Automatic Water Level Indicator & Controller
Automatic Water Level Indicator & Controller
Automatic Water Level Indicator & Controller
A water level indicator may be defined as a system by which we can get the information of water level
within the reservoir. Each and every time it might not be possible for the operator to keep an
eye on the water filling process in the reservoir and immediately switch the motor OFF manually
once the reservoir is completely filled. It may happen few times that the operator might be busy with
some work and unknowingly forgets about switching the motor OFF manually and due to this kind of
negligence [2], there might be unnecessary wastage [5] of water. Keeping this in mind we have
designed a system which can avoid these issues by completing the task automatically.The automatic
water level indicator and controller systems are quite useful to reduce the wastage of water from any
reservoir, while filling water in such reservoir withoutworrying about switching the motor OFF once
the reservoir is completely filled so as to avoid wastage of water.In this project we have used four
probes namely A,B,C,D which are adjusted at four different levels in such a way that the three of them
namely B,C,D are used to sense the three levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively of water in the tank. The
fourth probe namely A is used as common and reference level to the three probes. In this project we
have also used three LED indicators namely Red (Level 1), Yellow (Level 2) and Green (Level 3)
which are connected to the three transistors.The four segments of insulated conducting probes
(namelyA, B, C, D) are immersed within the water tank by placing their naked ends at various
abovementioned levels with thehelp of a rod. The length of the wire segments are adjusted according
to the different water levels within the tank to indicate the required three water levels. This is easily
visualized by observing the three LED indicators. Once the Level 3 is sensed by probe-D in the water
tank, the GreenLED blinks indicating the tank is completely filled which in turn automatically
switches the motor OFF by the relay [7]switching mechanism so as to avoid wastage of water.
The working procedure [6] of this project is: the circuit consists of four sensing probes namely A, B, C, D which
are dipped in water at various levels to sense the level of water in the tank. The probe A is connected as common
to other three,which should be at the bottom most part of the water tank,also it act as a reference level. The
probes B, C, and D are set as Minimum/Slightly filled (Level 1), Half filled (Level 2 and Fully filled (Level3)
respectively.The circuit is assembled on a general zero PCB. On the PCB, three LED indicators – Red, Green,
Yellow are connected to the three BC548 transistors [3] T1, T2 and T3.Both the LEDs and the transistors have
been connected withthe resistors of required values. Short length single stranded wires are used as sensing
probes A, B, C and D. A Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) relay switch is connected to the transistor T3.
A 1N4007 diode [1] is connected to the relay switch. A motor is connected to the normally closed terminal of the
relay switch allowing it to work till the common pole is shifted to normally open terminal. A power supply of
5V is supplied to the circuit and that of 12V is supplied to the relay switch.When the power is supplied, as soon
as the water in the tank touches the probe A and B both, a small current flows from A to B through water and to
the base of transistor T1 via a 220Ω resistor. As a result the transistor conducts causing Automatic Water
Level Indicator & Controller(To control water level of overhead tank) the Red LED to glow
indicating that the water is filled to a minimum required level.Similarly, when water touches sensing probe C, a
small current flows from A to C through water and to the base of transistor T2 via a 220Ω resistor. As a result
the transistor T2 conducts causing Yellow LED to glow and indicates that the tank is half-filled and still the
pump works and it gives the information about the level of water in the tank. Finally, when the water in the tank
touches sensing probe D, a small current flows from A to D through water and to the base of transistor T3 via a
220Ω resistor. As a result the transistor T3 conducts causing the Green LED to glow and indicates the tank is
completely filled and immediately the pole of the relay switch shifts from normally closed to normally open
which disconnects the motor from the circuit and stops functioning. This prevents the unnecessary wastage
of water once the tank is completely filled.
The circuit for this project can be referred from the Fig. 1 which gives an overview of how the connections of
the necessary components are made so as to achieve the automated system to indicate and control water level &
avoid its wastage.
Figure 1: Circuit Diagram
The hardware setup including all the required components, equipments and circuits for this project can be
referred in the Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Hardware Kit Setup (PCBs with necessary components, Motor &
Power Supply)
The SPDT Relay (10A) [JQC-3FC (T73) DC5V] is a high quality Single Pole Double Throw Relay (SPDT).
The Relay consists of a coil, 1 common terminal, 1 normally closed terminal, and one normally open terminal.
When the coil of the relay is at rest (not energized), the common terminal and the normally closed terminal have
continuity.When the coil is energized, the common terminal and the normally open terminal havecontinuity.This
relay’s coil is rated up to 5V and the contact is rated up to 10A (@120VAC,24VDC). In this project we have
connected the motor to the normally closed terminal due to which it can keep on working until the tank gets
completely filled and common terminal shifts to the normally open terminal which in turn disconnects
the motor from the circuit.
B. BC548 Transistors:
BC548 is general purpose silicon, NPN, bipolar junction transistor. It is used for amplification and switching
purposes.The current gain may vary between 110 and 800. In this project this transistors are acting as switches.
It will act as closed switch when voltage at base terminal is greater than or
equal to 0.7V, else it will act as open switch. It will display the common emitter configuration and is made up of
C. 1N4007 Diode:
A diode allows electrical current to flow in one direction, from the anode to the cathode. Therefore, the voltage
at the anode must be higher than at the cathode for a diode to conduct electrical current. In theory, when the
voltage at the cathode is greater than the anode voltage, the diode will not conduct electrical current. Here, once
the circuit is ON when power supply is provided, it will initially act as a reverse bias & once the power supply is
OFF, it will act as forward bias and help in dissipation of induced EMF in the coil of relay.
D. Light Emitting Diodes (LED):
LEDs are a particular type of diode that converts electrical energy into light. The positive side of the LED is
called the Anode and is marked by having a longer Lead or Leg. The other, negative side of the LED is called
the Cathode. Current flows from the anode to the cathode and never the opposite direction. We have used three
LEDs which indicates the three levels of water in the tank. Once the tank is completely filled the final Green
LED blinks and the relay switches the motor OFF automatically.
E. Resistors:
Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits. In
electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, and
terminate transmission lines among other uses. We have used 220Ω resistors at base of transistors and at the
anode of the LED’s for the required functions referring the datasheets.
F. Power Supply:
A dual power supply of 5V & 12V is designed as needed which is shown in Fig. 4. The 5V supply is given to the
left part of the circuit in which transistors, LED (YELLOW and RED) indicators and the resistors are connected
as per the necessary requirements.
A 12V supply is given to the right side of the circuit in which SPDT relay is used and a transistor with the
GREEN LED indicator.
Figure 4: Circuit Diagram of Dual Power Supply of 12V and 5V
We can see the results of three LEDs indicating the three Levels 1, 2 and 3 achieved by water in the tank,
displayed b Red, Yellow and Green LEDs respectively. The output of these results can be seen in the figures-
5,6, 7. The result shown in figure 7 indicates that the tank is completely filled by achieving the Level 3 in water
tank which in turn switches the motor OFF immediately due to the relay mechanism.
Figure 5: Red LED- Level 1 reached Indicating the tank is Slightly filled
There are various applications of this project. Automatic Water Level Indicator & Controller can be used in
different sectors such as Hotels, Factories, Homes Apartments, Commercial Complexes, Industries, Agricultural
Purposes etc. It can be used to indicae fuel or oil levels in tanks or vehicles.
Figure 6: Yellow LED- Level 2 reached Indicating the tank is Half filled.
This paper was intended to design a simple and low cost automatic water level indicator and controller. This is
not only for water tank but also can be used for various liquids & oil level in industries and chemical labs too.
To design this system, we used transistor as a platform connected to relay along with local materials for low
We tried to design a system in such a way that its components will be available easily and when connected
together, will be able to prevent the wastage of water. The whole system operates automatically. So it does not
need any expert person to operate it. It is not at all very expensive. This design has much more scope for future
research and development. Though it is a project, we hope some modification in this project will lead to a
reasonable diversity of usage.
1. Diodes Incorporated,‘Datasheet: Rectifier, 1N4001 - 1N4007, 0.1A’, Document number: DS28002,
Rev. 9 3,September 2014
2. European Business and Technology Centre, ‘Report: Water & waste water in India’.
3. Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation, ‘Datasheet: BC546 / 547 / 548 / 549 / 550 NPN Epitaxial Silicon
Transistor’, Rev. A2, August 2002
4. ‘IEEE’, Published Papers, Journals & their Format.Website:
dards/publications/periodicals/journals_magazines.html Narayan Hegde, ‘Water scarcity and security in
India’,BAIF at the Indian Science Congress 2012
5. Working principle of automatic water level controller ’, Website:
6. Yueqing Hengwei Electronics Co. Ltd, ‘Datasheet: PCBRelay - JQC-3F(T73)’