Lesson Plan Integrate in ICT

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Teacher: Ma. Eisan L. Amarela

Teaching Date and Time: February 13, 2019 ; 9:45-11:45
Grade Level: Grade 9
Learning Area: Food Processing NC II
Quarter: 4th Quarter

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding in food processing by sugar
B. Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates independently the method of food
processing by sugar concentration
C. Learning Competencies:
2.3. Peel, slice, chop and cut raw materials according to
required sizes and shapes
2.3.a. Identify the tools, utensils use for peeling, slicing,
chopping and cutting of raw materials.
2.3.b. Perform peeling, slicing, chopping and cutting of raw
materials according to required sizes and shapes.
2.3.c. Recognize the different cuts of fruits and vegetables
2.3.d. Value the importance of peeling, slicing, chopping and
cutting of raw materials.

Code: TLE_AFFP9-12SC-IVc-d-2

Contextualized Competency: Clean and wash, Peel, slice, chop and cut
raw materials according to required sizes and shapes which are available in the locality.

II. CONTENT: Peeling, slicing, chopping, and cutting of fresh fruits and vegetables


References: Course Guide, CBLM, K-12 Module
Other Learning Resources: Internet, Pictures, Visual Aids

A. Pre-Activity

Checking of Attendance:

B. Review/Presenting new ideas:


Every student is assigned a number, when the teacher picks the number from the
bingo cage, that student has to answer the question.

Guide questions:
1. How are we going to select fruits and vegetables for jellies, jams, marmalades
and preserves?
2. How are we going to prepare fruits and vegetables for marmalade, jellies, jam
and preserve?
3. What are the different qualities that we should observed in sorting and grading of
raw materials needed in processing food by sugar concentration?

C. Motivation

The aim of the exercise is for each group to assemble the jigsaw
puzzle as quickly as possible using the pieces provided. Try to know what the picture
that has been form.

D. Presenting the purpose of the lesson:

Our today’s objective is to peel, slice, chop and cut raw materials
according to required sizes and shapes which are sub-task to identify the tools, utensils
use for peeling, slicing, chopping and cutting of raw materials, perform cleaning,
washing, peeling, slicing, chopping and cutting of raw materials according to required
sizes and shapes, recognize the different cuts of fruits and vegetables and value the
importance of cleaning, washing, peeling, slicing, chopping and cutting of raw materials.


Group Activity
Divide the class into 5 groups. Each group should identify and list down (as many as
they can) the different tools and utensils used in cutting, peeling, and slicing of fruits and
After 10 minutes they will present there work in front of the class, the group will select
one of their member to report their output.


Guide Questions:
1. How did you come up with the idea that those are tools and utensils used for
cutting, peeling and slicing of fruits and vegetables?
2. Is it significant for us to identify the tools, and utensils for cutting, slicing,
peeling of fruits and vegetables? Why?
3. What value could you relate in our activity?

The teacher shows a video presentation about cleaning, washing and cutting techniques in
vegetables, facilitates the learners, and gives insights about the lesson.
Show a video presentation on cutting techniques of fruits and vegetables.


Guide Questions:

1. What are the different tools and utensils used in cutting, peeling and slicing of fresh
fruits and vegetables?
2. How does cutting techniques contribute to the appearance of our products?
3. What are the different cuts of fruits and vegetables based on the video
that you have watched?
4. Why is there a need for us to wash and clean our fruits and vegetables?
5. What will be the contributions of cleaning and washing to our products?
Group Activity
Group the class into 5. Provide them the needed materials for their activity.
1. Tools
2. Fruits
3. Vegetables

Each member of the group demonstrates at least 10 kinds of vegetable cuts following
the different basic knife skills. They should record what they have created, present and
identify individually to the teacher. Their output will be rated through rubrics for group
performance. (Students are given 30 minutes to finished task.)

CRITERIA 5 3 1 Score
Speed The student The student The student
accomplished accomplished accomplished
performing performing performing cleaning,
cleaning, washing, cleaning, washing, washing, peeling,
peeling, slicing, peeling, slicing, slicing, chopping,
chopping and chopping and and cutting of raw
cutting of raw cutting of raw materials according
materials according materials according to require sizes and
to require sizes and to require sizes and shapes.
shapes. shapes.
Neatness/Clean The student was Some of the The student was not
liness able to keep the students was not able to keep the
working tables able to keep the working tables clean
clean while working tables while preparing the
preparing the clean while ingredients.
ingredients at all preparing the
times. ingredients.
Safety and The student wore The student wore The student did not
Sanitation complete Personal incomplete wear Personal
Protective Personal Protective Protective
Equipment (Apron, equipment (Apron, equipment(Apron,
Hairnet, Face Hairnet, Face Hairnet, Face mask
mask and Hand mask and Hand and Hand gloves)
gloves) gloves)
Process The student The student forgot The student did not
correctly followed to follow some the correctly follow the
the standard standard procedures standard procedures
procedures cleaning, washing, cleaning, washing,
cleaning, washing, peeling, slicing, peeling, slicing,
peeling, slicing, chopping and chopping and cutting
chopping and cutting of raw of raw materials
cutting of raw materials according according to require
materials according to require sizes and sizes and shapes.
to require sizes and shapes.
E. Assessment/Evaluation:
Identify the different cuts of vegetables and fruits.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

F. Assignment:
For your individual performance tomorrow, please bring raw materials
that can be found in the locality. You are going to perform the different vegetable cuts and do
not forget to bring your PPE with you.



No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ___

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
80% ____________
Did the remedial worked? _______
No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson ______
No. of learners who continue to require remediation ______
Which teaching strategy worked well? _____________________________
Why did these work? ____________________
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers? ______________________________________________

Prepared by:


Food Processing Teacher

Checked by:

Head, H. E. Department

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