Juice Processing en (Small) PDF
Juice Processing en (Small) PDF
Juice Processing en (Small) PDF
Juice processing
Fruit juices from concentrates
• Water filtration Our range of brand new equipment includes mixing units,
homogenizers, product recovery system to reduce prod-
• Sugar dissolution unit uct loses during production, aseptic product storage sys-
tems, and more.
• Juice reconstitution & Mixing technologies, mixing
“A correct definition of the manufacturing process will After it has been mixed and blended, the juice is pasteur-
lead to a competitive advantage. Choose well not only ized or sterilized. Then it is conveyed to the filling and
the equipment but the process too.” packaging lines before its storage or distribution. Filling
technologies can vary from aseptic filling, ultra clean and
The process of making juice varies from factory to facto-
hot filling systems. Final packaging could be done in
ry. Juice can be made out of fresh fruit, concentrate, fro-
glass, PET, brick, and many other packaging types.
zen fruit paste or aseptic mix. If produced from fresh fruit
an extraction processing line for fresh fruit is required Nectar processing
(fruit storage, selection, cleaning and extraction, etc.). As
most fruit beverage producers process juice from con- As said before, the difference between juice, nectars and
centrate, we will focus on this process along this cata- fruit beverages could vary from country to country. Nec-
logue tar has to contain a certain amount of fruit following na-
tional standards to be considered as nectar and not as
Juice processing from concentrate beverage.
Juices, nectars and fruit beverages are mainly processed Just as in JFC (juice from concentrate) processing, nec-
from juice concentrate. They vary upon the amount of tar elaboration starts by emptying the concentrate from
water and sugar added. National standards have been the drums. The drum aspiration system pipes suck the
established to define each category and they could vary concentrate up to the mixing batches where it is mixed
from country to country. The concentrate viscosity de- with distilled sugar in water or syrup, and water following
pends on the fruit, and therefore the process and equip- each client’s recipe. A syrup unit, including a sugar feed-
ment has to be adapted to each product and concentrate ing group, pumps, a mixing batch , a pasteurizer and
characteristics. various aseptic storage tanks for syrup storage, can be
integrated into the line. For sugar free nectar, sugar can
Concentrate mostly comes packed in aseptic bags or
be replaced by sweetener. Preservative and other addi-
drums, refrigerated or frozen aseptic drums. Beverage
tives, such as colorants or vitamins, can be added at this
processing starts with the emptying of these drums into
stage to the batch mixing units. The nectar is then sent to
the mixing units. MachinePoint Food Technologies has
thermal treatment, followed by the filling and packaging
developed a drum aspiration system using automatic
roller systems and vacuum aspiration pumps or ground-
thaw that allows for efficient concentrate unloading. Fruit beverages processing
Most juice producers use batch mixing technology. In By fruit beverages we understand those beverages with
batch mixing the concentrate is then led to mixing batch- less proportion of fruit concentrate. The processing of
es and water is added to reach the right dilution degree, fruit beverages is very similar to the nectar one, but the
according to client’s recipe and each country standards dilution stage is more thorough as more sugar or sweet-
for juice. Other additives, such as vitamins, can be added ener is added. The main differences between juice, nec-
at this stage as well to obtain a vitamin enriched juice for tars and fruit beverages are the percentage of fruit con-
example. tent and the addition of flavors, aromas and other addi-
In order to guaranty the product and process quality, as a Our indirect pasteurizer or HTST system uses plate or
standard for our storage system, we can provide the in- tubular heat exchangers to transfer the heat. This pas-
terconnection capability for an external CIP system, so it teurizer has a high heat recovery value, has a compact
is easy to clean all the tanks and interconnections. design and does not need special culinary quality steam.
We produce our own tubular heat exchangers, using
When aseptic storage is required, our aseptic tanks have
stainless steel and the latest orbital welding technology,
different alternatives for sterilization and control that could
to guaranty quality operation and performance.
be customized.
Our indirect tubular or plate juice pasteurizers are modu-
In aseptic storing we can provide with Tanks (from 1000
lar, aiming to get maximum flexibility. They also feature
litres to 4millones litres), Drums (up to 200 litres), Bins
automatic control of the pasteurization temperature, hold-
(1000 kg capacity) and Canteens or aseptic farms (from
ing time, flow and temperature control by stages, and
25,000 litres to 4 million litres)
include a heat recovery system to reduce operational
Homogenization cost.
Homogenization is sometimes necessary to get the juice Available in capacities range from 2,000 to 30,000 l/h.
totally smooth, as not ices require homogenization. The Our tubular juice pasteurizer is first assembled and tested
process consists in fractioning the suspended particles in with water in our factory to ensure that will work perfectly
the product into very small sizes, increasing its viscosity at our client premises.
and preventing concentrate sedimentation.
Filling technologies: aseptic, hot fill,
Homogenization is accomplished by mixing amounts, ultra clean, and other fillings
then forcing the liquid product at high pressure through
small holes (homogenization valve) to prevent creating There are currently many different technologies for the
various levels of flavor and fat concentration, so that vari- filling and packaging of juices. Most common are hot and
ous constituents do not separate out during storage or cool technologies. We also have an extensive experience
distribution. in aseptic filling technologies.
Aseptic filling, is slowly replacing the traditional hot fill- CIP systems
ing systems as it better preserves the processed prod-
CIP (Clean in Place) units come in a wide range of ca-
ucts' qualities. Our experience in aseptic packaging is
pacities and automation level according with the system
extensive. We can do aseptic filling and packaging in
design and process requirements. Our units could include
Brick packing and PET packaging.
from 3 to 7 tanks depending on if a recovery cleaning
solution is necessary or not, or if an additional disinfection
solution is needed.
Machine Point Food Technologies is constantly looking
for new alternatives and developing proposals to bring to
our clients the best manufacturing practices and equip-
ment with high efficiency and performance standards.
Our process equipments built in conjunction with our part-
MachinePoint Food Technologies integrates preform, ner comply with European standards and the highest
blow and filling and packaging lines from best brands with quality requirements on the industry. We invest in our
the product processing lines developed by us. Thanks to people and in our managing and construction resource in
MachinePoint Used Machinery, that controls 80% of the order to provide our clients with the most affordable and
used machinery for sale in Europe, access to used pack- reliable technology to promote knowledge in the area of
aging machinery is possible for tighter budgets. technical development, research and production. Our
clients can be sure that MachinePoint Food Technologies
will respond in a quick and reliable way to their specific
MachinePoint Food Technologies guarantees that all mat- We use high-quality components and equipment from the
ters related to your project will be taken into consideration market top brands, contributing to reach high reliability,
to ensure a tailor-made solution exactly suited to your high performance and low maintenance in our systems.
In order to bring additional confidence or guaranty, our
As part of the engineering and automation system config- units are designed, manufactured and pre-tested in our
uration we supply: project design and layout, equipment facilities in Spain before being shipped to our clients. We
selection, drawings and list of material, maintenance and offer on-the-job training for our clients´ personnel during
operation manuals. the installation, set-up and commissioning.
Installation, configuration and PLC logic programming of 24/7 Technical assistance to our clients
the global automated system, Siemens touch screens,
electrical panels and cabinets, control wiring, main com- Our 24/7 technical assistance team is focused on helping
puter (PC) and control software license. our clients when it is most important, when it is needed!
Our systems include an automated control system with
After-sales services the possibility to be connected to internet at your request,
allowing our technical team to have access to the system
As MachinePoint Food Technologies aims at achieving
via internet, directly from our technical service office and
complete customers satisfactions, we are involved during
helping to solve the situation. This way most problems
every single steps of your project, from the product de-
can be solved immediately, reducing shutdown time and
sign to production start, including after-sales services.
trouble-solving costs.
Because we want to be your technical partner and sup-
port time after time, our services involve project concept,
production start and the required technical support to
continue with the production, improve the products char-
acteristics and capacities during the following years.
Our after-sales program includes a permanent support
service with service and maintenance that takes effect
directly after your plant has been set. Customer support
also includes defined maintenance and individual inspec-
tion agreements to ensure fault-free, reliable operation,
and to keep your plant running efficiently for years. A
comprehensive range of services are available through-
out the entire service life of your plants, all designed to
achieve maximum productivity and economic efficiency.
We act as procurement office for spare parts and under-
take everything needed for successful operation of dairy
In order to contribute with our client’s production continui-
ty, we organize staff training.
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