Affidavit of Undertaking
Affidavit of Undertaking
Affidavit of Undertaking
I, ______________________________________, of legal age, single/married, Filipino, a
resident of ____________________________________ and with business address at
_________________________________________ after having been subscribed to an oath,
depose and say:
2. That the said company is not yet a member of the Philippine Contractors
Accreditation Board;
3. That the above company shall apply for membership and secure a PCAB
accreditation not later than the end of this year;
4. That the failure to secure the required PCAB membership and/or accreditation
within the prescribed period shall result to the automatic revocation of the issued
provisional permit;
5. That the failure to secure the required PCAB membership and/or accreditation
shall constitute as a ground for the disapproval of my business permit renewal for the
subsequent year;
7. I likewise DECLARE and ASSUME full and complete responsibility for all
consequences which may arise in connection with the conduct and/or operation of the
above business.
In witness hereof, I hereby set my hand this _____th day of _________________, 20__, in
Doc. No. ____________
Page No.____________
Book No. ____________
Series of ____________