Oracle: Global Human Resources Cloud Implementing Global Payroll

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Global Human Resources Cloud

Implementing Global Payroll

Release 13 (update 17B)

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll

Release 13 (update 17B)

Part Number E84523-02
Copyright © 2011-2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Janet McCandless, Angela Brown, Carla Fabrizio, Juliette Fleming, Tim Bisset, Toni Kunz

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll


Preface i

1 Overview 1
Implementing Global Payroll: Overview ...................................................................................................................... 1
Payroll Data Loading: Overview ................................................................................................................................ 3

2 Key Payroll Concepts 5

Enterprise Structures ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Payroll Relationships and the Payroll Employment Model ........................................................................................ 11
FAQs for Payroll Relationships and the Payroll Employment Model ......................................................................... 15
Elements and Other Calculation Information ............................................................................................................ 16

3 Payroll Task Lists 19

Enabling Offerings: Explained .................................................................................................................................. 19
Enabling Offerings: Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 19
Prerequisite Tasks for Payroll Setup: Overview ....................................................................................................... 19
Payroll Setup Tasks for Financials: Explained .......................................................................................................... 21
Setting Up Reconciliation for Payments: Procedure ................................................................................................ 22
Define Payroll: Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Define Earning and Deduction Definitions: Overview ................................................................................................ 28

4 Country Extensions 31
Selecting Country Extensions: Critical Choices ........................................................................................................ 31
Selecting Country Extensions: Worked Example ..................................................................................................... 32

5 Profile Options 35
Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option: Critical Choices ................................................................................. 35
Creating and Editing Profile Options: Procedure ..................................................................................................... 36
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll

6 Pay Frequency 39
Pay Frequency Components: How They Work Together ......................................................................................... 39
Consolidation Group Usage: Examples ................................................................................................................... 40
Payroll Definitions: Explained ................................................................................................................................... 41
Managing Payroll Definitions: Points to Consider ..................................................................................................... 41
Creating Payroll Definitions: Worked Example ......................................................................................................... 44
Periodicity Conversion: Explained ............................................................................................................................ 46
Statutory and Earning Periods: Explained ............................................................................................................... 49
Using Time Definitions for Severance Pay: Example ................................................................................................ 49
Restricting Payroll Processing: Critical Choices ....................................................................................................... 51
Frequency Rules: Explained .................................................................................................................................... 52
Object Groups: Explained ....................................................................................................................................... 54
FAQs for Pay Frequency ......................................................................................................................................... 55

7 User-Defined Tables 57
Creating a User-Defined Table for Matched Row Values: Example .......................................................................... 57
Creating a User-Defined Table for a Range of Row Values: Example ...................................................................... 58
User Table Validation Formula Type ........................................................................................................................ 60

8 Fast Formulas 63
Using Formulas: Explained ...................................................................................................................................... 63
Writing a Fast Formula Using Formula Text: Worked Example ................................................................................ 64
Writing a Fast Formula Using Expression Editor: Worked Example .......................................................................... 66
Formula Compilation Errors: Explained .................................................................................................................... 67
Formula Execution Errors: Explained ....................................................................................................................... 68
FAQs for Fast Formulas .......................................................................................................................................... 70

9 Balance Definitions 73
Balances ................................................................................................................................................................. 73
FAQs for Balances .................................................................................................................................................. 76
Balance Groups ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
Balance Exceptions ................................................................................................................................................. 83
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll

10 Elements 89
Element Classifications ............................................................................................................................................ 89
Elements ................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Element Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 107
FAQs for Elements ................................................................................................................................................ 110

11 Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements 113

Creating Earnings Elements for Payroll: Worked Example ..................................................................................... 113
Creating Payroll Elements for Processing Absences: Procedure ............................................................................ 115
Creating Payroll Elements for an Absence Accrual Plan: Worked Example ............................................................ 117
Creating Elements for Time Card Entries: Procedure ............................................................................................ 120
Time Card Required Option: Critical Choices ........................................................................................................ 123
Net-to-Gross Earnings: How They're Calculated ................................................................................................... 123
Creating a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element: Worked Example ............................................................................... 124
File Format for Importing Absence Entries to Payroll ............................................................................................. 128
File Format for Importing Time Entries .................................................................................................................. 131

12 Deductions 135
Creating Voluntary and Pre-statutory Deductions: Procedure ................................................................................ 135
Creating Elements for Pension Deductions: Worked Example ............................................................................... 136
Entering Calculation Values for Pensions: Points to Consider ................................................................................ 137
Adding Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card: Procedure .......................................................................... 139
Fee and Proration Rules for Involuntary Deductions: Explained ............................................................................. 142
Involuntary Deduction Processing: Examples ........................................................................................................ 143
File Format for Importing Pension Deductions to Payroll ....................................................................................... 146

13 Proration and Retroactive Pay 149

Payroll Event Groups: Explained ........................................................................................................................... 149
Setting Up Element Proration: Procedure .............................................................................................................. 150
Prorated Earnings and Deductions: How They're Calculated ................................................................................. 151
Customizing Conversion Formulas for Proration: Procedure .................................................................................. 153
Retroactive Pay: How It Is Calculated ................................................................................................................... 154
Adding a Retroactive Event Manually: Worked Example ........................................................................................ 157
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll

14 Calculation Information 159

Payroll Calculation Information: Explained ............................................................................................................. 159
Payroll Calculation Information at the Legislative Level: Examples ......................................................................... 162
Calculation Cards .................................................................................................................................................. 165
Calculation Value Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 166
Wage Basis Rules ................................................................................................................................................. 171
Calculation Factors ............................................................................................................................................... 173
FAQs for Calculation Information ........................................................................................................................... 176

15 Rate Definitions 177

Rate Definitions: Explained .................................................................................................................................... 177
Creating Rate Definitions: Points to Consider ........................................................................................................ 177
Rate Contributors for Derived Rates: Points to Consider ....................................................................................... 181
Configuring Elements to Use Rate Definitions: Procedure ..................................................................................... 183
Creating Rate Definitions for Leave: Worked Example ........................................................................................... 187
Creating a Rate Definition for Basic Salary: Worked Example ................................................................................ 189
Creating Rate Definitions for Overall Salary: Worked Example ............................................................................... 190
Generating HCM Rates: Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 192
Using the Rate Calculation Formula: Explained ..................................................................................................... 194
Rates Used to Calculate Absences in Payroll: Explained ....................................................................................... 195
FAQ for Rate Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 196

16 Values Defined by Criteria 197

Manage Values Defined by Criteria: Examples ...................................................................................................... 197
Values Defined by Criteria: Explained .................................................................................................................... 198
Using Values Defined by Criteria to Pay Bonuses Based on Age and Location: Worked Example .......................... 201
Using Values Defined by Criteria to Limit Pension Contributions: Worked Example ................................................ 206
FAQ for Values Defined by Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 210
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll

17 Payment Methods 211

Bank, Branch, and Account Components: How They Work Together ................................................................... 211
Creating Accounts: Points to Consider ................................................................................................................. 212
Entering Bank Information for Personal Payment Methods: Critical Choices .......................................................... 213
Configuring Payment Method Preferences: Procedure .......................................................................................... 214
Organization Payment Methods: Explained ........................................................................................................... 215
Prenotifications: Explained ..................................................................................................................................... 217
Payment Methods and Payroll Definitions: How They Work Together .................................................................... 217
Setting Up Payment Sources in Organization Payment Methods: Worked Example ............................................... 218
Payment Method Rules: Examples ........................................................................................................................ 221
Deriving Payment Sources by Department: Worked Example ................................................................................ 222
Configuring Payment Method Preferences: Procedure .......................................................................................... 225
Customizing Payslips and Checks ........................................................................................................................ 226
Third-Party Payment Methods ............................................................................................................................... 228
FAQ for Payment Methods ................................................................................................................................... 230

18 Payroll Flow Patterns 231

Creating Flow Patterns: Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 231
Checklist and Flow Tasks: Explained .................................................................................................................... 232
Editing Flow Tasks: Points to Consider ................................................................................................................. 233
Flow Pattern Parameters: Explained ...................................................................................................................... 234
Flow Task Start and Due Dates: Critical Choices .................................................................................................. 237
Managing Corrective Tasks in a Payroll Flow Pattern: Points to Consider .............................................................. 238
Editing Flow Patterns: Examples ........................................................................................................................... 240
Editing a Flow Pattern: Worked Example .............................................................................................................. 242
Creating a Flow Pattern to Reissue a Check: Worked Example ............................................................................ 243
Adding a BI Publisher Report to a Flow: Procedure .............................................................................................. 245
Creating a Flow within a Flow: Worked Example .................................................................................................. 246
Creating a Report to View Batch Line Errors: Worked Example ............................................................................ 249
Customizing the QuickPay Flow Pattern: Procedure ............................................................................................. 254
FAQs for Payroll Flow Patterns ............................................................................................................................. 255
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Global Payroll

19 Payroll Process Configuration 257

Payroll Process Configuration Groups: Explained .................................................................................................. 257
Payroll Process Configuration Parameters ............................................................................................................. 257
Logging Processing Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 262
Parallel Processing Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 266
FAQs for Payroll Process Configuration ................................................................................................................ 267

20 Security Profiles 269

Creating Payroll Security Profiles: Examples .......................................................................................................... 269
Flow Security and Flow Owners: Explained ........................................................................................................... 269
Creating Flow Pattern Security Profiles: Examples ................................................................................................ 271

21 Auditing and Data Validation 273

Auditing Payroll Business Objects: Explained ........................................................................................................ 273
Managing Audit Policies: Explained ....................................................................................................................... 274
Configuring Audit Business Object Attributes: Points to Consider ......................................................................... 274
Audit History: Explained ........................................................................................................................................ 275
Adding Rules to Data Validation Reports: Worked Example .................................................................................. 276
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Implementing Global Payroll

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Implementing Global Payroll

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Global Payroll Overview

1 Overview

Implementing Global Payroll: Overview

To plan your payroll implementation, consider the feature choices for the Payroll functional area, and the key decisions
highlighted in this topic. To get started, use the Getting Started page in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Then
configure your offerings and generate your task list.

Getting Started
You implement Global Payroll using the Payroll functional area in the Workforce Deployment offering.

Before you begin, use the Getting Started page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to access reports for this offering.
These reports include:
• Lists of setup tasks
• Descriptions of the options and features you can select when you configure the offering
• Lists of business objects and enterprise applications associated with the offering

Payroll Feature Choices: Countries and Costing

On the Configure Offerings page in the Setup and Maintenance work area, enable the Payroll functional area for

On this page, you also select feature choices for payroll processing:
• Select the countries or territories for which you are processing payroll.
• Select the Payroll Costing feature choice if you want to cost your payroll. If you select this choice, select the
appropriate subledger accounting rules:

◦ The Maintain Subledger Application and Accounting Method option enables you to review predefined
subledger data.
◦ Both options enable you to integrate subledger accounting with payroll.

Tip: For each country or territory where you are processing payroll, select the Payroll extension on the Manage
Features by Country or Territory page. In addition, on the Manage Currencies page, set the appropriate precision
for each country's currency. For example, Global Payroll customers who pay and report in USD must set the
precision value to 2. Setting precision ensures that the payroll processes and reports used for reconciliation and
legislative reporting produce the expected results. For each country or territory where you are sending payroll
data to a third-party payroll provider:
• Don't select that country or territory on the Select Feature Choices page.
• Do select the Payroll Interface extension on the Manage Features by Country or Territory page. Do set currency
precision on the Manage Currencies page.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Global Payroll Overview

Payroll Task Lists

You can access the payroll setup tasks on the Applications Administration tab of the Overview page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area. Select the Workforce Deployment offering and the Payroll functional area.
Alternatively, create an implementation project for the Payroll functional area to generate a task list for the project. The
application implementation manager or consultant can assign and track each task.

If you have already implemented Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources, which is required for payroll processing, you have
completed many prerequisite tasks. The Implementing Global Human Resources guide explains these tasks. Most of the
additional tasks required to implement payroll processing are in the Define Payroll task list.

Key Decisions
As you plan your payroll implementation, your key decisions include the ones highlighted in the following table.

Decision Considerations

How many payroll definitions do you You create at least one payroll definition for each payroll frequency, such as weekly or semimonthly,
require? in a legislative data group.

Which elements do you require? Create elements to handle all the earnings and deductions you want to process.

Which payment types do you want to You create at least one payment method for each combination of payment type and currency in a
support, and how many organization legislative data group.
payment methods do you need?  

Do you plan to cost your payroll? If so, create a Cost Allocation key flexfield structure that matches your accounting structures. The
  flexfield segments record account numbers for costing processes such as the calculation of payroll
and payments. Plan at which costing level, such as payroll, element or department levels, to make
each segment of your accounts available for entry. See the Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Payroll Costing guide for more details.

Does the predefined payroll cycle flow If not, you can copy the flow pattern and customize it. You can also design additional flow patterns
pattern meet your requirements for the to handle other common scenarios.
sequence of tasks in your regular payroll  

What integrations do you need, for The Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud guide provides the information you require to support your
example with time entry or benefits integrations.

How will you load personal information Use the payroll batch loader to load most payroll information. See the Integrating with Oracle HCM
such as payment methods, bank details, Cloud guide for more details.
and tax details?  

Related Topics
• Define Payroll: Overview

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Global Payroll Overview

• What's the difference between precision, extended precision, and minimum accountable unit for a currency?

Payroll Data Loading: Overview

You can load payroll data for initial migration or mass data entry using the payroll batch loader, predefined processes,
and web services. You can also automate the regular import of time cards, absence entries, and benefit enrollments using
predefined flows.

This overview outlines your options to meet the following data loading requirements:

• Loading setup data

• Exporting and importing setup data between test and production environments
• Ongoing data loading

Loading Setup Data

You can use HCM Data Loader during implementation to migrate HCM setup data, including element entries and salaries.
However, for most payroll-related setup data and worker data, as shown in the following table, use the payroll batch loader.
You can load the data from a spreadsheet or a file.

Payroll Setup Data Worker Data

Balances in balance groups Assigned payrolls

Elements Bank details for personal payment methods
Formula globals Element entries
Object groups Initial balance values
Payroll definitions
User-defined tables

Use the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration, Data Exchange, or Checklist work area to perform the following

1. Enter the data in a workbook format that's specific to the object type or create a batch from a file using a
transformation formula.
2. Save your entries to staging tables.
3. Validate the data in staging tables.
4. Submit the Transfer Batch flow to load the data to the application tables. For initial balance values, use the Load
Initial Balances flow instead.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Global Payroll Overview

Exporting and Importing Setup Data Between Environments

Typically, you initially migrate data to a test environment. After successful testing, you can move the data to your production
environment using one of the following tasks:

• Use the Manage Configuration Packages task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to export and import a
configuration package.
• Use the Create Batch for an Object process in the Payroll Administration work area to select specific objects, such
as elements or formulas, to migrate.

Ongoing Data Loading

You can use the payroll batch loader and predefined batch processes to load element entries and other payroll data on an
ongoing basis. You can automate the submission of the flows using the Flow Actions web service.
Specific flows exist for loading payroll-related data for payroll processing, such as the Load Absence Batches process, where
you specify the interface type and XML file containing the data to load.

To import data from a third-party payroll provider, such as processed payroll data or payslips, you can use the HCM Data

Related Topics
• Implementation Project Based Export and Import: Explained

• Migrating Objects Using the Payroll Batch Loader: Procedure

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

2 Key Payroll Concepts

Enterprise Structures

What's a payroll statutory unit?

Payroll statutory units are legal entities that are responsible for paying workers, including the payment of payroll tax and social
insurance. A payroll statutory unit can pay and report on payroll tax and social insurance on behalf of one or many legal
entities, depending on the structure of your enterprise. For example, if you are a multinational, multiple company enterprise,
then you register a payroll statutory unit in each country where you employ and pay people. You can optionally register a
consolidated payroll statutory unit to pay and report on workers across multiple legal employers within the same country. You
associate a legislative data group with a payroll statutory unit to provide the correct payroll information for workers.

Legislative Data Groups: Explained

Legislative data groups are a means of partitioning payroll and related data. At least one legislative data group is required for
each country where the enterprise operates. Each legislative data group is associated with one or more payroll statutory units.
Each payroll statutory unit can belong to only one legislative data group.

Payroll-related information, such as elements, is organized by legislative data group. Each legislative data group:
• Marks a legislation in which payroll is processed.
• Is associated with a legislative code, currency, and its own cost allocation key flexfield structure.
• Is a boundary that can share the same set up and still comply with the local laws.
• Can span many jurisdictions as long as they are within one country.
• Can contain many legal entities that act as payroll statutory units.

Payroll Statutory Units, Legal Employers, and Tax Reporting Units:

How They Work Together
When you set up legal entities, you can identify them as legal employers and payroll statutory units, which makes them
available for use in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM). Depending on how your organization is structured, you
may have only one legal entity that is also a payroll statutory unit and a legal employer, or you may have multiple legal entities,
payroll statutory units, and legal employers.

Legal Employers and Payroll Statutory Unit

Payroll statutory units enable you to group legal employers so that you can perform statutory calculations at a higher level,
such as for court orders or for United Kingdom (UK) statutory sick pay. In some cases, a legal employer is also a payroll
statutory unit. However, your organization may have several legal employers under one payroll statutory unit. A legal employer
can belong to only one payroll statutory unit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

Payroll Statutory Units and Tax Reporting Units

Payroll statutory units and tax reporting units have a parent-child relationship, with the payroll statutory unit being the parent.

Tax Reporting Units and Legal Employers

Tax reporting units are indirectly associated with a legal employer through the payroll statutory unit. One or more tax reporting
units can be used by a single legal employer, and a tax reporting unit can be used by one or more legal employers. For
example, assume that a single tax reporting unit is linked to a payroll statutory unit. Assume also that two legal employers are
associated with this payroll statutory unit. In this example, both legal employers are associated with the single tax reporting

Use the Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task to designate an existing legal reporting unit as a tax reporting
unit. If you create a new legal reporting unit that belongs to a legal employer (that is not also a payroll statutory unit), you
select a parent payroll statutory unit and then, when you run the Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task, you
designate it as a tax reporting unit and select the legal employer.

Related Topics
• Legal Entities: Explained

• What's a legal employer?

• What's a tax reporting unit?

HCM Organization Models: Examples

These examples illustrate different models for human capital management (HCM) organizations that include a legislative data
group (LDG). This example includes LDGs, which aren't an organization classification, to show how to partition payroll data by
associating them with a payroll statutory unit.

Simple Configuration
This example illustrates a simple configuration that does not include any tax reporting units.

Note the following:

• The legal employer and payroll statutory units are the same, sharing the same boundaries.
• Reporting can only be done at a single level. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
might use this type of model, as these countries report at the legal entity level.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

This figure illustrates a simple configuration where the enterprise has only one legal entity, which is both a payroll statutory unit
and a legal employer.

InFusion Corporation


Legislative Legal Entity

Data Group



Multiple Legal Employers and Tax Reporting Units

This example illustrates a more complex configuration. In this enterprise, you define one legal entity, InFusion US as a payroll
statutory unit with two separate legal entities, which are also legal employers. This model shows multiple legal employers that
are associated with a single payroll statutory unit. Tax reporting units are always associated with a specific legal employer (or
employers) through the payroll statutory unit.

The implication is that payroll statutory reporting boundaries vary from human resources (HR) management, and you can
categorize the balances separately by one of the following:

• Payroll statutory unit

• Legal employer
• Tax reporting unit

This configuration is based on tax filing requirements, as some tax-related payments and reports are associated with a higher
level than employers. An example of a country that might use this model is the US.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

This figure illustrates an enterprise that has one payroll statutory unit and multiple legal employers and tax reporting units.

InFusion Corporation

US Division

InFusion US
Legal Entity
USA Legislative
Data Group PSU

US LE 1 InFusion Inc
Legal Entity Legal Entity

Legal Legal
Employer Employer

Tax Reporting

InFusion Corp USA InFusion Holding

Tax Reporting Unit Tax Reporting Unit

One Payroll Statutory Unit and Two Tax Reporting Units

This model makes no distinction between a legal employer and a payroll statutory unit. You define tax reporting units as
subsidiaries to the legal entity.

In this enterprise, legal entity is the highest level of aggregation for payroll calculations and reporting. Statutory reporting
boundaries are the same for both payroll and HR management. An example of a country that might use this model is France.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

This figure illustrates an example of an organization with one legal entity. The legal entity is both a legal employer and a payroll
statutory unit and that has two tax reporting units.

InFusion Corporation


InFusion France
Legal Entity

Legislative Data PSU

InFusion Colombes InFusion Lyon

Tax Reporting Unit Tax Reporting Unit

One Payroll Statutory Unit with Several Tax Reporting Units

In this model, the enterprise has one legal entity. Legal employers and tax reporting units are independent from each other
within a payroll statutory unit, because there is no relationship from a legal perspective. Therefore, you can run reporting on
both entities independently.

Using this model, you wouldn't typically:

• Report on tax reporting unit balances within a legal employer

• Categorize balances by either or both organizations, as required

An example of a country that might use this model is India.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

This figure illustrates an enterprise with one legal entity that is a payroll statutory unit and a legal employer. The tax reporting
units are independent from the legal employer.

InFusion Corporation

India Division

InFusion India Pvt. Ltd

Legal Entity
India PSU
Legislative Data

InFusion InFusion
Hyderabad Bangalore
Tax Reporting Tax Reporting
Unit Unit


Tax Tax Tax Tax
Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting
Unit Unit Unit Unit


Tax Tax Tax Tax
Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting
Unit Unit Unit Unit

Multiple Payroll Statutory Units with Several Tax Reporting Units

In this model, the enterprise has two legal entities. The legal employers and tax reporting units are independent from each
other within a payroll statutory unit, because there is no relationship from a legal perspective. Therefore, you can run reporting
on both entities independently.

Using this model, you wouldn't typically:

• Report on tax reporting unit balances within a legal employer

• Categorize balances by either or both organizations, as required

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

An example of a country that might use this model is the United Kingdom (UK).

This figure illustrates an enterprise with two legal entities, and legal employers and tax reporting units are independent from
each other.

InFusion Corporation


Data Group
Legal Entity Legal Entity



Tax Tax Legal Entity

Reporting Reporting
Unit Unit Legal

Related Topics
• Legal Entities: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

Payroll Relationships and the Payroll Employment Model

Payroll Relationships: Explained

A payroll relationship represents the association between a person and a payroll statutory unit (PSU), which is the legal entity
responsible for employee payment. Payroll relationships group a person's employment assignment records based on the
payroll statutory calculation and reporting requirements. Payroll relationships facilitate the capture and extraction of HR and
payroll-related data sent to a third party, such as a payroll provider for payroll processing.
Payroll processing always occurs at the payroll relationship level. When you display the payroll process results for a person,
you first select the person's payroll relationship record and then drill down to view details.

Payroll relationships aggregate balances at the payroll relationship level. Within a payroll relationship, payroll processes can
aggregate balances for multiple assignment records. Balances don't span payroll relationships.

Creation of Payroll Relationship Records

For the rehire process to automatically create a payroll relationship record, you must have a mapping between the system
person type and the payroll relationship type. The table below shows the payroll relationship type values that are supported.

Payroll Relationship Type Description

Standard Person types mapped to this payroll relationship type are included in payroll runs.

Element Entry Only Person types mapped to this payroll relationship type have only element entries created for them
  and are excluded from payroll processing.

Relationship mapping rules, which map system person types to payroll relationship types, can vary by country or territory. For
example, the table below shows the mapping between system person types and payroll relationship types, that are applicable
for Canada.

System Person Type Payroll Relationship Type

Contingent Worker Element Entry Only


Employee Standard

Nonworker Paid Standard


Nonworker Unpaid Element Entry Only


For Canada, Contingent Worker type and Nonworker Unpaid type are excluded from payroll processing.

The mapping rules are predefined for legislations provided by Oracle. You cannot create your own payroll relationship types
and you must use the values that are predefined in the application.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

A payroll relationship cannot end while there are active employment assignments. When all employment assignments are
ended for a payroll relationship, it could either remain active or become end dated. It depends on the legislation and the
payroll relationship rules applicable for the legislation. For example:

• For the US, relationships that remain active enables future rehire within the same payroll relationship and PSU.
• For the UK, for a relationship that gets terminated, a new payroll relationship is created within the same payroll
relationship and PSU, for the rehire.

Related Topics
• Element Duration Dates in Payroll Relationships: Explained

• Setting End Dates for Terminations: Examples

Payroll Employment Model: Explained

In the payroll employment model, each person has a payroll relationship to a payroll statutory unit (PSU), and one or more
assignments to a payroll and other employment structures. In a three-tier model, each person can also have an employment
terms record that groups assignments within a payroll relationship. You hold some element entries, typically deductions, at
the payroll relationship level, and others at lower employment levels.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

Comparing the HR and Payroll Employment Models

The following figure contrasts the HR employment model and the payroll employment model in a US example where two
legal employers belong to one PSU. In this example, David Ellis has two different employment terms and assignments. The
resulting structure creates two work relationships in the HR model and one payroll relationship in the payroll model.

Payroll Statutory Unit Sun Power US

Legal Employers Manufacturing US Installation US

HR Model Payroll Model

David Ellis David Ellis

Payroll Relationship
Work Relationship Work Relationship
Payroll Statutory Unit:
Manufacturing US Installation US
Sun Power US

Employment Terms Employment Terms Employment Terms Employment Terms

Permanent Temporary Permanent Temporary

Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment

Project Manager Trainer Project Manager Trainer

Payroll Employment Levels

Your enterprise uses either a two-tier employment model or a three-tier employment model. The primary difference between
these models is that only the three-tier model supports assigned payrolls at the employment terms level. You can use profile
options to control which three items of information display to identify the employment records at each level.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

Note: Employees with multiple terms or assignments paid on payrolls using different frequencies, such as
monthly and semimonthly, must have different employment terms or assignments for each payroll.

Related Topics
• Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option: Critical Choices

• Employment Level for Elements: Critical Choices

Payroll Relationship Rules: Explained

The payroll relationship rule determines what happens when you terminate the last active employment assignment record
for a payroll relationship. The rule also determines whether the application creates a payroll relationship when you add a new
assignment record for an employee. This topic describes the following predefined rules that localizations can use.

Lifetime Rule
When a work assignment is terminated, the associated payroll relationship continues to remain active. When you create an
assignment, the application searches for an active payroll relationship of the same type and for the same payroll statutory unit
(PSU). If found, the new assignment is attached to the existing active payroll relationship. If not, a new payroll relationship is

Continuous Period of Service Rule

When a work assignment is terminated, the associated payroll relationship becomes inactive and is terminated. Subsequently,
when you create an assignment, the application searches for an active payroll relationship of the same type and for the same
PSU. If a payroll relationship exists, date validation occurs to determine whether to use the existing payroll relationship or to
create a new one. The application compares the start date of the new assignment to the last standard earnings date of the
existing payroll relationship. If the start date is before the last standard earnings date, the application uses the existing payroll
relationship, otherwise, it creates a new one.

Independent Rule
When a work assignment is terminated, the associated payroll relationship becomes inactive and is terminated. When you
create an assignment, a new payroll relationship is created. Each payroll relationship is associated with one work assignment.

Related Topics
• Terminations: How They Affect Payroll Processing

FAQs for Payroll Relationships and the Payroll Employment


How do I diagnose payroll employment model setup issues?

After creating enterprise structures, you can run the Payroll Employment Model Setup Validation test if you have access to
the Diagnostic Dashboard. This test checks whether legal employers are associated with a legislative data group. Select Run
Diagnostic Tests from the Setting and Actions menu in the global area.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

How can I validate data after legislative setup?

You can run data validation reports from the Payroll Checklist work area to identify any missing attributes based on statutory
rules of the legislative data group.
Use the Run Payroll Data Validation Report process to list noncompliant or missing statutory information for a person by
payroll statutory unit (PSU). For example, your report might list all people in the PSU with a missing tax reporting unit.

Use the Run Worker Data Validation Report process to list noncompliant or missing statutory information for a worker by legal
employer. For example, your report might list all workers in the legal employer with a missing date of birth, job, or department.

Related Topics
• Adding Rules to Data Validation Reports: Worked Example

When should I change payroll relationship rules?

You should not need to change payroll relationship rules after implementation. If there are any updates to payroll relationship
rules after employment records already exist, those updates will affect only newly created employment records. If employment
records already exist, it is best not to change payroll relationship rules to ensure that new and existing employment records
have the same rules.

Elements and Other Calculation Information

Elements: How They Hold Payroll Information for Multiple Features

Elements are building blocks that help determine the payment of base pay, benefits, absences, and other earnings and
deductions. You associate your elements with salary bases, absence plans, and the benefits object hierarchy to determine
how you will use the elements.
This table provides some examples of how you can use elements.

Element Usage Examples of Elements

Base Pay Management Annual Salary Basis

Monthly Salary Basis
Hourly Salary Basis

Absence Management Absence Payment

Leave Liability
Discretionary Disbursement
Final Disbursement

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

Element Usage Examples of Elements

Benefits Health Care Deduction

Savings Plan Deduction
Employee Stock Purchase Deduction

Time and Labor Regular Hourly Earnings

Overtime Earnings
Shift Earnings

Payroll Regular Standard Earnings

Bonus Earnings
Tax Deduction
Involuntary Deduction

Base Pay Management

To manage base pay, you attach a earning element to each base pay earnings, and assign a salary basis (hourly, monthly or
annual) to each worker. When a manager or compensation specialist enters a base pay amount for a worker, the application
writes the amount to an element entry using the element input value associated with the worker's salary basis. Payroll
processing uses the element entry to generate payment amounts.

Absence Management
You can manage worker absences and corresponding entitlements. You can create absence types based on predefined
absence patterns, and associate them with absence plans. You can associate an absence element with an absence plan to
transfer the following information for payroll processing:
• Payments for absent time during personal time off
• Accrual disbursement at the end of absence plan year
• Accrual disbursement when plan enrollment ends
• Absence liability amounts

You can process the payments in Oracle Fusion Global Payroll or use HCM extracts to transfer the information to a third-party
payroll application for processing.

Attach elements at various levels in the benefits object hierarchy to create deductions and earnings that you can process in a
payroll run to calculate net pay.

Time and Labor

Create elements for use in time cards, and calculate payroll or gross earnings based on the time card entries transferred to
payroll. You transfer the element input values to your time provider. For example, for Oracle Fusion Time and Labor, you run
processes which create dependent payroll attributes and time card fields for element input values. You can automate the
routine import of time card entries to payroll using predefined flows.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Global Payroll Key Payroll Concepts

For Oracle Fusion Global Payroll, you define earnings and deduction elements, such as bonus and overtime earnings and
involuntary deductions. These elements incorporate all the components required for payroll processing, including formulas,
balances, and formula result rules.

Related Topics
• Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface: Worked Example

• Creating Payroll Elements for an Absence Accrual Plan: Worked Example

• Creating Earnings Elements for Payroll: Worked Example

• Creating Elements for Time Card Entries: Procedure

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

3 Payroll Task Lists

Enabling Offerings: Explained
Offerings and their functional areas are presented in an expandable and collapsible hierarchy to facilitate progressive decision
making regarding whether or not you want to implement them. An offering or its functional areas can either be opted in or not
opted in for implementation. Implementation managers decide which offerings to enable for implementation. Although all the
functional areas that represent core functionality of an offering are automatically enabled for implementation when a parent
offering is enabled for implementation, you choose which of the optional functional areas are enabled. You can identify which
functionality is already opted in by looking at the check box in the Enable column.

Enabling Offerings: Procedure

You enable offerings to customize the functionality that matches the services you plan on implementing.

Enabling Offerings
To enable offerings, follow these steps.
1. Log into the application with access to Configure Application Offerings.
2. Select Navigator > My Enterprise.
3. Click the Offerings work area to open the Offerings page.
4. Explore the list and select the offering you want to implement. You can identify the current enabled status of the
5. Click the Opt In Features button. The Opt In page appears.
6. In the Opt In page, check the Enable check box for the offering.
7. Additionally, review the list of functional areas and check the Enable check box for each one you want to implement.
If needed, use Help to get more details on the functionality that each feature supports.
8. Click the Features icon for the functional area you have enabled, and then enable any features you require. Click
Done when complete.
9. Click Done to return to the Offerings page. Repeat the same steps for each offering you want to implement.

Prerequisite Tasks for Payroll Setup: Overview

The Define Payroll task list in the Setup and Maintenance work area contains most of the setup tasks required for payroll
processing. However, first you must complete the required common application configuration tasks. You may have
already done some of these tasks because other HCM applications require them. Revisit tasks to address payroll-specific
requirements, such as creating tax reporting units.

Perform the prerequisite tasks in the following task lists within Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital
• Define Geographies for HCM
• Define Enterprise Structures for HCM

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

• Define Features by Country or Territory

Define Geographies for HCM

Verify predefined geographies and load any additionally required local geographies.

Define Enterprise Structures for HCM

Complete tasks in the task lists shown in the following table.

Task List Action

Define Legal Jurisdictions and • Create a legal jurisdiction if not already created or predefined for your country or territory.
Authorities for HCM • Create a legal authority for each government body you interact with.
  • Create addresses for legal entities and legal authorities.

Define Legal Entities for HCM • Create a legislative data group for each country or territory you operate in, to partition your
  payroll data.
• Create at least one legal entity designated as a payroll statutory unit (PSU) for each legislative
data group.
• Associate each PSU with a legislative data group.
• Optionally, create calculation cards for statutory deductions for each PSU, if supported for
your country or territory.

Define Legal Reporting Units for HCM • Create any additional legal reporting units that you need under a PSU and designate them as
  tax reporting units.
• Optionally, create calculation cards for statutory deductions for each tax reporting unit, if
supported for your country or territory.

Define Business Units for HCM Create business units that you can use to perform one or more business functions.

Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Create charts of accounts, ledgers, and accounting calendars. When you create a bank for a
Structures payment source, you must select a legal entity that's assigned to a ledger for the associated
  legislative data group. Payroll costing also requires these financial components.
Define Accounting Configurations for  

Define Features by Country or Territory

Review and update the selected features for countries and territories you operate in. These settings control the availability of
payroll-related features, such as element templates, and address style and address validation rules used in processes and

Related Topics
• Payroll Statutory Units, Legal Employers, and Tax Reporting Units: How They Work Together

• Legislative Data Groups: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

• Payroll Legislative Data: Explained

• Selecting Country Extensions: Critical Choices

Payroll Setup Tasks for Financials: Explained

Payroll integrates with Oracle Fusion Financials. You must set up components in Financials, such as charts of accounts and
ledgers, before you can set up banks to process payments, associate a ledger to a payroll definition, and run processes to
distribute costing results.
Complete the following setup tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area for the chart of accounts and ledgers. The
application implementation consultant job role can perform the following tasks.

Chart of Account Setup Tasks

Complete the following tasks to set up your chart of accounts information. Later, you associate the chart of accounts to a

Task Action

Manage Chart of Accounts Value Sets Create new or review existing value sets, which you will associate with a key flexfield segment.

Manage Chart of Accounts Structures Create account structures that specify the segments to include, their order, and the value sets that
  will validate the data entered in the segments.
Oracle Fusion General Ledger predefines the Accounting key flexfield.

Manage Chart of Accounts Structure Create account structure instances, which you will use to record transactions and maintain account
Instances balances.

Manage Chart of Accounts Value Set Create groups of values, which you will assign to a key flexfield segment.

Manage Account Hierarchies Search, create, and edit hierarchical groupings of accounts.

Manage Accounting Calendars Set up accounting calendar period details. Determine the total number, frequency, and duration of
  the accounting periods.

Manage Account Combinations 1. Create account combinations if the structure instance of your chart of accounts flexfield
  doesn't allow dynamically created account combinations
2. Create accounts for each account combination used in payroll. As a best practice, use the
same account numbers for your payroll and general ledger accounts.
3. If you reconcile payments in Oracle Fusion Cash Management, create an account
combination for reconciliation differences.

Ledger Setup Tasks

You perform the following tasks as part of the accounting configuration setup for Global Payroll.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

Task Action

Manage Primary Ledgers Create a ledger with a chart of accounts, accounting calendar, currency and subledger accounting

Note: If you are creating bank information, you must create a primary ledger.

Assign Legal Entities Add the legal entities that use the ledger.
The Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task associates the payroll statutory units for legal entities
to the legislative data group.

Specify Ledger Options 1. Complete all the fields for the General Information and Accounting Calendar, and Subledger
  Accounting sections.
2. In the Period Close section, select the Retained Earnings Account you will use for payroll.
3. In the Journal Processing Intercompany subsection, select the option to launch AutoReverse
after the open period.

Assign Balancing Segment Values to Assign specific balancing segment values to each legal entity before assigning values to the ledgers.
Legal Entities  
  By specifying this information, you can more easily identify legal entities during transaction
processing and reporting

Assign Balancing Segment Values to Optionally, assign specific primary balancing segment values to the primary and secondary ledgers
Ledger to represent transactions for nonlegal entities, such as adjustments.

Manage Reporting Currencies Review and update reporting currencies.

Reporting currencies maintain and record subledger and general ledger journal entries in additional

Review and Submit Accounting Submit your configuration.


Open First Period Open the first period when you are ready to process transactions for the ledger.
After you open the first period, use the Manage Accounting Periods in General Ledger to open and
close periods, and to specify the target period that concludes the series of calendar periods.

Related Topics
• Payroll Costing Components: How They Work Together

• Ledgers: Points to Consider

• Payroll Setup Tasks for Subledger Accounting: Procedure

• Assigning Legal Entities and Balancing Segments: Examples

• Chart of Accounts Structure and Instances: Critical Choices

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

Setting Up Reconciliation for Payments: Procedure

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll integrates with Oracle Fusion Cash Management and Oracle Fusion General Ledger. This
integration facilitates the setup of banks, branches, and bank accounts, and the reconciliation of bank statements with
payment transactions.
An administrator or implementer with the appropriate privileges performs the tasks shown in the following table in the Setup
and Maintenance work area:

Application Setup Steps Task

General Ledger Create an account combination for the Manage Account Combinations
  reconciliation differences account.  

Cash Management Set up transaction codes that map to the • Manage Cash Transaction Type
  payment method transaction codes used in Mapping
payroll. • Manage Bank Statement Transaction

Cash Management Create reconciliation rules. • Manage Bank Statement

    Reconciliation Tolerance Rules
• Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching Rules
• Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Rule Sets

Payroll 1. Create liability, cash clearing, and Manage Costing of Payment Sources
  cash accounts for your payment  
2. Specify the option Transfer to General

This topic covers the steps for setting up the following objects:

• Reconciliation differences account

• Payroll transaction codes
• Reconciliation rules
• Payroll accounts

Setting Up Reconciliation Differences Account

If you reconcile payment costs before posting the costing results to Oracle Fusion General Ledger, set up a reconciliation
differences account in General Ledger using the Manage Account Combinations task. The reconciliation differences accounts
in Cash Management records discrepancies between the bank statement and the transferred payment files, such as over and
under payments.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

Setting Up Payroll Transactions Codes

If you cost your payments, set up and map transaction codes in Cash Management for the organization payment methods.

Task Action

Manage Bank Statement Transaction 1. Review the transaction and statement codes that your enterprise currently uses
Codes 2. Create transaction codes for the transaction types that support your organization payment

Manage Cash Transaction Type 1. Map transaction types to payment types used for the organization payment methods that
Mapping support costing of payments.
  2. Identify the organization payment methods for payroll accounts, such as payroll liability, cash,
and cash clearing accounts.

Setting Up Reconciliation Rules

Payroll processes transfer your payment entries to Cash Management for manual or automatic reconciliation with bank
statements, and cost the unreconciled and reconciled payments to the appropriate account, such as the cash clearing and
cash accounts.

If you reconcile transactions automatically, in Cash Management complete the tasks listed in the following table.

Task Action

Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Create tolerance rules based on date, amount, or percentage that prevent or warn you when
Tolerance Rules reconciliation exceeds a defined tolerance.

Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Define bank statement automatic reconciliation matching rules.
Matching Rules  

Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Assign a group of matching rules and tolerance rules to a bank account for reconciling bank
Rule Sets statement lines with transactions.

Manage Bank Accounts Specify the Reconciliation Differences account you set up in Oracle Fusion General Ledger..

Setting Up Payroll Accounts

Create a liability and cash account. Create a cash clearing account to track payments such as checks, where a delay exists
between the date the payment is issued and the date it clears. Use the Manage Costing of Payments task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area or in the Accounting Distribution work area of Oracle Fusion Global Payroll.

Note: When you set up the accounts, it's best practice to enter the same account information that you use for
the cash and cash clearing account that you created in General Ledger.

Related Topics
• Organization Payment Methods: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

• Creating Accounts: Points to Consider

• Payroll Setup Tasks for Subledger Accounting: Procedure

• Reconciling Payroll Payments: Procedure

Define Payroll: Overview

The Define Payroll task list contains the tasks required to set up earnings and deductions, payment methods, flow patterns,
and other definitions required for payroll processing. Perform these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, and
manage them in the payroll work areas.

Note: If you're not using Oracle Fusion Global Payroll, use the Define Elements, Balances, and Formulas task
list instead to create your earnings, deductions, and other payroll data. That task list contains a smaller set of
tasks to create elements for non-payroll purposes, such as compensation and HR management only, or to
transfer data to a third-party payroll provider.

The Workforce Deployment offering includes the Define Payroll task list and other tasks you must complete. If you cost your
payroll run results or payments, configure the Workforce Deployment offering to include the Payroll Costing feature choice.

Note: Complete the prerequisite tasks for payroll before performing the tasks described here. Also, after
completing the tasks in the Define Payroll task list, secure your new payroll definitions and payroll flows using the
Define Data Security for HCM task list.

Define Payroll Business Definitions

Perform these steps:

• Create any lookup codes, value sets, and descriptive flexfields that you need to extend the fields and lists of values
available on pages that support these features.
• Use profile option values to specify the information to display in the payroll employment hierarchy for workers on the
statement of earnings and other pages.

Define Pay Frequency

Perform these steps:
1. Create at least one consolidation group for each legislative data group.
2. Create at least one payroll definition for each payroll frequency, such as weekly or semimonthly, within a legislative
data group.
3. Review the predefined time definitions and run types, and create new ones if required.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

Define Fast Formulas

Create any formulas you require for validating user entries into element input values and user-defined tables, or for configuring
compensation, benefit, and accrual plan rules.
Creating elements for earnings and deductions automatically creates payroll formulas to process them. You should not
normally need to create your own payroll formulas, but you can create skip rule formulas or proration formulas, if required.

Define Balance Definitions

Use predefined balances or the balances automatically generated when you create new elements. Optionally, perform the
following tasks:

• Edit the balance definitions.

• Create additional balances to include in reports and processes.
• Create reports to identify balance exceptions after payroll processing.

When you migrate payroll data from another system, you must set initial balance values. You load the values into batch views,
typically using the payroll batch loader, and then submit the Load Initial Balances process from the Payroll Calculation work

Define Earning and Deduction Definitions

Use the Manage Elements task to create earnings and deductions.
1. Create each element and then edit it to create at least one element eligibility record.
2. Create additional input values and balance feeds, if required.
3. Create eligibility records for predefined elements.

Tip: Before you create elements for payroll processing, check that you set the country extension to Payroll
using the Manage Features by Country or Territory task. This setting ensures you create elements using the
appropriate element templates.

Creating some elements also creates component groups, calculation value definitions, and other calculation information. Use
the relevant tasks in this task list to review these definitions. You can enter calculation values for some components.

Some earnings and deductions reference rate definitions. You can review predefined rate definitions and create new ones, if

Define Events
Review payroll event groups containing events that trigger proration or retroactive processing of elements. You can create
new event groups if required.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

Define Payment Methods

Create payment methods and sources for paying workers and third parties. Before creating payment methods, create any
required source banks, branches, accounts and third-party organizations and people.

If you plan to reconcile bank statements with payment transactions using Oracle Fusion Cash Management, set up:

• Transaction codes that map to the payment method transaction codes

• A Reconciliation Differences account
• Reconciliation rules

Define Payroll Costing

This task list includes the tasks to set up costing in Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting and in payroll. Perform the following
1. Configure the cost allocation key flexfield for each legislative data group.
2. Configure the Subledger Accounting rules.
3. Set up account information at each level of the cost hierarchy you use to manage cost results, such as payroll,
element, department, and job level.
See the Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Implementing Payroll Costing guide for more details.

Define Object Groups

Create object groups to specify subsets of elements or payroll relationships to include in reports or processes. For example,
use element groups to:

• Restrict which elements process in a payroll run.

• Create a group of earnings elements over which you distribute employer costs for employer taxes and liabilities.

Define Payroll Flow Patterns

Perform these steps:

• For payroll flow patterns:

a. Review the predefined flow patterns that list the sequence of manual and automated tasks performed during
the payroll cycle.
b. Create any additional patterns used by your enterprise.
• For payroll process configuration groups:

a. Create configuration groups to specify the action parameters to use when you run payroll processes.
b. Select a default group in the Process Configuration Group profile option.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

Tip: You can create additional groups, for example to switch on logging parameters when you are
troubleshooting processes.

Related Topics
• Payroll Data Loading: Overview

• Payroll Costing Components: How They Work Together

Define Earning and Deduction Definitions: Overview

The Define Earning and Deduction Definitions task list in the Setup and Maintenance work area contains the tasks required to
set up elements and payroll components. Your implementation may include a few predefined elements, usually for legislative
tax deductions. Use the Manage Elements task to create additional elements and the associated objects required to support
their processing. The objects vary depending on the element classification and category.

Manage Element Classifications

Elements are grouped into primary classifications that control their sequence of processing and the balances they feed.
Secondary classifications are subsets of the primary classifications, which you may use to manage wage basis rules for
deductions and taxes.

The primary classifications and some secondary classifications are predefined. You can't remove or change predefined

What you can do:

• Create additional balances that the primary classifications feed.

• Create secondary classifications for some countries or territories.
• Specify costing setup options and frequency rules for element classifications. The default frequency rule is always
each period.

Manage Elements
Use the Manage Elements task to review elements and to create new ones. When you create an element, your selection
of the element classification and category determines the questions on a predefined template. Submitting the template
generates an element, which you can edit, as required.

You must create at least one element eligibility record for all predefined and newly created elements.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

The following figure shows the tasks involved.

Create Element

Select Element
Complete Predefined
Classification and

Create Element
Manual edits? No
Eligibility Record


Create additional
input values, balance
feeds, if required

Note: Make sure you set the country extension to Payroll using the Manage Features by Country or Territory
task before you create elements for payroll processing. This setting ensures that you use the appropriate
element templates.

Creating certain elements also creates component groups, calculation value definitions, and other calculation information. For
example, creating involuntary deductions and pension deductions creates these additional objects for some countries and
territories. Use the relevant tasks in the Define Earning and Deduction Definitions task list to review the objects generated for
each element.

Payroll components are associated with a set of rates and rules used for calculation or reporting. These components conform
to manage calculation value definitions

What you can do:

• Review the tables that hold the rates and other values used to calculate deduction and exemption amounts.
• Modify some value definitions. For example, you might enter a default payee for pension payments.
• Create new calculation ranges, if required

Manage the calculation information for elements that generate payroll components, such as involuntary deductions and
statutory deductions.

What you can do:

• Review the calculation information supplied for your country or territory, such as the wage basis rules and calculation
• Create new calculation factors, if required.

Component groups are predefined categories of calculation components managed by component group rules.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Task Lists

What you can do:

• View rules for component groups.

• Modify the rules, such as wage basis rules, for some deductions

After setup, you add calculation components to personal calculation cards by loading data, such as time cards, or using the
Manage Calculation Cards task in the Payroll Calculation work area. In most countries, hiring a worker creates a statutory
deduction card automatically

Add Eligibility Rules For Predefined Elements

The task list includes this task as a reminder. Use the Manage Elements task to define at least one element eligibility record
for every predefined and newly created element.

Note: Make sure you create an eligibility record for the statutory deduction elements like Tax, before you start
hiring workers.

Element eligibility determines who can receive entries of the element. Do the following:

1. Create a name for the element eligibility record. Use a naming convention similar to the element's to easily identify
the record, for example, when you set up costing for the element's eligibility record.
2. Restrict who can receive entries of the element by specifying eligibility criteria. For elements applicable to all workers,
create eligibility without specifying any criteria.

Manage Rate Definitions

Define any rates that are based on calculated payroll balances, such as an employee's average salary during the last three
months. You can use rate definitions in absence plans and formulas.

You can define rates to be:

• Monetary, such as a pay rate, or non-monetary, such as an absence accrual rate defined in days or hours
• Based on a combination of elements, or a single element

Related Topics
• Elements: Explained

• Element Eligibility: Explained

• Creating Voluntary and Pre-statutory Deductions: Procedure

• Payroll Calculation Information: Explained

• Creating Earnings Elements for Payroll: Worked Example

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Global Payroll Country Extensions

4 Country Extensions

Selecting Country Extensions: Critical Choices

Select the correct country extension setting for each of your countries and territories on the Manage Features by Country or
Territory page. The country extension setting ensures that certain payroll-related features, such as element templates, work
correctly in your implementation. By default, each country's extension is set to Human Resources or None, which means no
payroll product is selected. If you plan to use payroll or any predefined payroll interface extracts for a country or territory, you
must set its extension to the appropriate payroll setting.

The extensions available for selection for some countries or territories may be restricted. The full list of extensions is as
• Payroll
• Payroll Interface
• Human Resources or None

Setting the country extension to Payroll ensures that all payroll features function correctly. The other product settings you
select control the functions of payroll-related features when you aren't using Global Payroll. The following sections explain the
available three options.

Setting the country extension to Payroll has the following implications:
• When creating elements, the element templates generate formulas and other associated items that are required for
costing or payment processing in Global Payroll.
• The new-hire process includes country-specific features, such as automatic generation of calculation cards for
statutory deductions and validation of address formats.
• Payroll definitions require associated organization payment methods. You must select payment methods that include
a payment source.
• Defining payment sources requires source banks in Oracle Fusion Financials.

Payroll Interface
Setting the country extension to Payroll Interface has the following effects:
• The element templates for creating regular and supplemental earnings elements generate associated objects, such
as input values, formulas, and balances. These objects are required for including employee data in the Calculate
Gross Earnings process.
For all other elements, the simplified element templates create only the element and no associated objects.
• The new hire process includes country-specific validation.
• Validations on payroll objects are less restrictive to support sending employee bank information as follows:
◦ No requirement for organization payment methods in payroll definitions
◦ No requirement for payment sources in organization payment methods

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Global Payroll Country Extensions

◦ No dependency on source banks in Financials

Human Resources or None

Setting the country extension to Human Resources or None has the following effects:

• The element templates for creating earnings and deductions elements generate only the elements and no associated
objects, such as input values, formulas, or balances.

You can configure these elements to meet your specific business requirements, such as adding input values and
formulas to a compensation element.
• Certain countries or territories have additional country-specific validation.
• Validations on payroll objects are less restrictive, as with the Payroll Interface setting.

Related Topics
• Setting Up Reconciliation for Payments: Procedure

• Payroll Legislative Data: Explained

• Changing Address Style and Address Validation Settings: Critical Choices

Selecting Country Extensions: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to configure payroll-related features for countries and territories in an enterprise.

The Vision enterprise has employees in several countries with different payroll arrangements:

• In the United States and United Kingdom, the enterprise pays employees using Oracle Fusion Global Payroll.
• In France, the enterprise extracts and sends payroll-related data to third-party payroll provider using Payroll Interface
extract definitions.
• In China, the enterprise stores only HR data in Oracle Fusion Applications and doesn't require any data for payroll

The following table summarizes the key decisions to consider while deciding on the product usage for a country.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Do your plans include processing payrolls within Oracle Fusion for any Yes, using Global Payroll in the US and UK

Do your plans include extracting or transferring payroll-related data to Yes, using Payroll Interface extracts in France
a third-party provider for any country?  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Global Payroll Country Extensions

Setting the Extension

1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Features by Country or Territory task, and then
click Go to Task.
2. In the Selected Extension list, select the extension for the countries as shown in this table.
The following table lists the country names and the product usage that you can select for this scenario.

Country Extension

United States Payroll


United Kingdom Payroll


France Payroll Interface


China Human Resources or None


3. Click Save, and then click Done.

Related Topics
• Changing Address Style and Address Validation Settings: Critical Choices

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Global Payroll Country Extensions

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Global Payroll Profile Options

5 Profile Options

Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option: Critical

You can use profile options to specify the values you want to display for each level of the payroll employment hierarchy. The
hierarchy appears in the View Person Process Results pages. You can specify up to three values at each level to help identify
the record. For example, you might select legal employer name and job name to identify employment terms records, and
assignment name and number to identify assignment records.

Depending on the employment model used in your enterprise, you can use the following levels to set up your payroll
employment hierarchy:
• Payroll relationship
• Employment terms
• Assignments

To define profile option settings and values, select the Manage Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option Values task in the
Setup and Maintenance work area.

Profile Options for the Payroll Relationship Level

The following table lists the profile option codes and available profile values at the site level for the payroll relationship level of
the payroll employment hierarchy.

Profile Option Codes Profile Values


REL_DESC_2 Number
PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ Payroll Statutory
  Unit Name
Payroll Relationship Type

Profile Options for the Employment Terms Level

The following table lists the profile option codes and available profile values at the site level for the employment terms level of
the payroll employment hierarchy.

Profile Option Codes Profile Values

PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ Employment Category


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Global Payroll Profile Options

Profile Option Codes Profile Values

  Legal Employer Name
TERM_DESC_2 Grade Name
  Position Name
Payroll Name
Location Name

Profile Options for the Assignment Level

The following table lists the profile option codes and available profile values at the site level for the assignment level of the
payroll employment hierarchy.

Profile Option Codes Profile Values

PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ Assignment Name

  Assignment Number
ASG_DESC_2 Employment Category
  Job Name
Legal Employer Name
Location Name
Position Name

Overriding Site-level Values with User-level Values

You can override site-level values at the user level. For example, you might use position as the default value and override it
with job for the payroll administrator who manages records for a group of workers who are not assigned to positions.

Related Topics
• Payroll Relationships: Explained

Creating and Editing Profile Options: Procedure

Use profile options to manage user preferences and control the general function of applications. For example, you can control
user preferences involving language, date, time, currency, and other similar general settings.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Global Payroll Profile Options

You can create a profile option and also determine the level at which that profile option takes effect. You can also define the
profile values for the profile option. The profile values appear on the Manage Administrator Profile Values page when you
select the profile option.

Creating a Profile Option

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and open the Manage Profile Options task.
2. Click Actions > New.
3. On the Create Profile Option page, fill all the fields with relevant details with specific attention to the following:

◦ Use the SQL Validation field to provide an SQL statement that displays the permissible profile values to be
used. Using an SQL statement, you can select the values from another table and display them as a list of

For example, to display the values Yes and No from a lookup table, you can use the following SQL statement:


As a result, on the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, the profile values Yes and No are available
for selection for that profile option.
◦ You can specify a date range to keep the profile option active during that period. Beyond the specified
duration, the profile option automatically becomes inactive. If you no longer require the profile option, you must
manually delete it from the Manage Profile Options page.
4. Click Save and Close.
5. On the Manage Profile Options page, search for the newly created profile option and from the results, select it.
6. In the Profile Option Levels section, do the following:

a. Under Enabled, select the levels at which you want to enable the profile option.

Note: You can enable a profile option at multiple levels, but a higher-level profile value overrides
a lower-level value. Therefore, enable them only at the required levels.

b. Under Updatable, select the profile level at which you want implementors to have update privileges. Leave
the check box deselected if you don't want the implementors to modify the profile values (they appear in read-
only mode).
7. Click Save and Close.
To edit a profile option that you created, search for it and edit the necessary details.

Note: While creating and editing profile options and profile categories, you can translate the details to the
preferred languages without changing the language session of the application. To specify the translations in all
the enabled language rows, use the Translation Editor option. Once the updates are made, users can view the
translated text for the specific details.

Related Topics
• Hierarchy in Profile Levels: Explained

• Setting Profile Option Values: Procedure

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Global Payroll Profile Options

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

6 Pay Frequency

Pay Frequency Components: How They Work Together

Pay frequency components together provide the flexibility to implement complex time-related objects used in payroll
definitions, payroll processes, and payroll tasks that use start and end dates. This topic explains how the following pay
frequency components work together to provide payroll functionality for your organization. Each of the following components
requires its own setup and implementation:

• Consolidation Groups
• Payroll Definitions
• Time Definitions
• Run Types

Consolidation Groups
Use consolidation groups to process the results from more than one payroll run in a single action or process the results
for one payroll in separate actions. With consolidation groups, you produce one set of results per payment method for
several payrolls, one set of reports, and one set of costing results. For example, you may submit a regular payroll run and
a supplementary payroll run for the same payroll period. If the regular run and supplementary run both belong to the same
consolidation group, use a single consolidation group to process all the results for the post-run processing. Optionally, you
can enter a different consolidation group for the supplementary payroll run and use it to process the post-run results for the
supplementary payroll separately from the regular payroll.

Payroll Definitions
Payroll definitions are essential to your payroll implementation because they indicate the payment frequency and processing
schedule. Payroll definitions associate employees with the payroll run through payroll relationships.

Time Definitions
Time definitions can be static periods of unusual length based on a given static date, or they can create dates based on
dynamic variables. You can specify dynamic variables for a time span, a retrieval date, or a more complex definition type
to use with a user-defined date. The application uses time definitions in many areas, including payroll periods, payroll
employment management, balance dimensions, retroactive and proration events, element start and end dates, and overtime

Run Types
Run types control the elements and payment types to process in a payroll run. Two predefined run types, Regular
and Supplemental, group the other run types and determine their processing sequence. The predefined Regular and
Supplemental run types include the two component run types described in this table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Run Type Component Description

Process Separately
  Generates a separate payroll calculation for each element entry marked to process separately.

After processing separate processes:

• Includes element run results with normal payroll run results in a single payment.
• Excludes element run results in regular tax calculation on the normal run, for example, to use
supplemental tax rates.

Separate Payment Creates a separate payment for each element entry marked to pay separately.

For each of the component run types, you can specify payment methods that override the default payment methods for
the payroll definition. You can also select the element classifications processed by runs of this type, and exclude specific
elements from these classifications.

Consolidation Group Usage: Examples

You create consolidation groups by selecting the Manage Consolidation Groups task from the Payroll Calculation work area.
The following scenarios provide examples of how you can use consolidation groups.

Post-Run Processing
Consolidation groups facilitate separating payroll run results for supplemental processing. For most payroll post-run
processing, you can use the consolidation group as an input parameter. You may want the results of a supplemental payroll
run to be kept separately from those of the regular payroll process that was already performed. To use a consolidation group
to keep supplemental run results separate from the regular payroll runs:

1. Create a new consolidation group used to label the supplemental payroll run.
2. Initiate the supplemental payroll run, specifying the new consolidation group as an input parameter.

Separate Costing and Payment

You can use multiple consolidation groups to control processing. For example, you want to process and pay a particular set
of employees separately within a single payroll to keep separate records of payment and costing.

To process employees separately:

1. Create a new consolidation group to specify when running the Calculate Payroll process.
2. Create payroll relationship groups that restrict the employees.

You can use rules to identify them dynamically or you can specify the employees by their payroll relationship
3. Run the Calculate Payroll process for each payroll relationship group separately. Specify the original consolidation
group in the first run and the new consolidation group in the next run.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Supplemental Processing for Special Circumstances

You may want a supplemental payroll run for a special circumstance. For example, you have a main payroll run and three
QuickPay runs. Because one of the QuickPay runs is for a termination, you process it prior to the others.

To process the QuickPay for this special circumstance:

1. Create a consolidation group to specify when you process the QuickPay for the termination.
2. Submit a QuickPay process, specifying the new consolidation group.
3. Process the other three payroll runs using their default consolidation groups.

Payroll Definitions: Explained

Payroll definitions contain calendar and offset information, which determines when to calculate and cost payments. Use the
Manage Payroll Definitions task in the Payroll Calculation work area to specify payment frequency, processing schedule, and
other parameters for a particular payroll. Payroll period types, such as weekly or monthly, determine the interval at which you
pay employees.
Create at least one payroll definition for each payroll period type that you use to pay employees. For example, to pay
employees semimonthly, create a payroll definition using the semimonthly payroll period type, ensuring that tax calculations
and other calculations produce correct results for those employees.

Creating Payroll Definitions

When you create a payroll definition, the application generates the complete payroll schedule based on the payroll period
type, any offsets or calendar adjustments, and the number of years that you specify. Each payroll in the schedule is assigned
a unique name. After you have saved a payroll definition, you can assign employees to it on the Manage Payroll Relationships
page. A common scenario for creating a payroll definition is to replace one that is expired or end-dated.

Each payroll must belong to a consolidation group, which the application requires for processing purposes. Before you can
create a payroll definition, the legislative data group and the consolidation group to use for it must already exist.

Modifying Payroll Definitions

When you modify a payroll definition, the application adjusts the payroll schedule based on the values you have modified. A
common scenario for modifying an existing payroll definition is to increase the number of years and generate more payroll
time periods that extend the payroll calendar.

Note: You can extend the payroll calendar by increments of ten or fewer years.

The names of the payrolls in the payroll schedule are unique. You can edit the generated payroll names, but you must ensure
they are unique within the payroll definition.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Managing Payroll Definitions: Points to Consider

When you create or modify payroll definitions, the application generates a calendar of payroll periods based on your
selections. The choices you make for the following values determine the resulting schedule of payroll periods:
• Effective start date
• First period end date
• Number of years
• Offsets
• Changes to specific dates

Effective Start Date

The effective start date is the first date that the payroll definition is available for employee data. The start date must be on or
before the earliest date of any historical data that you want to load. For example, for a payroll starting on 01-JAN-2013 with
five years of historical payroll data to load, you set the start date of the payroll definition to 01-JAN-2008.
The effective start date does not affect the generated calendar of payroll periods. The start date for the first payroll period is
based on the first period end date.

First Period End Date

The first period end date is the end date of the first payroll period that the application generates for a payroll definition. The
first period end date is typically based on the date of implementation, tax year, benefits enrollments, or a particular payment
cycle. For example, if your weekly payroll work week is Saturday through Friday, and your first payment date is on 06-
JAN-2012, you could use 30-DEC-2011 as your first period end date.

Number of Years
The number of years you enter represents how many years of time periods to generate starting from the beginning of the
first payroll period, which is determined by the first period end date. This table shows an example for a semimonthly payroll

Effective Start Date First Period End Date Number of Years Generated Time Periods

01-JAN-1986 15-JUN-2014 5 01-JUN-2014 to 31-MAY-2018


Once you save a payroll definition, you can later only increase but not reduce its number of years because a calendar of time
periods for the payroll was already generated.

Note: The application generates the calendar of payroll periods in increments of ten or fewer years. For
example, if you want a 12-year calendar of payroll periods, you first enter 10 years and submit your changes.
Then you edit the payroll definition setting the number of years to 12.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Depending on the payroll period type, you can elect for your payroll cycle events to occur on specific dates, or to have the
application calculate dates based on offsets from period start or end dates.
This table describes the predefined payroll cycle events that you can offset.

Date Meaning

Cutoff Date Final date that payroll information can be entered for the payroll period.

Payslip Availability Date Date on which payees can view payslips.


Payroll Run Date Date used by payroll calculation processes to retrieve effective values such as employee details. The
  process date, if provided when submitting a payroll process, overrides this value.
This date is predefined for your country or territory and is typically based on either date earned or
date paid that payroll calculation uses as the process date.

Date Earned Date on which the application processes element entries for the payroll run.
The date earned must be within the effective dates of the payroll period.

Date Paid Date the employee is marked as paid. For check payments, this is the date that the check is valid for
  cash or deposit. For electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments, it is the transfer date.

Dynamic Offsets
When creating a payroll definition, you can use dynamic offsets for payroll cycle events. All of the predefined payroll time
periods you can use support dynamically generated dates for offsets. Using dynamic offsets, you can offset each payroll cycle
event by a specified number days before or after the start or end date, as shown in this table.

Offset Day Types Offset Value Base Date Values

Number of work days Before Period Start Date

Number of calendar days After Period End Date

For example, you might want to set the cutoff date three work days before the payroll end date. This offset accommodates
differences in the number of days in the payroll period and also accounts for weekends and holidays.

Fixed-Date Offsets
The predefined Monthly (Calendar) payroll time period supports using both dynamic offsets and fixed-date offsets. Using fixed
dates, you can adjust the exact date of each of the payroll cycle events for the first payroll period. Any adjustments that you
make are reflected in the payroll calendar for subsequent payroll time periods. For example, if you set the cutoff date as the
25th of the month, then all payroll periods in the calendar will have those offsets.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Specific Date Adjustments

Once you generate the payroll time periods, you can further adjust any specific calendar dates, as needed. For example, if
you know of a particular bank holiday that falls on a payment date, you might want to adjust the dates manually on the payroll
calendar's time period. You can make these adjustments when creating a payroll definition or any time after then, as long as
the time period is in the future. Adjust the dates of an existing time definition on the Time Periods tab on the Manage Payroll
Definitions page.

Creating Payroll Definitions: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create two payroll definitions for different payment frequencies that are associated with
one consolidation group and one legislative data group.
In this example, the InFusion US company creates payroll definitions for two sets of employees. One set is permanent salaried
employees who are paid on a semimonthly basis, and the other is temporary employees that are paid on a monthly basis
using time card data.

The business requires that a single monthly costing process uses results from different payroll runs by using the consolidation
group name as an input parameter in the costing run. This example creates two payroll definitions with different payment
periods with the same consolidation group. Both definitions are effective starting on 1/1/11 and generate payroll time periods
covering five years.

1. Ensure that the legislative data group for your payrolls exists, such as InFusion US LDG.
2. Ensure that organization payment methods exist for your payrolls, such as InFusion US Employee Check and
InFusion US Employee EFT.
3. Create a consolidation group named InFusion US Employee Group assigned to the InFusion US LDG.

Creating the Payroll Definitions

Create two payroll definitions:
• One to pay permanent employees a flat amount by electronic funds transfer (EFT) on a semimonthly basis. This
payroll definition includes dynamically generated offset dates.
• One to pay temporary employees by check using time card data on a monthly calendar basis.

Perform the following steps twice, first using the semimonthly values and then using the monthly values.
1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, click Manage Payroll Definitions.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Payroll Definitions page, click the Create icon.
3. Select the InFusion US LDG legislative data group from the list.
4. Enter 1/1/11 as the effective start date you want the payroll to be available for use, and then click Continue.
In this example, your company hires all employees after the effective start date of this payroll definition, so there is no
issue with loading historical employee data.
5. In the Basic Details section, complete the fields as shown in this table, and then click Next.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Field Semimonthly Value Monthly Value

Name InFusion US Employee Semimonthly InFusion US Employee Monthly


Reporting Name InFusion US Semimonthly InFusion US Monthly


Consolidation Group InFusion US Employee Group InFusion US Employee Group


Period Type Semimonthly Monthly (Calendar)


First Period End Date 6/15/12 6/30/12


Default Payment Method InFusion US Employee EFT InFusion US Employee Check


6. On the Payroll Offsets page, in the Number of Years field, enter 5.

Note: The application generates the calendar of payroll periods in increments of 10 or fewer years.
For example, if you want a 12-year calendar of payroll periods, you first enter 10 years and submit your
changes. Then you edit the payroll definition, setting the number of years to 12.

7. For the semimonthly payroll, use dynamic variables to define offsets as shown in this table, and then click Next.

Field Falls Value Day Type Value Offset Value Base Date Value

Cutoff Date 5 Work Days Before Period End Date


Payroll Run Date 3 Work Days Before Period End Date


8. For the monthly payroll, use fixed dates to define offsets as shown in this table, and then click Next.

Field Value

Fixed Date Yes


Cutoff Date 6/25/12


Date Earned 6/30/12


Payroll Run Date 6/27/12


Date Paid 6/30/12


9. On the Payroll Calendar page, adjust payroll days to account for a bank holiday, as shown in this table.

Column Semimonthly Value Monthly Value

Payroll Run Date Old Value: 11/28/13 Old Value: 5/27/13

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Column Semimonthly Value Monthly Value

New Value: 11/27/13 New Value: 5/28/13

10. Click Next.

11. Review the details of the payroll definition, and then click Submit.

Periodicity Conversion: Explained

Rate conversion formulas convert amounts to different periodicities for payroll calculations. The following calculations use
rate conversion formulas: proration, hours multiplied by rates calculation of an element run result, and rates based on rate

Defining Periodicity
This table lists the objects where you define periodicity.

Object Description

Element The Periodicity input value specifies the frequency of the element value. For example, salary element
  entries that hold annual salary values have a periodicity of Annual.

Payroll Definition Period Type specifies the number of payroll periods.

For example, a period type of Monthly Lunar includes 13 payroll periods.

  Rate definition can specify the following periodicities:

• Return periodicity of the rate

• Periodicity of each rate contributor
• Periodicity of the calculated sum of the rate contributors

This table lists predefined values. If these values don't meet your requirements, you can copy a predefined rate conversion
formula and edit its periodicity values.

Periodicity Used as a Payroll Period Number of Periods in a Year

Annually Yes 1

Bimonthly Yes 6

Biweekly Yes 26

Calendar Monthly Yes 12


Daily No 365

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Periodicity Used as a Payroll Period Number of Periods in a Year


Hourly No 2920 (365 days multiplied by 8 hours)


Lunar Month Yes 13


Periodically No Payroll frequency determines the number of

    periods to use in the rate conversion.

Quarterly Yes 4

Semiannually Yes 2

Semimonthly Yes 24

Workday No 260

Weekly Yes 52

Work Hour No 2080 (260 days multiplied by 8 hours)


Customizing Rate Conversion Formulas

The rate conversion formulas convert the periodicity of an amount to a different periodicity. For example, the annualized rate
conversion formula converts an annual salary amount to a weekly amount.
The following table describes the predefined formulas.

Rate Conversion Rule Description Example

Standard Rate Annualized Calculates the annual rate using the input To convert a weekly amount to a
  periodicity and converts the amount to an semimonthly periodicity, the formula:
output periodicity and rate.  
  1. Multiplies the weekly amount by 52.
Uses default values, such as 2080 hours or  
260 working days to calculate the annual 2. Divides the result by 24.

Standard Rate Daily Calculates the daily rate using the input To convert an annual amount to daily
  periodicity and converts the amount to an periodicity, the formula:
output periodicity and rate.  
  1. Divides the annual amount by 365.
Uses a default value such as 260 working  
days a year to calculate the daily rate. 2. Multiplies the result by the number of days
  in the payroll period.

Standard Working Hours Rate Annualized Uses the employee's standard working hours The employee works 40 hours a week with a
  to convert the monetary value and working monthly salary of 1000 pounds:
hours to an annual value before calculating  
the rate. ((1000*12)/(40. 00*52) = 5.77 an hour

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Rate Conversion Rule Description Example


Assignment Working Hours Rate Annualized Uses the employees working hours to The employee works 40 hours a week, with a
  convert the monetary value and working 37.5 standard working hours a week, and a
hours to an annual value before calculating monthly salary of 1000 ponds:
the rate.  
  ((1000*12)/(37. 50*52) = 6.15 an hour

Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized Uses the employee's work schedule for The employee has a monthly salary of 1000
  the payroll period for daily and hourly pounds, and is assigned a monthly payroll.
conversions. The formula checks the work schedule
  details for the month.
For a daily conversion:
1000 a month/20 days in the month = 50

Note: For compensation calculations

where the employee is not assigned a
payroll, the rate is calculated using the
weekly rate calculation. The amount
is converted to an annual figure and
divided by the number of days or
hours in that week based on the work

The impact of rate conversion rule is summarized below:

Periodicity: The conversion rule for periodicity applies to Flat Amount, Hours X Rate, and Days X Rate calculation rules. You
can override the periodicity used as the default for the element definition at the element entry level.

Work Units: The Work Units conversion rule applies only to flat amount calculation rules for standard and supplemental
earnings elements. The selection of which work units to use in reports and payslips determines the conversion calculation.
The application creates the element input values using the default values of the rate conversion formulas. In this example the
employee is on a semi-monthly payroll that has 24 payroll periods in a year.

Work Units Selected Example

Hours 2080/24 = 86.67


Days 260/24 = 10.83


None No input values are created


Proration: The element template includes a new question for proration units. Proration rate conversion rules replace the
previous proration methods in the element template. You have greater flexibility, for example, to base proration on calendar
days when using work units for conversion.

Note: If the conversion rules do not meet your requirements, you can copy and edit the rules using the Manage
Fast Formulas task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Related Topics
• Customizing Periodicity Conversion Rules: Procedure

• Using Formulas: Explained

• Creating Rate Definitions: Points to Consider

• Customizing Conversion Formulas for Proration: Procedure

Statutory and Earning Periods: Explained

When you create a payroll definition, you generate a payroll earnings calendar based on the first period end date. The
calendar assigns each payroll period a period name that includes the period number. In some countries the statutory tax
year doesn't coincide with the dates generated for the earnings calendar. These countries also use a statutory calendar with
statutory period numbers. The statutory calendar ensures that the payroll run uses the correct period for taxation purposes.
Statutory frequencies are defined in months and weeks and map to the payroll definition frequencies. For example, a biweekly
calendar is based on a weekly statutory calendar. A quarterly payroll calendar is based on a monthly statutory calendar.
Typically, countries that support semimonthly payroll periods don't use statutory periods.

When you submit a payroll calculation, such as a QuickPay process, you select a payroll period. The calculation uses the
process date for the selected payroll period to identify the statutory period. The process date is the payroll run date on the
payroll definition.

If your country uses a statutory calendar, you can view period numbers and start and end dates on the Person Process
Results page and statement of earnings.

Using Time Definitions for Severance Pay: Example

The following example illustrates how to set up a user-defined time definition and associate it with elements so that payroll
administrators can extend the latest entry date for severance payments to employees.

The InFusion Corporation makes severance payments, including regular salary, car allowance, and alimony. For most
terminated employees, these payments should end on the termination date. However, payroll administrators must be able to
extend payments for employees who receive severance pay.

Element Duration Dates

When you create an element, you select the latest entry date. The options are predefined time definitions: last standard
earnings date, last standard process date, or final close date. Typically, standard earnings elements use the last standard

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

earnings date. However, this option doesn't support severance payments because you can't extend it beyond the termination

To support severance payments, InFusion creates a user-defined time definition based on last standard earnings date and
selects it as the latest entry date for payments after termination. On the payroll relationship record of terminated employees,
the value of the user-defined time definition is the termination date by default, but payroll administrators can edit it to extend
payments for certain employees.

Resulting Setup
To implement a user-defined time definition for this scenario, InFusion must complete the following setup during
1. Using the Manage Time Definitions task, create a time definition.
This table lists field names and their respective values for creating a user-defined time definition.

Field Value

Type User-defined date


Name Last Earnings or Severance Date


Short Name LastEarnSevDate


User-Defined Date Last Standard Earnings Date


User-Defined Date Usages Assigned payroll end date

Element entry end date
Payroll assignment end date
Payroll relationship end date
Payroll term end date

This creates a time definition based on the last standard earnings date.
2. Using the Manage Elements task, create the Regular Salary, Car Allowance, and Alimony elements.
3. In the Durations area, select Last Earnings or Severance Date as the latest entry date for the element.
To extend the payment date for a terminated employee, the payroll administrator then performs the following steps:
1. Using the Manage Payroll Relationship task, search for and select the terminated employee.
2. In the Payroll Details area, select the assignment.
3. In the Element Duration Dates area, in the row for the Last Earnings or Severance Date time definition, change the
End Date value to the desired final entry date for payments.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

For example, add 6 months of severance pay for an employee who was terminated effective 20 November 2012.
Change the End Date value of the Last Earnings or Severance Date time definition to 21 May 2013.
The employee's element entries for the Regular Salary, Car Allowance, and Alimony elements end on this date.

Related Topics
• Element Duration Dates in Payroll Relationships: Explained

• Creating Earnings Elements for Payroll: Worked Example

• Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface: Worked Example

Restricting Payroll Processing: Critical Choices

You can control which payroll relationships and which elements to process in a payroll run by selecting rules, such as a
skip rule or frequency rule. You can also restrict the payroll relationships and further restrict the elements that the run will
process by specifying flow parameters when you submit the calculation process, such as Calculate Payroll or Calculate Gross

Restrict the Elements to Process Based on Rules

When you create an element, you specify eligibility rules that control who is eligible to receive an element. You can also create
skip and frequency rules that control which recurring elements the payroll run processes, as shown in the following table.

Rules Descriptions Examples

Skip Determines whether to include or exclude the A once-each-period rule stops recurring
  element entry for the person using rules in a element entries from processing more than
formula once in a payroll period.

Frequency Specifies which payroll periods to process A frequency rule might specify that the
  the entries formula processes an element only on the
  first and third weeks of a month.

Restrict the Records to Process Based on Flow Parameters

Restrict the number of records for the calculation process by specifying flow submission parameters as shown in the
following table.

Parameter Description

Payroll Relationship Group Restricts processing to the payroll relationships within the group, which you can define using static
  or dynamic rules, based on payroll relationship, term, or assignment information.

Element Group Restricts processing to the elements in the group, which you can define by selecting element
  classifications and including or excluding specific elements.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Parameter Description

Run Types
  Determines which payroll calculations to perform and how to pay the results. The application
processes an element in all the run types, unless you set up the element:

• To process separately
• As a trigger for a run type, in which case it is automatically excluded from the other run types

The flow submission parameters for the calculation process include dates that control which records to process as shown in
the following table.

Date Required? Comments

Process Date No Usually the payroll run date of your payroll


Payroll Period Yes Used to derive other dates for processing.


Date Earned Yes

    Identifies the element entries

• To include in the payroll run

• That belong to a proration group and
ended within the payroll period

Related Topics
• Determining an Element's Latest Entry Date: Critical Choices

Frequency Rules: Explained

Use frequency rules to process a recurring element at a frequency other than the one defined for the payroll. For example,
you can use a frequency rule to process a monthly deduction in the third payroll period of the month for employees that are
paid on a weekly basis. For employees that are paid on a semimonthly payroll, you can use a frequency rule to process the
monthly deduction in the second period of the month only.
For these cases, you would define a different frequency rule for each element.

You can control how often to process the element. Column headers that display on the Element Summary page are dynamic
based on the frequency period. For example, if the payroll period is weekly, the column headers are Week 1, Week 2, and so
on. You then select the periods in which you want the element processed.

Controlling the Processing of Recurring Elements

The Date field on the Element Summary page provides three values.

This table explains the three options that you can use to control the processing of recurring elements.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Field Value Description How Pay Periods are Derived

Date Earned Date on which the application processes Uses the pay period end date of the period
  element entries for the payroll run. that contains the date earned to determine
  the number of pay periods in the month.

Effective Date In most cases this is the date between the Uses the pay period end date of the period
  first day and last day of the payroll period. that contains the effective date to determine
In this context the effective date is the date   the number of pay periods in the month.
on which the payments are processed.  
Note: For offset payrolls, where the
effective date is not within the start and
end dates of the current period, the
end date of the period that contains the
effective date is used.
For example, you have an offset payroll
where the period start date is 01-
February, the end date is 14-February,
and the effective date for the process is
16-February. In this case the actual period
end date is 28-February because the
effective date (16-February) is between
15-February and 28-February.

Payroll Run Date Date used by the payroll calculation process Uses the payroll run date to determine the
  to retrieve effective values such as employee number of pay periods in the month.
Note: While the payroll run date is
essentially the same as the effective
date, the frequency rules process uses
a different method to determine the
number of the period in the month.

Using the Payroll Run Date Option: Example

Let's say you deduct pre-tax medical insurance payments twice a month for all employees on your biweekly payroll. In this
scenario, you should select the Payroll Run Date option. Selecting this option ensures that your payroll system doesn't
process more than two deductions for the month.

The pay period dates listed in this table are for a biweekly payroll.

Pay Period Pay Period Start Date Pay Period End Date Payroll Run Date

1 19-December-2015 1-January-2016 6-January-2016


2 2-January-2016 15-January-2016 20-January-2016


3 16-January-2016 29-January-2016 3-February-2016


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

This table describes how the process determines the number of deductions taken for each of the date values when you
process your January payroll.

Field Value Date Used to Derive the Number of Pay Number of Deductions Taken for January

Date Earned Pay period end date 3


Effective Date Pay period end date 3


Payroll Run Date Payroll run date 2


Note: Deductions would be taken out

for the first two pay periods only since
the payroll run date for the third pay
period is in February.

Object Groups: Explained

Use object groups to define subsets of objects for processing or reporting. You can manage object groups from the Payroll
Calculation work area. To load a batch of object groups, use the batch loader in the Payroll Administration, Data Exchange, or
Checklist work area.
There are four types of object groups:

• Element
• Payroll Relationship
• Work Relationship

Element Groups
Element groups limit the elements processed for payroll, reporting, or cost distribution purposes.

There are two usages for an element group:

Element Group Usage

Run group Specifies the elements to use in a process.


Distribution group Defines the grouping of elements to distribute element costing results.

All element groups are static. You select the element classifications to add and then include or exclude additional elements
from the group. Or you can select specific elements to include without using element classifications.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Payroll Relationship Groups

Payroll relationship groups limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting.

To define the group:

• Specify a payroll definition. Every group is limited to the payroll relationships assigned to a single payroll that you
• Optionally, further define the group statically or dynamically:

◦ Statically

Select the payroll relationships, terms, and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.
◦ Dynamically

Use a fast formula of type Payroll Relationship Group. The formula contains the criteria to establish the payroll
relationships, terms, and assignments included in the group. Then you can individually select additional payroll
relationships, terms, and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.

Work Relationship Groups

Work relationship groups limit the persons processed for human resources and reporting. For example, you can use work
relationship groups in custom extracts.

You can define the group statically or dynamically:

• Statically

Select the work relationships, terms, and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.
• Dynamically

Use a fast formula of type Work Relationship Group. This formula contains the criteria to establish the work
relationships, terms, and assignments included in the group. Then you can individually select additional work
relationships, terms, and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.

Related Topics
• Writing a Fast Formula Using Expression Editor: Worked Example

FAQs for Pay Frequency

When would I close a payroll period?

Closing a payroll period can prevent expected changes to recurring entries. Payroll periods aren't like General Ledger periods.
Closing payroll periods is not necessary.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Global Payroll Pay Frequency

Why can't I find my organization payment method when creating

other payroll objects?
When updating an object's organization payment method, the effective start date of the organization payment method
must be on or before the effective date of the change. For example, to create a payroll definition effective on 4/1/2012 with
a default organization payment method, the organization payment method must have an effective start date on or before
4/1/2012. You can only select an organization payment method that has an effective start date on or before the date you are
creating or updating the object.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Global Payroll User-Defined Tables

7 User-Defined Tables

Creating a User-Defined Table for Matched Row Values:

User-defined tables store date effective list of values that you can use in a formula. Set up your own structured tables to hold
data such as wage codes or shift differentials. This example illustrates how to create a user-defined table to store values for
workers' schedules. To create a new table, use the Manage User-Defined Tables task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

Your organization works on a 10 hour a day, four day a week rotating schedule. The employees work for four consecutive
days, 10 hours a day.

User-Defined Table Components

The main components of the user-defined table are:

• Basic details
• Columns
• Rows
• Values

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Global Payroll User-Defined Tables

In this example, the user-defined table contains the schedules available in your organization, as shown in the following figure.

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Columns
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday (Scheduled
Work Days)
Monday 10 0 0 0

Tuesday 10 10 0 0

Wednesday 10 10 10 0
Thursday 10 10 10 10
Friday 0 10 10 10

Saturday 0 0 10 10

Sunday 0 0 0 10

Rows Values
(Days of Week) (Scheduled Hours)

Resulting User-Defined Table Components

In this example:

• Basic details include:

◦ Unit of measure, which is text since the row values are days of the week.

◦ Row title, which is Days of the Week.

• Rows contain the name of a day of the week.

• Columns are the schedules, such as Monday - Thursday. The data type for each column is number because they
hold a number of hours.
• Values are the number of hours to work each day in each schedule.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Global Payroll User-Defined Tables

Creating a User-Defined Table for a Range of Row Values:

This example illustrates how to create a user-defined table to store values for stock option allocations. To create a new table,
use the Manage User-Defined Tables task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

Each year, your organization offers stock options to its employees. The amount of options depends on years of service and
job category of the employee receiving them.

User-Defined Table Components

The main components of the user-defined table are the definition, columns, rows, and values.

• Basic details
• Columns
• Rows
• Values

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Global Payroll User-Defined Tables

In this example, the user-defined table contains stock option allocations by job category and years of service, as shown in the
following figure.

Executive Manager Technical Clerical Columns
(Job Category)
1-3 1000 500 250 125

4-5 2000 1000 500 250

6–8 3000 1500 750 375

9 - 10 4000 2000 1000 500
10 - 15 5000 2500 1250 625

16 - 20 6000 3000 1500 750

21 - 99 10000 5000 2500 1250

Rows Values
(Years of Service) (Stock Options)

Resulting User-Defined Table Components

In this example:

• Basic details include:

◦ Unit of measure, which is number since the row values are years.

◦ Row title, which is Years of Service.

• Rows represent a range of years of service during which employees receive the same number of stock options.
• Columns are job categories, and the data type of each column is number because they hold a number of stock
• Values are the number of stock options awarded to the specified job category during the specified years of service.

User Table Validation Formula Type

The User Table Validation formula type validates entries in user-defined tables. Select the formula in the Formula field for
user-defined columns when you create or edit user-defined tables.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Global Payroll User-Defined Tables

For example, you can use this formula type to ensure that entries are:

• Between a specified range

• Not a negative amount

The EFFECTIVE_DATE (text) context is used for formulas of this type.

Input Variables
There must be one input variable and it must be called ENTRY_VALUE. The data type is text.

Return Values
The following return values are available to formulas of this type:

Return Value Data Type Required Description

FORMULA_ MESSAGE Text N Returns a text message for either

      or both statuses. The message
is displayed on the Create User-
Defined Table: User-Defined
Table Values page.

FORMULA_STATUS Text Y Returns the value S (success) or

      E (error).

Sample Formula
This formula checks that the deduction entered in the Union A column of the Union Dues table is between 10.00 and 20.00:
/* Formula Name: Union A Dues Validation */
/* Formula Type: User Table Validation */
INPUTS ARE entry_value (text)
IF TO_NUMBER(entry_value) < 10.00 OR
TO_NUMBER(entry_value) > 20.00
formula_status = 'e'
formula_message = 'Error: Union A dues must be between $10.00 and $20.00.'
formula_status = 's'
formula_message = ' '
RETURN formula_status, formula_message

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Global Payroll User-Defined Tables

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

8 Fast Formulas

Using Formulas: Explained

Fast formulas are generic expressions of calculations or comparisons that you want to repeat with different input variables.
Each formula usage summarized in this topic corresponds to one or more formula types, requiring specific formula inputs and
Formulas are translatable, the seeded formulas are alphanumeric and can be in any language. Formula text is not subject
to translation and can handle Non-English user-defined elements, input values or balances. For example, if you define an
element name in Chinese, the base element name is stored in Chinese.The database Items are generated using the data in
the base tables, so the generated DBI contains the Chinese element name, and you can refer to such DBI's in your formulas.

Note: You can use the Manage Fast Formulas task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, or work areas
relevant to the formula type, such as Payroll Calculation.

Calculate Payrolls
You can write payroll calculations and skip rules for elements to represent earnings and deductions.

With fast formulas you can:

• Associate more than one payroll formula with each element to perform different processing for employee
assignments with different statuses.
• Define elements and formulas for earnings and deductions with highly complex calculations requiring multiple calls to
the database.
• Associate a skip rule formula with an element to define the circumstances in which it's processed.
• Customize the predefined proration formula to control how payroll runs prorate element entries when they encounter
an event, such as a mid-period change in an element entry value.

Define Custom Calculations for Benefits Administration

You can use formulas to structure your benefit plans. Formulas provide a flexible alternative to the delivered business rules.
Use formulas to configure:

• Date calculations, such as enrollment start and end dates, rate or coverage start and end dates, waiting periods and
enrollment periods, or action item due dates
• Calculations of rate and coverage amount, minimum and maximum, or upper and lower limits
• Certification requirements
• Partial month and proration calculations
• Eligibility and participation evaluation

For example, you can write a formula to calculate benefits eligibility for those cases where the provided eligibility criterion does
not accommodate your particular requirements.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Note: For more information, see Benefits Fast Formula Reference Guide (1456985.1) on My Oracle Support at

Validate Element Inputs or User-Defined Tables

Use lookups or maximum and minimum values to validate user entries.

For more complex validations you can write a formula to check the entry. You can also use a formula to validate entries in
user tables.

Edit the Rules for Populating Work Relationship or Payroll Relationship Groups
You can define criteria to dynamically populate a payroll relationship group or work relationship group.

When you create a payroll relationship group or work relationship group formula type, you can choose to use an expression
editor or a text editor. The expression editor makes it easy to build criteria to define the group. For more complex conditions,
such as validations, you can select the text editor.

Define Custom Configuration for Compensation

To extend the existing flexibility of compensation plan configuration write formulas to customize:

• Start and end dates for compensation allocations under individual compensation plans
• Person selection, hierarchy determination, column default values, and currency selection for workforce
compensation plans
• The source of items displayed in total compensation statements

Define Formulas to Create Rule Templates for Time and Labor

Use formulas with time repository rule templates to create rules. The formulas contain delivered combinations of rule
parameters and output results. You can use one formula with multiple rule templates by varying the template configuration.

When creating a rule template, you select a formula name and then configure the parameter type and display name of the
parameters and variables. You do not have to redo the entire formula statement to determine which details to change to
achieve a particular outcome.

Use formulas in Time and Labor to utilize:

• Logic for processing or calculating time

• Parameters that enable rules to pass values to the formula for use in calculations
• Output variables that the formula uses to return calculation results to the rules

For example, the Period Maximum Hours Template uses the WFM_PERIOD_MAXIMUM_TIME_ENTRY_RULE formula to
compare reported time category hours to defined maximum hours.

Note: For more information, see Time and Labor Fast Formula Reference Guide (1990057.1) on My Oracle
Support at

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Writing a Fast Formula Using Formula Text: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a fast formula using the text editor to return the range of scheduled hours for
managers and a different range for other workers.
Before you create your formula, you may want to determine the following:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Is the formula for a specific legislative data group? No, this is a global formula that can be used by any legislative data

What is the formula type for this formula? Range of Scheduled Hours

Are there any contexts used in this formula? No


Are there any database item defaults? Yes, ASG_JOB


Are there any input value defaults? No


What are the return values? MIN_HOURS, MAX_HOURS, FREQUENCY


Creating a Fast Formula Using the Text Editor to Determine a

Manager's Scheduled Hours
1. On the Overview page in the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Fast Formulas Task.
2. Click Go to Task.
3. On the Manage Fast Formula page, click the Create icon to create a new formula.
4. On the Create Fast Formula page, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Fields for the Fast Formula Values for the Fast Formula

Formula Name Manager Range of Scheduled Hours


Formula Type Range of Scheduled Hours


Description Manager's Range of Hours


Effective Start Date 1-Jan-2010


5. Click Continue.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

6. Enter the following formula details in the Formula Text section:

DEFAULT FOR asg_job IS ' '
IF JOB_1 = 'Manager' then

7. Click Compile.
8. Click Save.

Related Topics
• Using Formula Components: Explained

• Formula Operators: Explained

Writing a Fast Formula Using Expression Editor: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a fast formula that groups executive workers for reporting and processing. All
executive workers are in department EXECT_10000. Once the formula is created, it will be added to the object group
parameters so that only those workers in department EXECT_10000 are used in processing.
Before you create your formula, you may want to determine the following:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Is the formula for a specific legislative data group? Yes, InVision


What is the formula type for this formula? Payroll Relationship Group

Creating a Fast Formula Using the Expression Editor

1. On the Payroll Calculation Tasks page, click Manage Fast Formulas to open the Manage Fast Formulas page.
2. On the Manage Fast Formula page, click the Create icon to create a new formula.
3. On the Create Fast Formula page, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Fields for Fast Formula Values for Fast Formula

Formula Name Executive Payroll Relationship Group


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Fields for Fast Formula Values for Fast Formula

Type Payroll Relationship Group


Description Executive Workers


Legislative Data Group Vision LDG


Effective As-of Date 1-Jan-2010


Type of Editor Expression Builder


Note: For more complex conditions to create a group, you can select Text. However,
once you save the formula, you can't change the type of editor.

4. Click Continue.
5. In the Formula Details section, click Add After to add a row to enter the fields in this table.

Conjunction Database Item Name Data Type Operand Literal Value

  DEPARTMENT Character = 'EXECT_10000'


And SELECT_EMP Character = 'YES'


6. Click Compile.
7. Click Save.

Related Topics
• Formula Operators: Explained

Formula Compilation Errors: Explained

Compilation errors display in the Manage Fast Formulas page after you compile the formula. The compiler aborts the
compilation process when it encounters an error. Error messages display the line number and type of error encountered.

Common Compilation Errors

This table lists the type and description of several common formula compilation errors.

Formula Error Type Description

Syntax Error The formula text violates the grammatical rules for the formula language. An example is using IF1
  instead of IF for an IF statement.

Incorrect Statement Order ALIAS, DEFAULT, or INPUT statements come after other statements.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Formula Error Type Description


Misuse of ASSIGNMENT Statement

  Occurs when any of these conditions exist:

• An ASSIGNMENT assigns a value to a database item.

• A context is assigned a value externally to a CHANGE_CONTEXTS statement.
• The formula assigns a value to a non-context variable within a CHANGE_CONTEXTS

CHANGE_CONTEXTS statements can be used in a formula.

Misuse of ALIAS Statement You can only use an ALIAS statement for a database item.

Missing DEFAULT Statement A database item that specifies defaulting must have a DEFAULT statement.

Misuse of DEFAULT Statement A DEFAULT statement is specified for a variable other than an input or database item.

Uninitialized Variable The compiler detects that a variable is uninitialized when used. The compiler can't do this in all
  cases. This error often occurs when the formula includes a database item that requires contexts
that the formula type doesn't support. The formula treats the database item as a local variable.
For example, balance database items require the PAYROLL_ REL_ACTION_ID PAYROLL_
ASSIGNMENT_ID and CALC_ BREAKDOWN_ ID contexts. Generally you can only use them in
formulas of type Oracle Payroll.

Missing Function Call The compiler does not recognize a function call. The combination of return type, function name, and
  parameter types does not match any available function.

Incorrect Operator Usage An instance of a formula operator use doesn't match the permitted uses of that operator.
For example, the + operator has two permitted uses. The operands are both of data type NUMBER,
or both of data type TEXT.

Inconsistent Data Type Usage The formula uses a formula variable of more than one data type. Or the formula uses a database
  item or context with the wrong data type.
For example, Variable A is assigned a NUMBER value at the start of the formula, but is assigned a
TEXT value later in the formula.

EXIT Statement Not Within WHILE Loop A condition that eventually becomes false or an EXIT call for exiting the loop doesn't exist.

Misuse of Context The formula uses a variable as a context, or a context as a variable.

For example, a formula assigns a value to AREA1 as an ordinary variable, but later uses AREA1 as a
context in a GET_CONTEXT call.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Formula Execution Errors: Explained

Fast formula execution errors occur when a problem arises while a formula is running. The usual cause is a data problem,
either in the formula or in the application database.

Formula Execution Errors

This table lists the type and description of each formula execution error.

Formula Error Type Description

Uninitialized Variable Where the formula compiler can't fully determine if a variable or context is initialized, it generates
  code to test if the variable is initialized.
When the formula executes, this code displays an error if the variable or context isn't initialized.

Divide by Zero Raised when a numeric value is divided by zero.


No Data Found Raised when a non-array type database item unexpectedly fails to return any data. If the database
  item can't return data, then it should provide a default value.
You can do this by creating a default statement. An error in formula function code can also cause
this error message.

Too Many Rows Raised when a non-array type database item unexpectedly returns more than a single row of data.
  The cause is an incorrect assumption made about how the data is being accessed.
An error in the formula function code can also cause this error message.

NULL Data Found Raised when a database item unexpectedly returns a NULL data value. If the database item can
  return a NULL value, then it provides a default value.

Note: Some database items can't return a NULL value. If it can, then you can provide a
default value for that database item.

Value Exceeded Allowable Range Raised for a variety of reasons, such as exceeding the maximum allowable length of a string.

Invalid Number Raised when a formula attempts to convert a nonnumeric string to a number.

User Defined Function Error Raised from within a formula function. The error message text is provided as part of the formula
  error message.

External Function Call Error A formula function returned an error, but didn't provide any additional information to the formula
  code. The function might have sent error information to the logging destination for the executing

Function Returned NULL Value A formula function returned a NULL value.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Formula Error Type Description

Too Many Iterations A single WHILE loop, or a combination of WHILE loops, has exceeded the maximum number of
  permitted iterations. The error is raised to terminate loops that can never end. This indicates a
programming error within the formula.

Array Data Value Not Set The formula attempted to access an array index that has no data value. This error occurs in the
  formula code.

Invalid Type Parameter for WSA_EXISTS An invalid data type was specified in the WSA_EXISTS call.

Incorrect Data Type For Stored Item When retrieving an item using WSA_GET, the actual data type doesn't match that of the stored
  item. This error occurs within the calling formula.

Called Formula Not Found The called formula couldn't be resolved when attempting to call a formula from a formula. This issue
  could be due to an error in the calling formula, or because of installation issues.

Recursive Formula Call An attempt was made to call a formula from itself. The call could be made directly or indirectly from
  another called formula. Recursive formula calling isn't permitted.

Input Data Has Different Types in Called When calling a formula from a formula, the input data type within the called formula doesn't match
and Calling Formulas the data type specified from the calling formula.

Output Has Different Types In Called When calling a formula from a formula, the output data type within the called formula doesn't match
and Calling Formulas the data type specified from the calling formula.

Too Many Formula Calls When a formula calls another formula in its text so it becomes a hierarchy. The maximum depth of
  the hierarchy is 10.

FAQs for Fast Formulas

When do I run the Compile Formula process?

When you create or update multiple fast formulas at the same time, run the Compile Formula process on the Submit a
Process or Report page from the Payroll Administration work area.

What's the difference between a formula compilation error and an

execution error?
Compilation errors occur on the Manage Fast Formulas page when you compile the formula. An error message explains
the nature of the error. Common compilation errors are syntax errors resulting from typing mistakes. You can view error
messages on the dashboard or go to the messages tab directly after the process is run.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Execution errors occur when a problem arises while a formula is running. The usual cause is a data problem, either in the
formula or in the application database.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Global Payroll Fast Formulas

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

9 Balance Definitions


Payroll Balance Definitions: Explained

Payroll balances show the accumulation of values over a period of time. Payroll processes, such as Calculate Payroll and
Calculate Gross Earnings, update the balance values. The values can be amount, hours, or any other numeric value. You
manage balance definitions in the Payroll Calculation work area.
Most of the balances you require are predefined, and depending on your country extension, the application creates additional
balances automatically when you create elements. You can edit the definition of these generated balances, or create
additional balances for calculations or reporting.

Important aspects of balance definitions are:

• Balance Categories
• Unit of Measure
• Generated Balances and Database Items
• Base Balances
• Remuneration

Balance definitions also include balance dimensions and balance feeds. Balance groups are collections of balances that you
associate with usages to determine the reports, pages, and processes that use the balances in the group.

Balance Categories
Each balance definition has a predefined balance category for quicker processing. Balance categories are specific to a
country or territory.

Units of Measure
The predefined units of measure available for selection are Day, Hour (with different combinations of minutes and seconds),
Integer, Money, and Number. The unit of measure of the balance must match the unit of measure of the element input values
that feed it.

Generated Balances and Database Items

The element template creates a primary feed to a new balance when you create:

• An earnings element in a legislative data group that uses the Payroll Interface country extension
• Any element in a legislative data group that uses the Payroll country extension

You select the type of extension on the Manage Features by Country or Territory page.

The element template also creates a database item for each balance dimension. You can use the database items in your
formulas or HCM extracts to use the value of a balance.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Base Balances
You can specify a base balance when there is a dependent relationship between balances for processing and reporting. For
example, Loan Repayment could be the base balance for Loan Repayment Arrears.

Only one balance in each legislative data group is predefined as the remuneration balance. This balance generates payments
for employees. For example, the remuneration balance might be Net Pay. This calculated balance is the sum of standard
earnings and supplemental earnings minus all the deductions calculated for the run.

Balance Dimensions: Explained

Each payroll balance can have multiple dimensions, which define the specific value to retrieve. Balance dimensions are
predefined and typically combine these components:
• Time span, such as run, period to date, or fiscal year to date
• Employment relationship level, either assignment, terms, or payroll relationship
• Context, required for some balances only, such as tax reporting unit, element, or payroll

For example, if you select the Core Assignment Tax Unit Year to Date dimension for the Gross Earnings balance, you create
the defined balance GROSS_EARNINGS_ASG_TU_YTD. This defined balance accumulates gross earnings for an assignment
in a specific tax reporting unit from the beginning of the calendar year to date.

Balance Feeds: Explained

You can feed payroll balances by element input values and by run results from all the elements in a classification.

Balance Feeds by Element

Balance feeds by element indicate one or more element input values to add or subtract from a balance. For each balance
feed, all input values must use the same unit of measure. For example, you wouldn't mix money and hours in the same
balance feed.

Each element and input value can be the primary feed for one balance only. When you create an element, the element
template creates this balance and feed automatically.

Balance Feeds by Classification

Balance feeds defined by primary or secondary element classification or by a subclassification use the input value that has
the special purpose of primary output value. The unit of measure of this input value must match the unit of measure of the

If you add a primary classification as a balance feed, you can't add its children from the secondary or subclassifications. For
example, if you use the Supplemental Earnings primary classification as a balance feed, you can't also use any other children
of Supplemental Earnings. Also, you can't use both secondary classifications and subclassifications in the same balance feed.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Balance Feeds for Initial Balance Loading

You can select elements in the Balance Initialization classification to feed a balance for initialization purposes only. Select one
element for each level of the employment hierarchy associated with a dimension that you want to initialize.

Related Topics
• Initial Balance Loading: Explained

Balances in Net-to-Gross Calculations: Points to Consider

You can determine which deduction balances the net-to-gross processing uses to calculate the gross amount from the
desired net amount for an earnings element. You set the default values on the Manage Balance Definitions page. You can
also fine-tune which of the enabled balances are included for a specific net-to-gross earnings element.

Enabling Inclusion in Net-to-Gross Calculations

The Balance Dimensions page of the Manage Balance Definitions task shows which dimensions are enabled for inclusion in
net-to-gross calculations. It also shows which of the enabled dimensions are included by default for each new net-to-gross
earnings element.

Excluding Balances from a Specific Net-to-Gross Earnings Element

If a balance is enabled but not included, you can still use it in the processing of a specific net-to-gross earnings element. To
do so, you add the balance using the Gross Balance Exclusions link on the Element Summary page. You can also use this
page to exclude balances that are included by default.

Related Topics
• Net-to-Gross Earnings: How They're Calculated

• Creating a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element: Worked Example

Generating Run Balances: Explained

The payroll calculation process generates run results and values for frequently used balances. Creating or updating balance
definitions and balance feeds can impact balance calculations and stored balance values for run balance dimensions.
When stored balance dimensions are no longer accurate, the Save Run Balances column on the Manage Balance Definitions
page displays the status of the balance dimensions as invalid. Reports and processes continue to obtain accurate values
from the summed run results, but summing run results can slow performance.

To improve performance and accuracy, recalculate the invalid balance values for saved run balance dimensions by submitting
the Generate Run Balances process from the Payroll Checklist or Payroll Calculation work areas.

This topic covers:

• Submitting the Generate Run Balances process
• Using Generating Run Balances Examples

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Submitting the Generate Run Balances Process

Submit the process before you submit the payroll run or after you create or update these tasks:
• Balance definition using the Manage Balances task, for example to add balance feeds or new balance dimensions
• Balance feeds to an element using the Manage Elements task

When you submit the process, you specify parameters that control which balances to generate as shown in the following

Flow Submission Parameters Purpose

Balances to Include Identifies the set of balances to include when submitting the process: all balances, all invalid
  balances, or a single balance.

Note: If you select a single balance, you must specify both a balance and a dimension

Balance Name Lists balance names marked as run balances when a single balance is selected.

Dimension Name Lists run dimensions when a single balance is selected. The list is filtered again when the balance
  name is selected.

Using Generating Run Balances Examples

There are different ways you can use generate run balances to improve performance and accuracy in your payroll system.
• Updating a balance feed effective date
Your enterprise stops the transportation allowance element as of January 1. This ends the balance feeds between
the element input value and the related balances, such as gross-to-net. It also sets the status of the balance values
for completed payroll runs to invalid. You submit the Generate Run Balance process to recalculate the balance
values and set the status to valid.
• Adding a new balance feed
You receive notification January 31 that an earning, which is not taxable, becomes taxable as of January 1. You add
a balance feed to the earnings element so that the input value feeds a taxable pay balance. You submit the Generate
Run Balances process and recalculate the balance values for the taxable pay balance.

FAQs for Balances

Can I calculate balances that go back 12 months?

Yes. You can use certain balance dimensions to calculate balances based on a 12-month period rolling back from the
effective date. The 12-month rolling balance provides a sum total for the balance dimension that you select.
If the balance dimension is used in a payroll run or report, however, it calculates a balance based on the 12-month period
prior to the effective date of the run.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

For example, let's say you wanted to retrieve balances for an employee for 12 months. If the effective date is 31-AUG-2015,
you can then use a balance dimension to summarize all run results for the period from 01-SEP-2014 to 31-AUG-2015.

What balance dimensions can I use to calculate balances for a 12-

month roll back period?
You can use these balance dimensions to calculate balances for a 12-month roll back period:
This table lists the available balance dimension types and balance dimensions.

Balance Dimension Type Balance Dimension

Rolling 12 Month Balance Dimensions • Relationship Tax Unit Rolling 12 Month

  • Assignment Tax Unit Rolling 12 Month

Resident City Balance Dimensions • Term Tax Unit Resident City Month to Date
  • Term Tax Unit Resident City Quarter to Date
• Term Tax Unit Resident City Year to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Resident City Month to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Resident City Quarter to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Resident City Year to Date

Statutory Report Code Balance

  • Relationship Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Run
• Relationship Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Month to Date
• Relationship Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Quarter to Date
• Relationship Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Year to Date
• Relationship Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Period to Date
• Term Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Run
• Term Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Month to Date
• Term Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Quarter to Date
• Term Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Year to Date
• Term Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Period to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Run
• Assignment Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Month to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Quarter to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Year to Date
• Assignment Tax Unit Statutory Report Code Period to Date

Balance Groups

Balance Groups and Usages: Explained

Balance groups represent a collection of balance definitions, which you can use to retrieve balance values for reports,
archives, and balance views. You manage balance groups in the Payroll Calculation work area.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Important aspects of balance groups and usages include:

• Balance group level
• Balance definitions
• Restrictions
• Default inclusions
• Balance group usages
• Matrix and table formats
• Sorting

Balance Group Level

The balance group level (employee or organization) determines the balance dimensions of the balance definitions that you can
include in the group.

Balance Definitions
On the Balance Definitions page of a balance group you can see the balances associated with the balance group. The
information includes the balance name, balance dimension, balance category, unit of measurement, and legislative data
group. You can also use this page to search for and add balance definitions to your own balance groups and to certain
predefined balance groups.

Restrictions control which balance definitions you can add to the balance group. Balance group restrictions are a list of
balance categories, a list of balance dimensions, or a list of balance categories and dimensions that belong together.
Restrictions limit the balances that you can add to the balance group based on a particular category or dimension or a
combination of category and dimension. The Included balances restricted by category and the Included balances restricted
by dimension check boxes are automatically updated on the Balance Group Details page as you add restrictions on the
Restrictions page. For example, the standard earnings category means that the balance group is restricted to all balances
based on the standard earnings category. In addition to standard earnings, this balance group would be restricted to
balances for bonus pay, hourly salary, and overtime.

Note: In some situations you can update a restriction if it's not used by balance definitions and default
inclusions. The Edit button on the Restriction page is enabled if the selected row can be updated.

Default Inclusions
Default inclusions are combinations of balance categories and dimensions. Any balance definitions you subsequently create,
manually or through the element template, that meet those criteria are automatically included in the group.

Balance Group Usages

Balance group usages represent an instance of how a particular balance group is used. Balance group usages also store
detailed information about how the balance data is formatted. A balance group should have at least one usage but can also
have many balance group usages.

Matrix and Table Formats

A balance group usage can use a matrix or table format. For a matrix format, you select balance dimensions as columns in
the matrix.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Only the balance dimensions that you select as columns for the matrix are displayed. If you do not specify the balance
dimensions as matrix items, they do not display, regardless of what dimensions are contained in the defined balances in the
balance group.

If you use the matrix format, you can also select a sorting option for the rows. If you don't select a sorting option, the rows are
returned in random order.

Sorting determines the order in which balance types and dimensions display for the balance group usage.

You can select one of the sort methods listed below.

• Name - Sorts balance values by balance name.

• Value - Sorts balances by the actual balance value.
• Static Order - Sorts balance values according to the sequence that you specify in the Sort Items table.

If you select Table, all the balances in the balance group are returned one line at a time in the table format. If you
select the Matrix format, you can add balance dimensions and decide their position in the matrix.

Balance Group Usages: Examples

For predefined balance group usages you can add matrix items to the group and associate them with existing balance
groups for use in reports, archives, and views. While you can't modify existing usages that are predefined, you can modify
matrix items that are user-defined.
You can include balance dimensions for multiple time periods, such as the current payroll run, month to date, or year to date,
in your balance group usage.

Note: The report type is the owner of the balance group usage. A usage can have only one report type

Report Type Balance Categories

Global Archive Archive of current and year-to-date city tax code balances for areas 1,2 and 3

Global Balance Views Earnings default balances for the Balance Views page

Global Deduction Balances for involuntary, pre-statutory, social insurance, and tax deductions

Global Element Results Direct payments tax balances at the assignment, term and relationship levels

Global End of Year Archive Payroll Relationship level balances


Global Payroll Activity Report Earnings balances at the payroll relationship level for the current payroll period and year-to-date

Global Payroll Run Result Report Balances for all earnings at the assignment, term and relationship levels

Global Statutory Deductions Report All city, county, state, and school tax deduction balances for the current period and year-to-date

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Report Type Balance Categories


Global Gross to Net Direct payment balances for a group tax unit for the current period and year-to-date

Statement of Earnings City, county, and state pretax deductions for the current payroll period and year-to-date


Rules for Editing Balance Groups and Their Usages: Explained

The limitations on the changes you can make to balance groups and usages are different for predefined and user-defined

Balance Group Rules

This table explains the actions you can take for both predefined and user-defined balance groups.

Action Predefined Balance Group User-Defined Balance Group

Create balance group No Yes


Edit balance group No Yes


Delete balance group No Yes


Add balance definitions No, unless the Add button in the table menu Yes
  is enabled  

Remove balance definitions No, unless created by the clients. Yes


Add restrictions No Yes


Edit restrictions No No

Delete restrictions No Yes


Edit the balance group level No Yes, if the group contains no balance
    definitions, default inclusions or dimension

Add default inclusions No, unless the Add button in the table menu Yes
  is enabled  

Edit default inclusions No Yes


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Action Predefined Balance Group User-Defined Balance Group

Delete default inclusions No Yes


Balance Groups Usage Rules

The only change you can make to a predefined balance group usage is to add matrix items.

For a user-defined usage, you can:

• Edit or delete the usage
• Edit the usage details
• Add or delete matrix items
• Create, edit, or delete sorting definitions

Caution: You can't change the format type of a usage after you save it. Additionally, you can't change the sort
method unless you delete the existing sort items.

Creating Balance Groups and Usages: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a balance group and balance group usage for a custom report of voluntary

If you are creating a custom report, create a lookup code for the report in the PAY_BALANCE_REPORT_TYPE lookup.
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Common Lookups task.
2. Search for and select the PAY_BALANCE_REPORT_TYPE lookup type.
3. Add the lookup code, meaning, and description for the custom report in the Lookup Codes section.

Creating a Balance Group

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, select Manage Balance Groups.
2. Click Create to open the Create Balance Group dialog box.
3. Select a legislative data group and enter a name for the balance group.
4. Click Continue.
The Balance Group Details page displays.
5. Select Employee as the balance group level.
6. Click Save.
7. Select the Balance Definitions folder under the Balance Group Overview list.
8. Click Select and Add.
9. In the Select and Add: Balance Definitions dialog box, enter the following values.

Field Value

Dimension Name Relationship Run


Category Voluntary Deductions


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

10. Click Search.

11. In the Results section, select the balance definitions that you want to add and then click OK.

Tip: You can select multiple balance definitions in the Select and Add window. Hold down the Shift key
to select a group of consecutive balance definitions. To select individual balance definitions hold down the
Control key and select the balance definitions that you want to add to the balance group. Click Apply and
keep the dialog window open to add the query to search the selected balance definitions . Click OK to
add the selected balance definitions and close the dialog window.
12. Click Submit.
13. Click Done.

Create a Balance Group Usage

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, select Manage Balance Group Usages.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Balance Group Usage dialog box, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Legislative data group Enter the same LDG as the balance group for which you are creating the usage.

Name Employee voluntary deduction run balances


Balance Group The group you created in the previous task


Format Type Table


4. Click Continue.
You are returned to the Balance Group Usage Details page.
5. Select the report type (this was the report type that you added as a lookup code to the
6. Click Save.
7. Select the Sorting folder under Balance Group Usage Overview list.
8. From the Actions drop down list on the right, select Create.
9. Complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Any

Sort Method Name


Sort By Balance Type


Order Ascending

10. Click Save.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

11. Click Done.

Balance Exceptions

Balance Exceptions: Examples

Balance exceptions define the criteria that you want to use in balance exception reports to identify overpayments,
underpayments, and trends. This information can help detect the balance adjustments needed to correct payments and
identify people in your organization who are leading in specific areas such as sales. The following examples illustrate two
different types of balance exceptions that you may want to include in your balance exception reports.
You create reports using the Manage Balance Exceptions task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

Tracking Increases in Commissions

InFusion US plans to train incoming sales staff on productivity techniques. To identify exceptional sales staff in the
organization, you can run a report that lists workers whose commissions increased by 25 percent compared to their averages
for the previous 3 months. To find out who the sales leaders are, set up a balance exception using the values in the following

Field Values

Balance Exception Name Commission Increases Over 25 Percent


Comparison Type Average in Months


Comparison Value 3

Balance Name Commissions


Dimension Name Relationship Period to Date


Variance Type Percent


Variance Operator Greater than


Variance Value 25

Severity Level 3

Tracking Gross Earnings

Before InFusion US certifies its current payroll run, the payroll manager wants to know if gross payments are in line with the
previous payroll run. The previous run verified the established levels of earnings that the company wants to maintain for the
remainder of the quarter. The table below provides an example of the values you enter to set up a balance exception to find
out if gross earnings exceed the gross earnings of the previous period by more than 10 percent:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Field Values

Balance Exception Name Gross Earnings


Comparison Type Previous period


Comparison Value 1

Balance Name Gross Earnings


Dimension Name Relationship Period to Date


Variance Type Percent


Variance Operator Greater than


Variance Value 10

Severity Level 1

Comparison Types and Variance Operators for Balance Exceptions:

Use balance exception reports to identify potential overpayments or underpayments. Comparison types define the period
that is used to determine whether an exception has occurred. Variance operators enable you to specify the precise range of
variance that you want to report on.

Comparison Types
When you're creating balance exceptions, you must select a comparison type. For example, if you select Average in months
as the comparison type and enter 3 in the Comparison Value field, the current month is compared to the average of the
previous three months.

Some comparison values are preset and you can't change them:

• Current month, Current period, Current quarter, and Current year always have a comparison value of 0.
• Previous period and Previous month have a comparison value of 1.

This table lists each comparison type that you can select and explains how it operates as a basis of comparison.

Comparison Type How it Operates as a Basis of Comparison

Average in months Compares the current month to date with the average of previous months to date. Only available if
  you have the balance dimensions ASG_MONTH or _PER_MONTH.

Current month Compares values to the total for the current month to date. Doesn't use any previous month as a
  basis for comparison.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Comparison Type How it Operates as a Basis of Comparison


Current period Compares values to the total for the current period to date. Doesn't use any previous period as a
  basis for comparison.

Current quarter Compares values to the total for the current quarter to date. Doesn't use any previous period as a
  basis for comparison.

Current year Compares values to the total for the current year to date. Doesn't use any previous period as a
  basis for comparison.

Previous month Uses the previous month as a basis of comparison.


Previous period Uses the previous period as a basis of comparison.


Variance Operators
The table that follows describes the variance operators that you can use for your balance exception reports.

The Results column indicates the effect of selecting each variance operator assuming that the following sample data is used:
• Comparison type is previous month
• Balance name is monthly car allowance
• Dimension name is relationship previous month to date
• Previous month amount is 500
• Variance value is 100

Variance Operator Balance Exception Report Output Results (based on sample data)

Variance, plus or minus All relationships that either exceed or are Returns all relationships with a value less than
  less than the previous month amount by the 400 and greater than 600.
amount or percentage stated in the variance  

Less than All relationships that are less than the Returns all relationships with a value of less
  previous month amount by the amount or than 400.
percentage stated in the variance value.  

Less than or equal All relationships with a current value either Returns all relationships with a value of 400
  equal to or less than the previous month or less.
amount by the amount or percentage stated  
in the variance value.

Equal All values that are exactly equal to the higher Returns all relationships with a current value
  limit or the lower limit of the variance value. equal to 400 or 600.

Greater than All relationships that are greater than the Returns all relationships with a value of more
  previous month amount by the amount or than 600.
percentage stated in the variance value.  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Variance Operator Balance Exception Report Output Results (based on sample data)

Greater than or equal All relationships with a current value either Returns all relationships with a value of 600
  equal to or greater than the previous month or more.
amount by the amount or percentage stated  
in the variance value.

Note: You can write a fast formula using the Balance Exception formula type to return a variance value that you
can use for identifying exceptions for a balance. To use this feature, select the Formula variance type on the
Create Balance Exception page and then select the formula that you created from the Formula ID field.

Creating a Balance Exception Report: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create and run a balance exception report. The report compares the total payments you
made to your employee population for the current payroll period with the payments you made in the previous period.
Before you create your report, you may want to determine the following:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which balance holds the values to compare? Net Payment


What period of time should the balances be compared to? Previous period

How many periods do you want to compare the balances to? 1


Creating a balance exception report involves creating a balance exception, creating the report, and then running the report.

Creating a Balance Exception

To derive net pay amounts for the previous period:
1. Open the Payroll Calculation work area, and then click Manage Balance Exceptions.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the InFusion US legislative data group and click OK.
4. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Balance Exception Name Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period

Comparison Type Previous period


Comparison Value 1
For comparison types that begin with Previous, the application enters 1 as the default value and
makes it read only.

Balance Name Net Payment

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Field Value

Dimension Name Relationship Period to Date


Variance Type Percent


Variance Operator Greater than


Variance Value 10

Severity Level 1

5. Click Submit.

Creating a Balance Exception Report

1. In the Tasks pane, click Manage Balance Exceptions and Reports.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the InFusion US legislative data group and click OK.
4. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Exception Report Name Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period

Consolidation Group InFusion US Weekly


Payroll InFusion US Weekly Payroll


5. Click Add.
6. Select the Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period balance exception name and then click OK.
7. Click Submit.

Running the Balance Exception Report

1. In the Tasks pane, click Submit a Process or Report.
2. Select the InFusion US legislative data group.
3. Select the Run Balance Exception Report flow pattern and then click Next.
4. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Payroll Flow InFusion Weekly Balance Report


Process End Date 9/7/12


Balance Exception Report Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Global Payroll Balance Definitions

Field Value

Payroll InFusion US Weekly


5. Click Next.

When you enter information on the Submit a Process or Report - Flow Interaction page, select Current Flow as the
payroll flow and Run Balance Exception Report as the task to ensure the report uses the payroll balances results for
the current payroll flow.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Submit.
8. Click OK and View Checklist.
9. In the task list click Go to Task for the Run Balance Exception Report.
10. Click the View Results link associated with the process number for the report.
11. When the View results page opens, click the report link. The output is in PDF format.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

10 Elements

Element Classifications

Element Classification Components: How They Work Together

When you create an element, you select a primary classification, such as Involuntary Deductions, and optionally a secondary
classification, such as Child Support. The classifications, which vary by country or territory, control the element template
questions you answer to define the element. An element may automatically inherit subclassifications from its primary
classification. You can optionally select additional subclassifications for an element to control the balances it feeds.

Primary Classifications
Primary classifications meet the legislative requirements of your country or territory, so you can't change them.

In a human resources department, you can use the primary classifications to identify groups of elements for information and
analysis purposes. In a payroll department, the classifications control processing, including the sequence in which elements
are processed and the balances they feed.

Secondary Classifications
Secondary classifications are subsets of the primary classifications. Use them to manage wage basis rules for deductions and
taxes. You can't remove or change any predefined secondary classifications. In some countries or territories, you can create
your own secondary classifications.

Subclassifications provide a way to feed balances. Elements can have only one primary and secondary classification, but
multiple subclassifications. You can create subclassifications or use predefined ones. You can specify that a subclassification
automatically applies to every element in the primary classification.

Tip: Each subclassification belongs to one primary classification only. If you reuse a subclassification name
under different primary classifications, it's treated as a separate subclassification and you must create separate
balance feeds for each subclassification.

Each primary classification includes the following costing rules:

• Allow Costing: If this rule is set to Yes, you can select any costing option for element eligibility records.
• Allow Distribution: If this rule is set to Yes, you can create distribution groups with elements in this classification.
For example, you can create a distribution group with all of the earnings elements and prorate tax expenses
proportionately over the cost centers in which the wages were earned.
• Debit or Credit: This rule determines whether a positive amount is costed as a debit or a credit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Frequency Rules
If frequency rules are enabled for a primary classification, you can use them on an element if you don't want to process it
each period. For example, you can set frequency rules to process element entries on the first and third weekly payroll periods
of each month. The default frequency rule is to process each period.

Related Topics
• Payroll Balance Definitions: Explained

Element Processing Sequence: How It's Determined

You can set a predefined sequence in which a payroll run will process elements. An element's primary classification defines a
default processing priority for the element in payroll runs. Lower priority numbers process first.
Most classifications also have a priority range. To set the priority you edit the element on the Element Summary page. Setting
a specific priority is useful if you need to establish the order in which the element processes with respect to other elements in
the classification.

Sometimes you must prioritize the processing of certain element entries for an individual person. For example, you may need
to determine the precise order in which deductions taken for wage attachments process for a person. In this case you can
enter a subpriority number for element entries.


Elements: Explained
Some elements are predefined. You can also create other elements to match your requirements. Each element belongs to a
primary classification, according to its purpose, which determines the template you use to create it. The template creates the
elements and, depending on your country extension, associated items required for payroll processing.

Note: You can enter up to 50 characters for the element name. If you enter more than 50 characters, the
application will automatically shorten the name.

Elements can represent:

• Earnings, such as salary, wages, and bonuses

• Compensation, such as employee stock purchase and insurance plans
• Absences from work
• Tangible items distributed to persons, such as tools, uniforms, mobile phones, or computers
• Statutory deductions, such as taxes, voluntary deductions, contributions to charities or savings plans, and
involuntary deductions, such as court orders and pretax deductions
• Employer taxes and other employer liabilities

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Predefined Elements
The predefined elements are specific to your country or territory. They typically include deductions for tax and wage
attachments. You can't make any changes to these predefined elements. However, you must create eligibility records for

Element Creation
You can create as many earnings and deductions as you require using the Manage Elements task.

You select the element classification and category which determine:

• The template of questions you answer to specify the details of the element you want to create.
• The items that the template generates, which can include multiple elements, input values, formulas, balances, and
other items as set out in the table below.

Note: The template you use to create elements also depends on the extension selected for your country or
territory on the Manage Features by Country or Territory page. For example, if the country extension is set to
Payroll, you use a template that generates all the items required for payroll processing. If the country extension
is set to Human Resources or None, you use a basic template that generates the elements only. However, if
you select an element classification, such as Standard Earnings, Supplemental Earnings, Direct Payments and
Taxable Benefits, the basis template creates input values for Amount, Periodicity, and Full-Time Equivalent.

You can configure any of the generated items to match your specific business requirements. For example, you can add input
values, edit the formulas, or add a status processing rule to use a different formula for certain assignment statuses. You
must also create element eligibility records for the elements. You can also use the batch loader from the Data Exchange or
Checklist work area to load elements or migrate elements between environments.

The following table explains the purpose of the items used in element creation.

Items Used Purpose

Input Values Define the entry values available on each entry of this element, such as hours worked or amount.

Element Eligibility Records Define the eligibility criteria a worker's employment record must meet to be eligible for the element.
  For example you can use grade, payroll, salary basis, or organization as eligibility criteria.

Status Processing Rules Identify the formula the payroll run uses to process the element, and how to handle the formula

Related Formulas and Related Elements Identify additional elements and formulas created by the template for payroll processing.

Related Balances Identify the balances created by the element template for this element.

Related Topics
• Creating Earnings Elements for Payroll: Worked Example

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Element Input Values: Explained

An element's input values define the entry values available on each entry of this element. Each input value has a unit of
measure, such as money or date. Input values can include validations and conditions to control the data entry of the element
entry assigned to a person. For example, an earnings element may have an input value for hours worked, which is required
and has a unit of measure of number.
When you create an element, some input values are created automatically depending on your country extension and the
element classification. You can create additional input values for any element, as needed.

Input Value Options

For each input value created you can modify these attributes:

Field Value Purpose

Display Sequence Enter a number to control the display order of the entry value on element entries.

Special Purpose Select how the input value is to be used. For example, you can indicate that it holds a percentage
  value, a rate, or third-party payee details. This value assists with processing the input value based
on what type of information it holds.

Unit of Measure Select the value that describes the type of value the entry value can hold, such as number or

Displayed Select to display the input value on the element entry.


Allow User Entry Select to enter values on element entries.


Required Select to make the input value a required entry value on the element entry. If you select Required,
  you must also select Displayed and Allow User Entry.

Create a Database Item Select if you want to make the values available for formulas or HCM extract.

Rate Formula Select a rate calculation formula, for example to return a value from a user-defined table. This option
  only applies to the Primary input value for elements associated with rate definitions that have the
Element method and a contributor type of Amount. If you select a formula, you must not select the
Allow User Entry check box.

Default Enter a value that appears as the default value for this entry value in element entries, if needed.

Apply default at runtime Select to apply the default value when you run the payroll process, rather than when you create the
  element entry. This selection ensures you use the latest value on the date of the payroll run. You can
manually override the default value on the element entry.

Minimum Enter a minimum value, if needed.


Maximum Enter a maximum value, if needed.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Field Value Purpose

Validation Formula Enter a formula that validates the entry value entered on element entries, if needed.

Validation Source Use with the other input value options to select the valid validation method, such as lookups or

Lookup Type Specify a lookup type to provide a list of values for an entry value. This option is available for input
  values of type Character only.

Warning or Error Use when you are validating the input value or entering a minimum or maximum value. It specifies
  whether a warning or an error displays if the entry fails the validation condition or doesn't meet the
minimum or maximum value indicated.

Reference Use to associate a balance context with the run result.

For example, you can associate a context, such as jurisdiction, with an element. Create an input
value for jurisdiction and select the jurisdiction context in the reference field. Then the run result
value of the input value works as a context value when updating the balance.
If you select a reference then the lookup type and validation source values should be automatically
set to the reference context. You must provide the reference field first for the validation source value
to be automatically populated.

Value Set Specify a value set to provide a dynamic list of values for an entry value. This option is available for
  input values of type Character only.

Caution: Once an element is processed, you can't update certain input value attributes, such as unit of
measure. This restriction ensures that you can't change attributes that would invalidate prior results.

This table provides examples of the allowable formats, depending on the unit of measure (UOM) specified for the entry value
on the Manage Elements - Element Overview, Input Values page.

Unit of Measure Sample Entry Value Display in Application

Character C Complete

Integer 12345 12,345


Number 12345.6789 12,345.6789

0.123456789 0.123456789

Day 123 123

0.123 0.123

Money 12345 12345.00

-12345.67 <12345.67>

Hours in decimal format, 1 place 12345 12345.0

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Unit of Measure Sample Entry Value Display in Application


Hours in decimal format, 2 places 12345 12345.00


Hours in decimal format, 3 places 12345 12345.000


Hours expressed as a numeric value 12345 12345


Hours and minutes expressed as numeric 12345 12345:00


Hours, minutes, and seconds expressed as 12345 12345:00:00

numeric values    

Date 2016-06-21 21-Jun-2016


Time 13:05 1:05 PM


Note: Display values can be derived from the meaning attribute of the view object. For example if you enter C
as a value for the Character UOM it could display as Complete. Conversion to display formats is based on the
profile option value and locale.

Related Topics
• Element Entries: How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Entry Values

• Creating and Editing Profile Options: Procedure

Employment Level for Elements: Critical Choices

Your enterprise uses an employment model. When you create elements, you select the employment level at which to attach
the element. If you select a level below payroll relationship, each assignment record can have separate element entries.

Payroll Relationship Level

This level is the highest level for accumulating balances. Every payroll run processes payroll relationship elements.
Typical elements to define at payroll relationship level are:

• Tax deductions
• Pension
• Child support
• Medical care
• Union dues
• Benefits activity rate calculations, such as employee contributions and flex credits

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Assignment Level
Use this lowest level for elements that require different entries for different assignments, or when the element applies only to
specific assignments.
Typical elements to define at assignment level are:

• Assignment salary
• Regular hours
• Overtime
• Sales bonus
• Profit-sharing bonus

Rate Conversion Rules: Explained

Manage rate conversions by selecting specific formula rules when you create an element. Conversion rules apply to earnings
classification elements, including standard, supplemental, absence, and time elements.
You can specify conversion rules for:

• Periodicity, if you select a calculation rule for flat amount, hours multiplied by rate, or days multiplied by rate
• Work Units, if you select flat amount calculation rule for a standard or supplemental earnings element
• Proration, if the element is subject to proration

Conversion Rules
This table describes the predefined formula rules.

Conversion Rule Calculation Example

Standard Rate Annualized 1. Converts the source amount and

  periodicity to an annual value using
default values of 2080 hours, 260
working days.
2. Converts the amount to the required
periodicity and rate.

Standard Rate Daily 1. Calculates a daily rate using default

  value 260 working days.
2. Converts the amount to the required
output periodicity and rate.

Standard Working Hours Rate Annualized 1. Converts the source amount and Employee works 40 hours a week with a
  working hours to an annual value, monthly salary of 1000 pounds:
using the employee's standard  
working hours. ((1000*12) / (40.00*52) = 5.77 an hour
2. Calculates the rate.  

Assignment Working Hours Rate Annualized 1. Converts the source amount and Employee works 40 hours a week, with a
  working hours to an annual value, 37.5 standard working hours a week, and a
using the employee's working hours. monthly salary of 1000 pounds:
2. Calculates the rate.  
((1000*12) / (37.50*52) = 6.15 an hour

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Conversion Rule Calculation Example


Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized 1. Converts the monetary value and work
  schedule to an annual value, using Employee assigned a payroll:
the employee's work schedule for
the payroll period for daily and hourly Employee has a monthly salary of 1000
conversions. pounds, and is assigned a monthly payroll.
2. Calculates the rate. The formula checks the work schedule
details for the month.

For a daily conversion:

1000 a month / 20 days in the month = 50

Employee not assigned a payroll:

1. Rate is calculated using the weekly

rate calculation.
2. The amount is converted to an annual
3. The amount is divided by the number
of days or hours in that week based
on the work schedule.

Work Schedule Calculations

For the Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized rule, the formula determines whether a work schedule exists for a person. It
begins at the assignment level and continues in the following order until it finds a schedule.

1. Assignment
2. Position
3. Job
4. Department
5. Location
6. Legal Employer
7. Enterprise
To ensure you accurately calculate elements for a payroll period:

• Confirm that a work schedule assigned to a person exists at the start date of the payroll period in which you are
paying the person.
• If a person has multiple assignments for a term, create the work schedule at the terms level or the assignment level,
but not at both levels. Setting up schedules at both levels can produce calculation errors.

Maintaining Elements: Explained

After you create and use an element, updates to the element are limited to ensure the integrity of the element for retroactive
processing and the balances of the input values. You can't remove existing input values or add new ones if you have created
entries for the element. To add an input value to an element before you create any element entries, set your effective date to
the element's start date.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

You can make the following changes to an element that has been previously processed:

• Change a required input value to be optional.

• Alter the sequence in which input values appear in the Element Entries page.
• Change the input value validation rules for minimum, maximum, lookup, or formula.
• Change your specification of which input values create database items.
• Change the reporting name. However, the database items created for the element will continue to use the original

Enabling Automatic, Multiple, or Additional Element Entries: Critical

You can select options for an element to define how you can update its element entries. The options include:

• Automatic entry
• Allow multiple entries in same period
• Additional entry

Automatic Entry
When you create an element, you can select Yes for the question: Should every person eligible for the element automatically
receive it? This setting selects the Automatic entry option by default for all eligibility records you create for that element.
However, you can override the selection for any specific eligibility record before you save it.
When you select this option, saving the eligibility record initiates a payroll flow to create element entries for all eligible workers.
To monitor this flow:

• You can view the progress of the process in the Automatic Entry Status field. If the status shows that an error
occurred, you can save the eligibility record again to resubmit the flow.
• If you have access to payroll work areas, you can also monitor the progress of the Generate Automatic Element
Entries flow on the Processes and Reports tab. You can navigate to the Processes and Reports tab through these
work areas: Payroll Dashboard, Payroll Checklist or Payroll Calculation.

Any updates to the employment records of eligible workers, including hires and terminations, automatically update, create, or
end the element entries, as appropriate.

Tip: If you select the Automatic entry option, you can't also select Allow multiple entries in same period.

Allow Multiple Entries in Same Period

This option enables you to give a person more than one entry of the element in the same pay period. For example, if you
enter overtime hours on a weekly basis for a person that is paid monthly, you might need to enter five entries on an overtime
element in each period.
If you are creating a net-to-gross element, you must select Allow multiple entries in same period.

Note: An element with the Automatic entry option selected cannot allow multiple entries in the same period.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Additional Entry
This option enables you to add an occasional one-time entry for recurring elements. This additional entry can override or add
to the normal entry amount.

Related Topics
• Element Entry Methods: Explained

• Monitoring the Status of Flow Tasks: Explained

Determining an Element's Latest Entry Date: Critical Choices

An element's latest entry date determines how element entries process after a person is terminated or transferred to another
payroll. The options include: final close, last standard earning date, and last standard process date. These are the predefined
options. You can create others that fit your business needs.

Final Close
This option enables the element to stay open for entries beyond a person's last day worked. For example, you may want the
element to stay open to pay a severance package.

Last Standard Earning Date

This option stops all element entries on the date the person leaves. You should use this option for recurring entries such as

Tip: If you select the last standard earning date option, also select proration for the element. This ensures that
the element is processed up to this date, even if it isn't active at the end of a payroll period.

Last Standard Process Date

The value for last standard process date is automatically set to the last day of the pay period in which the person is
terminated. You can, however, set it to a later period when you terminate a person. It stops all element entries on the last
standard process date or on the date the assignment ends, if this is earlier.

Related Topics
• Element Entries: How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Entry Values

• Element Duration Dates in Payroll Relationships: Explained

Default Values for Element Entries: Critical Choices

You specify default values for element entries using the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation work area. Your
element setup controls when the default value affects element entries. You can apply the default value only when an element
entry is created, or you can apply the latest default value at run time. Another option is to use a formula to provide default
values on one or more entry values.

You can:
• Set a default value for an input value, or select a defaulting formula for the element.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

• Override the default value or formula for a specific group of employees identified by an element eligibility record.
• Override the default value for specific employees on their element entries.

Defining Elements to Provide Default Values at Element Entry Creation

When you create or edit input values, you can specify a default value. If you don't select the Apply default at run time
option, then subsequent updates to the default value have no effect on existing element entries. Users can override or change
the default value at any time.

Defining Elements to Provide Default Values at Run Time

To use this method, enter the default value and select the Apply default at run time option for the input value. If the element
entry value is left blank, the payroll process uses the current default value from the element or element eligibility record. If you
enter a value in the element entry value, the manual entry overrides the default value and updates to the default value don't
affect that entry. You can clear the entry if you want to restore the default value.

Using a Formula to Provide Default Values

You can create a formula of type element input validation to provide default values for one or more entry values. Select this
formula in the Defaulting Formula field for an element or element eligibility record. The order of precedence is as follows:
• A formula at the element eligibility level overrides a formula at the element level.
• If you enter a default value for the input value and select a defaulting formula, the formula overrides the default value.

Related Topics
• Element Entries: How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Entry Values

Element Input Validation Formula Type

You can use an element input validation formula to validate one or more element entry values. You can also use this formula
type to provide a default value for an element entry value, or to calculate entry values based on the user's entries in other
entry values.
You select the formula on the Element Summary page in the following fields:

Page Section Field Purpose When the Formula Runs

Element Details, or Element Validation Formula To validate one or more entry When you save the element
Eligibility   values for the element based on entry.
  entries in other entry values.  

Element Details, or Element Calculation Formula To provide values for one or When you save the element
Eligibility   more entry values using a entry.
  calculation that takes input from  
these or other entry values.

Element Details, or Element Defaulting Formula To provide default values for one When you create the element
Eligibility   or more entry values. entry.

Input Value Validation Formula To validate one entry value When you enter the value.
    independently of others.  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Note: In all cases, a formula at the element eligibility level overrides an equivalent formula at the element level.

The following contexts are available to all formulas of this type:


The following contexts are available to formulas at element or element eligibility level only, not to validation formulas at the
input value level:


Input Variables
The following input variables are available to formulas of this type.

Formula Usage Input Variables Comments

Validation formula at input value level entry_value Passes the value to be validated. You must
    declare the input variable as the appropriate
type for the element input value.

Validation formula at element or element Any element input value name that Replace spaces in the input value name with
eligibility level corresponds to an entry value. underscores in the input variable name.
It doesn't matter whether you use uppercase
or lowercase for the name.

Defaulting formula None Use database items or other logic instead.


Calculation formula Any element input value name of an entry Replace spaces with underscores.
  You don't need to provide all of the available
entry values.

Return Values
The following return values are available to formulas of this type.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Formula Usage Return Values Comments

Validation formula at any level. formula_status Must be either 'S' (success) or 'E' (error).

Validation formula at any level. formula_ message Text of message passed to user if the
    validation fails. Optional.

Defaulting formula Any element input value name of an entry A return value overrides any default value
  value. provided on the input value in the element or
  element eligibility record.

Calculation formula Any element input value name of an entry You don't need to return all of the available
  value. entry values. You can return the entry values
  that were passed in as input variables, or
other entry values.

Sample Formula
This section contains the following sample formulas:
• Validation formula at input value level
• Validation formula at element or element eligibility level
• Calculation formula at element or element eligibility level
• Defaulting formula at element or element eligibility level

Validation formula at input value level:

inputs are entry_value(date)
if(entry_value = '01-APR-2008' (date)) then
formula_message = 'Valid date'
formula_status = 'S'
else(formula_message = 'Invalid date'
formula_status = 'E'
return formula_message, formula_status

Validation formula at element or element eligibility level:

inputs are hours_worked, rate, earning_date(date), comment(text)
if(hours_worked > 80) then
formula_message = 'You are within the working limit.
'formula_status = 'S'
formula_message = 'You have worked too many hours.
'formula_status = 'E'
return formula_message, formula_status

Calculation formula at element or element eligibility level:

inputs are hours_worked, rate, comment(text)
if(hours_worked > 80) then

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

rate = rate * 1.2

comment = 'Your rate has been increased'
return rate, comment

Defaulting formula at element or element eligibility level:

if(CATEGORY = 'S') then
rate = 20
rate = 30
rate_code = 'B'
return rate, rate_code

Using a Value Set for an Element Input Value: Worked Example

You can use value sets to provide a dynamic list of values for an element input value. Use a value set for lists containing
values that already exist in tables, such as person name or number, legislative data group, or payroll statutory unit. The
benefit of this approach is that you don't have to create and maintain a lookup type. Using value sets helps maintain
consistency and accuracy in your data.

Note: The only type of value set supported for element input values is the table-based value set. Oracle Fusion
Global Payroll doesn't support other value set types, such as Independent or Format Only.

Create value sets using the Manage Value Sets task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. You select the Table validation
type to define a value set that filters values from an existing table using a SQL statement.

The following table provides the required values that you enter when you create a value set for use on the Manage Elements

Field Value

Module Global Payroll


Validation Type Table


Value Data Type Character


Note: To enable the Value Set field on the Manage Elements page you must select Character as the Unit of
Measure for the input value.

To improve the performance of your value set queries, use these contexts to filter the value set records:
• PayrollRelationshipId
• PersonId
• PayrollTermId
• PayrollAssignmentId

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

• LegDataGroupId
• LegCode
• SysEffectiveDate

WHERE Clause example: pay_pay_relationships_dn.payroll_relationship_id = :{PARAMETER.PayrollRelationshipId}

Note: If you use these contexts in your value set SQL, make sure the WHERE clause parameter name matches
the context name.

In this example, an element contains input values for legislative data group and element name. The list of values for element
name is dependent on the selected legislative data group. As part of setup, you can select a default legislative data group for
the element, or for a specific element eligibility record.

In summary, the steps are:

• Create a value set to return a list of all legislative data groups
• Create a value set that returns all elements in the legislative data group
• Add the value set codes to the Manage Elements page

Creating a Value Set to Return a List of all Legislative Data Groups

1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the Manage Value Sets task.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Value Set Code LDG_VS


Description Retrieve Legislative Data Groups


Module Global Payroll


Validation Type Table


Value Data Type Character




Value Column Name NAME


Value Column Type VARCHAR2


Value Column Length 240




ID Column Type NUMBER


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Field Value

ID Column Length 18

WHERE Clause business_ group_id=202


Tip: To avoid failure of the value set, use IDs instead of names in case the display name
changes in the future.



4. Click Save.

Creating a Value Set that Returns all Elements in the Legislative Data Group
1. On the Manage Value Sets page, click Create.
2. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Value Set Code ELE_VS


Description Elements

Module Global Payroll


Validation Type Table


Value Data Type Character


FROM Clause pay_ element_ types_f


Value Column Name base_ element_name


Value Column Type VARCHAR2


Value Column Length 80


ID Column Name element_ type_id


ID Column Type NUMBER


ID Column Length 18



Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Field Value

Note: LDG_IP is the input value name.


ORDER BY Clause base_ element_name


3. Click Save.

Adding the Value Set Codes to the Manage Elements Page

1. From the Payroll Calculation Work Area, click the Manage Elements task.
2. Create a new element to meet your requirements and then click Submit.
3. When the Element Summary page displays, click the Input Values folder.
4. Click Actions and then select Create Input Values.
5. Enter the name LDG_IP and the display sequence for the input value.
6. Select Character as the Unit of Measure.
7. Enter LDG_VS in the Value Set field.
8. Go to the Default field and select a legislative data group.
9. Click Save.
10. Click Submit.
11. Repeat these steps to create an element input value using the ELE_VS value set.

You can override the default values on the Element Eligibility - Input Values page for a specific eligibility record.

Formula Result Rules for Elements: Explained

An element's status processing rule identifies the formula that the payroll run uses to process the element for workers with a
specified assignment status. For each status processing rule, formula result rules determine what happens to each result that
the formula returns.

Status Processing Rules

An element can have one status processing rule for all assignment statuses, or a different rule for each status. For example,
you could have two rules for a Wages element: Standard Wages and Paid Training Leave.

Formula Result Rules

Formulas return formula results such as the amount to be paid, or a message. Results can update the current element entry
or another target element entry with a lower processing priority, meaning that it's processed later in the run.

The following table explains the available result rules.

Results Rule Purpose

Direct Result The element's run result, or a direct result updating one of the element's input values.

Indirect Result An entry to a nonrecurring element that has a lower processing priority. The target element must be
  at the same employment level as the source element.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Results Rule Purpose

  A message issued by the formula under certain conditions. For example, a formula can check a loan
repayment balance and, if the balance is zero, issue the message Loan is repaid.

There are three severity levels for a message rule:

• Error - This causes the run to roll back all processing for the employment record.
• Warning - This does not affect payroll processing but warns you of a possible problem.
• Information - This does not affect payroll processing.

Order Indirect Updates the subpriority of the element you select in the Target Element Name field.

Stop Uses the Date Earned of the payroll run to stop the processing of a recurring entry. A stop rule can
  be based upon reaching a specified accumulator, such as a balance owed of zero. The date upon
which the total owed is reached appears on the Element Entries page as Settlement Date. The
entries are not actually end dated but stopped from future processing. This supports retroactive
processes which impact the total owed balance.
You should define the target element with Allow Multiple Entries selected. This enables you to
allocate a new entry once the value of an existing entry has reached zero. For example, once an
employee has repaid a loan you can add a new loan entry for the employee. If you add a new stop
entry for the same element type, use balance contexts to differentiate between the owed balances.

Note: If you do not select Allow Multiple Entries and you want to add a second loan after
the first loan has been stopped by a payroll run, end date the first loan before creating the
second loan.

Target Indirect An entry to a nonrecurring element that has a lower processing priority, where the target element
  is defined at a different employment level than the element being processed. For example, you
could use a Target Indirect rule to update the input value of an assignment-level element from the
processing of a terms-level element.

Setting Up Balances for Percentage Elements: Explained

When you create a deduction element, you can select the Percentage deduction calculation rule. This creates a balance
called <ELEMENT NAME> Eligible Compensation. In this balance definition, you can define the balance feed from the
earnings element result value as either pay value or output value.
When you define the balance feed on the Element Summary page, make sure the effective date is early enough to define
the balance feed and capture the history. For example, you may want to define the balance feed with an effective date of
01-January-1951 or something similar. When you click the Balance Feeds link on the Manage Balance Definitions page, the
effective date is shown as the system date. You need to change the effective date so it will capture the history.

After you capture the earnings input values, enter the percentage deduction in the Percentage input value of the deduction

For example, let's say you entered 10000 as the basic salary and 10 percent as the basic deduction.

• If the basic salary pay value is 10000, your basic deduction is 1000.
• If the basic salary pay value is 5000, your basic deduction is 500.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

How does the Hours X Rate calculation rule work for elements?
If the input value for hours is left blank on the Manage Element Entries page for the employee, the number of hours calculated
is based on the employee's work schedule. If you enter zero for the input value, then no hours are calculated and the pay
value will be zero.

Element Eligibility

Element Eligibility: Explained

Element eligibility determines which people are eligible for an element. To determine eligibility, you select the criteria that
people must have to receive entries of the element.

Eligibility Criteria
You can define element eligibility using the following criteria.

Level Available Criteria

Payroll Relationship Payroll Statutory Unit

Relationship Type

Terms Legal Employer

  Department in which the person works
  Job, for example, associate professor or secretary
  Employment Category
People Group
Legal Employer
Department, same as in Terms
Job, same as in Terms
Employment Category
People Group

Note: You set up all the people groups that are appropriate for your enterprise. For example,
you could decide to group people by company within a multi-company enterprise, and by
union membership.
Location of person's office

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Level Available Criteria

Position, which is a class of job performed in a particular organization, for example, associate
professor of chemistry, or finance department secretary.
All payrolls eligible

Tip: You must define element eligibility for every element, including predefined elements. If you want the element
to be available to all workers, add an eligibility name and save the element eligibility record with no additional
criteria selected. This is the usual practice for compensation and benefit elements where you determine eligibility
using eligibility profiles.

Examples of Eligibility Criteria

In the following examples, you restrict who can receive an element entry:

• Your enterprise provides company cars only to people in the sales or customer support departments. You create
two eligibility records, and use the Department field to specify the eligibility criteria. Select Sales Department for one
record and Customer Support for the second record.
• You enterprise offers a production bonus to people who work full-time in production and are on the weekly payroll.
You create one eligibility record and select Full-time regular in the Employment Category field, Production in the
Department field, and Weekly in the Payroll field.

Multiple Rules of Eligibility

You can define more than one eligibility record for each element, but there must be no overlap between them.

For example, you can create one record for the combination of grade A and the job of accountant. However, you can't create
one record for grade A and a second for the job of accountant. These rules would imply that an accountant on grade A is
eligible for the same element twice.

If you have more than one element eligibility record, you can enter different default values and costing information for each
eligibility group.

Maintaining Element Eligibility: Explained

After saving an element eligibility record, you can only make certain changes. You can't update the eligibility criteria.
The following table summarizes the actions you can take.

Action Result

Change the input value default values These changes affect all new entries, and updates to existing entries. Changes to run time defaults
and validation affect existing entries too.

Delete the element eligibility record Existing recurring entries are ended automatically when you end the element's eligibility.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Action Result

Note: You can't delete the element eligibility record if any nonrecurring entries exist at
the date you want to end the record. You must delete existing entries before you end the
element's eligibility.

Adding Eligibility Rules for Predefined Elements: Procedure

If the country extension on the Manage Features by Country or Territory page is set to Payroll or Payroll Interface, you must
add element eligibility records for predefined statutory deduction elements before you hire any workers.
To search for the predefined elements:
1. Search for the Manage Elements task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Click Go to Task.
3. Search for the predefined elements, which are as follows:

Country or Territory Predefined Element

US, Canada, Mexico US Taxation, CA Taxation, MX Taxation


Australia, India, Singapore Statutory Deductions


Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Social Insurance


China Aggregation Information


UK Tax and NI
Pensions Automatic Enrollment

Netherlands Tax and Social Insurance Calculations


France French Payroll Processing


Note: There are no predefined elements that require eligibility rules for Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, or Hong

To add eligibility rules:

1. Click the element name to open the Element Summary page.
2. Enter a date in the Effective As-of Date field.
You are recommended to use the start date of the element, which is 1/1/1901.
3. Enter a name for the eligibility rule and click Submit. Since you haven't selected any eligibility criteria, all employees
are eligible for the element.

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Implementing Global Payroll Elements

4. Click Done.

FAQs for Elements

What's the difference between a recurring and nonrecurring element?

A recurring element has an entry that applies in every pay period until the entry is ended.
A nonrecurring element has an entry that applies in one pay period only. It's only processed once per pay period. The payroll
to which the person is assigned determines the dates of the pay period.

Note: A base pay element associated with a salary basis must be recurring.

What's an element's skip rule?

A skip rule is an optional formula that determines the circumstances in which an element is processed. If you specify a skip
rule for the element, payroll runs process the element only when the conditions of the formula are met. Otherwise the element
is skipped from processing. You select skip rules on the Manage Elements page.

Related Topics
• Using Formula Components: Explained

How can I create an element for retroactive processing?

When you create the element, specify that it's subject to retroactive changes. You can select the predefined retroactive
event group for the element, or create your own. When an element is subject to retroactive changes, all components for the
retroactive element are created automatically. This includes adding the element to the predefined retroactive event group and
proration group. You can create your own retroactive event group and proration event group and change the default values
for the element in the Manage Element flow.

When does an element get processed with a processing option of

process once per period?
The first payroll run of each period processes the element entries. If this option isn't available for your country or territory, you
can select a skip rule to process the element once each period.

What happens if I select the Closed for Entry option for an element?
This option prevents the creation of all new element entries for the element. However, it doesn't affect any existing element

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Caution: When hiring, terminating, or updating assignments, this option prevents all element entry creation for
the element, including automatic entries.

Related Topics
• Element Entry Methods: Explained

What happens if I manually enter a value in an element entry value

that has a runtime default value?
Any subsequent changes to the default value on the element or element eligibility record won't affect the element entry.
However, you can clear your entry if you want to restore the default value.

How do I change the number of decimal places used in element input

Monetary input values use the number of decimal places defined for the currency, such as two for USD. If your calculations
require more decimal places, select a numeric unit of measure for the input value. The level of decimal precision that you
specify must match the precision value set on the Manage Currency page for the country. This ensures that the payroll
processes and reports used for reconciliation and legislative reporting produce the expected results.

Why can't I add a secondary element classification to process a new

deduction or tax?
Primary element classifications are predefined, can vary by country or territory, and are often based on specific rules and
legislative requirements. These rules and requirements can limit the types of secondary classifications that you can add to
primary element classifications. To manage your element classifications refer to the setup documentation for the specific
country or territory.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Global Payroll Elements

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

11 Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Creating Earnings Elements for Payroll: Worked Example
This example shows how payroll managers create a regular earnings element, such as salary, using an element template.
After you create the earnings element, you must create at least one eligibility record for it.

Creating an Earnings Element

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, click Manage Elements.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Legislative Data Group Your Legislative Data Group


Primary Classification Standard Earnings


Secondary Classification Regular


4. Click Continue.
5. Enter a name and other basic details, then respond to the questions as shown in this table.
You can enter up to 50 characters for the element name. If you enter more than 50 characters, the application will
automatically shorten the name.

Question Answer

Should every person eligible for the No.

element automatically receive it?  

What is the earliest entry date for this First Standard Earnings Date

What is the latest entry date for this Last Standard Earning Date
Note: If you select this date, then you need to enable proration so the calculation will be
correct if a person leaves prior to a pay period end date.

At which employment level should this Assignment Level

element be attached?  

Does the element recur each payroll Recurring

period, or does it require explicit entry?  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Question Answer

Process the element only once in each Yes

payroll period?  

Can a person have more than one No

entry of the element in a payroll period?  

Process and pay element separately or Process and pay with other earnings
with other earnings elements?  

6. Click Next.
7. On the Additional Details page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Question Answer

What is the calculation rule? Flat Amount


Is this element subject to proration? Yes


Proration Group Entry Changes for Proration


Is this element subject to retroactive Yes


Retro Group Entry Change for Retro


Should this element be included in Yes

the earnings calculation of the FLSA  
overtime base rate? (USA only)

Should this element be included in the Yes

hours calculation of the FLSA overtime  
base rate? (USA only)

8. Click Next.
9. Verify that the information is correct.
10. Click Submit.

Creating an Eligibility Record

On the Element Summary page, update the newly created element details.
1. In the Element Overview section, select Actions, Create Element Eligibility.
2. On the Element Eligibility name field, enter REGULAR SALARY ELIG.
3. In the Eligibility Criteria section, select All payrolls eligible.
4. Click Submit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Related Topics
• Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface: Worked Example

Creating Payroll Elements for Processing Absences:

You create elements to calculate and process absence payments in Oracle. When you create an absence element, your
responses to the element template questions determine which elements, balances, formulas, and calculation components the
template generates.
Defining an absence element involves the following steps:
• Creating an absence element
• Completing absence detail questions
• Completing accrual liability and balance payment questions
• Completing absence payment questions
• Submitting the element
• Creating element eligibility records and cost distributions

Creating an Absence Element

Create an absence element, selecting a primary classification of Absence, and a secondary classification. Typically, the
predefined values include vacation, maternity, sickness, and other. Use the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation
or Setup and Maintenance work areas.

Completing Absence Detail Questions

The questions you complete in the Absence Details section determine which subsequent questions the template displays.
You enter the following information in the Absence Details section:
1. Select the absence information to transfer to payroll based on the type of absence management plan.

Absence Management Plan Type Absence Information to Transfer

Accrual Accrual Balances


Accrual Accrual Balances and Absences


Qualification Qualification Absences


No Entitlement No Entitlement Absences


2. Specify the calculation units to use when reporting the absence, for example that is shown on the payslip, and
statement of earnings. Typically, you select units for your reports that correspond to the units for your absence plan.
If you select different units, the application uses 8 hours to convert days to hours.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Completing Accrual Liability and Balance Payment Questions

If you transfer accrual balances, complete the questions shown in the following table.

Question Steps

Calculate absence liability? 1. Select Yes, if you calculate liability.

  2. Select a liability rate.
Usually the rate is the same as the absence payment rate. You might select a different rate
when estimating liability for billing purposes.

Does this plan enable balance payments 1. Select Yes to create a final disbursement element and to maintain balances for the
when enrollment ends? disbursement hours and payments.
  2. Optionally, select a rate to use for the calculation.

Does this plan enable partial payment of 1. Select Yes to create a discretionary disbursement element and to maintain balances for
balance? disbursement hours and payments.
  2. Optionally, select a rate to use for the calculation.

Completing Absence Payment Questions

Complete the following questions:

1. Select a method to reduce regular earnings if employees don't complete a time card, or the time card entries aren't
used as a basis for calculating pay:

◦ Reduce regular earnings by absence payment (entitlement payment balance)

◦ Select rate to determine absence deduction amount (entitlement deduction balance)

You might select this method when the amount to deduct isn't 100 percent of the person's regular salary.

If you have standard earnings and absence elements in the same payroll run that reduce regular earnings, the payroll
calculation reduces earnings in this sequence:

a. Using absence element entries

b. Using any standard earnings elements that reduce regular earnings

The salary balance isn't reduced beyond zero.

2. Optionally, select a rate to calculate the absence payment.

Submitting the Element

When you submit the element, the template automatically creates a base and retroactive pay element, balances, formulas,
and calculation components. For some countries the template creates related elements, such as results and calculator

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

The template also creates additional elements, depending on the options selected in the template to transfer absence
information, as shown in the following table.

Type of Absence Information to Transfer Optional Balance Payments Selected Additional Elements Created

Accrual Balances • Discretionary Disbursements • Accrual

  • Final Disbursements • Discretionary Disbursement
• Final Disbursement

Accrual Balances and Absences • Discretionary Disbursements • Accrual

  • Final Disbursements • Entitlement
• Discretionary Disbursement
• Final Disbursement

Qualification Absences none Entitlement


No Entitlement Absences none Entitlement


Creating Element Eligibility Records and Cost Distributions

Create element eligibility records for all the elements generated by the template, for example for your accrual, entitlement,
discretionary and final disbursement elements.

If your enterprise calculates cost distributions, specify costing for all the element eligibility records. For example, for an accrual
element, you do the following steps
1. Create element eligibility records for the accrual, accrual results, accrual retroactive, and accrual retroactive results
2. Specify costing for the accrual results and retroactive results elements.
The costing process would cost the change in the liability balance since the last payroll period, debit the expense account
and credit the liability account.

Related Topics
• Costing of Elements: Critical Choices

• Importing Absence Entries to Payroll: Procedure

• Rates Used to Calculate Absences in Payroll: Explained

Creating Payroll Elements for an Absence Accrual Plan:

Worked Example
This example shows how to create an absence element for a vacation accrual absence plan. Based on your setup decisions,
this procedure creates the following additional elements:
• Accrual element to process absence liability amounts
• Entitlement element to process payments for absence during vacation

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

• Discretionary Disbursement element to process disbursement of partial time accruals

• Final Disbursement element to process accrual disbursement when the absence plan enrollment ends

The name of the element is prefixed to each additional element.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What type of an absence are you transferring to payroll? Accrual balances


Who is eligible to receive this element? All workers


What units do you want to use for reporting calculations? Days


Do you want the element to calculate absence liability? Yes


Which rate should the calculate absence liability use? Liability Rate

Does your absence plan enable balance payments when enrollment Yes

Which rate should the final disbursement payment use? Final Disbursement Rate

Does your absence plan enable payment of partial accrual balances? Yes

Which rate should the partial disbursement payment use? Partial Disbursement Rate

Reduce regular earnings by absence payment

How do you want to calculate deductions for paid absences for  
employees not requiring a time card?

• Reduce regular earnings by the amount of the absence

payment so that the worker does not get paid twice?
• Select a rate to determine the absence deduction amount?

Ensure that you created a rate definition to determine the monetary value of a unit of absence, and depending on your
enterprise separate rates to calculate liability, discretionary disbursement, and final disbursement payments. You create a rate
definition using the Manage Rate Definitions task in the Setup and Maintenance or Payroll Calculation work area.

Creating an Absence Element

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area or the Payroll Calculation work area, use the Manage Elements task.
2. Click Create.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

3. In the Create Element window, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Select your legislative data group.

Legislative Data Group  

Primary Classification  

Select an appropriate value for your legislation, such as Vacation.

Secondary Classification  


4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Element: Basic Information page, complete the fields as shown in this table. Use default values for
fields unless the steps specify other values.
You can enter up to 50 characters for the element name. If you enter more than 50 characters, the application will
automatically shorten the name.

Field Value

Vacation Payment

Vacation Payment
Reporting Name  

6. In the Absence Plan Details section, complete the fields as shown in this table. Use default values for fields unless
the steps specify other values.

Field Value

What type of absence information do Accrual Balances and Absences

you want transferred to payroll?  

What calculation units are used for Days


7. Click Next.
8. On the Create Elements: Additional Details page, in the Accrual Liability and Balance Payments section, complete
the fields as shown in this table. Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.

Field Value

Calculate absence liability?  

Liability rate.
Which rate should the liability  
balance calculation use?

Does this plan enable balance  
payments when enrollment ends?

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Field Value

Final disbursement rate.

Which rate should the final balance  
payment calculation use?

Does this plan enable partial  
payments of absences?

Discretionary disbursement rate.

Which rate should the discretionary  
disbursement use?

9. On the Create Elements: Additional Details page, in the Absence Payments section, complete the fields as shown in
this table. Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.

Field Value

Reduce regular earnings by absence payment..

How do you want to reduce  
earnings for employees not
requiring a time card?

Absence payment.
Which rate should the absence  
payment calculation use?

10. Click Next.

11. On the Create Element: Review page, review the information that you entered so far.
12. Click Submit to open the Element Summary page.
The template generates all the related elements, balances, and formulas.

Creating Element Eligibility

1. In the Element Overview section of the Element Summary page, click the Element Eligibility node.
2. Click Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.
3. In the Element Eligibility section, enter Vacation Payment Open in the Element Eligibility Name text box. Leave the
rest of the fields on the page blank.
4. Click Submit.
5. Click Done.
6. In the Manage Elements page, search for the other elements prefixed with your absence element name.
7. Select each element in turn and repeat the steps on the Element Summary page to create eligibility for each element.

Creating Elements for Time Card Entries: Procedure

You create nonrecurring elements to process pay based on time card entries, such as elements for regular, overtime, double-
time, and shift pay. Creating a time card element generates all the related elements, balances, formulas, and calculation
components. You then transfer the elements to your time provider.
This topic covers the following procedures:
• Creating earnings elements

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

• Creating calculation components for standard-category elements

• Converting elements for use in time cards
• Setting up area overrides
• Setting up costing overrides

Creating Earnings Elements

The steps for creating a time card element depend on whether the time card template is available for your country. If the
template is available, follow the steps in this section. Otherwise, create an earnings element using the Standard category, and
specify an hours multiplied by rate calculation rule. Follow the steps in the section below to create calculation components for
your element.

Complete these steps to create an element using the time card template:

1. Create an earnings element on the Manage Elements page of the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Select a primary classification of standard or supplemental earnings.
3. For Global Payroll, select the Time Card category.
4. Complete the information on the Basic Details page.
5. On the Additional Details page:

a. Select the calculation units to use in reports.

Typically, you select time units that match the time units entered on time cards for that element. If you select
different units, the application uses 8 hours to convert days to hours.
b. Optionally, select a default rate to calculate time.

When calculating the run result for the element entry, the formula uses the default rate unless a rate is entered
on the person's time card.
6. Complete the element eligibility information for the new time element, and its associated retroactive and related
elements, such as the result and calculation elements.

Note: If the straight time portion of overtime is reported separately from regular time, create two elements, such
as overtime and overtime premium elements. If the regular and straight time portions of overtime are reported
together, you might use straight time instead of regular time, and create a separate element for the overtime

Creating Calculation Components for Standard-Category Elements

You can create calculation components for elements created with the Standard category rather than the Time Card category.
Complete the following steps for each existing element:

1. Submit the Create Time Card Calculation Components process from the Payroll Checklist or Payroll Administration
work area.

These elements must have a calculation rule of hours multiplied by rate.

2. Complete the element eligibility information for the element and its associated retroactive and its related elements,
including the result element, and the element with a suffix of CIR.
3. After you run the process to convert your elements, submit the Compile Formula process in the Manage Payroll
Calculations work area. Perform a bulk compile by entering wild cards in the Formula and Formula Type parameters.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Generate Time Card Fields for Your Elements

After creating elements, generate time card fields for them. For Time and Labor, perform the processes listed in the following
table using the Define Time and Labor task list in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Process Description

Generate Data Dictionary Time Creates dependent payroll attributes for all element input values, such as hours and rate.
  You must run the Generate Data Dictionary Time Attributes process after making any changes to
time elements. Such changes include adding or deleting elements, editing input values, or editing
element eligibility records.

Caution: Failure to run the process might negatively impact the setup of time card fields, the
validation of payroll time types, or the transfer of time to payroll.

Generate Time Card Fields Creates time card fields using the data dictionary time attributions for the specified legislative data
You can use the Manage Time Card Fields task to create time card fields for single and multiple

If you are using a third-party time provider, create an HCM extract for the time card elements. The extract includes the
element's mapping ID that you specify in the XML file when you transfer the time entries to payroll.

Setting Up Area Overrides

Some countries or territories create time card elements with area input values for use as overrides. The overrides enable
employers to tax employees based on where they work. For example, employees would specify the area information where
they worked on temporary assignment while away from their normal work location. These area entries are then included in the
time card records transferred to payroll by the Load Time Card Batches process.

Setting Up Costing Overrides

You can specify additional attributes in Time and Labor to enter costing segment values on time cards. The segments must
match the segments that you can enter on element entries. Use the Manage Element Entries task in the Payroll Calculation
and search for a person's record. View the available segments on the Costing tab of the Manage Person Details page.
Costing is defined on the element eligibility record of the results element. When you transfer time entries, the transfer process
displays the costing on the calculation element.

As an example, the structure of your cost allocation key flexfield might specify that the department segment is entered at
the element entry level.You could specify this additional attribute on the time card. Your employees could then specify the
department to charge for overtime hours worked while on loan to a different department. After you transfer the time entries,
the payroll calculation uses the department specified for the overtime hours to derive the costing results.

Use the Manage Element Entries task in the Payroll Calculation work are to view costing overrides transferred to payroll. The
results display on the Costing tab of the Manage Person Details page.

Related Topics
• Processing Time Entries in Payroll: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

• Elements: How They Hold Payroll Information for Multiple Features

Time Card Required Option: Critical Choices

If a worker's pay calculations depend upon the worker submitting time cards, you must indicate that a time card is required at
the appropriate employment level. Select the Time Card Required check box at the Terms level, or for each assignment level
that the requirement applies. Don't select the Time Card Required check box for these scenarios:
• A salaried employee completes project time cards for billing purposes, but isn't paid based upon those time entries
• An hourly employee is normally paid based on a predefined work schedule and only submits a time card for overtime
or when absent

Selecting the Time Card Required Option

Your role determines where typically you select the Time Card Required check box:

• HR specialists can select the check box on the Employment Information page of the new hire flow.
• Payroll managers and payroll administrators can select the Manage Payroll Relationship task in the Payroll
Calculations or Payroll Administration work areas. The Payment Details section of the Manage Person Details page
includes the Time Card Required check box on the Terms and Assignment sections.

The following table shows which hours the payroll calculation uses for elements with a calculation rule of hours multiplied by

Time Card Required Hours Used in Calculations

Yes Time card entries


No Work schedule, unless you enter hours as element entries


Related Topics
• Processing Time Entries in Payroll: Explained

Net-to-Gross Earnings: How They're Calculated

When you create an earnings element, you can indicate that it pays a specified net amount. Use this feature, if you need
to pay a person a guaranteed take-home pay (net) per payroll period, or a bonus of a specified net amount. To create an
earnings element, use the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

You can create a net-to-gross (gross-up) element for any recurring or nonrecurring earnings element using these primary

• Standard Earnings

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

• Supplemental Earnings
• Taxable Benefits (Imputed Earnings)

Settings That Affect Net-to-Gross Processing

You define which deductions are used to calculate the gross amount from the specified net amount.

You must create the element as a gross-up element by answering Yes to the question "Use this element to calculate a gross
amount from a specified net amount?"

In each element entry, you specify the limits of the gross-up processing as follows:
• In the Net value, enter the value you want the employee to receive.
• In the To Within value, enter the allowed difference between the desired amount and the actual amount. This can't
be zero.

Note: If these values are the same across most entries, you can enter a default value on the element eligibility

How Formulas Calculate the Gross Amount

The formulas for net-to-gross processing do the following:
1. The predefined iterative formula, GLB_EARN_GROSSUP, takes as input the desired net amount (Net input value)
and the amount by which net can differ from the desired amount (To Within input value).
2. In the first run, the formula sets the lower gross limit to the desired net amount, and the higher gross limit to twice
the desired amount. Then it runs a function to provide the first guess of the gross. The formula returns three values
to the element's input values: low gross, high gross, and additional amount.
3. The element's payroll formula runs. It adds the additional amount to the desired amount to create the gross amount
and returns this value to the element's pay value for the payroll run to process.
4. In the next iteration, the iterative formula compares the additional amount to the total value of the balances that are
available for gross-up for this element entry. The additional amount must not differ from this balance total by more
than the amount you specified in the To Within field.

◦ If the additional amount equals the balance total, then the iterative processing ends.
◦ If the additional amount is above or below the balance total by an acceptable margin, then the processing
ends and the formula returns the remainder (additional amount minus balance) to the element's Remainder
input value.
◦ Otherwise, the formula runs the function to generate a better estimate for gross, using the remainder to
determine by how much to change the guess. The formula checks the results in another iteration.

Related Topics
• Element Eligibility: Explained

• Using Formula Components: Explained

• Element Input Values: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Creating a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a net-to-gross (gross-up) earnings element when an organization wants to pay a
person a specific net amount on a bonus.
Before you create your earnings element, you may want to determine the following:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What is the primary classification of this Supplemental Earnings


Is the element recurring or nonrecurring? Nonrecurring


Who is the bonus recipient? Linda Swift


How much is the bonus? 1000 USD


What is the allowed difference between .05 USD

the specified bonus and the actual  
amount paid?

Creating the Earnings Element

Perform the following steps to create the element:

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, click Manage Elements.

2. Click Create and then select the values shown in the table in the Create Element window.

Field Value

Legislative Data Group  

Supplemental Earnings
Primary Classification  

Secondary Classification  


3. Click Continue.
4. On the Create Element: Basic Information page select the values shown in the table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Field or Question Value


Reporting Name  

Effective Date  

First Standard Earning Date

What is the earliest entry date for  
this element?

Last Standard Earning Date

What is the latest entry date for the  

Does the element recur each  
payroll period, or does it require
explicit entry?

Process separately and pay separately

Process and pay element  
separately or with the other
earnings elements?
Note: All gross-up earnings elements must be processed and paid separately from other

5. Click Next.
6. On the Create Element: Additional Details page select the values shown in the table.

Field or Question Value

Flat Amount
What is the calculation rule?  

Note: The default value is Flat Amount. Do not change this value. All gross-up earnings
must have a calculation rule of Flat Amount.

Use this element to calculate a  
gross amount from a specified net

7. Click Next.
8. Click Submit.
9. In the Element Overview pane, select and review each input value, as shown in the table.

Input Value Description

The gross pay value to be processed in the payroll run, entered by the iterative formula when it
Pay Value completes gross-up calculations.

The user-entered flat amount, which provides the iterative formula with the desired net pay.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

Input Value Description

Used by the iterative formula to hold the lower gross pay guess, which feeds into the next iteration
Low Gross of the formula.

Used by the iterative formula to hold the higher gross pay guess, which feeds into the next
High Gross iteration of the formula.

The amount by which the additional pay to be paid by the employer (gross minus desired net)
Remainder differs from the total of the balances that are eligible for net-to-gross processing. This amount is
returned by the iterative formula.

The amount by which actual net can differ from desired net after normal processing. This amount
To Within must not be zero but can be a nominal amount such as 0.01.

The amount to add to the desired net to calculate gross pay. This amount is returned by the
Additional Amount iterative formula.

Creating Eligibility Rules

Perform the following steps to create eligibility rules:
1. In the Element Overview pane, click Element Eligibility.
2. Select Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.
3. In the Element Eligibility Name field, enter Bonus.
4. Click Save.

Reviewing Iterative Processing Order

Perform the following steps to review the iterative processing order:
1. In the Element Overview pane, click Bonus.
2. In the Advanced Rules section, review the iterative order.

Note: The default value is 1000. If you have more than one iterative element that may be processed in
the same payroll flow, it is important to adjust the iterative order to indicate which should be processed
first. Iterative order must be in the reverse sequence of the processing priority numbers. The element
with the lowest iterative priority number is reduced first.

Including Balances in the Net-to-Gross Processing

Perform the following steps to include balances:
1. In the Element Overview pane, click Balance Feeds.
2. Review the balances to which the bonus contributes.
3. In the Element Overview pane, click Gross Balance Exclusions.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

4. Add any balances that have been set to exclude by default if you want to include it on this specific earnings.
5. Click Submit.

Creating an Element Entry

In this example, create the element entry for the bonus for Linda Swift.
1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, select Manage Element Entries.
2. In the Name field, enter Swift, Linda.
3. In the Legislative Data Group field, select US LDG.
4. In the Effective As-of Date field, enter 01/01/2013.
5. Click Search.
6. In the Search Results, select Linda Swift.
7. Click Create.
8. In the Effective Date field, enter 01/01/2013.
9. In the Element Name field, select Bonus.
10. In the Assignment field, select E1026.
11. Click Continue.
12. In the Net Value field, enter 1000.00.

Note: If you want to pay a net-to-gross element, without the net-to-gross processing, add the flat
amount in the Amount field. This amount will be the gross paid. It will be reduced by the applicable
13. In the To Within field, enter .05.
14. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• Balances in Net-to-Gross Calculations: Points to Consider

File Format for Importing Absence Entries to Payroll

When you submit the Load Absence Batches process, you specify the attachment for the XML file that contains the absence
data. This topic explains the XML file format and XML tags you must use in the file.
You submit the Load Absence Batches process from the Payroll Administration work area. The process creates a new
calculation card or updates an existing card for each worker whose absence information is transferred.

XML File Format for Importing Absence Information to Payroll

When you create a file to transfer absence information to payroll, use the following format.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements


XML Tags
This table describes the purpose of the tags used in the XML file.

XML Tag Description

ABSENCE_LIST Outermost tag that contains a set of absences.


ABSENCE Tag containing information about a particular absence.


ABSENCE_TYPE Type of absence that is being transferred to payroll, such as accrual, accrual with entitlement, or

ACTION Type of action that will be performed, such as CREATE, REMOVE, and MODIFY.

ABSENCE_ID Unique identifier for the absence from the source application. Never use the same ID twice to
  identify another absence.

MAPPING_ID Identifier for the payroll component definition, which is used to create the absence in payroll.

MAPPING_NAME Name used for the mapping.


LDG_ID ID of the legislative data group associated with the record.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

XML Tag Description

LDG_NAME Name of the legislative data group associated with the record.

HR_TERM_ID Unique ID for the HR Terms.

You can provide either the TERM_NUMBER or the HR_ TERM_ID. If you provide the
TERM_NUMBER then you must also provide the legal employer details.

TERM_NUMBER Number that identifies the employment terms for the absence.

HR_ ASSIGNMENT_ID This is the HR Assignments unique ID.

You can provide either the ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER or the HR_ ASSIGNMENT_ID. If you provide
the ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER then you must also provide the legal employer details.

ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER Number that identifies the employment assignment for the absence.

ABSENCE_ RATE_ID Unique identifier for the absence rate.


ABSENCE_ RATE_NAME Name of the rate used to calculate the payment amount.

ABSENCE_UNIT Unit of time in which the absence is recorded.


ABSENCE_UOM Unit of measure being used for the absence (for example, days, hours or weeks).

ADJUSTMENT_ UNIT Unit of time in which an adjustment is being made to the absence.

FACTOR Factor that is used in the calculation of the absence.


CALCULATION DATE Date used for payroll calculations, such as the payment calculation for maternity leave based on the
  baby's due date.

PERIODICITY Used with the amount or rate, the periodicity is the frequency that determines the absence rate.

ABSENCE_START Date the absence started.


ABSENCE_END Date the absence ended.


ABSENCE_ DATE_LIST List of dates in which the absence occurred.


ABSENCE_DATE Date the absence is being reported.


LEAVE_DATE Date on which the leave of absence occurred.


ACCRUED_DATE Date on which the absence was accrued.


OVERRIDING_ FACTOR Factor that is being used to override the calculation of the absence.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

XML Tag Description


OVERRIDING_ RATE_ID Unique identifier for the rate being used to override the absence.

OVERRIDING_ RATE_NAME Name of the overriding rate that will be used to calculate the absence.

OVERRIDING_UOM Unit of measure being used to override the absence (for example, days, hours or weeks).

OVERRIDING_ UNIT Unit of time in which an override is being made to the absence.

Related Topics
• Importing Absence Entries to Payroll: Procedure

File Format for Importing Time Entries

You import time entries from a third-party provider by submitting the Load Time Card Batches process from the Payroll
Checklist or Payroll Administration work areas. When you submit the process, you specify the batch XML file that includes
your time entries. This topic explains the XML file format and XML tags you must use in the file.

XML File Format for Importing Time Entries

When you create a file to transfer time card entries to payroll, use the following structure.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements


XML Tags
This table describes the purpose of the tags used in the XML file.

XML Tag Description

TIME_CARD_LIST Parent tag that contains a set of time cards.


TIME_CARD Object that contains the information about a specific time card.

ACTION Action to perform, such as CREATE, REMOVE, MODIFY.


TIME_CARD_ID Unique identifier for this time card.


MAPPING_ID Identifier for the payroll component definition.

Specify the Mapping ID or the Mapping Name. If none is included, the process uses the default
interface type Import Time XML and attempts to find a mapping.

MAPPING_NAME Name used for the mapping.

Specify the mapping name or the mapping ID. If none is included, the process uses the default
interface type Import Time XML and attempts to find a mapping.

LDG_NAME Name of the legislative data group (LDG) for this record.
Specify the identifier or name of the LDG. All the records in the XML file must belong to the same
LDG. If you don't include the LDG_ID or the LDG_NAME, the application uses the legislative data
group you entered for the Load Time Card Batches process.

LDG_ID Identifier for the LDG for this record.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

XML Tag Description

Specify the identifier or name of the LDG. All the records in the XML file must belong to the same
LDG. If you don't include the LDG_ID or the LDG_NAME, the application uses the LDG you entered
for the Load Time Card Batches process.

TERM_NUMBER Number that identifies the employment terms for the time entry.

ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER Number that identifies the employment assignment for the time entry.

TIME_ CARD_START Start date of the time card.


TIME_CARD_END End date of the time card.


TIME_ITEM_LIST Tag that contains a set of time items.


TIME_ITEM Object that contains information about a specific hour item.


TIME_TYPE Name supplied by the time application that maps to the payroll element and calculation component.

PAYMENT_ RATE_ID Identifier for the rate definition used to calculate the payment amount.

PAYMENT_ RATE_NAME Name of the rate definition used to calculate the payment amount.

RATE_AMOUNT Actual rate used to calculate the payroll amount.


AMOUNT Flat amount used to calculate the rate based on periodicity.


PERIODICITY Frequency that determines the rate value, used with amount or rate amount.

FACTOR Multiplier applied to the derived rate to calculate the payment amount.

TIME_UNIT Number of units for the Unit of Measure specified in TIME_UOM. For example, if the UOM is hours, 8
  units is 8 hours worked.

TIME_UOM Unit of measure for specifying time unit, such as hours.


TIME_ ITEM_START Start time for the time entry.


TIME_ITEM_END Ending time for the time entry.


COST_SEGMENTS List of the costing segments.


PROPERTY_LIST Set of properties for the time item.


PROPERTY_ITEM Additional information that is captured. For example, a value definition for the property item State
  would return State and the name of the State.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Global Payroll Earnings, Time, and Absence Elements

XML Tag Description

NAME Name of a property for the time item.


VALUE Value of a property for the time item.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

12 Deductions
Creating Voluntary and Pre-statutory Deductions:
Use the Manage Elements task to create voluntary and pre-statutory deductions, such as pensions. You manage pension
deductions through calculation cards or element entries, depending on country-specific rules. You manage other voluntary
deductions, such as gym membership, union membership, and charity donations, through element entries.
Use these steps to set up deductions:
1. Create the elements.
2. Create the third-party payees.
3. Create a third-party payment method for each third-party payee.
4. Enter the deduction details for each person, which can be done in the following ways, depending on the deduction
type and your setup:
◦ Create a Benefits and Pensions calculation card.
◦ Create an element entry.
◦ Load benefit batches.

Creating Elements
When you create a pension plan deduction, if you select the Benefit category, or it's selected for you, the element template
creates a calculation component. You add this component to Benefits and Pensions calculation cards to assign it to your

To create other voluntary deductions:

• Select the Standard category.
This selection means that you manage these deductions using the Manage Element Entries page.
• After creating the element, you must add a Payee input value and select Third-Party Payee as the special purpose
for this input value.
If appropriate, you can enter a default value on the element or element eligibility record to populate the third-party
payee details.

Creating Third-Party Payees

To create third-party payees use the Manage Third Parties page in the Payment Distribution work area. For pensions, select
the Organization payee type and select the Pension Provider party usage code.

Creating Third-Party Payment Methods

To create payment methods for all external payees, use the Manage Third-Party Payment Methods task in the Payment
Distribution work area.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Entering Deduction Details for Each Person

For pensions created with the Benefit category, create a Benefits and Pensions calculation card for the worker, add your new
pension calculation component to the card, and enter the payee and other details.

If you load your pension information using the Load Benefit Batches process, the payroll application creates the calculation
card automatically. Before running this process, you must create an XML file that contains the data you want to transfer to

For other voluntary deductions, create element entries. If the payee is not defaulted from the element or eligibility record, enter
the payee on the element entry.

Related Topics
• Creating a Personal Calculation Card: Worked Example

• Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

Creating Elements for Pension Deductions: Worked

This example shows you how to create a pension deduction element using an element template. Follow these steps in the
Payroll Calculation work area:
1. Create a pension deduction element
2. Create an eligibility record for the deduction

Creating a Pension Element

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, click Manage Elements.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Legislative Data Group Your Legislative Data Group


Primary Classification Voluntary Deductions or Pre-statutory Deduction


Secondary Classification Appropriate classification for your country or territory, such as Pension Plan After Tax

Category Benefit

4. Click Continue.
5. Complete the Basic Information page. For the latest entry date:
◦ Select Last Standard Earning Date if you enable proration for the element.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

◦ Otherwise, select Last Standard Process Date.

6. Click Next.
7. On the Additional Details page, enter the calculation rules and limits for the deduction. The following table
summarizes your choices.

Rules What You Can Enter

Calculation rule Fixed amount or percentage


Age limits Minimum and maximum age


Maximum contribution amount Any numeric value


Pensionable earnings limit Minimum and maximum amount


Additional contributions allowed Yes, or no. If yes, select calculation rule.


Employer contributions allowed Yes, or no. If yes, select calculation rule, age limits, and amount limits

Overrides allowed Yes, or no


Element subject to proration Yes, or no


8. Click Next.
9. Verify the information is correct.
10. Click Submit.

The template creates a recurring element at the payroll relationship level. It also creates a calculation component with
the same name as the element. You add this component to workers' calculation cards.

Creating an Eligibility Record for the Deduction

On the Element Summary page, you can create as many eligibility records as you require:

1. In the Element Overview section, click the Element Eligibility link.

2. Select Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.
3. Enter a name for the eligibility record.
4. Select any criteria if you want to restrict who can pay this deduction.
5. Click Submit.
6. Click Done.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Entering Calculation Values for Pensions: Points to

Create a Benefits and Pensions calculation card for each worker who pays a pension deduction. On the card, select
the calculation component that was created automatically for your pension element, and enter the required contribution
amounts and limits, as described in this topic. If you use the Load Benefit Batches process to transfer values from a benefits
application, this process creates the calculation cards for you and enters the contribution amounts and limits.

Default Contribution Amounts and Limits

You enter some default contribution amounts and limits when you create the pension element. These default values are
stored as calculation value definitions. You can edit the default values using the Manage Calculation Value Definitions
page. You can also add a default payee or a separate payee for each employee by entering the payee ID in the Enterable
Calculation Values area on the Calculation Cards tab.

Enterable Calculation Values for Pensions

To enter or override a calculation value for one worker, follow these steps:

1. Open the worker's Benefits and Pension calculation card on the Manage Calculation Cards page.
2. Add the calculation component for the pension, if it isn't already on the card.
3. With this calculation component selected, click the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
4. Click Create.
5. Select the value you want to enter. Typically, you will enter a payee, reference number, and any additional
contributions. You can also override any default contribution amounts or limits.
The following table lists the calculation values you can enter.

Note: If the calculation component was created by running the Load Benefit Batches process, you can only
enter or override the following values: Payee, Reference Number, and Employee Additional Contribution.

Field Required Default Provided at Element Values


Payee Y N Enter the ID of an organization

      with the usage of Pension

Reference Number Y or N N Free text

Depending on the localization
rules this field may or may not be

Employee Contributions Y Y Percent or flat amount as

      per element setup. Enter
percentages as decimal values.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Field Required Default Provided at Element Values


Additional Employee N N Percentage or flat amount as

Contributions     per element setup, if additional
  contributions are allowed.

Minimum Age N Y Numeric age


Maximum Age N Y Numeric age


Maximum Contribution Amount N Y Numeric amount


Minimum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount


Maximum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount


Partial Deduction Allowed Y Y Values = Y or N


If the element was set up to allow an employer contribution, you will also see these enterable values:

Calculation Value Required Default Provided at Element Values


Employer Contribution Y Y Percentage or flat amount as per

      element setup

Minimum Age Limit for Employer N Y Numeric entry


Maximum Age Limit for Employer N Y Numeric entry


Maximum Contribution Amount N Y Numeric amount

for Employer Contribution      

Minimum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount

Limit for Employer Contribution      

Maximum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount

Limit for Employer Contribution      

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Adding Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card:

You use element templates to create the involuntary deduction elements supported for your legislation, such as bankruptcy
orders, garnishments, child support payments, tax levies, and educational loans. The templates also create calculation
components, which you can add to a personal calculation card, so the deductions are processed during a payroll run.
This figure shows the steps involved in creating an involuntary deduction and adding it to a personal calculation card:

Before you can add an involuntary deduction to a personal calculation card, you must first:
• Create a third party to receive the payment.
• Create a third-party payment method.
• Create an involuntary deduction element.
You can create multiple elements for the same involuntary deduction type if processing information or other details
vary. For example, each jurisdiction you deal with may have different processing rules for court orders.

Creating an Involuntary Deduction Calculation Card

Follow these steps:
1. In the Payroll Administration or Payroll Calculation work area, click the Manage Calculation Cards task.
2. Search for and select the payroll relationship.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

3. If the person doesn't already have an involuntary deduction calculation card, click Create.
4. Enter a start date for the card and select the involuntary deduction card type.
5. Click Continue.

Adding the Calculation Component to the Calculation Card

You can add multiple calculation components for the same or different involuntary deduction types. For example, you could
add two child support components and one garnishment component to the same calculation card.

On the Manage Calculation Cards page:

1. In the Calculation Components section, click Add Row.
2. Select the calculation component with the same name as the involuntary deduction element.
3. Optionally, enter a number in the Subprocessing Order field if the calculation card will include more than one
calculation component.
By default, the payroll run processes these element entries in order by date received, starting with the oldest entry.
4. Enter a reference code to uniquely identify this deduction, such as a court order number, case number, or other
identifier provided by the issuing authority.
5. Complete the fields on the Calculation Component Details tab.

◦ In the Involuntary Deduction Payment Details section, select all payees for the deduction.
The payee fields display all third-party person payees associated with this payroll relationship and all external
payees defined for your legislative data group.
◦ In the Involuntary Deduction Rules section, specify the information you require, including:
• The date the involuntary deduction order was received
• The issuing authority (such as a court)
• The frequency of the deduction such as monthly or weekly, regardless of the payroll frequency. If you
leave the Frequency field blank, the application uses the payroll frequency.

Entering Values for the Deduction Amounts

You enter the order amount, fee, or other amounts used in the calculation on the calculation card. The values you enter
replace any default values defined in calculation value definitions. The default order amount for an involuntary deduction is
typically zero.

To create overrides on the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Cards tab, complete the fields as shown in the
following table. The values you can enter may vary by country or territory, but typically include the items described in the table

Note: For most values, you can enter either an amount or a rate. Enter a rate if you want the application to
calculate the amount as a percentage of available pay. For example, to define a rate of 20 percent for the order
amount, create an Order Amount (Rate) value. Then enter 20 in the Rate field.

Calculation Value Description

Order Amount Rate or amount paid to the Order Amount Payee based on the frequency you specified.
For example, if you specified a frequency of monthly in the component details, enter the amount to
deduct each month, regardless of the payroll period. The application automatically calculates the
correct amount to deduct in each payroll period.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Calculation Value Description

If you leave the Frequency field blank, this amount is deducted at the payroll frequency defined at
the terms or assignment level.

Organization Fee Rate or amount paid to the Organization Fee Payee each time the deduction is processed.

Person Fee Rate or amount paid to the Person Fee Payee each time the deduction is processed.

Processing Fee Rate or amount paid to the Processing Fee Payee each time the deduction is processed.

Initial Fee Rate or amount paid to Processing Fee Payee the first time this deduction is processed.

Maximum Withholding Amount and Maximum and minimum rates or amounts that can be withheld in one payroll period for this
Minimum Withholding Amount deduction.

Maximum Withholding Duration The number of days after the Date Received that the order is valid. For example, a court order might
  only be valid for 90 days after the date issued.

Protected Pay Amount Amount of the employee's pay that is exempt from this deduction. Only pay exceeding this amount
  is included in the deductible amount (available for the deduction).

Exemption Percentage Percentage of the employee's pay that is exempt from this deduction.

Related Topics
• Creating Third Parties: Points to Consider

• Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

Fee and Proration Rules for Involuntary Deductions:

Creating an involuntary deduction creates calculation value definitions that include predefined fee and proration rules. These
rules vary by country and territory.
The following table describes the global rules:

Rule Processing

Fee Deduct the fee first, before calculating and paying the deduction amount.

Proration Use the first come, first serve method.

If a person has multiple orders and there is insufficient money to pay them all, pay the deductions in
the order in which they were received. Start with the oldest.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Involuntary Deduction Processing: Examples

Processing rules may vary by the legislation or the legal authority issuing the order for an involuntary deduction. These
examples illustrate the processing of fees, protected pay amounts, and when employees have multiple assignments and

Payroll processing first calculates disposable income using the disposable income rules. Then it looks at the exemption rules
to calculate the amount exempt from withholding. Using these amounts, it can calculate the amount available to deduct.

Note: The payroll process calculates disposable income once, based on the highest processing priority card
component. The exception is regional tax levies, which have a separate disposable income calculation.

Use these examples to understand how involuntary deductions are processed in different scenarios:
• Involuntary deduction has initial fee and processing fee
• Deduction amount exceeds protected pay amount
• Employee has multiple assignments and payrolls
• Multiple orders exist with different protected pay amounts

Involuntary Deduction Has Initial Fee and Processing Fee

Scenario: A US employee is issued a court order for a monthly garnishment of 500 USD. The order is subject to two fees.
Both fees are paid to the agency responsible for administering the account. The agency then forwards the payments to the
• A 10 USD one time initial fee
• A 10 USD monthly processing fee

On the involuntary deduction calculation card:

1. Add a calculation component for a garnishment.
2. In the Calculation Component Details tab:

◦ Select the Order Amount Payee and the Processing Fee Payee. The processing fee payee is also the
initial fee payee.
◦ Select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. In the Enterable Calculation Values tab, enter the following values:

Field Value

Order Amount 500


Processing Fee 10

Initial Fee 10

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Payroll Run Results:

• The amount of the employee's pay subject to deduction is 1000 USD.
• During the first monthly payroll after the court order is received, both the initial fee amount and the processing fee are
deducted. The total deduction amount is 520 USD.
• In subsequent payroll runs, the order amount and the processing fee are deducted. The total deduction amount is
510 USD.

Deduction Amount Exceeds Protected Pay Amount

Scenario: A UK employee is issued a court order for the amount of 100 GBP per month. However, protected pay rules
defined for the deduction require that the employee take home at least 700 GBP, after all deductions.

On the involuntary deduction calculation card:

1. Add a calculation component for a court order.
2. In the Calculation Component Details tab:

◦ Select the Order Amount Payee and the Processing Fee Payee.
◦ Select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. In the Enterable Calculation Values tab, enter the following values:

Field Value

Order Amount 100


Protected Pay 700


Payroll Run Results:

• The amount of the employee's pay subject to the deduction is 750 GBP.
• A 100 GBP deduction amount would leave only 650 GBP for the final pay amount. Therefore, only 50 GBP is
deducted for the month.
• The remaining balance of 50 GBP isn't placed in arrears, based on processing rules defined for this deduction.

Employee Has Multiple Assignments and Payrolls

Scenario: An employee has one payroll relationship with two assignments. They receive paychecks from two different
payrolls. One payroll is run on a weekly basis. The other is run on a monthly basis.

The employer receives a court order to deduct 200 USD per month from the employee's wages. The court order amount
must be deducted from all available money, regardless of the payroll. If the total order amount can't be deducted from the
first payroll run, then the following occurs. The remaining balance must be deducted from one or more subsequent runs
during the month, until the full amount is paid.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

On the involuntary deduction calculation card:

1. Add a calculation component for a court order.
2. In the Calculation Component Details tab:
◦ Select the Order Amount Payee.
◦ Select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. In the Enterable Calculation Values tab, enter the following value:

Field Value

Order Amount 200


Payroll Run Results:

• During the first weekly payroll run, only 50 USD can be deducted, leaving an amount owed of 150 USD for the
• When the next weekly payroll is run, the deduction can't be taken due to insufficient pay; the balance for the month
remains 150 USD.
• The monthly payroll runs before the next weekly payroll is run. The remaining 150 USD owed for the deduction is
taken during the monthly payroll run.
• No money is deducted during the subsequent weekly payroll runs for this month.

Note: If a person has two assignments for different payroll relationships, they would typically be issued two
different court orders, one for each employment. In this case, you would add each court order to a different
calculation card.

Multiple Orders Exist with Different Protected Pay Amounts

Scenario: A UK employee has three court orders. Each court order has a different protected pay amount.
1. On the involuntary deduction calculation card add three calculation components for child support.
2. For each calculation component, select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. Define the protected pay and order amount values for each deduction as shown in the following table:

Involuntary Deduction Protected Pay Amount Order Amount Date Received

Child Support 1 500 1000 23 January 2012


Child Support 2 600 1100 2 February 2012


Child Support 3 1000 1200 2 February 2012


Payroll Run Results:

The net amount available for involuntary deductions in the payroll run is 2000 GBP. Based on the processing priority defined
for child support payments, the payroll run processes the involuntary deductions in order by date received.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

Here's the result:

• Child Support 1 is paid in full, leaving 1000 GBP available for other deductions.
• Child Support 2 is paid an amount of 400 GBP (1000 less protected pay of 600).
• Child Support 3 is not paid. The total amount is placed in arrears, based on processing rules defined for the

File Format for Importing Pension Deductions to Payroll

When you submit the Load Benefit Batches process, you specify the attachment for the XML file that contains the benefit
data. This topic explains the XML file format and XML tags you must use in the file. You submit the Load Benefit Batches
process from the Payroll Checklist or Payroll Administration work areas. The process creates a new calculation card or
updates an existing card for each worker whose pension information is transferred.

XML File Format for Importing Pension Deductions to Payroll

When you create a file to transfer pension deduction information to payroll, use the following format.

XML Tags
This table describes the purpose of the tags used in the XML file.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

XML Tag Description

BENEFIT_LIST Outermost tag that contains a set of benefits.


BENEFIT Tag containing information about a particular benefit.


ACTION The type of action that will be performed, such as CREATE, REMOVE, and MODIFY.

BENEFIT_ID Unique identifier for the benefit from the source application. Never use the same ID twice to identify
  another benefit.

MAPPING_ID Identifier for the payroll component definition, which is used to create the benefit in payroll.

LDG_ID ID of the legislative data group associated with the record.


LDG_NAME Name of the legislative data group associated with the record.

HR_TERM_ID Unique ID for the employment terms.

You can provide either the TERM_NUMBER or the HR_ TERM_ID. If you provide the
TERM_NUMBER then you must also provide the legal employer details.

TERM_NUMBER Number that identifies the employment terms for the pension deduction.

HR_ ASSIGNMENT_ID Unique ID for the assignment.

You can provide either the ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER or the HR_ ASSIGNMENT_ID. If you provide
the ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER then you must also provide the legal employer details.

ASSIGNMENT_ NUMBER Number that identifies the employment assignment for the pension deduction.

LEGAL_ EMPLOYER_ID ID of the legal employer name that the term or assignment belongs to.

LEGAL_ EMPLOYER_NAME Legal employer name that the term or assignment belongs to.

BENEFIT_START Start date of the benefit.


BENEFIT_END End date of the benefit.


BENEFIT_ RATE_ID ID of the rate that will be used to calculate the payment amount.

BENEFIT_ RATE_NAME Name of the rate that will be used to calculate the payment amount.

AMOUNT Amount that is used to calculate the rate using the periodicity.

PERIODICITY Used with the amount or rate, the periodicity is the frequency that determines the rate value.

BENEFIT_ MAX_ELECTION Annual maximum election amount that can be processed.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Global Payroll Deductions

XML Tag Description


BENEFIT_ REF_NUMBER Employee's reference number with the provider of the pension (benefit organization).

Related Topics
• Running the Load Benefit Batches Process: Procedure

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

13 Proration and Retroactive Pay

Payroll Event Groups: Explained
A payroll event group defines the types of data changes that trigger retroactive event notifications or prorated calculation of a
person's earnings or deductions.
There are two types of payroll event groups:
• Proration
• Retroactive

Using proration, you can calculate proportionate earnings and deduction amounts whenever payroll-relevant data changes
during a payroll period.

For example, you can calculate proportionate earnings and deduction amounts if:
• A person joins or leaves an organization
• A person's pay rate changes during a payroll period

If you want to prorate an element, such as basic salary, assign a proration event group to the element with proration points
that affect a person's salary. You can use the predefined event group, or create a new one. When you create an event group,
you select the events that activate proration calculation, such as changes to:
• Hourly or annual pay rates
• Working hours
• Allowances or deductions
• Assignment changes, such as grade or position

Tip: You can only select events that represent changes to element entries, calculation cards, calculation value
definitions, terms, and assignments.

Retroactive processing ensures that your payroll run for the current period reflects any backdated payments and deductions
from previous payroll periods. A retroactive event group defines the types of changes that trigger a retroactive event

Within a retroactive event group, select the events that produce notifications if a backdated change occurs. Specify the entity,
update type, and attribute, as shown in the examples provided in the following table.

Entity Update Type Attribute

Element Entry Value Correction SCREEN_ ENTRY_VALUE


Element Entry Update EFFECTIVE_ START_DATE

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

Entity Update Type Attribute


Element Entry Update EFFECTIVE_ END_DATE


Element Entry Logical Date Change


Element Entry Insert


Element Entry Delete Changes


Related Topics
• How can I create an element for retroactive processing?

Setting Up Element Proration: Procedure

Proration calculates proportionate amounts for recurring elements when payroll-relevant data changes during a payroll period.
This could include a person joining the enterprise or a mid-period pay increase. Proration creates two payroll run results. The
first run result is for the payroll period up to the day before the event. The second one is from the date of the event to the end
of the period. When you create an element, you specify its proration event group and the calculation method.
Proration rate conversion rules give you the flexibility of specifying a different rule than that used for periodicity. For example
you prorate based on calendar days when using work units for conversion.

To set up element proration, you:

• Review the predefined proration event group to ensure that it includes changes you want to track. You can optionally
update the event group or create a new group.
• Create an element and enable proration processing for an element.

Reviewing the Predefined Event Group

When you create or update a recurring element, you can make it subject to proration.
1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, select the Manage Event Groups task.
2. Search for the predefined event group: Entry Changes for Proration.
3. Review the types of changes that automatically trigger proration for the elements associated with this event group.
You can edit this group or create a new event group for the element, if required. For example, you might want to add
changes to calculation cards or assignments.

Enabling Proration Processing for an Element

To enable proration:
1. Select the Manage Elements task and click Create.
2. On the Create Element: Additional Details page, select Yes for the following question: Is this element subject to

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

3. Select the predefined event group (Entry Changes for Proration) or a new group that you created.
4. Select a Proration Units option.
5. Select a Proration Conversion Rule formula.

Note: If the predefined conversion rules don't meet your requirements, you can create a customized formula.

Related Topics
• Creating and Assigning a Work Schedule: Worked Example

Prorated Earnings and Deductions: How They're Calculated

You can select from a number of different proration conversion rules to calculate standard or supplemental earnings. You
select the proration conversion rule when you create an earnings or deduction element using the Manage Elements task in
the Payroll Calculation work area. You can calculate prorated earnings based on calendar days or work schedules.

This topic covers:

• How deductions are calculated
• How prorated earnings are calculated
• Examples of earnings calculation based on calendar days
• Example of earnings calculation based on work schedule

How Deductions Are Calculated

Typically, you don't prorate deductions, such as deductions based on a percentage of earnings. You might prorate fixed
rate deductions, such as involuntary deduction for a fitness center membership. In most cases, you use the predefined
global proration formula for deductions (GLB_DEDN_PRORATION). For this formula the proration value is the periodic value
multiplied by the number of calendar days in the proration period. This figure is then divided by the number of calendar days
in the payroll period.

How Prorated Earnings are Calculated

Creating a recurring earnings element automatically associates it with a predefined proration formula
(GLB_EARN_PRORATION). The proration formula determines how to prorate earnings in the proration period based on the
proration calculation method you select.

As a guideline the global formula doesn't prorate:

• Nonrecurring elements
• Earnings elements with a calculation rule of unit multiplied by rate, if rate and hours are entered in the element entry

Note: Some predefined legislations provide a different default proration formula and rules.

These examples show how proration calculations are performed on earnings calculations based on:
• Calendar days
• Standard working hours or assignment working hours

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

• Work schedules

Example: Earnings Calculation Based on Calendar Days

The formula calculates proration results as shown in the following table.

Proration Conversion Rule and Proration Proration Calculation


Standard Rate Annualized rule Calendar days in proration period multiplied by annual pay and divided by annual calendar days
Daily proration units

(9 * 25000) / 365 + (22 / * 30000) / 365 = 616.44 + 1808.22 = $2424.66

1. You assign a person to a monthly
payroll for a salary basis of
2. You update the salary on 10
December, 2013 to $30,000.
3. You calculate the December
monthly payroll.
4. The proration formula calculates
2 proration periods with 9
calendar days in the first
proration period, and 22 in the
second period.

Standard Rate Daily rule Total pay divided by calendar days in the payroll period and multiplied by calendar days in the
  proration period.
Daily proration units  

(500 / 7) * 3 = $214.29
1. You hire a person to a weekly
payroll in the middle of the payroll
2. The employee works 3 calendar
days and receives a location
allowance of $500.
3. The proration formula calculates
the employee's location
allowance for the 3 days.

Example: Earnings Calculation Based on Work Schedule

The formula calculates proration results as shown in the following table. If no working hours are defined, the proration formula
checks the assignment definition for the number of working hours and frequency. If no information is found, the formula uses
40 as the number of working hours and 5 as the number of days for the work week.

Proration Conversion Rule and Proration Proration Calculation


Periodic Work Schedule Rate Work schedule days in proration period multiplied by annual pay and divided by 260 days, the
Annualized rule default number of annual working days.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

Proration Conversion Rule and Proration Proration Calculation

Workday proration units A day in a work schedule is a 24 hour period.

(6 * 25000) / 260 + (16 * 30000) / 260 = 576.92 + 1846.15 = 2423.07

1. You hire a person to a monthly
payroll for an annual salary basis
of $25,000.
2. The employee works 5 days a
week Monday through Friday.
3. You increase the monthly
salary to $30,000 effective 10
December, 2013.
4. You calculate the December
monthly payroll.
5. The proration formula calculates
6 working days from 1st
December to 9th December,
and 16 working days from 10th
December to 31st December.

Periodic Work Schedule Rate Work schedule hours in proration period multiplied by the annual pay and divided by 2080, the
Annualized rule default number of annual working hours.
Hourly proration units

(10 * 25000) / 2080 + (30 * 30000) / 2080 = 120.19 + 432.69 = $552.88

1. An employee assigned to a
weekly payroll receives an annual
salary basis of $25,000.
2. You increase the salary to
$30,000 effective 10 December,
3. The employee works 10 hours
a day from 9 December to 12
4. You calculate the weekly payroll
for the week 8 December to 14
5. The proration formula calculates
2 proration periods, with 10
working hours for the first period,
and 30 for the second period.

Customizing Conversion Formulas for Proration: Procedure

The predefined proration formula GLB_EARN_PRORATION controls how the payroll calculation prorates an element entry
when it encounters an event. This could happen when there is a change to an element entry value. You can copy and edit
a predefined proration formula to customize the calculation. You then select the custom formula as the proration formula for
your element.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

Creating a Formula
As a prerequisite, create a customized rate conversion before you create its related proration conversion rule. Follow these
rules to write a formula:

1. Select the formula type called Payroll Run Proration.

2. Search for and copy the predefined Rate Conversion Proration formula.
3. Add the suffix underscore PRORATE to the name (_PRORATE).
4. Update the formula inputs:




◦ DAYS_WORKED (number)


◦ HOURS_WORKED (number)

◦ IN_AMOUNT (number)

◦ UNIT_TYPE (text)

5. Add the formula outputs for the element input values.
6. Save, submit, and compile the formula.
Some countries or territories supply predefined proration formulas that you can use as the basis for your customized version.

Related Topics
• Periodicity Conversion: Explained

Retroactive Pay: How It Is Calculated

Retroactive pay is the recalculation of prior payroll results due to changes that occur after the original calculation was run.
To process retroactive pay, run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process. This process creates retroactive
element entries based on retroactive events. You can view automatically-created retroactive events or create them manually.
Only elements that are set up to include a retroactive event group can have retroactive element entries.

Examples of prior period adjustments that could trigger a retroactive event are:

• An employee receives a pay award that is backdated to a previous pay period.

• The payroll department makes a backdated correction for an error that occurred in a previous pay period.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

Settings That Affect Retroactive Pay

To enable retroactive processing of an element:

1. On the Manage Event Groups page, review the types of changes that automatically trigger a retroactive notification
for the predefined event group, which is called Entry Changes for Retro. You can edit this group or create a new
event group for the element, if required.
2. On the Create Element: Additional Details page, select Yes for the following questions:

◦ Is this element subject to proration?

◦ Is this element subject to retroactive changes?

3. Select the predefined event group or a new group that you have created.
This figure illustrates retroactive setup.

Retroactive Setup

Payroll Event Group

Proration Event Retroactive Event

Group Group

Is this element subject to

proration? - Yes

Is this element subject to

retroactive changes? – Yes

Retro Group - Entry Changes for


Retroactive Processing

Retroactive Event Group


Proration Group
Proration Formula

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated

To process retroactive pay:

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, review or create retroactive events on the Manage Event Notifications page. You
can download results to Excel to view retroactive events in a report format.
2. Submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process. You can use the Submit a Process or Report task,
or the process may run automatically as part of your payroll flow. This process never overwrites historical payroll
data. Instead, it creates one or more retroactive entries to receive the process results.
3. Run the Calculate Payroll process.

Note: Always run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process immediately before you run a payroll.
If you run it after the Calculate Payroll process, retroactive adjustments are held over until the next payroll period.

If you do not get a retroactive notification that you expect to get, review:

• The originating transaction causing the event

• Element setup
• Element eligibility for the person
• The retroactive event group entities and attributes that are set up to trigger retroactive events
• The proration event group entities and attributes setup that triggers proration

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

This figure illustrates retroactive processing for a person getting a pay increase retroactively.

Retroactive Processing
Current Period
1 May, 2011 - 31 May, 2011
Monthly Payroll

Review events on
John Smith Backdated change
Manage Event Notifications
4% pay increase generates a retroactive
Effective: 13 March, 2011 event John Smith

View events in a
No spreadsheet?

No Yes

Excel Download of
Are the results Retroactive Events
as expected? John Smith


Submit a Process or Report

Recalculate Payroll for

Retroactive Changes

Adding a Retroactive Event Manually: Worked Example

Normally you create retroactive adjustments, such as backdated salary changes, which automatically create retroactive
events. This example shows how to create a retroactive event manually. In this example an employee, whose pay rate
was supposed to change last pay period, is being terminated. Payroll hasn't made the change yet, so we need to add the
retroactive event manually to generate the correct payslip

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Global Payroll Proration and Retroactive Pay

Creating a Payroll Relationship Event

1. Select the Manage Event Notifications task in the Payroll Calculation work area. On the Manage Event Notifications
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Payroll Relationship Event window, complete these fields.

Field Value

Approval Status Awaiting Processing


Payroll Relationship The person to process


Process Date Date when the retroactive change process is run.


Note: This date indicates when the element change was triggered.


4. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Retroactive Event

1. On the Manage Event Notifications page, click the name of the person associated with the event you created.
2. On the Manage Retroactive Events page, click Create in the Entry Details section.
3. Select the element you want to reprocess, the date from which to recalculate payroll runs, and a retroactive

The retroactive component is the element from which the change in pay will be paid to the person.
4. Repeat the previous step if you want to recalculate multiple elements for this payroll relationship.
5. Click Submit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

14 Calculation Information

Payroll Calculation Information: Explained

When you create an element, the application generates the rules and definitions required to calculate an earnings or
deduction amount. For all types of elements, these rules and definitions include elements, formulas, and processing rules.
This topic explains the additional rules and definitions generated for certain classifications and categories of elements, such as
involuntary deductions, absence information, and time card entries.
The following figure shows the relationship between the payroll calculation information held at the legislative data group level
and the values you can enter on a personal calculation card.

Note: In some countries or territories you can also create calculation cards for a specific tax reporting unit (TRU)
or payroll statutory unit (PSU) to capture information such as an employer's contribution rate.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Calculate Element Return Calculated

During Payroll Run Amount

Payroll Calculation Information Personal Calculation Card

at the Legislative Level

Payroll Calculation
Component Component

Calculation Wage Basis

Factors Rules

Value Definitions

Calculation Values

Task Summary
The following table summarizes the purpose of each type of calculation information and the task you can use to view or edit it.

Calculation Information Description Task

  Elements specify how and when an earnings Use the Manage Elements task to create
or deduction should be processed. When elements and to view the generated elements
you create an element, several related and related items. After creating an element:
elements are typically created with the
same name prefix. You can view the related • You must add eligibility rules

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Calculation Information Description Task

elements and other generated items on the • You may want to add:
Element Summary page, including:
◦ Input values

• Status processing rule - specifies the

formula that processes the element
◦ Status processing rules

entries ◦ Frequency rules

• Input values - values that can be
entered for, or returned from, the ◦ Subclassifications

◦ Balance feeds

Payroll components A payroll component is a group of rates and Manage Payroll Calculation Information
  rules that the payroll run uses to calculate task to view payroll components and their
values for earnings and deductions. associated rules.
When you create elements in certain
classifications and categories, such as
involuntary deductions, the element template
creates a payroll component with the same
You can manage payroll components using
predefined component groups, which vary
by country or territory but may include social
insurance, taxes, retirement plans, involuntary
deductions, and benefits.

Wage basis rules Wage basis rules determine the earnings Use the Manage Component Group Rules
  that contribute to a deductible amount or, task to define the rules and references.
for exemptions, the elements that reduce the  
amount subject to deduction. Use the Manage Calculation Cards task to
  enter reference values for workers.
For example, wage basis rules might define  
which secondary classifications of standard
and supplemental earnings are subject to a
particular tax.
Rules may vary based on reference criteria
such as a worker's place of residence.

Calculation value definitions Calculation value definitions store calculation Use the Manage Calculation Value Definitions
  rates and rules, which may vary based on task to view predefined definitions and the
other criteria. definitions that element templates create.
For example you can use calculation value
definitions to calculate regional income tax
Note: You can edit definitions that
rates for employees, which vary based on
element templates create, such as
their income levels.
adding default calculation values.
The calculation value definition controls
which calculation values are enterable on a
calculation card.

Calculation factors Calculation factors indicate which calculation Use the Manage Component Group Rules
  value definition to use when calculating the task to view calculation factors defined for a
amount. component group.
For example, a calculation factor might Use the Manage Payroll Calculation
identify which set of tax rates to use based Information task to create new calculation
on the tax code of the employee. factors. Normally, you don't need to create
  new factors, but if you do, you must also edit

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Calculation Information Description Task

If tax rates vary based on a factor such as the element's payroll formula to use the new
a person's filing status, then filing status is calculation factors.
defined as a calculation factor reference.  
Thus, an element may have multiple
calculation factors, one for each unique set of
rules and references values.

Calculation components Calculation components are individual Use the Manage Calculation Cards task to
  calculations captured on a calculation card. enter calculation components for a person.
When an element template creates a payroll  
component, it also creates calculation
components that you can enter on personal
calculation cards to enter specific details for
the person.

Related Topics
• Adding Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card: Procedure

Payroll Calculation Information at the Legislative Level:

To understand how the rules and definitions for calculating payroll components work together, let's examine two common
examples: income tax deductions and social insurance deductions.

Each example provides sample values for the following rules and definitions:
• Component group
• References for wage basis rules
• References for calculation factors
• Wage basis rules
• Related elements
• Calculation factors for elements
• Associations for tax reporting

Individual Income Tax Deduction

A particular country or territory has a statutory deduction for an individual income tax. The exemption amount for the tax
varies based on the person's residential status. The earnings classifications included in the wage basis for the tax vary by
geographical region. Therefore, references are defined for both the wage basis rules and the calculation factors.

The calculation is a two-step process that calculates the exemption and then calculates the tax amount based on the
reduced deductible amount.
• Component group: Taxes
• Component name: Individual Income Tax Deduction

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

• References for wage basis rules:

Reference Name Reference Value

Geographical Region Mainland


Geographical Region Territory


• References for calculation factors:

Reference Name Reference Value

Residential Status Resident


Residential Status Nonresident


• Wage basis rules:

Geographical Region Reference Primary Classification Secondary Classification Use in Wage Basis?

Mainland Standard Earnings All secondary classifications Y


Territory Standard Earnings All secondary classifications Y


Mainland Supplemental Earnings Commission Y


Territory Supplemental Earnings Commission N


Mainland Supplemental Earnings Personal Use of Company Car Y


Territory Supplemental Earnings Personal Use of Company Car N


• Related element: Individual Income Tax Processor

The processing rule (a fast formula) associated with this element drives the income tax calculation. It accesses the
appropriate calculation factor, based on the resident status reference value and the current step in the calculation
• Calculation factors for Individual Income Tax Processor element:

Resident Status Calculation Step Calculation Method Calculation Value Values

Reference Value Definition

Nonresident Calculate exemption None Tax Exemption Amount 4800

  amount   for Nonresident  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Resident Status Calculation Step Calculation Method Calculation Value Values

Reference Value Definition

Resident Calculate exemption None Tax Exemption for 2000

  amount   Resident  

(None) Calculate individual None Individual Income Tax 0-50000: 3%

  income tax   Rate  
    50000-100000: 4%
Over 10000: 5%

• Tax reporting units: All tax reporting units defined for this payroll statutory unit can report this calculation
component. You associate calculation components with a specific tax reporting unit on the personal calculation

Social Insurance Deduction

The same country has a statutory deduction for a social insurance tax. Both the employer and the employee contribute to the
social insurance tax, but their contribution rates are different. Calculation of the deduction includes several steps:
1. Calculate the base amount for the employee's contribution.
2. Calculate the base amount for the employer's contribution.
3. Calculate the employee's contribution amount.
4. Calculate the employer's contribution amount.
The following rules and definitions apply to this calculation at the legislative level:
• Component group: Social Insurance
• Component name: Medical Insurance Deduction
• References for wage basis rules: None
• References for calculation factors:

Reference Name Reference Value

Contribution Level Employee


Contribution Level Employer


• Wage basis rules:

Primary Classification Secondary Classification Use in Wage Basis?

Standard Earnings All secondary classifications selected Y


Supplemental Earnings All secondary classifications selected Y


• Related elements: Medical Insurance Calculation element

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

The processing rule (fast formula) associated with this element drives the social insurance calculation. It accesses the
appropriate calculation factor, based on the contribution level reference value and the current step in the calculation
• Calculation factors for Medical Insurance Calculation element:

Contribution Level Calculation Step Calculation Method Calculation Value Values

Reference Value Definition

Employee Calculate Employee None Employee Contribution 8000

  Base Amount   Upper Limit  

Employee Calculate Employer Base None Employer Contribution 5000

  Amount   Upper Limit  

Employer Calculate Employee None Employee Contribution 4%

  Contribution Amount   Amount  

Employer Calculate Employer None Employer Contribution 3%

  Contribution Amount   Amount  

• Tax reporting units: All tax reporting units defined for this payroll statutory unit can report this calculation
component. You associate calculation components with a specific tax reporting unit on the personal calculation

Calculation Cards

Creating Calculation Cards for Deductions at Different Levels:

You can create and manage calculation cards at several different levels, from an individual person to a payroll statutory
unit. Use the cards to capture information specific to a person or organization, such as an employee's tax filing status or an
employer's tax identification number. Calculation card entries override default values defined at other levels. The priority of
information, from highest to lowest, is as follows:
1. Personal calculation card (payroll relationship level)
2. Tax reporting unit calculation card
3. Payroll statutory unit calculation card
4. Calculation value definitions (legislative data group level)

Note: Not all countries or territories support creating calculation cards for payroll statutory units and tax
reporting units. The enterable values at each level also vary by country or territory. The basic steps to create and
manage calculation cards are the same at all levels.

Use these examples to understand when you might define calculation cards at each level.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Personal Calculation Card

Scenario: An employee qualifies for a special reduced tax rate.

Task: Manage Calculation Cards task in the Payroll Administration work area.

Tax Reporting Unit Card

Scenario: The income tax exemption amount is 2000 USD at the legislative data group level, but a tax reporting unit in a
particular state or province uses an exemption amount of 2500 USD. Enter this default value for the tax reporting unit, which
can be overridden on personal calculation cards.

Task: Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Payroll Statutory Unit Card

Scenario: During application setup, the implementation team defines default contribution rates for the payroll statutory unit.

Task: Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Calculation Value Definition

Scenario: You can view the predefined income tax rates for your country, but you cannot edit them.

Task: Manage Calculation Value Definitions task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

If an employer qualifies for a special tax rate, enter these values on a calculation card at the appropriate level.

Related Topics
• Creating a Personal Calculation Card: Worked Example

Calculation Value Definitions

Calculation Value Definitions: Explained

A calculation value definition specifies how a value is provided or calculated. The value is not necessarily monetary. Typically,
it's a flat amount or rate, but it could be a date or a text value, such as a tax code, depending on the calculation type. Some
definitions hold the values in a table, so that different values apply to different employees.
For example, a graduated tax varies depending on the employee's earnings balance. The calculation value definition for this
tax might contain two rows where you define the tax rate for:
• Earnings under 50,000 USD
• Earnings above 50,000 USD

Calculation Value Definitions That are Provided for You

Each localization provides a set of predefined calculation value definitions used to calculate statutory and involuntary
deductions. You can't edit predefined calculation value definitions.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

In addition, when you create elements for pensions, involuntary deductions, absences, and time cards, the element template
creates calculation value definitions based on your selections in the template.

Creating or Editing Calculation Value Definitions

You can create or edit calculation value definitions using the Manage Calculation Value Definitions task in the Payroll
Calculation area. For example, you can set defaults, turn the values into a range (0 -100), and make them enterable on the
calculation card.

Value Definition Groups

When you create a calculation value definition, you can select an existing group or create a new one. The group categorizes
related calculation value definitions. A set of standard groups is delivered with the application and available to all countries or

Examples of value definition groups include:

• City tax information
• Social insurance information

Calculation Factors
Some elements, such as statutory deductions, require a large number of calculation value definitions. They use calculation
factors to determine when and how to apply each calculation value definition, based on a reference value.

For example, a calculation factor may direct the payroll process to:
• Use a calculation value definition only if the person lives in Region B.
• Annualize the calculated result to produce the final amount

Use the Manage Payroll Calculation Information task in the Payroll Calculation work area to view and manage calculation

Calculation Value Definitions: Examples

In these deduction examples, the calculation value depends on where the employee falls in an earnings range. The From and
To values of the range can be static or dynamic. Dynamic values are a fraction of the value of a database item, such as gross
earnings. These examples also illustrate how to override the default calculation type for selected values in the range.

Static Values
The calculation value definition for a regional income tax uses a default calculation type of Flat Rate. However, for the lowest
and highest incomes, a flat amount applies. For these two values, the Flat Amount calculation type overrides the default type,
and uses a monetary value rather than a percentage. The Basis of Calculation Values field is blank so the values are static.

The following table shows sample static values for this calculation value definition:

From Value To Value Calculation Type Override Rate or Amount

0 199 Flat Amount 0


200 999 _ 4 (percent)


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

From Value To Value Calculation Type Override Rate or Amount

1000 1999 _ 6 (percent)


2000 999,999,999 Flat Amount 300


Dynamic Values
The calculation value definition for a tax exemption uses a default calculation type of Incremental Rate. The first and last
values specify the Flat Amount calculation type, which overrides the default type. The Basis of Calculation Values field
specifies the Gross Earnings YTD database item, which means that the From and To values represent a percentage of year-
to-date gross earnings.

The following table shows sample dynamic values for this calculation value definition:

From Value To Value Calculation Type Override Rate or Amount

0 .1 Flat Amount 300


.1 .2 _ 10 (percent)

.2 .9 _ 30 (percent)

.9 1 Flat Amount 0

The first row defines a flat amount of 300 USD that applies to the first 10 percent of gross earnings. The second row defines
a 10 percent rate that applies to the next 10 percent of gross earnings. The third row defines a 30 percent rate that applies to
between 20 and 90 percent of gross earnings. The final row defines a flat amount of zero between 90 and 100 percent.

Enterable Values on Calculation Cards: Explained

Some values entered on a calculation card override values defined in a calculation value definition. For example, you might
set a default tax rate for the legislative data group, and allow the rate to be overridden by a flat amount entered on a personal
calculation card.
The following table explains where you can enter override values on calculation cards. It also provides the order in which the
Calculate Payroll process checks for values entered on calculation cards. When the process finds an entered value, it stops
checking and uses the values defined at that level.

Order Type of Values Task Work Area

1 Values for a payroll relationship Manage Calculation Cards Payroll Calculation or Payroll
  on any type of calculation card   Administration

2 Values for a tax reporting unit for Manage Legal Reporting Unit Setup and Maintenance
  certain deductions, which vary Calculation Cards  
by country or territory  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Order Type of Values Task Work Area

3 Values for a payroll statutory unit Manage Legal Entity Calculation Setup and Maintenance
  for certain deductions, which Cards  
vary by country or territory  

Allowing Enterable Values on Calculation Cards

The ability to enter values on calculation cards is controlled by the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards section
of the calculation value definition:

• For custom calculation value definitions, you can specify an enterable calculation value in this section. You provide:

◦ The display name to appear on the calculation card.

◦ The value type, such as total amount or additional amount.

• Enterable values for statutory and involuntary deductions are predefined. You can't allow new enterable values for
predefined calculation value definitions.

Enterable Value Types

The list of value types available for entry depends on the calculation type. For example, you can allow users to enter the
percentage value for a flat rate calculation or the monetary value for a flat amount calculation.

The following value types are available for all calculation types except text:

Value Type Description

Calculation value definition Uses the calculation value definition entered on a calculation card to calculate the amount.

Total amount Uses the amount entered on the calculation card as the total amount.

Additional amount Adds the amount entered on the calculation card to the calculated amount.

Calculation Types in Calculation Value Definitions: Explained

The calculation type determines which values you must provide in the Calculation Values section of the Create or Edit
Calculation Value Definition page. For example, if you select Flat Amount as the calculation type, then you must provide a
flat amount value. You specify a default calculation type for the definition, which you can override on individual rows in the
Calculation Values section.

Predefined Calculation Types

You can choose from several predefined calculation types, as described in this table:

Calculation Type Description

Flat Amount Uses the specified flat amount as the total deduction amount.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Calculation Type Description

Flat Amount Times Multiplier Multiplies a flat amount by a multiplier value. If you select this option, you must specify a database
  item that provides the value of the multiplier.

Conditional Flat Amount Uses the specified flat amount if the condition defined in the Calculation section is met. For example,
  a person might qualify for an exemption if their filing status is married or head of household. If you
select this option, you must specify a database item that provides the value of the condition.

Flat Rate Applies the specified rate to the balance. For example, to apply a rate of 10 percent, enter 10.

Incremental Rate Applies a different rate to portions of the balance. For example, assuming that the balance is 80,000
  USD, you could apply a 1 percent rate for the first 20,000 of the balance; a 3 percent rate for the
next 30,000, and a 5 percent rate to the next 30,000. This is also referred to as a blended rate.

Standard Formula 1
  Calculates the total amount based on the following formula:

y = Ax - Bz


• y is the deducted amount.

• x is the calculated amount.
• A and B are specified values.
• z is a factor from a predefined formula. The value defaults to 1.

Standard Formula 2
  Calculates the value based on the following formula:

y = (x - A) x B + Cz


• y is the deducted amount.

• x is the calculated amount.
• A, B, and C are specified values.
• z is a factor from a predefined formula. The value defaults to 1.

Text Uses the specified character string as the calculated value.


Specifying View Objects

A view object is a query result set. You can specify a view object to define the valid values that are available to the selected
calculation type.

Note that:

• The view objects you can specify vary depending on the calculation type. For example, if the calculation type is
Conditional Flat Amount, then you can specify view objects for the condition and flat amount values.
• When you specify a view object, include the fully qualified path name, such as:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Related Topics
• Personal Calculation Cards: How Their Entries Fit Together

Wage Basis Rules

Wage Basis Rules: Explained

Wage basis rules determine the earnings that are subject to a deduction. For exemptions, wage basis rules determine the
elements that reduce the amount subject to deduction. Each wage basis rule is associated with a primary or secondary
element classification. When you define a wage basis rule, you can associate it with up to six references that define the
context for the rule.

Element Classifications
When you create a new wage basis rule, keep the following in mind regarding element classifications:

• For deduction elements, the classifications identify which types of earnings are subject to the deduction.
• For exemption elements, the classifications identify which types of earnings reduce the amount subject to

References for Wage Basis Rules

A wage basis rule may be associated with up to six references that define the context for the rule. Each reference has a
number that determines the sequence in which it's evaluated for processing relative to other references. For example, if a
wage basis rule for a regional tax deduction has references for both county and city, then the county reference should have a
higher number than the city so that it gets evaluated first.

The wage basis rules and related references for statutory and involuntary deductions are predefined for each country.

Note: You can't edit predefined rules or references.

Creating Wage Basis Rules

You can create new wage basis rules for existing payroll components using the Manage Component Group Rules task in the
Payroll Calculation work area. The process is summarized below:

1. On the Manage Component Group Rules page, select the group to which the new rule applies.
2. In the Calculation Component Group Overview section, click the group name and then click Wage Basis Rules. If
wage basis rule references have been defined, click the reference.
3. In the Wage Basis Rules section, click Create.
4. Select the payroll component to which the rule applies.
5. Select the primary classifications to be used in the wage basis.
6. Provide the reference value for the rule, if applicable.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Using the Use in Wage Basis Check Box

Here are some rules on using the Use in Wage Basis check box that you should know about:
• If you are setting up rules for a non-US legislative data group, select the Use in Wage Basis check box for each
primary classification you add as a wage basis rule.
• If you are setting up rules for a US legislative data group, there's an extra validation that prevents the insertion of a
wage basis rule with no secondary classification. You can't select the Use in Wage Basis check box.

You must complete the process using these steps:

1. Add the record with the check box deselected.
2. Select the row with the correct combination of deduction and primary and secondary classification.
3. Correct the data.
4. Select the Use in Wage Basis check box.

Wage Basis Rules: Example

To illustrates how wage basis rules affect a tax calculation, let's look at an example where an employee's earnings included in
the wage basis vary, depending upon where the employee lives.

Taxable Earnings by Region

Brittany is a waitress who receives a salary of 1,000 USD each month plus tips. Brittany is subject to an income tax that is
calculated at the rate of 10 percent of the deductible amount, which can vary based on where she lives.

For example:
• In Dover County, tips are included in the deductible amount.
• In Smith County, tips are not included.

This table shows the tax calculations that apply for each region.

Region Earnings in Salary Earnings in Tips Deductible Amount Deduction Amount

Dover County 1000 1500 2500 250


Smith County 1000 (1500 - Exempt) 1000 100


The wage basis rules for this tax calculation are as follows:

Region (Reference Value) Primary Classification Secondary Classification Use in Wage Basis?

Dover County Earnings Salary Y


Dover County Earnings Tips Y


Smith County Earnings Salary Y


Smith County Earnings Tips N

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Region (Reference Value) Primary Classification Secondary Classification Use in Wage Basis?

Calculation Factors

Calculation Factors: Explained

Calculation factors define data-driven rules for calculating complex payroll elements, such as statutory deductions. Some
elements may have a large number of calculation factors, one for each unique set of rules, ranges, and references values.
The payroll run determines which calculation factor to use based on the reference values and calculation rules of the element
being processed.
For example, a calculation factor for a tax deduction element might define:

• A context reference, such as a city or state

• The calculation value definition, such as a 4 percent tax rate on balances under 50,000
• Optionally a calculation method and calculation step

Note: Calculation factors are predefined for statutory and involuntary deductions, and should not need to be

To view and manage calculation factors, follow these steps:

1. Select the Manage Payroll Calculation Information task in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Select the payroll component.
3. In the Calculation Overview section, expand the Related Elements node.
4. Expand the Calculation Factors node to display a list of all calculation factors associated with the element.
5. Create new calculation factors and edit existing ones that have an update status of Unlocked.

Note: You can't edit predefined calculation factors or their reference values. If you create a new calculation
factor, you must edit the element's formula to use the new factor.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Aspects of a calculation factor are shown in the following figure:

Calculation Factor

Reference Calculation Calculation
Values Step Method

Calculation Calculation Fast

Type Values Formula

Reference Values
A calculation factor may be associated with up to six references that define its context. For example, the calculation of a
social insurance deduction might vary based on a person's age and employment status.

Each reference has a reference number that determines the order in which it's evaluated for processing relative to other

Calculation Value Definition

Each calculation factor is associated with a calculation value definition that defines the calculation type, such as flat amount
or flat rate. The calculation rates and rules may vary based on the amount subject to calculation. Predefined calculation value
definitions are provided for statutory and involuntary deductions.

Calculation Step
A calculation step is a label assigned to a calculation factor to identify its role in a complex calculation.
For example, when calculating an income tax deduction, the payroll run might do the following:
1. Calculate the allowance.
2. Calculate any exemption amount.
3. Apply the tax rate to the reduced deductible amount.
This tax deduction might be defined as a single element with multiple calculation steps, each defined in a separate calculation
factor. You can assign the same calculation step to more than one calculation factor. Calculation steps are optional.

Calculation Method
A calculation method references a single fast formula. It's an optional component of a calculation factor. Calculation methods
operate at a higher level than the calculation types defined in the calculation value definition. They provide a wrapper around
the calculation of a deduction by retrieving values from a calculation value definition, applying a formula, and returning the final
deduction amount for the current run.
For example, if the calculation method is set to Cumulative, which references the Core Cumulative fast formula, then the
calculation process returns the total deduction amount as a cumulative year-to-date amount. Accrual calculations for payroll
balance calculations typically restart at the beginning of each calendar year. This is another type of calculation method. In this
case the plan rule for the accrual term start date is January 1.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Calculation Factors for Payroll Deductions: Examples

To illustrate how the payroll run uses calculation factors to calculate different types of deductions, let's look at a social
insurance deduction and a national income tax deduction using calculation steps.

Social Insurance Deduction

Employers in many countries or territories deduct social insurance payments from employees and also make contributions.
Employee and employer rates are typically different. Such deductions often have wage limits.

The social insurance deduction processor element for this type of calculation might have the following calculation factors:

Employer or Employee Calculation Method Calculation Step Calculation Value Values

Code (Reference Value) Definition

Employee None Calculate Social Social Insurance 4 percent flat rate

    Insurance Employee Rate Employee Rate  

Employer None Calculate Social Social Insurance 2 percent flat rate

    Insurance Employer Rate Employer Rate  

Employee None Calculate Social Social Insurance 100,000 flat amount

    Insurance Employee Employee Wage Limit  
Wage Limit  

Employer None Calculate Social Social Insurance 100,000 flat amount

    Insurance Employer Employer Wage Limit  
Wage Limit  

National Income Tax Deduction Using Calculation Steps

A national income tax calculation involves multiple steps. First, it calculates the allowance, then any exemption amount, and
then it applies the tax rate.

The following table shows a subset of calculation factors that might be associated with a tax processor element.

Filing Status (Reference Calculation Method Calculation Steps Calculation Value Values
Value) Definition

Single None Calculate Region A Region A Allowance - 10,000 flat amount

    Allowance - Single Single  

Single None Calculate Region A Region A Exemption - 0 flat amount

    Exemption Amount - Single  

Single None Calculate Region A Region A Rate - Single 7 percent flat rate
    Regular Rate - Single    

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Global Payroll Calculation Information

Filing Status (Reference Calculation Method Calculation Steps Calculation Value Values
Value) Definition

Married None Calculate Region A Region A Allowance - 10,000 flat amount

    Allowance - Married Married  

Married None Calculate Region A Region A Exemption - 1,000 flat amount

    Exemption Amount - Married  

Married None Calculate Region A Region A Rate - Married 6 percent flat rate
    Regular Rate - Married    

FAQs for Calculation Information

Why can't I edit the secondary classifications for a wage basis rule?
You probably defined the rule for the primary classification to include all secondary classifications in the wage basis. Edit
the primary classification row and deselect the Select all secondary classifications option. You can then edit individual
secondary classification rows, and select the Use in wage basis option only for those classifications to be considered in the
wage basis.

Why can't I create payroll components on the Manage Calculation

Information page?
You can view existing components on this page, but you can't create new components. Use the Manage Elements task to
create new elements. Creating some elements also creates associated calculation components. These elements can include
involuntary deductions, pensions, and absence payment elements.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

15 Rate Definitions

Rate Definitions: Explained

You can create rate definitions to calculate compensation rates and other rates, such as accrual rates, using payroll balances,
element entry values, or values defined by criteria. If the rate is based on more than one balance or element entry, or if it
references other rate definitions, you can specify multiple rate contributors. Use one of these work areas to access the
Manage Rate Definitions task: Setup and Administration, Payroll Calculation, or Absence Administration.

When you create a new rate, you must select a category.

Each category is described in the following table.

Category Description

Derived Rate Retrieves values from one or more payroll balances or other rate definitions, including rates that
  retrieve element entry values. Use this option to create a rate that retrieves a value from one or more
rate contributors.

  Retrieves a value from or posts to an element input value. The element input value must have a
special purpose of either Primary Input Value or Factor, as follows:

• Select the Primary Input Value special purpose for an amount value, such as a salary figure.
• Select the Factor special purpose for a factor value, such as a car allowance that you
calculate as 3 per cent of average earnings (factor = 0.03).

Value by Criteria Retrieves values from a single value by criteria definition. A value by criteria definition specifies one or
  more evaluation conditions that determine a particular value or rate. You can specify the conditions
as a tree structure to define the evaluation sequence.

Related Topics
• Values Defined by Criteria: Explained

• Manage Values Defined by Criteria: Examples

Creating Rate Definitions: Points to Consider

To create rate definitions you should know how to use the fields in the Returned Rate Details, Override and Defaulting Rules,
and Contributor Rules sections to get your desired rate. For rates based on a single element entry value, you can also apply
override and defaulting rules.
This table describes the fields that appear in the Basic Details section on the Create Rate Definition page for the Derived Rate,
Element, and Value by Criteria category types.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Field Category Description

Storage Type Element If you select the Element category to define

    a rate, you must select a storage type of
Amount or Percentage. For example, you
can create a rate definition using the Salary
element. If the salary is held as a monetary
value, select Amount. If the salary is a factor
of another value, such as a balance, select

Note: This field is hidden for all

rate definition categories other than

Element Name Element For the Element category this field isn't
    enabled until you select the storage type.
Derived Rate Selecting an element automatically fills in
  the Name and Short Name fields with the
element name.
If you select the Element category to define a
rate, you must select an element name. This
is required if you are creating a primary rate.
This is a rate which retrieves a value from a
single element such as salary.
For the Derived Rate category, the Element
Name is enabled when you access the page.

Employment Level Derived Rate Select either Payroll Relationship, Term

    or Assignment. This field is mandatory for
Value by Criteria all derived rates and value by criteria rate
  definitions. It controls which employment ID
the rates process uses when calling a rate.
If the employee has multiple assignments,
the rates process uses the assignment ID to
identify the correct assignment record for the
If the contributor value is held at a different
level to the employment level defined on the
rate, the rates process uses the employment
ID to locate the correct record.

Status Element You can set the status of a rate to active or

    inactive. An inactive rate can't be assigned to
Derived Rate an employee. Employees that are allocated a
  rate while it was active aren't impacted by a
Value by Criteria change in status to inactive.

Base Rate Element Select this check box if the rate represents
    a base rate that another rate uses in its
calculation. For example, you might have day
shift employees and night shift employees,
with different base pay rates.
If each set of employees receives an
allowance that's a percentage of the base

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Field Category Description

rate, you only need to define one allowance
rate that's calculated based on the two rates
that have the Base Rate check box selected.

Overall Salary Element If you're defining rates for use on the Salary
    page, you must use the derived rate category
Derived Rate and define an Overall Salary. To do this you
  must associate a salary element to the rate.
It's recommended that you define an Overall
Salary Information element for this purpose.

Reporting Required Element Select this check box to indicate if the

    calculated rate value should be stored on the
Derived Rate rate table for reporting purposes.
Value by Criteria If you're defining rates for use on the Salary
  page, you must select this option.
Rate definitions with this check box selected
are included when the Generate HCM Rates
batch process is run. Use this feature to
report on primary rates, not derived rates. It's
also used for HCM extracts to send data to
third parties.

Value by Criteria Name Value by Criteria If you select the Value by Criteria category
    to define a rate, you must select a Value by
Criteria name. A value by criteria definition
specifies one or more evaluation conditions
that determine a particular value or rate.

Returned Rate Details

Use this section of the page to specify the periodicity of the returned rate, factor rules, currency, decimal display, rounding
rules, and minimum and maximum rules. If the process returns a rate that's outside the minimum and maximum range, you
can set up an action that enforces the rule, displays a warning, or forces the user to fix the error. Additionally, you can select
the Return FTE Rate check box to instruct the rate definition process to return a part-time value by applying an employee's
FTE to the rate value.

You must specify a periodicity, such as hourly or weekly, for the returned rate and each rate contributor. When you use the
rate in a formula, you can, however, override the default periodicity.

The rate calculation converts each contributor to the periodicity specified on the rate contributor. It then adds or subtracts
the rate contributors even if the periodicities are different In most cases they will be the same. Once the rate contributors are
summed, the rate calculation then converts them into the return periodicity and currency.

For example, for a rate with a periodicity of weekly using the Standard Rate Annualized conversion formula, the rate
calculation does the following:

1. Calculates an annual figure from the value and periodicity of each contributing earning and deduction.
2. Converts the annual figure into a weekly value.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

By default, rates are converted using these predefined rate conversion formulas:
• Standard Rate Annualized
• Standard Rate Daily
• Standard Working Hours Rate Annualized
• Assignment Working Hours Rate Annualized
• Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized

If the values in the predefined conversion rules don't meet your requirements, you can create your own.

Factor Rules
You can apply a factor or multiplier to a calculated rate, or to an individual rate contributor. To apply a factor rule:
• Select Value as the factor rule
• In the Factor field enter the number by which you want to multiply the rate
• Add the contributor

You can apply a factor rule to the rate definition, rate contributors, or both. For example, you can define rate contributors to
calculate hourly values based on salary and bonus. You can then apply a factor of 1.0 or 100 percent to the salary balance
contributor and a factor of 0.5 or 50 percent to the bonus balance contributor. The factor rule is applied to the rate before the
periodicity conversion is applied.

Minimum and Maximum Values

You can define minimum and maximum values for the returned rate, and for individual rate contributors. If the calculation
returns a rate that's outside the minimum or maximum range, you can set up an action if the value is out of the minimum or
maximum range.

Use the Limit Violation Action field to display an error, warning, or enforce the application to use minimum or maximum value
that you enter. For example, you can enter 500 as the minimum value and then select Enforce Rules. If the returned value
comes back as 400, the application uses 500 as the value.

The following table explains the options for the minimum and maximum rate values

Value Comments

Null No minimum or maximum value


A specified value Example: 2000


Based on another rate Uses the calculated value of the rate definition that you select.

Caution: Be careful that you don't create a loop. For example, Rate A has minimum value
that is based on Rate B, which has a minimum value based on Rate A. This situation would
result in a runtime error.

Value by Criteria Minimum or maximum value based on a value by criteria definition.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Override and Defaulting Rules

This tab only displays if you select Element as the category when you create your rate definition. On this tab, you can set up
override rules for the element associated with your rate definition. If you select the Override Allowed check box, you can enter
rate values on the Salary page.

Note: You can't define override and defaulting rules if you select the Values by Criteria category to define a rate,

You can select a formula to validate any rate that is returned and also use formulas to create default values.

For example you could use the HCM Rates Default Value formula type to define the number of workdays in a year for your
workday = 250
periodicity = YEAR
currency = USD
return workday, periodicity, currency

In addition, you can use a value by criteria definition as the default type. In this example, the process uses the value for the
first record created and then carries that value forward in subsequent records, unless it's manually overridden. The rate
created using the value by criteria method is reevaluated by the rate engine for each subsequent record and could therefore
change. For example you could use a value by criteria definition to enable a default value of 10 percent for bonuses that are
targeted to all eligible employees.

Contributor Rules
This tab enables you to specify the periodicity for the contributor total. You can also decide to process contributor totals as
full-time equivalency amounts by selecting Yes in the Process Contributor Total as FTE Amount field. The final rate value is
converted from this status to the Return Rate FTE status.

Note: This tab is not available for rate definitions using the Element and Value by Criteria categories. In addition,
you can't define contributor rules if you select the Value by Criteria category to define a rate.

This tab enables you to enter text that instructs or explains the purpose of the rate, how the rate is calculated, or provides
further details for the rate. Entering information in this section is optional. This tab is not available for rate definitions using the
Value by Criteria categories.

Related Topics
• Rate Conversion Rules: Explained

• Customizing Periodicity Conversion Rules: Procedure

Rate Contributors for Derived Rates: Points to Consider

There are four different types of rate contributors that you can add to your rate definition. You can add rate contributors when
you define a rate using the Derived Rate category. You can also manually add rate contributors for the Element category

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

when the storage type is Factor. For example, if you define a bonus rate which is 0.1 (10 percent) of average earnings, you
enter 0.1 as the factor on the element and define a rate contributor based on your average earnings balance.
Fields that are common to the different rate contributor types include: Reference Date, Add or Subtract, Periodicity, Factor
Rule, Factor Value, the Minimum and Maximum Rate fields, and Return FTE Rate.

Rate Contributor Types

The following table lists the types of rate contributors, descriptions, and the additional fields that display for each type.

Type Description Additional Fields

Balance Balance Name

  Value calculated by payroll processes, such  
as: Balance Dimension
• An employee's average salary rate Divisional Balance
over their last three months of salary  
• Taxable earnings for the last tax year
• Commissions paid in the last quarter

Base Rate Value from the employee's Base Rate Employment Level

Overall Salary Value from the employee's Overall Salary rate Employment Level

Note: If the rate definition is an Overall

Salary Rate, you can't select Overall
Salary as a Contributor Type.

Rate Definition Enables you to include other rate definitions Rate Name
  that contribute to the rate definition you are  
For example you can add regular salary, car
allowance, and bonus pay rate contributors
together to create an overall salary definition.

Add and Subtract

Select Add to add the rate contributor to the rate definition. If you want to subtract the information from the rate definition,
select Subtract. For example, you may want to subtract an employee's sign-on bonus from their overall salary.

Reference Dates
You can select a reference date, which is the date the application uses to retrieve rate contributor information for the rate
calculation. The reference date specifies the context for the balance dimension.

For example, to retrieve a rate as of the actual start of an absence, select Absence Start Date. To retrieve a rate as of a
specific time period, select a specific time period.

The Reference Date field lists only the following types of time definitions:
• Time Span - a period of time, such as three months

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

• Retrieval Date - a type of time definition that is based on a database item

Selecting a value for the Reference Date field is optional.

Note: If you don't select a reference date, the application uses the effective as-of date that is used by the rate
engine to calculate the rate.

Divisional Balance
You can use this field to divide the calculated rate contributor by the balance that you select.

Single or Multiple Rate Contributors

If the rate definition is based on multiple values, you may need to create multiple rate contributors, as explained in the
following table.

Rate Number of Rate Contributors

A single earning or deduction, such as One


A combination of earnings, such as Multiple, if salary and car allowance are stored as separate rate definitions
the sum of salary and car allowance  

Note: All balances and element entries that contribute to a rate must use the same currency.

Example: Using multiple rate contributors, an hourly holiday pay rate could be based on adding together the following values,
which are all paid at the end of the previous year:

• Salary
• Incentive bonus
• Seniority bonus
• Other changeable components of remuneration

Configuring Elements to Use Rate Definitions: Procedure

If you create rate definitions that reference element input values, you must configure them for the different calculation rules:
Flat Amount and Factor. This ensures that the values calculated by the rate are consistent with the values processed through
payroll. There are a number of important element configuration steps you must complete if you're using the rate feature.
For example, the element should be:

• Recurring
• Assignment level

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

In addition, you must:

• Not select the Multiple Entries Allowed check box.
• Select a special purpose for each element input value:
◦ Select Primary Input Value for an Amount value.
◦ Select Factor for a Factor value.
◦ Select Periodicity for a Periodicity value.

Note: When creating elements for use in rate definitions, do not select Periodically as a value in the
Periodicity field. The Rate Definition process is unable to convert rates with a periodicity of periodically to
different frequencies such as annual, weekly, and daily.

• If the flat amount is a full-time equivalent value, you must select Yes in the Default field for the Full-Time Equivalent
input value.
• Create element eligibility.

To set up payroll processing to create rate definitions, configure elements for the following calculation rules:
• Flat Amount
• Factor

Configuring Elements to Create Rate Definitions for Flat Amount Calculations

Do the following:
1. From the Payroll Calculation work area, click the Manage Elements task.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Legislative Data Group Select your legislative data group


Primary Classification Standard Earnings


Category Standard

4. Click Continue.
5. Enter a name, reporting name, and description.
6. Enter the effective date.
7. Answer the questions in the Durations and Standard Rules sections.

Note: Multiple entries are not allowed.

8. Select Assignment Level.
9. Select Recurring.
10. In the Calculation Rules section, select Flat Amount and then click Next.
11. Click Submit.
12. On the Element Summary page under the Input Values folder, select Full-Time Equivalent.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

13. Check that the following fields and values exist.

Field Value or Check Box Status

Name Full-Time Equivalent


Special Purpose Full-Time Equivalent


Unit of Measure Character


Displayed Selected

Allow User Entry Selected


Required Deselected

Create a Database Item Selected


Default No



Configuring Elements to Create Rate Definitions for Factor Calculations

Do the following:
1. Repeat steps 1 through 9 in the first procedure.
2. In the Calculation Rules section, select Factor and then click Next.
3. Click Submit.
4. On the Element Summary page under the Input Values folder, select Pay Value.
5. Check that the following fields and values exist.

Field Value or Check Box Status

Name Pay Value


Special Purpose Primary output value


Unit of Measure Money


Displayed Selected

Allow User Entry Selected


Required Deselected

Create a Database Item Selected

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Field Value or Check Box Status


6. On the Element Summary page under the Input Values folder, select Factor.
7. Check that the following fields and values exist.

Field Value or Check Box Status

Name Factor

Special Purpose Factor


Unit of Measure Number


Displayed Selected

Allow User Entry Selected


Required Deselected

Create a Database Item Selected


Testing Your Element Configuration

To test your element configuration, follow the steps below.

Note: These procedures are for payroll customers only.

Step Page Action

1 Payroll Dashboard Find a payroll and an employee that you can

    use for testing purposes.

2 Manage Elements For the Flat Amount element use the Pay
    Value balance feed to enter an Eligible
Compensation balance for the Percentage

3 Manage Element Entries Add the Flat Amount and Percentage

    elements to the employee as element entries
and enter input values.

4 Submit a Process or Report Enter a suitable period for the payroll you
    selected in step 1.

5 Submit a Process or Report Run the payroll.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Step Page Action

6 View Payroll Process Results Check if the payroll results are correct.

Creating Rate Definitions for Leave: Worked Example

This example shows how to calculate an employee's absence rate as of a particular date. The rate includes a combination
of average salary and car allowance. In this example, the employee has an annual year-to-date salary of 26,000 GBP. The
employee also receives an annual car allowance payment of 2,000 GBP. The absence rate is 26,000 + 2,000 = 28,000 GBP.
This rate is then converted into a daily rate for the purpose of providing a daily absence rate.
The following table summarizes the key information that you will use in the examples:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What elements do I need to create • Salary (assignment level) - This element contains the salary value to be retrieved by the rate
before I define the rate? definition. You must create it using the Flat Amount calculation rule.
  • Car Allowance (assignment level) - This element contains the car allowance value to be
retrieved by the rate definition. You must create it using the Flat Amount calculation rule.
• Absence - Use the Absence template to create the element. Enter Sickness as the
classification and Absence as the category.

Which balances hold the contributing • Salary is fed by the Salary element.
values? • Car Allowance is fed by the Car Allowance element.

Should I process contributor totals as Yes

full-time equivalent amounts?  

Creating the Rate Definition

1. In the Payroll Calculation or Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Rate Definitions task.
2. In the Search Results section, click Create.
3. Complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Category Derived Rate


Effective Start Date Select a date that is after the creation date of the objects that you are referencing

Legislative Data Group Select your legislative data group


4. Click OK.
5. In the Basic Details section on the Create Rate Definition page, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Field Value

Name Absence Rate - Salary and Car Allowance




6. In the Returned Rate Details section, select Daily as the value for the Periodicity field.
7. Go to the Contributor Rules tab and then select Yes as the value for the Process Contributor Total as FTE Amount

The balances referenced need to be populated using payroll runs for the periods covered by the balance dimension
or the rate definition will not generate a meaningful value.

Creating Rate Contributors

1. In the Rate Contributors section, click Create.
2. Select Balance as the Contributor Type and then click OK.
3. On the Create Rate Contributors page, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Add or Subtract Add


Balance Name Regular Salary


Balance Dimension Assignment Period to Date


Periodicity Daily

4. Click Save and Continue.

5. Click Create.
6. Select Balance as the Contributor Type and then click OK.
7. On the Create Rate Contributor page, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Add or Subtract Add


Balance Name Car Allowance


Balance Dimension Assignment Period to Date


Periodicity Daily

8. Click Save and Continue.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

9. Click Submit.
10. Assign an Absence element entry to the employee's assignment.

Note: You will then need to pass the absence entry through to payroll using the absence interface.

Related Topics
• Integrating Absence Management with Global Payroll: Procedure

Creating a Rate Definition for Basic Salary: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a primary rate for a basic salary. After you run the rate engine, the Manage Element
Entries - Manage Person Details page displays the values for eligible employees.

Note: Before you define the rate, create the salary element at the assignment level. This element contains
the salary information to be retrieved by the rate definition. You can create it using the flat amount or factor
calculation rule.

Creating the Basic Salary Rate Definition

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, click the Manage Rate Definitions task.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Category Element

Effective Start Date Enter the current date.


Legislative Data Group Enter your legislative data group.


4. Click OK.
5. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Fields Value

Storage Type Amount


Element Name Regular Salary


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

6. In the Returned Rate Details section, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Periodicity Annual

Periodicity Conversion Formula ANNUALIZED RATE CONVERSION


Currency US Dollar

7. Click Submit.

Creating Rate Definitions for Overall Salary: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a rate definition for overall salary that includes multiple rate contributors.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What components of pay should be • Regular Salary

included in an employee's overall salary? • Car Allowance

Should I include all pay for car allowance No. Only include 50 percent of the amount paid for car allowance.
in the overall salary?  

In this example, we will:

• Create the overall salary rate definition
• Add the regular salary rate contributor
• Add the car allowance rate contributor

Note: The overall salary rate definition is a derived rate. To populate the Overall Salary check box, select a salary
element in the Element name field. You then add the regular salary rate and car allowance rate contributors to
the rate definition. The rate contributors that you add should be elements that you select from the Rate Name
field on the Create Rate Contributor page.

Creating the Overall Salary Rate Definition

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, click the Manage Rate Definitions task.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Field Value

Category Derived Rate


Effective Start Date Enter the current date.


Legislative Data Group Select your legislative data group.


4. Click OK.
5. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Overall Salary




Element Name Salary


6. In the Returned Rate Details section, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Periodicity Weekly

Periodicity Conversion Formula ANNUALIZED RATE CONVERSION


Currency US Dollar

Adding the Regular Salary Rate Contributor

1. In the Calculation section, click Create.
2. Enter Base Rate in the Contributor Type field and then click OK.
3. Complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Add or Subtract Add


Employment Level Payroll Assignment


Periodicity Weekly

4. Click Save and Continue.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Adding the Car Allowance Rate Contributor

1. In the Calculation section, click Create.
2. Enter Rate Definition in the Contributor Type field and then click OK.
3. Complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Value

Add or Subtract Add


Rate Name Car Allowance


Periodicity Weekly

Factor Rule Value


Factor Value 0.5


4. Click Save and Continue.

5. Click Submit.

Generating HCM Rates: Procedure

Submit the Generate HCM Rates flow to calculate and store rates for reporting purposes or inclusion in payroll calculations.
Run this batch process frequently to ensure the stored rate values are accurate.
After you run this process, you can report on the rates using extracts. The user entity includes the database items that you
can use in reports.

Rates calculated by this process are restricted to:

• Employees with an Overall Salary rate

• Rates that contribute to the Overall Salary rate
• Rates where the Reporting Required option is selected

Database items are provided to support the rate batch process. These array database items return all rates associated with a
payroll relationship record as of a specific date.


based on the return rate details defined on the rate definition. The other periodicity database items, such as
REPORTING_RATE_QUARTERLY, return a rate that is converted to the specified periodicity.

The Generate HCM Rates process supports the database items listed in this table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Database Items Description

REPORTING_ RATE_NAMES Name of the rate


REPORTING_ RATE_VALUES Value of the rate


REPORTING_ RATE_ PERIODICITIES Periodicity of the rate


REPORTING_ RATE_ FTE_FLAGS Full-time status of the rate


REPORTING_ RATE_ TERM_NUMBERS Terms number associated to the rate values


REPORTING_ RATE_ ASG_NUMBERS Assignment number associated to the rate values


REPORTING_ RATE_WEEKLY Weekly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_MONTHLY Monthly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ QUARTERLY Quarterly rate value.


REPORTING_ RATE_YEARLY Annual rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ PT_WEEKLY Part-time weekly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ PT_MONTHLY Part-time monthly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ PT_QUARTERLY Part-time quarterly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ PT_YEARLY Part-time annual rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ FT_WEEKLY Full-time weekly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ FT_MONTHLY Full-time monthly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ FT_QUARTERLY Full-time quarterly rate value


REPORTING_ RATE_ FT_YEARLY Full-time annual rate value


Run the process if any of the following conditions apply.

• Changes to the data referenced by the rate, which may include element entries, grade rates, and values defined
by criteria. This process only reports the rate values. It doesn't update, delete, create, or have any impact on the
underlying objects.
• Updates to rate definitions, such as when a new rate contributor is added or removed, or the rate is made inactive.
• Changes to employee records that impact their salary rates, such as changes to job or grade.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Note: You should run the process prior to any operation that depends on the values that are stored in the table.
For example, if you have a rate based on seniority, values could change simply by the passage of time.

To run the process:

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, select the Submit a Process or Report task.
2. Select your legislative data group.
3. Select the Generate HCM Rates flow pattern.
4. Fill in the following fields:

◦ Payroll Flow

◦ Process Mode

Mode Description Accuracy

Fast Uses the start and end date specified to This is the quickest but least accurate
  calculate the rate value. If the rate value method to calculate rate values.
is the same for both dates, it determines  
that the rate value is the same over the It misses any changes if a rate value goes
entire period. up and then back down to the same
  value that is calculated at the start and
If the start and end values are different, end dates.
this method then determines a value  
in the middle and compares it with the
start and finish values to see where the
change occurred. This process repeats
until the date of the change is found. This
is known as a binary chop algorithm.

Full Calculates the rate for every day between Slowest but most accurate method.
  the start and end date.  

Interval This method works the same as Fast The accuracy of this method is half-way
  except you can specify the number between Fast and Full.
of days the process calculates rates  
between the start and end dates.

◦ Process Start Date

◦ Process End Date

5. Click Next.
6. Select a flow submission: either As soon as possible or Using a schedule.

Note: If you select Using a schedule, you must also select a frequency, such as once, weekly or

7. Click Next and then Submit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

Using the Rate Calculation Formula: Explained

Oracle provides a rate calculation formula called RATE ENGINE. Applications and other formulas can call this formula to
calculate a rate using a rate definition.
To call this formula from a formula:
• Specify the name of the rate definition as an input.
• Optionally pass other formula inputs, such as periodicity. This periodicity overrides the return periodicity specified on
the rate definition.

The rate calculation formula returns a value and a periodicity.

Rates Used to Calculate Absences in Payroll: Explained

You can specify a rate for use in calculating an absence in an absence plan or an absence element. When processing
absence entries in a payroll run, the formula associated to the absence element uses the global formula Rate Converter to
convert rates. The formula checks for a rate in the following sequence:
• Absence plan
• Absence element
• Compensation salary element

This topic covers the different locations where you define rates for processing absences in payroll.

Absence Plan
In Oracle Fusion Absence Management, you can select a rate rule on the Entries and Balances tab of the Create Absence
Plan page. The rate rule calculates the units passed to payroll when you record an absence. You can select rate rules for the
absence payment, final disbursement, discretionary disbursement, and liability balance calculation.

For third-party absence providers, the rate information and override rates are transferred to payroll from the Payroll
Administration work area in the XML file attached to the Load Absence Batch process.

Absence Element
If you don't specify rates in the absence plan, you can specify a rate when you create the absence elements. The type of
absence information determines the rates you can select. For example, for plans where you transfer accrual balances and
absences, you can select different rates to calculate the absence payment, discretionary disbursement, final disbursement,
and liability balance rate.

As best practice, specify a rate in either the plan or the element. If you specify a rate for the element, such as the rate for the
final disbursement, ensure it is the same rate as the one you selected in the corresponding plan. .

Compensation Salary Element

If the formula doesn't find a rate specified in the plan or the element, it uses the compensation salary element.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Global Payroll Rate Definitions

When you associate a payroll element to a salary basis, you specify an input value that holds base pay on a worker's element
entry. The monetary amount or rate recorded in the element entry is the salary value in the worker's salary information held
on the assignment or employment terms. If you specify a rate, the formula uses this rate if it doesn't find one defined in the
absence plan or absence element.

Related Topics
• Creating Payroll Elements for Processing Absences: Procedure

FAQ for Rate Definitions

How does periodicity conversion work when there are multiple

contributors with different periodicities?
Sometimes you may need to add a base salary, which is an annual figure, to a 13th month salary, which is a monthly figure
that is calculated from the annual base salary. The base salary in this example is held as an annual amount on an element
entry as 24,000. The 13th month salary is 2,000 (24000 / 12). If you add each of these contributors together, the sum of the
contributors is 26,000 (24,000 + 2,000).
At this point you have added an annual figure to a monthly figure, but you haven't indicated what the periodicity of the total
is in the Returned Rate Details section on the Create Rate Definitions page. If you select Annual in the Contributor Total
Periodicity field, the sum of the contributors is 26,000. If you select Monthly, it converts the contributors to 312,000 (26,000 *
12), which is now the annual figure.

Note: When the formula is called to calculate the rate, there is an option to override the return periodicity of the

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

16 Values Defined by Criteria

Manage Values Defined by Criteria: Examples

Use the Manage Values Defined by Criteria task to calculate or retrieve values based on one or more conditions. You can use
values defined by criteria in rate definitions. You can also use value by criteria definitions in any formula used for validation.
If you use a third-party payroll product and have a requirement to extract the salary rate details, use the Generate HCM Rates
process to calculate rate values. The Generate HCM Rates process is primarily used to calculate derived rate values, such
as those which sum multiple salary components. However, it is also used to process primary rates, as you may define rate
definitions which calculate values that are different from those stored on an element entry.

Note: The values calculated by the Generate HCM Rates process are stored on a rates table. You can extract
this information using the HCM Extract tool to send to your third-party payroll providers.

Use these examples to understand how you can calculate values defined by criteria for these elements of payroll.

Annual Salaries
You can calculate annual salaries for employees based on their position. For example:

• If the employee is a Consultant, pay 45,000

• If the employee is a Senior Consultant, pay 55,000
• If the employee is a Principal Consultant, pay 65,000

Bonus Payments
You can chose to calculate bonus payments for employees that are weighted by their location. A more complicated scenario
would be to pay bonuses based on an employee's department, years of service, and annual salary.

• To weight a bonus payment by location, you could set up criteria like this:

◦ For employees working in London pay a 15 percent bonus

◦ For employees working in Manchester pay a 13 percent bonus

◦ For employees working in Southampton pay a 9 percent bonus

◦ For all other employees pay a 5 percent bonus

• To pay a bonus based on department, years of service, and annual salary, you could set up criteria like this:

◦ If an employee working in sales has less than or equal to 5 years of service and an annual salary over 45,000,
pay a 2,000 bonus
◦ If an employee working in sales has less than or equal to 10 years of service and an annual salary over
45,000, pay a 5,000 bonus

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

◦ If an employee working in sales has greater than 10 years of service and an annual salary over 45,000, pay a
9,000 bonus
◦ For all other employees working in sales, pay a 7 percent bonus based on their annual salary

Pension Contributions
Your pension plan may have rules that limit contributions based on an employee's annual salary. For example, in this scenario
you could set up the following criteria:
• Employees making less than or equal to 25,000, limit maximum contributions to 2,500
• Employees making less than or equal to 50,000, limit maximum contributions to 7,500
• Employees making less than or equal to 100,000, limit maximum contributions to 12,500
• Employees making greater than 100,000, limit maximum contributions to 14 percent of pay

Hourly Rates
In the United States there is a law that establishes the requirement for paying the local prevailing wages on public works
projects for laborers and mechanics. To fulfill this requirement you can use the Manage Values Defined by Criteria task to set
up rates of pay that are determined by a worker's state, county, and profession.

In this example, you could set up criteria to:

• Pay carpenters working in New Jersey in Ocean County greater than or equal to 15 USD per hour
• Pay carpenters working in New Jersey in Essex County greater than or equal to 17 USD per hour
• Pay carpenters working in New Jersey in Union County greater than or equal to 19 USD per hour
• For all other workers, pay 12 USD, the prevailing state wage for laborers

Related Topics
• Generating HCM Rates: Procedure

• Rate Definitions: Explained

Values Defined by Criteria: Explained

Each calculation value definition requires you to specify one or more evaluation conditions that determine a particular value or
rate. In cases where you specify many conditions, each condition is defined as a separate level and placed in priority order to
produce a tree structure.
You control the criteria that you enter and the resulting tree structure. In each branch of the tree you can have multiple
evaluation conditions. If no conditions are met, the payroll process uses the value established for the default criteria that you
set up. Each criterion and value, as well as the parent criteria definition, is stored as a calculation value definition.

Values defined by criteria comprise the components listed in the following table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Component Requirement

Criteria Definition (evaluation condition) At least one but you can have many.

Default Criteria Definition Should have at least one in most cases to cover all conditions.
If you have a situation that where the criteria you set up covers all conditions, then you don't need a
default criteria definition.

Name Refers to the name of the value definition. This is a mandatory field. This name must be unique
  across all value definitions within a legislative data group. It's required to enable customers to
identify the parent record when creating the hierarchy through the HCM Data Loader.

Value Definition Group Grouping that helps you manage value definitions. This is a mandatory field.

Retrieval Date Determines whether the criteria definition uses the date earned or effective date to retrieve
  information. The default value is effective date.

Display Name Refers to the name of the hierarchy record created within the context of the value definition. This
  name does not need to be unique and is displayed in the value by criteria hierarchy record. If you
don't enter a display name, the database item description or name displays.

Value Definitions You can have multiple values included with a value definition. Each one is identified by the value

Database Items One per criteria definition


Operands One per criteria definition


Value Sets Optional


Literal Values
  One per criteria definition

If you use the In operand, you can enter multiple values.

Rate Used when you are creating a calculation value. If you select Flat Rate or Incremental Rate as the
  calculation type, you must enter a rate in this field.

Criteria Definitions and Evaluation Conditions

Within the tree structure you create the criteria definitions that hold the actual values or rates. There are many types of values
that can be held, such as percentage, number, cash amount, or text.
You can also define a periodicity, which allows the value to be specified as a periodic value. Additionally, you can define a
value in a currency that's different from the default currency specified at the legislative data group.

The supported calculation types include:

• Flat Amount
• Flat Amount Times Multiplier

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

• Flat Calculation
• Flat Rate
• Incremental Rate
• Number
• Rate Definition
• Standard Formula 1
• Standard Formula 2

Value Definitions
After creating the criteria, you create value definitions to hold the values for each criterion. This is where you enter the
calculation types and rates. If you are using a calculation type that's a flat amount, flat amount times multiplier, or number,
you can also specify a periodicity.
To view or modify the calculation values you entered, click the appropriate link to access the Manage Calculation Value
Definition task. On this page you can change from and to values, override the calculation type, add new rows, change rates,
and change currency. The From Value and To Value fields on this page are monetary.

You can capture multiple values for a single criterion if you specify a unique value identifier for each value. The tree structure
shows this identifier instead of the value definition name. For example you may want to pay employees bonuses at different
rates based on their annual salaries. In this case you can use value identifiers to define different rates for each salary range
using the From Value and To Value fields.

Database Items
Each condition references a database item to identify where the value is used. It also determines the data type of the value,
which is text, number, or date. Define conditions using predefined database items or the dynamically created database items
that are generated when certain data is created, such as balances and elements.

Here is a partial list of database items that you can reference in the new hire flow:

• Grade
• Job
• Job Code
• BU (Business Unit)
• Location
• Department
• Worker Category
• Assignment Category
• Employee Category
• Salary Basis
• Legal Employer
• Period of Service (Seniority)
• Number of Dependents (between the ages 3 and 18)

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Note: You can only reference database items for objects that are defined in the new hire flow, which are used
to calculate salary basis. If you reference other types of database items, the process either returns zero or it uses
the default criteria.

You use operands when you're creating criteria. You can specify whether the value defined by the database item should be
equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to the literal value.

To capture multiple values for the same criteria, use the In operand. For example if you want to give employees that work in
New York and Chicago the same bonus, you can create a single evaluation condition for both cities using the In operand.

Value Sets
Specify a value set to provide a dynamic list of values from which you can select an entry. This option is available for input
values that provide text only.

Literal Values
If you specify a value set, you can select an entry from a list of values, which is based on the selected value. If you leave the
Value Set field blank, you can enter any type of information that is appropriate for the value definition that you are creating.

Related Topics
• Generating HCM Rates: Procedure

• Rate Definitions: Explained

Using Values Defined by Criteria to Pay Bonuses Based on

Age and Location: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to create criteria to pay employee bonuses at different rates based on age and location.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In this Example

What ages and rates should be used? • Less than age 25, pay 10 percent
  • Less than age 35, pay 14 percent to London employees
• Less than age 35, pay 16 percent to San Francisco employees
• All other locations and ages greater than 35, pay 5 percent

What locations should be used to • London

determine bonus rates? • San Francisco

Are there any special conditions that Yes. In San Francisco the general manager wants to pay a flat amount of 15,000 USD for all
should be added? employees under the age of 35 who make over 100,000 USD per year.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Decisions to Consider In this Example


In this example, we will:

• Create the bonus rate criteria definition
• Create age criteria
• Create location criteria for age group 2
• Create a calculation value definition for age group 1
• Create calculation value definitions for locations
• Create calculation value definitions for default criteria definitions
• Modify evaluation conditions

In this example we are using HRX_US_REP_LOCATION as the value set for the entry of different locations. If you don't have
an equivalent value set, you may need to create one.

Creating the Bonus Rate Criteria Definition

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, click the Manage Values Defined by Criteria task.

This task is also available in the Setup and Maintenance and Compensation work areas.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Bonus Rate


Effective Start Date 1/1/15


Legislative Data Group Select your legislative data group.


4. Select the Create new value definition group radio button.

5. Enter Bonus in the New Value Definition Group field.
6. Enter Flat Rate in the Default Calculation Type field.
7. Click OK.

Creating Age Criteria

1. Select the row with the Bonus Rate criteria definition.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

2. Click New.
3. Select Criteria and then click OK.
4. For each criteria definition you create, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Age less than 25 Age less than 35

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Rate Age Group 1 Bonus Rate Age Group 2

Value Definition Group Bonus Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned Date Earned


Sequence 1 2



Operand < <


Literal Value 25 35

5. Click OK each time you create a new criteria definition.

6. To create a default group for the age criteria, repeat steps 1 to 3.
7. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Rate Age Group Default


Value Definition Group Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned


8. Select the Default Criteria check box and then click OK.

Creating the Location Criteria for Age Group 2

1. Select the row with the Person Age < 35 criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Criteria and then click OK.
4. For each criteria definition you create, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field London San Francisco

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Range Age Group 2 Location 1 Bonus Range Age Group 2 Location 2

Value Definition Group Bonus Bonus


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Field London San Francisco

Retrieval Date Date Earned Date Earned


Sequence 1 2



Display Name Location Location


Operand = =



Literal Value London San Francisco


5. Click OK each time you create a new criteria definition.

6. To create a default group for the location criteria, repeat steps 1 to 3.
7. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Rate Age Group 2 Location Default Rate

Value Definition Group Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned


8. Select the Default Criteria check box and then click OK.

Creating a Calculation Value Definition for Age Group 1

1. Select the row with the Person Age < 25 criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Value and then click OK.
4. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Rate Age Group 1 Rate


Value Definition Group Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Rate

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Field Value

Rate .10

5. Click OK.

Creating Calculation Value Definitions for Locations

1. Select the row with the Location = London criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Value and then click OK.
4. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Rate Age Group 2 Location Rate 1

Value Definition Group Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Rate


Rate .14

5. Click OK.
6. Select the row with the Location = San Francisco criteria definition.
7. Click New.
8. Select Value and then click OK.
9. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Bonus Rate Age Group 2 Location Rate 2

Value Definition Group Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Rate


Rate .16

10. Click OK.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Creating Value Definitions for the Default Criteria Definitions

1. Under the location criteria definition, select the row with the Default Criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Value and then click OK.
4. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Age Group Location Default Rate


Value Definition Group Bonus


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Rate


Rate .05

5. Click OK.
6. To create a calculation value definition for all other employees that don't meet any criteria, select the row with the last
Default Criteria definition.
7. Repeat the steps described above except for the Calculation Value Definition Name field. Enter Bonus Default Rate
8. Click OK.

Modifying Evaluation Conditions

1. To modify the evaluation conditions for the San Francisco location, click the Bonus Rate Age Group 2 Location Rate
2 link.
2. Scroll down to the Calculation Values section.
3. Enter 100,000 in the To Value field.
4. Click Add Row.
5. Enter 100,000.01 in the From Value field and 999,999,999,999 in the To Value field.

From and to values are monetary, unless you are using a database item.
6. Select Flat Amount in the Calculation Type Override field.
7. Enter 15,000 in the Flat Amount field.
8. Click OK and then Submit.

Related Topics
• Generating HCM Rates: Procedure

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Using Values Defined by Criteria to Limit Pension

Contributions: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to create criteria to limit pension contributions based on annual salary amounts.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In this Example

What salaries and contribution limits • Salary less than or equal to 50,000, limit pension contribution to 5,000
should be used? • Salary less than or equal to 100,000, limit pension contribution to 10,000
  • All other salary amounts, limit pension contribution to 17 percent of annual salary

In this example, we will:

• Create the pension limits criteria definition

• Create salary criteria
• Create the value definition for salary amount 1
• Create the value definition for salary amount 2
• Create the value definition for the default criteria definition

Creating the Pension Limits Criteria Definition

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, click the Manage Values Defined by Criteria task.

This task is also available in the Setup and Maintenance and Compensation work areas.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Pension Limits


Effective Start Date 1/1/15


Legislative Data Group Select your legislative data group.


4. Select the Use existing value definition group radio button.

5. Select Limit Rules in the Value Definition Group field.
6. Select Flat Amount in the Default Calculation Type field.
7. Click OK.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Creating Salary Criteria

1. Select the row with the Pension Limits criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Criteria and then click OK.
4. For each criteria definition you create, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Field Salary less than or equal to 50,000 Salary less than or equal to 100,000

Calculation Value Definition Name Salary less than or equal to 50,000 Salary less than or equal to 100,000

Value Definition Group Limit Rules Limit Rules


Retrieval Date Date Earned Date Earned


Sequence 1 2



Operand <= <=


Literal Value 50,000 100,000


5. Click OK each time you create a new criteria definition.

6. To create a default group for the salary criteria, repeat steps 1 to 3.
7. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Salary Greater Than 100,000


Value Definition Group Limit Rules


Retrieval Date Date Earned


8. Select the Default Criteria check box and then click OK.

Creating the Value Definition for Salary Amount 1

1. Select the row with the Salary Amount < = 50,000 criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Value and then click OK.
4. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Contribution Limits 1


Value Definition Group Limit Rules


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Amount


Periodicity Annually

Unit of Measure Money


Currency USD

Flat Amount 5,000


5. Click OK.

Creating the Value Definition for Salary Amount 2

1. Select the row with the Salary Amount < = 100,000 criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Value and then click OK.
4. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Contribution Limits 2


Value Definition Group Limit Rules


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Amount


Periodicity Annually

Unit of Measure Money


Currency USD

Flat Amount 10,000


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Global Payroll Values Defined by Criteria

5. Click OK.

Creating the Value Definitions for the Default Criteria Definition

1. Select the row with the Default Criteria definition.
2. Click New.
3. Select Value and then click OK.
4. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Calculation Value Definition Name Salary Greater Than 100,000


Value Definition Group Limit Rules


Retrieval Date Date Earned


Calculation Type Flat Rate


Rate .17

5. Click OK.

Related Topics
• Generating HCM Rates: Procedure

FAQ for Values Defined by Criteria

Does the order in which I add criteria definitions matter?

Yes. Each criteria definition that you add is defined as a separate level and placed in priority order. The order is used to
produce a tree structure, which affects processing and the value that is returned.
For example, if the first criteria definition has the condition of salary greater than 0, and the next criteria definition in the
sequence has the condition of salary greater than 100,000, all salaries would meet the first condition and there would be no
results for the second condition. To fix this situation, you would reverse the order of the criteria definitions where the condition
greater than 100,000 is first in the sequence.

You can change the sequence of the criteria definitions at any time to suit your business needs and fix processing problems.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

17 Payment Methods

Bank, Branch, and Account Components: How They Work

Banks, branches, and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model.

The model enables you to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place and explicitly grant account access to:
• multiple business units
• functions
• users

This eliminates the redundant duplicate bank account setup under different business units when these business units share
the same bank account.

Creating a bank is the first step in the bank account creation. You can:
• Search for existing banks to view and update
• Create a new bank from an existing party

Consider the following:

• The option to create from an existing party is implicitly implemented by the matching option.
• The option is available only after the existing party has been found with the same bank.
• If you select the matching option, the page repopulates the information from the matched party.

Once you have created your bank, the next step is creating a branch or branches associated to the bank. The matching
option is also available when creating branches. To create a new branch without using the matching option, manually enter
the required information. You can also define other branch- related attributes in the same page.

If you don't use the matching option when an existing party is found, a branch with the same party name is created.

The four areas associated with defining an account are:
• General information
• Control of the account
• Security and access to the account
• Business unit assignment

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Once the bank and branch are created, proceed to the bank account setup by doing the following:
• Select the bank branch you want to associate to your bank account.
• Assign the owner of the bank account.

Note: To create a bank account for Payables or Receivables, add the Business Unit Access first for the
business units to use the bank account.

Consider the following:

• The Oracle Fusion Account Payables or Receivables accounts are identified by the business unit.
• The Oracle Fusion Payroll accounts are identified by the legal entity.

Related Topics
• Reconciliation Matching Rules: Explained

Creating Accounts: Points to Consider

Banks, branches and accounts fit together on the premise of the Bank Account model. The Bank Account model enables you
to define and keep track of all bank accounts in one place.

The Bank Account Model can explicitly grant account access to multiple business units, functions, and users. Consider the
following when you set up bank accounts:
• Assign a unique general ledger cash account to each account, and use it to record all cash transactions for the
account. This facilitates book to bank reconciliation.
• Grant bank account security. Bank account security consists of bank account use security, bank account access
security, and user and role security.

Account Use
Account Use refers to accounts created for:
• Oracle Fusion Payables
• Oracle Fusion Receivables
• Oracle Fusion Payroll

Select the appropriate use or uses when creating an account in one or more of these applications.

Account Access
Payables and Receivables account access is secured by business unit. Before the bank account is ready for use by Payables
or Receivables, you must:
1. Select the appropriate use for the application.
2. Grant access to one or more business units.

Note: You can only assign access to the business units that use the same ledger as the bank accounts owning
the legal entity,

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

User and Role Security

You can further secure the bank account so that it can only be used by certain users and roles. The default value for secure
bank account by users and roles is No. For Payables and Receivables, you must have the proper business unit assigned to
access a bank account even if the secure bank account by users and roles is No. If the secure bank account by users and
roles is set to Yes, you must be named or carry a role assigned to the bank account to use it.

Note: You must assign the security duty role Cash Management Administration to the Cash Manager job role to
provide access for setting up banks, branches, and accounts.

Entering Bank Information for Personal Payment Methods:

Critical Choices
You can enter bank, branch, and bank account information centrally as part of implementation, or you can let employees add
their own bank information. You can share this information across multiple applications for different purposes.
The following table summarizes several approaches for creating bank information for employees.

Approach Purpose

Manage Banks page and Manage Bank View, create, or edit banks and branches centrally for outgoing payments or receiving payments
Branches page  

Manage Personal Payment Methods Create or edit employee bank account details for receiving payments

Payroll batch loader Load personal payment methods and employee bank account details using an integrated Excel

Controlling Who Can Manage Banks and Branches

The following table shows the roles that are typically involved in managing bank information, what actions they can take by
default, and which pages they use.

Role Can Create Banks and Can Create Employee Bank Location
Branches? Account Details?

Cash Manager Yes No Manage Banks page and

      Manage Bank Branches page,
Setup and Maintenance work

Payroll Administrator Depends on duty role or profile Yes Manage Personal Payment
  option   Methods page, Payment
Payroll Interface Coordinator   Distribution work area
Payroll Manager

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Role Can Create Banks and Can Create Employee Bank Location
Branches? Account Details?

Employee Depends on duty role or profile Yes Manage Payment Methods

  option   page, Portrait

You can use a profile option to control access to create bank and branch data. On the Manage Cash Management Profile
Options page, set the Use Existing Banks and Branches profile option to either Yes or No.
• If you set it to Yes, you can load bank and branch data so that administrators and employees select bank details
from a list of values on the Create Personal Payment Method page.
• If you set it to No (default setting), you can't load any bank details. Administrators and employees enter their bank
and branch details as free text.

Related Topics
• Payroll Batch Loader Workbooks for Bank Data

• Payroll User Interface Configuration Formula Type

Configuring Payment Method Preferences: Procedure

You can customize preferences related to payment methods using a user-defined table and fast formulas. After you create
your formulas for the configuration that you require, you attach formula names as values for the corresponding preferences in
the user-defined table. This topic describes the configuration steps and available preferences.
1. Use the Manage Fast Formulas task to create the formula using the Payroll User Interface Configuration formula
2. On the Manage User-Defined Tables page, select the legislative data group that you to manage the user-defined
table, and then search for and select PAYROLL_USER_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION.

Note: The formulas attached in the user-defined table are effective at the enterprise level. The
legislative data group isn't significant. However, to make any later edits to the table, you must select
the same legislative data group.
3. Click Edit, and then click Next.
4. On the User-Defined Table Values page, click Add and select the row for one of the values, and then click OK.

Value Purpose

Default Organization Payment Method Controls which payment methods can be created using the simplified user interface.

Execute Personal Payment Method Enables validations for personal payment methods that meet the criteria set in the formula. For
Validation example, an employee can only create one personal payment method with the Pay Card account

Maximum Number of Personal Limits the number of personal payment methods that employees can create.
Payment Methods  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Value Purpose

Payment Types Available to Workers Limits personal payment methods to be based only on organization payment methods of the
  specified payment types.

Prevent Edit Personal Payment Method Prevents employees from modifying any personal payment method details that meet the criteria
  set in the formula, such when the account type is equal to Pay Card.

Show Percentage or Amount Sets a restriction to display only the Percentage amount type and field on the Manage Personal
  Payment Methods page.

5. In the Value field, enter the name of your formula. You must enter the formula name exactly as you created it on the
Manage Fast Formulas page.

Note: Each preference that you customize must have its own formula.

Related Topics
• Payroll User Interface Configuration Formula Type

Organization Payment Methods: Explained

You must create one organization payment method for each combination of legislative data group, payment type, and
currency that you use to disburse wages and other compensation. You can also create rules for validating or processing the
distribution of payments. Create as many organization payment methods as required for your enterprise. Use the Manage
Organization Payment Methods page in the Payment Distribution work area.
Important aspects of organization payment methods are:
• Payment types
• Payment sources
• Payment rules

Payment Types
When creating an organization payment method, you select a payment type.

The most common payment types are:

• Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
• Check
• Cash

The exact list of payment types and their names can vary by country. Your enterprise may support a different range of types
that are appropriate for your localization. For example, in the US, the payment type for EFT is Direct Deposit; in the UK it's
BACS, and in Australia it's BECS.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Tip: When selecting the EFT payment type, you can enter EFT information at the payment method level, the
payment source level, or both. Entries at the payment source level take priority over entries at the organization
payment level. For example, if you define details at the payment source level, then to use those details when
processing payments, you must enter the payment source when submitting the payment process.

Payment Sources
If you're using Oracle Fusion Global Payroll for payroll processing, you must define at least one payment source for each
organization payment method. Each payment source must be associated with an active bank account in Oracle Fusion
Cash Management. If you define additional details at the payment source level, then to use those details when processing
payments, you must enter the payment source name when submitting the payment process.
You can use the same bank account in different payment sources in more than one organization payment method, as
illustrated in the following example.

Payment Method Payment Source Bank Account

Check Bank of America Account A Bank A - Account 7890045


EFT Bank of America Account B Bank A - Account 7890045


Note: If you are costing your payments, enter cost account information on the Manage Costing of Payment
Sources page in the Accounting Distribution work area.

Payment Rules and Default Payment sources

If you define multiple payment sources, you can use payment rules to determine the appropriate payment source based on
tax reporting unit (TRU).
The following example shows one organization payment method with three different payment sources for different TRUs.

Payment Source Tax Reporting Unit Default Payment Source

Payroll EFT Source US None Yes

Bank A - Account 7890045

Payroll EFT Source California California TRU No

Bank B - Account 1238900

Payroll EFT Source Texas Texas TRU No

Bank C - Account 8765999

The first payment source that you add is the default payment source, but you can select another payment source as the
default, or not have a default payment source.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

To understand the effect of having a default payment source, consider the following examples that describe what happens
when a TRU changes, causing a payment rule to be invalid.

Approach Example

With a default payment source, the This approach might suit a company with multiple independent franchises, each with its own TRU. If
payment process pays employees using a franchise holder sells the franchise, payments don't fail.
the default payment source.  

Without a default payment source, This approach might suit a company with strict policies about payment rule compliance.
the payments process issues error  
notifications to ensure that you use the
appropriate payment source to fund the

Prenotifications: Explained
A prenotification or a prenote is typically an entry that must be sent at least 10 banking days prior to the first live payroll credit
issued. A prenote's purpose is to validate routing number and account numbers of the receiving bank or credit union.
To set prenotification information, set the following options in the organization payment method for electronic funds transfer
(direct deposit) or international transfer payment types:

• Prenotification Required: Select to designate that the prenotification process is required for payments.
• Prenotification Days: Specify the duration of the prenotification wait period. Payment is issued by check until the
waiting period is completed. For example, if the prenotification period is 10 days for a weekly payroll, depending on
the timing, the payments processes might issue two paychecks before transfer starts.

Payment Methods and Payroll Definitions: How They Work

You select organization payment methods when creating other objects, such as payroll definitions, third-party payment
methods, and personal payment methods. This topic describes the functional relationship between organization payment
methods and the objects that use them.

Functional Relationships
The following table describes the functional relationship of organization payment methods with other objects.

Object Function

Personal Payment Method Associates a person to a payment method, currency, and payment source.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Object Function

Third-Party Payment Method Enables separate payment information for payments to third parties who aren't on the payroll.
  Payments to third parties, such as garnishments or other involuntary deductions, are typically
processed separately from the payroll.

Payroll Definition Establishes the default payment method for payments to employees who have no personal payment
  method defined.

Note: You can't set EFT payment methods as default payment methods because each
payee must have a personal payment method with account information to know where to
deposit the money.

Run-Type Payment Method Overrides a payroll's default payment method for payments to employees with no personal payment
  method defined.
For example, your regular payroll is by EFT but you issue check bonuses once a year. Using the
Separate Payment run type, the payment method overwrites the default payment method of the

Related Topics
• Payroll Definitions: Explained

• Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

Setting Up Payment Sources in Organization Payment

Methods: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to set up payment sources when creating organization payment methods for payroll
processing. You set up payment sources on the Manage Organization Payment Methods page.
In this example, the InFusion US company pays its workers by electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments. To comply with
state regulations for out-of-state payments, the company sets payment rules to pay from two different banks based on tax
reporting unit (TRU). The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

How many organization payment methods do you need? One method to pay by EFT in US dollars.

How many payment sources do you need? Three. One default payment source for the US, one source for
  payments in Texas, and one source for payments in California.

How many bank accounts do you need? Three. One for each payment source.

What payment method rules do you need? Rules for bank accounts used as payment sources based on TRU.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Is notification required to alert the source financial institution before Yes. Ten days before EFT payments.
processing EFT payments?  

Summary of Tasks
This worked example includes details for the following tasks you perform when creating organization payment methods:
1. Creating the basic details
2. Adding EFT file information
3. Setting up payment sources
4. Creating payment rules

This worked example assumes that the following tasks are complete:
1. The primary ledger is set up in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
2. The banks, branches, and account information to use as the payment sources are set up in Oracle Fusion Cash
3. The legal entity associated with the legislative data group is assigned to a general ledger.
4. TRUs are set up.

Creating the Basic Details

1. In the Payment Distribution work area, click Manage Organization Payment Methods.
2. In the Search Results section, click Create.
3. Select the legislative data group, for example, InFusion US LDG.
4. Select the date when you want this payment method to be available for use, and then click Continue.

Tip: Select a date that is on or before the effective date of the payroll definition or other objects that
use this payment method.
5. In the Basic Details section, complete the fields as shown in this table and then click Save.

Field Value

Payroll Direct Deposit US


Direct Deposit
Payment Type  

Note: The available payment types for organization payment methods can vary by

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Field Value

US Dollar

6. Click Save.

Adding EFT File Information

When you select the EFT payment type, you can enter EFT information at the following levels:
• Organization payment method level
• Payment source level
• Both levels

Note: EFT file information entered at the payment source level takes priority over information entered at the
organization payment method level.

In this example, you set the EFT information at the organization payment method level because the company requires
notification of planned transfers within 10 days before the transfer date.
1. In the Payment Information section, enter values as shown in this table.

Field Value

Prenotification Required  

Prenotification Days  

2. Click Save.

Setting Up Payment Sources

Perform the following steps three times to create each payment source.
1. In the Payment Sources section under Payment Source Information, click Create.
2. On the Create Payment Source page, complete the fields in order, as shown in this table, and then click Continue.

Field US Value Texas Value California Value

Payroll EFT Source US Payroll EFT Source Texas Payroll EFT Source California

Bank A Bank B Bank C

Bank Account Name      

123456789 234567890 345678901

Bank Reference      

456789012 567890123 678901234

Company Reference      

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Tip: Keep your payment source names unique and as specific as possible for each scenario. This
naming convention helps when managing complicated combinations of organization payment methods
and payment rules.

Creating Payment Rules

1. In the Payment Method Rules section, for Payroll EFT Source US, ensure that the default setting is Yes.
2. In the same section, click Create and select the values shown in this table to create two payment rules that map a
payment source to a TRU.

Field Texas Value California Value

No No

Texas TRU California TRU

Tax Reporting Unit    

Payroll EFT Source Texas Payroll EFT Source California

Payment Source    

3. Click Submit.

Payment Method Rules: Examples

The following scenarios illustrate how you might use payment method rules to handle payments to different parties and
from different payment sources. You set payment method rules on the Manage Organization Payment Methods page in the
Payment Distribution work area.

Pay Workers and Third Parties Using the Same Payment Source
Your organization pays all workers and third-party payees from the same source bank account. In this scenario, no special
payment method rules are required. Ensure that the payment source is set as the default and that you leave the Third-Party
Payment, Tax Reporting Unit, and Payment Criteria fields blank.

Pay Workers and Third Parties in a Specified TRU Using a Separate

Payment Source
Your enterprise is based in California, but you have some workers in Texas. To comply with California state regulations for
out-of-state payments, you specify a payment source for the Texas tax reporting unit (TRU). In this scenario, your payment
source for California is already set as the default payment source, so no change is needed for California. You add a payment
method rule, select the Texas TRU, and select the Texas payment source.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Pay Workers and Third Parties in the Same TRU Using Separate
Payment Sources
You currently pay everyone in your TRU using Payment Source A. Your company recently employed a private consultant,
Jon Moore, from a third-party auditing company. A new company requirement states that payments must come from a new
payment source, Payment Source B. You create John as a third-party person payee. In your organization payment method,
you add the Payment Source B payment source and a new payment method rule. In the payment method rule, you select the
Third-Party Payment check box, Jon's name as the third-party person to pay, and Payment Source B.

Pay Workers in a Specified Department Using a Separate Payment

You want to pay employees in the Sales and Development departments using different payment sources. You create a
payment method rule for each department, enter the department name in the Payment Criteria field, select the TRU and
payment source.

This scenario has the following prerequisites:

• An information element exists named Default Payer with an input value named Payment Criteria.
• A formula exists that retrieves department names and the assignment IDs of the employees associated with them.
• The processing rules in the Default Payer element refer to the formula. The result rules target field is set to Payment
Criteria. The returned field is set to the value specified in the formula.

Deriving Payment Sources by Department: Worked

You can use payment criteria to set up rules that derive payment sources within a single tax reporting unit (TRU). The
prepayments process identifies the source bank information using the employee's TRU and any additional payment criteria
that you define. This example uses department, but you can use other criteria, such as business unit.
The tasks to complete this setup are Manage Organization Payment Method, Manage Elements, and Manage Fast Formulas.
The key steps in this example are:

1. Define the payment rules in the organization payment method.

2. Create the formula to get department names from HR.
3. Create the formula that calls the department names formula to get employee department by Assignment ID.
4. Create the Default Payer information element.
In this example, the enterprise wants to pay employees in the Sales and Development departments from separate payment
sources. You create an element to pass the department name as a run result value.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Defining Payment Rules

1. On the Manage Organization Payment Method page, in the Payment Sources section, create the payment sources
to use in the payment rules, if they don't already exist.
2. In the Payment Method Rules section, add one payment rule for each department, as shown in this table.

Field Development Department Sales Department

First America First America

Tax Reporting Unit    

Development Sales
Payment Criteria    

HSBC New York HSBC Boston

Payment Source    

Creating the Department Formula

Use the following steps to create the formula that retrieves the database items from HR for department names.

1. On the Manage Fast Formulas page, create the formula with values as shown in this table.

Field Value

XX_ Employee_ Department

Formula Name  

Payroll Access to HR
Formula Type  

Formula to return the department of an employee


Effective Date  

Note: Enter the same date used to create elements during implementation.


2. In the Formula Text section, enter the following content:

Return l_dept_output

3. Click Submit.
4. Click Compile.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Creating the Payment Criteria Formula

Use the following steps to create the formula that retrieves the departments for employees to use as payment criteria values.
1. On the Manage Fast Formulas page, create the formula with values as shown in this table.

Field Value

XX_ Default_ Payer_ Payment_ Criteria

Formula Name  

Oracle Payroll
Formula Type  

Formula to use the returned Department database item as Payment Criteria input for Default
Description Payer element.

Effective Date  

Note: Enter the same date used to create elements during implementation.


2. In the Formula Text section, enter the following content:

Default for ASG_HR_ASG_ID is 0
EXECUTE('XX_Employee_Department') /* Formula to retrieve the
Employee Department. */
Emp_Dept = GET_OUTPUT('l_dept_output','Null')
Return Emp_Dept

3. Click Submit.
4. Click Compile.

Creating the Default Payer Element

Perform the following steps to create the Default Payer element with the Payment Criteria input value, and automatic element
1. On the Manage Elements page, create an element using the Information primary classification and the values shown
in this table, and then submit your changes.

Field Value

Default Payer
The name must match exactly. This name is how the application identifies any existing payment

Default Payer
Reporting Name  

Effective Date  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Field Value

Note: Enter the same date used to create other elements during implementation.

First Standard Earnings Date

What is the earliest entry date for  
this element?

Last Standard Process Date

What is the latest entry date for this  

2. Edit the new element to create an input value named Payment Criteria as follows:
a. In the Element Overview section, click Input Values, and then select Create Input Values from the Actions
b. Enter values as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Payment Criteria


Display Sequence 10

Unit of Measure Character


c. Click Save.
3. Edit the new element to create element eligibility that is set to automatic entry as follows:
a. In the Element Overview section, click Element Eligibility, and then select Create Element Eligibility from
the Actions menu.
b. In the Element Eligibility Name field, enter Payment Criteria Element Eligibility.
c. Select Automatic entry.
d. Click Save.
4. Edit the new element to create processing rules as follows:
a. In the Element Overview section, click Status Processing Rules, and then select Create Status
Processing Rules from the Actions menu.
b. In the Formula Name field, select XX_Default_Payer_Payment_Criteria.
c. In the Result Rules section, add a row using the values in this table.

Field Value

Result Returned EMP_DEPT


Result Rule Direct Result


Target Input Value Payment Criteria


d. Click Submit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Configuring Payment Method Preferences: Procedure

You can customize preferences related to payment methods using a user-defined table and fast formulas. After you create
your formulas for the configuration that you require, you attach formula names as values for the corresponding preferences in
the user-defined table. This topic describes the configuration steps and available preferences.
1. Use the Manage Fast Formulas task to create the formula using the Payroll User Interface Configuration formula
2. On the Manage User-Defined Tables page, select the legislative data group that you to manage the user-defined
table, and then search for and select PAYROLL_USER_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION.

Note: The formulas attached in the user-defined table are effective at the enterprise level. The
legislative data group isn't significant. However, to make any later edits to the table, you must select
the same legislative data group.

3. Click Edit, and then click Next.

4. On the User-Defined Table Values page, click Add and select the row for one of the values, and then click OK.

Value Purpose

Default Organization Payment Method Controls which payment methods can be created using the simplified user interface.

Execute Personal Payment Method Enables validations for personal payment methods that meet the criteria set in the formula. For
Validation example, an employee can only create one personal payment method with the Pay Card account

Maximum Number of Personal Limits the number of personal payment methods that employees can create.
Payment Methods  

Payment Types Available to Workers Limits personal payment methods to be based only on organization payment methods of the
  specified payment types.

Prevent Edit Personal Payment Method Prevents employees from modifying any personal payment method details that meet the criteria
  set in the formula, such when the account type is equal to Pay Card.

Show Percentage or Amount Sets a restriction to display only the Percentage amount type and field on the Manage Personal
  Payment Methods page.

5. In the Value field, enter the name of your formula. You must enter the formula name exactly as you created it on the
Manage Fast Formulas page.

Note: Each preference that you customize must have its own formula.

Related Topics
• Payroll User Interface Configuration Formula Type

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Customizing Payslips and Checks

Adding Text to Payslips and Checks: Procedure

Customizing your checks and payslips to display additional text requires the setup steps described in this topic. You must
create an information element with input values, add the input values to the Organization Information EFF flexfield, and modify
the output template. Depending on your implementation, you also may require a new formula.
Summary of the setup steps:
1. Create the information element, its element eligibility, and the input values you want displayed.
2. If you need a formula to calculate the run results, perform the following steps:
a. On the Manage Fast Formulas page, create a formula of type Oracle Payroll to return the values that you want
to add.
b. On the Manage Elements page, edit the information element to:
• Create a status processing rule associated with your new formula.
• Add formula result rules to return formula results to the element's input values.
3. On the Manage Enterprise HCM Information page, in the Organization Information EFF section, add the information
element and input values.

Note: The Organization Information EFF configuration is at the enterprise level. For each LDG for which
you want to archive payroll information, you must add a separate row for the information element.
4. Create employee element entries, unless you selected the Automatic Entry option for the element.
5. After calculating the payroll and prepayments, run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process.
6. Modify the check template or payslip template, as appropriate. Refer to the Report Designer's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher for more information.

Input Values for Payslip and Check Text: Examples

You can create element input values to store information, such as congratulatory messages and detailed earnings
information, that you want displayed on checks or payslips. The following scenarios illustrate how you can archive payroll
information for this purpose.

Display Earnings by Earned Weekly Period

For example, you want to display earnings details on payslips, such as overtime pay per week within a semimonthly pay
period. In this example, before modifying your payslip template, you create an element using the Information element
classification. You create the following input values in your element and add them to the payroll information to archive:
• Description
• Start Date
• End Date
• Hours

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

• Rate
• Multiple
• Amount

Display a Message on a Check

You want to display a birthday congratulations message on checks. In this example, before modifying your check template,
you could create an element using the Information element classification with the following input values:

• Message Title
• Message Description

Third-Party Payment Methods

Creating Third Parties: Points to Consider

You create third parties to process payments to external organizations and people who aren't on the payroll. Third-party
types are Person and Organization. You can create third-party organizations for payments, such as pension providers or
professional bodies, or third-party organizations that don't receive payments, such as disability organizations. Use the
Manage Third Parties task in the Payment Distribution work area or the Batch Loader task from the Payroll Administration,
Data Exchange, or Checklist work area.
The following figure illustrates the steps to create third parties.

Party Type

Person Payee? No Organization
Party Usage Code

Enter Name,
Yes Address, Contact

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Party Usage Codes

Creating third parties on the Manage Third Parties page creates corresponding records for them as trading community
members. For third-party persons, the application automatically assigns a party usage code of External Payee. For third-party
organizations, you assign a party usage code.
The following table describes the party usage codes for third-party organizations.

Party Usage Code Use For Examples

External Payee Organizations that can be associated with County Sheriff for involuntary deductions
  employee calculation cards or element  
entries. Use this party usage code for
organizations when the others don't apply.

Payment Issuing Authority Organizations responsible for issuing Court, agency, or government official
  instructions for involuntary deductions, such  
as a tax levy or bankruptcy payment order.
Payment issuing authorities don't receive

Pension Provider Organizations that provide pension Stock broker, investment company, benefit
  administration for employee pension administrator, labor union

Professional Body Organizations entrusted with maintaining The American Society for Mechanical
  oversight of the legitimate practice of a Engineers in the US
professional occupation.  

Bargaining Association Organizations that represent employees The Air Line Pilots Association International
  in negotiations. Bargaining associations (ALPA) in Canada and the US
associated with trade unions may receive  
payments for union fees deducted from an
employee's pay.

Disability Organization Organizations that are authorized to The Royal National Institute of Blind People in
  make disability assessments. Disability the UK
organizations don't receive payments.  

Related Topics
• Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

• Payroll Batch Loader Workbook for Third-Party Organizations

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Global Payroll Payment Methods

Third-Party Payments: Examples

The following scenarios illustrate how you can pay third-party people and organizations.

Child Support to a Former Spouse

John Smith is an employee at your organization. Mary Smith receives a child-support payment each payroll period that is
deducted from John's salary. To set up payments for Mary:

1. Create Mary as a third-party person.

2. Create Mary's third-party payment method and select the payroll relationship for John.
3. Add the child support order to John's involuntary deduction calculation card and select Mary's name in the Order
Amount Payee field.

Processing Fee to a County Sheriff's Office

The County Sheriff's office receives a processing fee on garnishment payments. When you create the third-party organization,
you designate it as an External Payee before you create its third-party payment method. When you add the garnishment
order to the employee's involuntary deduction calculation card, you select the County Sheriff in the Organization Fee Payee

Related Topics
• Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

FAQ for Payment Methods

What is the International Transfer payment type?

This payment type supports payment methods for electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments in a different country from the
originating payment source. Payroll managers can create EFT payment methods for employees to transfer funds to foreign
banks if an International Transfer organization payment method exists for their legislative data group.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

18 Payroll Flow Patterns

Creating Flow Patterns: Procedure

Use flow patterns or create new patterns required to complete your extract reports and processes or payroll tasks. You build
flow patterns from predefined tasks, such as processes, reports, and manual tasks that verify results.
For example, you can use the predefined Load Batch from File flow to load data from a source file to the application tables.

Work areas include tasks to submit flows, such as Submit a Payroll Process or Report, or Submit Extracts. Submitting a flow
pattern generates a flow and if the flow includes several tasks, a checklist.

Building a Flow Pattern

Complete the following steps to create a flow pattern:
1. Select the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task in the Payroll Checklist work area or the Refine Extracts flow from the
Data Exchange work area.
2. Create a new flow pattern or search for and select an existing flow pattern to copy.
3. Select a legislative data group (LDG).
4. On the Basic information page, specify the following information.

a. Select the LDG Required option. This field value determines the availability of this flow pattern. The pattern can
be made available to a specific LDG or to all LDGs. The following table explains the available choices.

LDG Required Result

No Flow pattern available to all LDGs


Yes Flow pattern restricted by LDG


b. Default Flow option.

5. Select the activities and tasks to include in the flow pattern.

The activity associated with the task determines the work area where you can submit the flow.
6. On the Tasks page, complete the following information.

◦ Optionally, rename the task and description and change the activity or task group for the task.

For example, you might place all your reports in the Statutory activity and rename each verification task so it
includes the report name.
◦ Select a task owner.

◦ Skip the step to specify the duration dates that determine when to send the notification to alert the flow or
task owner to start a task or that it is overdue. Return to this step after you complete flow parameters on the
Parameters page.
◦ Select the type of notifications received by the flow or task owner.
7. On the Task Sequence page, review the task sequence and reorder, add or delete tasks, as required.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

All flow patterns begin with a Start task and conclude with an End task. Tasks are sequential but you can start
processing on more than one task, for example to run reports concurrently.

Tip: Specify the order in which the tasks display in the checklist by specifying a value for the sequence
on the Edit Task Details Owners and Checklist page

8. On the Parameters page, select the parameters to complete when submitting the flow pattern.

The application uses the flow parameters to submit and complete the tasks in the flow pattern, or as a basis for
deriving values to submit the remaining tasks in the flow pattern.
9. On the Task Parameters page, review the parameters, and if necessary update the parameters.

For example, you might specify a constant if the value is the same for all tasks, such as the Process Configuration
Group parameter.
10. Review the resulting checklist for the flow pattern before submitting the flow pattern.
11. Define a security profile for it using the Manage Payroll Flow Security Profile task in the Setup and Maintenance work

The HCM data role security controls who can submit the flow pattern or view the resulting flow from the Payroll
Dashboard or payroll work areas.

Related Topics
• Sequencing Rules for Flows and Locked Tasks: Explained

Checklist and Flow Tasks: Explained

A flow can consist of one or more tasks. The flow pattern determines the sequence of tasks executed in a flow. Submitting a
flow from the Data Exchange or payroll work areas generates a checklist. Use the flow's checklist to monitor and manage the
tasks included in the flow.
Depending on the flow pattern, the checklist might include:

• Automatic tasks, such as extracts, reports, and processes

• Manual tasks, such as verification tasks required to complete a flow

Working with Checklists

Use the checklist while working with flows to perform the following activities:

• Monitor the status of the flow tasks

• Manage the flow tasks, such as reassigning tasks, marking tasks completed, and performing corrective actions
• View task details, such as a list of records processed by the flow

For payroll, while working on a task in the flow, you can remain in the Payroll Checklist work area or go to a related work area
that includes tasks in the regional area. For example, while reviewing the results for the Calculate Payroll task, you might go to
the Payroll Calculation work area to review the person's calculation card or element entries.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Related Topics
• Monitoring the Status of Flow Tasks: Explained

Editing Flow Tasks: Points to Consider

Edit flow patterns you create or copy. This topic suggests points to keep in mind when you add, delete, or move a task in a
flow pattern.

Editing Tasks
Refer to the following table for examples of edits you can perform to tasks in a flow pattern or checklist. For each kind of edit,
the table also provides examples and the probable impact the edit can have on the flow.

Edits Impact Examples

Add a task You add a task to position it as the last task You add a manual verification task after each
  in the activity or task group. Update the task report. You rename each task with the report
sequence. name.
If you repeat a task, rename it to make clear
its purpose on the checklist.

Delete a task When you delete a task you may impact You delete a task. The Parameter Basis
  subsequent tasks in the flow that depend on of the next task is Bind to Task and its
its results. Review the subsequent tasks. Basis Value is the value of the deleted task.
  You update the Parameter Basis of the
subsequent task as required, for example, to
Bind to Flow.

Move a task to a different activity The activity determines the work areas where You move a task in a payroll flow pattern for
  you can submit the flow patterns you define, a report from the Payments activity to the
and controls how the checklist displays. Statutory activity. The flow owner can view
  the report results from the Payroll Checklist
or Regulatory and Tax Reporting work areas,
but not the Payment Distribution work area.

Reorder the list of tasks displayed in a The sequence specified for the task further
checklist determines the task order within an activity You decide to flatten the checklist sequence
  on the checklist. to group all the tasks within a single activity.
1. On the Tasks page, you confirm that
each task belongs to the same activity
and task group.
2. You edit each task, specifying a value
in the Sequence column on the Edit
Task Details Owners and Details page.
The lowest number is used for the first
task in the checklist. For example, you
might specify a sequence of 10 for the
payroll calculation task and 20 for the
prepayments calculation task.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

You perform these edits on the Task Sequence tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns page. For payroll flow patterns, use
the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task in the Payroll Checklist work area. For extract flow patterns, use the Refine Extracts
task in the Data Exchange work area.

Related Topics
• Sequencing Rules for Flows and Locked Tasks: Explained

Flow Pattern Parameters: Explained

Each task in a flow pattern supports task actions, such as submit, roll back, mark for retry, retry, and view. Task action
parameters control how the application processes a task and how the task relates to other tasks in the flow pattern. Flow
parameters are a subset of task action parameters. They supply the information required to successfully complete the tasks in
the flow pattern.
The following figure shows the relationship of the tasks, task action parameters, and flow parameters
in a flow pattern. Before you submit a flow, review and edit the task action parameters and the flow
parameters for each task within the flow. Task action parameters control task interactions.

Flow Pattern

Task Task Task

Task Action Task Action Task Action

Task Action Task Action Task Action

Parameters Parameters Parameters

Use as Flow

Flow Parameters

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

When you create a flow pattern, you review and edit the task parameters for the Submit and Initialize task actions. After
submitting the flow pattern, you can edit the parameters for the remaining task actions, such as Mark for Retry, Retry, and
Roll Back. The parameter details you can edit include:

• Display and display format

• Lookups and value sets
• Usage
• Sequence
• Parameter Basis and Basis Value

Display and Display Format

Display parameters control the format and availability of the flow parameter, as shown in the following table.

Parameters Purpose

Display Determines whether the parameter displays when submitting the flow

Display Format Identifies the type of data displayed, such as a date or text, or choice list

Display parameters work with other parameters, such as Parameter Basis and Basis Value. For example, most task action
parameters don't display the Request parameter because the application obtains the value for this parameter from the

Lookups and Value Sets

Use lookups and value sets for descriptive flexfields to control and validate the data used in the payroll flow pattern.
The following table describes which parameter basis to use for the different methods for obtaining the lookup value.

Lookup Value Parameter Basis

Entered when submitting a flow Bind to Flow


Derived by the application from existing Bind to Flow Task or Context Binding
tables, such as the value for the payroll  
statutory unit

Derived by application from a Post SQL Post SQL Bind


A parameter can receive information (input) or generate information (output) that subsequent tasks can use. For example, for
the Calculate Payroll task, the Payroll Process parameter for the Submit task action generates an output value for the payroll
action ID. The Retry task action can use this payroll action ID.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

The following table describes the typical settings for a parameter whose usage is output. For output usage parameters the
parameter is not displayed and its value is derived using the parameter basis.

Parameter Option Setting

Display No

Parameter Basis • Bind to Flow, the application derives the value from the flow parameter and then updates the
  flow parameters table with the output value
• If you select no value, the output value results from the task's output

Control the order in which the application processes and displays the parameters by specifying the sequence. Sequence
numbers provide default logic for the application to derive the order in which to process the parameters. For example, if you
have two lookups and the values of the second lookup depends on the first lookup. You must set the first lookup to a lower
sequence number than the second one.

Parameter Basis and Basis Value

The Parameter Basis controls how the application derives the value for the parameter. The Basis Value further specifies the
value the application uses for the parameter.

Use the values listed in the following table to select parameter basis and values when you define payroll flows. The table
provides examples when you might select them and describes how the values are assigned.

Parameter Basis Description Basis Value Available Example

Use Specified Value Assigns a specific value to the Text is entered as constant or Specify a constant if the value is
  parameter. value entered by the person who the same for all tasks, such as
  submits the flow. the payroll statutory unit.

Bind to Context Derives the value from the Select flow, task, or the Request. If the task includes a Request
  context of the current flow The application automatically parameter, bind it to the flow
instance or the task instance of generates the parameter value. context. Tasks in the flow
the flow pattern.   reference this task using the
  Request ID generated by the
Bind the legislative data group
parameter to a task parameter
that supplies the legislative data
For example, the legislative data
group for prepayments uses
the payroll as context, because
it's already associated with the
legislative data group.

Bind to Flow Parameter Derives the value from one of the Application automatically derives Bind a parameter to the flow
  flow parameter values. the parameter value. that several tasks share to avoid
    multiple occurrences of the same

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Parameter Basis Description Basis Value Available Example


Bind to Flow Task Parameter Binds the value to the output of Select a value from the previous Bind a parameter to a task, such
  the previous task. task's parameters. as Retry corrective action. When
    the flow owner resubmits the
task to retry it, the application
uses the output of the Submit
task parameter.

Bind to Task Parameter Resolves the value for the task Select a value from the current Bind a parameter to the task if
  parameter. task's parameters. several tasks share a parameter,
    such as a start date, but one
task requires a different date.

No value specified Stops the application from Application generates a blank Not applicable
  generating a parameter value value.  
when the task executes.  

Post SQL Bind Calculates the parameter but SQL statement calculates the Bind a parameter using the Post
  doesn't display it on the user parameter value. SQL bind to generate data.
  For example, use a post SQL
process to use the payroll period
and payroll parameters and
generate the process date.

SQL Bind Calculates and displays value SQL statement calculates the Bind a parameter using SQL
  on the user interface, prior to parameter value and display it  
submission. on the user interface, before For example use SQL Bind to
  submission. calculate the payment type
  parameter for the Generate
Check Payment task. The
application obtains the payment
type ID for the check payment
Use SQL Bind to prompt the
task owner to enter a reason for
a corrective action, such as a

Flow Task Start and Due Dates: Critical Choices

Specify duration dates and notification options in the payroll flow pattern to give flow owners adequate time before a task
starts to prepare and before a task is due to address any issues.

Task Start and Due Dates

Specify the following duration dates on the Tasks page of the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns page:

• Start date, the date the task owner should start the task

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Note: The start date applies to notifications only. You schedule when a flow starts on the Scheduling page
when you submit the flow.

• Due date, the date the task owner should complete the task

To specify duration dates:

1. Select the flow parameter date to use as the basis for the duration date
2. Optionally, offset the date by specifying a plus or minus value depending on whether the date falls before or after the
duration date.

Select notifications to send error and warning messages, and to inform the task owner when a task starts or ends. The
receipt of notifications depends on the duration dates and their offsets.
1. Specify the notifications the task owner receives.
2. Optionally, specify the number of days before the application automatically deletes a notification from storage.

Use the Manage Payroll Process Configuration task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to complete the
Notification Expiration Offset parameter.

Related Topics
• Scheduling Flows: Explained

Managing Corrective Tasks in a Payroll Flow Pattern: Points

to Consider
Before defining flow patterns to correct payroll run or payment results, consider whether flow owners can correct individual
records or tasks by using task actions, predefined processes, or predefined flows, such as the Cancel Payments flow.

Using Task Actions

Most tasks support corrective task actions at the task level or individual record level. The type of task and its status determine
which corrective actions the flow owner can select from the Actions menu when viewing results.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

The following figure shows the task actions available from the Actions menu when working on the Payroll Flow Checklist or
the Processes and Reports tab of the payroll flow.

Payroll Flow

Payroll Payroll Flow

Flow Process and
Checklist Reports Tab

Payroll Flow Task

Task Actions from

Actions Menu

Mark for Retry Retry Roll Back

You can confirm whether the task includes the task actions by performing these steps:

1. Edit your flow pattern on the Manage Payroll Flow Pattern page of the Payroll Checklist work area.
2. Select the task on the Tasks tab, and edit it.
3. Review the Execution Mode column on the Edit Task Details: Basic Information page to confirm that the task
supports the Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back task actions.

Using Predefined Processes

Flow owners can use the Submit a Process or Report task from a payroll work area to submit corrective processes:

• Roll Back Process

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

• Retry Payroll Process

The flow owner might use these processes to roll back or retry a flow that includes a single process and that is in progress
with errors.

Using Flow Patterns

If your enterprise performs several tasks to correct problems, flow owners can use a predefined flow pattern, such as the
Cancel Payment flow.
• A predefined flow pattern, such as the Cancel Payment flow
The Cancel Payment flow pattern includes tasks to view the person process results, void the payment, process an
external payment to prevent reissue of the original payment, and reverse the original prepayment and payroll run
• A flow pattern you create, such as a flow pattern to reissue a lost check
This flow pattern might include tasks to void the payment, issue an external payment, and view the person process

Editing Flow Patterns: Examples

Review the following scenarios to better understand how to edit flow patterns to meet the requirements of your enterprise.
Use the Manage Payroll Flow Pattern task in the Payroll Checklist work area or the Refine Extracts task in the Data Exchange
work area to edit the scenarios:
• Updating a parameter to use a specified value
• Supplying a reason for a corrective action
• Adding tasks and reordering the task sequence
• Automatically incrementing dates in a scheduled extract

Updating a Parameter to Use a Specified Value

Your payrolls use a single process configuration group named InFusion UK Consolidation Group. You want to specify a
constant for the configuration group task action parameter and hide the parameter to avoid data entry mistakes. You perform
the following steps.
1. Query the flow pattern you defined for the payroll cycle.
2. On the Parameters tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Pattern page, edit the Process Configuration Group parameter.
You enter the values shown on the following table. The table lists the parameters you define to maintain a constant
value for the Process Configuration Group task action parameter and avoid data entry mistakes.

Parameter Detail Value

Display No

Display Format Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Parameter Detail Value


Lookup No value

Usage Input Parameter


Parameter Basis Constant Bind


Basis Value InFusion UK Configuration Group


Supplying a Reason for a Corrective Action

Your enterprise typically issues electronic funds transfer payments. You defined a flow pattern to issue check payments
and to verify them. You want to track the reason managers issue checks, so you add a flow parameter to capture that

1. Query the payments flow pattern you defined.

2. On the Parameters tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Pattern page, Select and Add the Reason parameter to include
the parameter as a flow submission parameter. Complete the details as shown in the following table.

Parameter Detail Value

Display Yes

Display Format Text


Lookup No value

Usage Input Parameter


Parameter Basis Context Binding


Basis Value Payroll Flow


Adding Tasks and Reordering the Task Sequence

Your flow pattern includes a Calculate Gross Earnings process and the Element Results Register Report. You can add two
extract reports that run concurrently, followed by a verification task, to simplify the checklist to a single list. You perform the
following steps:

1. From the Data Exchange work area, select the Refine Extracts task.
2. On the Refine HCM Extracts page, query the flow pattern.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

3. On the Tasks tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns page:

a. Add the first extract report, specifying the same Activity and Task Group as the Calculate Gross Earnings.
b. Add the second extract report, specifying the same Activity and Task Group as the Calculate Cross Earnings.
c. Add a manual verification task, specifying the same Activity and Task Group as the Calculate Cross Earnings.
4. Edit each task, specifying a sequence number on the Edit Task Details Owners and Details page.

The lowest number is used for the first task in the checklist. For example, you might specify a sequence of:

◦ 10 for the Calculate Gross Earnings task

◦ 20 for the first extract report

◦ 30 for the second extract report

◦ 40 for the manual verification task

5. On the Tasks Sequence tab, reorder the sequence of reporting tasks as shown in the following table. Follow this
order to run the two reports concurrently.

Task Following Task

Start Flow Calculate Gross Earnings


Calculate Gross Earnings First extract report


Calculate Gross Earnings Second extract report


First extract report Manual verification task


Second extract report Manual verification task


Manual verification task End Flow


Automatically Incrementing Dates in Scheduled Extract

You create a flow pattern to extract weekly payroll data that requires the user to enter a process date parameter. You
schedule the extract to run weekly. The application evaluates the flow parameters at the time of submission, and the task
parameters at the beginning of task execution. You edit the task parameters to automatically increment the date field. The
date values are derived from the default date parameter values.

You use the Refine Extracts task from the Data Exchange work area, or the manage Flow Patterns task from the checklist
work area. You edit the task parameters on the task's Basic Information page by performing the following actions:

1. Select the Process Date parameter.

2. Select Context binding from the Parameter Basis field.
3. Select System Date from the Basis Value field.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Editing a Flow Pattern: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to edit a QuickPay flow pattern that you copied to change the task owner and to notify the
flow owner in advance of the payments process.
In this example, the process date is the date paid. You designate an owner for the task that verifies prepayment results, to
ensure that a person with adequate authority reviews the results before the task submits to generate payments. You notify
the owner that verification starts before the task should begin. The following table summarizes the key decisions for this

Decisions to Consider In this Example

Who is the task owner for the Verify Prepayments Result task? Payroll Manager Operations role

When does the prepayments verification task start? Two days before the process date for the Generate Check Payments
  task starts

1. Create a QuickPay flow pattern by copying the predefined QuickPay flow pattern, entering a name for the flow
pattern and the legislative data group.

Specifying a Task Owner

1. In the Payroll Checklist work area, click the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task from the task pane.
2. On the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns page, search for the QuickPay flow pattern that you created, and edit the flow
3. On the Tasks tab, select the Verify Prepayment Results task, and click the Edit Task icon.
4. On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, select the Payroll Manager Operations role as the checklist
5. On the Edit Task Details: Duration and Notifications page, in the Duration region, complete the fields, as shown in
this table.
This table lists field names for the Duration and their respective values.

Field Value

Due Date Process Date


Offset -2

6. In the Notifications region, select the Flow Task Start Notification option.
7. Click Submit, and return to the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns page.
8. On the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns page, click Submit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Creating a Flow Pattern to Reissue a Check: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a payroll flow pattern to issue a replacement check that an employee lost or didn't
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decision to Consider In This Example

Which tasks should the flow pattern include and in what sequence? Verify a Payment, Void Payment, Generate Check Payment

Who has access to submit the flow? InFusion Payroll Manager


Which notifications should the flow owner receive? Error and Warning notifications

Which predefined task or flow parameters do you want to override? Process Configuration Group parameter for the Void Payment task

Creating the Payroll Flow Pattern

1. In the Payroll Checklist work area, select the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task from the task pane, and create a
new flow pattern for the legislative data group.
2. On the Create Payroll Flow Pattern: Basic Information page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
The following table lists the regions, fields, and field values on the Basic Information Page for creating a payroll flow

Region Field Value

Basic Information Flow Pattern InFusion Reissue Check


Activities Activities to Include Payment


Tasks Available Tasks Void Payment, Generate Check Payments,

    Verify a Payment

3. Click Next.
4. On the Create Payroll Flow Pattern: Tasks page, select the Verify the Payment task.
5. In the Owner and Checklist region, click the Owner field, and select Fusion Payroll Manager.
6. On the Create Flow Pattern: Tasks Sequence page, confirm tasks follow this sequence: Verify a Payment, Void
Payment, Generate Check Payment. Correct the sequence, if necessary.
7. On the Create Payroll Flow Pattern: Flow Parameters page, click Select and Add. Select multiple parameters from
the Select and Add window, as shown in this table.
The following table lists field names and their respective values.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Field Value

Void Payment Start Check Number, End Check Number, Process Configuration Group, Process Date, Payroll
  Process, Reason

Note: With the exception of the Reason parameter, only the Generate Check Payment
task uses these parameters. Add them only once as flow parameters to cover both tasks.

Generate Check Payment Payroll, Start Date, Consolidation Group, Organization Payment Method, Overriding Payment
  Date, Payment Source, Payment Type

8. Select the row for the Process Configuration Group flow parameter and edit the flow parameters, as shown in this
The following table lists field names for defining the flow parameters and their respective values.

Field Action

Display No

Display Format Text


Lookups No value

Parameter Basis Use Specified Value


Basis Value InFusion Process Configuration Group


You don't must edit the Process Configuration task parameter. The application uses the details specified for the flow
parameter, not the task parameter details.
9. On the Create Payroll Flow Pattern: Review page, preview the resulting payroll checklist, and submit the flow pattern.

Adding a BI Publisher Report to a Flow: Procedure

Add single or multiple BI Publisher reports to your copied or user-defined flow pattern. When you submit the flow, the report
automatically generates an output file that you can view. The output file is based on the template used for the BI Publisher
report, such as an html template. The Run BI Publisher Report task belongs to the Statutory activities in the flow pattern.

Adding Your Report to a Flow

Follow these steps to add the task to add your BI Publisher report to an existing extract flow.
1. Use the Manage Flow Patterns task in the Payroll Checklist work area or the Refine Extracts task in the Data
Exchange work area or the area.
2. Search and select the flow that you will customize.
3. On the Manage Flow Pattern page, on the Tasks tab, click the Edit button

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

4. Click the Select and Add button on the menu bar. In the Search Tasks dialog, search for and select Run BI
Publisher Report. Click the Done button.
5. On the Task Sequence page, confirm the sequence is correct.
6. On the Flow Parameters page, add a required parameter for the first argument of the BI Publisher report.
The flow parameters map to the BI Publisher arguments. For example, if your report is based on a SQL query, the
first argument is the first bind variable of a SQL query data model.

Tip: To easily determine the sequence of arguments, view the list of parameters for the generated
report in BI Publisher.
7. Optionally, rename the parameter to a more meaningful name.
8. On the Task parameters page, in the Parameter Details section, complete the following steps:
a. Confirm that the Parameter Basis for the First Argument value is Bind to Flow.
b. Specify a value for the Report Name and Report Path parameters.
For example, if the BI Publisher data model is saved to the Custom folder in Shared Folders you would specify
c. Specify values for other arguments if required.
9. Review the flow and submit it.

Creating a Flow within a Flow: Worked Example

This example describes how to copy the Transfer Batch flow and modify it to include a custom flow pattern you created. In
this example, the custom flow you add submits a report to check for any batch line errors after transferring a batch. If the
transfer fails, you can skip the transfer process or mark it as complete, and then view the report for error details.

Summary of Tasks
This worked example includes details for the following tasks:
1. Creating the parent flow pattern
2. Adding the report flow to the parent flow
3. Testing the flow

Creating the Parent Flow Pattern

1. In the Payroll Checklist work area, select the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task.
2. Search for and select the row for Transfer Batch, and then click the Copy icon.
3. Enter the name of the new flow pattern, such as Transfer Batch with Error Report.
4. Enter a description, such as "Transfer a batch and view any batch line errors that occurred." and then click Save
and Close.
5. Search for and select the Transfer Batch and Error Report flow pattern, and then click Edit.
6. Add the parameter that derives batch name from the batch ID as follows:
a. On the Parameters tab, click Add.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

b. Select the added row and click Edit.

c. Add values as shown in this table. The table lists the parameters you must review and edit before you submit
the flow.

Field Value

Flow Parameter Batch Name


Use for Searches No


Display No

Display Format Text


Sequence 3

Usage Input parameter


Parameter Basis Post SQL Bind


Basis Value select batch_name from pay_ batch_ headers where batch_id = :BATCH

7. Click Save.

Adding the Report Flow to the Parent Flow

1. On the Tasks tab, click Select and Add.
2. In the Search window, search for and select Submit Another Flow, and then click Done.
3. In the row for Submit Another Flow, click the Edit icon in the menu bar and set the values as shown in this table.
Use the fields listed in the table to define the task you have added to generate the batch lines error report.

Field Value

Task Run Batch Lines Report


Activity Statutory

Task Group Reporting


Description Submit the batch lines error report for the specified batch.

4. Edit task parameters as follows:

a. In the row for Run Batch Lines Report, click Edit Task.
b. Configure the predefined task parameters as shown in this table. To configure task parameters, you must
select a parameter and the corresponding parameter basis and basis value.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Parameter Parameter Basis Basis Value

Flow Name Constant Bind The name of the flow, for example Batch
    Lines Report. This value is case-sensitive.
Enter the name exactly.

From Flow Instance ID Context Binding Payroll flow


From Flow Task Instance ID Context Binding Payroll task


Use to Calculate Results Constant Bind Y


Parameter Name 1 Constant Bind Batch Name


Parameter Value 1 Bind To Flow Batch Name


c. Click Next, and optionally complete the owner and checklist information.
d. Click Next, and optionally complete the duration and notification information.
e. Click Submit.
5. Edit the task sequence as follows:
a. On the Task Sequence tab, edit the following two rows as shown in this table. The table lists the flow tasks
and its sequence in the flow.

Start Flow Following Task

Transfer Batch Run Batch Lines Report


Run Batch Lines Report End Flow


b. Click Submit.

Testing the Flow

1. Create and save a test batch that should cause an error.
Alternatively, you can search for an existing batch that was transferred with errors using this SQL query:
select * from pay_batch_headers where batch_status = 'E';

2. On the Submit a Process or Report page, select a legislative data group.

3. Select the Transfer Batch with Error Report task, and then click Next.
4. Enter a unique name for the current flow instance.
5. Enter the name of the batch with errors that you saved or queried, and then click Submit.
6. Click OK and View Checklist, and then click the Refresh icon until the Transfer Batch task shows as in progress
with error.
7. View the report in the flow as follows:
a. Select the row with the Transfer Batch task, and then select Skip Task in the Actions menu.
b. In the row for Run Batch Lines Report, click Go to Task.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

c. In the Processes and Results section, click the name of the report.
d. In the row for Run BI Publisher Report, click Go to Task.
e. On the Process and Reports tab, click View Results.
f. Click the PDF file name to open the report.

Creating a Report to View Batch Line Errors: Worked

This example describes how to create a flow to view a report showing errors that occurred while transferring a batch using
the payroll batch loader. After you create the report and the flow pattern for it, you can add it to other flow patterns. For
example, for a custom flow pattern that includes the Transfer Batch flow task, you could add this flow immediately after that
In this example, the SQL query that defines the data model for the report takes the batch name as a bind variable. The bind
variable enables the batch name to be user-entered when run alone, or dynamically derived when run within another flow.

Summary of Tasks
This worked example includes details for the following tasks:

1. Creating the report data model and output file name

2. Creating the report template
3. Creating the flow pattern to submit the report

This worked example assumes you completed the following prerequisites:
1. The following software is installed:
◦ JRE version 7 or later
◦ Microsoft Word

◦ Oracle BI Desktop Integration for Word

Tip: Select the Download BI Desktop Tools menu in the Get Started section of the Oracle
Business Intelligence home page to download the Template Builder for Word installer.

2. You know the name of an existing batch that has transferred with errors. You will use this batch name for testing
your report.

Tip: You can use the following SQL query to retrieve the batch names: select * from
pay_batch_headers where batch_status = 'E';

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Creating the Report Data Model and Output File Name

1. Sign in as a user with the Oracle Business Intelligence administration privileges.
2. Create a SQL-based data model for the report as follows:
a. In the Navigator, select Reports and Analytics.
b. On the Reports and Analytics work area, click Browse Catalog.
c. On the Catalog page, select New, and then select Data Model.
d. On the Diagram tab, click New Data Set, and then click SQL Query.
e. In the SQL Query window, enter values as shown in this table, and then click OK.

Field Value

Name Batch Lines Report


Data Source ApplicationDB_ HCM


Type of SQL Standard SQL


SQL Query select 'Marker' as Marker, bl.batch_ line_id bl.batch_ line_status line_text, bl.line_
  sequence from pay_ batch_headers bh, pay_ batch_lines bl, pay_ message_lines ml
where bh.batch_id = bl.batch_id and bl.batch_ line_id = ml.source_ id and bh.batch_name
= :batchName

Note: Ensure that you don't include a semicolon at the end of your SQL query.

f. In the Add Parameter window, select batchName, and then click OK.
g. On the Parameters page, in the Display Label field, enter Batch Name.
3. To change the name of the output file from Default Document.pdf, follow these steps:
a. In the left pane, select Bursting.
b. On the Bursting page, click Create New Bursting.
c. Set field values as shown in this table.

Field Value

Data Source ApplicationDB_ HCM




Delivery By /DATA_ DS/G_1/MARKER


SQL Query select 'Marker' as KEY, 'Batch Lines Report' as TEMPLATE, 'PDF' as OUTPUT_FORMAT,
  'Batch Lines Report - '|| to_ char(sysdate 'YYYY-MM-DD: HH:MI:SS') as output_name from

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

Note: Ensure that you don't include a semicolon at the end of your SQL query.
4. Click the Save As icon and save the data model under the path Shared Folders/Custom/ with the name
5. Test that the data model query returns data as follows:
a. In the left pane, click Data Sets.
b. On the Data tab, enter the name of an existing batch that transferred successfully with errors, and then click
You should see values for BATCH_LINE_ID and BATCH_LINE_STATUS and any messages that occurred.

Note: The batch name field is case sensitive, so enter the name exactly. If you don't see values
or if you entered incorrect SQL syntax, edit the SQL for the data model and try again.
6. Click Save As Sample Data, and then click OK.
7. Click Export, and then save the XML file to your file system. You will use this when designing your report template.
8. Click Save.

Creating the Report Template

1. Generate the report template as follows:
a. On your data model page, click Create Report.
b. In the Create Report window, click Cancel, and then click OK.
c. Click the Select Data Model icon, select your data model, and then click OK.
d. Click the Generate icon.
e. In the Template Name field, Batch Lines Report, and then click the Generate button.
f. Click Edit and open the file in Microsoft Word.
g. Save the RTF file to your file system.
2. In Microsoft Word, modify your template as follows:
a. Delete the MARKER and BATCH_LINE_ID columns from the table.
b. Change the column headings to user-friendly values, such as Status, Error Text, and Line Number.
c. Click the Field icon and insert BATCHNAME before the batch lines table.
d. Insert text before the BATCHNAME field, such as Batch Lines Errors for Batch followed by a colon and
space character.
e. Make any other layout changes, as needed, such as changing column width.
f. Save and close the RTF file.
3. Upload your modified template as follows:
a. On the report page, under your report icon, click Properties.
b. Click the Upload icon.
c. Click Browse to select your RTF template, and then click OK.
d. In the Upload Template File window, in the Locale field, select the same local that is listed as the default local,
and then click OK.
e. Click OK to overwrite the existing template for that locale.
f. Click Save, and then click Return.
4. Set the default format as follows:
a. At the top-right corner, click View a List.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

b. In the Default Format field, select PDF.

c. Click Save Report.
d. In the Save As window, in the Name field, enter Batch Lines Report, and then click OK.
5. Ensure that the report has the correct role access as follows:
a. On the Catalog page, locate the batch lines report.
b. On the More menu for Batch Lines Report, click Permissions.
c. Click Add users/roles to add roles, as necessary.

Tip: If you have several roles to add, search for and add the BI Consumer role with full control,
which most other roles inherit.
d. Click OK.
6. Test your report as follows:
a. On the Catalog page, for the batch lines report, click Edit.
b. Ensure that the name of your data model displays above the report icon. If it doesn't, add it and save your
c. On the Catalog page, for the batch lines report, click Open.
d. In the Batch Name field, enter the batch name you entered previously. You should see the data in the sample

Creating the Flow Pattern

1. Ensure that you are signed in as a user with payroll administration privileges.
2. On the Payroll Checklist work area, select the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task.
3. Click Create, and then click Continue, with no legislative data group selected.
4. On the Basic Information page, enter the values as shown in this table, and then click Next.

Field Value

Flow Pattern Batch Lines Report


Description Submit a report to view batch line errors for a specified batch transferred using the payroll batch

LDG Required Optional


Default Flow Yes


Activities to Include Statutory


Selected Tasks Run BI Publisher Report


5. Click Next to accept default values until you are on the Parameters page.
6. Add the Batch Name parameter as follows:
a. Click Select and Add.
b. Search for and select First Argument, and then click OK.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

c. Click Edit and change its values as shown in this table, and then click Next.

Field Value

Flow Parameter Batch Name


Use for Searches No


Display Mandatory

Display Format Text


Sequence 2

Usage Input parameter


Parameter Basis Post SQL Bind


Basis Value select batch_name from pay_ batch_ headers where batch_id = :BATCH

7. On the Task Parameters page, edit the Report Path parameter as shown in this table.

Field Value

Display Yes

Parameter Basis Constant Bind


Basis Value /Custom/Batch Lines Report.xdo


8. Select the First Argument parameter and ensure that its values are as shown in this table.

Field Value

Parameter Basis Bind to Flow


Basis Value Batch Name


9. Click Next, and then click Submit.

10. Test your flow as follows:
a. In the Payroll Checklist work area, select the Submit a Process or Report task.
b. Select Batch Lines Report, and then click Next.
c. Enter a unique name for the current flow instance.
d. Enter the same batch name that you used when creating the report, and then click Submit.
e. Click OK and View Checklist, and then click the Refresh icon until the status shows as completed.
f. In the row for Run BI Publisher Report, click Go to Task.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

g. On the Process and Reports tab, click View Results.

h. Click the PDF file name to open the report.

Customizing the QuickPay Flow Pattern: Procedure

When you start a QuickPay process using the Calculate QuickPay task, the checklist displays the tasks included in the
predefined QuickPay flow pattern. To base the checklist on a customized flow pattern, you update the FLOW_DEFINITION
user-defined table. When required, you can always start a QuickPay process using the predefined or other QuickPay flow
pattern. Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task in the Payroll Checklist work area.
This topic covers the following procedures:
• Replace the predefine QuickPay flow
• Revert to the predefined QuickPay flow

Replacing the Predefined QuickPay Flow

As a prerequisite, you copy and update the predefined QuickPay flow pattern. You then complete the steps to update the
FLOW_DEFINITION user-defined table.

Create a customized flow pattern.

1. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Pattern task in the Payroll Checklist work area.
2. Copy the predefined QuickPay flow pattern, and specify its legislative data group.
3. Update the new flow pattern with the tasks to include in your QuickPay flow.
Complete the following steps for the FLOW_NAME column.
1. Use the Manage User-Defined Tables task in the Payroll Calculation work area. Specify the legislative data group as
a search criteria. Search for and open the FLOW_DEFINITION table.

Note: Each legislative data group can have only one flow pattern specified for the Calculate QuickPay
2. Click the Edit.
3. Specify the Effective As-Of Date.
4. In the User-Defined Columns section, select FLOW_NAME.
5. In the User-Defined Rows section, click Create.
6. In the Sequence field, enter the number 1.
7. In the Exact field, enter a name, such as Enter Flow Name.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Edit User-Defined Table page in the User Defined Table Values section, click Create.
10. In the Add User-Defined Table Values dialog, select the name you specified for the Exact field.
11. In the Value field, enter QUICK_PAY.
12. Save your work.
13. Click Back to return to the Edit User-Defined Table page.
Complete the following steps for the FLOW_NAME_OVERRIDE column.
1. On the Edit User-Defined table page, in the User-Defined Columns section, select FLOW_QUICKPAY_OVERRIDE.
2. Click Next.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

3. On the Edit User-Defined Table page in the User Defined Table Values section, click Create.
4. In the Add User-Defined Table Values dialog, select the name you specified for the Exact field.
5. In the Value field, enter the name of your customized QuickPay flow pattern.
6. Click Submit.

Reverting to the Predefined QuickPay Flow

The Calculate QuickPay task uses the user-defined table values specified in the FLOW_DEFINITION table. As a result, if you
no longer want to use your customized default QuickPay flow, edit the user-defined table values.
1. Use the Manage User-Defined Tables task and search for the FLOW_DEFINITION table for your legislative data
2. Edit the FLOW_NAME_OVERRIDE column. Delete the name of your customized QuickPay in the Value field in the
User-Defined Table Values section.
3. Review the FLOW_NAME column. Keep QUICK_PAY in the Value field in the User-Defined Table Values section.

Related Topics
• Creating a User-Defined Table for Matched Row Values: Example

• Creating a User-Defined Table for a Range of Row Values: Example

• QuickPay: How It's Processed

FAQs for Payroll Flow Patterns

Can I edit a predefined flow pattern?

You can't edit predefined flow patterns, but you can edit payroll flow patterns that you copy or create. For example, you
might copy a predefined flow pattern and configure it to your requirements, such as adding a report extract you defined, or
displaying additional flow parameters. You might create a new flow pattern that includes only the tasks you perform during a
specific phase of the payroll cycle, such as the end of an accounting period or at the end of a quarter.

Can Iskip the flow parameters for a single-task payroll flow pattern?
No, you must specify flow parameters required to successfully complete the task. Typically, these parameters include the
mandatory task action parameters. You can also specify optional parameters that serve to restrict the results of the flow.

How can I rearrange tasks in a flow pattern?

Edit the task sequence by selecting a different task in the Following Task column. Every flow pattern begins with a Start Flow
task, which does not belong to an Activity or Task Group, and concludes with an End Flow task.
When creating a flow, use the Manage Payroll Flow Pattern task in the Payroll Checklist work area or the Refine Extracts task
in the Data Exchange work area. Rearrange tasks on the Task Sequence page. When editing a flow, select the task and edit

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Flow Patterns

its sequence on the Create Flow Pattern: Basic Information page. When you submit a flow, processes in the flow use and
build upon the results of previous processes. To maintain data integrity, ensure the sequenced tasks follow a consecutive

Related Topics
• Sequencing Rules for Flows and Locked Tasks: Explained

How can I run tasks concurrently in a flow?

Use the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task in the Payroll Checklist. Search for and open your flow pattern. Click the Task
Sequence tab. You specify that each concurrent task follows the same previous task.
For example, you create a flow pattern with a payroll calculation task and two reports. The flow ends when both reports
complete. For the first row, you specify the Start Flow task with the Calculate Payroll as the following task. For the second
row, you specify Calculate Payroll as the task, and the first report as the following task. For the third row, you specify
Calculate Payroll as the task, and the second report as the following task. For the fourth row, you specify the first report as
the task and End Flow as the following task. For the last row, you specify the second report as the task and End Flow as the
following task.

What happens if I don't enter a task owner in a flow pattern?

The person who submits the flow becomes the flow owner and the task owner. The person's security privileges determine
whether the person can submit the flow.

Why don't the duration dates in the flow pattern display?

The start and end dates and their offsets display after you complete the flow parameter dates. Use the Manage Payroll Flow
Patterns task in the Payroll Checklist work area or the Refine Extracts task in the Data Exchange work area. Enter the flow
parameters on the Parameters page, and then return to the Tasks page to enter the duration dates.
If your flow pattern doesn't specify dates as flow parameters, the duration list of values is blank. Change the values for the
Duration list by displaying the date parameters for tasks in your flow pattern.

Can I automate a QuickPay flow using a service?

No, because QuickPay tasks require user input. The Flow Actions service is only for flows that don't require user action.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

19 Payroll Process Configuration

Payroll Process Configuration Groups: Explained
Payroll process configuration groups provide sets of processing parameters, primarily related to logging and performance.
When you run a process, such as a new-hire flow or termination flow, or an extract process or report, you can select a
process configuration group.
If you don't select a process configuration group, the application uses the parameters in the default group. You must specify
the default group in the Process Configuration Group ACTION_PARAMETER_GROUPS profile option.

The following table gives details of the tasks and work areas where you can set up profile options and default process
configuration groups.

Action Work Area Task and Page

Edit predefined process configuration groups Setup and Maintenance or Payroll Calculation Default Group tab of the Manage Payroll
    Process Configuration page

Create additional process configuration Setup and Maintenance or Payroll Calculation Group Overrides tab on the Manage Process
groups   Configuration Group page

Select a process configuration group as the Setup and Maintenance Manage Default Process Configuration Group
default at the site or user level   Profile Option Values task or the Manage
  Administrator Profile Values task

You might create a group with the logging parameters turned on to troubleshoot processes. You can also specify different
performance parameter values, such as chunk size and buffer size, for running different processes.

Related Topics
• Setting Profile Option Values: Procedure

Payroll Process Configuration Parameters

Payroll processing parameters are system-level parameters that control aspects of payroll-related processes, such as flows
and reports. Values for each parameter are predefined with the application, but you can override these values as part of
your initial implementation and for performance tuning. Use the Manage Payroll Process Configuration task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

Processing Parameters
The effects of setting values for specific parameters may be system-wide. When you submit a process that uses flows, such
as a batch upload, new hire, or report process, it reads values from the PAY_ACTION_PARAMETERS table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Note: You should understand the concept of array processing and how this affects performance before setting
some parameters.

The following table describes processing parameters and lists values and predefined default values. These parameters apply
to HR applications including payroll and payroll interface.

Parameter Description Values

Assignment ID to End Logging Assignment ID upon which logging ends. Default: All assignments

Assignment ID to Start Logging Assignment ID upon which logging starts. Default: All assignments

Balance Buffer Size Buffer size for array inserts and updates Maximum: 1000
  of latest balances, based on one row per  
balance. Minimum: 1
Default: 500
Tip: If your trace files show differences
between execute and retrieve timings,
look at the buffer sizes you're using.
Try setting each of these to 100.

Batch Error Mode Determines error notifications for payroll ALL = all rows
  batch loader uploads.  
  ANY = any rows
NONE = no errors
Default: ANY

Chunk Size Number of payroll relationship actions that Maximum: 16000

  process together. See also the Parallel  
Processing Parameters topic. Minimum: 1
Default: 20

Disable Locking Code in Check Process Disables the locking code added to the Yes, No
Post-Populate Method postpopulate method to improve check  
  process performance. Default: No
This parameter isn't available by default. To Don't change this value unless advised by
add the parameter, search for the lookup Oracle Support.
on the Manage Common Lookups page
and add the lookup code ORA_ DISABLE_

Element Entry Buffer Size Buffer size that payroll runs use in the initial Maximum: 1000
  array selects of element entries, element  
entry values, run results, and run result values Minimum: 1
per assignment.  
  Default: 500

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Description Values

Formula Execution Logging Sets the logging level to investigate formula Default: No logging
  code problems. See also the Logging  
Processing Parameters topic.

Historic Payment Removes the validation to look for banks Yes, No

  active as of the process date. This validation  
is usually enforced by the payments process. Default: No
This parameter isn't available by default. You
can add it in test environments only. To add
the parameter, search for the lookup type
Manage Common Lookups page and add
the lookup code HISTORIC_ PAYMENT.

Logging Area Area where code logging is performed. See The values correspond to C-code entries
  also the Logging Processing Parameters in the form PY_ENTRY, that includes the
topic. functional area that has logging enabled.

Logging Category Helps investigate problems with large GMPE or blank for no logging. You can
  volumes of detailed data. See also the specify multiple values.
Logging Processing Parameters topic.  
  Default: No logging

Manual Task Processing Enables processing of manual tasks when Y, N

  SOA server is unavailable.  
  Default: Y

Maximum Errors Allowed Number of payroll relationship actions that Minimum: 0

  you can roll back, when rolling back a  
process. Default: CHUNK_SIZE or 20

Maximum File Size for View Report Output Maximum size in bytes of the report file to Must be a positive number.
  show in the output window.  
  Default: 10000000
This parameter isn't available by default. To  
add the parameter, search for the lookup
on the Manage Common Lookups page and
add the lookup code BI_ OUTPUT_SIZE.

Maximum Iterations Allowed per Run Action Maximum number of iterations allowed per Minimum: 0
  run action within net-to-gross calculations  
within the payroll run. Default: 15

Maximum Number of Payroll Relationship Number of payroll relationship actions that Minimum: 1
Actions to Roll Back you can roll back, when rolling back a  
  process. Default: 50

Multithreaded XML Generation for Extracts Generates XML for extracts using multiple Y, N
  Default: N

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Description Values

New Hire Flow Pattern Name of the customer-defined flow that is Default: No value (predefined New Hire flow
  triggered as part of the new-hire process. pattern)

Notifications Expiration Offset Number of days before a payroll flow Minimum: 5

  notification is automatically deleted.  
  Default: 5

Payroll Batch Loader Encryption Type The type of encryption applied to source files PGPSIGNED, PGPUNSIGNED,
  loaded using the payroll batch loader. PGPX509SIGNED, PGPX509UNSIGNED
Default: No encryption

Payroll Criteria for Element Eligibility Enables eligibility by payroll for assignment- Yes, No
  level elements.  
  Default: No

Process Timeout Number of minutes before the Run Balance Minimum: 0

  Generation process times out.  
  Default: No timeouts limit enforced.

Remove Report Assignment Actions Removes report processing actions after Yes, No
  generating reports.  
  Default: Yes

Run Result Buffer Size Buffer size for array inserts and updates, Maximum: 1000
  based on 1 row for each payroll run result.  
  Minimum: 1
Default: 500

Shuffle Chunk Processing Random processing of order chunks for Yes, No

  assignment actions.  
  Default: No

Suppress Empty XML Tags in Extract Reduces the size of extract output for reports Y, N
Reports by excluding tags with blank values in XML  
  output files. Default: Y

Termination Flow Pattern Name of the customer-defined flow that is Default: No value (predefined Termination
  triggered as part of the termination process. flow pattern)

Threads Total number of subprocesses that you can Minimum: 1

  run from the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler  
Service. See also the Parallel Processing Default: 1
Parameters topic.  

Trace Enables the database trace facility for Yes, No

  application processes written in C only.  
  Default: No

Trace Level Sets the trace level of the trace event. To 1, 4, 8, 12

  generate the finest level of detail, enter the  
highest value. Default: None

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Description Values


User Messaging Enables detailed logging of user-readable Yes, No

  information to the PAY_ MESSAGE_LINES  
table. Default: No

XML_ DATA_SOURCE For document records delivery options Y, N

  performance purposes, determines if XML is  
derived from the database. Default: Y

Payroll-Specific Processing Parameters

The following table lists the processing parameters that are applicable only for Oracle Fusion Global Payroll.

Parameter Description Values

Accounting Date for Transfer to General The date to transfer and post journal entries E = Date Earned
Ledger for costing results to Oracle Fusion General  
  Ledger. P = Process Date
EVE = For the Partial Period Accrual Reversal
process, date earned is used. If the date
earned isn't defined for the time periods on
the Payroll Definition page, the payroll period
end date is used.
For the payroll run that includes the actual
costs, the process date of the payroll run is
Default: P

Cost Buffer Size Buffer size for array insert and select Maximum: 1000
  statements when calculating the costing of  
the payroll run results. Minimum: 1
Default: 500

Date to Retrieve Assignment Status Date earned or date paid, used to determine E = Date earned
  the effective date for checking assignment  
status in payroll calculations. P = Date paid
Default: P

Earliest Retroactive Processing Date The earliest date that retroactive processes Date value in YYYY/MM/DD format
  are calculated. Updates made before this  
date are not recalculated.

Extract Data Group for Payroll Register Limits the records to include in the output file Default: No data group
  based on the specified data group name.  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Description Values

Limit Payroll Register Output by Data Group Enables processing a subset of records to Y, N
  include in the output file when an extract data  
group parameter value is also specified. Default: N

Override Location for Tax Libraries Directory location for Quantum tax libraries. There are no set values. Values must be
    directory structures where the tax libraries are
Default: $VERTEX_ TOP/lib

Reversal and Balance Adjustment T = Transfer using end date of the Transfer to
Accounting Date Accounting date based on one of the Subledger Accounting task as the accounting
  following dates: date
• The process date of reversal or P = Use process date of the reversal or
balance adjustment balance adjustment as the accounting date
• The process end date of the Transfer  
to Subledger Accounting task. You Default: P
can use this task to transfer journal  
entries for costing results to Oracle
Fusion General Ledger.

Wage Basis Rules Buffer Size Used in array selects from the PAY_ Minimum: 100
  TAXABILITY_ RULES table within the Payroll  
Calculation process. Default: 500

Logging Processing Parameters

Use logging parameters to investigate problems that aren't easily identified in other ways. In a normal operation, disable
logging because it can impact the performance of the process you're logging.

Note: Prepare log files before contacting Oracle Support for assistance. Define the logging area, category, and
range of assignments before resubmitting the problem.

Logging Parameters
Typically, you use this feature during your initial implementation and testing before you go live. In a normal operation you
should disable detailed logging.

The three processing parameters for logging are:

• Logging Area
• Logging Category
• Formula Execution Logging

Logging Area

The Logging Area parameter works with the Logging Category parameter to limit the code area for logging. Even if you set
the logging category, you must also set the logging area if you want to limit logging to a particular code area.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

The values correspond to C-code entries in the form PY_ENTRY, which includes the functional area that will have logging

Logging Category

Logging categories define the type of information included in the log. You can set any number of categories by specifying
multiple values to focus on specific areas that you think may be causing a problem. The default value is no logging.

The following table explains each logging category. It provides the log output information to investigate the problems

Parameter Value Logging Category Description

B Balance Information Provides output information that shows the

    creation and maintenance of balances used
during payroll processing.

C C cache structures information Provides output information that shows

    details of the payroll cache structures and
changes to the entries within the structure.
While working on a service request, Oracle
may ask you to use this parameter to gather
additional information.

E Element entry information Provides output information that shows the

    state of the element entries in the process
memory after retrieving entries from the
database. The information is provided
whenever data for an entry is changed during

F Formula information Provides output information that shows

    details of formula execution, including formula
contexts, inputs, and outputs.

G General logging information Provides general information, rather than

    a specific information type. This parameter
doesn't provide sorted output. In general, it's
recommended that you choose parameters
that provide specific types of information.

I Balance output information Provides output information that shows

    details of values written to the database from
the balance buffers.

L Balance fetching information Provides output information that shows the

    balances retrieved from the database and
whether or not the process will use those
balances. (If balances such as Year To Date
totals have expired because the year has
changed, the process resets them and uses
the new balance.)

M Entry or exit routing information Provides output information to show when

    any function is entered and exited.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Value Logging Category Description

This information is indented to show the
call level, and can be used to trace the path
taken through the code at the function call
level. Often, this information is useful when
attempting to track down a problem such as
a core dump.

P Performance information Provides output information to show the

    number of times certain operations take
place at the assignment and run levels and
why the operation took place. This parameter
is often used to balance the buffer array write

Q C cache query information Provides output information that shows

    the queries being performed on the payroll
cache structures. While working on a service
request, Oracle may ask you to use this
parameter to gather additional information.

R Run results information Provides output details of run results and run
    result values from the Run Results buffer or
the Values buffer before writing them to the
database. This enables verification that the
buffer contents were correct.

S C cache ending status information Provides output information that shows

    the state of the payroll cache before the
process exits, whether that process ends
with success or an error. While working
on a service request, Oracle may ask you
to use this parameter to gather additional

T and Z PL/SQL detail and PL/SQL output To obtain detailed information about the PL/
    SQL calls made by the Payroll application,
use the combination of the T parameter and
the Z parameter.
This combination is typically useful for
obtaining information about payroll processes
that use a large amount of PL/SQL code,
such as prepayments and archive.
Using this parameter, the process buffers
output while it's running and places it the end
of the log file after processing is complete.
Each payroll process instance has its own log
file, located under the log subdirectory for the
particular process ID.

V (USA and Canada only) Vertex tax calculation information Provides output information that shows
    the values passed in and out of a third-
party Vertex tax engine. This parameter also
provides a separate file in the Out directory
that shows the internal settings of the Vertex
engine. This logging option is available to
customers in the USA and Canada only.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Value Logging Category Description


Formula Execution Logging

Formula execution logging is the code area where logging is performed. This processing parameter mechanism is only
available for formula logging in the payroll run. Specify parameter values as a character or combination of characters to
determine the area for logging. For example, the string di (the combination of d and i) corresponds to the logging of database
item cache access and formula input and output values. The default value is no logging.

Caution: Use the dump logging options in rare circumstances only. The T trace option, which generates very
large amounts of data, would significantly slow down processing.

The following table lists formula execution logging parameter values and its details.

Parameter Value Meaning

c Change contexts

d Database item cache access


D Database item cache dump


f Formula cache access


F Formula cache dump


I Formula input/output values


m Miscellaneous

n Nested calls

s SQL execution (database item and PL/SQL formula function calls)


T Trace (very large level that provides the inputs and outputs of every call made when executing a

w Working storage area access


W Working storage area dump


1 Level 1 (combination of c. f, i, and m)


2 Level 2 (combination of 1, c, d, n, and w)


3 Level 3 (combination of 2, D, s, and W)

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Parameter Value Meaning


4 Level 4 (combination of 3 and F)


5 Level 5 (combination of 4 and T)


Parallel Processing Parameters

Payroll processes are designed to take advantage of multiprocessor computers. You can improve performance of your batch
processes, such as Calculate Payroll or Calculate Gross Earnings, by splitting the processing into a number of threads, or
subprocesses, which run in parallel.
To improve performance you can also set the number of payroll relationship actions that process together and the size of
each commit unit for the batch process.

Parallel Processing Parameters


When you submit a batch process, the Threads parameter determines the total number of subprocesses that run
concurrently. The number of subprocesses equals the Threads value minus 1.

Set this parameter to the value that provides optimal performance on your computer:
• The default value of 1 is set for a single-processor computer.
• Benchmark tests on multiprocessor computers show that the optimal value is approximately 2 processes per
For example, if the server has six processors, set the initial value to 12 and test the impact on performance of
variations on this value.

Chunk Size

The Chunk Size parameter:

• Indicates the size of each commit unit for the batch process.
• Determines the number of assignment actions that are inserted during the initial phase of processing.
• Sets the number of assignment actions that are processed at one time during the main processing phase.

This parameter doesn't apply to all processes, such as Generate Check Payments and Retroactive Pay.

To set the value of the Chunk Size parameter, consider the following points:
• Parameter values range from 1 to 16,000.
• The default value is 20, which was set as a result of benchmark tests.
• Each thread processes one chunk at a time.
• Large chunk size values aren't desirable.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

FAQs for Payroll Process Configuration

How can I improve performance and troubleshoot flows?

Add parameters to a payroll process configuration group to optimize performance and troubleshoot your payroll processes.
To process large volumes of records, use the Threads and Chunk Size parameters. To troubleshoot processes, add the
Logging Category or Formula Execution Logging parameters to a configuration group and rerun the process using that
configuration group. Using these parameters enables you to investigate formula code problems.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 19
Implementing Global Payroll Payroll Process Configuration

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 20
Implementing Global Payroll Security Profiles

20 Security Profiles

Creating Payroll Security Profiles: Examples

These examples illustrate different methods you can use to provide access to payrolls for members of the Payroll department.
You first organize your payroll definitions into appropriate payroll security profiles using the Manage Payroll Security Profiles
task. Then you use the Assign Security Profiles to Role task to select the security profiles included in an HCM data role that
you provision to a user.

Payroll Period Type

Using a payroll security profile to organize payroll definitions by payroll period type is the most common example. You create
one security profile for monthly payrolls, another for semimonthly payrolls, and so on.

Regional Assignments
You can use payroll security profiles to group payrolls by the regions of the target employees' work areas. For example, you
can create one for Canadian facilities and another for European facilities.

Individual Contributors
Your company requires that payroll managers access only the payroll definitions that they manage. In this scenario, the payroll
security profile includes only those payrolls.

Flow Security and Flow Owners: Explained

Your HCM data role security determines which flows you can submit or view. This topic explains how the HCM data roles and
flow security work together. You define security for flow patterns using the Manage Payroll Flow Security Profile task in the
Setup and Maintenance work area.
Submitting a flow generates a checklist of the included tasks. You become the owner of the flow and its tasks. If a flow
pattern designates tasks to different owners, you remain the flow owner. Either you or the owner of a task can reassign the
task to someone else, for example, to cover situations where the task is overdue and the task owner is on leave.

Payroll Flow Security and HCM Data Roles

HCM data roles secure the access to flows through data privileges and to the tasks on a checklist through functional

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 20
Implementing Global Payroll Security Profiles

The following figure illustrates how the payroll manager and payroll administrator can submit a process or report and can view
the results of the monthly payroll flow. Either the payroll manager or the payroll administrator can submit the flow and perform
its tasks or have the tasks reassigned to them. The payroll manager and the payroll administrator can perform the same tasks
because both of them have the same functional privileges. They can both submit and view the payroll flow data.

HCM Data Role

Payroll Process and Report

Job Role Security Profile

Payroll Manager or Monthly Payroll Flow
Payroll Administrator Pattern

Secured Object
Payroll Flow

Function Privilege Data Privilege

Submit a Payroll View Payroll Flow
Process or Report Data

The following figure illustrates how only the payroll manager can calculate the payroll. The payroll manager can't reassign
this task to a payroll administrator, because the administrator doesn't have the necessary functional privileges to submit the
monthly payroll flow action.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 20
Implementing Global Payroll Security Profiles

HCM Data Role

Monthly Data Processing

Security Profile
Job Role
Submit Monthly
Payroll Manager

Secured Object
Payroll Flow Action

Data Privilege
Function Privilege Manage Payroll
Calculate Payroll Process Results

The following table describes what action to take if you encounter problems submitting or completing a task in a flow.

Problem Solution

Can't submit or view a flow Confirm that the data role assigned to you includes a security profile for the payroll flow pattern.

Can't perform a task, such as a process Confirm that your data role is based on a job or abstract role that includes functional privileges to
or report perform that task.

Related Topics
• Checklist and Flow Tasks: Explained

• Flow Pattern Parameters: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 20
Implementing Global Payroll Security Profiles

Creating Flow Pattern Security Profiles: Examples

The following examples illustrate different methods you can use to organize payroll flows into appropriate security profiles.
Use the Assign Security Profiles to Role task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to grant workers access to those
profiles by data role.

Payroll Processing and QuickPay Flows

Payroll administrators are responsible for payroll processing. The payroll flow security profiles for the payroll administrator data
role include the Payroll Cycle flow and the QuickPay flow.

End of Year Reporting

Some payroll administrators are responsible for year-end reporting. The payroll flow security profiles for their data role
includes the End of Year flow and the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results flow.

Hiring and Terminations

HR administrators are responsible for hiring and terminating employees. The payroll flow security profiles for the HR specialist
data role includes the New Hire flow and the Termination flow.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

21 Auditing and Data Validation

Auditing Payroll Business Objects: Explained

Set up auditing policies to maintain a history of changes to your important data: what changed, who changed it, and when.
The audit tracks changes to attributes of payroll business objects made using the application pages, web services, or payroll
processes, which use Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.
You can view the audit history to determine how a business object obtained its current value and to compare old and new
values. To view the history or to create an audit report from the Audit History work area, you require appropriate duty roles
and privileges. Enterprises typically assign the following two audit duty roles to the application implementation consultant and
master data management application roles:
• Audit trail management, which determines the objects audited
• Audit trail report viewing to view the audit history

Payroll Business Objects

When you set up auditing for payroll, you configure Oracle Fusion Applications business objects on the Manage Audit Policies
page in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
1. Select the HCM Payroll application on the Configure Business Object Attributes page.
2. Specify the attributes to audit for the objects.
For example, you might audit the start and end date attributes for the calculation card component details.
The following table lists the payroll business objects you can set up for auditing payroll. You track changes to attributes
specified for these objects.

Payroll Business Object Description

Assigned Payroll Holds date-effective attributes about payrolls assigned to a worker.


Assigned Payroll More Details Holds details that aren't date-effective about the payroll assigned to a worker.

Calculation Card Holds values required for calculating payroll components.


Calculation Card Component Holds the definition of a component that represents one or more logically related payroll

Calculation Card Component Detail Holds the input values of a person's calculation card.

Calculation Reporting Card Defines the tax reporting units that report the calculation.

Calculation Reporting Card Usage Attaches a reporting card to a person record.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

Payroll Business Object Description

Element Entry Holds earning and deductions details for a person.


Element Entry Value Holds the values of the compensation and benefits granted to a person.

Payroll Calculation Range Value Defines the values or sets of values used in the calculation of a value definition.

Payroll Calculation Value Definition Defines how a value is calculated in payroll processing.

Personal Payment Method Holds the payment method details for a person.

Managing Audit Policies: Explained

Auditing is used to monitor user activity and all configuration, security, and data changes that have been made to an
application. Auditing involves recording and retrieving information pertaining to the creation, modification, and removal
of business objects. All actions performed on the business objects and the modified values are also recorded. The audit
information is stored without any intervention of the user or any explicit user action.
Use audit policies to select specific business objects and attributes to be audited. The decision to create policies usually
depends on the type of information to be audited and to the level of detail required for reporting.

Enabling Audit Functionality

For Oracle Applications Cloud, you must configure the business objects and select the attributes before enabling audit. If
you enable audit without configuring the business objects, auditing remains inactive. By default, auditing is disabled for all
applications. To enable and manage audit, ensure that you have a role with the assigned privilege Manage Audit Policies
(FND_MANAGE_AUDIT_POLICIES_PRIV). For appropriate assignment of roles and privileges, check with your security

To enable auditing for Oracle Fusion Middleware products, select one of the levels at which auditing is required for that
product. The audit levels are predefined and contain the metadata and events to be audited. For more information, see Audit
Events for Oracle Applications Cloud Middleware (Doc ID 2114143.1) on My Oracle Support at

If you don't want an application to be audited, you can stop the audit process by setting the Audit Level option to None.

Related Topics
• Configuring Audit: Highlights

• Audit Events for Oracle Applications Cloud Middleware

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

Configuring Audit Business Object Attributes: Points to

Audit enables tracking the change history of particular attributes of a business object. However, those objects and their
attributes must be selected for audit and auditing must be enabled for that application. Your configuration settings determine
which attributes to audit for a given object, and when the audit starts and ends. Auditing takes into account all the operations
performed on an object and its attributes, such as create, update, and delete. To configure audit business object attributes,
navigate to the Manage Audit Policies page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Selecting an Application
To set up auditing, you must select a web application that contains the required business objects that can be audited. From
the list of business objects, select those business objects that you want to audit. Selecting a business object also displays its
attributes that are enabled for auditing.

Selecting Attributes
For each selected business object to be audited, select the corresponding attributes to include in the audit. All attributes
that belong to that object are by default selected for audit and appear on the user interface. However, you can add or
remove attributes from the list. When you remove an attribute from the list, you stop auditing it even when the parent object
is selected for audit. So, if you want an attribute to be audited, you must add it to the list. If the object selected in an audit
hierarchy is also a part of several other audit hierarchies, the attribute configuration for that object is applicable to all the
hierarchies in that application.

Tip: For business objects based on flexfields, select the Flexfields (Additional Attributes) check box to view and
add or remove flexfield attributes, to include or exclude them from the audit.

Starting and Stopping Audit

The business object is ready for audit after you select its attributes and save the configuration changes. However, to start
auditing, the audit level for Oracle Applications Cloud must be set to Auditing on the Manage Audit Policies page.
To stop auditing an object, you can deselect the entire object and save the configuration. As a result, all its selected attributes
are automatically deselected and are not audited. To continue to audit the business object with select attributes, deselect
those attributes that are not to be audited. When users view the audit history for an application, they can specify the period
for which they want the results. Therefore, make a note of when you start and stop auditing an application.

For example, users intend to view the audit history of an object for the previous week, but auditing for that object was
stopped last month. They wouldn't get any audit results for that week, because during the entire month that object wasn't
audited. Even if you enable audit for that object today, users can't get the wanted results because audit data until today isn't

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

Audit History: Explained

Using audit history you can view changes to the application data such as the business objects that were created, updated,
and deleted. To view the history or to create a report, you must have a role with the assigned privilege View Audit History
(FND_VIEW_AUDIT_HISTORY_PRIV). For appropriate assignment of roles and privileges, check with your security
To open the Audit History work area, from the Navigator menu, select Audit Reports.

The default search displays a summary of the audit history in the search results table. It includes key data such as date, user,
event type, business object type, and description. For a detailed report, search again with modified search criteria. You can
export the report summary to Microsoft Excel.

The following table lists the search parameters used and the outcome of their selection in the detailed report.

Search Parameter Result of Selection

Business Object Type • Narrows the search results to that specific business object within the selected product.
  • Enables the Show Attribute Details check box.

Note: This parameter is applicable

only for the business objects that
belong to Oracle Applications

Include Child Objects Displays all the child objects that were listed under the business object when audit was set up. For
  example, a sales order object that contains several items as child objects.

Note: Displays the objects at the immediate parent-child level only. To view the children at
subsequent levels, select the child object as the business object type and search again.

Show Attribute Details Enables the attribute list so that users can select either all attributes or a specific attribute to view
  the changes. Based on the selection, the search results indicate whether the attribute is created,
updated or deleted, and the corresponding old and replaced values.

Show Extended Object Identifier Displays the instances (contexts) in which the business object was used. The context values identify
Columns the objects and the transactions in which they were used. Each context is unique and assigns a
  unique description to the business object.

Note: The default report displays a standard set of columns that contain prominent details of the audit history.
To view additional details, you can customize the display of columns.

Related Topics
• Audit Event Types: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

Adding Rules to Data Validation Reports: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to add a validation rule to the Data Validation Report extract definition. Before making
changes to the extract, you select a legislative data group. When you submit your changes for a new rule, that validation is
available for that legislative data group. Depending on the validation rule and the data group you add it to, the validation will
be included when you submit either or both of the following processes:
• Run Payroll Data Validation Report
• Run Worker Validation Report

The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which data group does the new Person Details

validation belong in?  
  Based on the level at which you need the validation, you must create the records and data elements
in the appropriate data group.

What type of validation are you adding? A rule to check whether each person's Person Address Line 1 attribute has no value. If there is no
  value, the report displays an error message.

1. A database item exists that fetches the value to be validated. The contexts required by the database item are
provided by the block level to which you can add the validation. In this example, a database item must exist for the
person address line 1 attribute.

Creating the Validation

1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Manage Extract Definitions.

2. Search for and select the extract definition to edit as follows:
a. In the Type list, select Full Profile.
b. Select your legislative data group, for example US LDG.
c. Click Search.
d. In the search results, click Data Validation Report.
3. On the Manage Extract Definitions page, click Switch Layout.
4. In the Session Effective Date field, enter 01/01/0001.
5. Add a detail record as follows:
a. Select Person Details under the Data Group node.
b. In the Records section, click Create.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

Ensure that the Session Effective Date is 01/01/0001.

c. Complete the fields in the Create Extract Record section as shown in this table:

Field Value

Sequence 6

Name Person Address Details


Type Detail record


Process Type Fast Formula


d. Click Save.
6. Add the database item attribute as follows.
a. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create
b. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Name Person Address Line1 Attribute


Tag Name Person_ Address_ Line1_ Attribute


Short Code Person Address Line 1


Note: This value displays in the validation message in the report. For example, for
the global null check rule, the following validation message displays: A value for the
attribute Person Address Line 1 is required.

Start Date 01/01/0001


End Date 12/31/4712


Data Type Text


Type Database item group


Database Item Group Person Address Line1


Output Label Person Address Line 1


Output Column 6

c. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

7. Create another attribute for the validation rule as follows:

a. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create
b. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Name Person Address Line1 Rule




Note: Enter this value exactly.


Short Code Person Address Line 1 Rule


Note: The short code must include the short code of the database item attribute you
created followed by a space and the suffix: Rule. The short code is case sensitive.

Start Date 01/01/0001


End Date 12/31/4712


Data Type Text


Type Rule

Rule Global Null Check Rule


Output Label Person Address Line 1 Rule


Output Column 26

Results Display Option Summary and detail


c. Click Save and Close.

8. In the Actions menu, select Generate Formula.
9. In the Actions menu, select Compile Formula.
10. Click the Extract Execution Tree node and verify that all formulas are compiled.
11. Click Submit.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 21
Implementing Global Payroll Auditing and Data Validation

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Global Payroll

absence plan
A benefit that entitles workers to accrue time for the purpose of taking leave and receiving payments during absence periods.

absence type
A grouping of absences, such as illness or personal business that is used for reporting, accrual, and compensation

A set of information, including job, position, pay, compensation, managers, working hours, and work location, that defines a
worker's or nonworker's role in a legal employer.

assignment level
See sourcing assignment level.

assignment statement
A statement that formulas use to set a value for a local variable.

balance dimension
The scope of a balance value, such as the period of time over which it accumulates, and whether it relates to an assignment,
terms, or a payroll relationship.

balance feed
Input value from an element, or all elements in a classification, that adds to, or subtracts from, a balance.

benefits object hierarchy

A structure that enables efficient management of benefits that share similar attributes. The four object types used to structure
benefits offerings are programs, plan types, plans, and options.

calculation card
Captures values required for payroll calculations for some earnings and deductions, such as absence payments and
involuntary deductions. For some countries, you can also create various types of cards to hold default values for tax reporting
units or payroll statutory units.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Global Payroll

calculation component
An individual calculation captured on a calculation card, which is typically associated with an element.

calculation factor
A data-driven rule for calculating a deduction or exemption.

calculation method
An optional component of a calculation factor that supports complex calculations. It specifies a formula to return the final
value, such as a cumulative year-to-date amount.

calculation type
The amount or percent based method used to calculate a pricing guideline. Values include Percent of, Percent off, Margin
percent, Amount off, and Absolute value.

calculation value definition

The rates, amounts, or rules that payroll runs use to calculate the components listed on a calculation card.

consolidation group
A grouping of payroll runs within the same period for the same payroll, for which you can run reporting, costing, and post-run
processing. You can specify a default consolidation group for each payroll definition.

cost hierarchy
The ordering of the levels at which a value for a payroll costing account segment is available for entry. The application builds
each segment of the account number by checking levels of the hierarchy. For example, to build the suspense or default
account number, the application checks the department and payroll levels. For the cost account number, it starts with the
element entry level and continues to the payroll level until it finds a value. For the offset account, it checks only the element

database item
An item of information that has special programming attached, which formulas and HCM extracts use to locate and retrieve
the data.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Global Payroll

deductible amount
The aggregated contributions that are subject to a deduction after applying wage basis rules.


Amount paid to a participant from a plan such as a savings plan or a flexible spending account.

Component in the calculation of a person's pay. An element may represent a compensation or benefit type, such as salary,
wages, stock purchase plans, pension contributions, and medical insurance.

element classification
Provides various element controls, such as the processing order, balances feeds, costing, and taxation. Oracle predefines
primary element classifications and some secondary classifications. You can create other secondary classifications.

element eligibility
The association of an element to one or more components of a person's employment record. It establishes a person's
eligibility for that element. Persons are eligible for the element if their assignment components match the components of the
element eligibility.

element entry
The record controlling an employee's receipt of an element, including the period of time for which the employee receives the
element and its value.

element group
Group of one or more elements, which you define for running various payroll processes, reports, or for cost distribution
purposes. Use element groups to limit the elements processed by a payroll batch process.

element template
Predefined questions that you answer to create elements and associated items. Templates vary depending on the element
classification, country, and products you are using.

eligibility profile
A user-defined set of criteria used to determine whether a person qualifies for a benefits offering, variable rate or coverage,
compensation plan, checklist task, or other object for which eligibility must be established.

fast formula
A simple way to write formulas using English words and basic mathematical functions. Formulas are generic expressions of
calculations or comparisons that repeat with different input values.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Global Payroll

final close date

The last date on which a payroll run can process element entries. Typically, the last effective date of the payroll record.

An occurrence of a flow pattern that you manage from a payroll work area or from the Data Exchange work area using the
View Extracts task. The data security for your role determines which flows you can submit and access.

flow checklist
A sequence of automatic and manual flow tasks grouped into activities, such as extract reports and processes, or tasks
related to payroll processing. Submitting a flow generates a checklist that you use to monitor the flow and manage its tasks.

flow pattern
A series of tasks performed in a predefined order, which are grouped into activities, such as extract reports and processes, or
tasks that cover a phase of the payroll process. The flow pattern is used to generate a flow, which you can manage from its

flow task
A process or report, or manual task such as verifying results. A flow pattern can include more than one flow task.

Combination of operators, functions, dimension and member names, and numeric constants used to calculate database

HCM data role

A job role, such as benefits administrator, associated with instances of HCM data, such as all employees in a department.

input value
Field defined for an element that holds information about an element entry that's needed for calculation. For example, hours
worked, an alternate payment rate, or the amount of a bonus or deduction.

last standard earnings date

Date on which standard earnings stop accumulating, typically the date of the termination or payroll transfer.

last standard process date

Last date on which element entries are considered for normal processing in a payroll run. Typically, the last day of the payroll
period in which a termination or payroll transfer occurs.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Global Payroll

legal employer
A legal entity that employs people.

The base definition that governs certain rules so that Oracle Global Human Resources can perform differently for
different countries and territories in order to meet statutory requirements. Can be predefined by Oracle or defined during
implementation using the Manage Legislations for Human Resources task.

legislative data group

A means of partitioning payroll and related data. At least one legislative data group is required for each country where the
enterprise operates. Each legislative data group is associated with one or more payroll statutory units.

lookup code
An option available within a lookup type, such as the lookup code BLUE within the lookup type COLORS.

lookup type
The label for a static list that has lookup codes as its values.

object group
User-defined set of elements or people that restrict the items you want to include in various processes and reports.

payment source
Bank account or other source of funds associated with organization payment methods.

payroll batch loader

An integrated Microsoft Excel workbook loader that helps you enter data more easily into HCM tables. Used for entering
balances, balance groups, elements, element entries, payroll definitions, assigned payrolls, bank information for personal
payment methods, formula global values, and user-defined tables.

payroll employment group

Group of people that payroll runs use for processing, data entry, and reporting.

payroll processing parameters

System-level information that controls settings for flow processes, such as logging, chunk size, and other options that affect
process performance.

payroll relationship
Defines an association between a person and a payroll statutory unit based on payroll calculation and reporting requirements.

payroll statutory unit

A legal entity registered to report payroll tax and social insurance. A legal employer can also be a payroll statutory unit, but a
payroll statutory unit can represent multiple legal employers.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Global Payroll

profile option level

The category or layer that defines a profile option. Site, Product, and User are the predefined levels.

profile option value

The setting mapped to the level of a profile option. A profile option may have multiple values set at different levels, such as
Site or User.

reduced deductible amount

The final deductible amount after all exemptions are subtracted.

retroactive process
A process that recalculates the amount to pay a person in the current period to account for retrospective changes that
occurred in previous payroll periods.

salary basis
Defines validation and payroll details for worker base pay. It identifies the currency and period of the quoted base pay and
the factor used to annualize base pay. It optionally identifies components or rates used to itemize salary adjustments and the
grade rate used to validate salary.

tax reporting unit

A legal entity that groups workers for the purpose of tax and social insurance reporting.

unit of measure
A division of quantity that is adopted as a standard of measurement.

user-defined table
Structure of rows and columns that maintains date effective lists of values. Tables store values as cells for specific row and
column combinations.

wage basis rule

Determines the classifications of earnings that are subject to a deduction. Also referred to as a taxability rule.

work relationship group

Group of people that you can define for reporting, for example in HCM extracts.


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