Handbook MSC Biomedical Science

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ANHANG B: Module Handbook English 2013

Compulsory Courses:

Monitoring of Clinical Trials ................................................................................... 2

Pharmacology and Toxicology ................................................................................ 4
Pathophysiology .................................................................................................... 6
Virology ................................................................................................................ 8
Neurobiology ...................................................................................................... 11
Clinical Chemistry ................................................................................................ 13
Medical Proteomics ............................................................................................. 15
Human Genetics .................................................................................................. 17
Advanced and Clinical Immunology (ACI) ............................................................. 19
Final Thesis .......................................................................................................... 21

Elective Courses:

Practical Elective: FACS ........................................................................................ 23

Practical Elective: Complement Receptor .............................................................. 25
Practical Elective: Advanced Bioinformatics ........................................................... 26
Practical Elective: Fundamentals of Membrane Transport ...................................... 27
Practical Elective: Pharmacogenetics (PG) ............................................................. 28
Elective Course: Nutrition Physiology .................................................................... 30
Elective Course: Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology ................................ 32
Elective Course: Radiation Biology Basics .............................................................. 34
Elective course: Mammalian genome analysis ....................................................... 36
Elective course: Parasitology................................................................................. 38
Special Fields in Biology: Introduction to Marketing .............................................. 41
Special Fields in Biology: Environment and Health ............................................... 43
Special Fields in Biology: Free Radicals in Biomedical Research .............................. 46
Special Fields in Biology: Stem Cells ..................................................................... 48
Special Fields in Biology: Physiology of the Skeletal System and Biomaterials ......... 50

Module: Monitoring of Clinical Trials
Semester: 1 semester, MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Dr. Nadina Stadler
Lecturer: Dr. Nadina Stadler and Dr. Michaela Häger
Language: English
Assignment to Compulsory Course, 1 semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Lecture: 2 credit hours
Hours per week: Exercise: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Seminar: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student workload: Contact Hours Private Study
Lecture: 30 40
Exercise: 30 50
Seminar: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total study hours: 240 hours
Credits: 8 ECTS
Prerequisites none
according to
Recommendations: none
outcomes: • The students know the international standards for
clinical research.
• They are familiar with the regulatory environment for
clinical trials.
• They know the laws, rules, regulations, essential
document requirements and guidelines pertinent to
trial design, implementation, evaluation and reporting.
• They have the means to identify and evaluate
appropriate clinical research literature.
• They have the monitoring skills and are able to
maintain key interactions with members of the study
team as part of the clinical trial process.
• They understand the marketing aspects for delivery of a
new product.
Overall, the students have a systematic understanding of
relevant good clinical practice tools essential for conducting,
managing and monitoring clinical trials.

Summary Lecture Core:
indicative content: • Methods and protocols, drug and medical device
• Human subject protection and essentials of Good
Clinical Practice
• Ethical committees, informed consent, confidentiality in
clinical trials
• Trial protocol, monitoring, organization and record
• Clinical research personnel, site selection, recruitment
and retention strategies
• Safety monitoring, adverse events, data management,
final report
• Liability, audits and inspections

Group Work: In an evidence-based, collaborative approach,

students will be trained to bring together concepts, principles
and applications into a pre-defined research project.
Assessment: Individual PowerPoint presentations on a topic exploring
specific aspects of clinical research and trial monitoring.
Teaching style: Lectures. Interactive learning, problem-oriented exercises and
group work. Slide and notes uploaded to LEA. Guest lectures.
“Real world” encounters facilitated via on-site visits.
Indicative Sources: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/

Module: Pharmacology and Toxicology
Semester: 1 semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bartz
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bartz
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Compulsory Course 1 semester, MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week: Exercise: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Lab work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Exercise: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total study hours: 240 hours
Credits: 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: Lecture/tutorial/seminar:
After successfully completing the module, students are
able to work out and understand a new medicinal
product (new chemical entity or biological), its dosage
form and the relevant clinical picture regarding
pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamical (PD)
properties. This methodology can be directly applied
for independently working out further medicinal
products relevant in later work life (clinical or
biomedical research).
Laboratory course:
The students are able to analyze (incl. data analysis)
and answer questions in the context of PK (urine
analysis, toxicology, metabolism) and PD (enzyme
based assay).
Summary indicative Lecture:
content: Lectures on drug actions, pharmacokinetics, (L)ADME,
pharmacodynamics (mode of action), adverse effects,
pharmaceutical interactions, toxicology, in particular:
biotransformation, bioactivation, elimination, medical
terminology, pharmacokinetic models, cumulation,

bioavailability, prodrug concept, enterohepatic
circulation, pharmacogenetics, preclinical and clinical
trials/bioequivalence studies/regulations for drug
Exercises; in small groups, students have to work on
present and dispute about a new medicinal product
on the basis of an EPAR (European Product
Assessment Report) and a SmPC (Summary of Product
Laboratory course:
1. Several experiments in small groups on
pharmakokinetics (plasma samples) including the
mathematical analysis (excel), one compartment
model; oral input, intravenous dose such as or bolus
dose or infusion, bolus multiple dose (cumulation);
analysis of urinary data, calculation of the relevant
pharmacokinetic parameters.
2. Analysis of metabolites (SPE/HPLC or GC/MS of a
chosen urine sample) and enzyme based assay (mode
of action of a drug).
Assessment: Module with mark
Oral examination (70%), lab reports (30%),
presentation and discussion sessions: active
participation required.
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, Overhead, blackboard
Tutorial/Seminar: exercises, PowerPoint, Overhead,
Indicative - Drug actions - Basic Principles and therapeutic
bibliography/Sources: aspects E. Mutschler/H. Derendorf;
MedPharm Scientific Publishers (ISBN 3-88763-
- Pharmacokinetic Processes, mathematics and
Peter G. Welling Wiley Science, newest edition
- Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
L. Shargel/A.Yu; McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing
Division; newest edition

Module: Pathophysiology
Semester: 1st semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Joachim Häbler
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Joachim Häbler
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Compulsory module, 1st semester MSc
Biomedical Sciences
Course units/Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week Tutorial: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student work load: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total study hours: 240
Credits 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examinations regulation:
Recommendations: Basic knowledge in human or animal physiology
acquired in a preceding Bachelor study program

Learning outcomes: Lecture:

• Knowledge of human diseases with a high
• Knowledge of the main principles of general
and organ-specific pathophysiology on
molecular, cellular and systems levels
• Ability to use the specific pathophysiological
Consolidation of acquired knowledge
Laboratory course:
• Transfer of pathophysiological processes to
morphological changes of tissue
• Ability to comprehend physiological body
functions as a result of a complex interaction
between numerous variables and to make
predictions about the changes of body
functions upon changes of these variables

Summary indicative Lecture:
content: Basics of pathophysiology, which are necessary for
understanding human diseases and their mechanisms.
Basic pathophysiological concepts, pathophysiology
of the most important organ systems, e.g. the
hematopoietic system, the cardiovascular system, the
respiratory system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract,
endocrine system.
Recapitulation of subjects discussed in the lectures
using appropriate test questions.
Laboratory course:
Part 1: Independent analysis using light microscopy of
tissue sections showing typical pathological changes.
Part 2: Simulation of the entire cardiovascular and
respiratory pathophysiology using computer-teaching
programs. Graphical analysis and discussion of results.
Assessment: Module examination – graded
Written examination (70% of module grade),
Lab course: Individual report on experiments and
measurements (30% of module grade)
Teaching style: Lecture: Overhead, Blackboard
Tutorial: Written list of exercises, Overhead,
Laboratory course: Computer simulation programs
Indicative C.M. Porth, G. Matfin: Pathophysiology, Concepts of
bibliography/Sources: Altered Health States, 8th ed., Lippincott Wilkins &
Wilkins, 2008
A. Stevens, J.S. Lowe, B. Young: Wheater´s Basic
Histopathology, a Colour Atlas and Text, 4th ed.,
Churchill Livingstone, 2002

Module: Virology
Semester: 2 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Edda Tobiasch
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Edda Tobiasch
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Compulsory Course 2nd Semester MSc
Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week: Tutorial: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Total: 90 150
Total study hours:: 240
Credits: 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: Previous knowledge in molecular genetics and cell
culture from previous study courses
General Safety Instructions for working in laboratories
Safety Instructions for working with S1 and L2
Learning outcomes: Lecture:
At the end of the course, students have the following
• Taxonomy as well as structure and replication
mechanisms of the most important human
pathogenic viruses
• Occurrence and dissemination of viral diseases
•Adaption of the virus to the host: host change,
zoonosis, “shift and drift”, evolution
• Treatment of viral diseases and prevention

Knowledge how to access and work with
specific literature
Laboratory course:

• Methods of detecting and growing different
viral diseases

The students can use these competences to work in

the corresponding laboratories in science and
development in pharmaceutical industries and
universities (e.g. diagnostic laboratories for virus
Summary indicative Lecture:
content: The course focuses on the different viral families with
respect to the following aspects:
Worldwide infection, the different forms of hepatitis,
childhood diseases, prion diseases, viruses and cancer,
viruses and gene therapy, “emerging viruses”, viral
zoonoses, bio terrorism.
Students are to develop an understanding of human
and animal pathogenic viruses with respect to the
following issues relevant to medicine and biology:
taxonomy, history, morphology of virions, replication
strategies (Baltimore classification), transmission, host
and risk groups, symptoms, diagnostic methods,
protection against the immune system, specific
immune reactions, acute and chronic diseases,
complications, medication.
The cosmopolitan and endemic occurrence of viral
diseases is discussed with respect to the following
aspects: climatic and social factors of dissemination,
epidemiology, eradication measures, and prevention.

The students have to work on their own and present a
current scientific paper representing a specific
question from virology. In the following discussion the
student has to defend this paper and the group has to
understand the relation of this paper in the context of
the already gained knowledge.

Laboratory course:
In the practical training, the students will learn to
growth viruses and detect them by means of different
methods of molecular biology.
Assessment: The module is graded; written exam (100%)
Laboratory course: active participation is verified via
individual protocols for the experiments
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, Overhead, black board
Tutorial: paper, PowerPoint, black board

Indicative Fields Virology; D. M. Knipe and P. M. Howley;
bibliography/Sources: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Principles of Viruses Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis
and Control; S.J. Flint, L.W. Enquist, R.M. Krug, V.R.
Racaniello and A.M. Skalka; ASM Press
Lexikon der Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen;
Erreger, Symptome, Diagnose, Therapie und
Prophylaxe; G. Darai, M. Handermann, E. Hinz and H.-
G. Sonntag; Springer

Module: Neurobiology
Semester: 2 semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leaders: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Joachim Häbler / Prof. Dr. Hans
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Joachim Häbler / Prof. Dr. Hans
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Compulsory module, 2 Semester MSc
Biomedical Sciences.
Course units/Hours per Lectures: 2 credit hours
week: Tutorial: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student work load:: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total study hours: 240
Credits: 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: Basic knowledge in neuroanatomy und
neurophysiology/biophysics from a former BSc (or
other basic) curriculum
Learning outcomes: Lectures:
• Detailed knowledge of the functional anatomy
of the nervous system.
• Profound knowledge of the basic principles of
the function of the cerebral cortex, spinal
cord, peripheral nervous system and sensory
•Knowledge of modern concepts to explain
dysfunctions of the nervous system

Consolidation of acquired knowledge,
application to concrete problems
Laboratory course:
• Ability to carry out electrophysiological studies
on test persons and in computer simulations,
and to interpret the results

• Ability to implement the acquired knowledge
and proficiencies in the biomedical field
Summary indicative Lectures:
content: The module covers the function of the central and
peripheral nervous system. Subjects are: function of
the spinal cord (i.e. reflex mechanisms) and, using
selected systems (visual system, memory), the mode
of function of the cortex. Integrative aspects
between the different levels of hierarchy will be
illustrated with respect to the somatosensory and
somatomotoric system. Based on the knowledge of
the normal function, modern concepts of common
diseases of the nervous system are discussed.
Preparation for written examination, student
presentations of interesting topics in the field of
Laboratory course:
Independent analysis of selected neurobiological
topics (e.g. membrane, muscle) using computer-
teaching programs. Practical experiments analyzing
reflex systems, EEG and evoked potentials.
Assessment: Module examination – graded
Written examination (70% of module grade),
Lab course: Individual report on experiments and
measurements (30% of module grade)
Teaching style: Lecture: Overhead, Blackboard
Tutorial: Written list of exercises, Overhead,
Indicative E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, T.M. Jessell, S.A.
bibliography/Sources: Siegelbaum, A.J. Hudspeth: Principles of Neural
Science, 5th ed., McGraw Hill, 2012
D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D. Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall,
A.-S. LaMantia, L.E. White: Neuroscience, 5th ed.,
Sinauer, 2012

Module: Clinical Chemistry
Semester: 2nd Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Dr. Petra B. Musholt
Lecturer: Dr. Petra B. Musholt
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Compulsory course in 2 semester MSc
Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Hours per Lectures: 2 credit hours
week: Tutorial: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total study hours: 240
Credits: 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: After completing this module students are able to read
and evaluate laboratory result sheets of routine
laboratories and to interpret and question potential
errors / limitations occurring during (pre-)analysis. They
know exemplary physiologic and pathological
alterations of main analytes of human organs as well
as typical laboratory results of selected relevant human
diseases, the basics of (pre-)analytics and how to
interpret and statistically quality control the results of
analyses derived from human matrices such as whole
blood, plasma, serum, and urine.
Summary indicative Lecture/Seminar:
content: In the seminar they have learned how to work out the
most widely used Clinical Chemistry analytical
methods such as laboratory automation, (immuno-)
turbidometry, photospectrometry, nephelometry, EIA,
enzyme-activity-assays, iso-enzyme quantitation,
serum electrophoresis, urine microscopy, HPLC, real-
time PCR, modern sequencing etc., and presented
their findings to the fellows in an oral presentation.
Basics and concepts in Clinical Chemistry and

laboratory analytical methods as well as anatomical /
medical basic principles influencing laboratory main
analytes, as measured from human matrices, will be
Practical course:
The students will apply some of the analytical methods
learned in the theoretical part, especially via use of
point-of-care testing systems.
Assessment: Module exam (hand-out on a selected clinical-
chemistry analytical method) with marks.
Written exam (100%)
Practical Course: active participation is required and
Teaching style: Lectures/Seminar: PowerPoint, Overhead, and Board.
Seminar: written report, student oral presentation via
Indicative Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, Burtis,
bibliography/Sources: Aswood, Bruns; publisher: Saunders; latest edition
The Science of Laboratory Diagnosis, Burnett;
publisher: John Wiley & sons, latest edition

Module: Medical Proteomics
Semester: 3 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course Leader: Prof. Dr. Angelika Muscate-Magnussen
Lecturer: NN
Language: English
Assignment in Curriculum Compulsory Course in 3 Semester MSc Biomedical
Course Units/Credit hours Lecture: 2 credit hours
Exercise: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Lab work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Students workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Exercise: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total Sum: 240 hours
Credits 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: Module Biochemistry
Learning outcomes: After successfully completing the course, students are able
to explain and apply the following methods and perform the
following procedures:
• Protein separation
• Mass spectrometry analysis of proteins and peptides
• Peptide analysis
• Identification and quantification of proteins from
cells and biological fluids
• Analysis of postranslational modifications and
protein-protein interactions
Summary indicative content: Lecture/Exercise:
Preparation of samples: general properties, sampling,
methods of cell disruption, handling of protein samples,
protein digestion
Separation methods for proteome analytics: principles of the
1D and 2D SDS-PAGE, preparative IEF, capillary
electrophoresis, capillary gel electrophoresis and capillary
isoelectrical focusing, HPLC (reversed phase, ion exchange,
size exclusion chromatography), multidimensional LC, LC-

Methods in proteome analytics based on mass spectrometry:
ESI-MS/MS, analyzers (ion trap, quadrupole, TOF),
sequencing of peptides, SELDI, protein databases and search
Applications: mining, peptide mass fingerprinting, 2D SDS
TOF/TOF-MS; expression profiling, comparative 2D SDS
PAGE analysis, isotope markers, protein-protein interactions,
immune precipitation, Yeast-Two-Hybrid System, Shot Gun
approach, Bait/Reverse Bait, posttranslational modifications
Protein separation: affinity, hydrophobicity, gel filtration and
ion exchange chromatography, ultrafiltration, protein
precipitation, determination of purity, protein

Laboratory Course:
Purification and determination of the specific activity of a
protein, which is, expressed in E. Coli cells. 2D-gel analysis
of a protein in induced and uninduced E. coli cells. Peptide
cleavage of lysozyme with trypsin and analysis of the
digested peptides by reverse phase HPLC.
Assessment: Module exam - graded
Written examination: 50%; project report: 20%;
lab report: 30%
Teaching style: The module “Medical Proteomics” consists of:
1. a weekly two-hour lecture on proteomics
2. a weekly two-hour seminar for consolidation and
application purposes; review of the weekly homework;
preparation for a project in the field of proteomics
3. a five-day intensive practical course, use of current
methods in the field of proteomics, report writing
4. an excursion to a company working in the field of
5. a two-hour written examination
Indicative Daniel C. Liebler, Introduction to Proteomics, Humana Press,
Bibliography/Sources: 2002
Robert H. Abeles et al., Biochemistry, Jones und Bartlett
Publishers, 1992
Hubert Rehm, Proteinbiochemie/Proteomics, Spektrum
Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg
Michael Kinter und Nicholas E. Sherman, Protein Sequencing
and Identification using Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Wiley-
Interscience, 2000

Module: Human Genetics
Semester: 3 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course Leader: Prof. Dr. Hans Weiher
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hans Weiher
Language: English
Assignment in Curriculum Compulsory Course in 3 Semester MSc Biomedical
Course Units/Credit hours Lecture: 2 credit hours
Exercise: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Lab work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Students workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Exercise: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Sum: 90 150
Total Sum: 240 hours
Credits 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: Basic knowledge in Molecular Biology/Genetics from a
former BSc (or other basic) curriculum
Learning outcomes: At the end of this unit the students are able to:
1. identify human gene variations using methods of
molecular genetic analysis
2. apply hybridization techniques in tumor diagnosis
3. analyze food products for their genetic properties
4. employ chromosome analyses in prenatal and tumor
5. carry out genetic analyses in forensic applications
Summary indicative content: Lecture/Seminar:
Mendelian Genetics, extensions to and exceptions from
Mendelian Genetics, sexual development , sex
chromosomes, X-chromosome inactivation, influence of sex
on genetic properties, genomic imprinting, multifactorial
traits, behavioral genetics, population genetics, human
evolution, genetics of human cancer, gene therapy and
genetic consulting, reproductive technologies, cloning of
mammals, ethical issues, selected topics of human genetic

Practical course:
Cytogenetic and other human genetic analysis methods,
karyotype analyses, identification of sex chromosomes,
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
Analysis of karyotypes in unknown genetic and tumor
samples. Experimental analysis of genetic polymorphisms.
Assessment: Module exam – graded
Written test: 50%; written practical course report 50%
Teaching style: The teaching unit consists of a lecture and exercises, in
which either specific questions are addressed and discussed,
or specific issues are presented by the students. In addition,
the practical course offers the opportunity gain hands on
experience on the techniques of human genetic analysis.
The students produce a report on the results of the
laboratory experiments. At the end of the course there is a
written examination. Media used are black board and
Indicative Human Genetics by Ricky Lewis, Mc Graw Hill, 2006
Bibliography/Sources: (lecture)
Human Cytogenetics. A Practical Approach. Rooney DE,
Czepulkowski BH; Eds. IRL Press Oxford 1992
Human chromosomes. Manual of basic techniques. Verma
RS, Babu A, Pergamon Press New York 1989
Human chromosomes. Miller OJ, Therman E, 4th ed.
Springer, New York, 2001
ISCN 1995 - An International System for Human
Cytogenetic Nomenclature. Mitelman F, Karger, Basel 1995
In situ hybridization. Principles and Practice. Polak JM,
McGee JO´D, Eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford 1990
In situ hybridization protocols. Methods in Molecular
Biology. Andy Choo KH, eds, Humana Press, Totowa 1994
In situ Hybridisierung. Leitch AR, Schwarzacher AR, Jackson
D, Leitch IJ, Spektrum 1994

Module: Advanced and Clinical Immunology (ACI)
Semester: 3rd semester MSc in Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Harald Illges
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Harald Illges
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Compulsory course, 3rd semester MSc in
Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week: Seminar: 2 credit hours; Group size: 30
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours; Group size: 15
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 30 60
Lab work: 30 60
Total: 90 150
Total study hours: 240 hours
Credits: 8 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: Lecture:
The students will have a comprehensive overview
about the immune system and some immunological
diseases. In particular they can define
immunodeficiencies like SCID, X-linked immunological
diseases, AIDS, allergies and related genetics.
The students will be able to work with “model
systems” to analyze diseases. To know how to write
grants and understand the basics of the finances
required for.
Laboratory course:
The students know important immunological
techniques and their application like FACS, ELISA,
analysis of gene inheritance and a locomotion test in
laboratory animals.
Summary indicative Lecture:
content: The lecture will teach the students the fundamentals
in cellular (development of lymphocytes in the bone
marrow and thymus, differentiation and activation of

leucocytes, leucocytes during immune responses) and
molecular immunology (signal cascades, development
of BCR and TCR, marker genes, homing). They will
learn the basics of experimental work (relevant
technologies e.g. knock-out, knock-in, conditional
knock-out, regulatory cells, antibody and recombinant
immunological molecules for therapies and
experimental approaches. They will learn the basis of
important immunological diseases
In the seminar we will either present and discuss the
scientific literature about an immunological mouse
model, or prepare grants about a defined subject.

Laboratory course:
The practical part concerns experimental work based
on the theoretical part from lecture and seminar
Assessment: Module examination - graded
Written exam 60%. Protocol practical course 30%,
grant/presentation 10%
Teaching style: According to need.
Indicative Janeway Immunobiology, Garland Science, last edition

Module: Final Thesis
Semester: 4 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course Leader: Course leaders of the department
Lecturer: Course leaders of the department
Language: English
Assignment in Curriculum Compulsory course in 4 Sem. MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course Units/Credit hours The Master thesis is done either in research groups of the
department or in national or international research groups,
which offer research activities which match the focus of the
study program.
During the master thesis, the students are supervised by at
least one professor from the department, who also evaluates
the final thesis. Details can be found in the examination
Students workload: Contact hours: 17,5 weeks, with a work load of 40
Private study (writing of thesis, preparing of oral presentation,
learning for final exam): 5 weeks, with a work load of 40
Total Sum: 900 hours
Credits 30 ECTS
Prerequisites according to Admission to Master thesis, if not more than two compulsory
examination regulations: courses have not been passed.
Admission to the Master thesis is regulated under §14 in the
Examination Regulations.
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: The students are able to solve independently and in a given
time complex scientific questions in their special fields of
work. They are also able to present their results both literally
and orally in an adequate manner.
The Master thesis demonstrates the ability for independent
scientific work, and the competence to use theoretical and
analytical abilities for the solution of specific scientific
questions. It also reveals social competence as well as the
ability to solve complex problems.
Summary indicative Theoretical and practical work to solve research-related
content: questions using scientific methods. Practical application of
knowledge and skills gained during the Master studies, and
their accentuation in specific topics. The results have to be
summarized in a scientific document, i.e. the Master thesis.
The students present their results in a defined time frame,
and defend their results in a final oral examination.

Assessment: Master-Thesis: marked
Oral examination: marked
Teaching style: According to need.
Indicative According to need.

Elective courses
Module: Practical Elective: FACS
Semester: 1 semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Harald Illges
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Harald Illges
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Practical elective, 1 semester MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Laboratory work: 6 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lab work: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: Laboratory course:
The students are able to
• perform FACS measurements independently
• take care for the FACS machine (basics)
• to evaluate and organize FACS data
• perform statistical evaluation of FACS data
Summary indicative Laboratory course:
content: The students will be introduced to the theoretical
basis of the FACS technology. They will understand
the basis of the FACS machines and technology and
the used principles of fluidics, optics/lasers and
electronics, understand to run the machines and apply
the CellQuest program (used for setup and steering
the machine), calibration, recording of data,
multiparameter analysis of 4 color experiments
statistical evaluation of single and multicolor stained
cell, dotplot and histogram evaluation of data,
DNA/cell cycle experiments.
Assessment: Active participation demonstrated by protocol
Teaching style: Combination of theory and practical work in the
Indicative Handbook of flow cytometry methods, Robinson

bibliography/Sources: (Editor)
A guide to Fluorescent Probes and Labeling
Technologies, 10. Edition, Molecular Probes

Module: Practical Elective: Complement Receptor
Semester: 1st semester MSc in Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Harald Illges
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Harald Illges
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Practical elective, 1 MSc in Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Hours per Laboratory work: 6 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lab work: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: The students are able to explain the immunology and
molecular biology of complement receptors.
They understand shedding of membrane bound
molecules, experimental techniques to analyze CD21
based on actual literature. The techniques know are
tissue culture, ELISA, FCAS and molecular biology.
Summary indicative Laboratory course:
content: Basics of complement receptor biology/immunology.
Redox regulation of shedding, current research
questions about CD21-
Assessment: Active participation demonstrated by protocol
Teaching style: Combination of theory and practical work in the
Indicative Current scientific literature

Module: Practical Elective: Advanced Bioinformatics
Semester: 1 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Dr. Kurt Stüber
dito Dr. Kurt Stüber
Language: English
Assignment to Practical Elective 1st Semester MSc Biomedical
curriculum: Sciences
Course units / Hours Laboratory work: 6 credit hours
per week:
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lab work: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites None
according to
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: The students are able to perform data base
searches, sequence comparisons, pattern
recognition, evolutionary tree construction, gene
prediction, prediction of secondary and tertiary
structure of proteins and nucleic acids.
They are familiar with and know secondary data
bases (for instance gene ontology, biochemical
pathways and taxonomical data).
Summary indicative The course will take place in one of the computer
content: rooms of the institutes. Students have access to the
internet and are able to use preinstalled software on
the institute servers. Only non-commercial free
software will be used.
Assessment: The course is not graded. There is a written exam at
the end of the semester.
Teaching style: PowerPoint presentations, live computer
demonstrations, blackboard.
Indicative Introduction to Bioinformatics. Arthur M. Lesk
bibliography/Sources: (2006) Oxford University Press or comparable text

Module: Practical Elective: Fundamentals of Membrane Transport
Semester: 1. Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Christopher Volk
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christopher Volk
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Practical Elective 1 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Hours per Laboratory work: 6 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lab work: 90 90
Total: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course the students:
• understand the principle mechanisms of membrane
transport and recognize the different types of
transporters and channels
• are able to apply oocytes of Xenopus laevis as a tool
for the expression of heterologous proteins
• are able to perform measurements of membrane
potentials and membrane currents using a two-
electrode voltage-clamp system
Summary indicative The students will inject RNA of membrane transport proteins
content: into Xenopus oocytes to express the proteins. Subsequently,
they will use these oocytes to perform voltage-clamp
measurements of substrate-induced currents and analyze the
obtained data.
In an accompanying seminar the theoretical background will be
presented by the lecturer and short presentations of scientific
papers will be given by the students.
Assessment: The mode of examination is announced by the beginning of
the semester. No grading in this course.
Teaching style: The unit consists of a 6 SWS practical course, including an
accompanying theoretical seminar.
Indicative The Axon Guide
bibliography/Sources: http://www.culturacientifica.org/textosudc/Axon_Guide.pdf

Module: Practical Elective: Pharmacogenetics (PG)
Semester: 1. Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Weisshaar
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Weisshaar
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Elective Course in 1st Semester MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Laboratory work: 6 credit hours, Group size 6
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lab work: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: Bachelor Biochemistry and Molecular Biology courses
Learning outcomes: • The students can apply the genotyping analysis
using Real-time PCR and microarray
• They can isolate DNA from Blood samples for
genetic analysis.
• They are able to carry out and interpret Real-
time PCR using a Real-time capillary system
• They are able to use a genopChip and perform
a microarray analysis using the Nutrigenomic
Summary indicative The students will analyze the roll of different
content: mutations in genes which are linked to nutrigenetics.
For this purpose they will analyze different probes of
DNA for the occurrence of predispositions of food
intolerance. The project is in directly linked to a
commercial project. The practical task involves the
analysis of the gen variant LCT-13910 for lactose
intolerance by PCR.
In addition the students will analyze a wide variety of
genetic-related food intolerances using the GenoChip
(DNA macroarrary).
Assessment: Active participation demonstrated by lab report und
oral presentation
Indicative Laboratory Scripts:

bibliography/Sources: • Laboratory experiments in Pharmacogenetics
• Pharmacogenomics: the inherited basis for the
interindividual differences in drug response.
Ann.Rev.Genomics Hum- Genet. 2001,2: 9-39
The literature for the seminar is given to the students
at the beginning of the course.

Module: Elective Course: Nutrition Physiology
Semester: 2nd Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Dr. Langhoff
Lecturer: Dr. Langhoff
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Elective course 2nd Semester MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week: Tutorial: 2 credit hours
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 hours 30 hours
Tutorial: 30 hours 30 hours
Lab work: 30 hours 30 hours
Total: 90 hours 90 hours
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: Lecture: The students are able to recognize the
metabolic context of nutrients
• depending on health and activity status
• in sports
• in important diseases
Students understand the theory of high pressure
homogenization and are able to prepare nutrient
Lab course:
Students are able to prepare simple recipes and are
familiar with the basics of homogenization.
Summary indicative content Lecture:
Metabolic and biochemistry Pathways in Nutrition.
New Facts in Nutrtion Science. Biochemistry,
pharmacology and toxicology of Carbohydrates,
Proteins and fats.
Thermodynamic: 1. and 2.Law. Nano-effects: Noyes
Whitney and Ostwald-Freundlich Equation.
Transdermal Systems, Joule Thomson Effect.

Presentation of a publication.
Laboratory course:
Active participation with protocols.
Assessment: Written examination – not graded
Laboratory work: Active participation demonstrated
by laboratory reports
Teaching style: PowerPoint, blackboard.
Indicative Tortora, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 12
bibliography/Sources: Edition
Stryer, Biochemistry 5 Edition.
Atkins, Physical Chemistry 9 Edition

Module: Elective Course: Environmental Chemistry and

Semester: 2. Semester Master Biomedical Sciences

Course leader: Prof. Dr. Gerd Knupp
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gerd Knupp
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Elective Course 2. Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course units / Hours per V: 2 SWS
week: S: 2 SWS; group size: 30
P: 2 SWS; group size: 10
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 hours 30 hours
Tutorial: 30 hours 30 hours
Lab work: 30 hours 30 hours
Total: 90 hours 90 hours
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: The students understand the chemistry of the most
important environmental compounds. They know the
basics of the chemistry of the environmental
compartments air, water and soil. They understand
ecotoxicology as a modern multidiciplinary natural
science and the impact of chemicals on the biology of
the ecosystem. They are able to evaluate basic
environmental concepts in the context of actual
research questions and do know how to address
these questions in laboratory work. They are able to
design strategies to analyse the impact of human-
related changes in the ecological system and to
prevent dangerous impact on the ecosystem thereof.
Summary indicative content Lecture:
basic concepts of environmental chemistry, major
classes and properties of important environmental
chemicals, pollutants and toxins, chemistry of the air,
the soil and of water; description of an ecosystem,
fundamentals of ecotoxicology, the fate of pollutants
in ecosystems, analytical methods in environmental

chemistry and ecotoxicology, toxicity testing,
ecological risk assessment

Calculating ADI-values from NOEL, statistical
evaluation of environmental data, atomic economy
calculation; student´s oral presentation of an
environmental or ecotoxicologic topic of choice

Laboratory Course:
GC/MS-analysis of VOCs from synthetic polymers;
HPLC-analysis of PAHs in soil; determination of
important parameters for water and waste water
control (e.g.: P, N, COD, BOD, AOX, TOC ), heavy
metals in sewage sludge, experimental design for a
toxicity test for the estimation of acute toxicity of a
heavy metal loaded water (e.g. OECD terrestrial plants
growth test), visiting a waste water treatment plant
Assessment: Oral examination and course work. The mode of
examination is announced by the beginning of the
semester. No grading in this course.
Teaching style: PowerPoint, blackboard
Indicative Baird, C., Cann, M. Environmental Chemistry, W. H.
bibliography/Sources: Freemann and Company, New York, 3rd ed., 2005
Wayne G.L., Ming-Ho Y., Introduction to
Environmental Toxicology, CRC Press, 2004
Newman, M.C. et al., Fundamentals of
Ecotoxicology,CRC Press, 2002
Fent K., Ökotoxikologie, Thieme, Stuttgart, 2003

Module: Elective Course: Radiation Biology Basics
Semester: 2. Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Dr. Christa Baumstark-Khan
Lecturer: Dr. Christa Baumstark-Khan, PD Dr. Christine
Hellweg, Dr. Thomas Berger
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Elective Course in 2 Semester MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 1 credit hour
week: Tutorial: 1 credit hour
Laboratory work: 1 credit hour
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 15 15
Tutorial: 15 15
Lab work: 15 15
Total: 45 45
Total study hours: 90 hours
Credits: 3 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: Lecture and Tutorial:
After successfully completing the module, students
have an overview on radiation biology: from physical
interactions of radiation with matter, radiation
chemistry, radiation effects on cells, tissues and
organs as well as on the whole organism. They are
familiar with medical aspects of radiation biology,
such as radiation diagnostics, tumor therapy and
radiation protection.
Laboratory course:
After completing the experimental part, the students
have an up-to-date overview on experimental
methods used in radiobiological science fort the
understanding of cellular radiation effects for the
benefit of patients and radiation workers.
Summary indicative The module consists of lectures, seminars and
content: experimental work. Seminars are complemented by
individual student presentations on selected topics in
the field of radiation biology and by group

presentations on the experimental work. An excursion
to a medical radiation facility is also included. The
mode of examination is announced by the beginning
of the semester.
Natural and man-made sources of radiation,
interactions of radiation with matter, radiation
chemistry, DNA damage, the cytosol and radiation
response, characteristics of cell survival curves, use of
radiation for cancer therapy, low dose effects on
humans, whole body irradiation, lessons from
Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl, radiation
Use of radiation for age determination in archaeology,
air crew radiation exposure, radiation accidents, high
background radiation areas, astronauts organ doses,
radiation chemistry, Deinococcus radiodurans,
sterilization of mosquitos, biosensors, solar radiation
consequences, DNA damage analysis, DNA strand
breaks, cancer stem cells and radiation therapy,
bystander effect.
Laboratory course:
Detectors in radiation physics, space radiation, X-ray
dosimetry, chemical dosimetry, cell survival after
irradiation, radiation-induced cell cycle perturbations,
visualization of DNA damage, biosensors for
Assessment: Module is not graded.
A written final exam about the content of the lecture.
Active participation in the laboratory course,
demonstrated by lab reports.
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, blackboard
Tutorial: PowerPoint, blackboard
Indicative Radiobiology for the Radiologist by E.J. Hall and A.J.
bibliography/Sources: Giaccia, 7 Edition, Wolters/Kluwer
Basic Clinical Radiobiology by M. Joiner and A. van
der Kogel, 4th Edition, Macmillan Publishing
Klinische Strahlenbiologie, kurz und bündig by T.
Herrmann, M. Baumann and W. Dörr, 4. Auflage,
Urban und Fischer

Module: Elective course: Mammalian genome analysis
Semester: 2 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course Leader: Prof. Dr. Hans Weiher
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hans Weiher
Language: English
Assignment in Curriculum Elective Course in 2 Semester MSc Biomedical
Course Units/Credit hours Lecture: 2 credit hours
Tutorial: 2 credit hoursPractical course: 2 credit hours
Students workload: Contact hours Private study
L: 30 30
T: 30 30
P: 30 30
Sum: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: After finishing this unit the students are able to:
• prepare DNA samples from mammalian tissue for
genetic analyses
• carry out and interpret PCR genetic analyses of
mammalian samples.
• design and prepare gene constructs for specific
inhibition of gene expression in mammalian cells, so
called knock down constructs
Summary indicative content: The students purify DNA from murine tissue samples. They
then carry out a PCR analysis with respect to a disease
relevant genetic polymorphism. Furthermore, in the context
of investigating the underlying pathomechanisms, so called
“knock down” gene constructs are prepared, which in
future experiments will be used to inhibit the expression of
several candidate genes, supposedly involved in the disease
development. The theoretic background of the work is
subject of seminars, held in parallel, in which the students
present the corresponding original papers.
Assessment: The mode of examination is announced at the beginning of
the semester. No grading in this course.
Teaching style: PowerPoint, blackboard

Indicative - Sambrook J., Russell D.W. Molecular Cloning (2001)
Bibliography/Sources: - selected original publications on the issue
- laboratory protocols

Module: Elective course: Parasitology
Semester: 2 Semester Master
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Dieter Reinscheid
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dieter Reinscheid
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Special Field in 2 Semester MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week: Tutorial: 1 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 15 15
Total: 45 45
Total study hours: 90 hours
Credits: 3 ECTS
Prerequisites according to none
examination regulations:
Recommendations: none
Learning outcomes: Lecture:
At the end of the lecture, the students are able
• to obtain and evaluate epidemiological
data about the
• origin and spread of parasitic infections
• to name typical symptoms of parasitic
• to name the mode of transmission for
different parasites
• to describe the life cycles of different
parasites and their use for therapeutic
• to know specific metabolic pathways of
• to describe defense mechanisms of
parasites to escape from the immune
At the end of the tutorial, the students are able
• to develop prophylactic measurements
against parasitic infections

• to develop therapeutic strategies against
parasitic infections
• to develop strategies to control parasites
and their vectors
• to diagnose parasitic infections according
to typical symptoms
Summary indicative Lecture:
content: Understanding human and animal parasites in respect
to the following medical aspects:
• Structures involved in host attachment,
damage to host tissue or penetration of host
• Structure and function of species-specific
organelles or organs;
• Protection from the immune system;
• Origin of epidemic or endemic spread of
parasitic infections;
• Socioeconomic consequences of parasitic
• Environmental resistant forms;
• Developmental and larval stages;
• Anamnesis, Diagnostic techniques;
• Drug and surgical treatment;
• Strategies for the control of parasites and their

Questions about the content of the lecture, which
requires deep reflection of the study content, internet
or literature searches. Discussion of the answers to the
questions in the study group.
Assessment: Assessment – non graded
Written exam about the content of the lecture and
Laboratory Course: Active contribution verified by
individual laboratory report
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, Blackboard
Tutorial: Written exercise questions, Blackboard
Indicative Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, LS Garcia, American
bibliography/Sources: Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, 2006
Foundations of Parasitology, LS Roberts, J Janovy, S
Nadler, McGraw Hill Higher Education, Boston, 2012
Practical Exercises in Parasitology, DW Halton, JM

and I Marschall, Cambridge University Press, 2005
Human Parasitology, BJ Bogitsh, CE Carter, TN
Oeltmann, Academic Press, 2012

Module: Special Fields in Biology: Introduction to
Semester: 3 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: M.S.c., Dipl.-Kauf. (FH) Simone Fritzen
Lecturer: M.S.c., Dipl.-Kauf. (FH) Simone Fritzen
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Special Fields 3 Semester Master Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 3 SWS
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 15 15
Total 45 45
Total study hours: 90
Credits: 3 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: Lecture:
At the end of the course the students know:
• The importance of marketing for the company
• The importance of market research and
methods for data acquisition and analysis
• Methods for detecting trends
• The elements of the marketing mix and how to
use them for:
- Product policy, especially brand policy
- Price policy
- Communication policy
- Distribution policy
• Simple models for explaining buying behavior
• Customer relationship management, pros and
• Basics of neuromarketing and the influence of
this theory on marketing
The students are able to apply the topics of the lecture
in practical case studies.

Summary indicative Lecture:
content: Market research, data acquisition, hypothesis
formulation and testing; product policy; brand policy;
price policy; communication policy; distribution policy;
psychic determinates and environmental determinates
of consumer behavior; the SR-Model; the SOR-Model;
the Engel/Kollat/Blackwell model; the Howard/Sheth
model; customer relationship management; memory,
remembrance and learning; types of perception
according to Heath and the consequences for
promotion development; brain corresponding
Case studies; development, execution and analysis of
simple neuromarketing experiments; expert lectures;
excursions generating practical knowledge and inside
into business day to day work
Assessment: Module exam – graded
Written final exam (100%)
Tutorial: Active participation in excursions, written
individual reports
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, Overhead, Black Board
Course: Exercise compilation, Overhead, Black Board
Indicative Kumar et al.: Essentials of Marketing Research
bibliography/Sources: Kotler; Armstrong: Principles of Marketing
Kroeber-Riel; Weinberg: Konsumentenverhalten
Raab et al.: Neuromarketing

Module: Special Fields in Biology: Environment and Health

Semester: 3 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course Leader: Prof. Dr. G. Klein
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. G. Klein
Language English
Assignment in Curriculum Special Fields 3 Semester, MSc Biomedical
Course Units/Credit hours: Lecture: 2 credit hours
Exercise: 1 credit hours
Students workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Exercise: 15 15
Sum: 45 45
Total study hours: 90 hours
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course the students
• can give an overview about historical and
political processes at the environment-health
• understand in-depth the sustainable or
non-sustainable human- environment
• understand effective means and tools for
creating environments
• favorable to human health,
• have an in depth knowledge about the
impact of industrial and societal activities on
human well-being,
• know the direct or indirect
economicsequences of violating basic natural
• understand the basics of natural resources
and global systems, and limits to their use or

Content: This course will describe the links between
environmental conditions and human health and
well-being. The approach towards creating
environments supportive to human Health and
Wellbeing goes well beyond the idea of protecting
natural environments in their own value, and moves
the agenda from a protective and charitable
attitude towards a creative and sustainable
investment strategy on several fields of action:
• The science-policy process from "Limits to
growth" (1972) across the Rio-Earth
Summit (1992) towards Agenda 21in
Policy, and practical Implementation in
presence and future, towards achieving
sustainable Human Health and Well-being,
• Environmental Health (EH) Policy as effective
tool in Health Promotion and Disease
• Policy areas relevant for EH, constructive
processes at national, regional and global
• Case studies in fields like Transport, Water
and Energy Management, Agriculture and
Food Production.
• Environment and Lifestyle, with special
attention to Water and Air
• Hygiene, Food and Tobacco Smoking.
• General aspects of EH-Economy and use of
natural Resources.
• Cultural aspects, Human Rights, Respect
and Dignity, harmonizing
• Ecology and Economy.
Each student will elaborate on one of the thematic
areas and present it as power point presentation in
the group for in depth discussion. This presentation
will form the basis for the final presentation, which
forms part of the final exam.
Examination: At the end of the course a final oral test will be taken
in a power point presentation. The overall credits will
be added as
• the oral test (75%)
• active participation in the seminar (25%)

Literature: Meadows: Limits to Growth, W.v.Dieren: Taking
Nature into Account, WHO: EH in Europe; EEA:
Europe’s Environment, Late lessons from early
warnings; Wuppertal Institut: Nachhaltiges
(Literature collection available on LEA)

Module: Special Fields in Biology: Free Radicals in Biomedical
Semester: 3 semester, Master in Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Dr. Nadina Stadler
Lecturer: Dr. Nadina Stadler
Language: English
Assignment to Special Field in 3rd Semester MSc Biomedical
curriculum: Sciences
Course units / Lecture: 2 credit hours
Hours per week: Exercises: 1 credit hours
Student workload: Total Contact Hours Total Private Study
Lecture: 30 30
Exercises: 15 15
Total: 45 45
Total study hours: 90 hours
Credits: 3 ECTS
Prerequisites None
according to
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: Students understand the multiple roles played by
oxidative stress/free radicals in the etiology and
pathogenesis of cardiovascular, neurodegenerative
diseases, and cancer.
They will be able to identify and critically review current
biomarkers of oxidative stress and the state-of-the-art
methods used to measure them.
They will be able to seek and make use of appropriate
published literature to examine associations of oxidative
stress with age-related diseases.
Overall, this special field course will provide students
with means to understand a multidisciplinary field of
biomedical research, which focuses on documenting the
involvement of free radicals in disease development and
progression, its biological consequences and related
therapeutic implications.

Summary indicative This course will review and capitalize on current findings
content: from groundbreaking, interdisciplinary research in the
• The basic chemistry of free radicals
• Sources of oxidative stress
• Antioxidant defenses
• Cellular, tissue responses to oxidative stress
• Techniques for the measurement of oxidative
• Biomarkers
• Free radicals in disease development and
• Evaluation of current preventive and therapeutic
• Future challenges and research perspectives for
Master students
In an evidence-based, collaborative approach, students
will be trained to incorporate concepts, methodology
and applications into the analysis and evaluation of a
pre-defined research project.
Assessment: Individual PowerPoint presentation on a specific topic in
the field of free radical research. The module is graded.
Teaching style: Lectures. Interactive learning, problem-oriented exercises.
Guest lecture. On-site visits.
Indicative Sources: Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Fourth Edition.
Barry Halliwell and John Gutteridge. ISBN13:

Module: Special Fields in Biology: Stem Cells
Semester: 3 Semester MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Prof. Dr. Edda Tobiasch
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Edda Tobiasch
Language: English
Assignment to Special Field 3 Semester MSc Biomedical
curriculum: Sciences
Course units / Hours Lecture: 2 credit hours
per week: Tutorial: 2 credit hours
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 15
Tutorial: 30 45
Lab work: 30 30
Total: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites none
according to
Recommendations: Knowledge in cell culture from previous study
courses General Safety Instructions for working in
Safety Instructions for working with S1 organisms
Learning outcomes: Lecture:
At the end of the course, students are able to work
independently in scientific projects and are familiar
1. the differences between embryonic and adult
stem cells
2. the sources for stem cells
3. ethical aspects of working with stem cells
4. current findings
Laboratory course:
4. markers for differentiation lines
5. detection methods of various differentiation lines

Thus they will be able to work in laboratories of

industries and universities, which focus on the
development of stem cell therapies with only a short
training period for adjustments.
Summary indicative Lecture:
content: The lecture focuses on the following questions and
aspects: stem cells vs. progenitor cells, embryonic vs.
adult stem cells: advantages and disadvantages,
sources for stem cells, iPS, plasticity and potency,
differentiation and transdifferentiation, isolation and
purification, differentiation lines and markers, line-
specific staining
Each student has to present a paper which is related
to his/her specific project and discuss the content
with respect to their own current data and adjust
the project, if applicable. Ethical aspects will be
discussed. The data will be presented at an
international or national conference if enough
scientific results can be achieved.
Laboratory course:
Each student will have an own part of a scientific
project to work on. This subproject will be part of a
doctoral thesis or will partially overlap with the other
subprojects. All components together will be a
complete scientific project.
Assessment: The module is graded. The mode of assessment will
be announced by the beginning of the module.
Active participation and attendance is required to
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, Overhead, black board
Tutorial: paper, PowerPoint, black board
Indicative Turksen, Kursad: Adult stem cells, Humana Press
bibliography/Sources: Sell, Stewart: Stem cells handbook, Humana Press
Chiu, Arlene Y.: Human embryonic stem cells,
Humana Press
Artmann G.M., Hescheler J., Minger S.: Stem Cell
Engineering, Springerverlag
Paolo Di Nardo: Adult Stem Cell Standardization,
River Publishers
Kasper, Cornelia; Witte, Frank; Pörtner, Ralf: Tissue
Engineering III: Cell – Surface interactions for Tissue

Module: Special Fields in Biology: Physiology of the
Skeletal System and Biomaterials
Semester: 3rd Semester in the MSc Biomedical Sciences
Course leader: Thomas Winkler & Arne Hothan
Lecturer: Thomas Winkler & Arne Hothan
Language: English
Assignment to curriculum: Special Field 3 Semester MSc Biomedical
Course units / Hours per Lecture: 2 credit hours
week: Tutorial: 2 credit hours
Laboratory work: 2 credit hours
Student workload: Contact hours Private study
Lecture: 30 30
Tutorial: 30 30
Lab work: 30 30
Total: 90 90
Total study hours: 180 hours
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites according to None
examination regulations:
Recommendations: None
Learning outcomes: Lecture:
After successfully completing the lecture the students
are familiar with the anatomy and the biology of the
human skeletal system. They know about the chemical
composition, the cell biology as well as the physiology
of the skeleton. Additionally they have learnt the
musculoskeletal disorders and corresponding
treatment options.
The students possess an overview of available
treatment strategies. The method of tissue
engineering to treat defects of the human joint is
known. They are familiar with the application of
implants as well as their specialties and the demands
of the applied materials. The approval procedures on
the German and the international market will extend
their knowledge to a more market-based view.
The students are familiar with methods for the
preparation of scientific presentations containing
literature reviews, the preparation of a handout and

the talk itself. The presentation will be discussed and
integrated into the acquired knowledge.
Additionally the students will get an overview of the
current research.
Laboratory course:
The students can perform standardized tests following
DIN standard specifications for in vitro testing of
Summary indicative Lecture:
content: • Physiology of the skeletal system
• Skeletal disorders and its treatment
• Tissue Engineering
• Biomaterials
• Implant types
• Approval of implants
• Literature seminar to state-of-the-art

Laboratory course:
Accomplishment of cytotoxic tests according to DIN
EN ISO 10993-5 (biological assessment of medical
products - part 5: Testing of in vitro cytotoxicity (ISO
10993-5:2009); German version EN ISO 109933-
Assessment: Modul examination – graded
Written examination
Laboratory course: Active participation verified by
individual protocols of experiments and measurements
Teaching style: Lecture: PowerPoint, Overhead, Board
Tutorial: Written compilation of exercises, Overhead,
Indicative Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders
bibliography/Sources: of Mineral Metabolism, Clifford J. Rosen, Juliet E.
Compston, Jane B. Lian

Bones and Cartilage: Developmental Skeletal Biology.

Developmental Skeletal Biology: Developmental and
Evolutionary Skeletal Biology,
Brian Keith Hall


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