Physiology Exam (Dr. Ramadan) : Complete The Following Statements

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physiology exam (Dr.


Complete the following statements:

- The brain and spinal cord comprise the _____ nervous system. All nerves of the body
residing outside of the brain and spinal cord comprise the _____ nervous system.

- The branch of the autonomic nervous system that induces the "flight or fight"
response is the_____.

- Two types of examples of excitable cells include _____ and _____ cells.

- The typical neuronal resting membrane potential measures approximately _____.

- A neuronal impulse is also referred to as an _____, which indicates that it is a

"moving" region of "voltage change" that migrates along the neuronal cell

- There is a greater concentration of _____ions accumulating on the outer surface of

resting neuronal membranes than on the inner surface.

- The Na/K pump operates by transporting three _____ ions out of the cell while
transporting two
_____ ions into the cell.

- _____-gated ion channels open or close only in response to a change in the nearby

- Voltage-gated _____ channels are triggered to open when the resting membrane
potential reaches about _____which is referred to as the _____ potential.

- _____ of Na+ causes _____ of the membrane, which is the first phase of the action
_____ is an example of a drug that block the opening of Na+ channels, thus blocking
the initiation of neuronal action potentials.

- After the first phase of the action potential, the _____ channels becomes inactivated
while the
_____ channels begin to open.

- This occurs when the membrane potential reaches approximately _____. The
opening of these
channels results in the _____ movement of _____. This second phase of the action
potential is the _____ phase.

- The second phase of the action potential ends when the membrane potential
reaches about _____ which triggers the inactivation of the _____ channels.

- The _____ period of an action potential causes that region of membrane be

temporarily unresponsive to another stimulus. This ensures that action potentials
migrate in one direction, namely, away from the _____.

- Action potentials travel fastest in axons that are _____ and _____. The fastest
neuronal axon

fibers are A-type fibers. The slowest fibers are the C type fibers. These fibers are
_____ and _____ so they transmit action potentials much slower than A-type fibers.

The following items (1-52) are TRUE/FALSE.

If the statement is TRUE, select A.
If the statement is FALSE, select B.
1. The adrenal medulla secretes parasympathetic hormones.
2. Sympathetic activity will increase the secretion of digestive
3. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter used at some point in both
autonomic and somatic reflexes.
4. The splanchnic nerves always synapse in the sympathetic chain.
5. Urination is a somatic reflex
6. Activity from both autonomic divisions is necessary for proper male
sexual function.
7. Activation of cholinergic receptors on the heart would cause heart
rate to increase.
8. The “boss” of the autonomic nervous system is the cerebral cortex.
9. Parasympathetic peripheral ganglia are paravertebral.
10. Parasympathetic preganglionic and postganglionic fibers are both
always myelinated.
11. The somatic nervous system is always excitatory while the
autonomic nervous system is always inhibitory.
12. The sympathetic nervous system has a more systemic (body wide)
affect than the parasympathetic nervous system does.

Multiple choice questions:

1. The somatic nervous system
a. is part of the sympathetic nervous system
b. is part of the parasympathetic nervous system
c. is part of the autonomic nervous system
d. none of the above

2. Effector organs of the autonomic nervous system includes all of the

following EXCEPT:
a. medulla oblongata
b. heart
c. smooth muscles
d. glands

3. The effector pathway of the autonomic nervous system generally


a. one neuron
b. two neurons
c. three neurons
d. five neurons

4. All preganglionic autonomic neurons secrete:

a. epinephrine
b. acetylcholine
c. nicotine
d. dopamine

5. All postganglionic neurons bear these receptors:

a. alpha adrenergic
b. beta adrenergic
c. nicotinic
d. muscarinic

6. The parasympathetic nervous system affects all of these organs EXCEPT:

a. heart
b. pupillary smooth muscles
c. salivary glands
d. adrenal glands

7. The parasympathetic nervous system could be anatomically referred to

as the:
a. Craniosacral division
b. Lumbar-sacral division
c. Thoracolumbar division
d. Thoracosacral division
e. Paravertebral chain

8. The terms depolarization and action potential are equivalent.

a. This statement is TRUE
b. This statement is FALSE

9. The axolemma would be MOST PERMEABLE to sodium during the _____

phase of an action potential.
a. Rising
b. Falling
c. Resting
d. Refractory
e. Ciliary

10. During a “fight or flight” response, which of the following would you
expect to find in the highest concentration in the blood?
a. Dopamine
b. Acetylcholine
c. Epinephrine
d. Norepinephrine
e. Phenylephrine

11. An excitable cell has an RMP of -70 mV and a firing level of - 50

mV. This cell would be inexcitable when its membrane potential is:
A. - 30 mV
B. - 55 mV

C. - 70 mV
D. - 90 mV

12. The cell would be most excitable when its membrane potential
A. - 30 mV
B. - 55 mV
C. - 70 mV
D. - 90 mV

13. Which one of the following statements about electrotonic

potentials is incorrect?
A. They are graded responses
B. They are local (non-propagated) responses
C. They may be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing
D. They are produced by a threshold stimulus.

14. Between time=2 and time=3,

a. The membrane is in the relative refractory period
b. The membrane is extremely permeable to potassium
c. The membrane potential is becoming less negative
d. Magnesium is entering the cell
e. Myelination must be occurring

15. At time=5, the neuron CANNOT be stimulated to fire another

action potential.
a. This statement is TRUE
b. This statement is FALSE

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