A Structural Modelo of Limital Experienci Un Tourism

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Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

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A structural model of liminal experience in tourism T

Hui Zhang, Honggang Xu ∗

School of Tourism Management, SunYat-sen University, Building 329, 135 Xingangxi Road, Guangzhou, 510275, PR China


Keywords: Tourism destinations serve as liminal places where tourists can be temporarily free of their secular obligations,
Liminal experience therefore cultivating a fertile ground for Yanyu (艳遇), a typical liminal experience, to grow. However, little is
Tourscape known about which factors drive tourists' liminal experiences. Based on stimuli-organism-response (SOR) theory
Sensation-seeking and sensation seeking theory, this study examines the impact of tourscapes and sensation-seeking on liminal
Emotional arousal
experiences by using data collected in Lijiang, a city named “the capital of Yanyu”, in China. The findings reveal
that physical and social tourscapes have positive effects on liminal experiences, and that socially symbolic and
natural tourscapes have positive effects on emotional arousal and liminal experience. Emotional arousal med-
iates the effects of socially symbolic and natural tourscapes on liminal experience, and tourists' sensation-seeking
motivations have a positive significant effect on those liminal experiences. Lastly, the theoretical and managerial
implications of the study's findings are discussed.

1. Introduction this issue. Hong (2007) was the first to report the phenomenon of
Yanyu. Then, other researchers pointed out that gender relationships
For a long time, China's society has been strongly influenced by the among tourists in Lijiang are different from those in daily life (Xu & Ye,
moral and intellectual codes of Confucianism. Chinese society is con- 2016), and that Yanyu is an experience transcending secular life and
servative in terms of gender relationships in daily life, but holidays are serves as a way of fulfilling tourists’ psychological needs (Liu & Sun,
typically considered as a temporary escape from the daily norms of life 2015). While little research has been done on Yanyu tourism, a closely
as normal responsibilities are suspended (Weichselbaumer, 2012). This related topic – sex/romance tourism – has received considerable at-
liminal transition phase has the “potential for an enriching experience tention in Western literature (e.g., Jeffreys, 2003; Oppermann, 1999).
in short, limited and constrained time periods that makes holidays so Previous studies on Yanyu tourism and sex/romance tourism have
different from other pursuits” (Ryan & Kinder, 1996, p. 509), and in a deepened our understanding on its nature as a liminal experience, but
liminal world, people can behave in a way as if they are free from research gaps are also identified. First, previous research on Yanyu
constraints and obligations. Yanyu, a rising tourism phenomenon which tourism and sex/romance tourism has been conducted using qualitative
originally meant a favorable opportunity for an encounter with a methods (e.g., field observations, interviews and web data), and how to
beautiful woman and which violates Chinese cultural beliefs, values conceptualize tourism as a liminal experience from a quantitative per-
and traditions, becomes acceptable and even natural in this liminal spective is a neglected area. Second, since only certain tourism desti-
world (Xu & Ye, 2016). Tourism destinations, therefore, cultivate a nations (e.g., Lijiang, Fenghuang, Wuzhen, & Tongli) are constructed as
fertile ground for Yanyu to grow. For instance, Lijiang, a popular tourist Yanyu destinations, it is interesting to ask whether destination-level
destination in Yunnan Province, has earned the reputation of “the ca- factors have an influence on liminal experiences, and furthermore, how
pital of Yanyu” among Chinese tourists (Sun & Wang, 2012), and do these factors influence a liminal experience? Third, individuals have
“seeking Yanyu” has become an important motivation for many tourists different attitudes towards novel experiences and therefore different
there (Cui, He, & Xu, 2016). Lijiang is not unique. Other historical willingness to pursue such experiences due to their different motiva-
towns are also observed to have similar phenomena, such as phoenix tions (Zuckerman, 1994). So, do individual-level factors have an in-
town in Hunan province, Yangshuo in Guangxi Autonomous Region (Xu fluence on liminal experiences?
& Ye, 2016). In order to address these research gaps, this study chose the historic
Although the phenomenon of Yanyu in tourism has gained increased town of Lijiang to empirically investigate the antecedence of tourists'
public attention in recent years, few studies have specifically examined liminal experiences (e.g., Yanyu experience) in a destination.

Corresponding author. School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Building 329, 135 Xingangxi Road, Guangzhou, 510275, PR China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Zhang), [email protected] (H. Xu).

Received 17 September 2018; Accepted 21 September 2018
0261-5177/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

Specifically, two theories are used to develop the research model, as & Sun, 2015; Xu & Ye, 2016, 2018) reveals that several dimensions
follows. The stimuli-organism-response (SOR) theory from environ- collectively constitute a comprehensive understanding of the Yanyu
mental psychology (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974) was borrowed to study concept: namely, romance and relaxation, opportunities to encounter, a
the effects of tourscapes, which means the general atmosphere in a sense of loss, and aberration. Romance and relaxation refer to an in-
tourism destination experienced by tourists as it relates to emotional timate, romantic, or even sexual relationship. Opportunities to en-
arousal and liminal experience. Then, sensation seeking theory was counter means that a tourist may meet strangers of the opposite gender
employed to investigate the influence of sensation-seeking on liminal in a Yanyu destination by chance, or in other words, Yanyu is some-
experience. To our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to em- thing that may come with luck, and not by deliberately searching. Sense
pirically examine the antecedents of liminal experience in a tourism of loss refers to the feelings of depression and anxiety when two parties
context. By investigating the influences of destination-level and in- in a Yanyu relationship are separated from each other after traveling;
dividual-level factors on tourists’ liminal experience, it is hoped that and aberration means that tourists do something they would not do in
this article will make several theoretical contributions to liminal ex- everyday life because these things are incompatible with general social
perience research, as well as in servicescape, environmental psy- norms, but in a liminal space, these norms can be accepted. Still, not
chology, destination image, and sensation-seeking theories. Further- everyone dares to pursue a Yanyu experience, even when they are out
more, this study will provide valuable managerial insights for tourism of their daily lives.
destination marketers in designing favorable tourscapes and targeting In the tourism literature, sex/romance tourism is very much related
different segments according their motivations, e.g., sensation-seeking. to Yanyu tourism, because both are phenomena in tourism destinations
For these objectives to be achieved, the article is structured as fol- and associated with gender/sex. Sex/romance tourism means traveling
lows. The first section is a review of the literature on Yanyu as a liminal for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity with others, particularly
experience as well as on tourscapes, emotional arousal, and sensation- with local people (Jeffreys, 2003). Several differences should be con-
seeking, and hypotheses are developed in the second section. The third sidered between Yanyu and sex/romance tourism, however. First, sex/
section presents the methodology and the procedures for data collection romance tourism typically involves exploitation (Oppermann, 1999),
and analysis. The results for the various analyses are then discussed, that is, rich tourists from developed countries engage in sexual activity
and finally, the conclusions are presented and suggestions are made for with poor local people in underdeveloped countries (Richter, 2005). In
further research. Yanyu tourism, the intimate relationship usually occurs between tour-
ists who are both strangers to the destination. Second, monetary ex-
2. Literature review change is considered the most important characteristic of sex tourist-sex
worker relationships (Oppermann, 1999), while there is no commercial
2.1. Yanyu as a liminal experience relationship in Yanyu tourism. Third, compared with sex/romance
tourism between tourists and local residents, which typically involves
The term “liminal” was first developed by French folklorist Van sexual relationships (Jeffreys, 2003), Yanyu often means relatively free
Gennep (1960) for use in anthropology to describe the characteristics of and easy interactions between male and female tourists; it serves as a
rites in different stages of life; he divided the rites of passage into three way of fulfilling a psychological need and does not necessarily connote
stages: separation, liminal period, and reentry. This concept was taken sexual relationships (Liu & Sun, 2015; Xu & Ye, 2016). Fourth, sex/
up by Turner in his series of works and was extended into other areas, romance tourism is often planned, but Yanyu emphasizes chance
including sociology and human geography (Ma, 2010). Turner (2017) meetings and luck. Therefore, Yanyu enables tourists to obtain a special
mainly focused on the second stage of Van Gennep's rites of passage feeling different from other intimate relationships. Fifth, in sex/ro-
(i.e., liminal period) and defined it as “units of space and time in which mance tourism, sometimes the relationship is maintained after the
behavior and symbolism are momentarily enfranchised from the norms tourist leaves the destination, and the people may even get married
and values that govern the public lives of incumbents of structural (Herold, Garcia, & Demoya, 2001); however in Yanyu tourism, the re-
positions” (Turner, 2017, p. 166). Turner (2017) indicated that the lationship terminates after the trip (Hong, 2007). Lastly, sex/romance
status of an individual in a liminal period is ambiguous in social tourism is typically a cross-cultural phenomenon, while Yanyu is rooted
structure. He believed that this ambiguity is important because it im- in the Chinese context and represents a Chinese-specific cultural phe-
plies a possibility and openness on resisting social structure. People in a nomenon. To sum up, Yanyu, as a liminal experience is a unique social
liminal period go through two different types of temporary and tran- and cultural phenomenon in Chinese society, and needs to be further
sitional stages: an existential state in which people's mental state has investigated.
changed, and a symbolic state in which people challenge established
social structures, norms and roles in a symbolic way. 2.2. Tourscape
Liminality is widely used in tourism contexts. In the tourism world,
destinations serve as liminal spaces where tourists experience an A tourscape represents the general atmosphere experienced by
anonymous environment and an evasion of social control, responsi- tourists, which is based on the concept of the servicescape as developed
bility, and obligation. It also means freedom for fantasy, imagination in service marketing. Bitner (1992) first coined the term servicescape
and adventure, including love (Trauer & Ryan, 2005). Graburn (1989) and defined it as a combination of intentionally designed and con-
believed that tourism is a ritual, and that in this process people ex- trollable dimensions of physical settings which can influence customers'
perience separation from their routine lives and enter into a liminal psychological and behavioral responses. While Bitner focused on phy-
experience state, and then re-incorporate into routine society. Bui, sical environments, Baker, Grewal, and Parasuraman (1994) included
Wilkins and Lee (2014) confirmed travel (backpacking) as a liminal social factors into the idea of a servicescape which involve people who
experience in an Asian context. are within a service setting, such as the numbers, types, and behaviors
The word “Yanyu” (艳遇) in Chinese is composed of two characters, of other customers. Tombs and McColl-Kennedy (2003) further pro-
“yan” (艳) and “yu” (遇). The adjective “Yan” means bright-colored, posed the concept of a social servicescape and asserted that customer
beautiful, romantic, and amorous, while the noun “Yu” means an op- behavior is influenced by both the physical conditions of the environ-
portunity or encounter, and treatment (Modern Chinese Dictionary, ment and the social meanings embedded into the purchase occasion.
2009). In Chinese classical literature, Yanyu describes a favorable op- Rosenbaum (2009) added “socially symbolic” servicescape to Bitner’s
portunity for an encounter with a beautiful woman. Now it can simply (1992) servicescape framework, indicating that environmental ele-
mean a beautiful encounter associated with gender and sexual re- ments are important in shaping the behavior of customers with unique
lationships (Xu & Ye, 2018). A review of the literature (Hong, 2007; Liu ethnic, sub-cultural, or marginalized societal statuses, such as Jews and

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

homosexuals. Socially symbolic servicescapes are meant to be inter- Gopinath, and Nyer (1999), emotion means a psychological state of
preted by specific groups of consumers rather than all consumers. preparation that arises from cognitive appraisals of events or thoughts.
Drawing on attention restoration theory, which suggests that a natural One of the most widely used frameworks to study emotion in consumer
environment has the potential to help people recover from mental fa- research is the pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) framework devel-
tigue (Kaplan, 1995), Rosenbaum (2009) asserted that restorative ele- oped by Mehrabian and Russell (1974), in which three dimensions,
ments should also be included in servicescapes, and therefore he in- pleasure, arousal, and dominance, are used to represent all human
troduced natural (or restorative) stimuli into the concept of a emotional responses towards environments. The PAD framework was
servicescape and posited that these stimuli include being away from first used in environmental psychology to evaluate the effects of en-
daily life, fascination, and compatibility. Later, Rosenbaum and vironments on human experience and behavior. Later, marketing re-
Massiah (2011) summarized previous research and developed an ex- searchers used this framework to assess the effect of emotional ex-
panded servicescape framework that includes four dimensions: phy- periences on shopping behaviors (e.g., Mazaheri, Richard, Laroche, &
sical, social, socially symbolic, and natural. The application scope of the Ueltschy, 2014).
term servicescape has also been extended from stores and restaurants to In the PAD framework, pleasure refers to the degree that an in-
festivals (festivalscape; Lee, Lee, Lee, & Babin, 2008), shopping streets dividual feels good, joyful or happy; arousal is considered as the extent
(streetscape; Yüksel, 2013), exhibitions (boothscape; Woo & Jun 2017), to which an individual feels excited, stimulated, alert or active; and
sports (sportscape; Lambrecht, Kaefer, & Ramenofsky, 2009), and the dominance means the degree to which an individual feels unrestricted.
Internet (cyberscapes; Williams & Dargel, 2004), adding to its strong However, previous studies that tested the framework have found that
explanatory usage. dominance did not significantly influence human behavior, and there-
Borrowing from the literature on servicescapes, a tourscape is fore it has been removed by many researchers (Donovan & Rossiter,
conceptualized in this article as the physical, social, symbolic, and 1982; Donovan, Rossiter, Marcoolyn, & Nesdale, 1994). Furthermore, it
natural stimuli experienced by tourists in a destination. Specifically, a is found that arousal has a direct effect on pleasure both in marketing
physical tourscape includes ambient conditions (e.g., lighting and (Chebat & Michon, 2003; Miniero, Rurale, & Addis, 2014) and tourism
music), space (e.g., mountains and lakes), and signs, symbols, and ar- literature (Bigné, Andreu, & Gnoth, 2005), implying that arousal is a
tifacts (e.g., flags and street decorations) (Bitner, 1992). This dimension more fundamental type of emotion. Therefore, the current study only
was termed by Mossberg as an experiencescape (Mossberg, 2007). A chooses arousal to measure emotion, which is consistent with previous
social tourscape involves the people within a tour environment (Baker studies (e.g., Kim, Kim, & Bolls, 2014). Emotional arousal means that an
et al., 1994), and represents a social interaction, whereas a socially individual experiences a state of feeling “activated”, and it is believed
symbolic tourscape refers to signs, symbols, and artifacts that have that tourscapes in a Yanyu destination can evoke tourists to think about
socio-collective meanings that influence the behaviors of tourists with a intimate and romantic relationships. In other words, emotional arousal
unique sub-culture (e.g., in this article, Yanyu tourists) (Rosenbaum & represents the degree to which tourists feel prepared for Yanyu ex-
Massiah, 2011). The difference between the dimension of signs, sym- periences. It is important to note that in the context of consumption,
bols, and artifacts in a physical tourscape and a socially symbolic there are a wide variety of individual emotional states (e.g., Han, Back,
tourscape is that the former are “general” signs that have common & Barrett, 2010); however, some categories such as fear and anger may
meanings among tourists, while the latter have unique meanings to not apply to individuals in a Yanyu context. Therefore, this study only
Yanyu tourists (Bitner, 1992; Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011). For ex- focuses on contents that are related to intimate relationships.
ample, among Yanyu tourists, love doodles can evoke associations
about a romantic or sexual relationship, but for non-Yanyu tourists, 2.4. Sensation-seeking
they are just pictures with no special meaning. A natural tourscape
provides a context where tourists can escape from their normal roles The concept of sensation-seeking refers ‘‘the need for varied, novel
and engage in unrestrained behavior (Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011), and complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take
thereby facilitating social interactions among Yanyu tourists. In other physical and social risks for the sake of such experience’’ (Zuckerman,
words, Yanyu tourists are not judged by their Yanyu identities. There- 1994, p. 27). Arnett (1994) studied sensation seeking from a motiva-
fore, a natural tourscape in a destination has the potential to provide tional perspective, and noted that the desire for experiences with in-
tourists with feelings of being away, fascination, and compatibility tensity and novelty are one motivation for norm-breaking and anti-
(Rosenbaum, 2009). Being away gives tourists a temporarily escape social behavior. Sensation seeking has also been considered as a
from routine life, as they are in a liminal space when traveling; fasci- motivation for risk-taking behaviors such as skiing, rock climbing,
nation means that tourists can direct their attention to things they are kayaking, and stunt flying (Slanger & Rudestam, 1997). Sensation-
interested in; and compatibility means that tourists can feel a sense of seeking can be divided into four sub-dimensions (Zuckerman, 1994), as
belonging in the destination and do things they enjoy (Rosenbaum & follows. Thrill- and adventure-seeking is defined as the need for outdoor
Massiah, 2011). activities involving unusual sensations and risks; experience-seeking
Although the concept of a tourscape is derived from that of a ser- involves new sensory or mental experiences through unconventional
vicescape, two differences between them should be stressed. First, most choices, also including psychedelic experiences, social nonconformity,
of the studies on servicescapes have focused only on in-store environ- and desires to associate with unconventional people; disinhibition in-
mental stimuli, while tourscapes involve multiple stimuli in a large volves a preference of “out of control” activities such as wild parties,
space without obvious physical boundaries. Second, in a typical service drinking and illegal activities; and boredom susceptibility means an
setting such as a store or restaurant, social interaction only lasts for a aversion to the routine, repetitive, and monotonous.
very short time; however, traveling and staying at a destination may Studies have shown that sensation-seeking is positively linked to
involve a relatively long time. In short, tourscapes and servicescapes are several behaviors, such as the expression of personal thoughts and
similar at the conceptual level, but in a tourscape, at the operational feelings (Franken, Gibson, & Mohan, 1990), a preference for social in-
level, there may be differences in the emphasis given to spatial scopes teractions (Ellis, 1987), reactivity to social rules (Chirivella & Martínez,
and time spans. 1994), alcohol and drug use (Stautz & Cooper, 2013; Vanderveen,
Hershberger, & Cyders, 2016), and risky sexual behavior (Dir,
2.3. Emotional arousal Coskunpinar, & Cyders, 2014).
Sensation-seeking has been used in the field of tourism to under-
Emotion plays an important role in determining tourist experiences stand the preferences and behaviors of tourists. For example, Galloway
(Prayag, Hosany, Muskat, & Del Chiappa, 2017). According to Bagozzi, and Lopez (1999) observed that sensation-seeking was positively

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

correlated with actively seeking and visiting wildlife environments for tourist attraction was significantly affected by the presence of others.”
stimulation. Fontaine (1994) demonstrated that sensation-seeking is a Interactions among tourists, including both verbal and nonverbal be-
basis for motivation for travel. Pizam, Ganghoan, Reichel, Boemmel, haviors, have a significant impact upon customers’ emotions (Wu,
Lusson, & Steynberg et al. (2004) found that sensation-seeking is po- 2007). A tourism destination, especially a Yanyu destination, is con-
sitively related to the likelihood of engaging in numerous activities, sidered a liminal space, and this liminal world provides an anonymous
such as camping or going to bars. Galloway, Mitchell, Getz, Crouch, and environment and an evasion of social control, responsibility, and ob-
Ong (2008) studied the effect of sensation-seeking on the attitudes and ligation (Xu & Ye, 2016), and therefore tourists can interact with each
behaviors of wine tourists and found that it was significantly related to other freely and without anxiety. Thus, we posit the following hy-
spending on and drinking wine, as well as the frequency of visits to pothesis:
wineries and the extent to which people were engaged at wineries. Lepp
H2. Social tourscapes positively influence: (a) emotional arousal and
and Gibson (2008) found that sensation-seeking can influence tourists’
(b) liminal experience.
travel styles and destination choices, and that tourists higher in sen-
sation seeking were more likely to have traveled internationally and to A socially symbolic tourscape has a common interpretation among
have traveled to risky destinations. Fuchs (2013) observed that back- Yanyu tourists. Research in non-tourism contexts has confirmed the
packers with high levels of sensation-seeking were more concerned impacts of socially symbolic servicescapes on customers' emotions. For
about the consequences of the behaviors and activities they might have example, Rosenbaum (2005) proposed a framework to reveal how
been attracted to as part of their quest for sensation. homosexual consumers interpret symbols within consumption settings
The literature presented above suggests that sensation-seeking and how these symbols impact approach/avoidance behaviors. Hu and
should be a good potential antecedent of seeking a liminal experience. Jasper (2007) found that personalized customer service and in-store
The concept of sensation-seeking describes an individual's need for graphics with social meanings can predict customers’ impressions of a
varied and novel experiences as well as the willingness to take risks for store. Socially symbolic tourscapes, such as the love locks and love
the sake of such experiences (Zuckerman, 1994). Therefore, it is ex- stories contained within a Yanyu destination, have salient meanings to
pected that individuals with high levels of a sensation-seeking are more Yanyu tourists, and hence will evoke their emotions and the desire to
likely to pursue Yanyu experiences. build romantic relationships with others. Hence we posit:
H3. Socially symbolic tourscapes positively influence: (a) emotional
3. Hypothesis development
arousal and (b) liminal experience.
The influence of the physical environment of a tourism destination Natural or restorative tourscapes are conceptualized as including
on the emotions and experiences of tourists can be explained by the three properties: being away (e.g., from home), fascination, and com-
Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model (Mehrabian & Russell, patibility. Being away provides tourists a break from daily concerns and
1974). The SOR model describes how individuals react to stimuli in the a feeling of escaping to a different place. Fascination means that tourists
environment by using three steps: Stimulus, Organism and Response. In want to be in a destination because something in it captures their at-
the present study, tourscapes are considered as environmental stimuli tention (Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011). Compatibility means that when
(S) external for a tourist and could induce his/her internal evaluations tourists are in a compatible environment, they can engage in social
(O), which in turn cause behavioral responses in the tourist (R). In other activities that are free from the constraints that often hinder human
words, stimulation and tourists' subsequent behavioral responses are interactions, such as occupational roles or socio-economic statuses
mediated by an organismic component (Lin & Kuo, 2016). Consumers (Oldenburg, 1999). A restorative servicescape is found to have a posi-
are largely influenced by tangible cues in a service encounter (Baker, tive significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and
1987), and the relationship between physical environment and emotion the willingness to spread positive word of mouth, especially in a video
has been confirmed extensively in the literature (Lee et al., 2008). For servicescape context (Rosenbaum, 2009). Based on such considerations,
instance, a physical servicescape is positively associated with customer we hypothesize that:
emotion in theme restaurant settings (Kim & Moon, 2009) and upscale
H4. Natural tourscapes positively influence: (a) emotional arousal and
restaurants (Ryu & Jang, 2007). Walsh, Shiu, Hassan, Michaelidou, and
(b) liminal experience.
Beatty (2011) confirmed that store-environmental cues such as music
positively influence consumers' arousal. Similar results have also been When emotions are activated, they usually lead to some kind of
found with regard to events (Grappi & Montanari, 2011; Mason & action by the individual, or in other words, they have consequences
Paggiaro, 2012). In the tourism context, Cui et al. (2016) found that the (Ladhari, Souiden, & Dufour, 2017). Zajonc (1980) proposed that an
ancient buildings and beautiful landscapes in Lijiang make tourists feel individual can take action based on an emotional feeling, either with
a sense of romance. Arousal is a psychological state of being stimulated, even a low level of cognitive activity or without. For example, custo-
activated or excited when a tourist's emotions related to intimate re- mers' emotions influence their enjoyment of shopping in a store
lationships are activated and he/she is prepared to engage in activities (Donovan & Rossiter, 1982). High arousal congruency increases con-
of this kind (Ryu & Jang, 2007). Considering these previous research sumers' perceptions of pleasure and satisfaction (Mattila & Wirtz,
findings, a physical tourscape can cause arousal in tourists and shape 2006), and Lin and Kuo (2016) observed that tourists’ emotions are
their experience through novelty, complexity, variability, and of the positively related to satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Based on the
stimuli. Therefore, we posit the following hypothesis: review of the literature on emotion, it is reasonable to assume that there
is a positive relationship between emotional arousal and liminal ex-
H1. Physical tourscapes positively influence: (a) emotional arousal and
perience. Thus, we hypothesize that:
(b) liminal experience.
H5. Emotional arousal positively influences liminal experience.
Social tourscapes, similar to physical environments, can elicit spe-
cific emotional responses in a consumption experience (Miao & Mattila, The SOR model suggests that environmental stimuli influence in-
2013). In a tourism context, tourists may affect one another either in- dividuals’ emotional states, and that these emotions in turn determine
directly, by being part of the environment, or directly through inter- approach-avoidance behaviors (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). In other
personal interactions (Bitner, 1992). The presence of other tourists can words, emotions are considered as consequences of environmental
affect tourists in an environment even without direct interaction (Kim & perceptions and as antecedents of customer satisfaction and intentions
Lee, 2012). For example, Grove and Fisk (1997, p.69) observed that (Lee et al., 2008). Positive moods could be shown to cause more fa-
over half of the tourists in their study had “an occasion when a visit to a vorable evaluations of a store and therefore influence customers to buy

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

more items and make more spontaneous purchases (Spies, Hesse, & horse road. The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese
Loesch, 1997). Thus, we hypothesize that: towns in architecture, history and the culture of its indigenous Naxi
people. Tourist arrivals reached 35 million in 2016, with tourism rev-
H6. Emotional arousal mediates the positive effects of: (a) physical (b)
enues of RMB 60.9 billion (or 9.2 billion U.S. dollars) in the same
social (c) socially symbolic and (d) natural tourscapes on liminal
period (Lijiang Tourism Development Committee, 2017).
Lijiang has earned the name of “the capital of Yanyu” among
In addition, personality can predict individual behavior, especially Chinese tourists in recent years. Yanyu has become a significant attri-
in a situation where social roles are unstructured and individuals have bute of Lijiang's destination image (Sun & Wang, 2012), and many
the discretion to determine their own behaviors (Judge & Zapata, young tourists travel to Lijiang to seek Yanyu (Cui et al., 2016). The
2015). According to situational strength theory, a “weak” situation does name of Yanyu is a concomitant in the development of Lijiang tourism,
not necessarily involve normative expectations of behavior, and and the media is an important driver in this process. Starting from
therefore, weak situations can lead individuals to behave in ways that 2003, a series of TV shows, novels and films on love affairs in Lijiang
for them are the most natural and comfortable (Dalal & Meyer, 2012). A have been produced and have contributed to the formation of images of
Yanyu tourism destination is considered as a liminal place far away Lijiang (Liu & Sun, 2015; Xu & Ye, 2016). Nowadays, Yanyu slogans are
from “normal” social structures and obligations (Turner, 2017), and everywhere in the old town, such as “girls are for being picked up in
constitutes a typical weak situation. Therefore, in the tourism context, Lijiang”, “all beauties are paper-tigers, and all men are tiger-killers”,
we can predict that tourists’ personalities will have an important impact and so on (Xu & Ye, 2016).
on their behaviors and experiences, including their liminal experience.
Individuals are considered to vary in their ability to tolerate various 4.2. Data collection and sample profile
sensations, characterized by the extent of a person's desire for novelty
and intensity of sensory stimulation. It has been confirmed that sensa- Data for this study were collected using personal interviews from
tion-seeking is positively correlated with a variety of behaviors such as tourists in Lijiang, utilizing an intercept approach on the streets of the
adventure travel, preference for intense experiences, dislike of struc- ancient town. Several trained interviewers were instructed to intercept
tured and formal situations, and proneness to boredom under restrained tourists who passed through and ask them whether or not they were
and repetitive situations (Galloway & Lopez, 1999). High-sensation- tourists. Only those who had completed or were approaching the end of
seekers prefer to be engaged in adventurous and challenging tourist their trips were asked to participate in this study. The assistants asked
activities (Galloway, 2002). Yanyu is usually related to gender and the tourists to fill out a self-administrated survey instrument. A total of
sexual relationships, and is a sensitive word in Chinese society; people 450 questionnaires were distributed and 422 valid ones returned, re-
are reluctant to discuss Yanyu frankly in normal situations (Xu & Ye, sulting in a 93.8% response rate.
2016). A tourist needs courage to seek Yanyu in a tourism destination, The data in Table 1 indicate that among the 422 participants, 175
and according to sensation-seeking theory, high-sensation seekers are (41.5%) were male, 285 (67.5%) were aged 21–30, 324 (76.8%) had a
more likely to prefer this novel and varying experience and are more college degree, and 143 (33.9%) earned a month income between RMB
likely to take risks to pursue this experience. Furthermore, in a tourism 3001 (US $452) and 5000 (US $753), and most (77.5%) of the re-
context, which is considered as a weak situation, high-sensation tourists spondents reported that it was the first time they had traveled to Li-
are more likely to engage in liminal activities than low-sensation see- jiang.
kers, and hence have a deeper liminal experience. Thus, we posit:
4.3. Measurement
H7. Sensation-seeking positively influences liminal experience.
Destination familiarity refers to the amount of destination-related The survey questionnaire consisted of the following constructs:
knowledge accumulated through information searches, various experi- tourscape, emotional arousal, liminal experience, sensation-seeking,
ences, ongoing involvement and learning (Gursoy, 2011), and tourists' and destination familiarity. Considering that tourscapes are a newly
levels of familiarity with a destination has been found to have a major developed concept based on servicescapes and that the measurement
influence on their experience, such as perceptions of a destination's items may vary across destinations, we combined both deductive (i.e.,
unique image (Lin & Kuo, 2018), their satisfaction (Sun, Chi, & Xu, literature review) and inductive (i.e., open-ended interview) methods
2013) and intention to visit (Bianchi, Milberg, & Cúneo, 2017). As a to establish its measurements. Specifically, a preliminary list of mea-
liminal experience, Yanyu is an intimate relationship that usually de- surement items for a tourscape was generated from a comprehensive
velops between tourists who are strangers to the destination. The des- review of related literature pertaining to servicescapes (Baker et al.,
tination serves as an unfamiliar environment to tourists which facil- 1994; Bitner, 1992; Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011), festivalscape (Lee
itates people to temporarily abandon normal norms and accept et al., 2008; Mason & Paggiaro; 2012), streetscape (Cox, 2013; Yüksel,
“abnormal” temporal relationships. In this sense, destination familiarity 2013), and Yanyu literature (Cui et al., 2016; Liu & Sun, 2015; Sun &
may have a potential influence on liminal experience, and therefore, in Wang, 2012; Sun, 2014; Xu & Ye, 2016; Xu & Ye, 2018), as well as the
the present study, we have added “destination familiarity” into the broader literature on destination image (Chen & Phou, 2013; Martín &
model as a control variable. Del Bosque, 2008). We also conducted preliminary open-ended inter-
To sum up, the hypotheses model is depicted in Fig. 1. views with tourists in Lijiang to identify important environmental cues.
These procedures determined 29 measurement items. Five items
4. Research methodology adapted from previous studies (Han, Heesup, Back, & Barrett, 2010;
Hosany & Gilbert, 2010; Huang, 2004; Richins, 1997) were used to
4.1. Study location measure emotional arousal, in which only intimacy-related emotions
were considered. Liminal experience (i.e., Yanyu experience in this
Lijiang, located in northwestern Yunnan province, China, was article) is also a newly developed construct and was conceptualized as a
chosen as the focus of this study for its high brand awareness and re- second-order construct and measured by 18 items which were devel-
putation as a Yanyu destination among Chinese people. Lijiang is a oped based on previous studies on Yanyu (Liu & Sun, 2015; Peng, 2013;
multi-ethnic community which includes Han, Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi, Bai, Sun & Wang, 2012; Xu & Ye, 2016; Zhang, Xu & Wei, 2017) and par-
Zang, and others. The Old Town of Lijiang is located in Lijiang City, ticipatory observation and open-ended interviews with tourists in Li-
which is a UNESCO Heritage Site. The old town may date as far back as jiang. Sensation-seeking was measured using the Brief Sensation-
the Song Dynasty (13th century), and was once a hub on the ancient tea seeking Scale for Chinese (BSSS-C) by 8 items (Chen, Fang, Nydegger,

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

Fig. 1. The hypothesis model.

Table 1 respective indicators. Therefore, causality was assessed from liminal

Sample profile. experience to its sub-dimensions, and from these dimensions to their
Variable Value Frequency Percent
indicators and not vice versa. Second, the indicators for each construct
have the same content; that is, the indicators can be interchangeable.
Gender Male 175 41.5 Third, the sub-dimensions/indicators are expected to covary with each
Female 247 58.5 other. At the second-order level, there were theoretical reasons for
Age Under 20 15 3.6
21–30 285 67.5
expecting the sub-dimensions to be positively correlated (e.g., Cui,
31–40 65 15.4 et al., 2016; Hong, 2007; Xu & Ye, 2016). At the first-order level, there
Above 41 57 13.5 were also theoretical bases for expecting the indicators to be positively
Education Senior high school and below 63 14.9 correlated, given that they were designed with the intention of mea-
University 324 76.8
suring the same sub-dimensions. In a similar manner to liminal ex-
Master and above 35 8.3
Income Under 1500 47 11.1 periences, tourscapes and sensation-seeking were both conceptualized
1501–3000 72 17.1 as reflective constructs, which have been widely documented and em-
3001–5000 143 33.9 pirically validated in previous studies (e.g., Lee, et al., 2008; Chen,
5001–7500 82 19.4 et al., 2004).
Above 7501 78 18.5
Time 1 327 77.5
2–3 61 14.5 4.4. Data analysis
4–5 11 2.6
>6 23 5.5
Following preliminary data screening (for missing values and nor-
mality) and review of the descriptive statistics, the analysis strategy
Jie, Ren, & Dinaj-Koci, Sun, & Stanton, 2013). Destination familiarity consisted of five stages. First, as the concept of a tourscape has been
was measured by 3 items adapted from Gursoy and McCleary's (2004) newly developed in this study, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was
study. performed to examine its reliability and validity. Second, to identify the
For the scales originally developed in English (i.e., emotional dimensionality of liminal experience, both exploratory factor analysis
arousal, destination familiarity, and parts of items in tourscapes), a (EFA) and CFA were employed. Third, the overall measurement model
back-translation approach was used to obtain the Chinese version. The with the 8 key variables was evaluated for its reliability and validity.
items for liminal experience were originally developed in Chinese, and Fourth, the structural relationships between tourscape, emotional
no translation was involved. In order to make the items in the ques- arousal, sensation-seeking, destination familiarity, and liminal experi-
tionnaire as valid as possible, extensive suggestions and comments were ence were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). Fifth, the
solicited from scholars working in the tourism industry in mainland mediating effects of emotional arousal between tourscapes and liminal
China, and corrections and revisions were made according to their experience were tested. SPSS 21.0, AMOS 20.0 and Mplus 7.0 software
suggestions. All constructs were assessed on a five-point Likert-type was used to complete the analyses.
scale (1 = strongly disagree/very bad to 5 = strongly agree/very
good). 5. Results
Guided by Jarvis, MacKenzie, and Podsakoff's (2003) criteria for
measurement model specification, “liminal experience” was con- 5.1. Missing data and multivariate normality
ceptualized as a reflective second-order construct for three reasons.
First, liminal experience was made manifest via its postulated sub-di- The data were screened for suitability and applicability before
mensions, with these sub-dimensions being made observable via their performing the following analyses. The number of missing values per

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

variable was well below 5% (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013), and therefore Table 2
the series mean was used to replace the missing values. Multivariate CFA results of tourscape.
normality is the most important assumption of SEM, and Mardia's Variables/items Loading CR AVE
standardized coefficient was used to test whether the data in the present
study met the assumption of multivariate normality. According to Physical tourscape 0.884 0.718
Ambient 0.862
Bentler (2010), if Mardia's standardized coefficient is greater than 5,
Space 0.876
the data are multivariate non-normally distributed, and a robust max- Sign 0.802
imum-likelihood method should be used. In this study, Mardia's stan- Social tourscape 0.835 0.507
dardized coefficient was calculated using AMOS 20.0, and the results SO1. Casual behavior 0.529
showed a Mardia's standardized coefficient of 64.328, indicating that SO2. Trust each other 0.802
SO3. Equal contacts 0.774
the data were multivariate non-normal (Bentler, 2010). Therefore, an
SO4. Casual communication 0.730
MLM estimation was used to estimate CFA and SEM (Muthén & Muthén, SO5. Communicate without worries 0.693
2017). The S-B χ2 statistic is available in Mplus when the MLM esti- Socially symbolic tourscape 0.768 0.531
mator is specified. As such, it is described as being capable of estimating SY1. Legends of love in ancient times 0.719
SY2. Modern love story 0.853
maximum likelihood parameter estimates with standard errors and a
SY3. Doodle love 0.589
mean-adjusted χ2 test statistic that are robust to non-normality (Byrne, Natural tourscape 0.805 0.580
2012; Muthén & Muthén, 2017; Wang & Wang, 2012). NA1. Being away 0.690
NA2. Fascination 0.830
5.2. Descriptive statistics NA3. Compatibility 0.758

The descriptive statistics for the survey items were calculated as

Table 3
presented in Appendix A. The means ranged from the lowest, of 2.258
Discriminant validity test of tourscape.
(SD = 1.097) for “To pursue new stimulus and excitement, I can go
against rules and regulations” to the highest, of 4.323 (SD = 0.768) for 1 2 3 4
1.Physical tourscape 0.847
2.Social tourscape 0.593 0.712
5.3. Measurement model for tourscapes 3.Socially symbolic tourscape 0.535 0.441 0.729
4.Natural touscape 0.706 0.591 0.538 0.762
Previous literature (Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011) clearly suggests
Note: The bold diagonal elements are square roots of AVE for each construct.
that a tourscape is composed of four sub-dimensions: physical, social,
Below diagonal elements are the correlations between constructs.
socially symbolic, and natural. Thus, a CFA with MLM estimation using
Mplus 7.0 was performed to assess the overall fit of the model and the
were above 0.5. Overall, the convergent validity of the constructs was
construct validity. In the measurement model, “physical tourscape” was
supported (Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Chiou & Lin, 2009). Discriminant
defined as a second-order construct composed of three sub-dimensions
validity (see Table 3) was also supported, as the square root of AVE for
(i.e., ambience; space; and signs, symbols, and artifacts). The CFA
each construct is greater than its correlation with other constructs
provided a satisfactory fit, with χ2 = 639.773, df = 341, a comparative
(Fornell & Larcker, 1981).
fit index (CFI) = 0.915, a Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) = 0.905, a root
mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.046, and a stan-
dardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = 0.047. 5.4. Dimensionality of liminal experience
For construct validity, Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson (2013,
p.618) suggested that “at a minimum, all factor loadings should be The completed sample (n = 422) was randomly split into two equal
statistically significant. Because a significant loading could still be fairly subsamples using SPSS random case selection: one calibration sample
weak in strength, a good rule of thumb is that standardized loading for EFA and one validation sample for CFA (Hair et al., 2010). A
estimates should be 0.5 or higher, and ideally 0.7 or higher.” Moreover, principal component factor analysis with a Varimax rotation was em-
average variance extracted (AVE) measures should equal or exceed 0.5, ployed on the calibration sample in order to explore the dimensionality
and construct reliability (CR) should be greater than 0.7, except when of liminal experience. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity provided a significant
conducting exploratory research (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, χ2 value of 1911.998 (p < 0.000, df = 153), and the KMO was 0.874,
2010). Additionally, many researchers in the tourism area (e.g., Kim, indicating the suitability of the dataset for EFA. Using eigenvalues-
Ritchie, & McCormick, 2012; Zhou, Zhang, Zhang, & Ma, 2015) have greater-than-one as guideline for factor extraction, four underlying di-
argued that a standardized factor loading of 0.4 can be considered as an mensions of liminal experience were identified, with all items having
appropriate boundary for an item. In the present study, tourscape was a salient loadings on one of the dimensions (0.491–0.856) and no items
new construct and its measures were newly developed. To some extent, having salient cross-loadings. These four factors explained 64.911% of
the research is exploratory in nature (Hair et al., 2010). Considering the the variance in liminal experience, and the results are presented in
suggestions of those researchers as well as the exploratory nature of this Table 4. Factors were labeled based on highly loaded items and the
study, a factor loading of 0.5 and above was considered as appropriate. common characteristics of the items they included. Factor 1 contained 7
The CFA results showed that the item (SY4, concentric lock) of a items involving romantic, unique, and unconstrained experience, and
socially symbolic tourscape was lower than 0.5 (0.493), so this item hence was named “romance and relaxation”. Factor 2 focused on 5
was removed and a new CFA was conducted. Deleting this item is ap- items measuring meeting others without previous arrangement and was
propriate in that concentric lock is not as popular as in other socially termed “chance encounter”. Factor 3 involved 3 items measuring feel-
symbolic tourscapes such as doodle drawings in Lijiang. The new CFA ings of sadness and anxiety, and hence was named “sense of loss”.
again provided a satisfactory fit, with χ2 = 597.893, df = 315, Factor 4 contained 3 items concerning feelings of indulgence, and hence
CFI = 0.917, TLI = 0.908, RMSEA = 0.046, and SRMR = 0.047. As was named “aberration”.
shown in Table 2, all factor loadings were above 0.5 (Hair et al., 2013), Afterwards, a CFA was conducted to assess the construct validity of
with most of the loadings above 0.7, and t-values for all the standar- the liminal experience by utilizing the validation sample (n = 211), and
dized factor loadings of the items were found to be significant the findings indicated an acceptable model fit, with χ2 = 321.510,
(p < 0.01). For each construct, the CRs were above 0.7, and all AVEs df = 129, CFI = 0.902, TLI = 0.884, RMSEA = 0.085, SRMR = 0.070.

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

Table 4 Table 6
EFA and CFA results of liminal experience. Discriminant validity test of sub-dimensions of liminal experience (confidence
interval test).
Variable/item EFA (n = 211) CFA (n = 211)
Pair of dimensions 95% confidence interval of correlates
Loading eigenvalue variance Loading CR AVE
explained Lower bound Upper bound

Romance and 7.062 39.233 0.901 0.568 Chance encounter Romance and relax 0.625 0.793
relax Sense of loss Romance and relax 0.368 0.612
LE1. Wonderful 0.811 0.800 Sense of loss Chance encounter 0.418 0.650
LE14. Freedom 0.748 0.821 Aberration Romance and relax 0.502 0.746
LE11. Relaxed 0.727 0.794 Aberration Chance encounter 0.675 0.855
LE2. Romantic 0.726 0.759 Aberration Sense of loss 0.459 0.705
LE15. 0.667 0.717
LE5. Unique 0.656 0.749
1.0, discriminant validity is demonstrated. The confidence interval test
LE4. Legendary 0.608 0.616
Chance 1.748 9.711 0.887 0.615 (see Table 6) showed that all the 95% confidence intervals did not in-
encounter clude 1.0, again supporting the discriminant validity of the measures.
LE10. A chance 0.856 0.753
LE9. Meet 0.839 0.615 5.5. Overall measurement model
people Before testing the hypotheses, a CFA with MLM estimates using
LE8. Encounter 0.625 0.893
Mplus 7.0 was used to examine the construct validity of the overall
LE6. Meet by 0.572 0.813
chance measurement model (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). In this model,
LE7. Mistery 0.550 0.819 “physical tourscape”, “sensation-seeking”, and “liminal experience”
Sense of loss 1.628 9.045 0.885 0.719 were conceptualized as second-order constructs. The proposed CFA
LE16. Sense of 0.851 0.842
achieved a good fit, with χ2 = 3267.036, df = 1790, CFI = 0.863,
LE17. Anxiety 0.829 0.854
TLI = 0.855, RMSEA = 0.044, and SRMR = 0.063. All second-factor
LE18. A hint of 0.752 0.848 loadings were greater than 0.5 (Hair et al., 2010), except for boredom
sadness susceptibility of sensation-seeking (0.476). Boredom susceptibility de-
Aberration 1.256 6.922 0.772 0.531 scribes a distaste for repetitive, monotonous, and invariant situations
LE3. Dubious 0.824 0.750
(Zuckerman, 1994). Although the unusual environment in a tourism
LE13. Exceeding 0.670 0.694 destination can reduce boredom susceptibility, it may not suit the
the bounds Yanyu experience compared with the other three dimensions of sensa-
LE12. Self- 0.491 0.740 tion-seeking. Besides, previous study has found that boredom suscept-
ibility has a smaller reliability value than the other three sub-dimen-
sions of sensation-seeking. Therefore, the two boredom susceptibility
items were deleted. After that, a new CFA was performed. The new
Table 5
overall measurement model fits the data well, with χ2 = 3021.527,
Discriminant validity test of sub-dimensions of liminal experience (AVE test).
df = 1614, CFI = 0.864, TLI = 0.856, RMSEA = 0.045, and
1 2 3 4 SRMR = 0.064.
As shown in Table 7, all the factor loadings were greater than the
1.Romance and relax 0.754
2.Chance encounter 0.709 0.784 minimum threshold of 0.5 (Hair et al., 2010), and most were above 0.7.
3.Sense of loss 0.490 0.534 0.848 The CRs for the constructs exceeded the recommended threshold of 0.7
4.Aberration 0.624 0.765 0.582 0.729 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981), and all AVEs were considerably above 0.5
(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). These results suggest that convergent
Note: The bold diagonal elements are square roots of AVE for each construct.
validity for the measurement model was established. Regarding the
Below diagonal elements are the correlations between constructs.
measurement reliability, the Cronbach's α values for all constructs were
above 0.7, indicating sufficient internal consistency (Chiou & Lin,
The results of the CFA are presented in the right-hand column in
Table 4. All factor loadings of the items were considerably greater than
As shown in Table 8, except for liminal experience and nature
0.5 (Hair et al., 2013), and most loadings were greater than 0.7. All of
tourscape, all square roots of AVE on the diagonal are greater than the
the CRs for the four sub-dimensions were above 0.7, and the AVEs were
off-diagonal elements in the corresponding rows and columns. Again,
above 0.5, suggesting an acceptable convergent validity (Fornell &
confidence interval testing was employed to further check the dis-
Larcker, 1981). As shown in Table 5, except for chance encounter and
criminant validity between different constructs (Anderson & Gerbing,
aberration, all square roots of AVE on the diagonal are greater than the
1988; Lin & Kuo, 2016; Chiou & Lin, 2009). The results (see Table 9)
off-diagonal elements in the corresponding rows and columns. Con-
showed that all the 95% confidence intervals did not include 1.0,
sidering that chance encounter and aberration measure basically dif-
supporting the distinctiveness of the constructs. Overall, all the evi-
ferent aspects of liminal experience and that the difference between the
dence supports the discriminant validity of the measures in the overall
square root of AVE and the correlation between them was small, it can
be considered that they were distinct from each other.
We also adopted a second approach, i.e., a confidence interval test,
to further test the discriminant validity between different dimensions of 5.6. Structural model
liminal experience (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Lin & Kuo, 2016; Chiou
& Lin, 2009). Confidence interval testing involves calculating the 95% Proposed hypotheses were tested using a structural equation mod-
confidence interval around the correlation between the constructs and eling approach with MLM estimation using Mplus 7.0. The structural
determining whether this interval includes 1.0. If it does not include model had a good fit (χ2 = 3047.745, df = 1616, CFI = 0.862,
TLI = 0.854, RMSEA = 0.046, and SRMR = 0.068). The results (see

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

Table 7 Table 9
The overall measurement model. Discriminant validity test of all constructs (confidence interval test).
Variables/items Loading α CR AVE Pair of variable 95% confidence interval of
Physical tourscape 0.871 0.883 0.717
Ambient 0.850 Lower bound Upper bound
Space 0.893
Signs, symbols, and artifacts 0.794 Social Physical 0.520 0.666
Social tourscape 0.830 0.835 0.507 Socially symbolic Physical 0.453 0.613
SO1. Casual behavior 0.530 Socially symbolic Social 0.353 0.529
SO2. Trust each other 0.803 Nature Physical 0.637 0.771
SO3. Equal contacts 0.771 Nature Social 0.519 0.671
SO4. Casual communication 0.729 Nature Socially symbolic 0.461 0.613
SO5. Communicate without worries 0.696 Emotional arousal Physical 0.193 0.373
Socially symbolic tourscape 0.760 0.768 0.531 Emotional arousal Social 0.223 0.415
SY1. Legends of love in ancient times 0.715 Emotional arousal Socially symbolic 0.324 0.492
SY2. Modern love story 0.855 Emotional arousal Nature 0.397 0.545
SY3. Doodle love 0.591 Sensation seeking Physical 0.221 0.425
Natural tourscape 0.793 0.804 0.578 Sensation seeking Social 0.272 0.468
NA1. Being away 0.698 Sensation seeking Socially symbolci 0.305 0.481
NA2. Fascination 0.795 Sensation seeking Nature 0.361 0.541
NA3. Compatibility 0.785 Sensation seeking Emotional arousal 0.432 0.608
Emotional arousal 0.850 0.852 0.536 Destination familiarity Physical 0.096 0.320
EM1. Romantic 0.698 Destination familiarity Social 0.102 0.314
EM2. Love 0.808 Destination familiarity Socially symbolic 0.097 0.281
EM3. Lustful 0.717 Destination familiarity Nature 0.168 0.352
EM4. Excitement 0.705 Destination familiarity Emotional arousal 0.153 0.349
EM5. Desired 0.727 Destination familiarity Sensation seeking 0.214 0.418
Sensation seeking 0.801 0.786 0.551 Liminal experience Physical 0.594 0.736
Experience seeking 0.750 Liminal experience Social 0.557 0.709
Thrill and adventure seeking 0.775 Liminal experience Socially symbolic 0.558 0.692
Disinhibition 0.700 Liminal experience Nature 0.632 0.766
Destination familiarity 0.765 0.780 0.547 Liminal experience Emotional arousal 0.731 0.841
FM1. Know a lot about Lijiang 0.771 Liminal experience Sensation seeking 0.532 0.700
FM2. Know more than ordinary people about 0.838 Liminal experience Destination 0.295 0.487
Lijiang familiarity
FM3. Know more than my friends about 0.587
Liminal experience 0.919 0.860 0.608
Table 10
Romance and relax 0.844
Chance encounter 0.808
Estimated standardized coefficients.
Sense of loss 0.655 Hypothesis path Estimate t-value
Aberration 0.799
H1a Physical tourscape→emotional arousal −0.273 −3.500***
H1b Physical tourscape→liminal experience 0.167 2.505*
Table 10) provide support for 8 of the 10 hypothesized direct re- H2a Social tourscape→emotional arousal 0.062 1.025
H2b Social tourscape→liminal experience 0.140 3.199**
lationships. Specifically, Physical tourscape (γ = 0.167, p < 0.05),
H3a Socially symbolic tourscape→emotional 0.261 4.468***
social tourscape (γ = 0.140, p < 0.01), socially symbolic tourscape arousal
(γ = 0.117, p < 0.05), and natural tourscape (0.281, p < 0.001) had H3b Socially symbolic tourscape→liminal 0.117 2.344*
a significant positive effect on liminal experience, supporting H1b, H2b, experience
H3b and H4b. Socially symbolic tourscape (γ = 0.261, p < 0.001) and H4a Natural tourscape→emotional arousal 0.518 7.212***
H4b Natural tourscape→liminal experience 0.281 3.694***
natural tourscape (γ = 0.518, p < 0.001) positively influenced emo-
H5 Emotional arousal→liminal experience 0.340 7.936**
tional arousal, supporting H3a and H4a. Emotional arousal (β = 0.340, H7 Sensation seeking→liminal experience 0.130 2.684**
p < 0.001) and sensation-seeking (γ = 0.130, p < 0.05) had positive – Destination familiarity→liminal experience 0.111 3.227**
effects on liminal experience, supporting H5 and H7. Also, the control
variable (i.e., destination familiarity) had a significant positive impact Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
on liminal experience (γ = 0.111, p < 0.05). The R2 values of emo-
tional arousal and liminal experience were found to be 31.5% and shown in Fig. 2, displaying 8 key constructs in this study, with three
84.4% respectively. A visual diagram depicting the structural model is being conceptualized as second-order latent constructs.
Contrary to our expectation, the physical tourscape significantly

Table 8
Discriminant validity test of all constructs (AVE test).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.Physical tourscape 0.847

2.Social tourscape 0.593 0.712
3.Socially symbolic tourscape 0.533 0.441 0.729
4.Nature tourscape 0.704 0.595 0.537 0.760
5.Emotional arousal 0.283 0.319 0.408 0.471 0.732
6.Sensation seeking 0.323 0.370 0.393 0.451 0.520 0.742
7.Destination familiarity 0.208 0.208 0.189 0.260 0.251 0.316 0.740
8.Liminal experience 0.665 0.633 0.625 0.786 0.699 0.616 0.391 0.780

Note: The bold diagonal elements are square roots of AVE for each construct. Below diagonal elements are the correlations between constructs.

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

Fig. 2. Structural model.

affects emotional arousal, but negatively (−0.273, p < 0.01), thus Table 11
refuting H1a. This result indicates that as tourists rated the physical Mediating effect (bootstrap = 2000).
environmental cues more favorably, emotional arousal actually de- Hypothesis Independent Mediator Dependent 95% confidence
creased. This finding is in accordance with the results of previous stu- variable variable interval
dies which found that the informational dimension of a festivalscape
negatively influences attendees’ emotions (Lee et al., 2008). This result Lower Upper
bound bound
may be explained by the selective nature of attention. Attention is the
allocation of processing capacity to some stimulus (Kotler & Keller, H6a Physical Emotional Liminal −0.210 0.024
2012). If tourists are absorbed in the physical surroundings, i.e., am- tourcape arousal experience
bience (e.g., lights at night), space (e.g., stone bridges and paths), and H6b Social −0.042 0.084
signs, symbols, and artifacts (e.g., street decorations) in the tourism
H6c Socially 0.018 0.160
destination, they may “forget” to think about romantic relationships symbolic
with others, and hence the effect of physical tourscape on emotional tourscape
arousal was found to be negative. H6d Natural 0.049 0.303
Social tourscapes did not significantly influence emotional arousal tourscape

(γ = 0.062, p > 0.1), thus refuting H2a. This result indicates that so-
cial elements of environmental stimuli are not the determining drivers
good fit with χ2 = 3468.460, df = 1616, CFI = 0.846, TLI = 0.0.837,
of tourists’ emotional arousal. This result may be explained by con-
RMSEA = 0.052, SRMR = 0.068. As shown in Table 9, the 95% boot-
sidering the elements in a social tourscape. “Social tourscape” in the
strap confidence intervals of indirect effects from socially symbolic and
present study was measured from the perspective of interactive styles
natural tourscapes to liminal experience do not contain zero, and thus,
between tourists and the presented behaviors of other tourists (Baker
H6c and H6d are supported. However, H6a and H6b are rejected due to
et al., 1994; Rosenbaum & Massiah, 2011). While these elements have
the 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for these indirect effects in-
direct influences on liminal experience, their predictability on emo-
cluding zero. To sum up, emotional arousal partially mediates the ef-
tional arousal might be limited, and it is supposed that the messages
fects of socially symbolic and natural tourscapes on liminal experience.
that tourists communicate between each other might have the potential
to activate their emotions about Yanyu.
6. Conclusions, contributions and implications
5.7. Mediating effects
6.1. Conclusions
There are several methods for testing hypotheses about mediating
effects, including the Sobel test, the distribution of product method, and This study takes two theoretical approaches to empirically in-
bootstrapping (Hayes, 2012). The latter two are recommended, as they vestigate the factors influencing tourists' liminal experience at a Yanyu
are more powerful than the Sobel test (Preacher & Hayes, 2008). The destination–Lijiang. The SOR theory is applied to examine the influ-
bootstrapping method (bootstrap = 2000) was used to test the med- ences of a tourscape on tourists' emotional arousal and liminal experi-
iating effects of emotional arousal on the relationships between tours- ence, and then sensation seeking theory is used to investigate the effects
cape and liminal experience (see Table 11). The structural model had a of sensation-seeking on liminal experience. The former posits that

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

tourists are touched by what they see and perceive, that is, that liminal liminal experience in a tourism context by exploring and validating its
experience is determined by the external factors (outside of the in- structure as well as by examining its antecedents. Although tourism is
dividual) at a destination; and the latter asserts that liminal experience typically considered as a liminal experience by most researchers (e.g.,
is driven by individuals’ motivation. The findings of this study are Weichselbaumer, 2012), empirical research on this topic is scarce. This
generally consistent with the suggestions of the servicescape framework study validates that tourists can enter into a liminal world where they
(Baker et al., 1994; Bitner, 1992) and sensation-seeking theory (Pizam feel free from their daily obligations and norms. Temporal romantic
et al., 2004). feelings without a marital obligation and without exchange of money in
Yanyu is an intimate relationship between strangers who develop a a destination can serve as compensation for their feeling restricted in
feeling of romance (Xu & Ye, 2016). Although Yanyu is also very much the practical-orientated relationships back home. The empirical find-
criticized and not morally accepted, the study of Yanyu can bring some ings of this study reveal that Yanyu as a liminal experience has four sub-
insights into tourists’ experiences and the social issues in China re- dimensions: romance and relaxation, chance encounters, sense of loss,
garding intimate relationships. This study shows that the Yanyu ex- and aberration. Furthermore, liminal experience is driven by environ-
perience is composed of four sub-dimensions: romance and relaxation, mental elements in a destination directly and indirectly, as well as by
chance encounters, sense of loss, and aberration. The Yanyu experience the sensation seeking motivation of tourists.
shows that tourists sometimes visit Lijiang to pursue emotional ex- This study adds to the current literature on destination environ-
periences to compensate for what they may lack in their daily emo- mental stimuli by introducing the concept of a tourscape and empiri-
tional relationships. cally testing its influence on tourists' emotions and liminal experience.
This study finds that social tourscapes positively influence liminal Although substantial studies have been conducted on the topic of en-
experience, as social tourscapes provide tourists more opportunities to vironmental stimuli in destinations, they have solely focused on phy-
interact with each other and can foster a Yanyu experience. In a des- sical environments (e.g., Mossberg, 2007) or social environments (such
tination, tourists interact with other tourists and local residents in a as tourist-tourist interactions) (e.g., Huang & Hsu, 2010). The tours-
relatively relaxed way free of normal norms and they can accept more capes studied in this research are a complex mix of environmental
“abnormal” temporal relationship, especially developed on emotions features that not only include physical stimuli, but also social and
rather than rationality. Although Yanyu is a sensitive word in Chinese psychological elements which have different effects on tourists’ liminal
society and people are reluctant to talk about it frankly, it becomes experiences through different mechanisms.
acceptable in an anonymous social environment (i.e., a destination). This study extends the research on interior environmental elements
The results suggest that the socially symbolic dimension of a in an enclosed space such as stores or restaurants to open exterior
tourscape positively affects emotional arousal and liminal experience. spaces in a tourism destination, hence enriching the existing knowledge
These socially symbolic elements, such as love stories and doodles in and theories on servicescapes. While the influence of an in-store en-
Lijiang, are consistently perceived by Yanyu tourists as symbols of vironment on consumers’ emotions and shopping experiences is em-
Yanyu and are powerful elicitors of emotional feelings and experiences. pirically supported, the importance of exterior environmental cues has
This finding is in line with Rosenbaum and Massiah’s (2011) proposi- been largely neglected. This study bridges this research gap by ex-
tion that socially symbolic symbols encourage certaain behaviors tending the research on store servicescapes into a spacious destination
among groups of customers with unique ethnic, sub-cultural, or mar- context, hence expanding the explanatory power and application scope
ginalized societal statuses by evoking their emotions. This study also of servicescapes.
finds that natural or restorative tourscapes positively affect tourists' By investigating the effects of tourscapes on tourists' emotional and
emotional arousal and liminal experience, and that tourism destinations liminal experience, this study further validates the SOR theory, which is
have the potential to activate emotions and social interactions among regarded as the foundation for behavior in a destination context. The
tourists. findings of this study indicate that both tangible and intangible en-
The results suggest that emotional arousal has a positive effect on vironmental cues embedded in a tourism destination serve as external
liminal experience. Tourists whose emotions are stimulated will have stimuli (S) that produce certain experiences (R) via an individual's inner
more liminal experience, implying that emotion is a pervasive tool that evaluation (O).
serves to shape tourists’ liminal experience. This result is entirely This study also contributes to the existing theory of sensation-
consistent with previous findings that emotions usually lead to some seeking by empirically examining its predictability on liminal experi-
kind of action by the individual when they are activated (Ladhari et al., ence. Sensation-seeking was found to positively correlate with several
2017). attitudes and behaviors concerning tourism, such as travel styles, des-
The findings also suggest that emotional arousal mediates the effects tination choices (Lepp & Gibson, 2008), and volunteer tourism (Wymer,
of socially symbolic and natural tourscapes on liminal experience. Self, & Findley, 2010); however this study is the first to test the influ-
These two environmental stimuli affect tourists’ liminal experience ence of sensation-seeking on liminal experience, which is quite different
through their emotional responses. These findings are in line with the from other tourism-related behavior. Hence this study adds new em-
SOR model, which suggests the environment creates an emotional re- pirical findings for sensation-seeking theories.
sponse in individuals, which in turn elicits approach/avoidance beha- Finally, this study makes contributions to the theories on sex/ro-
vior (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). mance tourism. A substantial amount of research on sex/romance
The study finds that sensation-seeking tourists tend to obtain more tourism has been carried out; however, few empirical studies have been
liminal experience. Those who have a strong need for varied, novel, done on this issue. Although Yanyu tourism is different from sex/ro-
complex, and intense sensations tend to take risk to seek a Yanyu ex- mance tourism, they are both typically considered as liminal in nature.
perience in a tourism destination. This result is consistent with previous The findings of this study have some implications for sex/romance
research that sensation-seeking is positively correlated with various tourism; it is predicted that tourscapes and sensation-seeking may also
tourists' attitudes and behaviors (Galloway et al., 2008), and further have influences on sex/romance tourists’ experiences.
confirm the predictability of this theory on individuals’ behavior.
6.3. Managerial implications
6.2. Theoretical contributions
Tourism destinations serve as liminal places where tourists can be
This study provides several theoretical contributions in several temporarily free of their secular obligations, therefore cultivating a
areas, including liminal experience, environmental psychology, and fertile ground for Yanyu to grow. In this sense, Yanyu has become a new
sensation-seeking. This study contributes to the understanding of tourism brand for many destinations in China. For instance, Tongli

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

Ancient Town in Jiangsu Province portrays itself as a Yanyu destination marketing segmentation base for Yanyu destinations. If destination
in an official micro-film titled “I Belong to Tongli”. Fenghuang Ancient marketers want to establish a Yanyu destination image and use this
Town in Hunan Province held a “Love Encountering Festival” in 2014 image to attract tourists, it is strongly advised that they promote this
to attract tourists, with the slogan “To encounter a person and fall in image to tourists who have high-sensation-seeking personalities. For
love with a city”. Destination marketers of these Yanyu destinations can example, destination marketers can use slogans like “a place without
benefit from the results of this study. scruples” to attract high-sensation-seeking tourists. On the other hand,
The results of this study can help destination marketers to better destination marketers could use slogans like “a place like an old friend”
understand how to manage Yanyu tourism destinations. Tourscapes to attract low-sensation-seeking tourists, since familiarity would attract
have four sub-dimensions: physical, social, socially symbolic, and nat- travelers low in sensation-seeking motivation (Lepp & Gibson, 2008).
ural. Among these, social, socially symbolic and natural tourscapes
were found to positively influence liminal experience. Correspondingly, 6.4. Future studies
destination marketers can shape these environmental stimuli to sti-
mulate a preferable Yanyu experience. First, Yanyu is an intimate re- The model should be further investigated and implemented with
lationship developed between two parties, and in order for this re- other more generic perspectives. First, in order to generalize the find-
lationship to grow, interactions between them are inevitable. Because ings to a wider population, it would be worthwhile to expand this re-
Yanyu is incompatible with Chinese daily norms, destination marketers search to other Yanyu destinations such as Yangshuo and Fenghuang.
should construct a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in order to Second, this study uses a quantitative method to empirically test the
encourage tourists to interact with each other freely and without an- hypothesis model based on cross-sectional data, and future research
xiety. Second, a socially symbolic tourscape involves signs, symbols, could use qualitative methods to explore how the image of Yanyu has
and artifacts that have special meanings for Yanyu tourists, and desti- developed in the Chinese domestic market. Further, as liminal experi-
nation marketers are encouraged to employ Yanyu-related stimuli such ence is a unique and complex phenomenon, future studies are needed to
as love stories and doodle love to attract these tourists. Third, in order investigate other antecedents of liminal experience, such as tourist
to shape a Yanyu experience, destination marketers should construct a motivation, as well as consequences of liminal experience such as
natural tourscape that helps tourists to temporarily abandon their daily destination loyalty.
norms of life and concentrate on things they are interested in.
An important result of this study is that emotional arousal mediates
the relationships between tourscapes and liminal experiences. Thus, 7. Author contributions
destination marketers could improve the probability of Yanyu experi-
ences by changing a destination's environment, which could elicit po- Manuscript title: A structural model of liminal experience in
sitive emotions. In order to shape a tourist's liminal experience, desti- tourism.
nation marketers should monitor their emotions derived from their Study conception and design: Hui Zhang, Honggang Xu.
subjective perceptions of exogenous characteristics, like physical con- Acquisition of data: Honggang Xu.
ditions, socially symbolic elements, and natural dimensions. Analysis and interpretation of data: Hui Zhang.
Understanding tourscape attributes that contribute to emotional Drafting of manuscript: Hui Zhang.
arousal allows destination marketers to make improvements in areas Critical revision: Honggang Xu.
that lead to favorable emotions. From this point of view, destination
marketers are advised to shape tourists' positive emotions, as positive Acknowledgements
emotions are factors influencing tourists' liminal experiences.
This research finds that high-sensation-seekers report more liminal The research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation
experiences. This result suggests that sensation-seeking can be a useful of China (No. 41771145, No. 71602194) and Zhuhai Scholar Fund?.

Appendix A. Descriptive statistics

Variables/items Mean St.d Skewness Kurtosis

Physical dimension
AM1. Lights at night 4.022 0.808 −0.583 0.356
AM2. Color 4.178 0.811 −0.715 0.002
AM3. Odor 3.841 0.842 −0.269 −0.350
AM4. Music 4.059 0.879 −0.706 0.105
SP1. Ancient town 3.998 0.900 −0.879 0.822
SP2. Stone bridge and path 4.124 0.860 −1.051 1.289
SP3. Water 4.062 0.910 −0.769 0.081
SP4. Snow mountain 4.106 0.812 −0.358 −0.971
SP5. Open space 3.967 0.835 −0.429 −0.216
SP6. Vegetation 4.323 0.768 −1.101 1.181
Signs, symbols, and artifacts
SI1. Signage and flags 3.786 0.793 −0.343 0.225
SI2. Decoration in store 3.950 0.764 −0.267 −0.443
SI3. Pilot identifier 3.734 0.907 −0.409 −0.303
SI4. Decorations of the street 3.945 0.788 −0.399 −0.102
SI5. Architectural style 4.281 0.708 −0.667 −0.017
SI6. Artifacts 3.869 0.906 −0.470 −0.104

H. Zhang, H. Xu Tourism Management 71 (2019) 84–98

SO1. Casual behavior 3.538 0.887 −0.146 −0.139
SO2. Trust each other 3.243 0.949 −0.219 0.246
SO3. Equal contacts 3.637 0.885 −0.360 0.102
SO4. Casual communication 3.405 0.957 −0.299 −0.047
SO5. Communicate without worries 2.986 1.036 −0.062 −0.299
SY1. Legends of love in ancient times 3.582 0.839 −0.224 −0.156
SY2. Modern love story 3.514 0.818 0.033 0.007
SY3. Doodle love 3.536 0.872 −0.197 −0.137
SY4. Concentric lock a 3.657 0.920 −0.442 0.037
NA1. Being away 3.471 1.101 −0.276 −0.681
NA2. Fascination 4.074 0.854 −0.740 0.336
NA3. Compatibility 3.627 0.918 −0.119 −0.481
Emotional arousal
EM1. Romantic 3.274 0.996 −0.108 −0.328
EM2. Love 2.969 1.014 0.145 −0.214
EM3. Lustful 3.129 1.030 0.041 −0.398
EM4. Excitement 3.178 1.065 −0.005 −0.608
EM5. Desired 3.438 1.074 −0.365 −0.483
Liminal experience
LE1. Wonderful 4.012 0.802 −0.937 1.751
LE2. Romantic 3.761 0.873 −0.269 −0.110
LE3. Dubious relationship 2.577 0.985 0.450 0.048
LE4. Legendary 3.445 1.013 −0.346 −0.296
LE5. Unique 3.827 0.925 −0.699 0.305
LE6. Meet by chance 3.385 1.022 −0.142 −0.538
LE7. Mistery 3.435 0.991 −0.105 −0.475
LE8. Encounter 3.361 1.007 −0.155 −0.501
LE9. Meet different people 3.717 0.959 −0.525 −0.084
LE10. A chance acquaintance 3.606 0.978 −0.276 −0.407
LE11. Relaxed 4.147 0.787 −0.853 1.060
LE12. Self-indulgence 3.526 1.058 −0.305 −0.538
LE13. Exceeding the bounds 2.691 1.120 0.399 −0.429
LE14. Freedom 3.991 0.850 −0.752 0.623
LE15. Unconstraint 3.843 0.932 −0.602 0.049
LE16. Sense of loss 3.152 1.039 0.011 −0.436
LE17. Anxiety 2.833 0.994 0.298 −0.016
LE18. A hint of sadness 3.220 1.048 −0.052 −0.559
Sensation seeking
Experience seeking
ES1. I am interested in almost everything that is new 3.746 0.927 −0.500 0.013
ES2. I always like to do things that no one else has done before 3.467 0.931 −0.187 −0.196
Boredom susceptibility
BS1. I will feel very uncomfortable if I stay in the same place for too long 3.219 1.006 0.029 −0.648
BS2. I get restless if I do the same thing for a long time 3.335 0.984 −0.111 −0.384
Thrill and adventure seeking
TAS1. I would love to socialize with adventurous people 3.361 0.974 −0.062 −0.444
TAS2. Taking adventures always makes me happy 3.359 0.985 −0.066 −0.512
DIS1. I would do anything as long as it is exciting and stimulating 2.760 1.053 0.420 −0.203
DIS2. To pursue new stimulus and excitement, I can go against rules and regulations 2.258 1.097 0.764 0.013
Destination familiarity
FM1. Know a lot about Lijiang 2.976 0.818 0.201 0.450
FM2. Know more than ordinary people about Lijiang 2.924 0.885 0.149 −0.105
FM3. Know more than my friends about Lijiang 3.239 0.915 0.031 −0.370
Note: a indicates items dropped in data analysis.

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