Me 214 HW Assignment #1 Page 1 Date: 01-05-'16 Name: Sid #

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ME 214 HW ASSIGNMENT #1 Page 1

Date: 01-05-'16


Question 1 :
A pressure transducer measures a value of 300-lb/in (psi). Determine the value of the pressure in Pascal.
One Pascal (Pa) is 1-N/m .

Answer: 2.07 x 10 -Pa or 2.07-MPa

Question 2 :
One horsepower is 550 - ft-lb/s. One watt is 1- "N-m/s. Determine the number of watts generated by:
a- The Wright brothers' 1903 airplane, which had a 12-horsepower engine,
b- A modern airplane jet with a power of 100,000 horsepower at cruising speed.
Answers: 8,950-watts and 74.6 x 10 -watts

Question 3 :
The acceleration due to gravity is 13.2-ft/s on the surface of Mars and 32.2-tt/s on the surface of the Earth. If a woman
weighs 125-lb on Earth, what would she weigh on Mars ?

Answer: 51.2-lb

Question 4:
A person weighs 180-lb at sea level. The radius of the Earth is 3,960-miles. What force is exerted on the person by the
gravitational attraction of the Earth if he is in a space station in near-orbit 200-miles above the surface of the Earth ?

Answer: 163-lb

Question 5:
The mass of one cubic meter of water is 1,000-kg. The acceleration due to gravity at sea level is g = 9.81-m/s .
The weight of one cubic foot of water at sea level is approximately 62.4-lb. One inch is 25.4-mm.
By using these data determine how many Newton (N) is equal to one pound. Do not use conversion table.

Answer: 4.448 N = 1 Ib.

Question 6:
The acceleration due to gravity at sea level in SI units is g = 9.81-m/s . By converting units, determine the acceleration due to
gravity at sea level in U.S. customary units.

Answer: g = 32.2-tt/s

Question 7 :
The "Crawler" developed to transport the Saturn V launch vehicle from the assembly building to the launch pad is the largest
land vehicle ever built, weighing 4.9 x 10 -Ibs at sea level,
a- What is its mass in slugs ?
b- What is its mass in kilograms ?

Answers : 0.152 x 106-slug and 2.22 x !Q6-kg

ME 214 Lecture Review Page 2

A scalar is a positive or negative number;

e.g., mass and temperature.

A vector has a magnitude and an arrowhead

sense of direction; e.g., force and position.

Multiplication or division of a vector by a

scalar will change only the magnitude of
the vector. If the scalar is negative the
sense of the vector will change, so that it
acts in the opposite direction.

If vectors are collinear, the resultant is

formed by an algebraic or scalar addition.

Parallelogram Law
Two forces add according to the Resultant
parallelogram law. The components form
the sides of the parallelogram and the = FI + F2
resultant is the diagonal.

To find the components of a force along Components

any two axes, extend lines from the head
of the force, parallel to the axes, to form
the components.

To obtain the components or the resultant,

show how the forces add by a tip-to-tail FR = \ F j 2 + F22-2FlF2cosOR
addition using the triangle rule, and then
use the law of sines and the law of cosines _JL = J:L = FK
to calculate their values. sin #[ sin 02 sin 9R
Page 3

Rectangular Components: Two Dimensions

Vecion; Fv and Fv are rectangular components

The resultant force is determined from the

algebraic sum of its components.


;• ~|2 I / c \2 n _
R.vJ ^ \fRv) > " — t!in
Table A-1 Principal Units Used in Mechanics
International System (SI) U.S. Customary System (USCS)
Page 4

Quantity Unit Symbol Formula Unit Symbol Formula

Acceleration (angular) radian per second squared rad/s2 radian per second squared rad/s2

Acceleration (linear) meter per second squared m/s2 foot per second squared ft/s2

Area square meter m2 square foot ft2

Density (mass) kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 slug per cubic foot slug/ft3
' (Specific mass)
Density (weight) newton per cubic meter N/m3 pound per cubic foot pcf lb/ft3
(Specific weight)
Energy; work joule J N •m foot-pound ft-lb

Force newton N kg- m/s2 pound Ib (base unit)

Force per unit length newton per meter N/m pound per foot lb/ft
(Intensity of force)
Frequency hertz Hz s"1 hertz Hz s-1
Length meter m (base unit) foot ft (base unit)

Mass kilogram kg (base unit) slug Ib-s2/ft

Moment of a force; torque newton meter N-m pound-foot Ib-ft

Moment of inertia (area) meter to fourth power m4 inch to fourth power in.4
Moment of inertia (mass) kilogram meter squared kg-m 2 slug foot squared slug-ft2

Power watt W J/s foot-pound per second ft-lb/s


Pressure pascal Pa N/m2 pound per square foot psf lb/ft2

Section modulus meter to third power m3 inch to third power in.3

Stress pascal Pa N/m2 pound per square inch psi lb/in.2

Time second s (base unit) second s (base unit)

Velocity (angular) radian per second rad/s radian per second rad/s

Velocity (linear) meter per second m/s foot per second j fps ft/s

Volume (liquids) liter L ID'3 m3 gallon , gal. 231 in.3

Volume (solids) cubic meter m3 cubic foot cf ft3


Notes: 1 joule (J) = 1 newton meter (N-m) = 1 watt second (W-s)

1 hertz (Hz) = 1 cycle per second (cps) or 1 revolution per second (rev/s)
1 watt (W) = 1 joule per second (J/s) = 1 newton meter per second (N-m/s)
1 pascal (Pa) = 1 newton per meter squared (N/m2)
1 liter (L) = 0.001 cubic meter (m3) = 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3)

Table A-3 SI Prefixes

Prefix Symbol Multiplication factor
tera T 1012 = 1 000 000 000 000
giga G 109 1 000 000 000 c
mega M IO6 1 000 000
kilo k 103 1000
hecto h 102 100
deka da 101 10 Sine law:
deci d lo-1 0.1 _A __£_ __C_
centi c IO- 2 0.01 sin it sin b sin c
milli m io-3 0.001
Cosine law:
micro M 10~6 0.000 001
nano n 10~9 0.000 000 001 - 2AB cosr
pico P io-'2 0.000 000 000 001


A- Formulate the Problem:

1- Read the question carefully.
2- Identify the data (information ).
3- Identify the desired outcome ( result).
4- Generate ideas for solution ( procedure, concept & method to be used ).

B- Develop the Solution:

1- Select the procedure that fits the desired outcome (plan).
2- Draw sketches, free-body- diagrams, etc. and tabulate the information.
3- Apply principles and equations; make calculations ( carry out the plan ).

C- Evaluate the Results.

1- Check accuracy of your calculation to be consistent with accuracy of the data ( significant digit).
2- Use appropriate units throughout.
3- Check the result to be reasonable and within the acceptable range.

D- Finalize the Solution / Presentation.

1- Write the solution in neat and orderly format that is easy to follow.
2- Underline the answers or place them in a box with appropriate unit.
3- Use 8 1A" x 11" papers and write only on one side of the papers.
4- Present the result in a package with appropriate cover sheet containing Name, Date, Course No.,
Assignment No., etc.
Class Exercises Page 6

Use Parallelogram of the Forces and Trigonometry (Sines and Cosines Rules )

Question 1 :
Determine the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the pin
and its direction measured counterclockwise from positive x-axis.
80 lb

Question 2 :
A resultant vertical force of 350-lb is necessary to hold the balloon in place.
Resolve this force into components along the tether lines AB and AC, and
compute the magnitude of each component.

Use Force Components

Question 3 :
Three forces act on the bracket shown. Determine the magnitude
and direction 0 offeree FI so that the resultant force is directed along
the positive x' axis and has a magnitude of 800-N.

F, = 180 N
ME 214 Sample Quizzes Page?
Quiz # 1

Question 1:
Two ropes are used to tow a boat. The resultant R of the rope forces has a magnitude of 1,500-N, and its line of action is along
the axis of the boat (horizontal). Determine the magnitudes of the rope forces F and F by constructing the parallelogram of
the forces and using laws of sines and cosines.

Answer: | FJ = 798-N | FZ | = 1,026-N

Question 2:
Three forces F , F^ and F3 are applied to a bracket as shown. The magnitude of the resultant R of three forces is 5,000-lb.
If magnitude of the force F is 3,000-lb :
a- Find the magnitudes of the forces F and F .
b- What would be the magnitude and the direction of a fourth force applied to the bracket such as the resultant R become
vertical ?

Answers: Ft = 822-lb , F2 = 1,867-lb

F4 = -1,700 i Ib or F4 = -1,700 i + 300 j Ib

Question 3:
A particle is subjected to the four forces shown. Determine the magnitudes of the forces F and F such as the resultant of the
four forces :
a- is equal to zero. y
b- is horizontal with magnitude of 12-kips. ( 1-kip = 1,000-lb )
c- is vertical with magnitude of 18-kips.

Answers: a- F = 20.9-kip , F2 = 24.9-kip

b- Ft = 8.9-kip , F2 = 45.8-kip
c- Fj = 52.1-kip , F2 = 7.00-kip

F3 = 40 kip
ME 214 SEC 05 Quiz # 1 PageS
Date: 01-12-'06


Question 1: (20 Points)

Three ropes attached to a stalled car apply the forces shown. Express each force in Cartesian Vector form and determine the
magnitudes of the force F3 and the resultant force R if the line of action of the resultant is along the x-axis.

ME 214 SEC 09 Quiz # 1 Page 1

Date: 09-28-'06


Question 1: (20 Points)

Three forces are applied to a bracket as shown. If the resultant R of these three forces is directed along the positive u axis, for
9=15" determine the magnitudes of the force F2 and the resultant R.
ME 214 Class Exercises Page 9
Equilibrium of Particles 2D

Question 1:
Two crates are held in equilibrium position with the spring system as shown. Given the weight of crates as
WE = 200-lb and WF = 100-lb, determine the tension force in each spring.

Question 2 :
A 12-in diameter pipe A with the weight of 80-lbs, and an 8-in diameter pipe B with the weight of 60-lbs are held in
place with a horizontal force F. Find magnitude of the force F required to keep the pipes in equilibrium when
0 = 30°. Assume smooth contacts.
ME 214 Class Exercise Page 10
Equilibrium of Particles 2D, Pulleys

Question 3:
A crate with the weight of 300-lb is held in equilibrium by several rope and pulley arrangements as shown.
Determine for each arrangement the tension T in the rope.


f i

i, i
u_; ua


Question 4:
The man of weight Wi = 150-lb attempts to lift himself and the seat of weight W 2 = 10-lb using the rope pulley
system shown. Determine the tension force at A needed to do so, and also find his reaction on the seat.
ME 214 Sample Quizzes Page 11
Equilibrium of Particles 2D & 3D

Question 1 :
If the sack A has a weight of 20-lb, determine the weight of sack B and the force in each cord to hold the system in the
equilibrium position shown.

TCD = 34.2-lb
TCE = 38.6-lb
TEG = 54.6-lb
WB = 48.0-lb

20 Ib

Question 2:
If the lamp has a mass of 4-kg, determine the force in each cord and the force F needed to hold the system in equilibrium
position shown.

TBA = 67.9-N
TBC = 39.2-N
TCD = 39.2-N
F = 39.2-N

Question 3 :
A pulley and two blocks are held in place as shown. If m =200-kg, m =300-kg, and 8 = 40 , determine the required angle
such as the system remains in equilibrium. The pulley and surfaces are frictionless. g = 9.81 m/s

1 = 25.4°
ME 214 Sample Quizzes Page 12
Equilibrium of Particles 2D & 3D

Question 4 :
The weight of the two blocks are Wj = 200-lb and W2 = 50-lb.
What force must the man exert on the rope to hold the blocks in place ?
Surface is frictionless.

Answer: T=150-lb

Question 5 :
The ball D has a mass of 20-kg and cable CAB passes through ring A.
For d = 1.0-m, find horizontal force F required to hold the ball in position shown.

Answer : F = 243-N

Question 6 :
The force F has a magnitude of 140-N.
a- Express force F in vector form.
b- Determine the direction cosines of this force with respect to x, y and z axes.

Answers: B
F=120i + 60j-40k (N) * •
'(800,500, -300) mm
cos6x = 6/7 9X = 31.0°
cos 6y = 3/7 6y = 64.6°
cos 67 =-2/7 6 7 = 106.6°
(200, 200, -100) mm

Question 7 :
A metal disk weighs 10-lb. It is held in place at the center of an inclined frictionless surface by the strings AB and AC.
What are the tensions in the strings ?

T AC =1.85-lb
, 4, 0) ft

ME 214 Class Exercises Page 13
Forces in Space, Equilibrium of Particles 3D

Question 1:
The cable attached to the tractor at B exerts a force of 350-lb on the frame. Express this force as a Cartesian vector,
and determine its direction angles.

Question 2:
Determine the magnitude and the direction angles of the resultant force acting at point A.


F2 = 200 N I
= 150N


ME 214 Class Exercises Page 14
Forces in Space, Equilibrium of Particles 3D

Question 3:
The mast is subjected to three forces shown. Determine the magnitude and the direction angle offeree FI so that the
resultant force acting on the mass is zero.

Question 4:
Determine the tension in cables AB, AC, and AD required to hold the crate of weight W = 60-lb in equilibrium.

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