Drug Name Therapeutic Actions Indications Adverse Effect Indication Contraindication Nursing Responsibilities

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Drug Name Therapeutic Indications Adverse Effect Indication Contraindication Nursing

actions Responsibilities
Clindamycin Inhibits protein -Systemic Systemic -Systemic -contraindicated in -assess patients
Oral: Cleocin, Cleoci synthesis in administration: administration administration: patients infection before and
n susceptible bacteria, Serious infections CV: Hypotension, cardi Serious infections hypersensitive to regularly throughout
Suppository, causing cell death. caused by ac arrest (with rapid IV caused by drug or lincomycin- therapy-before
Dalacin C (CAN) susceptible strains infusion) susceptible strains use cautiously giving first dose,
300mg TIV of anaerobes, GI: Severe colitis, of anaerobes, in patients with obtain specimen for
streptococci, including pseudomem streptococci, renal or hepatic culture and
Drug Class: staphylococci, pne branous colitis, nausea staphylococci, pneu disease, asthma, sensitivity test,
umococci; reserve ,vomiting,diarrhea,abd mococci; reserve use history of GI disease, begin therapy
-Lincosamide use for penicillin- ominal for penicillin-allergic or significant pending results.-
Antibiotic allergic patients or pain,esophagitis,anore patients or when allergies. monitor renal,
-Pregnancy Category when penicillin is xia, jaundice, liver penicillin is hepatic, and
B inappropriate; function changes inappropriate; less hematopoetic
less toxic Hematologic: Neutrop toxic antibiotics functions
antibiotics enia, leukopenia, agran (erythromycin) during prolonged
(erythromycin) ulocytosis, eosinophilia should be therapy.-be alert for
should be Hypersensitivity: Rashe considered adverse reactions
considered s, urticaria to anaphyla -Parenteral: and drug
-Parenteral: ctoid reactions Treatment of interactions-if
Treatment of Local: Pain following septicemia caused adverse GI reactions
septicemia caused injection, induration an by staphylococci, occurs,
by staphylococci, d sterile abscess after streptococci; monitor patients hy
streptococci; IM acute hematogenou dration.-teach
acute hematogen injection, thrombophle s osteomyelitis; patient how to store
ous osteomyelitis; bitis after IV use adjunct to surgical oral solution.-tell
adjunct to surgical Topical dermatologic treatment of chronic patient to take
treatment of solution bone and joint entire
chronic bone and CNS: Fatigue, infections due to amount prescribed
joint infections headache susceptible even after he feels
due to susceptible Dermatologic: Contact organisms; do not better.-warn patient
organisms; do not dermatitis, use to treat that I.M. injection may
use to treat dryness, gram- meningitis; does not be painful-instruct
meningitis; does negative folliculitis cross the blood patient to report
not cross the GI: Pseudomembranou brain barrier. diarrhea and to
blood–brain s colitis, diarrhea, -Topical avoid self-
barrier. bloody diarrhea; dermatologic threatening psudom
-Topical abdominal pain, sore solution: embranuscolitis-tell
dermatologic throat Treatment of patient receiving
solution: GU: Urinary frequency acne vulgaris drug I.V. to report
Treatment of Vaginal preparation -Vaginal discomfort at
acne vulgaris GU: Cervicitis, vaginitis preparation: infusion site.
-Vaginal , vulvar irritation Treatment of
preparation: Interactions bacterial vaginosis
Treatment of Systemic
bacterial vaginosis administration
blockade with
blocking agents
Decreased GI
absorption with kaolin,
aluminum salts
Generic Name: -Symptomatic relief of pain - Anti-pyretic -Contraindicated in -Use liquid form for
and fever. patients hypersensitive to children and patients who
-Paracetamol drug. have difficulty swallowing.

Brand Name: -Use cautiously in patients -In children, don’t exceed

with long-term alcohol use five doses in 24 hours.
-Biogesic because therapeutic doses
cause hepatotoxicity in -Advise patient that drug is
Dosage: these patients. only for short term use and
to consult the physician if
-300 mg TIV q4 PRN -Hematologic: hemolytic giving to children for
37.8 °C anemia, neutropenia, longer than 5 days or
leucopenia, pancytopenia. adults for longer than 10
-Hepatic: Jaundice
-Advise patient or
-Metabolic: Hypoglycemia caregiver that many over
the counter products
-Skin: rash, urticaria. contain acetaminophen; be
aware of this when
calculating total daily dose.

-Warn patient that high

doses or unsupervised long
term use can cause liver
Generic Name: - Otitis externa in adults - Antibiotic (quinolone). - Pruritus, taste perversion, - Lab tests: Do C&S tests
and children. Chronic local reactions, dizziness, prior to initial dose.
- ofloxacin otic suppurative otitis media in earache, headache, -Treatment may be
adults with perforated vertigo, superinfection, implemented pending
Brand Name: tympanic membrane. paresthesia, rash. results.
Acute otitis media in -Determine history of
- Floxin Otic children with hypersensitivity reactions
tympanostomy tubes. to quinolones or other
Dosage: drugs before therapy is
3ggts on left ear TID -Withhold ofloxacin and
notify physician at first sign
of a skin rash or other
allergic reaction.
-Monitor for seizures,
especially in patients with
known or suspected CNS
disorders. Discontinue
ofloxacin and notify
physician immediately if
seizure occurs.
-Assess for signs and
symptoms of super
MEDICATION Mechanism of action Uses and side effects CONTRAINDICATION

Calf’s Blood Anaphylactic shock has been

According to Gulevsky, et al., Actovegin "is Nycomed, a Swiss drug company which
Extract Gel observed in at least one patient
highly purified hemodialysate extracted manufactures Actovegin, claims it can be used for treated with actovegin[13] but
Apply on the from vealer blood by ultrafiltration. circulation and nutrition disturbances, skin grafting, was likely due to infection,
surgical site burns, and wound-healing impairment. Actovegin i.e. septic shock instead of
Actovegin has been shown to improve the
BID has also been used as a performance enhancer. anaphylactic shock, unrelated
transport of glucose over a plasma to actovegin administration.
membrane and the uptake of oxygen by It has been investigated for use in treatment
tissues. This can lead to aerobic
[1] of polyneuropathy in diabetes, and for stroke. One
oxidation, which provides a cell with study found that when tissues suffer
access to more energy and potentially from hypoxia caused circulation abnormalities,
enhances its function. Actovegin has large Actovegin helps capillaries improve circulation by
amounts of superoxide enhancing the neogenic mechanism in blood vessels.
dismutase enzymes and magnesium. There are reports suggesting that Actovegin have
ergogenic ability, but this has been ruled out by a
high quality scientific study.<

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