Marine Science - Pollution
Marine Science - Pollution
Marine Science - Pollution
For years the ocean has been used as a dumping ground for the 22.1
disposal of human wastes and garbage. We now find wastes pro- Sewage
duced by industrial societies washing up on remote tropical islands. Pollution
Toxic chemicals have been found in the bodies of ocean animals.
Many people are now aware of the hazards of polluting the water 22.2
and are becoming involved in both local and large-scale efforts to Toxic
clean up the marine environment. Chemicals
This change in attitude and behavior occurred when people
realized that marine pollution can produce harmful effects in living
things, including humans. Although the ocean is vast and seems Clean, Clear Waters
capable of absorbing great quantities of wastes, it is not unaffected 22.4
by the activities of humans. Fortunately, the ocean is important to Litter in the Water
people—as a source of food, as a place for recreation, and for its
natural beauty. How polluted is the ocean? In this chapter, you will
learn about different kinds of pollution in the marine environment,
and about attempts to protect the ocean and improve its water
Pollution of Water
Most human populations lived along rivers and coasts. In these
areas, there is access to water, food resources, and trade. Bodies of
water have always been convenient places for people to dispose of
wastes. In pre-industrial times, the water could dilute and wash
away most of the wastes that were dumped into it. However, human
populations along the world’s coasts have increased dramatically.
In the United States, about three-fourths of the population lives
within 80 km of a coast. As a result, there is a greater concentration
of wastes along the coasts, and these wastes may be dumped into
the sea. The quantity and quality of these wastes can, in some
instances, exceed the ocean’s capacity to store or dispose of them
without being damaged.
The natural by-products of living systems are wastes. Marine
organisms certainly produce their share of natural wastes; and,
as you learned in Chapter 21, ecosystems handle these wastes
through the processes of decomposition and nutrient recycling.
However, when people introduce substances into the environ-
ment that harm living things and damage water quality, it results
in the condition known as pollution. The substances that have a
harmful effect are called pollutants. Pollution not only threat-
ens the well-being of other living things but also endangers
human health, since we depend on Earth’s natural resources for
our survival.
During treatment, the solid part of the sewage settles to the bot-
tom of the tanks, forming what is called sludge (a mixture of water
and solid wastes). The sludge is pumped into tankers and delivered
to other sites for further treatment. For many years, sewage sludge
was dumped at sea, without additional treatment. The sludge often
had a harmful effect on local marine life. Besides organic substances,
sludge may contain harmful chemicals from industry and agricul-
ture. Finally, in 1991, the federal government required that sludge
be recycled. For many centuries, people in rural societies have used
human wastes to fertilize their fields. Today, some sludge, which is
high in organic matter, is converted into fertilizer and sold to farm-
ers for commercial use. The liquid part of the sewage in the tanks is
further treated with chlorine to kill the harmful microorganisms
before it is discharged into waterways. As a result, the liquid dis-
charge, or effluent, contains far fewer pathogens than the raw
sewage that comes into the plant. (See Figure 22-3.)
In big cities, such as New York, there has been an upgrading of
sewage-treatment plants and an improvement in the local water qual-
ity. Yet, from time to time there is a sharp rise in coliform bacteria in
water samples from New York City harbors. The sudden increase in
fecal coliforms coincides with periods of heavy rain. When it rains
heavily, the sewage-treatment plants cannot handle the excess water
that comes in from storm drains in the streets. (In cities, much of the
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
The toxic chemical DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is an
insecticide. For more than 20 years in the United States, it was
sprayed on farms, in swamps, and in coastal areas to kill insects
such as mosquitoes. DDT belongs to a group of compounds called
chlorinated hydrocarbons. When DDT enters the marine environ-
ment, the chemical passes through the food chain where it accu-
mulates in ever-greater concentrations, from mosquito larvae to fish
to marine birds.
One marine bird, the California brown pelican, almost became
extinct in the mid-1960s as a result of DDT spraying. Scientists dis-
covered that DDT interfered with the birds’ use of calcium, an
important element in eggshells. DDT caused the pelicans to produce
thin-shelled eggs. Many of the eggs cracked during incubation. As a
result, the pelican population declined. DDT had similarly harmed
other predatory birds, such as the bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and
osprey. Since 1971, however, the U.S. government has banned the
use of DDT, and in recent years we have seen a gradual increase in
the populations of brown pelicans, ospreys, peregrine falcons, and
Figure 22-5 Brown peli-
eagles. (See Figure 22-5.) Unfortunately, the use of DDT is not
cans have made a come-
banned worldwide, and its effects are seen far from the areas in back since DDT was
which it is sprayed. DDT has been found in the fatty tissues of banned.
Factory sites are usually located near bodies of water. The water is a
convenient place to dispose of chemical wastes produced by the fac-
tories. From 1950 to 1975, a company located along the Hudson
River in upstate New York dumped hundreds of thousands of kilo-
grams of another type of chlorinated hydrocarbon, called PCBs
(polychlorinated biphenyls), into the river. PCBs are used in a vari-
ety of consumer products, including paints and electrical compo-
nents. PCBs were found to cause cancer in laboratory animals and
are suspected of causing cancer and birth defects in humans. The
dangers of PCB contamination are now well documented.
After being discharged into the Hudson River, the PCBs sank to
the bottom, where they remained in the sediment for a long time.
Here they contaminated bottom-dwelling invertebrates. When fish
ate these animals, the PCBs in them entered the food chain. As the
PCBs moved up the food chain, their concentration increased.
Remember that this had also occurred with DDT. The increase in
concentration of a chemical substance, particularly a toxic one, as it
moves up a food chain is called biological magnification, or bio-
magnification for short.
In 1976, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tested the
Hudson’s striped bass for PCBs, and found the concentration to be 5
parts per million (ppm)—more than twice the permissible limit. As a
result, the commercial fishing of striped bass in the Hudson River
was stopped. Like many other marine organisms that hatch and
develop in brackish water or freshwater, striped bass migrate between
the river (an estuary) and the ocean, forming a link with the marine
ecosystem. This connection is important, because PCBs have been
detected in the tissues of seals, porpoises, and beluga whales.
How has PCB contamination fared in recent years? There is some
good news. First, PCBs are no longer being dumped into the Hudson
River. As a result, PCB levels in striped bass have dropped to less than
2 ppm. Second, now that the level of contamination has dropped,
the striped bass fishing industry can start again in New York. (See the
feature about striped bass and the Hudson River on page 549.)
1. Why was commercial fishing for striped bass banned in the Hudson?
2. Explain why it is now safe for people to swim in the Hudson River again.
3. Why is a cleaner Hudson River important for the survival of the striped bass?
Oil Pollution
On March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez hit a reef in Prince
William Sound near Valdez, Alaska, and spilled about 50,000 tons of
crude oil. The oil spill affected marine life in the area. The crude oil
sank to the bottom, covering innumerable shellfish. Seabirds were
Radioactive Wastes
Another type of pollutant that poses a risk to the health of the marine
environment is radioactive wastes. Radioactive wastes, also called
nuclear wastes, consist of radioactive isotopes, which are atoms of the
same element that differ in their atomic mass. Isotopes are unstable;
that is, they break down, or decay, into smaller atoms of other ele-
ments and emit high-energy rays and particles in the process. Each
element has its own half-life, which is the time it takes for half the
radioactive atoms present to decay into a stable nonradioactive sub-
stance. For some elements, the half-life is very short—less than a day.
For others, it is thousands of years. This means that the radioactive
material will be present for a very long time until it is completely
decayed. Such materials can threaten the well-being of living things.
The high-energy rays and particles that are emitted during decay
can pass through the tissues of organisms. As they do so, they can
Thermal Pollution
Factories and power plants are often located along estuaries so they
can use seawater as a coolant for their machinery. Some plants dis-
20 25 30 35 40
Temperature (°C)
charge the heated water back into the estuary. This creates a ther-
mal plume, a flow of water with temperatures that are significantly
higher than those of the water it enters. The release into natural
waterways of very warm water—which can adversely affect marine
life—is called thermal pollution. At higher temperatures, the pop-
ulations of microscopic phytoplankton such as diatoms and green
algae decline significantly, while the blue-green bacteria (algae)
greatly increase their population. (See Figure 22-6.)
Large numbers of blue-green bacteria produce foul odors and
toxic substances that are harmful to marine life. Fish avoid the high
temperatures and low oxygen levels of thermal plumes, resulting in
the decline of fish species in such areas. In shallow waters, benthic
invertebrates are not able to escape the thermal shock produced by
higher water temperatures.
Some communities have solved the problem of thermal pollu-
tion by constructing cooling towers at power plants. Others have
built shallow pools on the land to cool the heated water before it is
discharged into an estuary. Recently, some power-plant operators
have used the cooling pools to commercially raise fish and lobsters.
As you already learned, plants and algae need light in order to carry
on photosynthesis. The amount of light aquatic plants receive
depends on the clarity of the water they are in and the depth of
penetration of the sun’s rays. Clear waters that are not clouded by
suspended particles such as sand or silt, or fouled by an oil slick,
enable greater penetration of light, which marine plants can then
absorb. Likewise, polluted or murky waters decrease the light avail-
able for plants. The measure of the level of clarity or murkiness of
water is called turbidity.
How is water turbidity measured? A simple device called a Secchi
disk, named after the Italian scientist Father Pietro Secchi
(1818–1878), is used to measure the distance light penetrates into
the water. The disk, which has four alternating sections of black and
white, is gradually lowered into the water from a pier or a boat until
the disk can no longer be seen. The depth at which the disk is no
longer visible is defined as the turbidity. A reading of less than 2
meters indicates that the water is very turbid. (See Figure 22-7.)
Cloudy or turbid water can be caused by natural conditions. In
the northern latitudes, where light is less intense and high plankton
populations cloud the waters, visibility is low and turbidity is high.
Rope is In the tropics, where light is much more intense but there are fewer
knotted at
1-meter plankton, you can see more than 30 meters underwater, so turbidity
intervals is low. Other natural conditions, such as stormy weather and strong
ocean currents, can stir up bottom sediments and reduce visibility.
Human activities can also cloud the waters. Sometimes, poor
agricultural practices lead to soil erosion. When soil is blown or
washed off the land, it can enter rivers and streams and eventually
be carried out to sea. Great quantities of eroded soil cloud coastal
disk waters and choke aquatic communities such as estuaries and coral
During several summers in the late 1980s, the coastal waters off
Figure 22-7 How to use a
Secchi disk to measure
Long Island, New York, turned so cloudy that the condition became
water turbidity. known as brown tide. Marine biologists discovered that the cloudy
Dissolved Oxygen
In 1976, a major fish kill occurred in the waters between New Jersey
and New York. Scientific tests found that the amount of oxygen dis-
solved in the water was very low. The amount, or concentration, of
oxygen dissolved in water is called the dissolved oxygen (DO).
Depending on its temperature, ocean water has a DO concentration
that ranges from 1 to 12 ppm. On the day of the fish kill, the water
had a DO concentration of only 2 ppm. Scientists concluded that
the fish died of suffocation, because the DO level was below the crit-
ical threshold of 4 ppm, the minimum level of oxygen required for
fish to breathe. This aquatic condition is known as hypoxia, mean-
ing “low oxygen.”
1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995
Solutions to Pollution
What can communities do to dispose of garbage properly, without
dumping it directly into the ground or the ocean? One method is
incineration, the disposal of solid wastes by combustion. There are
some 200 large incinerators now operating in the United States.
Although the burning of wastes can be used to generate energy, it is
not a perfect solution to waste disposal. Many towns cannot afford
to build an incinerator. In addition, incineration of garbage can pro-
duce air pollutants, especially when plastics are burned.
There are valid environmental and economic concerns about
the disposal of solid wastes in landfills and by incineration. A more
ecologically sound method of handling solid wastes is recycling—the
MATERIALS: Tray, loose-leaf paper, red litmus paper, blue litmus paper, pH
hydrion paper (wide range), medicine dropper, ocean water, rainwater, tap
water, pond water.
1. Place a piece of loose-leaf paper on your tray. Open the vials containing red
litmus paper and blue litmus paper. Remove four strips of red litmus paper
and four strips of blue litmus paper. Place them on the loose-leaf paper, in
four sets of one blue and one red each. Label each set with the type of water
being tested: ocean, rain, tap, and pond water.
2. Use the medicine dropper to place one drop of each water sample on the
red litmus paper and one drop on the blue litmus paper. Do one water sam-
ple at a time. Observe if there is a color change. Write the color in your copy
of Table 22-1. Repeat for each of the samples.
3. To determine if the water sample is acidic, basic, or neutral, you can use the
following scheme: Red litmus paper stays red in acid, but turns blue in base;
blue litmus paper stays blue in base, but turns red in acid.
Ocean water
Tap water
Pond water
5. Remove four strips of pH paper from the container. Put a drop of water from
the first sample on one strip of pH paper. Compare the color on the strip
with the color scale on the container. Note the pH and record it in Table
22-1. Repeat for the other water samples.
The following list contains all the boldface terms in this chapter.
Fill In
Use one of the vocabulary terms listed above to complete each sentence.
Base your answers to questions 9 through 11 on the data below and on
your knowledge of marine science.
A group of marine science students wanted to know if the water at
their beach was clean enough to swim in. They decided to test the
water for the presence of fecal coliform bacteria to see if the level
Drinking water Zero coliforms allowed
Petri dish colonies
Shellfish water Should not exceed 14 coliforms/100 mL
Multiple Choice
Choose the response that best completes the statement or answers the