Dual Enrollment

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The Chicago STAR What does the scholarship cover?
Scholarship at City After application of federal and state financial aid, City
Colleges of Chicago Colleges of Chicago will provide waivers for all tuition,
fees, and books for three years or until the completion
provides assistance in of an associate degree, whichever comes first.

the form of tuition, fee, Who is eligible to benefit from this program?
and book waivers to City Colleges will provide this free college opportunity
qualifying Chicago for Chicago Public High School graduates that meet
three academic requirements:
Public High School
1. Graduates from a CPS high school
graduates. With the with a 3.0 or higher GPA
help of this scholarship, 2. Places into college-level Math and
English via the ACT or COMPASS
thousands of Chicago 3. Enrolls in one of CCC’s pathways
students have the This includes undocumented students and students at
chance to earn an CPS charter schools.

associate degree with *Does not apply to graduates of CPS prior to Spring 2015.

no out of pocket costs. How long is this scholarship good for?

CPS Graduates will have three years to use the funds

starting the first Fall semester after their CPS graduation.
For more information, email: Students with a CPS GPA of 3.0 who test into
[email protected] remediation at CCC will be able to retest during their
first year, but the scholarship clock will still have begun in
the first Fall after graduation.
Or go online at:

226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu


The Dual Enrollment program allows motivated high school • Participants should be a junior or senior in high
junior and senior students the opportunity to earn college school.
credit, while attending high school. The credits you earn are
• There is a school recommendation required if you
transferable to many four-year colleges and universities.
don’t meet both of the following requirements–a
Through a partnership with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) minimum GPA of 2.5 and a 90% high school
and City Colleges of Chicago, high school students are attendance rate (CPS students only).
eligible to enroll in a number of college-level courses including • Take the ACT and/or COMPASS Placement Exam.
Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Check the CCC course catalogue for qualifying
Humanities, Mathematics, Psychology and Speech. scores.

BENEFITS • Submit a signed parental permission form.

• Earn credit for both high school and college. The GETTING STARTED
college credit will be applied to a degree program
Everything you need to register for the Dual Enrollment
at one of the City Colleges of Chicago or can be
program is included in this course schedule—an academic
transferred to a four-year college.
calendar for the summer and fall semesters at City Colleges
• Get access to great college professors. of Chicago, recommended City Colleges classes, and a
• Develop important time management and study dual enrollment checklist. Your first step is to meet with your
high school adviser and tell them you want to enroll. Next,
contact the dual enrollment representative at your nearest
City College.

Location Dual Enrollment Rep Email Address Phone Number

Richard J. Daley College....................George [email protected]...................... (773) 838-7752
Harold Washington College................ Kim Bowens................... [email protected]...................(312) 553-5666
Kennedy-King College...................... Shannice [email protected].....................(773) 602-5037
Malcolm X College............................Greg Shumpert................. [email protected]................... (312) 850-7009
Olive-Harvey College.......................... Holly [email protected]...................... (773) 291-6478
Harry S Truman College................... Nicole Blotnick................... [email protected]....................(773) 907-4344
Wilbur Wright College.....................Mila [email protected]................(773) 481-8038

For more information, visit ccc.edu/earlycollege

226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

SPRING 2015 TERM1 Regular 16 week session 12 week session2 8 week session2
Priority registration3
Nov 3 - Nov 9 Nov 4 - Nov 9 Nov 4 - Nov 9
(returning students)
General registration3,4 Nov 10 - Jan 12 Nov 10 - Feb 1 Nov 10 - Feb 1
First day of class Jan 12 (Mon) Feb 9 (Mon) Mar 9 (Mon)
Martin Luther King Jr.
January 19 (Monday)
Presidents Day Holiday February 16 (Monday)
Complete financial aid
application for next NO LATER THAN February 27
academic year5
Mid-term Mar 11 (Wed) Mar 25 (Wed) Apr 15 (Wed)
Spring Break March 30 - April 5 (Monday - Sunday)
Last day for student initiated
Apr 13 (Mon) Apr 20 (Mon) Apr 29 (Mon)
Spring 2015 term ends May 9

1. The College Credit Academic Calendar is subject to change. Please contact the college for more details.
2. Sessions and course offerings: not all courses are offered each session, nor are all sessions offered at each college. Please
contact the college for details.
3. Continuing Students: continuing students are strongly encouraged to complete the registration process as early as possible
to ensure the best course and schedule availability. Please see your College Advisor prior to registering to discuss your career
and education goals, academic program, graduation requirements and your progress toward graduation, course selection,
and, if applicable, transfer.
4. New Students: all new students are strongly encouraged to complete the registration process as early as possible, preferably
prior to end of Summer for fall entering students. The registration process for new students includes placement testing,
college orientation, financial aid processing, career advising and academic program selection, and initial course selection.
Please see the Admissions Office to begin.
5. Financial Aid: students are strongly urged to apply for financial aid (www.fafsa.gov) as early as possible (preferably by March
1st) for the academic year beginning in the fall. Please contact the financial aid office for details.
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

What is the COMPASS Placement Test? Prior to taking the COMPASS Placement Test:
COMPASS is a computerized test that is designed to • Apply for admission at www.ccc.edu
evaluate a student’s knowledge and skills in reading, writing,
• Obtain a student ID number (provided within 48
and math. This test can be taken in sections and at separate
hours after the online application is approved)
times. The COMPASS e-write is the only section of the test
that must be completed in an allotted amount of time. • Contact the Dual Enrollment representative at a City
College to schedule an appointment
Results of the COMPASS Placement Test help to determine
how prepared a student is for college-level coursework. What to bring to the COMPASS Test:
Depending on test results, students will be placed in college • Valid Chicago high school ID, driver’s license or State
credit, developmental, and/or non-credit (pre-credit) classes. ID card
Students are eligible to retest once within a 12 month period, • CCC Student ID number (provided within 48 hours
for a nominal fee, after the original COMPASS test score(s) after the online application is approved)
expire. Students can retest provided they have not already • Approved Calculator (visit act.org/compass/student/
begun a sequence of courses for placement test subject
calculator.html for more info)
areas. COMPASS test scores expire annually.

Location Testing Coordinators Phone Number Email Address

Harold Washington College..............Teresita Diaz-Lewis.................. (312) [email protected]
Harry S. Truman College...................... Diego Aguilar...................... (773) [email protected]
Kennedy-King College....................... Catrina Anderson...................(773) [email protected]
Malcolm X College.......................... Francisco Hernandez................ (312) 850-7492...................... [email protected]
Olive-Harvey College.......................... Michelle Adams.................... (773) 291-6359........................... [email protected]
Richard J. Daley College....................... Beverly Hicks...................... (773) 838-7774........................... [email protected]
Wilbur Wright College........................ Robert Beckman................... (773) [email protected]


Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:30a-6:30p Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: 9a-5p
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 9a-5p (last test begins at 3p) (last test begins at 1p)
Wednesday: 9a-8p Friday: 8:30a-1p Thursday: 9a-8p
Testing Schedule (last test begins at 10a) (last test begins at 5p)
Monday: 10a, 12p, 2p Saturday: CLOSED Friday: 9a-1:30p
Tuesday: 10a, 12p, 2p (last test begins at 11a)
Wednesday: 10a, 12p, 2p, 6p OLIVE HARVEY Saturday: CLOSED WILBUR WRIGHT
Thursday: 10a only Monday: 10a, 2p Monday-Wednesday: 9a-5p
Friday: exams by appointment only Wednesday: 10a Thursday: 9a-6p
Saturday: CLOSED Thursday: 10a, 2p, 5p Friday: 9a-1p
Saturday: CLOSED
Monday-Wednesday: 9a-2p Monday-Wednesday: 9a-5 p
(last seating at 2p) (last test begins at 3 p)
Thursdays: 9a-3p Thursday: 9a-6p
(last seating at 3p) (last test begins at 4p)
Fridays: No COMPASS, GED testing only. Friday: 9 a-1 p
(last test begins at 11a)
Saturday: CLOSED
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

STUDENT NAME _________________________________________________________________

HIGH SCHOOL ___________________________________________________________________

CONTACT PHONE ____________________ EMAIL _____________________________________

Complete a CCC admissions application my.ccc.edu
NOTE: Submission does not require a social security number and is not required for continuing students


Download and complete application form signed by parent/guardian and counselor at

Valid Chicago high school ID required

Submit copy of high school transcript

Submit ACT scores (if completed)

Schedule COMPASS Placement Exam

*Students are eligible to enroll in one course per semester at one City College location.

(1) ______________________________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________________________

1. Submit all documents to the CCC Dual Enrollment representative
2. College Visit 1 — COMPASS Placement Exam (dates determined by CCC)
3. College Visit 2 — Complete course registration/orientation (dates determined by CCC)
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu


Richard J. Daley College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2

Arturo Velasquez Institute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3
Kennedy-King College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4
Malcolm X College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Olive-Harvey College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5
Harry S Truman College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–6
Harold Washington College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–11
Wilbur Wright College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11–12
Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13


CIS 120 Introduction to Microcomputers 3 CH
ART 66463 CIS 120 N 3:45 PM–5:00 PM TTh L402 Patel, B
66464 CIS 120 O 5:35 PM–6:55 PM MW L402 Chen, R
ART 103 Art Appreciation 3 CH (IAI) 66465 CIS 120 S 8:50 AM–11:30 AM S L402 Chen, R
63790 ART 103 L 3:20 PM–4:40 PM MW 2102 Dehring, L
63791 ART 103 O 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 2102 TBA CIS 122 Introduction to Word Processing on Microcomputers 3 CH
66455 CIS 122 P 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh L402 Patel, B
ASTROMY 201 Descriptive Astronomy 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. CRM JUS 114 Administration of Juvenile Justice 3 CH
63639 ASTROMY 201 P 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh 3301 Farmer, H 64128 CRM JUS 114 PM 5:10 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2304 TBA
Section PM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.

BIOLOGY CRM JUS 170 Scope and Purpose of Private Policing 3 CH

64249 CRM JUS 170 LM 3:20 PM–5:05 PM MW 2304 TBA
BIOLOGY 115 Human Biology 4 CH (IAI) Section LM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
With Lab
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. CRM JUS 211 Introduction to Investigation 3 CH
65130 BIOLOGY 115 LO 3:20 PM–5:45 PM MW 3401 Jones, J 64266 CRM JUS 211 OM 5:10 PM–6:55 PM MW 2304 TBA
65581 BIOLOGY 115 PR 5:30 PM–7:35 PM TTh 3401 Hadjiagapiou, C Section OM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
65617 BIOLOGY 115 S 8:30 AM–1:10 PM S 3401 Najmabadi, F

BIOLOGY 120 Terminology for Medical Careers 3 CH ENGLISH

65713 BIOLOGY 120 V 5:30 PM–8:10 PM F 3426 Steiner, T ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
BIOLOGY 121 Biology I 5 CH Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
With Lab 66251 ENGLISH 101 LM 3:20 PM–5:05 PM MW 2413 Priest, P
Section LM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66220 ENGLISH 101 N 3:20 PM–4:35 PM TTh 2413 Farley, J
65736 BIOLOGY 121 NP 3:20 PM–5:50 PM TTh 3419 Mitra, J
66221 ENGLISH 101 O 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 2413 Priest, P
65738 BIOLOGY 121 OQ 5:30 PM–8:10 PM MW 3419 Ashraf, M
66224 ENGLISH 101 R 7:00 PM–8:15 PM TTh 2413 Rockers, N
66225 ENGLISH 101 S 8:00 AM–10:40 AM S 2413 French, D
BUSINES 211 Business Law I 3 CH FINE ARTS
65967 BUSINES 211 PM 5:10 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2204 Daniels, D
FIN ART 107 History of Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture I 3 CH (IAI)
BUSINES 236 Advertising 3 CH Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65974 BUSINES 236 L 3:20 PM–4:35 PM MW 2308 TBA 63820 FIN ART 107 OM 5:10 PM–6:55 PM MW 2203 Dehring, L
Section OM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
BUSINES 258 Small Business 3 CH
65971 BUSINES 258 O 5:35 PM–6:50 PM MW 2308 TBA
CHEMISTRY FRENCH 101 First Course French
Placement Exam
4 CH

CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I 4 CH (IAI) 63847 FRENCH 101 PRM 5:10 PM–7:25 PM TTh 2203 Bell, M
With Lab Section PRM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
Eligibility for English 101 and eligibility for Math 118 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
FRENCH 102 Second Course French 4 CH
63908 CHEM 121 NP 3:20 PM–5:50 PM TTh 3102 Fuoco, E
Placement test, OR grade of C or better in French 101
63919 CHEM 121 OQ 5:30 PM–8:10 PM MW 3102 TBA
63869 FRENCH 102 OQM 5:10 PM–7:30 PM MW 3305 TBA
Section OQM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
CHLD DV 101-1 Human Growth and Development I 4 CH HISTORY
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. HISTORY 142 History of World Civilization from 1500 3 CH (IAI)
66063 CHLD DV 101–1 L 3:20 PM–5:05 PM MW 3202 Burnside, J Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63934 HISTORY 142 L 3:20 PM–4:40 PM MW 2203 TBA
CHLD DV 107 Health Safety and Nutrition 3 CH
63935 HISTORY 142 P 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh 3303 TBA
66068 CHLD DV 107 O 5:35 PM–6:50 PM MW 3202 Alexander, J
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

HUMANITIES SOC 207 The Sociology of Sex and Gender 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
HUM 201 General Course I Humanities 3 CH (IAI) 63988 SOC 207 R 7:00 PM–8:15 PM TTh 3306 TBA
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63984 HUM 201 P
63985 HUM 201 S
5:35 PM–6:50 PM
8:00 AM–10:40 AM
Lally, K
Lally, K
SOC SCI 102 General Course II Social Science 3 CH (IAI)
LITERATURE Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63865 SOC SCI 102 P 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2205 Demetralis, J
LIT 110 Introduction to Literature 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66109 LIT 110 LM 3:20 PM–5:05 PM MW 3104 Butera, P
Section LM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15. SPANISH 101 First Course Spanish 4 CH
LIT 128 Latin American Literature 3 CH Placement Exam
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 63994 SPANISH 101 P 5:10 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2401 TBA
66111 LIT 128 PM 5:10 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2113 TBA
Section PM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15. SPEECH
LIT 150 Women’s Literature 3 CH (IAI) SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66106 LIT 150 P 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh 3104 Forajter, M 66095 SPEECH 101–1 NM 3:20 PM–5:00 PM TTh 3208 Merritt, B
Section NM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
SPEECH 101–1 O
SPEECH 101–1 S
5:30 PM–6:50 PM
8:30 AM–11:10 AM
Miller, J
Joyce, B
MATH 118 General Education Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99)
and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
66333 MATH 118 L 3:20 PM–5:05 PM MW 2306 Reavill, D
66354 MATH 118 S 8:25 AM–12:00 PM S 2306 Vassiliadis, T ART
MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI) ART 103 Art Appreciation 3 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23). 63793 ART 103 AO 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 2210 TBA
66381 MATH 125–1 N 3:20 PM–5:00 PM TTh 2207 Reavill, D
ART 131-2 General Drawing 3 CH
MATH 207 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 CH (IAI) 64556 ART 131–2 AOQ 5:30 PM–8:10 PM MW 1313 Sprague, R
Grade of C or better in Math 140 and Math 141, OR Math 143, OR ACT Math Score range within (24-36), OR
Consent of Department Chairperson.
66399 MATH 207 PR 5:35 PM–7:40 PM TTh 3106 De, S BUSINESS
BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH
MUSIC 65926 BUSINES 111 APM 5:10 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2206 Packard, R
MUSIC 121 Introduction to Music 3 CH (IAI)
64021 MUSIC 121 PM 5:10 PM–6:50 PM TTh 3208 Moore, J ENGLISH
Section PM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15.
ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
PHILOSOPHY 66239 ENGLISH 101 AL 3:20 PM–4:40 PM MW 2209 Hakim, I
PHIL 107 Ethics 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. HISTORY
63851 PHIL 107 R 7:00 PM–8:15 PM TTh 2206 Kuzniar, M
HISTORY 141 History of World Civilization to 1500 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE 63896 HISTORY 141 AR 7:00 PM–8:15 PM TTh 2210 TBA
PHY SCI 101 General Course Physical Science 3 CH (IAI) HISTORY 215 History of Latin America 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64905 PHY SCI 101 O 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 3301 TBA 63947 HISTORY 215 AP 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2210 Berenberg, D


POL SCI 201 The National Government 3 CH (IAI) MATH 143 Pre Calculus 6 CH
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
63826 POL SCI 201 O 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 2205 Erickson, C ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Department Chairperson.
PSYCHOLOGY 66392 MATH 143 AOQ 5:30 PM–8:10 PM MW 2204 De, S

PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64024 PSYCH 201 LM 3:20 PM–5:05 PM MW 3105 Uttich, K PHIL 106 Introduction to Philosophy 3 CH (IAI)
Section LM is a mini semester class which begins the week of 2/9/15 and ends the week ending 5/9/15. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64011 PHIL 106 AO 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 2203 Albertson, D
SOC 201 Introduction to the Study of Society 3 CH (IAI) PHYSICAL SCIENCE
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. PHY SCI 101 General Course Physical Science 3 CH (IAI)
63873 SOC 201 O 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 2206 Muhummad, F Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64912 PHY SCI 101 AS 8:30 AM–11:10 AM S 2218 TBA
SOC 203 Marriage and the Family 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63886 SOC 203 L 3:20 PM–4:40 PM MW 2206 Shechter, B
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

SPEECH HUM 212 Non-Western Humanities 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI) 64637 HUM 212 Q 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh Y202 Miller, J
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66089 SPEECH 101–1 AP 5:35 PM–6:50 PM TTh 2203 Miller, J
LIT 121 Contemporary African-American Literature 3 CH (IAI)
KENNEDY-KING COLLEGE Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65153 LIT 121 N 3:30 PM–4:50 PM TTh Y107 TBA

ANTHRO 202 Cultural Anthropology 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. MATH 118 General Education Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
65144 ANTHRO 202 G 12:30 PM–1:50 PM MW Y115 Harrison, B Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99)
67852 ANTHRO 202 NW 3:00 PM–5:40 PM Th Y203 Harrison, B and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Department Chairperson.
64315 MATH 118 X2 12:00 PM–3:30 PM S Y125 Parker, J
MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI)
ART 144-1 Two-Dimensional Design 3 CH Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23).
64521 ART 144–1 MWP 4:00 PM–6:40 PM MW Y117 McFarlane, D 64349 MATH 125–1 KM 2:00 PM–3:40 PM MW Y203 Pieters, M

MATH 143 Pre Calculus 6 CH

BUSINESS Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH Department Chairperson.
64825 BUSINES 111 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW Y207 Forbes, D 64376 MATH 143 QS 6:00 PM–8:40 PM TTh Y208 Kuzmetsov, S
64832 BUSINES 111 S 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh Y109 Bryant, S
MATH 207 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 CH (IAI)
CHILD DEVELOPMENT Grade of C or better in Math 140 and Math 141, OR Math 143, OR ACT Math Score range within (24-36), OR
Consent of Department Chairperson.
CHLD DV 107 Health Safety and Nutrition 3 CH 64378 MATH 207 KM 2:00 PM–4:20 PM MW Y207 TBA
64735 CHLD DV 107 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW Y205 Austin, D

CHLD DV 120 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Group Care 3 CH MUSIC

64748 CHLD DV 120 Q 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh Y207 Simmons, Y MUSIC 121 Introduction to Music 3 CH (IAI)
64761 MUSIC 121 X1 9:00 AM–11:40 AM S U258 Clemente, C
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3 CH PHILOSOPHY
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. PHIL 107 Ethics 3 CH (IAI)
64383 CIS 101 S 7:30 PM–9:20 PM TTh Y108 Walker, C Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
CIS 120 Introduction to Microcomputers 3 CH (IAI) 64771 PHIL 107 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW Y105 Sprague, D
64548 CIS 120 Q 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh Y108 Walker, C
64551 CIS 120 R 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW Y108 Giles, E PHYSICAL SCIENCE
64603 CIS 120 X11 9:00 AM–11:30 AM S Y110 Nickerson, V
PHY SCI 111 General Course I Physical Science 4 CH (IAI)
With Lab
ECONOMICS Eligibility for English 101 and Math 099 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65353 PHY SCI 111 PR 6:00 PM–8:20 PM MW Y209 Cotton, M
ECON 201 Principles of Economics I 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 65357 PHY SCI 111 QS 6:00 PM–8:20 PM TTh Y209 Cotton, M
65285 ECON 201 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW Y109 Bevly, E

ECON 202 Principles of Economics II 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. POL SCI 201 The National Government 3 CH (IAI)
65290 ECON 202 Q 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh Y109 Bevly, E Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65296 POL SCI 201 S 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh Y113 Smith, J
ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI)
65022 ENGLISH 101 M 3:30 PM–4:50 PM MW Y106 Gipson, C Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65033 ENGLISH 101 Q 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh Y101 Hall, C 65332 PSYCH 201 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW Y202 Butler, E
65053 ENGLISH 101 X1 9:30 AM–12:00 PM S Y201 Elliot, A 65324 PSYCH 201 X1 9:00 AM–11:30 AM S Y202 Mayorga, K


FIN ART 107 History of Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture I 3 CH (IAI) SOC 201 Introduction to the Study of Society 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66880 FIN ART 107 1003 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW Kennedy–King College TBA 65371 SOC 201 S 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh Y106 Ward, H
64605 FIN ART 107 N 3:30 PM–4:50 PM TTh Y115 Miller, J
SOC 203 Marriage and the Family 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
HUMANITIES 65538 SOC 203 KMW 3:00 PM–5:40 PM M Y202 Harrison, B
HUM 201 General Course I Humanities 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. SOCIAL SCIENCE
64614 HUM 201 L 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh Y107 Berardo, J
SOC SCI 101 General Course I Social Science 3 CH (IAI)
HUM 202 General Course II Humanities 3 CH (IAI) Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 65543 SOC SCI 101 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW Y115 Jackson, L
64625 HUM 202 M 3:30 PM–4:50 PM MW Y127 Sprague, D 65545 SOC SCI 101 S 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh Y105 Riley, P
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI) LIT 126 Contemporary American Literature 3 CH
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65251 SPEECH 101–1 NW 4:30 PM–5:50 PM TTh U222 Cannamore, P 64396 LIT 126 K 6:00 PM–7:15 PM TTh 2539 TBA
65253 SPEECH 101–1 X1 9:00 AM–11:50 AM S U227 Roberson, C
MALCOLM X COLLEGE MATH 118 General Education Mathematics
Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99)
4 CH (IAI)

and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES Department Chairperson.
63825 MATH 118 H 4:00 PM–5:40 PM TTh 3123 Mastny, A
AFRO AM 101 Introduction to African-American Studies 3 CH (IAI) 63814 MATH 118 H2 3:30 PM–5:45 PM TTh 3604 Muhammad, S
64621 AFRO AM 101 KT 6:00 PM–8:30 PM T 3604 Ward, A
MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23).
ASTRONOMY 63837 MATH 125-1 KT 6:00 PM–9:20 PM T 3124 Alrousan, R
ASTROMY 201 Descriptive Astronomy 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. PHILOSOPHY
63901 ASTROMY 201 P 9:00 AM–11:30 AM S 3601 Obidi, Y
PHIL 106 Introduction to Philosophy 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
BIOLOGY 65603 PHIL 106 KR 6:00 PM–8:30 PM Th 3412 Allen, R
BIOLOGY 107 Nutrition-Consumer Education 3 CH (IAI)
63454 BIOLOGY 107 KT 6:00 PM–8:30 PM T 3603 Hill, J PHYSICAL SCIENCE
63453 BIOLOGY 107 Q 2:00 PM–4:30 PM S 3404 Hill, J
PHY SCI 101 General Course Physical Science 3 CH (IAI)
BIOLOGY 120 Terminology for Medical Careers 3 CH Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63498 BIOLOGY 120 KR 6:00 PM–8:30 PM Th 3604 Jackson, J 64082 PHY SCI 101 J 6:00 PM–7:15 PM MW 3126 TBA
63497 BIOLOGY 120 N 3:00 PM–5:30 PM F 3404 Khan, A


With Lab
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI)
63520 BIOLOGY 121 GJ 5:00 PM–8:30 PM MW 3428 TBA Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64176 PSYCH 201 KT 6:00 PM–8:30 PM T 3540 Dobria, O
BIOLOGY 226 Human Structure and Function I 4 CH 64170 PSYCH 201 P 9:30 AM–12:50 PM S 3540 Taitt, P
With Lab
Grade of C or better in Biology 121.
63593 BIOLOGY 226 K 5:00 PM–8:30 PM TTh 3318 Khan, I
SOC 201 Introduction to the Study of Society 3 CH (IAI)
BUSINESS Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64190 SOC 201 KR 6:00 PM–9:20 PM Th 3540 Johnson, A
BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH
63627 BUSINES 111 KR 6:00 PM–9:20 PM Th 0538B Latimore, K
CHEMISTRY SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I 4 CH (IAI) 67108 SPEECH 101-1 H 4:00 PM–5:15 PM TTh 2513 Forsberg, L
With Lab
Eligibility for English 101 and eligibility for Math 118 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63950 CHEM 121 P 8:30 AM–1:40 PM S 3105 Hussain, M
CHLD DV 101-1 Human Growth and Development I 4 CH AFRO AM 101 Introduction to African-American Studies 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64234 AFRO AM 101 M 3:55 PM-5:15 PM MW 3304 Johnson, J
64503 CHLD DV 101-1 JM 6:00 PM–9:20 PM M 3527 Shelton, B
65979 AFRO AM 101 MS 6:55 PM-8:35 PM TTh 3304 TBA
CHLD DV 120 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Group Care 3 CH 64419 AFRO AM 101 P 5:30 PM-6:50 PM MW L302 Keyes, C
64446 CHLD DV 120 JM 6:00 PM–9:20 PM M 3604 TBA 64447 AFRO AM 101 S 7:05 PM-8:25 PM TTh L302 Franklin, Z
64527 AFRO AM 101 SBC 9:35 AM-12:30 PM S 3305 Abo, K


CIS 120 Introduction to Microcomputers 3 CH
63662 CIS 120 JM 6:00 PM–9:20 PM M 0114 TBA ART 103 Art Appreciation 3 CH (IAI)
63672 CIS 120 K 6:00 PM–7:15 PM TTh 0603 TBA 64669 ART 103 R 7:05 PM-8:25 PM MW 3320 Hart, T
63668 CIS 120 P 9:00 AM–11:30 AM S 0603 Latimore, K 64717 ART 103 SCD 11:35 AM-2:05 PM S 7 Carr, M
This class will be held at the South Chicago Learning Center located 3055 E. 92nd St.

ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. BIOLOGY 114 General Education Biology 4 CH (IAI)
64364 ENGLISH 101 H 3:30 PM–4:45 PM TTh 2625 TBA With Lab
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
64035 BIOLOGY 114 SU 7:00 PM-9:05 PM TTh 3426 Ali, A
BIOLOGY 115 Human Biology 4 CH (IAI)
FIN ART 104 The World of the Cinema 3 CH (IAI) With Lab
64119 FIN ART 104 KR 6:00 PM–8:30 PM Th 3239 Rubin, B Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
64123 FIN ART 104 KT 6:00 PM–8:30 PM T 3610 Harris, A 64093 BIOLOGY 115 RT 7:00 PM-9:05 PM MW 3426 Bhatti, R
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I 4 CH (IAI) SPANISH 101 First Course Spanish 4 CH
With Lab Placement Exam
Eligibility for English 101 and eligibility for Math 118 or higher or Consent of Department Chairperson. 64943 SPANISH 101 NQ 4:00 PM-5:35 PM TTh 3201 Franco, E
63555 CHEM 121 QSU 6:00 PM-8:30 PM TTh 3101 TBA 64940 SPANISH 101 QS 6:30 PM-8:05 PM TTh 3201 Franco, E
64981 SPANISH 101 SAC 8:30 AM-11:55 AM S 4 Franco, E
CHEM 201 General Chemistry I 5 CH (IAI) This class will be held at the South Chicago Learning Center located 3055 E. 92nd St.
With Lab
Eligibility for Mathematics 140 or higher and Grade of C or better in Chemistry 121 or one year of high school
chemistry, or Consent of Department Chairperson. SPEECH
63650 CHEM 201 QSU 6:00 PM-9:15 PM TTh 3102 Ferguson Jr., A
SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
ECONOMICS 64855 SPEECH 101-1 Q 5:30 PM-6:50 PM TTh 2405 Myers, R
64856 SPEECH 101-1 R 7:05 PM-8:25 PM MW 2405 Obialor, F
ECON 201 Principles Of Economics I 3 CH (IAI) 64866 SPEECH 101-1 SCD 11:10 AM-1:35 PM S 2405 Obialor, F
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
64579 ECON 201 N 3:55 PM-5:15 PM TTh 2308 Roy, S

ECON 202 Principles Of Economics II 3 CH (IAI) HARRY S TRUMAN COLLEGE

Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
64590 ECON 202 QS1 5:30 PM-8:10 PM T 2308 Roy, S
HUMANITIES ANTHRO 201 Introduction to Biological and Cultural Evolutions of Humans 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
HUM 201 General Course I Humanities 3 CH (IAI) 62141 ANTHRO 201 PRY 6:00 PM–9:00 PM W 3140 Lennon, N
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
64968 HUM 201 SDE 12:45 PM-3:10 PM S 3103 Younge, J
HUM 202 General Course II Humanities 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson. ARABIC 101 Arabic for Beginners I 4 CH
64974 HUM 202 R 7:05 PM-8:25 PM MW 3103 Banks, L Eligibility for English 100, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61734 ARABIC 101 TU 6:00 PM–7:50 PM TTh 2106 Almisry, I

MATH 122 Math For Elementary Teachers II 4 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 121, or Consent of Department Chairperson. ART 103 Art Appreciation 3 CH (IAI)
64202 MATH 122 QS 5:20 PM-7:00 PM TTh 2203 Sancira, I 61762 ART 103 S 4:00 PM–5:30 PM TTh 3136 Cordero, D

MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI) ART 141 Introduction to the Visual Arts 2 CH
Grade of C or better in Math 99 or ACT Math Score range within (21-23). With Lab
64205 MATH 125-1 RT 7:05 PM-8:45 PM MW 2206 Wucherer, R 62160 ART 141 EN 2:00 PM–4:50 PM M 3901 Roberts, S

MUSIC 121 Introduction To Music 3 CH (IAI) ASTROMY 201 Descriptive Astronomy 3 CH (IAI)
64835 MUSIC 121 Q 5:30 PM-6:50 PM TTh 3210 Collins, M Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
64879 MUSIC 121 WX 9:35 AM-12:00 PM F 3210 Harris, J 61632 ASTROMY 201 TUY 5:45 PM–8:35 PM Th 3184 Smoot, D
63399 ASTROMY 201 WA 9:00 AM–12:00 PM S 3833 TBA

PHY SCI 111 General Course I Physical Science 4 CH (IAI)
With Lab BIOLOGY 107 Nutrition-Consumer Education 3 CH
Eligibility for English 101 and Math 099 or Higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 61660 BIOLOGY 107 PRY 6:00 PM–8:50 PM W 2973 Francis, J
63721 PHY SCI 111 NQ 4:00 PM-6:05 PM TTh 3120 Russ, D 61661 BIOLOGY 107 TVY 6:00 PM–8:50 PM Th 2973 Wang, X
63711 PHY SCI 111 PRT 6:30 PM-8:35 PM MW 3120 Russ, D 62153 BIOLOGY 107 WB 12:30 PM–3:40 PM S 2973 Azim, A

BIOLOGY 114 General Education Biology 4 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
POL SCI 201 The National Government 3 CH (IAI) 61695 BIOLOGY 114 TU 6:00 PM–8:20 PM TTh 2831 TBA
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
64623 POL SCI 201 PR1 5:35 PM-8:10 PM M 3304 Crawford, S BIOLOGY 115 Human Biology 4 CH (IAI)
With Lab
PSYCHOLOGY Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61730 BIOLOGY 115 PQ 6:00 PM–8:20 PM M 2831 Sanei, M
PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI) 6:00 PM–8:20 PM W 2963 Sanei, M
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson.
BIOLOGY 120 Terminology for Medical Careers 3 CH
64667 PSYCH 201 M 3:55 PM-5:15 PM MW 2302 Rogers, W
61735 BIOLOGY 120 TVY 6:00 PM–8:50 PM M 2973 Aman, N
65989 PSYCH 201 MM 4:00 PM-6:15 PM MW 2308 Alston, D
61738 BIOLOGY 120 TVY2 6:00 PM–8:50 PM T 2963 Aman, N
64661 PSYCH 201 PR1 5:30 PM-8:10 PM M 2302 Davis, K
64660 PSYCH 201 S 7:05 PM-8:25 PM TTh 2302 Jenkins, S BIOLOGY 121 Biology I 5 CH
With Lab
SOCIAL SCIENCE Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61803 BIOLOGY 121 EN 3:00 PM–5:50 PM MW 2975 Driver, A
SOC SCI 101 General Course I Social Science 3 CH (IAI) 61793 BIOLOGY 121 PQR 6:00 PM–8:50 PM MW 2975 Wang, X
Eligibility for English 101, or ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), or Consent of Department Chairperson. 61756 BIOLOGY 121 TUV 6:00 PM–8:50 PM TTh 2975 Driver, A
64691 SOC SCI 101 M 3:55 PM-5:15 PM MW 2301 Thayer, C 62169 BIOLOGY 121 WAB 9:00 AM–3:30 PM S 2975 Wang, X
65990 SOC SCI 101 MMP 3:45 PM-5:25 PM TTh 2301 McCarthy, D
64690 SOC SCI 101 N 3:55 PM-5:15 PM TTh 2306 Mathis, M
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

BUSINESS HUM 212 Non-Western Humanities 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH 63367 HUM 212 E 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 3136 Dundzila, R
61906 BUSINES 111 PRY 6:00 PM–9:30 PM W L568 Cooksey, J
CHEMISTRY LIT 121 Contemporary African-American Literature 3 CH
CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I 4 CH (IAI) Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
With Lab 61727 LIT 121 TUV 6:00 PM–8:50 PM TTh 2929 Rhodes, A
Eligibility for English 101 and eligibility for Math 118 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61764 CHEM 121 PQ

5:45 PM–8:35 PM
5:45 PM–8:35 PM
Bokretsion, R
Bokretsion, R
61770 CHEM 121 PQR 6:00 PM–8:50 PM MW 3162 Czuchra, J MATH 118 General Education Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
Studio Classroom Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99)
61760 CHEM 121 TU 5:45 PM–8:35 PM TTh 3974 Bokretsion, R and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
63410 CHEM 121 WAB 9:00 AM–3:00 PM S 3162 Ansel, O Department Chairperson.
Studio Classroom 62053 MATH 118 PQ 6:00 PM–7:50 PM MW 3973 TBA
63372 MATH 118 WAB 9:00 AM–1:05 PM S 3140 TBA
CHILD DEVELOPMENT MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI)
CHLD DV 101-1 Human Growth and Development I 4 CH Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23).
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 62127 MATH 125-1 TU 6:00 PM–7:40 PM TTh 3941 TBA
Studio Classroom
62182 CHLD DV 101-1 TVY 6:00 PM-9:35 PM T 3215 TBA
63309 CHLD DV 101-1 WAB 9:00 AM–12:35 PM S 3215 Butcher, C 63394 MATH 125-1 WAB 9:00 AM–1:05 PM S 3983 TBA
Studio Classroom


Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3 CH ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Department Chairperson.
66984 CIS 101 Z 6:00 PM–9:40 PM F L985 Ali, S 62107 MATH 140 TU 6:00 PM–7:40 PM TTh 3979 TBA
63396 MATH 140 WAB 9:00 AM–1:05 PM S 3963 TBA
CIS 120 Introduction to Microcomputers 3 CH
61955 CIS 120 TVY 6:00 PM–9:00 PM Th L985 TBA MATH 143 Pre Calculus 6 CH
63275 CIS 120 WA 9:00 AM–12:00 PM S L985 Mehmedagic, S Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
63269 CIS 120 Z 6:00 PM–9:00 PM F L831 TBA ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Department Chairperson.
62128 MATH 143 KS 3:00 PM–5:40 PM TTh 3973 TBA
CMMEDIA 167 Digital Photography 3 CH MATH 207 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 CH (IAI)
63301 CMMEDIA 167 NP 4:00 PM–6:50 PM MW 2230AA Paz, D Grade of C or better in Math 140 and Math 141, OR Math 143, OR ACT Math Score range within (24-36), OR
Consent of Department Chairperson.
EDUCATION 62136 MATH 207 TU 6:00 PM–8:15 PM TTh 3973 Garcia, A

EDUC 101 Introduction to Education 3 CH

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63404 EDUC 101 TVY 6:00 PM–8:40 PM T 3929 Nikolaros, J MUSIC 121 Introduction to Music 3 CH (IAI)
61934 MUSIC 121 TUY 5:45 PM–8:35 PM T 3126 Tollett, R
ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. OCEAN 101 Introduction to Oceanography 3 CH (IAI)
62051 ENGLISH 101 EN 3:00 PM–4:20 PM MW 2929 Magoon, M Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63429 OCEAN 101 WA 9:00 AM–12:00 PM S 3184 Almarzah, W
FIN ART 104 The World of the Cinema 3 CH (IAI)
63312 FIN ART 104 TU 5:45 PM–8:35 PM T 3136 Paraskiv, C POL SCI 201 The National Government 3 CH (IAI)
63352 FIN ART 104 Z 6:30 PM–10:00 PM F 3416 Paraskiv, C Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63421 POL SCI 201 PRY 6:00 PM–8:40 PM W 3233 O’Malley, K
FRENCH 101 First Course French 4 CH
Placement Exam PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI)
63324 FRENCH 101 NP 4:00 PM–5:50 PM MW 2106 TBA Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63327 PSYCH 201 WA 9:00 AM–12:20 PM S 3953 Lavin, M
HISTORY 215 History of Latin America 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. SPANISH 101 First Course Spanish 4 CH
63419 HISTORY 215 PRY 6:00 PM–9:00 PM M 3233 Johnston, A Placement Exam
62004 SPANISH 101 KS 3:00 PM–4:50 PM TTh 2100A Torres, D
HISTORY 247 African History to Colonial Period 3 CH (IAI) 62007 SPANISH 101 PQ 6:00 PM–7:50 PM MW 2100A Arana-Rochel, G
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66484 HISTORY 247 TVY 6:00 PM–9:00 PM Th 3233 Atsbaha, A
HUMANITIES ZOOLOGY 211 General Zoology 4 CH (IAI)
With Lab
HUM 201 General Course I Humanities 3 CH (IAI) Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61902 ZOOLOGY 211 KS 2:00 PM–4:50 PM TTh 2831 Gurung, M
63360 HUM 201 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 3136 Dundzila, R
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu


With Lab
4 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES 60672 BIOLOGY 115 SU 5:30 PM–7:50 PM T 918 O’Malley, P
5:30 PM–7:50 PM Th 915 O’Malley, P
AFRO AM 101 Introduction to African-American Studies 3 CH
60406 AFRO AM 101 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1031 Thomas, S BIOLOGY 120 Terminology for Medical Careers 3 CH
65791 BIOLOGY 120 KLQ 2:00 PM–4:50 PM T 915 Uddin, K
With Lab
ARCHITC 104 History of Architecture I 3 CH
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61220 BIOLOGY 121 JLP 2:00 PM–4:50 PM M 922 Bizhanova, A
60820 ARCHITC 104 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 808 Madsen, J
Architecture 104 and 105 are non-sequential courses. Students may enroll in either course first. Students interested in 2:00 PM–4:50 PM W 915 Bizhanova, A
enrolling in architecture classes please contact John Madsen at [email protected] or Ivanhoe Tejeda at [email protected], 61222 BIOLOGY 121 KLQ 2:00 PM–4:50 PM T 922 Gomes, I
or the Department Chair for Advising prior to registration. 2:00 PM–4:50 PM Th 915 Gomes, I
65794 BIOLOGY 121 KQ2 2:00 PM–4:50 PM TTh 901 Campos, A
ARCHITC 105 History of Architecture II 3 CH 61226 BIOLOGY 121 RT 5:30 PM–8:25 PM MW 915 Gomes, I
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61228 BIOLOGY 121 SU 5:30 PM–8:25 PM T 922 TBA
60821 ARCHITC 105 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 808 Madsen, J
Architecture 104 and 105 are non-sequential courses. Students may enroll in either course first. Students interested in 5:30 PM–8:25 PM Th 918 TBA
enrolling in architecture classes please contact John Madsen at [email protected] or Ivanhoe Tejeda at [email protected], 61224 BIOLOGY 121 ZAA 5:30 PM–8:25 PM F 922 Alvares, K
or the Department Chair for Advising prior to registration. 9:00 AM–11:55 AM S 918 Alvares, K
ARCHITC 121 Architectural Drawing I 4 CH BIOLOGY 122 Biology II 5 CH
With Lab With Lab
Grade of C or better OR concurrent enrollment in Architecture 170, and eligibility for English 100, OR Consent of Grade of C or better in Biology 121, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Department Chairperson. 65798 BIOLOGY 122 JLP 2:00 PM–4:50 PM MW 901 Berchiolli, B
60824 ARCHITC 121 RT 5:30 PM–8:10 PM MW 810 Ochoa, D
Introductory studio based architectural drawing course. This course is the prerequisite to all other architecture studio
classes. Please see the Department Chair if you are unable to concurrently enroll in Architecture 170. BUSINESS
ARCHITC 122 Architectural Drawing II 4 CH BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH
With Lab 60365 BUSINES 111 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1035 Pendleton, B
Grade of C or better in Architecture 121, and completion of OR concurrent enrollment in Architecture 171, OR 66307 BUSINES 111 KL 2:00 PM–3:35 PM TTh 303 Pendleton, B
Consent of Department Chairperson. 60369 BUSINES 111 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1008 Perkins, D
61064 ARCHITC 122 RT 5:30 PM–8:10 PM MW 818 Lopez, A 60366 BUSINES 111 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1003 TBA
This is a studio based course. Please see the department chair if you are unable to concurrently enroll in Architecture 171.
BUSINES 141 Business Mathematics 3 CH
ARCHITC 170 Computer-Aided Design I for Architectural Drafting Techniques 3 CH 60372 BUSINES 141 SU 5:30 PM–8:25 PM Th 1005 TBA
With Lab
Eligibility for English 100 OR Consent of Department Chairperson. BUSINES 180 Fundamentals of Accounting 3 CH
60843 ARCHITC 170 RTV 5:30 PM–9:10 PM W 815 Manaves, J 60375 BUSINES 180 RT 5:30 PM–8:25 PM M 1035 Campbell, T
Introductory studio based CAD course. Primary software AutoCAD 2015
BUSINES 181 Financial Accounting 4 CH
ARCHITC 171 Computer-Aided Design II Architectural Drafting Techniques 3 CH Business 111 OR Business 141 OR Mathematics 098 or higher; OR concurrent enrollment in Business 141; OR
With Lab placement test; OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Grade of C or better in Architecture 170 OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60379 BUSINES 181 JL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW 1003 Perkins, D
60845 ARCHITC 171 LP 3:25 PM–5:15 PM MW 815 Tejeda, I 60380 BUSINES 181 VT 7:00 PM–8:45 PM MW 1003 Yates, M
Students will learn to create fundamental building information models (BIM) using Revit. Primary software: Revit 2015

CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I 4 CH (IAI)
ART 103 Art Appreciation 3 CH (IAI) With Lab
60866 ART 103 J 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW 806 Onli, T Eligibility for English 101 and eligibility for Math 118 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60867 ART 103 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 809 Chishty, M 65647 CHEM 121 JLP 2:00 PM–4:45 PM M 911 Reyes, H
60868 ART 103 K 2:00 PM–3:45 PM TTh 806 TBA 2:00 PM–4:45 PM W 714 Reyes, H
60870 ART 103 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 809 TBA 65652 CHEM 121 SU 5:30 PM–8:15 PM T 911 TBA
65094 ART 103 RT 5:30 PM–8:10 PM M 809 TBA 5:30 PM–8:15 PM Th 904 TBA
65112 ART 103 RT2 5:30 PM–8:10 PM W 809 TBA
60872 ART 103 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 809 Vasevski, V CHEM 201 General Chemistry I 5 CH (IAI)
With Lab
Eligibility for Mathematics 140 or higher and Grade of C or better in Chemistry 121 OR one year of high school
ASTRONOMY chemistry, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65689 CHEM 201 KJL 2:00 PM–4:20 PM MW 902 Ayesh, S
ASTROMY 201 Descriptive Astronomy 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 2:00 PM–4:45 PM T 911 Ayesh, S
63784 ASTROMY 201 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 905 Vargas, P 65694 CHEM 201 SUW 5:30 PM–9:15 PM T 904 Tse, K
63796 ASTROMY 201 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1040 Vargas, P 5:30 PM–9:15 PM Th 911 Tse, K
63797 ASTROMY 201 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 1040 Vargas, P
BIOLOGY CHINESE 101 Introduction to Chinese 4 CH
Eligibility for English 101 OR Consent of Department Chairperson
BIOLOGY 107 Nutrition-Consumer Education 3 CH
60048 CHINESE 101 KLQ 3:00 PM–4:45 PM TTh 306 Liu, X
65786 BIOLOGY 107 X 2:10 PM–5:00 PM F 922 TBA

BIOLOGY 109 Human Genetics and Evolution

60494 BIOLOGY 109 KLQ 2:00 PM–4:50 PM Th 922
3 CH (IAI)
Bizhanova, A
CHLD DV 107 Health Safety and Nutrition 3 CH
BIOLOGY 114 General Education Biology 4 CH (IAI) 60106 CHLD DV 107 RT 6:00 PM–8:40 PM M 722 Kisielewski, B
With Lab
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60668 BIOLOGY 114 SU 5:30 PM–7:50 PM T 915 Alvares, K
5:30 PM–7:50 PM Th 901 Alvares, K
60670 BIOLOGY 114 XZ 4:00 PM–8:40 PM F 915 Amin, M
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 60945 FIN ART 104 Z 5:30 PM–8:25 PM F 323 Holmes, G
This is an introduction to film course. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the cinema studies discipline, will
be required; completion of English 101 is strongly advised. May include field trips to screenings in the city.
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3 CH
With Lab FIN ART 108 Historty of Archictecture, Painting, and Sculpture II 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
65808 CIS 101 KL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM TTh 407 TBA 60948 FIN ART 108 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 318 McCormack, E
65810 CIS 101 Z 5:30 PM–8:55 PM F 405 TBA This course will focus primarily on Western Art history from the Baroque through the present and will include field trips to
local museums, architectural sites, and/or other exhibits in the city. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the
CIS 120 Introduction to Microcomputers 3 CH discipline of Art History, will be required; completion of English 101 is strongly advised.
60342 CIS 120 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 408 TBA
60343 CIS 120 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 408 TBA FIN ART 109 History of Cinema 3 CH (IAI)
60344 CIS 120 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 408 TBA Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60345 CIS 120 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 408 TBA 60950 FIN ART 109 JLP 2:00 PM–4:50 PM M 323 Cartier, J
This course covers the history of film from the early experiments in motion pictures to the latest trends in movie-making.
60346 CIS 120 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 408 TBA Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the cinema studies discipline, will be required; completion of English
60348 CIS 120 Z 5:30 PM–8:25 PM F 408 TBA 101 is strongly advised. May include field trips to screenings in the city.
60949 FIN ART 109 RT 5:30 PM–8:25 PM W 323 TBA
CRIMINAL JUSTICE This course covers the history of film from the early experiments in motion pictures to the latest trends in movie-making.
Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the cinema studies discipline, will be required; completion of English
101 is strongly advised. May include field trips to screenings in the city.
CRM JUS 102 Administration of Criminal Justice 3 CH
60133 CRM JUS 102 P 4:00 PM–5:20 PM MW 722 Nix, B
60134 CRM JUS 102 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 722 Nix, B FRENCH
CRM JUS 114 Administration of Juvenile Justice 3 CH FRENCH 101 First Course French 4 CH
60142 CRM JUS 114 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 305 Sharping, I Placement Exam
60053 FRENCH 101 KL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM TTh 623 Townsend, D
60054 FRENCH 101 PR 5:15 PM–7:00 PM MW 624 Cutcher, A
ECONOMICS 60055 FRENCH 101 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 623 Sekler, A
ECON 201 Principles of Economics I 3 CH (IAI) FRENCH 102 Second Course French 4 CH
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Placement test, OR grade of C or better in French 101
60419 ECON 201 RT 5:30 PM–8:25 PM M 1031 TBA 63945 FRENCH 102 KL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM TTh 619 Cutcher, A
ECON 202 Principles of Economics II 3 CH (IAI) 60058 FRENCH 102 PR 5:15 PM–7:00 PM MW 623 Townsend, D
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
FRENCH 103 Third Course French 4 CH
60423 ECON 202 SU 5:30 PM–8:25 PM T 1030 Washington, G Placement test, OR grade of C or better in French 102 and Consent of Department Chairperson.
63960 FRENCH 103 QSU 5:15 PM–7:20 PM TTh 614 Bravais-Slyman, K
EDUCATION FRENCH 104 Fourth Course French 4 CH (IAI)
EDUC 101 Introduction to Education 3 CH Placement test, OR grade of C or better in French 103 and Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 63965 FRENCH 104 PRT 5:15 PM–7:20 PM MW 614 Bravais-Slyman, K
60427 EDUC 101 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 407 Curry-James, V
60425 EDUC 101 RT
60426 EDUC 101 SU
5:30 PM–8:25 PM
5:30 PM–8:25 PM
Curry-James, V
Harris, L
GEOG 101 World Geography 3 CH (IAI)
EDUC 102 Using Technology in the Class 3 CH Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60428 EDUC 102 SU 5:30 PM–8:25 PM T 709 Harris, L 60430 GEOG 101 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1038 Hinton, J
66448 GEOG 101 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 622 Ribant, M
ENGLISH 66449 GEOG 101 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 623 Ribant, M

ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI) GEOG 201 Physical Geography 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60608 ENGLISH 101 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 602 Deher-Lesaint, J 61390 GEOG 201 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1031 Hinton, J
60610 ENGLISH 101 J3 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 621 Alexandersson, C
60611 ENGLISH 101 K
60612 ENGLISH 101 K2
2:00 PM–3:20 PM
2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Wehrle, L
Brady, T
60616 ENGLISH 101 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 621 Deher-Lesaint, J HISTORY 111 History of American People to 1865 3 CH (IAI)
60618 ENGLISH 101 P2 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 604 Cooper, S Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60621 ENGLISH 101 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 621 Burstein, T 60437 HISTORY 111 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1040 Burnett, S
60626 ENGLISH 101 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 602 Buckman, D 60438 HISTORY 111 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1012 Lefkovitz, A
60627 ENGLISH 101 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 622 Rush, S
60628 ENGLISH 101 U2 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 621 Buckman, D HISTORY 112 History of American People from 1865 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
ENGLISH 150 College Newspaper 1 CH 60442 HISTORY 112 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1117 Scott, C
60703 ENGLISH 150 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM W 620 Turner, M 64770 HISTORY 112 J2 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1013 Burnett, C
60443 HISTORY 112 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1013 Whalen, J
ENTREPRENEURSHIP 60444 HISTORY 112 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1030 Burnett, S

HISTORY 114 The Afro-American in American History 3 CH

ENTRE 201 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3 CH Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101 and Math 118, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60446 HISTORY 114 PR 3:55 PM–6:50 PM W 1117 Gayle, J
66303 ENTRE 201 QS 5:20 PM–6:55 PM TTh 301 TBA
HISTORY 115 Afro-American History Since 1865 3 CH
FINE ARTS Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60447 HISTORY 115 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1032 Gayle, J
FIN ART 104 The World of the Cinema 3 CH (IAI) 65978 HISTORY 115 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 1034 Thomas, S
60942 FIN ART 104 JLP 2:00 PM–4:50 PM W 323 Bean, A 64783 HISTORY 215 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1030 Burnett, C
This is an introduction to film course. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the cinema studies discipline, will
be required; completion of English 101 is strongly advised. May include field trips to screening in the city HISTORY 248 African History: Modern Period 3 CH (IAI)
60941 FIN ART 104 SU 5:30 PM–8:25 PM T 323 Henry, M Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
This introduction to film course will have an emphasis on Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Studies. Writing and 60456 HISTORY 248 QS 3:55 PM–6:50 PM Th 1029 Gayle, J
reading assignments, as appropriate to the cinema studies discipline, will be required; completion of English 101 is strongly
advised. May include field trips to screening in the city.
60943 FIN ART 104 SU2 5:30 PM–8:25 PM Th 323 Cartier, J
This is an introduction to film course. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the cinema studies discipline, will
be required; completion of English 101 is strongly advised. May include field trips to screenings in the city.
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

HUM 105 The New World of Mass Media 3 CH MATH 118 General Education Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
60958 HUM 105 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 318 Sowisdral, A Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99)
60954 HUM 105 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 319 TBA and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
60957 HUM 105 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 319 Alexander, C Department Chairperson.
60955 HUM 105 X 2:00 PM–4:50 PM F 316 Bean, A 60277 MATH 118 LQ 3:30 PM–5:15 PM TTh 706 TBA
60278 MATH 118 PR 5:15 PM–7:00 PM MW 727 TBA
HUM 107 Pop Culture: Mirror of American Life 3 CH 60279 MATH 118 UW 7:05 PM–8:50 PM TTh 705 Pandis, J
60962 HUM 107 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 316 Sowisdral, A 65589 MATH 118 VT 7:05 PM–8:50 PM MW 725 TBA
60960 HUM 107 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 319 TBA
MATH 121 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I 4 CH
HUM 123 Introduction to Arts and Ideas 3 CH (IAI) Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
60966 HUM 123 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 319 TBA Department Chairperson.
This course is an introduction to the study of the arts-visual art, literature, music, dance, film, theater, opera, etc.- and 60282 MATH 121 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 726 Pandis, J
the philosophies that can be used to understand them. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the study of
Humanities, will be required; completion or concurrent enrollment in English 101 is recommended. MATH 122 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II 4 CH (IAI)
60967 HUM 123 RT 5:30 PM–8:25 PM M 323 TBA Grade of C or better in Math 121, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
This course is an introduction to the study of the arts-visual art, literature, music, dance, film, theater, opera, etc.- and 60284 MATH 122 PR 5:15 PM–7:00 PM MW 704 Wohlmuth, S
the philosophies that can be used to understand them. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the study of
Humanities, will be required; completion or concurrent enrollment in English 101 is recommended.
MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI)
60969 HUM 123 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 318 TBA Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23).
This course is an introduction to the study of the arts-visual art, literature, music, dance, film, theater, opera, etc.- and
the philosophies that can be used to understand them. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the study of 60287 MATH 125-1 JL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW 708 Kakumanu, S
Humanities, will be required; completion or concurrent enrollment in English 101 is recommended. 60288 MATH 125-1 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 703 Thomas, L
60968 HUM 123 X 2:00 PM–4:50 PM F 318 TBA 60289 MATH 125-1 VT 7:05 PM–8:50 PM MW 706 TBA
This course is an introduction to the study of the arts-visual art, literature, music, dance, film, theater, opera, etc.- and
the philosophies that can be used to understand them. Writing and reading assignments, as appropriate to the study of MATH 140 College Algebra 4 CH
Humanities, will be required; completion or concurrent enrollment in English 101 is recommended. Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
HUM 141 Afro-American Arts 3 CH Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60302 MATH 140 JL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW 703 Zenati, L
60972 HUM 141 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 323 Cartier, J 60304 MATH 140 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 303 Miranda-Mendoza, F
This course satisfies the Human Diversity Requirement for graduation.
65591 MATH 140 UW 7:05 PM–8:50 PM TTh 726 TBA
60303 MATH 140 VT 7:05 PM–8:50 PM MW 703 Lyubanov, V
ITALIAN MATH 141 Plane Trigonometry 3 CH
ITALIAN 101 First Course Italian 4 CH Grade of C or better in Math 140, OR ACT Math Score range within (24-36), OR Consent of Department
66673 ITALIAN 101 SU 5:30 PM–7:15 PM TTh 626 Stinga, O Chairperson.
60307 MATH 141 P 4:00 PM–5:20 PM MW 723 TBA
ITALIAN 102 Second Course Italian 4 CH 65594 MATH 141 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 707 Blichowski, T
Placement test, OR Italian 101, OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60308 MATH 141 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 706 Balogun, O
66672 ITALIAN 102 LQ 3:30 PM–5:15 PM TTh 626 Stinga, O
MATH 144 Finite Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
ITALIAN 104 Fourth Course Italian 4 CH (IAI) Grade of C or better in Math 140, OR COMPASS Placement Test Score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
Placement test, OR Italian 103, OR Consent of Department Chairperson. ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (51-99) and TRIGONOMETRY (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within
60062 ITALIAN 104 RT 5:30 PM–7:15 PM MW 619 Stinga, O (24-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60311 MATH 144 PR 5:15 PM–7:00 PM MW 705 Li, J
JAPANESE MATH 204-1 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences 5 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 140, OR COMPASS Placement Test Score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
JAPANES 101 First Course Japanese 4 CH
ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (51-99) and TRIGONOMETRY (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within
60063 JAPANES 101 PR 5:15 PM–7:00 PM MW 625 Satsu, S
(24-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60064 JAPANES 101 VT 7:05 PM–8:50 PM MW 625 Satsu, S
60313 MATH 204-1 JLP 2:00 PM–4:10 PM MW 725 Ougouag, N
JAPANES 102 Second Course Japanese 4 CH 65599 MATH 204-1 UW 7:05 PM–9:15 PM TTh 727 Miranda-Mendoza, F
Placement test, OR Japanese 101, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60065 JAPANES 102 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 625 Satsu, S
MATH 207 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 140 and Math 141, OR Math 143, OR ACT Math Score range within (24-36), OR
Consent of Department Chairperson.
LITERATURE 60318 MATH 207 JLP 2:00 PM–4:10 PM MW 727 Bounas, A
60319 MATH 207 SU 5:30 PM–7:40 PM TTh 707 Ougouag, N
LIT 110 Introduction to Literature 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. MATH 208 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 5 CH (IAI)
60736 LIT 110 RT 5:30 PM–8:25 PM W 609 TBA Grade of C or better in Math 207, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
The theme of this course is "Literature and Revolution." 60322 MATH 208 KLQ 2:00 PM–4:10 PM TTh 708 Ougouag, N
60323 MATH 208 RT 5:30 PM–7:40 PM MW 407 Ortega, O
LIT 113 Fiction 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. MATH 209 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 5 CH (IAI)
60742 LIT 113 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 604 Liston, S Grade of C or better in Math 208, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60325 MATH 209 SU 5:30 PM–7:40 PM TTh 407 TBA
LIT 116 American Literature from Colonial Days to Civil War 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. MATH 212 Linear Algebra 3 CH
60743 LIT 116 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 604 Wilkenfeld, J Grade of C or better in Math 208, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60327 MATH 212 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 727 Sheu, C
LIT 155 Literature and Film 3 CH
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60749 LIT 155 KLQ 2:00 PM–5:15 PM T 622 Deher-Lesaint, J MUSIC
Emphasis on the cinema of Alfred HItchcock. Technology is the primary mode of instruction and students enrolled in this
course are required to have regular access to the Internet outside of class and to use Blackboard. For more information, MUSIC 101 Fundamentals of Music Theory 3 CH
please contact the instructor. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60986 MUSIC 101 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 316 Bartolotta, T
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu


PHIL 105 Logic 3 CH (IAI) SOC SCI 101 General Course I Social Science 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61197 PHIL 105 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 319 Swanson, B 60512 SOC SCI 101 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1012 Shah, V
61198 PHIL 105 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 319 TBA 60513 SOC SCI 101 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 304 TBA
60514 SOC SCI 101 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1012 Shah, V
PHIL 106 Introduction to Philosophy 3 CH (IAI) 60515 SOC SCI 101 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1037 Perez, A
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60516 SOC SCI 101 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1031 Lesof, L
61204 PHIL 106 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 319 Allen, R
61201 PHIL 106 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 317 Kelly, P SOC SCI 102 General Course II Social Science 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
PHIL 107 Ethics 3 CH (IAI) 60521 SOC SCI 102 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1032 Hinton, J
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. This class has a LGBTQ studies focus
66812 PHIL 107 PY 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 317 Swanson, B 60522 SOC SCI 102 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1011 Krupa, R
This course has Great Books emphasis
60523 SOC SCI 102 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 1012 Riedle, I
61205 PHIL 107 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 317 Allen, R 60524 SOC SCI 102 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1034 Przygrodzki, R
PHIL 108 Philosophy of Religion 3 CH (IAI) 60525 SOC SCI 102 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1011 Martinez, L
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
61210 PHIL 108 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 317 Kelly, P SOCIAL SERVICE
61208 PHIL 108 X 2:00 PM–4:50 PM F 317 Kelly, P
SOC SER 101 Introduction to Social Work 3 CH
Eligibility for English 100, OR Grade of C or better in English 98, OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE 60164 SOC SER 101 SU 5:30 PM–8:10 PM Th 725 Williamson, C
PHY SCI 111 General Course I Physical Science 4 CH (IAI) SOC SER 109 Report Writing for Social Service Aides 3 CH
With Lab Grade of C or better in English 101 and SOC SER 101 OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101 and Math 099 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60168 SOC SER 109 RT 5:30 PM–8:10 PM M 723 Bristor, C
64285 PHY SCI 111 KLQ 3:00 PM–5:20 PM TTh 905 Bednarz, F
64287 PHY SCI 111 SU 5:30 PM–7:50 PM TTh 905 TBA SOC SER 212 Introduction to Group Process 3 CH
60172 SOC SER 212 SU 5:30 PM–8:10 PM T 1117 Bristor, C
POL SCI 201 The National Government 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. SPANISH 101 First Course Spanish 4 CH
60460 POL SCI 201 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1034 Riedle, I Placement Exam
60461 POL SCI 201 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1032 Riedle, I 60072 SPANISH 101 JL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW 619 Vazquez, J
60462 POL SCI 201 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1032 TBA 60073 SPANISH 101 KQ 3:00 PM–4:45 PM TTh 624 Vazquez, J
60074 SPANISH 101 LP 3:30 PM–5:15 PM MW 626 Baez, A
POL SCI 204 International Relations 3 CH 60076 SPANISH 101 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 619 Martinez Lopez, M
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60075 SPANISH 101 RT 5:30 PM–7:15 PM MW 306 TBA
60465 POL SCI 204 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1030 TBA
60077 SPANISH 101 UW 7:15 PM–9:00 PM TTh 619 Beltran, D
60466 POL SCI 204 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1037 Krupa, R
SPANISH 102 Second Course Spanish 4 CH
POL SCI 207 U.S. State and Local Government 3 CH (IAI) Placement Test OR Grade of C or better in Spanish 101
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60083 SPANISH 102 JL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW 624 Mederos, S
60468 POL SCI 207 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 1037 Butler, E
60084 SPANISH 102 LQ 3:30 PM–5:15 PM TTh 308 Chavez, M
60085 SPANISH 102 QS 5:15 PM–7:00 PM TTh 306 Beltran, D
PSYCHOLOGY 60086 SPANISH 102 RT 5:30 PM–7:15 PM MW 626 Andujar, R

PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI) SPANISH 103 Third Course Spanish 4 CH
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Grade of C or better in Spanish 102; OR Placement Exam and Interview with World Language Faculty
60474 PSYCH 201 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1031 White, L 60088 SPANISH 103 RT 5:30 PM–7:15 PM MW 308 Mederos, S
60475 PSYCH 201 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1037 Daramus, A
60476 PSYCH 201 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1013 TBA SPANISH 104 Fourth Course Spanish 4 CH (IAI)
60477 PSYCH 201 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 1032 Daramus, A Grade of C or better in Spanish 103; OR Placement Test and Interview with World Language Faculty.
60478 PSYCH 201 QS 4:10 PM–6:50 PM T 1029 Cerrentano, C 60090 SPANISH 104 SU 5:30 PM–7:15 PM TTh 624 TBA
60479 PSYCH 201 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1013 Kiely, L
60480 PSYCH 201 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1034 White, L SPEECH
64801 PSYCH 201 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 1034 White, L
SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
SOCIOLOGY 60784 SPEECH 101-1 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 709 Armendarez, J
60785 SPEECH 101-1 J2 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1039 TBA
SOC 201 Introduction to the Study of Society 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60786 SPEECH 101-1 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 620 TBA
60500 SOC 201 K 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 722 Martinez, J 60787 SPEECH 101-1 K2 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh 1039 Renken, J
60501 SOC 201 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 1011 TBA 60789 SPEECH 101-1 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 709 Armendarez, J
60790 SPEECH 101-1 P2 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1039 TBA
SOC 203 Marriage and the Family 3 CH (IAI) 60791 SPEECH 101-1 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 620 TBA
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60792 SPEECH 101-1 Q2 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 1039 TBA
60502 SOC 203 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1037 Smith, N 60793 SPEECH 101-1 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1039 Crandall, M
60795 SPEECH 101-1 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1039 Crandall, M
SOC 207 The Sociology of Sex and Gender 3 CH (IAI) 60797 SPEECH 101-1 T 7:05 PM–8:25 PM MW 1039 Crandall, M
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 60798 SPEECH 101-1 U 7:05 PM–8:25 PM TTh 1039 Crandall, M
60503 SOC 207 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1034 Martinez, J
65980 SOC 207 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 609 Martinez, J
60504 SOC 207 Q 3:55 PM–5:15 PM TTh 1013 Lesof, L THEATER ART
SOC 210 Diverse Cultures/Global Age 3 CH THR ART 131 Introduction to Theater 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
60505 SOC 210 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 1011 TBA 60804 THR ART 131 JY 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 603 Nash, K

THR ART 133 Acting I 3 CH

60808 THR ART 133 PY 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 1118 Nash, K
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

THR ART 134 Contemporary Theater in the U.S. 3 CH (IAI) CIS 120 Introduction to Microcomputers 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. 62704 CIS 120 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM M A320 Figueroa, A
60810 THR ART 134 P 3:55 PM–5:15 PM MW 607 Brown, J 6:00 PM–7:20 PM W L119 Figueroa, A
60811 THR ART 134 R 5:30 PM–6:50 PM MW 606 Brown, J 62705 CIS 120 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM T A320 Alkaabi, M
6:00 PM–7:20 PM Th L119 Alkaabi, M
THR ART 235 Acting II 3 CH 62706 CIS 120 Q 7:30 PM–8:50 PM M A320 Alkaabi, M
Grade of C or better in Theater Art 133 OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
7:30 PM–8:50 PM W L119 Alkaabi, M
60814 THR ART 235 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW 1118 Iannantuoni, R
62707 CIS 120 R 7:30 PM–8:50 PM T A320 Grossmayer, M
THR ART 242 Improvisational Theater Workshop 3 CH 7:30 PM–8:50 PM Th L119 Grossmayer, M
60815 THR ART 242 S 5:30 PM–6:50 PM TTh 1118 TBA 62709 CIS 120 SA 8:00 AM–9:50 AM S A320 Kaniuk, D
10:00 AM–12:00 PM S L119 Kaniuk, D
62710 CIS 120 SN 12:45 PM–2:05 PM S A320 TBA



CRM JUS 102 Administration of Criminal Justice 3 CH
ARCHITC 121 Architectural Drawing I 4 CH 62796 CRM JUS 102 K 3:30 PM–4:50 PM MW A309 Batrich, R
With Lab 62797 CRM JUS 102 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A217 Madden, J
Grade of C or better OR concurrent enrollment in Architecture 170, and eligibility for English 100, OR Consent of 62798 CRM JUS 102 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A217 Granias, G
Department Chairperson.
65461 ARCHITC 121 LP 4:50 PM–7:20 PM TTh A224 TBA
This is a studio-based course for students who have taken high school level drafting courses, are transfering from another ENGLISH
architecture program, or have a general interest in architectural drawing and want to purse a degree in architecture. Please
see the department chair if you are unable to concurrently enroll in ARCHITC 170 due to closed sections or otherwise. ENGLISH 101 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
65463 ARCHITC 121 OQ 6:30 PM–8:50 PM MW A224 Miranda, F Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
This is a studio-based course for students who have taken high school level drafting courses, are transfering from another 62968 ENGLISH 101 I2 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A304 Todorovich, N
architecture program, or have a general interest in architectural drawing and want to purse a degree in architecture. Please
63242 ENGLISH 101 I3 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A307 Cohen, J
see the department chair if you are unable to concurrently enroll in ARCHITC 170 due to closed sections or otherwise.
62969 ENGLISH 101 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A305 Cohen, J
62970 ENGLISH 101 J2 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A208 Topping, C
BIOLOGY 63243 ENGLISH 101 J3 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A307 TBA
66723 ENGLISH 101 J4 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A331 TBA
BIOLOGY 114 General Education Biology 4 CH (IAI) 63162 ENGLISH 101 KM 4:30 PM–5:50 PM MW A317 Topping, C
With Lab
63244 ENGLISH 101 KM2 4:30 PM–5:50 PM MW A304 TBA
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62971 ENGLISH 101 LN 4:30 PM–5:50 PM TTh A208 Topping, C
65402 BIOLOGY 114 JL 2:00 PM–4:20 PM TTh S241 Lapin, R
62972 ENGLISH 101 LN2 4:30 PM–5:50 PM TTh A305 Cohen, J
65404 BIOLOGY 114 YZ 2:00 PM–6:30 PM F S225 Ale, S
62973 ENGLISH 101 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A208 Cohen, J
BIOLOGY 120 Terminology for Medical Careers 3 CH 62974 ENGLISH 101 O2 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A304 TBA
62472 BIOLOGY 120 I 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW S202 Zemla, T 62975 ENGLISH 101 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A208 TBA
66852 BIOLOGY 120 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh S202 Marshall, N 62976 ENGLISH 101 P2 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A302 TBA
62475 BIOLOGY 120 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW S202 Jackson, J 62977 ENGLISH 101 Q 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW A304 TBA
62477 BIOLOGY 120 PR 6:00 PM–8:50 PM Th S202 Ofodile, V 62978 ENGLISH 101 R 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh A304 TBA
62476 BIOLOGY 120 Q 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW S202 Jackson, J 62979 ENGLISH 101 SA 8:30 AM–11:50 AM S A305 TBA
62980 ENGLISH 101 SN 12:30 PM–3:50 PM S A305 TBA
BUSINESS ENGLISH 102 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in English 101.
BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH 66703 ENGLISH 102 I 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A327 TBA
62846 BUSINES 111 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A308 Kostakis, G 62998 ENGLISH 102 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A311 TBA
62847 BUSINES 111 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A308 Mendoza, A 67041 ENGLISH 102 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A302 TBA
66709 ENGLISH 102 Q 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW A311 TBA
CHEMISTRY 63008 ENGLISH 102 SA 8:30 AM–11:50 AM S A302 TBA

CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I 4 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101 and eligibility for Math 118 or higher OR Consent of Department Chairperson. FIN ART 104 The World of the Cinema 3 CH (IAI)
62403 CHEM 121 IK 2:00 PM–4:50 PM M S315 Todorovic, R 63168 FIN ART 104 IK 2:00 PM–4:50 PM W A314 Landor, R
2:00 PM–4:50 PM W S320 Todorovic, R 67098 FIN ART 104 IK2 2:00 PM–4:50 PM M A314 Landor, R
65335 CHEM 121 IK2 2:00 PM–4:50 PM M S320 Hadley, A
2:00 PM–4:50 PM W S315 Hadley, A
65337 CHEM 121 JL 2:00 PM–4:50 PM T S315 Ochwat, K HISTORY
2:00 PM–4:50 PM Th S320 Ochwat, K
HISTORY 111 History of American People to 1865 3 CH (IAI)
65343 CHEM 121 OQ 6:00 PM–9:50 PM M S315 Matsch, P
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
6:00 PM–8:50 PM W S320 Matsch, P
65534 HISTORY 111 LN 4:10 PM–5:50 PM TTh A325 Vistain, V
65345 CHEM 121 PR 6:00 PM–8:50 PM T S315 Luo, H
62722 HISTORY 111 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A309 Vistain, V
6:00 PM–8:50 PM Th S320 Luo, H


HUM 201 General Course I Humanities 3 CH (IAI)
CIS 118 Information Technology Problem Solving 3 CH Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
Eligibility for English 101.
62535 HUM 201 I9 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A219 Hamer, R
62696 CIS 118 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh S244 Nadas, E Great Books Curriculum
62536 HUM 201 J9 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A221 Liebman, S
Great Books Curriculum
67101 HUM 201 L9 3:30 PM–4:50 PM TTh A219 Vargas, R
Great Books Curriculum
62537 HUM 201 P9 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A324 Orbach, N
Great Books Curriculum

HUM 212 Non-Western Humanities 3 CH (IAI)

Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63136 HUM 212 I89 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A311 Choe, J
Global Studies/Great Books
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

LIT 110 Introduction to Literature 3 CH (IAI) PSYCH 201 General Psychology 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66719 LIT 110 I89 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A312 Renda, P 62749 PSYCH 201 I 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A317 Mustari, J
Global Studies & Great Books Curriculum 62750 PSYCH 201 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A335 Cordero, L
62751 PSYCH 201 K 3:30 PM–4:50 PM MW A212 Lawson, M
LIT 155 Literature and Film 3 CH (IAI)
62752 PSYCH 201 L 3:30 PM–4:50 PM TTh A317 Mustari, J
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62753 PSYCH 201 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A328 Turner, S
63169 LIT 155 JL9 2:00 PM–4:50 PM Th A320 Crane, R
Great Books Curriculum 62754 PSYCH 201 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A317 TBA
62755 PSYCH 201 Q 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW A328 Turner, S
62756 PSYCH 201 R 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh A317 TBA
MATHEMATICS 62758 PSYCH 201 SA 9:00 AM–12:30 PM S A317 TBA
MATH 118 General Education Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) SOCIOLOGY
and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Department Chairperson. SOC 201 Introduction to the Study of Society 3 CH (IAI)
62249 MATH 118 MO 5:35 PM–7:20 PM MW S214 TBA Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62250 MATH 118 NP 5:35 PM–7:20 PM TTh S215 TBA 62786 SOC 201 J8 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A317 Hart, S
62205 MATH 118 QS 7:30 PM–9:35 PM MW A318 TBA Global Studies
62252 MATH 118 QS 7:30 PM–9:15 PM MW S313 TBA 62787 SOC 201 R8 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh A319 Bennett, B
Global Studies
MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23).
63164 MATH 125–1 IK 2:00 PM–3:45 PM MW A308 TBA
62261 MATH 125–1 JL 2:00 PM–3:45 PM TTh S316 Roldan Santos, C SOC SCI 101 General Course I Social Science 3 CH (IAI)
62206 MATH 125–1 NP 5:00 PM–7:05 PM TTh A318 TBA Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62262 MATH 125–1 RT 7:30 PM–9:15 PM TTh S201 TBA 66341 SOC SCI 101 I 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A332 Bole, R
62774 SOC SCI 101 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A212 TBA
MATH 143 Pre Calculus 6 CH 62880 SOC SCI 101 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW S311 Freeman, F
Grade of C or better in Math 99, OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99) and
ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Department Chairperson. SPEECH
62273 MATH 143 IK 2:00 PM–4:35 PM MW S318 Jankowski, T
62274 MATH 143 JL 2:00 PM–4:35 PM TTh A314 Nadas, J SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62276 MATH 143 MO 5:00 PM–7:35 PM MW S316 Dobria, L
62619 SPEECH 101–1 I 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A229 TBA
62275 MATH 143 NP 5:00 PM–7:35 PM TTh S316 Joseph, R
62620 SPEECH 101–1 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A229 TBA
MATH 207 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 CH (IAI) 62623 SPEECH 101–1 JL 2:00 PM–4:50 PM T A211 Murdock, T
Grade of C or better in Math 140 and Math 141, OR Math 143, OR ACT Math Score range within (24-36), OR 62624 SPEECH 101–1 JL2 2:00 PM–4:50 PM Th A211 Murdock, T
Consent of Department Chairperson. 62625 SPEECH 101–1 K 3:30 PM–4:50 PM MW A211 Colon, S
62590 MATH 207 IK 2:00 PM–4:20 PM MW A310 TBA 62636 SPEECH 101–1 O 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A229 TBA
62286 MATH 207 MO 5:00 PM–7:20 PM MW S201 TBA 62640 SPEECH 101–1 P 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A229 TBA
62648 SPEECH 101–1 Q 7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW A229 TBA
62651 SPEECH 101–1 SA
7:30 PM–8:50 PM
8:30 AM–11:40 AM
PHIL 105 Logic 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62541 PHIL 105 R 7:30 PM–8:50 PM TTh A324 Stankova, R
PHIL 106 Introduction to Philosophy 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
63137 PHIL 106 J9 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A219 Stankova, R
Great Books Curriculum BIOLOGY 120 Terminology for Medical Careers 3 CH
62544 PHIL 106 P9 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh A328 Stankova, R 63004 BIOLOGY 120 HULN 3:30 PM–4:50 PM TTh 102 Grez, M
Great Books Curriculum Offered at Humboldt Park Vocational Center-1645 N. California.
63005 BIOLOGY 120 HUMP 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh 102 Grez, M
PHIL 107 Ethics 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62548 PHIL 107 I9 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A324 Weflen, M BUSINESS
Great Books Curriculum
62549 PHIL 107 O9 6:00 PM–7:20 PM MW A324 Weflen, M BUSINES 111 Introduction to Business 3 CH
Great Books Curriculum 62208 BUSINES 111 HUSA 8:30 AM–11:50 AM S 212 TBA
PHIL 108 Philosophy of Religion 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. CRIMINAL JUSTICE
66961 PHIL 108 K9 3:30 PM–4:50 PM MW A325 Weflen, M
Great Books Curriculum CRM JUS 102 Administration of Criminal Justice 3 CH
66746 CRM JUS 102 HUMP 6:00 PM–7:20 PM TTh 211 Rubio, R

POL SCI 201 The National Government 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson. ENGLISH 102 Composition 3 CH (IAI)
62736 POL SCI 201 I 2:00 PM–3:20 PM MW A328 Murphy, L Grade of C or better in English 101.
62737 POL SCI 201 J 2:00 PM–3:20 PM TTh A328 Murphy, L 62992 ENGLISH 102 HULN 4:00 PM–5:20 PM TTh 214 TBA
62738 POL SCI 201 KM 4:30 PM–5:50 PM MW A328 Murphy, L
65536 POL SCI 201 Q9
Great Books Curriculum
7:30 PM–8:50 PM MW A309 Zenes, J HUMANITIES
HUM 201 General Course I Humanities 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
66794 HUM 201 HUI9 3:00 PM–4:40 PM MW 102 Vargas, R
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

MATH 118 General Education Mathematics 4 CH (IAI)
Grade of C or better in Math 99 , OR COMPASS placement test score range within PRE-ALGEBRA (17-99)
and ALGEBRA (43-99) and College ALGEBRA (1-50), OR ACT Math score range within (21-23), OR Consent of
Department Chairperson.
62251 MATH 118 HUOQ 6:00 PM–7:45 PM MW 314 TBA

MATH 125-1 Introductory Statistics 4 CH (IAI)

Grade of C or better in Math 99 OR ACT Math Score range within (21-23).
66153 MATH 125–1 HUSA 9:00 AM–12:20 PM S 207 TBA

SPEECH 101-1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 CH (IAI)
Eligibility for English 101, OR ACT Reading Score range within (19-36), OR Consent of Department Chairperson.
62647 SPEECH 101–1 HUKM 4:00 PM–5:20 PM MW 314 TBA
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

What is Dual Enrollment? When can I begin taking Dual Enrollment

Academically qualified high school students enroll in college- classes?
level courses on a college campus. Upon successful course Dual Enrollment courses are available to high school
completion the student earns college credit. juniors and seniors. Students are eligible to apply after the
completion of their sophomore year.
Qualified students are permitted to enroll in Dual Enrollment
courses offered in the fall, spring and summer terms. Most Will I be treated like a college student if I enroll
students enroll in afternoon, evening and weekend courses in Dual Enrollment classes?
that accommodate their high school and extracurricular
Yes, high school students will be expected to meet the same
schedule. Dual Enrollment students are permitted to enroll
outcomes as all City Colleges of Chicago students. Dual
in one course per semester and only at one CCC campus.
Enrollment students will receive a CCC student ID and have
Students enrolling in additional courses will be responsible
access to all student resources and services on all CCC
for tuition and fees.
How do I qualify for Dual Enrollment?
What happens if I don’t complete my Dual
To qualify for Dual Enrollment at CCC:
Enrollment class? Will it affect my CPS
• Be a high school junior or senior. If you attend a graduation?
Chicago Public School, you must have a 2.5 GPA Many Dual Enrollment courses will satisfy CPS graduation
and a 90% attendance rate. requirements. If a student fails to earn a C or better in a Dual
Enrollment course, where high school credit is being earned,
• Provide qualifying ACT scores (if available) and/or it could affect their graduation status. Students should speak
take the COMPASS Placement Exam. with their high school counselor prior to enrolling in a Dual
• Submit a permission form signed by your parent/ Enrollment course?
Can I leave my high school early to attend Dual
For more information, please visit ccc.edu/earlycollege or Enrollment class?
email [email protected]. Because several Dual Enrollment courses will offer students
the opportunity to obtain both high school and college credit,
Can I transfer my Dual Enrollment credit(s) to students may be allowed to leave their school early to attend
another college? Dual Enrollment courses. Some CCC courses may also
Dual Enrollment students are encouraged to enroll in general satisfy CPS graduation requirements. Please speak with
education courses like English, History, Humanities, Math, your high school counselor to determine your scheduling
Social Science and Psychology that are transferable to options.
many four-year colleges and universities. If I’m 18, do I still
need to get a parent/guardian signature to participate in
Dual Enrollment?

A parent/guardian signature is required for all participants

enrolled in high school to participate in Dual Enrollment
courses provided by City Colleges of Chicago. However, a
parent/guardian signature is not required of emancipated
minors with valid documentation.
226 W. Jackson Boulevard | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | (312) 553-2500 | www.ccc.edu

College to Careers focus:

Advanced Manufacturing

6301 S. Halsted Street

College to Careers focus:
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Construction Technology

College to Careers focus:


College to Careers focus:

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

College to Careers focus:

Education, Human & Natural Sciences

College to Careers focus:

Business & Professional Services

College to Careers focus:

Information Technology

Lakeview Learning Center

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