Green Building Project Management Obstacles and So

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Journal of Project Management 1 (2016) 21–26

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Journal of Project Management


Green building project management: obstacles and solutions for sustainable development

Tahereh Khodadadzadeha*

Growing Science, Toronto, Canada

Article history: Building sector is considered as the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions around the
Received: October 1, 2016 world. Being green, or sustainable, is one of primary issues coming from internal/ external driv-
Received in revised format: No- ers for construction and engineering firms. The green building practice extends and supplement
vember 16, 2016
the traditional building design perspectives including economy, utility, durability, and comfort.
Accepted: January 7, 2017
Available online: This paper presents a review on recent advances dedicated on different state-of-art articles in
January 19, 2017 the area of green building. The paper raises serious concern to take the necessary actions for
Keywords: green building development.
Green building
Project management
Building sector © 2017 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Green building is normally associated with the structure and the implementation of processes which
are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient in a building's life-cycle from design, construc-
tion, operation, maintenance, renovation, to demolition (Maltzman & Shirley, 2011). Green building
design includes locating the balance on both homebuilding and the sustainable environment. This needs
more cooperation of the design team, the architects, the engineers, and the client at different stages of
project (Kubba, 2010). The green building practice expands and contributes the classical building de-
sign associated with economy, utility, durability, and comfort (Ji & Plainiotis, 2006; Qi et al., 2011).
Green building includes several components including Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Wa-
ter Efficiency, Environmentally Preferable Building Materials and Specifications, Waste Reduction,
Toxics Reduction, Indoor Air Quality and Smart Growth and Sustainable Development (Shi et al.,
2016). Fig. 1 shows different components of a typical house which are subject of green building. In
2010 buildings used about 32% of total global final energy and consumed 19% of energy-related GHG
emissions (Zhang et al., 2017). They also believe that this type of energy use could be doubled or
potentially more by mid-century. China is the world's largest energy consumer and CO2 emitter. China
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Khodadadzadeh)

© 2017 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

doi: 10.5267/j.jpm.2017.1.003


has been entering into a period of prosperity for construction, about 1.6–2.0 billion m2 buildings are
constructed each year, which are about 40% of the world's total new buildings (Zhang et al., 2017). To
reduce CO2 emissions from the manufacturing phase of building materials, sustainable structural design
has been introduced. In the embodied CO2emission data implemented recently, the percentage differ-
ences in CO2 emission data for concrete and steel found to be 267 and 863%, respectively (Oh et al.,

Fig. 1. Schematic of Green Building (Source: )

2. Green building

During the past few years, there have been tremendous efforts on investigating green buildings. The
awareness of the heavy effect that the building sector exerts on the natural environment is now widely
recognized, leading to a wide spread of tools to control and guide towards building environmental
sustainability. The natural environment is considered essentially as an asset to protect. However, nature
cannot be protected easily and it is also a key factor to contribute the quality of our built environment
and our well-being. Numerous attempts analyzes the positive effect of the introduction of natural ele-
ments in building design. However, the use of natural elements in common building practice is still not
used commonly and there is a need to promote awareness and use of the potential of the natural ele-
ments in design (Oberti & Plantamura, 2017).

Hwang and Tan (2012) identified common barriers met during management of green construction pro-
jects in Singapore's construction industry, and proposed some solutions to overcome the obstacles.
They reported that, although project cost was the primary issue among others in green building con-
struction management, there was no paucity in sustainable knowledge in Singapore's construction in-
dustry. To handle the cost related issue, the coverage of government incentives needs to be widened to
incorporate the usage of green products and technologies. In addition, a project management framework
for green building construction has to be developed to remove any existing barriers, possibly promoting
adoption of sustainable construction in future projects.
T. Khodadadzadeh / Journal of Project Management 1 (2016) 23

In the United States, despite the fact that the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
green building rating system has been widely recognized as the national standard for sustainable build-
ing design, its evaluation of green buildings is a tedious task and time-consuming because of its com-
plicated process (Nguyen et al., 2015). Such a green building rating process could be accelerated and
facilitated by implementing computer technology such as building information modeling (BIM), an
innovative, new method for building design, engineering, and construction management that has been
used in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. To enable the green building rating for
a building design in BIM applications, building information must be managed in such a way that the
knowledge contained in LEED green building criteria could be extracted from the BIM model to sup-
port the assessment (Nguyen et al., 2015). Nguyen et al., (2015) presented a building knowledge frame-
work by using the LEED green building criteria. The proposed framework was applied into a BIM
platform to reach an automated tool for the rating of a green building design.

Several green rating systems have been developed to evaluate the level of green of the building where
there are some similarities and differences among them. Wu and Low (2010) identified the role of
project management that is less associated with technology and engineering in developing green build-
ing rating systems. They performed an investigation to compare the LEED, the Green Globes, and the
BCA Green Mark to find an understanding of current practices, and more specifically, to determine the
contribution of project management in reaching green or sustainable construction. The findings imply
that project management adopted in green building construction is associated with both the practice
and the process. They suggested that the construction and engineering firms consider project manage-
ment in terms of both the process and the practice when fulfilling requirements of being green.

According to Rumaithi and Beheiry (2016), green building is growing worldwide and in many cases
provide a promising rate of return on investment. In addition, there are some advantages associated
with green buildings such as lower ecological effect and carbon footprint on the environment, healthier
life style for residents and end users, higher service life, less water and energy consumption and less
maintenance. The main barrier for a wide adaptation of green and sustainable buildings in the construc-
tion industry includes higher initial expenses and the risks involved in such activities, which could be
reduced by utilizing a green project management process. Green project management processes may
lower the expenses and risks of green projects and raise their competitive advantage versus conven-
tional and less efficient projects. They studied the traditional project management processes used in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) construction industry and discussed the integration of green practices.

Rwelamila et al. (2016) provided a comprehensive review of the existing literature on barriers to sus-
taining green building initiatives and an argument was constructed on the need to manage these initia-
tives as projects. Chang et al. (2015) proposed the IGBP-PDRI model based on the life cycle of the
engineering to set up different phases of work for process evaluation and it was tested empirically. Pre-
project planning helps to predict different risks in the development of the project. This helps to make
sure the operation efficiency of the project, to the extent that the automated system of the building
supported by green construction, which could support sustainable development.

Hwang and Ng (2013) identified different challenges encountered by project managers who execute
green construction projects. They also determined the critical knowledge issues that are necessary to
respond to such challenges. Varnäs et al. (2009) illustrates how the environment impacts (EIs) deter-
mined in the EIA can be followed up by combining them in the project-environmental management
system, the construction contract procurements, and the EMSs and work instructions of the contractor.
Yang et al. (2017) studied the feasibility of implementing a multi-objective optimal model on building
envelope design (MOPBEM), which involved combining a building envelope energy performance

model with a multi-objective optimizer. Vyas and Jha (2016, 2017) used data envelopment analysis
(Charnes et al., 2013) for benchmarking green building attributes to achieve cost effectiveness.
Welsh-Huggins and Liel (2017) presented a framework to evaluate a building’s life-cycle performance
based on social, environmental and economic effects using probabilistic approaches, taking into ac-
count the possible occurrence of an earthquake or other extreme events. The framework was shown
through a case study of an office building in Los Angeles, designed with and without various kinds of
vegetated (green) roofs, and at risk from varying earthquake hazard scenarios. Their results indicated
trade-offs between upfront building costs, material choices, hazard resistance and environmental effect.
Xue et al. (2016) explained how to explore the effect of workplace green features, including green
certification, ventilation mode, and building morphology, on health perceptions, which includes per-
sonal sensation, sensorial assumptions, healing performance based on a survey in Hong Kong and Sin-
gapore. The results confirmed the relationship between green features and health perceptions in the
workplace environment. In other words, participants from the air-conditioned offices disclosed sub-
stantial higher concerns about health issues than the ones from the mixed-ventilated offices.

Wu et al. (2017) analyzed the use of LEED 2009 and studied the credit allocation pattern of 3416 LEED
2009 certified projects. They reported that compared with its previous version LEED v2.2, the point
chasing problem in innovation related credits was reduced. Nevertheless, energy-related and material-
related credits remain a challenge for developers to reach. According to Wu et al. (2017) “LEED 2009
certified projects perform differently in water efficiency at the country level. At the state level, the
projects perform differently in water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, as well
as indoor environmental quality. Varied credit achievement patterns are also identified on cross-certi-
fication and cross-sector levels. The study offers a useful guidance for practitioners to achieve relevant
certification levels and for regulatory authorities to continuously improve the rating system”.

3. Conclusion

In this survey, we have reviewed the recent advances on green building design and implementation.
We have explained that buildings consumed about 32% of total global final energy and consumed 19%
of energy-related GHG emissions and would contribute to global warming. Global warming is going
to be the number one problem in the world and there is a need to take the necessary action in the world.
We hope the results of this survey helps researchers, governmental agencies and policy makers to set
new rules for promoting green building design.

The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for constructive comments on earlier version
of this work.


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© 2017 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada. This is an open access ar-
ticle distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
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