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A Project report on

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of



B.NAGARJUNA (14531D8704)

Under the esteemed guidance of


2014 – 2016
Department of Civil Engineering
(Approved by A.I.C.T.E New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, KAKINADA)


(Approved by A.I.C.T.E New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU, KAKINADA)
Department of Civil Engineering


This is to certify that the project report entitled “An Experimental Analysis of
Strength Properties of High Strength Concrete Using Steel Fibers” is a bonafide record
work carried out by B.NAGARJUNA (Reg.No: 14531D8704) under the guidance and
supervision of partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Technology in
Structural Engineering of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.

Project Guide (Internal) Head of the Department

Mr. M.P. Surya M.Tech Mr. V. Ravikumar, M.Tech.



I B.NAGARJUNA (Reg.No: 14531D8704) hereby declare that this project

report on “An Experimental Analysis of Strength Properties of High Strength Concrete Using
Steel Fibers” submitted in the Department of Civil Engineering (CE), Akula Sree Ramulu
college of Engineering, Tanuku, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of Master of Technology in Structural Engineering is a bonafide record of my own
work carried out under the supervision of M.P.Surya Prakash, M.Tech, Assistant Professor
of Civil Engineering in A.S.R.College of Engineering, Tanuku.

Also, I declare that the matter embodied in this project work has not been submitted for
the award of any degree/diploma of any other institution or university previously.

(Signature of the candidate)




I consider it as my privilege to express my gratitude and respect to all those who

guided, inspired and helped me in completion of this project. I wish to express my sincere
gratitude to my project guide Mr. M.P. Surya Prakash, M.Tech.

I express my heart-felt thanks to Mr. V.Ravi kumar, M.Tech, Associate Professor, and
HOD, Department of Civil Engineering, A.S.R.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Tanuku for
his timely cooperation and his valuable suggestions while carrying out this project work. I am
indebted to his for the opportunity given to work under his guidance.

I express my heart-felt thanks to Mr. Y.N.V.J. Ramakrishna, Principal In-

charge Mr. K.T.V.SubbaRao, Vice-Principal ,A.S.R. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,

Tanuku for giving me this opportunity for the successful completion of my project.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our beloved Managing Director Mr. A.
Vijay vardhan for providing a great support for giving me this opportunity for the successful
completion of my project.

I would like thank our beloved Chairman Mr. A.Vinod babu for providing a great
support for giving me this opportunity for the successful completion of my project.

My sincere thanks to all the teaching and non- teaching staff of Department of
Mechanical Engineering for their support throughout my project work.




Chapter no. page no.


1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Scope of present investigation 3
1.3 Organization of the thesis 4


2.1 General 5
2.2 Definition of fibre reinforced concrete 5
2.3 Basic concepts of FRC 5
2.4 Constituents of FRC and their functions 6

2.5 Advantages of fibre reinforced concrete 7

2.6 Applications of fibre reinforced concrete 8
2.7 Factors influencing the properties of FRC 9
2.8 Properties of SFRC 12
2.9 High strength concrete


3.1 General 20
3.2 Materials selection 20
3.3 Fixing up of aspect ratio 20

3.4 Details of the specimens 21

3.5 Specimen casting and curing 21

4.1 General 24
4.2 Testing of fresh concrete 24
4.3 Testing of hard concrete 25

5.1 General 38

5.2 Variation of superplasticizer dosage for variation in fibre content 38

5.3 Influence of fibres compressive strength 38

5.4 Influence of fibres on split tensile strength 40
5.5 Influence of fibres on static elastic modulus 42

5.6 Influence of fibres on flexural strength and load-deflection curves 43


6.1 General 62
6.2 Conclusions 62
6.3 Suggestions for future investigation 63




Chapter no. Description Page no.

Chapter – 2 :

Figure 2.1 Schematic load-deflection curve for fibrous concrete 18

Figure 2.2 Typical load-deflection curve for fibrous concrete of 19

low strength with short fibers or low percentage of

Figure 2.3 Typical load-deflection curve for fibrous concrete of 19

high strength with long steel fibers or high percentage of

Chapter – 4 :

Figure 4.1 Variation of compaction factor with admixture dosage 27

for M40 grade

Figure 4.2 Variation of compaction factor with admixture dosage 27

for M50 grade

Figure 4.3 Variation of compaction factor with admixture dosage 27

for M60 grade

Chapter –5 :

Figure 5.1 Variation of cube compressive strength with fibre 52


Figure 5.2 Variation of cylinder compressive strength with fibre 52


Figure 5.3 Variation of split tensile strength with fibre content 53

Figure 5.4 Variation of static modulus of elasticity with fibre 53


Figure 5.5 Variation of first-crack flexure strength with fibre 54


Figure 5.5 a Variation in the ratio of cylinder to cube strength with 54

grade of concrete,

Figure 5.5 b Variation in the ratio of flexure strength to the square 55

root of cube strength with fibre content

Figure 5.6 Load-deflection curve for specimen No.2 of 4004 55

Figure 5.7 Load-deflection curve for specimen No.2 of 4008 56

Figure 5.8 Load-deflection curve for specimen No.2 of 4012 56

Figure 5.9 Load-deflection curve for specimen No.1 of 5004 57

Figure 5.10 Load-deflection curve for specimen No.3 of 5008 57

Figure 511 Load-deflection curve for specimen No.1 of 5012 58

Chapter no. Description Page no.

Chapter –3

Table 3.1 Specimen details for various tests

Table 3.2 Specimens tested for different tests

Chapter –4

Table 4.1 Dosages of Superplasicizer for M40 grade

4.2 Dosages of Superplasicizer for M50 grade

4.3 Dosages of Superplasicizer for M60 grade

4.4 Mix designation

4.5 Variation in cube compressive strength with

fibre content-M40 grade

4.6 Variation in cube compressive strength with

fiber content-M50 grade

4.7 Variation in cube compressive strength with

fiber content-M60 grade

4.8 Variation in cylinder compressive strength with

fiber content-M40 grade

4.9 Variation in cylinder compressive strength with

fiber content-M50 grade

4.10 Variation in cylinder compressive strength with

fiber content-M60 grade

4.11 Variation in split tensile strength with fiber

content-M40 grade

4.12 Variation in split tensile strength with fiber

content-M50 grade

4.13 Variation in split tensile strength with fiber

content-M60 grade

4.14 Variation in static modulus of elasticity with fiber

content-M40 grade

4.15 Variation in static modulus of elasticity with fiber

content-M50 grade

4.16 Variation in static modulus of elasticity with fiber content-

M60 grade

4.17 Variation in first-crack load, ultimate load and first-crack flexure strength with
fibre content-M40 grade.

4.18 Variation in first-crack load, ultimate load and first-crack flexure strength with
fibre content-M40 grade.

Chapter –5

5.1 Analysis of theoretical and experiment values of cube compressive strength of


5.2 Analysis of theoretical and experiment values of cube tensile strength of SFRC

5.3 Analysis of theoretical and experiment values of static modulus of elasticity of

5.4 Analysis of theoretical and experiment values of first-crack flexure strength of

5.5 Analysis of theoretical values (using proposed eq.3) and experiment values
(Prasad B.B.N) of flexure strength test on SFRC,

5.6 Variation in toughness with fiber content


Concrete is extensively used as a construction material in various types of structures,

because of its versatility and durability. Concrete being brittle, is weak in tension and is often
subjected to shrinkage and creep. These factors have led to the development of FIBRE
REINFORCED CONCRETE., in which small fibres are spread randomly throughout the concrete
matrix. Inclusion of fibres in concrete, improves the energy absorption capacity, impact resistance
and gives the concrete a well defined post-cracking behaviour. In recent years High strength
concrete is gaining importance in the fields of pre-stressed concrete bridges, high rise buildings,
machine foundations etc. In this context, an attempt has been made to study the combined effect of
high strength concrete and FRC.

In the present investigation concrete grades having target strength of 40N/mm 2, 50N/mm2,

60 N/mm2 is studied. Steel fibres of circular cross section are used in different volume fractions.
The characteristics like compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, load-
deflection and flexural strength are investigated. The test results are analyzed critically and
methods for predicting the characteristics of high strength FRC are discussed.
Chapter 1


1.1 General:

Concrete is used extensively as a construction material because of its versatility. It is good in

compression, but weak in tension. This drawback can be overcome by providing steel in tension
zone. This technique called “REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE”, improves the load carrying
capacity of concrete members. At the same time durability of concrete is also important. Durability
is mainly affected due to cracks developed by creep and shrinkage. This can be avoided by using
certain chemical admixtures. But once a crack develops in the member there are no barriers to stop
the propagation of such cracks. In RCC it leads the corrosion of the reinforcement slowly and
finally it results in the failure of the structure.

In an attempt to control the so formed cracks has led to the development of FIBRE
REINCORCED CONCRETE (FRC), obtained by dispersing in concrete, very small sized
reinforcement called fibres. The small closely spaced fibres so used act like crack arresters,
substantially improve the static and dynamic strengths. That is the properties like toughness,
impact resistance and stiffness under different loading conditions are improved. Naturally the
properties of fibres influence the properties of FRC composites.

Fibres can be classified into two categories.

A) Natural Fibres
B) Artificial Fibres

The natural fibres like jute, coir, horse hair etc. have got low tensile strength and low elastic
modulus. By addition of such fibres static strengths are not improved, while the dynamic
properties are improved. Artificial fibres can be of both low or high tensile strength. For ex.
Nylon, Polypropylene, polyethylene have got low tensile strength. Steel, Glass, Carbon have got
high strength. The earlier three fibres are suitable for the mains structures as they are lease
affected by the corrosion.
The use of fibres to arrest the propagation of cracks in concrete structures would be of great
advantage in improving the quality of structure built in industrial environments. FRC has got wide
uses in overlays, precast units such as purlins, girders, trusses and structures requiring resistance to
shocks. FRC can also be used in overlays of air field, highway pavements, heavy duty floors,
machine bases etc.FRC can be used in thin precast units subjected to flexural loading like piles,
fence posts, steps, manhole covers etc. FRC has also got wide potential for application in situation
where toughness is important in structures requiring resistance to thermal shocks such as
refractory linings, explosive stores. Pads for vertical take off and air craft tank turning pads.

High strength concrete is basically a concrete with compressive strength greater than 40N/mm2, or
in general a concrete which possesses compressive strength properties which are difficult of obtain
using local materials and practices. Owing to tits various advantages like economy, possibility of
smaller cross section and slender members, durability, reduction in weight, low creep and
shrinkage, it is gaining more importance nowadays. High strength concrete can be used for various
applications like construction of high rise buildings, construction of prestressed bridges, flyovers,
railway sleepers.

1.2 Scope of the present investigation

The adequate and economic application of any material to field problems demands extensive
knowledge of its performance under different loads. An extensive application of FRC can be seen
in both industrial structures and civil engineering fields. Therefore, the thorough knowledge of the
properties of FRC is quite essential.
A lot of work has been carried out on FRC using low strength concrete like M20, M30 etc. A
little work has been done on FRC high strength concrete. Here in this work an attempt has been
made to bring out certain characteristics of high strength FRC using M40, M50, M60 grades of
concrete. The characteristics studied are compressive strength (cube strength and cylinder
strength), flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, split tensile strength and load-deflection curve.

1.3 Organization of the thesis:

The thesis is presented in six chapters. In the present chapter is given a general introduction to
FRC. The scope of the present investigation is brought out. In the second chapter, a review of
literature connected with SFRC is presented. Details of preparation of specimens for experimental
investigations are given in chapter three. Testing procedure of fresh and hard concrete are
explained in chapter four. The results of the experimental investigation are presented to chapter
five and are discussed in detail. Broad conclusions are drawn based on the experimental results
and are presented in chapter six. A few suggestions for future work are also included.
Chapter 2


2.1 General:

Steel fibre reinforced concrete is emerging as a superior construction of material than plain cement
concrete due to its better engineering properties. The research and development in FRC has been
going on since last three decades. Romuldi.J.P. and Batson G.B. are the pioneers who stressed the
importance of FRC as a construction material, since then extensive research has been done on
various aspects of FRC. A brief review of the important investigations concerned with FRC is
presented in the following articles.

2.2 Definition of FRC:

ACI committee 544(1,2) of FRC defined FRC as “FRC is composite material made of hydraulic
cements containing fine or fine and coarse aggregates and discontinuous discrete fibres.

2.3 Basic concepts of FRC:

All cement based materials are essentially anisotropic and heterogeneous in nature. These contain
microcracks and interfacial discontinuities which are root causes for the propagation of cracks and
result in low tensile strength. Such problems caused the evolution of the FRC. The incorporation
of short fibres in a relatively brittle cement matrix transforms uncontrolled tensile crack
propagation into a slow controlled process. These fibres when provided in adequate proportion, the
tensile strains in the concrete can be raised to several folds before failure.

Thus without the fibres the racks run through the matrix very easily. If the cracks are present and if
breaking strain of fibres is much greater than the cracking strain of the cement, the fibres
remaining in place bridge the cracks. This condition is fulfilled even if the crack in the matrix runs
across the fibres. The fibre price remain unbroken. At this stage if the straining is continued the
weak cement will break again at another place and again will be held together by the fibres
bridging the cracks.(21)
2.4 Constituents of FRC and their functions:

Fibre reinforced composite material consists of three main constituents namely

(I) Matrix
(II) Fibres and
(III) Interrface

The functions of each of these constituents are given in Table-1.Each constituent has its role in
determining the properties of the composite (13)


Sl.No. Constituent Function

1 Fibre (i) Principal Load bearing element

(ii)Imparts stiffness to the matrix

2 Matrix (i)Binds fibres together

(ii)Transfers external loads to fibres
(iii)Protects fibres from external damage
(iv)Spaced the fibres
(v)Acts as a crack arrester
(vi)Determines Corrosion and Oxidation resistance,
fracture toughness and ductility
(vii)Determines the properties in non-aligned fibre

3 Interface (i)Promotes wetting and Bonding

(ii)Transfers stresses from the matrix to the fibres.
2.5 Advantages of Fibre Reinforced Concrete:

The addition of fibre considerably increases the area under the stress strain curve and improves the
tensile strength of the member. The advantages of FRC can be summarized as follows:

1) Inclusion of fibres delays the occurrence of first tensile crack. This increases tensile strain
capability of the matrix.

2) It gives the member a well defined post cracking behavior resulting in an increase of post-crack

3) It improves the energy absorption capacity of the member by enhancing the crack resistance.

4) It also improves the resistance of the member to the impact forces.

2.6 Applications of Fibre Reinforced Concrete:

The applications of FRC will depend on the ingenuity of designer and builder in taking advantage
of the static and dynamic tensile strength, energy absorption characteristics and fatigue strength

1. For overlays and over slabbing for roads, pavements of air fields, bridge decks industrial and
other flooring particularly those subjected to wear and tear and chemical attack.

2. In blast resistant structures, foundations for machinery where shock and vibrating loads are
evident, for refractories where thermal gradient exists, in precast thin elements such as thin folded
plates and shells, wall panels, precast roofing and flooring elements, manhole covers, car park
deck slab etc.

3. As a biological shielding of atomic rectors and also to water front marine structures such as
jetty armour, breakwater caissons etc. which have to resist deterioration at air water surface and
impact loading.

4. In under water storage structures, water front wave house floors and wharf decking.

5. Used for repairs and new constructions on major dams and other hydraulic structures to provide
resistance to cavitations impact and severe erosion.
6. Used in mining, tunneling and rock slope stabilization by gunite or shortcrete process.

2.7 Factors Influencing the Properties of FRC:

The properties of FRC are largely depended on the effective transfer of stress between the matrix
and the fibres. Following factors influence the characteristics and the performance of FRC. (6)

1) Types of Fibres

2) Aspect Ratio

3) Fibre volume and spacing

4) Orientation of fibres

5) Mix and compaction factor

6) Size of aggregates

7) Water cement ratio

8) Grade of Mix

2.7.1 Fibre type:

The properties of fibre composite is a combined effect of both fibres and matrix. Properties of
composite depends on the fibre parameters like diameters, density, modulus of rupture, resistance
towards chemical attack, Poission’s ratio, elongation etc. Among manmade and natural fibres,
steel fibres are better due to their high young’s modulus. Natural fibres are not used much in
current construction due to its low modulus of elasticity, susceptible to insect and fungal

2.7.2 Aspect Ratio:

Strength of fibres varies with fibre length and diameter. The ratio of length to the diameter of fibre
is called the aspect ratio. Increase of aspect ratio increases compressive strength of SFRC upto
60% and beyond this the rate of increase reduces. Thus there is optimum aspect ratio, which varies
with type of fibres. If the ratio is less than the optimum, the strength of SFRC reduces. If it is
greater than optimum then balling of fibres takes place.

Balling of fibres is the tendency of the fibres to unite together while mixing with the matrix and
aggregate. Balling causes reduction in the workability of concrete.(18)

2.7.3 Fibre Volume and Spacing:

Volume of fibres is expressed as percentage fraction of volume of concrete. Strength of FRC is

found to be linear function of volume of fibres. There is a limit up to which the volume of fibres
can be increased. Critical fibre volume is defined as the volume of fibres which could continue to
carry the load sustained by FRC before cracking and even after the matrix cracks. The load
carrying capacity of fibres after matrix cracking depends on the fibre volume fraction. As the
volume of fibre increases spacing decreases.(7) The spacing may be calculated as distance
between the centroids of individual fibres or the number of fibres crossing a unit area of given
plane section through material.(22)

2.7.4 Fibre Orientation:

One of the difference between conventional reinforcement and fibre reinforcement is that a
conventional reinforcing bar is oriented in the direction desired while fibres are randomly oriented.
The direction of fibre distribution influences the resistance to crack propagation and tensile
strength. Perpendicular fibres have no resistance against crack propagation and tensile strength,
whereas parallel fibres have about 30% more toughness than randomly distributed ones.(18) It is
interesting to know that the ratio of tensile strength of randomly oriented fibres to parallel fibres is
o.85. It is well matching with the theoretically predicted ratio for modulus of elasticity of fibre
reinforce composite.(0.8).(17)

2.7.5 Compaction and Mixing Techniques

Mixing and compaction techniques influence orientation of fibres which in turn influence the FRC
properties. There are many ways of introducing the steel fibres into the concrete mix i.e. either to
the dry mix or the wet mix. Whatever may be the technique, there should be thorough and uniform
mixing to get the desired effects. FRC can be compacted by poker vibrators, shutter, table
vibrators or by surface vibrating beams. The type and direction of vibration have a critical effect
on the orientation of fibres and hence on the properties in hardened state.(6)

2.7.6 Size of Aggregate:

The problem is more complicated when the fibres are introduced into a concrete rather than a
mortar matrix because they are separated not by a fine grained material which can move easily
between them, which may lead to bunching of fibres.

The uniform fibre distribution is more difficult to achieve as the aggregate size increases from
5mm to 10 mm to 20mm. In a normal concrete mix the particle finer than 5 mm occupy about 54%
of the volume. Thus only about 54% of real volume is available for the fibre movement during

2.7.7 Water Cement Ratio:

Experience has shown that for a satisfactory for fibre concrete it should contain a mortar volume
of above 20% consisting of particles between 5mm to 10mm.(6). The strength of FRC achieved
will be maximum when it is cast without any segregation at the maximum water cement ratio. It is
found that FRC cast under good control will achieve its maximum strength at water cement ratio
around 0.3 to0.35. But due to the problem of balling at low water cement ratio it is advised to use
either increased water cement ratio or to use a good quality water reducing admixture as an
additive to achieve the required workability, without balling of fibres.(15)

2.7.8 Grade of Mix:

The grade of mix influences the properties of the Fibre reinforced concrete properties like

compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength etc. are increased using high
grade of concrete.(15)

2.8 Properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete:

The properties which are influenced by including the discrete discontinuous fibres are
compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and other properties like dynamic
strength and fatigue strength are also influenced. They are discussed in the following paragraphs.
2.8.1 Compressive Strength:

There is a marginal increase in compressive strength due to addition of fibres, which is about 25
percent.(18) However this marginal increase in compressive strength is associated with higher strain
corresponding to peak compressive strength and thus the area under the stress-strain curve is increased
with fibre reinforcement. The compressive strength of SFRC is affected by coarse aggregate size, fibre
type, content and its other parameters.(12)

2.8.2 Tensile Strength:

The low tensile strength of concrete is due to propagation of cracks originating as internal flaws,
due to external loads. The presence of fibres in concrete restrains development of cracks and thus
contributes to the increased tensile strength. It increases linearly with increase of fibre content.(8)
The length of fibre has insignificant effect on tensile resistance. The tensile strength also depends
on fibre aspect ratio, orientation, effective spacing, shaping, shape and finally the bond strength
with matrix.(6)

2.8.3 Flexural Strength:

Addition of fibres to concrete results in a better resistance against crack propagation i.e. crack
propagation from tensile force get inhibited within compressive force under flexural loading.
These cracks of finer width are more uniformly distributed in FRC and thus reduce the deflection
at all stages. The increase in flexural strength depends on fibre type, the bond between matrix and
fibre, the volume of fibres and spacing (8.5)

2.8.4 Modulus of Elasticity:

With addifional of fibres the modulus of elasticity increases, but upto certain level only. The
increase is mainly due to higher compressive strength and strong bond in matrix, which makes the
bond to experience less strain for a given stress. At higher fibre contents, balling of fibres may
lead to reduction I the elasticity (16)

The nylon fibres showed better modulus of elasticity. The increase in value of ‘E” is in the range
of 17% to 81% and for steel fibres the range is 6% to 29%. (14)
2.8.5 Shear Strength:

There is significant increase in shear strength due to inclusion of fibres in concrete. The addition
of fibres (0.4%), is effective in increasing the shear strength. The increase in shear strength of
SFRC composite may replae advantageously the shear stirrups(8) Mansun et al, suggested the
expression for predicting shear strength of beams with fibres and longitudinal reinforcement.
Grade of concrete influences the shear strength. In case of lean mixes the increase is more.

2.8.6 Torsional Strength:

Plain cement concrete tested in torsion fails by diagonal tension at about 45 to the axis of twisting
. Magnitude of diagonal tensile strength is calculated generally by elastic theory in plain concrete.
In FRC however, as there would be post-cracking ductility, it is appropriate to use plastic theory
for calculating the diagonal tensile strength. FRC prisms (100 x 100 x 500mm) tested in torsion
have shown good post-cracking response by resisting higher torsional moments wit larger

2.8.7 Fatigue Strength:

Reliable data on fatigue strength of fibre concrete I flexure is rare. In an investigation, in which
wires of I/d ratio between 70 to 90 were used at volume concentration of 2% & 3%, the maximum
stress in fatigue cycle was expressed as percentage of ‘first crack stress”. Fibre concrete withstood
2 x106 cycles at about 75% of first crack stress for fibre volumes of 3%, where as at 2% by
volume of fibres the stress level drops to about 50% for the same fatigue life (6).

2.8.8 Dynamic Strength:

Large amount of energy is required to debond and pullout or yield and fracture the fibres in FRC
as the cracks open at high loading rates. This increased dynamic strength can be utilized to resist
mechanical impacts or reduce damage caused by shock waves like explosive charges or bubble
collapse under caviation. Though type and volume of steel fibres used have considerable effect on
energy absorbing characteristics of FRC, product testing is vital before using them in concrete
construction (6).
2.8.9 Toughness of FRC:

Most notable among the mechanical characteristics of FRC are its fracture resistance to impact
and impulsive loads. Toughness is defined as the total energy absorbed prior to complete
separation of the specimen. This energy can be measured using load deflection curve in flexure,
shown in fig.2.0(22)

Toughness in plain concrete is related to crack growth. Concrete has greater toughness than
cement paste alone because of more extensive micro crack growth in concrete due to the presence
of aggregates. When fibres are added, the cracks cannot extend without stretching and debonding
the fibres. As a result, considerable energy is necessary before complete fracture of material
occurs. Several investigations have revealed that toughness of FRC is much greater than plain
concrete. (4,16). Using load deflection curve toughness can be measured. Many researchers and
committees like BARR & HASSO, WARD & VECTOR, Japan Concrete Institute, ACI committee
etc, have recommended different approaches to measure toughness. All are based on the area
calculation. However from the point of view of service ability of a structural unit a more
meaningful value for toughness can be obtained from area upto maximum load or upto a specified
deflection depending on the degree of cracking allowed.

2.8.10 Load-Deflection Curves:

The properties of FRC would depend on fibre type, geometry, content orientation and their
distribution in matrix. In general terms, the unusual and distinctive properties of fibre
reinforcement relate to tensile strength, crack control and associated dynamic qualities and these
can be illustrated by a typical load deflection diagram of a FRC composite beam subjected to
flexure. As shown in fig 2.1, the flexural tensile strength of FRC is defined by the first crack
strength A, an ultimate strength E, and a distinctive post-cracking behavior. One of the immediate
result of post cracking behavior of FRC is that it imparts new energy absorption characteristics to
the composite as is evident from the curve. The ACI committee 544, suggested two types of load-
deflection curves.(1,2)

1) Type-1, shown in fig 2.2, is for fibrous concrete wit low strength, brittle, short fibre or low
percentage of fibres. In this case, drop in load at first crack is never totally regained in the post
crack region. The behaviour is called “post-crack softening’.
2) Type-2, shown in fig 2.3, is for fibrous concrete of high strength, ductile, long fibres or high
percentage of fibres. Here, in the post crack region the ultimate load carried but the specimen
reaches a value greater than the load at first crack. Such a trend is called ‘Post-crack hardening’.

However Post-crack softening may also be in a specimen with higher fibre content if there
are less no.of fibres across the c/s at the point of first crack. Thus the trend of load-deflection
curve in post-crack region is mostly dependent on the fibre content, notch depth and the fibre
distribution across the cross section of the specimen at the point of first crack.

2.8.11 Durability of SFRC:

Concrete normally offers a large degree of protection against corrosion to steel. This is because
the hydrated cement contains calcium hydroxide which maintains the alkalinity of the cement
around pH 12.5. If the pH is maintained at this level corrosion cannot occur even in the presence
hostile environment of salinity combined with oxygen.

The development of cracks in the concrete will allow water, oxygen and salts to reach the steel
surface rapidly and abundantly. As a result pH of concrete in the vicinity of crack decreases and
corrosion accelerates. The durability of SFRC is therefore largely dependent on the alkalinity of
the matrix in the vicinity of the wires and thus inturn dependent on the permeability of the
concrete or more particularly on the extent of cracking.(16)

2.9 High Strength Concrete:

2.9.1 Definition and Properties of HSC:

High strength concrete is basically a concrete with compressive strength greater than 40Nmm2 or
in a concrete which possesses compressive strength properties which are difficult to obtain using
locally available conventional materials and practices.

The high strength concrete has the properties like low creep, low shrinkage, finer microstructure
i.e. lesser porosity and permeability, higher modulus of elasticity and tensile strength. High early
gain of strength and bond at the hydrated cement paste-aggregate is more.(21)
2.9.2 Production of HSC: (9)

The high strength can be achieved considering following factors:

1)Use of coarse aggregate with a maximum size of 20mm.

2)High grade cement with fineness around 3500 cm2/gm

3)Low water cement ratio (0.45)

4)Water-reducing and plasticizing admixtures.

5) Through mixing and vibration

6) Excellent Curing

7) In hot climates, pre-cooling of aggregates is necessary. 2.9.3

Necessity of HSC: (11)

The HSC is abundantly used in case of prestressed concrete constructions, which require concrete
resisting high stresses during prestressing. The prestressed concrete piles require high load
carrying load capacity concrete. Also, in case of multistory structures where high early strengths
and smaller cross sections are required HSC is made use of.

2.9.4 Advantages of HSC: (11)

1) Durability

2) Possibility of smaller c/s and slender members which is necessary in high rise


3) Reduction in weight of concrete members which is important in precast elements.

4) Larger spans are possible in pre stressed concrete bridges.

5) Low creep and shrinkage which is relevant in case of pre stressed concrete.

6) Higher modulus of elasticity improves the deflection characteristics.

7) Economy as in case of multi-storey structures.

2.9.5 Applications of HSC(20)

1) The HSC is mainly used for prestressed concrete bridges, prestressed concrete piles, railway

2) In case of high rise buildings.

3) In highway pavements:experiments have shown the increase of service life upto a factor
upto ten compared to that of high-quality asphalt pavements.

4) For industrial floors and hydraulic structures exposed to ice abrasion.

5) In many areas where large quantities of resources are being spent on maintenance and
rehabilitation of concrete structures due to lack of durability.

Chapter 3

3.1 General:

In the present investigation, locally available materials have been used as ingredients for the
preparation of concrete specimens. The concrete mixes are designed for strengths 40 N/mm , 50
2 2
N/mm , 60 N/mm as per IS:10262-1982.

3.2 Material Selection:

The results of various physical tests are reported in APPENDIX-I. ordinary Portland cement of
grade 53, Birla super brand is used in the preparation af al the specimens. The fact that this cement
confirms to specifications of IS:12269-1987 standards has been checked as per the results of
physical tests recommended by IS:4031-1988.

The locally available river sand belonging to zone II of IS:383-1963 has been used as the fine
aggregate. For coarse aggregate, 10 mm and downsized granite metal of angular shape is utilized.
Keeping in the view the restrictions on the size of the coarse aggregate as recommended in the
literature. Ordinary portable tap water is used in the preparation of the concrete. The galvanized round
type steel wire cut to required size is used as fibers.

3.3 Fixing up of the Aspect Ratio:

To know the diameter of the wire being used as fibers, a known length of wire is taken and its
density is determined. Knowing the density and the length, the equivalent diameter is calculated.
The steel wire used is found to have equivalent diameter of 0.091
mm. This is also checked by taking the measurements by screw guage (micrometer). It is
recommended that the length of the fibres should be kept less than the minimum dimension of the
specimen to be casted. With an aspect ratio of 55 it is found that the length of the fibers is well
within the minimum dimension of the specimen used (100mm).

This aspect ratio of 55 has been adopted in the preparation of the specimens used in the present in

3.4 Details of the Specimen:

In the present work three different grades of concrete mix i.e. mixes with target strength
2 2 2
40 N/mm , 50 N/mm , 60 N/mm are used. For each grade four different fiber contents are used
(0% -1.2% @ intervals of 0.4%). With each percentage of fiber volume fraction, three cube
specimens, six cylinders and three beams are casted. The specimen dimensions are fixed as per the
IS code recommendations.

3.5.1 Workability Of Concrete:

Workability is defined as the amount of useful internal work necessary to produce full compaction.
Water cement ratio is an important factor which influences the workability. However with
increased workability other properties of concrete are reduced. High strength concrete can be
achieved using a lower water cement ratio but at the same time workability more water shouls be
added at constant water cement ratio i.e. cement should be added in extra to achieve the required
workability. To get the required workability without increasing either of cement or water content,
one may have to use proper admixtures. These are of water reducing type and are added to
improve the desirable properties of concrete. Water reducing agents may be used in three different
ways in concrete:

a) Concrete can be made having greater workability facilitating easier placement with no
reduction of cement content and no significance change in strength.

b) The workability can be kept same, the water content reduced, the cement content left the same,
and higher strength obtained.

c) The workability and strength can be kept the same while the cement content reduced,

thus resulting in a saving in the cost of cement.

The high range water reducing admixture may be of melamine formaldehyde condensate,
Sulphanated naphthalene formaldehyde condensate, modified lignosulphates, acrylic copolymers,
amino aromatic sulphonic aid or phenol formaldehyde condensate. In general they do not alter the
properties of the hardened concrete like the tensile strength, flexural strength and Young’s
modulus of elasiticity (Rixon M.R.1978).

3.5.2 Superplasticizers:

The superplasticizers are improved water reducing admixtures. They are free from side effects like
high air entertainment and excessive retardation exhibited by concrete with ordinary water
reducing admixture at high dosages. When they are added to the concrete mix along with a water,
the dispersion of cement particles takes place and hence larger surface area is exposed to hydration
process. They are generally recommended for the production of high workability concrete at low
water cement ratio.The superplasticizer used is concrete Master manufactured by M/s ROFF
Chemicals, confirming to IS:9103-1979 (real firmed 1990).

3.5.3: Mixing of FRCT:

The mixing operation is carried out in the following steps:

a) The cement and fine aggregate are mixed dry thoroughly and uniformly in specified

b) The required quantity of coarse aggregates are added to the above mix uniformly.

c) The above mix is spread out. Over this mix the fibers is required quantity are sprinkled
randomly and mixed thoroughly.

d) Water, premixed with required dosage of superplasticizer, is then added to the ingredients and
mixed till the mix achieves uniformity. The process take about ten minutes.

The time required for the entire mixing process is about twenty minutes. After the mixing
process the concrete is placed in the moulds kept ready with mould releasing agent applied on the
surfaces of the moulds as per the IS specifications. These moulds are then vibrated using a table
vibrator. After vibrating, the top surface is smoothened off to get a clean and smooth surface. All
the specimens are kept in the moulds for a duration of 24 hours for drying. They are then fully
immersed in portable tap water in a tank for curing of twenty eight days.

Table 3.1 Specimen details for various tests:

Sl. Type of test Specimen Specimen dimensions IS code

No. type Reference

1 Cube Compressive Cubes 150 x 150 x150mm IS:516-1959

2 Split Tensile Strength Cylinders 150 dia x IS:5816-1970
300mm depth
3 Static Elastic Modulus Cylinders 150 dia x IS:516-1959
300mm depth

4 Third-point Flexure test Beams 100 x 100 x500mm IS:516-1959

Table 3.2 Specimens tested for different tests:

Mix Cubes Cylinders Beams Total

M40 12 24 12 48

M50 12 24 12 48

M60 12 24 12 48

Chapter 4


4.1 General:

Tests on fresh and hard concrete are vital. Though in the present investigation importance is given to
the tests on hardened concrete, tests on the fresh concrete is a prerequisite for the controlling the
quality of the specimens to be produced. Compaction factor test is done for both plain and fiber
reinforced concrete to achieve uniform workability for all the concrete mixes. The tests which are done
on hardened concrete are the compressive strength, split tensile strength, static elastic modulus and
flexural strength.

4.2 Testing on Fresh Concrete:

The tests on fresh concrete are done to know the workability levels of the concrete. Workability is
defined as the amount of useful internal work necessary to achieve the full compaction. The size of
aggregates, water cement ratio and the fiber content are important variables affecting the level of
workability of FRC. The use of bigger sized aggregates and higher water-cement ratio provide
concrete with good workability, but lead to poor quality in hardened state. Such a hardened
concrete exhibits highly inadequate durability characteristics due to its porosity.

In the present experimental work the level of workability is measured using the compaction
factor test stipulated in IS:1199-1959. The level of workability is fixed as low as per the
specification of IS:456-1978. A compaction factor of 0.8 is used for all the mixes. Addition of
fibers to the concrete decrease the workability. Different dosages of superplasiicizer are arrived at,
for each mix, by trial. In each mix the superplasticizer dosage is increased at certain increments.
For each increment of superplasticizer added the compaction factor of the resulting mix is
determined. From these results the dosage of superplasticizer for targeted compaction factor of 0.8
is determined.
The variation of compaction factor with different dosages of superplasticizer added to the
mix are shown in the figures 4.1 to 4.3 for different volume of fibers added for M40, M50, M60
grades respectively. As the fiber content increases workability decreases. So more dosage of
superplasticizer is required with increase in fiber content. This is observed from graphs. The final
dosages used for the different mixes are tabulated in tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 respectively for M40,
M50, M60. Grades.

4.3 Testing of Hardened Concrete:

In the present investigation specimens are tested in wet condition after twenty eight days of wet
curing. The tests are carried out as per recommendations of relevant IS code specifications. In all
subsequent discussions the FRC mixes in the present investigation are designated by notations as
indicated in table 4.4.

4.3.1 Tests for Compressive Strength:

The cubes are removed from the curing tank and the surfaces are cleaned with cotton waste. They
are tested in wet condition in a 2000KN compression testing machine. The rate of load is
maintained at 140kg/cm2/minute as per the IS:516-1959 code provisions. Three cubes of 150mm
size are tested and the average value of cube compressive strength is computed. The results of this
compression test are presented in Tables 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 for M40, M50, M60 grades respectively.
Plate 1 displays the required arrangement for the above tests. Three of the cylindrical specimens in
each set after being tested for static elastic modulus were subjected to compressive loading up to
failure and the results are tabulated I tables 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10.

4.3.2 Split Tensile Strength:

The split tensile tests are carried out for all the three mixes for the specified variations in fibre
volume fraction, in a 2000KN compression testing machine as per IS:5816-1970. The results are
tabulated in tables 4.11,4.12 and 4.13. plate 2 displays split tensile test of a SFRC cylindrical
4.3.3 Static Elastic Modulus:

Static elastic modulus (compression) is found in accordance with the code of practice IS:516-1959.
The mean value of results with three cylindrical specimens is reported as the static elastic modulus
for particular mix. The testing is carried out for all the three mixes with different percentage of
volume fractions. The values are recorded to nearest 50 MPa. The results are tabulated in the
tables 4.14, 4.15 and 4.16. Plate 3 displays the arrangements for the above tests.

4.3.4 Third-point Flexure test on Beams:

The tests are conducted on beams in wet condition on a 100KN capacity flexure testing machine.
The beams are subjected to third-point bending on a span of 400mm. all the specimens are initially
preloaded to approximately 100kg which is well below the cracking load for the specimens, to
eliminate initial seating problems. The rate of straining is maintained at 0.1 mm/minute till first
crack. After the first crack the load is applied approximately at the rate of 180 kg/minute
continuously, which is stipulated in (IS:516-1959). The load deflection graphs are drawn which
are shown in figures 5.6 -5.14. plate 4 displays the arrangements for the flexural tests. The results
of first-crack load, ultimate load, flexural strength are tabulated in tables 4.17 -4.19.

Table 4.4. Mix Designations:

Sl.No Mix |Grade Fibre volume designation

fraction (%)
1 M40 0.0 400
2 M40 0.4 4004

3 M40 0.8 4008

4 M40 1.2 4012

5 M50 0.0 5000

6 M50 0.4 5004

7 M50 0.8 5008

8 M50 1.2 5012

9 M60 0.0 6000

10 M60 0.4 6004

11 M60 0.8 6008

12 M60 1.2 6012

Table 4.5 Variation in cube compressive strength of SFRC with fibre content—M40 grade

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Compressive strength in Average Percent Present
number N/mm compressive deviation deviation
strength from plain
N/mm concrete
1 38.6 4.08
1 4000 2 40.1 40.24 0.35 --
3 42.04 4.5
1 43.02 0.32
2 4004 2 44.28 43.16 2.59 7.25
3 442.17 1.22
1 43.00 3.43
3 4008 2 45.16 44.53 1.41 10.67

1 45.16 0.11
4 4012 2 42.25 45.11 6.34 12.10
3 47.92 6.20

Table 4.6 Variation in cube compressive strength of SFRC with fibre content—M50 grade:

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Compressive strength in Average Percent Present

number N/mm compressive deviation deviation
strength from plain
N/mm concrete
1 49.76 3.2
1 5000 2 51.26 51.40 0.72 --
3 53.20 3.5
1 55.42 0.25
2 5004 2 56.78 55.56 2.20 8.09
3 54.47 1.96
1 55.80 3.12
3 5008 2 58.39 57.60 1.37 12.67
3 58.16 1.75
1 58.31 0.06
4 5012 2 55.63 58.27 4.53 13.38

3 60.88 4.47

Table 4.7 Variation in cube compressive strength of SFRC with fibre content—M60

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Compressive strength in Average Percent Present

number N/mm compressive deviation deviation
strength from plain
N/mm concrete
1 61.12 2.79
1 6000 2 63.04 62.88 0.25 --
3 64.49 2.56
1 67.12 0.79
2 6004 2 68.89 67.51 2.04 7.36
3 65.53 2.93
1 69.17 2.66

3 6008 2 70.69 71.06 0.32 13.00

3 73.33 3.20
1 70.73 2.42
4 6012 2 73.71 72.49 1.68 15.29
3 73.05 0.77

Table 4.8 Variation in Cylinder compressive strength of SFRC with fibre content—M40

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Cylinder Average Percent Ratio of

number Compressive strength in compressive deviation Cylinder
N/mm strength from PCC cube
N/mm Strength
1 29.99
1 4000 2 32.82 31.68 --- 0.78
3 32.25
1 32.43
2 4004 2 32.99 33.18 4.74 0.768
3 34.12
1 34.96
3 4008 2 33.00 34.12 7.70 0.766
3 34.40
1 32.98
4 4012 2 36.36 34.86 10.03 0.77
3 35.23

Table 4.9 Variation in Cylinder compressive strength of SFRC with fibre content—M50

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Cylinder Average Percent Ratio of

number Compressive strength in compressive deviation Cylinder
N/mm strength from PCC cube
N/mm Strength
1 44.70
1 5000 2 41.87 42.625 --- 0.83
3 41.30
1 44.13

2 5004 2 44.23 44.83 5.18 0.80

3 46.14
1 47.23
3 5008 2 47.30 47.49 11.48 0.82
3 48.09
1 47.97
4 5012 2 49.42 49.13 15.27 0.84
3 50.03

Table 4.10 Variation in Cylinder compressive strength of SFRC with fibre content—M60 grade:
Sl.No. Mix Specimen Cylinder Average Percent Ratio of
number Compressive strength in compressive deviation Cylinder
N/mm strength from PCC cube
N/mm Strength
1 57.22
1 6000 2 58.35 57.22 --- 0.91
3 56.18
1 58.02
2 6004 2 60.88 66.33 5.43 0.89
3 62.11
1 62.47
3 6008 2 64.47 64.16 12.13 0.90
3 65.55
1 64.37
4 6012 2 67.17 66.07 15.45 0.91
3 66.69

Table 4.11 Variation in Split Tensile strength of SFRC with fibre content—M40 grade

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Split Tensile strength Average Split Percent Present
number in N/mm2 Tensile deviation deviation
strength from plain
N/mm concrete
1 2.82 1.7
1 4000 2 2.97 2.87 3.4 --
3 2.82 1.7
1 2.97 2.3
2 4004 2 3.11 3.04 2.3 5.92

3 3.05 .03
1 2.97 4.2
3 4008 2 3.04 3.10 1.9 8.01
3 3.25 4.8
1 3.25 7.9
4 4012 2 3.68 3.53 4.2 22.09
3 3.67 3.9

Table 4.12 Variation in Split Tensile strength of SFRC with fibre content—M50 grade

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Split Tensile strength Average Split Percent Present
number in N/mm2 Tensile deviation deviation
strength from plain
N/mm2 concrete
1 2.97 1.6
1 5000 2 2.97 2.92 1.6 --
3 2.83 3.2
1 3.39 3.6
2 5004 2 3.32 3.27 1.53 11.87
3 3.11 4.89
1 3.32 3.48
3 5008 2 3.53 3.44 2.61 17.68
3 3.46 0.58
1 3.68 1.86
4 5012 2 3.82 3.75 1.86 28.3
3 3.75 0.07

Table 4.13 Variation in Split Tensile strength of SFRC with fibre content—M60 grade

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Split Tensile strength Average Split Percent Present
number in N/mm2 Tensile deviation deviation
strength from plain
N/mm2 concrete
1 3.67 0.05
1 6000 2 3.53 3.65 3.2 --
3 3.75 2.73
1 3.81 1.3

2 6004 2 3.90 3.86 1.04 5.75

3 3.82 1.04
1 4.10 4.2
3 6008 2 4.24 4.28 0.01 17.26
3 4.12 3.73
1 4.81 1.83
4 6012 2 4.81 4.90 1.83 34.33
3 5.09 3.87
Table 4.14 Variation in Static Modulus of Elasticity of SFRC with fibre content—M40

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Static Modulus of Average Static Present

number Elasticity in N/mm2 Modulus of deviation
Elasticity N/mm from plain
1 35000
1 4000 2 35720 36240 --
3 38000
1 41000
2 4004 2 40000 41333 14.05
3 43000
1 56230
3 4008 2 50000 51940 43.32
3 53200
1 42500
4 4012 2 43000 43333 19.6
3 44500
Table 4.15 Variation in Static Modulus of Elasticity of SFRC with fibre content—M50
Sl.No. Mix Specimen Static Modulus of Average Static Present
number Elasticity in N/mm2 Modulus of deviation
Elasticity N/mm2 from plain
1 39375
1 5000 2 37500 39000 --
3 40000
1 45000
2 5004 2 46250 44800 14.87
3 43125
1 53125
3 5008 2 52000 53800 37.94
3 56250
1 45000
4 5012 2 42000 44625 14.42
3 46875
Table 4.16 Variation in Static Modulus of Elasticity of SFRC with fibre content—M60

Sl.No. Mix Specimen Static Modulus of Average Static Present

number Elasticity in N/mm2 Modulus of deviation
Elasticity N/mm from plain
1 44000
1 6000 2 41000 43300 --
3 45000
1 51000
2 6004 2 47500 50330 16015
3 52500
1 61000
3 6008 2 57000 59300 36.85
3 60000
1 48750
4 6012 2 53000 52000 20.0
3 54375

Table 4.17 Variation of First-crack load, Ultimate load and First-crack Flexure strength
with Fibre Content—M40 grade

Sl.No. Mix First- First-crack Ultimate Percent variation Ratio of

crack Flexure N/mm2 Load KN in First-crack Split-
load KN flexure with PCC Tensile

1 4000 13.75 5.5 13.75 --- 0.52

2 4004 15.00 6.0 15.00 9.09 0.50

3 4008 19.00 7.6 19.00 38.2 0.40

4 4012 21.83 8.8 21.83 60.0 0.40

Avg 0.45

Table 4.18 Variation of First-crack load, Ultimate load and First-crack Flexure strength with
Fibre Content—M50 grade

Sl.No. Mix First- First-crack Ultimate Percent variation Ratio of

crack Flexure N/mm2 Load KN in First-crack Split-
load KN flexure with PCC Tensile

1 5000 14.5 5.8 14.5 --- 0.50

2 5004 15.87 6.35 15.87 9.5 0.51

3 5008 19.5 7.8 19.5 34.5 0.49

4 5012 22.32 8.93 22.66 53.4 0.40

Avg 0.47

Table 4.19 Variation of First-crack load, Ultimate load and First-crack Flexure strength with
Fibre Content—M60 grade

Sl.No. Mix First- First-crack Ultimate Percent variation Ratio of
crack Flexure N/mm2 Load KN in First-crack Split-
load KN flexure with PCC Tensile

6000 15.10 6.0 15.0 --- 0.60

2 6004 17.16 6.86 17.16 14.13 0.56

3 6008 19.65 7.86 19.65 31.0 0.54

4 6012 22.33 8.93 22.83 48.86 0.55

Avg 0.56

Chapter 5


5.1 General:

In the present investigation an attempt has been made to study the strength characteristics of high
strength fibre reinforced concrete. Steel fibres with an aspect ratio of 55 have been used for M40,
M50, M60 grades of concrete. The results of the investigations are discussed in the following

5.2 Variation of superplasticizer Dosage for variation in fibre content:

From figs 4.1 to 4.3, it is clear that superplasticizer dosage required to maintain the workability of
0.8 CF, increases with increase in fibre content. It is observed that the superplasticizer is not
required for M40 concrete at fibre contents of 0% and 0.4% and 1.2% fibre content the dosage is
more than optimum dosage (0.35%by weight of cement as suggested by the manufacture). For
M50 and M60, for all the fibre content the dosage is more than the optimum, the maximum dosage
being 1.05% for M60 at 1.2% fibre content.

Thus it can be concluded that, for high strength concrete with steel fibres, the workability of fresh
concrete is reduced to around 0.7 CF (the effect is more pronounced for high grades) and the
usage of superplasticizer is essential to achieve a workable mix,

5.3Influence of fibres on Compressive Strength:

The results from Tables 4.5 to 4.10, generally indicate that with addition of fibres there is an
increase in compressive strength for all the three grades and the increase is in the range of 7% to
15%, which is not significant. The reason for increased strength may be attributed to resistant
action of fibres against tensile strains, which cause failure.

From Table 4.5, it can seen that the percent increase n strength for M40 mix with 0,4%, 0.8%
1.2% fibre content is 7.21, 10.7 and 12.10 resp. The corresponding increase for M50 and M60 mix
are 8.09,12.66, 13.38 and 7.36, 13.0, 15.29 resp.(Table 4.6,4.7). This shows that for high strength
mix the increase in strength with increase in fibre content is more when compared to the mixes of
lesser strength.

When fibre content is raised from 0.8% to 1.2% there is a decrease in the rate of percentage
increase (fig 5.1, 5.2), which is may be due to non-uniform distribution of fibres at higher fibre
content. The non-uniform distribution may be because of the balling or interlocking of fibres.

From the Tables 4.8 to 4.10, it is clear that the ratio of cylinder to cube strength is almost constant
for all the fibre contents, for each of the mix. It is 0.77 for M40, 0.82 for M50 and 0.90 for M60
mix. Thus the ratio increases with increase in strength of concrete. For higher strength the
difference between the cube and cylinder is not significant (fig5.5a).

A close observations of the specimens revealed that the plain concrete specimens failed without
any warning, indicating brittle, conical mode of failure. The fibrous specimens failed in ductile
fashion, giving an ample warning before complete collapse and the failure was along the plane of
maximum shear stress.

Thus even though the increase n compressive strengthis not significant, the ductile failure can be
an advantageous factor.

Prediction of cube compressive strength:

In view of increasing use of SFRC, a rational model based on experimental observation, to predict the
compressive strength of SFRC is needed. The available expression for predicting the compressive
strength of FRC are derived for normal strength of concrete. However these formula have been tried to
predict the strength of high strength FRC specimens.

Narayanan et al(15), formulated a mathematical formula

fcuf = fcu (1+0.1F) ……….(1)

Where F = Fibre factor=( 1/d) x Vr x dr

fcuf =Cube compressive strength of SFRC

fcu =Cube compressive strength of corresponding PCC

(1/d) = aspect ratio

Vf = volume fraction of fibre content

df = bond factor = 0.5 for fibres with circular cross section

Saluja et al(23), have proposed the following equation,

fcuf = fcu exp(y1 + y2 x Vf)----(2)

Where y1 = 0.0793 – 0.000533 (I/d)

Y2 = 0.75 – 0.0066(I/d)

Table 5.1, presents the comparison of the experimental values and those obtained by using
the two equations. The mean ratio of experimental to the theoretical values is found to be higher
than 1.0, which indicates that both equations underestimate the experimental values. However
equation (2) can be used to estimate the strength quite accurately, as it gives more closer values to
those obtained by experimental values.

5.4 Influence of fibres on split tensile strength:

From tables 4.11 to 4.13 indicate that the addition of fibres has moderately increased the
split tensile strength with reference to plain concrete for all the mixes. The reason may be the
strong bondage of the matrix.

The increase is in the range of 6% to 23%, 12% to 28%, 6% to 35% respectively for M40,
M50, M60 grades, which indicates the increase in split tensile strength is higher for higher grades.
For all the mixes, the percentage increase is not uniform for successive increase of fibre content
(fig 5.3), i.e. increase is rapid at higher fibre content. For ex. For M40 grade the increase is 8% at
0.8% fibre content which increases to 23% at 1.2% fibre content.

The experimental observation of the specimens indicated that, with addition of fibres the
brittle splitting of plain concrete is changed to ductile splitting. Also the increase of fibre content
has affected the type of failure. The plain concrete and fibrous specimens having low percent of
fibres (0.4%) failed in typical planner mode. The crack was nearly central and vertical, a typical
crack of a brittle material. At higher fibre content of 0.8% and 1.2%, the crack was rarely central
and vertical, which is a characteristic of more ductile material.

Prediction of Split tensile Strenth:

R.Narayanan et al(15), have proposed the following formula connecting the split cylinder strength

(fspf) and compressive strength of SFRC(fcuf). The equation was developed for normal grade of

concrete. However, it has been tried for the present work.

(fspf) = (fcuf)/A + B +C √ F …….. (1)

Where A = A non-dimensional constant having a value of 20 - √ F

B = A non-dimensional constant having a value of 0.7 N/mm
C = A non-dimensional constant having a value of 1.0 N/mm
F = Fibre factor defined earlier equation

Using the above equation, the split cylinder strength of the test specimens of the present
investigations were completed for comparison with the observed experimental values. Table 5.2
shows the comparison. The predicted values are seen to slightly overestimate the experimental
values. However , it can be used to predict split tensile strength from the cube strength quickly.
5.5 Influence of fibres on Elastic Modulus:

The inclusion of fibres has a remarkable effect on the modulus of elasticity. Tables 4.14 to
4.16 reveal this information. The increase may be due to the compact bonding of the matrix and
crack arresting properties of the fibres, which make specimens to experience higher rate of strains
at the same level of stress. This increase in elasticity can be advantageously adopted for structures
in which deflection is the main criteria.
The range of increase is 14% to 43% for M40, 15% to 38% for M50 and 16% to 37% for M60.
Thus the range is independent of the grade of concrete. It can be inferred from the fig.5.4, that for
successive increase of fibre content the elasticity is not increased proportionately. There is a drop
in percentage increase when fibre content is raised form 0.8% to 1.2%. Such a trend is observed
for all the mixes. For eg. The drop in case of M40 grade is from 37.94% to 14.42%. The Prediction
of the static modulus of elasticity.

Table 5.3 shows the comparison of the experimental values and the values obtained by using the
following equation (1) and (2). According to law of mixtures(6), the Modulus of elasticity of
fibrous composite(Ec), is given by
Ec = η1 η 2 Er Vf + Em (1 – Vf) …..(1)
efficiency factor for given fibre orientation, for random 3-D orientation
Where η 1 = η 1 =1/6.
η 2 = length efficiency factor, unity for practical purposes Em
= Modulus of elasticity for plain concrete matrix.
5 2
Ef = Modulus of elasticity for fibres, 2 x 10 N/mm
As per IS: 456-1978,
Modulus of elasticity = 5700 √fck …….(2)
Where fck = 28 day cube compressive strength of concrete,

From the mean values of the ratio of experiment t observed values, it can be inferred that,
both of the above equations underestimate the experimental values. However the values predicted
using the equation (2) gives closer results and can be used to calculate approximate increased
modulus of elasticity due to addition of fibres to plain concrete.

5.6 Influence of fibres on flexural strength and Load-Deflection Curves;

The results of third-point bending test on flexure beams (tables 4.17 to 4.19) clearly show
that there is an appreciable increase in first-crack load and first-crack flexural strength with
increase in fibre content. The transfer load to the fibres may lead to be increased values. In general
the increase in in the range of 9% to 60%. It is also observed that at higher fibre content, the
flexural strength is not affected by the increase in the strength of the mix i.e., the flexural strength
increases with the increase in fibre content irrespective of the of the mix.(fig 5.5)

R.Narayanan et al(150 have suggested the ratio split strength to flexure strength as 0.65.
however, from the above mentioned tables is observed that the split to flexure strength is in the
range of 0.4 to 0.6. The grades M40 and M50 show the same lower ratios, while the ratios are
higher for M60. The ratio of flexure strength to square root of cube strength (fr/√fck) has a linear
relationship with the fibre content (fig 5.5b) and the concept is used for driving the proposed
formula for prediction of flexure strength of SFRC.
Prediction of Flexure Strength of SFRC:

Hannant,D.J.(6), has proposed the following equation for predicting the flexure strength of
specimen failing by pullout of fibres.

Flexure Strength ( ϭ mr ) = 1.22 V t (I/d)……(1)

Where, t = Average value of the sliding friction bond stress

= 3 to 6 N/mm (Hannat)(6)
= 5 to N/mm (Aveston)(6)
2 2 2
For the present work assuming the value of as 6.0 N/mm , 7.0 N/mm , 0.8 N/mm for
M40, M50, ZM60 resp., the theoretical value is calculated and compared with the experimental
values. The comparison is given in table 5.4.
As per IS: 456 – 1978, the modulus of rupture (fr) can be predicted if the cube
compressive strength for 28 days is known to us, using the equation.

frf =0.7 √f ck ….. (2)

The obtained calculated values were compared with the observed experimental values.
The comparison is furnished in table 5.4. For both the equations, predicted values are seen
to be more conservative.

For arriving at a safer quick estimate of the flexural strength of SFRC from the knowledge
of the cube strength of fibrous concrete using the results of the present investigation and
performing regression analysis an equation is proposed. The flexure strength (fr) is expressed in
terms of cube compressive strength (fck) and volume fraction of fibre (Vt). The equation is
fr = √ fck (40 Vr + 0.64) …..(3)
The comparison of this equation with the test results is given in table 5.4. The equation is
verified with the experimental work of Prasad.B.B.N (16). The comparison is given table 5.5 and it
can be concluded that the equation can be satisfactorily used to predict the flexure strength of FRC
specimens using cable compressive strength.

A close observation of the specimens, it was clear that the plain concrete specimens fail
suddenly once the maximum load is reached. However, in case of FRC specimens a crack appears
at the soffit and with increase in load, the deflection increases with the increased crack width till
the failure takes place. The figure 5.6 to 5.15 show the load-deflection curves. Also it is observed
that most of the specimens failed by pull out of fibres.

The load deflection curves indicate in general, a better post-crack ductile behavior with
inclusion of fibres when compared to plain concrete. The reason being the load carrying and
binding properties of fibres i.e. the fibres arrest the crack propagation. At lower percent of fibre
content (0.4%, and 0.8%), for all grades and for two specimens each in M50, M60 (figures 5.6 -
5.9) it is observed that the drop at the first-crack crack is never regained in the post-crack region or
in other words the first-crack load is itself the ultimate load, which is may be due to less no. of
fibres across the c/s. The phenomenon is called the ‘post-crack softening’.

At higher fibre content(1.2%) for one specimen each in M50 and M60, the drop at the first crack is
regained in the post-crack region or in other words the ultimate load is greater than the first-crack
load and the phenomena is ‘post-crack hardening’(fig 5.11 and 5.14). The uniform random
distribution and more no,of fibres across the c/s might have led to the above phenomena. Figures
5.15 – 5.17 clearly indicate both the type of behavior.

Also it is observed that, the drop in the load at the first-crack is higher for fibre content of 0.4%
compared to 0.8% and 1.2%. The trend is observed I all the mixes. The reason is obvious, no. of
fibres across the section.

The position of first-crack does play a role in determining the ultimate central deflection. In
figures 5.7, 5.9 it is clear, for the specimens in which the position of first-crack is little eccentric,
the ultimate deflection is 10mm. In figures 5.13, 5012 it is clear for the specimens in which the
position of first-crack is almost at the centre, the ultimate deflections is about 14 mm.

Thus it can be said, the L-D curves are mostly dependent on the fibre content and its distribution
across the cross-section at the point of first-crack and the position of first-crack.

Energy Absorption (Toughness):

The energy absorption or toughness of SFRC specimens tabulated in table 5.6 are
calculated using the specifications of Japan concrete Institute (JCI). According JCI, toughness
(Tjci) is defined in absolute terms as the energy required deflecting the FRC beam to a mid-point
deflection of 1/150 of its span. The Tjci is sensitive to change in fibre content but not to the grade
of concrete (4, 5, and 16).

In the present investigation, all areas under the load-deflection curves for various flexure
specimens are measured by using X-PLAN 360d instrument.

The method indicates that there is an increase of energy-absorption with increase in fibre
content, for all the mixes. Also with the increase in grade there is an increase in toughness (fig

Table 5.1 Analysis of theoretical and experimental values of cube compressive strength of SFRC.

Sl. Mix Experimental As per Equation 1 As per Equation 2

No. Value Theoretical Ratio(Exp/Theo) Theoretical Ratio(Exp/Theo)

1 4004 43.16 40.68 1.01 42.36 0.95

2 4008 44.53 41.125 1.08 42.43 1.05
3 4012 45.11 41.56 1.08 42.29 1.06
Average 1.056 Average 1.02

1 5004 55.56 51.96 1.07 54.11 1.06

2 5008 57.60 52.53 1.09 54.19 1.062
3 5012 58.27 53.10 1.10 54.34 1.072
Average 1.08 Average 1.067

1 6004 60.33 57.85 1.04 60.24 1.002

2 6008 64.16 58.47 1.10 60.33 1.063
3 6012 66.07 59.10 1.12 60.49 1.092
Average 1.086 Average 1.052

Table 5.2 Analysis of theoretical and experimental values of split tensile strength of SFRC

Sl. Mix Experimental As per Equation 1

No. Value N/mm Theoretical ratio(Exp/Theo)

1 4004 3.04 3.22 0.942

2 4008 3.10 3.45 0.898
3 4012 3.57 3.89 0.992
Average 0.994

1 5004 3.27 3.86 0.85

2 5008 3.44 4.12 0.835
3 5012 3.57 4.27 0.835
Average 0.84
1 6004 3.86 4.10 0.94
2 6008 4.28 4.45 0.96
3 6012 4.903 4.67 1.05
Average 0.983

Table 5.3 Analysis of theoretical and experimental values of Static Modulus of
Elasticity of SFRC

Sl. Mix Experimental As per Equation 1 As per Equation 2

No. Value Theoretical Ratio(Exp/The) Theoretical Ratio(Exp/The)

1 4004 41333 36288 1.14 37466 1.10

2 4008 51940 36216 1.43 38036 1.36
3 4012 43333 36205 1.19 36205 1.13
Average 1.25 Average 1.20

1 5004 44800 38997 1.15 42486 1.05

2 5008 56800 38954 1.38 43260 1.24
3 5012 44625 38932 1.14 43510 1.02
Average 1.22 Average 1.106

1 6004 50330 43260 1.16 44273 1.14

2 6008 59300 43220 1.37 45656 1.30
3 6012 52000 43180 1.20 46331 1.12
Average 1.24 Average 1.18

Table 5.5 Analysis of theoretical values (using proposed eq.3) and experimental values (Prasad
B.B.N) of flexure strength test on SFRC.

Sl. Mix Experimental As per Ratio

No. Value N/mm Proposed eq.3 (Expt/Theo)

1 M40 (Vf=0.3%) 5.26 6.04 1.04

2 M40 (Vf=0.6%) 5.72 5.84 0.98

3 M40 (Vf=0.9%) 5.95 6.64 1.16

4 M40 (Vf=1.2%) 7.96 7.43 1.20

Average 0.99

Table 5.6 Variation in Toughness (Tjci) with fibre content

Sl. Mix Specimen no. Tcji Average

No. N-m Tcji

1 21.20
1 4004 2 20.82 20.59
3 19.77
1 33.30
2 4008 2 29.86 30.63
3 28.74
1 40.00
3 4012 2 35.83 36.92
3 34.93
1 21.83
4 5004 2 22.22 23.09
3 25.22
1 34.80
5 5008 2 35.36 35.43
3 36.14
1 51.80
6 5012 2 40.00 42.16
3 34.70
1 22.67
7 6004 2 30.34 24.96
3 21.89
1 38.72
8 6008 2 37.88 41.00
3 46.40
1 54.17
9 6012 2 39.05 44.76
3 40.53

Chapter 6

6.1 General:

Fiber reinforced concrete and high strength concrete are being widely used as important
constructional materials due to their excellent properties. An extensive knowledge of the
properties is necessary in order to make best and economic use of the material. In this context,
present experimental investigation aims to find the different strength characteristics of high
strength FRC. M40, M50, M60 were used as representative grades
. for each mix four different fiber contents (0.0% to 1.2% @ interval of 0.4%) are tried. A low
level of workability of 0.8CF has been used in all the mixes. Different tests such as cubes ,
cylinder compressive strength ,split tensile ,modulus of elasticity and flexure test with emphasis on
post-crack ductility were performed. The tests results are compared with some of the mathematical
models. Following are the broad conclusions drawn from the results.

6.2 Conclusions:

1) The inclusion of fiber has decreased the workability of the mixes (the effect is more
pronounced at high fiber content) and the superplasticizer ‘ROFF concrete master’ was found to be
effective in maintaining the constant workability of 0.8CF for all the mixes.

2) The cube and cylinder compressive strength of SFRC have increased with reference to plain
concrete. The range of increase is 7% to 15%, which is not significant. But the ductility imparted
can be advantageous factor. With higher grades the percentage increase is more and the difference
between cube and cylinder strength is not significant.

3) An increase of about 30%% is achieved in split tensile strength with the inclusion of fibres to
plain concrete, which indicates a better performance of SFRC in tensile loading.

4) Static modulus of elasticity of SFRC specimens have shown a remarkable increase irrespective
of the grade. At 1.2% fibre content there is a decrease in rate of percentage increase. The trend is
observed in all mixes.

6) There is a appreciable increase of about 60% in the modulus of rupture due to the addition of
fibres in plain concrete. The brittle mode of failure of the beam specimen has changed to ductile
mode. Thus fibers have imparted a well defined post-crack behavior.

7) At higher fibre content, the flexure strength is not affected by the strength of the mix.

8) The shape of load-defection curve is mostly dependent on fibre content and its distribution
across the cross section of the specimen at the point of first-crack. When the position of first-crack
was not in the centre, the ultimate central deflection is relatively lesser.
9) The mathematical models established already for predicting

a) The cube strength of SFRC

b) The split tensile strength of SFRC

c) Modulus of elasticity of SFRC

are found to be satisfactory.

10) The proposed formula for predicting flexure strength also gave satisfactory results.

6.3 Suggestions for further investigation.

1) The present study can be continued for higher grades of concrete and for higher volume
2) Studies with different aspect ratios and different type of fibers can be carried out.
3) Toughness investigations can be carried out in detail using various other methods.
4) Studies can also be made by partially replacing the cement with fly ash.


Physical Tests on cement:

(References:IS : 4031 –

1988) Part I to IV

Type; Ordinary Portland Cement

Birla super brand,53 grade


1 Specific Gravity 3.14 --
2 Standard Consistency 31.5% --
3 Fineness (Blaine’s air Permeability) 3580cm /gm 2250
4 Setting time – Initial 90 30(min)
(minutes) Final 210 600(max)
5 Soundness(mm) by 7.2 100(max)
Le-chatelier apparatus
6 Compressive Strength -3 days 40 33(min)
-7 days 58 43(min)
-28 days 69 53(min)

Test on fine aggregate:

(Reference: IS: 2386 – 1963)

Part I, III and IV

Type: Local River Sand

Specific Gravity : 2.58


IS Sieve Weight Cummulative weight retained Percent

Designation Retained (gms) gms percent passint

1mm 0 0 0.0 100

4.75mm 1 1 0.1 99.9
2.36mm 17 18 1.8 98.2
1.18mm 152 170 17.0 83.0
600 252 422 42.2 57.8
300 430 852 85.2 14.8
150 145 997 99.7 0.3
pan 3 1000 100.0 0.0

The fine aggregate belongs to Zone II of IS: 2386 – 1963. Fineness modulus = 2.46

Tests on Coarse Aggregate: (Reference : IS: 2386 -1963) Part I, III, IV

Type: 10mm and down size

Angular type granite

Metal of local quarry

Specific gravity:2.60


Sieve size Weight % weight Cumulative Percentage IS grade of

retained gms retained % weight finer 10 mm &

12.50mm --- --- --- 100 100

10.00mm --- --- --- 100 85-100
4.75mm 2555 85.16 85.16 13.84 0-20
2.36mm 455 14.84 100 -- 0-5
pan --- --- 100 --- 0



All the three grade of concrete were designed as per the

guidelines given in IS:10262 -1982.

The mix proportion are as follows:

M40 208 ; 378 ; 651 : 1051

0.53 : 1 : 1.72 : 2.78

M50 200 ; 478 ; 578 : 1003

0.435 : 1 : 1.21 : 2.10

M60 200 ; 555 ; 433 : 1107

0.36 : 1 : 0.78 : 1.99

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(8) Karthikeyan,O.H,; V,;Singahl.D,; and NAutiyal,B.D. “ fibres for FRC. Their Properties
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(9) Kong, F.K., Evas,R.H.,Cohan,E.,R. “ Handbook of Sturctural concrete,” 1983,pp.20-

28 to 20-30.

(10) Kulkarni, S.B., “ The Use of 53 Grade Cement for Production of high Quality Concrete,”
Civil Engineering and Construction Review, May 1994, pp.17-23.

(11) Lin, T.Y and Ned,H.Burns., “Design of Prestressed of Concrete Structures,” Jhon Wiely and
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(12) Mangath,P.S.; and Swamy,R.N., “compactibility of Steel fibre Reinforced Concrete,”

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(13)Mahadevappa,P., “Fibre Reinforced Concrete,” KREC Surathkal Summer School on

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(14) Nagarkar,P.K,; Tambe,S.K,; and Pazare,D.G, “Study of Fibre Reinforced Concrete,”

Proceedings of the international Symosium of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Dec 1987,pp.2.131-

(15)Narayanan,R., and Kareem-Palanjian, A.S., “ Effect of Fibre addition on concrete Strengths,”

Indian Concrete Journal, Apr-1984,pp.100-103.

(16) Prasad,B.B.N., “Studies on Flexural Toughness of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams,”

M.Tech Thesis submitted to Manglore University, March.

(17)Raghavendra,N.; Kulshreshta,H.K., and Lal,R., “Fibre Reinforced concrete for airfield

pavements,” Indian Concrete Journal, March 1985,pp.64-67.

(18) Shah,S.P., and Rangan,B.v., “Fibre Reinforced Concrete Properties,” ACI journal, Tital
No.68-14, February 1971,pp.126-135.

(19) Shah,S.P., “Do Fibres Increase the tensile Strength of Cement-Based Matrixes?,”
ACI Materials journal V.88,No.6, Title No.88-M61, Nov-Dec 1991,pp.595-602.

(20) Shah,S.P., and Ahmad,S.H., “High Performance Concrete Properties and applications,”
Edward Arnold Publications London 1994.

(21)Sheety,M.S., “ Concrete Technology,” S.Chand And Co.,1982.

(22) Swamy,R.N., “Fibre-reinforced concrete: mechanics, properties and applications,” Indian
Concrete Journal, January 1974,pp.7-15.

(23) Kumar,V.;Suman,S.D.; and Mohammad,S., “ Statistical Prediction of Compressive Strength

of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete,” Indian Concrete Institute Bulleting No.60, July-september

(24) Is: 4031-1988, Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic cements.

(25)IS: 383-1970, Specification for Coarse and Fine Aggregates from natural Sources for

(26) IS: 9103-1979, Specification for Admixtures for Concrete.

(27) IS: 2386-1963, Part-I and Part-III, Method of Test for Aggregates for Concrete.

(28) IS :10262-1982, Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design,

(29) IS: 456-1978, Code of Practice for plain and Reinforced Concrete.

(30) IS: 516-1959, Method of Test for Strength of Concrete.

(31) IS: 5816-1970, Mehod of Test for Splitting Tensile Strength of Concrete Cylinders.

(32)IS: 12269-1987, 53 grade, OPC-Specification.

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