Operation and Maintenan Anual: R Series Diesel

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R Series Diesel Engine


Shandong Weichai Huafeng Power Co., Ltd

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R series diesel engine is a four ~troke , vertical, water-cooled, inline and direct injec-
ting combustion chamber type, high-speed diesel engine. Thjs series diesel engine is
specially designed for our country by Ricardo Consulting Engineers Co. of Britain,
and manufactured and developed firstly by Ricardo Consulting Engineers Co. cooper-
ated with Shandong Weichai Huafeng Power Co. , Ltd. It's a new generation prod-
uct instead of the same type diesel engine in our country. This type diesel engine
possesses performances of high power, economy and easy starting, under the envi-
ronment with temperature higher than -lOOC , the dieael engine can be easily started
without preheating. The first overhaul period is 8000hrs. Its reliability and service life
achieved a advancde level among the same kind products all over the world.

R series diesel engine covers 8 types as: both four-cylinder and six-cylinder with bore
of lOOmm,both four-cylinder and six-cylinder with bore of l05mm,and every style
has two models of matural aspirated and superchareged. RIOS series is bore -en-
larged from Rl00 series, besides piston, piston ring, piston pin, cylinder liner, cylinder
liner seal ring and injection pump, all other parts can be exchanged between both
two types of diesel engine.

R series diesel engine features easy adaptation to meet the various needs of
matched equipments,according to the requirement of users. It can be furnished with
hydraulic pump for Ifting and steering purposes, air compressor and vacuum pump
for breaking purposes and full power take-off from the front end of the crankshaft.
Through being changed for some of its parts accordingly, it can be used to match
with truck, tractor, small power generating station, engineering machinery, agricultru-
al machinery, irrigation machinery, drilling machinery and so on. The output range of
various version of R series diesel engine is 35 KW -125 KW , its rated speed is 1500r/
min -2800r/min. The moder, its make-up rule and the meaning of the symbol for ev-
ery type is as follows:
R 6 100 Z D 1 2
(1)@@ @@@ (j)
CD: distinguish symbol, Expressed with number sequence
~: Version symbol ,expressed with number sequence
@: application featrue symbol, expressed with alphabet
no alphabet: for common usage; T : for tractor; G: for engineering machinery; Q:
for vehicle; D :for generating set;
C: for marine usage; P: for power take-off unit
@: construction feature symbol, expressed with alphabet; no alphabet: for natural #85-
pirated model;
Z:for turbocharged model.
(S):cylingder bore( mm)
@:cylinder number
(J):series symbol;stand for imported from RICARDO

This operating manual mainly introduces common usage type. For various versions;

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only show their different features. As technology progresses and usage expands, the
aengine wi'l be modified and improved from time to time, therefor the product s'up-
plied hereafter may be slightly different from that described in this manual and the
users are kindly advised to notice it.

Being obtained as the accidental test result, the characteristic c.urves in the manual
are only supplied for reference.' And the picture in the manual cant be the accord-
ance of check upon delivery.

/ The manual is compiled by Wang Jinghai, Zhao Ruian, Yang Lin, Sun Chuanhai,
Wang Luhai, Dou Yuxiang, Jiang Bo, Yu Caihong, Liu Taicheng, Zhuang Longping,
Wei Zhiyou, Du Zhijun, advised by Li Peiyan, Chen Ling, Hao Sixian, and finally ex-
amined and approved by Chen Ling. For the limit of the compilers, there may be
mistakes in the manual, if you find any, please point out so that they can be correc-
ted. Also, it will be appreciated if you give your suggestions about our products.

The compilers
June, 2005.

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1. The diesel engine operators must familiarize themselves with
this manual as well as engine
construction and strictly follow the procedures of operation
and maintenance especially the regulations for safety opera-
tion described in this manual.
2. Before operating an engine at full load ,the 60 hours running in
should be carried out as specified in the manual.
3. Increase its speed gradually after stating a cold engine, never
let it run at highs speed abruptly, and don't stop the engine
instantly while its cooling water is still hot, also don't let the
engine running long time without load.
4. If the ambient temperature falls below + SOC ,drain the cooling
water out of the radiator, the lubricating oil cooler and the
diesel engine itself completely after stopping the engine. Con-
tinuous keeping the water in the oil cooler should be forbid-
5. Never run the diesel engine without and air cleaner so as to
prevent the unfiltered air from entering the cylinders.
6. The engine must be filled with specified grade fuel and lubri-
\eating oil, and a special and clean container for each oil should
be used. The fuel oil should be settled for 72 hours and fil-
tered before using.
7. The inspection and repair of the components in electrical sys-
tem must be carried out by the person who has a good
knowledge of electricity.
8. If the water pump is without oil filler, its a ??? bearing wa-
. ter pump, and needn t add lub oil to it.
9. Be sure to use water - cooling diesel engine. Please refer to
P.43 for details.
10. The working environment of the diesel engine should be
well ventilated to avoid being polluted by waste gas or
11. The power rati~g and amending of the diesel engine is ac-
cording to GB6072.1"-2000 the first section ofreciprocating
internal combustion engine: sta"ndard basic condition, the

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rating and testing method of power, fuel consumption and
engine oil consumption.
12. The manufacturing of the diesel engine is according to the
common technical requirement for low and middle level
powered diesel engine in JB/T8895 ~ 1999 and Q/WCGOOS
-2002R series diesel engine enterprise standard.
13. The No. of production license of this series diesel engine
is: XK06 - 205 - 00160, XK06 - 205 - 00161, XK06 - 205 --
14. The position of safety warning marks:
(1) Theres a guard against burning mark at the end of the
cylinder cover which is beside the exhaust manifold of the
diesel engine.
(2) There~ a guard against fire mark at the ail filler.
(3) There s a guard against twinning mark on the inlet man-
( 4) There's a flywheel rotating direction mark on the fly-
wheel housing.

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1. Longitudinal sectional drawing for R4100, R410S diesel engine( Fig.la) .•....•.• 1
Cross sectional drawing for R4100, R4l05 diesel engine ( Fig. 1 b) 2
2. Longitudinal sectional drawing for R6100, R610S diesel engine( Fig. 2a) 3
Cross sectional drawing for R6100, R610S diesel engine( Fig. 2b) 4
3. Speed and speed adjusted characteristic curve for Model R410S, R410SZ
diesel engine( Fig. 3) 5
4. Speed and speed adjusted characteristic curve for Model R610S, R610SZ
diesel engine( Fig. 4) 6
5. Speed adjusted characteristic curve for Model R4105T and R410STI
diesel engine for tractor usinn( Fig. S) u ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7
6. Speed and speed adjusted characteristic curve for Model R410SG diesel engine
used for engineering machine (Fig. 6) ......................•...........•..•............. 8
7. Speed and speed adjusted characteristic curve for Model R6105G, R610SGt,
R610SZG and R610SZGl diesel engine used for engineering machine (Fig. 7) ···9
8. Load characteristic curve for Model R6100ZDl and R6100ZD2 diesel engine for
generating sets (Fig.. 8) · · ····.. · ·.. ·....•...... ~ · 10
9. Propellant characteristic curve for Model R4105C, R410SCl, R610SC and R6105Cl
marine diesel engine (Fig. 9) 11
10. Load characteristic curve for Model R41OSP, R410SZP and R610SP diesel engine
for generating unit( Fig. to) 12

CHAPTER I. Main Technical Specifications and Data for the

diesel engine 13
§ 1 Main techincal specifications
§2 Range for various temperature and pressure
§ 3 Tightening torque of main bolts
§ 4 Main adjusting data
§ 5 Matxhed clearances and wear limit of main parts

CHAPTER II. Main structure of diesel engine .......•................ 28

§ 1 Cylinder head assembly
§ 2 Cylinder block and relatea assemoly
§ 3 Camshaft assembly
§4 Piston and connecting rod assembly
§5 crankshaft and flywheel assembly

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§ 6 Transmission system
§ 7 Intake and exhaust system
§ 8 Fuel system
§ 9 Lubricating system
§ 10 Cooling system
§ 11 Electric system
§ 12 Air compressor assembly
§ 13 Clutch assembly

CHAPTER m. Operation of diesel engine 54

§ 1 Transportation, installation, storage and preservation
§2 Fuer, oil and cooling water
§ 3 Preparation before starting
§4 Starting
§5 Running
§6 Stopping
§ 7 The wearing in of the diesel engine
§ 8 Safe and technical operationg rule

CHAPTER N. Technical maintenance of diesel engine 61

§ 1 Working day maintenance
§2 First grade technique mainenance
§,3 Second grade technique maintenance
§4 Third grade technique maintenance
§5 Technique mauntenance on winter working

CHAPTER V. Trouble and remedy method 63

§1 Start failures
§ 2 Unsteady running
§ 3 Output is instfficient of drops suddenly
§ 4 Abnormal noise during engine iperation
§ 5 Abnormal exhaust smoke
§ 6 Insufficient oil pressure
§ 7 Oil temperature too high
§ 8 The temperature of used cooling water too high
§ 9 Trouble in the injection pump
§ 10 Insufficient fuel supply of the fuel delivery pump
§ 11 Injector in trouble

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§ 12 Governor in trouble
§ 13 Engine stops suddenly
§ 14 Charged dynamo out of order
§ 15 Starting motor be in trouble
§ 16 Governor in trouble
§ 17 Turbocharger in trouble
§ 18 Air compressor in trouble
§ 19 Clutch in trouble

CHAPTER VI. Installation instruction for diesel engine

generating set 76

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.Fig. la Longitudinal sectional drawing for R4100, R4105 die~el engine


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~~~--1:I-..L.-'~--~ ~AlI IJ/'r'7"7" '7'/.L.-J

Fig.lb.Crcss sectional drawing for R4100,R4105 diesel engine


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Fig.2a longitudinal s~ctional drawing for R6100, R6105 diesel engine


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Fig.2b Cross sectional draw~ng for R6100, R610S diesel engine


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.-- .... - ... ~~
1"""- .....

300 ',,- ~

~ ----. j'----....
~ Pe

I~ ~
............... .......
\ kW
i\ " 70

200 --- ---- ------- ~1\

v ~\
, 60
~~ il
V ~

/ ~ 50
/' ~
v ~V-
V~ v
./ / \ J 40
v J\ 30

V I/'
g/kW.h 1/ ~ 20
/I \
,,.,,..- ~
r; \
230 ~

F:::::- r-----
............... ~

-- ~
--- -----
---- ~

210 ,.

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 '1 r/ TTl in

Fig. 3 Speed and speed adujsted cha.racteristic curve for

Model R4105, R410SZ .diesel engine

•5 •

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N.m ..-- -... ......
------ --.....

" -""' '-

, 1\
--.... r-............ I
400 .---
---- ~

~ Pe

""'-, I kW

\~ I 110

------ , II

~" I


~ ~ -

I 70


/ ~ 50

,\ 30

240 ~ \
230 "- ~ ~ '/ \
~ r----.
-- ---. - _-----
- ."...

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 n r/min

Fig.4 Speed and speed adjusted characteristi~ curve for

Model R6105, R6105Z diesel engine


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n r/min

-- - -- --- ---- -/ ""'"""-


V, 1/
1400 ., / ~
./ Me

~ ~ "",'" N.m



~ "i\ \

\ 240


g/kW.h "I' ~
A 200


" '- /? ~
A~ 160

~ ~ .. 120
250 /. ~ ~

V' ~ "'f':: ~ ~
~ 0 v

l": ........
..... -. ~
1(.-- .-/


t/" 40


10 20 30 40 Pe kW

Fig. 5 Speed and speed adjusted characteristic curve fo~

Model R4105T and R410STl diesel engine used for tractors


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~ ---.... ~
y ~


"' \,K

• kW


n\ 60

/ \

,~ 50

V l A 40

V :, 1

/ t ~. 30

V 1\


glkW· h I
230 ............. ~
~V ~

1000 1300 1600 1900 2200 2500 2800 n r/min

Fig. 6 ~peed and speed adjusted characteristic curve for

Model R4105G diesel engine used for engineering machine


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500 1.--- 1--
---I --............
~ ...............
/ " '-
"'" t'.~

\ "\
, \
--- r-----. ,


... - - - . ... ~
~ ....... .........

~ ~

1\ \, \\, kW

J...: ~
". ,\
__ '-'1 ,-

,...-: ~ / ' , ".

....-r- -

........+ .......

"", I
~ i\ I

,. ","
~ ..,'
~ ~
........ \ \ 70

~ ~
~~ ~ ~

\ J ',\\
\, I \,
.. ~

~~ I ' \'
L ~.
-'I ,
" , 50

g/kW. h

I \
,.i \
1\ \ I
\ ,....,... JI \\
J, , [/
" l1
220 :::::: ~
........ ...... ----
.... ~
...... "•
1- ~
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 n T/min

Fig. 7 Speed and speed adjusted ~haracteristic curve for Model R6105G, R6105Gl,
R6105ZG and R6105ZGl diesel engine used for engineering machine

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\ \ 1500r/min
\ \ ~

\ ~ ~V
~ r\ ~800r/min

\ \ ~
~ 1\
\ '\
1\ 1\
"~ "-

"'.."'' " , ~
220 ......
t'----. :::---- ~ ~

20 40 60 80 Pe kW

Fig. 8 Load characteristic curve for. Model R6100ZDl and R6100ZD2

diesel engine for generating sets

• 10 •

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glkw. h
.. ~

\~ 340
"\\ ~

Pc 320


\\ \
, 300
\ \, \ \ 1/
\ \ ~\ ~. / 280


\\ \ \
, .i

, \.
\ ~. If /

~,, ", \ ~~, , ,/

40 " J ~~ / 240
I ... ~-- --
r'...::: ~

/ ~~
I ~

'I 4

;. ...' / I
-.. l.C.:....- .,.,
30 220
4 -- ~ V
/ / ~

l;' 17
20 , ~ /
V r,.
... /
~ 'f'
/ /'
:/ ~
./~ ~; ~
"", .... ",. ".

~ ~V

1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 n r/min

Fig. 9 Propellant characteristic curve for Mo~el R4105C, R4105CI,

R610SC and R610SCI marine diesel engine

• II •

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\ 1\

\1 \
\~ \

300 '\ \
~\ \

\\ 1\
\\ \
R4105Zpi\ \
" R6105P
'\ ~ '" t'..
" ...

'" "' ,
~ 1.0-
~ r-....
...... ......
-- --

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Pe kW

Fig. 10 Load characteristic curve for Model R4105P, R4.105ZP and

R610SP diesel engine for stationary power using

• 12 •

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CHAPTER 1 Main Technical Specifications and Data of Diesel Engine
§ 1 Main Technical Specifications

No. R4100Dl R4100D2 R4100ZD

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline , Direct
1 Type
injecting combustion chamber

2 Cylinder No. -Bore x St~oke( mm) 4-100 x 125

3 Total Displacement of Piston ( L) 3.93

4 Pressure Ratio 17 :1 16:1

5 Firing Order 1-3--4-2

6 Air Intake Mode Turbocharged

ISmin OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min)

Rated Working
7 Ih OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min)

!2H Output/Speed( KW/r/min) 3611500 42/1800 47/1500

8 Highest Idling Speed ( r/min) ~1575 ~1890 ~1575

9 Lowest Idling Stable SPeed ( r/min) e:;;600

10 Max Torque/Speed( N ... m1r/min)

11 Average Effective Pressure( Kpa) 733 712 951

12 Rated Working Fuel Consumption Rate ( glKW h) * ~231 ~224
13 Condition Oil Consumption Rate( glKw * h) ~1.63
14 Exhaust temperature( OC) Ei600

ounter clockwise( Facing to

15 Crankshaft Ratating Direction
the power output end)

16 Cooling Mode Forced Water Cooling

17 Lubricating Mode Compound type with pressure and splash

tg St~rting Modo I;loctri~ ~t~rting

19 ' Net Mass( kg) 420 490

• 13 •

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R4100ZDl R4100ZD2 R410S R410SZ R410ST R4105Tl 4105T6 No.

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct 1

injecting combustion chamber

4-100 x 125 4-105 x 125 2

3.93 4.33 3

16:1 17 :1 16: 1 17 :1 4

1-3--4-2 5

Naturally Na~urally
Turbocharged Irurbocharged 6
Aspirated Aspirated

55/2200 70/2200 7

47/1500 55/1800 45/2000 48/2000 48/2000

~1575 E;1890 ~2376 ~2160 =5:2376 8

~600 9

275/1400 350/1600 252/1400 268/1500 246/1540 10

957 933 693 882 624 665 605 11

~224 ~239 ~232 ~23.9 12

Etl.63 13

E;600 14

ounter clockwise( Facing to

the power output end)

Forced Water Cooling 16

Compound type with pressure and splash 17

ElectrIC starting 18

435 410 425 S30 19

• 14 •

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No. 4105T7 410STIO R4105ZT

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct

1 Type
injecting combustion chamber

2 Cylinder No. -Bore x Stroke ( mm) 4-105 x 125

3 Total Displacement of Piston( L) 4.33

4 Pressure Ratio 17 :1 16:1

5 Firing Order 1-3-4-2

6 Air Intake Mode Turbocharged

15min OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min)

Rated Working
7 Ih OutputiSpeed( KW/r/min)

12H OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min) 4SI2000 50/2000 6012200

8 Highest Idling Speed( r/min) E;2160 :s=2376

9 Lowest Idling Stable SPeed( r/min) ~600

10 Max Torque/Speed( N * mlr/min) 265/1400 26311500 300/1540

11 Average Effective Pressure( Kpa) 66S 693 756

- 12 Rated Working Fuel Consumption Rate( gI KW • h) =s;239 tti232
13 Condition Oil Consumption Rate( g/Kw. h) ~1.63
14 Exhaust temperature ( ac) Ei600

ounter clockwise ( Facing to

15 Crankshaft Ratating Direction
the power output end)

16 Cooling Mode. Forced Water Cooling

17 LUbr~cating Mode Compound type with pressure and splash

18 Stal1ing Mode Electric starting

19 Net Mass( kg) S30 550


• 15 •

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R4105G R4105G8 R4105G20 R4105G25 R4105G31 R4105G28 R4105C No.

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct

injecting combustion chamber

4-105 x 125 2

4.33 3

17: 1 4

1-3-4-2 5


59/2400 60/2400 59/2400 59/2400 55/2400 7

50/2200 35/1500 ***

2595 -2688 ~2376 ~1700 8

E;600 9

270/1560 275/1560 270/1560 275/1680 250/1680 10

681 693 681 681 635 630 647 11

~243 ~247 E;243 ~239 ~231 12

:E: 1.63 13

~600 14

ounter clockwise ( Facing to

the power output end) 15

Forced Water Cooling 16

Compound type with pressure and splash 17

Electric starti'1Q 18

450 420 410 410 550 430 19

• • • This VOlume is continual output.

• 16 •

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No. R410SCI R410SCS R410SDI
Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline , Direct
1 Type
injecting. combustion chamber

2 Cylinder No. -Bore x Stroke( mm) 4-105 x 125

3 Total Displacement of Piston ( L) 4.33

4 Pressure Ratio 17 :1

S Firing Order 1-3-4-2

6 Air Intake Mode

lSmin OutputlSpeed( KW/r/min)

Rated Working
7 Ih Output/Speed( KW/r/min)

12H Output/Speed( KW/r/min) 43/2000 ••• 35/1500 ••• 42/1500

8 Highest Idling Speed( r/min) E;2200 E;;1700 E:1575

9 Lowest Idling Staljle SPeed ( r/min) ~600

10 Max Torque/Speed( N • mlr/min)

11 Average Effective Pressure( Kpa ) 596 647 176

12 Rated Working Fuel Consumption Rate ( gI KW * h) E;239 ~23. E:231
13 Condition Oil Consumption Rate( glKw * h) ~1.63

14 Exhaust temperature ( CC ) E;600

ounter clockwise( Facing to'
15 Crankshaft Ratating Direction
the power ou~put end)

16 Cooling Mode Forced Water Cooling

17 Lubricating Mode Compound type with pressure and splash

18 StartinQ Mode Electric starting

·19 Net Mass( kg) 430 '30 420

• 17 •

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R4105D2 R410SD4 R410SZDl R4105ZD4 R410SP R4105Ll R410SL5 No.

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct

injecting combustion chamber

4-105 x 125 2

4.33 3

17: 1 16: 1 17 :1 4

1-3-4-2 5

Naturally Naturally
Turbocharged 6
Aspirated Aspirated

46/1800 40/1500 56/1500 56/1500 48/2000 48/2000 48/2100

Ei1890 ~lS7S ~1575 ~1575 E;2I60 ~2200 E;2200 8

~600 9

258/1500 258/1500 10

708 739 1034 1034 665 665 633 II

~231 ~231 ~231 ~239 ~242 E;242 12

~1.63 13

~600 14
ounter clockwise ( Facing to
the power output end)

Forced Water Cooling 16

Compound type with pressure and splash 17

Electric starting tg

420 430 43.5 5.50 410 410 19


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No. R410SA R4105AT R4108A
Item .
Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline , Direct
1 Type
injecting combustion chamber

2 Cylinder' No. -Bore x Stroke( mm) 4-105 x 130 4-108 x 130

3 Total Displacement of Piston ( L) 4.5 4.76

4 Pressure Ratio 17 :1

5 Firing Order 1-3-4-2

6 Air Intake Mode

ISmin Output/Speed( KW/ r/ min)

Rated Working
7 Ih OutputiSpeed( KW/r/mln) 57/2200 51.5/2200 60/2200

12H OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min)

8 Highest Idling Speed ( r/min) ~2376 ~2160 .E;;2376

9 Lowest Idling Stable SPeed( r/min) Ei600

10 Max Torque/Speed( N * m/r/min) 286/1400 301/1400 300/1400

11 Average Effective Pressure( Kpa) 691 ~ 688

12 Rated Working Fuel Consumption Aate( g/ KW * h) ~239 E;239
13 Condition Oil Consumption Rate( glKw * h) E;1.63
14 Exhaust temperature( OC) ~600

ounter clockwise( Facing to

15 Crankshaft Ratating Direction
the power output end)

16 Cooling Mode Forced Water Cooling

17 Lubricating Mode Compound type with pressure and splash

18 Starting Mode Electric starting

19 Net Mass( kg) 410 530 410

• 19 •

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R610S I R610SZ R610SG R6105G5 R6105G8 R6105GIO R6105G12 No.

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct

injecting combustion chamber

6-105 x 125' 2

6.49 3

17 :1 16:1 17 :1 4

1-5-3-6-2-4 5

Naturally Naturally
Turbocharged 6
-Aspirated Aspirated

82/2200 105/2200 85/2400 81/2400 85/2400 81/2300 82/2200 7

==::2376 ~2376 2592 -2688' 2484 -2576 2376 -2420 8

=e:600 9

410/1400 525/1600 390/1680 375/1650 380/1680 377/1610 410/1560 10

689 882 655 624 655 651 689 11

E:239 ~232 ~243 12

=e= 1.63 13

E;600 14
ounter clockwise( Facing to
the power output end) 15

Forced Water Cooling 16

Compound type with pressure and .splash 17

Electric starting 18


520 540 540 530 540 560 S60 19

• 20 •

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No. R610SG20 R610ST R61OSC'
Four strokes t Water Cooling, Inline , Direct
1 Type
injecting combusti~n chamber

2 Cylinder No. -Bore x Stroke( mm) 6-1Q5 x 125

3 Total Displacement of Pistor:-( L) 6.49

4 Pressure Ratio 17 :1

5 Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2--4

6 Air Intake Mode

ISmin OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min)

Rated Working
7 Ih OutpuVSpeed( KW/r/min) 85/2600

~2H Output/Speed( KW/r/min) 80/2300 52/1500 •••

8 Highest Idling Speed( r/min) ~2860 ~2484 .;;1700

9 Lowest Idling Stable SPeed( r/min) ~600

10 Max Torque/Speed( N • mlr/min) 380/1820 389/1725

11 Average Effective Pressure( Kpa) 604 643 641

12 Rated Working Fuel Consumption Rate( glKW • h) ~~3 ti2Al
13 Condition Oil Consumption Rate( glKw • h) ~1.63
14 Exhaust temperature ( 'C ) ~600

ounter clockwise( Facing to

15 Crankshaft Ratating Direction
the power output end)

16 Cooling Mode Forced Water Cooling

17 Lubricating Mode Compound type with pressure and splash

1& Star-ting MooQ EI~tric ~tartino

19 Net Mass(kg) 550 560· S30

* * * This volume is continual output.

• 21 •

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R6105CI R6105C8 R6105ZC2 R6105P R6105Dl R6105D2 R610SZDl No.

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct 1

injecting combustion chamber

6-105 x 125 2

6.49 3

17: 1 16:1 17 :1 16:1 4


1-5-3-6-2---4 5

Naturally Naturally
Turbocharged Turbocharged 6
Aspirated Aspirated

65/2000 *** 53/1500 *** 88/2000 *** 72/2000 58/1500 68/1800 84/1500

~22()() E;1700 ~2266 Ei2160 E;1575 ~1890 ~1575 8

Ei600 9


601 653 814 665 715 698 1035 11

E;;239 ~231 ~239 E:239 E;i231 E;231 ~224 12

~1.63 13

~600 14

ounter clockwise( Facing to

the power output end)

Forced Water Cooling 16

Compound type with pressure and splash 17

Electric s~erting 18

I 580 660 525 525 570 19

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No. R610SZD4 R6105ZLD R610SZG
Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline , Direct
1 Type
injecting combustion chamber

2 Cylinder No. -Bore x Stroke( mm) 6-105 x 125

3 Total Displacement of Piston ( L) 6.49

4 Pressure Ratio 16:1

5 Firing Order 1-5-3--6-2-4

6 Air Intake Mode TUrbocharged Turbocharged

15min OutputiSpeed( KW/r/min)

Rated Working
7 Ih OutputlSpeed( KW/r/min) 110/2400

12H OutputiSpeed( KW/r/min) 7511500 100/1500

8 Highest Idling Speed( r/min) ~lS7S Ei1575 2592 -2688

9 Lowest Idling Stable SPeed( r/min) ~600

10 . Max Torque/Speed( N * mlr/min) 510/1600

11 Average Effective Pressure( Kpa) 924 1232 847

12 Rated Working Fuel Consumption Rate( glKW • h) E:224 ~218 E:236
13 Condition Oil Consumption Rate{ g/Kw. h) ~1.63
14 Exhaust temperature ( OC) :E;600

ounter clockwise( Facing to

15 Crankshaft Ratating Direction
the power output end)

16 Cooling Mode Forced \AJater Cooling

17 Lubricating Mode Compound type with pressure and splash

18 Starting Mode EI~tric starting

19 Net. Mass{ kg) 570 620 S60

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R610SQ R6105Ql r6105ZQ R6105ZLQ R6105A R6108A R6105B No.

Four strokes, Water Cooling, Inline, Direct 1

injecting combustion chamber

6-105 x 125 6-105 x 130 6-108 x 130 6-105 x 120 2

6.49 6.75 7.14 6.23 3

17: 1 16:1 17 :1 4

1-5-3--6-2--4 5

Naturally Naturally
Turbocharged 6
Aspirated Aspirated

103/2800 96/2800 125/2600 147/2600 110/3000

8512200 90/2200 7

~3080 ~3080 ~2860 ~2860 Ei2376 E;2376 ~3300 8

Ei600 9

400/1800 390/1800 520/1700 621/1700 424/1400 451/1400 403/1950 10

680 634 889 1045 714 688 706 11

~230* ~230. ~224. ~210* E;239 ~239 ~230. 12

O. 8CYo * * ~1.63 E;1.63 0.8% * • 13

~600 14

ounter clockwise( Facing to

the power output end)

Forced Water Cooling 16

Compound type with pressure and splash 17

Electric starting 18

550 565 520 520 550 19

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§ 2 Various temperature and pressure range

Lub oil temperature Ei95'C (the TC Engine Ei lOS'C)

Outlet cooling water temperature ~90OC

O. 30 - O. 50MPa
Lub oil pressure
;==O.OIMPa,when at idling speed'

Fuel injection pressure 20 + 1.0MPa

§3 Main bolts tightening torque

Cylinder head bolt 180 ± ION *m

Main bearing bolt 210 ±10N *m
Flywheel bolt 210 ± ION *m
Connecting rod bo_lt 120 ± ION. m

Rocker arm bracket bolt 50 ±SN *m

Crankshaft belt pulley bolt 230 ±10N *m
Injector tightening nut 80 ±lON. m

§4 Main adjusting data

Valve lash (cold state)

Air intake valve 0.3~.40mm

Exhaust valve O.40--0.S0mm

Valve timing: (crankshaft rotating angle)
Air intake valve open 12°before top dead center
Air intake valve close 38°after bottom dead center
Exhaust valve open 55°before bottom dead center
Exhaust valve close 12°after tope dead center

Compression Clearance 1-1.2mm

Fuel delivery advance angle:

1500-2200 r/min 17° ± 10 before top dead center
2300-2500 r/min 19° i:'1 ° before top dead center
2600-2800 r/min t 8 0 ± 1 0 before top dead center

NOTE: The injector of vehicle diesel engin~ should adopt fuel delivery advancer
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§ 5 Matched clearances and wear limit of main parts
Matched Wear limit
No Matched parts Standard size clearance

Crankshaft main journal neck and main Shaft «Il85 0_ 0 •020

1 0.040 -0.1~ 0.30
bearing Hole 4»85 :~:~

2 Crankshaftr axile clearance 0.13 -0.28 0.4

Crankshaft & connecting rod journal neck Shaft 4>72 _ o. 020
3 0.040 -0.095 0.30
and connecting bearing Hole 4»72 :~:~5
Shai ~ 4J35 :~: ~ axile clearance
4 Connecting rod big end and crank 0.70
Hole 4)72 :~.~ 0.200-0.400
haft ~10 :~::~
0.11-0.175 0.30
common Hole 4'100+ 0 . 025
piston haft .105:~
0.11-0.175 0.30
Hole 4>1O~· 00-
5 Piston skirt and cylinder liner haft .10 :~:=
steel 0.046 -0.091 0.15
Hole 4»100+ 0 . 025
haft 4»105 :~:=
piston 0.046 -0.091 0.15
Hole .10~·025
Shaft .36 :~:=
6 Piston pin and connecting rod bushing 0.025 -0.050 0.15
Hole .36 :~.~
Shaft .36 :g::i
7 Piston pin and piston pin seat hole -0.002 -0.0011 0.05
Hole .360+ 0 . 008
8 The first compression ring and ring grave 0.065 --0.105 0.40

9 the second compression ring and ring gra 0.040 -0.080 0.30

10 oil ring and ring grave 0.045 ,... 1.080 0.25

Gauge .100 +0.008 0.40 -0.60 3.00
11 Gap of first compression ring in cylinder
Gauge .105 +0.008 0.40 :'0.60 3.00

Gap of second compression ring in cylin- Gauge .100 +0.000 0.30 -0.50 3.00
dar Gauge .105 +0.000 0.30-0.50 3.00
Gauge .100 +0.008 0.20 -0.40 3.00
13 Gap of oil compression ring in cylinder
Gauge 41105 +0.008 0.20 -0.40 3.00
Shaft .54 :~:=
14 Camshaft journal neck and bUshing 0.062 -0. 125 0.25
Holet .54 ~~:::
Shaft clJ6 o- o.os axile clearance
15 Camshaft thrust plate and journal meek 0.40
Holet 4X5 o+ o -m 0.05-0.15

Shaft «))30 :~:~

16 Valve push rod and push rod hole 0.040 -0.082 0.20
Holet .300+ 0 . 021

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No Matched
Matched. parts. Standard size
Wear limit
Shaft .30 -0. 02S
17 Idler shaft and idler shaft bushing O.02~ -0.075 0.20
. Holet .300+ 0. 025

axial clearance
18 Idler and idler shaft
0.038 -0.095

clearance of tooth
19 Contacting clearance of various timing ge 0.60
flank 0.10 -0.15

Shaft f»9. 5 :~::

20 Air intake valve and valve guide 0.20
Holet 4»

Shaft 4»9. 5 :~:::

21 Exhaust valve and valve guide 0.30
Holet 4»9.50+0.019

Shaft 4a5 :~:=

22 Rocker arm shaft and bushing 0.20
Holet 4a5 o+ o.all

(delective fitted)
23 Cylinder liner over the cylinder block surface
0.050 .wO. 120

back clearance
24 Water pump impeller and pump body
0.08 -1.27

25 Water pump impeller and packing block

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Chapter n Main Structure of Diesel Engine
1. Cylinder head Aassembly

Rl00 series diesel engines have the same kind of cylinder head with RI05 series
diesel engines.
Cylinder head is a single piece casting structure, with independent intake, and ex-
haust ports on both sides. The intake port is a helicoid type designing. In order to de-
crease the heat load of cylinder head, and consider of the supercharged condition,
the cylinder head base wall theicknessis different at the area of valve distance' and
injector seat hole, and cooled by inject cooling water. The valve guide and intake &
exhaust valve seats are interference fit with cylinder head very tightly. Valve seat ring
is made of heat resisting and wear - resisting Chrome - molybdenum casting.

Intake & exhaust valve and valve seat have been run - in when using, remember the
number of cylinder when disassembly and assembly. When sealing condition be-
tween valve and valve seat is not good, lapping is necessary, and should be clean be-
fore assembly. After long time operating, the width of valve seat contacting area may
be over 2. 5mm ,or valver seat damaged or non - round, reaming should be done, or
change valve seat if necessary. When assembly ,cylinder head should be heated at a-
bout 2000C ,then the valve seat can be in - laid, after that ream and lap it at the con-
tact area and make it at 1.3 -1.5 mm in width, valve setting value is 0.6 ..., 1.0 mm
A copper - asbestos gasket is fitted between the cylinder head and the cylinder
block. The cylinder ead is tightened on the cylinder block by 18 (for four - cylinder
diesel engine) or 26 (for six - cylinder diesel engine) strengthen bolts and quenched
bolt gaskets. The cylinder head bolts should be tightened evenly by three times one
by one in regulated order and torque. (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1 The sequence of tightening cylinder head bolts

cyclinder head of' cylindor diesel engine

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2. Cylin~er block and related assembly

The cylinder blockofR series diesel engine is short skirt construction without side 0-

pening. The main oil distrib~ting passage is at the left side of cylinder block ( view
from flywheel end) , the fuel injection pump, oil filter, fuel filter and oil cooler are at
this side as well. The push - rod chamber are located at the right side of cylinder
block, crankshaft case ventilator, generator, starting motor, air compressor and hy-
draulic pump as well.

A laser quenched wet cylinder liner is fitted in the upper part of cylinder block. In or
der to press it tight enough, its upper end is 0.05 -0. 12mm, higher than that of cyl-
inder block.

The main bearing at the lower part of cylinder block is a full supporting type. The
main bearing cover is positioned horizontally by shoulders at sindes of cylinder block,
and is machined together with cylinder block, thus can not be changed each other.
For this reason, each main bearing cover has its sequential number and a triangle
symbol, the arrow of triangle is to the front. Each upper mainbeatihg half has oil
holes on it. The bearings are all made of steel back aluminum alloy. The' 'clearance
between main bearing and crankshaft journal is not adjustable. Whenever the clear-
ance is over limited value after bearing worn, it must be to change the bearings.
When tight the main bearing bolts, each two bolts at one same bearing. should be
tightened gradually and al~ernately
into specified torque. As there is anti .... loose
quenched gasket, the main bearing bolts bave no locked gasket.

3. Camshaft assembly

The camshaft of R series diesel engine is full supporting, the cam is function cam, to
adapt different working speed. Camshaft is driven by crankshaft timing gear through
idling gear and camshaft timing gar. There are engage marks on the timing gear, the
marks should be aligned when assembly. There assembled a camshaft thrust plate
between camshaft timing gear and shaft collar, to control the axial clearance of cam-

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The material of valve tappet stem is chill
Ferro - nickel ( iron) with the bottom sur- TDe
face of quench hardened and phospho-
rized. The axial line of tappet stem devi-
ate the width central line of the cam
2mm, so that the tappet stem cam rotate
surround its own axis to make the con- _

tact surface wore evenly. The theoretical du\a~

valve timing diagram is as Fig. 2. In order
intake valve dos'
to assure the normal running of diesel
engine, he adjusting of intake and ex-
haust valve clearance should be within BDC

specified range.

Fig. 2 Theoretical valve timing diagram

4. Piston and connecting rod assembly

Except piston, piston ring and piston pin

are diferent between RIOO and RI05 se-
ries diesel engines, other parts of con-
necting rod including connecting rod ele-
ment, connecting rod bear-ing are all in-

Each piston of diesel engine has two

com - pression rings and one scraper
ring. The first compression ring is distor- 9ff
ting barrel chrome - plate ring of modular
cast iron, to improve the abrasive resist-
ance under high temperature. The sec- Fig. 3 The opening clearance of
ond ring is taper - face ring. piston rings in cylinder liner

The side of the first and second piston rings with the word' top' on it, should be
faced at top side when assembled. The scraper ring is a component with inner spiral
spring. As assembling scraper ring, the opening of the inner spiral spring maintain
reed should be at the opposite sid~ of the opening of scraper ring. When piston is
assembled, the arrowhead on it6s top should be at the same side with the word
, front' on connecting rod, i. e. the arrowhead on top of the piston should be to the
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front of engine. As assembling piston ring, first it should be put in cylinder liner, then
be checked with clearance gauge to find out if the opening clearance is in the speci-
fied scopy.lf clearance is too small ,repair with file. Piston rings should be staggered
-120OC with each other ,and meanwhile avoid the direction of piston pin hole. See to
Fig. 3. When assemble the piston into engine, the piston ring, piston pin, connecting
rod liner and connecting rod bearing should be coated with enough grease. R series
diesel engine has '(a)' type combustion chamber at the top of piston, with the sur-
face of spraying coating graphite ·of tin - coated. The piston of R series strengthen
diesel engine is controllable heat expansion piston with the skirt inlaid by steel
sheet. the first is direct to cooling nozzle.

The piston pin is full floating type, and can be rotate in piston pin hole as it getting to
certain working temperature, to make wearing .evenly. But it is cool, it· is interference
fit between piston pin and the piston pin hole. So when assemble and disassemble
the piston pin, the piston should be preheated to 80 - 90OC. Assemble piston pin by
. force at cool temperature is prohibited, othervise the pinhole may be ruined. Piston
.. pin should stagger 1mm to non - pressure plane relative to piston center, to de-
crease piston knock.

Connecting rod body and connecting rod cap are positioned by single - tooth, and
hav~ marking numbers at same side, when assembled, the number must be
regisered. The small end bushing of connecting rod is wrapped bush by bimetal ma-
terial ; the oil holes on the bushing should be right alingned to the oil gathering hole at
the top of connecting rod small end, to lubricate piston pin and bushing. Connecting
rod bolts should be tightened evenly with specified torque strictly, connecting rod
bolts are self - locked by friction force. The mass difference of connecting rod for
one same diesel engine is less than 12g, and that of piston and connecting rod as-
sembly for one same diesel engine is not bigger than 20g.

Connecting rod bearing of R series diesel engine is usually made of steel - backed a-
luminum alloy material. Connecting rod bearing of strengthen diesel engine is made
of steel - backed copper - lead alloy. It is unadjustable for the gap between shaft
bearing shell ad shaft neck ,when wearing capacity is over limited value, the bearing
shell must be changed.

5. Crankshaft and flywheel assembly

The crankshaft is made of OT800 - 3 high strength modular cast iron t and is full sup-
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porting type. All the surface of shaft nck is quenched or nitrided, to improve the
wearing resistance. For 6 - cylinder high - speed strengthen diesel engine, the crank-
shaft ;s made of No. 45 steel material, the main shaft neck and connecting rod shaft
neckare treatedby induction quench.
The front and rear end are sealed by skeleton structure rubber oil seal. There are two
connecting methods of the crankshaft front end, one is multiple keys for full output,
another one is flat key. When output power is needed at the front end, Multiple keys
and casting pulley should be adopted. Otherwise, flat key and rotary pulley should be
used instead. In order to decrease the torsion stress of crankshaft and the noisy of
engine, rubber shrunk - in torque insulator element can be used if necessary.
Flywheel is positioned by cylindrical
pin, and fastened on the rear end of
crankshaft by seven high strength
bolts. Flywheel bolts should be tight-
ened gradually according to the se-
quence shown in Fig. 4 Flywheel bolts
are self - locked by flywheel bolt gas-
kets. The gaskets are made of 15 #
steel treated by cementation process.

Fig.4 The tighten sequence of flywheel bolts

The outside of flywheel is marked TDC point, and also the scale range of 0 - 300C of
advanced used to adjust advanced angle of supplying fuel. Each scale means 10
crankshaft angle of turn. For some models of engines, the TDC point is marked at
the flywheel end face of crankshaft pulley..

6. Transmission system

the diesel engine transmission system is includino to nnrm~1 \/ - bQlt tr~nGrniooion

and the g~ar transmission inside gear case. Show~l- in Fig. 5.

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PrC91 down the middle -
part of the V belt by finger

Fig. 5 Transmission system

1. Crankshaft timing gear (Z = 30) 2. Hy-
draulic pump driving gear (Z =29) 3. Cam-
shaft timing gear (Z 60) 4. Air compres-
sor of working pump driving gear (Z = 39 )
5. Common V belt 6. Alternator belt wheel
7. Water pump belt wheel 8. Fuel pump
timing gear (Z =60) 9. Oil pump driving
gear (Z =30) 10. Idler gear (Z =58) 11.
Crankshaft belt wheel

, Crankshaft pulley is consisted of two A - type V - belt to drive water pump pulley
and alternator pulley. Dfferent of V - belts are used because of the different position
of water pump and alternator. V - belt is tensioned by alternator adjustment mecha-
nism. When press the center of V - belt by finger, 10 -15mm depth should be availa-

Crankshaft timing gear drives idling gear, idling gear drives camshaft timing gear, fuel
injection pump timing gear and oil pump gear. Camshaft timing gear may drve air
compressor gear of work pump gear and bydraulic pump gear if necessary. Hydraulic
pump gear may drive the front and the rear hydraulic pump through the transmission
splined hobs of hydaulc upmp or one of them.

7. Intake and exhaust system

7. 1 Air filter

When the diesel engine is working ,clean and fresh air is required to be supplied by
the air filter, this can assure to reduce the wear of cylinder liner, piston t piston rings,
valve and other parts.
For the air filter equipped with R series diesel engine, besides one or two types are
equipped by OEM, the common two structure styles are as follows single stage pa-
per filter element style ang double stages paper filter elemenl style

7 . 2 Silencer
In order to reduce the noise and improve the operator's working environment,R se-
ries diesel engine adopts exhaust silencer. The exhaust gas of the diesel engine ex-
pands through the holes of the silencer inner pipes and the noise is reduced. If the
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silence is choked, the output of the diesel engine will erop. So the carbon deposit
and iron rust inside the silencer should be cleaned periodically according to the work-
ing condition of the diesel engine.

The construction of silencers used for four cylinders and six cylinders diesel engine is
just the same, only the capacity is different. according to the matched requirement,
the connecting pipe can be lengthened or prepared by users.

According the matched requirement, the main installing mode of silencer for R series
diesel engine is horizontal style and vertical style.

7. 3 Turbocharger

R series diesel engine is made by adding a turbocharger between the intake and ex-
haust pipe of the natural aspirated type diesel engine. Through the turbine, the turbo-
charger transforns the exhaust energy of the diesel engine to the rotating mechanical
energy of the rotor, then the blower is driven to rotate at a high speed and compress
the fresh air coming from the air filter, then delivery it to the cylinder. Through suppl-
ying more air to the diesel engine, more fuel will be burned thoroughly and the out-
put of the diesel engine will be increased accordingly.

The turbocharger is combined with constant pressurt single inlet turbine bousing or
pulse double inlet turbine housing, turbine ass embly, blower pump impeller, blower
housing and so on.

The turbocharger is a high speed - rotating machine t its rotating speed will influence
the superchargine effect of the diesel engine directly. In order to assure the diesel
engine working normally, the lubricating oit supplied to the turbocharger "must be
double stages filtered. When being used, the turbocharger must be technically main-
tained in time strictly according to the stipulation on the turbocharger - operating
manual. The blower must be cleaned regularly according to the operating require-
ment. The turbocharger should be dismantled by skilled professional technical work-
ers. A point should be paidattention to that when the lock nut on the end of the blo-
wer is being tightened, the reticule on the nut should be aligned with the reticules on
the rotor shaft cscrew and blower impeller. This can protect the running balance of
the rotor from being damaged and assure it working normally.

8. Fuel system

Fuel system is shown in Fig. 6

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Fig. 6 Fuel system
1. High pressure fuel manifold 2. Pipe clamping plate 3. Rubber gasket 4. Injector fuel return pipe assembly S. In-
jection pump fuel inlet pipe assembly 6. Injector 7. Fuel filter assembly 8. Governor 9. Stopping handle 10. Speed
adjusted handle 11. Fuel filter inlet pipe assembly 12. Fuel delivery pump inlet pipe assembly 13. Fuel delivery
pump 14. Injection pump IS. Injection pump fixed bolt 16. Advancer 17. Injection pump gear 18. Injection pump
gear qressing plate 19. Bolt

When the diesel engine is working fuel flows through fuel tank, inlet pipe, fuel delivery
pump into the fuel filter, after being filtered, it enters into the injection pump, then be-
ing compressed with plunger mate to high pressure, through fuel cock and high pres-
sure fuel pipe, it enters into injector. When the pressure is high enough to open the
needle valve nate of the injector, the fuel will be sprayed into combustion ch~mber in
the form of atomization. After spraying, the pressure will gets lower, the needle valve
returns to the seat under the force of spring, the injecting hole no sprays again.

The extra fuel that the fuel delivery pump supplies more than the injection pump
used ,also with the fuel that the injector needle valve mate leaks and the returning
fuel of the fuel filter and the injection pump will flows back to the fuel tank.

8.1 Fuel·delivery pump

The purpose of the fuel delivery pump is to keep the low - pressure fuel pipe full of
pressed fuel. In order to remain the pressure stable, the piston of the fuel delivery
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pump is pressure regulated automatically type. When the pressure of the low pres-
sure fuel pipe higher more than the stipulated value, the higher pressure will press
the backup spring through the piston and force the piston away from the push rod
gradually, this can reduce the amount of the delivered fuel or stop delivering. Inverse-
Iy, will add or continue delivering.

The hand press is used to make the fuel deliver pipe full of fuel and to wipe off oir
before the engine starts. When the engine is not at working situation, the handle nut
should be tightened.

8. 2 Fuel filter

In order to meet different requirements, there are three types of fuel filter:
CS0708BI , CS0712Bl, COS10S, the former two are single stage type, C0810S is
double stages type.

The purpose of the fuel filter is to filter the tiny impurity out of fuel to reduce the
wear of the precise mates inside the hing pressure and injector.

After the fuel being fitered with element,dirt is kept on the element outer surface.
Being made of fuel filter paper, the e~ement should be maintained and replaced regu-
larly. For the fuel filter with water deposited cup, the water in the cup should be
drained off regularly.

8. 3 Fuel injection pump

There is type A of high - pressure pumps: The body of the type A pump is an all - in
- one - piece style, as shown in Fig. 7.
The quantity of fuel delivered for the fuel pump varies according to the load of the
diesel engine. This is achieved by the rotating of plunger made by the shaft rotating
movement of the adjusting rod gear. The injected fuel rate can be changed byadjus-
ting the cam working section and the diameter of the plunger so as to meet the dif-
ferent requirement of the diesel engine characteristics. The front of the fuel pump is
fixed on the gear housing by the fuel pump fixing flange. When installing, please
match well with the gear so as to ensure the fuel delivery advance angle correct.
The adjusting method of the fuel delivery advance angle is to discharge the fuel
pump on the gear housing cover and check the cover timely; loosen the platen
screw fixed on the fuel pump gear hub; turn the hex head bolt on the end of the fuel
pump bearing; turning clockwise will add the fuel delivery advance angle while turn-
ing anticlockwise will reduce the fuel delivery advance angle. After adjusting proper-
Iy, fasten the four platen screw and the six hex head bolt on the and of the fuel
pump bearing to avoid them loosening.

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Fig. 7 Six cylinder A type fuel injection pump

1. Fuel inlet adaptor 2. Fuel return adaptor 3. Fuel outlet valve tightening seat 4. Fuel outlet valve S. Plunger
mate 6. Adjusting rod gear 7. Adjusting ring gear 8. Inspection window cover 9. Plunger spring 10. Oil groove
screw 11. Pump assembly 12. Fuel pump camshaft 13. Bolt 14. Fuel pump fixing flange IS. Fuel pump gear hub
16. Fuel pump timing plate 17. Nut 18. Fuel pump gear platen 19. Fuel pump gear

The quantity of fuel delivered by the bigh pressure pump has been adjusted before
letting released from factory. It's forbidden to open the high pressure pump inspec-
tion window cover to rotate the plunger so as to prevent the delivered fuel quantity
and the fuel quantity in cylinders from being changed, if necessary, the adjustment
should be o'perated on a high pressure pump test bench.

8. 4 Governor

There is a RSV mechanical full range· type governor. Vehicle diesel engine is equipped
with a RFD full full range - double poles type governor.
The function of the RSV full range type governor is to keep the speed of the diesel
engine varying in the scope of fluctuating rate when the load doesnt change and var-
ying in the scope of stable speed adjusted rate when the load changes sQ,that it can
work stablv.
The high speed position limiting bolt and low speed position limiting bolt are used to
. ~

adjust the highest idling speed and the lowest idling stabJespeed separately. The fu-
el quantity limiting screw is used to adjust the quantity of fuel detivered to the fuel
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pump. We can change the working condition of the diesel engine by changing the
position of speed adjusting handle. When you want to stop the diesel engine, just
turn the stopping handle.
RFD type governor is specially used for the diesel engine matched with vehicle. You
can use either the full range governor or the double poles governor. The double
poles governor is useful only when the engine idle without load or exceeds the rated
speed but not between the idling speed and the rated speed. This moment, the
quantity of fuel delivered varies trough the changing of the position of the speed ad-
justing handle.
To make the quantity of fuel delivered match with the quantity of air intaked, we 'can
install the inlet manifold pressure compensator on the governor of the turbocharged
type diesel engine, thus avoid exhausting smoke.

8.5 Advancer

The 0285,0286 type advancer is shown as Fig. 8



Fig. 8 The 0285, 0286 type advancer

To improve the working procedure, the engines of which the rated speed is above
2600r/min should adopt 0285, 0286 type advancer. When the speed is at 1100 -
2800r/min, the advancer can make the fuel advanced angle about 0 - lOQ(; crank-
shaft turning angle advanced.
The function of the advancer is to make the fuel advanced angle raise automatically,
thus meet the requirement of the diesel engine;

8. 6 injector

The injector is shown in Fig. 9. .

The purpose of the injector is to spray the atomized fuel into the combustion cham-
ber timely, and make the atomized fuel combined with air to make up a sophisticated
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burning procedure.
R series diesel engine adoptsJ series and S ·series injec-
tor t all these two models are spring low installed and low
inertia types injector. The needle valve mate of the injec-
tor is a 10nQ;.and holey style t in general t RIOO adopts neele
valve mate wity 4 - -ro. 27mm spray holes RI05 adopts
needle valve mate with 4 - -ro. 30mm spray holes. The
fuel should be atomized evenly after being sprayed, and
the fuel stopping should be functioned at once, no fuel
late drops of leakage. When the fuel atomized not well,
the injector should be tested and adjusted on the injector
test bench. the injector opening pressure- is 20 ( + 1. 00 )
Mpa , if the pressure is not suitable, the thickness of the
injector pressure Adjusted gasket should be adjused, if
the gasket is added more o. Imm, the injecting pressure
will be improved about 1Mpa.
The needle valve mate is matched mate t never ex-
changed when dismantled. The J series needle valve Fig. 9 Injector assembly
1. Fuel return adaptor screw 2.
mate can't be exchanged with the S series needle valve
Injector block 3. Pressure adjus-
mate, but their assemblies can be exchanged.
ting gasket 4. Injector spring S.
When the injector is installed on the cylinder head, there support lever 6. Body subassem-
is a copper washer on the front, this can assure the bly 7. Injector tigh1ening nut 8.
tightness. Injector mate 9. Injector seal gas-

9. Lubricating System

The engine is lubricated by pressure oil combined with splash oil., the layout of lubri-
cating system is shown in fig. 6
The oil is sucked into the oil pump through the strainer and the enters into the main
oil passage after being cooled and filtered. The oil in the main oil passage of the cyl-
inder block is ·delivered to the main bearings, connecting rod bearings, camshaft
bushings t high pressure pump, air compressor, vacuum pump. The oil passing J

through the camshaft bushings, high pressure pump, air compressor, vacuum pump.
The oil passing ~hrough the camshaft bushing flows through the oil passa~e in cylin-
der block and cylinder bead to lubricated the valve mechanism. Piston ,piston pin, cyl·
inder liner are all· splash lubricated by the·oil· spilled from the bearings.

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13 14

Fig. 10 Schematic diagram for the layout of lubricating system

1. crankshaft and bearing;2. piston sooling injection nozzle4;3. oil temperature gauge;4. piston and connecting
rod assembly,S. oil sump,6.oil strainer,7.oil pump,8.oil filter and cooler,9.centrifugal bypass type oil filter;10.
idling gear shaft and bushing, 11. oil fine filter, 12. oil pressure gauge, 13. turbocharger, 14. push rod, valve tappet,
15. rocker arm and arm shaft, 16. valve and valve guide, 17. main oil passage, 18. camshaft and bushing, 19. piston
injection cooling oil passage.

For the supercharged engine, there is a special oil passage in the cylinder block for
cooling piston, the oil injected into piston through oil passage and injection nozzle for
cooling piston.

For lubricating turbocharger, portion of oil from oil main passage flows into turbo-
charger through another oil filter to lubricate and cool its bearing, then the oil flows
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back to the oil sump through over flow oil pipe.

9.1 Oil pump

Four and six cylinders engine all use gear type oil pump. The structure of four cylin-
der engine is show in Fig. 11.
The oil pump should be installed in the tunnel on the upper part of the main bearing.
The oil pump transmission gear is driven by the crankshaft gear trough the idling
gear. The turning speed is the same as the crankshaft.
'When the oil pump is being mounted,. not too hard or deviated stress on it, the seal
ring should be coated with lubricating oil so as not to be damaged.

9. 2 Overload overflow valve

The overload overflow valve should be installed in the oil groove of the engine block,
as seen in Fig. 12, to limit the low temperature and the high viscosity of the oil,
protect ·the oil pressure gauge, thus assure the oil pump and the lubricating tube
work normally. The overload overflow valve has been adjusted through the, special
test platform before use, so you neednt adjust again on general.
If the oil pressure is too low, you should regulate the regulating valve in the oil filter
first, then youtest and regulate this pressure regulating valve, it's 'opeing pressure is

2 3 (1)

Fig. 11 Oil pump Fig. 12 Overload overftQw valve

1. Oil pump shell 2. • O· type seal ring 1. Nut 2. Fetaining plug

3. Oil pump cover 4. Half circle key 3. housing 4.' Spring S. Steel ball
5. Driving ohaft 9ubassornbly

6. Bolt 7. Gasket
8. Driven gea~s subassembly

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9. 3 Oil filter

The structure of JX0811a, JI012B and J0506 type oil filter is shown in Fig. 13 and
Fig. 14.



c-e D-D


Fig. 13 Oil fil1;er

1. Oil filter seat 2. Oil filter wick 3. housing 4. Bypass valve 5. Pressure limiting valve 6. Pressure
adjusting gasket 7. Bypass valve


Fig. 14 Oil filter Fig. 15 Oil cooler

1. Oil filter seat 1. Water inlet tube 2. Water outlet tube
:l. Oil coolor uppor ~Qvcr
2. Oil filter wick 3. housino
4. Oil cooler wick 5. Oil cooler block
6. • O· seal ring 7. Oil cooler lower cover
8. Drain cock

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JX0811a ,JI012B type oil filter used to filter the engine lubricating oil , J0506. type oil
filter used to filter the turbocharger lubricating oil.

There are pressure limiting valve and bypass valve. When the oil filter or the viscosity
of the oil is too high, the bypass valve will open, and the oil will enters into the main
passage without bing filter ed through oil cooler or filter to ensure the engine running
safely. The bypass valve shouldn't be dismantled and adjusted without authorization.
The paper element should be maintained and replaced periodically.

9. 4 Oil cooler

R series diesel engine adopts. pipe & shell type oil cooler, which is shown as
Fig. 15.
The cil cooler is usually installed at the side of the oil filter, oil from oil pump enters
into oit' cooler through the inlet hole of the shell. Through the hose ,the cooling water
enters into the cooling element from the special outlet hole at the left of the cylinder
block. Because the water and oil has a different temperature and keep flowing, they
exchange heat inside the cooler and th~ oil is cooled then. The cooling water from
the cooler flows back into the cylinder head through the hose and the cooled oil fol-
ws into the main oil passage through the oil filter.
When using the engine, we. should often observe whether there is engine oil mixed
in the cooling water cycle system. If find water mixing with oil obviously, we should
check immediately whether the seal ring of .the oil cooler still work or whether the
cooling element leak. If find any trouble, we must resolve it.
When changing the engine oil every time, we should change the oil filter wick at the
same time.

10. Cooling system

The engine adopts close type forced circulation water cooling system, is shown in
Fig. 16
The cooling water in the radiator is forced by the water pump into the main water
passage, which link up front ar,td rear parts located at the left of the cylinder block. It
flows into all cylinders evenly to cool the liners, most of water flows through all holes
into cylinder head, the others enter into the rear.. of the cylinder head through oil cool-
era If the oil cooler is not installed ,;the all cooling water will flows into cylinder head
through cylinder block. About 35 % of all ~ate'r in the cylinder head flow~ transversely
through the hole. at the bridge of the nose ,and it cools the heavy thermal duty angle
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area. The other water flows vertically as:ablut 25% water flows to the exhaust mani-
fold side ,30% water flows to the end of the cylinder head and the oter 100/0 water
maybe short circuit. This layout of cooling water determined by the layout of water
holes and their sizes ensures the whole cylinder be cooled evenly and effectively.
The used cooling water all flows back into the upper water case of the radiator
through the thermostat from the front end of the cylinder head. When the water
flows through the radiator, it is cooled with the air breathed in or the cylinder head.
When the water flows through the radiator, it is cooled with ethe air breathed in or
blowout by the fan, and the whole circulation is achieved. If the temperature of he
wat~r is too low, the thermostat will shut down, the water could't enter into the up-
per water case of the radiator and it flows back into the water pump through the
small tube under the thermostat ,.the little circulation is ,achieved.

Fig. 16 Layout of coling system

1. radiator water outlet rubber hose 2. radiator 3. water pump fan assembly 4. cowling 5. rdiator water inlet rubber
hose 6. thermostat cover 7. thermostat 8. water temperature gauge 9. cylinder head 10. cooler water delivery con-
nector assembly 11. cylinder block 12. cylinder liner 13. cooler water outlet tube 14. cooler water inlet connector
assemblv IS. oil cooler 16. cooler water inlet tube

The 4& 6-cylinder type R series diesel engine all adopts the same water pump. The
temperature gauge of R series diesel engine can be chosen by users and can be
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completed with temperature gaueg connectors or temperature sensor connectors.
For the cooling system of the marine diesel engine, the radiator and fan are replaced
by sea water and fresh water heat exchanger. The water route includes two parts:
One route is the sea water inleted by the sea water p.ump enter into ihe exchanger
to cool the fresh water, then enter the exhaust manifold water jacket to cool the ex-
haust manifold. The other route is the fresh water in the inflation compensating wa-
ter tank enter into the water pump through the exchanger, then enter into the en-
gine block, oil cooler, cylinder head and the thermostat, then return to the inflation
compensating water tank. This is a fresh water cycle of the marine diesel engine.

10.1 Water pump

The diesel engine adopts centrifugal water pump which is installed at the front of the
engine block and driven by the crankshaft belt wheel through the V belt.
The water pump bearing is supported by the two dustproof bearing in the shell and
rotates in the water pump. The vane wheel is installed at the end of the water pump
bearing. There-s china ring on the vane wheel neck, and between it and the pump
shell there ~ water seal subassembly used to avoid water from leaking out of the
pump block. To avoid the water leak into the rotating bearing, a water - relief hole is
drilled under the seat hole of the pump bearing and a water throw ring is installed on
the bearing to make the water leaked into the seal hole of the bearing spill over from
the water - relief hole. If find the water - relief hole dripping water seriously, you
should change the water seal.
Radiator connector can be added on the water pump shell and the cylinder head to
supply heating for customers.

10.2 Fan

The diesel engine adopts vane axial - flow cooling fan which is installed at the front
of the water pump belt wheel and rotates synchronously with the pump bearing.
According to the different application of the diesel engine and the surrounding tem-
perature and wind quantity t the fan can be chosen as four or six leaf blades, wind
absorbing or wind ejecting type.

10.3 Thermostat

The diesel engine adopts paraffin wax type thermostat.

The thermostat is installed in the thermostat shell at the position of water outlet
mouth which is in front of or beside the cylinder head. 'It is used to control the quan-
tity of cooling water ,flowed into the radiator, adjust the temperature of the cooling
Vv"ater and ~eep the engine 'wYorking in a proper tQr"I'\pArature ml'lst time.
The starting temperature of·the thermostat main valve is 77 :t2OC, while the fully 0-
pening temperature is 87 ± 2OC, and the raising travel of the: valve for fully· opening
should not be less than 9mm.

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If when the engine is started cooled, and the water temperature doesnt reach 75OC,
tnere is water flowing out of the thermostat cover, or when the diesel engine is run-
ning and the water temperature exceeds 79OC, but there is ,no water flowing out of
the thermostat cover, it indicates that trouble has been occurred with the thermo-
stat, and it should be discharged and checked. The thermostat cant be discharged
wantonly, otherwise, normal working of the engine would be influenced.
To meet the requirements for different application, we have designed different ther-
mostat covers.

10.4 Sea water and fresh water heat exchanger

Marine diesel engine adopts sea water and fresh water heat exchanger. The struc-
ture is shown as Fig. 17.


Sea water inl~t

Fig. 17 Sea water and fresh water heat exchanger

1. Double type radiator cover subassembly 2. Water return flange 3. inflation compensating water
tank 4. Heat exchanger wick subassembly 5. Water pipe flange 6. Shell 7. Front end cover 8. Zinc
stick subassembly 9. Rear end cover 10. Seat ring 11. Water pipe flange

Above the exchanger, there is a inflation compensating water tank. The sea water
entered from the sea water pump cool the fresh water flowing by the internal groove
of the exchanoer wick and thAn cool thQ exhaust manifold; the f"'e~h vvcater in the
compensating water tank enter into the water pump through the exchanger wick and
do the fresh water cycle.

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II. Electric system

The electric system of the R series diesel engine has two tYP8S:12Vand 24V,all are
single wire system with negative pole grounded, can be chosen by users. shown in
Fig. IS

Fig. 18 layout of electric system

1. battery 2. starting motor 3. starting switch 4 r ammeter S. key switch 6. pressure gauge 7. temperature gauge 8.
voltage 4egulator 9. silicon rectified generator

The common and for tractor using diesel engines adopts 12V electric system;for en-
gineering and truck using diesel engines adopts 24 V electric system, can use more
powerful24V starting motor to improve starting capacity. The rated voltage of the
motor and other electrical equipment must meet the voltage pequirrement of the e-
lectric system. In order to improve the diesel engine' 5 coaly starting capacity , the
coolly starting equipment installed at the air inlet pipe can be used by user's need.

11. 1 Battery

The battery for start is a power device of the diesel engine, its performance influence
the start of the diesel engine directly, suitalbe capacity battery should be chosen ac-
cording to the starting motor's specific property. The battery should be installed near
the starting motor so as to shortem the length of the cable between the battery and
the starting motor to avoid the voltage drop too hard when the engine starting, the
section area 36mm2 low voltage connecting cable should be adopted.

When the starting current is highest,for 12V and 24V starting motoft the VQItage drop
should be less than O.5V and tV respectively.

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The battery with the diesel engine hasn't been charged before delivery, it should be
first charged as the battery's requirement before used. When the diesel engine is
working, the amount of the charging current should often be noticed. When the nee-
dle of the ammeter is reaching to zero, it shows that the battery has been fully
sharged and the charging circuit can be switched off.

11. 2 Silicon rectified dynamo

JF series silicon rectified dynamo is adopted in the diesel engine, there are many
types of JFl312YE ,JF2312YE ,JF2512YE ,JFZ1512YE, BJFW23B ,and etc.

The diesel engine for tractor adopts JF1312YE type of 12v, the oter engines usually a-
dopt dynamo of 24V;the engine with vacuum pump adopts BJFW24B type, six cylin-
ders engine for truck adopts JF2512YE type.'

11. 3 Voltage regulator

The use of this voltage regulator is to keep the voltage at the range of 13.5 -14. 5V
or 27 -29V respectively when the speed of the 14V or 28V generator changed. These
two types of generators adopt FTIII, FT211 AND FT226 voltage regulators respec-
tively, the FT226 type regulator can be connected to a charging indicator.

When the FTIII type and FT211 type regulators are used, the key swich should be
turned off as soon as the engine stops in case the battery discharge to the magnetic
coil and make the battery insufficient, this will influence the next starting.

The regulator is a precise instrument and not be dismatled and regulated at will, if it
is necessary to be adjusted, it should be done at specicl equipment.

11. 4 Starting motor

The starting motor is full closed direct current .series excitation motor, the engine of
12V s'yIStem adopts OD1518E.OD154.0154C types.and the~engine of 24V system a-
dopts QSZ637E type starting m~tor. In oreder to improve the starting capacity,
QDl54C type motor adopts 9 teeth,and the OD154 adopts 11 teeth.

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The working current of the starting motor is very large, it can only works within a
short time,every starting time can't exceeds lOs. If it's necessary to continuously
start, the time distance shouldn't less than 2 minutes in case the starting motor and
the battery be damaged.

11. S Key switch

The key switch has thr~ working positions, at the center position, the whole circuit
will be turned off , turning the key clockwise, the preheating - starting switch, Voltage
regulator and other electric equipment will all be switched on and the diesel engine
will etarts. After the engine starts, the switch should be turned counterclockwise to
the end to tum off the preheating - starting switch and in case of any trouble.

11. 6 preheating - starting switch

If the preheater be used,a preheating - starting switch should be adopted. The pre-
heating - starting switch has four working positions. At the "Preheat" position, only
the preheater or electric plunger be turned on. At the" preheat - start" position, both
the preheater and the starting motor wUI be turned pn. At the "start" position, only
starting motor will be turned on. To loose the switch ,it will.automatically moves back
to the" 0" position -and the whole circuit will be cut off.

12. Air compressor assembly

To meet the requirement for the break and aeration for tire of tractors, some types
of vehicles and engineering machines, the relevant diesel engine derived products
have installed LC126 type air compressor.
The structure
of LC126 type air compressor is shown
as Fig. 19.
It~ structure is single cylinder piston type with a bore of 6511Jm and stroke of 38mm.
The displacement of piston is O. 126L working displacement;a=lOOUmin, exhausting
pressure;;'0.6Mpa, full load consumption power=S:1.4KW.
The air compressor is driven by gear. When the air compressor is running, the pis-
ton is going down. ·the air opens the inlet valve and enters the cylinder through the
air filter. When the piston is going up, the air will be compressed and push open the
outlet valve and enter the air storage tu~. According to the different load discharge
. me~hod, there are two kinds of air compressor for customer~ cnoice.
1. Inlet load discharge air compressor
Theres a pressure releasing valve installed on the cylinder of the inlet load discharge
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air compressor. The pressure releasing valve is connected with the pressure adjus-
tor through pipe. When the pressure in the air storage tube reach a rated volume of
the air adjustor, the compressed air in the air storage tube enter into the pressure
releasing valve through the pressure adjustor, push up the valve rod and open the
inlet valve, making the cylinder interlinked with the air, the air compressor idling,
thus achieve load discharge.
2. Outlet load discharge air compressor
The outlet load discharge air compressor has no pressure releasing valve and pres-
sure adjustor shown in Fig. 19. The original position of pressure releasing valve is
blocked up by screw plug. A compound multi - functional load discharge valve is
contacted between the air compressor and the air storage tube. The compressed air
enter into the load discharge valve, first pass the oil and water: division then open
the exhaust one - way valve and enter the air storage type. When the pressure in
the air storage tube reaches the rated volume, the exhaust one - way valve of the
load discharge valve wili close automatically to keep the rated volume of the air stor-
age tube. Meanwhile, the load discharge valve opens automatically. The com-
pressed air is exhausted into the air with the oil and water.

Fig. 19 LC126 air compressor assembly

1. Air cleanser 2. CylindQr h9ad 3. Inlet load dischargo valvo 4. Cylinder block S. Piston and con-

necting rod 6. 'Connecting flange 7. Crankshaft 8. Crankshaft tank 9. Bearing 10. End cover

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13 Clutch assembly

13. , The characteristic of the clutch's construction

The diesel engine adopts open, piece and dry type clutch, a disc type spring is adopt-
ed .as elasticity compensation, shown in Fig. 20

, Fig. 20 clutch assembly

1. dutch housing 2. fixed pressure disc 3. friction slice 4. screw cover 5. moveing pressure disc 6. pressure leVer 7. acI-
justing disc 8. control lever 9. separating bearing asserrbly 10. reer beering assembly 11. belt pulley 12. clutch shaft

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The friction disc is the main transmission part of the clutch.

When the clutch is engaged, the friction disc is pressed between the fixed pressure
disc and the front moving pressure disc. The power of the diesel engine is transmit-
ted from the inner teeth ring to the moving pressure disc assembly and then to the
splined thaft of the clutch, it is outputted from the belt pulley. Aflat belt pulley, v -
belt pulley or a coupler can be installed at the oudpud end.

When the clutch is disengaged, the friction disc is combined with the inner teenth
ring and be rotating with the flywheel, other moving parts of the clutch is motionless
and the workless state of the clutch is improved.

According to the inner teeth engaged with the outer teeth, the friction disc assembly
can rotater with the flywheel and can slide axially. The fixed pressure disc is con-
nected with the shaft of clutch by the rectangle spline, the front moving pressure
disc is also engaged with the fixed pressure disc by the inner teeth and the outer
teeth. Through the rear moving pressure disc moves axially with the pressure lever,
the engagement and disengagement of the clutch is achieced.

The engagement of the clutch is kept with the self - lock of the pressure lever sys-
tem, so the engagemrent of the clutch is very reliable.

13. 2 Assemblage, dismantling and adjusting of the clutch

13.2.1 Assemblage and dismantling of the clutch

The front end of the clutch output shaft is supported on the flywheel bearing, the
rear end is supported on the bearing of the rear bearing seat inside the clutch hous-
ing. The clutch is connected with the diesel engine through the clutch housing com-
bined with the diesel engine flywheel housing by the rabbet.

When you want to connect the clutch with the diesel engine, you can move the fric-
tion discs to the rabbet of the clutch housing all around evenly so that the friction
discs are in the middle symmetrical state. After you move the lever to enaaae the
clutch, you can connect and fast~n it with the diesel engine.

When you want to dismantle the clutch from the diesel engine, you should engage
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the clutch first and then dismantle the connecting bolt connected with the diesel an-
gine so as for the next assemblage convenient.

13.2.2 Adjustment of the clutch

After the clutch be used for some time, if it's performance turns worse because of
the wear of the friction discs, users can adjust it as follows:

( 1) Put the clutch to the disengagement state, open the upper window, rotate the
clutch shaft, peep at the lock pin of the adjusting plate, press the lock pin, rotate the
adjusting .plate clock wise, the adjusting plate will be pressed about o. Imm per 12 0

gap. After the adjustment is finished, insert the' lock pin into the corresponding gap.

(2 ) ~ush the clutch to the engagement state, use a special rule to test whether the
distance be~een the rear moving pressure disc and the top end or the sleeve fixed
bolt is 1 -2mm.

13. 3 Matters need attention

1) When the clutch is engaged and to out.,. put power, the time of engagement
should be very short or it will burn the friction discs.

2) The asbestos friction di.scs must be protected from being dirtied by oil dirt.

3) There is a dirt - drained plug at the bottom of the clutch housing, the oil dirt and
deposited water should be often drained off.

The window should be often opened when working, the safe pin of the opratin sysy-
en should be tested to keep it in good condition.

S) Lubricating grease should be perodically filled into the oil cup as stipulated.

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1. Transportation, installation, storage and preservation

When the diesel engine is transported, the front and rear lifting bracket should be
used to lift the engine and close attention should be paid to protect the appearance,
accessories and oil pipes of the diesel engine from being damaged.

If the diesel engine will be transported for a long distance, the air filter and silencer
should be dismantled, use plugs and plastics to seal the air intake and exhaust hole,
water pump inlet and outlet hole, fuel inlet and outlet hole. If necessary, use plastic
cover and wooden case to pack the 'diesel engine.

If the diesel engine is used for stationary application, the foundation must be firm t
the mounting surface must be kept horizontal, the driving equipment should conform
to the requirement of stipulation, the working place should be spacious, well Nenti-
lated ,clean and rain - proof.

If the diesel engine is going to be laid up for a long time, it should be preserved and
stored as the below methods;

1) Drain off fuel, oil and cooling water.

2) Remove the inje,ctor assembly away from the engine, fill to each cylinder with
200kg dehydrated chlean oil (it means: keep the oil heated at 100 - 2000C until n9
bubble remains, rotate the crankshaft to let the lubricating oil coat evenly on the sur-
faces of the valves, cylinder liners and pistons, etc. ; then clean the appearance of
the nozzle assembly, smear lubrdcating oil on it and then re - install it to the engine.

3 ) wrap up the air filter with plastic film, dismantle the silencer and stop up the ex-
haust hole with wooden plug.

4 ) wipe off the oil dirt, dust and rust from the outer surface of the engine, smear the
unpainted parts ·surface with thin layer of anti - rusting grease ( such as calcium type
lubricating grease) ,then cover it with paper.

. 5) Wrap the diesel e"gine in plastic film

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6) the preserved engine should be stored in well ventilated t dry and clean room, it is
strictly forbbidden to be putted together with corrosive substances. The effective
time of this method is 3 months , when the time exceeds the period, please repeat
this procedure.

2. Fuel, lubricationg oil and cooling water

2.1 Fuel oil

The diesel engine should adopts diffeent brand of light diesel oil according to the at-
mospheric temperature ( GB252 - 81)

Atmospheric temperature ( OC) : >0 o- -10, - 10 - - 20 - 20 - 35

Brand of diesel oil: o -10 -20 -35

The fuel oil must be kept very clean t befor filling it into the fuel tank, you should clear
the fuel oil for over 3 days so as to make the dust and water inside the oil precipita·
ted to the .botto.m, then pich up the top clean fuel oil. the fuel oil must be strictly fil-
tered when filled to the fuel tank.

2.2 Lubricationg oil

. The diesel engine should adopt different brand L - ECC diesel lubricating oil accord-
ing to different area and atmospheric temperature.

AREA Winter In Cold Area All Year In Common Area Summer In The South

TEMPERATURE(OC) -5 - -15 0 ... 30 >30

OIL BRAND 20/20W 30 40

The turbocharged diesel engine should adopts L - ECD type diesel lubricating oil
(GB11122 - 89)

AREA Winter In Cold'Area AlI.Year In Common Ar~ Summer In The South

TEMPERATURE( OC) -5 - -15 0-30 >30
OIL BRAND 20/20W 30 40

The lubricating oil rnu5t be filter-ed before it i~ filled into die::iel engine "other brand lu-

bricating oil is forbidden to be used for -engine so as to protect the parts such as
bearing and piston ring from being darmaged.
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2. 3 Cooling Water

The diesel engine should adopt clear soft water such as tap water, rain water and riv-
er water ,etc.. If hard water is adopted such as well water and spring water which
contains much more minerals, the hard water should be softened, of there will be
scale on the water passage of the engine and block the water ;weaken the cooling
effect and recult in the engine too hot.

One of below methods can be used to soften water:

( 1) boiled, precipitated and filtered before used.

(2) Fill20g Na3 P0 3 on each IOkg water ,precipitated and piston rin"g fom being dam-

When the temperature is below ooc ,antifreeze mixture can be used for cooling me-
dium. The antifreeze mixture can be mixed with water and alcohol according to the
below ratio.

Volume ratio of antifreeze mixture( %) Ice point of antifreeze mixtureOC

water alcohol . denatured alcohol water alcohol
90 10 -3 -S
80 20 -7 -12
70 30 -12 -19
60 40 -19 -29
50 SO -28 -50

When compound and fill the antifreeze mixtrue, pay attention to:
( 1) The antifrezed mixture is poisonous, never drink it.

(2)When the engine is working, the temperature of the antifreeze mixture doesn't
exceed 900C so as to avoid the alcohol volatilize.

(3 ) test the volume of the antifreeze mixture each 25 - 30hrs ,compensate it if not e-
( 4 ) the volume of antifreeze nixture should be 6 % less than the water, because the
antifreeze rni~ture preventive liquid will exqands at nlgn temperature.
2.4Auxiliary material
The types of glue R diesel engine adopt is as the following table:
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The types of glue R diesel engine adopt and the applying position

No. Name Application and applying position

Apply on the bright metal surface for plain seal, for
1 KB599 example, the connection face of the cylinder block
and the oil seal.
Apply on the surface of the external cylinder and
1 holes for fastness, for example, water plug and
Tianshan 151~
core plug of the cylinder block.
For the seal of wick and hole. Applicable for seal of
3 ' Tian'shan·16747 water cavity and oil' groove, for example, all the
core plug of the cylinder head.

For the fastness of important screw thread, for ex-

4 Tianshan 1262
ample, camshaft screw etc.

(1) When the·tem,perature is below sOC, the cooling water should be drained 'after
stopping the engine.
( 2) When the temperature is below 0, we should check the consistency of anti-
freeze for those adopt it..

3. Preparation for starting

3. 1 The diesel engine should be thoroughly checked before starting. Closed attention
should be paid to see whether foundation bolts and the connection'with the driv-
en equipment is rigid and reliable, and whether the transmission parts and con-
trol systems are sensitive and so on. The engine won't be started unless every-
thing is all right. "
3. 2 Check and replenish the oil sump to keep the oil surfpce between the top and
bottom carved line, fill up cooling water and fuel oil, open the switch of the fuel
tank, check the fuel system for leakage and eliminate it if there is any.
3. 3 It is recommend to vent the air out of fuel system step by step as follows:
At first loosen the venting screw on the filter, pump the fuel with priming
hand pump t vent out the air from the fuel passage between the fuel tank and the
filter t then loosen the venting screw on the injection pump until the fuel flows.
out without bubbl.es.
3. 4 Check the batt~ry be sufficien or not t connect· the_battery to the circuit and see
whether it is electrified.

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4. starting

The diesel engine shouldn't be started until the preparation is completed and meets
the requirement. When starting, the clutch should be apart, operate as following
4. 1 Set the control handle of the fuel valve to the position where the fuel will be de-
livered rather more..
4.2 Turn the circuit switch clockwise and close the circuit.
4. 3 Turn the starting switch to the "starting position" ,after the crankshaft is spee-
ded up by the starting motor, the engine is started then.
4.4 For the protection of the starting motor and battery, the starting time shouldn't
exceed lOs. If need to start continucously ,the interval time should be more than
2min.lf can't start for continuous 3 times, then don't start until the trouble is
found out and elininated.
4. 5 As soon as the engine starts, turn the starting switch back to the' previous posi-
tion. Set the control handle of the fuel valve to the idel speed position, turn the
circuit key switch counterclockwise to the charging position.
4. 6 Check the oil pressure after the engine starts the oil pressure in ilde speed nev-

er be lower than O.lmpa. After the engine starts for 5min,stop it and wait for 15 ,~

min, check the surface of the oil when the oil flows back to the oil sump, if nec-
essary ,add oil to the required level.

5. running

5.1 After being started, the engine shouldn't operater at full load immediately. It
should be warmed up at low speed without load, only after the temperature of
the cooling water reaches to 6OOC, it can be speeded up to the highest speed
and operates at full load.
5. 2 When operating, the engine's speed and load should be increased and decreased
gradually. In general,shouldn't increase or decrease rapidly.
5. 3 When the engine is working, should often pay attention to oil pressure, oil tme-
perature, cooling water temperature, charging current, should also observe the
color of the exhaust smoke, listen attentively to the voice inside. If any trouble
such as overheating, black smoking, knock and others, should stop the engine to
check and remedy immediately. It is forbidden to let the engine operate with
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trouble so as to preveant the engine parts from being damaged.
5. 4 When the engine working, often pay attention to the oil passage, water passage
and union joint, if any leakage, should remedy it at once so as to avoid waste and
pollution to the envkronment.
S. 5 For new or just overhauled engine, it is permitted to run af full olad only after it
has workde for over 6Oh.
5.6 It is forbidden to let the engine running at idle speed for a long time.
S. 7 The injection pump has been adjusted rightly before leaving factory, it is forbid-
den for users to change it at will. If necessary, it should be adjusted at the injec-
tion pump equipment.

6. Stopping

6.1 Before stopping the engine,unload first,decrease the engine to the idling speed
gradually, when the water temperature falls down below 700C , turn the stopping
lever to stop- After the engine stops, take out the switch key and close the fuel
thak valve.
6.2 It is forbidden to stop the engine suddenly at high water temperature.
6.3 It is not permitted to stop the engine by shutting off the valve of the fuel tank so
as to preventiong the air from entering into the oil passage.
6.4 When it is belowSOC, if the antifreeze mizture is not used, should drain off the
cooling water so as to avoid the cylinder block and water pump being frost
6.5 The found trouble should. be remedied after every stopping, and should often
check the engine.

7. The wearing in of the diesel engine

New and repaired diesel engine (including those have taken third grade technique
maintenance and have changed piston t piston ring, cylinder liner, main bearing and
connecting rod bearing) must have a long period of wearing from low load to high
load gradually. Wed better make the various operations match well to.avoid abnor-
mal damage. EXperience provea tnat tne life of the diesel engine, its liability and t r
conomy are largely determined by the wearing in an the initial· stage, so the custom-
ers should follow the wearing in instruction strictly.

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The time of wearing in should not less than 60 hours. The load and time of wearing
in is as foltows:
Load Operation time
Idling speed 10 minutes Check the pressure of lubricating oil and
whether there is abnormal noise etc.
250/0 2h
500/0 15 h
750/0 30 h
1000/0 15 h
During the period of wearing in, the throttle should be fully opened. The load nu-
meral value can be gained according to the load estimation of the matched belt,
however, we must obey the principle of increasing load gradually from low load.
Due to the different fitting machines, such as tractors, vehicles, engineering ma-
chines, generating sets and harvesters etc. , the wearing in should meet the differ-
ent requirements for the usage. The diesel engine used for agricultural machines,
for example, the diesel engine used for water pump, thresher and grinder etc. ,
which have power take out' equipment have already wearied in preliminarily, so cus-
tomers can reduce the wearing in time properly.

8. Safe and technical operating instruction

8.1 It' forbidden to let the person who don't know the operating technique to oper-
ate the engine.
8. 2 The engine can be started only after all the starting preparation has been com-
8. 3 Pay close attention to prevent fire, it' 5 forbidden to let the naked flame near the
working engine. If the engine is working beside inflammable substanc8,a fire ex-
tinguisher system should be installed on the exhaust manifold.
8. 4 When the engine is working, never to dismantle or adjust, the operator don 't
leave the working site.
8. 5 It! s forbidden to let the engine working under no oil pressure, low oil pressure or
whith abnormal noise inside. If you meet with these cases, the engine should be
stopped urgently.
8. 6 If the engine happens to be overspeed, you should turn the stopping hanlde to
stop it to have a test. If the stopping handle malfunctions, you can stop the en-
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gina with the methoud of plugging up the air inlet hole.

CHAPTER IV Technique maintenance of the diesel ·engine

Periodic technique maintenance i"s an important content of using engine normally, in

order to remain the engine in good technique state and to prolong it' sservice life,
the technique maintenance system must be seriously performed as stalldard.

The maintenance of the engine is classified as follows:

1) Working day maintenance( per 8 -IOh)
2) First grade technique maintenance· (accumulative working hous: SOh; or for the
cargo vehicle, traveling distance over 2500km)
3 ) Second grade technique maintenance (accumulative· working hours: 2S0h; or for
the cargo vehicle, traveling distance over 12S00km)
4) Third grade technique maintenance (accumulative working hours: lOOOh; or for
the cargo vehicle, traveling distance over S()()()()km)
5)Technique maintenance on winter use.

I. Working day maintenance

1. 1 Check the oil surface in the oil sump, oil bath type air filter and the power output
gear box, if the oil surface is higher, find out the trouble and eliminate it; if the oil
is insufficient, the refill it to the required amount.
1. 2 Check the cooling water surface in the water tank, if insufficient, fill it up . If the
air temperature will be under + SOC, then drain off the cooling water after sto~
1.3 Check and fasten the shown bolt and nut, eliminate the leak of oil,water and air.
1. 4 During working at the dusty plac~, use the compressed air to clean the air filter
1. 5 Clean the mud, dust and oil dirt on the appearance of the engine.
1. 6 When the engine is working, listen to the voice, observe the smoke color and e-
liminate the troule and abnormal appearance.

2. First grade technique maintenance

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2.1 Perform the items on the "working day maintenance-'
2.2 Clean the oil filter element with clear fuel. Clean the centrifugal oil filter once on
two - maintenance period.
2.3 Clean the dust on the air filter element and inside the dust deposit set. Replace
the oil inside the oilbath type air filter.
2.4 Check and adjust the tension of the fan belt.
2. 5 Fill the lubricating grease into the weater pump bearing.
2. 6 Check all parts of the engine, to do the necessary adjustment if need.
2.7 when the maintenance is finished ,start the engine and test it's working appear-
ance,eliminate the trouble and abnormal appearance.

3. Second grade technique maintenance

3.1 Perform the items on the "first grade technique maintenance"

3. 2 Replace the oil, clean the oil sump and the oil strainer.
3. 3 Clean the oil filter, replace the element.
3.4 Replace the oil in the air compressor.
3.5 Clean the fuel tank,oil delivery pump screen and pipe.
clean the fuel filter element with clear fuel.
3. 6 If the engine is supercharged type t then clean the cave and propeller impeller of
the turbocharger air pump,and also test the moving and fasten parts.
3.7 Blow off the dust inside the dynamo with wompressed air. Check all partstelimi-
nate and abnormal parts.
3.8 Check and adjust the valve gap.
3. 9 Check the injecting open pressure and it's spray quality of the injector t if need to

adjust it.
3. 10 Fill the lubricating grease to the filling boles of the clutch, test the gap between
the releasing lever and the releasing bearing.
3. 11 Check and adjust the contack working gap and iron core gap every two mainte-
nance period

4_ Third grado teohnique maintenance

4.1 Perform the full items on the "second grade technique maintenance".
4. 2 Clean the cooling system, wipe off the scale.
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4. 3·· Clean the oil cooler~
4. 4 Replace the air filter element and fuel filter element.
4.5 Dismantle and check the cylinder head. Test the valve seal, wipe off the carbon
deposit, burnish the valve according- the conditions.
4.6 Check the fasten situation of the cylinder head bolt,main bearing bolt,connect-
ing rod bolt. For the bolts which tightening torque is insufficient, then tighten it to
the set point value.
4. 7 Check the water pump, replace the lubricating grease, if necessa'ry, replace the
water seal.
4.8 Check the dynamo,starting motor ,clean, repair and fill new lubricationg grease.
4.9 Check the injection pump, adjust the fuel lead angle, and adjust the injection
pump according the conditions.
4.10 Test the air compressor ,burnish the valve according the situation ,and clean the
carbon deposit.
4. 11 Check the clutch clean the inside dust deposit, oil dirt, and replace the lubrica-

ting grease.
4. 12 Check the turbocharger, clean the parts, wipe off the cabon deposit, and test
the rotor freedom allowance.

5. Technique maintenance on winter using

If the temperature maybe lower thanSer:, the engine must be maintained specially.
~. 1 Must use the winter used oil and fuel, note the damp in the fuel so as to protect
the fuel passage from being jammed.
5. 2 It's better to fill the antifreeze fluid to the cooling system, or must drain off the
cooling water after its lemperature is lower than 40 - 50OC.
5. 3 On the cold dseason or area, it's better to prevent the diesel engine ( or vehicle
from being deposit in the open air, or wh~n starting, it's need to heat the cooling
water to· preheat the engine body.

CHAPTER V Troubleshooting

1. Start failures
Touble cause and its feature Remedy
1. 1 Troubles in fuel system 1.1

( 1) Jammed in the fuel s ( 1) Dismantle and clean

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(2) Air trapped in the fuel system (2) Vent the air from the system withe
the fuel delivery pump, check whether t-
her is leakage of fuel and air in the fuel
(3 ) Delivery pump fails in delivering (3 ) Check and repair
fuel or delivers brokienly
( 4 ) Injector sprays abnormally ( 4 ) Check and adjust or replace the nea-
die valve mate

1. 2 insufficient compress pressure 1.2

( 1) Piston ring and cylinder liner ( 1) Check and replace worn parts
(2) Piston ring gumming (2) clear off gumming
(3) Valve leaks ( 3) Vava spring broken or elasticity
weakens, valve lash is, incorrect, valve
seal is not good, eliminate the ault
( 4 ) Environmental temperature is low, use
( 4 ) Temperature is low after end of preheat starting method
compression 1.3
1. 3 Trouble in electric devices ( 1 ) Recharging the battery to the speci~
( 1) Battery is insufficient fied point
( 2 ) Check the tighten of the· connection
( 2) Connecting of electric devices is not
good ( 3) Check the starting motor
(3 ) Starting motor on rotate or rotates in-
sufficiently ( 4 ) Check and repair the clutch of the
( 4 ) Clutch of starting motor skids starting motor
(5) Find out the fault and eliminate it
(5) Gear of starting motor cnt't inlay the
flywheel gear - rim

2. Unsteady running of the engine Remedy

Trouble cause and its feature ( 1 ) Handle according to the (1) t ( 2 )
( 1) Fault in fuel system ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) in the 1. 1
( 2) check the dampness in th~ fuel
(2)Too much water in fuel (3 ) Check and eliminate the fault
, ( 3 ) Leakage in fuel passage

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( 4 ) Governor works abnormally ( 4 ) Check and adjust the governor
(5) Cylinder blows by (5) Check the tightening torque:,of the
( 6) Uneven fuel delivery to each cylind~r head bolt and the· seal of
cylinder thecylinder head gasket
<DUnaven fuel delivery to each cylin- ( 6) <DCheck and adjust
der in injection pump ®check the spray quality of the in-
(3)Injectorsprays not well or the ma- jector, replace the mate if· necessa-
te be choked ry
@The plunger of the injection pump- @Check and replace
worn out or the spring broken

3. Output is insufficient or drops suddenly

Trou.ble cause and its feature Remedy

( 1) Air filter choked 1. Clean or replace filter element
( 2) Valve spring or push rod bro- 2. Check .and replace
ken 3. Check and adjust
( 3 ) Valve lash is incorrect 4. Handle according to 1. 2
(4) Compress pressure is insuffi- 5. Check and adjust
(5) Fuel delivery advance angle is 6. Handle a ccoyding to (1) ,(2) ; (3)
incorrect in 1.1
( 6 ) Air trapped in the fuel system 7. Check the plunger of the injection
or p~mp and fuel outlet valve
thd system is choked 8. Check,clean and adjust the press,ure
(7) Fueldelivery is insufficient 9. Test and repair the governor
(8) Injector spray not well 10. Test and repair thd cooling sys -
(9) Governotr works abnormally tem ; wipe off the scale
(10) Engine overbeated 11. Clean off the carbon deposit
( 11 ) Too much carbon deposited
inside the engine 12. Find out the fault and eliminate it.
(12) Exhaust manifold not expe-

4. Abnormal noise during. engine operation

Trouble cause and its featre Remedy
( 1) Injecting time is too early to 1. Adjust the fuel delivery advance
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cause the rhythmic and clear metal- angle
lic pounding noise be heard inside the
(2) Injecting time is too late to cause 2. adjust the fjel delivery advance angle
. the grave and unclear noise is heard in-
side the cylinder.
(3) Pounding noise can be heard inside 3. Check the cylinder clearance, replace
the cylinder after the engine starts be- the piston or cylinder liner
cause of too large gap between the pis-
ton and cylinder liner, this noise gets
lower along mith the warming of the en-
(4) Too large clearance between the pis- 4. Replace the parts, ass ure the stipula-
ton pin and pinhole, clear and sharp ted gap
sound,9specialy when idling.
(5) Too large clearance between the
main bearing and the con - rod bearing, 5. Replace the parts, assure the stipula-
parts pounding sound is heard when the ted gap
engine speed drops suddenly, grave and
strong sound when at low speed.
( 6) The axile gap of the crankshaft is too 6. Replace the thrust plate, assure stipu-
large t pounding notse when idling. lated gap
(7) Valve spring broken, push rod bent,
valve clearance too large and so on, dis- 7. Replace the parts ,adjust valve gap
orderly sound or lignt and rhythmic poun-
ding sound be heard inside the cylinder
head cover.
( 8) Piston touches valve, metallic poun- 8. Check valve clearance and transmitting
ding sound can be heard beside the cyl- gear mark
inder head
(9 ) Too large gear clearance, pounding 9. Test the gear back lash, replace gear
sound is heard at the gear case when according to the situation
the speed

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5. Abnormal exhaust smoke

When the engine works normally, the smoke color is light grey, when the load is
higher at low time, it 'color is onlt dark grey, when the exhaust smoke is blue, white
or black,then the smoke color is abnormal. Blue means burning oil;white means fuel
fog no burns thoroughly inside the cylinder or water trapped inside the cylinder; black
means injecting fuel too much to burns thoroughly. Thouble cause· ahdits feature
Blue smoke Remedy
( 1 ) Lubricating oil flees, piston ring ( 1) Check piston ring and eliminate
installed inversely, choked or the fault
worn out to badly
(2) Clearance between valve and (2) Replace the parts and assure the
pipe hole too large stipulated lash

White smoke Remedy
( 1) Fuel spray be atomized not well, ( 1) Check the injection pressure and
fuel drips the seal of the mate, adjust and
clean or replace
( 2 ) too much water trapped in the fuel ( 2 ) Test the fuel quality

(3 ) Water trapped in the cylinder (3) Inspect the seal of the cylinder
gasket ;,check the water leakage of
the cylinder head and cylinder
liner, repair or replace

Black smoke Remedy~·c.
( 1) Engine is ouer - loaded ( 1) Adjust to the stipulated load
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( 2 ) Fuel sprays too much ( 2) Adjust the fuel delivery amount of
the fuel injection pump
(3) Injecting time is too late, late burning (3 ) Adjust the fuel delivery advance an-
is heavyp gie
( 4 ) Valve lash is incorrect or valve seal is (4 ) Adjust the valve lash and seal, elimi-
not good nate the fault
(5) Air filter choked (5) Clean the filter element

6. Insufficient oil pressure

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Oil pressure gauge is in trouble or the 1. Replace the pressure gauge or dredge
connecting pipe choked the passage
2. Too little oil in the sump 2. Fill oil to the stipulated level
3. Too thin oil 3. Inspect oil grade, check whether the
oil be thinned out with fuel or oil temper-
ature too high, eliminate it

4. Oil pump driving and driven gear worn 4. Replace driveing and driven gear
5. Strainer screen and oil filter element 5. Clean or replace
6. Pressure limiting valve and pressure 6. Inspect and replace
regulating valve spring broken
7. Oil passage choked or oil leaks 7. Checkand eliminate
8. Lash between the bearings too large 8. Test the matching lash

7. Oil temperature too high

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Engine is over - loaded 1. Adjust the load
2. oil is insufficient or overmuch 2. Add or reduce the oil according the

3. Piston ring leaks heavily 3. Replace piston ring or cylinder liner

4. Oil cooler choked inside, dirt 4. Check and clean

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deposited outside, influt;lnce the
heat radiating efficiency

8. The temperature of used cooling water too high

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Water temperature gauge or 1. Inspect and replace
inductor be in trouble
2. Cooling water is not enough 2. Fill cooling water and get rid of the
air from the water passage
3. Flow of cooling water is too small 3.
( 1) Flow of water pump is too small ( 1) Check the lash of the water
impellers , adjust the tension of
the fan belt
( 2 ) Too much scale deposit inside ( 2 ) Wipe off the scale deposit
the engine
4. The efficiency of radiator is not 4. Clean off the dirt and ecale deposit
5. Engine is over- loadedp 5. Adjust to the stipulated load

9 . Trouble in the injection pump

Trouble cause and its featurep Remedy
1. No fuel delivery 1.
( 1-) Fuel deliver pump is out of order (1) Process according 10.
( 2 ) Fuel filter or fuel passage is ( 2 ) Clean or pe.place
(3 ) Air trapped in fuel passage ( 3 ) Wipe off air
( 4 ) Fuel outletyp Valve Spring broken ( 4 ) Replace spring
2. Fuel delivery uneven 2.
( 1) Air trapped in fuel passage ( 1) Wipe off air
(2) Fuel outlet valve spring broken ( 2 ) Replace spring
(3) Seal face and outer face. vvorn out (3 ) Repair or replace
( 4 ) ~Iunger mate worn out or· spring ( 4 ) Replace parts
( 5 ) Plunger choked with impurityp (5)Clean

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( 6) Pressure of inlet fuel is uneven ( 6 ) Inspect fuel delivery purrp and filter
3. Insuficient fuel delivery 3. (1) Replace parts
( 1) Fuel cock leaks ( 2 ) Tighten the connector
(2) Connector of fuel pipe leaks ( 3) Replace parts
(3) Plunger worn out

10. Insufficient fuel supply of the fuel delivery pump

1. Non - return spring broken or seal of 1. Replace spring or repair no - return
the valve seat is not good valve
2. Piston worn out 2. Replace piston
3. Fuel inlet pipe leaks or choked 3. Check the seal of the pipes, tighten
the screw, dredge the pipes

11. Injector malfunction

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Spray less or no spray 1.
( 1 ) Air trapped in the fuel passage ( 1) Blow off air
( 2 ) Neeldle is blocked (2) Repaing or realace
( 3) Loose combination of the needle ( 3 ) Replace
( 4 ) Heavy leakage in fuel system ( 4 ) Tighten connctor or replace parts
(5) Abnormal fuel supply of the injection (5) Inspect fuel supply of the injection
2. Injecting pressure is low 2. Add suitable thick washer
Pressure adjustion washer worn out
3. Too high injecting pressure 3.
( 1) Needle valve blocked ( 1) Clean or replace
(2) Injecting hole choked (2) Clean
( 3) Pressure adjusting washer is too ( 3) Adjust the pressure adjusted washer
4. Too much of fuel leakage 4.
( 1 ) Needle valve blocked ( 1 ) Repair or peplace
( 2 ) Needle valve ~Iocked (2) Clean or replace
(3 ) Pressing cap is loose or distorted (3 ) Tighten, replace parts

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( 4 ) Fuel inlet and outlet connector ( 4 ) Tighten, replace parts
screw is loose
5. Fuel atomized not well 5.
( 1) Needle valve is distorted or worn (1) Replace
( 2) Bad seal of the needle valve (2) Repair or replace
( 4 ) Needle valve blocked ( 4.) Clean - or replace'

12. Governor malfunction

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Unsteady speed 1.
( 1) Too large of camshaft axile lash (1) Readjust
(2) Cylinders fuel supply uneven to (2) Readjust
. much
( 3 ) Fly - weight assembly installed ( 3) Recheck. and assemble
improperly , too large ste;tgger of
fly hammer bracket shaft
(4) Fuel cock worn out or bad- seal ( 4) Repair or replace
2. Too high idling speed 2.
( 1) Operating handle lever no rea - ( 1) Inspect and adjust
ches its positon
( 2 ) Tooth rod is not flexible (2) Readjust or repair
3. Speed floating 3.
( 1) Speed adjusted spring distorted ( 1) Replace the speed adjusted sping
( 2 ) Fly hammer assembly loosen Check and- tighten
(3) Too large friction resistance ( 3 ) Repair and eliminate
inside the governor
(4)Too Large axile lash of the ( 4 ) Readjust
injection' pump camshaft
4. Overrunning of the engine 4.
( 1) Toothe rod is not flexible ( 1) Readjust and repair
( 2) Lubricated not well, shaft sleeve (2) Check and· repair
of the governor burned out.
( 3 ) Fly hammer assembly l09Sened ( 3 ) check and tighten
( 4 ) high speed limit screw loosened ( 4 ) Readjust

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13. Engine stops suddenly
Trouble cause and its feat Remedy
1. Crankshaft can't be rotated after the 1.
engine shtops
( 1) Crankshaft jammed with bushing ( 1) Inspect, replace parts
(2) Piston jammed with cylinder liner (2) Inspect, replace parts
2. Crankshaft can be rotated easily 2.
( 1) Air trapped in fuel systemp ( 1) Blowout air
( 2 ) Fuel system choked (2) Clean
(3 ) Air filter choked (3 ) Maintenance the air filter

14. Charged dynamo out of order

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Can't be charged at all 1.
( 1 ) Open circuit or short circuit" circuit ( 1) Check the circuit connecting
cnnecting wrong
(2) Dynamo claw loosened, rotor circuit (2) Repair or check
opened, brus contacted badly
( 3 ) Dytnarro silicon parts out of order
2. Insufficient charging or charging un- (3) Replace
steadily 2.
( 1) Brush contacts badly, insufficient
spring pressure, oil dirt on slip ring ( 1) Check and repair
(2) Transmitting V - belt loosened
( 3 ) Some silicon parts open circuited
3. Abnormal sound when working (2) Adjust the tension of V - belt
(1) Dynamo bearing worn out (3) Replace
(2) Installed improperly 3.
(3 ) Shout circuit inside the stator coil or (1) Replace
parts shout circuited (2)Adjust
(3) Repair

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15. Starting motor malfunction
Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Starting motor no works 1.
(l) Vonnecting electric wire con - ( 1) Clean and tighten the contacting
tacts badly point
( 2) Insufficient charging of the bet - . (2) Recharging
( 3 ) Brush contacts badly ( 3 ) Clean the contacting surface of the
( 4 ) Open circuited inside the start - (4) Repair
ing motor it8elt
2. Starting motor rotates weakly 2.
( 1) Bearing bush worn out ( 1) Replace' bearing bush
( 2 ) Brush contacted badly ( 2) Clean the contacting surface of the
(3)Connecting electric wire'con- ( 3 ) Clean and tighten the contocting
tacted badly point
( 4 ) Switch contacted badly (4}lnspect switc~
(5) Insufficient charging of the bat . . . (5) Recharging 'or· replace large capacity
tery or its capacity is too small battery
( 6 ) Clutch clips ( 6 ) Repair clutch

3. Gear returns hardly 3.

( 1) Switch contacting slice burning - ( 1) Repair switch
out and cemented

16. Governor in trouble

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. No generating electricity at all 1.
( 1) Too low of regulating voltage ( 1) Inspect and adjust
( 2) Connecting wrong (2) Inspect the connecting
( 3 ) Helay COil worn out, conntactlng <.3) Repair
point contacted badly
2. Charging insufficiently or unsteadily 2.
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( 1) Too low of adjusting voltage ( 1) Inspect and adjust
(2)Too dirty of contacting point (2) Clean
3. Overchargine 3.
( 1 ) Adjusting voltage too high or unad- ( 1) Inspect and adjust
justed, uncontrolled

17. Turbocharger in trouble

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Engine output drops 1.
( 1) Passage of air filter or air pump dirty (1) Clean
(2) Leakage at the connector of the air (2) tighten
pump body
(3 ) Leakage at the air inlet connector (3) Tighten
( 4 ) Air inlet passage of the turbine be (4)Clean
choked or dirrty
(5) Floating bearing worn out (5) Replace
2. Black or blue smoke 2.
(1) Passage of air filter or air pump dirty (1) Clean
( 2 ) Altitude or temperature too high (2) Adjust output
(3 ) Fuel return pipe of the turbocharger (3)Wipe out
3. Abnormal noise insde the turbocharger 3.
( 1) Pounding sound ( 1) Check and repair
( 2) Foreign matter enters into impeller or (2) Dismantle, inspect and repair
impeller be worn out
( 3 ) Seal ring burned out (3) Replace
4. Rotor rotates not flexibly 4.
( 1) Leakage of turbocharger causes car- (1) Clean
bon deposited
(2) Floating bearing worn out (2) Replace

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( 3 ) Over - heating causes parts be {3) Replace
( 4 ) Precision of running balance too (4) Replace

18. Air compressor in trouble

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
1. Efficiency gets worse because of 1. Clean off carbon deposit, replace. parts
worn out
2. Oil mixes because of piston ring 2. Clean and repair ,repJaceparts

broken, qylinderlinerwornoutoroil
ret\Jfn pipe choked
3. Abnormalsoundcanbeheardwhen ~ 3. Check and repair, etaan off corbon
working because of thaft an'd deposit, replace; parts.
cylinder head

19. Clutch in trouble

Trouble cause and its feature Remedy
I. Clutch slips 1. .
( 1) Friction dsc V\OTl out or bum out (1 } Replace friction dise
( 2 ) Oil dirt on friction disc ( 2) Clean off oil di'rt on the frictiorl
disc, pressing plate and flywheel
2. Clutch disconnects not completely 2.
( 1) Pressing lever worn out ( 1 ) Replace in time
(2) Adjusting plate worn Q!Jt (2)Replace in time
( 3 ) Connecting plate worn out ( 3) Replace in time
( 4 ) Disconnecting bushing pin hole ( 4 ) Replace in. time
and tree lever shaft pin worn out

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CHAPfER VI Installation Instruction For Diesel Engine Generating Set

'~'--J;-=, =. =-_-_-_-. .~__:.=_;

Fig. 21

1. The installation of cooling tank of the diesel engine should follow the structure of
the layout. An absorber or damping gasket should be installed on the supporting
2. When the diesel engine is connected with alternator, air compressor etc. , if we
adopt steel adaptor, an absorber or damping gasket should be installed on the sUJr
porting section.
3. When the diesel engine is connected with alternator, air compressor etc., a
clearance of 3 - Smm should be kept between the diesel engine flywheel and the
connecting disc of the applied machines in case the pull power or push power dam-
age the diesel engine and the applied machines.
4. When the diesel engine and the applied machines are transmitted by V belt or flat
belt, we shouldnt fasten the belt pulley on the flywheel or the gear box putout shaft
dirQctly 7 othorvviso, it vvill dan-.ogo the nevv \JrClnk~hClft or bccaring.
5. The diameter of the wind directing cover' should match with the diameter of the
fan. The diameters of the two have a difference of 20 -40mm in general.

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Corred connedion

Wrong connection


. • 77 •

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