IQAC Criteria 2 - 2019

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Criteria 2- Teaching- Learning and Evaluation

Metric No. heading of the question

Key Indicator- 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
Average percentage of students from other States and
2.1.1 Countries during the last five years

Number of students from other states and countries year

wise during last five years

2.1.2. Average Enrolment percentage (Average of last five years)

Number of students admitted year wise during last five years Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years
Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved
2.1.3. for various categories as per applicable reservation policy
during last five years

Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years
Key Indicator- 2.2. Catering to Student Diversity
The institution assesses the learning levels of the students,
2.2.1. after admission and organises special Programmes for
advanced learners and slow learners

Beginning of the semester,we conducted Bridge course for I sem B.Sc students to assess their knowle
Slow learners andadvanced learners are identifed through academc performance and involvement in

classes and extra classes,providing notes for students.

order to improve their performance in the university exams. c)E
topics,revise the complicated topics as per the students request,providing question papers with schem
the exam to score marks. Adv
coaching classes to get university ranks and centum in the subject.
participate in National conferences organized by various institutions to acquire knowledge in various

2.2.2. Student- Full time teacher ratio (current year data)

Percentage of differently abled students (Divyangjan) on

rolls (current year data) Number of differently abled students on rolls
Key Indicator- 2.3. Teaching- Learning Process
Student centric methods, such as experiential learning,
2.3.1. participative learning and problem solving methodologies
are used for enhancing learning experiences

i. The department has implemented certificate course, add-on course & minor projects for students to
ii.Conducting seminars & workshops by eminant speakers.
iii. Students are motivated to attent & participate in various activities like model making, poster prese
Learning by visits to industries, research labs etc.

Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching

2.3.2. with Learning Management Systems (LMS), E-Learning
resources etc.(current year data)

2015-16 : - 20%
2016-17:- 40%
2017-18:- 40% Number of teachers using ICT

2015-16 : - 01
2016-17:- 02
18:- 04

Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related

issues (current year data)

2015-16 : - 1: 30
2016-17:- 1: 40
2017-18:- 1: 40

2.3.4. Innovation and Creativity in teaching- learning

We are following some of the innovative methods to improve the standard of teachi
tallying it with the teaching diary , which is useful for better teaching & students learning through the
Innovative methods are
i. Use of teaching aids like OHP , LCD, models & charts.
ii. Use of internet
iii. Conducting seminars, workshop & add-on courses for students from eminent p
iv. Model making, poster presentation & power point presentation on subject rel
v. Encouraging students to prepare n subject topics to face inter-college competitio

The college organizes seminars & workshops by eminent speakers for t

encouraged to attend workshops, seminars organized by various institutes.

Key Indicator- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

Average percentage of full time teachers against

sanctioned posts during the last five years

Number of full-time teachers Number of sanctioned posts

2015-16 : - 05

2016-17:- 05 2016-17:- 05
2017-18:- 10 2017-18:- 10

Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D.

during the last five years

Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. year wise during the last five years
Teaching experience of full time teachers in number of
years(current year data)

Total experience of full-time teachers

Name Year of teaching experience

Prasanna Kumar S G 20
Mrs. Malini M R 16
Mr. Surendra A S 15
Ms.Roopashree B N 4
Ms. Nalina R 2
Ms. Amreen Khanam 1 year 6 months
Ramya Kumari B S 12

Percentage of full time teachers who received awards,

recognition, fellowship at State, National, International
level from government, recognised bodies during last five
Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state/
national/ international level from Government recognised bodies year wise during last five years

Average percentage of full time teachers from other States

against sanctioned posts during the last five years

Number of full time teachers from other states year wise during last five years
Key Indicator- 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms
Reforms in Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) System
at the Institutional level

Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and

robust in terms of frequency and variety

Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is

transparent, time- bound and efficient
The Institution adheres to the academic calendar for the
conduct of CIE
Key Indicator- 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Ou

Programme outcomes, Programme specific outcomes and

course outcomes for all Programme offered by the
institution are stated and displayed on website and
communicated to teachers and students.

Attainment of Programme outcomes, Programme specific

2.6.2. outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the

2.6.3. Average pass percentage of Students (Current year data)

Total number of final year students who passed the university examination

Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination
Key Indicator- 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey
Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching
learning process
earning and Evaluation
Data Requirement for last five years : File Description (Upload)
ator- 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile

Any additional information

List of students (other states and
No. of Students enrolled from other states and countries)
countries Institutional data in prescribed format
Total number of Students enrolled (Data Template)

Total number of Students admitted Any additional information

Total number of Sanctioned seats Institutional data in prescribed format

Number of Students admitted from the reserved

category Any additional information
Total number of seats earmarked for reserved Average percentage of seats filled
category as per GOI or State government rule against seats reserved (Data Template)
ator- 2.2. Catering to Student Diversity

Upload a description in maximum of 500 words

Past link for additional Information
Upload any additional information
ourse for I sem B.Sc students to assess their knowledge and skills in the subject.
hrough academc performance and involvement in the class.
Slow learners:- a)Conducting remedial
nts. b)Such students are given regular class tests in
ty exams. c)Extra classes are conducted to clarify
dents request,providing question papers with scheme and discuss the way of presenting answers in
Advanced learners:- a)Conducting special
m in the subject. b)Students are encouraged to attend and
arious institutions to acquire knowledge in various fields

Total number of Students enrolled in the Institution Institutional data in prescribed format
Total number of full time teachers in the Institution Any additional information
List of students(differently abled)
Any other document submitted by the
Institution to a Government agency
giving this information
Total number of differently abled students on roll in Any additional information
the institution Institutional data in prescribed format
Total number of students on roll in the institution (Data Template)
cator- 2.3. Teaching- Learning Process

Upload any additional information

Link for additional information

rse, add-on course & minor projects for students to enhance the practical skills.
n various activities like model making, poster presentation, quiz competition etc. organized by the

Upload any additional information

Provide link for webpage describing the
Number of teachers using ICT (LMS, e- resources) “LMS/ Academic management system”
Number of teachers on roll Upload list of teachers (using ICT for
ICT tools and resources available teaching) based on the Data Template


Upload year wise list of number of

students, full time teachers and
Number of students assigned to each Mentor mentor/mentee ratio

Any additional information

novative methods to improve the standard of teaching. It includes preparation of lesson plan &
for better teaching & students learning through the teaching plan.

HP , LCD, models & charts.

shop & add-on courses for students from eminent personalities.

sentation & power point presentation on subject related topics.
are n subject topics to face inter-college competition leading to the winning of prizes.

es seminars & workshops by eminent speakers for the benefit of thefaculty. They are also
ed by various institutes.

icator- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

Year wise full time teachers and

sanctioned posts for 5years(Data
Any additional information
Number of full time teachers List of the faculty members
Number of sanctioned
Number posts
of sanctioned posts authenticated by the Head of HEI
015-16 : - 05 2015-16 : - 05

2016-17:- 05
2017-18:- 10

Any additional information

List of number of full time teachers
Number of full time teachers in Ph. D with Ph. D. and number of full time
Total number of full time teachers teachers for 5 years (Data Template)

Any additional information

List of Teachers including their PAN,
Name and Number of full time teachers with years of designation, dept and experience
teaching experiences details(Data Template)

Year of teaching experience Mr.

1 year 6 months
Institution data in prescribed format
(Data Template)
Number of full time teachers receiving awards Any additional information
from State, National, International level e-copies of award letters (scanned or
Number of full time teachers softcopy)

List of full time teachers from other

states and state from which
qualifying degree was obtained (Data
Number of full time teachers from other states Template)
Total number of sanctioned posts Any additional information
tor- 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms

Any additional information

Link for additional information

Any additional information

Link for additional information

Any additional information

Link for additional information
Any additional information
Link for additional information
6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome

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Past link for Additional information
Upload COs for all courses (exemplars from

Upload any additional information

Paste link for Additional information

Programme code
Name of the Programme Upload list of Programmes and number
of students passed and appeared in the
Number of Student appeared final year examination (Data Template)
Number of Students passed Upload any additional information
Pass percentage Paste link for the annual report
icator- 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey
Student Id Number/Adhar Id number
Mobile number Upload any additional information
Email Id Upload database of all currently
Degree Programme enrolled students (Data Template)

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