Nonlinear Effects in Left-Handed Metamaterials

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Nonlinear effects in left-handed metamaterials

Conference Paper  in  Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering · January 2004
DOI: 10.1117/12.560683


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3 authors:

Yuri Kivshar Ilya V. Shadrivov

Australian National University Australian National University


Alexander Zharov
Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS


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RADIO SCIENCE, VOL. 40, RS3S90, doi:10.1029/2004RS003191, 2005

Nonlinear left-handed metamaterials

Ilya V. Shadrivov, Alexander A. Zharov,1 Nina A. Zharova,2 and Yuri S. Kivshar
Nonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra,
ACT, Australia
Received 15 October 2004; revised 15 December 2004; accepted 15 February 2005; published 6 May 2005.
[1] We analyze nonlinear properties of microstructured materials with the negative
refractive index, the so-called left-handed metamaterials. We demonstrate that the
hysteresis-type dependence of the magnetic permeability on the field intensity allows
changing the material properties from left to right handed and back. Using the finite
difference time domain simulations, we study the wave reflection from a slab of a
nonlinear left-handed material and observe generation and propagation of temporal
solitons in such materials. We demonstrate also that the nonlinear left-handed
metamaterials can support both transverse electric– and transverse magnetic–polarized
self-trapped localized beams, spatial electromagnetic solitons. Such solitons appear as
single-hump and multihump beams, being either symmetric or antisymmetric, and they
can exist because of the hysteresis-type magnetic nonlinearity and the effective domains of
negative magnetic permeability.
Citation: Shadrivov, I. V., A. A. Zharov, N. A. Zharova, and Y. S. Kivshar (2005), Nonlinear left-handed metamaterials,
Radio Sci., 40, RS3S90, doi:10.1029/2004RS003191.

1. Introduction ing, inverse light pressure, reverse Doppler and Vavilov-

Cherenkov effects, etc.
[2] Recent theoretical studies [Pendry et al., 1996, [3] So far, most of the properties of left-handed mate-
1999; Markos and Soukoulis, 2002a, 2002b] and exper- rials were studied in the linear regime of wave propaga-
imental results [Smith et al., 2000; Bayindir et al., 2002; tion when both magnetic permeability and dielectric
Parazzoli et al., 2003] have shown the possibility of permittivity of the material are assumed to be indepen-
creating novel types of microstructured materials that dent on the intensity of the electromagnetic field. How-
demonstrate many intriguing properties such as negative ever, the future efforts in creating tunable structures
refraction. In particular, the composite materials created where the field intensity changes the transmission prop-
by arrays of wires and split-ring resonators were shown erties of the composite structure would require the study
to possess a negative real parts of the magnetic perme- of nonlinear properties of such metamaterials, which
ability and the dielectric permittivity for microwaves. may be quite unusual. In particular, the recently fabri-
These materials are often referred to as left-handed cated metamaterials are composed of a mesh of wires and
materials (LHMs) or materials with negative refraction. split-ring resonators (SRRs). The wires provide negative
Properties of the left-handed materials were analyzed dielectric permittivity, while SRRs give negative mag-
theoretically by Veselago [1967] a long time ago, but netic permeability. Metamaterials possess left-handed
such materials were demonstrated experimentally only properties only in some finite frequency range, which
very recently. As was shown by Veselago [1967], the is basically determined by the geometry of the structure.
left-handed materials possess a number of peculiar prop- The possibility to control the effective parameters of the
erties, including negative refraction for interface scatter- metamaterial using nonlinearity has recently been sug-
gested by Zharov et al. [2003] and Lapine et al. [2003].
Importantly, the microscopic electric field in the left-
1 handed structure can be much higher than the macro-
Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
scopic electric field carried by the propagating wave.
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, This provides a simple physical mechanism for enhanc-
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. ing nonlinear effects in left-handed materials.
[4] In this paper we present a brief overview of some
Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union. nonlinear properties of left-handed metamaterials for the
0048-6604/05/2004RS003191$11.00 example of a lattice of SRRs and wires with a nonlinear
RS3S90 1 of 10

dielectric. By means of the finite difference time domain capacitance (and therefore the SRR eigenfrequency)
(FDTD) simulations, we study the wave scattering by a depends on the strength of the local electric field in a
slab of a nonlinear composite structure. We also discuss narrow slot. The intensity of the local electric field in the
the structure of electromagnetic solitons supported by the SRR gap, Eg, depends on the electromotive force in the
nonlinear left-handed materials with hysteresis-type non- resonator loop, which is induced by the magnetic field.
linear response. We believe our findings may stimulate Therefore the effective magnetic permeability meff
the future experiments in this field, as well as the studies depends on the macroscopic (average) magnetic field
of nonlinear effects in photonic crystals, where the H, and this dependence can be found in the three-
phenomenon of negative refraction is analyzed now very dimensional case similar to the two-dimensional geom-
intensively [Luo et al., 2002a, 2002b]. etry discussed by Zharov et al. [2003],
F w2
2. Nonlinear Resonant Response meff ðHÞ ¼ 1 þ ; ð1Þ
w20NL ðHÞ  w2 ð1 þ F=3Þ þ iGw
[5] First, we extend the results of the original paper
[Zharov et al., 2003] and consider a three-dimensional where
composite structure in the form of a cubic lattice of  c 2 d
conducting wires and SRRs. The wires are placed at the w20NL ðHÞ ¼ h g i
edges of the cube, while SRRs are placed at its facets. a 2prw D jEg ðHÞj2
We assume that the unit cell size dcell of the structure is
much smaller than the wavelength of the propagating is the eigenfrequency of nonlinear oscillations, G =
electromagnetic field and, for simplicity, we choose the c 2 /4psar w is the dumping coefficient, F =
single-ring geometry of a lattice of SRRs. The results p2a3/2d3cell [ln(8a/rw)  7/4] is the filling factor, a is
obtained for this case are qualitatively similar to those the SRR radius, rw is the radius of the SRR wire, s is
obtained in more involved cases of double SRRs. This the conductivity of the wires, Eg is the strength of the
type of microstructured materials has recently been electric field in the SRR slit, c is the speed of light. It
suggested and built in order to create left-handed meta- is important to note that equation (1) has a simple
materials with negative refraction in the microwave physical interpretation: The resonant frequency of the
region [Smith et al., 2000]. artificial magnetic structure depends on the amplitude
[6] The negative real part of the effective dielectric of the external magnetic field and, in turn, this leads to
permittivity of such a composite structure appears be- the intensity-dependent function meff.
cause of the metallic wires whereas a negative sign of the [9] Figures 1 and 2 summarize different types of the
magnetic permeability becomes possible because of the nonlinear magnetic properties of the composite, which
SRR lattice. As a result, these materials demonstrate are defined by the dimensionless frequency of the
the properties of negative refraction in a finite frequency external field W = w/w0, for both focusing (Figures 1a,
range, that is, w0 < w < min(wp, wkm), where w0 is the 1b, 2a, and 2b) and defocusing (Figures 1c, 1d, 2c and
eigenfrequency of the SRRs, wkm is the frequency of the 2d) nonlinearity of the dielectric.
longitudinal magnetic plasmon, wp is the effective plasma [10] Because of high amplitude of the electric field in
frequency, and w is the angular frequency of the propa- the SRR slit as well as resonant interaction of the
gating electromagnetic waves, (E, H)  (E, H) electromagnetic field with the SRR lattice, nonlinear
exp(iwt). The SRR can be described as an effective effects in such structures can be enhanced dramatically.
LC oscillator [see, e.g., Gorkunov et al., 2002] with Moreover, the critical fields for switching between the
capacitance of the SRR gap, as well as an effective LH and RH states, shown in Figure 1 can be reduced to a
inductance and resistance. desirable value by choosing the frequency close to the
[7] We assume that only the slits of the SRRs are filled resonant frequency of SRRs. Even for a relatively large
with nonlinear dielectric with a permittivity that depends difference between the SRR eigenfrequency and the
on the intensity of the electric field jEj2 in a rather external frequency, as in Figure 1b where W = 0.8 (i.e.,
general form, D = D(jEj2). For the calculations pre- w = 0.8w0), the switching amplitude of the magnetic field
sented below, we take the dependence that corresponds is 0.03Ec. The characteristic values of the focusing
to the Kerr-type nonlinear response, D = l + ajEj2/E2c , nonlinearity can be estimated for some materials such as
where l is the linear part of the dielectric permittivity, n-InSb for which Ec = 200 V/cm [Belyantsev et al.,
Ec is a characteristic electric field strength, a = +1 for 1981]. As a result, the strength of the critical magnetic
focusing nonlinearity and a = 1 for defocusing field is found as Hc1 1.6 A/m. Strong defocusing
nonlinearity. properties for microwave frequencies are found in
[8] The nonlinear response of the composite material Ba xSr1 – xTiO3 [see Li et al., 2001, and references
comes from the lattice of resonators, since the SRR therein]. The critical nonlinear field of a thin film of this
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Figure 1. Real part of the effective magnetic permeability versus intensity of the magnetic field:
(a) W > 1, a = 1; (b) W < 1, a = 1, (c) W > 1, a = 1; and (d) W < 1, a = 1. Black curves represent
the lossless case (g = 0), and green curves represent the lossy case (g = 0.05). Dashed curves show
unstable branches. See color version of this figure in the HTML.

material is Ec = 4 104 V/cm, and the corresponding electromagnetic waves from the nonlinear metamaterial
field of the transition from the LH to RH state (see discussed above. In particular, we perform the FDTD
Figure 1c) can be found as Hc 55.4 A/m. numerical simulations of the plane wave interaction with
[11] The unique possibility of strongly enhanced ef- a slab of LHM of a finite thickness. We use Maxwell’s
fective nonlinearities in left-handed metamaterials equations in the form
revealed here may lead to an essential revision of the
concepts based on the linear theory, since the electro- 1 @B
r E¼
magnetic waves propagating in such materials always c @t
have a finite amplitude. At the same time, the engineer-
ing of nonlinear composite materials may open a number
1 @E 4p
of their novel applications such as frequency multipliers, r B¼ þ hji þ 4pr M; ð2Þ
beam spatial spectrum transformers, switchers, limiters, c @t c
etc. where hji is the current density averaged over the period
of the unit cell, and M is the magnetization of the
3. FDTD Simulations of Nonlinear metamaterial. We base our analysis on the microscopic
model recently discussed by Shadrivov et al. [2004], and
Transmission write the constitutive relations in the form
[12] In order to verify the specific features of the left-
d hji sS
handed metamaterials introduced by their nonlinear sLw S þ hji ¼ 2 E
response, in this section we study the scattering of dt dcell

3 of 10

Figure 2. Imaginary part of the effective magnetic permeability versus intensity of the magnetic
field for g = 0.05: (a) W > 1, a = 1; (b) W < 1, a = 1, (c) W > 1, a = 1; and (d) W < 1, a = 1.
Dashed curves show unstable branches.

nm 2 B with
M¼ pa IR ; ð3Þ
2c jBj  
C ðU Þ ¼ rw2 l 1 þ ajU j2 =Uc2 =4dg ;
where Lw is the inductance of the wire per unit length, S
is the effective cross section of a wire, S pr2w,p for d>
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where Uc is the characteristic nonlinear voltage, Uc =
rw, and S pd(2rw  d), for d < rw, where d = c/ 2psw Ec dg.
is the skin layer thickness, IR is the current in SRR, nm is [ 13 ] The microscopic magnetic field H 0 can be
concentration of SRRs. The current in SRRs is governed expressed in terms of M and B using the Lorenz-Lorentz
by the equation relation [Born and Wolf, 2002], assuming that the num-
dIR pa2 dH 0 ber of SRRs in the volume l3, where l denotes the
L ¼  U  RIR ; ð4Þ wavelength, is much greater than 1:
dt c dt
where L is inductance of the SRR, R is resistance of the 8p
SRR wire, U is the voltage on the SRR slit, and H0 is the H0 ¼ B  M: ð6Þ
acting (microscopic) magnetic field, which differs from
the average (macroscopic) magnetic field. Voltage U at
the slit of SRR is coupled to the current IR through the As a result, equations (2) – (6) form a closed system of
relation coupled equations, and they can be solved numerically
using, for example, the numerical FDTD method. We
also notice that, by substituting the harmonic fields into
dU these equations, we recover the expression for the
C ðU Þ ¼ IR ; ð5Þ
dt magnetic permeability (1).
4 of 10

a steady state independently of the sign of the nonline-

arity. Both reflection and transmission coefficients in the
stationary regime are shown in Figures 3 and 4 as
functions of the incident field amplitude, for both defo-
cusing and focusing nonlinear response of the dielectric
infilling the SRR slits. In the linear regime, the effective
parameters of the metamaterial at the frequency f0 are:
 = 1.33 – 0.01i and m = 1.27 – 0.3i; this allows
excellent impedance matching with surrounding air. The
scattering results in a vanishing reflection coefficient for
small incident intensities (see Figures 3 and 4).
[17] Reflection and transmission coefficients are qual-
itatively different for two different types of infilling
nonlinear dielectric. For the defocusing nonlinearity,
the reflection coefficient varies from low to high values
when the incident field exceeds some threshold value
Figure 3. Reflection (solid curve) and transmission (see Figure 3). Such a sharp transition can be explained
(dashed curve) coefficients for a slab of nonlinear in terms of the hysteresis behavior of the magnetic
metamaterial versus the incident field intensity in a permeability shown in Figure 1c. When the field ampli-
stationary regime for the case of defocusing nonlinearity tude in metamaterial becomes higher than the critical
(a = 1). Inset shows real (solid curve) and imaginary amplitude (shown by a dashed arrow in Figure 1c),
(dashed curve) parts of the magnetic permeability inside magnetic permeability changes its sign, and the meta-
the slab. See color version of this figure in the HTML. material becomes opaque. Our FDTD simulations show
that for overcritical amplitudes of the incident field, the
opaque region of positive magnetic permeability appears
[14] Our goal is to study the temporal dynamics of the inside the slab (see the inset in Figure 3). The magnetic
wave scattering by a finite slab of nonlinear metamate- permeability experiences an abrupt change at the bound-
rial. For simplicity, we consider a one-dimensional ary between the transparent and opaque regions. The
problem that describes the interaction of the plane wave dependencies shown in Figure 3 are obtained for the case
incident at the normal angle from air on a slab of when the incident field grows from zero to a steady state
metamaterial of a finite thickness. We consider two types
of nonlinear effects: (1) nonlinearity-induced suppression
of the wave transmission when initially transparent left-
handed material becomes opaque with the growth of the
input amplitude, and (2) nonlinearity-induced transpar-
ency when an opaque metamaterial becomes left-handed
(and therefore transparent) with the growth of the input
amplitude. The first case corresponds to the dependence
of the effective magnetic permeability on the external
field shown in Figures 1a and 2c, when initially negative
magnetic permeability (we consider  < 0 in all frequency
range) becomes positive with the growth of the magnetic
field intensity. The second case corresponds to the
dependence of the magnetic permeability on the external
field shown in Figure 1b.
[15] In all numerical simulations, we use linearly
growing amplitude of the incident field within the first
50 periods, that becomes constant afterward. The slab
thickness is selected as 1.3l0 where l0 is a free space Figure 4. Reflection (solid curve) and transmission
wavelength. For the parameters we have chosen, the (dashed curve) coefficients for a slab of nonlinear
metamaterial is left handed in the linear regime for the metamaterial versus the incident field intensity in a
frequency range from f1 = 5.787 GHz to f2 = 6.05 GHz. stationary regime for the focusing nonlinearity (a = 1).
[16] Our simulations show that for the incident wave Inset shows real (solid curve) and imaginary (dashed
with the frequency f0 = 5.9 GHz (i.e., inside the left- curve) parts of the magnetic permeability inside the slab.
handed transmission band), electromagnetic field reaches See color version of this figure in the HTML.
5 of 10

Figure 5. (a) Reflected (solid curve) and incident (dashed curve) wave intensity versus time for
small amplitudes of the incident wave (i.e., in the linear regime). (b, c) Distribution of the magnetic
and electric fields, respectively, at the end of simulation time; the metamaterial is shaded. See color
version of this figure in the HTML.

value. However, taking different temporal behavior of rial slab left handed and therefore transparent. More-
the incident wave, for example, increasing the amplitude over, one can expect the formation of self-focused
above the threshold value and then decreasing it to the localized states inside the composite, the effect which
steady state, one can get different values of the stationary was previously discussed for the interaction of the
reflection and transmission coefficients, and different intense electromagnetic waves with overdense plasma
distributions of the magnetic permeability inside the [Zauer and Gorbunov, 1977; Zharov and Kotov, 1984;
metamaterial slab. Such properties of the nonlinear Kochetov and Feigin, 1988]. Figure 5a shows the
metamaterial slab are consistent with the predicted multi- temporal evolution of the incident and reflected wave
valued dependence of the magnetic permeability on the intensities for small input intensities, this case corre-
amplitude of the magnetic field. sponds to the linear regime. The reflection coefficient
[18] In the case of focusing nonlinearity (see Figure 4), reaches a steady state after approximately 100 periods.
the dependence of the reflection and transmission coef- The spatial distribution of the electric and magnetic
ficients on the amplitude of the incident field is smooth. fields at the end of simulation time is shown in
This effect originates from a gradual detuning from the Figures 5b and 5c, respectively.
impedance matching condition, and, for higher powers, [20] In a weakly nonlinear overcritical regime (see
from the appearance of an opaque layer (see the inset Figure 6), the intensity of the reflected beam decreases
in Figure 4) with a positive value of the magnetic approaching a steady state. In this case we observe the
permeability that is a continuous function of the coordi- formation of a localized state inside the metamaterial slab
nate inside the slab. and near the interface, as can be seen more distinctly in
[19] Now we consider another interesting case when Figure 6c. This effect give an additional contribution to
initially opaque metamaterial becomes transparent with the absorption of the electromagnetic energy, thus lead-
the growth of the incident field amplitude. We take the ing to a decay of the value of the reflection coefficient.
frequency of the incident field to be f0 = 5.67 GHz, so [21] In a strongly nonlinear overcritical regime, we
that magnetic permeability is positive in the linear observe the effect of the dynamical self-modulation of
regime and the metamaterial is opaque. In the case of the reflected electromagnetic wave that results from the
self-focusing nonlinear response (a = 1), it is possible to periodic generation of the self-localized states inside the
switch the material properties to the regime with negative metamaterial (see Figure 7). Such localized states resem-
magnetic permeability (see Figure 1b) making the mate- ble temporal solitons, which transfer the energy away
6 of 10

Figure 6. Same as Figure 5 but in the regime of critical amplitude of the incident wave. See color
version of this figure in the HTML.

from the interface. Figure 7c shows an example when of the electric field derivative at the maximum of the
two localized states enter the metamaterial. These local- soliton intensity, and subsequent appearance of transpar-
ized states appear on the jumps of the magnetic perme- ent regions in the metamaterial. Unlike all previous
ability and, as a result, we observe a change of the sign cases, the field structure in this regime do not reach

Figure 7. Same as Figure 5 but in the regime of overcritical amplitude of the incident wave. See
color version of this figure in the HTML.
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Figure 8. Examples of different types of solitons: (a) fundamental soliton, (b) soliton with one
domain of negative magnetic permeability (shaded), (c) soliton with one domain of positive
magnetic permeability (shaded), and (d) soliton with two different domains (shaded). Insets in
Figures 8b and 8c show the magnified regions of the steep change of the magnetic field. See color
version of this figure in the HTML.

any steady state for high enough intensities of the coordinate. Different types of localized solutions of
incident field. equation (7) can be analyzed on the phase plane (H,
dH/dx) [see, e.g., Gil’denburg et al., 1983]. First, we find
the equilibrium points: the point (0, 0) existing for all
4. Electromagnetic Spatial Solitons parameters, and the point (0, H1), where H1 is found as a
[22] Similar to other nonlinear media [Kivshar and solution of the equation
Agrawal, 2003], nonlinear left-handed composite mate-  
rials can support self-trapped electromagnetic waves in X 2 ðH1 Þ ¼ Xeq
¼ W2 1 þ 2 : ð8Þ
the form of spatial solitons. Such solitons possess inter- ðg  eff Þ
esting properties because they exist in materials with a Below the threshold, that is, for g < gtr, where g2tr =
hysteresis-type (multistable) nonlinear magnetic re-  [1 + FW2/(1  W2)], the only equilibrium state (0, 0) is
sponse. Below, we describe novel and unique types of a saddle point, and therefore no finite amplitude or
single-hump and multihump (symmetric, antisymmetric, localized waves can exist. Above the threshold value,
or even asymmetric) backward wave spatial electro- that is, for g > gtr, the phase plane has three equilibrium
magnetic solitons supported by the nonlinear magnetic points, and a separatrix curve corresponds to a soliton
permeability. solution.
[23] Spatially localized transverse magnetic – polarized [24] In the vicinity of the equilibrium state (0, 0), linear
waves that are described by one component of the solutions of equation (7) describe either exponentially
magnetic field and two components of the electric field. growing or exponentially decaying modes. The equilib-
Monochromatic stationary waves with the magnetic field rium state (0, H1) describes a finite amplitude wave
component H = Hy propagating along the z axis and mode of the transverse electromagnetic field. In the
homogeneous in the y direction, [exp (iwt  ikz)], are region of multistability, the type of the phase trajectories
described by the dimensionless nonlinear Helmholtz is defined by the corresponding branch of the multi-
equation valued magnetic permeability. Correspondingly, different
d2H h 

i types of the spatial solitons appear when the phase
þ m eff jHj  g H ¼ 0; ð7Þ trajectories correspond to the different branches of the
nonlinear magnetic permeability.
where g = kc/w is a wave number, x = x0w/c is the [25] The fundamental soliton is described by the sep-
dimensionless coordinate, and x0 is the dimensional aratrix trajectory on the plane (H, dH/dx) that starts at the
8 of 10

point (0, 0), goes around the center point (0, H1), and and in such a system we can find dark solitons, that is,
then returns back; the corresponding soliton profile is localized dips on the finite amplitude background wave
shown in Figure 8a. More complex solitons are formed [Kivshar and Agrawal, 2003]. Similar to bright solitons,
when the magnetic permeability becomes multivalued there exist both fundamental dark solitons and dark
and is described by several branches. Then, soliton solitons with domains of different values of magnetic
solutions are obtained by switching between the separa- permeability. For self-defocusing nonlinearity and W < 1,
trix trajectories corresponding to different (upper and magnetic permeability is a single-valued function, and
lower) branches of magnetic permeability. Continuity of such a nonlinear response can support dark solitons as
the tangential components of the electric and magnetic well, whereas for self-focusing dielectric, we have W > 1
fields at the boundaries of the domains with different and no dark solitons can exist.
values of magnetic permeability implies that both H
and dH/dx should be continuous. As a result, the
transitions between different phase trajectories should
5. Conclusions
be continuous. [30] We have discussed novel properties of left-handed
[26] Figures 8b and 8c show several examples of the metamaterials associated with their nonlinear resonant
more complex solitons corresponding to a single jump to response. For the case of harmonic fields, we have
the lower branch of meff(H) (see Figure 1c) and to the calculated the effective magnetic permeability of micro-
upper branch of meff(H). The insets show the magnified structured materials consisting of rods and split-ring
domains of a steep change of the magnetic field. Both the resonators, and predicted the hysteresis-like dependence
magnetic field and its derivative, proportional to the of the nonlinear magnetic permeability as a function of
tangential component of the electric field, are continu- the applied magnetic field. Using the finite difference
ous. The shaded areas show the effective domains where time domain numerical simulations, we have studied the
the value of magnetic permeability changes. Figure 8d temporal dynamics of the wave reflection from a slab of
shows an example of more complicated multihump nonlinear metamaterial that is found to be consistent with
soliton which includes two domains of the effective our theory. Finally, we have predicted the existence of
magnetic permeability, one described by the lower electromagnetic spatial solitons supported by the hyster-
branch, and the other one by the upper branch. In a esis-type nonlinear magnetic permeability of a left-
similar way, we can find more complicated solitons with handed material.
different number of domains of the effective magnetic
[27] We note that some of the phase trajectories have [31] Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by
discontinuity of the derivative at H = 0 caused by infinite the Australian Research Council and the Australian National
values of the magnetic permeability at the corresponding University. A.A.Z. acknowledges support from the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (grant 05-02-16357).
branch of meff(H). Such a nonphysical effect is an artifact
of the lossless model of a left-handed nonlinear compos-
ite considered here for the analysis of the soliton
solutions. In more realistic models that include losses,
the region of multistability does not extend to the point Bayindir, M., K. Aydin, E. Ozbay, P. Markos, and C. M.
H = 0, and in this limit the magnetic permeability Soukoulis (2002), Transmission properties of composite me-
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