Digital Dividend and Its Opportunities For Long Term Evolution Mobile Network: The Case of Ethiopia

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Digital Dividend and its Opportunities for Long

Term Evolution Mobile Network: the Case of

Amare Kassaw ∗ , Zemene Matewos† , Dereje Hailemariam‡
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University
Email: ∗ [email protected], † [email protected],‡ [email protected]

Abstract—Digital dividend refers to the additional vacant significant degradation of performance to the incumbent users
spectrum that will be available as a result of transition from [1]. The fundamental step in CR network is the spectrum
analogue to digital terrestrial television broadcasting. Wireless sensing which aims to learn the radio environment in order to
broadband networks such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE) can op-
erate opportunistically in this vacant spectrum by controlling the adapt the CR transmission. Thus, reliable and efficient signal
harmful interference and overheads incurred on licensed users. detection and spectrum sensing techniques are needed in order
With the objective of analyzing the digital dividend opportunities, to detect and explore the presence of radio frequency spectrum
this paper investigates interference mitigation techniques for a holes and vacant spaces under controlled interference [1].
possible coexistence of the LTE and television broadcast services The transition towards terrestrial digital television (DTV)
deployed in the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Monte Carlo
based interference analysis method and cognitive radio-based transmission brings an opportunity of free frequency spectrum
interference signal detection technique are used for the analysis. bands that can be used for other services. These free spectrum
Existing parameters of the digital television and LTE are used bands constitute the digital dividend. Accordingly, the digital
for the analysis. Based on the results, the band from 700-1429 dividend may be defined as the amount of spectrum made
MHz is identified as a digital dividend from which 795-1429 MHz available as a result of the transition of terrestrial television
band can be used for mobile wireless services, particularly for
broadband mobile services such as LTE. broadcasting from analogue to digital in the very high
Index Terms—Digital Dividend, Spectrum Access, Interference frequency (VHF) and ultrahigh frequency (UHF) bands
management. [2,3]. The free spectrum can be used to fill the spectrum
requirement of the mobile broadband such as Long-Term
I. I NTRODUCTION Evolution (LTE). Moreover, as the waves in the UHF band
Nowadays, the demand for higher data rates is increasing offer the possibility of long-range transmission, operating in
as a result of the rapid evolution of new wireless services this band allows larger coverage area with few infrastructures.
and applications. However, the available radio frequency spec- However, exploiting the digital dividend requires proper
trum needed to support these services is not only limited analysis of interference that occur due to simultaneous
but also its allocation and management is still based on transmission of digital TV and LTE in adjacent frequency
the traditional static techniques. It is obvious that this static bands [2,3,4]. DSA is one of the techniques that assist
frequency allocation schemes cannot meet the requirements of wireless users to dynamically search and access idle spectrum
the increasing demands. Measurement campaigns conducted and to continuously monitor that spectrum bands to avoid
in various parts of the world have supported the findings interference [1].
that the static spectrum access leads to some portions of
the spectrum to be overcrowded while some other to be In Ethiopia, Ethio-Telecom is the sole telecommunication
underutilized [1]. This inefficiency in the spectrum usage network operator and is widely deploying its mobile networks
and allocation necessitates a new communication paradigm throughout the country. Based on a recent report the number
to effectively explore and exploit the radio frequency spec- of mobile subscribers in the country has reached 53 million
trum opportunities. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) was [5]. This is 11% higher than the preceding fiscal year and
proposed as a new spectrum sharing methodology that allows the operator is further expanding its networks to have over
non-licensed wireless devices to opportunistically operate on 100 million subscribers in the next few years [5]. LTE is
licensed bands by controlling the harmful interference and now available in the capital city, Addis Ababa, basically to
overheads incurred on the licensed users [1]. DSA utilizes provide data services. On the broadcast side, there are limited
spectrum holes and alleviates the spectrum scarcity problem numbers of terrestrial television channels for now. However,
and improves spectrum utilization [1]. The cognitive radio the Federal Government has approved the digitization process
(CR) technology, on the other hand, is built on a software and the DTV broadcast service implementation is on its
defined radio that uses the principle of DSA in which a set planning stage [6]. Further, for a country like Ethiopia
of unlicensed users occupy spectrum holes without causing with more than 100 Million people and enormous ethnic

978-1-5386-2775-4/17 $31.00 2017

and cultural diversities, a demand for many DTV channels II. S ITUATIONAL A NALYSIS OF THE LTE N ETWORK IN
and mobile operators is inevitable. Hence, even though the A DDIS A BABA
imminent challenge from spectrum scarcity may not be
perceived at the present because of the monopoly nature The LTE network deployed in Addis Ababa has 20 MHz
of spectrum utilization, the massive expansion in mobile bandwidth that is statically refarmed from global system for
services and the ongoing digitization will contribute to mobile communication (GSM) 1800 band which aimed to
spectrum scarcity in the coming few years. Cognizant of provide propagation advantages over the mainstream 2600
this fact the country needs to have proper planning of its MHz band. Various measurement and research outputs on
scarce frequency resource. Besides, without having proper this network showed that this static spectrum refarming (SSR)
frequency planning, incumbent and emerging telecom and could not efficiently respond to the changing traffic conditions,
broadcast operators will be significantly affected while they and thus, the spectrum remains underutilized. Hence, dynamic
provide the virtues of broadband services such as LTE. This spectrum refarming (DSR) approach is proposed for possible
happens because of limitations in accessing free spectrum use on Ethiopia’s LTE deployment [5]. Due to the ongoing
and interferences that might occur with other radio wave transition towards DTV, the LTE refarming for Addis Ababa
propagating services [5]. can be done at 700-800 MHz which shall be allocated for
alternative use. The deployment of LTE in these lower bands
Various researches are conducted to show the digital is highly valuable due to superior coverage capabilities that
dividend opportunities and road maps that countries follow are especially useful for suburban areas of Addis Ababa. But,
to facilitate smooth transition from analogue to digital TV when LTE networks are operated in this digital dividend bands,
transmission. The authors in [4] showed their study on there will be interference on the adjacent radio frequency
analogue switch-off for South Korea and indicated that the channels used for DTV. Thus, thorough interference analy-
digital dividend, which will be obtained after the transition sis and mitigation techniques recommendations are required
from analogue to digital transmission, can be used for other before this coexistence model implementation. In this paper,
wireless systems. They also emphasized the need to take we proposed various interference mitigation techniques for the
into account the interference effect of one wireless system possible coexistence of LTE and DTV networks to the city of
on to the other and recommended solutions to ensure their Addis Ababa.
coexistence. The paper in [7] has shown how efficiently the
digital dividend can be used by identifying the interference
analysis criteria and developing coexistence model. The
model determines the required minimum separation distance,
Coexistence and compatibility deployment between digital
and minimum frequency separation to ensure the coexistence
television transmission and wireless broadband services re-
of the two wireless systems in 790-822 MHz frequency range.
quires proper planning and modeling. In addition, it needs
The paper in [12] showed how the switchover process could
optimal implementation of interfere analysis and mitigation
be advanced. It shows the variation in switchover approaches
techniques. Interference situations and coexistence between
from one country to another. For instance, some countries,
various wireless systems can be modeled by using Minimum
like the USA, have issued a direct subsidy to be provided to
Coupling Loss (MCL) and Monte Carlo Method (MCM) [7,8].
households to cover part of the cost of acquiring a set-top
The MCL method calculates the minimum isolation distance
box or digital TV. Others, like the United Kingdom and
required between the interferer and victim system to ensure
Spain, have promoted additional high definition TV channels
minimum (possibly zero) interference. It assumes that the
and interactive TV services as part of the digital package to
victim receiver is operating continually above 3 dB reference
provide incentive for viewers to switch.
sensitivity. Interference must be limited to an acceptable noise
Based on different techniques analyzed in the reviewed
floor to maintain the victim’s protection ratio. A median path
papers, this paper explores options for new and suitable
loss formula without fading consideration is used to determine
frequency spectrum re-farming for Ethiopian radio planners
the isolation that can be attained through a specific physical
in both the telecom and broadcast industries, and studies
separation between two interfering radio systems [7,8,9].
possible coexistence between LTE and DTV systems.
The MCL analysis considers two interference mechanisms
such as unwanted emissions which shows the effect of spurious
The reset of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
emissions and out-of-band emissions1 , and receiver blocking
discusses the situational analysis of LTE Network at Addis
which shows the degradation of the receiver sensitivity due
Ababa. Section III presents the system model of interference
to the presence of stronger blocking signal [9]. The combined
scenarios in the broadcast and telecom services. Section
result from both is used to determine the signal strength of the
IV discusses considered coexistence scenario. Simulation
results and analysis are presented in Section V, and finally,
conclusion is given in Section VI.
Spurious emissions include harmonic and parasitic emissions, inter mod-
ulation and frequency conversion products, and out-of-band emissions show
emissions outside the necessary bandwidth [9].
interference in the system [8,9]. For the unwanted emissions Based on this signal strength measurements, the probability
effect, the analysis equation is given by [9]; of interference at the victim receiver is calculated as shown
in equation (4).
Iso(dB) = Pint + dBBW + M Cint + Gvict +
C (1)
Gint − (Svict − ) + f (dBcint , Pint )
and for the receiver blocking effect, the analysis equation is
given by;
Iso(dB) = Pint + M Cint + Gvict + Gint −
f (Bvict , Svict )
where Pint is the maximum transmit power of the interferer,
dBBW is the bandwidth conversion factor between the
interferer and the victim, M Cint is the multiple carrier
Fig. 1. The System Model for Analysis [10].
margin to account when the interferer is a base site and has
more than one carrier being transmitted, Gvict is the gain of For coexistence and compatibility modeling of DTV and LTE
the victim antenna including the cable loss, Gint is the gain systems, there are four possible interference scenarios [10],
of the interferer antenna including the cable loss, Svict is the but in this paper, the following case along with its appropriate
sensitivity of the victim, Ivict is the protection ratio of the parameters are analyzed.
victim, f (dBcint , Pint ) is a function defining the power of
the wide-band noise at the frequency offset being considered IV. C ONSIDERED C OEXISTENCE S CENARIOS
relative to the interferer’s carrier power, and f (Bvict , Svict ) Scenarios have been classified according to the type of
is a function defining the blocking performance of the victim LTE interfering link adjacent to DTV. In this study, we
receiver at the frequency offset being considered. considered the case for DTV transmitter (Wt ) transmitting to
By using appropriate path loss model this isolation will be a DTV terminal (Vr ) which is subjected to interfering signal
converted in to physical separation distance.This distance coming from LTE-base station (It ). The LTE-base station is
shows the minimum physical separation required between intended to communicate with the LTE-mobile station (Wr )
two coexisted transmitters to avoid the impact of interference in downlink. In this model, the DTV link become the victim
[8,9]. The MCL method works for the system of static nature link whereas the LTE Downlink is the interfering link. During
[9] that has deterministic parameters and considers only MCM based simulation, each trial is constructed by using
worst-case analysis of an interferer that uses single channel. different variables given by the user, and the protection criteria
It gives spectrally inefficient result and thus it is not valid for is calculated in each trial [10].
random environments. For analysis purpose, we consider the protection ratios such as
C/I, C/(I+N), (N+I)/N, and I/N, where C is the desired signal, I
On the other hand, the Monte Carlo Method (MCM) is interference signal, and N is the thermal noise at the receiver.
is used to analyze wireless systems of both static and These protection ratios are related by the following equation
mobile nature that have stochastic occurrences. This method [10];
is based on taking samples of a random process from
defined probability density function (pdf). It is a powerful h C i hC i hN + I i
and efficient statistical technique capable of modeling and = −
N + I dB I dB I dB
analyzing highly complex systems including code division
multiple access (CDMA) and LTE [9, 10]. hN + I i hN + I i hIi
For MCM based modeling, basically there are four types of = −
entities forming various interference scenarios as shown in I dB N dB N dB
Figure 1 [10]. They are the victim receiver (Vr ), interfering If C/(I+N) is chosen as the protection criteria, the impact of
transmitter (It ), wanted transmitter (Wt ), and wanted receiver the interferer might be negligible as compared to the thermal
(Wr ). The victim receiver gets its desired signal from the noise when I/N ≤ −20 dB. In this case, the approximation
wanted transmitter, and it is subjected to an interference signal C/(I + N ) ≈ C/N can be optimal. Where as, if I/N > 10
coming from interfering transmitter. The interferer might be dB, then C/(I + N ) ≈ C/I, which shows the interferer is
from the same system as the victim or a different system. more dominant than the thermal noise [9,10].
The interferer has also a desired signal for its corresponding
receiver called wanted receiver. Wt and Vr form the victim For effective communication, C/I at the victim receiver
link whereas, It and Wr form the interfering link as It should be greater than a pre-defined threshold level. The MCM
interferes on Vr . The signal strength from Wt on Vr is termed technique checks this by taking independent measurement
as desired received signal strength (dRSS) while from It is instants. For each instant, a scenario is built up by using
termed as interference received signal strength(iRSS) [9,10]. number of different variables that show the position of the
interferer, the wanted signal strength, and the channels used TABLE I
by the victim and interferer [10]. In this way, we are able to PARTIAL LIST OF C ONSIDERED LTE PARAMETERS .
quantify the probability of interference between radio systems Parameter BS MS
and determine appropriate frequency planning rules or specify Antenna Input Power (dBm/Channel) 53 23
limits for transmitter/receiver performance. In other words, we Operating Frequency(MHz) 826
Receiver Bandwidth(MHz) 10 5
calculate the probability of interference (PI ) of the victim Reference Noise Level (dBM/Channel) -98 -98
receiver as [10] ; Interference Criterion(S/(N+I))(dB) -3 -3
PI = 1 − PN I (4) BS Maximum Transmit Power(dBm) 46
Maximum Antenna Gain (dBi) 0 15
Where, PI is the probability of interference in the victim Duplexing Mode FDD
Propagation Mode Longley-Rice + Extended Hata
receiver, and PN I is the probability of no-interference on the
victim receiver. For considered C/I criteria, PN I is given by
the conditional probability as; TABLE II
 dRSS C 
P N I = Pr ( > )|(dRSS > S) (5) Parameter Value
iRSS I Transmitter power(dBm) 85
where dRSS is the desired received signal strength, iRSS is Operating Frequency(MHz) 822
the interfering received signal strength and S is the sensitivity Receiver Bandwidth (MHz) 8
Antenna Height (M) 250
of the victim receiver. By using the conditional probability Coverage Radius (KM) 70
relation, we get; Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) -83
  Propagation Model Longley-Rice + Extended Hata
Pr ( dRSS
iRSS > C
I ) ∩ (dRSS > S)
PN I = (6)
Pr (dRSS > S)
distance of 0.1km measured from each axis of the victim
where dRSS=Pwt +Gwt +Gvr -Lp , and iRSS=Pit +Git +Gvr -Lp . receiver to the interfering transmitter. The partial list of LTE
Pwt is the power of the wanted transmitter (in dBm), Gwt and DTV parameters considered for the simulation is shown
is the gain of the wanted transmitter (in dBi), Gvr is the in Tables I, and II.
gain of the victim receiver (in dBi), Pit is the power of the
interfering transmitter (in dBm) and Git is the gain of the Based on the stored signal vectors from the wanted
interferer antenna (in dBi), and Lp is the path loss [10]. transmitter and unwanted interferer, with the SEAMCAT
interference calculation engine, we calculate the probability
A Longley-Rice propagation model and extended Hata city of interference by taking the translation mode from the result
model have been used for the analysis of the propagation generator menu. With this mode, we calculate and display the
losses that takes in to account specific parameters of the probability of interference as a function of the output power
city of Addis Ababa. The first model is used to estimate the of the interfering transmitter [16]. Low interfering transmitter
path loss as result of terrain and climate conditions of the power creates no interference at the victim. In this case
city whereas, the second model considers the city parameters the probability value will be zero. Gradual increase of the
(such as buildings, towers) to evaluate the path loss [9,10]. interfering transmitter power results on increasing probability
To analyze the interference, we consider specific physical of interference. Thus high probability value shows that the
separation distance and/or guard band between the assumed interfering transmitter power is high enough to create 100%
coexisted wireless systems. In addition, we further analyze interference on the victim receiver.
the case in which a cognitive radio based detection technique Figure 2 shows the graph of the probability of interference
is deployed at the interferer and victim. with respect to translation points when the two transmitters are
separated by 0.1km from each other without any guard band.
As shown from the figure when the interfering transmitter
power is 55 dBm, the probability of interference is 97.5%.
The proposed MCM model is implemented on SEAMCAT2 Figure 3 shows the graph of the probability of interference
simulator to calculate and plot the probability of interference with respect to translation points when the two transmitters
between the coexisted systems under specific physical are separated by 0.1km from each other and has a frequency
separation distance and/or the guard band set. For analysis separation of 0.5MHz. As shown from the figure, when
purpose, we consider an LTE transmitter that operate at center the interfering transmitter power is 55 dBm, the probability
frequency of 826MHz with a reception bandwidth of 10MHz, of interference is 75.5%. This shows that the probability
and DTV transmitter that transmit at center frequency of of interference is decreased by 22.5% when we apply a
822MHz with 8MHz bandwidth that overlaps with the LTE guard band of 0.5MHz between the two coexisted systems
system. The two transmitters are separated by minimum as compared to the previous case that has only physical
2 SEAMCAT is a free of charge integrated software tool based on the Monte- separation distance.
Carlo simulation method developed by European Commission Office [16].
Fig. 2. Probability function of translation parameters of the interfering transmitter at 0.1km guard distance from each axes of the victim link receiver without
guard band.

Fig. 3. Probability function of translation parameters of the interfering transmitter at 0.1km guard distance from each axes of the victim link receiver and
with 0.5 MHz guard band.

Fig. 4. Probability function of translation parameters of the interfering transmitter for the case studied when CR based signal detection technique is enabled.
On the other hand, when cognitive radio based detection paper shows that the use of cognitive radio based detection
algorithm is deployed at the interfering transmitter, it will have techniques helps to bypass the restrictions laid on separation
a great impact to further reduce the interference probability, distances and guard bands, and it gives more dimension for
and to effectively and efficiently utilize the radio spectrum. efficient explore and exploitation of spectrum holes.
In our model, we assumed that the interfering transmitter The future work will be to develop more robust interference
(LTE-BS) detects/senses a signal from the wanted transmitter free model that perform further study on adjustment of antenna
(DVT-BS) and checks if the level of the sensing signal is patterns, antenna discrimination, down tilting of antennas, and
less than the threshold set by its system. If it is so, the spatial LTE planning in relation to DTV system.
LTE-BS can send the signal to its desired receiver (LTE-UE)
otherwise, it will stay idle. By doing so, the CR method
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This paper analyzed that separation of two coexisted radio
transmitters with geographical distance and specific guard
band set shall give a good insight for optimal utilization of
the spectrum. This helps radio planners and telecom oper-
ators to design their spectrum refarming strategy that will
minimize interference between coexist systems. Moreover, the

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