PrayerCalendar 4thQtr2011

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Let ter

a p r a y er
f o r you
ather, how grateful we are for the mercy and kindness you shower upon us every day. you are the Sovereign of the universethe holy, loving, mighty, and wise Creator of all that exists. We know we can come before you in confidence that you hear the prayers of your children and always answer us. Lord, I pray for this faithful prayer warriors time of intercession for the work of the gospel around the world. Father, reveal yourself in a powerful way. Help this dear friend understand how seriously you take each prayer. I am exceedingly grateful for partners who come alongside In Touch and join with us through the ministry of prayer. Father, we are grateful that you invite us to take part in your work and enable us to serve you in spirit and truth. We praise you for your love and goodness to us, and we thank you for all you will do through In Touch Ministries. Help us to trust you every step of the way and to live for your honor and glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

We praise You for Your love and goodness to us, and we thank You for all You will do through In Touch Ministries.

Prayerfully yours,

Prayer Partnership

Charles F. Stanley

P.O. Box 7900

| Atlanta, GA 30357 | 800-789-1473 |

Copyright 2011 by In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.

O c t O b e r | N O v e m b e r | d e c e m b e r 2 011

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n ov eM b er 2011

deceM b er 2011

ALone with god



g I F T S f r o m t h e FAT H e r

t h e M I r A C L e o f t h e I n C A r n AT I o n



We are thankful for the awesome privilege of prayer that allows us to enter the presence of almighty God and receive His help.

We thank God for His faithfulness to supply our needs.


We are grateful for the gift of Gods Son who became flesh and dwelt among us.

Week 1: Ask the Lord to improve the quality and quantity of your time alone with Him. Pray that He will draw you closer to Him in intimate fellowship and Spirit-led intercession. Ask Him to increase your awareness of the impact your prayers can have on your family, church, community, and the world. Week 2: Lift up your pastor this week. Pray that he will
receive clear guidance from god in his life and ministry, be submissive to the Father in every area of his life, make time to enjoy his family, and find personal refreshing in the presence of the Lord. the Impact Prayer Team. Ask Him to lead others to join us in praise and intercession for our nation and the world.

Week 1: The Lord has promised to provide for His

children. In your time of prayer today, express your gratitude for the goodness He has shown to you personally. Also, thank Him for faithfully providing for the needs of In Touch Ministries. struggles right now. Ask the Lord to supply these people with supernatural wisdom and generous provision. Pray that He will use their difficult circumstances to strengthen them spiritually.

Week 1: Pray for our partnersthose who listen to the

broadcast, receive our free magazine, pray for us, or support In Touch in any way. Ask god to give them a fresh awareness of His presence at all times. of the lost, giving them a hunger to know Him personally. Pray for Him to provide witnesses who can clearly share the gospel with them. are hurting emotionally or experiencing another type of unmet need. Pray for these people to sense the comfort and encouragement of the Lord.

Week 2: Intercede for those who are experiencing financial

Week 2: This Christmas, ask the Father to stir the hearts

Week 3: Christmas is especially difficult for those who

Week 3: Pray that god will make more people aware of

Week 3: Pray for people across America to reflect on

the meaning of Thanksgiving this week. Pray also that gods abundant blessings will show others their need for a relationship with their Creatorthe giver of all good things. week as they help partners invest in the great Commission, leaving a godly, lasting legacy. Pray for god to anoint members of this team, granting them joy and peace as they minister. Also, ask Him to protect them as they serve.

worldwide this week. Ask for Christians to be devoted to personal time alone with god, to work together to reach the world with the gospel, and to take a stand for the truthno matter the cost.

Week 4: Intercede for your church and believers

Week 4: Please lift up our Foundation department this

birth. Pray that we will be able to meditate on the spiritual meaning of the holiday in the midst of all the festivities.

Week 4: Lift up believers this week as we celebrate Christs

believer His will for his or her life. Pray that each Christian will have a heart that is willing and obedient to the Lord.

Week 5: As we begin a new year, ask god to show every

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