Transformer On Auto Load Shifting With Cuttoff

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It is our privilege to express our sincerest regards to our project coordinator,
Ms. Madhusmita Nahak & Ms Geetanjali Jena, for their valuable inputs, able
guidance, encouragement, whole-hearted cooperation and constructive
criticism throughout the duration of our project. We deeply express our
sincere thanks to our Head of Department Dr Prof. K.C.Mohapatra for
encouraging and allowing us to present the project on the topic “Line Follower
Project “at our department premises for the partial fulfil ment of the
requirements leading to the award of B-Tech degree. We take this opportunity
to thank all our lecturers who have directly or indirectly helped our project. We
pay our respects and love to our parents and all other family members and
friends for their love and encouragement throughout our career. Last but not
the least we express our thanks to our friends for their cooperation and

The special electrical engineering project was a level 4 student’s group project

In a team of four, they had been designed to step down transformer the
corridors of the standard electrical load at the electrical power station of
Surrey. Each member of the team had specific project sub-systems to
concentrate on. The author’s role in the project is the project guide sir, who is
also responsible for the design of the project’s decision system. Consequently,
this report details the development of the project’s decision system and
mentions the project planning, the decision system is the top-level aspect of
the project. The tasks it must accomplish can be roughly broken down into four
main components: the planning of load line inside the load capacity, estimating
the current location of the project from noisy estimates, processing the CT
sensor load readings and issuing shifting or overloading commands. The
project planning aspect is also outlined briefly.

This project have aim of transformer prevent overloading with automatic load
shifting for uninterruptible power supply

Principle of project
This project is work on current sensing logic from CT and it CT voltage up and
down according to load, this CT voltage level on load shifting digital output
signal made by opeam comparator IC and finally load shifting and overload cut-
off will power riley contactor.

Principle of CT transformer

The basic principle of the current transformer is the same as that of the
power transformer. ... Whenever an alternating current flow through the
primary winding, alternating magnetic flux is produced, this then induces
alternating current in the secondary winding.
Project planning table


1 Types of load and

transformer capacity decide,

2 Project logic block daygeram

ready on paper and

3 According to block daygeram

important function
component decide like CT,
main IC, riley, riley driver
component etc,

4 Required components
purchase in electronics shops,

5 Function wise circuit

daygeram ready on pc,

6 Function wise circuit

daygeram test on bread
board circuit,
7 Final circuit daygeram ready
on pc,

8 Final components soldering

on holl type circuit pcb

9 Minor Fault slowed on pcb,

10 Project complete work on all




No. Particulars. Pis. RS. Total RS.

1. 12v/ 2amp step down 2. 500/00 500/00

transformer (load transformer)
2. Step down transformer 12 volt/ 1. 150/00 150/00
1, amp.(supply transformer)
3. CT current sensing 1. 200/00 200/00

3. Cut-off riley 12vDc/ 1. 200/00 200/00

Opeam IC 324 1. 150/00 150/00

4. Riley driver IC 2003 1. 100/00 100/00

5 Voltage regulator IC-7805

5. Supply wire 1. 25/00 25/00

6. LED 1. 20/00 20/00

7. 12v AC 1amp load bulb 3 50/00 150/00

8. Rectifier diode 4 5/00 20/00

9. Capacitor 1000mf /25v 1. 25/00 25/00

Capacitor 1000mf/10v 25/00 25/00

10. Register 1k,10, 5 2/00 10/00

11. Buzzer siren 1 50/00 50/00

12 Pcb circuit board 1 90/00 90/00


12 volt/ 1, amp 2 amp transformer CT transformer

Opeam IC 324 ULN 2003 power IC 7805

Riley contactor buzzer capacitor diode

Resistors variable resistor 12v bulb LED


25watt soldering iron Glue gen Solder

Soldering flux pin cutter shippers

Desoldering pump multimiter color wire



This project is very use fully in many types of power station, electrical
transmission, even privet industry and GVT sector. This project on main
function of two types of transformer use for project working setup, this
transformer 220v ac and 12v 2 amp load caring capacity, this project on
transformer on load for use Honda bike headlight 12v electric bulb,

This project have 3 bulb use because 2 bulb use for load shifting working
demonstration and next 3 number bulb is transformer overload with tripping
working demonstration provide. This project have 1 number bulb is normal
load consider on transformer, 2nomber bulb is overload with shifting on next
transformer demonstration, this time all 2 transformer work on full load. And
all 3 bulb on while project all transformer cut-off and buzzer on for alert, this
project have particular function for use individual LED indicators.

These projects have electronics side main function of opeam IC LM 324, this IC
in load current sensing from CT transformer. And load shifting by electrical
riley contactor, this project have riley driver for use IC LM 2003, this project is
fully homemade project and it have not need heavy CRO or any instrument.

If this project technology is use in electrical industry then more prevent

electrical accident and uninterrupted power supply.

Definition of project

This project is simply electrical change over switch and electrical cut-off supply
breaker, this project on according to load capacity electrical riley will
changeover, and while hyper overload condition creates then it is fully cut-off
from electrical cut-off riley.


1, power station

2, railway

3, transmission line,

3, industry,
Project fichers

1. Single phase supply 220v AC on use only,

2. Single phase 2 amp capacity,
3. Only for resistive load,
4. Automatic load shifting on auxiliary transformer,
5. All function indicate in LED indicator,
6. Cut-off with buzzer on,
7. Manuel reset


1. uninterruptible power supply

2. automatic loud shift on standby transformer
3. prevent transformer against overload
4. hipper overload on system cut-off
5. all function on function wise LED indicter
6. fully cut-off with buzzer on
7. no needs any microcontroller, processer, or programming
8. prevent electrical accident

Dis advantage

1. accurate load apply on transformer

2. riley contactor is mechanical part so possibility it will damage long time
3. after tripping restart by manually

Future scope

1. Programming logic applies by microcontroller or processer,

2. PLC-SCADA will apply,
3. PF improvement for capacitor apply using inductive load,
4. Multi taping single transformer will use,
5. SOR electronics riley contactor will use,
This project is work of automatic electrical load shift on standby transformer,
This project on types of load for use automobile electrical filament bulb, this
bulb capacity 12v AC and 1amp current capacity, it project on 3 automobile
bulb use because it project on 3 function demonstration like 1, normal load 2,
load shifting from transformer,3 hyper overload with system cut-off.
This project on 2 electrical step down transformer use this transformer
capacity 220v AC/12v-1amp, this transformer secondary 12volt supply provide
electric 12v bulb. This transformer 12v supply lane wire and load 12v bulb wire
batwing changeover riley contactor use for load shifting on standby
transformer, if while this system on hyper overload fault create from all 3 bulb
on then automatic system cut-off and buzzer on with cut-off LED on ,
This project on 3 types of LED indicator attaché for particular fault indicate in
LED indicator, this project is work on only singe phase 220v AC supply it load
capacity 2 ampere, this project is design only for resistive electrical load so it is
not use for reactive load like electric motor.
IC 324

These projects have main function of opeam IC –LM 324 this IC is comparator
function IC this IC is according to CT voltage output on or off, this IC normally
load condition on output voltage 0-off, and load current going to up till set
point then transformer on load shift from changeover riley, if load going to
hyper overload from all bulb on then CT voltage thorough all system cut-off
CT transformer coil

This project on load current sensing for CT transformer this is one kinds of
Current sensor, it CT secondary AC voltage increase according to primary line
load, this CT secondary AC voltage 0 to 5 volt batwing increase as per load and
this AC volt must need rectifier converts AC to DC by half wave bridge, this DC
voltage wire counted with opeam IC on noniverting pin and it function of
triggering signal.
Riley driver IC 2003

This driver IC is riley contactor this IC work on 12v DC and it IC 7 lo input

switch with negative supply, so this is one kinds of 7 NPN transistor bank, this
is on with 60mvolt dc and it output pin on load capacity 1amp, this is on 3
output pin like pin 10/11/12 with 3 riley connects so and particular riley on and
off switching this IC according to opeam IC data.
Riley contactor

This riley is electromechanically switch it work on 12vDC and it have potensi

free contactor it function of NC, NO and common terminal

This terminal with 12v bulb and transformer connect, so when this riley
changeover then load shift on next transformer and hyper overload then
system load side supply cut-off also from this riley.
This made before all required materials and tools take on project table, this all
material and tools already mention uplifting pages, this project procedure
following under stapes.

1. Project load and voltage capacity decide,

2. Types of load and transformer capacity decide,
3. Project logic block daygeram ready on paper and computer,
4. According to block daygeram important function component decide like
CT, main IC, riley, riley driver component etc,
5. All components study datasheet and observe pin details,
6. Required components purchase in electronics shops,
7. Function wise circuit daygeram ready on pc,
8. Function wise circuit daygeram test on bread board circuit,
9. Final circuit daygeram ready on pc,
10.Final components soldering on holl type circuit pcb board,
11.Minor Fault slowed on pcb,
12.Project complete work on all function,
13.Project report ready ,


The AC power supply from mains first gets converted into and unregulated DC
and then into a constant regulated DC with the help of this circuit. The circuit is
made up of transformer, bridge rectifier made up from diodes, linear voltage
regulator 7805 and capacitors.

If you observe, the working of the circuit can be divided into two parts. In the
first part, the AC Mains is converted into unregulated DC and in the second
part, this unregulated DC is converted into regulated 5V DC. So, let us start
discussing the working with this in mind.

Initially, a 230V to 12V Step down transformer is taken and its primary is
connected to mains supply. The secondary of the transformer is connected to
Bridge rectifier (either a dedicated IC or a combination of 4 1N4007 Diodes can
be used).

A 1A fuse is placed between the transformer and the bridge rectifier. This will
limit the current drawn by the circuit to 1A. The rectified DC from the bridge
rectifier is smoothened out with the help of 1000μF Capacitor.

So, the output across the 1000μF Capacitor is unregulated 12V DC. This is given
as an input to the 7805 Voltage Regulator IC. 7805 IC then converts this to a
regulated 5V DC and the output can be obtained at its output terminals.

The following circuit shows the Voltage comparator, the components required
for this circuit is the LM324 comparator and the two resistors with a value of
10K ohms. The two inputs like input A and input B are from the output of the
line sensor circuit and the two resistors are used to set the voltage reference
to produce the best digital output.

From the above circuit, we can observe that Node A & Node B, they are
connected to the non-inverting input of left and right comparators. The output
of the left comparator is connected to riley driver IC ULN2003.
Riley driver IC-ULN2003

This circuit is explaining A0 to A3 all inputs and output connects with riley.


This Project is very useful for easily understand effect of electric and magnetic
fild. This project is totally made of waste material and low Cost project.
We have choose this project because electromagnetic and
transformer topic in our study syllabus. We are very much thankful to our
teachers and family members for very good help to make this project.
Transformers are effective reducing power loss by a great extent. They can be
used to supply power to long distance without any significant power to be
Thank you.


EFI magazine

11th 12th physics textbook.

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