Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering 1 Year Ee Ee-Department Ee-131 Sheet:2

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Alexandria University MODERN PHYSICS

Faculty of Engineering 1st YEAR EE

EE-Department EE-131 SHEET:2


1- What is the quantum energy of a visible photon of wavelength

6000A0 ?

2- A 1000 A0 photon strikes a copper target and release a photo

electron from the surface, the photoelectron moving in the
opposite direction to the incident photon. Assume that
essentially all photon energy is given to the electron and that
the binding energy of an electron to a copper surface is 4.5 eV.
a) Calculate the max. velocity of the released electrons.
b) Using the conservation of momentum law, find the momentum
imparted to the target.
c) If the target has a mass of 100 gm, calculate the fraction of
the photon energy given to the target.“ This justifies our
original assumption that in the photoelectric effect practically
all the photon energy is transformed to the electron”.

3- A 1 A0 photon is incident upon a hydrogen atom initially at rest.

the photon gives essentially all its energy to the bound electron
thus releasing it from the atom (binding energy=13.6 eV).The
released electron moves in the same direction as that of the
incident photon.
a) Find the kinetic energy and velocity of the photoelectron.
b) What is the momentum and the energy of the positive recoil

4- When a copper surface is illuminated by the radiation of

wavelength 2537 A0 (from mercury arc) the value of the stopping
potential is found to be 0.24 volts. Calculate the threshold
wavelength for copper. If Em=11.2 eV find the work done in taking
an electron through the surface of the copper.

5- The kinetic energy of photoelectrons range from zero to 4*10-19J

when light of wavelength 3000 A0 falls on a surface.
a)What is the stopping potential for this light ?
b)What is the threshold wavelength for the material ?
6- Potassium is illuminated with UV-light of wavelength 2500 A0. If
the work function of potassium is 2.21 eV , what is the maximum
kinetic energy of the emitted electrons ?If the UV-light has an
intensity of 2w/m2,calculate the rate of electron emission per/m2.
Calculate also the photo emission current density in ( mA/cm2 )
from the surface.

7- A surface is irradiated with a light of wavelength λ1=5461 A0

giving rise to photoelectrons with the stopping potential is V1
=0.19v.When radiation of wavelength λ2=1849 A0 is incident on
the same surface, the stopping potential V2=4.63v.Evaluate
Plank’s constant if e=1.6*10-19cb.Calculate the work function and
threshold frequency for the surface.
8- The smallest angle of Bragg Scattering in potasium chloride (KCl) is
24.8o for 0.3nm X-rays. Find the distance between atomic planes in
potasium chloride.
9- The distance between adjacent atomic planes in calcite (CaCO3) is
0.3nm. Find the smallest angle of Bragg scattering for 0.03nm X-
10- In a Compton-effect experiment in which the incident X-rays
have a wavelength of 10.0 pm, the scattered X-rays at a certain
angle have a wavelength of 10.5 pm. Find the momentum
(magmitude and direction) of the correspoding recoil electrons.
11- Find the de Broglie wavelength of i – an electron whose speed is
1.0x108 m/s and ii – an electron whose speed is twice as much.
12- The phase velocity of ocean waves is gλ / 2π , where g is the
accelerationof gravity. Find the group velocity of ocean waves.
13- A beam of neutrons that emerges from a nuclear reactor contains
neutrons with variety of energies. To obtain neutrons with an energy
of 0.05 eV, the beam is passed through a crystal whose atomic
planes are 0.2 nm apart. At what angle relative to the original beam
will the desired neutrons be diffracted?
14- i - Derive a relativistically correct formula that gives the de Broglie
wavelength of a charged particle in terms of the potential difference
V through which it has been accelerated. ii – What is the
nonrelativistic approximation of this formula, valid for eV << moC2?
Dr. Mohamed El-Banna

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