System of Units:-: Physical Quantity Symbol Dimension Measurement Unit Unit

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In order to make the measurement of a physical quantity we have, first of all, to evolve a standard for that

measurement so that different measurements of same physical quantity can be expressed relative to each
other. That standard is called a unit of that physical quantity.
 System of Units:-
(a) C.G.S (Centimeter-Grand-Second) system.
(b) F.P.S. (Foot-Pound-Second) system.
(c) M.K.S. (Meter-Kilogram--Second) system.
(d) M.K.S.A. (Meter-Kilogram-Second-Ampere) unit.
 Dimensional Formula:-
Dimensional formula of a physical quantity is the formula which tells us how and which of the
fundamental units have been used for the measurement of that quantity.
 How to write dimensions of physical quantities:-
(a) Write the formula for that quantity, with the quantity on L.H.S. of the equation.
(b) Convert all the quantities on R.H.S. into the fundamental quantities mass, length and time.
(c) Substitute M, L and T for mass, length and time respectively.
(d) Collect terms of M,L and T and find their resultant powers (a,b,c) which give the dimensions of
the quantity in mass, length and time respectively.
 Characteristics of Dimensions:-
(a) Dimensions of a physical quantity are independent of the system of units.
(b) Quantities having similar dimensions can be added to or subtracted from each other.
(c) Dimensions of a physical quantity can be obtained from its units and vice-versa.
(d) Two different physical quantities may have same dimensions.
(e) Multiplication/division of dimensions of two physical quantities (may be same or different)
results in production of dimensions of a third quantity.

Length s L Meter m

Mass M M Kilogram Kg

Time t T Second Sec

Electric charge q Q Coulomb C

luminous intensity I C Candela Cd

Temperature T K Kelvin oK

Angle q none Radian None

Mechanical Physical Quantities (derived)


Area A L2 square meter m2

Volume V L3 cubic meter m3

velocity v L/T meter per second m/sec

angular velocity w T-1 radians per second 1/sec

acceleration a LT-2 meter per square second m/sec2

angular acceleration a T-2 radians per square 1/sec2


Force F MLT-2 Newton Kg m/sec2

Energy E ML2T-2 Joule Kg m2/sec2

Work W Joule Kg m2/sec2


Heat Q Joule Kg m2/sec2


Torque t ML2T-2 Newton meter Kg m2/sec2

Power P ML2T-3 watt or joule/sec Kg m2/sec3

Density D or ρ ML-3 kilogram per Kg/m3

cubic meter

pressure P ML-1T-2 Newton per square Kg m-1/sec2


impulse J MLT-1 Newton second Kg m/sec

Inertia I ML2 Kilogram square meter Kg m2

luminous f C lumen (4Pi candle for cd sr

point source)

illumination E CL-2 lumen per cd sr/m2

square meter

entropy S ML2T-2K-1 joule per degree Kg m2/sec2K

Volume Q L3T-1 cubic meter m3/sec

rate of flow per second

kinematic n L2T-1 square meter m2/sec

viscosity per second

dynamic m ML-1T-1 Newton second Kg/m sec

viscosity per square meter

specific g ML-2T-2 Newton Kg m-2/sec2

weight per cubic meter

Electrical Physical Quantities (derived)

Electric I QT-1 Ampere C/sec


emf, voltage, E ML2T-2Q-1 Volt Kg m2/sec2C


resistance or R ML2T-1Q-2 ohm Kgm2 /secC2


Electric s M-2L-2TQ2 mho secC2/Kg m3


capacitance C M-1L-2T2 Q2 Farad sec2C2/Kgm2

inductance L ML2Q-2 Henry Kg m2 /C2

Current density J QT-1L-2 ampere per C/sec m2

square meter

Charge density r QL-3 coulomb per cubic C/m3


magnetic flux, B MT-1Q-1 weber per Kg/sec C

Magnetic induction square meter

magnetic H QL-1T-1 ampere per meter C/m sec


magnetic vector A MLT-1Q-1 weber/meter Kg m/sec C


Electric E MLT-2Q-1 volt/meter or Kg m/sec2 C

field intensity newton/coulomb

Electric displacement D QL-2 coulomb per square meter C/m2

permeability m MLQ-2 henry per meter Kg m/C2

permittivity, e T2Q2M-1L-3 farad per meter sec2C2/Kgm3

dielectric constant K M0L0T0 None None

frequency f or n T-1 Hertz sec-1

angular frequency W T-1 radians per second sec-1

Wave length l L Meters M

 Principle of homogeneity:-
It states that “ the dimensional formulae of every term on the two sides of a correct relation must
be same.”
 Types of error:-
(a) Constant errors:- An error is said to be constant error if it affects, every time, a measurement in
a similar manner.
(b) Systematic errors:- Errors which come into existence by virtue of a definite rule, are called
systematic errors.
(c) Random error or accidental error:- Error which takes place in a random manner and cannot be
associated with a systematic cause are called random or accidental errors.
(d) Absolute error:-
 Relative Error:-

 Percentage Error:-

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