject matter.126 The

papers.cfm?abstract_id=2503314>; Dianne Nicol, ‘Implications of DNA Patenting:
Reviewing the Evidence’ (2011) 21(1) Journal of Law, Information and Science 7.
120 Dianne Nicol, Jane Nielsen and Verity Dawkins, ‘The Impact of the High Court’s
Decision in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc on the Cost of Genetic Testing in
Australia’ (2017) unpublished manuscript, on file with author. See also Dreyfuss,
Nielsen and Nicol, above n 29.
121 Nielsen and Nicol, above n 27. It has been predicted, however, that method claims
may have more of a pronounced impact on the availability of genetic testing than
claims over nucleotide sequences: Isabelle Huys et al, ‘Legal Uncertainty in the Area
of Genetic Diagnostic Testing’ (2009) 27 Nature Biotechnology 903.
122 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 352; See also Lockwood No 2 (2007) 235 CLR 173, 194.
123 Christopher M Holman, ‘The Critical Role of Patents in the Development,
Commercialization and Utilization of Innovative Genetic Diagnostic Test and
Personalized Medicine’ (2015) 21 Boston University Journal of Science and Technology
Law 297; Nicol, above n 119.
124 Saw, above n 40.
125 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 352, 414–15; The Plurality’s focus on the breadth of
Myriad’s claims and the broad monopoly afforded to Myriad has been emphasised
by commentators, including Saw, above n 40.
126 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [500].

EAP 22
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

breadth of the claims is a legally and conceptually distinct ground of invalidity,

which may suggest that the boundaries of the monopoly are elusive.127 When
considering manner of manufacture, Justice Beach emphasised that the court
must focus on the nature of the subject matter to which claims are directed,
rather than the breadth of the claims. Thus, it seems that Justice Beach placed
emphasis on the ‘with potentially negative effects on innovation’ part of factor

4.2.3 Chilling effect on research

In Myriad, the plurality held that granting the patent would cause a chilling
effect on research, primarily because the patent could be infringed without the
infringer being aware.128 This was because the claims were to any isolated
nucleic acids (of unidentified length) that contained the BRCA1 sequence. A
researcher could isolate a piece of DNA and, after sequencing, later realise that
it included a DNA sequence that was covered by the patent. Thus, the chilling
effect would be felt on activities beyond those formally the subject of the patent,
such as research in non-breast cancer areas. Regarding the NIPT claims to
methods of detection, researchers would only infringe the claims if they were
to detect foetal nucleic acid sequences in maternal plasma and serum. This may
cause a similar issue to that discussed in Myriad, depending on the meaning of
‘detect’. If ‘detect’ is limited to intentional isolation of the foetal nucleic acid
sequences from the plasma or serum sample, then it is unlikely that researchers
would unknowingly be liable for infringement. If detect is interpreted more
broadly, then it may cause researchers to be wary of conducting any research
on maternal plasma or serum samples.129

A chilling effect may occur on up-stream scientific research if the methods for
detection were granted, as isolating DNA sequences can be the first step to
scientific work regarding genes.130 Indeed, if researchers sought to study cell-
free foetal DNA in maternal serum or plasma, it is likely that any detection of
the DNA would infringe claim 1 of the NIPT patent. In regards to the claims
limited to paternally-inherited foetal DNA, a researcher may be unable to
determine whether the foetal DNA is inherited from the mother or father
without further research (unless it concerns a sequence on the y chromosome).
Infringement would not be ascertainable until the genetic code was detected,
raising a similar issue to that discussed in Myriad. However, this would not be
a chilling effect on research beyond the formal substance of the patent; the

127 See CCOM Pty Ltd v Jiejing (1994) 51 FCR 260, 294, 295.
128 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 372.
129 Indeed, the UK patent was interpreted by the Court to include indirect detection:
Illumina Inc v Premaitha Health PLC [2017] EWHC 2930 (PAT) [220].
130 Tiana Leia Russell, ‘Unlocking the Genome: The Legal Case against Genetic
Diagnostic Patents’ (2012) 16 Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 81, 112.

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method for detecting foetal DNA in maternal plasma or serum is the very
substance of the patent. The fact that the patent may include any method of
detection is not a matter to be considered under subject matter, but clarity.

Similarly, it is arguable that a claim for a method of diagnosis would not have
a chilling effect on activities beyond those formally the subject of the patent.
The claims to methods for diagnosis in the NIPT patent involve isolating the
nucleic acid and using it for a particular purpose.131 The breadth of the patent
is narrowed by the fact that it would not be infringed unless a person uses the
method for that particular purpose (to give a diagnosis). This is similar to the
patent in Cargill, where claim 1 involved a ‘method for identifying a trait’.
Justice Beach held that the word ‘for’ placed a limit on what was claimed, ‘such
that the method claimed must result in being able to identify … a trait. It is clear
in context that claim 1 stipulates a purpose constraint’.132 Therefore, a product
that is merely suitable for that purpose will not infringe the claim. The use of
such a product for a different purpose will also not infringe. This is dissimilar
to Myriad, where any isolation of DNA containing the patented sequence
would lead to infringement.

In Cargill, Justice Beach took a practical approach to finding that the claims will
not have or may not have had a chilling effect on future research in the livestock
industry in Australia.133 Justice Beach found that there was no evidence to
support a chilling effect, particularly after the claims were narrowed, based on
his Honour’s interpretation of the claims’ terms. Justice Beach used examples
of other patents granted in the area to demonstrate that MLA’s assertion of a
chilling effect was unwarranted. The first example was patent no 2007335195
titled ‘Artificial selection patent method and reagents’, granted in 2017. Claim
1 covers both plants and animals and is of great breadth. It refers to
‘informative markers’, but Justice Beach highlighted that it is not clear what is
meant. It may include DNA polymorphisms, SNPs, indels, short tandem
repeats, microsatellites, mini-satellites, restriction fragment length

131 Claims 18 and 19 claim the methods described in the claims above for the detection
of pre-eclampsia and foetal chromosomal aneuploidy. In Cargill, Beach J noted that
the word ‘for’ places a limit on what is claimed. Thus, the method claimed must
result in being able to detect pre-eclampsia or foetal chromosomal aneuploidy.
132 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [282].
133 Ibid [497]–[498]. In Cargill, MLA argued that the claims will have or may have had a
chilling effect on future research in the livestock industry in Australia. This was
contrary to public interest and would be generally inconvenient, contrary to s 6 of
the Statute of Monopolies. If researchers investigated the effects of a particular SNP
that was not one of the SNPs specified in the claim, they could not determine if
Cargill’s patent had been infringed without conducting significant research to
determine if any one of the SNPs used is within 500,000 nucleotides of a specified

EAP 24
NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

polymorphisms and amplified fragment length polymorphisms.134 There is also

little information in the patent on how to get an informative marker. Justice
Beach commented that ‘[o]ne can make the jury point that if MLA’s chilling
effect point was good, then this patent would be an example par excellence’.135
The second example was patent no 2002229406 titled ‘DNA markers for meat
tenderness’ granted on 5 March 2007. Claim 1 provides a method for assessing
the tenderness of meat from an animal, comprising testing of the animal for the
presence or absence of a particular genetic marker. Beach J noted a number of
features of this claim including that the type of animal and the type of genetic
marker is not constrained.136 Noting that this patent is granted to MLA, Justice
Beach commented that MLA’s argument ‘hardly sits well with its own patent
and its effect’.137 Justice Beach’s practical approach raises a number of
questions: Are these patents raised to demonstrate that research was not
curtailed since the patent application in 2010? Or are the patents raised to
demonstrate that there are much broader patents that have been granted in the
area? Is this approach problematic given that these patents have not faced
opposition and have not been scrutinised by the Court for patent-eligibility
post-Myriad? How many references to patents are required to demonstrate that
a chilling effect has not been or will not be felt? These questions remain
unresolved in the NIPT space.

4.3 Coherency with Australian law

The plurality in Myriad noted that a key factor to consider was whether
affording patentability would enhance or detract from the coherence of the law.
Referring to Apotex,138 their Honours explained:

Having regard to the established patentability of pharmaceutical

products, the exclusion of treatments using such products was anomalous
and had no stable logical or normative basis. … Their inclusion was
consistent with the existing application of the law and served to enhance
its coherence.139

It may be argued that this statement in Myriad supports the converse argument;
if the product is inherently non-patentable subject matter, consistency requires
any method using that product to also be non-patentable. Indeed, this was

134 Ibid [497].
135 Ibid.
136 Ibid [498].
137 Ibid.
138 (2013) 253 CLR 284.
139 Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 351.

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argued (unsuccessfully) by MLA in Cargill.140 However, as noted by Beach J in

Cargill, this argument conflicts with holdings in previous cases, including the
seminal case of NRDC.141 In NRDC, the chemicals used in the method claim
were known and hence non-patentable. This did not preclude the Court from
finding that the novel use of the chemical constituted an invention.142 A
distinction could be made between genetic diagnostic methods and cases like
NRDC. In NRDC, the product was not inherently non-patentable subject
matter; it was not patentable because the chemical was already known and
therefore not novel. However, this does not explain the more fundamental
issue that, in some way or another, almost all method claims will involve the
use or application of non-patentable subject matter, such as a ‘law of nature’.
This point was emphasised by Justice Beach when rejecting MLA’s argument
that, because product claims to genetic information were non-patentable, so too
should claims to methods using that genetic information.143 Justice Beach stated
that ‘it is well accepted that method claims can use known products and apply
natural laws to their working’,144 regardless of whether the natural laws
themselves are patentable. Therefore, it is likely that affording patentability to
NIPT methods of detection and diagnosis would be consistent with Australian

4.4 Coherency with other jurisdictions

The plurality in Myriad listed Australia’s obligations under international law

and the patent laws of other countries as relevant considerations in the ‘other
factors’ test. In Cargill, MLA argued that the claims should not be directed to
patentable subject matter having regard to decisions in the US which have
rejected claims to methods of diagnosis based on discoveries or principles of
nature.145 The cases raised by MLA were Mayo Collaborative Services v
Prometheus Laboratories Inc146 and Ariosa Diagnostics Inc v Sequenom Inc147 (a
decision on the US equivalent to Sequenom’s NIPT patent). However, Justice
Beach found himself unable to undertake the consideration enunciated by the
plurality in Myriad, stating:

140 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [487].
141 Ibid [413], citing Justices Gageler and Nettle in Myriad (2015) 258 CLR 334, 385.
142 See also Shell Oil Co v Commissioner of Patents [1982] 2 SCR 536, where the patentee
could not claim to have invented the known compounds which were applied as part
of the patentable process to a new use of plant growth regulation.
143 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [492].
144 Ibid [487].
145 Ibid [488].
146 566 US 66 (2012) (‘Mayo’).
147 788 F 3d 1371 (3rd Cir, 2015) (‘Ariosa’).

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NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

I cannot determine coherency with foreign law generally by only

considering cherry-picked jurisprudence from one jurisdiction.
Consistency with one foreign jurisdiction might produce inconsistency
with another foreign jurisdiction. I have not had the benefit of any
comprehensive international survey.148

Justice Beach also highlighted that the plurality pronounced this as a factor of
secondary importance, commenting that his primary role as a trial judge is to
apply ‘an evolving conception from the Statute of Monopolies in the context of
Australian legislation and Australian conditions, not any foreign law

The concerns of Justice Beach are exemplified by reference to NIPT. In the US,
the Federal Circuit Court found that Sequenom’s method claims in patent no
6,258,540 for detecting paternally-inherited cffDNA in maternal plasma or
serum were invalid.150 In contrast, in the UK, Illumina’s method for prenatal
diagnosis was found to be patentable subject matter.151 The patent had similar
wording to the patents registered in the US and Australia.

4.4.1 The UK Approach

In the UK, patentability was questioned on the basis of the breadth of claim 1,152
arguing that, in substance, the claim was to the mere discovery that foetal DNA
is detectable in maternal serum or plasma. The respondents argued that the
claim was to any method involving this discovery and no technical limits were
placed on the method of detection. The method itself did not result in or enable
any meaningful or technical effect.153 However, Justice Carr did not accept that
claim 1 was to a mere discovery. It was not directed to information about the
natural world, but to a practical process – a detection method which uses
information about the natural world.154 The sample of plasma or serum used
was artificially created, and the claimed method of detection was also an
artificial process. Thus, the method was a practical process of implementing a
discovery, for practical applications.155 These sentiments are similar to those of
Justice Beach in relation to Cargill’s method patents, indicating that a similar
approach may be taken in relation to NIPT in Australia.

148 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [490].
149 Ibid [491].
150 Ariosa, 788 F 3d 1371 (3rd Cir, 2015).
151 Illumina Inc v Premaitha Health PLC [2017] EWHC 2930 (PAT).
152 Claim 1 is of similar wording to claim 1 of the Australian patent.
153 Illumina Inc v Premaitha Health PLC [2017] EWHC 2930 (PAT) [187].
154 Ibid [189].
155 Ibid.

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4.4.2 The US Approach

In the US, the Federal Circuit Court applied the Supreme Court case of Mayo to
Sequenom’s NIPT patent.156 In Mayo, the Supreme Court held that a method of
comparing and analysing rates of drug metabolism in the human body with
reference data failed to satisfy the patentable subject matter requirement on the
basis that it amounted to patenting a law of nature. The Court devised a two-
step test.157 The first step is for the court to determine whether the claims at
issue are directed to a patent ineligible concept, such as a natural phenomenon.
If yes, the court must consider the elements of each claim, both individually
and as an ordered combination to determine whether the additional elements
recited in each claim transform the nature of the claim into a patent eligible
application. To be patent eligible, another inventive concept would have to be
added, amounting to something ‘significantly more than a patent upon the
natural law itself’.158 The conclusion of the Court in Mayo was that the relevant
claims included no other elements or combination of elements sufficient to
ensure that the patent in practice amounted to significantly more than a patent
upon the natural law itself.159 In Ariosa, the Full Federal Circuit Court held that
the NIPT method claims began and ended with a natural phenomenon, and the
additional elements in the method steps individually and as ordered in
combination were not enough to supply an inventive concept.160 The existence
of cffDNA in maternal blood was a natural phenomenon and the method ended
with paternally inherited cffDNA, which was also a natural phenomenon.
Appending routine, conventional steps to a natural phenomenon, specified at
a high level of generality, was not enough to supply an inventive concept.161

The importance of the US case law to the Australian patent system is contested.
Saw draws a similarity between the discovery/invention distinction discussed
in US case law (Mayo and Ariosa) and the judgment of Gageler and Nettle JJ in
Myriad.162 However, arguably too much emphasis is placed on this part of

156 Ariosa, 788 F 3d 1371 (3rd Cir, 2015).
157 Mayo, 566 US 66 (2012).
158 Ibid.
159 Ariosa, 788 F 3d 1371 (3rd Cir, 2015); See United States Patent and Trademark Office,
Formulating a Subject Matter Eligibility Rejection and Evaluating the Applicant’s Response
to a Subject Matter Eligibility Rejection (4 May 2016) <
/default/files/documents/ieg-may-2016-memo.pdf>; Alice Corporation v CLS Bank
International, 573 US 208 (2014); See also Dreyfuss, Nielsen and Nicol, above n 29, for
an overview of US decisions post-Mayo and a discussion of the profound effect that
Mayo has had on the US patent landscape.
160 Ariosa, 788 F 3d 1371 (3rd Cir 2015).
161 Ibid.
162 Saw, above n 40, 234.

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NIPT: Not Inherently Patentable?

Justices Gageler and Nettle’s judgment, to the detriment of Saw’s analysis. The
author fails to discuss the plurality judgment in great detail, which departs
significantly from the US approach. As discussed earlier, the introduction of an
inventiveness threshold into Australian patent law has already been rejected
by the Federal Court post-Myriad.163 Arguably, the discovery/invention
distinction conflates the patentable subject matter and inventive step
requirements in Australian patent law. The question of whether an application
is new and useful or has inventive concept belongs in a consideration of
novelty. Lawson also discusses US case law in the context of patenting genetic
diagnostic methods, relying heavily on the US case of Mayo to decide if
diagnostic methods are patentable in Australia.164 Lawson mentions art 17.9.14
of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement and the requirement that
‘each Party shall endeavour to reduce differences in law and practice between
their respective systems’.165 He suggests that this makes US law relevant in
determining the application of the Australian patent scheme.166 However, the
likelihood of the US approach being followed in Australia is diminished on
consideration of Justice Beach’s comments in Cargill. When discussing the US
approach, Justice Beach stated:

The US approach accepts that a method involving the application of a law

of nature may be patentable. … What workable method in its application
is ever free of a law of nature? The US debate turns more on the question
of what it takes to transform an unpatentable law of nature into a patent-
eligible application of such a law.167

His Honour distinctly rejected application of the test in Mayo, stating that ‘[t]he
exposition of the test (particularly the second stage) in Mayo is too sweeping
for me to work out whether I am acting consistently or inconsistently with its
spirit’.168 These comments suggest that, like the UK, Australia will not adopt
the US discovery/invention distinction or law of nature test in the near future,
and that the US NIPT decision will play little part in deciding the patentability
of NIPT in Australia.

163 See Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [502]–[516].
164 Lawson, above n 2.
165 United States-Australia, signed 18 May 2004, [2005] ATS 1 (entered into force 1
January 2005) art 17.9.14.
166 Lawson also argues that the US solution to the reproducibility problems of genetic
diagnostic methods is to make the subject matter patent-ineligible. However, this
seems to be converging two different issues: reproducibility problems have nothing
to with US or Australian tests on patentable subject matter, and problems with
reproducibility should be dealt with in the utility assessment. Lawson, above n 2.
167 Cargill [2018] FCA 51 (9 February 2018) [492].
168 Ibid.

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5. Conclusion

The above analysis supports a conclusion that NIPT is inherently patentable

subject matter in Australia. However, the outcome largely depends on the
construction of the patent’s claims. If construed to be, in substance, methods of
detection and diagnosis, rather than claims to genetic information, patent-
eligibility is a likely outcome. Methods for detecting cffDNA in maternal
plasma or serum and methods for using that cffDNA to perform a diagnosis
for a foetal/maternal condition seem to satisfy the NRDC requirements of
artificial state of affairs and economic utility. Based on the Federal Court’s
recent application of the plurality’s decision in Myriad, it is unlikely that NIPT
constitutes a new class of claim and, if it did, the other factors in Myriad largely
point towards patent-eligibility. However, a conclusion that NIPT is patent-
eligible subject matter does not necessarily suggest that the Federal Court will
decide that Sequenom’s patent is valid. The patent may be rejected or revised
on other grounds of patentability. These include novelty, inventiveness, utility
and sufficiency. As suggested by Justice Beach in Cargill, deploying other
grounds of patentability may be a more refined mechanism for dealing with
broad claims, as opposed to using the blunt instrument of patent eligibility.

Although Sequenom’s NIPT patent has now expired, the Court’s verdict on the
patentability of NIPT may have important ramifications for the patent-
eligibility of methods of genetic testing more broadly. If the NIPT methods and,
by extension, genetic testing methods generally were found to be patentable
subject matter, this could present an effective balance between promoting
innovation and ensuring accessible healthcare. This is particularly so given that
naturally-occurring nucleic acid sequences are not patentable subject matter in
Australia. Such a balance could ensure that the uncertainty felt by the US
biotechnology industry as a result of Mayo is not replicated in Australia.

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