Criterion 01 - 2023

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Criterion 01

“Curricular Aspects”

NAAC Revised Accreditation Framework - 2023

Total Weightage 100

Key indicators 04

Metrics 06
Overview of
Quantitative metrics 04

Qualitative metrics 02
Criterion 01

KI Key Indicators Weightage No. of QnMs No. of QlMs

1.1 Curricular Planning and 20 - 01
1.2 Academic Flexibility 30 02 -
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 30 01 01
1.4 Feedback System 20 01 -
Total 100 04 02
Key Indicator – 1.1
Curricular Planning and Implementation (20)
1.1.1: The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery
through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar
and conduct of continuous internal Assessment.
(QlM – 20)

Write description in a maximum of 500 words

Functions Required Documents
• Preparation and Monitoring of lesson plans and CoE • Lesson plans and work dairies
• Preparation of Semester timetable and effective • University and College CoEs
implementation • Semester wise timetables
• Conduct of IAs in regular intervals • Statement of Internal marks
• Regular meeting of teaching staff smooth conduct of • Minutes of Meetings of IQAC/Examination
academic activities Committees.
• Hyperlink: SQAC CoE
Key Indicator – 1.2
Academic Flexibility (30)
1.2.1: Number of Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses
of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. where the students of the institution have
enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years)
(QnM – 15) Number of Add on /Certificate /Value added programs offered and online MOOC programs like
SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. during the last five years:__________
Year 1
Name of Add on /Certificate /Value added Number of Students
programs offered and online MOOC programs No. of times offered Number of students completing the course
like SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. programs offered Course Code (if any) Year of offering during the same year Duration of course enrolled in the year in the year

Same template for 1.2.2

Functions Required Documents

• Conduct of Add on/ Certificate Programmes based • Details of Board of Studies
on present requirement of the students and • Syllabus of Add on/ Certificate Courses
industry • Attendance/Test papers/marks list and
• Minimum 30 Hours selected Certificates
• Circulars / Invitations/Resource person
profile/Report/Geo tagged photos
1.2.1 Benchmark
1.2.2: Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added
programs and also completed online MOOCs programs like SWAYAM, NPTEL against the total number of students during the last five years
(QnM – 15) Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs and also completed online
MOOC programs like SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. year wise during last five years


Year 1
Name of Add on /Certificate /Value added Number of Students
programs offered and online MOOC programs No. of times offered Number of students completing the course
like SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. programs offered Course Code (if any) Year of offering during the same year Duration of course enrolled in the year in the year
1.2.2 Benchmark
Key Indicator – 1.3
Curriculum Enrichment (30)
1.3.1: Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional
Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in
transacting the Curriculum
(QlM – 10)

Write description in a maximum of 500 words

Functions Required Documents

• Identification of cross cutting related topics • University syllabus
covered in curriculum • List of covered topics
• Conduct of activities related to identified topics • Reports/Geo tagged photos
(Essay writing, Debate, Quiz, Seminar)
1.3.2: Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/
internships (Data for the latest completed academic year)
(QnM – 20) Number of students undertaking project work/field work /internships:_____

Required Documents

• List of students undertaking the field projects / internship program-wise in the last completed
academic year along with the details of title, place of work etc.
• Internship completion certificate
• Sample Reports/ Photographs/Sample Reports/Permission Letters
1.3.2 Benchmark
Key Indicator – 1.4
Feedback System (20)
1.4.1: Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of
the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers,
Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on
institutional website
(QnM – 20)
A. Feedback collected, analysed, action taken& communicated to the relevant bodies and feedback hosted on the
institutional website
B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken and communicated to the relevant bodies
C. Feedback collected and analysed
D. Feedback collected
E. Feedback not collected
Functions Required Documents
• Collection of Feedback on academic performance and ambience of • Sample filled Feedback forms
the institution from stated stakeholders. • Analysis and action taken reports
• Analyse the collected feedback and necessary actions to be taken. on HEI website
• Communicate the same to concerned authorities.
• Upload the action taken on HEI website.
1.4.1 Benchmark
State Quality Assurance Cell
Office of the Commissioner
Thank you Department of Collegiate Education
Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru – 560001

Phone: 080 – 22223902 Email: [email protected]

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