NAME: - STUDENT ID: - Answer ALL The Questions. PART A: Fill in The Blank

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December 2018

NAME : ______________________________________ STUDENT ID: _______________________

Answer ALL the Questions.

PART A : Fill in the blank.

Self valuation Business plan Observation Small enterprise
Swot analysis Micro enterprise Primary sources Opportunity

1. ________________________ is the term used when the information is gathered directly through
observation, experiments, interviews and surveys.
2. A ________________________ has full-time employees of between 5 and 50 persons or annual
sales turnover of between RM250,000 and less than RM10 million.
3. ________________________ should based on experiences, knowledge, skills, financial ability,
networking and enthusiasm.
4. ________________________ involves gathering data that already been compiled and are
available,often at a very reasonable cost or sometimes even free.
5. A ________________________ has full-time employees of between 51 and 150 persons or
annual sales turnover of between RM10 million and RM25 million.
6. The ________________________ is also known as venture plan, entrepreneur plan, working
paper, project paper or prospectus.
7. The entrepreneur can view and evaluate the proposed business venture in an objective, critical
and practical manner by ________________________.
8. A ________________________ has full-time employees of less than 5 persons or annual sales
turnover of less than RM250,000.
9. ________________________ is defined as the potential to create something new that involves
changes in knowledge, technology, or economic, political, social, and demographic conditions.
10. ________________________ can be carried out by sitting outside the selected location every
day for a week, counting the number of pedestrians and cars that pass by.
(10 marks)

PART B : Short Essay Question

1. Explain any 5 differences between an entrepreneur and a small businessman. (5 marks)

2. Identify any 5 characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. (5 marks)
3. List three advantages and two disadvantages of e-commerce. (5 marks)
4. Provide any five social responsibilities of entrepreneurs. (5 marks)
5. Explain the 3 types of capital needed in the business. (6 marks)
6. Describe four guidelines in choosing a business idea and opportunity. (4 marks)
7. Classify five reasons for failure in a business plan. (5 marks)
8. State five drawbacks to avoid when preparing a business plan. (5 marks)

(40 marks)



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