Factors Affecting The Activity of Pyruvate Kinase of Acetobacter Xylinum

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Biochem. J.

(1969) 112, 631 631

Printed in Great Britain

Factors Affecting the Activity of Pyruvate Kinase

of Acetobacter xylinum
Laboratory of Organic and Biological Chemi8try, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel
(Received 12 November 1968)

1. Extracts of Acetobacter xylinum were found to contain the glycolytic enzymes

involved in the conversion of triose phosphate into pyruvate. Pyruvate kinase had
the lowest relative activity. Phosphofructokinase activity was not detected in the
extracts. 2. Only slight differences in the activity of pyruvate kinase were observed
between cells grown on glucose and those grown on intermediates of the tricarboxylic
acid cycle. 3. Pyruvate kinase, partially purified from ultrasonic extracts by
ammonium sulphate fractionation, required Mg2+ ions for activity. It was not
activated by K+ or NH4+ ions. 4. The plots representing the relationship between
initial velocity and phosphoenolpyruvate concentration were sigmoidal, suggesting
a co-operative effect for phosphoenolpyruvate. The Hill coefficient (n) for phospho-
enolpyruvate was 2. The rate of the reaction changed with increasing ADP
concentrations according to normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 5. The enzyme
was inhibited by ATP (Ki 0 9 x 10-3M). The inhibition was competitive with regard
to ADP but not with regard to phosphoenolpyruvate. It was not relieved by
excess of Mg2+ ions. 6. The possible relationship of the properties of pyruvate
kinase to regulatory mechanisms for controlling gluconeogenesis and carbohydrate
oxidation in A. xylinum is discussed.

The pyruvate kinase (EC reaction wasteful cycle, there should be some mechanism to
has been postulated as one of the control points control the opposing enzymic activities involved in
for the pathways of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis the interconversion of PEP and pyruvate.
(Newsholme & Gevers, 1967). The conversion of The present paper describes some properties of
carbohydrates into pyruvate, with the pyruvate the pyruvate kinase of A. xylinum, especially with
kinase reaction as its final step, differs in Acetobacter regard to possible regulatory mechanisms for
xylinum from that in mammalian and yeast systems controlling gluconeogenesis and carbohydrate oxida-
in that it involves only a segment of the glycolytic tion in this organism.
pathway, namely the oxidation of triose phosphate, A preliminary report of this work has been
formed from the sugars in the pentose phosphate published (Benziman, 1968).
cycle, via phosphoglyceric acids (Schramm, Gromet
& Hestrin, 1957a). Phosphofructokinase (EC, generally believed to be a regulatory METHODS AND MATERIALS
enzyme for glycolysis, could not be detected in Cells. Succinate-grown cells of A. xylinum were grown
A. xylinum (Gromet, Schramm & Hestrin, 1957). and harvested as described by Benziman & Burger-
Gluconeogenesis in this organism, in the form of Rachamimov (1962). Glucose-grown cells were obtained
cellulose synthesis from tricarboxylic acid-cycle by the procedure of Schramm, Gromet & Hestrin (1957b).
intermediates, differs from that in mammalian, Cell-free extracts. Cells were suspended to a final con-
avian, yeast and some bacterial systems (Wood & centration of 30mg. dry wt./ml. in 50mM-tris-H2S04
Utter, 1965) in that it involves the irreversible buffer, pH7-5, containing 5mM-EDTA and 1mM-MgC90.
direct phosphorylation of pyruvate by ATP Portions (15ml.) of this suspension were treated in a
Raytheon model DF101 magnetorestrictive oscillator at
catalysed by PEP* synthase, a soluble enzyme 200w and lOkcyc./sec. for 5min. The cap was cooled with
(Benziman, 1966; cf. Cooper & Kornberg, 1965). ice-water during the ultrasonic period. The ultrasonic
Since the coupling of this reaction with the pyruvate extract was centrifuged at 9000 g for 15 min. in the cold and
kinase reaction would result in an energetically the precipitate was discarded. The supernatant was
* Abbreviation: PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate. centrifuged in a Spinco model L preparative ultracentrifuge
632 M. BENZIMAN 1969
at 105000g for 90min. at 00. Solid (NH4)2SO4 to 40% kinase, 3-phosphoglycerate kinase, glyceraldehyde 3-
saturation was added in the cold to the high-speed- phosphate dehydrogenase, enolase and lactate dehydro-
supernatant fraction (containing 8-12mg. of protein/ml.). genase were purchased from C. F. Boehringer und Soehne
The salt was added slowly with stirring, and precipitation G.m.b.H., Mannheim, Germany. Glyceraldehyde 3-
was allowed for 15min. before centrifugation at 15000g phosphate, fructose 1,6-diphosphate and p-hydroxy-
for 15min. The precipitate was discarded. To the super- mercuribenzoate were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co.,
natant solution a further amount of (NH4)2SO4 was added St Louis, Mo., U.S.A., and GDP and GTP from Pabst
to give 45% saturation, and the suspension was again left Laboratories, Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. Acetyl-CoA was
to stand for 15min. and then centrifuged. The precipitate prepared from acetic anhydride and CoA by the method of
was dissolved in one-third of the original volume of 0-05M- Stadtman (1957). Acetyl phosphate was prepared as the
tris-H2SO4 buffer containing 5 mM-EDTA and 1 mM-MgCI2. dilithium salt by the method of Stadtman & Lipmann (1950).
The specific activity of pyruvate kinase in this fraction was
12 times that of the crude extract. Unless stated otherwise,
enzyme partially purified in this manner from succinate- RESULTS
grown cells was used. When stored frozen it retained most All the experiments reported here were carried
of its activity over a period of 1-2 weeks. For certain
experiments this fraction was dialysed overnight against out with both glucose-grown and succinate-grown
3000vol. of the above buffer. cells. No significant differences in the quantity or
Enzyme as8ay8. Enzyme assays that involved the the properties of the enzymes studied were observed
measurement of extinction changes were carried out at between the two types of cells.
room temperature (about 22°) in cuvettes of 1 cm. light-path Activity of pyruvate kinase relative to the activities
and 1-2ml. capacity with a Zeiss spectrophotometer or a of other glycolytic enzymes. Extracts of A. xylinum
Gilford automatic recording attachment for the Beckman were found to contain the glycolytic enzymes
DU spectrophotometer. involved in the conversion of triose phosphate into
Pyruvate kinase activity was assayed by measuring the pyruvate. The activities of the various enzymes are
decrease in E340 concomitant with the oxidation of NADH shown in Table 1. The activity of pyruvate kinase
in the coupled reaction with the lactate dehydrogenase was
(EC system. The complete assay system consisted much lower than that of any other enzyme in
of: 100mM-tris-H2SO4 buffer, pH7-5, 20mM-MgCl2, this pathway, and was of the same order as the
0 15 mM-NADH, 2 units of lactate dehydrogenase, amounts overall rate of the conversion of phosphoglycerate
of PEP and ADP as indicated in the text, enzyme and water into pyruvate.
to a final volume of 1 0ml. NADH was omitted from the Stoicheiometry. The stoicheiometry expected for
blank cuvette. The reaction was started by the addition of the pyruvate kinase reaction was observed
PEP. (0.66,umole of PEP and 0 72,umole of ADP were
For assay of the enzyme in crude extracts, the lactate utilized, and 0 60,umole of pyruvate and 0-68,umole
dehydrogenase and NADH were omitted and the pyruvate of ATP were formed by 1mg. of protein of the
formed was determined, after termination of the reaction, purified enzyme, in 10min. at
as described under 'Analytical methods' below. 300).
Other enzymes tested were assayed by measuring the Optimum pH and cation requirements. The
oxidation of NADH in the following coupled assay systems: partially purified pyruvate kinase, assayed by the
(a) for glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC spectrophotometric procedure with saturating 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (EC, ATP and concentrations of PEP (6mm) and ADP (8mM),
3-phosphoglycerate; (b) for 3-phosphoglycerate kinase: exhibited optimum pH 6'8-7-2 in tris-maleate
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ATP and buffer. Unlike the pyruvate kinase from yeast,
3-phosphoglycerate; (c) for phosphoglyceromutase (EC enolase (EC, pyruvate kinase, lactate
dehydrogenase, 3-phosphoglycerate and ADP; (d) for
enolase: pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, 2- Table 1. Activities of glycolytic enzymes
phosphoglycerate and ADP. The conversion of 3-phos- in A. xylinum
phoglycerate into pyruvate was determined by following
the rate of pyruvate formation, as described by White & Assays were carried out with the crude extract froni
Wang (1964). glucose-grown cells after high-speed centrifugation, as
Analytical methods. Protein was determined by the described in the Methods and Materials section.
method of Lowry, Rosebrough, Farr & Randall (1951) with
crystalline bovine serum albumin as standard. Pyruvate Activity
was determined either colorimetrically by the method of (4moles/hr./mg.
Friedemann & Haugen (1943) as modified by Kornberg & Enzyme reaction of protein)
Morris (1965), or enzymically with lactate dehydrogenase. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 3-60
Oxaloacetate, PEP, ADP and ATP were determined as dehydrogenase
previously described (Benziman & Abeliovitz, 1964; 3-Phosphoglycerate kinase 900
Benziman, 1966). Phosphoglycerate mutase 1-20
Chemicals. ADP, ATP, AMP, NAD, PEP (tricyclohexyl- Enolase 3 00
ammonium salt), sodium pyruvate, oxaloacetic acid, Pyruvate kinase 033
glucose 6-phosphate, CoA, 2-phosphoglycerate, pyruvate 3-Phosphoglycerate -* pyruvate 0-36
0 35 r 1-6




;b 0-

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Concn. of PEP (mM)
Fig. 1. Effect of PEP concentration on pyruvate kinase
activity, assayed spectrophotometrically as described in
the Methods and Materials section with 0-4mg. of protein,
4mM-ADP and PEP concentrations as indicated. The v
values are expressed as AE340/min.

-I0-0 8-06-04-0.-2 0 0.2 0-4 0-6 0-8 1-0

animals and plants (Boyer, 1962; Miller & Evans,
1957) the A. xylinum enzyme was not activated by log [Concn. of PEP (mM)]
K+ or NH4+ ions. Addition of these ions did not Fig. 2. PEP co-operativity in the pyruvate kinase reaction:
increase the activity of an extensively dialysed Hill plot of the data shown in Fig. 1. Vmax. was deter-
enzyme preparation when a similarly dialysed mined from the reciprocal plot of velocity versus PEP
lactate dehydrogenase preparation was used for the concentration.
assay procedure.
Mg2+ ions were essential for pyruvate kinase
activity, maximum enzyme activity being observed the upper part of the curve a Hill coefficient of 2
at 20mM-Mg2+. Of the various bivalent cations was calculated, suggesting a multipoint activation
tested only Mn2+ ions showed some activation of of the co-operative type.
the enzyme (30% of that of Mg2+ ions at 10mM Effect of ADP concentration. The rate-concentra-
concentration). tion data with ADP as the variable substrate
Effect of PEP concentration. Fig. 1 shows the yielded a Michaelis-Menten hyperbola (Fig. 3).
plot of enzyme activity as a function of the con- The apparent Km for ADP calculated from the
centration of PEP. The activity was very low with Lineweaver-Burk plot was 1-54 x 10-3M. The
concentrations of PEP below about 0-5mM, and affinity of the enzyme for ADP did not change with
increased abruptly above this concentration. the concentration of PEP in the range 2-6mM.
The Lineweaver-Burk plot for PEP (the inset Unlike the pyruvate kinase from rat liver (Tanaka,
in Fig. 1) is a second-order curve rather than a Harano, Sue & Morimura, 1967), the A. xylinum
straight line as expected from the sigmoidal rate- enzyme was not inhibited by excess of ADP up to a
concentration curve. The apparent Km for PEP concentration of 16mM.
was 1-7 x 10-3M and did not vary with changes in Effect of ATP on pyruvate kinaae activity. ATP, a
the concentration of ADP in the range 2-16mM. product of the reaction, was found to inhibit the
The saturation kinetics of the enzyme for PEP pyruvate kinase activity. The inhibition appeared
suggests that there is a co-operative effect in the to be competitive with ADP, and a K, value of
binding of more than one PEP molecule to the 0-9 x 10-3M was computed from Dixon and
enzyme. Fig. 2 shows the Hill plot for PEP cal- Lineweaver-Burk plots (Figs. 4 and 5). Thus, in
culated from the rate-concentration data by the the presence of 2mM-ATP, the apparent Km for
procedure of Monod, Changeux & Jacob (1963). ADP increased 3-5-fold. On the other hand the
Two parts of the curve could be distinguished, addition of inhibitory amounts of ATP did not
which point to a change in the binding mechanism change the sigmoidal shape of the rate-concentra-
at higher PEP concentrations. From the slope of tion curve with regard to PEP.
634 M. BENZIMAN 1969
0 05

-5 00
." 003

cd 0.02


eC 0 01

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Concn. of ADP (mm)
Fig. 3. Effect of ADP concentration on pyruvate kinase
activity, assayed spectrophotometrically as described in the -08 -04 0 04 08 2 6 20
Methods and Materials section with 0-25mg. of protein, 1/[ADP] (mM-)
2mM-PEP and ADP concentrations as indicated.
Fig. 5. Effect of ATP concentration on pyruvate kinase
activity, assayed spectrophotometrically as described in
the Methods and Materials section with 0-4mg. of protein,
3mM-PEP and ADP concentrations as indicated. *, No
50 added ATP; 0, I mM-ATP; x, 2mM-ATP.
K; (ATP) = 9.5 x 10-4M
inhibited enzyme preparation. The shape of the
substrate-saturation curve of the treated enzyme did
not, however, differ significantly from that of the
untreated enzyme.
Effect of other metaboliteB. Unlike the pyruvate
kinases from liver (Weber, Lea, Convery & Stamm,
1967), E8cherichia coli (Maeba & Sanwal, 1968) and
yeast (Hess, Haeckel & Brand, 1966), the A.
2 3 xylinum enzyme was not affected by fructose
Concn. of ATP (mM) 1,6-diphosphate (1-10mM) even at low concentra-
tions of PEP. Glucose 6-phosphate and fructose
Fig. 4. Inhibition by ATP of pyruvate kinase activity, 6-phosphate were similarly without effect. The
assayed spectrophotometrically as described in the Methods
and Materials section with 0-17mg. of protein, 6mm-PEP hexose phosphates did not relieve the inhibition by
and ATP concentrations as indicated. x, 2 mM-ADP; ATP. Other metabolites that were found not to
*, 4mm-ADP. affect enzyme activity in the absence or presence of
ATP were: AMP (0.1-10mM), acetyl-CoA (0.2-
1mx), acetyl phosphate (0.2-2mM), glyceralde-
hyde 3-phosphate (0.2-2mM), 3-phosphoglycerate
The inhibition by ATP is unlikely to be due to (0-2-2mM), acetate (2-20mM), inorganic phosphate
formation of complexes with Mg2+, since inhibition (2-100mM) and citrate (2-20mM).
by it was not affected by raising the Mg2+ ion
concentration to 40mM. DISCUSSION
Effect of thiol inhibitor8. The partially purified
enzyme was sensitive to pretreatment with p- As proposed by Krebs & Kornberg (1957) the
hydroxymercuribenzoate. At 4/LM the mercurial pacemaker enzymes of a metabolic pathway,
compound inhibited the enzyme activity by 50%. characterized by catalysing non-equilibrium re-
The possibility that the binding site of this inhibitor actions and by their low activity relative to other
on the enzyme is related to PEP co-operativity was enzymes of the same pathway, are the most suscep-
examined by studying the relationship between tible points for metabolic control. The equilibrium
PEP concentration and the activity of a partially of the reaction catalysed by pyruvate kinase lies
far to the side of pyruvate formation and is assumed to its affinity for the substrate (Fig. 3). Although a
to be practically irreversible under physiological similar inhibition of other pyruvate kinases was
conditions (Krebs & Kornberg, 1957; Utter, 1963). attributed to the binding of Mg2+ ions by ATP
Because of its low activity relative to that of other (Wood, 1968), this does not appear to apply to our
glycolytic enzymes it is possible that the pyruvate system, since the inhibition was observable even
kinase of A. xylinum is a pace-setter for that in the presence of excess of Mg2+ ions. ATP is one
segment of the glycolytic pathway involved in the of the end products of the pyruvate kinase reaction.
conversion of carbohydrates into pyruvate in these Since pyruvate kinase in A. xylinum is involved in
cells. the channelling of carbohydrate via pyruvate into
Growth of A. xylinum on glucose or intermediates the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the enzyme plays an
of the tricarboxylic acid cycle was accompanied by important role in the generation of ATP both
only slight variations in the quantities of pyruvate directly and indirectly. A high ADP/ATP con-
kinase formed. It appears, then, that the regulatory centration ratio will favour both the pyruvate kinase
mechanism for pyruvate kinase involving the reaction and the oxidative pathways of the tri-
control of enzyme synthesis during growth on carboxylic acid cycle, with concurrent phosphate
different carbon sources, reported for the yeast esterification (Benziman & Levy, 1966). On the
enzyme (Ruiz-Amil, de Torrontegui, Palaci4n, other hand a rise in the ATP concentration would
Catalina & Losada, 1965; Gancedo, Gancedo & provide a regulatory action on pyruvate kinase, also
Sols, 1967), is absent from A. xylinum. On the other acting as a negative feedback. An increase in the
hand, the kinetic properties of the enzyme described concentration of free ATP would then lead to a
above suggest the possible function in these cells of decrease in the production of this high-energy
an alternative regulatory mechanism, involving phosphate.
the control of enzyme activity. These postulated variations in pyruvate kinase
The sigmoid velocity-substrate-concentration activity in response to changes in the cellular
relationship with regard to PEP, characteristic of concentration of the different adenine nucleotides
regulatory enzymes, suggests a co-operative effect might have additional physiological significance,
by this substrate. The kinetic data obtained could considering the effects of similar changes on the
be fitted to the empirical Hill equation (Changeux, activities of the key enzymes responsible for the
1964) and a value of 2 was derived for n, which is a channelling, in these cells, of pyruvate into the
function for the number of interacting binding sites gluconeogenetic route (Benziman, 1966; Eisen,
and of the strength of the interaction (Atkinson, Palgi & Benziman, 1968) and of PEP into the
Hathaway & Smith, 1965). Substrate co-operativity anaplerotic pathway of oxaloacetate synthesis
could have considerable regulatory significance by (Benziman, 1968).
ensuring extreme sensitivity of enzyme activity to The pyruvate kinase of A. xylinum as a possible
very narrow ranges of substrate concentration regulatory enzyme differs from the enzyme from
(Stadtman, 1966). In our case, PEP would then be other sources in its insensitivity to fructose 1,6-
both a substrate and a positive-feedback 'effector'. diphosphate, even at low PEP concentrations. This
As the pace-maker enzyme for the conversion of observation, however, is compatible with the
carbohydrates into pyruvate, which in turn is absence in A. xylinum of phosphofructokinase, the
oxidized in A. xylinum through the tricarboxylic enzyme responsible for fructose diphosphate forma-
acid cycle (Benziman & Burger-Rachamimov, tion in the classical glycolytic pathway. It is note-
1962), the pyruvate kinase in these cells could worthy that the activation by fructose diphosphate
decrease or increase the rate of oxidation of carbo- of yeast pyruvate kinase was reported (Hess &
hydrates via this pathway, depending on the Haeckel, 1967) to be related to the activation of this
availability of PEP. Such a mechanism is com- enzyme by K+ and NH4+ ions. The A. xylinum
patible with the low affinity of the enzyme for PEP. enzyme, as noted above, was not only insensitive
The apparent Km for this substrate obtained here to fructose diphosphate, but was also unaffected
(1.7 x 10-3M) is much higher than the Km for it of by K+ and NH4+ ions.
muscle pyruvate kinase (Boyer, 1962), but approxi-
mates to the values reported for the liver and yeast The able technical assistance of Mrs Kaiko Muraoka is
enzymes, which similarly show allosteric properties
(Tanaka et al. 1967; Hess et al. 1966).
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