APC Utilized at IGCC Plant (ABB)

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Process Control
Utilized at an Integrated
Gasification Combined
Cycle Plant

ABB Value Paper Series

Process Control
Utilized at an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Plant
by Mario Abela Isab Energy Services Srl, Priolo Gargallo (SR) – Italy and Nunzio Bonavita, Riccardo Martini
ABB PS&S SpA, Genova – Italy

IGCC (Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle) IGCC technology offers a number of important
plants are among the most advanced and effective environmental benefits: first because gasification
systems for electric energy generation from refinery allows the use of both a combustion turbine and a
residuals and are becoming more and more popular in steam turbine in the power production process, an
many regions worldwide. From a control perspective, IGCC power plant can achieve an operating efficiency
IGCC plants represent a significant challenge: complex of about 45 percent, compared to pulverized coal
reactions, highly integrated design and variable feed (PC) plants which operate at efficiencies ranging from
composition come together requiring coordinated control about 33 to 40 percent. Particulate matter, sulphur,
to simultaneously satisfy production, controllability, nitrogen and mercury are removed from the gasified
operability and environmental objectives. While all these coal prior to combustion instead of from boiler exhaust
requirements seem clearly to demand a multivariable, gases post-combustion as in a PC plant. Up to now,
model predictive approach, not many applications refinery-based IGCC plants (mainly in Europe) have
can be easily found in the literature. demonstrated good availability performance and
are more established rather than utility-based coal
This paper describes an ongoing Advanced Process IGCC plants, with availability in the range of 90%-
Control project at the Isab Energy IGCC plant in 95% consistently being achieved. Several factors are
Priolo, Italy, and aims to share design considerations, common to these plants that may be contributing to
implementation details and preliminary results ach- this good performance. It should also be noted that
ieved on the first units. The project can be seen as the non-utility plants have recognized the need to treat the
second step of a multi-stage plan for increasing pro- gasification system as the up-front chemical processing
cess performance through automation improvements. plant that it is, and have generally reorganized their
After an overall DCS control revision performed in operating staff accordingly. Because IGCC plants are
2005, the project team was asked to introduce unit highly demanding from a control perspective, they are
optimization on some of the most critical areas. This is ideal targets for advanced strategies (see for example
going to be completed by means of several Multivariable [3 and [4]]). However literature about actual advanced
Process Controllers which are contributing to reduce process control applications for IGCC facilities does
steam and utility consumption, stabilize H2S removal almost not exist.
and minimize environmental impact.
2. The ISAB Energy Priolo IGCC Plant
1. IGCC Process Generalities
2.1 Process Overview
An Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, or IGCC
(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle), is a power The Isab Energy (IE) IGCC plant in Priolo, Italy, converts
generation system which produces synthesis gas about 120 tons/h of heavy residual oil, provided by the
(syngas), mainly composed of CO and H2, converted nearby ErgMEd refinery, into more than 500 MW of
from fossil fuel, such as vacuum residue, heavy oil, electric power. Isab Energy and Isab Energy Services
petroleum coke, coal and Orimulsion by a partial are a joint venture between ERG Power & Gas (51%)
oxidation process and then burned to generate and International Power Mitsui & Co. Ltd (49%). Isab
electricity from syngas by combined cycle. IGCC Energy and Isab Energy Services represent, respectively,
technology has become the center of public attention the Owner and the Operator of the IGCC complex.
as one of the prime applications of technology for
The Priolo IGCC plant started commercial operation in
maintaining clean air for the world (see for example
April 2000 and can be divided in three main areas:
[1] and [2]). The reason for this is that it enables the
production of clean gas, equivalent to natural gas • Solvent Deasphalting Unit (SDA)
even if at lower heating value, from inferior fuel with • Gasification and Utilities Units
expected reduction of CO2 emissions by use of high • Combined Cycle Units (CCU)
performance gas turbines.

ABB Value Paper Series




Asphalt Concentrate


Fig. 1 - IGCC general scheme


BTZ HP Steam
from CCU Oxygen

The SDA receives the heavy residue from the refinery ERG PETROLI
and deasphalts it; the deasphalted oil is then sent REFINERY

back to the refinery while the asphalt is fed to the

Gasification Units. The gasification area transforms Unit 3000
Soot Oil
the asphalt coming from SDA into clean syngas to be Deasphalting
Unit 3100
Gasification Soot Water
burned in the CCU. It is a wide complex which includes Asphalt

the following main units (see Figure 2):

• 2 Gasification Units
• 2 Carbon Recovery Units Syngas
• 1 Sulphur Recovery Unit
Sour Gas
• 1 Heat Recovery Unit
• 1 Acid Gas Removal Unit
Unit 3300 Unit 350
• 1 Heavy Metals Recovery Unit Heat Recovery and Acid Ga
• 1 Waste Water Pre-treatment Unit Saturation Remova

Sour Water


Fig. 2 - Gasification Flow Diagram Sour Water Unit 481

Sour Wat

Syngas to CCU

ABB Value Paper Series

Wet Syngas Dry Syngas Flue Gas


Steam Steam
Start-up Diesel


Wet Syngas Dry Syngas Flue Gas


Steam Steam
Start-up Diesel
Fig. 3 - Combined Cycle
Flow Diagram

To Stack

Unit 3700
Tail Gas
The CCU includes two trains, each of them with a
gas turbine, a HRSG and a steam turbine.

Unit 3200 Unit 3600 2.2 Automation System

Carbon Sour Gas Sulphur
Recovery Recovery The plant is equipped with an ABB DCS commissioned
in 2000. About 65 Redundant Control Units manage
Grey Water
around 90 000 tags. Control management is performed
by means of 12 Operator Consoles. Turbine control
is based on a dedicated Siemens Teleperm system.
The total number of loop control schemes (PID) is
more than 900. As an addition to the base regulatory
control, late in 2006, Enhanced Alarm Management
00 Unit 3400 Unit 3900 software, an innovative package for alarm recording,
s Heavy Metal Sulphur analysis and screening [5], has been installed in order
al Recovery Storage
to allow a significant reduction in the number of alarms
so to free operators from the nuisance of false or
redundant alarms and drive their attention to really
meaningful events or opportunities.

Sour Gas

Sour Water

10 Unit 4800
ter Waste Water Metal Cake Storage
r Pretreatment
Waste Water to IAS
(biological treatment)

ABB Value Paper Series

3. The Advanced Process o Possibility to handle some specific operating

conditions (e.g. in one CCU Unit have two
Control Application trains in coordination mode, one train
3.1 Background and Implementation operated at maximum limit, etc.) that
Philosophy were originally not considered
After a few years of successful operation after plant • Implementation of pass balancing in
startup, personnel at Isab Energy felt that the plant the plant furnace
had the potential for additional margins and started to • Implementation of multiple new control loops
analyze possible strategies for improvements. In 2005 (cascades, feedforward, ratio-control, etc.)
they started a collaboration with the vendor in order to
As part of this advanced regulatory control enhancement
review and improve the basic control scheme, hosted
project, Isab Energy supported by vendor’s specialists
in the plant DCS. This activity led to the introduction
identified some key process units that had the potential
of several improvements in the plant control schemes
to greatly benefit from the implementation of a fully
with the objective of improving process control in
fledged advanced process control system. Three key
normal and transient operations.
units were then selected by the customer as the objective
The main changes implemented in the 2005 for the first step of an advanced process control (APC)
project were: project which has been awarded to the automation
• Revision the coordination layer between the vendor. These units were:
process unit (PPU) and the combined cycle
• Solvent De-Asphalting Unit
unit (CCU), also know as Master Controller,
• Gasifier Units (2 trains)
to allow for:
• Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGR)
o Better control in steady state conditions
o Faster response in transient conditions

Fig. 4 - Solvent Deasphalting

Figure 6 - Acid Gas Removal
ABB Value Paper Series

Fig. 5 - Gasification
Figure 5 - Gasification

Fig. 6 - Acid Gas Removal

Figure 4 -- Solvent Deasphalting
ABB Value Paper Series

3.2 Project Execution

The APC project team was composed of three engineers applications, Isab Energy was able to reduce project
working full time on the project. This included two costs while ensuring they received customized solutions
experienced engineers from the vendor side and one from that could quickly be put online and maximize their
Isab Energy. In addition, several Isab Energy engineers return on investments.
provided support for process analysis and simulation,
DCS integration, network integration. The project had 3.4 Technology Overview
its kick-off meeting in October 2006. Key technologies selected for the APC applications
are multivariable model predictive control (MPC) and
The first unit taken into consideration was Acid Gas
inferential modeling. In addition to that, advanced regul-
Removal, followed by Solvent Deasphalting and finally
atory control was applied in several cases to provide better
the Gasifiers. The first milestone task for the project team
process control and faster disturbance rejection.
was the development of the basic design specification
for all the APC applications. This specification provided At the core of MPC technology is a mathematical model
an overview of the design, for all the applications and of the process that is used to predict future process
described in detail the implementation approach. behavior. Using this predictive model the controller is able
Continuous dialogue and interactions between the to calculate an optimum set of process control moves
project team was a critical factor in the development which minimize the error between actual and desired
of a design basis that received a high degree of process behavior subject to process constraints. Since
acceptability from the plant personnel and ensured the late 1970s, MPC technology has performed reliably
efficient project execution. in the petrochemical and refining industries because
of its ability to account for process interactions and
The execution of this kind of project in phases brings
constraints, thereby reducing process variability and
several advantages. For example, each application
driving the process closer to its limits.
can be designed, installed and tested in a completely
independent way, resulting in a greater flexibility and For the power production control, MPC strategies are
more efficient use of resources. The project team was required for driving the gassifier to satisfy load demands
able to gradually introduce new concepts to the plant while meeting IGCC plant integration, performance, and
personnel and train them on the use of the new technology environmental objectives.
without any risk of information overload. By keeping
its project team members closely involved with each Multivariable control applications are based on the
phase of the design and configuration of these advanced OptimizeIT Predict & Control (P&C) technology from ABB.

7x 8x 9x 1 0x 11 x 12x 7x 8x 9x 10x 11x 12 x

Offline APC
e C
e 7 8 9 101 112
A 1 2 34 5 6 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x

Firewall APC Workstation
& OPC Server


Fig. 7 - System Architecture
Figure 7 – System Architecture
ABB Value Paper Series

Fig. 8 - Typical APC Operator Display

Figure 8 - Typical APC Operator Display
P&C is an innovative multivariable controller, based 7). This second workstation performs data collection
on state-space modeling technology. While referring using the dedicated software OptmizeIT Data Manager.
to [6] for a detailed description, it is important to The APC LAN is connected to the plant LAN by means
underline that P&C exclusive features allow to reach of a dedicated Firewall that allows access to the APC
a superior control performances in an easy-to-use LAN only to the authorized personnel. ABB software
powerful environment. allows remote monitoring and maintenance for both
P&C and IMP software.
The first APC step involved four P&C controllers (one
for each unit, two for ach train of gassifier) and a few While engineering monitoring and tuning of the APC
inferential models. Inferential models were implemented applications is performed using dedicated HMIs, either
through an ABB OptimizeIT Inferential Modeling Platform remotely or locally, standard operations are performed
(IMP), whose software details are described in [6]. directly by use of DCS graphic displays.

The controllers are hosted on a devoted workstation Operators manage the advanced application with the
that also hosts an OPC Server. A second PC is used as standard operator console where additional pages
development and testing environment and is not directly have been added for this purpose. Figure 8 shows a
connected to the base automation system (see Figure typical page in the Acid Gas Removal section.

ABB Value Paper Series

4. First Results And Perspectives

As described in section 3 the four modules (1 for AGR, 6. Regenerator key tray temperature
1 for SDA, 1 for each train in the Gasification section) 7. Regenerator Reboiler bottom level
were commissioned one at the time so not to overload
In addition, the following optimization objectives
process personnel, starting with Acid Gas Removal
have been introduced:
commissioned in November – February 2007 and
1. Minimization of circulating MDEA in Absorber
continuing with the SDA. Gasifiers will be completed
2. Minimization of Steam/Rich MDEA
within July 2007.
ratio in Regenerator
First results have been excellent with impressive
The controller moves multiple MDEA injection streams
returns of investment. To keep the description short
to T101 and key variables like steam, overhead reflux,
we will illustrate first results on the Acid Gas Removal
and bottom bleed for the Regenerator column. It is
section, which is the one where the APC strategy has
important to note that the multiple MDEA injection
the longest running period (having been the first to
streams are located in different positions of the
be put on-line).
tower. The impact of a variation on each stream on
4.1 Control Improvement on H2S and CO2 is different depending on the injection
position given the different kinetics of the reaction
Section 3500
of MDEA with H2S and CO2. These differences in
The multivariabile controller on the AGR section covers the dynamic response and steady state gains have
two columns: Absorber and Regenerator (see Figure been incorporated in the controller that can use any
6). The Absorber column uses MDEA to separate slack available in CO2 absorption and emissions to
H2S from syngas. The Regenerator column uses high minimize steam consumption.
quantity of LP steam to strip H2S from MDEA. This
unit is very important both for environmental and The advanced control strategy has proven to be able
energy usage reasons. to drastically reduce steam usage while maintaining
controlled variables to their setpoints or inside
The H2S left in the syngas out the Absorber column constraints. The main advantage provided by the
is one of the main contributors to emissions with APC system was the possibility to avoid any risk of
specific respect to SO2, and as such it is very important overloading the downstream unit by continuously
to stabilize and, where possible, minimize. From an assessing CO2 absorption and allowing a shift of
energy standpoint, this unit is one of the main users MDEA injection to a higher average position. To avoid
of low pressure steam and, as such, there was great unnecessary movements and filter the process and
interest in reducing the steam usage. While the instrumentation natural noise, all setpoint control
unit absorbs H2S, there is certain slippage of CO2 objectives have been implemented in the form of a
altogether with H2S to the Regenerator column and setpoint with deadband form.
then to the downstream Claus unit. This slippage has
to be within certain limits due to the limited capacity APC control of H2S in the Absorber column overhead
of the downstream unit which acted in the past as has proven to be very accurate and reliable. In Figure 9
the bottleneck for the entire section. a chart of the APC system response to step changes on
the H2S setpoint is presented. These setpoint changes
The objectives have been translated into the following were all achieved by the APC system in a short time,
objectives/constraints for the APC system: without overshoots and excessive perturbations of
unit operation. This is a remarkable result given the
1. H2S in syngas in absorber overhead magnitude of the variation of the steps – equal to
2. CO2 absorption about 10 ppm in a few hours – something that very
3. Overall MDEA circulation rarely occurs during normal operations. As a result
4. Regenerator overhead temp of the step changes, the consumption of steam in the
5. Regenerator pressure regenerator column decreased very heavily, as shown

ABB Value Paper Series

Fig. 9 - APC Management of H2S content in T101 Overhead

by the curve in blue (for a single reboiler – there are achieved during a night test, when changes in feed
two twin reboilers). The overall decrease in steam composition and cooling water temperature together
usage was up to 3.5 t/h. with a small increase of theH2S setpoint (2ppm) allowed
for a reduction in steam usage of about 2t/h.
Although such a drastic change in setpoint for H2S
often not possible in a few hours, it is quite common Overall, the APC application allowed running the unit
that changes in factors like: in a different operating region. The following figure
• Feed composition presents the steam specific usage (expressed as a
• Feed flow ratio between the steam and the MDEA circulation
• Cooling water temperature rate) over a long period of time, from the startup of
• Other units contribution to emissions the APC commissioning to the finalization of the APC
• Gasifier efficiency system for the AGR unit. As can be seen by the chart,
the reduction in the steam usage is quite relevant.
Impact on H2S content was of a similar quantity over
1-2 days. In that case, the presence of a APC system The overall benefit in terms of energy saving is quite
capable of minimizing steam while maintaining H2S considerable. Steam consumption went from 35.1 t/h
content at target provides large economic benefits. The to 26.1 t/h equivalent to a reduction of about 9 t/h.
figure below shows the steam consumption reduction

ABB Value Paper Series


Delta steam


~ 2 t/h
Steam reduction (x2) Series1

12400 Steam Flow

APC turned on 22

11600 20
H 2 S SP on
small Sp increase for H 2 S, overnight Temp decrease T101 Overhead



MDEA Flowrate
MDEA reduction 12

10000 10
21/2/07 17.06 21/2/07 19.30 21/2/07 21.54 22/2/07 0.18 22/2/07 2.42 22/2/07 5.06 22/2/07 7.30 22/2/07 9.54

Fig. 10 - Steam Consumption Reduction

Figure 10 – Steam Consumption Reduction

- 22%

Fig. 11 - Steam/MDEA Ratio Reduction

Figure 11 – Steam/MDEA Ratio Reduction

This reduction is due to changes in operating o Operating closer to H2S specifications

conditions that can be described as follows: o Moving MDEA steam injection to a more
• First, steam specific usage was reduced by favorable position (average)
optimizing the regenerator operating conditions
• Then, the overall MDEA circulation rate was As a result, the unit operating conditions have moved
reduced by optimizing the Absorber column as depicted below in terms of steam usage and MDEA
operating conditions in two ways circulation rate.

ABB Value Paper Series

Steam Steam
Usage Ratio
Without APC

With APC Circulating


Circulating MDEA

Fig. 12 - Unit operating conditions before and after APC

Figure 12 – Unit operating conditions before and after APC

> 45 %

Fig. 13 - Reflux Flowrate Reduction Figure 13 – Reflux Flowrate Reduction

ABB Value Paper Series

As a further confirmation, Figure 13 shows the trend of As a consequence of the successful results of the
the reflux stream over more than six months of data. APCs project, Isab Energy is evaluating the possibility
Analysis shows that the reflux flow has decreased of of extending them to other units. In particular, the
about 50%. This is quite remarkable given the fact highest benefits could be obtained in the following
that the original reflux flow was not far from the design plant sections:
value for the unit.
1. Carbon Recovery
4.2 Comments on Results 2. Tail Gas Treatment and Sulphur recovery
The positive results shown above (and the similar 3. Combined Cycle
ones achieved in other sections) have been achieved 4. Waste Water Treatment
through a proper combination of advanced control
A proper plan for APC extension to additional units is
technology, process expertise and deeper insight.
under evaluation and will be finalized in the second
The APC project has proven to be the opportunity to
half of 2007.
explore a number of possible operating conditions,
sorting out actual process and control limitations from References:
“control myths”. The improved control tools allowed [1] http://www.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/
the engineers to move the plant into non familiar [2] http://www.gasification.org/
conditions, pushing the envelope and discovering [3] Tanaka, H., “The Control System applied to Negishi IGCC”,
Proc. of “Gasification technologies 2004”, Washington, DC,
hidden profit margins that basic control schemes October 3-6, 2004
don’t allow to harvest. This is not different from that [4] Vacca, G., Grugnetti, E., Sulis, S., Barabino, M., Venturino,
M., “On line monitoring of performance indexes and trigger
verified on any other process (no matter if it’s refineries, functions at Sarlux IGCC plant”, Proc. Of “ERTC Reliability
petrochemical or upstream plants) where APC is applied & Asset Management 2004”, Berlin, Germany
as a technology enabling operators to manage the plant [5] “Enhanced Alarm Management User Manual”, ABB Doc. Nr.
BG4.1004.EAM 20 Rev.2.0 Date March 2005
more aggressively without compromising on safety [6] Bonavita, N., Martini, R., Matsko, T., (2003), “Improvement
but with much higher economic performance. in the Performance of Online Control Applications via
Enhanced Modeling Techniques”, Proc. of ERTC
Computing 2003, Milan, Italy
4.3 Conclusion and Future Perspectives
This paper has presented a very successful application
of Advanced Process Control technology to an IGCC
plant. The application dealt with three sections (Acid
Gas Removal, Gassifier and Solvent Deasphalting)
that have been identified as interesting benchmarks
for return-of-investment evaluation. The results after
the first running period are extremely positive and
clearly show that APC has the potential of providing
relevant savings on IGCC plants, mainly through its
capability to greatly increase energy efficiency and
reduce steam consumptions.

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