The Second Demonstration Against Ahok: Name: Shafira Adhelia NIM: 1420302179 Class: 5

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Name : Shafira Adhelia

NIM : 1420302179
Class : 5

The Second Demonstration Against Ahok

Lately in Indonesia, the blasphemy case that is committed by Jakarta Governor

Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama, becomes a debate in society. Besides, the case
exactly becomes a national issue in Indonesia. As a result, there are demonstrations
against Ahok on November 4th. Even so, it has not represented the anger of people,
especially Moslem, against Ahok. The conservative Islamic groups decide to conduct
another demonstration on December 2nd. Police have given the permission to
conservative Islamic groups and they will guard the rally on that day. Although many
sides still refuse it, demonstration on December 2nd will still be held.
Demonstration on December 2nd is the continuance of the demonstration by
conservative Islamic groups on November 4th. This event will be done for the second
times because the conservative Islamic groups still feel unsatisfied with the results of
the previous demonstration. They still blame Ahok on allegations of blasphemy, even
though police have named him as a suspect in the case. The second demonstration
shows that the blasphemy by Ahok becomes a very big problem. Demonstration is not
a bad thing, but it should not be done for the second times. Actually, the blasphemy
case by Ahok can be resolved without doing a massive demonstrations. In addition,
this case is getting worse if the second demonstration still be held.
What makes the demonstration will still be held is because the police have
given the permission to conservative Islamic groups to do the demonstration. That is
why they feel confident to do the demonstration against Ahok. It is probable that the
police do not forbid the demonstration because they want to give an opportunity to the
public to express their opinions and anger against Ahok. Even so, it still becomes a
question for public why the police give the permission to conservative Islamic groups
to do the demonstration on December 2nd. As we know, the demonstration on
November 4th give harms to public. For example is it caused a congestion not only in
Jakarta, but also in several cities in Indonesia. I personally think the police should not
give them the permission to do demonstration on December 2nd.
Besides, the demonstration will be held on Friday, the same as the
demonstration on November 4th, because it is a holy day for Moslem. In that case,
Moslem must do prayers. Conservative Islamic groups insist they will do prayers
along Jl. MH. Thamrin and Jl. Sudirman, but it has been banned by the police. At the
first, police ask the groups to do prayers at Istiqlal Grand Mosque, but they refuse it.
They finally agreed to do prayers at the National Monument (Monas). While I think
the conservative Islamic groups should agree what is requested by the police, instead
of denying it. That means the conservative Islamic groups do not respect the police’s
In conclusion, although there are still many pros and cons of the
demonstration on December 2nd, it will still be held. People still feel unsatisfied to
express their anger because of the allegations of blasphemy by Ahok. Yet it is clear
that Ahok has been named to be a suspect in this case. As explained above, the police
and conservative Islamic groups agree that the demonstration will be held on Friday.
Moreover, the police will guard the rally. Thus, the demonstration on December 2nd is
expected will be held well. In addition, this demonstration is also expected to be the
last demonstration for people to express their opinions and anger against Ahok.

Police give go-ahead for large-scale rally on Dec. 2.
large- scale-rally-on-dec-2.html (Retrieved on December 12nd, 2016)

Mustaqim, Akhmad. Begini Rencana Demo FPI 2 Desember 2016.
fpi-2- desember-2016 (Retrieved on December 15th, 2016)

Baskoro, Rangga. Munarman: Demonstrasi 2 Desember Bukan Unjuk Rasa Biasa.
desember-bukan-unjuk-rasa-biasa (Retrieved on December 15th, 2016)

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