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The document lists various publications from the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute across multiple pages. These include edited volumes on topics such as set theory, partial differential equations, group theory, and more.

Volumes 1 through 26 of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications are listed across pages 1-2. These include works such as Instantons and Four-Manifolds, Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics, and Global Analysis on Foliated Spaces.

The editors listed are S.S. Chern, I. Kaplansky, C.C. Moore, and I.M. Singer. Institutions associated with the publications include the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute and the National Science Foundation.

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

Publications 26

S.S. Chern
I. Kaplansky
C.C. Moore
I.M. Singer
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

Volume 1 Freed and Uhlenbeck: Instantons and Four-Manifolds

Second Edition
Volume 2 Chern (ed.): Seminar on Nonlinear Partial Differential
Volume 3 Lepowsky, Mandelstam, and Singer (eds.): Vertex
Operators in Mathematics and Physics
Volume 4 Kac (ed.): Infinite Dimensional Groups with
Volume 5 Blackadar: K-Theory for Operator Algebras
Volume 6 Moore (ed.): Group Representations, Ergodic Theory,
Operator Algebras, and Mathematical Physics
Volume 7 Chorin and Majda (eds.): Wave Motion: Theory,
Modelling, and Computation
Volume 8 Gersten (ed.): Essays in Group Theory
Volume 9 Moore and Schochet: Global Analysis on Foliated
Volume 10 Drasin, Earle, Gehring, Kra, and Marden (eds.):
Holomorphic Functions and Moduli I
Volume 11 Drasin, Earle, Gehring, Kra, and Marden (eds.):
Holomorphic Functions and Moduli II
Volume 12 Ni, Peletier, and Serrin (eds.): Nonlinear Diffusion
Equations and their Equilibrium States I
Volume 13 Ni, Peletier, and Serrin (eds.): Nonlinear Diffusion
Equations and their Equilibrium States II
Volume 14 Goodman, de la Harpe, and Jones: Coxeter Graphs
and Towers of Algebras
Volume 15 Hochster, Huneke, and Sally (eds.): Commutative
Volume 16 Ihara, Ribet, and Serre (eds.): Galois Groups over Q
Volume 17 Concus, Finn, Hoffman (eds): Geometric Analysis
and Computer Graphics
Volume 18 Bryant, Chern, Gardner, Goldschmidt, Griffiths:
Exterior Differential Systems
Volume 19 Alperin (ed.): Arboreal Group Therapy

(continued after page 416)

H. Judah W. Just H. Woodin

Set Theory of the Continuum

New York Berlin Heidelberg London Paris
Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest
HaimJudah Winfried Just
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science Ohio University
Bar l1an University Athens, OH 45701-2979
52900 Ramatgan, Israel USA

Hugh Woodin Mathematical Sciences

Department of Mathematics Research Institute
University of California 1000 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA 94720 Berkeley, CA 94720

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute wishes to acknowledge support by the

National Science Foundation.

AMS Subject Classifications: 04-06, 03Exx

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Set theory of the continuum I Haim Judah, Winfried Just, Hugh Woodin,
p. CDl. - (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
publications; 26)
Papers presented at an MSRI workshop Oct. 16-20, 1989.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN-13:978-1-4613-97564 (U.S.)
1. Set theory-Congresses. I. Judah, Haim. II. Just, Winfried.
III. Woodin, Hugh. IV. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
(Berkeley, Calif.). V. Series.
QA248.S414 1992
511.3'22-dc20 92-28316

Printed on acid-free paper.

© 1992 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1992
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ISBN-13:978-1-4613-97564 e-ISBN-13:978-1-4613-9754-0
DOl: 10.10071978-1-4613-9754-0

During the academic year 1989-90 MSRI organized a "Logic Year." As

part of this Logic Year several activities took place in set theory.
In the week of October 16-20 1989, a workshop was held. The workshop
focused on the many set theoretical aspects of the continuum and was
entitled, "Set Theory and the Continuum." The workshop was organized
(with extensive and greatly appreciated help from the staff at MSRI) by
one of us (Woodin).
A year-long seminar on set theory was organized by H. Judah in the
autumn and continued, after Judah's departure, by D. A. Martin in the
spring. Other seminars and series of talks in set theory that lasted for
periods of several months were given by M. Magidor and J. Steel/Po Welch.
There were also many talks on set theory given on a more informal basis,
or in seminars that tried to foster interaction between the subdisciplines
of Mathematical Logic, and between Mathematical Logic and the rest of
This volume is primarily an account of the talks presented at the meeting,
but is also intended to reflect the whole spectrum of activities in set theory
during the entire year. It has been divided into two sections. The first is
the "talks" section and for the most part includes survey papers by invited
speakers derived from their talks given during the workshop. There are
three exceptions however: The paper by P. Dehornoy gives account of his
approach to results by Richard Laver, one of the speakers invited to the
workshop who could not attend. The other two exceptions are papers by
Mac Lane and Mathias. They are not based on the workshop (although
Mac Lane was an invited speaker), but on a series of polemic talks on
the role of set theory as a foundation of mathematics that Mac Lane and
Mathias gave alternatingly over the Logic Year. Their short contributions
to this volume reflect some of the flavour of their controversy, and highlight
the major points each of them was making.
The second section includes the research papers. Those have been sub-
ject to refereeing, with the same criteria applied as for publication in leading


Here is a list of speakers at the workshop:

J. Baumgartner: c++
H. Becker: Descriptive set theoretic phenomena in analysis and
M. Foreman : Amenable group actions on the integers, an indepen-
dence result
M. Gitik : The singular cardinals problem revisited again
S. Jackson: Admissible Souslin cardinals in L(JR)
H. Judah: Measure and category
A. Kechris : Descriptive dynamics
A. Louveau : Classifying Borel structures
S. Mac Lane: Topos-theoretic versions of the continuum
M. Magidor : The singular cardinals problem revisited
S. Shelah : Is cardinal arithmetic interesting?
R. Shore : Degrees of constructibility
S. Simpson: Reverse mathematics and dynamical systems
T. Slaman : Global properties of degree structures
R. Soare : Continuity properties of Turing degrees and games ap-
plied to recursion theory
J. Steel: Fine structure and inner models of Woodin cardinals
S. Todorcevic : Forcing axioms
B. Velickovic : OCA and automorphisms of P(w)/finite

The organizer of the workshop would like to thank all of the partici-
pants for they are in essence responsible for its success. We, the editors of
this volume, thank all those who contributed; their work is evident. We
particulal;ly would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the refer-
ees without whom this volume would not really have been possible. As is
usually the case, the magnitude of their contribution is not evident.
The workshop would not have occurred without the help of the MSRI
staff, in particular without Irving Kaplansky. This volume would not exist
were it not for the technical assistance of Arlene Baxter, David Mostardi,
Margaret Pattison, and Sean Brennan.
Though uninvited, Nature also decided to give a talk. Midway through
the workshop at 5:04 pm on TUesday, October 17 the Lorna Prieta earth-
quake occurred, measuring approximately 7.1 on the Richter scale.

Haim Judah
Winfried Just
Hugh Woodin

PREFACE. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V


H. Becker
AND TOPOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

P. Dehornoy

M. Foreman
SOME OTHER PROBLEMS IN SET THEORY . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

L. Harrington and R.I. Soare


S. Jackson
ADMISSIBILITY AND MAHLONESS IN L(IR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

H. Judah

A.S. Kechris
POLISH SPACES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


A. Louveau
CLASSIFYING BOREL STRUCTURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103

A.R.D. Mathias
WHAT Is MAC LANE MISSING? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113

S. Mac Lane
Is MATHIAS AN ONTOLOGIST? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 119

R.A. Shore
DEGREES OF CONSTRUCTIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 123

B. Velickovic


J. Bagaria and H. Judah

ADDITIVITY OF MEASURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 155

T. Bartoszynski and H. Judah

MEASURE AND CATEGORY - FILTERS ON w . . . . . . . . .. 175

Q. Feng, M. Magidor and H. Woodin


M. Gitik and M. Magidor


W. Just

G. Melles
TORSION-FREE ABELIAN GROUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. 293

W.J. Mitchell

S. Shelah

S. Shelah and L.J. Stanley



This paper is concerned with a portion of descriptive set theory, namely
the theory of (boldface) ~~, 1J~ and ~~ sets in Polish spaces, for n :::; 3.
We assume the reader has some familiarity with this subject, in fact with
the logicians' version of this subject. Moschovakis [37] is the basic reference
and we generally follow his notation and terminology. A Polish space is a
topological space homeomorphic to a separable complete metric space. All
uncountable Polish spaces are Borel isomorphic, and a Borel isomorphism
preserves ~~ sets, so as far as the abstract theory is concerned, there is
only one space [37,lG]. But particular examples"happen to live in particular
spaces, so in this paper we will consider many different spaces, all Polish.
The theorems of descriptive set theory show that there are pointsets
exhibiting various phenomena, e.g., that there are universal sets. While
we know that such things exist, it remains an interesting problem to find
examples of the given phenomenon which arise naturally in some context
in analysis, topology, algebra, logic, etc. The principal purpose of this
paper is to give some natural examples of three types of descriptive set
theoretic phentlmena, examples which occur in analysis and topology. The
three phenomena are: true ~~ sets (§2), universal sets (§3), and inseparable
pairs (§4). This paper is mainly a list of such examples, both ancient and
modern, along with references, definitions, questions, remarks, comments,
asides, and occasionally even a few hints at proofs. This i~ a survey; we
make no claim to completeness. The word "natural" is not a technical term
- it just reflects the author's personal esthetic judgment. It is undoubtedly
true that naturalness is in the eye of the beholder. It is also undoubtedly
true that some natural examples are more natural than others.
Descriptive set theory has its historical origins in analysis, but it has
moved a long way from its origins. The subject has been studied largely for
its own sake, or for its connections with logic. In recent years, a number
of mathematicians - both logicians and analysts - have been studying


situations in analysis where ideas and results of descriptive set theory may
be relevant. This paper is a part of that trend, but only a small part.
There is a lot more to the subject which might be called "connections
between descriptive set theory and analysis," than finding natural examples
of descriptive set theoretic phenomena.
This paper is a revised version of a talk given at the Workshop on Set
Theory and the Continuum, held at MSRl in October 1989, a workshop at
which, incidentally, several of the talks illustrated the trend mentioned in
the previous paragraph. I thank the organizers of the workshop, and MSRl,
for enabling me to participate. I thank Robert Lubarsky, Frank Tall and
Hugh Woodin for their comments after the talk, comments which have led
to some revisions. This paper has been heavily influenced by about six
years of conversations with Alexander Kechris, whom I also thank.


One of the most important theorems about ~~ (1J~) sets is that these
sets actually exist - that is, there exist pointsets which are ~~ (1J~) but
not 4.~.We call such a pointset true ~~ (true 1J~). In §1 we give some
natural examples of such pointsets, or in Qther words, for certain natural
pointsets, we give the set's exact classification in the projective hierarchy.
The following is one of the oldest (1936) and best known natural exam-

Example 1. (Mazurkiewicz [36]).

Space: 0[0,1].
Pointset: El = {f : f is differentiable }.
Classification: nue 1J~.
To be precise, let us take differentiable to mean having a finite deriv-
ative everywhere, and at endpoints we consider the one-sided derivative
(although the classification true 1J~ would still be valid under any other
reasonable,definition.) That El is 1J~ is trivial- it is defined by applying
a universal quantifier to a Borel matrix: (Vx E [0, 1])(f'(x) exists). The
content of Mazurkiewicz's Theorem is that it is no simpler than 1J~, that
is, that there is no way to define El without using a universal quantifier.
We next consider four more examples in the same space.

Example 2. (Mauldin [35]).

Space: 0[0,1].
Pointset: E2 = {f : f is nowhere differentiable }.
Classification: '!rue 1J~.

Example 3. (Woodin).
Space: C[O,I].
Pointset: E3 = {f : f satisfies Rolle's Theorem }.
Classification: True ~t.
Example 4. (Woodin).
Space: C[O,I].
Pointset: E4 = {f : f satisfies the Mean Value Theorem }.
Classification: True IJ~.
Example 5. (Humke-Laczkovich [17]).
Space: C[O, 1].
Pointset: E5 = {f : (3g E C [0,1]) (j = gog) }.
Classification: True ~t.
Saying that f satisfies Rolle's Theorem means, of course, that f satisfies
the conclusion of Rolle's Theorem, that is:

For all a, b E [0,1], if a < b and f(a) = feb), then there exists a c in
(a, b) such that f is differentiable at c and f'(c) = 0.

Thus all differentiable functions are in E 3 , but also some nondifferen-

tiable functions. Similarly, f satisfies the Mean Value Theorem means:

For all a, bE [0,1], if a < b then there exists a c in (a, b) such that f is
differentiable at c and f'(c) =
= f(b~ ~(a).
The upper bounds on the complexity are obvious, except for Example 3.
To see that E3 is ~t note that for continuous f, f satisfies Rolle's Theorem

For all rational a, b, d, ifO :::; a < d < b :::; 1 and either fed) > max(j(a),
feb)) or fed) < min(j(a),f(b)), then there exists a c in (a,b) such that
f'(c) = 0.

It is perhaps surprising that E3 and E4 have different complexity, since

the Mean Value Theorem is usually thought of as being pretty much the
same thing as Rolle's Theorem - to prove the Mean Value Theorem, you
add a linear function and apply Rolle's Theorem. But this actually explains
the difference in complexity, that is, explains where the extra universal

quantifier comes from: f satisfies the Mean Value Theorem iff for every
linear function L, f + L satisfies Rolle's Theorem.
A pointset B in a Polish space Y is called complete ~~ (complete U~) if B
is ~~ (1J~) and for every Polish space X and every ~~ (1J~) pointset A eX,
there is a Borel measurable function H : X -+ Y such that A = H-l[B].
Such an H is said to reduce A to B.
Clearly any complete ~~ (1J~) set is true ~~ (or U;), and indeed this is
the most cornmon method of proving a given set is true ~; (or U;). It was
essentially the method used in the original proofs of the lower bounds for
Examples 1, 2 and 4. But it is not the only method. The original proof that
E3 is not U~ is as follows: If E3 was ui, then E4 would also be U~, since
f E E4 iff for every linear function L, f + L is in E 3; but Woodin proved
that E4 is not U~ . This argument does not show that E3 is complete ~i.
The only known proof that E5 is not Borel is the proof in [17], where it
is proved that every Borel set is reducible to E5 by a continuous function.
This argument also does not show completeness.
Assuming Ui-determinacy (equivalently, assuming '\Ix C w, x" exists),
every true ~i set is complete ~~. This is a theorem of Wadge -see [44].
So assuming strong axioms (actually all that is needed is 0"), E3 and E5
are complete ~~. At the time of the Set Theory Workshop, it was not
known whether the completeness of E3 was provable in ZFC, but Woodin
has subsequently shown that it is. It is still open whether the completeness
of E5 is provable in ZFC.
For any Polish space X, denote by XW the topological product of count-
ably many copies of X. The space XW is also Polish. We next consider some
examples from the space (e[O, 1])w. The points in this space are sequences
of functions. Note that the topology on e[O,I] will always be the same
topology considered above, that is, the topology of uniform convergence,
and point classes such as ~; refer to this topology. We will be considering
pointwise convergence of sequences in e[O,I], but we will never consider
the topolo&y of pointwise convergence on e[O, 1] (which, incidentally, is not
a Polish topology).

Example 6.
Space: (e[O,1])w.
Pointset: E6 = {(M : (M converges pointwise }.
Classification: True U~ .

Example 7.
Space: (e[O, l])w.

Pointset: E7 = {(M : (Ii) converges pointwise to a continuous limit }.

Classification: True m.
One might also consider the set of uniformly convergent sequences, but
this is a Borel set in (C[O, 1])"', and Borel sets are unworthy of inclusion in
the list of examples.
It is not obvious that E7 is m,
since at first glance, defining E7 ap-
pears to require an existential quantifier - one must say 3g E 0[0,1] such
that 9 is the limit of the sequence. The following theorem is very useful
in pointclass computations via quantifier-counting - it handles Example
7, as well as some other computations that appear later in this paper. If
x and y are points in recursively presented Polish spaces X and Y, respec-
tively, then x ~h y means that x is hyperarithmetic-in-y, or equivalently,
x is ~l<Y). (This is defined in Moschovakis [37,3D and 3E] for points in
arbitrary recursively presented Polish spaces. The reader who prefers doing
recursion theory in w'" can view points in X and Y as being encoded by
elements of w"', and then work with the codes.)
Theorem 2.1. (Kleene - see [37, 4D.3]).
The pointclass u~ is closed under quantification of the form: 3x ~h y.
That is, if P c X x Y x Z is u~ and Q c Y Z is defined by x
Q(y,z) ¢:::::} (3x ~h y)P(x,y,z),

then Q is also ut .
Returning to Example 7, the continuous limit (if it exists) is clearly
hyperarithmetic in the sequence. Hence (Ii) E E7 iff:

(3g ~h (M )(g E 0[0,1] and (\:Ix E [0, l])Clim fi(X) = g(x)))·


So by Kleene's Theorem, E7 is u~. This use of recursion theoretic

methods is not 'necessary; there are very classical ways to prove that E7 is
u~ .
Regarding lower bounds on complexity, the fact that E6 and E7 are not
Borel is a very elementary reduction argument. It is the sort of theorem
that was probably known to classical descriptive set theorists of the 1930's
- and if it wasn't, it should have been. However the earliest explicit
statements of these results that I have been able to find appeared in the
late 1980's: [7] for E6 and [8] for E7. Assani [3], [4] contain some theorems
which are similar to these results, and the proof given in Assani's papers
does indeed show that E6 and E7 are complete u~ -
this is apparently the

first published proof. (Assani [3], [4] is concerned with weakly Cauchy and
weakly convergent sequences in various Banach spaces, including C[O, 1].
For more information on this topic, see Becker [9].)

Example 8.
Space: (C[O,1])w.
Pointset: Es = {(Ii): Some subsequence of (Ii) converges uniformly}.
Classification: 'Iiue ~~.
Example 8 is another folklore result. It has perhaps the easiest proof of
any natural example - so easy, that we put it in this paper. Example 8 is a
special case of Example 9, below. Since uniform convergence is convergence
in the topology of the space C[O, 1], the pointset Es has an analog for any
space. That is, for any space X, we can consider the pointset in XW of
all sequences which have a convergent subsequence (with respect to the
topology of X).

Example 9.
Space: XW, X a fixed Polish space whi~h is not a-compact.
Pointset: Eg = {(Xi) : Some subsequence of (Xi) converges }.
Classification: True ~~.
Proof. A Polish space which is not a-compact contains a closed copy of WW .
So it will suffice to prove that Eg is complete ~~ for the space X = WW. The
set ofnonwellfounded trees on w\{O} (Le., those trees which have an infinite
branch) is a complete ~i set in the Polish space Tr of all trees on w\{O}
- see [26} for details. We construct a continuous function H : Tr -+ (WW)W
which reduces the nonwellfounded trees to E g , and thereby complete the
proof. For" a E w<w, let Xu E WW be a followed by an infinite string of a's.
For T a tree, let H(T) = (yT) E (WW)W be such that

. {y'[: iEW} = {xu: aETorlength(a)=I},

and such that yJ =F y'[ for i =F j j such a sequence (yT) can be constructed
from T in a continuous way. Note that (yT) has a convergent subsequence
iff T has an infinite branch.

Returning to the space (C[O, 1])w, we give three more examples. In all
three, the obvious upper bound obtained by quantifier-counting, is, in fact,
the best upper bound.

Example 10. (Becker [8]).

Space: (C[O,lj)W.
Pointset: ElO = {(Ii): Some subsequence of (Ii) converges pointwise }.
Classification: True ~~.
Example 11. (Becker [8]).
Space: (C[O, 1])w.
Pointset: Ell = {(Ii) : Some subsequence of (Ii)
converges pointwise to a continuous limit }.
Classification: True ~~.
Example 12. (Becker [8]).
Space: (C[O,l])w.
Pointset: E12 = {(Ii) : (Vg E C[O, 1]) (Some subsequence of (Ii)
converges pointwise to g) }.
Classification: True IJ~.
Intuitively, E12 is the set of sequences which generate the whole space
C[O,IJ, in a particular way. For example, if (Pi) is an enumeration of
all polynomials with rational coefficients, then-by Weierstrass's Theorem,
(Pi) E E 12 ; but this example is somewhat atypical, since in this case we can
always get uniform convergence, whereas the definition of E12 only requires
pointwise convergence. Example 12 is an extreme point of this paper -
we will not go beyond the third level of the projective hierarchy. There is
an open problem related to this example. A Baire-l function is a pointwise
limit of continuous functions. Let

E12 = { iii) E (C[O,lW : (V Baire-1 function g)

(Some subsequence of (Ii) converges pointwise to g)}.

E12 is a subset of E 12 , and perhaps a more natural set. It can be shown

that E12 =F E12· E12 is also clearly a IJ~ set. But it is an open question
whether it is true u~ -it may be simpler.
Since we are considering convergence of sequences of functions, it is only
appropriate that we look at Fourier series.

Example 13. (Ajtai-Kechris [2]).

Space: C[O,27r] or LP[O, 27rJ, for fixed p ~ 1.
Pointset: E 13 = {f : The Fourier series of f converges everywhere}.
Classification: True ui.

The fact that E 13 is IJ~ was published in 1931 by Kuratowski [28], where
it is attributed to Banach. This fact may appear to be a triviality, a
straightforward exercise in quantifier-counting; that appearance is correct,
but the reader should keep in mind that Kuratowski invented quantifier-
counting (the "Tarski-Kuratowski algorithm" - see [41]), and this was one
of its first applications. The problem of whether E 13 is true IJ~ was posed
in that paper, and solved 56 years later by Ajtai and Kechris.
In Examples 1 and 2, we considered everywhere differentiable and no-
where differentiable functions. By analogy, after Example 13, we should
consider functions whose Fourier series diverges everywhere. For most of the
spaces of Example 13, this is the empty set; by a famous theorem of Carleson
and Hunt, for p > 1, for any £P function f (hence for any continuous f), the
Fourier series of f converges almost everywhere. But Kolmogorov proved
that there exists an £1 function with everywhere divergent Fourier series.
The next example is a strengthening of Kolmogorov's Theorem.
Example 14. (Kechris [22]).
Space: £1 [0, 27f].
Pointset: E14 = {f : The Fourier series of f diverges everywhere }.
Classification: True IJ~.
For any space X, let K(X) denote the space of all nonempty compact
subsets of X, with the Hausdorff metric 8:

8(K, K') = sup{ d(x, K), d(y, K') x E K', y E K }.

If X is Polish, so is K(X).
Example 15. (Hurewicz [18]).
Space: K(X), X a fixed uncountable Polish space.
Pointset: E 15 = {K : K is countable }.
Classific~tion: True IJ~.
To see that E 15 is IJi, note that K E E 15 iff '<I perfect set P, P ct. K.
Example 15 is the oldest natural example (1930). The fact that E 15 is
not Borel has an interesting application to Banach space theory, due to
Bourgain - see Rosenthal [42].
We next consider some natural examples from topology. We are inter-
ested in determining the complexity of notions such as connectedness, path-
connectedness and simple connectedness, for compact subsets of JRn, Le.,
in the space K(JRn). (A topological space is simply connected if it is path-
connected and it has no holes. A topological space Y has no holes if every

map from the unit circle into Y is homotopic to a constant map; equiva-
lently, every map from the unit circle into Y can be extended to a map from
the closed unit disc into Y.) For any X, {K E IC(X) : K is connected}
is closed, hence uninteresting. For subsets of the line, connected = path-
connected = simply connected. Thus the only interesting cases are path-
connectedness and simple connectedness in IC(JRn) for n ;:::: 2. For certain
dimensions n the answer is known. That constitutes the next three exam-
Example 16. (Ajtai, Becker [10]).
Space: IC(JRn), for fixed n ;:::: 3.
Pointset: E 16 = {K : K is path-connected}.
Classification: 'Irue U~.
Example 17. (Becker [10]).
Space: IC(JR2).
Pointset: E17 = {K : K is simply connected}.
Classification: 'Irueut.
Example 18. (Becker [10]).
Space: IC(JRn) , for fixed n;:::: 4.
Pointset: E 18 = {K : K is simply connected }.
Classification: '!rue U~.
In IC(JR2), we have upper and lower bounds on path-connectedness.

Theorem 2.2. (Ajtai, Becker [10]).

In the space IC(JR2), the pointset {K : K is path-connected} is U~ and it
1 .
is not Ul'

The exact classification of path-connectedness in IC(JR2) is not known-

it may be complete U~, it may be complete ~t, or it may be somewhere in
between. (All ~~ sets are reducible to it.) Simple connectedness in three
dimensions is also only partly classified: It is known to be U~ and it is
known that it is neither U~ nor ~~ [10].
Example 16 has an application. Let C c IC(JRn) be a collection of
pointsets which is closed under continuous image. Say that F E IC(JRn)
generates C if C is the set of all continuous images of F (in JRn). What we
have in mind here is a well-known theorem of Hahn and Mazurkiewicz which
characterizes metric spaces which are the continuous image of the closed
unit interval, [0,1]: A metric space Y is the continuous image of [0,1] iff

Y is compact, connected and locally connected. In our terminology, [O,lJ

generates {K E K(lRn) : K is connected and locally connected}.
Similarly, the Cantor set generates all of K(lRn). The application of Exam-
ple 16 is that there is no Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Theorem for path-connected-

Theorem 2.3. For n ~ 3, there is no set F E K(lRn) which generates

C = {K E K(lRn) : K is path-connected}.

Proof. For any F, the set

{K E K(lRn) : K is the continuous image of F}
is ~i. By Example 16, C is not ~i.

For 1R2, this question seems to be open.

In one respect, Example 17 is very strange. Normally, in classifying a
natural example in the projective hierarchy, getting the upper bound is
either trivial or easy; the difficult part is getting the lower bound. Example
17 is an exception. The hard part is proving that E17 is ui.
We give an
outline of the proof, below.

Theorem 2.4. In the space K(1R2), the pointset NH = {K : K has no

holes} is ui.
The analog of 2.4 for 3 or more dimensions is false. The difference
between 2 dimensions and ~ 3 dimensions, is that in 1R2 we have the Jordan
Curve Theorem. A Jordan curve is a one-to-one map of the circle into the
plane. By the Jordan Curve Theorem, any Jordan curve has a well defined
inside and outside. We need the following topological theorem. For any
set A C 1R2, the following are equivalent:

(a) A has no holes.

(b) For any Jordan curve J, if J cA then Inside ( J) c A.

Now (b) is a ui
condition, which proves 1.4. The set E17 is, by definition,
the intersection of the ui
set N H and the set
PC = {K E K(1R2) : K is path-connected}.
But PC is not a ui
set (by Theorem 2.2). So we have not yet succeeded
in showing that E17 is ui.

Theorem 2.5. (Becker[ll]). Let K C ]R2 be compact and simply con-

nected. Let p, q E K. There is a path 'Y from p to q, lying in K, such that
'Y ~h (K,p, q).

By 2.5, we have that for K E K:(]R2), K is simply connected iff:

K E NH and (Vp,q E K)(3'Y ~h (K,p,q))

b is a path from p to q lying in K).

By 2.1 and 2.4, the above formula shows that E17 is U~.
We have three remarks about 2.5. First, this theorem is false for arbitrary
path-connected, as opposed to simply connected, sets; for if it was true, the
above argument would show that path-connectedness in ]R2 is ui. which,
by 2.2, is not so. Second, "hyperarithmetic" is best possible. Our third
remark is that this is an example of the use of effective methods to prove
a noneffective theorem. The fact that E17 is (boldface) u~ is a statement
of classical descriptive set theory, a statement which does not in any way
involve recursion theoretic concepts. (I am tempted to call it a "classical
theorem," but that could be misunderstood.) The only known proof, the
one given above, uses recursion theory.
We now leave topology and return to analysis. A set A c [0,211"] is called
a set of uniqueness if no nonzero trigonometric series converges to a at every
point of [0, 211"] \ A. Thus the sets of uniqueness are a type of exceptional
set, or notion of smallness, which comes up in harmonic analysis.

Example 19. (Kaufman [19], Solovay).

Space: K:([O;211"]).
Pointset: E19 = {K : K is a set of uniqueness}.
Classification: True u~.
Kechris and Louveau have written a book [23] about connections between
descriptive set theory and various types of exceptional sets, including sets
of uniqueness. So we do not pursue the subject here, but instead refer the
reader to [23]. We do, however, wish to point out that the Kaufman-Solovay
Theorem was used by Debs-Saint Raymond [13] in their solution of an old
problem in the theory of sets of uniqueness; specifically, they proved that
every set of uniqueness (which has the property of Baire) is first category.
But later Kechris-Louveau [23, VIII, §3] came up with a different proof,
not involving descriptive set theory.


If A c X x Y is a pointset in a product space, then for all x EX, Ax
denotes the vertical section of A above x: Ax = { y E Y : (x, y) E A}.
A set U c X x Y is called a universal set for ~~ r Y if U is ~~ and
every ~~ subset of Y is equal to Ux for some x E X. For all n, and for all
uncountable Polish spaces X and Y, there exists a universal set U c X x Y
for ~~ r Y (and similarly for 1J~ and for the Borel classes ~~ and 1J~); see
[37,lD.2 and 1E.3]. In §3 we give some examples of universal sets which
occur in nature. These results are representation theorems - they state
that every ~~ subset of Y can be represented in a particular manner -
and the representation gives us the universal set.
For any f E e[O, 1], let Rf be the range of the derivative of f:

Rf = {y E IR : (3x E [0, 1])(f is differentiable at x and f'(x) = y) }.

Clearly for any f, Rf is a ~i set of real numbers. The converse is also true
- every ~i set of real numbers can be represented in this manner.

Theorem 3.1. (Poprougenko [39]). Let S c IR be any ~i set. There exists

an f E e[O, 1] such that S = Rf.

Define R c e[O, 1] x IR as follows:

R = {(f,y) : (3x E [0, 1])(f is differentiable at x and f'(x) = y)}.
Then R is ~i, and the vertical sections of R are the Rf's. Thus by
Poprougenko's Theorem, R is a universal set for ~i r R
A theo:rem of calculus, due to Darboux, states that if f is differentiable
everywhere, then f' satisfies the intermediate value property. Hence if f is
differentiable everywhere, R f is an interval.
It is possible to prove a stronger version of the previous theorem: 3.1
holds uniformly. There are several ways to make this precise; we choose
to use the following S-m-n style formulation. Let A c WW x IR be any ~i
set. There exists a continuous function H : wW -+ e[o, 1] such that for
all Z E wW , Az = RH(z)' In other words, 3.1 says that there exists an f
such that Az = Rf; the uniform version of 3.1 gives us a continuous H
which actually computes such an f, i.e., H computes an index for Az with
respect to the universal set R. (If A is lightface ~L e.g., A is the canonical
universal set, then H can be taken to be a recursive function.)
Suppose B c WW is an arbitrary ~i set. Then there is a ~i (in fact, C c)
set A c WW x IR such that B is the projection of A, that is, B(z) ~

3y A(z, y). Note that the function H given by the uniform version of 3.1
reduces B to the set {/ : 3y (y E R I ) } C C[O, 1]. That is, H reduces B
to the set C[O, 1] \ E2. This proves that C[O, 1] \ E2 is complete ~L hence
E2 is complete ut. This is Mauldin's Theorem (Example 2), although it is
not Mauldin's proof.
Similarly, suppose C C WW is an arbitrary 1J~ set. Then there is a ~t
set A c WW x R such that C(z) -<==} Vy A(z,y). Then H reduces C to the
set {/ : Vy(y E R I ) }, so this set is complete u~, which gives us another

Example 20.

Space: C[O,l].
Pointset: E20 = {/ : (Vy E R)(y is in the range of /')}.
Classification: True u~.
This method of proof is very general. H U is any universal set satisfying
the above uniformity property, then by putting a universal or existential
quantifier in front of the universal set, one obtains a complete set in the
appropriate pointclass. In practice, representa.tion theorems tend to hold
uniformly. Hence taking such a theorem and putting quantifiers in front of
the universal set, generates examples of pointsets of a particular complexity.
(The naturalness of the examples is another matter.)
This type of proof is fairly new. The abstract idea of completeness (e.g.,
that complete u~ sets are true u~), and the use of completeness arguments
for natural examples was known classically. The abstract notion of uni-
versal set was also known classically, as were various specific representation
theorems, including 3.1. But the idea of uniformity, of calculating an index,
was not considered classically; it seems to be a recursion theoretic idea, even
though it can be formalized in a boldface setting with no mention of recur-
sion theory. This method of pointclass computation, via universal sets and
uniformity, w~ first applied to natural examples in descriptive set theory
by Kechris, around 1984.
Consider the complex Banach space CO. Let T : CO -+ eo be a bounded
linear operator. Let

ET = the set of eigenvalues of T

= { ,X E C : (3v E eo)(v :f 0 and T(v) = 'xv)}.

Clearly for any T, ET is a ~t set of complex numbers. Since T is a

bounded operator, the set of eigenvalues must be bounded.

Theorem 3.2. (Kaufman [20]). Let S be any bounded ~i set of complex

numbers. There exists a bounded linear operator T : Co -> Co such that
S=ET ·

The set ET is sometimes called the point spectrum of T. A related, and

more important, concept is that of the spectrum of T, which is

{ A E C : T - >..I is not invertible }.

In contrast to 3.2, for any Banach space V and any bounded linear
T: V -> V, the spectrum of T is always a nonempty compact set.
Several other representation theorems for ~i sets have appeared in the
literature, for example Bagemihl-McMillan [5], Lorentz-Zeller [30], and
Nishiura [38]. There is only one basic type of representation theorem for
~~ sets which is known, although there are a number of variations on the
same theme. I know of no representation theorem for ~~ sets, for n 2:: 3.
We now take up the ~~ case. For any (Ii) E (C[O, l])W, let AU;) be the
following subset of C[O, 1]:

{g E C[O, 1] : Some subsequence of (Ii) converges pointwise to g}.

For any (Ii), Au;) is a ~~ set.

Theorem 3.3. (Becker[8]). Let S c C[O, 1] be any ~~ set. There exists
an (Ii) E (C[O, 1])W such that S = AU;).
For example, the set of differentiable functions, E 1 , can be represented
as an A(f;), but the set of functions satisfying the Mean Value Theorem,
E 4 , cannot be.
Theorem 3.3 also holds uniformly. Putting quantifiers in front of the
universal set gives the proof for Examples 11 and 12.
Representation theorems of this sort have a lot of corollaries. Theorem
3.3, for example, enables one to take any theorem about ~~ sets and trans-
late it into'a theorem about the AU;) 'so In this paper we give only one such
corollary. Let B c (C[O, l])W x C[O, 1] be the set {((li),g) : 9 ~ AU;)}. A
uniJormization for B is a choice function which assigns to each (Ii) in the
domain of B, a 9 such that ((li),g) E B.
Theorem 3.4. If ZFC is consistent, then so are each of the following two
(a) ZF + DC+ There does not exist a uniformization for B.
(b) ZFC+ There is no uniformization for B which is ordinal-definable
from a real parameter.

The consistency of (a) follows from that of (b) by going into the model
L(IR). Toward proving the consistency of (b), consider the following propo-

(*) There is a 1J~ relation which has no uniformization ordinal-definable

from a real.

It follows from (*) and (the uniform version of) Theorem 3.3 that B has
no uniformization ordinal-definable from a real. And (*) is known to be
consistent. It holds in the model obtained by adding Nl Cohen reals to L;
the nonuniformizable 1J~ relation is { (x, y) : y ¢. L( x) }. These consistency
results are variants of a theorem of Levy [29].
Two open questions were posed in [8]. The first question involved an
analog of 3.3 for Baire-I functions, the second question (due to Kechris)
involved an analog of 3.3 for weak convergence. For any (M E (C[O, I])W ,
let A(/;) be the following set of Baire-I functions:

{g: SOI?e subsequence of (Ii) converges pointwise to g}.

The Baire-I functions do not form a Polish space in any natural way.
But the Baire-I functions can be encoded by elements of (C[O, 1])w, each
sequence in (C[O, I])W encoding its pointwise limit, if it exists. The set of
codes is 1J~ and the induced equivalence .relation on codes is also 1J~. We
say that a set of Baire-I functions is ~~ if its set of codes is ~~. It is
not hard to see that for any (Ii) E (C[O, I])W, A(h) is a ~~ set of Baire-
1 functions. The first question was: Is it true that for any ~~ set S of
Baire-I functions, there is an (Ii) E (C[O,I])W such that S = A(ft)? This
is still open. It is not even known whether the set of discontinuous Baire-I
functions can be represented as an A(f.). A positive answer to this open
question would provide a positive answer to the open question about E12
following Example 12.
For any (Ii) E (C[O, I])W, let K(f.) be the following subset of C[O, 1]:

{g: Some subsequence of (Ii) converges weakly to g}.

Weak convergence means convergence in the weak topology of the Banach

space C[O, 1]; in more concrete terms, (Ii) converges weakly to 9 means (Ii)
is uniformly bounded and (M converges pointwise to g. Again, K(f.) is ~~.
The second question was: Is it true that for any ~~ set S c C[O, 1], there
is an (M E (C[O,I])W such that S = K(fi)? This question was recently
answered by Kaufman, who proved the following strong version of 3.3.

Theorem 3.5. (Kaufman [21]). Let S C C[O,I] be any ~~ set. There

exists an (Ii) E (C[O,I])W such that S = A(fi) = KUi}'
The remarks and corollaries mentioned above for 3.3, are also valid for
Kaufman's original proof [21] of 3.5 involved. some deep results from
harmonic analysis, specifically a version of Ivashev-Musatov's Theorem (see
[23,p. 294]); this is in contrast to the proof of 3.3 in [8], in which the analysis
used. is all fairly elementary. Later, Freiling and Louveau, independently,
found a way to eliminate the harmonic analysis, so there now exists a proof
of 3.5 suitable for a set theory workshop.
The Borel classes ~~ and u~ also have universal sets, and a number
of representation theorems (hence natural universal sets) have appeared in
the literature. Even if one has no interest in Borel sets, only in projective
sets, the subject of representation theorems for Borel sets would still be
worth looking at, since putting a universal or existential quantifier in front
of a universal set for some (large enough) level of the Borel hierarchy, would
give a complete ut or complete ~t set.
Consider a power series r::'oCiz i (Ci E q which has radius of conver-
gence 1. Let T be the unit circle, and let B(c;) be the subset ofT consisting
of those points at which the power series converges:

B(Ci} = { z E T : r::'oCiZi converges }.

T is a Polish space, and for any (Ci) E C W , the pointset B(c;} is Fa(j mg).
Can every :g:g subset of T be represented. as a set of the form B(c;}, for some
(Ci)? If so, we would have a nice example of a universal set for ug.
This question appeared in print in some papers in the 1940's and 50's,
papers in which weak versions of a positive answer were proved.. The prob-
lem was solved. in 1978 by LukaSenko [31], who showed that there exists
a G(j subset of T which cannot be represented as a B(Ci} -see Komer
[27], for more information. One of the positive partial results proved is the
Theorem 3.6. (Herzog-Piranian [16]). Let SeT be any Fa (~g) set.
There exists a power series r::'oCiZi with radius of convergence 1 such
that S = B(Ci}'
This is a representation theorem, but it does not give a universal set -
it gives a ug set in the plane such that every ~g set occurs as a vertical
We now consider two more natural examples. We identify power series
with the space CW.

Example 21.
Space: CWo
Pointset: E21 = {(Ci) : The power series Z=:OCizi converges every-
where on T}.
Classification: True JJi.
Example 22.
Space: Cwo
Pointset: E22 = {(Ci) The power series Z=:OCizi diverges everywhere
on T}.
Classification: True JJi.

Note that the set

{ ((Ci), r) E C W x [0,00] : r is the radius of convergence of Z=:OCiZi }

is a Borel set in CW x [0,00]. Hence intersecting the set of power series with
radius of convergence 1, with either E21 or E22 , gives a set which is also
true JJi.
Even though Theorem 3.6 does not give us an honest universal set, (the
uniform version of) it is still sufficient to prove that E21 is completeJJi. If
p c wW is an arbitrary JJiset, there is an Fer set A c wW x T such that
P(x) {:} 'v'zA(x, z), so the completeness proof works. But if we try to prove
that E22 is complete JJi by this method, we run into problems. It is not
true that any JJi set in wW is obtained by applying a universal quantifier to
a G D set in wW x T; in fact, since T is compact, the subset of wW obtained by
applying a universal quantifier to a GD set in wW x T will itself be a G D• So
the fact that E22 is complete JJi
does not follow from 3.6. It does follow,
however, from (the uniform version of ) Theorem 3.7, below, a theorem
which is another positive partial result in the direction of the conjectured
(but false) FerD representation theorem.
A set E c T has logarithmic measure 0 if for each c > 0, there is a
sequence (In) of open intervals of T such that E C UIn , length (In) < 1
00 -1
~ log( length (In)) < c.
Theorem 3.7. (Erd6s-Herzog-Piranian [15]). Let SeT be any G8(JJg)
set whose closure has logarithmic measure o. There exists a power series
Z=:OCiZi with radius of convergence 1 such that S = B(Ci).


Given three pointsets A, Band C in the same space, we say that C

separates A and B if A c C and B n C = 0. It is well known that any
pair of disjoint ~i sets can be separated by a Borel set. It is also well
known that there is a pair of disjoint JJi sets which cannot be separated
by any Borel set [37,4B.12]j we call such a pair Borel-inseparable. In §4 we
give some natural examples of Borel-inseparable pairs of JJi sets, as well as
of the analogous phenomenon at a higher level of the projective hierarchy.
This entire section is based on Becker [7].
We describe below a general procedure for taking a natural example of a
true JJi set and turning it into a natural example of a Borel-inseparable pair
of JJi sets. This procedure will thus generate a large number of examples,
all of which in some sense look alike. For a genuinely different natural
example, see Dellacherie-Meyer [14].
Consider the space C[O, 1], and in this space consider the two pointsets:

Ao = EI = {f : f is differentiable }.
A I = {f : There is exactly one x E [0, 1] such that l' (x) does not exist }.

Note that for functions f in AI, since the point where f is not differen-
tiable is unique, that point is hyperarithmetic-in-fj hence by Theorem 2.1,
Al is a JJi set. Thus Ao and Al are a pair of JJi sets in the same space,
and they are clearly disjoint.
Theorem 4.1. Ao and Al are a Borel-inseparable pair ofJJi sets.

Another way of looking at Theorem 4.1 is as an over-spill theorem: Any

Borel property true of all differentiable functions, also holds for some func-
tion with exactly one point of nondifferentiability. This implies, of course,
that Al itself is not a Borel set; hence Al is another natural example of a
true JJi set.
There is nothing special about the numbers 0 and 1 - any other numbers
would work just as well. Let

An = {J: There are exactly n points in [0,1] at which l' does not exist}.
For any m and n, if 0 ::; m < n ::; No, then Am and An are a Borel-
inseparable pair of JJi sets.
The procedure used for going from Example 1 to Theorem 4.1 is very
general. It takes a JJi set of the form "points with no singularities," and cre-
ates a Borel-inseparable pair of JJi sets, the above set and the set of "points

with exactly one singularity." Using this procedure, one can mindlessly and
mechanically convert natural examples of true uisets into natural exam-
ples of Borel-inseparable pairs (and also convert a proof of the former into
a proof of the latter - see [7]).
We now mindlessly and mechanically apply this procedure to Example 6.
Consider the space (G[O, I])W, and in this space consider the two pointsets:

Bo = E6 = {(Ii) : (Ii) converges pointwise }.

B 1 = {(Ii) : There is exactly one x E [0,1] such that (li(X)) diverges }.

Theorem 4.2. Bo and Bl are a Borel-inseparable pair ofui sets.

Similarly, Examples 2, 13, 14, 21 and 22 can be converted into natural

examples of a Borel-inseparable pair of ui sets.
For Example 17, another true uiset, the situation is more interesting.
Consider the space ,qJR2). Let

Go = E17 = {K : K is simply connected }

= {K : K is path-connected a:nd K has no holes}.

Then let

G1 = {K K is path-connected and K has exactly one hole}.

Theorem 4.3. Go and Gl are Borel-inseparable.

There are many ways to give a precise definition of Gl ; it is not clear

to me that any of these definitions is a ui definition. But regardless of
whether or not G1 is ui, Go and G1 are still Borel-inseparable.
This procedUre obviously does not work on every natural example of a
true ui set. It clearly cannot work for E 15 or for (G[O, I])W \ Es , since it
is not possible for a compact set to have exactly one perfect subset, or for
a sequence to have exactly one convergent subsequence.
ZFG is sufficient to answer almost every question about the first level
of the projective hierarchy, and some questions about the second level, but
virtually no questions about the third or higher levels. Beginning in 1968
with Addison-Moschovakis [1] and Martin [32], determinacy axioms have
been brought into the subject to answer these questions. Assuming deter-
minacy, a fairly complete theory of projective sets has emerged; one could

almost (but not quite) say that we understand u~, for arbitrary n, as well
as we understand ui. For an account of this theory, and of determinacy
axioms, see Moschovakis [37]. Assuming determinacy, the theory of pro-
jective sets exhibits a periodicity of order 2; that is, the point classes ui,
uL U~, etc., have similar structural properties, as do the point classes U~ ,
U!, U~, etc.
Since the pointclasses uiand U~ have the same properties, one would
expect this procedure for converting true ui sets into a Borel-inseparable
pair of ui sets, would also work two levels up. This expectation turns out
to be correct. We apply the procedure to a natural example of a true U~
set: Example 12. Consider the space (C[O, l])W, and in this space consider
the two pointsets:

Do = E12 = {(Ii) : (Vg E C[O, 1])

(Some subsequence of (Ii) converges pointwise to g) }.

Dl = { (Ii) There is exactly one 9 E C[O, 1]

such that no subsequence Of-(Ii) converges pointwise to 9 }.

(Incidentally, Dl is nonempty. This follows from Theorem 3.3.)

Theorem 4.4. Assume 4}.~-determinacy.
(a) Do and Dl are U~ sets.
(b) Do and Dl cannot be separated by any .o.~ set.

Martin-Steel [33] showed that .o.~-determinacy follows from the existence

of a Woodin cardinal with a measurable cardinal above it (actually from a
little less).
Theorem 4.4 is definitely not provable in ZFC. It is false in L, as shown
by the fo1l9wing theorem.

Theorem 4.5. Assume that there exists a 4}.~-good wellordering of the

reals. Then every pair of disjoint U~ sets can be separated by a 4}.~ set.

See [37,Ch. 5] for a proof, as well as for the definition of a good wellorder-
ing. The Axiom of Constructibility, V = L, implies that there is a 4}.~-good,
hence 4}.~-good, wellordering of the reals [37,8F.7]; therefore it implies that
4.4 is false. In fact, if a Woodin cardinal exists, then there is an inner
model with a Woodin cardinal, in which there is a .o.~-good wellordering of

the reals (Martin-Steel [34]). This essentially means that Theorem 4.4 can-
not be proved from any large cardinal or determinacy axiom weaker than
I know nothing about the strength of 4.4, either in terms of what it
implies, or in terms of relative consistency . It may be equiconsistent with
ZFC. Or it may outright imply ~~-determinacy. This is related to the
fourth Victoria Delfino problem [25, p. 281].
Determinacy is used twice in the proof of 4.4 - once to prove (a), and
once to prove (b). Recall that to prove that Ab BI and other "exactly one
singularity" sets are uL we used Theorem 2.1. In the very first paper in
which determinacy was applied to descriptive set theory [1], am-analog
of Theorem 2.1 was proved, assuming ~~-determinacy (see [37, 6B.2 and
4D.3j); this can then be applied to prove 4.4 (a). The proof of Borel-
inseparability in Theorems 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 (and in all the other examples),
uses the theorem of Lusin that every ~~ set is the one-to-one continuous
image of a closed set. The ~~-analog of this theorem was proved somewhat
later by Moschovakis (see [37, 6E.14j), again assuming ~~-determinacy;
using this result, we prove 4.4 (b).
We thus have two more open problems. While parts (a) and (b) of
Theorem 4.4 cannot both be provable in ZFC, it is possible that (a) is
provable in Z FC, and it is also possible that (b) is provable in Z FC.
We now return to ZFC, and close §4 by pointing out that some natural
examples of disjoint U~ sets can be separated by a (not necessarily natural)
Borel set. EI and E 2 , the sets of differentiable and nowhere differentiable
functions, respectively, are separated by {f : f'(P) exists }, where p is a
fixed point in [0,1]. Similarly, the pairs (E I3 , E1 4 ) and (E2b E 22 ) can be
separated. (C[O,I] \ E 3 ), the set of functions which fail to satisfy Rolle's
Theorem, is a lJ~ set, clearly disjoint from E I • We describe a Borel set

°: :;
Be C[O, 1] which contains El and is disjoint from (C[O,I] \ E3). For any
f E C[O, 1], and any a, b such that a < b:::; 1, let M(f, a, b) denote

'{ x E [a, b] : x is a maximum of f t [a, b] }.

Note that M(f, a, b) is a nonempty closed set. Similarly, let m(f, a, b) be

the set of minima. Define B C C[O, 1] as follows. fEB iff:

For all rational a and b, if °: :; a < b :::; 1, then

{x E M(f,a, b) : f'(x) = °or x = a or x = b} is comeagerin M(f, a, b)


{x E m(j, a, b) : f'(x) = 0 or x = a or x = b} is comeager in m(j, a, b).

Then B separates. That B is Borel follows from the fact that the point class
of Borel sets is closed under quantification of the form: "For a comeager
set of x's" [37, 4F.19].


There are two parts of the subject of natural examples of descriptive

set theoretic phenomena that we have so far ignored. First, we do wish
to point out for the record, that there are other types of phenomena, be-
sides the three types considered in the previous three sections of this paper,
for which natural examples exist. One of these other phenomena is that
of norms. Every 1Ji set P admits a 1Ji -norm, and if P is true 1Ji, the
norm will have length WI. Such norms do occur in nature. The count-
able compact sets (Example 15) form a pointset which is true uL and the
Cantor-Bendixson rank is a natural 1Ji-norm on this pointset. For other
natural norms, see Ajtai-Kechris [2], Bourgain [12], Kechris-Louveau [23],
[24], Kechris-Woodin [26], and Ramsamujh [40].
Second, there are several types of descriptive set theoretic phenomena
which, as far as I know, are not exhibited by any natural example. When-
ever this situation occurs it presents a challenge: either find a natural
example, or explain why there are none. There exists a pair of disjoint
~~ sets which cannot be separated by a ~~ set; I know of no examples of
this that are at all natural (or even of candidates for such an example, for
which the proof is missing). I know of no natural examples of pointsets
which have been proved to be ~~ but not in the a-algebra generated by 1Ji
(although I do have some candidates).
There EiIe many natural examples of Borel relations R in a product space
X x Y which have no Borel uniformization. In fact, whenever the projection
of R, {x : 3y R(x, y)}, is true ~L R is such a relation; for if R did have a
Borel uniformization, then by Theorem 2.1, the projection of R would be
Borel. For example, let

let Y be the space of paths in ]R2, that is,

Y = 0[0,1] x 0[0,1]'

and let ReX x Y be the following relation:

R = {«K,p,q),'Y) : p,q E K and'Y is a path from p to q lying in K}.


Then R is a closed set in X x Y, and by Theorem 2.2 its projection is not

Borel, so R has no Borel uniformization (cf. Theorem 2.5).
However it is a theorem that there are Borel relations R in X x Y such
that R has no Borel uniformization and 'v'x3yR(x,y); there are no known
natural examples of such an R in analysis or topology. There are examples
in logic, such as:

R(x, y) {::} y encodes a countable w-model of ZFC- containing x.

It would be interesting to find an example of this in analysis or topology.

This last problem is related to "reverse mathematics" (see Simpson [43]).
It is more or less equivalent to the problem of finding a natural proposition
in analysis or topology, 4J = 'Vx3yR(x, y), such that 4J is true but 4J is not
provable in KP. (KP is the Kripke-Platek axioms for set theory - see [6].
The true statement 4J would presumably be provable in Z FC.)
This situation is difficult to explain - why are there no natural examples?
One intriguing possibility is that such natural examples exist but they have
not yet been found, because the world just does not know how to use axioms
stronger than K P to prove natural theorems i~ analysis and topology. If
this is the case, logicians could conceivably make a positive contribution to
analysis or topology by figuring out how to use stronger axioms.
I also know of no natural examples of pointsets which occur in the fourth
level (or higher levels) of the projective hierarchy. In this case, a plausible
explanation for the lack of examples has been proposed. According to
Rogers [41, p. 322], "... the human mind seems limited in its ability to
understand and visualize beyond four or five alternations of quantifier."


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ABSTRACT. Richard Laver recently gave an achieved proof for some natural
conjectures about the algebraic structure generated by the iteration of an
elementary embedding of a rank into itself. The aim of this paper is to give
an alternative proof for these results.

The freeness of the algebra generated by an elementary embedding into

itself had been conjectured by many set theorists, and has been proved by
Richard Laver recently. For A a limit ordinal let eA be the collection of
all j : VA --+ VA such that j is an elementary embedding of (VA' E) into
itself distinct from identity. For k,i in eA , we write j[i], or simply ji, for
U j(ilvJ, and denote by OJ the closure of {j} under this operation. Then
OJ (together with the operation above) is a (monogenic) left distributive
structure, i.e. it satisfies the identity

x(yz) = (xy)(xz).
Now introduce h to be the monogenic free left distributive structure: h
is easily repres~nted as the quotient of the set W made by all wellformed
terms using a single variable say 'a' and a fixed binary operator under the
least congruence == that forces the distributivity condition to hold. Then
Laver proves in [La] the following results about the structure OJ
Theorem. AsSume that eA is nonempty for some A;
i) (for every j in eA,) OJ is isomorphic to h (i.e. is free);
ii) there exists a linear ordering < on h such that the left translations
are strictly increasing mappings of (h, <) into itself;
iii) the word problem for W / == is decidable.

We give here an alternative proof of this theorem. For the history, it hap-
pens that all the results used in this proof were already available some time


ago (the material of Proposition 1 below is presented in [De 2]), but there
cannot be any doubt about the priority for the theorem above because the
author was hopelessly unable to complete a proof by himself, and he only
understood his stupidity when seeing at the beginning of Laver's paper that
the missing piece (Proposition 2 below) was known for several years (yet
unpublished) and resulted from elegant, but short and basic, computations
on critical points and not from some difficult analysis.

Laver's proof and the present one are in some sense complementary: so to
speak, R. Laver starts from an intensive study of the elementary embeddings
and establishes enough properties of OJ to prove that OJ must resemble h,
while our proof starts from a purely algebraic analysis of h and establishes
that h must resemble OJ. Technically, this means that these proofs use the
specific properties of the elementary embeddings captured in Proposition 2
in different places: at the beginning of the construction in Laver's proof,
at the end in order to conclude in the present one. This discrepancy leads
to different developments of the basic result: thanks to the critical point,
Laver's method does not only prove the decidability of the word problem,
but it also provides a unique normal form result that is not included in
the present proof and has a great intrinsic interest; on the other hand, a
deepening of the methods below suggests an effective approach for solving
the word problem independently from any set theoretical hypothesis. One
can hope for future common developments.

We turn to the proof of the theorem. It happens that the notations in [La]
and [De] are mostly compatible or, at least, isomorphic. We shall use the
following ones in the sequel. First, to be short, any left distributive set en-
dowed with a left distributive binary operation will be called a LD-magma.
If 9 is an LD-magma, and x, y are elements of g, we write x<fJy if for some
positive p there exist Zl, ... ,zp in 9 such that y is ( ... ((XZdZ2) ... )zp- The
result we prove is the following one:
Proposition 1. Assume tbat 9 is a monogenic LD-magma sucb tbat <9
is irrefIexive;
i) 9 is isomorpbic to h (i.e. is free)
ii) tbere exists a linear ordering < on h sucb tbat tbe left translations
are strictly increasing mappings of (tI, <) into itself
iii) tbe word problem for W / == is decidable.

Laver's theorem follows from this proposition and the following one es-
tablished in the beginning of [La]:

Proposition 2. (Laver) The relation <Il; is irref:lexive.

The proof of Proposition 1 uses two ingredients, one trick and one more
structural result. The trick is
Lemma 3. Let x, y be arbitrary members of a monogenic LD-magma g;
then there exists z in g such that xz and yz are equal.
The structural result is
Lemma 4. Assume that xz and yz are equal members ofh; then at least
one of x<hy, x = y, y<hx must hold.
Proof of Proposition 1. (from Lemmas 3 and 4). Assume that g is a mono-
genic LD-magma and let 1r be the canonical projection of h onto g mapping
a to a generator of g. We wish to show that 1r is injective. Let x, y be
distinct members of h; by Lemmas 3 and 4, at least one of x<hy, y<hx
must hold; assume the first. Clearly 7r respects <, so 1rx<{J1rY holds as well.
IT <8 is supposed to be irreflexive, 1rX and 1ry cannot be equal, 1r is injective
and g is free.
Now notice that <11 is from now on irreflexive since it is isomorphic to
<8; it immediately follows that <h is a linear- ordering on h. Then left
distributivity shows that x<hy implies zx<hzy for every z, so point ii) is
We turn to the word problem for WI:. We shall go into a more precise
analysis of: later, but, for the moment it is enough to notice that there
always exists an algorithm that, when a word 8 is given, enumerates all
words that are equivalent to 8. The problem of course is in recognizing
that inequivalent words are inequivalent. But start with arbitrary words
8, T and enurp.erate (using a convenient ordering) all pairs (8',T') such
that 8' : 8 and T' : T hold. IT we denote by [U] the class of the word
U in h, it follows once again from Lemmas 3 and 4 that at least one of
[8]<h [Tj, [8] = [Tj, [TJ<h [8] must hold, and this means that, in the
preceding enumeration, a pair (8', T') will eventually appear such that,
respectively, 8' is, with obvious meaning, a left factor of T', or 8' is equal
to T', or T' is a left factor of 8'. In the second case, we conclude that 8
and T are equivalent; otherwise we conclude that they are not because <11
is irreflexive. So the algorithm solves the word problem correctly. 0
So the nontrivial content of the proof is in the lemmas.
Proof of Lemma 3. Assume that a is a generator of gj we define inductively
an element a(n) in g for every integer n by a(O) = a and a(n+1) = aa(n). We
claim first that for every x in g the equality xa(n) = a(n+l) holds for n large

enough. This is proved inductively on the complexity of x when expressed

as a term constructed from a. If x is a, the equality holds for every n by
definition. Now if x is yz and the property holds for y and z, we obtain for
n large enough

xa(n) = (xy)a(n) = (xy)(xa(n-1)) = x(ya(n-1)) = xa(n) = a(n+1)

and the property holds for x as well. It follows that if x, y are arbitrary
elements of 9 then xa(n) and ya(n) are equal for n large enough. 0

Proof of Lemma 4. This is more crucial. The property follows from the
general analysis of the relation == which is initiated in [De 1]. We shall
extract the basic arguments that are used in the present case. First of all,
in order to understand what happens in W, we need a convenient repre-
sentation of the terms. This is done when seeing these terms as binary
trees in the usual way. We address the nodes of a binary tree using finite
sequences of 0 (for 'left') and 1 (for 'right'). The set of all such sequences
will be denoted by §, and the empty sequence (address for the root of the
tree) by A . For 8 in Wand u in §, we denote by 81u the subterm of 8
corresponding to the subtree with root in u (if defined). For instance if 8
is the term a((aa)(aa)), 810 is a, 8/1 is (aa)(aa), 8/110 is a, while 81L is 8
itself and 8/1100 is not defined.
In order to describe the equivalence ==, we polarize it as follows. First
we denote by ~ the partial mapping of W into itself that maps every term
that can be written as 8(TU) on the corresponding term 8T(8U); then we
introduce for every u in § the mapping ~ (u) that is similar to ~ but acts
below u: the action of ~(u) on 8 consists in distributing the subterm 81uo
to each of the subterms 81ulO and 81u11 (when these subterms are defined).
If 8 is the term in the example above, then 8 lies both in the domains of
~ and of ~ (1), and the respective images are the terms
(a(aa))(a(aa)) and a(((aa)a)((aa)a)). Now, for 8, Tin W, let us write
8 ---+ T if there is a finite composition of ~ (u) 's that maps 8 to T. It
should be clear that == is the equivalence relation generated by the relation
---+. Two claims are needed to prove Lemma 4.

Claim 1. Assume 8 ---+ T; then if 810 p is defined, there exists an integer

q ? p such that 810p ---+ T;oq holds.
Proof. Easy. Using induction, it suffices to prove the result for T being
the image of 8 under ~(u). Three cases can occur. If u is Oi with i < p,
then T;Oi+k+l is 810i+k for every k ? 1, so 810p = T;OP+l, and therefore
810p ---+ T;Op+l, hold. If u is OPu' for some u', then T;op is the image of

S;oP under ~(U/), and therefore 81QP --+ T;op holds. IT u is Oi1u' for some
u', then T;op is 810p , and therefore 8101' ---+ T;op holds. 0
Claim 2. Assume 8 == Tj then there exists some U in W such that 8 --+ U
and T --+ U both hold.
Proof This is the hard core. However, if only the result of claim 2 is needed,
the details are rather easily and quickly checked. We shall only sketch
the arguments since the details appear in [De 1]. The point is getting a
convenient notion of derivation for the words. For every 8 in W there exists
another word called a8 that is a kind of 'lower common extension' for all
the possible images of 8 under some ~(u) (there is only a finite number of
u's such that a given term belongs to the domain of ~ (u»): if T is the image
of 8 under ~(u), then T --+ a8 holds (and a8 is nearly minimal with that
property). The main property is that the mapping a is compatible with
--+: 8 --+ T implies a8 --+ aT, and it follows that, if T is the image of
8 under the composition of k successive mappings ~ (Ul) , . •• ,~(Uk), then
T --+ ak 8 holds. Claim 2 easily follows, by showing that T == 8 implies
that, for k large enough, T ---+ ak 8 and, trivially, 8 --+ ak 8 hold. 0
Remark. In the proof above, the mapping a is effective (a has a simple
inductive definition), while the integer ok' arising at the end is not, and
therefore claim 2 is not sufficient to solve the word problem for W / ==.
We can now easily prove Lemma 4. Assume that xz = yz holds in
h; choose words 8, T, U in W that represent respectively x, y, z. Then
8U == TU holds, henceforth by claim 2 there exists V such that 8U --+ V
and TU --+ V hold. Now 8 is 8Ulo, so, by claim 1, there exists an integer
q ;:::: 1 such that 8 --+ \'lOq holds, and, symmetrically, there exists an integer
r ;:::: 1 such that T --+ \'lor holds. It follows that x is the equivalence class
of \'lOq, while y'is the class of \'lor. Now q = r implies x = y, q > r implies
x<hy and q < r implies y<h x , and we are done. 0
The proof of Laver's theorem is complete. We shall briefly discuss some
further points. Let (IH) be the hypothesis 'the relation <h is irreflexive'.
We first notice that, if, for x in h, "Ia; is the left translation map associated to
x, then "Ix is an homomorphism of (ft,., <h) into the sub-LD-magma of h
generated by xa, and, if (I H) holds, this homomorphism is an isomorphism;
moreover the mapping x t-t "Ix is injective. It follows that, if (IH) is true,
then h admits left cancellation and that the mapping x t-t "Ix gives a
realization of h as a LD-magma with the following properties:
its elements are increasing injections of some linear ordering into itself;
if j, 9 belong to this LD-magma and z in the image of j, (fg)(z) is

This indicates some kind of resemblance between h and OJ (whose elements

are elementary embeddings and induce increasing injections of the ordinals
into themselves). However one easily verifies that the linear ordering <h is
not we1lfounded in any case.
About conjecture (I H), a natural approach is to try to construct directly
monogenic LD-magmas. Let us write x<fy if x, yare in some LD-magma 9
and, for some z in g, y is xz. Conjecture (IH) claims that the relation 1 <i
has no cycle. Laver's proof of Proposition 2 shows inductively that <~j has
no k-cycle for any integer k, and rests upon the properties of the critical
point mapping. Partial results can be obtained by capturing some of these
properties. For instance [De 3] describes a monogenic LD-magma iI endowed
with a mapping
crit : iI ----+ N

such that, for every x,y in ii, crit(xy) #- crit(x). This is enough to prove
that 1-cycles can exist for <1 neither in ii, nor in h. Likewise it can be
easily shown that if an LD-magma 9 is endowed with a mapping

crit : 9 ----+ Ord

such that the three rules crit(x) s; crit(y) =} crit(xy) > crit(y), crit(x) >
crit(y) =} crit(xy) = crit(y) and crit(x) < crit(y) =} crit(zx) < crit(zy) are
obeyed (this is trivially the case for OJ), then no 2-cycle can exist for < 1
in g. But these rules don't seem to be sufficient for going further, and, on
the other hand, no example of an LD-magma satisfying them (unless OJ) is
known to the author.

However it seems to be possible to give a direct proof of the irreflexivity

of <h without using the existence of an auxiliary LD-magma like OJ. To do
that, one has to strengthen considerably the arguments used in claim 2 (and
developed in [De 1]). These developments deeply involve the structure of
the monoiq M(~) generated by all the mappings ~(u),s using composition,
and in particular the presentation of this monoid from its generators. It
happens that M(~) extends in some sense the infinite braid group Boo.
Then the point is getting for the members of M (~) convenient normal
form, and this question is closely connected with silnilar questions for braid
groups. The results are still far from complete.

Finally we can notice that the description of a congruence in terms of a

monoid of basic rewriting rules can be performed as well for other identities
like commutativity or associativity. Some groups appear in this way, but,

due to the fact that a variable is repeated twice in the distributivity iden-
tity but not in the latter ones, the problems in these cases are very easily
compared with the corresponding ones in the distributivity case ([De 4]).
Another natural extension of the present questions consists in introducing
the composition. as a second operation for elementary embeddings, as in
[La]. It happens that most of the results in the 'two operations' case can
be deduced from the results in the present 'one operation' case ([De 5]).
Note. (December 1991) A direct proof of the irreflexivity hypothesis has
been completed recently along the lines above. It uses algebraic methods
which are related with Garside's calculus on braid groups. As an application
one obtains a new example of distributive operation by defining on the braid
group Boo an operation * by

where li1, li2 ... are the generators of Boo and T is the endomorphism
which maps Iii to Iii+!. Let b be the closure of 1 under *: b is a monogenic
LD-magma, and the relation <t has no 3-cycle (it is conjectured that b is
free). The LD-magma " above is a quotient oft.

[De 1) P. Dehornoy, Free distributive groupoids, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
61 (1989), 123-146.
[De 2) P. Dehornoy, Sur la structure des gerbes libres, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 309-1
(1989), 143--149j (with an Abridged English Version).
[De 3) P. Dehornoy, Algebraic properties o/the shift mapping, Proc. AMS 106-3 (1989),
[De 4) P. Dehornoy, Structural monoids associated to equational varieties, Proc. AMSj
(to appeat).
[De 5) P. Dehornoy, The adjoint representation o/left distributive structures, Commu-
nications in Algebraj (to appear).
[La) R. Laver, The left distributive law and the freeness 0/ an algebra 0/ elementary
embeddings, Advances in Mathematicsj (to appear).


E-mail address: frcaen51.bitnet


The intention of this short note is to publicize some opportunities for

set theorists to work on some analytical problems of a somewhat unusual
flavor to the set-theorists palate. No claim of authorship or originality of
these problems is made (rather the contrary!). I present the definitions
necessary to formally understand the problems. The content of my talk at
the workshop is summarized in a research announcement in the Bulletin
of the AMS [F1]. I will not reproduce it here though it may be useful as
motivation for these problems and as a "point of view". The problems are
arranged to allow natural discussion. The reader will be trusted to make
his own ranking of importance.
Definition. A (discrete) group G is amenable iff there is a finitely additive
probability measure (fapm) j), : 'P(G) --+ [0,1] such that j), is G-invariant.
(For all X ~ G, 9 E G, j),(X) = j),(gX)). G is locally finite iff any finitely
generated subgroup of G is finite.
Locally finite groups are amenable, and amenable groups have a vestige
of local finiteness in that every amenable group has the F¢lner Property: If
X ~ G is finite and c > 0 then there is a subset F ~ G, with X <;;; F and
for all 9 E X,
IFI < c.
(This is equivalent to amenability.)
If a group G Acts on a set X, then one can study the G-invariant finitely
additive probability measures on X, the invariant means. More generally, if
B <;;; 'P(X) is a G-invariant Boolean algebra, one can study the G-invariant
means on B.
To illustrate, let Z act on Z by addition. Then a IZ-invariant mean is
"equivalent" to a classical Banach limit on £oo(Z).
The crudest property of a collection of invariant means is cardinality. In
particular, with a given G-action on X, one can ask if there is more than one
invariant mean, or even if an invariant mean exists. Banach [B] showed that


for each of 1R, S1 and 1R2 there is more than one translation invariant finitely
additive measure (giving the unit interval measure one). More recently,
Margulis [M] and Sullivan [S] showed that for n ~ 4 there is a unique
isometry invariant finitely additive probability measure on the Lebesgue
measurable subsets of sn. Drinfeld [D) proved the analogous result for n =
2,3. A striking feature of these proofs is that they heavily use the structure
of the group. In particular, Banach used amenability (admittedly before
it was defined) and the others used representation-theoretic properties of
SO(n) that imply non-amenability. 0

We begin with:

I. Rosenblatt's Question: Can there be an amenable group G acting on

a set X that induces a unique invariant mean on X?

Remarks. a) Standard amenability considerations imply that at least one

invariant mean exists.
b) A series of papers of Rosenblatt, Rosenblatt-Talagrand [R-T) and Krasa
[K) culminated in the result of Krasa that solvable groups do not induce
unique invariant means. 0

The most concrete case is X = N. Here the results are as follows:

If G is "analytic" (as a subset of NN) then the answer is no [F1]. Yang
[Y) proved under C. H. that there is a locally finite group G acting on N
with a unique invariant mean. This was improved in [F1] to show that,
assuming M.A., every free ultrafilter on N is the unique invariant mean
with respect to some locally finite group. The proofs of these two results
are quite different. One difference is that Yang's mean maps peN) onto
[0,1] and doesn't readily generalize under M.A.
II. Problem: Assume M.A. Is there a locally finite group acting on N
inducing a unique invariant mean f-t : peN) ---+ [0,1] that maps onto [0, I]?
Using the construction of [F1J, given ultrafilters U1 ... Un on w it is easy
to build a locally finite group acting on N with the property that every
invariant mean is an affine combination of U1 , ..• , Un. I conjecture that
there is a notion of dimension such that given an amenable group G, {f-t : f-t
is a G-invariant mean} either has finite dimension or cardinality 22w. A
weak version of this is:

III. Problem. Is there an amenable group of permutations of N, such that

2No < I{invariant means} I < 221<0? 0

In [Fl], it is shown that adding K, ~ N2 Cohen reals to a model of C. H.

yields a model where every locally finite group of permutations of N has at
least two invariant means. Unfortunately, the proof doesn't settle:

IV. Problem. Is it consistent with ZFC that every amenable group of

permutations of N has at least two invariant means? D

Perhaps closer to the original motivating questions, one can ask:

V. Problem. Is there an amenable (locally finite?) group of measure

preserving transformations of the unit interval that uniquely determines
Lebesgue measure as a finitely additive probability measure on the measur-
able subsets of [0, I]?
As far as I know, nothing is known about this problem. D

Returning to the results of Drinfeld, Margulis and Sullivan about SO(n+

1) invariant means on sn, we note that in order to get the representation-
theoretic machinery going, they needed that every SO(n+l)-invariant mean
on the Lebesgue measurable subsets of sn(n ~ 2) gives each Lebesgue-null
set measure zero. This was accomplished by remarking that every Lebesgue
measure zero set X is contained in a Lebesgue measure zero set Y that has
a measurable paradoxical decomposition. This clearly uses completeness of
Lebesgue-measure. In particular, to my knowledge, the following is open:

VI. Problem. Let n ~ 2. Is Lebesgue measure the unique SO(n + 1)-

invariant finitely additive probability measure on the Borel subsets of sn?
It was widely conjectured that this was false and that there was a
rotation-invariant finitely additive probability measure fL on the Borel sub-
sets of S2 that< gave meager sets measure zero. The existence of such a
measure was disproved in [D-F].
In [D-F], we showed that if X is a Polish space with a group G of ho-
momorphism that acts freely on a comeager subset of X and contains a
subgroup isomorphic to the free group on 2-generators, then there is no
G-invariant finitely additive probability measure on the Borel subsets of
X that gives meager sets measure zero. My final problem asks whether it
suffices that G be non-amenable.

VII. Problem. Suppose X is a Polish space and G is a non-amenable

group of homeomorphisms of X that acts freely on a comeager subset of
X. Can there be a G-invariant finitely additive probability measure on the
Borel subsets of X giving meager sets measure zero?

[B] S. Banach, Sur Ie probleme de la mesure, Fund. Math. 4 (1923), 7-33.
[D] V. G. Drinfeld, Solution of the Banach-Ruziewicz problem on S2 and S3, Func-
tional Anal. Appl. 18 (1984), 77-78.
[D-F] R. Dougherty and M. Foreman, The Banach-Tarski Paradox with "nice" pieces,
In preparation.
[F1] M. Foreman, Amenable Group Actions on the Integers: An Independence Result,
Bulletin of the AMS 21(2) (October, 1989).
[F2] M. Foreman, Locally finite groups of permutations of N acting on £<X>, A Tribute
to Paul ErdOs (Baker, Bollabas and Rajna1, eds.) , Cambridge University Press,
[K] S. Krass, Non-uniqueness of invariant means for amenable group actions, Monat-
shefte fur Mathematik 100 (1985), 21-125.
[M] G. Margulis, Finitely additive invariant measures on Euclidean spaces, J. Ergodic
Theory and Dyn. systems 2(3) (1982).
[R-T] J. Rosenblatt and M. Talagrand, Different types of invariant means, J. London
Math. Soc. 24 (1981), 525-532.
[S] D. Sullivan, For n > 3, there is only one finitely additive rotationally invariant
measure on the n-sphere defined on all Lebesgue measurable sets, Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc. (N.S.) 4 (1981), 121-123.




ABSTRACT. It is shown here that there are no maximal minimal pairs

of recursively enumerable (r.e.) degrees. Combining this with a dual
theorem by Ambos-Spies, Lachlan and Soare for r.e. degrees cupping
to 0' it follows that any open formula F(x, y) of two free variables in
the language of the r.e. degrees, R, which holds for r.e. degrees a t= b,
where a, b t= 0, 0', holds continuously in a neighborhood about a and
b. This is the best possible continuity result for formulas in general,
because it fails for open formulas of three or more variables and also
for formulas with quantifiers.

The fundamental problems concerning structures in recursion theory
such as the 'lUring degrees, the recursively enumerable (r.e.) degrees, or
the lattice of r .e. sets, are questions of definable properties, decidability of
the first order theory, classification of algebraic properties, and classification
of automorphisms. The attempt to resolve these questions may be thought
of abstractly as a game between two players. Roughly, the first player
called "RED" attempts to produce definable properties, to code into the
structure some undecidable theory (perhaps even true arithmetic) in order
to prove undecidability, and to prove that the structure is rigid, namely has
no nontrivial automorphisms. The second player called "BLUE" attempts
to prove nondefinability of various elements or subclasses of the structure,
and to generate, as ~anY automorphisms of the structure as possible, since
automorphisms can be used to prove that a property is not definable.
For the structure which is the lattice, £, of r.e. sets under inclusion, the
struggle between RED and BLUE has been rather equal. In the direction
of RED Harrington (unpublished) and independently Herrmann [7] have
shown undecidability of the elementary theory of £. In the BLUE direction
Soare [13] produced a method for generating automorphisms of £, which
has been used by him and others to generate many automorphism results


demonstrating uniformity of structure of t:. Recently, Harrington and Soare

[6] have strengthened the results of RED by producing several new definable
properties of t:, the most striking of which [5] solves a fundamental problem
stemming from Post's Program [9]. In the direction of BLUE, Harrington,
Lachlan, and Soare have also recently developed a powerful method for
generating many new automorphisms of t:. Harrington and Soare have
pressed both of these new methods (developing new definable properties
and new automorphisms) to close the gap on certain important questions
by either producing a definable property for RED, or by producing an
automorphism for BLUE which proves that no such property can exist.
However, for the case of the Turing degrees (D, <) in general, or for
the r.e. degrees, (R, <) in particular, the situation is very unbalanced,
since there is an impressive array of results for RED and virtually none
for BLUE. For example, Cooper [2] has recently proved that the jump
operation is definable in (D, <), that the subclass of r.e. degrees (R, <) is
definable there, and that all of the jump classes, Hn and Ln for 0 ~ n,
are definable in (D, <). Slaman and Woodin [12] have proved a number of
results about definability with parameters for (D, <). In particular, they
have shown that (D, <) has at most countably many automorphisms and
that if (R, <) is rigid, then so is (D, <). No nontrivial automorphisms of
(R, <) have been produced in spite of the vigorous and determined efforts
by several very good recursion theorists.
The main result of this paper, Theorem 2.2, and its dual, Theorem 2.3,
can be viewed as results for the BLUE player for the r.e. degrees R. These
theorems imply that any open formula F(x, y) which holds for r.e. degrees
a i= b holds continuously in a neighborhood about a and h. Since an
element aJn R is definable by a formula F(x) in R just if a is the unique
element of R satisfying F(x) in R, a continuity result may be viewed as a
kind of nondefinability result.
We use the standard definitions and notation in recursion theory as found
in Soare [14]. From now on all sets and degrees will be r.e. even if not
specified as such, although for emphasis we may also explicitly refer to
them as being r.e.


In this section we state the two main results on continuity for cupping
and capping, and we derive as a corollary the continuity result for open
formulas of two variables.

Definition 2.1. A pair a and b of r.e. degrees form a minimal pair if a

and b are nonzero and an b = O.

We say that 0 < a < 0' is capping if a is half of a minimal pair, and
cupping if aU b = 0' for some b < 0'. The next theorem is the main result
of this paper. It asserts that there is no minimal pair of r.e. degrees which
is maximal with respect to the property of being a minimal pair.

Theorem 2.2. (Harrington and Soare). If r.e. degrees a and b form a

minimal pair then there is an r.e. degree c > a such that c and b form a
minimal pair.

For each statement about R there is a dual statement where 0,0', <, U,
and n are replaced by 0',0, >, n, and U, respectively. The next theorem
is the dual of Theorem 2.2, and will not be proved here, but will appear in

Theorem 2.3. (Ambos-Spies, La.chlan, and Soare [I}). Given r.e. degrees
a and b such that 0 < a < 0' and a U b = 0' there exists an r.e. degree
c < a such that cub = 0'. '

From now on we fix the language C = L( <, U, n, 0, 0') of the r.e. de-
grees (R,<,U,n,O,O') with partial order, supremum (cupping), infimum
(capping), least element 0 and greatest element 0'. Note that for a, bE R
aUb always exists but anb does not always exist because (R, <, U, n, 0, 0')
forms an upper semi-lattice but not a lattice. Hence, we view n in C as a
3-place relation symbol rather than as a binary function symbol. Note also
that the other,operations and constants U, n, 0, 0' can be defined in (R, <)
using quantifiers, but we prefer the language C to L( <) because we will be
considering open (i.e. quantifier free) formulas of C.

Definition 2.~. Let F(x, y) be any formula in the language C. For a, b E

R, we say that F holds in a neighborhood of (a, b) if there exist r.e. degrees
80 < a, 81 > 8, ho < b, and b 1 > b such that F(x, y) holds for all r.e.
degrees x E (80, ad, and y E (ho, bl).

Similar definitions could be made for a formula F of n variables for any

n ~ 1. If F(x) is a open formula of C of one variable which holds at a,
o < a < 0' then using the Sacks Density Theorem (see [14, p. 142]) it
is easy to see that F(x) holds in a neighborhood of a. As a corollary of
Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 we now extend this result to open formulas F(x, y)
of C of two variables.

Corollary 2.5. Let F(x, y) be any open formula of C with two variables,
such that F(a, b) holds for r.e. degrees a -:F b, a, b -:F 0,0'. Then F(x, y)
holds in a neighborhood of (a, b).

Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that the formula F(a, b)
specifies the complete (atomic) diagram of a, b, 0 and 0'. It is easy to see
that F( a, b) must be logically equivalent to one of the following cases.
Case 1. Assume that F(a, b) asserts that 0 < a < b < 0'. Then use the
Sacks Density Theorem to construct the necessary degrees 80, al, b o, and
b 1 . The case of 0 < b < a < 0' is the same.
Case 2. Assume that F(a, b) implies that
alb & anb=O.
Then by the Lachlan Nondiamond Theorem [14, p. 162] F(a, b) must also
imply that aub -:F 0'. Now apply Theorem 2.2 to a and b to produce a1 > a
such that a1 and b form a minimal pair. Next apply Theorem 2.2 to b and
a1 to produce b 1 > b such that a1 and b 1 form a minimal pair. Using the
Sacks Density Theorem choose any 80 such that 0 < 80 < a, and similarly
choose boo Then F(x,y) holds for all x E (80, a1), and y E (bo, bt).
Case 3. Assume that F(a, b) implies that
alb & aU b = 0'.
The proof is entirely dual to the preceding paragraph except with Theorem
2.3 in place of Theorem 2.2.
Case 4.. Assume that F(a, b) implies that
alb & an b -:F 0 & aU b -:F 0'.
Then there are degrees c and d such that
aU b = c & 0 < d < a, b.
Without loss of generality we may assume that d is low. By the Robinson
low splitting theorem [14, p.224] there are incomparable r.e. degrees eo and
e1 such that a = eo U e1 and d < ei for i = 0, 1. Now either e1 1:. b or
eo 1:. b (since otherwise a :5 b). Let 80 be whichever of eo and e1 satisfies
~ 1:. b. Similarly, choose b o such that d < b o < b and b o 1:. a. Hence,
d:5 80, b o so 80 and b o do not form a minimal pair, and aolbo.
Using a theorem of Robinson [14, VIII.4.7, p. 146] choose a1 such that
a < a1 < c and bo t. a1. Similarly, choose b 1 such that b < b 1 < c and

ao I- b l · Note that al/bl and al UbI = C < 0'. Then F(x,y) holds for all
x E (ao,al), and y E (bo, bI)' 0

Note that Corollary 2.5 cannot be extended either to open formulas of

£ of three or more variables or to formulas of £ with quantifiers, and hence
Corollary 2.5 is the best continuity result for general formulas of £ which
we can obtain. To see this recall [14, IX.2.3, p. 160] that there are nonzero
r.e. degrees a, band c satisfying the formula
G(x,y,z) : x > z & y > z & x n y = z,
namely z is a branching degree with branches x and y. Note that the open
formula G cannot hold in any neighborhood of a, band c. Furthermore,
the formula with quantifiers
H(z) : (3x)(3y)G(x, y, z)
cannot hold in any neighborhood of c, because Fejer [3] has proved the
density of the nonbranching degrees.


The next few sections will be devoted to a proof of Theorem 2.2. Fix
r.e. degrees a and b such that 0 < a < 0' and an b = 0, and fix r.e. sets
A E a and BE b. We will construct an r.e. set C such that c = deg(AEBC)
satisfies a < c, and c n b = O.
In what follows upper case Greek letters, <P, \]f, r, .6., 3, and A, will
represent Turing reductions with oracles (i.e. recursive functionals) as de-
fined in [14, Chapter III], and the corresponding lower case Greek letters
r.p, 'IjJ, "I, 6, ~, and '\, will represent their use functions. Other lower case
Greek letters, 0, and TJ without corresponding upper case Greek letters will
represent partial recursive functions. Upper case Roman letters A, B, C,
D, and E wilhepresent r.e. sets. All these symbols may have subscripts or
even double subscripts.
To illustrate how the proof was discovered we view it as a game in the
style of Lachlan [8], where the two players RED and BLUE have roles
analogous to those in §1. For emphasis we may sometimes put a "hat"
over the sets or functionals such as {; played by us (the BLUE player),
and leave "unhatted" the sets and functionals played by the opponent (the
RED player), as in the automorphism notation [14, Chapter XV].
To prove Theorem 2.2, it suffices to meet for all i E w the following

Di = <Pi
= WiB ==}
3ri , 6. i ,Ei ) [Ei

= r• iA = 6.• iB
& [Di nonrecursive ==} Ei nonrecursive ]].

Here we assume that {3 i hEW is a listing of all recursive functionals, and

{(<Pi, wi,Di)}iEw is a listing of all triples (<p, w,D) such that<P and W are
recursive functionals and D is an r.e. set.
Since 'Ri is a complicated requirement we break it into the simpler sub-
requirements'T.; and Si,j as follows:

Di = <Pi AEJ:)C = WiB ==}

( 3ri, 6. i , Ei)[Ei
A • •

= r iA = 6.• iB ],

Ei = ()i,j ==} (37}i,j)[Di = 7}i,j].

Here we assume that for each i, {()i,j} jEw is a listing of all partial recur-
sive functions.


To meet the requirements we need a tree argument like that used to

build a minimal pair of high r.e. degrees (see [14, p. 310]). The present
argument also has features of the theorem on promptly simple degrees [14,
p. 289]. We assume that the reader is familiar with the notation and use
of the tree method as presented in [14, Chapter XIV].
In the next section we define the atomic strategies to meet each kind of
requirement, the a-module to meet a Prrequirement, the T-module to meet
a 'T.;-requirement, and the a-module to meet an Si,rrequirement, and we
will describe there the outcomes of each module which we now denote as
(i) The outcomes of the a-module are denoted by


(ii) The' outcomes of the T-module are denoted by

(iii) The outcomes of the a-module are denoted by {s,g,w}.

Consider the set of outcomes

considered as a set ordered from left to right as listed. The tree of outcomes
T is a subset of finite sequences of S defined as follows.
We define T and the strategy assigned to each pET by induction on Ipi
as follows, where Ipi denotes the length of p.
(i) If pET and Ipi = 3i assign to p the r-module strategy for 'Ii and
put p"'(a} in T for each a E {do, eo, db el,··· } U {w}.
(ii) If pET and Ipi = 3i + 1 put p"'(a} in T for a E {s,g,w}, and
assign to p the a-module strategy for Si,j if P = r~(ej}. If p = r"'(w} or
p = r~(dj} assign no strategy to p.

(iii) If pET and Ipi = 3i + 2 assign to p the u-module strategy for

Pi and put p~(a} in T for each a E {do,d b ··· }U{w}. Lower case Greek
letters a, (3, p, u, r represent nodes on T.


We now define for each type of requirement Pi, 'Ii, Si,j an atomic strategy
(module) for that requirement. We partition w into the disjoint union of
infinite recursive sets

where w LB] denotes w[n] for n the code number of (3 in some effective coding
If node (3 E T is assigned to requirement Pi, 'Ii, or Si,j, we may write
<P{J, W{J ,D{J , S{J, B{J, for the functionals and sets <Pi, Wi,Di , Si, Bi,j, played
by RED and write t{J, ~{J, E{J, Afj, iJ{J, for the versions constructed by (3
as candidates for the corresponding functionals and sets til ~i' E i , Ai, iJi,j,
played by BLUE.
In describing the construction we regard all sets and functionals as being
in a state of formation and we will use A, B, C, <P, W, t, fl., and so on to
denote the current approximations to these objects during a given stage.
Thus, A denotes the finite set of elements which have been enumerated
in A, <P denotes the functional determined by the finite set of instructions
which have already been enumerated in <P, p denotes the current value of
parameter p, and similarly for all sets and functionals played by either RED
or BLUE. When necessary to avoid confusion we append [s] and write A[s],
<p[s] or p[s] to denote the result by the end of stage s as in [14, p. 315]. We
also append [s] to a whole expression to denote the current value of all the
symbols mentioned there. Finally, to improve readability we let As, B s ,
and Cs denote A[s], B[s], and C[s] for the sets A, B, and Conly.

In what follows we view the use functions, for example ),AEBC (x) for
AAEBC(x), as.movable markers whose position at the end of stage s is de-
noted by ),(x)[s], and such that once defined ),(x) can become redefined
only if some z :::; ),(x) is enumerated in A EB C. We will ensure that as a
function of two variables ),(x)[s] (when defined) will be nondecreasing in
s and strictly increasing in x. We may assume that for each s each use
function ),(x)[s] is defined for at most finitely many arguments x, and that
whenever marker ),(x) is newly placed on a value z then z is fresh, i.e. z ex-
ceeds all previous values ),(y)[s] for all y and s (and therefore z fj. Cs). We
also assume that all functionals played by RED satisfy the "hat condition"
[14, p. 131], namely

(1) [<pA(X)[S]!= u & (3z :::; u)[z E As+! - As II => <I>A(x)[s + 1] T.

5.1. The u-module for Pi' (This is the Sacks coding strategy as in the
Sacks Density Theorem [14, p.142].) If u E T satisfies lui = 3i+2 we assign
to u the following strategy for Pi called the u-module. Define

f(Bi' C)[s] = max {x: ('r/y < x) [Bts(Y)[s] != C(y)[s]]} .

For convenience in §5.1 we drop the subscript i from Bi , Ai, ~i' Ai, and
other sets and functions.
If at stage s + 1, ~(x)[s + 1] 1, and x < feB, C)[s] but ),(x)[s] T then
we define AAEBC(x) = K(x) and ),AEBC(x) = z E w[u1, z > ~A(x). If later
some y :::; ~A(x) enters A causing e(x) to become undefined then y allows
BLUE to make ),AEBC(x) undefined also and ),(x) may be later redefined
as above. If x E K[s], x < feB, C)[s], and A(x)[s] != 0, then at stage
s + 1 BLUE enumerates ),(x)[s] in C, redefines A(x)[s + 1] = K(x)[s] and
redefines A(x), as above.
Now suppose that BA is total and = C. Then clearly AAEBC is total and
= K, so K :::;T A contrary to hypothesis. Hence, we can choose

It may be that either BA(x)!~ C(x) or that ~(x)[s]! for finitely many s,
so that lims feB, C)[s] < 00. This is the u-outcome w, in which case u acts
finitely often and hence contributes at most finitely many elements to C.
The second possibility is that ~(x)[s]! for infinitely many s but

(2) lims~(x)[s] = 00.

This is the u-outcome dx (for divergence of ~(x)). In this case u may act

infinitely often and may put infinitely many elements into 6. Note however

(3) (Vs)(Vy)[e(y)[s] S ,X(y)[s] if both are defined]; and

(4) (3t)(Vs ?: t)[ ,X(y)[s] E 6s+1 - 6s :::} Y > x ]
Now, (2), (3), and (4) imply that the set of elements z enumerated in
6 by 0' is recursive because after stage t any such z satisfies z ?: e(x), but
limse(x)[s] = 00.
Furthermore, we will arrange that every node 0: such that O'~(dx} ~ 0:
will not act on z (for example to restrain z from 6) until a stage s such that
z < eu(x)[s] since thereafter 0' will not want to enumerate z in 6. Hence,
(except for finite injury by 'xu (y) for the finitely many y < x) the action of
0: will not be interfered with by the higher priority strategy 0'.
Note that for the O'-module to succeed we need only that

(5) liminfs Ru[s] < 00

where we define

(6) R,B[s] = max {ro[s] : 0: C f3 V 0: <L f3},

and where ro[s] is the 6 restraint imposed by node 0: at the end of stage s.
5.2. The r-module for 'Ii. If rET and Irl = 3i we assign to r the
following strategy called the r-module. Define

lei,s) = m~{x: (Vy < x)[Di(y)[sJ = q>tE9C(y)[s] = wf1(y) [sll} , and

m(i, s) = max {lei, t) : t S s}.

A stage s is i-expansionary if s = 0 or if lei, s) > m(i, s-l). For convenience
we drop the siIbscript i from q>i, Wi, Ei , r\, as before.
If s is i-expansionary, x < lei,s) and i'A(x)[sJj but cpAE9C(xH then at
stage s + 1 we define rA(x)[s + 1] = E(x) and define i'A(x) such that


If at some stage seither (7) holds for x or i'(x) is undefined then we say
that x is honest at s, and dishonest otherwise. If i'A(x) is defined and some
y S i'(x) enters A then we allow i'(x) and rex)
to become undefined, and
may later redefine them as above.

Similarly, if S is an i-expansionary stage, x < l( i, s), '¢(x )[s] 1 and

8(x)[s] i then define LiB(x)[s + 1] = E(x) and define 8B(x)[s + 1] such


(Note that since a

iT A it will be impossible to guarantee (7) for all
x because after iA(x) is defined and honest, a change in a
r tp(x) will
allow tpAEJ)C (x) to be redefined so that x is no longer honest. However for
certain x, BL DE will keep x honest by imposing a-restraint on all Y ~ tp( x)
whenever tp(x) 1. For an honest such x, tp(x) can then only be redefined
by an A r z change for z ~ tp(x) + 1 which allows i(x) to be redefined
also because x is honest. Keeping at least one honest x is the key to the
a-module below. Note that unlike (7), we can guarantee (8) for all x and
all stages s because any later B change which allows '¢B (x) to become
undefined also allows BL DE to redefine 8B (x).)
The T-module has outcome w in case there are at most finitely many
i-expansionary stages, and it has outcome dj if there are infinitely many
i-expansionary stages, and j is minimal such that


Otherwise it follows that q,~EJ)C = \IIi' = D i , and the action of the T-

module ensures that r¢ = Li~ = Er . This could be called outcome e of the
T-module. However, in this case to complete the action to meet requirement
Ri we must satisfy Si,j for all j. To give the construction a chance to do this
we split outcome e into infinitely many outcomes {eo, el, ... } and attach
to node a,= T~(ej) the following a-module for Si,j.

5.3. The a-module for Si,j' If ITI = 3i and a = T~(ej) then we assign
to a the following strategy for Si,j called the a-module, which is the key
part of the entire proof. (For a more intuitive but less formal description
the reader should now read §8 before proceeding.)
For convenience we drop the subscript i from various sets and functions
as above and we also write Ba and r,a in place of Bi,j and r,i,j.
The a-module will require various parameters such as Xa, Ya, ra whose
values at the end of stage s will be denoted by xa[s], Ya[s], rats]. During a
given stage we let Xa, Yo" r a denote the current value of these parameters.
Let leE, Ba)[s] denote the first disagreement of E and Ba at the end of
stage s (which must exist because Ba[s] is finite).
The a-module consists of the following steps.

Step 1. At step v+l if there exists Z E w[a) such that Z < l(i,v),
z < l(E,Ba ), Ba(z) != 0, and Z > xa[v], Ya[v] if either of the latter is
defined, then let Ya[v + 1] be the maximum such z.
Step 2. (Open a-gap). If AsH r z :f. As r z for z = Ya[s] or
z = (,O(xa)[s] + 1 (and the a-module is not currently in an open gap) then
open an a-gap at stage S+ 1.

Step 2a. Set the C-restraint ra[s + 1] = O.

Step 2b. If xa[s] < Ya[S] then define x,.[s + 1] = y,.[s], let
Ya[s be undefined, and define 'lja(z) = D(z)[s] for all z :5 xa[s + 1], z
+ 1]
not yet in dom('lja).
Step 3. (Close a-gap). If an a-gap was last opened at stage
s + 1 and t is the next i-expansionary stage> s + 1 then we close the a-gap
at stage t + 1. The stages v such that s + 1 :5 v :5 t are the gap stages and
non gap stages are called cogap stages.
Step 3a. (Successful close). Suppose 8B (xa)[v] j for some
v, s + 1:5 v :5 t. Enumerate Xa in Ea[t + 1], define raft + 1] = 0, and take
no action for the a-module at any stage t' > t + 1.
Step 3b. (Unsuccessful close). Otherwise. Define C re-
straint raft + 1] = i'(xa)[t + 1]. (Note that since t + 1 is i-expansionary
we may assume that at stage t + 1 the r-module has already defined
i'(Xa) > (,O(Xa) as in §5.2.)
We now describe the possible outcomes of the a-module and for each
outcome the progress made on requirement 'R., or Si,j'

Outcome s. There is some stage t + 1 at which a successfully closes an

In this case x = Xa [t] is enumerated in E at stage t + 1. Note that at
some stage v <J, x = Ya[v] and Ba (x) [v] != 0 by Step 1. Hence, x witnesses
that Ba :f. E so the requirement Si,j is satisfied at all stages w ~ t + 1.
Notice that if Step 3a applies to x then we still have

f'A(X) = ,&B(x) = E(x)[t + 1].

This is because x = Xa[s + 1] = xa[t], 8(x)[v] j for some v, s + 1 :5 v :5 t,
and i'(x)[s + 1] j. (The latter follows because if Step 2 applies at s + 1 for
z = Ya[s] then xa[s + 1] = Ya[s] = z, and <p(z)[s + 1]j by (1), but if Step 2
applies at s + 1 with z = Xa[s] then AsH r u :f. As r u for u = <p(z)[s] + 1
so ~(z)[s + 1] j by (1) and i'{x) j by (7) and the honesty of x a .)

Hence, 6(x)[t] i and -y(x)[t] i because after S+ 1 if either 6(x) or -y(x)

becomes undefined then the r-module does not redefine them until t + 1
because t is the next i-expansionary stage> S + 1. Now at stage t + 1 we
arrange that the a-module first enumerates x = Xa[t] in E[t + 1] and then
the r-module redefines rA(x) = A(x) = E(x)[t + 1].

Outcome w. In this outcome the a-module opens at most finitely many

gaps and never closes one successfully.
We may suppose the each a-gap once opened is eventually closed, else
there are at most finitely many i-expansionary stages so the correct outcome
of the r-module is w and not ej (contrary to our assumption that we are
in the case of r-outcome a = r~(ej).) Therefore, a opens at most finitely
many gaps.
Thus, lims Ya[s] < 00 because otherwise A nonrecursive implies that
there exist infinitely many z and S such that z E A[s + 1] - A[s] and
z ~ Ya[S] so that a opens infinitely many gaps by Step 2, for z = Ya[s].
However, by Step 1 if limsYa[s] < 00 then either limsf(E,Oa)[s] < 00
(in which case Si,j is satisfied) or lim sUPs f(i, s) < 00 (in which case the
hypotheses of'Ri are not satisfied) so requirement 'Ri is met.

Outcome g. In this outcome a opens infinitely many gaps and closes each

Case 1. x = lims xa[s] < 00. Then Y = lims Ya[s] < 00 also,
since Xa [s + 1] = Ya [s] by Step 2 if a opens a gap at stage S+ 1. Hence, for
almost every S if a opens a gap at stage S + 1 then Z E A[s + 1] - A[s] for
some Z ~ <p(x)[s]. Hence, lims <p(x)[s] = 00, so cp(x) i and requirement Ri
is met.

Case 2. lims Xa[S] = 00. Then lims Ya[s] = 00 also, since every
value Xa [s] was Ya [v] for some v < s. Hence, Oa = E, and lim suPs f( i, s) =
00 by Step 1. But also fla is total because Xa[S] is nondecreasing in s, and
whenever'a opens a gap at s + 1 then fla(z) is defined for all z ~ Xa[S + 1].
In this case we prove the following Proposition and hence conclude that
requirement Ri is met.

Proposition 5.1. fla = D and hence D is recursive.

Proof. Suppose fl(P) = D(P)[s] is first defined at stage s + 1. Let x =

xa[s + 1], and note that p ~ x. We must show fl(P) = D(P)[s'] for all
s' ;::: s.

Now a opens a gap at s + 1 for x = Xa and hence <p(x)[s + I] j, and

.:y(x)[s + I] j. Hence, 8B(x)[s + 1]! else this gap is later closed successfully
by Step 3a. Thus, 'ljJB(X)[S + I]! by (8) and
(10) (Vz 5 x)[1}(z) = D(z)[s + Ill,
(11) (Vz 5 x)[D(z)[s + 1] = q,B(z)[s + Ill,
because (11) held at the stage v 5 s + 1 when the r-module last defined
8(x) to satisfy (8) and because any B r b(x) change at w, v < w 5 s, would
have caused 8(x) to become undefined at stage w + 1 by (1).
Suppose this a-gap is closed at stage t + 1. Since this is an unsuc-
cessful close Bt r u = Bs+l r u where u = 'ljJB(x)[s + I]. But since t is
i-expansionary, (10) and (11) imply

(12) (Vz 5 x)[1}(z) = D(z)[t] = q;AE9C(z)[t] = q,B(z)[tll.

Hence, at stage t + 1, first the r-module defines f'A(x) = E(x) and


and then the a-module defines C-restraint ra[s + I] = .:y(x) which remains
in force and hence ensures (13) during the cogap, i.e. during those stages v,
t + 1 S; v S; s', where s' + 1 is the least stage > t + 1 at which a opens a
gap. If u = <pAE9C (x) [t + 1] then this restraint ensures that no z S; u enters
C at any stage v, t + 1 S; v S; s' and the condition in Step 2 for opening a
gap ensures that no z :::; u enters A at such a stage v because s' + 1 is the
next gap opening stage > t. Hence,
(14) (Vz S; x)[q;(z)[s'] = q;(z)[t] = D(z)[t] = 1}(z)]
Now repeat the argument with x' = xa[s' + 1] in place of x. Repeating
the argument for each gap opening stage s" > s' we see that
("Iv ~ s)(Vz :::; x)[q;(z)[v] = 1}(z) V q,(z)[v] = 1}(z)]
and hence 1}(z) = D(z) since liminfsi(i,s) = 00. 0

We now combine the strategies assigned to each node f3 E T to give
the full construction. The following conventions and notation closely follow
those of the nonbounding construction in [14, pp. 327-330].
In addition to the above symbols if f3 E T is assigned the a-module then
f3 will also have associated parameters x{3, Y{3, r{3 as previously discussed.
A parameter p once assigned a value retains that value until redefined, the

current value of p is denoted simply by p, and p[s] denotes the value at the
end of stage s.
To initialize node (3 at a given stage means to let all the parameters xJ3,
y13, r13 and all functionals 13, 11 13 , AJ3 , iJJ3, become undefined on all values
and to let EJ3[s] = 0. (Later new (3 action may redefine them.)
At the end of the construction we will define the true path f E [T] of the
construction. We will approximate f by defining during each stage s of the
construction a string 1f[s] E T such that

f = liminfs 1f[sJ.

We say that s is a (3-stage if s = 0 or (3 ~ 1f[s].

For any (3 E T define

(15) PJ3[s] = min {~u(k)[v] : a~(dk) C (3 & lal == 2 mod 3 & v:::; s}.
Note that PJ3[s] is nondecreasing in s. Note also that, except for finitely
many s, if a C (3 contributes an element z to 6 at stage s+ 1 then z > PJ3[s].
The construction is as follows.

Stage s = O. Initialize all nodes (3 E T. Define 1f[O] = 0, the

empty node of T.

Stage s+ 1. The construction will proceed by substages t :::; s+ 1.

We refer to substage t of stage s + 1 as stage (s + 1, t). The value of a
parameter p (such as 1f) at the end of substage t will be denoted by Pt. We
will arrange that 11ft I = t and 1ft C 1ft+!. Only node 1ft can act at substage
t + 1. After substage t + 1 = s + 1 we will define 1f[s + 1] = 1ft+l.

Substage t = O. Define 1ft = 0. Go to substage 1.

Substage t + 1 :::; s + 1. Given 1ft .

. Case 1. 11ft I = 3i for some i. Let r = 1ft. Let Vo be the

maximum r-stage < s. We define R(i, s) as in the r-module in §5.2 except
that now we only consider <Pi(X) and Wi(X) computations such that

<Pi (X) [s] , 1Pi(X)[S] < PT[s].

Let mer) be the maximum of R(i, w) for all r-stages w :::; Vo. Ifm(r) < R(i, s)
then s is a r-expansionary stage.

Subcase la. Assume s is not r-expansionary. Define 1ft+2 =

r~(w)~(w) and go to substage t + 3.

Subcase 1b. Assume s is T-expansionary. Choose the least

j such that either:

(16) CPi(j)[VO] f:: CPi(j)[S] V t/Ji(j)[VO] f:: t/Ji(j)[S], or

(17) T~ (ej) requires attention,
where we say that a = T~{ej) requires attention if the a-module is now
ready to perform some action according to Step 1, 2, or 3 of the a-module
in §5.3. (Note that j exists because s is T-expansionary so (16) must hold
for some j.)
If j satisfies (16) then let 7rt+2 = T~{dj)~{w), define t:(y) = fl.:(y) =
ET(Y)[S] for all y < lei,s), define 1'T(Y) > cp(y) and 6T(y) > t/J(y) for all
y < l( i, s) with t T(y) or fl.T (y) defined, and go to substage t + 3.
If j satisfies (17) then let 7rHl = a = T~{ej). If the a-module wants to
successfully close a gap according to Step 3a then define (x) = t:
(x) = 1 fl.:
for x = xa,[s] (in anticipation that the a-module will enumerate x in ET
at substage t + 2), and otherwise define t:(x) = fl.:(x) = ET(X)[S]. In
addition, define t:(y) = fl.:(y) = ET(y)[s] for all y < lei, s), y f:: Xct[s].
Also define 1'T(Y) > cp(y) and 6T(y) > t/J(y) for all y < lei,s) with tT(y) or
fl.T (y) defined. Go to stage t -+ 2 and let a act in Case 2 as follows.
Case 2. l7rtl = 3i + 1 for some i. We may assume that 7rt =
T~(ej) for some j and a = 7rt wants to perform some step in the a-module
since otherwise the action in Case 1 caused us to go to substage t+3 moving
directly from some T-node to some O"-node.
The action for a = trt is just the same as in the a-module in §5.3 except
that: in Step 1 we also require that z < Pct[v] before we define Yct[v+1] = z;
in Step 2 we replace the condition AsH r z f:: As r z by AsH r z f::
Avo r z; where' Vo is the greatest a-stage ~ s; and in Step 3 we replace
"i-expansionary stage" by "T-expansionary stage" .
7rt~{s) if the a-module acts under Step 3a,
7rtH = { 7rt ~(w) if the a-module acts under Step 1 or Step 3b,
7rt~{g) if the a-module acts under Step 2,
Go to Substage t + 2.
Case 3. l7rtl = 3i + 2 for some i. Let 0" = 7rt. Let Ru denote the
current value at the end of stage (s, t) of that function Ru[v] as defined in
Step 1. If x E K[s], Au (x) 1= 0, x < l('::::'i' C)[s] , and Ru <
~ ~ ~

>'.,.(x)[s] then enumerate >'u(x)[s] in 6, let >'.,.(y) become undefined for all

y ~ x, and redefine A.O'(y) and AO'(Y) as in Step 2. Initialize all nodes (3

such that a~(dx) c;;,.(3 or a~(dx} <L (3.
Step 2. If x < £(Bi' 6)[sJ and A.O'(x) is currently undefined, then
define A.O'(x) = K(x)[s], and define AO'(x) = Z E w[u j , Z > ~i(X), and z such
that AO'(x) = Z will satisfy the use function conventions stated just before
Define 11'tH = a~(dj} if j < £(BO',6)[sJ is minimal such that ~u(j) is
currently undefined or has changed in value since the last a-stage. If there
is no such j define 11'tH = a~(w}. This completes substage t + 1.
At the end of substage t+l = s+ 1, define 11'[8+ 1J = 11't+l and initialize
all nodes (3 such that 11'[s + IJ <L (3.

To complete the proof of Theorem 2.2 we need to prove that for every i
requirements Pi and 'Ri are satisfied.
Define the true path f E [TJ of the construction by

(18) f = liminfs11'[s],
r r
namely f n = liminfs'11'[sJ n, for all n. (Since the tree T is infinitely
branching it is not obvious that this lim inf exists, but we will establish it
by proving (19) by induction on n for (3 = f r n.)
We will show that each requirement is satisfied by the unique node (3 C f
which is assigned to that requirement.
Fix (3 c f. By the definition of f we know 11'[8J <L (3 for at most finitely
many s. Also each a c (3 initializes (3 at most finitely often according to
Case 3 Step 1 of the construction in §6. Hence, there is a stage s{3 such
that (3 is )lever initialized and 11'[sJ 1:-L (3 at any stage s ~ s{3.
In addition we will assume the following inductive hypotheses for (3,
(19) (:3 OO S)[S a (3-stageJ,
(20) lims P{3[8J = 00, and
(21) R[3 = liminfs {R[3[sJ : S a (3-stage} < 00,

where P[3[sJ was defined in (15) and R[3[sJ was defined in (6).
We now examine the case (3 = f r 3i and we show in Lemmas 7.1 and
7.2 that the modules for (3 and (3+ = f r (3i + 1) satisfy R i , and that (19),
(20), and (21) hold for (3++ = f r (3i + 2). (Later we do the analogous
verification for (3 = f r (3i + 2) and Pi and (3+ in Lemmas 7.3 and 7.4.)
Let (3 = f r 3i and T = (3.
Lemma 7.1. Requirement Ri is satisfied.

(22) lims f( i, s) = 00,

there are infinitely many 7"-expansionary stages, and f(3i) =ft dj because ~i
and ~ i are total.
Hence, the 7"-module constructs TO A.T'! and ET such that t:
= A~ =
ET. (This uses the remark in Outcome 8 of §5.3 about why T(X) and 6.T(x)
remain correct when x enters ET') However, by hypothesis an b = 0, so
ET must be recursive. Choose the least j such that (}i,j = ET. Hence,
(23) lims f(En (}i,j)[S] = 00, and
(24) (Yk < j)[lims f(ET , (}i,k)[S] < 00].

Fix a = 7"~(ej). Now by (24) and the totality of ~i and ~i we know that
7l'[s] <L a for finitely many s, in particular never at stage S ~ Sa defined
From (22), (23) and Step 1 of the a-module it follows that lims Ya [s] =
00. Hence, A nonrecursive implies that there are infinitely many S such
that at stage 8 + 1 the a-module is ready to open a gap via Step 1 where
As+l r z ::/: Avo r z for z = Ya[s]. By (22) each a-gap must later be closed.
Therefore, a opens and closes infinitely many gaps and f(3i) = ej so a C f.
Hence, Di = fla and Di is recursive by the same proof as in Proposi-
tion 5.1. (Here we are using (20), the definition of Sa and the fact that
tp(xa)[s] < Pars] to see that no element z :s Ta[S] is enumerated in b at a
stage S ~ sa.) D

Lemma 7.2. Node f3++ = f r (3i + 2) satisfies the inductive hypotheses

(19), (20), and/21).

Proof. Note that if f3++ exists (i.e. satisfies (19)) then f3++ clearly satisfies
(20) because Pf3++ [s] = Pf3[s]. We now show that f3++ exists and satisfies
(21). First note,that f3 = 7" satisfies (19) by inductive hypothesis.
Case 1. Suppose there are finitely many 7"-expansionary stages. Then
f3++ = f3~(w)~(w) and f3++ satisfies (19), (20), and (21).
Case 2. Suppose there are infinitely many 7"-expansionary stages, but
~i(j) i or ~i(j) i with j minimal. Then f3+ = T~(dj) or f3+ = 7"~(ek)
for some k < j because the tree T below 7" is finitely branching to the left
of outcome dj . If f3+ = T~(dj) then f3++ = 7"~(dj)~(w) and f3+ clearly
satisfies (19) and (21).
If f3+ = a = 7"~(ek) then f3+ = a~(a) for some a E {s,g,w}. If
a E {s, w} then TO = lims Ta[S] < 00. If a = 9 then Ta[S + 1] = 0 for each

of the infinitely many stages s + 1 at which (); opens a gap. In either case
(21) holds for {3++ = (3+~(a).
Case 3. Otherwise, RED constructs <Pi = 1l1 i = D i , so the 7-module
constructs T = AT = E T. But then RED must make ET recursive, say
ET = Bi,k with k minimal. Then (3+ = (); = 7~(ek)' {3++ = (};~(g) and the
argument is the same as in the second paragraph of Case 2 above.
Note that since (19) holds for {3++ we have that {3++ C f because it
is obvious in each case that 7f[s] <L {3++ for at most finitely many s, and
likewise in the proof of Lemma 7.4, although we will not mention it there
explicitly. 0

Lemma 7.3. Requirement Pi is satisfied.

Proof. Assume Sf = c.
Then lims £(Si, C)[s] = 00. Hence, the (J-module
constructs A:(J)c total such that A:(J)C(x) = K(x) for all x satisfying R(J <
,\(J(x) by (21) and Case 3 of the construction. Thus, K "5.T A E9 C "5.T A
contrary to the hypothesis on A. 0

Lemma 7.4. If {3 = f f (3i + 2) then {3+ = f I (3i + 3) satisfies (19), (20)

and (21).

Proof Clearly, if {3+ exists then {3+ satisfies (21) because T,a[S] is never
defined so R,a+ [s] = R,a[s] for all s. Let (J = {3 = f I (3i + 2). By
Lemma 7.3 choose
x = (jty)-,[sf(y) 1 = C(y)].
If sf(xWI= C(x) or {(x)[s] 1 for at most finitely many s then

lims £(Si, C)[s] < 00,

the (J-module performs finitely much action, and {3+ = (3~(w). In this case
P,a+ [s] = P,a[s] for all s, and almost every {3-stage is also a (3+ -stage, so
(19) and(20) hold for {3+.
Otherwise we have


in which case (19) holds for {3+ by the construction, and (20) follows for
{3+ from (15) and (20) for {3. 0
This completes the proof of Theorem 2.2. 0


The following intuition may help to explain the a-module. For a and T
as in §5.3, the a-module assumes that if
then the T-module constructs
as in §5.2. The a-module must then show that if
then the function fJo. constructed by a satisfies
(29) fJo. = D.
Roughly, a looks for a stage v at which there is a sufficiently large and
honest element Y E w[o.l, Xo. < y, y not yet in E such that Oo.(y)[v)l. The
a-module then defines xo.[v + 1) = y and fJ(z) = D(z) for all z :::; Xo.. Let
Xo. = Xo.[v + 1). Now since 00. (Xo.)[v) L RED must impose sufficiently much
restraint on A and B to ensure that for all w 2: v either
(30) tA(Xo.)[W) L= O(Xo.)[w), or
(31) ,&B(Xo.)[wJL= O(Xo.)[w),
because otherwise a enumerates Xo. in E refuting (28) forever. Hence, a
will likewise use (30) and (31) to show that for all w 2: v either

(32) q>AE9C (Xo.) [wJL= fJ(Xo.), or

(33) wB(Xo.)[w) L= i7(Xo.),
so that (29) follows from (26).
Now Xo. is honest when first appointed, and a imposes 6 restraint rOo =
i'(Xo.) whenever a is not in a gap for Xo. (Le. is in a cogap) to ensure that
Xo. remains honest. If cp(Xo.) L= u and z E As+! - As for some z :::; u then
CP(Xa)[s + 1) j, and i'(xo.)[s + 1) j so a opens a gap at stage S + 1 and a
defines 6 restraint ro.[s+l) = 0, because a knows that RED must hold the
computation (33) during this gap until the next T-expansionary stage t + 1,
which is when the T-module next redefines i'(Xo.), and x is of course honest
at t+1 by (7). At stage t+1 a reimposes 6 restraint ro.[t+1) = i'(xo.)[t+1)
to keep Xo. honest until the next gap is opened.
Thus, (29) follows because (33) holds in the gaps and (32) holds in the
cogaps. Notice also that this is true not merely for Xo. itself but also for all

Z S X et , because ..y(z)[s] and 6(z)[s] are nondecreasing in z, so ..y(z)[S] 1 if

..y(Xet)[S] 1, and likewise for 6(z).
If RED ensures (26) and (28) then a must make r, total and hence must
arrange that lims(xet)[s] = 00 because xet[s] is the maximum element in
dom(r,[s]). The role of Yet in §5.3 is merely as a placeholder for a future
value of X et . We arrange that Yet < i(i, v), Y < iCE, ()et) (so ()et(Yet) 1) and
xet[s] < YetIs]. If (26) and (28) hold then limsYet[s] = 00. Now since A is
nonrecursive there is some S such that AsH r z =J As r z for z = Yet [s]. But
then rp(z)[s + 1] j by (1), so ..y(z)[s + 1] j, and z is honest. Hence, a defines
Xa[s + 1] = z = Ya[s]. Repeating this for new values of Ya it follows that
limsxa[s] = 00 because limsYet[s] = 00.
(In the a-module presented in §5.3 we have incorporated a suggestion
made to us by David Seetapun. In our original a-module, at Step la we
appointed Yet E w[et] to be a fresh element such that ..y(Ya) j. In Step Ib
we waited for a stage when ..ya(Ya) 1 (and therefore Ya honest) and we
established (; restraint Ta > rp(Yo.) to keep Yo. honest whenever rp(Ya) was
defined. Finally, in Step lc (rather than in Step 2 in §5.3) when Yo. <
i(E,()a) and Yo. < i(i, s) we defined xo.[s + 1] = Yo.Is] and r,o.(z) = Di(Z)
for all z S Xo.[s + 1].- In Step 2 we opened a gap only for an A r u
change where u = rp(Xo.) + 1. We made sure Ta exceeded both rp(xa)
and rp(Ya) whenever either was defined. The outcomes {w,s,g} and their
progress on the requirements were similar with the following exception. If
a opens finitely many gaps and closes none successfully (so the outcome
is w) then it may happen that lims Xo. [s] < 00, Y = lims Yo. [s] < 00, and
lims rp(y)[s] = 00. In this case Ri is satisfied by divergence of cI>i(Y), but
we may have lim sups Ta[S] = 00 and liminfsTa[s] = 0 which we handle in
as the case of a-outcome g. The main difference is that the a-module in
§5.3 has 'the more conventional property that if the outcome of a is w then
a acts finitely often.)


The idea of studying continuity properties of r.e. degrees arose from a
question of Lachlan posed in 1967. Lachlan asked whether every r.e. degree
o < a < 0' has a majoT subdegree namely whether
(34) (Va)o<a<o,(3c)c<a('tb)[aUb=O' ===} cUb=O'].
This question generated much effort but few results. Stob [15] used contigu-
ous degrees and wtt-reducibility to show that there are incomparable r.e.
degrees a and b such that b is the unique complement to a in the interval
[0, a U b], and Ambos-Spies proved a dual result.

Attention then turned to the dual of (34). In 1987 two recursion theorists
announced proofs of the negation of Theorem 2.2, and one presented his
result at a meeting in October, 1987. After receiving a written version
of the proof, M. Lerman discovered the error and pointed it out to us.
We then realized that the author was making a fundamental mistake in
trying to combine two methods from [14] and we began to try to refute
his claim. In December, 1987 we proved Theorem 2.2, and during the fall
of 1988, Ambos-Spies, Lachlan and Soare proved the dual, Theorem 2.3,
which is the nonuniform version of (34). Both were presented by Soare at
the Recursion Theory meeting in Oberwolfach, Germany in March, 1989.
After hearing that talk, C. G. Jockusch and M. Stob made some helpful
observations which led to the present formulation of Corollary 2.5 in place
of an earlier version presented in the lecture. Very recently Sui [16] has
suggested another method of doing the a-module for Theorem 2.2 in the
style of the promptly simple degree theorem [14, p. 284].
During the fall of 1990 David Seetapun [10] used a very interesting 0"'-
priority argument to prove that every r.e. degree 0 < a < 0' is locally
noncappable namely

(35) ('v'a)o<a<o/(3c)a<c(\fb)b<c[a n b = 0 ==> b = 0].

From this it follows that Theorem 2.2 holds uniformly in a, namely c can be
required to depend only on a and not on b. (This can also be obtained by
converting the proof in §4-§7 into a O"'-priority argument and putting the
a-modules for Si,j at infinitely many levels of the tree T in stead of letting
all be immediate successors of the node T for 7;,. However, the technical
difficulties in carrying this out are the same as those for proving (35) which
Seetapun had to.overcome.) From (35) Seetapun also concluded that there
are no maximal nonbounding degrees. All these are further results in the
direction of the BLUE player.
The general question (34) of the major sub degree remains open. (A
negative solutiON of the general major subdegree problem and some par-
tial positive cases had been announced by Cooper and Slaman, but these
have all been subsequently withdrawn.) Seetapun [11] has given a positive
answer for the case where a is low2.



Notice that in the conclusion of requirement Pi in §3 we used Af$C = K

rather than Af = K, which is usually used in the Sacks coding strategy.
The difference is that now in our a-strategy in §5.1 to meet Pi BLUE

enumerates X(x) in 6 only when x enters K, and not because of an A

change. In the conventional strategy where BLUE is building only A6 = K,
an A f Y change for some Y ~ e(x) causes e(x) to move and then BLUE
must enumerate X6 (x) into 6 to ensure

(36) ~(x) < X(x).

This action causes much more enumeration into 6 than with our a-module
as presented in §5.1. In our case such an A f Y changes automatically allows
XAE96 (x) to be redefined, namely if (36) holds before the A change then it
holds after the A change without enumerating X(x) into 6.
The significance of this is that combining this new a-strategy with the
rest of Sacks Density Theorem method (see [13, p. 142]) it is easy to prove:

Theorem 10.1. If C, D, F, and G are r.e. sets such that D <T C, F 1:.T
D, and C 1:.T G then there exists an r.e. set A such that D <T A <T C,
F 1:.T A, and A 1:.T G.

This improves a theo~em of R. W. Robinson [13, Exer. VIII.4.7, p. 146]

since his theorem required the added hypothesis "G ~T C " because both
G and C were required to compute uniformly in i the infinite recursive set
contributed to A for the sake of the positive requirement A =f. {i} G, whereas
in our new strategy only C is required. Note also that Theorem 10.1 is
clearly an additional continuity result for the BLUE player in the spirit of
this paper.
Harrington and Shelah [4] proved that the elementary theory of (R, <) is
undecidable, but it is unknown which fragments of this theory, such as the
'v'3-sentences valid in (R, <), form a decidable class. In particular, attention
has focused on the subclass of \1:3-sentences of the form,

(37) ('v'Xl) ... ('v'Xn)[D(Xl,." ,Xn)

==? (3yt} ... (3Ym)Dl(Xb.·. ,Xn,Yb··· ,Ym)],
where D and Dl are open diagrams in L( <) such that Dl extends D. This
has been also called the extension of embeddings question, because we wish
to decide whether for all r.e. degrees ab a2, ... , an such that

(R, <) 1= D(al, ... ,an)

there exist r.e. degrees bi, b2, ... , b m such that

Slaman and Soare have noted that Theorem 10.1 (suitably extended for
finitely many sets Ci , D i , Fi , G i , i :::; k, and combined with standard re-
sults from [13] such as the minimal pair theorem, existence of branching
degrees, and embedding posets in (R, <)), gives a solution for the one point
extension of embeddings, namely the case where m = 1.

The first author was supported by National Science Foundation Grant
DMS 89-10312, and the second author by National Science Foundation
Grant DMS 88-07389. The second author presented the results in this
paper and those in the companion paper [1] by Ambos-Spies, Lachlan, and
Soare, at the Workshop on Set Theory and the Continuum, October 16-20,
1989, while the authors were visiting the Mathematical Sciences Research
Institute in Berkeley, California, during the Special Year in Mathematical
Logic, from September 1, 1989 through August 24, 1990, where they were
partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant DMS 85-05550.

1. K. Ambos-Spies, A. H. Lachlan, and R. I. Soare, The continuity of cupping to 0',
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, to appear.
2. S. B. Cooper, The jump is definable in the structure of the degrees of unsolvability,
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1990), 151-158.
3. P. A. Fejer, The density of the nonbranching degrees, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 24
(1983), 113-130.
4. L. Harrington and S. Shelah, The undecidability of the recursively enumerable de-
grees (research announcement), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N. S.) 6 (1982) 79-90.
5. L. Harrington and R. I. Soare, Post's Program and incomplete recursively enumer-
able sets, Proceedings National Academy of Sci. USA, to appear.
6. L. Harrington and R. I. Soare, Definable classes and automorphisms of recursively
enumerable sets, to appear.
7. E. Herrmann, The undecidability of the elementary theory of the lattice of recur-
sively enumerable sets (abstract), In: Frege Conference 1984, Proceedings of the
International Conference at Schwerin, GDR, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, GDR, 66-72.
8. A. H. Lachlan, On some games which are relevant to the theory of recursively enu-
merable sets, Ann. of Math. (2) 91 (1970), 291-310.
9. E. L. Post, Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision prob-
lems, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (1944), 284-316.
10. D. Seetapun, Every recursively enumerable degree is locally noncappable, to appear.
11. D. Seetapun, Every 10W2 recursively enumerable degree is locally noncuppable, to
12. T. Slaman and W. H. Woodin, Definability in degree structures, to appear.
13. R. I. Soare, Automorphisms of the recursively enumerable sets, Part I: Maximal
sets, Ann. of Math. (2), 100 (1974), 80-120.
14. R. I. Soare, Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degrees: A Study of Computable
FUnctions and Computably Generated Sets, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1987.
15. M. Stob, wtt-degrees and T -degrees of recursively enumerable sets, J. Symbolic
Logic, 48 (1983), 921-930.
16. Y. Sui, On the problem of the critical bound, Acta Mathematica Sinica, to appear.





Our purpose here is to present some recent results about the structural
theory of L(JR) assuming the axiom of determinacy. We will focus our at-
tention "high-up" in the L(JR) hierarchy, in a sense to be made precise mo-
mentarily. In particular, we will be considering cardinals '" corresponding
to highly closed pointclasses. We will therefore be far beyond the projective
sets. The results presented here will appear shortly in [2] with complete
proofs. We will therefore omit some proofs or merely sketch an outline, al-
though we provide enough details in the case of our main result (Theorem 1)
so that the reader may reconstruct the proof.
There are several reasons for considering these problems. To understand
the first, we review briefly the problem of developing the so-called ''very-
fine" structure theory for L(JR). The well-known axiom of determinacy,
introduced by Mycielsky and Steinhaus in the 60's, asserts that every two
player integer valued game is determined. Beginning with the work of
Martin and Moschovakis in the late 60's, and continuing with the work of
Solovay, Kechris, Steel and others, a reasonable theory of the projective
sets was developed assuming AD. This theory described the properties of
the projective ~ets in terms of the so-called projective ordinals, §~. (We
refer the reader to [5] and [8] for their definitions and basic properties.)
However, the theory did not compute the values of these ordinals, nor
establish all their properties. In 1985, the author, building on some ideas of
Martin, was able to complete a program originally conceived of by Kunen for
computing the §~. The main result proved was that §~n+l = [~",.,oo.,} 2n+1]+
(also, §~n+2 = (§~n+l)+ was previously known). The theory developed for
this analysis also described in detail the cardinal structure for cardinals
'" < Ne o = sUPn §~. For example, it can be verified that all regular cardinals
< ~EO are measurable (we refer the reader to [3] for the main part of the
argument for the computation of all the projective ordinals, and to the
forthcoming [4] for the special case of §A). We refer to this analysis as the
''very-fine'' structure theory for the projective sets.


Extending work of Martin-Steel, and building upon ideas of Moschovakis,

John Steel developed a "fine-structure" theory for the model L(JR.) with
AD. It is so called as it is in analogy with Jensen's fine-structure theory
of L (see [9]). This theory extends the earlier theory of the projective sets
to the collection of all sets of reals in L(JR.). As with the earlier theory
of the projective sets, however, this theory is not sufficiently detailed to
answer some questions. For example, the question of whether every regular
cardinal K < e (= the supremum of the lengths of prewellorderings of
the continuum) is measurable remains open. One goal is to extend the
"very-fine" structure theory for the projective sets throughout all of L(JR.)
to answer these questions. This has in fact been done for the lower levels
of the L(JR.) hierarchy, although this has not appeared yet. Exactly how far
one can proceed using current methods is not clear, although the theory has
been extended past the least inaccessible cardinal in L(JR.). The analysis is
inductive, and becomes progressively more detailed the higher one goes in
L(JR.). One idea, then, is to leap-frog this inductive analysis and consider
directly cardinals K "high-up" in L(JR.). The hope is that ideas developed
in this context might suggest ways to proceed in extending the full theory,
and might also lead to a, more unified, simpler presentation.
A second, related, reason is that one might be able to isolate some of the
obstacles that arise in extending the theory through all of L(JR.) , and thus
may see the limitations of the current methods.


We work throughout in the theory AD + V = L(JR.). We will assume
the reader is familiar with the basic aspects of determinacy theory. We will
also need,some facts from the theory of L(JR.) as in [9], although we will
summarize these for the reader below.
The reader not familiar with these facts may either take them on faith,
or interpret our statement into a more specific context (such as K = the
ordinal of,the inductive sets) for which they are more apparent.
For consistency and technical convenience, we use now the Jensen hi-
erarchy Jo:(JR.) for the model L(JR.). Throughout, we will be considering
cardinals which we refer to as "admissible Suslin cardinals". By this, we
mean a Suslin cardinal K such that JIt(JR.) is E1-admissible. This is equiva-
lent to saying that the pointclass ~l -JIt(JR.) (i.e. the sets definable in JIt(JR.)
from El formulas with real parameters) is closed under real quantification
and that there is a ~l - J It (JR. definable partial map from JR. onto J It (JR.) (c.f.
[9J lemma 2.5). Such a cardinal must be much larger than the projective

ordinals, for example, but exactly how much larger? This question will
guide our discussion here.
Our main theorem (stated in the next section) extends and general-
izes a result of Kechris-Woodin [6) that e is Mahlo, and also a result of
Moschovakis that the point class of sets semi-recursive in 3 E lies strictly
within the inductive sets. Our ideas also borrow from some ideas of Har-
rington (1) where the first recursively Mahlo ordinal is studied. Our main
result will be that an admissible Suslin cardinal K, must be very large in the
Mahlo hierarchy. Our methods will also allow us to pinpoint a potential
obstacle to extending the very-fine structure theory further.
We collect now some facts about admissible Suslin cardinals we will
(F1) The set of Suslin cardinals K,' < K, is c.u.b. in K,. In fact, the Suslin
cardinals K,' < K, for which for which 8(K,') = ~1 - Ja,cIR) for some
a < K, is c.u.b. in K, (c.f. (9) theorem 4.3 and corollary 4.4). Here
8(K,) denotes the pointclass of K,-Suslin sets.
(F2) ~1 - JK(IR.) has the prewellordering (in fact, scale) property. In
fact, there is a ~1 formula cp with real parameters such that cpJ K,(JR)
defines a prewellorderlng of length K,. and such that for c.u.b. many
K,' < K" cpJ K,'(JR) defines the restriction of cpJ K,(JR) to those reals of
rank < K,'.
(F3) K, is (weakly) inaccessible and has the strong partition property
K, - t (K,)K (we refer the reader to (7) for a proof).

We first give a precise definition, due to Kleinberg, for the generalized

Mahlo order of K" which we denote by o(K,), valid whenever K, - t (K,)K. If
8 ~ K, is stationary and consists of limit ordinals of uncountable cofinality,
we say 8 is thin if 'Va E 8(8 n a is not stationary in a). We say 8 is thick
if 'Va E 8(8 n a stationary in a - t a E 8). It is easy to see that if 8 is
stationary and 8' is the set of thin points of 8, i.e., 8' = {a E 8 : 8 n a is
not stationary in a}, then 8' is thin and still stationary (given any c.u.b.
e ~ K" the le~t limit point of e in 8 is in 8').
Suppose now that 81, 8 2 ~ K, are stationary, thin, and consist of ordinals
of uncountable cofinality. We say 8 1 < 8 2 iff 3e ~ K, e is c.u.b. and
'Va E en 8 2 (81 n a is stationary in a). We say 8 1 , 8 2 are equivalent
if there is a c.u.b. set on which they agree (alternatively, one could work
throughout considering the ordering :5 on thick stationary sets defined by
8 1 :5 8 2 +--t 8 1 ~ 8 2 on a c.u.b. subset of K,. A variant of the following
claim shows that the strict part of :5 is a wellordering).

The following claim is due to John Steel:

Claim. < is a wellordering on the equivalence classes of thin stationary
Prool {sketch}. Given 817 82 S; K" we partition increasing functions I : K, --+
K, according to whether c% (J) < 0:82 (J), 0:81 (J) = 0:82 (J), or 0:81 (J) >
0:82 (J), where 0:8(J) = the least limit point of the range of I in S. By the
strong partition property, let A S; K, be a homogeneous set of size K,. Let
C S; K, be the set of limit points of K,. If the first case of the partition
holds, it is not difficult to check that for 0: E C n 8 2 , 8 1 no: is stationary
in 0:. Similarly, in the third case we get 8 2 < 8 1 , and in the second
case a c.u.b. set on which 81, 82 agree. Also, this argument shows that
< is wellfounded as otherwise we get an infinite descending set of ordinals
0:81 (J) > 0:82 (J) >. D
To make the definition of o( K,) coincide with the usual definition of
Mahloness in the small cases, we consider the relation < restricted to the
inaccessible cardinals:
Definition. o(K,) = the ~ank of < restricted to thin stationary 8 S; (inac-
cessible Suslln cardinals less than K,).
(Note: restricting 8 to the inaccessibles has the effect of deleting the
first K, many equivalence classes of the original relation, namely those cor-
responding to the various cofinalities below K,).
Following again Kleinberg, we define for thin, stationary 8 S; K, a nor-
mal measure 1/8 which we call the corresponding atomic normal measure.
Namely, AS; K, has measure one with respect to 1/8 iff 3C S; K,(C is c.u.b.
and \:jo: E C n 8(0: E A)). It follows from the strong partition relation on K,
that 1/8 is'a normal measure on K,.
We will explore the size of o(K,) in the next sections.


We define in this section the notion of a local well-founded relation on

lR. Our main theorem will be that for K, an admissible Suslin cardinal,
o(K,) ~ 8 = the supremum of the lengths of the local well-founded relations
at K,. In the following section, we investigate the nature of 8. In particular,
we show that cof(8) ~ K,+, 8 is "closed under ultrapowers" in a sense
to be made precise, and we give a result which rules out many regular
cardinals ~ K,+ as candidates for cof(8); We believe that in the presence
of the complete very fine- structure theory below K" this last result should
generalize to "8 is regular".

First, however, we would like to mention some results which help to

place our results in perspective, but will not be needed for the proofs.
Corresponding to K. we have an inductive-like pointc1ass = ~l - JK(JR).
We may also define a projective-like hierarchy above by: ~i = 3R At), Cr
1]2 = yREi, etc. Also, we let Q~(= Q~(K.)) = the supremum of the lengths
of the ~~ well-founded relations on JR (where ~~ = ~~ n lJ~ as usual). It
is not difficult to see that K.++ ~ §i ~ jw(K.) for all such K., where jw(K.)
denotes the ultrapower of K. by the w-cofinal normal measure on K.. Also, a
straightforward computation shows that any proper initial segment of the
prewellordering of stationary subsets of K. is ~i. Hence, o( K.) ~ Qi. By the
theorems presented here, it follows that o( K.) > Qi. Hence, Qi < o( K.) ~ Qi
for all admissible Suslin cardinals. Finally, it is a theorem (unpublished)
of Woodin that for such K., o(K.) = Q2 iff K. is lJ2-refiecting (i.e. whenever
cp is of the form y R 3 R ( 1PI A -,tP2) where 'ljJt, tP2 are El formulas with real
parameters, then JK(JR) 1= cp => 3a < K.(Ja(JR) F cp). lJi-refiecting is
stronger than admissibility as it implies that the admissibles below K. are
stationary in K.. Thus, for K. = the first admissible Suslin cardinal = the
closure ordinal of the inductive sets, we have Qi < o(K.) < Q2'
We assume for the remainder of this section that K. denotes a fixed ad-
missible Suslin cardinal.
We define now the notion of a local wellfounded relation. We say the
transitive wellfounded relation -< on reaIs is local if it satisfies the following:
(1) For each inaccessible Suslin cardinal a < K. there is a uniquely
defined well-founded relation -<a on reals. Also, there is a function
F : K. -+ K. and a formula cp (with real parameters) from the language
of set theory such that for all inaccessible Suslin cardinals a <
K.(x -<01 y) -<==> cpJF(a)(R)(x,y, a), for all x,y.
(2) There is a c.u.b. C ~ K. such that if a E C U {K.} and a is an
inaccessible Suslin cardinal, then for x, y E field (-<a) if X -<a y
holds then there is a c.u.b. 0 ~ a such that for all inaccessible
Suslin cardinals f3 E 0, if y E field (-<,8) then x is also, and x -</3 Y

We continue with the definition in a moment. We define first for a ~ K.

an inaccessible Suslin cardinal what it means for a to be x-Mahlo, for x E
field (-<a)' Namely, we say that a is x-Mahlo if for all Z E field (-<a) with
Z -<a x, the set Se; = {f3 < a : f3 is an inaccessible Suslin cardinal, Z E field
(-</3), and f3 is z-Mahlo} is stationary in a. If x is -<a-minimal we say a is
x-Mahlo if a is Mahlo is the ordinary sense. Also, we say a is I -<a I-Mahlo
if for all x E field (-<a), a is x-Mahlo. It follows readily that for a ~ K. in C

as above for property 2 that if a is x-Mahlo for some x E field (-<a), then
o(a) ~ Ixl-<<> - 1 (where Ixl-<<> denotes the rank of x in -<a, and A-I = A
for limit A). This follows since for all Z -<a x, S': is stationary in a, and
if ZI -<a Z2 -<a x, then (S':J' < (S,:J in the ordering on stationary sets,
where (S':J', (S':2)' denote the thin points of these sets. To see this, let
C <;;;: a be as in (2) for ZI and Z2. Then for f3 E C n S':2' ZI E field (-<a) and
ZI -<a Z2 from (2). Hence S~ is stationary in a, and therefore so is (S':J'.
Also from property 2 it follows that if a E C U {K,} for this C and a is not
x-Mahlo for some x E field (-<a), then there is a c.u.b. C <;;;: a such that for
f3 E C, f3 is not x-Mahlo.
We now continue with the definition of local:
(3) For each x E field (-<) (where -< abbreviates -<",), there is a function
ix : 11, ----+ 11" a c.u.b. Cx <;;;: 11" and formulas 'ljJ~, ... ,'ljJ"; (here n may
depend on x) in the language of set theory with real parameters,
each ofthe form 'ljJ~ (WI, W2, W3) ...... ----+ \;/Z E W3",1i~ (WI, W2, z) for some
",Ii~, such that for all inaccessible Suslin cardinals a E C x U {K,}, a
closed under ix, if x E field (-<a) then for all y E JR, (y E field (-<a)
J ()3)(1lI)
and y -<a x) -{==}-. 3 a c.u.b. D <;;;: a[Vf3 E D 'ljJ~ Ix (y, f3, Dn(3) V
JI ()3)(1lI)
... V \;/f3 E D 'ljJ"; x (y, f3, D n (3)].
(4) For each x E field (-<) there is a c.u.b. Dx <;;;: 11, such that for all
inaccessible Suslin cardinals a E D x , if x 1. field (-<a), then there is
a c.u.b. D <;;;: a such that for all inaccessible Suslin cardinals f3 E D,
x 1. field (-<{3).
(5) For each x E field (-<), there is a c.u.b. Ex <;;;: 11, such that for all
inaccessible Suslin cardinals a E Ex, if x 1. field (-<a), then there is
ayE field (-<a) such that a is not y-Mahlo.
(6) Fo~ each x E field (-<), if 11, is x-Mahlo, then the set Sx = {f3 < a : f3
is an inaccessible Suslin cardinal and x E field (-<an is stationary
in 11,.

We will reference clauses in the definition of local by their numbering

here, e.g. " ... property (3) ... ".
We now state the main theorem of this section:

Theorem 1. (AD + V = L(JR)) Let 11, be an admissible Suslin cardinal,

and let -< be a local wellfounded relation at 11,. Then 11, is I -< I-Mahlo.
We present an outline of the proof of this theorem. It is convenient
to start with the fact (Kechris-Woodin [6], see our introductory remarks)
that 11, is Mahlo. Alternatively, one may reword our proof here slightly

(essentially by eliminating the main "case 4" in our arguments) to reprove

this result.
We suppose the theorem fails, and fix a real E field (-<) such that K is
not x- x
Mahlo, and we assume is chosen with Ixl-< minimal. It follows that
there is an x -< in the field of -< such that K is x-Mahlo and N = {a < K : a
is an inaccessible Suslin cardinal, x E field (-<oJ, and a is x-Mahlo} is not
We fix Ix, C x as in (3) in the definition of local, and fix a c.u.b. C ~ the
Suslin cardinals below K satisfying:
(a) For all inaccessible Suslin cardinals a E C, either x tt field (-<oJ, or
x E field (-<o,) but a is not x-Mahlo.
(b) For all inaccessible Suslin cardinals a E C, if x tt field (-<a), then
there is an x' in field (-<a) such that a is not x'-Mahlo. We are
using (5) here.
(c) For all inaccessible Suslin cardinals a E C, if x tt field (-<a), then
there is a c. u. b. D ~ a such that for (3 an inaccessible Suslin cardinal
in D, x tt field (-<,8). We are using (4) here.
(d) C is closed under Ix : K ~ K and consists of limit points of Cx'
We define now for each a E C two sets of reals A a , Ba. We think
of Aa as a set of codes for a, and Ba as a "sufficiently complete set at
the a th level". We define Ba to be the canonical universal ~l - Ja(JR)
set, i.e., Ba = ((x,y) : x = (n,x') where n codes a ~l-formula r.p, and
Ja(JR) 1= r.p(x', where () denotes a standard coding of w x JR into R We
define Aa inductively through the following cases:
(0) a = the least element of C. We set Aa = {O}, where 0 = the
constant real O.
(1) a = the «(3 + l)th element of C for some (3. We set Aa = {(l,x) :
x E A,8}.
(2) a a limit and 3(3 < a and a set A wadge reducible to B,8 such that
A ~a' U A~, and A is "unbounded" in a in the obvious sense (i.e.
Val < a3a2 < a(a2 > al and 3z E An A(2)' In this case, we set
Aa = {(2,x,y) : x E A,8 for some (3 < a and if A = {z: y(z) E B,8,
then A ~a' U A~ and A is "unbounded" in a}. Here, y(z) is the
result of applying the continuous function coded by y to z.
(3) Case 2 fails, and a is inaccessible but not Mahlo. We set Aa =
{(3,a) : Vx Ea' U A~ a(x) Ea' U A~, and D = {(3 < a : VX E,8'
U A~ (a( x) E,8' U A~
<,8 <,8
n is c. u. b. in<aa n C, and for all limit points !y
of D, (3 < a, (3 is not inaccessible }.

(4) a E C, a Mahlo but not I-<a I-Mahlo. We set Aa = {(4,x,a): x E

field (-<a), a is x-Mahlo, S;; = {,B < a : ,B is an inaccessible Suslin
cardinal, x E field (-<.6), and ,B is x- Mahlo} is not stationary in a,
and a defines a c.u.b. D <:;;; an C (as in case 3) such that for all
inaccessible Suslin cardinals ,B E D, either x f. field (-<,8) or ,B is not
x-Mahlo and one of the following holds:
(i) for,B E D, x f. field (-<,8).
(ii) for some m 5 n(= n(x)) and all,B E D, 'lj;~Jfx(f3)(R) (x,,B,D n
,B) holds}.

This completes the definition of the Aa.

One may easily check that Aa n A.6 = 0 for a < ,B in C.
Next, one may verify that each a E C gets a code, (Le. each Aa =f. 0 for
a E C). By case 1, we may assume a is a limit point of C. By case 2 and
the coding lemma we may assume that a is regular. By case 3, we may
assume a is Mahlo. Since a E C, either x f. field (-<a) or x E field (-<a)
and a is not x-Mahlo. In either case, it can be shown from the definition
of C that a gets a code from case 4.
Also, an inspection of the definition of the Aa shows that each A a ,
Ba E ~ = f n where f = :&1 - J,,;(lR). It follows (say from the coding
lemma) that A =a ~'" Aa E f. By admissibility, we must have A E f - t
as the induction defining the Aa has size "'.
Finally, we obtain a contradiction by showing that -,A E f. We write
out a formula which computes this. Intuitively, the formula asserts that x
is not a code if there is a real Z which codes count ably many reals Zo = x,
Zl, . .. ,Zn, ... , and Zn+1 by not being a code witnesses that Zn is not a
We claim that x E -,A __ --t D(x), where D(x) is the statement: :3z[z
codes count ably many reals Zo = x, Zl,'" ,Zn,"" such that for all n,
(zn, Zn+1) satisfy one of the following:
(0) Zn is not of the correct syntactical form to be a code.
(1) Zn = (1, x) and zn+1 = x.
(2) Zn = (2, x, y) for some x, y and either Zn+1 = x or (x E A and
y(zn+1) E Blxl)'
(3) Zn = (3, a) for some a and :3z[z E A, a(z) = Zn+1, and "zn is not
the code of any ordinals Izl"J.
(4) Zn = (4,x,a) for some x,a and one of the following holds:
(i) :3z E A[a(z) = Zn+1 and "zn does not code any ordinal::; Izl"J.
(ii) :3z E A["lzl E CO', the c.u.b. set coded by a" and :3ao ::; Izl(ao
is an inaccessible Suslin cardinal, x E field (-<ao), and ao E

& 3al :5 Izl('Ij!~ Jf:I!(O<n)(1l (X, all Cunal) fails, al is an inaccessible

Bustin cardinal, and al E Cu )
& 3an :5lzl('Ij!~JJa;(Q.. )(Il(x,an,Cunan) fails, an is aninaccessi-
ble Bustin cardinal, and an E Cu )
& 1rI{3:5 Izl("zn does not code any ordinal :5 {3")]&Zn+1 = Zn·

It is easy to check, using the fact that is closed under real quantifiers
that n defines a set.
We now claim that x E -.A +--t n(x).
First assume that x E .,A. One shows then that for any Zn, if Zn E -.A
then we may find a Zn+l E -.A such that (zn' zn+d satisfy one of the cases
in n. By case 0, we may assume that Zn is of the correct syntactical form
to be a code. Cases 1,2,3 are relatively easy. For case 4, we may find such a
Zn+l unless (1 = (1(Zn) codes a c.u.b. set C u which we assume to be the case.
We may further assume subcase ii does not hold as otherwise we may take
Zn+l = zn·It follows that for some m :5 n(= n(x), where now Zn = (4, x, (1)
and all inaccessible Bustin cardinals {3 E Cu that 'lj!rr;JJ~(~)(Il) (x, {3, Cu n {3)
holds. From (3) in the definition of local it now follows that x E field (-<)
and x -< x. However, from the definition of Mahloness it follows that we
may find a a timit point of Cu such that x E field (-<oJ and a is x-Mahlo.
Taking the least such a it follows that Zn codes a, a contradiction.
For the other direction, assume n(x) holds and show x E .,A. We assume
not, so x E A. We let Zo = x, Zl,'" ,Zn, ••• , witness n. One then shows
by induction on n that each Zn E A and IZn+11 < IZnl, a contradiction. For
fixed Zn, we consider cases on the syntactical form of Zn. The argument in
all cases is straightforward.
Hence x E .,A +--t n(x), so -.A E r,
a contradiction.

Definition. For K an admissible Buslin cardinal, we define 8(= 8(K» to
the supremum 9f the lengths of the local well-founded relations at K.
Thus, the results of the previous section give that for K an inaccessible
Bustin cardinal, O(K) ~ 8. We state now some results concerning the size of
8. We will present only a rough outline of the proofs, referring the reader
to [2] for details.
Theorem 2. 8 is a. limit ordina.l.
Proof One checks that if -< is a local well-founded relation of length ')'+ 1,
then we may find a local relation -<' of length')' + 2. We may assume 0 ¢

field (-<) nor in the field of any of the -<0:, and we let Xm E field (-<) be
such that IXml = 'Y. We define -<I by adjoining to -< the relations Y -<I 0
for all y -< X m , or y = X m . We define -<~ for 0 < K, by similarly adjoining
these relations whenever Xm E field (-<0:)' It is not difficult to check that
-<I is local. 0
We note that it is not clear in general whether or not 8 is attained as
the length of a single local well-founded relation.
Theorem 3. 8 is "closed under ultrapowers". That is, if 'Y < 8 and 8
is a representative for the 'Yth equivalence class for stationary subsets of
K" and if v'"( denotes the corresponding atomic normal measure on K" then
jv., (K,) < 8, where jv., refers to the embedding corresponding to ultrapower
by the measure V'Y"
Proof. Fix 'Y < 8, and fix a local well-founded relation -< at K, of length 'Y+2,
and reals Xm, x:n E field (-<) with Ixml--< = 'Y, Ix:nl--< = 'Y+ 1, and Xm -< x:n.
From theorem 1 it follows that 8 m = {o < K, : 0 is an inaccessible Sustin
cardinal, Xm E field (-<0:), and 0 is xm-Mahlo} is stationary. Also, from
theorem 1 and (2) in the definition of local, it follows that 8:n = {o < K, : 0
is an inaccessible Sustin.cardinal, 8 m n 0 is stationary in 0, and 0 is x:n-
Mahlo} is stationary. Further, the rank of 8 m in the ordering on stationary
sets is at least 'Y. It suffices,therefore, to show that js",,(K,) < 8, where jSm
refers to the embedding from the atomic normal measure corresponding
to 8 m (this follows since an easy argument shows that if 81 < 82 in the
ordering on stationary sets then i S1 (K,) < j S2 (K, )).
We define another local well-founded relation -<I of length iSm (K,) as
(1) The field of -<I consists of reals x such that x -< Xm or x = Xm
together with pairs (xm' y) where y codes via the uniform coding
lemma a function fy : K, -+ K,.
(2) For the reals x such that x -< x:n or x = x:n, the ordering -<I agrees
with -<. Also, all such reals x are set -<I to all pairs (xm' y). Further,
we set (xm,y) -<I (Xm'Y') iff [fy]sm < [f~]sm'
(3) For 0 < K" we define -<~=-<o: if x:n ¢ field (-<0:) or 8 m n 0 is not
stationary in o.
If x:n E field (-<0:) and 8 m n 0 is stationary in 0, we define -<~ similarly
to -< (using the same x:n).
One may then check that -<I is local, which finishes the proof. 0

It follows from theorems 2 and 3 that 8 must be quite large.For example,

8 > K,+, K,++, etc. We now state without proof two further theorems which

have the flavor of saying "6 is regular". In fact, as we mentioned earlier, we

believe that in the presence of the complete very-fine structure theory for
L(IR) below K that the proof of theorem 5 should generalize to show this.
Theorem 4. oof(8) > K.

Theorem 5. Let -< be a local well-founded relation at K with Zm E field

(-<) and so (by theorem 1) S = {a < K : a is an inaccessible Suslin cardinal
and a is zm-mahlo} is stationary in K. Let V denote the corresponding
atomic normal measure. Then cof(8) =I jV(K).
In fact, using the argument in the proof of theorem 5, we can show
that cof(8) =I K+, K++, . .• , K+n, . " Theorem 5, then, is just ruling out as
possibilities for cof(8) certain regular cardinals which are easily presented
(one can show that for K having the strong partition relation, the ultrapower
of K by any semi-normal measure is regular, where a measure is semi-normal
if it gives every c.u.b. set measure one- a definition and result of Kleinberg).

For K an admissible Sustin .cardinal, we have shown that o( K) ~ some 8
for which cof(8) > K and 8 is "closed under ultrapowers". We have also
stated a result which suggest that 6 should be regular. We state explicitly:
Conjecture. For K a Suslin cardinal, o( K) being regular and closed under
ultrapowers implies that K is admissible (Le. ~1 - JIt(IR) is closed under
real quantification).
Finally, we remark that using methods similar to the proof of theorem 5
we can show that 8 carries a K+ - additive measure, which in turn induces a
non-atomic normal measure V on K with jv (k) > 8. This seems to parallel
some results of Woodin "high up" at K = §~ on the existence of normal
measures with strength [10]. This may be important for extending the
L(IR) theory. We have not been able to a corresponding version of theorem
5 for this measUre on 8 (Le. rule out the various jv(K) as candidates for the
least cardinal where additivity of the measure fails). Thus, it is not clear
whether or not 8 is (or should be) measurable.


1. Harrington, L.A., The Superjump and the First Recursively Mahlo Ordinal, Gener-
alized Recursion Theory, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, vol.
79, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974, pp. 43-52.
2. Jackson, S., Admissible Suslin Cardinals in L(JR), Journal of Symbolic Logic (to
3. Jackson, S., AD and the Projective Ordinals, Cabal Seminar 81-85, Lecture Notes
in Mathematics 1333 (1988), Springer-Verlag, 117-220.
4. Jackson, S., A Computation of §~, in preparation.
5. Kechris, A.S., AD and Projective Ordinals, Cabal Seminar 76-77, Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 689 (1978), Springer-Verlag, 91-132.
6. Kechris, A.S., Determinacy and the Structure of L(JR), Proceedings of Symposia in
Pure Mathematics 42 (1985), 271-283.
7. Kechris, A.S., Kleinberg. E.M., Moschovakis, Y.N., and Woodin, W.H., The Axiom
of Determinacy, Strong Partition Properties, and Non-Singular Measures, Cabal
Seminar 77-79, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 839 (1981), Springer-Verlag, 75-100.
8. Moschovakis, Y.N., Descriptive Set Theory, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.
9. Steel, J.R., Scales in L(JR), Cabal Seminar 79-81, Lecture Notes in Mathematics
1019 (1983), Springer-Verlag, 107-156.
10. Woodin, W.H., Large Cardinals and Determinacy, in preparation.





The study of the Lebesgue measurability and of the Baire property of

sets of reals is a natural and old domain of mathematical research.
Although its main paradigm is searching for the existence of pathological
sets of reals, this research has produced a well-supported mathematical
theory about the non-pathological sets.
At the end of the last century, it was known that the number of the
perfect subsets of the real line is equal to the number of the reals. Using
this, Bernstein constructed a set A ~ R such that for every perfect set
B, both B n A and B n R\A- are not empty. Sets with this property are
nowadays called Bernstein sets. They are not measurable, and they do not
have the property of Baire.
On the non-pathological side, Sierpinski and Luzin showed that the an-
alytic sets are measurable and have the property of Baire.
In 1912, E. Borel introduced the concept of strong measure zero sets and
conjectured that the strong measure zero sets are exactly the countable sets
of reals. At the same time, using the Continuum Hypothesis, Luzin built
an uncountable set that has countable intersection with every meager set.
Sierpinski proved that this Luzin set also has strong measure zero. More
sophisticated strong measure zero sets were studied by Rothberger during
the 40's and 50's.
With the work of P. Cohen, a new era began: the study of properties of
measure and category in various models of set theory.


Let us start with the following definitions.
A( m) the union of less than continuum many mea-
sure zero sets has measure zero,
B(m) _ the real line is not the union of less than con-
tinuum many measure zero sets,


U(m) == every set of reaIs of cardinality less than the

continuum has measure zero,
G (m) == there does not exist a family F of measure
zero sets, of cardinality less than the contin-
uum, and such that every measure zero set is
covered by some member of F.
A(e), B(e), U(e), and G(e) are defined similarly, with "first category" re-
placing "measure zero."
In the pre-forcing era of set theory, the following implications were known
(see [31]):

A(m) =} B(m) =} G(m) A(m) =} U(m) =} G(m)

A(e) =} B(e) =} G(e) A(e) =} U(e) =} G(e)
B(m) =} U(e) B(e) =} U(m).
The non-trivial implications are due to Rothberger [35]. After the in-
vention of forcing, a number of models were constructed to demonstrate
that most of the other conceivable implications between these properties
do not hold.
In Miller [28], a chart-later called the "Kunen-Miller chart"-diagram-
ming these implications was published. Most of these implications were
already ruled out by constructions of models due to Martin-Solovay [27],
Kunen [25], and most notably, Miller himself, in trying to show that there
are no other implications.
The chart left a few questions open, and folk wisdom said that these
questions would not be provable in ZFG, since their "measure-category
mirror images" were already known to be not provable in ZFG.
The main advance was given by Bartoszynski [3], where he proved that

A(m) =} A(c) G(e) =} G(m).

In this way we have, in ZFG, the following diagram of implications:

/ A(e) '-.
/ '-.
B(m)->U(e) B(e)->U(m)
'-. /
'-. C(e) /

In Judah-Shelah [14], it was proved that no more implications can be

proven in ZFC.
The main technical advance presented in [14] was that a countably sup-
ported iteration of forcing notions, each preserving outer measure one, also
preserves outer measure one. Other preservation theorems for finitely sup-
ported iterations are proved in the same paper. The most remarkable proof
is that "not adding generic filter for amoeba forcing" is preserved under
finitely supported iterations. A weaker theorem was proved by A. Kambu-
relis [24].


Let me introduce two new properties:

wD == "IF E [WW]<t 3g E WW "If E F3°Onf(n) < g(n),

D == "IF E [WW]<t 3g E WW "If E FVOOnf(n) < g(n).
It was well known that B(c) => wD, and it is not hard to show that
A(c) => D. Cichon displayed. all these properties in "Cichon's diagram":


I t
In addition,
A(c) == B(c) & D
C(c) == U(c) V wD.
In the context of this diagram, like before, a natural question arises:
are these the only implications between these sentences that are provable
in Z FC? It turns out that the answer to this question is positive: every
combination of those sentences which does not contradict the implications
in the diagram is consistent with Z FC.
This is proved "step-by-step", i. e., by giving a model for each impli-
cation. The last five models are given in BartoszyJiski-Judah-Shelah [8].
Although our paradigm is to look for asymmetries between measure and
category, in the construction of the models we can recognize some kind of
Let W be the set of sentences obtained from the sentences A, B, U, C,

D, and wD using logical connectives. Define * : W --+ W inductively by

.'lj;* if ¢ =.'lj;
'lj;1 * V'lj;2* if ¢ = 'lj;1 V'lj;2
.C if ¢=A
.U if ¢=B
¢* = .B if ¢=U
.A if ¢=C
.wD if ¢=D
.D if ¢=wD

for ¢ E W.
It turns out that if ¢ is consistent with ZFC, then ¢* is consistent with
ZFC. Moreover, in most cases, one can find a notion of forcing P such
that w2-iteration of P over of model for CH gives a model for ¢, while
wI-iteration of P over a model for MA + .CH gives a model for ¢*.
To give an example of our method of work, we shall describe step-by-step
how we got a model for .B(c) & .U(m) & .B(m) & U(c) & wD & .D.
The first step is to find the appropriate support for the iteration. Because
we want .B(c), we are obliged to avoid adding Cohen reals, therefore we
must use a countably supported iteration.
We thus get two restrictions: namely, we must start from a model of C H
and we can not get models for the continuum being bigger than ~2' We do
not have a preservation theorem for the sentence "not adding Cohen reals."
But if the forcing notion satisfies a little more than axiom A, then we are
able to show that the Cohen reals are not added at limit stages.
The second restriction is to get .U(m) in the final model. We take care
of this by, a preservation theorem for the sentence "the outer measure of A
is one," as mentioned in the section on the Kunen-Miller chart.
The third restriction is to get a model for .B(m), which means not
adding random reals. We prove a preservation theorem for "not adding
random reals."
The fourth restriction is .D. We use here a preservation theorem for
the sentence "not adding dominating reals."
Now we go to the second stage. We should find forcing notions for
getting U(c), that is, for making the old reals a meager set. This forcing
notion must also satisfy the fourth previous condition, i. e., it must not add
dominating reals. (This was one of the hardest problems.)
Finally, we want to get wD. For this, we must add an unbounded real
without violating the four above-mentioned restrictions. Miller rational
perfect forcing is used for this.

Recently, J. Brendle [10] studied the cardinals associated to the Cichon

diagram, but he considered cardinals bigger than ~2. This is a very interest-
ing direction and the main goal is to produce a model where the cardinals
associated to the Cichon diagram are all different. It is clear that new ideas
about iterated forcing are intrinsically needed for this problem.
From the sketched solution presented above, we see that in the comple-
tion of the Cichon diagram, numerous preservation theorems were used.
Each of these theorems has its own distinct proof. Today, we are working
on a general iteration theory from which we can obtain the above results
as a particular case. It is important to remark that all the forcing notions
used in the completion of the Cichon diagram have a simple definition, and
this gives the opportunity to work with them in an abstract way, like in
"Souslin Forcing" [15].

It is an interesting problem to study the cofinalities of the cardinalities
associated with the Kunen-Miller chart. In general, these cardinals are
defined as follows.
Let T be a a-ideal of Borel sets of R, then we define

"A (T) = the least" such that (3C E [TJI<)(U C ~ T),

"B(T) = the least" such that (3C E [TJI<)(U C = R),
"u(T) = the least ti such that [R]I<\T =1= 0,
tic(T) = the least ti such that (3F E [TJ"')(VA E T)(3B E F)(A ~ B).

Usually we drop the letter T if it does not lead to any confusion.

The following is part of the folklore.
(a) tiA ::; tiB n tiu ::; "B U "u ::; "c,
(b) ti A is regular,
(c) cof(tiu) n cof(tic) > w.
Fremlin has proved that
(d) cof("c) ::::: "A,
(e) cof(tiu):::::tiA.
Let C be the ideal of measure zero sets and M the ideal of meager sets.
Then Miller [29] proved cof(tiB(M)) > w. This result was improved by
Bartoszynski-Judah [5] where we get cof(tiB(M)) > tiA(C).
We have the following.

Conjecture. cof(KB(M)) 2: KA(M).

There is a large number of questions in this topic. It seems that the
most intensely studied one is the following question of Fremlin:

Is cof(KB(C)) > w?
A lot of effort has been devoted to solve this problem. (See [16], [17].)
The best partial result was obtained by Bartoszynski [4]:

where b is the minimal cardinal of an unbounded family in WW. It seems

plausible that the Bartoszynski result is the best possible. We think that
a solution of this problem is connected with the existence of perfect sets
of random reals. The following two questions are closely related to the
construction of a model for cof(KB(C)) = w:
(1) Does the existence of a perfect set of reals random over a model M
for a sufficiently large fragment of Z Fe imply the existence of a
dominating real over M?
(2) Assume that for each n and each Nn-sized family of measure zero
sets there is a perfect set disjoint from the union of the family. Does
this imply KB > Nw ?
All possibilities for the cofinalities of Kc(C) and Kc(M) were completely
described in Bartoszynski-Judah-Shelah [9], but hard questions remain con-
cerning cof( KU ).
Recently J. Brendle has built a model where cof(Ku(C)) < KA(M). This
result surprised me, because I was sure that a new idea on iteration was
necessary to get a model of this inequality. J. Brendle's idea was to start
with a ground model satisfying KU = C = NW1 ' by adding NWl Cohen reals.
Then he added W2 Hechler reals. In the final model, KA(M) = W2. Then he
uses ideas of Bartoszynski-Judah [6] to show that if P 1= a-centered, then

Clearly this is enough to show that in his model, KU(C) = NW1 '
I think that the study of the cofinalities associated to the Kunen-Miller
chart will be an area of very interesting development in the near future.


Pathological sets of reals are always capturing the attention of mathe-

maticians. As mentioned in §1, Bernstein's set was built in the last century.

At the beginning of this century Luzin defined his set: an uncountable

set of reals that has a countable intersection with every meager set. A
set of reals X is called a strong measure zero set if for every sequence
(Ei : i < w) E (R+)W there exists a sequence (Xi: i < w) E RW such that

X ~ U (Xi - Ei,Xi + Ei).


It turned out that Luzin sets have strong measure zero.

E. Borel conjectured that the strong measure zero sets are exactly the
countable sets of reals. This conjecture is known as the Borel conjecture.
Luzin built up a Luzin set from CH, and therefore the Borel conjecture fails
if 2No = Nl •
Sharp results concerning the strong measure zero sets were given by
Rothberger. He proved the following. Let S be the a-ideal of the strong
measure zero sets.

Theorem. (a.) ~ = Nl implies the Borel Conjecture fails.

(b) b = KU(S) = 2 No iff KA(M) = 2No.

It is impressive how Rothberger's work done in the 40's and 50's has a
strong flavor of our work in the 80's.
In his celebrated work, "On the consistency of the Borel Conjecture,"
R. Laver [26] built a model where 2No = N2 and every strong measure zero
set is countable. In this paper countably supported iterations of forcing
were introduced. A complete solution of the Borel conjecture with large
continuum was given independently by W. H. Woodin and Judah-Shelah
(see [18]). In [18] it is proved that adding w2-Laver reals followed by any
number of random reals gives models for the Borel conjecture. It is an open
problem if we can destroy the Borel conjecture by a adding a random real.
A. Miller asked if the existence of a Ramsey filter on w implies the
negation of the Borel conjecture. This is a natural question when you
know that the existence of Ramsey filters has a close relation with models
having a lot of Cohen reals. The Cohen reals are the main ingredient to
build Luzin sets. In [19] a model for both the Borel conjecture and the
existence of Ramsey filters was constructed. It can be noticed that all the
constructions of strong measure zero sets of size N2 have used the existence
of Cohen reals over L. T. Weiss and I, working independently, were looking
for models where S\R <N2 =f. 0 and no real is Cohen over L. This problem
was solved recently by Goldstern-Judah-Shelah [12], where we produce such

Using BartoszyD.ski's [3] characterization of KA(£) it is not hard to show


Galvin asked if

In Judah-Shelah [20] a negative answer to Galvin's question was given by

a model with MA(u-centered) + KA(S) = Nl + 2No = KA(M) = N2 •
J. Pawlikowski [32] improved our result by showing that for any model
M obtained by finitely supported iteration of forcing notions having pre-
calibre Nil of length;::: WI, we have M 1= KB(S) = Nl . This result uses
the elegant characterization of a strong measure zero set due to Galvin-
Mycielsky-Solovay (see [30]): X ~ R has strong measure zero iff for every
meager set M there is ayE R such that (X + y) n M = o.
This characterization of strong measure zero sets suggests the definition
of a strongly meager set: A set X ~ R is a strongly meager set iff for every
null set M there is ayE R such that (X + y) n M = 0 .
Clearly the countable sets are strongly meager. It is an open question
whether the strongly meager sets form an ideal!
A Sierpinski set is an uncountable set that has countable intersection
with every measure zero set. Galvin asked whether Sierpmski sets are
strongly meager. This too is an open problem. In this direction, Bar-
toszyD.ski-Judah [7] proved
(a) Consistency of "every Sierpi:6.ski set is strongly meager" (by adding
Nl-random reals to a model for MA).
(b) Every Sierpi:6.ski set is the union of two strongly meager sets
In the model for (a) there are uncountable strongly meager sets (i. e.,
the Sierpinski sets). Also, it is possible to ask the question dual to Borel's
conjecture: is it consistent that every strongly meager set is countable? A
model for this dual Borel conjecture was constructed by T. Carlson [11],
by adding N2 Cohen reals to any model. Carlson's result was improved in
Judah-Shelah [20] where we gave a model for MA(u-centered) +2N°>Nl +
Dual Borel Conjecture. Pawlikowski [32] also improved our result by get-
ting the same with MA(precalibre Nl ).
It would be interesting to get a model where the Borel Conjecture and
Dual Borel Conjecture hold simultaneously. I think that the Laver model
is a good candidate for this.
There are other interesting pathological sets besides the ones mentioned
here; for an introduction you should see Miller [30].

During this workshop on the continuum, Shelah built a model where

there is an open set of [0,1]2 of measure one which does not contain a
rectangle of outer measure one. This is one the nicest results obtained
during the logic year. H. Friedman got a weak form of this in the Cohen


Let us introduce some notation. We shall write ~~(C) (Ll~(C), II~(.C)) if

every ~~ (a~, n~) set is Lebesgue measurable. ~~(M) (Ll~(M), II~(M))
if every ~~ (a~, n~) set has the property of Baire. (We only refer to
boldface sets.) M A is understood to imply ...,CH.
Luzin and Sierpinski proved that

ZFC I- ~t(C) & ~HM).

As a corollary of Godel's work on the constructible universe we have

v= L I- ""Ll~(C) & ""Ll~(M).

Actually, there are a~ Bernstein sets in L.·

Measurability and categoricity of the ~~-sets of reals were studied by R.
M. Solovay in the 60's. The following characterizations were discovered:

~~(C) iff (Vr E R)({s: s is random over L[r]) has measure 1)

~~(M) iff (Vr E R)({c: c is Cohen over L[r]) is comeager)

Using these characterizations, Martin-Solovay [27] proved

MA I- ~~(C) & ~~(M).

The a~-sets of reals were studied in Judah-Shelah ([21]). We found:

, Ll~(C) iff (Vr E R3s)(s is random over L[r])

Ll~(M) iff (Vr E R3c)(c is Cohen over L[r])

(In [23], it was proved that MA fLlA(C), LlA(M).)

In the mid-80's, Bartoszynski, and independently Raisonnier-Stern [34],
discovered that ~~(C) =? ~~(M). It is part of the folklore in set theory
that this implication can not be reversed. Moreover, ~~(M) does not imply
Ll~(C). By adding Nl random reals to L we can also see that Ll~(C) does
not imply LlMM). Shelah [36] showed, in ZFC, that LlA(C) is consistent.
Further study of this model proved that LlA(M) holds in this extension.

Using the ideas of [36], it was not hard to get a model for LlACM) by a
a-centered forcing extension, therefore, if we start from L, we can get a
model for LlACM) + -.LlM.c).
For a long time, the main problem concerning .dA-sets was to show that

Ll~C.c) does not imply Ll~(M).

In [23], we built a model of

Ll~(.c) + -.Ll~(M),
but we used the consistency of a measurable cardinal. This result did not
yet make me happy. Fortunately, during this logic year, we built a model for
LlAC.c) +-.LlACM) using only the consistency of ZFC [-]. This construction
owes a lot to technology introduced by Galvin, Laver, Shelah, Todorcevic,
We think that a forcing characterization of LlA(.c) (LlA(M)) would give
us a deeper understanding of these statements.
Concerning the .dA-sets, Harrington-Shelah [13] proved that

MA + Ll~(M) I- Wl is weakly compact in L.

In Judah-Shelah [22], we showed

MA + Ll~(.c) I- Wl is weakly compact in L.

Indeed, by an unpublished result of Kunen-Solovay we have that MA +

LlA(.c) (LlA(M)) is equiconsistent with

ZFC + 3 a weakly compact cardinal.

As a corollary of this, we have

MA does not imply Ll~(.c) nor Ll~(M).

In Judah-Shelah [22], we also built amodelfor LlA(.c)+LlA(M)+MA(1),

starting from L. (1 is the class of c.c.c. posets that satisfy c.c.c. in any
c.c.c. extension.) We don't know if it is possible to improve this result by
enlarging 1.
The most interesting open problem concerning .dA-sets involves M A,
Does M A + (Vr E R)(Wl L[r] < Wl) imply LlH.c)?

The present state of knowledge does not allow us to differentiate, in

ZFC, between "~§(.c)" and "'v'n~~(.c)." Immediately after Cohen's break-
through, R. M. Solovay built his famous model for "'v'n~~(.c)" starting
from the existence of an inaccessible cardinal. Later, in the 70's, S. Shelah
[36] proved that

~~(.C) implies that ~1 is inaccessible in L.

We don't know how to build models for ~A(.c) + -,~1(.c) starting from
large cardinals which are possibly consistent with V = L. I think this must
be one of the most interesting problems in the near future of set theory.
One of the first asymmetries of measure and category was found by
S. Shelah [36] when he started from L and built a model for 'v'n ~~(M)
(without using an inaccessible cardinal).
Surprisingly, this asymmetry disappears when one adds a weak assump-
tion to ZFC, as shown by the following theorem of Raisonnier[33]:

ZFC + ~~(.c) f- "~A(M) implies ~1 is inaccessible in L".

We generalized this result in the presence of different forms of M A. Also,

we proved in [22] the following results:
(1) The following theories are equiconsistent:
(a) ZFC + :3 weakly compact cardinal,
(b) MA(precalibre ~d + ~§(.c) (~A(M)).
(2) The following theories are equiconsistent:
(a) ZFC +:3 Mahlo cardinal,
(b) MA(a-centered) + ~§(.c) (~§(M)).
(3) The following theories are equiconsistent:
(a) ZFC + :3 inaccessible cardinal,
(b) JI1A(Souslin) + ~A(.c) (~§(M)).
The class of "Souslin forcing notions" is defined by the class of forcing
notions which are c.c.c. and have a :El-definition. The study of this class
was started in [15] and continued by Bagaria in his Ph.D. thesis. In [5], the
concept of "Souslin absoluteness" was introduced: we say that a model V
is Souslin absolute if for every Souslin forcing P E V, we have R V -< R VP .
During this logic year, we proved the following theorem:
V F "Souslin absoluteness" implies
(a) V F ~1 is inaccessible in L,
(b) V 1= ~§(.c) + ~A(M).

We don't know yet if Souslin absoluteness implies projective measura-

bility. However, we hope that this direction of research will give a forcing
characterization of the statement Vn E~ (.C).
Closely related with these results are the following open problems: Let
r be a random real.
(a) Does V F "Souslin absoluteness" imply V[r] F "Souslin absolute-
(b) Does V FVnE~(.c) imply V[r] FVnE~(.c)?
At the same time that I was writing this note, M. Goldstern and I built
a model for the Borel Conjecture where Projective measurability holds. We
got this by starting from an inaccessible cardinal.
Also, we are dealing with measurability and categoricity of filters on w.
The reader can find a chapter on the subject in this proceedings. The most
remarkable result is a combinatorial characterization of measurable filters.


The author would like to thank J. W. Addison and D. Martin for helping
me to be at M.S.R.I. duri~g the logic year, Richard Shore for supporting
my last month under a grant for Latin America, W. Just for pressing me
to write this evaluation, and M. Wiener for improving the presentation to
this final form.


1. J. Bagaria, H. Judah, Amoeba Forcing, Souslin Absoluteness and Additivity of Mea-

sure, this volume.
2. H. Judah, f!.~(measumbility) does not imply f!.~(categoricity), in preparation.
3. T. Bartoszynski, Additivity of measure implies additivity of category, Transactions
of the American Mathematical Society 281 (1984), 209-213.
4. T. Bartoszyllski, On covering of the real line by null sets, Pacific Journal of Mathe-
matics 131 (1988), 1-12.
5. T. BartoszyD.ski, H. Judah, On the cofinality of the smallest covering of the real line
by meager; sets, Journal of Symbolic logic 54 (1989), 828-832.
6. T. Bartoszynski, H. Judah, Jumping with Random reals, Annals of pure and applied
logic (to appear).
7. T. Bartoszyllski, H. Judah, On Sierpinski Sets, Proceedings of the American Math-
ematical Society 108 (1990), 507-512 ..
8. T. Bartoszynski, H. Judah, S. Shelah, The Cichon diagmm, submitted.
9. T. Bartoszynski, H. Judah, S. Shelah, The cofinality of cardinal invariants related
to measure and category, Journal of Symbolic logic 54 (1989), 719-726.
10. J. Brendle, Large Cardinals in Cichon's diagmm, accepted by Journal of Symbolic
11. T. Carlson, unpublished notes.
12. M. Goldstern, H. Judah, S. Shelah, Strong measure zero sets and avoiding Cohen
reals, in preparation.

13. L. Harrington and S. Shelah, Some exact equiconsistency results in set theory, Notre
Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (1985), 178-188.
14. H. Judah, S. Shelah, The Kunen-Miller Chart, JSL (to appear).
15. H. Judah and S. Shelah, Souslin forcing, Journal of Symbolic logic 53 (1988), 1188-
16. H. Judah, S. Shelah, Around random algebra, Archive for Mathematical Logic (to
17. H. Judah, S. Shelah, Adding dominating reals with measure algebras, submitted.
18. H. Judah, S. Shelah, H. Woodin, The Borel Conjecture, AnPAL (to appear).
19. H. Judah, Strong measure zero sets and rapid filters, Journal of Symbolic logic 53
(1988), 393-402 .
20. H. Judah, S. Shelah, MA(u-centered), Cohen reals, strong measure zero sets, and
strongly meager sets, Israel Journal of Mathematics 68 (1989), 1-17.
21. H. Judah and S. Shelah, A~-sets ofreals, Annals of pure and applied logic 42 (1989),
22. H. Judah, S. Shelah, Martin's axioms, measurability and equiconsistency results,
Journal of Symbolic logic 54 (1989), 78-94.
23. H. Judah, S. Shelah, A~-sets of reals, submitted.
24. A. Kamburelis, Iteration of Boolean Algebras with Measure, Archives of Mathemat-
icallogic 29 (1989), 21-28.
25. K. Kunen, Random and Cohen Reals, Handbook of Set Theoretical Topology, North-
Holland, 1984.
26. R. Laver, On the consistency of Borel's Conjecture, Acta Mathematica 137 (1976),
27. D. Martin and R. Solovay, Internal Cohen extensions, Annals of Mathematical Logic
2 (1970), 143-178.
28. A. Miller, Some properties of measure and category, Transactions of the American
Mathematical Society 266,1 (1981),93-114.
29. A. Miller, The Baire category theorem and cardinals of countable cofinality, Journal
of Symbolic logic 47 (1982), 275-288 .
30. A. Miller, Special sets of reals, Handbook of Set Theoretical Topology, North-
Holland, 1984.
31. Oxtoby, Measure and Category, Springer-Verlag, 1971.
32. J. Pawlikowsky, Finite support iteration and strong measure zero sets, Journal of
Symbolic logic (to appear).
33. J. Raisonnier, A mathematical proof of s. Shelah's theorem on the measure problem
and related results, Israel Journal of Mathematics 48 (1984), 48-56.
34. J. Raisonnier, J. Stern, The strength of measurability hypotheses, Israel Journal of
Mathematics 50 (1985), 337-349.
35. Rothberger, Eine Aquivalenz zwischen der Kontinuumshypothese unter der Existenz
der Luzinschen und Sierpinskischen Mengen, Fundamenta Mathematicae 30 (1938),
36. S. Shelah, Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away'?, Israel Journal of Mathematics
48 (1984), 1-47.




ABSTRACT. An exposition of recent work on Borel equivalence relations in

Polish spaces is presented. This includes a general Glimm-Effros dichotomy
for Borel equivalence relations and a study of countable Borel equivalence
relations and their classification into subclasses such as smooth, hyperfinite,
amenable, treeable etc.

This article is a survey of some recent work on Borel equivalence rela-
tions in Polish spaces. The subject has interesting connections with ergodic
theory and operator algebras and in fact a lot of the work reported here
has been motivated by results 'and concepts originating in these areas.
Before getting down to specific results, it would be helpful, in order to
put things in perspective, to discuss informally some aspects of the subject
of "definable" equivalence relations in Polish spaces to which these results
belong. One can look at this from two different but related points of view.
The first we dub the "set theoretic point of view", the second one "the
classification point of view". Here is what we have in mind.

1.1. The set t,heoretic point of view

Consider sets of "definable cardinality at most that of the continuum" ,

i.e., sets 1 for which there is a "definable" surjection f : lR ..... 1 from the
reals onto 1.
We would like to study "definable cardinality theory" for such sets. The
basic concepts here are

1 '5: D J {::=> :3 "definable injection" f : 1 >--> J

1 ""D J {::=> 1 '5: D J & J '5: D 1
({::=> :3 "definable" bijection


The appropriate context for carrying out "definable cardinality theory" is

to work in an inner model of the Axiom of Determinacy (AD). In fact such
a theory would be even smoother if one works in an inner model (containing
lR) of the Axiom of Determinacy for reals (ADIR), see for example [30, §3].
This is because ZF + DC + ADJR implies that every subset of lR2 can be
uniformized and, even more, that every subset oflR admits a scale (Woodin).
Working in Z F + DC + A~, one is studying now arbitrary sets I which are
surjective images of lR and the usual notions of Cantor's cardinality theory,
i.e. embedding (injection) I ~ J and equivalence (bijection) I", J of sets.
However, since AC fails, cardinality theory looks quite different here. The
cardinality theory of such I which are ordinals (i.e. the ordinals < e) has
been extensively studied over the last 20 years. But the theory for arbitrary
I, even of the form power(a), a < e, is still very little understood. For
instance, the question whether there are infinite a with a+ ~ power(a) is
still open.
This "definable cardinality theory" can be also viewed as a study of
"definable" equivalence relations: Given a "definable" surjection f : lR "-* I,
let E be the corresponding equivalence relation

xEy -¢=::} f(x) = f(y) .

Then there is a canonical bijection between I and lR/E. The embeddability

relation I ~ D J corresponds then to the concept of "definable" reducibility
between "definable" equivalence relations

E ~D F -¢=::} 3 "definable" f: lR -lR'v'x,y

(xEy -¢=::} f(x)Ff(y)) .

(The notions coincide if "definable" relations on lR admit "definable" uni-
formizations, as for instance is the case when we work in an inner model of

1.2. The classification point of view

Suppose now X is an arbitrary Polish space and E a "definable" equiv-

alence relation on X. One is frequently interested in the problem of classi-
fying elem.ents of X up to E-equivalence by appropriate "invariants".
It would be best if one could find reasonably "concrete invariants" , which
in general could be viewed as elements of some Polish space Y. That is,
one is looking for a "definable" map f : X - Y, where Y is some Polish
space, such that

xEx' 4===> f(x) = f(x') .

In that case we have E ~D .6.(Y) (= the equality on Y). An example of
this situation is the classification of n x n complex matrices under similarity
by their Jordan canonical forms. (Here X = Mn(C) = Y, E = similarity
and f(A) = the Jordan canonical form of A).
However, quite often one has to settle for somewhat "less concrete in-
variants". For example, if we seek to classify up to unitary equivalence nor-
mal operators on (separable) Hilbert space, which (for siinplicity) have a
given spectrum n and are multiplicity-free, then the invariants are measure
classes on n, i.e., equivalence classes of measures on n under the equivalence
relation of mutual absolute continuity: J.t rv v 4===> J.t -<-< v & v -<-< J.t •
In this and other similar situations one has a "definable" map f : X -+ Y,
where Y is some Polish space, and a "definable" equivalence relation E' on
Y such that
xEy 4===> f(x) E' f(y)
4===> [f(x)lEI = [f(y)lEI
so that the "invariants" are now E'-equivalence classes. In that case we
have of course E ~ DE'.
We will concentrate in the sequel on Borel equivalence relations. Al-
though many of the subsequent results extend appropriately under deter-
minacy hypotheses, we will not discuss these extensions here except for
some occasional remarks.


Let X, X, be Borel sets in Polish spaces, E, E' Borel equivalence relations

on X,X' resp.
Definition L We say that E is reducible to E', in symbols
E::; E'

if there is a Borel function f : X -+ X, such that

xEy 4===> f(x)E' f(y) .
We say that E is embeddable in E', in symbols E !;;;; E', if there is a 1-1
Borel function f satisfying the above.

Definition 2. A (countable) separating family for E is a sequence

{An} of subsets of X such that

xEy {::=} 'v'n[x E An {::=} Y E AnI .

Notice that E has a Borel separating family iff E ::::; .6.(2W), where b.(S)=
equality on S.

Definition 3. The Borel equivalence relation E is called smooth if it has

a Borel separating family.
This means that E is smooth iff it is "concretely classifiable" .
A standard non-smooth equivalence relation is the following:

xEoY {::=} 3n'v'm 2: n(x(m) = y(m)) .

The quotient space 2w lEo is canonically isomorphic to P(w)/fin. We can
easily see that Eo is not smooth by noticing that the standard probability
measure on ~ is Eo-ergodic and Eo-non-atomic. These concepts are defined
as follows.
Definition 4. A (Borel probability) measure J.I. on X is (E- )non-atomic
if J.I.([xI E ) = 0 for each equivalence class [xI E •
A measure J.I. on X is (E-)ergodic if J.I.(A) = 0 or J.I.(A) = 1 for each
J.I.-measurable E-invariant set A S;; X.
We have now the following
Theorem 5. (Harrington-Kechris-Louveau[16]). For each Borel equiva-
lence relation E on a Borel set X in a Polish space exactly one of the
following holds:
(1) E is smooth;
(II) Eo I;;; E.

Remarks. 1) (1) is equivalent to the existence of a universally measurable'

separating family or to the existence of a C-measurable selector (C = the
smallest a-algebra containing the Borel sets and closed under the Souslin
operation A; a (E-)selector is a map s: X -+ X with xEy => s(x) = s(y)
and s(x)Ex). In general one cannot find Borel selectors for smooth E (even
closed ones), except in certain special situations, e.g., if every equivalence
class [xlE is Ku (a countable union of compact sets) or if E is induced
by a Polish group acting by Borel automorphisms on X (see Burgess [4]).

Further equivalences can be proved under further assumptions on E (see

[9], [15]).
2) (II) is equivalent to the existence of a continuous (from 2w into the
Polish space in which X lives) or universally measurable embedding of Eo
into E and also to the existence of a (E-) non-atomic, ergodic measure.
(This last equivalence is useful in analytic applications).
The preceding result is an outgrowth of two lines of work, one originat-
ing in analysis and the other in set theory. From the analysis side, the first
such dichotomy was established by Glimm [14] for the case of equivalence
relations induced by (continuous) locally compact transformation groups
and then extended by Effros [9], [10] for the case of Fa equivalence rela-
tions induced by Polish transformation groups. The Glimm-Effros work is
related to the proof of the "Type I iff smooth dual" conjecture of Mackey
in the representation theory of C* -algebras and groups. Special cases of
the Glimm-Effros dichotomy have been rediscovered and applied in ergodic
theory, see e.g. [22], [20], [27] and [34]. Finally, in [7] a dichotomy result
has been established for arbitrary Fa equivalence relations.
From the set theory side, Silver [28] proved (in particular) that for Borel
E either E S 6(w) or 6(2W) ~ E (via a continuous function). (This of
course also easily follows from Theorem 5). Harrington (unpublished) later
found a much simpler proof of Silver's Theorem using effective descrip-
tive set theory and making use of the topology generated by the Ei sets-
the so-called Gandy-Harrington topology. Further development of these
techniques appeared in work of Harrington-Marker-Shelah [17] as well as
Louveau [23], Louveau-Saint Raymond [24] and Kada [19] on Borel partial
orders. The proof of Theorem 5 uses techniques of effective descriptive
set theory associated with the Gandy-Harrington topology and provides an
effective version of Theorem 5. More precisely, we have:
Theorem 6. (Harrington-Kechris-Louveau [16]). For each 6~ equivalence
relation E on N = WW exactly one of the following holds:
(I) There IS a 6~ set A f; w x WW such that if An = {x : (n,x) E A},
then {An} is a separating family for E.
(II) Eo ~ E.

Concerning the partial (pre )ordering S on the Borel equivalence rela-

tions, Theorem 5 and Silver's Theorem show that 6(w), 6(2W), Eo are in
increasing order the first three ones, among those that have infinitely many
equivalence classes. What is happening above Eo is unclear. It is known
that there are incomparable elements (some nice examples are due to S.
Jackson, W. Just and A. Louveau) and it is not hard to see that there is a

cofinal Nl sequence {Ed of Borel equivalence relations (Harrington). How-

ever it is open to find a canonical such cofinal sequence. It is also not known
if this partial (pre )ordering is a well-quasiordering. There is one interest-
ing further result due to Friedman-Stanley [13]: For any Borel equivalence
relation E there is a Borel equivalence relation E' strictly bigger than E
(i.e., E ~ E' but E' E).
Remark. In the context of Z F + DC + ADJR the following general dichotomy
seems to be true: For any set I which is a surjective image of lR either I
embeds into 2° for some ordinal a < e or else P(w)/fin embeds in I. (A
proof of this should combine the proof of Theorem 5 with the techniques
of [12]). This and earlier results provide the following partial cardinality
picture for such sets I: Either I embeds in some a < e or else 2W embeds
in I (this was proved in Harrington-Sami [18]). If 2W embeds into I either
I embeds into 2° for some a < e or else P(w)/fin embeds into I. Beyond
that we do not understand what is happening.


In the rest of this paper we will concentrate on the structure of countable
Borel equivalence relations, where we have the following
Definition 1. Let E be a Borel equivalence relation on a Borel set X in
a Polish space. We call E countable if every equivalence class [xl E is
Examples of such E are =T (Turing equivalence), =A (arithmetic
equivalence), Eo, the tail equivalence Etail on 2W (where XEtail Y -¢=:::}
3n3m\ik(x(n + k) = y(m + k)), etco Also, if G is a countable group,
a an action of G by Borel automorphisms on X (briefly: a Borel action)
and we denote by (g, x) ~ Xoag the action, the induced equivalence relation

xEaY -¢=:::} 3g E G(x = y ·a g)

is a countable Borel equivalence relation. We denote Eo by EG when there
is no danger of confusion. In particular, if we consider the canonical action
of G on XG (X a Polish space) given by

x . g(h) = x(gh)
we denote by E(XG) the induced equivalence relation.
The following result shows that all countable Borel equivalence relations
come from group actions.

Theorem 2. (Feldman-Moore [11]). Let E be a countable Borel equiv-

alence relation on a Borel set X in a Polisb space. Tbere is a countable
group G and a Borel action 0: of G on X sucb tbat

E=Eo. .

This result has the following application (see [8])

Proposition 3. Tbe equivalence relation E(2F2) is universal among
countable Borel equivalence relations, i.e. for every sucb E, E ~ E(2F2).
(Here F2 is tbe free group on 2 generators).
Thus the countable Borel equivalence relations on uncountable Borel sets
are exactly those in the interval

Apart from the group actions, another important ingredient in the study
of countable Borel E is the type of "structures" that can be "uniformly"
attached to each E-equivalence class, as it will be gradually explained be-
In terms of these ingredients one can ramify countable Borel equivalence
relations in different levels of complexity.

3.1. Finite Borel equivalence relations

These are by definition the ones with finite equivalence classes, and there
is not much to say about them.

3.2. Smooth (countable) Borel equivalence relations

Again these are fairly easy to understand. We only want to make here
a couple of remarks: Because of the countability assumption, smoothness
can be characterized by the existence of a Borel selector. Also because of
Theorem 2.5 and the remarks following it, non-smoothness is characterized
by the existence of a non-atomic, ergodic and quasi-invariant probability
measure. (A measure p, is E-quasi-invariant if for every Borel set A,
p,(A) = 0 implies p,([AJE) = 0, where [AJE = {x::Jy E A(xEy)}).
Before we go to the next level, recall the Feldman-Moore Theorem. One
can ask various questions about a countable group generating a given equiv-
alence relation. For example, can it always be taken to have 2 generators?
This does not seem to be known. However one has the following fact proved
in [8J.

Proposition 4. Let E be a countable Borel equivalence relation on a Borel

set X in a Polish space. If there is a Borel equivalence relation F ~ E which
is smooth and has infinite equivalence classes, then there is a countable
group G with 2 generators and a Borel action a of G on X with E = Eo..
This applies easily to show for example that =T or =A are induced by
groups with 2 generators.
How about I-generated groups, i.e. equivalences induced by Z-actions?
For each Borel automorphism T : X -+ X, where X is a Borel set in a
Polish space, we denote by ET the equivalence relation induced by T i.e.

XET Y -¢=} 3n E Z (x = my)

Definition 5. A countable Borel equivalence E on X is called hyperfinite

if it is of the form ET for some Borel automorphism T of X.
This is our next level of complexity.

3.3. Hyperflnite Borel equivalence relations

The term hyperfinite' is justified by the following

Theorem 6. (Weiss [34), Slaman-Steel [29)). The following are equivalent
for a countable Borel equivalence relation E:
(i) E is hypernnite;
(ii) E = UnEn, where Eo ~ El ~ E2 ~ . .. are finite Borel equivalence
(iii) There is a Borel map assigning to each [xlE = C a linear order <0
of C of order type finite or Z. (More precisely, to say C 1-+<0 is
Borel means that the relation x <lylE z is Borel).

Examples of hyperfinite E include Eo, E(2Z ), E tail (see [8)). On the

other hand, E(2F2) is not hyperfinite. Hyperfinite Borel equivalence rela-
tions have the following closure properties

1) IT E ~ F or E ~ F or E = F r A (A Borel) and F is hyperfinite,

then so is E.
2) IT the Borel set A is full for a countable Borel equivalence relation
E and ErA is hyperfinite, so is E. (A set A is full if it meets every
equivalence class).
3) [8) IT Eo ~ El ~ E2 ~ . " are smooth, Un En is hyperfinite. (How-
ever it is not known if hyperfinite Borel equivalence relations are
closed under increasing unions).

We have now the following basic fact for hyperfinite equivalence relations.
E>:::!F~Er;;F & Fr;;E

Theorem 7. (Dougherty-Jackson-Kechris [8)). Let E, F be hyperfinite,

non-smooth Borel equivalence relations. Then E >:::! F.
In particular, it follows that given any two such E, F there are full sets
A, B such that E f A ~ F f B, i.e., E f A, F f B are Borel isomorphic.
(On the other hand there are hyperfinite, non-smooth E, F with E ~ F).
Thus any two hyperfinite, non-smooth Borel equivalence relations look very
much alike (for example, there is a "canonical" 1-1 correspondence between
their non-atomic, ergodic, quasi-invariant measure classes).
Remark. The proof of the preceding result shows also that E tail is hyper-
finite, and so E tail >:::! Eo >:::! E(2Z). (The fact that Eo >:::! E(2Z) answers a
question of Mycielski, see [25], 1.6, who showed that Eo >:::! E, where E is the
equivalence relation on IR given by xEy ~ 3q E Q(x + q = y).) In fact,
more generally, ifT: X --t X is a Borel map and xEy ~ 3n3m Tn x =
Tm y , then E is the increasing union of a sequence of smooth Borel equiva-
lence relations (this extends a result of Vershik [32], who proved this in the
measurable context).
We have thus seen that the partial (pre)order :::; of hyperfinite Borel
equivalence relations (on uncountable sets) has only two elements: 6(2W)
and Eo.
There is one important question that is open about hyperfiniteness,
namely whether the notion is effective. More precisely we have the fol-
Problem 8. Let E be a 6l equivalence relation on N = WW. Assume E is
hyperfinite. Is there a 6l bijection T : N --t N such that E = ET?
Notice that smoothness is effective by Theorem 2.6.
We proceed .now to the next level.

3.4. Amenable (countable) Borel equivalence relations

This notion was introduced in [21], by carrying over a measure theoretic

notion of Zimmer [35]. We will briefly review below some facts and open
problems about this notion. For more information, see [21].
Definition 9. A countable Borel equivalence relation E on X is amenable
if there is a map assigning to each equivalence class C of E a finitely additive
probability measure CPc defined on all subsets of C such that C f--+ CPc is

universally measurable, Le., for each Borel bounded F X2 _ R, the

function f : X - R given by

f(x) = f F(x,y)dc,o["'lE (y)

J[xl E
is universally measurable.
Recall that a countable group G is amenable if there is a G-invariant
finitely additive probability measure c,o defined on all subsets of G. By a
result of Mokobodzki (see [6]), for each probability measure J.L on 20 one
can find such a measure c,o which is J.L-measurable (viewing c,o as a map of
20 into [0,1]) and if the Continuum Hypothesis (CH) holds, actually c,o can
be taken to be universally measurable. Using this, it is easy to see from
CH that every Eo, where G is amenable, is amenable. This includes the
case of abelian, solvable, etc. G. In particular (from CH): hyperfinite :::}
amenable. This can be extended as follows.
Theorem 10. ([21]). (CH) Let E be a countable Borel equivalence rela-
tion. If there is a Borel map assigning to each equivalence class C of E a
linear order <c olC w1!ich is scattered (i.e., contains no copy olQ), then
E is amenable.
Examples of non-amenable E include E(2F2) and =T, =A'
This notion and the above result were originally used in [21] to solve a
problem of Slaman-Steel [29] about orderings on Turing degrees. Orderings
on equivalence classes and an operator-theoretic version of the preceding
theorem also came up independently in work in operator algebras of Muhly,
Saito and SoleI [26].
Amenability in the context of Borel equivalence relations is not yet well
understood and there is even a question whether the above is the "right"
definition of amenability. Some basic problems are the following:
Problem 11. Is amenability the same as hyperfiniteness?
The answer is positive in the measure-theoretic category (see Connes-
Feldman-Weiss [5]). From this it follows, assuming CH, that any amenable
Borel equivalence relation is induced by a universally measurable automor-
phism Le., is "universally measurably" hyperfinite. As far as we know,
Problem 11 is open even in the case of Eo, for G amenable (see Weiss [34]).
Notice also that Sullivan-Weiss-Wright [31] (with an additional argument
by Woodin) prove that if E on a perfect Polish space X has the property
that every invariant Borel set is either meager or comeager, then EtA
is hyperfinite for an invariant comeager Borel set A. In particular, =T is
hyperfinite on an invariant comeager Borel set.

Problem 12. Is there a Glimm-Effros type dichotomy for amenable (or per-
haps hyperfinite) equivalence relations?
A strong possible formulation (that settles Problem 11 as well) is the
following: Is there a non-amenable equivalence relation E 1 , perhaps in-
duced by some appropriate action of F2, which embeds in any given non-
hyperfinite E? (If such a result holds effectively this would also imply that
hyperfiniteness is effective). Notice that this can be viewed as an analog
of the following classical problem for groups: Does every non-amenable
countable group contain F2? (see [33]). The answer in this case is of course
known to be negative (see again [33]).
Up until now we have not yet seen equivalence relations strictly between
Eo and E(2F2) (in ::;:). Such examples have been pointed out to us by
Zimmer and also Adams. We describe here the Borel version of Adams'
notion of a treeable equivalence relation (see Adams [1]).

3.5. Treeable (countable) Borel equivalence relations

Definition 13. Let E be a countable Borel equivalence relation. We say

that E is treeable if there is a Borel map which assigns to each equivalence
class C of E a tree on C, i.e., an acyclic, connected graph on C.
Examples of treeable E include any E a , where a is a free action of
the free group Fn with n generators. (An action (x, g) 1-+ X • 9 is free if
x # x . 9 for all 9 # 1 and all x E X.) It immediately also follows that:
hyperfinite ~ treeable. We have now
Theorem 14. (Adams [2], Adams-Spatzier [3]). There are countable Borel
equivalence relations which are not treeable.

Now one can'verify that if E ::;: F or E <:;;; F and F is treeable, so is E.

Thus we have
Corollary 15. E(2F2), =T are not treeable.
Corollary 16. If E = E a , where a is a free action of F2 which has an in-
variant probability measure, then Eo < E < E(2F2), (E < F meansE::;: F
&F E).
We conclude with two open problems
Problem 17. Is =T universal? In other words if E is a countable Borel
equivalence relation, is it true that E r;;;; =T?
Problem 18. Find countable Borel E, F (on uncountable sets) such that
E i F and FiE.

In other words we do not know yet if :S restricted to countable Borel

equivalence relations (on uncountable sets) is a (pre)-linear ordering or


We have recently established the following Borel version of the result

in J. Feldman, P. Hahn and C.C. Moore, Orbit structure and countable
sections for actions of continuous groups, Adv. in Math. 28, (1978), 186-
Theorem 19. Let G be a second countable locally compact group and
0: : G x X -+ X a Borel action of G on a Borel set X in a Polisb space. If
E = Ea is tbe induced Borel equivalence relation, tben tbere is a Borel set
B ~ X and a nbbd U of tbe identity in G sucb tbat
(i) B is full (i.e. meets every equivalence class) and
(ii) 'Ix E B (x· UnB = {x}).
In particular, B meets every equivalence class in an at most countable set.
It follows that for any such E there is a countable Borel equivalence
relation F (namely E r B) such that

E ~* F {:==? E :S F 1\ F:S E .

Thus up to ~* -equivalence countable Borel equivalence relations are the

same as those induced by Borel actions of second countable locally compact
groups. (This may be also useful for Problem 18).
The conjecture in the Remark at the end of §2 has now been proved by
A. Ditzen'and (independently) M. Foreman-M. Magidor.


1. S. Adams, Trees and amenable equivalence relations, Erg. Theory and Dyn. Systems
10 (1990), 1-14.
2. S. Adams, Indecomposability of treed equivalence relations, Israel J. Math 64(3)
(1988), 362-380.
3. S. Adams and R. Spatzier, Kazhdan groups, cocycles and trees, Amer. J. Math 112
(1990), 271-287.
4. J. Burgess, A selection theorem for group actions, Pac. J. Math. 80(2) (1979),
5. A. Connes, J. Feldman and B. Weiss, An amenable equivalence relation is generated
by a single transformation, Erg. Theory and Dyn. Systems 1 (1981),431-450.
6. C. Dellacherie and P-A. Meyer, The6rie discrete du potentiel, Hermann, 1983.
7. R. Dougherty, S. Jackson and A. Kechris, The structure of equivalence relations
on Polish spaces, I: An extension of the Glimm-Effros dichotomy, circulated notes,
March 1989.
8. R. Dougherty, S. Jackson and A. Kechris, The structure of equivalence relations on
Polish spaces, II: Countable equivalence relations or descriptive dynamics, circulated
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9. E. Effros, Transformation groups and C*-algebras, Ann. of Math. 81(1) (1965),
10. E. Effros, Polish transformation groups and classification problems, General Topol-
ogy and Modern Analysis, Rao and McAuley, eds. (1980), Academic Press, 217-227.
11. J. Feldman and C. C. Moore, Ergodic equivalence relations, cohomology and von
Neumann algebras, I, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 234(2) (1977), 289-324.
12. M. Foreman, A Dilworth decomposition theorem for A-Suslin quasi-orderings of JR,
in "Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science VIII", North Holland, 1989, 223-
244, 223-244.
13. H. Friedman and L. Stanley, A Borel reducibility theory for classes of countable
structures, J. Symb. Logic 54(3) (1989),894-914.
14. J. Glimm, Locally compact transformation groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 101
(1961), 124-138.
15. A. Godefroy, Some remarks on Suslin sections, Fund. Math. LXXXIV (1986),
16. L. Harrington, A. Kechris and A. Louveau, A Glimm-Effros dichotomy for Borel
equivalence ~lations, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 3(4) (1990),903-928.
17. L. Harrington, D. Marker and S. Shelah, Borel orderings, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
310(1) (1988), 293-302.
18. L. Harrington and R. Sami, Equivalence relations, projective and beyond, Logic
Colloq. 78 (North Holland, 1979), 247-264.
19. K. Kada, A Borel version of Dilworth's theorem, (to appear).
20. Y. Katznelson and B. Weiss, The construction of quasi-invariant measures, Israel J.
Math. 12 (1972), 1-4.
21. A. Kechris, Amenable equivalence relations and Turing degrees, J. Symb. Logic (to
22. W. Krieger, On Borel automorphisms and their quasi-invariant measures, Math. Z.
151 (1976), 19-24.
23. A. Louveau, Two results on Borel orders, J. Symb. Logic 34(3) (1989), 865-874.
24. A. Louveau and J. Saint Raymond, On the quasi-ordering of Borel linear orders
under embeddability, J. Symb. Logic 55(2) (1990), 537-560.
25. D. Mauldin and S. Ulam, Mathematical problems and games, Adv. in Appl. Math 8
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26. P. Muhly, K. Saito and B. SoleI, Coordinates for triangular opemtor algebms, Ann.
of Math. 121 (1988), 245-278.
27. S. Shelah and B. Weiss, Measumble recurrence and quasi-invariant measures, Israel
J. Math. 43 (1982), 154-160.
28. J. Silver, Counting the number of equivalence classes of Borel and coanalytic equiv-
alence relations, Ann. Math. Logic 18 (1980), 1-28.
29. T. Slaman and J. Steel, Definable functions on degrees, in "Cabal Seminar 81-85",
Lecture Notes in Math. 1333, Springer-Verlag, 1988,37-55.
30. J. Steel, Long games, in "Cabal Seminar 81-85", Lecture notes in Math. 1333,
Springer-Verlag, 1988,56-97.
31. D. Sullivan, B. Weiss and J.D.M. Wright, Generic dynamics and monotone complete
C*-algebms, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 295(2) (1986),795-809.
32. A. Vershik, The action of PSL(2,Z) on JRl is approximable, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk.
33(1) (1978), 209-210 (in Russian).
33. S. Wagon, The Banach-Tarski Pamdox, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985.
34. B. Weiss, Measumble dynamics, Cant. Math. 26 (1984), 395-421.
35. R. Zimmer, Hyperfinite factors and amenable ergodic actions, Inv. Math 41 (1977),






In what follows, a Borel structure is a first-order structure A (in some
countable language) such that both the domain of A, and its relations and
functions, are Borel (sets or functions) in some Polish space.
In Analysis, these structures occur quite naturally, but have been much
less studied than their topological counterparts. Reasons for that may be
that for most practical uses the topological frame is sufficient, and also
the lack, in the Borel case, of the powerful duality methods. Still there
has been some investigations, for particular Borel structures, like e.g. the
work of J. P. R. Christensen ~n Borel groups [C] or the study of Borel
transformations in Ergodic theory. Moreover, there seems to be a renewal
of interest in Borel structures in various parts of Analysis, e.g. in specific
Borel subgroups of the circle in Harmonic Analysis (Host-Mela-Parreau [H-
M-P]), or in Borel equivalence relations in Ergodic theory and in C'''-algebra
theory (see the paper by Kechris [Ke], in this volume).
In the mid-seventies H. Friedman proposed a systematic model-theoretic
study of the Borel structures, as an important intermediate level between
the countable structures and the general abstract structures of standard
model theory. lIe proved some general model theoretic results for Borel
structures, like a completeness theorem which insures the existence, for
first order theories with infinite models, of an uncountable Borel model in
which every definable relation is Borel (see H. Friedman [F] and Steinhorn
[Stn]). He also 'Proved specific structural results, in particular on Borel
linear orders, that we will discuss later.
Since then, a lot of results, concerning Borel partial orders, Borel linear
orders and Borel equivalence relations have been established. Although
there is no general theory relating these results, they all share the same
flavour, and are proved using very similar techniques, those of Descriptive
Set Theory. The aim of this paper is to give an account of what has been
obtained in these last 15 years, and to organize the exposition of the results
so that to stress these similarities.


When one wants to classify a family of structures, one usually defines

an equivalence relation between structures, and then tries to attach "in-
variants" to each equivalence class. In our context, the natural equivalence
relation which comes to mind is Borel isomorphism between structures.
However there are very few known results for it, and we will instead use
a weaker equivalence relation, Borel bi-reducibility, which is associated to
the following partial order: Let A, B be two Borel structures in the same
language, with domains IAI and IBI· A function f : IAI --+ IBI is a reduc-
tion, or reduces A to B if for all predicate symbols R and function symbols
cp(Xb .. ·, Xk) E R-'~ +-+ (f(Xl)'"'' f(Xk)) E RB and f(cpA(Xl'"'' Xk)) =
cpB(f(xd, .. ·, f(Xk))' If moreover f is one-to-one, we say that f is an
embedding from A into B.
Let us say that A is Borel reducible to B if there is a Borel reduction
f : IAI --+ IBI, in notations A S B, and that A and B are Borel bi-reducible,
A i":;j B, if A s Band B S A. Similarly we write A s* B if A is Borel
embeddable in B, i.e. there is a Borel one-to-one reduction f : IAI --+ IBI,
and A i":;j* B if A S* Band B S* A.
The terminology of "reduction" comes from the analogous terminology
used in the theory of Wa.dge classes (where the reductions are continuous).
The usefulness of this notion emerged mainly from works of Louveau and
Saint-Raymond on Borel orders (where the analogy with the Wadge hier-
archy is exploited) and from works on equivalence relations by Harrington,
Kechris, and Louveau [H-K-LJ, and by H. Friedman and L. Stanley [F-
Sj. This notion has both the advantage of structuring the results on Borel
structures, but it also relates them to older results, and to apparently barely
related questions-like the Wadge ordering. In some cases, and especially
for equivalence relations, it also seems to be the most natural notion to
consider, 'Or at least to lead to very natural questions in the applications.
One can of course also consider various other notions of definable re-
ducibility, like continuous reducibility and embeddability (that we will de-
note Sc and S~), or projective reducibility, etc .... We will occasionally say
a few words about these notions, as well as about the abstract reducibility
(i.e. using arbitrary reductions), that we will denote by Sa and s:.
Our main task, given a class r of Borel structures (in some given lan-
guage), will be to get information about the partial orderings (r I ~, S)
and (r I i":;j*, S*).
The kind of results we will look for are
(a) Cofinality results: To try to find simple-and easily describable-
subsets of r which are cofinal in it. In the sequel, these subsets will
be well ordered chains, and thus will give a "natural" ranking on r.

(b) Dichotomy results: Typically, a dichotomy result asserts, given two

structures Ao, Al in r, that any structure A in r either is Borel
reducible to Ao, or Borel reduces All i.e. A $ Ao or Al $ A.
IT Ao < AI, the dichotomy results not only says that Al is the
successor of Ao in r, but also that both Ao and Al are nodes in
(r, $), i.e. are comparable to all other structures.
IT Ao and Al are incomparable, the dichotomy says that {Ao, AI}
is a maximal antichain in (r, $).
In all dichotomy results we will discuss below, the dichotomy
can be strengthened in the following way: In case A $ Ao, the
Borel reduction can be found Al in codes for the structures A and
Ao; and in case Al $ A, the reduction is in fact continuous and
one to one, i.e. Al $~ A. Note that usually, these refinements are
instrumental in proving the dichotomy results: They allow to bring
in the techniques from Effective Descriptive Set Theory, especially
the use of the Gandy-Harrington topology, or the equivalent notion
of forcing, see [H-M-S], [103].
Weak versions of dichotomy results correspond to isolating finite
maximal antichains in (1', $). This leads to the third type of results.
(c) Wgo or Bgo results: Recall that a quasi-order (Z, $z) is a well-
quasi-ordering, or wqo, if every <z-decreasing sequence and every
antichain in Z are finite. IT (Z, $z) is wqo, one can in a standard
way attach to each z E Z an ordinal-its height in $z, which is
almost an invari~t for z, as it is shared only by finitely many other
elements. So wqo results for (r, $) almost correspond to a complete
classification of the structures in r, up to Borel bi-reducibility.
As usual for studying the wqo property, one in fact uses the
more tractable better quasi-order (bqo) theory of Nash-Williams
and Laver ([N], [La]). We won't get into this here, and refer the in-
terested reader to the above papers, as well as [L-S4] and [vE-M-S].
One should note that these bqo results bring in another fundamen-
tal tool from descriptive set theory, the use of determinacy results
for infinite games, which allow in some cases to build reductions
between Borel structures from winning strategies in ad hoc games.


The first interesting case concerns Borel structures with only equality,
i.e. the study of cardinality for Borel sets. As is well-known, any uncount-
able Borel set has cardinality c, and this can be made more precise by the

Perfect Set Theorem (Suslin; Harrison. See [MoJ). For every Borel set
X, either X ::;* w or ~ ::;~ X. Moreover in the first case the reduction can
be found 6.1 in a code for X.

This result is a paradigm for all dichotomy results. And using the
Cantor-Bernstein technique, it easily follows that any two Borel sets of the
same cardinality are Borel isomorphic, so that for this class of structures,
the notions of isomorphism, Borel isomorphism and Borel bi-reducibility
The C8Se of finitely many unary predicates is very similar: Again iso-
morphism, Borel isomorphism and Borel bi-reducibility coincide, and the
equivalence class of a structure (X, A o, . .. , An-l) is determined by the car-
dinality of each atom As = nS(i)=l Ai n ns(i)=o(X\Ai ) , for s E 2n.
For structures with countably many unary predicates, or with unary
functions, the situation is not really known, and probably quite interest-
ing and complicated. Note that the latter case contains the case of Borel
transformations, which are studied (usually in a measure-theoretic, not de-
scriptive set theoretic context) in ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
The situation for stl1J,ctures with a unary predicate is much less trivial if
instead of considering Borel reducibility, one considers the partial ordering
of continuous reducibility. To simplify the statements, let us consider only
the case where the domain is (a closed subset of) wW. One then gets the
Wadge ordering, usually denoted by ::; w, on Borel sets: A ::; w B if for
some continuous f: wW -4 wW A = f-l(B).
Wadge's Main Lemma (Wj, which uses Borel determinacy, asserts that
a Borel set A and its complement AC = wW\A always form a maximal
antichain in ::; w. IT A ~w A c, A is said to be selfdual, and non self dual
otherwise. Self-dual sets can easily be described in terms of non self dual
ones. And for non self dual sets, Wadge's lemma can be strengthened in
the following dichotomy result:

Theorem. Let A ~ wW be Borel, and non self dual. Then one can find a
set Ao ~ wW, Ao ~w A, and a structure (KllAt} ~w (wW,A) such that
for any Borel set B ~ wW
(i) either B ::;w Ao, and in this case the continuous reduction can be
found 6.1 in codes for Ao and B or
(ii) (Kll A l ) ::;w (WW, B), and in this case the continuous reduction can
be found one-to-one.
[In fact if A is ~g the set K 1 is a countable compact set, and if A is
not ~g, one can take Kl = ~, so that in both cases, the reduction is a
homeomorphism on its image.]

This theorem is the result of many investigations. For the equivalence

between B iw A with (ii), the archetypical result is Hurewicz's result [Hu]
characterizing Q6 sets among 1J~ sets as those for which no relatively closed
subset is homeomorphic to Q. The general case is proved for most classes
in van Engelen-Miller-Steel [vE-M-S] and for all of them in Louveau-Saint
Raymond [L-Sl] , [L-S2]. For the equivalence between B $w A and (i),
the archetypical result is the effective theorem of Louveau [Lol] about the
Borel hierarchy, and the general result is given in Louveau [Lo2], in rather
different terms.
The other main feature of the Wadge ordering is:
Theorem (Martin). The order $w is wellfounded, hence wqo, on the
Borel sets.
The original proof of Martin (see [vE-M-S]) uses Borel determinacy (al-
though the result, as well as the preceding dichotomy result, can be proved
in second order arithmetic, see Louveau-Saint Raymond, [L-Sl] and [L-S2]).
The result is extended to the case of finitely many Borel sets, (and more
general situations), and strengthened to a bqo result in van Engelen-Miller-
Steel [vE-M-S].
Many other results are known for the ordering $ w. One knows its
ordinal length (Wadge [W]), and various descriptions of all classes (Wadge
[W), Louveau [L02]). A structural result of Steel [Stl] allows to distinguish
between the twin dual classes, and most standard structural descriptive set
theoretic properties are exactly localized in the hierarchy (Louveau-Saint
Raymond [L-S3]).
Although it may seem that the preceding discussion is a digression from
our main con~rn, Borel reducibility, this is not really so. The reason is
the existence of "automatic continuity" phenomena: For some important
Borel structures, Borel reductions are necessarily continuous, or close to
continuous. For example, a Borel homomorphism between Polish groups
is necessarily continuous. Also, an increasing function from R into R is
continuous except on a countable set. This last remark, together with the
results above on the Wadge ordering, is the basis for the investigations
about Borel orders in Louveau-Saint Raymond [L-S4].


In 1970, Silver [Si] proved the following "cardinality" result about Borel-
and even 1J~-equivalence relations: Each 1J~ equivalence relation either
has countably many classes, or admits a perfect set of pairwise inequivalent

This result was the starting point for many investigations, especially
about possible extensions to more complicated definable equivalence rela-
tions (see [Sh], [H-S]).
A later much simpler proof by Harrington of Silver's result leads to the
following dichotomy result for the ordering ~ on Borel equivalence relations.
Theorem (Harrington [Hal). Let (X, E) be a Borel equivalence relation.
-either (X, E) ~ (w, =), and in this case the reduction can be found ..6.~
in (a code for) (X, E)
--or (2 w ,=) ~ (X,E), and in this case the reduction can be found con-
tinuous and one-to-one.
Harrington's proof of this result (and of the natural extension to 1Jt
equivalence relations) is historically very important, for it is the first place
where the Gandy-Harrington forcing is used to get dichotomy results.
It follows from this result that the first w + 2 ~-classes of Borel equiva-
lence relations are those of (n, =) for n < w, (w, =) and (2W, =).
Very recently, another dichotomy result has been proved by Harrington,
Kechris and Louveau.
Let Eo be the following equivalence relation on 2W : aEof3 r-+ a and f3
are eventually equal r-+ 3kVn 2 ka(n) = f3(n).
Theorem (Harrington-Kechris-Louveau [H-K-L]). Let (X, E) be a Borel
equivalence relation. Then
-either (X, E) ~ (2W, =), and in this case the reduction can be found..6.~
in a code for (X, E)
--or (2 W , Eo) ~ (X, E), and in this case the reduction can be found con-
tinuous I;W.d one-to-one.
We won't discuss here the origins of this dichotomy result, nor its rel-
evance in Analysis-in particular for building ergodic measures. We refer
the reader to Kechris' paper [Ke] in this volume.
So by'this result, one gets that the ~-class of (2W, Eo) is the (w + 3)rd
class in the ordering ~ on Borel equivalence relations.
Rather few other results are known for this ordering: It is not linear,
and has no maximal element, by a result of Friedman-Stanley [F-S], which
uses the Borel diagonalization results of H. Friedman, see [Sta]. It follows
easily that there are chains of length WI in it. And Harrington has noticed
that there is a chain of WI Borel equivalence relations which is cofinal in ~.
However, there is no known "natural" example of such a chain.
It is also not known if there are any dichotomy results above (2 W , Eo),
and the wqo problem is open.

A lot of attention has been paid to a subclass of the class of Borel

equivalence relations, those with countable classes, which is of particular
importance in the applications. Although there are now many results for
this subclass, the situation is still rather unclear-and seems to indicate
that the problem of classifying Borel equivalence classes is quite difficult.
We again refer the reader to Kechris' paper [Ke] for a discussion of these
results, as well as bibliographical references.

Let us consider first Borel partial (pre-)orders. The main result is the
following dichotomy-type result, proved by Harrington and Shelah (see [H-
M-S]) , and which is an extension of the Silver-Harrington result on Borel
equivalence relations
Theorem (Harrington-Shelah). Let (X, R) be a. Borel partial preorder.
-either there is a. decomposition (Xn)nEw, of X into Borel sets which are
R-chains (i.e. R restricted to Xn is a linear preorder) and in this case the
partition (Xn) can be found At in a. code for (X, R)
-or there is a. perfect subset of X of pairwise R-incomparable elements.
This result refines an earlier result of Shelah [S] stating that a Borel
partial order admitting an uncountable anti chain must admit a perfect an-
tichain. It can also be viewed as an infinite Borel analog of the classical
theorem of Dilworth [D] which states that a partial preorder for which all
antichains are of cardinality bounded by k E w is the union of k chains.
Recently, K. Kada has proved the following finite Borel version of Dil-
worth's theorem:
Theorem (Kada [Ka]). If (X, R) is a Borel partial preorder, and all an-
tichains in it are of cardinality bounded by k < w, then X = U:=l Xi,
where Xi are Borel R-chains. Moreover the Xi'S can be found bot in a code
for (X,R).
For both previous theorems, the effective refinements are instrumental
for the proofs.
Let us consider now the subclass BOR of Borel linear orders. In this case
Borel reductions are just Borel strictly increasing functions, and sand s*
For each ordinal ~ < WI. consider the structures (2~,lex) (resp. 2<~,lex)
of sequences of O's and l's of length ~ (resp. < ~), with the lexicographical
ordering. These are clearly Borel (in fact ~g) linear orders.
The first result for (BOR, s) is a cofinality result.

Theorem (Harrington-Shelah, see [H-M-S]). For every (X, R) in BOR,

there is a € < Wl such that (X,R) ::; (2e,lex). Moreover € and the Borel
reduction can be found Ai in a code for (X, R).

This result easily implies (Harrington-Shelah [H-Sl) that in any Borel

linear order there are no Wl -chains. Clearly the set DEN of countable
linear orders forms an initial segment of (BOR, ::;), with maximal element
(2<w, lex) (R:: IQ, with its usual order). And using the perfect set theorem,
one easily shows that (2 W , lex) (R:: JR) is a successor of (2<w, lex) in ::;.
The next dichotomy result is due to Marker (see [H-M-S]).

Theorem (Marker). For every (X, R) in BOR

-either (X, R) ::; (2 W , lex), and in this case the Borel reduction can be
found Ai in a code for (X, R)
--or there is a perfect set of pairwise disjoint non empty closed intervals
in (X,R), and hence (2w+1,lex)::; (X,R) (in fact continuously).

The non-effective version of this result is due to Friedman [F], and implies
that there is no Borel Souslin line (Friedman-Shelah [F], [Stnl).
A similar situation holds at all limit countable ordinals:

Theorem (Louveau [L03]). Let € < Wi> and (X, R) E BOR. Then
(i) Either (X, R) ::; (2<w·e, lex), in which case the Borel reduction can
be found Ai in codes for (X, R) and € or (2 w ·e,lex) ::; (X, R), in which case
the reduction can be found continuous.
(ii) Either (X,R) ::; (2w·e,lex), in which case the Borel reduction can be
found Ai in codes for (X, R) and € or (2w'Hl , lex) ::; (X, R), in which case
the reduction can be found continuous.

This result says that for all € (2<w·e, lex), (2 w·e,lex) and (2 wHl ,lex) are
three consecutive nodes in the ordering (BOR, ::;).
The last type of results deals with the bqo property. Note that the
restriction of ::; to the class DEN of countable linear orders is the relation
called by FraIsse "abritement", and that by Laver's celebrated result [La],
solving Fraisse's conjecture, (DEN,::;) is a better-Quasi-ordering.
This result has been extended by Louveau and Saint Raymond [1-S4].
For each € < Wl, set BORe = {(X,R) E BOR} (X,R) ::; (2w·e ,lex). It
immediately follows from Laver's theorem that (BORil ::;) is bqo.

Theorem (Louveau-Saint Raymond). (BOR2,::;) is a better-quasi-order-

ing. Moreover on BOR2,::; coincides with ::;a (the order given by arbitrary

The case of (BOR~, $) for ~ > 2 is entirely open. However if one accepts
strong set theoretical axioms, there are some partial results for the order
$a (and in fact for various intermediate notions of definable reducibility):
Theorem (Louveau-8aint Raymond [1-84]).
(i) Assume projective determinacy. Then (UnEw BORn, $a) is bqo. In
fact the class of all projective linear orders which are projectively reducible
to some (2w •n ,lex), nEw, is bqo under projective reducibility.
(ii) Assume hyperprojective determinacy. Then (BOR.." $a) is bqo (and
again $a can be replaced by some form of definable reducibility).
A natural conjecture is that (BOR, $) should be bqo-and that this
should be provable in ZFC, maybe even in second order arithmetic. (The
proof in [1-84] for BOR2 heavily uses Borel determinacy.)

[0] J. P. R. Christensen, Topology and Borel structure, Mathematics Studies
10, North Holland, 1974.
[D] R. P. Dilworth, A decomposition theorem for partially ordered sets, Ann.
Math. 51 (1950), 161-166.
[vE-M-S] F. van Engelen, A. Miller and J. Steel, Rigid Borel sets and better quasi
order theory, Contemporary Math. 65 (1987), 199-222.
[F] H. Friedman, Borel structures in mathematics, Manuscript (1979), Ohio
State University.
[F-S] H. Friedman and L. Stanley, A Borel reducibility theory for classes of count-
able structures, J. of Symb. Logic 54 (1989), 894-914.
[Ha] L. Harrington, A powerless proof of a theorem of Silver, Handwritten Notes
(1976), University of California, Berkeley.
[H-K-L] L. Harrington, A. S. Kechris and A. Louveau, A Glimm-Effros dichotomy
for Borel equivalence relations, (to appear).
[H-M-S] L. Harrington, D. Marker and S. Shelah, Borel orderings, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 810 (1988), 293-302.
[H-S] L. Harrington and S. Shelah, Counting equivalence classes for co-Suslin
relations, Logic Colloquium '80, ed. D. Van Dalen, D. Lascar and T. J.
Smiley (1982), North Holland.
[H-M-P] B. Host, J. F. Mala and F. Parreau, Saturated subgroups, groups of quasi-
irwa'l'iance and spectral analysis of measures, Preprint.
[Hu] W. Hurewicz, Relativ perfekte Teile von Punktmengen und Mengen (A),
Fund. Math. 12 (1928), 78-109.
[Ka] K. Kada, Une version boUlienne d'un tMoreme de Dilworth, Trans. A.M.S
(to appear).
[Ke] A. S. Kechris, The structure of Borel equivalence relations in Polish spaces,
this volume.
[La] R. Laver, On Fraisse's order type conjecture, Ann. of Math. 98 (1971),
[Lo1] A. Louveau, A separation theorem for El sets, Trans. A.M.S. 260 (1980),
[Lo2] _ _ , Some results in the Wadge Hierarchy of Borel sets, CABAL Semi-
nar 79-81, Lecture Notes in Math. 1019 (1983), Springer-Verlag, 28-55.

[Lo3] ___ , Two results on Borel orders, J. ofSymb. Logic 54 (1989), 865-873.
[l..-S1] A. Louveau and J. Saint Raymond, Borel classes and closed games, Wadge
type and Hurewicz type results, Trans. A.M.S. 304 (1987), 431-467.
[l..-S2] ___ , The strength of Borel Wadge determinacy, CABAL Seminar 81-
85, A. S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, J. R. Steel (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Math.
1333 (1988), 1-30.
[l..-S3] ___ , Les proprUtes de reduction et de norme pour les classes de Borel-
iens, Fund. Math. 131 (1988), 223-243.
[l..-S4] ___ , On the quasi-ordering of Borel linear orders under embeddability,
J. of Symbolic Logic (to appear).
(Mo] Y. N. Moschovakis, Descriptive Set Theory, North Holland (1980).
(N] C. St. J. A. Nash-Williams, On better quasi-ordering transfinite sequences,
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 64 (1968), 273-290.
[Sb] S. Shelah, On co-Su.slin relations, Israel J. of Math. 47 (1984).
[Si] J. H. Silver, Counting the number of equivalence classes of Borel and coan-
alytic equivalence relations, Annals of Math. Logic 18 (1980), 1-28.
[Sta] L. Stanley, Borel diagonalization and abstract set theory: Recent resu.lts
of Harvey FHedman, in Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of
mathematics, L. A. Harrington et at. (Eds.) (1985), North Holland.
[Stl] J. R. Steel, Determinateness and the separation property, J. Symbolic Logic
46 (1981),41-44.
[Stn] C. Steinhorn, Borel structures and measure and category logics, Model The-
oretic Logics, Ed. Barwise and Feferman, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
(W) W. W. Wadge,. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley (1984).




A sociologist observing the 1989/90 Logic Year at the Berkeley Math-

ematical Sciences Research Institute would have judged it to be a typical
gathering of mathematicians, exchanging ideas, running seminars to chip
away at current problems, and writing papers and books. But there was
one speaker who from time to time would tell the others that they were
working on the wrong problems in the wrong subject. This was not the
result of a momentary aversion: Professor Mac Lane has for at least twenty
years been saying that "set theory is obsolete," that "measurable cardinals
are bizarre," and so on, and he has written one large book ([2]) and many
articles in order to present his view of mathematics.
It is the purpose of this essay to examine his stance, and to suggest that
insofar as Mac Lane urges the unity of mathematics, he is to be supported,
but insofar as he secretly desires the uniformity of mathematics, he is to be
Perhaps one should begin with a few reflections on the psychology of
mathematics. One of the remarkable things about mathematics is that I
can formulate a problem, be unable to solve it, pass it to you; you solve
it; and then I can make use of your solution. There is a unity here: we
benefit from each other's efforts. In this regard mathematicians interact
much more than do (say) historians or composers.
But if I pause to ask why you have succeeded where I have failed to
solve a problem, I find myself faced with the baffling fact that you have
thought of the problem in a very different way from me: and if I look
around the whole spectrum of mathematical activity the huge variety of
styles of thought becomes even more evident.
Is it desirable to press mathematicians all to think in the same way? I
say not: if you take someone who wishes to become a set theorist and force
him to do (say) algebraic topology, what you get is not a topologist but a
neurotic. Uniformity is not desirable, and an attempt to attain it, by (say)
manipulating the funding agencies, will have unhealthy consequences.


The purpose of foundational work in mathematics is to promote the

unity of mathematics; the larger hope is to establish an ontology within
which all can work in their different ways.
What, then, is Mac Lane's ontology? This seems to admit a clear an-
swer. In his book Mathematics: Form and Function he urges the claims
of a system he calls ZBQC, which initials stand for Zermelo with Bounded
Quantification and Choice, to supply all that he needs to do the mathe-
matics he wants to do.
The axioms of this system are Extensionality, Null Set, Pairing, Power
Set, Union, Infinity, Comprehension for ~o formulre, Regularity (i.e. Foun-
dation) and Choice.
This system provides for the existence of the real numbers, and for w
types over them, thus yielding the complex numbers, functions from reals
to reals, functionals and so on.
That this system represents a natural portion of mathematics may be
seen from the way in which it keeps reappearing, first as the simple the-
ory of types, and more recently as topos theory, with each of which it is
equiconsistent. A natural model for it is Vw +w '
It is plain from Mac Lane's book that this system indeed supports a
large amount of mathematics, more than I shall ever learn. Why then need
we go outside it?
I suggest that an area ill supported by Mac Lane's system ZBQC is that
of iterative constructions. We know from the work of Cantor onwards that
there are processes which need more than w steps to terminate; of which
examples may be found even within traditional areas of mathematics. For
example, within the space of continuous functions on [0,1], the class of
differentiable functions forms a set which is not a Borel set but is naturally
expressible as the union of Nl Borel sets; and this has implications for the
problem of building the anti-derivative of a given function.
So ther-efore let us look for a moment at abstract recursion theory and
ask how easily it sits within Mac Lane's system.
A well-established axiomatic framework for abstract recursion theory is
the system of Kripke-Platek.
Theorem 1. If Consis(ZBQC) then Consis(ZBQC + KP).
The intuition behind the proof of theorem 1 is this: just as Vw +w is a
natural model for ZBQC, so H:J w ' the collection of sets which are members
of transitive sets of cardinality less than .Jw is a natural model of ZBQC +
KP; moreover each transitive set in the second model is isomorphic to some

well-founded extensional relation which is a member of Vw +w ' Hence the

second model can be regarded as coded within the first, the building bricks
being well-founded extensional relations with designated elements. To get
a relative consistency proof one has to convert this semantic argument into
a syntactic manipulation.
With slightly more trouble one may establish
Theorem 2. HConsis(ZBQ) then Consis(ZBQC + KP + V=L).
Here ZBQ is ZBQC with the axiom of choice omitted. The proof is
similar to that of theorem 1, but here the building bricks are fragments of
the constructible hierarchy defined along well-orderings.
Thus ZBQC has via suitable coding a reasonable capacity for recursive
constructions; and this would support Mac Lane's thesis that it is a rea-
sonable basis for much of mathematics. However it will, as is clear from
the work of Harvey Friedman, fail to support many constructions: it will
not be able to prove Borel determinacy, which requires the iteration of the
power set operation through all countable ordinals; similarly it will not be
able to prove Borel diagonalization.
Set theory is so rich a theory that it has been claimed for much of this
century to be the foundation of mathematics. In ontological terms this
claim is not unreasonable; but Mac Lane resists. I would guess that his
reason is not so much that he objects to the ontology of set theory but
that he finds the set-theoretic cast of mind oppressive and feels that other
modes of thought are more appropriate to the mathematics he wishes to
One must acknowledge that ideas from category theory provide a smooth
way to handle a large amount of material. However to reject a claim that
set theory supplies a universal mode of mathematical thought and of math-
ematical existence need not compel one to declare set theory entirely val-
Let us therefore set aside set theory's claim to be a foundation of the
whole of mathematics, it being misguided to define the worth of a subject
solely in terms of its serviceability to other areas of mathematics. Instead
let us define set theory to be the study of well-foundedness. As such, it is
a worthy object of study; and it can scarcely be said that this is a subject
of little content !
From this point of view, Mac Lane's view that "measurable cardinals are
bizarre" becomes hard to defend. May we suppose him to mean that he
sees no need to think about them and therefore resents a suggestion that
he should think about them?

In terms of the study of well-foundedness, measurable cardinals are natu-

ral objects: just as ZBQC has resurfaced in many forms, so do measurable
cardinals keep bobbing up in unexpected contexts. The hypothesis that
they exist, or the hypothesis that in some inner model there are measur-
able cardinals may be construed as saying that in certain circumstances the
direct limit of well-founded structures is well founded. Other large cardinal
axioms may also be interpreted as assertions of this general kind. These
hypotheses seem worthy of study: well-foundedness is important, being
central to the general enterprise of constructing objects by recursion, and
it is natural to ask when well-foundedness is preserved under direct limits.
These questions are interesting in their own right.

This might be a good moment to challenge one of Mac Lane's opinions,

which I believe to rest on a misconception. On page 359 of his book he
writes, after reflecting on the plethora of independence results, that "for
these reasons 'set' turns out to have many meanings, so that the purported
foundation of all of Mathematics upon set theory totters." Elsewhere, on
page 385, he remarks that "the Platonic notion that there is somewhere the
ideal realm of sets, not yet fully described, is a glorious illusion."
I would suggest a contrary view: independence results within set theory
are generally achieved either by examining an inner model of the universe
(an inner model being a transitive class containing all ordinals) or by uti-
lizing forcing to build a larger universe of which the original one is an inner
model. The conception that begins to seem more and more reasonable with
the advance of the inner model program on the one hand and a deeper un-
derstanding of iterated forcing on the other is that within one enormous
universe there are many inner models, and the various "independence ar-
guments" ~ay be reworked to give positive information about the way the
various inner models relate to each other. Far from undermining the unity
ofthe set-theoretic view, the various techniques available for building mod-
els actually promote that unity.

In a mo~e diplomatic mood, Mac Lane writes on page 407:

Neither organization is wholly successful. Categories and func-
tors are everywhere in topology and in parts of algebra, but
they do not as yet relate very well to most of analysis. Set the-
ory is a handy vehicle, but its constructions are artificial. ...
We conclude that there is as yet no simple and adequate way
of conceptually organizing all of Mathematics.

Let me now consider briefly whether there can be a single foundation

for Mathematics. In probing this question I have found myself coming to a

view that can be traced back certainly to Plato, namely that there are two
primitive mathematical intuitions; which might be called the geometrical
and the arithmetical; or, alternatively, the spatial and the temporal.
Plato did not have the advantage of modern research into the functions
of the left and right half of the brain; this work suggests that the temporal
mode (which would include recursive constructions) is handled in the left
brain, whereas the spatial mode is handled in the right.
What can each mode of thought contribute to the understanding of the
other? I believe, a lot.
Can either be reduced to the other? I should say not; certain formal
translations exist, but the underlying intuitions do not translate; and these
obstructions show themselves as paradoxes such as that of Banach-Tarski.
Let me refer to my contention that there are these two modes, neither
reducible to the other, as positing an essential bimodality of mathematical
In earlier pieces I have remarked how Mac Lane's choice of axioms agrees
with that made by Bourbaki, at least initially; Liliane Beaulieu has recently
remarked that Bourbaki's initial choice of topics was influenced by consider-
ation of the needs of physicists (see [1]); this in turn suggests that Bourbaki
attaches greater importance to the descriptive powers of mathematics than
to the constructive, and prompts a speculative question: what need is there
for a theory of recursion in physics?
There is certainly a need for a theory of recursion in mathematics. The
recursion theorem itself is the heart of logic; it is the watershed where
processes become objects. In descriptive set theory it takes the shape of
the Coding Theorem of Moschovakis, and is thus the source of the strength
of the axiom of determinacy.
My sense of the bimodality of mathematics is such that to suppress
the ordinals or other frameworks on which to carry out recursions is to
suppress half one's mathematical consciousness. I wonder therefore what
physicists might be missing by using only the Bourbaki-Mac Lane portion
of mathematics in their modeling. Might it be that physical time might
fruitfully be modeled by an ordering other than the reals, for example by
R x W2, so that a leap ahead by Wl corresponds to some discontinuous
Such speculation prompts a further question: is it necessary for all the
mathematical concepts invoked in physical explanation to have a direct
physical meaning? Or might it be desirable to have abstract concepts which
have the merit of making the physics easier to understand without having
a perceptible physical interpretation?

But physics aside, the unity of mathematics is a desirable aim; and I

would suggest as a modest first step that working in ZBQC + KP rather
than ZBQC would encourage awareness of the temporal side of mathematics
as well as the spatial side.
Mac Lane's set theory is weak in constructive power, but strong in ma-
nipulating the objects naturally arising in geometry. The reverse, as I
expect Mac Lane would agree, is true of set theory. I suggest that category
theory is as natural a framework for spatial mathematics as set theory is for
temporal. I suggest therefore that we should seek an organization of math-
ematics that will allow the two fundamental intuitions room to develop and
to interact; in doing so, we should move away from the regrettable situation
so pithily described by Augustus de Morgan over a century ago and still,
sadly, to be found today:
We know that mathematicians care no more for logic than logi-
cians for mathematics. The two eyes of exact science are math-
ematics and logic: the mathematical sect puts out the logical
eye, the logical sect puts out the mathematical eye; each be-
lieving that it sees better with one eye than with two.

Beaulieu, Liliane, Bourbaki for physicists? A glance at some unrealized projects (1934 -
1954), Abstracts AMS 73 12(1) (Jan. 1991), # 863-01-79.
Mac Lane, Saunders, Mathematics: Form and FUnction, Springer-Verlag, 1986.




I am glad to see that Adrian Mathias has taken me to task. Yes, I

once gave a lecture with the flamboyant title, "Set theory is obsolete."
In this and in a few other contentious articles, I have violated one of the
cardinal principles of mathematical activity: Mathematicians do not make
pronouncements; they prove theorems. My apologies.
Mathias also argues correctly that there are at least two modes of math-
ematical thought: the geometrical and the arithmetical. I doubt that this
has much to do with the two halves of the brain because I would include
at least two more modes: the algebraical and the analytical.
My "one large book" (Math:ematics, Form and Function, Springer, 1986),
is said just to present "my" view of mathematics. I had a wider aim.
The first ten chapters try to summarize many of the basic constructions
of mathematics up through manifolds, mechanics, complex analysis and
topology, in a form that might be of use to beginning mathematicians,
including those with no interest in foundations, ontology, or philosophy.
That shaky subject of foundations does then appear in Chapter XI of the
book, where I discuss ZBQC (Zermelo set theory with bounded quantifiers).
I claim that this does better fit what most mathematicians do because
their quantifiel'S are almost always bounded. As Mathias notes, this system
ZBQC is not adequate for Borel determinacy or even for a good theory of
ordinals. For that there are other foundations. But I see no need for a
single foundation-on anyone day it is a good assurance to know what the
foundation of the day may be-with intuitionism, linear logic or whatever
left for the morrow,
Yesterday, when I wrote that chapter, I suspected that the Kripke-Platek
approach might be somehow used. I am delighted to see Mathias propose
this, and I hope that he will publish his relative consistency results. The
only sources I found yesterday on KP were so buried in technicalities that
I failed to see this possibility.
Incidentally, that was one of my earlier flamboyant criticisms: logicians
have isolated themselves too much from the rest of mathematics and of-

120 s. MAC LANE

ten present the technique and not the meaning of their theorems. I am
now inclined to apologize to my friends the logicians-other branches of
mathematics, including some categorists, are even more isolated, and the
algebraic geometers are accomplished experts at obscuring their ideas be-
hind mountains of technique.
Mathias seems to claim that having just one foundation promotes the
unity of mathematics. I disagree; it is still the case that most mathemati-
cians don't think much about foundations. Real unity is fine, and unity is
promoted more by cross connections, especially the unexpected ones. For
example, categorical coherence theorems for tensored categories cropped
up in Tanaka duality for groups and then in conformal field theory. Again,
set theoretical forcing turned out to be related to Kripke semantics for
intuitionistic logic, then to Kripke-Joyal semantics for topoi and then to
sheafification for Grothendieck topologies. This latter connection seems to
me illuminating, but is one as yet little noted by logicians.
In this case, the neglect of this remarkable connection may arise because
the available categorical presentations are obscure. A forthcoming book by
Mac Lane and Moerdikj on topos theory will, I hope, serve to rectify this
A final word about foundations: my flashy title "Set theory is obso-
lete" was intended to draw attention to that remarkable observation by
F.W. Lawvere: axiomatics for sets is no longer the only effective way to a
foundation-one may instead start with axioms on functions-that is on
the category of sets.
The last chapter of my "big book" deals with the philosophy of math-
ematics, with the hope of perhaps reviving this moribund field. My first
claim was ,that too many philosophers of mathematics pay too little heed to
what there really is in mathematics. This applies in particular to Wittgen-
stein and Lakatos, but for now I take on the biggest living target. My
learned and articulate friend Van Quine has claimed that ontology is served
by observing that "to be" is to be existentially quantified. I disagree, and I
also doubt if Van realizes that the existential quantified is a left adjoint-an
important observation, again due to Lawvere.
My last chapter attempted to use the earlier survey of the content of
the mainstream of mathematics to draw some philosophical conclusions.
Today, I would put my view as follows: Mathematics is that branch of
science in which the concepts are protean: each concept applies not to one
aspect of reality, but to many. The real numbers are both analytical and
geometrical, natural numbers are both cardinal and ordinal, and so on in
many, many cases. Mathematical form fits varied substance.

This view, if correct, has consequences. For example, the familiar set
theoretic explanation of the ordered pair is a convenience and not an ontol-
ogy. The same idea is formulated differently by observing that a product
A x B is something with projections to the objects A and B which are "uni-
versal;" in this case the ordered pair has been swallowed by the syntactic
order. Again, a real number is not a Dedekind cut; that cut is just one
possible model of a protean idea of the reals.
Long ago, mathematicians recognized that "Space" was not unique.
There was the Euclidean plane and the hyperbolic one, as well as elliptic
planes. Now there are many types of space-Hausdorff, metric, uniform and
so on, each with various contacts with different realities. Much the same
now applies to sets. The notions arise variously from finite sets, infinite
sets, combinatorial properties of sets, sets as extensional representations of
properties, and so on. ZFC had different models. Mathias observes that
one model of sets is often inner with respect to another. I am not per-
suaded that this circumstance argues for the existence of "One enormous
universe." Evidently, what one has is different universes, perhaps with dif-
ferent axioms, and connected with each other. These differences match the
different purposes of set theory. Moreover, the connections by the inner
model relation can be described with sheaf theory more clearly by observ-
ing that the new model may consist of sheaves for a suitable "site" of the
given model and that then there often is a geometric morphism form one
model to the other (For definition, MacLane-Moerdijk, loco cit.). This view
of the matter does give a better understanding because' it ties the relations
between different models of set theory to the continuous functions between
different models of space. This promotes the unity of mathematics.
Mathias as~ "What, then, is Mac Lane's ontology?" Since mathematics
is protean, I can answer easily: Ontology has to do with the nature of the
reality at issue. Each mathematical notion is protean, thus deals with
different realities, so does not have an ontology.
In closing, may I count my advantages. About 1940, when Bertrand
Russell lectured at the mathematical colloquium at Harvard, I was in a
position to berate him for his ignorance of the progress in foundational
studies. In the 1970's when I was a member of the National Science Board,
I was able to tell my colleagues that Kurt Godel was the greatest logician
since Aristotle; soon thereafter, GOdel was awarded the National Medal of
Science... I admire GOdel's accomplishments, but I suspect that it is futile
to wonder now what he imagined to be the "real" cardinal of the contin-
uum. Those earnest specialists who still search for that cardinal may call
to mind that infamous image of the philosopher-a blind man in a dark
cellar looking for a black cat that is not there.

Set theory, like the rest of mathematics, is protean, shifting and working
in different ways for different uses. It is subordinate to mathematics and not
its foundation. The unity of mathematics is real and depends on wonderful
new connections which arise all around us. I urge my friends in logic to
look around.




This paper is a written version of a talk given at the MSRI Workshop on

Set Theory and The Continuum. Other than some introductory material,
it is an exposition of the work in Groszek and Shore [12]. Its subject matter
is certainly based in set theory and deals with the continuum but with a
decidedly recursion theoretic bent. We are concerned with the ordering of
reals under relative constructibility. For reals f and g, i. e. functions from
w into w, we say that f is constructible from g, f $c g, iff f E L[g]. This
defines a partial ordering and, in the usual way, we form equivalence classes
which are called degrees of constructibility and are ordered by the induced
ordering to produce a structure Dc. (We use boldface symbols to stand for
the degree of a function named by a lightface symbol as in d E d.) This
structure is obviously highly non-absolute. If V = L, it consists simply of
the singleton containing the constructible (and so all) reals. Other set the-
oretic assumptions, however, tend to make the structure very rich. One can
take the view that investigations into the possible nature of Dc are simply
consistency results. We prefer the attitude that the universe is rich and we
are analyzing the structure of the reals under relative constructibility.
Early on Solovay, as reported for example in Sacks [17], suggested that a
sufficiently strong assumption such as the existence of a measurable cardinal
might determine the structure of the degrees of constructibility or at least
their theory. This conjecture turned out to be technically far from correct:
the theory of Dc, under only mild set-theoretic assumptions, interprets
second order arithmetic and so is as non-absolute as possible. On the other
hand it was morally true in that the theorems describing the structure
are all proven from quite weaker assumptions. We will typically assume
that Nf(f] is countable for every real f although often less suffices for our
constructions and much more is probably true.
The study of the structure of most reducibilities from I-Ion up with the
Turing degrees, DT, being the prime example, followed a path of extensive
exploration of local properties of the ordering such as embeddings, extension
of embeddings, initial segments and the like. These early investigations then

124 R.A. SHORE

played crucial roles in the analysis of the global structure of the orderings in
considering such questions as automorphisms, homogeneity and definability.
(Although as reported in the talk at this Workshop by Slaman, he and
Woodin have now developed a new approach to such global questions which
eliminates the dependence on much of the earlier work.) The development
of the analysis of 'Dc has been similar to that of the Turing degrees, 'DT,
with some noticeable differences. The primary source or these differences is
the fact that ::;c is a constructible relation while Turing reducibility is not
recursive. This makes coding arguments much simpler for 'Dc than for 'DT
and leads to a much easier approach to global results about its structure.
Our major concern in this paper will be with an unfinished chapter in
the analysis of the local structure of 'Dc : initial segments. Before delving
into this problem, however, we would like to mention some ofthe early local
results and describe the current status of the global analysis of 'Dc. We will
also very briefly indicate the nature of the proofs.
To begin, note that, like the Turing degrees, the constructibility degrees
form an upper semilattice of size the continuum with least element and the
countable predecessor property, i. e. every degree has at most count ably
many predecessors. (Remember we are assuming that Nl is inaccessible
from reals and so as there are Nf[J] many reals constructible from f, there
are at most count ably many c-degrees below that of f.)

Theorem 1. (Cohen [6]): Every countable partial ordering is embeddable

in 'Dc.
Proof Any infinite set of mutually generic Cohen reals generates an inde-
pendent set of c-degrees (i. e. none of them are constructible from any
finite join of the others) and so generates a universal countable partial or-
dering. This argument is essentially like that of Kleene and Post [13] for
the Turing degrees.

Theorem 2. (Sacks [17]): There is a minimal c-degree.

Proof Use Sacks forcing, i.e. forcing with perfect trees in the style of
Spector's [20] construction of a minimal T-degree.

Theorem 3. (Balcar and Hajek [5], Truss [22]): 'Dc is not a lattice.

Proof Use Cohen style forcing to build an ascending sequence {Ci) of de-
grees with an exact pair a, b, i. e. any d below both a and b is below some
Ci. As in the construction of Kleene and Post [13] for 'DT, no such pair can
have a greatest lower bound.

Theorem 4. (Adamowicz [3]): All finite lattices are isomorphic to initial

segments of 'De.
Proof. This proof is quite complicated. It uses trees in the style of Lerman
[14] to force the desired results.
Theorem 5. The V3-theory of 'De is decidable but not the'Vj'V-theory.
Proof. All the ingredients of the proofs of Shore and Lerman of decidabil-
ity of the 'V3-theory and of Schmerl for the undecidability result (both of
which are presented in Lerman [14, VIl.4]) are supplied for the c-degrees
by Theorem 4 and a suitable relativization of the arguments for Theorem

Theorem 6. (Farrington [8]): The first order theory of 'De is recursively

isomorphic to the second order theory of arithmetic.
Proof. The coding scheme is like that used by Simpson [19] for 'DT but a
few additional complications arise.
Theorem 7. (Farrington [7], Groszek [9], Abraham and Shore [1]): There
are no non-trivial automorpbisms of 'De. Indeed no two distinct cones of
c-degrees, 'DeC::: a) and 'De(? b), for a =I- b, are isomorphic.
Proof. One can code any Cohen real d E d by Cohen reals in the c-degrees
below d. As the Cohen reals generate all the c-degrees (for every d there are
(degrees of) Cohen reals Cl, C2, C3, and C4 such that d = (Cl VC2)!\(C3 VC4)),
the structure is rigid. The result on cones follows by relativization.
Theorem 8. Every projective relation on 'Dc is definable in 'Dc (from just
the ordering ap.d without parameters).
Proof. Following the style of the definability results for 'DT in Simpson [19]
and Shore [18], it suffices to be able to define the relation R(x,y, a) which
says that the degrees y code sets of c-degree x in the model of arithmetic
coded by the parameters a. Once we have this relation, anything that
we might wish to say about the degrees x can simply be translated into
sentences of second order arithmetic about the sets coded by the y in the
model given by a. As the c-degrees of the Cohen reals generate all the
c-degrees, it suffices to define this relation for Cohen reals x as long as we
can also define the property of being the c-degree of a Cohen real.
Lemma 9. The property of containing a Cohen real is definable in Dc.
Proof. We claim that a c-degree C contains a Cohen real iff there is a model
of arithmetic coded below C and there is a (code of) a set C (not necessarily
126 R.A. SHORE

below C) which is the supremum of all c-degrees coded in this model by

degrees below c and C is a Cohen real. (Remember that we have, relative
to this standard model, all of second order arithmetic at our disposal in
'Dc.) The codings of arithmetic used here are those of Slaman and Woodin
[21J for'DT and are carried out for 'Dc in Abraham and Shore [lJ. The latter
paper also contains the analysis needed to see that the degree of a Cohen
real satisfies the above property. For the converse, the analysis there shows
that the given property first implies the existence of a Cohen real a below
c. The join theorem of Farrington [7J then says that there is another Cohen
real b such that c = a V b. As both a and b are code below c and nothing
more complicated than c can be so coded, the property says precisely that
c contains a Cohen real.

In contrast to the Turing degrees, the last few results mentioned show
that the global structure of 'Dc is well understood. On the other hand
the local analysis is not as well developed for 'Dc. In particular, compared
to our knowledge of'DT , we are far from a complete characterization of
the possible initial segments (or equivalently, ideals) of 'Dc. Of course any
ideal in either structure' is an upper semilattice (usl) of size at most the
continuum with a least element and the countable predecessor property.
For the Turing degrees, Abraham and Shore [2J show that every such usl of
size at most ~1 is in fact isomorphic to an ideal of'DT. On the other hand,
Groszek and Slaman [13J show that no more is provable: It is consistent
(with ZFC) that the continuum be large but that there are usI's of size the
continuum which are not isomorphic to ideals of'DT . Our knowledge about
'Dc is much less complete. What we do know, however, indicates that the
story here is much more complicated.
The fir"st reasonably comprehensive positive results (following the path
broken by the construction of a minimal c-degree in Sacks [17]) are due to

Theorem 10. (Adamowicz [4]): Every countable constructible well-foun-

ded usl is isomorphic to an initial segment of 'Dc.

The restriction to countable usI's is natural at least as a starting point

(and indeed for the rest of the paper we will, in addition, restrict ourselves to
lattices rather than usI's simply as a reflection of the state of our knowledge,
or better, lack thereof); but what of the other restrictions required in this
result? It is fairly easy to see that some assumption of constructibility is
necessary as indicated by the coding argument used in the following result
which, contrary to our standing conventions, is proved in ZFC alone.

Theorem 11. (Abraham and Shore [1]): (ZFC) Not every countable well-
founded distributive lattice is isomorphic to an initial segment of 'Dc.

Proof. The proof is non-uniform and like other coding results exploits the
constructibility of the ordering relation :5e. Either the diamond is not an
initial segment of 'Dc or it is with top d. In the former case we are done.
In the latter no lattice coding a set D E d which does not begin with a
diamond can be an initial segment of 'Dc.
To avoid such coding problems we will restrict our attention in this pa-
per to constructible lattices. On the other hand, there is more leeway
in relaxing the restriction of well-foundedness. The first constructions of
nonwell-founded initial segments of 'Dc can be found in Groszek [101 where
all orderings O!* for O! :5 W1 are embedded as initial segments of 'Dc. Some
restriction along these lines, however, is necessary. The first serious demon-
stration of such restrictions on possible initial segments of 'Dc are due to
Theorem 12. (Lubarsky [15]): Every countable lattice isomorphic to an
initial segment of 'Dc is complete.

Proof. We illustrate the starting idea for the result by considering the lat-
tice w+w*. Let (8.i) be the ascending chain and (bi) the descending one in
a purported realization of w+w* as an initial segment of 'Dc. We will build
a degree c strictly in between the chains for a contradiction. The point is
that we can define representatives Ai from 8.i in a canonical way that can
be recovered from each b i : We start with Ao E ao and Bo E boo Suppose
we have defined Ai E 8.i and Bi E bi. We then choose representatives
~+l E 8.i+l and Bi+l E bi+1 which are least in the canonical ordering of
L[B.]. It is clear that the sequence (Ai: i ::::: j) is uniformly constructible
in Bj. Thus the entire sequence (Ai: i E w) is constructible in each Bi but
strictly above, in c-degree, each Ai'

The question now is how far can we go towards embedding every count-
able complete constructible lattice C (with ordering~) as an initial segment
of 'Dc. Of course any such lattice has a least element, O. As we consider
only countable lattices, we may also assume without loss of generality that
C has a greatest element, 1, as well. The results that we report on here are
joint work with Marcia Groszek and appear in full in Groszek and Shore
[121. Our work shows that a much larger subclass of the complete count-
able lattices than the well founded or reverse well founded ones can be
embedded as initial segments of 'Dc. We also show, however, that there
128 R.A. SHORE

are inherent limitations on the available technology that imply that any
significant further positive results will require a new approach.
We begin with a general description of the techniques employed. Our
constructions are, like all known initial segment procedures for any re-
ducibilities, basically forcing arguments with trees. The trees, as usual,
consist of finite sequences of elements from some countable set e. The
construction produces a generic object, g, which is a path through all the
trees in the generic filter and so defines a map from w into e. The idea is
to define a structure on e that reflects that of the given lattice C in such a
way as to facilitate the proof that (Vc)L[g] ~ C. We want 9 to code in some
simple way representatives for the degrees corresponding to the elements i
of C. Moreover we would like this coding to guarantee on its own at least
some of the properties required of the isomorphism.
We present the notions needed for our lattice representations in §1, the
forcing notions and the outline of the argument in §2 and a discussion of
limitations on the methods and open problems in §3.

We follow the style for representations, e, of lattices introduced by Ler-
man for embeddings in the Thring degrees as presented for example in
Lerman [14]. The elements of e will be maps a: C -- w. We will define
maps hi : w -- w for each i E C with the intention that the map send-
ing i to the c-degree of hi will be the desired isomorphism between C and
Vc in L[g]. The coding of the hi in our generic map 9 from w into e is
hi(n) = (g(n»(i).
We now wish to impose some structure on e so as to make it into a stan-
dard lattice representation of C. We also need some additional properties
that are essentially dictated by the needs of the construction and verifi-
cation that the intended map is in fact an isomorphism. We use a =i 13
to mean &(i) = f3(i) and consider the following conditions on e for every
a,f3 E e and i,j,k E C:
1.0) Zero: a =0 13. Here 0 is the zero of the lattice. This guarantees that
ho is a constant and so in L as required.
1.1) Ordering: i j j&a =j 13 => a =i 13. This guarantees that if i j j
(in C) then hi :S;C hj. To calculate hi(n) it suffices to know hj(n) and e as
this requirement says that hi(n) = f3(i) for any 13 such that f3(j) = hj(n).
As e will be constructible, we will have hi :S;C hj.
1.2) Non-ordering: i~j => 3a,f3 E e(a =j f3&a ¢i 13). This property
allows us to find alternate extensions of 9 which keep hj the same but give

different values to hi. This possibility will allow us to generically guarantee

that if i~j then hi i.e hj'
1.3) Join: (i V j = k )&a =i f3&a =j (3 =? a =k 13. With this property
we guarantee that, if i V j = k, then hk :S;e hi V hj (and so by (1.1) that
hk =c hi V hj). As in (1.1), if one knows hi(n), hj(n) and 8 one can
calculate hk(n) by finding any 13 with f3(i) = hi(n) and f3(j) = hj(n). We
then have hk(n) = (3(k) by this property.
The next two properties of arbitrary subsets I of C are ones that do
not occur in the TUring degree arguments. They are introduced here to
enable us to use infinite representations rather than the finite ones basic to
the recursion theoretic arguments. Each converts an infinitary meet or sup
into a finitary one.
1.4) Completeness: i = Vl&Vj E l(a =j (3) =? a =i 13.
1.5) Compactness: i = 1\1&a =i 13 =? 3 finite F c I with j = I\F such
that a =j 13.
The next property is the standard one for lattice representations that
reflects the meet structure of the lattice. It plays a crucial role in the
argument that our map from C is onto the c-degrees of L[g].
1.6) Meet: (i I\j = k) & a =k 13 =? (31'1,1'2,1'3 E 8)(a =i 1'1 =j 1'2 =i
1'3 =j (3).
The final property we consider is one introduced for the TUring degree
constructions to facilitate certain fusion arguments. The particular form it
takes is best ignored on first (and even second) reading.
1.7) Homogeneity: For every finite 8' c 8 and every aD, a1, (30, (33 E 8
such that Vi E C(ao =i a1 -+ 130 =i (33), there are (31 and 132 in 8 and fo,
ft, 12 : 8' -+ 8 such that, for m = 0,1,2, fm(ao) = 13m, fm(a1) = 13m+!
and Va, 13 E a'Vi E C(a =i 13 -+ fm(a) =i fm(f3)).
In fact we need a bit more than is expressed even by all the conditions
(1.0) - (1.7). We have to use approximations to the given lattice C and the
desired representation 8. To be precise, we will express C as an increasing
union of finite subusl's Cn and 8 as an increasing union of representations
8 n . We require not only that 8 satisfies (1.0)-(1. 7) but also that, for each n,
8 n contains the witnesses required in (1.2) for any i,j E Cn and that 8 n +!
contains those required in (1.6) and (1.7) for elements (and finite subsets)
of 8 n and Cn. It should be clear that if 8 satisfies (1.0)-(1.7) then we can
find a decomposition of this sort. We call such a 8 with decomposition
u8 n = 8 a sequential algebraic representation of C.
These properties were actually designed to make the forcing argument
that we will describe in the next section work. They turn out to correspond
to a well known class of complete lattices.
130 R.A. SHORE

Definition 1.8. An element i of C is compact if for every I ~ C with

AI ~ i, there is a finite F c I such that AF ~ i.
Definition 1.9. An algebraic lattice is a countable complete lattice
which is compactly generated, that is, every i E C is the infimum of
the compact elements above it.
Theorem 1.10. (Groszek and Shore [12)): i) Every complete countable
lattice with a representation e satisfying (1.0)-(1.6) is algebraic.
ii) Every algebraic lattice has a representation satisfying (1.0)-(1. 7) and
so a sequential algebraic representation.


We fix a decomposition of our given countable lattice C into a sequence

of finite subusls Cn. Although we will need all of the properties (1.0) -
(1.7) of e to carry out our proof, we define notions of forcing pee) for
any e ~ we with any decomposition into an increasing nested sequence of
finite subsets en. This will enable us to see what the limitations are on
such forcing constructions in terms of the possible lattices of c-degrees that
can be produced.
We begin by describing the trees that will be the elements of our forcing
relations. Recall that (en: nEw) is a nested increasing sequence of finite
sets with union e an arbitrary subset of we.
Definition 2.1. A e-tree is a downward closed subset T of e<w (the
finite sequences from e) ordered by extension such that every element of T
has incomparable extensions in T. The elements of T are called its nodes.
Definition 2.2. A node a E T splits in T iff a has at least two immediate
successorE\, a' 01 and a' /3, in T.
Definition 2.3. LnCT), the nth splitting level of T, is
{a E Tla splits in T and I{TIT C a and T splits in T}I = n}.

Definition 2.4. Suppose a E LnCT) and a'Ot E T. We define a-Ot to be

the unique extension of a'Ot in Ln+1CT).
Definition 2.5. The forcing partial order pee) is defined by imposing the
usual ordering for trees (S ::; T iff T ;2 S) on the set of e-trees satisfying
the following properties:
(1) Splitting: If a is in LnCT) then the immediate successors of a in T
are {a' 01101 E en}.
(2) Congruence: Suppose a is in Ln(T), and 01 and /3 are in en. Then
for all i in Cn, if 01 =i /3 then a- 01 =i a- /3.

(This condition says that, for (1 in Ln(T) and i in Cn, if two immediate
successors a and (3 of (1 are congruent mod i, then their extensions up to
Ln+l (T) must respect this congruence. The effect of this requirement is
that, if 9 and g' are two paths through T, 9 t m = (1-a, and g' t m = (1-(3,
then hi t m = h~ t m. Thus hi carries less information than g.)
(3) Uniformity 1: For all n, all nodes on Ln(T) have the same length.
(4) Uniformity 2: If (1 and '(" are both in Ln(T) then for all p, (1A pET
iff '("A pET.
(These uniformity conditions guarantee that, in the situation described
in (2), hi truly carries less information than g. Since T above (1-a and T
above (1- (3 are identical, it may well be that 9 above (1- a and g' above
(1- (3 are identical, in which case hi = h~ but 9 =f g'.)

vye can now describe the plan of the proof of the main theorem on initial
segments of 'Dc.

Theorem 2.6. (Groszek and Shore [12]): Every countable constructible

algebraic lattice is isomorphic to an initial segment o[Vc •

Note that as being compact is a m property and being ''the sup of the
compact elements below" is ~t, the property of a countable lattice being
algebraic is absolute. A£, C is constructible Theorem 1.10 tells us that
it has a sequential algebraic representation (en) in L. (An absoluteness
argument for properties (1.4) and (1.5) would also then tells us that this
constructible representation is an algebraic one in V as well. As we do our
forcing construction over L, this observation is not, however, needed at this
We force over L with the notion of forcing p(e) given by this represen-
tation. Our underlying assumption that Nfl!) is countable for every real f
(actually one only needs N~ < WI) allows us to produce a 9 generic for this
forcing. We claim that the map defined in §1 sending i E C to the degree
of hi (where hi(n) = (g(n))(i)) defines the desired isomorphism. The ex-
planations given in §1 when the appropriate properties of a representation
were presented show that this map automatically preserves order and join.
Once one shows that the values of terms for reals constructible from hi
can be made, for each n, to depend on only finitely much of hi and so of
9 (essentially a local Cohen forcing argument), the non-ordering property
allows us to show that if i~j then hi ic hj. Thus our map is one-one. The
difficult part of the argument is to show that the map is in fact onto the
o-degrees below g.
132 R.A. SHORE

The proof has two main parts. First we show that

a) For every real t :5c g, there is a least j E C such that t :5c hj.
We then prove that
b) For this j, hj :5c t.
The argument for (a) proceeds in three steps.
i) We use the meet and homogeneity properties of the representation
to prove that the set X t = {i E Cit :5c hi} is closed under /\.
ii) We then use a fusion argument and the compactness property to
show that X t is closed under arbitrary infima in L, i. e. even
though X t may not be in L the infimum of a constructible subset
of X t is itself in X t .
iii) Finally we get the existence of j as the infimum of the compact
elements above /\Xt . In addition to the fact fact that C is algebraic,
we need to use the absoluteness of the completeness of C and of the
compactness of individual elements of C.

To complete the proof, we establish (b) by a complex fusion argument that

relies on the completeness- and homogeneity properties of the representation
for its combinatorial details.

We should point out that, together with Lubarsky's Theorem 12, this
result precisely characterizes the countable constructible linearly ordered
initial segments of Vc.

Theorem 2.7. A countable constructible linear ordering C is isomorphic

to an initial segment of V c if and only if it is complete.

Proof. The necessity of completeness is Theorem 12. For its sufficiency

note that any complete countable linear order is algebraic as a lattice: IT
not there is an a E C which is not the infimum of the compact elements
above it. It must then be the infimum of a strictly descending chain ai in
C . Moreover, by going to a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that
each ai is also not the inf of the compact elements above it. Thus we may,
for each ai, choose a strictly descending sequence of elements ai,j each of
which is again not the inf of the compact elements above it. Continuing
in this way to form the sequences ail, ... ,i" for each n, we build a countable
set A of elements of C every one of which is also a limit point of A. The
closure of A is then a perfect subset of C in the topological sense. As every
perfect subset of a linear ordering has size at least the continuum, we have
our desired contradiction.


The obvious question left open by our results and those of Lubarsky [15]
is whether complete but not algebraic countable constructible lattices are
isomorphic to initial segments of Vc. While we have no further theorems
one way or the other, we do know that the technology described here has
severe limitations.
Theorem 3.1. (Groszek and Shore [12]): Let C be any countable con-
structible lattice and e any constructible subset of w.c. If 9 is generic for
the notion offorcing p(e) defined in §3 and C is isomorphic to V~[gl, then
C is algebraic..

Thus the technology used here can be pushed no further at least not
in precisely its current form. A natural question to ask here is how are
these limitations overcome for the Turing degrees. The answer is that for
initial segments of 1JT one uses a sequence of finite approximations to the
representation e. That is, each forcing condition consists of a pair Cn and
en where (en) is a sequential representation for C but each en is a finite
representatio!l for the finite usl Cn . Of course any attempt to mimic this in
the set theoretic case will give a notion of forcing with finite conditions. As
any such forcing will add Cohen reals, it cannot produce the desired initial
Indeed even much weaker assumptions than the ones of Theorem 3.1 on
the forcing notions that might construct an initial segment of Vc seem to
impose restrictions on the types of lattices that could be produced. Con-
sider the following lattice 'R as a test case for further progress and as an
illustration of the limitations of existing methods:
Test Problem: Let 'R be the lattice with least element 0, greatest element
1, a descending sequence of elements ai+l < ai for i > 1 and another
element b incomparable with all the ai. The join and meet relations of'R
are determine<Lby requiring that b V at = 1 and b 1\ ai = 0 for every i > 1.
Suppose that 'R is embedded (as a lattice) into the c-degrees below a 9
that is generic for some notion of forcing by a map sending the elements of
'R to the c-degrees of functions f and hi for i E w. (The map sends b to
degc(f), 0 to degc(ho), 1 to degc(hl) and ai to degc(hi) for i > 1.) If the
coding procedures inherent in the forcing construction satisfy the ordering
and join properties, then the embedding cannot be onto an initial segment
of VC' To be a bit more precise, if there is a "constructible procedure"
(think of it as a form of generalized truth table reduction applied to the
graphs of the h j ) which determines, for each n, hi (n) from hj (n) if i ~ j,
134 R.A. SHORE

and hl(n) from hj(n) and f(n} for j > 1, then there is a non-zero c-degree
h below all those of all the hi' The proof is like that of Theorem 12: Define
h(n} = hn(n}. It is clear from our coding assumptions that for each i > 1,
hi :::;e h. On the other hand, it is also clear that hI :::;e h V f. Thus h is the
desired witness that the embedding is not onto an initial segment of 'Dc.
Thus some new approach is necessary to realize lattices such as 'R- as
initial segments of 'Dc. Perhaps all that is needed is a way to build the
coding machinery (i. e. the lattice representation) generically along with
the construction of the top of the initial segment. On the other hand it
would be even more interesting to find some way other than forcing with
trees to produce the missing initial segments (or indeed to produce any
initial segments at all). Of course, the other possibility is to try to turn
arguments like the one above for 'R- into ones like those of Theorem 12 to
show that non-algebraic lattices cannot be initial segments of 'Dc, or at least
that they cannot be realized by any forcing extensions.
In closing, we would like to raise one related embedding type question
about the "local" structure of 'Dc. Under our assumptions, 'Dc, like 'DT, is a
partial order of size the continuum with the countable predecessor property.
Is it a universal such partial order, i. e. is every partial order of size at
most the continuum with the countable predecessor property embeddable
(as a partial ordering) in 'Dc? The corresponding question for'DT was first
raised by Sacks [16] and remains open.

1. U. Abraham and R. Shore, The degrees of constructibility below a Cohen real, J.
Lon. Math. Soc. (3) 53 (1986), 193-208.
2. U. Abraham and R. Shore, Initial segments of the Turing degrees of size NI, Is. J.
Math. 55 (1986), 1-51.
3. Z. Adamowicz, On finite lattices of degrees of constructibility of reals, J. of Symb.
Logic 41 (1976), 313-322.
4. Z. Adamowicz, Constructible semi-lattices of degrees of constructibility, Set The-
ory and Hierarchy Theory V, Lachlan, Srebrny and Zarach eels., Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 619, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977, pp. 1-44.
5. B. Balcar and P. Hajek, On sequences of degrees of constTUctibility, Z. f. Math. Logik
24 (1978), 291-296.
6. P. J. Cohen, Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis, Benjamin, New York, 1966.
7. P. Farrington, Hinges and automorphisms of the degrees of non-constructibility, J.
Lon. Math. Soc. (2) 28 (1983), 193-202.
8. P. Farrington, First order theory of the c-degrees, Z. f. Math. Logik 30 (1984),
9. M. Groszek, Applications of iterated perfect set forcing, Ann. Pure and App. Logic
39 (1988), 19-53.
10. M. Groszek, wi as an initial segment of the degrees of constructibility, J. Symb.
Logic (to appear).
11. M. Groszekand T. Slaman, Independence results on the globalstTUcture of the Turing
degrees, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 277 (1983), 579-588.
12. M. Groszek and R. A. Shore, Initial segments of the degrees of constructibility, Is.
J. Math. 63 (1988), 149-177.
13. S. C. Kleene and E. L. Post, The upper semi-lattice of degrees of unsolvability, Ann.
Math. 59 (1954), 379-407.
14. M. Lerman, Degrees of Unsolvability, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.
15. R. Lubarsky, Lattices of c-degrees, Ann. Pure and App. Logic 36 (1987), 115-118.
16. G. Sacks, Degrees of Unsolvability, Annals of Math. Studies 55, Princeton University
Press, Princeton NJ, 1963.
17. G. Sacks, Forcing with perfect closed sets, Axiomatic Set Theory, D. Scott, ed., Proc.
Symp. Pure Math. 13(1), Am. Math. Soc., 1971, pp. 331-355.
18. R. A. Shore, On homogeneity and definability in the first order theory of the Turing
degrees, J. Symb. Logic 47 (1982), 8-16.
19. S. G. Simpson, First order theory of the degrees of recursive unsolvability, Ann.
Math. 105 (1977), 121-139.
20. C. Spector, On degrees of recursive unsolvability, Ann. Math. 64 (1956), 581-592.
21. T. Slaman and H. Woodin, Countable relations in the Turing degrees, Ill. J. Math.
30 (1986), 320-334.
22. J. Truss, A note on increasing sequences of constructibility degrees, Set Theory and
Hierarchy Theory V, Lachlan, Srebrny and Zarach eds., Lecture Notes in Mathe-
matics 619, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977, pp. 473-476.




Standard forcing axioms are usually stated in the form which asserts the
existence of sufficiently generic filters in every partial order 'P which belongs
to a given class IC of forcing notions. This approach, which is derived by
"internalizing" generic extensions, has been very successful in providing
strong forcing axioms and proving their consistency; in [FMSl a maximal
axiom of this sort is proved consistent for the case when one wishes to
consider only generic filters for families of at most Nl dense sets. However,
when applying these axioms we need to know when there is a partial order
in the class IC which introduces the object we wish to find. Of course, there
is no easy general answer to this question and even some of the most basic
instances are still open.
Following the realization that many applications of forcing axioms in-
volve finding homogeneous sets in certain kinds of partitions, in [TV] a
study of the so-called Ramsey forcing axioms was initiated. The idea is
that these statements would provide a combinatorial intermediary between
the abstract forcing axioms and their applications. It turned out that in
some cases they are equivalent to the axioms from which they are derived.
To be more specific suppose we are given an uncountable set S and a
partition of the ,form:

(1) [Sln =KoUKl


(2) [8]<W = Ko U Kl
together with a class IC of partial orders. Let us say that this partition is
lC-destructible if there is a poset 'P in IC which forces an uncountable subset
H of S which is O-homogeneous (i.e. [Hln ~ Ko for (1) and [Hl<w ~ Ko for
(2» and in addition every s E S is forced by some condition in 'P to be in
H. Let RFAn(lC) (RFA <W(IC» be the statement that every lC-destructible


partition of form (1) «2» has an uncountable O-homogeneous set. The

following results are proved in [TV].
Theorem 1.1. If "'. is an uncountable cardinal MAK is equivalent to the
statement that for every ccc destructible partition of the form (2) with
card(S) ~ '" there are countably many O-homogeneous sets whose union
covers S.
Theorem 1.2. MANl is equivalent to RFA <W(CCC).
These results raise the following questions.
Question 1.1. Can the assertion in Theorem 1.1 be weakened to say that if
'" is regular then for every ccc destructible partition of form (2) such that
card(S) ::; '" there is an O-homogeneous subset of S of size "'?

Question 1.2. Is there n < w such that RFAn (CCC) is equivalent to MAl-h ?
It is possible that these statements provide a natural hierarchy of axioms
whose limit is MA N1 . These questions were further studied in [To2].
Now, turning to stronger axioms much less is known. When is there a
proper poset forcing an uncountable homogeneous set for a partition of the
form (1) or (2)? For our purposes we only need to know that iterations
of (T-closed and ccc posets are proper. While for a given ccc destructible
partition there always exists a ccc poset of size at most ~1 which adds an
uncountable O-homogeneous set and, in fact, there is a poset of finite 0-
homogeneous sets which does this, there is no known such bound in the
case of proper posets. Thus, for example, the following is open.
Question 1.3. If there is a proper poset forcing an uncountable O-homo-
geneous set to a partition of form (1) or (2), is there such a poset of size
< :Jw(S)?
It is known though that RFA <W(proper) has roughly the same consistency
strength as PFA. Given these limitations of our knowledge we adopt a more
modest approach by trying to find sufficient conditions for the existence of
proper posets adjoining an uncountable O-homogeneous set. This approach
was taken by Todorcevic in [To1] where it was pursued in connection with
the well-known (S) and (L) problems from general topology. The thesis
is that this line of work would provide partition-type statements which
lie at the core of many diverse problems and are thus more suitable for
applications than the abstract forcing axioms. In this paper we offer further
evidence for this point of view by focusing on one particular axiom of this
kind which has been very successful in resolving questions about sets of

reals. We present a survey of applications of this statement, study possible

extensions and indicate directions for further research.
Thus, let us consider partitions of form (1) for n = 2. The idea is to put
a topology on S and require the color classes to be open and closed respec-
tively. It was first formulated explicitly by Abraham, Rubin, and Shelah
([ARS]) who were working on the extension of Baumgartner's consistency
result that every two ~l-dense sets without endpoints are isomorphic. Their
work was further extended and refined by Todorcevic ([Tol]) who formu-
lated and proved the relative consistency with ZFC + MAN1 of the following
version of the Open Coloring Axiom (OCA):
If S is a set of reals and

is a partition with Ko open in the product topology then

either there exists an uncountable O-homogeneous subset
of S, or else S can be covered by countably many l-homogeneous
The statement of the original ARS-axiom was symmetric and required only
the existence of an uncountable homogeneous set in one of the colors. As it
turns out this amplification yields a much more useful axiom which has a
particularly strong influence on P(w)jfin and related structures. Its addi-
tional advantage is that applying it does not require any knowledge of the
niceties of forcing and is thus suitable for use by topologists, analysts, and
other non-specialists in set theory working on subjects related to (3w.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we present a proof of
the consistency of OCA, in fact, we derive it from PFA. Sections 3,4 and
5 consist of applications of OCA. In section 3 we present some combina-
torial consequences and show, for example, that OCA has strong influence
on the partial order of all functions from w to w, ordered under eventual
dominance. In particular, it implies that the least size of an unbounded
subset of wW , <* is ~2. This gives evidence for the conjecture that OCA
implies that the continuum is ~2. In section 4 we turn to the study of
automorphisms ofP(w)jfin. We show that OCA can be used to prove that
every automorphism of P(w)jfin is trivial, Le. is induced by an almost
permutation of w. In section 5 OCA is used to prove that a particular kind
of topological space designated by 'YW cannot be completely normal. This
implies that under PFA a version of Tychonoff's product theorem holds
for countably compact spaces. Finally, in section 6, we consider possible
extensions of OCA, and show, for example, that it cannot be generalized to

dimensions bigger than 2. Then we raise some open problems and indicate
areas for further research.
We believe that our notation is mostly standard, as for example in [Ku],
or self explanatory.

In this section we present the proof of the consistency of OCA ([ToI,
Theorems 4.4 and 8.0]) . We start with a ZFC result which is a natural gen-
eralization of the classical diagonalization argument of Sierpinski-Zygmund

Theorem 2.1. Let S be a set of reals and suppose

[8]2 = Ko UKl
is a given coloring where Ko is open in the product topology. Assume that
S is not the union of < 2ND I-homogeneous sets. Then there is Y ~ S of
size 2ND such that the poset of finite O-homogeneous subsets of Y ordered
by reverse inclusion has the 2ND -chain condition.

Proof. For P E sn and open U ~ sn such that P E U let:

Up = {q E U: qi i- Pi and {Pi,qi} E Ko, for all i < n}.
If f is a function from A ~ sn into S and P E sn let:

Wf(P) = n{ cl(f(Up n A)) : U ~ sn open and P E U}.

Let {f~ : < 2ND} enumerate all countable functions from a finite power
of S into S, and let {T~ : < 2ND} enumerate all closed I-homogeneous
subsets of S. Build Y as the set {x~ : < 2ND} such that:
(a) Xc< E e
S \ {x~ : < a},
(b) Xc< e
¢. T~, for < a,
(c) does not belong to any I-homogeneous set which has the form
wh(P)nS, where < a andp is a finite sequence from {x~ : < a}. e
To prove Y works, assume that F is a disjoint family of 2ND many finite
O-homogeneous subsets of Y. Without loss of generality we may assume
that all elements of F have the same size n 2:: 1. We prove, by induction
on n, there there are two members of F whose union is O-homogeneous.
Case n = 1 is handled by (b). Suppose n > 1. For 8 E F let 8 =
{Xs(O) , '" ,Xs(n-l)}< be the enumeration of 8 in the increasing order of
indices, i.e. 8(0) < ... 8(n -1) < 2ND . Identifying each 8 with an element
of sn we may assume that some fixed basic open set U in sn separates all

elements of :F. Thinking of:F as a graph of an (n-1)-ary function g, where

g(s t (n - 1)) = Xs(n-l) , for all S E :F, let:
:Fo = {s E:F: Xs(n-l) E wg(s t (n -In.
Claim 1. :F \:Fo has size < 2No.

Proof Assume otherwise and for each S E :F \:Fo pick a rational open
interval IB which contains Xs(n-l) and is disjoint from wg(s t (n - 1». Fix
also a basic open subset Us of sn-l containing s t (n - 1) such that if
q E U:t(n-l) then g( q) ¢. IB. Then there is a subset Z of :F \:Fo of size 2No
such that the IB for s E Z are all equal to some I and the Us for s E Z
are all equal to some U. By the inductive assumption there are s, t E Z
such that s U t is O-homogeneous. But then t t (n - 1) E Ust(n-l) and
get t (n - 1» E I, a contradiction. 0

Let now go be a countable dense subfunction of g. Then go = Ie for

some e. e
Pick s E :Fo with all indices above and above all the indices of
elements of go. Then,

XB(n-l) E w/e(s t (n -1»

and hence, by (c), Wf(S t (n - 1» is not 1-homogeneous. We can now
pick u,V E wh(s t (n -1» such that {u,v} E Ko and find open intervals
I and J such that u E I, v E J, and I x J S; Ko. By the definition
of wgo(s t (n - 1», there is p E dom(go) such that pUs t (n - 1) is 0-
homogeneous and go(P) E I. Pick U S; sn- l such that s t (n - 1) E U
and for every q E Up U q is O-homogeneous. Now, pick q E U such that
go(q) E J. Then p U {go(pn and q U {go(q)} are two members of:F whose
union is O-homogeneous. 0

Theorem 2.2. PFA implies OCA.

Proof. Fix a partition [8]2 = KoUKl as in OCA and assume that S cannot
be covered by countably many 1-homogeneous sets. This remains to hold
in V'P where P is the q-closed collapse of 2No to Nl • In V'P CH holds so
there is Y S; S such that the poset Q of finite O-homogeneous subsets of
Y is ccc. Some conditions in Q forces the generic homogeneous set to be
uncountable and we may assume that the maximal condition does so. Thus,
in V'P*Q there is an uncountable O-homogeneous set. By forcing internally
with P * Q we can produce such a set in V. 0

Let us point out that although large cardinals are needed to prove the
consistency of PFA this is not the case with OCA + MA~h. Namely, we
can start with a model of V = L and perform a finite support iteration of
ccc posets forcing MAN l • Along the way, we use O( {a < W2 : cof( a) = WI} )
to guess potential open colorings on a set of reals S and, if possible, force
with the poset from Theorem 2.1 to obtain an uncountable O-homogeneous
set. The resulting model then satisfies OCA + MAN!. In [Tol] OCA is
shown to be equivalent to the following closed set-mapping axiom (CSM):
If F is a closed set-mapping on a set of reals, then either
there is an uncountable F-free subset of dom(F) , or else F
is the union of countably many connected subfunction.
Note that the strength of OCA comes from the fact that, although the
partition is assumed to be open, S is allowed to be an arbitrary set of
reals. Qi Feng ([Fe]) has studied versions of OCA obtained by restricting
the complexity of the set S and has shown that the restriction of OCA to
projective sets of reals follows from PD.


We start by presenting some consequences of the weak version of OCA.

The following is [Tol, Theorem 8.4]; but see also [Ba, Theorems 6.13 and

Theorem 3.1. (OCA)

(a) Every uncountable subset ofP(w) contains an uncountable chain
or an uncountable antichain.
(b) Every function from an uncountable set of reals into the reals in
monotonic on an uncountable set.
(c) H X and Y are two uncountable sets of reals then there is a strictly
increasing mapping from an uncountable subset of X into Y.
(d) Every uncountable Boolean algebra contains an uncountable an-
(e) Every subset ofww of size NI is bounded under < ...

Proof. To see (a), (b), and (c) observe that the inclusion is an closed rela-
tion on P(w), and that strictly increasing is an open relation in the plain.
For (d), first show that if B is an uncountable Boolean algebra with no
uncountable antichains then B can be embedded into P(w). Then use (a)
and (b). For (e) let :F be a subset of WW of size N1 • We may assume that
each function in :F is strictly increasing and that :F is well-ordered by <..
of order type WI. The everywhere dominance < is a closed relation on WW.

Since there are no uncountable linearly ordered sets under <, by OCA :F
has an uncountable pairwise incomparable subset A. Then by [Tol, §l] A
and hence :F is bounded under <.. 0

The following result is implicit in [Tol). It shows that OCA has a strong
influence on the partial ordering wW and gives support for the conjecture
that OCA implies that the continuum is ~2.

Theorem 3.2. OCA implies that the least size of an unbounded subset of
wW under <* is ~2.

Proof (see [Tal, Theorem 3.7]). By Theorem 3.I(e) every subset of wW of

size ~l is bounded under < •. To produce an unbounded subset of size ~2
we shall need the following result which is of independent interest. Recall
that a gap in wW is a pair (A, B) of subsets of wW such that:
(a) the order type of A, <. is a regular infinite cardinal,
(b) the order type of B, <* is the converse of a regular infinite cardinal,
(c) f < * g for all f E A and g E B,
(d) there is no hE wW such that f <* h <* 9 for all f E A and 9 E B.
Lemma 3.1. (OCA) Let (A, B) be a gap in wW. If A and B are uncount-
able then they both have size ~l.
Proof (see [Tal, Theorem 8.6]). Suppose, for example, that the size of A
is > ~l. Given f, 9 E WW such that f <. 9 let:
r(f,g) = min{m: fen) < g(n) for all n;::: m}.
By shrinking A if necessary we may assume that there is a fixed no and
for all f E A an unbounded subset Bf of B such that r(f, g) = no, for all
9 E Bf· Let X = {(f, g) : f E A and 9 E Bf} and consider the partition
[X]2 =KoUKl
defined by
{(f, g), (I, g)} E Ko iff max{r(f, g), r(f, g)} > no·

Then Ko is open in the product topology. Let us show that X is not the
union of countably many I-homogeneous sets. Suppose towards contradic-
tion that X = Un<w X n , where each Xn is I-homogeneous. Then for some
n the set A of all f E A such that the set
13f = {g E Bf : (f,g) E Xn}

is unbounded in B is unbounded in A. Let I be a minimal element of A.

Define the function h in WW by:
h(k) = min{9(k) : 9 E 13f}·
Then it follows that h splits the gap (A, B), a contradiction.
Now, by OCA, there is an uncountable O-homogeneous subset Y of X.
We may assume that Y is of the form {(J0;,90;) : a < wd, where the 10;
are <*-increasing. Note that the 90; must be distinct and thus we may
assume that they are <*-decreasing. Since A has cofinality > ~I there is
I E A above all the 10;' Since 10; <* 901. for all a < WI we can find an
uncountable subset I of WI, an nl < w, and p, q E wn1 such that for all
k 2:: nl 1000(k) < I(k) < 9a(k), 101. f nl = P and 901 f nl = q, for all a E f.
It then follows that for every distinct a,/3 E f {(J0<>9a),(J{:J,9{:J)} E K 1 ,
contradicting the fact that Y is O-homogeneous. 0

To finish the proof of Theorem 3.2, following [Ba, Theorem 4.4] fix a subset
A of WW such that the order type of A, <* is ~2. Extend A to a ~-maximal
<*-linearly ordered set L. Then A will determine a gap in L whose coini-
tiality, by Lemma 3.1, cannot be a regular uncountable cardinal. Also, it
cannot be 1 since if 9 bounds A then so does 9 - 1. Thus the coinitiality
of A in L is either 0 or w. If it is 0 then A is already unbounded. If it is w
then by [Rol] one can produce an unbounded subset of WW of size ~2. This
is done as follows. Let B = {9n : n < w} be a subset of L such that (A, B)
forms a gap. We may assume that n :::; m implies 9m(k) :::; 9n(k), for all k.
For I E A let hf be defined as follows
hf(n) = min{k : l(l) < 9n(l) for alll 2:: k}.
Then the family {h f : I E A} is unbounded in WW. 0

Todorcevic and the author have shown that PFA implies that 2l'l0 = ~2
(see [Ve2]Jor the proof and the history involving this result). Similarly we
conjecture that the answer to the following question is positive.
Question 3.1. Does DCA imply that 2l'l0 = ~2?


We now turn to the study of automorphisms of the Boolean algebra

P(w)/fin. Under the Continuum Hypothesis P(w)/fin has 22>\0 automor-
phisms. On the other hand Shelah ([Sh]) proved the consistency that every
automorphism rp of P(w)/fin is trivial, Le. there exist finite sets a, b ~ W

and a bijection e : w \ a ~ w \ b such that for every x ~ w, c.p[x) = [e"(x)),

where [y) denotes the equivalence class of y modulo the ideal of finite sub-
sets of w. Clearly, there are only 2No such automorphisms. Subsequently,
Shelah and Steprans ([SS)) have shown that the same conclusion follows
from PFA. We now show how OCA was used in [Vel) to derive the same

Theorem 4.1. (OCA + MANJ Every automorphism ofP(w)/fin is trivial.

Proof. We indicate the main parts of the argument. To begin let us fix an
automorphism c.p and a function F : pew) ~ pew) such that c.p[x) = [F(x)),
for every subset x of w. We shall write c.p f a for c.p f P(a)jfin and say that
c.p is trivial on a provided c.p f a is induced by some function e : a ~ w.
We shall refer ambiguously to pea) and 2a by identifying a set with its
characteristic function. We shall need the following ZFC result, for the
proof see [Vel).
Theorem 4.2. Suppose there exist Borel functions Fn : pew) ~ pew), for
n < w such that for every a ~ w there existsn < w such that F(a) =* Fn(a).
Then c.p is ~rivial. 0

The first step of the proof is to show that c.p is somewhere trivial, i.e.
there is an infinite set a such that c.p f a is trivial. Let us say that a
family A of almost disjoint infinite subsets of w is neat if there is a 1-1
map e : w ~ 2<w such that if a E A and n, mEa then e(n) ~ e(m) or
e(m) ~ e(n). Thus, Ue"(a) is an infinite branch through 2<w, for every
a E A. The following lemma is the key application of OCA in the proof.

Lemma 4.1.' Let A be a neat almost disjoint family. Then c.p is trivial on
all but countably many c E A.
Proof. Let e : w ~ 2<w be a function witnessing that A is neat. Let X be
the set of all cpairs (a, b) of subsets of w such that there exists c E A such
that b ~ a ~ c, and define the partition:
[X)2 = Ko UK1
by {(a, b), (a, b)} E Ko iff
(a) Ue"ai-Ue"a,
(b) a n b = a n b,
(c) F(a) n F(b) i- F(a) n F(b).
Then Ko is open in the product of the separable metric topology T on X
obtained by identifying (a, b) with (a,b,F(a),F(b)). 0

Claim: There are no uncountable O-homogeneous subsets of X.

Proof. Suppose Y is an uncountable O-homogeneous set. Let d be the union

of all b such that for some a the pair (a, b) belongs to Y. Let (a, b) be such
a pair. By (b) in the definition of Ko it follows that dna = b and hence
F(d) n F(a) =* F(b). We can find an uncountable Z ~ Y and n < w such
that for every (a,b) E Z, (F(d) n F(a))LlF(b) ~ nand F(b) \ n ~ F(a).
Then there are distinct (a, b) and (ii, b) in Z such that F(a) n n = F(ii) n n
and F(b) n n = F(b) n n. It then follows that F(a) n F(b) = F(ii) n F(b)
which contradicts the fact that {(a, b), (ii, bn E Ko. 0

Now, by OCA we can find a decomposition X = Un<w Xn where Xn is

I-homogeneous for all n. Fix for each n a countable subset Dn of Xn which
is dense in Xn in the sense of T. For each (a, b) E X pick a(a) E A such
that b ~ a ~ a(a). Let

B = {a (a) : (a, b) E Dn and n < w}.

We shall show that r.p is trivial on every c E A \ B. Thus, fix any such
c and decompose it into two disjoint sets c = Co U Cl such that for every
i E {O, I}, n < w, and (a, b) E Xn if a ~ c.; then for every m < w there
exists (ii, b) E Dn such that:
(a) anb=iinb,
(b) an m = ii n m and b n m = bn m,
(c) F(a) n m = F(ii) n m and F(b) n m = F(b) n m.
This is done as follows. An increasing sequence (ni: i < w) is constructed
by induction. Let no = o. Suppose (ni: i S; k) has been defined. Then
nk+1 is chosen sufficiently large such that for every x, y, u, v ~ nk and every
i S; k if there exist (a, b) E Xi such that annk = x, bnnk = y, F(a)nnk = U
and F(b) n nk = v then there exist (a, b) E Di with the same property such
that in addition a n C ~ nk+1. This is possible since a is almost disjoint
from C wh~never there is b such that (a, b) E Dn. Finally, let

Co = U{cn [nk,nk+1): k is even}

and let Cl = C \ Co. Define the function Fn : P(Co) -+ P(w), for n < w, by:

Fn(b) = U{F(Co) n F(b): (ii, b) E Dn and ii n b = Co n b}.

Clearly, Fn is a Borel function for all n. We claim that if (Co, b) E Xn then

Fn(b) =* F(b). This follows easily from the properties of the decomposition
C = Co U Cl. Thus, by Theorem 4.2, r.p is trivial on Co. A similar argument
shows that r.p is trivial on Cl, and hence it is also trivial on c. 0

Now consider the following set:

I = { a ~ w: cp is trivial on a}.

Fix, for the rest of the proof, for each a in I a function ea : a - t w inducing
cp r a. Recall that an ideal on w containing all finite sets is called dense
provided every infinite subset of w contains an infinite member of the ideal.
Then I is a dense ideal on 1'(w). An ideal on w is called a P-ideal if it is
countably directed under ~*' and, in general, it is called a P tc-idea1 if it
is < I\;+-directed. We shall consider two cases according to whether I is a
P-ideal or not.

Case 1: I is a dense P-ideal.

Define the partition
[I)2 =KoUKl
by {a,b} E Ko iff there exists n E anb such that ea(n) i= eb(n). Note that
Ko is open in the topology on I obtained by identifying a with ea. Now
using MAtti one can prove the following (see [Vel, Lemma 4]).
Claim: There are no uncountable O-homogeneous subsets.

By OCA, there is a decomposition I = Un<w In where for every n < w

In is I-homogeneous. Since I is a P-ideal, there is n < w such that In is
cofinal in I, ~*. Let e be the union of the ea , for a E In. It follows that for
every a E I era =* ea , and, since I is dense and cp is an automorphism,
that e induces cpo 0
Case 2: I is not a P-ideal.

Find a decomposition decomposition w = Un<w an into disjoint infinite

sets from I such that there does not exist a in I almost containing an for
all n. Given f,E WW let bf = U{an n f(n): n < w}.
Claim: There exists f E wW such that cp is nontrivial on bf.

Proof. Assume otherwise and let .1 be the collection of all b ~ w which are
almost disjoint from'the an. Then it follows from either Theorem 3.I(e) or
by a simple application of MAtti .1 is a Ptti-subideal of I. Then as is easily
seen the partition considered in Case I restricted to .1 has no uncountable
O-homogeneous sets. Thus, there exists e : w - t W such that e r b =* eb for
every b E .1. We claim that there exists k < w such that e induces cp on
w \ Ui<k ai, which contradicts the nontriviality of cpo To see this, it suffices

to show that the set

T = {m < w: e r am does not induce cp ram}

is finite. For then e induces cp r a for every a in the ideal generated by .:J
and {am: m ¢. T}. Since this ideal is dense in P(u), where u = W \ {am:
mET}, and cp is an automorphism it follows that e induces cp on u.
Now, suppose T were infinite. For each mET we pick an infinite subset
em of am such that e"(em) n F(em) =* 0. By shrinking the em we can
arrange that, furthermore, for every m, k E T e"(em) n F(ck) =* 0. We
then find d such that for every mET F(em) <;;;* d and e"(em) nd =* 0 and
let c be such that F(c) =* d. It follows that em <;;;* c, for each mET and
hence we can pick im E emncsuch that e(i m) ¢. F(c). Let b = {im : mET}.
Then bE .:J and hence F(b) =* e"(b). On the other hand b <;;; c and hence
F(b) <;;;* F(c). But e"(b) n F(c) = 0. Contradiction. D
Note that Claim actually shows that for every IE WW there exists 9 E WW
such that bg \bf is nontrivial. We can then easily construct an <*-increasing
sequence la; a < WI in WW such that cp is nontrivial on bfa+l \ bla for every
a < WI. Let aa = bfa+l \ bfa . By another application of MANl (see [Vel,
Lemma 3]) we can split each aa into two disjoint sets a~ and a; such that
Ai = {a~ : a < WI} is neat, for i = 0,1. By Lemma 4.1 there is a < WI
such that cp is trivial on both a~ and a;, and hence on aa. Contradiction.

Some of these ideas have been used by Just ([Ju]) in the proof of the
Theorem 4.3. (OCA)
(a) (w*)(n+I) is not a continuous image of (w*)n, for every n < w.
(1) III is a dense P-ideal then P(w)/I is not isomorphic to P(w)/fin.
(b) II all E~+2 sets are measurable and I is a E; ideal containing all
finite sets such that P(w)/I is embeddable into P(w)/fin then I is
generated over the F'rechet ideal by at most one set.
(c) II I is the ideal of sets density and .:J is the ideal of sets of loga-
rithmic density 0, then P(w)/I and P(w)/.:J are not isomorphic.


We now present an application of OCA in the study of count ably compact

topological spaces. Recall that a topological space X is called completely
normal if for every two subsets A and B of X which are separated (i.e.
clA n B = 0 = A n clB) there are disjoint open sets containing A and

B, respectively. HaUsdorff spaces satisfying this property are designated

T 5. How well-behaved can countably compact T5 spaces be? Assuming
V = L they can be quite pathological, but assuming PFA it was shown in
[NY] that every countably compact T5 space is sequentially compact, in fact
every countable subset has compact, Frechet-Urysohn closure. [A space is
called F'rechet- Urysohn if whenever a point x is in the closure of a subset
A, then there is a sequence from A converging to x.) Hence, in particular,
a separable subspace can have cardinality at most 2No. A consequence
of this is a version of Tychonoff's theorem for countably compact spaces:
under PFA the product of any number of countably compact T5 spaces
is countably compact, although the T5 property may be lost. The key
application of OCA is to show that certain kind of spaces commonly denoted
by 'YW cannot be completely normal. Here 'YW is the generic symbol for a
locally compact Hausdorff space X with a countable dense set of isolated
points, identified with the set W of positive integers, such that X \ W is
homeomorphic to Wl. We will also identify X \ W with Wl using a definition
of W that makes it disjoint from WI.

Theorem 5.1. Under OCA no version of'Yw can be completely normal.

Proof. For each a < Wl let aa C W be such that aa U [0, a) is a compact

neighborhood of [0, a). It is easily seen that aa c* a(3 and a(3 \ aa c. U,
for every neighborhood U of (a,,8) whenever a <,8. Let S be the set of all
(a~, af/' al') such that e< TJ < f..J, and define the partition

[8]2 = Ko UK1
by {(a, b, c) (a, ~,e)} E Ko iff
a =F a and [(a \ b) n (c \ b) =F 0 or (c \ b) n (b \ a) =F 0).

Then Ko is open in the product topology.

Suppose first that {Sn : n < w} is a sequence of I-homogeneous sets
whose union covers S. Let Tn be the set of all efor which there are un-
countably many TJ such that (a~, af/' al') E Sn, for some f..J,. Clearly some Tn
must be uncountable. Fix such n and some E Tn. Let (a(, ail' ap.) E Sn
be such that e< and find f..J, > TJ > Jl such that (a~, af/' al') E Sn. Since
e< fj < Jl < TJ we have ap' \ ail C* af/ \ae. Thus, {(a~, af/' al')' (a(, ail' ap.)} E
K o, which contradicts the fact that Sn is I-homogeneous.
Now, by OCA, there is an uncountable O-homogeneous subset H of S.
By cutting H down if necessary we may assume f..J, < whenever (a~, af/' al')
and (a(, ail' ap.) are two distinct members of H such that e< Then e.

B = U{("1,JL) : (ae, a7J , all-) E H}
are separated in 'YW. If there were an open subset U of 'YW such that A c U
and clU n B = 0, we could let c = un w and have a7J \ ae almost contained
in c and all- \ a7J almost disjoint from c whenever (ae, a7J , all-) E H. Now, for
every ~ there are at most one "1 and JL such that (ae,a 7J ,all-) E H. If this
happens choose n(~) E w such that

[(a7J \ ae) \ c) U [(all- \ a7J) n c) ~ [0, n(~)).

Then there is an uncountable subset I of H, nEw, and a ~ [0, n) such
that whenever (ae, a7J , aJ1.) E I then n(~) = nand a'l) n [0, n) = a. But then
any pair of distinct elements of I is in K 1 , a contradiction. 0

How can the Open Coloring Axiom be strengthened or generalized? It
turns out that there are some strong limitations on the possible generaliza-
tions. We first present an example from [To3) which shows that one cannot
reverse open and closed in the statement of OCA.

Theorem 6.1. There is a coloring

[ww)2 = Ko U Kl
with Ko open in the product topology such that there are no uncount-
able I-homogeneous sets and WW is not the union of countably many 0-
homogeneous sets.
Proof For every f in WW associate a sequence {li : i < w} converging to f
as follows. Let no < nl < ... be the list of n such that f(2n + 1) =I 0. For
a given i the real li is determined by letting fi r nk = f r nk and
li(nk + j) = f(2i+1(2nk + 2j + 1)),
where k = k( i) is minimal such that

f(2no + 1) + ... f(2nk + 1) > i

if such k exists, otherwise let li = f. Define the partition [ww)2 = Ko U Kl
{j,g} E Ko iff f =I gi and 9 =I fi, for all i < w.
Then Ko is open in the product topology. 0

Claim 1: There are no uncountable I-homogeneous sets.

Proof. Suppose Y is an uncountable subset of WW. Let D be a countable

dense subset of Y and let
[) = {Ii : fED and i < w}.
Pick 9 E Y \ [) and find hEY such that h 1= gi, for all i < w. Then there
is an open interval I containing h such that gi i I, for all i < w. Since D
is dense in Y there is fED n I. Then {f,g} E Ko· 0

Remark: A similar argument can be used to show that the poset of finite
O-homogeneous sets, ordered under reverse inclusion is ccc.

Claim 2: WW is not the union of countably many O-homogeneous sets.

Proof. Let {Hn : n < w} be a sequence of O-homogeneous subsets of wW.

Define the function f in WW as follows. First let f(2i+ 1) = 1, for all i < w.
Then define inductively fi E WW and f(2i), for i < w. Suppose f f 2l has
been defined as well as fi, for all i < l. If 2l = 2i+l(2i + 2j + 1) for some
i < land j < w let f(2l) = !i(i + j). Otherwise choose f(2l) to be any
number different from fi(2l), for all i < l. If there is 9 E HI such that
9 f 1 = f f 1 let fl be such a g. Otherwise let fl be any function such
that f 1 ~ fL. Then thus constructed f does not belong to Hn, for any
n<w. 0
Can OCA be generalized to dimensions bigger than two? The following
example of Blass shows that it cannot. Given distinct reals x and y in WW
A(x, y) = min{ n : x(n) 1= yen)}
and define the partition
[Ww]2 = Ko U Kl
as follows. Given x, y, z E 2 with x
W < y < z let
{x,y,z} E Ko iff A(x,y) < A(y,z).
It is easy to see that both Ko and Kl are open in the product topology
and that there are no uncountable homogeneous sets in either color. Gen-
eralizing this example one can construct an open coloring of n-tuples of
reals into (n - I)! colors such that every uncountable set has n-tuples of
each of the colors. Is this example in some sense optimal? Is it consistent
that for every open coloring of triples of an uncountable set of reals S into
finitely many colors there is an uncountable subset of S which hits at most

2 colors? This question was asked in [ARS]. We now present an example

which shows that this is not possible.
Theorem 6.2. There is an uncountable set of reals X and a continuous
function f : [X]3 -+ W such that if Y is an uncountable subset of X then
Proof Fix a coloring k : w<w x w<w -+ W such that for every m > 0, for
every s E wm , every finite D ~ w<w, and every function 0' which maps D
to W exists n such that for all tED
k(t, s U ((lb(s) , n)}) = O'(t).
Such a k can be obtained, for example, as follows. Fix an enumeration
(O'i : i < w) of all finite functions from a subset of w<w to w. Given
s, t E w<w such that lb(s) = m > 0 let n = sCm - 1) and define k(t, s) to
be O'n(t) if t E dom(O'n), otherwise let k(t, s) = O. The following lemma is
a variation on the main result from [Ro2].
Lemma .6.1. Suppose a coloring c: [WI]2 -+ W is given. Then there exists
a sequence of distinct reals (ret: a < WI) such that for every a < (3 < WI
r r
there exists n < w such that k(ret m,r{:3 m) = c(a,(3), for all m ~ n.
Proof The reals ret are constructed inductively. Suppose re has been de-
fined for all < a. To construct ret fix a 1-1 function eet : a -+ w and
Fn(a) = {e < a: eet(e) < n}.
Define recursively ret(m) as follows. Given ret r m let l be the largest integer
:5 m such that if and TJ are distinct elements of Fl (a) then re r (m + 1) =I-
r", r (m + 1).
Now, apply the property of k to ret r m and ire r (m + 1) : eE Fl(a)}
to find n such that for all E Fl (a)
k(re r (m + 1), ret r m U {(m, n}}) = c(e, a).
Then let ret(m) = n. Then thus constructed sequence (ret : a < WI)
works. D
Now, fix a coloring c : [WI]2 -+ W witnessing NI -rt [NI]!, i.e. such that
c"[U]2 = w, for every uncountable U ~ WI, (see [To4]). Let (ret: a < WI)
be a sequence of reals as in Lemma 6.1 and let X = {ret: a < WI}' Let
f : [X]3 -+ w be defined as follows. Given x, y, z E X with x < y < z,
where < is the lexicographical ordering on wW , let
f({x,y,z}) = k(x r t:.(y,z),y r t:.(y,z)).

Clearly, f is continuous.
Now suppose Y is an uncountable subset of X. We may assume that Y
is dense in itself. Given i < w we find x, y, z E Y such that f( {x, y, z}) = i.
Using the fact that c witnesses ~l -.'+ [~l]~ and the property of k, find
x, y E Y and nEw such that x < y and k(x r m, y r m) = i, for all m ~ n.
Since Y is dense in itself there exists z E Y such that fl(y, z) ~ n. It
follows that f({x,y,z}) = i, as desired. 0

We finish by posing two open problems concerning generalizations of

OCA. The first one, which was stated as a conjecture in [Tol §8], asks to
weaken the topological assumptions on the space 8 to essentially the best
Question 6.1. Is the following version of OCA consistent?
If 8 is a regular topological space with no uncountable
discrete subsets and

a partition with Ko open in the product topology then

either there is an uncountable O-homogeneous set or else 8
can be covered by countably many I-homogeneous sets.
We have not discussed generalizations of OCA to cardinals bigger than
~l but the following problem would certainly require new techniques.
Question 6.2. Is the following consistent with the negation of the Contin-
uum Hypothesis?
If 8 is a set of reals of size > ~l and
[8]2 = Ko UKl
is a partition with both Ko and Kl open then there exists
a homogeneous subset of 8 of size > ~l.

[ARS] U. Abraham, M. Rubin, and S. Shelah, On the consistency of some partition
theorems for continuous colorings, and the structure of Nl-dense real order types,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 29, (1985), pp. 123--206.
[Ba] J. Baumgartner, Applications of the Proper Forcing Axiom, in "Handbook of set-
theoretic topology", (K. Kunen, J. Vaughan eds.), North-Holland Publ.Co., Ams-
terdam, 1984, pp. 913--959.
[Fe] Qi Feng, Homogeneous sets for open partitions of pairs of reals, to appear.
[FMS] M. Foreman, M. Magidor, and S. Shelah, Martin's maximum, satumted ideals,
and nonergular ultmfilters, part I, Annals of Mathematics, 127(1), (1988), pp.
[Ju] W. Just, A weak form of AT from OCA, these proceedings.
[Ku] K. Kunen, "Set theory", North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.
[vM] J. van Mill, Introduction to (3w, in "Handbook of set theoretic topology", eds. K.
Kunen, and J. Vaughan, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984. pp. 503--567.
[Mo] Y. Moschovakis, "Descriptive set theory", Studies in Logic and the Foundations of
Mathematics, vol. 100, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.
[NY] P. Nyikos and B. Velickovic, Complete normality and countable compactness, Bul-
letin of the AMS, to appear.
[Ro1] F. Rothberger, Sur les famillies ind€nombmbles des suites de nombres naturels
et les problemes concernant la propri€t€ C, Proc. Cambridge Math Society, 37,
(1941), pp. 621-626.
[Ro2] F. Rothberger, On families of real functions with denumemble bases, Annals of
Math., 45 (3), (1944), pp. 397-406.
[Sh] S. Shelah, "Proper forcing", Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 940, Springer Verlag,
Berlin, 1982.
[SS] S. Shelah, and J. Steprans, PFA implies all automorphisms are trivial, Proc.
A.M.S., 104 (1988), pp. 1220-1225.
[SZ] W. Sierpinski and A. Zygmund, Sur une fonction qui est discontinue sur tout
ensemble de puissance du continuum, Fund. Math., 4, (1928), pp. 316-318.
[Tol] S. Todorcevic, "Partition problems in Topology", Contemporary Mathematics vol.
84, American Math Society, Providence, R.I. 1989.
[To2] S. Todorcevic, Martin's Axiom and Continuum Hypothesis, to appear.
[To3] S. Todorcevic, Two examples of Borel partial orderings with the countable chain
conditi/Jn, Proceedings of the AMS, to appear.
[To4] S. Todorcevic, Partitioning pairs of countable ordinals, Acta Math., 159, (1987),
pp. 261-294.
[TV] S. Todorcevic and B. Velickovic, Martin's axiom and partitions, Compositio Math,
63, (1987), pp. 397-408.
[Vel] B. Velickovic, OCA and automorphisms of P(w)/fin, Topology and its Applica-
tions, to appear.
[Ve2] B. Velickovic, Forcing axioms and stationary sets, Advances in Mathematics, to




ABSTRACT. We show that Additivity of Measure does not imply

MA(Suslin), thus answering an open question in [J-S 1]. We define
the notion of Suslin absoluteness and we show that the existence of
a Suslin absolute model of ZFC is equiconsistent with the existence
of an inaccessible cardinal. Finally, we give a combinatorial charac-
terization of MA(Amoeba) which is also equivalent to Additivity of

Suslin forcing, i.e., forcing notions in which the set of conditions, the
ordering, and the incompatibility relation are ~-Suslin sets of reals in the
sense of descriptive set theory, was first studied by H. Judah and S. Shelah
in [J-S 1]. In their paper, they show that Suslin forcing notions admit
a systematic treatment and specially so for No-Suslin, i.e., membership,
ordering and incompatibility are ~~. (In what follows, "Suslin" will mean
No-Suslin) .
Also, Suslin forcing is being considered in [J-S 2], where they study the
problem of the consistency strength of regularity properties of the projective
sets of reals tog~ther with some variants of MA, giving exact equiconsistency
results. In particular, they show that the following are equiconsistent:
(1) ZFC + There exists an inaccessible cardinal.
(2) ZFC + MA(Suslin) + Every projective set of reals is Lebesgue
measurable, has the property of Baire and is Ramsey.
We recall some definitions and basic facts about Suslin partial orderings:

1.1. Basic facts

Definition 1.1.1. A poset P is Buslin iff P is a ~~-subset of R and both

$.p and..ip (the incompatibility relation) are ~}-subsets ofR x R. (Notice
that this implies ..ip is Borel.)


Fact 1.1.2. If P is a 8uslin ccc poset, then the predicate ''x codes a max-
imal antichain of P" is ut
and hence absolute for transitive models of
ZF. 0

Definition 1.1.3. Let P be a poset. P is indestructible ccc if for every

poset Q satisfying the ccc,
II-Q "(P,::;) F ccc"
Fact 1.1.4. If Pis 8uslin ccc, then P is indestructible ccc. 0

This Fact is an immediate corollary of the following theorem (see [J-S 1]


Theorem 1.1.5. Let Vi ~ V2 be models of a part of ZFC, and suppose

that P is 8uslin with parameters in Vi. Then,
Vl F "P satisfies the ccd' iff V2 F "P satisfies the ccc " . 0

1.2. Martin's Axiom for SusUn posets

MA(Suslin) was introduced in [J-S 1] where they notice it implies, among
other things, the Additivity of the Lebesgue measure (Add(L)). Since all
the consequences of MA(Suslin) that appear in [J-S 1] turn out to be more
or less direct consequences of Add(L), they asked whether MA(Suslin) and
Add(L) are in fact equivalent.
In section 2 we answer this question in the negative by giving a model
for Add(L) in which MA(Suslin) fails. In fact, it fails for a poset of very
low complexity in the Borel hierarchy, thus showing that Add(L) is a fairly
weak assumption compared to MA(Suslin).
In section 3 we define the notion of Suslin absoluteness and we show that
the existence of a Suslin absolute model of ZFC is equiconsistent with the
existence of an inaccessible cardinal. In fact, we show:
(1) Absoluteness for Amoeba (Am) and Cohen forcing implies that Wl
is inaccessible in L.
(2) IT K is an inaccessible cardinal in V, then V[H] is Suslin absolute
for H ~ Coll(~o, <K), generic over V.
We also show that if P is the Cohen (or random) forcing, then the
following are equivalent:
(1) For all x E IR there exists a P-generic filter over L[x].
(2) ~~-absoluteness for P.
As a Corollary we give a partial answer to a question of H. Woodin on
the preservation of ~~-determinacy under Cohen forcing extensions.

Definition 1.2.1. For P a poset, MA(P) is the following sentence:

For every family (Di : i < Ib), Ib < 2~o, of maximal antichains of P, there
exists G S; P directed such that for every i < Ib, G n Di ¥= 0.
T. Bartoszytiski and H. Judah gave in [B-J], under some additional as-
sumptions, the following characterization of MA(B), where B is the random
MA(B) {:} VP S; B, if IPI < 2~o, then P is u-centered.
In section 4 we show that no additional assumptions are needed in the
case of Amoeba. Thus, we prove:
MA(Am) {:} VP S; Am, if IPI < 2~o, then P is u-centered.


2.1. Definitions
We recall some definitions:
Definition 2.1.1. MA(Suslin) is the following statement:
For every SusJin partial ordering P satisfying the ccc and for every family
(Di : i < Ib), Ib < 2~o, of maximal antichains of P, there exists G £:;; P
directed such that for every i < Ib, G n Di ¥= 0.
Definition 2.1.2. Add(L) is the following statement:
For every Ib < 2~o and for every disjoint collection {Xa : a < Ib} of Lebesgue
measurable subsets of the interval [0,1], we have

p,( UXa) = L P,(Xa) = sUP{L P,(Xa) : S is a finite subset of Ib}

where p, is the Lebesgue measure on [0,1].
Fact 2.1.3. The following are equivalent:
(1) Add(L)
(2) The union of less than 2~o measure zero sets has measure zero.
(3) Foreverylb < 2~o and for every collection {Xa : a < Ib} of Lebesgue
measurable subsets ofthe interval [0,1]' Ua<K Xa is Lebesgue mea-
Proof. See [J], Lemma 27.4. 0
The main result in this section is the following Theorem:
Theorem 2.1.4. Add(L) ::f!I- MA(Suslin)
Proof. We will begin by giving an example, due to S. Todorcevic [Tl], of a
Suslin partial ordering which satisfies the ccc and is not u-linked.

Definition 2.1.5. A partial ordering P is u-linked iff there exists I:P -+ W

such that for all p,q in P, 1(P) = I(q) implies p,q are compatible. We call
the partition induced on P by 1 a u-linking partition.
Then, we will show that if we iterate w2-times Am with finite sup-
port over V F CH, then in the generic extension we have Add(L) but
MA(Suslin) fails for TodorceviC's poset.

2.2. A Suslin ccc poset that is not u-linked

Let 7rQ be the power set of the rationals with ordering X < Y if and
only if X is an initial part of Y, under the natural ordering of Q, and
min(Y - X) exists. Let P be the set of all finite antichains of 7rQ ordered
by inclusion.
Fact 2.2.1. P satisfies the ccc.
Proof. Assume the contrary. So, let I = (ta : a < WI) be an antichain.
By a ~-system argument we can assume that Va, (3 < WI. a =F (3 implies
ta n tf3 = 0. Also, we can assume that Ita I = n for all a < WI.

Glaim .. We can find I' ~ I, I' = (t~ : a < WI) such that for all t~,t~, if
a < (3, then there exists i,j < n such that t~(i) :5 tP{j).
Proof 01 Claim. Let th = to. Given (t~ : a < A < WI), let t~ be the first t1/
such that:
(i) 3i < n 3j < n with t~(i) :5 t1/(j)
(ii) For all a < A, if t~ = tf3, then 'fJ > (3.
t~ exists since:
(a) Va, (3 < WI 3i < n 3j < n such that either tOl(i) :5 tf3(j) or tOl(i) ~
(b) Va < WI the set {(3: 3i < n 3j < n tf3(i) :5 tOl{j)} is countable.
Let U be a uniform ultrafilter on WI. For 6 < WI, i, j < n, define:
As(i,j) = {a < WI : t~(i) :5 t~(j)}
Since for each 6 < WI, Ui,j<n As(i, j) E U , it follows that for each 6 < WI
we can find is, js so that As(is,js) E U.
Hence, there is B ~ WI uncountable and i, j < n such that is =
i and js = j for all 6 E B. Now fix 6 < 'Y in B and choose a E As(i,j) n
Ay(i,j) such that a > 'Y. Then, t~(i), t''"Y(~) :5 t~(j). Hence, t~(i) and t~(i)
are comparable. Thus, {t~(i) : 6 E B} is an uncountable chain in 7rQ. But
since for all X, Y E 7rQ, X < Y implies that roin{Y - X) exists, this gives
an uncountable chain in Q. Contradiction. 0

Fact 2.2.2. For every t E P, Pt = {t' : t' E P 1\ t ::; t'} is not a-linked.
Proof. Suppose Pt = UnEw pr is a a-linking partition of Pt , some t E P.
Let qo E Q. Say qo = O. If there is t U {X} E PP with sup X < qo, then
pick such an X and call it Xo; otherwise, pick q E Q, q < qo, such that
{q} rt t and t u {{ q}} E Pt (since t is finite, this is always possible) and let
Xo = {q}
Pick ql E Q such that supXo < ql < qo. If there is t U {X} E pl such
that Xo < X and supX < ql, pick such an X and call it Xl; otherwise,
pick q E Q strictly between supXo and ql and such that XoU{q} rt t. Now,
let Xl = Xo U {q}. And so on.
Claim 2.2.3. For every nEw, t U {Xn} E Pt.
Proof of Claim. By induction on nEw.
n = 0: clear.
Assume it true for n. If there is t u {X} E pr+1 with Xn < X and
supX < qn+b then X n+1 is such an X and we are done. Otherwise,
X n+l = Xn U {q}, where supXn < q < qn+1' Suppose there is X E t such
that X, X n+1 are compatible. Then, either X < X n+1 or X n+1 < X. If
X < X n+b then either X = X n , which is impossible by the construction
of X n , or X < X n , which is impossible by induction hypothesis. Simi-
larly, if X n+1 < X, then Xn < X, which, by induction hypothesis, is also
impossible. 0
Let Xoo = U nEw X n.
Claim 2.2.4. t U {Xoo} E Pt.
Proof of Claim. Otherwise, there is X E t such that either X < Xoo or
Xoo < X. If X < X oo , then there is nEw such that X < X n , which
contradicts the previous Claim. If Xoo < X, then for every nEw, Xn < X,
which also contradicts the previous Claim. 0
Claim 2.2.5. For every nEw, t U {Xoo} rt pro
Proof of Claim. Suppose t U {Xoo} E P[", some nEw. Then it is true
that there exists t U {X} E pr with Xi < X, all i < n, and sup X < qn'
Hence, Xn is such an X. But since Xn < X oo , t U {Xn} and t U {Xoo} are
incompatible. Contradiction. 0
This ends the proof of the Fact. 0
Fact 2.2.6. P is Suslin.
Proof. Each pEP, being a finite set of subsets of Q, can be coded by
a real number. That P, ::;p, and l..p are :E~ clearly follows from their
definition. 0

2.3. Amoeba forcing

We recall the definition of Amoeba forcing (see [S]):
Definition 2.3.1. Amoeba forcing (Am) is the following partial ordering:
Conditions are open subsets of the Cantor space 2W of measure < 1/2. The
ordering is S;;;.
So, forcing with Am adds an open subset of 2W of measure 1/2.
Fact 2.3.2.
(1) Am is Suslin.
(2) Am is u-linked. (See [J] p.564). D
Fact 2.3.3. ([M-S]) In any forcing extension by Am, the set of random
reals over the ground model has measure one. D
Lemma 2.3.4. Let Y be a transitive model of ZFC+CH. Let PW2 be an
iteration of length W2 of Amoeba forcing with finite support. Then, Y P"'2 F
Proof It is enough to show:
y P"'2 F "The union of Nt-many null Borel sets is null"
Each Borel set in y P"'2 appears at some stage a < W2 of the iteration.
(See [J], Lemma 23.8). Hence, if {Sa: a < Nt} is an Nt-collection of Borel
null sets, then 3f3 < W2 such that {Sa: a < Nt} S;;; YI3. But, by the Fact
above, forcing with Amoeba makes the union of all old Borel sets of measure
zero into a measure zero set. D

We will see that if PW2 is a finite support iteration of length W2 of Amoeba

and Y F CH, then in yP"'2 MA(Suslin) fails for Todoreevic's poset P.
We need the following Lemma:
Lemma 2.3.5. Let PI3 = (Pa;Qa : a < f3), 1f31 ~ 2No , be an iteration with
finite support of forcing notions satisfying:
Va < f3, II-p" "Qa is u-linked"
Then, PI3 is u-linked.
Proof By induction on 'Y ~ f3:
To each p E P13 we associate the function sp : 2No ---7 {O, I}, where for
a < 2No , sp(a) = 1 iff a E supp(P).
Fact 2.3.6. 213 with product topology contains a countable dense subset
D. (See [K], exercise 11,3. Also, [E] for a complete proof.) D

Now, let D* = {sp : p E P{3 and 3f E D such that sp :51 j}, where
:51 is the lexicographic ordering. Notice that since supp(P) is finite, for
each fED, the set {sp : pEP and sp :51 j} is countable. Hence, D* is
We first prove the following Fact:

Fact 2.3.7. If P is a-linked and II-p "Q is a-linked", then P*Q is a-linked.

Proof. Let P = UnEw pen) be a a-linking partition, and let

II- P "Q = U Q(m) is a a - linking partition" .


Rn,m = {(P, q) E P * Q : p E pen) and p II-p "q E Q(m)"}

Clearly, Un,mEw Rn,m is dense in P * Q. Now, for all n, mEw, let

R~,m = {(P, q) E P * Q : 3 (pi ,q') E Rn,m, (P', q') ~ (p, q)}

Un,mEW R~,m gives a a-linking partition of P * Q. 0

For "I a successor ordinal, we do the same construction just given for
one-step iteration.
So, let "I be a limit ordinal :5 /3.
Case 1: cfb) > w.
In this case there exists b < "I such that for all sp E D* r "I, supp(P) ~ b.
Then, any a-linking partition of Po induces a a-linking partition of P'Y.
Case 2: cfC"f) = w.
Without loss of generality, "I = w.
Let p E PW • For all 0 < k < w, there exists p~ E Pw and nk E w such
p~ r k II- "p(k) E Qk(nk)"
We can assume that p~ is such that for alll < k, p; l :5 p~ l. r r
Also, since for every k E wand every p E P k , P is compatible with 0, we
can assume that 0 E PoCO) and II-Pk "0 E Qk(O)", all k E w. Hence, since
supp(p) is finite, there is lEw such that for all k ~ l, II-Pk "p(k) E Qk(O)".
Therefore, Vp E Pw , 3p' E Pw such that

(i) pi (0) = p(O)

(ii) Vk E w, k > 0,3nk such that pi r k II- "p(k) E Qk(nk)".

For f E w W , f eventually constant and equal to 0, define: Rf = {p E

Pw : p(O) E Po(f(O)) and 3p' 2: p such that p'(O) = p(O) and Vk E w, k >
0, p' k II- "p(k) E Qk(f(k»"}.
It is easy to see that U Rf gives a a-linking partition. 0
Back to the Proof of the Theorem:

Let I = {A : A t;;;; pV a maximal antichain ,A E V} and let G t;;;; PW2 be


Claim. (i) III = ~l

(ii) VA E I, A is a maximal antichain of pV[Gl.

Proof of the Claim. (i) Clear, since V F CH and P satisfies the ccc.
(ii) See Fact 1.1.2. in the Introduction.
Suppose MA(Suslin) holds in V[G]. Then, there is a pV -generic 9 ~ P
over V.
Notice that 9 is a collection of ~l-many finite antichains of 1TQ. Hence,
we may assume, by coding each finite antichain of 1TQ into a real number,
that 9 is a sequence of ~l-many reals.
So, 9 has a simple PW2 -name g. (i.e., The elements of 9 are of the form
(p, ft, a) where ft is the standard name for nEw, a is the standard name
for 0: < ~l' and for every 0: < ~l and every nEw, {p: (p, ft, a) E g} is an
anti chain. )
Now, since PW2 is ccc, 30: < W2 such that 9 is a Pa-name. So, Pa adds a
P v -generic 9 over V.

Let R = {t E P : 3p E Pa(P II- "f E g")}.

Claim 2.3.8. There exists t E P such that R is dense in Pt = {t' : t' E

P 1\ t ::; t'}.

Proof of Claim. If not, then P\ R is dense in P. Therefore, there is p E Pa

and t E P \ R such that p II- t E g. Contradiction. 0

Fix Pa = UnEw P:; a a-linking partition of Pa·

For each nEw, let

Rn = {t' E P : 3t E pet 2: t') 1\ :Jp E P:;(p II- "f E g")}

Claim 2.3.9. R = UnEw Rn is a a-linking partition of R.

Proof of Claim. Fix nEw. Let t~, t~ E R.n. We need to find t E P such
that t ~ t~, t~. Pick to ~ t~, tl ~ t~ and Po, PI E PJ: such that Po II- "io E ii'
and PI II- "i1 E iJ" .
Since P:; is pairwise compatible, there is pEP P ~ PO,Pl such that
P II- ''io, il E iJ". Moreover, since iJ is forced to be a filter, there is p' ~ P
such that p'lI- "3t E P(t ~ i o, i 1 )". Thus, if G S;;; POt is generic with p' E G,
V[G] F= 3t E P(t ~ to, tt}
But since P is a Suslin poset, the right hand side is a Ei statement with
parameters in V. Therefore, it holds in V. 0

Now, fix t E P such that R is dense in Pt. For each nEw, let Pl" =
{t' E P : 3t" E R.n(t" ~ t/)}. Then, Pt = UnEw Pl" is a u-linking partition
of Pt. But this contradicts Fact 2.2.3 above. 0

3.1. The consistency strength of Suslin Absoluteness
Definition 3.1.1. Let P be a forcing notion. Let V be a model of a part
of ZFC and iet n ~ 1. V is ~~-absolute for P if for every ~~-formula </J(x)
with parameters in V and for every r E JR,
V F= </J(r) iff v P F= </J(r)
ro~ -absolute for P and 4~ -absolute for P are defined analogously.)
Definition 3.1.2. Let V be a model of a part of ZFC. V is Buslin Absolute
iff for every Suslin partial ordering P satisfying the ccc,
Th(JR) v -< Th(JR) v P
i.e., for every n ~ 1, V is ~~-absolute for P.
Theorem 3.1.3. The following are equiconsistent:
(1) There 'exists a Suslin absolute model of ZFC.
(2) There exists an inaccessible cardinal.
Proof. 1:::>2. Let V be Suslin absolute and suppose NI is not inaccessible
in L. Then, for some x E JR, Nl = Nf[zl. Let X = L[x] n R. SO, IXI = NI.
From Fact 2.3.3 above we have that for every r E JR,
yAm F= "There is a Borel measure one set ofrandom reals over L[x][r]"
But this is a ~A statement with parameters x and r. Hence, since Am is
Suslin and V is Suslin absolute, it holds in V.
Now, suppose c is a Cohen real over V.

Claim. V[c] F "There is a Borel measure one set of random reals over
L[x][cf' .
Proof of Claim. We have just seen that V F" For every r E JR, there is a
Borel measure one set of random reals over L[x] [r]" .
This is a U! statement with parameter x. Hence, it holds in every Suslin
extension of V. D
But this contradicts the following Lemma:
Lemma 3.1.4. (H. Woodin): Suppose X is an uncountable sequence of
reals and suppose that c is Cohen over V. Then, in V[c], there is no
random real over L(X, c).

Proof. See [W], Lemma 4. D

2=> 1. Let V F K, is an inaccessible cardinal. We will show that if
H ~Coll(No, <K,) is generic over V, then V[H] is Suslin absolute.
Let 8 be a Coll(No, <K,)-name for a Suslin poset satisfying the ccc and
let P = Coll(N o, <K,) * lJ. Without loss of generality, 8 consists of simple
names. i.e., each r E 8 is essentially a countable sequence of antichains of
Since Coll(No, <K,) satisfies the K,-CC, and since Il-coll(No,<I<) "8 satisfies
the ccc", P satisfies the K,-C.C.
Definition 3.1.5. Let P, Q be posets. A complete embedding of Pinto Q
is an embedding (Le., a one-to-one order preserving function) from Pinto
Q that preserves maximal antichains. We write P ~ Q when P <;;; Q and
the identity map is a complete embedding of Pinto Q.
Lemma 3.1.6. "iQ E [P]<I< = {Q ~ P : IQI < K,}, 3P* E [P]<I< such that
Q <;;; P*
4! P.

Proof. Fix Q E [prl<. There exists 'fJ < K, with {p : 3r(P,r) E Q} ~

Coll(No, <'fJ). Also, since Coll(No, <K,) satisfies the K,-CC, there exists 0 < K,
such that,every r E {r: (P,r) E Q} is a Coll(No,<o)-name. Moreover,
there exists B < K, such that all the parameters appearing in the definition
of R have Coll(No, <B)-names.
Let "( = (max{I'fJI, 101, IBI})+·
Let IJ/ = 8 n VColl(No,<"Y) and let P* = Coll(N o, <"() * IJ/.
Claim. (i) IP*I < K,
(ii) Q <;; P* ~ P
Proof of the Claim. (i) Suppose I Coll(N o, <"()I = A (so, A < K,). Since
K, is inaccessible, 2>' < K,. Hence, there are < K, many antichains in
Coll(No, <"() and, therefore, < K, many names for reals.

(ii) Clearly, Q S; P* S; P. It is well-known that Coll(No, <')') ~

Coll(No, <It). Now, recall that for a Suslin ccc poset the prop-
erty of being a maximal antichain is absolute for transitive models
of ZF containing the parameters of its definition (see 1.1.2 above).
II-Coll(NO,<I&) "Il' ~ IJ:' .
This proves the Lemma. 0
Lemma 3.1.7. Suppose that:
(i) It is an inaccessible cardinal in V.
(ii) P satisfies the It-c.c.
(iii) II-p "It = NI "
(iv) "IQ E [P]<I& 3P* E [P]<I& such that Q S; P* ~ P.
Then, for every G S; P generic over V, there exists H S; Coll(No, <It)
generic over V such that
RV[G) = RV[H)
Proof. Fix G S; P generic over V. Let G' S; Coll(No, 21P1 ) be a generic filter
over V[G]. In V[G][G'], let (rn : nEw) be an enumeration of all P-names
for real numbers which belong to V.
Claim 3.1.8. For every nEw, we can find Pn in V such that:
(1) Pn ~ P
(2) IPnl < It
(3) If m :5 n, then Pm ~ Pn .
(4) rn is a Pn-name.
(5) II-Pn+l "IPnl = No"
Proof of Claim. By induction on nEw.
For every Q ~ [P]<I& and every cardinal A < It, there is PQ,>' such that
II-pq, ... "A = No", IPQ,>.I < It, and Q S; P>. ~ P. Also, for every simple
P-name r for a real number, there exists a subalgebra Qr ~ P such that
IQrl < It and r is a Qr-name. -
Let Po = Qto : We inay assume lPol > No·
Given Pn , use (iv) above to get Pn+1 such that IPn+11 < It, Pn+1 ~ P,
and Pn+1 contains Pn, Qtn+! and PPn,IP,,1 as subalgebras.
To check 3. it is enough to see that Pn ~ Pn +1. But this is clear since
Pn S; Pn+I. Pn ~ P, and Pn+1 ~ P. Also, since Qtn+1 S; Pn+I. tn+1 is a
Pn+1-name. Finally, since PPn,IPnl S; Pn+1, PPn,IPnl ~ P and Pn+1 ~ P,
we have PPn,IPnl ~ Pn+1, which gives II-Pn +1 "lPnl = No". 0

Each Pn can be embedded into Coll(No, < IPnl+1), all nEw. Moreover,
inductively on nEw, we can extend the embedding fn of Pn into Coll(No, <
IPnl + 1) to an embedding fn+1 of Pn+1 into Coll(No, < IPn+11 + 1) (see

[J], p.278). By identifying Pn with its image under in, we can assume
Pn ~ Goll(No, < IPnl + 1), all nEw.
Let Gn = G n Pn. By the Claim above, for every n 5 m < w, !:n[G] =
'!:n[Gn] = '!:n[Gm].
Since for every nEw, Pn+1 collapses IPnl onto No, we can find, by
induction on nEw, Hn ~ Goll(No, < IPnl + 1) generic over V such that
Gn = Hn n Pn and if n 5 m, then Hm n Goll(No, < IPnl + 1) = Hn.
Then, H = UnEw Hn is generic over V for Goll(No, < /'1,). Hence, since
for every ..\ < /'1" Goll(No, < ..\) ~ Goll(NQ, /'1,), we have '!:n[G] = rn[G n] =
'!:n[Hn] = '!:n[H]. 0

To prove the Theorem, fix H ~ Coll(No, </'I,) generic over V and R a ccc
Suslin poset in V[H].
Let <pCa, x) be a ~;. formula with parameter a and let r E lR. be such that

V[H] 1= <p(a,r)
Fix G ~ R generic over V [H]. We want to show

V [H][G] 1= <pea, r)
Let b be a real number which encodes all the parameters appearing in the
definition of R. Thus, R is a forcing notion living in any universe containing
Let V' = V[a, b, r].
In V', /'I, is still an inaccessible cardinal. So, by the Factor Lemma for the
Levy Collapse (see [J], ex. 25.11), we can find H' ~ Coll(No, </'I,) generic
over V' ~uch that
V'[H'] = V[H]

Therefore, V' [H'] 1= <pea, r).

Now, by the above Lemmas, there exists H" ~ Coll(No, </'I,) generic over
V' such that V'[H"] and V'[H'][G] have the same reals.
But since Coll(No, </'I,) is homogeneous, V' [H"] 1= <pea, r).
Therefore, V'[H'][G] 1= <pea, r). 0

The following is an open question:

Suppose V is Suslin absolute. Does V 1= "Every projective set of reals is

Lebesgue measurable"?

3.2. El-absoluteness
Theorem 3.2.1. Let P be the Cohen or the random forcing. Then, the
following are equivalent:
a. V 1= '<Ix E R there exists a P-generic filter over L[xl.
b. V is ~~-absolute for P.
Proof. a=? b. Let !p(x) be a ~~-formula with parameters in V. Without
loss of generality, a is the only parameter. Let r E R So, !per) is of form
3x t/J(y, r, a) where t/J is 1J~.
If V 1= !per), then v P 1= !per).
So, suppose v P 1= !per) and let G be P-generic over V. Then, V[G] 1=
3y t/J(y, r, a).
Let b be a witness and let r be a P-name for b.
r can be chosen as a Borel function f such that, for G ~ P generic over V,
V[G] 1=t/J(f(G),r,a).
Now, let pEP be such that p II- P t/J(r, r, a). Without loss of generality,
Claim 3.2.2. L[r, r, all=ll- P t/J(r, r, a).
Proof of Claim. Since t/J is 1J~, so is II-p t/J(r,r,a). 0
So, if Gis P-generic over L[r, r, a], then L[r, r, a][G] 1= t/J(r[Gj, r, a). But,
by assumption, there is H P-generic over L[r, r, al. Hence,
L[r,r,all= t/J(r[Hl,r,a).
Therefore, by 1J~-absoluteness, V 1= t/J(r[Hl,r,a). i.e., V 1= !per).
b =? a. It follows -immediately from the fact that, for every real x, the
''There exists a Cohen real over L[xl"
"There exists a random real over L[xl"
are both El(x). 0
The following Corollary gives a partial answer to a question of H. Woodin.
Namely, suppose vCohen 1= 6~-determinacy. Does V 1= 6~-determinacy ?
Corollary 3.2.3.
(1) Assume 4~(B) (i.e., a114~ sets have the Baire property). Then,
V 1= 6~-determinacy iff vCohen 1= 6~-determinacy
(2) Assume 4~(L) (i.e., all 4~ sets are Lebesgue measurable). Then,
V 1= 6~-determinacy iffvRandom 1= 6~-determinacy

Proof. H. Judah and S. Shelah gave in [J-S 3] the following characterization

of 4~(B) and 4~(L):

4~(B) {:} 'ifr E lR there exists a Cohen real over L[r]

4~(L) {:} 'ifr E lR there exists a random real over L[r]

Now, 1 and 2 follow immediately from the theorem above since for any 6.~
set A, "A is determined" is a El-statement. 0

4. MA(AM)
4.1. A combinatorial characterization of MA(Am)

Definition 4.1.1. A poset Pis u-centered if there exists h: P - w such

that for every Pl,P2, .. ,Pn in P, n < w, if h(Pd = h<P2) = .. = h(pn), then
there exists q E P such that Pi ::5 q, all 1 ::5 i ::5 n. We call the partition
induced on P by h a u-centering partition of P.

Theorem 4.1.2. The following are equivalent:

(1) Add(L)
(2)' MA(Am)
(3) 'ifP ~ Am, if IPI < 2No, then P is u-centered.

Proof. I:::::} 2 : Suppose A is an uncountable cardinal < 2No and suppose

{A", : a < A} is a collection of maximal antichains of Am. Since Am is
ccc, each A", can be coded by a real number r",. Let M = L(r", : a < A}).
Note that Iww n MI = A. Hence, by Add( L), the union of all Borel null sets
with code in M is null.

Definition 4.1.3. Let C = {s E ([w]<W)W : 'ifnls(n) I < 2n}. For f E WW

and SEC, we write f ~* s if f(n) E s(n) for all but finitely many nEw.

Lemma 4.1.4. (T.Bartoszyllski) Let N denote the ideal of the null sets.
There are maps 4> : WW -+N and 4>* :n-+ C such that for any f E WW and
f ~* 4>*(X) whenever 4>(J) ~ X

Proof. See [B]. 0

Let {B", : a < A} be a.fixed enumeration of all BEAm coded in M.
Claim 4.1.5. There exists an Amoeba-condition A such that for every a < A
there exists C~, a finite union of open intervals with rational endpoints,
satisfying Au B", = A U C~.

Proof. By the Lemma above, and since the union of all Borel null sets with
code in M is null, there exists 8 E C such that for every f E WW n M,
f(n) E 8(n) for all but finitely many nEw. For every n < w, let {C~ :
m < w} be an enumeration of all finite unions of open intervals with rational
endpoints such that J.L(C~) :5 ~, all m < w. Let A = UnEw UmEs(n) C~.
So, J.L(A):5 L:nEw(}=mEs(n)J.L(C~)) < L:nEw(2n.~) = i. i.e., A E Am.
Now, for every a < A, we can find fa E WW such that Ba = UnEw Cj",(n)·
So, since by the lemma above fOf. S;;;* 8, we are done. 0
Claim. There exists x a Cohen real over M[A].

Proof of Claim. By [B] Add(L) :::} Add(B). Hence, since M[A] 1= "2W =
A", there are only A Borel meager sets coded in M[A]. Therefore, their
union is meager. 0
Thus, we can apply the following Lemma:
Lemma 4.1.6. (J.'fruss) Suppose A E Am is such that for every B E
Am coded in M there is a finite union C of open intervals with rational
endpoints satisfying A U B = Au C. Then, for any Cohen M[A]-generic
real x, M[A][x] contains aM-generic ultrafilter on Amoeba.

Proof Let Q be the subset of Am consisting of all those p which are

finite unions of open intervals with rational endpoints and J.L(A Up) < 1/2,
ordered by inclusion. Q is a countable forcing notion in M[A]. Hence,
M[A][x] contains a M[A]-generic subset of Q. Call it 9 and let Ug = B.
Claim. {p E Am : p ~ Au B} is an M-generic subset of Am.

Proof of Claim. Let D ~ Am be dense, D E M. Let D' = {q E Q : 3p E

D,p ~ Au q}. We show that D' is dense in Q.
Let q E Q be arbitrary. So, J.L(A U q) < 1/2. Hence, Au q E Am. Let
C ~ D be a maximal antichain above q (in M). Since to be a maximal
antichain of Am is an absolute notion (see Fact 1.1.2 in the Introduction),
C is also a maximal antichain above q in (Am)M[Al. But Au q ;2 q. So,
AUq is compatible with some A' E C. Since A' is coded in M and A' E Am,
there is a finite union q' of open intervals with rational endpoints so that
AUA' = AUq'.
We claim that q U q' ;2 q in Q and q U q' E D'. Note that since Au q and
A' are compatible, q U q' E Q. To see that q U q' ED', note that A' E D
and A' ~ AUqUq'.
Hence, D' is dense in Q.
SO, 3q E D' such that q ~ B. Take p E D such that p ~ AU q. So,
pS;;;AuB. 0

The following Lemma is an unpublished result of S. Shelah (implicit in
[G-S]) which is included here with his permission.
Lemma 4.1. 7. Suppose P is a forcing notion and {fn : n < w} are partial
automorphisms of P (i.e., partial order preserving functions) with domain
dense in P, and satisfying
(*) Vp,q E P there are n,r such that r E dom.fn, r ~ p, and fn(r) ~ q.
Then, If-p "F is u-centered".
Proof. Let G be the name of the generic set. Define
Gn = {p: 3r E G, p :5 fn(r)}
For each n, If-p "Gn is a centered subset of P": If PbP2 E Gn witnessed
by rI, r2 E G, then 3r E G such that rl :5 r, r2 :5 r and r E domfn. SO,
PI :5 fn(r), P2 :5 fn(r), as fn is order-preserving, and fn(r) E Gn-
Now, by (*), for every p, q E P, P If-p "3n such that q E Gn ". Hence

If-p "F = UGn is a u-centering partition".

Lemma 4.1.8. Amoeba satisfies the conditions of the previous Lemma.
Proof. We can assume each p E Am is a w-sequence (1]i : i < w) of finite
sequences of zeroes and ones, each corresponding to a clopen set of 2W. Let
n < w and let u be a permutation of 2n.
Claim. u induces a (total) automorphism Fu of Amoeba.

Proof oj'Claim. Let p E Am. We can assume V1] E p, length( 1]) ~ n.

If p = (1]k : k < w), let Fu(P) = (U(1]k In)""""'(1]k (n), ... , 1]k(length(1]k) -
I)} : k < w}. i.e., We permute under u the first n digits of 1]k and leave
the remaining ones (if any) the same. It is easy to see that Fu is order-
preserving. 0
We show that {Fu : u a permutation of 2n, nEw} is as required. So, let
p, q E Am and let 0 < E: < min(I/2 - J.L(P), 1/2 - J.L(q)).
We can find nEw and wp ~ 2n such that:
(i) V1] E wp , 1] ::2 1]' for some 1]' E p.
(ii) J.L(P) - J.L(w p ) < E:.
Similarly, can find mEw and Wq ~ 2m such that:
(i) VO E w q O::2 0' for some 0' E q.
(ii) J.L(q) - J.L(W q ) < E:

Without loss of generality, n = m. Consider the case where Iwpl 2:: Iwql.
(The other case is symmetric.)
Let u be a permutation of 2n such that V6 E Wq 31] E wp so that u(1]) = 6,
and u(1]) = 1] for all other 1] E 2n.
Hence, u(wp ) 2:: w q • Define:
p' = {oIl' : 31] E P 3k E W 1]' r k = 1] and 1]' rn Ii w p }
q' = {6' : 36 E q 3l E W 6' r l = 6 and 6' r m Ii w q }
Let r = wp Up' U F,y-l(q'). Since p(q') < e, per) < 1/2.
Also r 2:: p, since Up = Uwp U Up'. But F.,.(r) = F.,.(wp) U F.,.(p') U q' ;:::
Wq Up' U q' ;::: q. 0
To show 3., let P ~ Am, IPI < 2~o. Without loss of generality, IPI > w.
Let M = L(P).
The conditions of Amoeba are open sets. So, since Am satisfies the ccc,
each antichain of Am can be coded by a real number. But in M there are
at most IPI-many reals. Hence, by MA(Am), there is a generic filter G for
Am over M. Thus, by the above Lemmas,

M[a] F "CAm)M is u-centered"

Therefore, P ls u-centered. 0

It is enough to show that for any {~ : i < A < 2~o} a collection of
Borel measure zero sets where A is an uncountable cardinal less than 2~o,
Ui<A Ai is of measure zero.
So, let {Ai : i < A < 2~o} be such a collection and let M = L( {Ai : i <
A < 2~o}). We have M F 2~o = A. Hence, AmM is u-centered.
Let AmM = U nEw Pn be a u-centering partition and, for each n, let
Bn = U{p E Pn }.
p(Bn) <!. Otherwise,therewouldbepo,···,Pm E Pn withpCUi<mPi);:::
!, which is impossible since every finite subset of Pn has a suprem~. With-
out loss of generality, Ai + q = Ai for any rational number q. Given i < A,
there is nEw such that Ai ~ Bn. Hence, Ai ~ nqEQ(Bn + q). Since for
every nEw, p(Bn) < !, nqEQ(Bn + q)) is of measure zero, all nEw. So,
since Ui<A Ai ~ U nEw nqEQ(Bn + q), it follows that Ui<A Ai is of measure
zero. 0

4.2. Can the same characterization be given for MA(Suslin)?

S. Todoreevic and B. Velickovic gave in [T-V] the following characteri-
zation of MA:

MA <=} Every poset satisfying the ccc of size < 2~o is u-centered.

It is an open question whether the same characterization can be given

for Suslin posets. i.e.,
MA(Suslin) {:} VP Suslin ccc VP' S;;; P of size < 2No , P' is a-centered?
The following Lemma proves the easy direction:
Lemma 4.2.1.
MA(Suslin) =? VP Suslin ccc VP' S;;; P of size < 2No , P' is a-centered.
Proof. Let P be Suslin ccc and let P' S;;; P be of size < 2No. Let Pw be the
w-product of P with finite support.
Claim 4.2.2. Pw is Suslin ccc.
Proof of Claim. To see that it is Suslin, notice that:
(1) P .ip", q iff 3n E w pen) .ip q(n)
(2) p ::;p", q iff Vn E w pen) ::;p q(n)
Now, suppose A S;;; Pw is an uncountable antichain. Since the support is
finite, by a ~-system argument we can find A'S;;; A uncountable and s S;;; w,
s finite, such that for allp,q E A', support(p)nsupport(q) = s. Notice that
since AI is an antichain, s i=- 0. Hence, it would be enough to show that
any finite product of Suslln ccc posets is ccc; But since the product of any
two Suslin posets is a Suslin poset, we need only to show that the product
of two Suslin ccc posets is ccc.
So, suppose P, Q are Suslin ccc posets. By Fact 1.1.4 above, II-p "Q is
ccc". Hence, P * Q is ccc. But since Q is Suslin, QV <tI QV P • Hence, the
map (p, q) 1-----+ (p, q) is an embedding of P x Q into P * Qwhich preserves
incompatibility. Therefore, P x Q is ccc. 0
Now, f!lr each PEP, let
Dp = {q E Pw : 3n E w q(n) = p}
Since the support is finite, Dp is dense in PW ' Also, since IP'I < 2No ,
I{Dp : p E P'}I < 2No. Hence, we can apply MA(Suslin) to get a generic
filter G for {Dp : pEP'}. Clearly, P' S;;; UG. For each nEw, define
G n = {pen) : pEG}. Then, Gn is centered, since so is G. So, UnEw GnnP'
gives a a-centering partition of P'. 0

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ABSTRACT. We study measurability and Baire property of filters of w.

The goal of this paper is to present several results about filters on w

in context of their topological and measure-theoretical properties. In other
words we identify filters on w with subsets of 2W via characteristic functions
of their elements. In this way the question about measurability and Baire
property makes sense.
In the first section we give combinatorial characterizations of filters which
have Baire property and filters which are measurable.
In the second section we study intersections of filters. It turns out that
the intersection of count ably many filters without Baire property does not
have Baire property. Same result holds for nonmeasurable filters. This
symmetry vanishes if one considers intersections of uncountably many fil-
The third section concerns the relationship between Ramsey filters and
Cohen reals and between p-points and unbounded reals.
Finally in section four we define Raisonnier's filter and examine its com-
plexity under various assumptions. We show that it is a rapid filter.
In section five. we construct a model where there are no rapid filters.
Through the paper we use standard set-theoretical notation.


In this section~we study those filters on w which are measurable or have
Baire property. Let us start with the following:
Definition 1.1. :F C P(w) is a nonprincipal filter on w if
(1) VXI , ... ,Xn E:F (Xl n ... n Xn E :F),
(2) VX, Y (X S;;; Y & X E :F - Y E :F) ,
(3) VX (X is finite - w - X E:F) .
:F is called an ultrafilter if :F is maximal.


Theorem 1.1 (Sierpinski). Suppose that F is a filter on w. Then F is

null (meager) or is nonmeasurable (does not have Bake property). H F is
an ultrafilter then F is nonmeasurable and does not have Bake property.
Proof Let us start with the following :
Definition 1.2. A ~ 2w is called a tail-set if for every x, y E 2w if {n E w :
x(n) f. y(n)} is finite and x E A then yEA.
The following lemma is well-known.
Lemma 1.2 ([o]). Every measurable tail-set has measure 0 or 1. Every
tail-set which has Bake property is meager or residual (co-meager). 0
It remains to show that no filter has measure 1 or is co-meager.
Consider function F : 2w -+ 2W defined as F(X)(n) = 1 - X(n) for
X E 2w , nEw. F is a homeomorphism preserving measure. Thus if
j.£(F) = 1 then j.£(F(F» = 1 and there is X E F such that F(X) E F
which is impossible. Same argument shows that a complement of a filter
cannot be meager.
If F. is an ultrafilter then F U F(F) = 2W which means that F cannot
be measurable. 0
Our first goal is to characterize those filters which do not have Baire
Definition 1.3. Let F be a filter on w. For X E F let Ix E WW be an
increasing enumeration of X. Let j: = {Ix: X E F}. We say that filter F
is unbounded if the family j: is unbounded in WW.
Theore~ 1.3 (Talagrand [Tl]). The following conditions are equiva-
lent for any filter :F
(1) F does not have Bake property,
(2) j: is unbounded,
(3) For every partition of w into finite sets, {In : nEw} there exists
X E F such that X n In = 0 for infinitely many nEw.
Proof. 1 -... 2 Suppose that j: is bounded by some function I E WW. Then
:F c UnEw An where
An = {X ~ w : Vk ? n fx(k) ~ f(k)} for nEw.
It is easy to see that the sets An correspond to meager subsets of 2w.
2 -... 3 Suppose that there is a partition {In : nEw} of w such that
"IX E:F "loon X n In f. 0.

Define I'(n) = max{In} for nEw. Let Ik(n) = I'(n + k) for nEw. Let
I E WW be any function dominating the family {/k : k E w}. It is easy to
see that I dominates :F.
3 -+ 1 Let F = UnEw Fn be any meager set of type Fu. Fix some
enumeration of w<w.
Define by induction two sequences {kn : nEw} and {Sn : nEw} as

kn+1 = k n + lh(sn+d .
Let In = [kn' k n+1) for nEw. Find X E :F such that X n In = 0 for
infinitely many nEw. Define Y E 2W as follows

Y IIn = { X IIn if X n In =1= 0 for nEw.

Sn if X n In = 0
Clearly Y;;;:> X and Y ¢ F. 0

Notice that in particular we showed that every meager filter can be

covered by an upwards closed meager set of type Fu.
For measure the situation is a little more complicated but nevertheless
we show that every null filter can be covered by an upwards closed null set
of type G li •

Theorem 1.4 ([Ba2]). For any filter:F the following conditions are equiv-
(1) F is measurable,
(2) there exists a family {An: nEw} such that
(a) An consists of finitely many finite subsets ofw for all nEw,
(b) UAn n UAm = 0 whenever n"# m,
(c) L:'=l J.£( {X <;:; w : 3a E An a c X}) < 00 ,
(d) \;fXEF3°On3aEAn acX.

Proof 2) -+ 1) This implication is obvious since by d) :F is contained in

the set {X <;:; w : 3°On 3a E An a C X} which is null by c).
1) -+ 2). Let us start with the following classical fact.

Lemma 1.5 ([0]). Suppose that He 2W has measure zero. Then there
exists a sequence {Fn : nEw} such that Fn <;:; 2n for nEw, L:'=l!Fnl·
2- n < 00 and H <;:; {x E 2W : 3°On x In E Fn} .

Proof. Since H has measure zero there are open sets {G n : nEw} covering
H such that /L(Gn ) < 2~ for nEw. Represent each set Gn as a disjoint
union of open basic intervals i.e.

U[s~l for nEw .


Gn =

Let Fn = {s E 2n : s = s~ for some k,l E w} for nEw. It is easy to check

that it is the sequence we were looking for. 0

The above lemma inspires the following definition:

Definition 1.4. Set H S;;; 2W is called small if there exists a partition A

of w into pairwise disjoint, finite sets and a family 3 = {Ja : a E A} such
(1) Ja S;;; 2a for a E A ,
(2) H S;;; {x E 2w : 3°Oa E A x ta E Ja },
(3) I:aEA IJal ·2- iai < 00.
Den9te the set {x E 2W : 3°Oa E A x t a E J a } by (A,3). If A = {In :
nEw} and 3 = {In : nEw} are two families defining a small set denote
the set (A, 3) by (In, In)~l.
Notice that by Borel-Cantelli lemma condition 3) is a necessary and
sufficient condition for this set to have measure zero.
We will need several properties of small sets.

Lemma 1.6. Suppose that (Al. 3 1 ) and (A2,.:J2) are two small sets. If
A1 is a finer partition than A2 then (Al. 3 1 ) U (A2' 3 2 ) is a small set.

Proof. Define A3 = A2 and for a E A3 let

J~ = J; U {s E 2a : 3b E A1(a n b # 0 & s tb E Jl}.

It is easy to see that (Aa, 3 3 ) = (Ab 3 1 ) U (A2' 3 2 ). 0

In particular if (Ab 3 1 ) and (A2' 3 2 ) are two small sets and there exists
a partition which is coarser than both A1 and A2 then the union (A1, 3 1 ) U
(A 2 , 3 2 ) is small.

Lemma 1.7. Suppose that (Ab 3 1 ) and (A2, 3 2 ) are two small sets and
that (Al. 3 1 ) C (A2' 3 2 ). Then for all but finitely many a E A1 and for
every s E J! there exists b E A2 such that b n a # 0 and all extensions of
s tb are in Jr

Proof. suppose that this is not true. Then there exists a sequence {an :
nEw} of elements of A1 and a sequence Sn E JL for nEw such that for
all b E A2 whenever an n b i= 0 then Sn rb has an extension which does not
belong to Jr For every b E A2 choose one sequence Sb rt J~ and define
x E 2W as follows:
x rb = Sb if b n UnEw an = 0 and
x rb = any extension of Sn rb which is not in Jl if b n an i= 0 and n is
minimal like that.
It is obvious that x rt (A 2, .:J2) since for all b E A2, x r b rt On Jr
the other hand x ran = Sn for nEw which means that x E (A1,.:J1).
Contradiction. 0

As a corollary we get the following:

Lemma 1.8. Suppose that (A 1,.:J1) and (A2,.:J2) are two small sets and
that (Ab.:J 1) C (A2, .:J2). Then there exists partition A3 finer than both
A1 and A2 and a family .:J3 such that

Proof. Let A3 = A11\A2 = {anb: a E A 1,b E A 2}. For c = anb E A3

J: = {s E 2c : "It E 2b (t J S -+ t E J~)} .
Notice that
IJcl < 2lb- cl . IJcl < IJbl
21 cl - 21 b l - 21 bl
which shows that (A 3, .:J3) is a small set. It is also easy to see that
(A 3,.:J3) C (A 2,.:J2) .
Suppose that x E (A 1,.:J1). By the definition there exists infinitely many
a E A1 such that x raE J~. By the previous lemma for all such a (except
possibly finitely many) there exists b E A2 such that such that b n a i= 0
and all extensions of x rb are in J~. But that means that for c = a n b we
have x rc = J~. 0
The next theorem shows that small sets are good approximations of null
sets. Moreover it shows that we can assume that partitions used in the
definition of small sets are partitions into intervals.

Theorem 1.9. Every null set is a union of two small sets.


Proof. Let H ~ 2W be a null set. By 1.5 we can assume that H = {x E 2W :

::loon x In E Fn} for some sequence {Fn : nEw}.

Fix a sequence of positive reals {Cn : nEw} such that L~=l Cn < 00.
Define two sequences {nk' mk : k E w} as follows: no = 0,

mk = min{j E w : 2nk . f
I~I < cd ,
nk+1 = min{j E w : 2mk • f
I~I < ck} for k Ew .

Notice that we can assume that both sequences {nk,mk : k E w} are

subsequences of any given increasing sequence.
Let h = [nk' nk+1) and I~ = [mk' mk+d for k E w. We can assume that
nk < mk < nk+1 < mk+1 for k E w. Define

s E Jk ~ s E 2Ik & ::Ii E [mk' nk+d ::It E Fi s Idom(t) n domes) =

t Idom(t) n domes) .

E Jk ~ s E 2I'k & ::Ii E [nk+l' mk+1) ::It E Fi s rdom(t) n domes) =
tjdom(t) n domes) .
It remains to show that (h, Jk )k=l and (IL J~)~l are small sets and that
their union covers H.
Consider the set (h, Jk)'k=l . Notice that for k E w

IJkl < 2 nk • ~l IFil < c .

2h - ~ 2' - k

Since L~l Cn < 00 this ~hows that the set (In, In)~=l is null. Analogous
argument works for the other set. Finally we have that

H ~ (In' In)~=l U (I~, J~)~=l .

To see this suppose that x E H. Then the set X = {n E w : x In E Fn} is
infinite. Thus either

U[mk' nk+1) is infinite or


X n

U[nk+1' mk+ d is infinite .


X n

Without loss of generality we can assume that it is the first case. But it
means that x E (In, In)~=l because if x t n E Fn and n E [mk' nk+1) then
by the definition there is t E J k such that x r ink, nk+t} = t. We are done
since it happens infinitely many times. 0
l,From now on we will assume that partitions occurring in the definition
of small set are always partitions into disjoint intervals.

Lemma 1.10. Let F be a filter. Then F is a measurable filter iff F can

be covered by a small set.
Proof f - Trivial since every small set is null.
-> Let F be a measurable filter. Fix a sequence {en : nEw} of positive
reals such that L~=l 2k . ek < 00.
By 1.1 we know that F can be covered by some null set H ~ 2W. By
applying 1.5 to the set H we get a sequence {Fk : k E w} such that
H ~ {x E 2w : 3°Ok xtk E Fk }.
Using the proof of 1.9 we can represent the set H as a union of two small
sets. In oth~r words we have the following: There exist two sequences of
natural numbers {nk' mk : k E w} and a family {Jk, J~ : k E w} such that:
(1) nk < mk < nk+1 < mk+1 for k e w,
(2) J k C 2[nk,nk+tl , J'k C 2[mk,mk+tl ,
(3) !Jk!' 2nk - n k+ 1 < ek, !J~!. 2mk - mk+ 1 < ek for k E w,
(4) He ([nk' nk+1), Jk)'::l U ([mk' mk+1), JO'::l'
By the assumption F c ([nk. nk+1), Jk)'::l U ([mk' mk+1), J~)k=l .
If F c ([nk' nk+1), Jk)k=l or if F c ([mk' mk+1), J~)k=l then we are
done since both sets are small.
Therefore assume that neither set covers F.
Define for k E w
Sk = {!! E 2[n k,m k): s has at least 2nk+l-mk-k extensions
inside J k } •

It is easy to check that

holds for k E w.
Similarly if we define
S~ = {s E 2[n k,mon ) : s has at least 2nk-mk-l-k extensions
inside JD

then by the same argument we have that

IS~I < 2k. C

2m k - n k - k

for all k E w.
Consider the set ([nk' mk), SkUS~)k::l' This set is small since 2:;:'=1 ISkU
S~I' 2nk - mk < 00.
Now we have three small sets
(1) HI = ([nk,nkH),Jk)k'=l'
(2) H2 = ([mk,mk+l), Jk)k::l'
(3) H3 = ([nk' mk), Sk U SDk'=l'
If :F C H2 U H3 we are done since by 1.6 H2 U H3 is a small set. Therefore
assume that there exists X E :F such that X rt H2 U H 3 • Since:F C HI U H 2
we get that X E HI' Therefore there exists an infinite sequence {ku : u E w}
such that

for u E w.
Define for u E w

Iu = [mk"H,nk"H) and
Tu = {s E 21,,: X rlnk", mk,,+d~s E Jk" or
s~Xflnk"+l,mk,,H) E JLH}'

By the choice of X, X flnk",nkuH) E Jku but X rlnk",nk"H) rt Sku USL

for sufficiently large u E w. Thus ITul' 2- 11,,1 ~ 2- U for all but finitely many
u Ew.

Claim 1.11. :F c (Iu, TU)~=l'

Proof. Suppose that :F is not contained in this set and let Y E :F-
(Iu, TU)~=l'
Define Z E 2W as follows

Z(n) ={ ~~~ if n E UuEwIu

for nEw.

Notice that Z E :F since X n Y s;:; Z. We will show that Z rt HI U H2 which

gives a contradiction. Consider an interval 1m = [nm, nmH)' If m =I- ku for
every u E w then ImnUuEw Iu = 0 and Z rIm rt jm since Z rIm = X r1m for
such m's. On the other hand if m = ku for some u E w then X rIm E jm but
by the choice of X, Z r[nku' mk,,) = X r[nk", mk,,) has only few extensions
inside J nku (since X rt. H3)' In fact if Z r 1m E J m then Z r Iu has to
be an element of Tu. But this is impossible since Z r Iu = Y r Iu rt. Tu

for sufficiently large u E w. Hence for all except finitely many mEw,
Z rIm ¢ Jm which means that Z ¢ HI. Similarly, using the second clause
in the definition of H3 we prove that Z ¢ H 2 • That finishes the proof since
the set (Iu, TU)~=I is small. 0
Assume that F is a measurable filter. Then by the above lemma F can
be covered by a set {x E 2w : 3°On x rIn E I n } where sequences {In : nEw}
and {In : nEw} satisfy the definition of a small set.
Define for nEw
J~ = {s E I n : \:fu E 2I n (s-1(1) ~ u- 1(1) --t U E I n )} .

Claim 1.12. F ~ (In, J~)':=1 .

Proof Suppose not. Let X E F - {x E 2W : 3°On x r In E I n } . It is not
very hard to see that there exists a set X' ;2 X which does not belong to
{x E 2W : 3°On x rIn E I n } Contradiction. 0

Identify elements of J~ with subsets of In and let

An = {a ~ In: a is ~ -minimal element of J~} for nEw.

Obviously F ~ {X ~ w : 3°On 3a E An a C X} and the family {An : n E
w} has properties (a) - (d). 0
As a corollary we get:

Theorem 1.13. Every measurable filter extends to a measurable filter

which does not have Baire property.
Proof Suppose that F is a measurable filter. Let A = {An : nEw} be a
family from 1.4. For X ~ w define

sUPPA(X) = {a: 3n3a E An a C X} .

Notice that
:F* = {suPPA(X) : X E F}
is a filter since SUPPA(X) n sUPPA(Y) ;2 SUPPA(X n Y) for any X, Y E F.
Let 'H be any ultrafilter containing F*. Define

9 = {X ~ w : sUPPA(X) E 'H} .
It is clear that 9 is a filter; the fact that 9 does not have Baire property
follows from 1.3. 0

We do not know if every filter having Baire property extends to a non-

measurable filter having Baire property. We only have:

Theorem 1.14 (Talagrand [TIl). Assume M A. There exists a nonmea-

surable filter which has Baire property.
To prove this theorem we will need the following
Definition 1.5. For a set X C w define density of X as

d(X) = lim IX n nl
n-+oo n
if the above limit exists.
Let {Ke : ~ < 2W} be an enumeration of all closed sets of positive

Lemma 1.15. Assume MA. There exists a family {Xe : ~ < 2W} such
that X~ E K~ for ~ < 2W and
VnEwV6, ... '~nd(Xeln ... nx~n)=2n .

Proof. We construct {X~ : ~ < 2W} by induction. Suppose that {Xe

~ < a} are already constructed. Let K = lal and let {~ : ~ < K} be an
enumeration of all finite intersections of elements of {Xe : ~ < a}.
The following claim is an easy consequence of the fact that the family of
subsets of w having density ~ has measure 1.
Claim 1.16. Suppose that dey) = c. Then the set {X C w : d(X n Y) =
~} has measure 1.
oDefine for ~ < K

He = {X c w: d(XnYe) = d(~e)}.
By the above claim all sets He have measure 1. By Martin Axiom KOI n
ne<1IO He f:. 0. Let XOI be any element of this set. This finishes the con-
struction and the proof of the lemma. 0
Proof. 1.14 Let {Xe : ~ < 2W} be a family from the above lemma. Let F
be a filter generated by this family. It is clear that F is a nonmeasurable
filter as F intersects every set of positive measure. Let In = [2n2, 2(n+1)2)
for nEw. Notice that if X n In = 0 for infinitely many nEw then
. fiX n nl
limIn =0
n-+oo n
therefore X fj. F since F is generated by elements having positive den-
sity. 0
Another application is related to the following.

Definition 1.6. F is called rapid if for every increasing function f E WW

there exists X E F such that IX n f(n)1 :5 n for nEw.
Theorem 1.17 (Mokobodzld). Every rapid illter is nonmeasurable and
does not have Baire property.

Proof It is clear from the definition that rapid filters are unbounded so by
1.3 they do not have Baire property.
Let F be a rapid filter. Suppose that F is covered by a set of form
{X C W : 3°On 3a E An a C X} where {An : nEw} is a family as in 1.4.
Without losing generality we can assume that for all nEw
1'( {X ~ W : 3a E An a C X}) < 2n +1
and that
max{max(a) : a E An} ~ min{min(a) : a E Am} for n ~ m .

In particular it means that no set in An has less than n + 1 elements.

Define f(n) = max{max(a) : a E An} for nEw and let Z E F be such
that IZ n f(n)1 :5 n for all nEw. We immediately get that
Z (j. {X c w : 3°On 3a E An a C X} .
Contradiction. 0

We start with the following:

Theorem 2.1. (Talagrand [TID.

(1) Intersection of countably many filters without Baire property is a
filter without Baire property.
(2) Assume M A. Then intersection of < 2No filters without Baire
property is a filter without Baire property.

Proof Let {F£. : { < K < 2No} be a family of filters without Baire property.
Let F = n£.<1I: F£.. Let {In: nEw} be a partition of w into finite sets. By
1.3 it is enough to show that there exists X E F such that X n In = 0 for
infinitely many nEw. Define sequences {X£. : { < K} and {Ye : { :5 K}
such that
(1) X£. E F£. for { < K,
(2) 'i{ < K 'in E Ye X£. n In = 0,
(3) Ye - Y71 is finite for { ~ 11·

Given sequences {Xe : < o:} and {~ : e::;
o:} using M A find set Y~ such
that Y~ - ~ is finite for < 0:. Then using 1.3 find Yo< S;;; Yo< and Xo< having
properties 1) and 2). Finally let

x = U(Xe - U In).
e</t nEY"-YE

Clearly X E F and X n In = 0 for n E Y/t. D

For ultrafilters we have much stronger result:

Theorem 2.2 (Plewik [Pl). Intersection of < 2t-to ultrafilters is a filter

without Baire property.

Proof Let {Fe : < K, < 2t-to} be a family of ultrafilters. Let F = ne</t Fe
and let {In : nEw} be a partition of w into finite sets. By 1.3 it is enough
to show that there exists X E F such that X n In = 0 for infinitely many
Let {ae : < 2t-to} be a family of almost disjoint subsets of w. Consider
sets Xe .= UnEGE In for < 2No. Only one of those sets can belong to a
filter. Therefore there is .,., < 2t-to such that X 17 ¢ Fe for < K,. Thus
w - X 17 E F and (w - X 17 ) n In = 0 for n E aw D

Notice that in fact we showed that for every possible cover H of the
intersection of filters we found a family of 2t-to almost disjoint sets {Xe :
e e
< 2t-to} such that neither Xe nor w - Xe belongs to H for < 2t-to.
The question whether the analog of the theorem above is true for measure
is open. The following example shows why the same proof does not work

for measure. Define
In = [2n,2n+1) and I n = {a C In: 2- n ·Ial ~ for nEw. It is easy to
check that families {In,Jn : nEw} satisfy conditions 1)- 4) of 1.4. On the
other hand for every partition of w into 4 sets the set G = (In' In)~=l will
contain one of those sets or its complement.
For a countable case we have an analog of 2.1.

Theorem 2.3 (Talagrand [TIl). Intersection of countably many non-

measurable filters is a nonmeasurable filter.

Proof. Let {Fn : nEw} be a sequence of nonmeasurable filters. Denote

F = nnEw Fn· By 1.4 it is enough to show that for every family {An :
nEw} satisfying a) - d) of 1.4 there is X E F such that X 1J a for
a E An, nEw.

Let a E (0, ~I be a real number. Define a measure on 2W as J.La = I1:~1 {La

where {La is a measure on {O, I} such that {La ( {I}) = a and {La ({O}) = 1- a.
We will need the following:
Lemma 2.4. Let:F be a nonprincipal filter on w. Then:F is nonmeasur-
able iff:F is J.La-nonmeasurable for all a E (0, !I.
Proof. Find nEw and c E [0,11 such that
1 1
a= -
+ (1 - - ) .c
and define the function P: (2w)n x 2W ~ ~ as

P(Xb ... ,Xn,Y) =Yu k •
Notice that we identify here X E 2W with {n E w : X(n) = I}.
Let v be a measure on (2w)n x 2W defined as J.L x J.L x ... x J.L x J.Lc.
Claim 2.5. For every Borel set A c 2W J.La(A) = v(P- 1 (A)).
Proof. It is enough to check that it holds for sets Ak = {x E 2W : x(k) = I}
for k E w. Clearly J.La(Ak) = a for k E w. On .the other hand
(Xl, ... ,Xn , Y) E P-l(Ak) f--+ 'Vi:::; n Xi(k) = 1
3i :::; n Xk = 0 & Y(k) = 1 .
Therefore v(P-l(Ak)) = 2~ + (1- 2~) . C = a. 0
Suppose that :F is not measurable. Consider a set B c 2W such that
J.La(B) > O. Sj,nce the set :F x :F x ... x :F x 2W has outer measure 1 and
mapping P preserves measure we can find (Xl, ... ,Xn , Y) E p-l(B)n:Fx
:F x .. , x :F x 2W. Thus the set n~=l X k n Y E :F n B which finishes the
Assume that :F is measurable. Let {An : nEw} be a family satisfying
conditions a) - d) of 1.4. Let H = {X E w: 3°On 3a E An a c X}. Notice
° °
that if J.L(H) = then J.La(H) = for a E (0, 0 H
We will use the following notation: if {An : nEw} is a family satisfying
conditions a) - d) of 1.4 then (An)~=l denotes the set {X C w : 3°On 3a E
An a eX}. IfY c w then (An-Y)~=l denotes the set {X C w: 3°On 3a E
An a - Y c X}. Notice that if Y E (An)~=l then (An - Y)~=l = 2W.
Let {Pn : nEw} be the sequence of reals defined as Po = and Pn+ 1 = !
1 - VI - Pn for nEw.
Define a sequence {Xn : nEw} such that for nEw

(1) Xn E:Fn ,
(2) Xn C Xn+b
(3) JLp,,«Ak - Xn)k=l) = O.
Suppose that Xn is already constructed for some nEw. Consider the
function S: 2w x 2w ---+ 2W defined as S(X, Y) = Xu Y. In the same way
as in 2.4 we show that for every Borel set A c 2W
JLp,,+l X JLP,,+l (S-l(A)) = JLp" (A) .
By the induction hypothesis JLp,,«Ak - Xn)k=l) = O. Therefore
JLP,,+l X JLPn+l (S-l(Ak - Xn)k=d = 0 .
Since filter :Fn+1 is JLPn+l -nonmeasurable using Fubini theorem we can find
Y E :Fn+l such that
JLP,,+l ({X : S(Y, X) E (Ak - Xn)k=d) = 0 .
Let X n+l = Xn U Y. It is clear that this set has desired properties.
Finally for every nEw find a natural number k n such that a ct Xn for
a E Am and m 2:: k n· Let Xw = UnEw(Xn - k n). Clearly Xw nnEw:Fn and
Xw f/- (Ak)k=l' 0
Surprisingly this theorem does not generalize to uncountable families of
Theorem 2.6 (Fremlin [F]). Assume MA & ..,CH. Then there exists
a family {:Fe : < 2No} of nonmeasurable filters such that neEl:Fe is a
measurable filter for every uncountable set I C 2No. In particular there
exists a family of Nl nonmeasurable filters with measurable intersection.
Proof. Let {Ie : < 2No} be a family of disjoint subsets of 2No of size 2No.
Let {Ke : < 2No} be an enumeration of closed sets of positive measure
such that for every closed set of positive measure K and { < 2No there
exists'f/ E1e such that K = K",. Let {Xe : < 2No} be a family from 1.15
constructed for the family {Ke : { < 2No}. Let:Fe be the filter generated
by the family {X", : 'f/ E Ie} for < 2No. It is clear that all those filters are
nonmeasurable. Suppose that I c 2No is uncountable. Let X E neEl :Fe.
For each e E I there is a finite set Je c Ie such that n"EJ~ X" c X.
Find an infinite set I' C I and k E w such that IJd = k for E I'. Let e
~ = n"EJ~ X" for eE I'. By the above remarks d(~) = 2- k for eE I'.
Since all sets Je are disjoint, for every finite set I" C I' we have

d( U ~) = 1 - II (1 - d(~)) = 1 - (1 - 21k )11"1 .

eEl" eEl"

Thus d(U~EII Ye) = 1 and therefore d(X) = 1. We conclude that

n.r~ c {X c w: d(X) = I} .

That finishes the proof since the family of sets having density 1 has measure
zero. 0


In this section we study the relationship between Ramsey filters and
Cohen reals.
Definition 3.1. A filter .r is called p-point if for every partition of w,
{Yn : nEw} either there exists nEw such that Yn E .r or there exists
X E .r such that X n Yn is finite for nEw .
.r is called Ramsey if for every partition of w {Yn : nEw} either Yn E .r
for some nEw or there exists X E.r such that IX n Ynl ~ 1 for nEw .
.r is called q-point if for every partition of w into finite pieces {In : nEw}
exists X E .r such that IX n Inl ~ 1 for nEw .
.r is called rapid if for every increasing function f E WW there exists
X E.r such that IX n f(n)1 ~ n for all nEw.
Let wD denote the sentence
VF C [WWj< 2N O 3g E WW Vf E F 3°On fen) < g(n) .
If we denote by d the size of the smallest dominating family then wD +-t

d = 2No.

Theorem 3.~ (Ketonen [K)). wD iff every filter generated by < 2No el-
ements can be extended to a p-point.
Proof. +- Suppose that F c WW is a family of size < 2No • For f E F and
nEw define XI = {(n,k) E w x w: k 2:: fen)} and xn = {(m,k) E w xw:
m 2:: n}. It is easy to see that the family {XI: f E F} u {xn : nEw}
generates a proper filter. Consider a partition of w xw given by Yn = {n} Xw
for nEw. By the assumption there exists X ~ w x w such that X n X f
is infinite for all f E F and X n Yn is finite for nEw. Define the function
g(n) = max{k E w : (n, k) E XnYn } for nEw. It is clear that the function
9 is defined on infinite subset of w and is not dominated by any function
- This is proved by induction. Single step looks as follows:
Suppose that .r is a filter generated by < 2No elements and let {Yn : n E
w} be a partition of w.

CASE 1 There exists X E:F such that {n E w : X n Yn =F 0} is finite.

We do nothing- every ultrafilter containing :F will contain one piece Yn
for some nEw.
CASE 2 For all X E:F {n E w : X n Yn =F 0} is infinite.
In this case define for X E :F
- {
f x(n) - min{X n Yn } if X n Yn =F 0 £
e ot h ·
erwlse ornEw.

Lemma 3.2. d is equal to tbe smallest cardinal K such tbat

3F E [wwl'" 3G E [[wjWjll: 'Vg E wW3f E F 3X E G 3°On E X g(n) < f(n) .
Proof. Suppose that F and G are families of size K having above property.
We can assume that F consists of strictly increasing functions. For f E F
and X E G define for nEw, fX(n) = f(xn) where Xn is n-th element of
X. Easy computation shows that {Ix : f E F, X E G} is a dominating
family. D
Using wD and 3.2 find a function f E WW such that
'VX E :F 3°On fx(n) < f(n)
and define

It is not hard to check that X has all the required properties. D
The next theorem was first proved by M. Canjar and independently by
the authors.
Theorem 3.3. Tbe following conditions are equivalent:
(1) lR'is not tbe union of < 2No meager sets,
(2) every filter generated by < 2No elements can be extended to a
Ramsey ultrafilter,
(3) wD and every filter generated by < 2No elements can be extended
to a q-point.
Proof. 1) ~ 2) Let:F be a filter on w generated by less than 2No elements.
Ultrafilter we are looking for is constructed by induction with respect to
all possible partitions of w. We present a single induction step here. Let
{Yn : nEw} be a partition of w. We have two cases:
CASE 1 There exists X E :F such that {n E w : X n Yn =F 0} is finite.
In this case we do nothing - every ultrafilter containing :F will contain
exactly one set Yn for some nEw.
CASE 2 For every X E :F {n E w : X n Yn =F 0} is infinite.

In this case we construct a desired selector as follows. Let y = IInEw Yn .

For every X E :F define
Gx = {x E Y : 3°On x(n) EX n Yn } .

It is easy to verify that Gx's are dense G6 subsets of y. Therefore by the

n Gx #0.
Every element x E nXEFGX gives a set Z = {x(n) : nEw} which has
infinite intersection with every element of :F and selects one element out of
every Yn for nEw.
2) -+ 3) Follows immediately from 3.1.
3) -+ 1) Let A be a family of size < 2No which consists of closed, nowhere
dense subsets of 2W • We have to show that 2W - U A # 0. Define a filter
on w x 2<w in the following way.
XF = {(n,s) E w x 2<w: Vt E 2:5 n [t""'s] nF = 0}
and for n E Ii) let
xn = {(m,s) E w x 2<w : m 2: n} .
Notice that X F1 n X F2 ;2 XFIUF2 hence the family {XF : F E A} u {xn :
nEw} generates a proper filter.
For every F E A define
fp(n) = min{k E w: 3s E 2k (n,s) E X F } for nEw.
Using wD we can find a function f E WW such that
VF E A 3°On fp(n) ~ f(n) .
Let X' = {(n, s) E w x 2<w : s E 2:5!(n)}. It is clear that X' nXF is infinite
for all F E A: Let {kn : nEw} be an increasing sequence of natural
numbers such that ko = 0 and :Ei:5k" f(i) ~ kn+1 for nEw.
X~ = {(n, s) E X' : n E U
[k2j , k 2 j+l)}
X~ = {(n, s) E X' : n E U[k 2j +1, k2j +2)} .

Since X' = X~ u X~ one of those sets has infinite intersection with all sets
X F for F E A. Without loosing generality we can assume that it is Xi.

Let :F be a filter on the set X{ generated by the family {X{ n X F : F E

A} U {X{ - U : U E [X{]<W} . For nEw define
Yn = {(j, s) E X~ : j E [k 2n , k2n+1)} .
Family {Yn : nEw} defines a partition of Xf so by the assumption there is
a set X S; Xf such that IXnYnl :$ 1 and :FU{X} generates a proper filter.
Suppose that X = {(un,sn): nEw} where Un E [k2n,k2n+d for nEw.
Consider a point x = SCS2~."~ Sn~'" E 2w . We show that x ¢ F
for F E A. Fix F E A and find nEw such that (un' Sn) E X F . By the
above construction

lh(SI ~ ... ~ Sn-l):$ L: f(i):$ k2n .


Therefore by the definition of X F , [SI ~ ... Sn-l ~sn]nF = 0. This finishes

the proof since x E [SI ~ ... sn]. 0

It turns out that the condition 3) of 3.3 can be still weakened. Namely
we have the following:

Theorem 3.4 (Fremlin [Fl]). The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) lR is not the union of < 2~o meager sets,
(2) wD and every filter generated by < 2~o elements can be extended
to a rapid filter.

Proof. 1 -+ 2 Follows immediately from 3.3.

2 +- 1 We will use the following result from [BaI] (a simple proof can be
found in [FM]).

Theorem 3.5. The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) lR is not the union of < 2~o meager sets,
(2) VF E [WW]< 2NO 3g E WW Vf E F 3°On f(n) = g(n). 0
Let {f~ : < e < 2~o} be a family of functions from wW. Using wD find
a function f E WW such that the set J~ = {n : fdn) :$ f(n)} is infinite for
all < e. Using wD again we can find a sequence {In : nEw} of pairwise
disjoint, finite subsets of w such that {n : lIn n J~I ~ n + I} is infinite for
all < e. Define for nEw

Wn = U{Ik : n 2 :$ k < (n + I)2} ,

Sn = {S : s is a function, dom(s) C W n , s(j) :$ f(j)
for j E dom(s)} .

Let S = U~l Sn and let

Xe = {s E S: Idom(s) n1nl? n+ 1
and s rIn C fe for some nEw} for ~ < B.
It is easy to see that the family {X~ : ~ < B} generates a proper filter. Let
:F be a rapid filter containing this family. Let XeS be an element of :F
such that IX n Snl :5 n + 1 for all nEw. Let g be a function obtained by
diagonalizing the set X n Sn over every set Ik for n 2 :5 k < (n + 1)2 and
nEw. This is possible since the above set contains only :5 n + 1 functions
domain of which has more than n + 1 elements. Verification that
'V~ < B 3°On fdn) = g(n)

is straightforward. 0

In this section we will define certain filter on w called Raisonnier's fil-
ter. We prove that this filter is rapid assuming that all ~§ are Lebesgue
measurable and unbounded assuming M A~l «(1 - centered).
Definition 4.1. Let X ~ 2W be an uncountable set of reals. Let h :
2W x 2W ----4 W be the following function
h(x,y)=min{nEw: xin:rfyrn} x,yE2w •

For a relation R C 2W x 2W define

Rx = {n E w: 3x,y (x,y) E R& h(x,y) = n} .
:Fx = {Rx : R is a Borel equivalence relation with count ably many
equivalence classes }.
Lemma 4.1. :Fx generates a proper, non-principal filter.

Proof. Suppose that X 1 ,X2 E :Fx. Let Rl,R2 be two relations such that
Xl = Ri and X 2 = R3c. Define R3 = Rl n R2. It is easy to see that
:Fx :3 R1- ~ Ri n R3c.
Also every set of form Rx is infinite. To see that let R be a relation
having count ably many equivalence classes. Since the set X is uncountable
at least one of those equivalence classes, call it Y, must be infinite. Function
h maps [Yj2 into Rx so if Rx is finite by Ramsey theorem we get an infinite
h-homogeneous set. This is not possible since h does not have homogeneous
sets of size > 2.

Suppose that Xl E :Fx and nEw. Let R be a relation such that

Xl = Rx. Define the relation R' as follows:
(x,y) E R' if (x,y) E R & xfn = y fn. Clearly Xl - n C R'x. 0

Lemma 4.2. Let X = L[a] n 2W for some a E!n. Then:Fx is a El set.

Proof. bE:Fx ~ 3R 3x CPI & CP2 & CP3 & CP4 & CP5 where
(1) CPI ~ R is a Borel relation (IT}),
(2) CP2 ~ R is an equivalence relation on L[a] (m),
(3) CP3 ~ R has countably many equivalence classes (IT~),
(4) CP4 ~ 'Vn E w (n f/. b or (3Xl,X2 E L[a] (Xl,X2) E R & h(Xl,X2) =
n)) (E~),
(5) CP5 ~ 'VXI,X2 ((XI,X2) f/. L[a] or h(Xl,X2) E b).
Lemma 4.3 ([JSl]). AssumeMANI and let X = L[a]n2W for some a E!n.
Then :Fx is a ~l set.

Proof. We shall prove that the complement of:Fx is El.

Claim 4.4. Assume M ANI. For a subset b ~ w the following conditions
are equivalent:
(1) There is no equivalence relation R on X having countably many
equivalence classes such that
'Vx,y((x,y) E R -+ h(x,y) E b) ,
(2) If Pi, = {I: dom(f) E [X]<w & ran(f) c w & I(x) = I(y) -+
h(x,y) E b} then (Pb,~) does not satisfy countable chain condition.
(3) There exists {(X] : j ~ n) : < Wt} ~ [x]n such that
'Ve < 7] 3j h(x] , xJ) f/. b.

Proof. 1),-+ 2) is an immediate consequence of Martin Axiom.

2) -+ 3) By the assumption there exists {Ie : e< wd c Pb such that
Ie U I." f/. Pb for e=1= 7].
Without loss of generality we can assume that there exists k E w such
(1) dom(fe) = {xi. ... ,x~} for e< Wl,
(2) xl f k , ... ,4 f k are all different for e< Wt,
(3) xI(l) = xi(l), ... ,x~(l) = x!h(l) fore, 7] < WI and l ~ m,
(4) dom(fe) n dom(f.,,) = 0 for e=1= 1],
(5) For every e< 1] < Wt there exists l ~ n such that h(x;, xi) f/. b.

This is proved by ''thinning out" the original family several times. 0

3) -+ 1) Let {(x; : j ~ n) : e< WI} S; [XJn be a family such that
Ve < 'fJ 3j h( x;, xJ) tt b. Suppose that 1) is not true. Let R be a relation
on X witnessing that. Define for < WI e
F( (x; : j $ n}) = ([X;JR : j $ n) .

As R has only countably many equivalence classes there are e < 'fJ < WI
such that
([X;JR : j $ n) = ([XJJR : j ~ n) .
By the hypothesis there exists l $ n such that
h(x;, xi) tt b
which contradicts the choice of R. 0
Now we can conclude the proof of the lemma.
We have

b tt Fx +-+ 3A S; WI (LWI [aJ, E, b, A) F t.p

where t.p is the first order sentence expressing part 3) of the claim above.
By having A to absorb a Skolem function for t.p we can assume that t.p is
III . By M ANI every set A S; WI can be coded by a real, say c and the
encoding process is ~I over (LWI[aJ, E, c). Therefore
b tt Fx +-+ 3c c W (c codes A S; WI & (LWI [a], E, b, A) F t.p) •

The last expression is E1· 0

Lemma 4.5 ([JSl]). Assume MAN! and let X = L[aJ n 2W. If {an: n E
w} C Fx then there exists a* =
{kn : nEw} E Fx such that k n E an for

Proof. Let {an': nEw} C F. Without loss of generality we can assume

that an 2 an+l for nEw. Let Rn be an equivalence relation witnessing
that an E F for nEw. Let Q be the following notion of forcing:
(f, y, {kl:l~n}}EQif
(1) Y c X and f: Y --+ w,
(2) VYl,Y2 E Y (Yl i- Y2 & f(yI) = f(Y2)) -+ h(YbY2) E {k l : l ~ n},
(3) kl E al for l $ n.
Elements of Q are ordered by reversed inclusion.

Claim 4.6. Q satisfies countable chain condition.


Proof. Let {(fe, ye, {k; : l ~ ne}} : e< WI} be an uncountable subset of
Q. By "thinning out" we can assume that there exist j, n, mEw such that
for all e,1J < WI
(1) ye = {yI. ... ,y~},
(2) n e = n,
(3) {kj : j ~ n} = {kJ : j ~ n} d,g' {k j : j ~ n},
(4) (fe(y1), ... ,fe(y~)} = (f'1(y'/.), ... ,j'1(y~)},
(5) Y1 fj, ... ,y~ tj are all different,
(6) (Y1 tj, ... ,y~ fj) = (Y1 ti,·· . ,y~ fj),
(7) y1.Rn+my1,· .. ,y~ R,.+mY~ .
Choose ef:. 1J and let
y = ye u y'1 , f = fe u j'1
{kl : n ~ l < n + m} = {h(y;,y() : l ~ m} .
It is easy to verify that the condition (f, y, {kl : l ~ n + m}} extends both
(fe, ye, {k; : l ~ n}} and (j'1, y'1, {ki : l ~ n}}. 0
Now applying MAl-ll to forcing Q we get an element a* E :Fx having
desired properties. 0

Corollary 4.7 ([JSl]). Assume MAl-ll & NI is not an inaccessible cardi-

nal in L. Then there exists ~l rapid filter on w.

Proof H NI is not inaccessible in L then there is a real number a such that

L[a]n 2w is uncountable. The rest follows immediately from 4.5. 0
In fac~ we have the following.

Theorem 4.8 (Raisonnier [R]). Suppose that Lebesgue measure is NI

additive and X is a well-ordered set of size N1 . Then:Fx is a rapid filter.


In this section we show that the existence of rapid filters is not provable
in Z FC. Recall that a nonprincipal filter :F is rapid if for every increasing
sequence {nk : k E w} there exists X E :F such that IX n nkl ~ k for all
k Ew.
In [Mi] Miller constructed a model where there are no rapid filters. Here
we present a more general construction.

Theorem 5.1. Con(ZFC) - Con(ZFC & there are no rapid filters).


Proof. Let PW2 be the countable support iteration of Mathias forcing of

length W2. Denote by Bit a measure algebra adding K, many random reals.
In other words consider standard product measure p. on 21t and let Bit be
the associated measure algebra.
Let V be a model satisfying GeH. Let G C PW2 * Bit be a V-generic
filter. We will show that V[G] 1= " there are no rapid filters".
We need the following notation. Suppose that a is a Bit-name for a
subset of w. Define a function a : w ---. [0,1] as a(n) = p.([n E aD for
Lemma 5.2. Let {nk : k E w} be an increasing sequence of natural num-
bers. Suppose that a is a Bit-name for a subset of w such that II- B,.
Vk 10, n nkl S k. Then for all k E w we have Ej!l a(j) S k.
Proof. Suppose that for some k E W, Ej!l a(j) > k. For j S nk let Aj be
the set representing element [j E al By the definition a(j) = p.(Aj) for
j S nk' Let /; be a characteristic function of the set Aj for j S nk and let
f = Ej!l /;. We have

Thereforep = {x: f(x) > k} has positive measure and clearly p II-Iannkl >
k. Contradiction. D
Let ink : k E w} be the first Mathias real added by PW2 ' Suppose that
a E V[G] is a subset of w such that la n nkl S k for all k E w. In the model
V[G n PW2 ] a has a Bit-name a. Therefore the function a defined as above
belongs to the model V[G n PW2 ] hence it has a name fa E V. From now
on we will worK with this name.
We will need the following technical lemma. Recall that for two con-
ditions p,q E PW2 ' a set F C W2 and nEw, p ?:F,n q if P ?: q and
pte II- p(e) ?:n ,/(e) for E F.
Lemma 5.3. Suppose that p E PW2 and e > O. There exist sequence {Fn :
nEw} offinitesubsetsofw2, sequenceofconditions{p~,p~: nEw} C PW2 '
sequence of natural numbers {kn : nEw} and sequence of finite subsets of
w , {B~,B; : nEw} such that
(1) 0 E Fo C Fl C ... Fn C ... ,
(2) Unew(supp(P~) U supp(P~)) = Unew Fn ,
(3) p = pb SFo,O pi SFl,l p~ SF2,2 ... for i = 1,2,
(4) B& C Bi C B~ . .. for i = 1, 2, B~ n B; C BJ n B6 for nEw and
UnewBl UB; =w,

(5) if n is even then for every k > kn there exists a condition q ~ p~

such that

(a) q If- L fa(j) < I~n '


qlf- L
1 1 1
(b) fa(j)<c.(l0+ 102 +···lO n- 1) ,

(c) p; If- L fa(j)

1 1
< £. (10 + 102 + ...
lO n - 1) •
(6) if n is odd then for every k > kn there exists a condition q ~ p~
such that
L fa(j) < l~n '
(a) q If-

(b) qlf- L
1 1 1
fa(j)<c.(l0+ 102 +"'lOn - 1 ) ,

(c) p; If- L fa(j) < £. (1~ + I~2 + ... 1O~-1) .


Proof. We prove it by induction on n. Suppose that we succeeded in con-

structing first n elements of all those sequences. Since the last two condi-
tions are symmetric we can assume that n is even.
For every jEw find a condition P~,j and family of functions {h,I : l <
2n·IFnl} such that

(1) p~ 5oFn,n P~,j for JEW,

(2) the n + I-th element of the infinite part of P~,j is bigger that j,
(3) P;',j If- 3l < 2n·IFnl Vi $ j Ih,l(i) - fa (i) I < bn where On is suffi-
ciently smalL
Using diagonalization argument we can easily show that there exists a
sequencl:) {jm: mEw} such that the sequence {hn,l(i) : mEw} converges
for every i E wand l < 2n · lFnl . Let

fl(i) = mlim
..... oo
hn,l(i) for i E W .

Notice that 2:: 1 fl(i) $ n + 1 for every l < 2n·IFnl. Otherwise there exists
k E W such that 2:7=1 fl (i) > n+ 1. Therefore there is j = jm > k such that
2:7=1 h,l(i) > n + 1. If On is small enough then P;',j If- 2:7=1 fa (i) > n + 1.
This is impossible by 5.2 and the fact that the n + I-st element of the
infinite part of P;',j is bigger that j.

Now let kn+l be chosen such that

" fl(i) < _e_ for alIl < 2n'IFnl .
L.J - lOn+2

Finally let Fn+l be any finite set of ordinals containing Fn and first n
elements of supp(P~) for i = 1,2 and j ~ n (in some fixed enumeration of
supp(P~) in order type w). 0

Let j: be a PW2 -name for a B",-name for a rapid ultrafilter on w. We

have the following lemma.

Lemma 5.4. For every e > 0 and for every condition p E PW2 there are
conditions pI, p2 ~ P and sets BI, B2 C W such that
(1) pI II-.tt([B 2 E .11)
< e,
(2) p2 II- tt([B I E .1]) < e,
(3) BI U B2 = w and BI n B2 is finite.

Proof. Let ink : k E w} be the first Mathias real added by PW2 • Suppose
that a E V[GJ is an element of:F such that la n nkl ~ k for alI k E w.
Since j: is a name for a rapid filter apply 5.3 to the function fa and define
Bi = UnEw B~, pi = limn_co p~ for i = 1,2. Also we have

pi II- L fa(j) < e for i = 1,2 .


Since the above sum estimates the ''probability'' that the set Bi is infinite
and we assume that filter :F is nonprincipal we immediately get 1) and
2). 0 '
Next we have to show that in addition we can assume that the conditions
pI, p2 from 5.3 are compatible. First notice that there exists 0 < W2 such
that cf(o) = WI and 5.4 holds in V[G n P6]. In other words using standard
reflection argument using the fact that we force with proper forcing and that
V 1== GCH we can see that there exists 0 such that if BI, B2 E V[G n P6]
is a pair of almost disjoint sets covering w and if there are conditions pI, p2
such that pI II- tt([B2 E .1]) < e and p2 II- tt([BI E .1]) < e then we can
find those conditions in V[G n P6].

Fix 6 as above. Since PW2 ~ PW2 \P6 5.3 is true in V[G n P6] and we can
find BI,B2,pl,p'l as in 5.3.
Since cf(6) = WI there is a < 6 such that BI, B2 E V[G n Pal. By
the assumption about 6 there are conditions pi,p2 E V[G n P6] such that
pI If- M([B 2 E i]) < e and p2 If- M([B 1 E i]) < e.
Consider q = pI . p2. It is a nonzero condition since pI and p2 have
disjoint supports. Without losing generality we can assume that q E G.
Therefore in V[G n PW2 ] we have that
(1) M([B 2 E p[G n Pw2 D) < e,
(2) M([B 1 E p[G n Pw2 D) < e.
If e < ~ then there is a condition q' E BI<, which forces that neither BI
nor B2 belongs to F. But this is a contradiction as F is assumed to be a
nonprincipal ultrafilter. 0

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ABSTRACT. We introduce a generalization of the Baire property for sets of

reals via the notion that a set of reals is universally Baire. We show that
the universally Baire sets can be characterized in terms of their possible
Souslin representations and that in the presence of large cardinals every
universally Baire set is determined. We also study the connections between
large cardinals, generalizations of ~~ absoluteness with respect to set generic
extensions, and various sets being universally Baire.

We study in this paper a generalization of the property of Baire for sets
of reals. Given a subset A of the set of reals, we say that A is universally
Baire if for every topological space X and for every continuous function,
I:X - t R, the preimage of A under I, I-I[A], has the property ofBaire in
the space X. The main theorem we will prove states that a set A of reals is
universally Baire if and only if A and its complement are projections of two
class trees which have the property that they project to complements in
every set generic extension of the universe. It follows that the universally
Baire sets have the usual classical regularity properties of analytic and co-
analytic sets. Thus it is perhaps more accurate to view the universally Baire
sets as generalizations of the analytic and co-analytic sets. In fact we will
show that in the presence of suitable large cardinals, every universally Baire
set is determined. We will also show that the existence of large cardinals
can be used to show that certain sets are universally Baire and conversely
(at least in the sense of giving back inner models). For example every ~~
set of reals is universally Baire if and only if every set has a sharp. We shall
also show that within the projective sets the property of being universally
Baire has connections to the absoluteness of the theory of the reals under
set forcing. More precisely, every 4~ set of reals is universally Baire if
and only if V is ~~ absolute with respect to every set generic extension.
Further every ~~ set of reals is universally Baire if and only if every set
generic extension of V is ~~ absolute with respect to all further set generic


extensions. This is how we will prove that if every ~~ set is universally

Baire then every set has a sharp.
Closely related to the universally Baire sets are the projections of weakly
homogeneous trees, which for the sake of completeness we shall define below.
For our purpose, the set of reals, JR, is the set WW of all functions f : w ---t
w, where w is the set of nonnegative numbers. We let w<w denote the set
of all finite sequences of elements of wand for 8 E w<w let Ns be the set

{f E WW I if lh(8) = 8 },

where lh(8) is the length of 8. The set {Ns 18 E w<W } generates a topology
on WWj it is the product topology derived from the discrete topology on w.
Endowed with this topology, WW is homeomorphic to the Euclidean space
of irrationals.
Suppose X is a set. We denote by XW the set of all functions from w
to X and we denote by X<w the set of all finite sequences of elements
of X. We adopt the usual convention that X<w is the set of all functions
f : dom(J) ---t X such that dom(J) E wand if 8 E X<w then dom(8) = lh(8)
is the length of 8. Suppose that A is an ordinal larger than O. A tree on w x A
is a subset T ~ w<w x A<w such that for all pairs (8, t) E T, lh(8) = lh(t)
and (8fi, tfi) E T for each i E lh(8) E w. Suppose that T is a tree on w x A.
For 8 E w<w and for x E wW,

Ts = {t E A<w I (8, t) E T }


For each x E WW , Tx ~ A<wand is naturally viewed as a tree on A. Let

[T] = {(x,f) I x E WW 1\ f E AW 1\ V'n E w (xfn,ifn) E T}.

We also define

p[T] = { x E WW I :3 f E AW (x, J) E [T] }.

Thus p[T] is the projection of T, and for each x E w W , x E p[T] if and only
if Tx is ill-founded.
Suppose that X is a nonempty set. We denote by m(X) the set of count-
ably complete ultrafilters on the Boolean algebra P(X). JL is a measure on
X if JL E m(X). For JL E m(X) and A ~ X we write JL(A) = 1 to indicate
A E JL. Suppose X = y<w and JL E m(Y<W). Since JL is count ably complete,

there is a unique nEw such that JL(yn) = 1. Suppose JLl! JL2 are in m(Y<W),
and JLl (ynl) = JL2 (Yn2) = 1. Then JLl projects to JL2 if nl < n2 and for all
AS; ynl, JLl(ynl) = 1 if and only if JL2({ s E yn2 ISrnl E A}) = 1.
For each JL E m( X) there is a canonical elementary embedding j J.' : V -+
Mp, of the universe, V, into an inner model, MJ." where MJ.' is the transitive
collapse of the ultrapower V X / JL. Suppose that JLl projects to JL2 are in
m(Y<W). Then there is also a canonical elementary embedding

such that

Suppose (JLk IkE w) is a sequence of measures in m(Y<W) such that

for each k E W, JLk(yk) = 1. The sequence (JLk IkE w) is a tower if for all
n < k the measure JLn projects to the measure JLk. The tower (JLk IkE w)
is countably complete if for any sequence (Ak IkE w) such that for all
k < W, Ak S; yk and JLk(Ak) = 1, there exists f E yw such that k E Ak
for all k E w. A tower (JLk IkE w) of measures in m(Y<W) is countably
complete if and only if the direct limit of the sequence (Mk IkE w) under
the maps,

(where n < k) is well-founded.

The following is a standard reformulation of the definition of a weakly
homogeneous tree (see [25]).
Definition. Suppose A is an ordinal, A > o. A tree T on w x A is
weakly homogeneous if there is a countable set u S; m(A<W) such that for
all x E wW, x E p[T] if and only if there exists a countably complete tower
(JLk IkE w) of measures in u with JLk(T k) = 1 for all k E w.
By standard results and Theorem 2.1 projections of weakly homoge-
neous trees are 'A-universally Baire for some A. Also it follows from the
main theorem of this paper and results of Woodin [25] that if there is a
supercompact (or Woodin) cardinal then every universally Baire set is the
projection of a weakly homogeneous tree. A cardinal K is supercompact if
for every A > K there is an elementary embedding j : V -+ M such that K is
the first ordinal moved by j and j (K) > A and the inner model M is closed
under A sequences. A cardinal 8 is a Woodin cardinal if for every function
f : 8 -+ 8 there is an elementary embedding j : V -+ M such that, letting
K be the first ordinal moved by j, K < 8 and for every a < K f (a) < K and

Vj(f)(It) S; M.

A topic related to the universally Baire sets, the absolutely 4~ sets of

the reals, has previously been studied by Solovay (unpublished) and by
Fenstad and Norman [2]. Vaught (unpublished) and Schilling [16] studied
the absolutely 4~ sets in the context of Boolean operations. Suppose A ~
P(w). One can associate to the set A an operation on the subsets of a
topological space X as follows. Suppose (Bi : i E w) is a sequence of
subsets of X. Define a new set B* by

B* = { a E X 1 {i 1 a E B i } E A}.

The main theorem of (16) is that this operation preserves the Baire property
in any space X if the set A is absolutely 4~. Define a set A ~ P(w) to be
universally Baire in the natural fashion by identifying P(w) with 2w ~ ww.
It is not difficult to see that if the set A is universally Baire then this
operation preserves the Baire property in any space X. In fact it can be
shown that a set A ~ P(w) is universally Baire if and only if for every
B ~ P(w) which is continuously reducible to A, the Boolean operation
given by B preserves the Baire property in any space X.
Qi Feng would like to thank S. G. Simpson for communicating to him
the results of Schilling and Vaught on absolutely 4~ sets.


In this section, we study the universally Baire sets of reals. We show
that the universally Baire sets can be characterized as those sets which
have very nice Souslin representations. These representations are in some
sense absolute for set generic extensions. Applying this characterization,
we show that the universally Baire sets are Lebesgue measurable, Ramsey,
and have the Bernstein property, etc.
Definition. Let A be a subset of the reals. Let A be an infinite cardinal.
A is A-universally Baire if for every topological space X with a regular
open basis of cardinality :::: A, for every continuous function f : X ....... ww,
f-I[A] has the property of Baire, i.e., there is an open set D such that
D6f-I[A) is meager. Where X6Y is the symmetric difference of X and
Y and f-I[A] = {x 13 a E A a = f(x) }.
A is universally Baire if A is A-universally Baire for every infinite cardi-
nal A.
Clearly, all the universally Baire subsets of the reals form a a-algebra
containing all the open sets. Hence every Borel subset of WW is universally
Baire. Also, if f: WW ....... WW is a continuous function, A ~ WW is universally

Baire, then f- 1 [A] is also universally Baire. In fact we shall see that every
analytic set is universally Baire.
We are mainly interested in which sets of reals are universally Baire.
Since each universally Baire set has the property of Baire, we will be pri-
marily concerned with consistency results. By results of Solovay [21] and
Shelah [18], the assertion that every projective set, or that every set of
reals which is in L(IR) has the Baire property is not very strong in consis-
tency strength. But we will see that even the assertion that every ~~ set is
universally Baire is a relatively strong statement.
Theorem 2.1. Let A ~ wW. let A be an infinite cardinal. Then the
following are equivalent:
(1) There are two trees T, T* such that
(a) A = p[T], WW - A = p[T*],
(b) Col(w,A)If--- p[TJ Up[T*] =ww.
(2) There are trees T, T* such that
(a) A = p[T] , WW - A = p[T*],
(b) P If--- p[T] Up[T*] = WW for every forcing notion P of cardinality
_:S A.
(3) A is A-universally Baire.
(4) For every continuous function f: AW ---+ wW, f- 1 [A] has the property
of Baire.

Proof. (I):::} (2) By an absoluteness argument, noting that if IPI :S

A, then Px Col(w, A) is isomorphic to Col(w, A).
(2) :::} (3) Let X be a topological space with a regular open basis
of cardinality :S A. Let B be the complete Boolean algebra of the regular
open sets in the space X. Let T, T* be the two trees given by (2). Then
we have that
B If--- p[T] U p[T*] = wW.
Given a con~inuous function f: X ---+ wW, we want to show that f- 1 [AJ
has the property of Baire.
Take /'i, to be a sufficiently large regular cardinal such that all the relevant
objects are in H"" the set of sets whose transitive closure have cardinality
smaller than /'i,.
If G ~ B is any generic, we denote the unique real x, by f (G), such that

Bo = [f(G) E p[T]],

Bl = [f(G) E p[T*J].
Claim. B oD.f-l [AJ is meager.
To prove this claim, we use the following Banach-Mazur game on X and
apply a theorem of Oxtoby [15J.
Given D ~ X, the Banach-Mazur game Q(D) is defined as follows:

I Do D2
II Dl D3

Two players play in turn nonempty open sets so that Dn+l ~ Dn. After w
many steps, I wins if and only if nn<w Dn ~ D and II wins otherwise.
A winning strategy for either player has the standard meaning (cf. [4]).
We apply the following theorem of Oxtoby [15J which is easy to prove.
Theorem (Oxtoby). If I has a winning strategy a in the game Q(D),
and if Do is the first move of I according to the strategy a, then Do - D is
To prove the claim, it suffices to show that Bo - f- 1 [AJ is meager and
Bl - f- 1 [WW - AJ is meager.
By the symmetry, we may assume that Bo i= 0, and we only prove that
Bo - f- 1 [AJ is meager.
First, let us observe the following fact.
Fact. If M -< HK is a countable elementary submodel containing all the
relevant objects, and if G is a E-generic filter over M, then

f(G) E p[TJ {::::::} Bo E G.

To see this, assume Bo E G. Then Bo If- f(G) E p[TJ. Hence

M 1== Bo If- f(G) E p[T].

So M[G] 1== f(G) E p[T]. By upward absoluteness, f(G) E p[T].

If Bo fj. G, then Bl E G. Similar arguments show that f(G) E p[T*].
Now we are ready to show that Bo - f- 1 [A] is meager. To do this, we
show that I has a winning strategy a in the game Q(f-l[A]) such that Bo
is the first move according to a.
For bookkeeping, fix a bijective function 7f: w ...... w x w such that if
7f(n) = (k, l), then l < n.

Let Do = Bo be the first move of I. Let Dl be the response of II. Now I

chooses a countable elementary submodel Mo -< HI< with all relevant things
in Mo. Let (Gno I n < w) be an enumeration of all dense subsets of B in
Let Go be a B-generic over Mo such that Dl E Go. Let Xo = f(G o). By
the fact above, Xo E p[T]. Let ko be so large that there is D E Goo such
f-l[Nxot ko] ~ D n D l .
I then responds with D2 = f-l[N ~k].
Inductively, let D 2n+1 be played by II. I chooses a countable elementary
submodel Mn -< HI< such that D 2n+l E Mn and M n - l ~ Mn. Then let
(Gin Ii < w) be an enumeration of all dense subsets of Bin Mn.
Let Gn be a B-generic over Mn such that D 2n +1 E Gn . Let Xn = f(G n ).
Then Xn E p[T] and xnt kn - l = Xn-lt kn - l . Let k n be so large that there
is D E G.".(n) such that

f-l[NXn~ kJ ~ D n D 2n+l ·
Then I plays with D 2n+ 2 = f-l[Nxnt kJ
This defines a strategy for I. We show that it is a winning strategy for
Let Mw = Un<w Mn- Then Mw -< HI<. Now the filter G generated by

{Dn In < w}
of the play is B-generic over Mw. Then we have

This finishes the proof of the claim, and hence (2) ~ (3) is proved.
(3) ~ (4) is trivial.
(4) ~ (1) By (4), we have that for every continuous function f:)..w --->
wW, f-l[A],
f-l[ww - A] have the property of Baire, Le., we can find two open
sets B o, B 1 , and dense open sets (Dn In < w) such that

n<w n<w

n<w n<w

Consider the forcing B = Col(w, .x). Identify each B-name x for a

real with
{(p, (n,m)) I p II- (n,m) EX}.
Let N be the set of such names.
We consider the following complete metric space 8:

8= { f I f(O) E N, f(n + 1) E .x for n < w} = N x .xw.

Suppose e: 8 ~ WW is a continuous function. Then it follows that e-l[A]

and e-l[wW - A] each have the property of Baire. To see this note that
{Ba I a E N} is a discrete partition (the union of any subset is clopen) of
the space 8 into clopen sets each of which is homeomorphic to the space
.xw where for each a E N, Ba = {f I f(O) = a}.
For f E 8, define

e(J) = { (n, m) 13k ((J(I),··. , f(k)), (n, m)) E f(O) }.

Notice that on a dense G6 set 8' ~ 8 we have e : 8' ~ WW is continuous.

By a theorem of Stone [23] 8' is homeomorphic to 8.
Thus by the remarks above both e-l[A] and e-l[ww - A] have the prop-
erty of Baire.
Let Bo, Bl be two open sets, and let (Dn In < w) be dense open such

n<w n<w

n<w n<w
Notice that we have the following:
(a) e[e-l[A] n nn<w Dn] = A,
(b) e[e-l[wW - A] n nn<w Dn] = WW - A.
(c) Bo U Bl is dense open.
Let us see why (a) is true. Let x E A. Let

T = {(P, (n,m)) I p E .x<w, (n,m) EX}.

Then T is the canonical name for x. Look at the clopen set

Bx = {f E 8 I f(O) = T}.

We have for f E B x , e(f) = x, and

{f E Bx I fEn Dn}
is dense in Bx by the Baire category theorem.
Now we define the trees T, T* as follows.
Define that (a, (T,PO,'" ,Pk)) E T if and only if TEN is a canoni-
cal name for a real, and a E w<w, Th(a) = k, and for each i ~ k, we

have P~i If-- Tii = ati, and for some s E ,x<w we have V f E S if
TP~kS ~ f, then f E Bo n '<k D j
Similarly define T*, replacing Bo by B 1 .

We claim that the following hold:

(a) A = pIT] , WW - A = p[T*J,
(b) Col(w,,x)lf-- p[T]Up[T*] =ww.
(a) follows from that e[Bo n nn<w Dn] = A and e[Bl n nn<w Dnl =
To see (b), let x be a canonical name for a real. Let

Bx = {f E S I f(O) = x}.
It is a clop en set. By the Baire category theorem,

Bx n (Bo U Bd n n Dn
is comeager in Bx.
If G is a Col( w, ,x )-generic over V, let

g(O) = x, g(n + 1) = G(n} for n < w.

Then in V[q),
9 E Bx n (Bo U Bd n n Dn·
We may assume that
9 E Bx n Bo n n

Then 9 witnesses x = X/G E pIT] in V[G].

This finishes the proof of the theorem. 0
As an immediate consequence we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 2.1. Let A S;;; WW. The following are equivalent:

(1) A is universally Baire.
(2) For every infinite cardinal A, for every continuous function f: AW -+
w W , f-I[A] has the property of Baire.
(3) For every poset P there are two trees T, T* such that

A = p[T] , wW - A = p[T*]

P II- p[T] U p[T*] = wW. D

Corollary 2.2. Every analytic A S;;; wW is universally Baire.

Proof. Suppose that A is analytic. There are class trees T, T* such that
A = p[T] and such that in any set generic extension of V the trees T, T*
project to complements. Therefore by Corollary 2.1 the set A is universally
Baire. D
Using the structural characterization given in Corollary 2.1 we prove that
the universally Baire sets assume all the regular properties which analytic
sets and coanalytic sets share.
Suppose X is a topological space which is not meager. One could define
a set AS;;; wW to be X-universally Baire iffor any function f: X -+ wW which
is continuous on a comeager set, f-I[A] has the property of Baire. With
this definition A is AW-universally Baire if and only if A is A-universally
Baire (in the previous sense). Theorem 2.1 could then be reformulated as
follows. The following are equivalent:
(1) A is X-universally Baire.
(2) There exist trees T, T* such that A = p[T] and

RO(X) II- p[T] = wW - p[T*].

Slight strengthenings of the classical regularity properties are in effect

assertions that a set is X-universally Baire for the appropriate space X.
For example a set A S;;; wW is universally measurable if and only if A is
X-universally Baire where X is the maximal ideal space of the measure
We recall that a subset A S;;; wW is Ramsey, if there is an infinite a S;;; w
such that either [a]W S;;; A or [a]W S;;; wW - A, where [a]W is the set of all
increasing functions from w to a.

Theorem 2.2. If A S;;; WW is universally Baire, then A is Lebesgue mea.-

surable and A is Ramsey.
Proof. Let A 2: 2No be regular. Let T, T* be two trees such that A = p[T]
and WW - A = p[T*] and for every forcing notion of size at most A

II- p[T] U p[T*] = wW.

Let B be the measure algebra. We have

B U- p[T] U p[T*] = wW.

Let xa be the canonical name for a Random real. Let

Bo = [xa E p[T]]

Bl = [xa E p[T*]].
Claim. Bo6.A is of measure zero.
To see this, let fi, be a regular cardinal large enough such that every
thing relevant is in HI<.. Let M -< HI<. be a countable elementary submodel
containing all the relevant objects.
Subclaim. If x is Random over M, then

x E p[T] {:::::> x E Bo.

If x E Bo, then Bo II- xa E p[T]. Hence

M 1= Bo II- xa E p[T].

Then M[x] 1= x E p[T]. Hence x E p[T] = A.

If x ¢ Bo, then x E B 1 • So Bl II- xa E p[T*]. By a similar argument,
x Ep[T*].
Since M is countable, there are only countably many maximal antichains
of B in M. Since the measure algebra satisfies the countable chain condition,
we have that BoLJ.A is of measure zero.
Therefore, A is Lebesgue measurable.
To see that A is Ramsey, one uses a similar argument with Mathias
forcing replacing the measure algebra.
Recall that Mathias forcing B is the following. Each condition p is a
pair p = (t,s) with t E [w]<w and s E [w]w. The ordering is defined as

(t, s) ~ (t', s') if and only if t' S; t, s S; s' ,and t - t' S; s'. For properties of
the Mathias forcing, see [14,24].
Let G be the canonical name for the generic filter of 8. Let ia be the
Mathias real. Let T, T* be two trees such that

p[T] = A, p[T*] = WW - A

8 If- p[T] U p[T*] = wW.
We may assume without loss of generality that

(0, s) If- ia E p[T].

Let K be sufficiently large and M -< H,., be a countable elementary sub-

model containing the objects of interest. Let 9 E [s]W be Mathias generic
over M. Then
M[g] F Ig E p[T]
and if g' E [g]W, then M[g'] F Igl E p[T].
Therefore, \;/ x E [g]W, Ix E p[T].
This" finishes the proof. D
We now consider the perfect subset property. Since there might be some
uncountable lJt set that does not contain a perfect subset, one can not
hope to prove that every uncountable universally Baire set contains a per-
fect subset. However, it is true that every universally Baire set has the
Bernstein property and that if every ~~ set is universally Baire then every
uncountable ~~ set does contains a perfect subset.
A subset X S; R = 2W has the Bernstein property if for every perfect set
P either X n P contains a perfect set or (R - X) n P contains a perfect set.
All subsets of 2W with the Bernstein property form a u-algebra, contain-
ing all the closed sets.
Theorem 2.3. HAS; 2W is universally Baire, then A has the Bernstein
Remark. From this theorem, if a lJt set does not contain a perfect subset,
then it must be an So-set (Le., for each perfect set P there is a perfect
subset Q S; P disjoint from it).
Proof. Let A S; 2W be a universally Baire set. Let T, T* be two trees such
that A = p[T] and 2W - A = p[T*] and

JIDIf- p[T] U p[T*] = 2w


where IP is Sacks forcing, i.e., conditions in IP are the perfect subtrees of

2<w, ordered by inclusion.
Let x be a name for a Sacks real. Let P be a perfect tree. By symmetry,
it suffices to prove the following claim.
Claim. If P II- x E p[T], then there is a perfect tree q ::; P such that
[q] ~p[T].
To prove the claim, we consider the following game:
H qo ql

I wins if and only if

Rules: Pn, qn E IP and Pn+1 ::; qn ::; Pn'
[Pn] ~ A.

Subclaim. I has a winning strategy 0' such that P is the first move according
to 0'.
Given this subclaim, we show the claim holds.
Fix a winning strategy 0' for I in the game with P as the first move.
For each T 'E 2<w, we associate with T a perfect tree Pr ::; P so that
for any f ~ 2w, the sequence (Pftn' qftn+1 I n < w) is a play with I
playing according to 0', and
[P ft n] is a singleton, denoted by f*, and
the mapping f - f* is a one-to-one continuous mapping.
We do this by induction. p() = p.
For T E 2<w, assume that Pn qr are defined and satisfying the obvious
requirements. Let s E Pr be the first branching point of Pr. Then define

q;(O} = Prt;(O), qr(l} = Prt;m

P;(O} = O'(p(), qrt I' P rt I' . " ,Pn qr(O})'

Pr(l} =O'(p(),qrtl,Prtl"" ,Pnqr(l})'

Clearly this gives us what we want.
We need to prove the subclaim.
Fix a bijective function 71": w - w x w such that if 7I"(n) = (k, l), then
1 < n.
Let Po = P be I's first move. Let qo be H's response. Pick a count-
able elementary submodel Mo -< HI<- with all relevant things in Mo. Let
(CnO I n < w) be an enumeration of all dense subsets of IP in Mo.
Let qo E Go be a lP-generic over Mo. Let Xo = x/Go. Then we have Xo E
p[T]. Then let PI E Coo be stronger than qo such that PI II- x(O) = xo(o).
I then plays this Pl.

Inductively, let qn be played by IL I chooses a countable elementary

submodel Mn -< HI< such that qn E Mn and Mn - 1 ~ Mn. Then let
(Gin Ii < w) be an enumeration of all dense subsets of lP' in Mn.
Let Gn be a lP'-generic over Mn such that qn E Gn . Let Xn = x/Gn.
Then Xn E pIT] and xntn = xn-ltn. Let Pn E CIl"(n) such that Pn $; qn
and Pn If- x(n) = xn{n). Then I plays this Pn.
This defines a strategy for I. We show that it is a winning strategy for
Let Mw = Un<w Mn. Then Mw -< HI<. Now the filter G generated by
{Pn I n < w } of the play is lP'-generic over Mw. Then we have

n [Pn]
= {x/G} ~ pIT]·

To end this section, we state the following theorem below, whose proof
will be given in the next section.
Theorem 2.4. If every .:;}~ set is universally Baire, then every uncountable
~~ set contains a perfect subset.


One of the consequences of Shoenfield absoluteness [19] is that the first

order ~~ theory of the reals can never be changed by forcing, i.e., in any
forcing extension of the universe with the same ordinals, the old reals form
an ~~ elementary submodel of the reals in the generic extension. By Martin-
Solovay absoluteness [11], no forcing notion of size smaller than or equal
to any measurable cardinal can change the ~~ theory of the reals. On the
other hand, by results of Levy [8], Silver [20], and Martin-Solovay [11],
these are tpe best possible. It is relatively consistent with ZFC that forcing
can change the E~ theory of the reals; and it is relatively consistent with
ZFC + There is a measurable cardinal, that small forcing can change the
El theory of the reals. In fact, one can show [24] that ~~ absoluteness
between V,V[G p ] and V[G p * GQ] for every iteration P * Q is equivalent
to every set has a sharp.
In [24], Woodin showed that if one assumes that every projective set
has the property of Baire and every projective relation is projectively uni-
formizable, then one can not change the theory of the reals by adding Cohen
reals. A similar statement is true for Random real forcing.

Also Woodin showed that when the supremum of w many strong cardi-
nals is Levy collapsed to w, then no further set forcing can affect the first
order theory of the reals in a strong sense.
To illustrate some of the connections between absoluteness and sets being
universally Baire, we prove the following theorem from which it follows that
every 4~ set is universally Baire if and only if V is ~~ absolute with respect
to every set generic extension.
Given two models M ~ N of set theory, we say that N is ~~ absolute
with respect to M if R n M is a En elementary submodel of R n N. And N
is absolute with respect to M if it is ~~ absolute for every n.
Theorem 3.1. Let A be an infinite cardinal. Then the following are equiv-
(1) IfB is a forcing notion of size ~ A, and ¢(Xl.··· ,xn ) is anA formula
with free variables shown, and aI, ... ,an are reals, then

¢(al.··· ,an) <===> B II- ¢(al,··· ,an).

(2) Every 4~ subset A ~ WW is A-universally Baire.

Proof. First, if (1') is the statement (1) of the theorem replacing B by

Col(w, A), then (1) <===> (1'). This is because if IBI ~ A, then B x Col(w, A)
is isomorphic to Col(w, A), and the EA statements are upward absolute.
(1) => (2) Let A ~ WW be 4~. That is, there are two formulas
¢, cp, both are nl with .some real parameters, such that

A = {x E WW 1 3 y ¢(x,y)}

WW-A={XEWW 13ycp(x,y)}.
There exist trees T, T* such that A = p[11, WW - A = p[T*] and
-Col(w, A) II- p[11 = { x E WW 1 3 y ¢(x, y) }

Col(w, A) II- p[T*] = { x E WW 1 3 y cp(x, y) }.
Since V x ( 3 y ¢(x, y) or 3 y cp(x, y)) is a :g:~ statement, by (1),

Col(w, A) II- V x (3 y ¢(x, y) or 3 y cp(x, y)).

Col(w, A) II- p[11 U p[T*] = ww.

By the main theorem of section one, A is A-universally Baire.

To see (2) ::} (I'), we first prove that (2) implies (3).
(3) For each continuous function f: AW - wW, for every 1J~ function
g: wW _ wW, there is a comeager set A ~ AW, there is a continuous
function h: A _ wW such that

v x ( x E A ::} hex) = g(f(x))).

Let f: AW _ wW be continuous and g: wW - wW be a 1J~ function. Then
for each s E w<w, g-l[Ns] is a ~~ set. Hence there is an open set Ds such

is meager.
Let A = AW - u{ Bs I s E w<w }. Then A is a comeager set, and the
function hex) = g(f(x» is continuous on A.
We now proceed to show that (3) ::} (I').
Assume that V[G] 1= 3 x Vy cp(x,y). Where cp is the negation ofa III
formula cp with parameters from V n WW. Let:i; be a canonical name such
V[G] 1= V y cp(X/G, y).
We can find a function f: AW - WW such that f is continuous on a G6
comeager set and in V[GJ we have f(G) = X/G.
We assume for a contradiction that V 1= V x 3 y cp(x, y). By the
Addison-Kondo theorem, we can find a 1J~ function g: WW - WW such that
V x cp(x,g(x». By a theorem of Stone [23], every G6 comeager subset of
AW is homeomorphic to AW. Hence by (3), we can have a G6 comeager set
A = nn<w D n , where each Dn is open dense, such that f is continuous on
A, and g(f(x» is continuous on A. Let F(x) = (f(x),g(f(x))). Then F(x)
is continuous on A.
Let T be a tree on w x w x w such that

pIT] = {(x,y) I cp(x,y)}

Col(w, A) I~ pIT] = { (x, y) I cp(x, y) }.
We have such a tree since cp(x,y) is ~~.
Define a tree T* as follows: (a, TI, T2, T3) E T* -¢=}

(a) (Tl,T2,T3) E T & lh(a) = lh(Tl) and
(b) 3 t E A<w Niit ~ Di & F[Niit - Un<w(AW - Dn)] ~ N(Tl,T2) "

Since V[G] 1= <p(f(G) , g(f(G))) , and G E nn<wDn in V[G], we

have that TF(G) is ill-founded. Hence, in V[G], G witnesses that T* is ill-
founded. By absoluteness, in V, T* is ill-founded. But any branch in [T*]
would imply that 3 x E A such that TF(x) is ill-founded, which contradicts
v x (x E A =} ¢(f(x),g(f(x)))).
This contradiction shows that V 1= 3 x Vy <p(x, y).
This proves (1'). And hence the theorem is proved. 0
(a) We note that (1) of the theorem above is equivalent to that every
total1J~ function, f: WW --t wW , is forced to be total by any forcing
of size at most A.
(b) When A = w, then (2) of the theorem is equivalent to that every
4~ subset of the reals has the property of Baire, which in turn is
equivalent to the claim that every 1J~ total function, f: WW --t wW ,
is continuous on a comeager set. This special case was first proved
by Bagaria [1].
(c) Similar statements can be proved characterizing when every 4~ set
is Lebesgue measurable by replacing Cohen forcing with Random
forcing. See [1].

Corollary 3.1. The following are equivalent:

(1) Every 4~ set is universally Baire.
(2) V is ~~ absolute with respect to every set generic extension. 0

The following theorem, which underlies the proof of Theorem 3.1, will
be useful in the proofs of several theorems in this section which generalize
Theorem 3.1. It can be proved by an elementary analysis of terms. This
theorem shows that under certain circumstances forcing arguments can be
done pointwise.
Theorem 3.2.' Suppose that A is universally Baire and that T, T* are
class trees which witness this with A = p[T]. Suppose A is an infinite
(1) For each term T for a real in VCol(w,>.) there corresponds a partial
function !-,.: AW --t WW which is defined and continuous on a comeager
subset of AW (and conversely).
(2) If T is a term for a real with corresponding function fT then for any
condition p E Col(w, A),

p II- T E p[T]

if and only if

{a I a E Op and fT(a) E A}

is comeager in Op where Op is the basic open subset of )..W defined

byp. D

While this theorem is useful for certain arguments, it should be used with
some care. Difficulties can arise when the tree T does not project in V[G] to
the intended set from a semantical point of view. For example we shall see
in Theorem 3.8 that it is possible that every 4~ be universally Baire and
that ~l absoluteness fail between V and V[G]. Thus while one may have
that every 4~ set is universally Baire there can exist a 4~ set A defined
by ~~ formulas IPl(X), IP2(X) such that if the trees T, T* witness that A
is universally Baire then in some generic extension of V these trees do not
project to the sets defined by these formulas (the formulas while necessarily
defining disjoint sets in the extension may not define complements).
An immediate corollary to Theorem 3.1 is that if every 4~ set is univer-
sally Baire then Wl is inaccessible in L[x] for every real x since by Theo-
rem 3.1 V is ~~ absolute relative to V[G] for any set generic extension of V.
Thus if every 4~ set is universally Baire it follows that every uncountable
~~ set contains a perfect subset. This proves the theorem stated at the end
of the previous section.
The following theorem gives the consistency strength of the statement
that every 4~ set is universally Baire.
Theorem 3.3. The following are equiconsistent;
(1) Z~C + Every 4~ set is universally Baire.
(2) ZFC + There exists an inaccessible cardinal ,.. such that,

Proof. Assume every 4~ set is universally Baire. Then by Theorem 3.1,

V is ~~ absolute with respect to V[G] for any set generic extension V[G].
Thus it follows that ,.. is inaccessible in L and that

where,.. = wy.
Conversely suppose ,.. is strongly inaccessible and that

Let G be V-generic for Col(w, < 11:). It follows that if H is set generic over
V[GJ then V[GJ is ~~ absolute with respect to V[G][H]. 0
Note that the consistency strength of (2) is less than that of a Mahlo
The following theorem gives a characterization of when every ~~ set is
universally Baire. In particular it follows that every ~~ set is universally
Baire if and only if for any two step forcing iteration, the extensions are
iteratively ~~ absolute.
Theorem 3.4. The following are equivalent:
(1) Every ~~ subset of the reals is universally Baire.
(2) For any set forcing B, if G is any B-generic over V, then in V[G],
every ~~ subset of the reals is universally Baire.
(3) For every set x, x# exists.

Proof We first prove the following claim which is a generalization of (3)

within the proof of Theorem 3.1. Assume every ~~ set is universally Baire.
Claim. Suppose that f:)...w ~ wW is a continuous function and that g: wW -+
wW is a partial function which is IJ~. Let h: )...w ~ wW be the partial function
given by the composition of 9 and f. Then there exists an open set 0 ~ )...W
and a comeager set A ~)...w such that

An 0 = An dom(h) and h is continuaus on An O.

Let f:)...w -+ wW be continuous and let g: wW ~ wW be a IJ~ partial

function. Then for each s E w<w, g-l[Ns ] is a ~~ set. Hence there is an
open set Ds such that

is meager.
Let A = )...W -U{ Bs I s E w<w } and let 0 = U{ Ds I s E w<w }. Then
A is comeager in )...W, 0 is open, An 0 = An dom(h) and h is continuous
on A nO. This proves the claim.
The claim has the following corollary.

(i) Assume every ~~ set is universally Baire. Suppose T is a tree such

that p[T] = A where A is a ~~ set given by a ~~ formula cp(x). Then
in any set generic extension of V, p[T] ~ A where A is defined in
V[GJ using the same formula cp(x).

To see this let rp(x) = 3 Y 4>(x,y) where 4>(x,y) is a lJ~ formula. Let B
be the subset of WW defined by 4>(x, y) and let g: WW -+ WW be a lJ~ partial
function that uniformizes B. Fix a cardinal), and suppose 7 is a term for
a real such that
Col(w,),) II- 7 E p[T]
The term 7 defines in a canonical fashion a partial function f:),W -+ WW
which is defined and continuous on a comeager set, with range in p[T]. Ev-
ery dense Go subset of ),W is homeomorphic to ),w. Therefore we can apply
the claim to f and 9 to get that the function h given by the composition of
9 with f is continuous on a comeager set. The function h being continuous
on a comeager set defines a term 0' such that

Col(w,),) II- 4>[7,0']

and so
Col(w,),) II- 7 E A

(ii) Suppose that A is a ~~ set and that T, T* are class trees which
witness that A is universally Baire (with A = p[T]). Let V[G] be a
set generic extension of V. Then in V[G),


where A is defined in V[G) using the same formula as used in V.

If this were to fail in V[G] then in V[G); p[S] , p[T*] have nonempty
intersection where S is the (class) Shoenfield tree for A. By absoluteness
the intersection is nonempty when computed in V, a contradiction.
Combfning (i) and (ii) we have now proved the following. Assume every
~~ set is universally Baire. Suppose that A is a ~~ set defined by a ~~
formula rp(x). Suppose that T, T* are class trees witnessing that A is
universally Baire with A = p[T]. Then for any set generic extension of V,
A = p[T] 'in V[G) where A is defined in V[G) using the formula rp(x). Thus
there is a class tree in V whose projection in any set generic extension of V
is the universal E§ set. Therefore for any forcing iteration 81 * 8 2 , forcing
with 8 1 over V cannot change the ~~ theory of the reals in V, and forcing
with 82 over V81 cannot change the ~~ theory of the reals in V81. So (2)
Now (2) =? (3) follows from the results in [24] (cf. Lemma 1 [24]). By
the results of Martin-Solovay [11] and Corollary 2.1 it follows that (3) =?
(1). 0

Corollary 3.2. The following are equivalent:

(1) Every ~~ set is universally Baire.
(2) In every set generic extension of V, every ~~ set is universally Baire.
(3) In every set generic extension of V, every ~~ set has the property
of Baire.
(4) In every set generic extension of V, every 4~ set is Lebesgue mea-
(5) In every set generic extension of V, every ~~ set is Lebesgue mea-
(6) In every set generic extension of V, every uncountable ut (~~) set
has a perfect subset.

Proof. That (1) is equivalent to (2) is immediate from Theorem 3.4. To

finish we prove the following claim.
Claim. Suppose either that in every set generic extension of V, every ~~
set has the property of Baire, or that in every set generic extension of V,
every 4~ set is Lebesgue measurable. Then (6) holds.
This claim gives the corollary, since it is an immediate consequence of
Jensen's covering lemma that (6) is equivalent to that every set has a sharp.
Suppose that (6) does not hold. Then there is a set generic extension of
V, V[GJ in which there is a real x such that
L[x] V[G]
wl = wl .

By Lemma 4 of [24] if c is a Cohen real over V[G], then in V [G)[c]

there is no random real over L[x][c] and so by results of Judah and Shelah
[5) it follows that there exists in V[G][c) a 4~ set which is not Lebesgue
measurable. This proves the claim in the case of Lebesgue measurability.
Notice that in this case the only generic extensions one need consider
are those of generic collapses.
For the case of the Baire property it suffices to show that if there exists
a real x such that wf(x) = Wl then there is a generic extension of V in
which there exists a real y such that the set of Cohen reals over L(y) is
not comeager. We may assume that CH holds (otherwise force it). Fix
a sequence (ao: : 0: < Wl) of almost disjoint subsets of W such that the
sequence is in L(x). Fix an enumeration (0"0: : 0: < Wl) of all the subsets
of w. Suppose C ~ Wl is closed and unbounded, and contains only limit
ordinals. Let nc: Wl ---+ C be the canonical isomorphism. Define a subset
Ac ~ Wl as follows.

Ac = {nc(o:) + k IkE 0"0:, 0: < wt}


The point is the following. Suppose C is a reasonably fast club. (For exam-
ple suppose that for each a E C, there exists an elementary substructure,
X --< Vw1 +1, containing x,a, the two sequences, the function 'ire and such
that 'irc(a + 1) > X n wd Suppose that 9 is generic for almost disjoint
coding WI - Ae relative to (aD! : a < WI). Then in V[g] the set of Cohen
reals over V is not comeager. Hence in V[g] the set of Cohen reals over
L[x,g] is not comeager.
This gives the claim. The corollary follows. 0

Corollary 3.2 suggests that the following might be true. Suppose that in
every set generic extension of V, every projective set is Lebesgue measur-
able. Then every projective set is universally Baire. Actually the proof of
the corollary suggests that one need only assume that for every cardinal A,
VCo1(w,,x) F Every projective set is Lebesgue measurable.
However this weaker condition cannot be sufficient.

Theorem. Assume that there are W + 1 Woodin cardinals. Then there is

a transitive model of ZFC satisfying;
(1) For every poset, IF', which is a-centered or forces the collapse of WI,

VIP' F Every projective set is Lebesgue measurable, has the

property of Brure etc.

(2) Every universally Baire set is 4~.

The proof uses an argument of [26] for obtaining the consistency of,

ZFC+There exists a Woodin cardinal + Every weakly

homogeneously Souslin set is ~~,

together with the following. Suppose A ~ WW and IF' is a poset that is

w-closed. Then A is universally Baire in VIP' iff A is universally Baire in V.

Remark. The following is true probably:

Suppose that for every cardinal A, VCol(w,,x) F Every set in L(JR)
is Lebesgue measurable. Then in every set generic extension of V,
ADL(JR) holds.

We shall prove in section 4 that if in every set generic extension of V,

ADL(JR) holds, then every set in L(JR) is universally Baire.

Theorem 3.5. Assume that V is ~! absolute with respect to every set

generic extension. Then every 4}.~ set is universally Baire.
Proof. Notice that there is a ~l formula rp(x) which (provably) expresses:

WI is a successor cardinal in L[xJ.

It now follows by covering that for every real x, x# exists. However this
is expressible by a nl sentence and so by one more application of the
absoluteness of V with respect to every set generic extension, it follows
that for every set x, x# exists.
Suppose (h(x) and (h(x) are ~~ formulas which define a 4}.~ set. By the
~l absoluteness of V with respect to every set generic extension, it follows
that ¢1 (x) and ¢2 (x) define a 4}.~ set in every set generic extension. Since
every set has a sharp it follows from the results of Martin-Solovay [11 J that
there is a class tree definable in V whose projection in every set generic
extension of V is the universal ~k set. From this tree one can easily define
class trees which witness that the 4}.k set defined by ¢1(X) and ¢2(X) is
universally Baire. 0
In analogy with Theorem 3.1 one would expect the converse of this the-
orem to be true. While we cannot prove this (it is false) we can prove an
approximation to the converse.
Theorem 3.6. Suppose that every 4}.~ set is universally Baire and that
V is not ~! absolute with respect to some set generic extension. Then for
every real x, x t exists.
Proof. We first prove the following claim. Assume every 4}.~ set is uni-
versally Baire ...
Claim. Suppose that f:)..w ~ WW is a continuous function and that g: WW ~
WW is a function which is ~~. Let h:)"w --t WW be the function given by the
composition of 9 and f. Then h is continuous on a comeager set.
Let f and 9 be given. Then for each s E w<w, g-1 [NsJ is a 4}.~ set. Hence
there is an open set D s such that

is meager.
Let A = )..W - U{ Bs I s E w<w }. Then A is comeager in )..W and h is
continuous on A. This proves the claim.
Assume that for some real Xo, xb
does not exist. Since every 4}.~ set
is universally Baire clearly every ~~ set is universally Baire and so by

Theorem 3.3 every set has a sharp. Let z be any real with Xo E L[z]
and let Kz be the Jensen-Dodd core model constructed relative to the
real z. Since x6 does not exist it follows that zt does not exist and so
by Jensen's absoluteness theorem, Kz is ~~ absolute with respect to V.
Therefore because of the uniformity of the definition of Kz with respect to
z, it follows that every ~~ subset of WW x WW can be uniformized by a ~~
Suppose that cp(x,y) is a:g:~ formula and that '<:j x:l y cp(x,y) is true in
V. Fix a cardinal >.. It suffices to prove

Col(w, >.) If- '<:j x :l y cp(x, y).

Fix a ~~ function g:w w -+ WW such that for all a E wW , cp[a,g(a)]. Suppose

T is a term for a real. The term T defines in a canonical fashion a partial
function f: >.W -+ WW which is defined and continuous on a comeager set.
Again, every dense G 6 subset of >.W is homeomorphic to >. wand therefore
we can apply the claim to get that the composition of 9 with f is continuous
on a comeager set. Therefore the composition defines a term (T such that

Col(w, >.) If- cp[T, (T].

This proves
Col(w, >.) If- '<:j x :l y cp(x, y)
using Theorem 3.2 and the observation that since every set has a sharp
there are class trees T, T* which witness that the set defined by cp(x, y) is
universally Baire and such that the tree T projects to the set defined by
cp(x, y) in every set generic extension of V. 0
We can use Theorem 3.6 to compute the consistency strength of the
assertion'that every ~~ set is universally Baire.
Theorem 3.7. The following are equiconsistent:
(1) ZFC + Every ~~ set is universally Baire.
(2) ZF'C + For every set x, x# exists, and there exists an inaccessible
cardinal K, such that,

Proof. Assume every ~~ set is universally Baire. By Theorem 3.6, either

V is ~~ absolute with respect to V[C] for any set generic extension V[C],
or ot exists. In either case it follows that K, is inaccessible in L# and that

where /'i, = and L# is the smallest transitive inner model of ZFC closed
under the sharp operation and containing the ordinals.
Conversely suppose every set has a sharp, /'i, is strongly inaccessible, and
VI< -<E3 V.
Let G be V-generic for Col(w, < /'i,). It follows that if H is set generic over
V[GJ then V[G] is t! absolute with respect to V[G][H]. 0
A version of the converse of Theorem 3.5 follows assuming the appro-
priate generalization of Jensen's absoluteness theorem: Assume that x is
a real and that there is no transitive inner model of ZFC + There is a
Woodin cardinal containing x and the ordinals. Assume that for every real
z, z# exists. Let Kx be the core model for 1 Woodin cardinal in the sense
of Steel [22] constructed relative to x. Then Kx is t~ absolute with respect
to V.
Given this one can prove the following are equivalent:
(1) In every set generic extension of V every ~~ set is universally Baire.
(2) If V[Gp] ~ V[Gp][GQ] are set generic extensions of V then V[Gp]
is t! absolute with respect to V[Gp][GQ].
The proof splits into two cases depending on whether or not ~~ sets are
determined, see [26] for more details on this kind of argument.
This is essentially the best one can hope for.
Theorem 3.S. Assume that every ~~ set is determined and that every
El sequence of distinct reals is countable. Then there is a transitive model
of ZFC satisfying:
(1) Every ~~ set is universally Baire
(2) V is not't! absolute with respect to vC01(W,Wl).

Proof. (sketch) Let C4 be the largest countable El set. Let M be the

smallest transitive set such that;
(1) C4 ~ M,'WI ~ M and
(2) For each a EM, Q3(a) ~ M.
Here the operation Q3 (a) is generalized to countable transitive sets in
the natural fashion see [26].
M can also be defined as following

M = n{ N IC4 ~ N, WI ~ N, and N F ZFc-powerset + Det ~n

Thus M F ZFC, M has height WI and C4 = WW n M. Therefore M is
t! absolute with respect to V. Suppose <PI(X) and <P2(X) are t~ formulas

with parameters from M, that define in M a ,;}~ set. Hence the formulas
define a ,;}~ set in V. Suppose G is M-generic for a poset in M (with
G E V). Therefore M[G] is closed under the Q3 operation and further
the Q3 operation is definable in M[G]. Let U be a (reasonable) m set
which is complete (U ~ WW x WW). Therefore by the Generalized Spector-
Gandy Theorem, Un M[G] E M[G] and further Un M[G] is definable in
M[G]. Thus since II~ has the scale property it follows that there is a tree
Ta E M[GJ, definable in M[G], such that Un M[GJ = p[Ta] n M[GJ.
Finally it follows that there are definable (within M[G]) trees T6 1 , T6 2 in
M[G] such that

where Al is the set defined in V by <PI and A2 is the set defined in V by <P2.
These trees are uniformly definable (independent of the poset for which G
is generic) hence the sets defined in M by <PI and <P2 are universally Baire
This proves that M satisfies every ,;}~ set is universally Baire. Suppose G
is M-gfmeric for Col(w, /'1,) where /'1, = wfI. Then Det1J~ fails in M[G] since
there exists a real a E M[G] (any real coding C4, G) such that Q3(a) =
WW n M[G]. Therefore M is not ~! absolute with respect to M[G]. This
completes the proof. 0
Our next theorem gives a characterization for every set of reals which is
in L(JR) to be universally Baire.
Theorem 3.9. Every set A ~ WW which is in L(JR) is universally Baire if
and only)fJR# exists and JR# is universally Baire.
Proof. ('*) Since each ~~ set is universally Baire, by the previous theo-
rem, JR# exists. Since JR# = Un<w An, where each An is in L(JR), we have
JR# is universally Baire, being a countable union of universally Baire sets.
C<=) 'Since each A E L(JR) is continuously reducible to JR#, i.e., there
is a continuous function f: WW ~ WW such that for each x E wW , x E A
iff f(x) E JR#. The universally Baire sets are closed under continuous
preimages hence A is universally Baire.
This completes the proof. 0


In last section we have shown that every ~~ set is universally Baire if and
only if for every set x ,x# exists. In particular, if there is a strong cardinal,

then every ~~ set is universally Baire. In this section, we will show that
if there is a supercompact cardinal, then every set in L(JR) is universally
Baire. Also we show that this conclusion is very strong.
Theorem 4.1. If there is a supercompact cardinal, then every subset of
the reals which is in L(JR) is universally Baire.
Proof. By Theorem 3.9, we need only to show that JR# exits and IR# is
universally Baire. Notice that if K, is a strong cardinal, then for each A S;;;
wW , A is universally Baire if and only if for each A < K, A is A-universally
Let K, be a supercompact cardinal. By a theorem of Woodin [25] there
are trees T and T* on w x K, such that for any partial order IP E Vj(, if G S;;; IP
is a V -generic, then

V[GJ F p[T] = JR# 1\ p[T] U p[T*] = wW.

Since K, must be strong, we are done. 0

Remark. It follows from results of Woodin that the conclusion can be
proved from a much weaker large cardinal hypothesis or from strong com-
Let WO be a canonical set ofreals which codes countable ordinals. More
specifically, let (ti I i < w} = w<w be a recursive 1-1 enumeration satisfying
to = 0, tj S;;; ti =F tj j < i, and so lh(ti) ~ i.
We say that s E w<w - {0} codes t E w<w - {0} if

vj (0 =F tj S;;; t '* s(j) = 0).

For each s E" w<w - {0}, define an order <8 on lh(s) by letting i <8 j
if and only if j =F i =F 0 and exactly one of the following conditions is
(1) j = 0, OJ;

(2) s does not code any of the ti and tj, and i < j, or
(3) s codes tj, but s does not code ti, or
(4) s codes both ti and tj, and 3 n < lh(t i ) tj = tifn, or
(5) s codes both ti and tj, and ti(m) < tj(m), where m is the least
ti(m) =F tj(m).
Notice that if s S;;; t then <8S;;;<t. For each x E wW , let

This defines a linear ordering of w for each x E wW. We then define that
x E WO if and only if <x is a well ordering. For x E WO, let IIxll be the
rank of 0 in <x, i.e., IIxll + 1 is the length of <x.
Let WOw be defined as y E WOw {:::::} 'V n < w (Y)n E WO for each
real y. We then define 1r : WOw ~ [W1]~W by

1r(Y) = {II (Y)nll I n < w}.

Given A S;; W1, we define a set A * of reals to code A as follows.
(x, y) E A* {:::::} x E WO AyE WOw /\ 7r(y) = An IIxli.
The following theorem is a reformulation of the theorem of Kechrls in
[7] that if N1 is measurable then for every subset A S;; W1, A is constructible
from a real if and only if A * is Souslln (and hence co-Souslin).
Theorem. Assume that there is a measurable cardinal. Let A be a subset
of W1. Then A * is universally Barre if and only if A is constructible from a
Proof One direction is easy. If A S;; W1 is constructible from a real then A *
IS _1. _

Main Fact. If A S;; W1, A * is universally Baire, then A is constructible

from a real.
Let If, be measurable.
We define the tree S on w x If, so that WO = p[S] as follows.
For (8, u) E w<w x If,<w, define that (8, u) E S if and only if u : lh(8) ~ If,
is a <a-order preserving function. Then WO = p[S] and for (8, u) E S, 0 <
i < fu(8), we have u(i) < u(O).
Also we fix a tree F on w x w x If, such that

p[F] = {(x, y) I x E WO /\ Y E WO /\ Ilxll :::; lIyll}·

To prove the main fact, we are going to play the following Solovay game.
Let A E P(wt} n L(R). A game gA is defined as follows. Player I
and Player 1I play natural numbers in turn producing two reals x and y
respectively. 1I wins if and only if x does not code an ordinal or else yEW Ow
and there is some ordinal CI: > IIxll such that 7r(y) = An CI:.
Fact 1. 1I has a winning strategy in the game 9A.
Being universally Baire, we can have two trees on w x w x A for some
A ~ If, such that
A* = p[T] , WW x WW - A* = p[T*]

and in any generic extension of the universe

WW x WW = p[T] U p[T*].

Fix such two trees T, T* as above until the end of the section.
We playa game gT as follows.

I n
x, f y, z, g, h

nwins if and only if (x,!) E [S] implies that (x,y,g) E [F] and (y,z,h) E
Since the game gT is played along trees, it is a closed game. Hence one
of the player must have a winning strategy. We want to show that nhas a
winning strategy.
We will play the same game in a generic extension, where we can show
that 1I has a winning strategy. Then using an absoluteness argument we
conclude that 1I has a winning strategy.
To proceed, let (j be a strategy of I in the game gT. Call a sequence s
a correct partial play according to (j if it is a partial play of the game gT
such that neither player has lost the play so far and I has played according
to (j.
Define a tree PlY to be the set of all such correct partial plays according
to (j. Then (j is a winning strategy of I in the game gT if and only if PlY is
well founded.
Let Col(w, < 1\:) be the partial order for the Levy collapse of everything
< I\: to W so that I\: becomes WI. Let G <;;; Col(w, < 1\:) be a generic over V.
Now working in V[G], consider the game gT played in the extension, call
it gT.
Fact 2. If I has a winning strategy (j in gT in V, then (j is a winning
strategy for I in the game gT in V[G].
This is because all the partial plays are the same both in V and in V[G].
So a strategy of I in the ground model remains to be a strategy of I in the
extension. Therefore, in V[G], we still have that (j is a winning strategy for
I in the game gT if and only if PlY is well founded. Hence Fact 2 follows
from absoluteness.
Fact 3. n has a winning strategy in gT in V[G]. Hence n has a winning
strategy in the game gT in V.

Proof of Fact 3.
Claim. There is B ~ K = Wl such that B* = p[Tj.
We show first the following hold.
(1) (x,y) E p[Tj:::::} x E WO /\ Y E WOw,
(2) (x, y) E p[Tj, 7r(z) = 7r(y) :::::} (x, z) E p[Tj,
(3) (x,y) E p[T] , (x',y') E p[Tj, IIxll :::; IIx'll :::::} 7r(y) = IIxll n 7r(y'),
(4) (u,z) E p[Tj, x E WO, Y E WOw, 7r(y) = IIxll n 7r(z) :::::} (x,y) E
Given (1)-(4), let

B = U{7r(y) 13 x (x,y) E p[T]}.

Then B ~ K = Wl and B* = p[T].

To see (1), notice that {(x,y) I (x,y) fj. wo x WOW} is a ~t set. So
there is a tree Q on K representing this set. We then merge the two trees
T and Q to get a tree T * Q as follows.

(s,t,u,v)ET*Q {=:::? (S,t,U)ET /\ (s,t,V)EQ.

Since T * Q is well founded in V, it is well founded in V[G]. So (1) holds.

For (2), take a tree Q on K in V such that

p[Q] = ((x,y) 17r(x) = 7r(y)}

both in V and in V[G].

Now merge T, T*, and Q as follows.

(s, t, u, v;w, r) E T*T**Q {=:::? (s, t, v) E T /\ (s, u, w) E T* /\ (t, u, r) E Q.

Since T * T* * Q is well founded in V, it must be well founded in V[G]. IT

for some (x, y) E p[Tj, 7r(z) = 7r(y), (x, z) fj. p[TJ, then (x, z) E p[T*]. But
then T *'T* * Q is ill-founded in V[G].
For (3), take a tree Q on K in V such that

p[Q] = ((x,y,z) I x E WO, y, Z E WOw, 7r(y) =f:.llxll n7r(z)}

both in V and in V[G].
Define a tree T * F * Q by

(s, t, u, v, WO, Wl. W2, W3) E T * F * Q {=:::?

(s,t,wo) E T & (u,v,wd E T & (S,U,W2) E F & (s,t,V,W3) E Q.

Again, T * F * Q is well founded in V. So any counterexample to (3) in

V[G] would give the ill-foundedness of T * F * Q.
For (4), let Q be a tree on /'i, in V such that

p[Q] = ((x,y,z) I x E WO, y,z E WOw, 7r(y) = Ilxll n7r(z)}

both in V and in V[G].
Then merge the trees T, T* and Q to get a tree T * T* * Q as follows.
(s, t, u, v, Wo, WI, W2) E T * T* * Q {:::=:}
(s,v,WO) E T & (t,U,Wl) E T* & (u,t,v,W2) E Q.

From the definition of A *, we see that in V the tree T * T* * Q is well

founded. Hence in V[G] it is well founded. So there is no counterexample
to (4) in V[G].
This establishes (1)-(4), hence the claim.
Now we proceed to prove that nhas a winning strategy for the game Of
in V[G].
Actually the winning strategy is very simple. First notice that we still
have WO = p[S] in the extension and if (x, f) E lSI, then Ilxll :$ f(O). So
after x(O), f(O) are played, I lost the game. Namely, let Q < /'i, be such that
Q > f(O). Let y E WO be such that liyll = W + Q, and pick Z E WOw such

that 7r(z) = B n liyll. Then we have (y, z) E p[T]. nsimply plays them and
the needed witnesses to against the play by I. This certainly wins.
This finishes the proof of Fact 3. 0
Proof of Fact 1. First, let us consider the following auxiliary game 0.'4..
I n
x, f y

where f(i) :$ f(O) < /'i,. n wins if and only if (x, f) E lSI :::} :3 Q >
Ilxll & 7r(y) = An Q.
Since nhas a winning strategy in the game OT, nhas a winning strategy
for 0.'4. by consulting the winning strategy for the game OT and hiding the
Now we can translate a winning strategy for n in the game 0.'4. to a
winning strategy in the game 0A via the measures associated with the tree
S in a standard way.
Specifically, let U be a normal ultrafilter on /'i,. Inductively define ultra-
filters Un on [/'i,]n for n ~ 1 as follows.

For X ~ [K]n+1, let X E Un+1 if and only if

{o: < K I {t E [Kt I 0: < min(t) & {o:}ut E X} E Un} E U.

For i < w, let U(i) = U 1 • For s E w<w, lh(s) ::::: 2, let trs : lh(s) ....... ls(s)
be the permutation such that

Let n = lh(s). For t E [K]n, t = {t(O), t(l),··· , t(n -1)}<, let

s*(t) = (t(7rs(O)), t(7r s (l)),··· , t(7r s (n -1»).

Then define Us on Kn by letting for X ~ Kn, X E Us if and only if

{ t E [Kt I s*(t) EX} E Un·

Then for each s E w<w - {0}, Us is a K-complete ultrafilter on Klh(s) and

there is X E Us such that for each t E X we have (s, t) E S.
If T* is a winning strategy for IT in the game QA' then define a strategy
T for Un the game QA as follows: letting T(xfn + 1) = y(n) if and only
if there is an X E UXfn + 1 such that for all t E X T*(xfn+1,t) = y(n).
Then T is a well defined strategy and is a winning strategy for IT. 0
Corollary 4.1. If there is a measurable cardinal, and every subset of the
reals which is in L(lR) is universally Baire, then Nl is measurable in L(lR).
Corollary 4.2. If there is a measurable cardinal and every projective set
is universally Brure, then every subset of WI which is projective in codes is
constructible from a real.
We end this section with the following theorem which shows that some
additional hypothesis is necessary for the conclusion of Theorem 4.2 to hold.
Recall that a cardinal K is an Erdos cardinal if K ....... (w) W • i
Theorem 4.3. Assume V = K, for every set a, a# exists, ot does not
exist and there are no Erdos cardinals. Then there is a subset A ~ WI such
that A * is universally Baire but A is not constructible from a real.
Proof Let F be the function given by F(a) = a# where a is an arbitrary
set. Define the set A as follows. 0: E A if there exists a transitive model M
closed under F such that M F 'ZFc-replacement + V = K', 0: < KM and 0:
is an infinite successor cardinal of M where KM is the least Erdos cardinal
of M or the height of M if none exist in M. The key is the following claim.

Claim. Suppose M is a transitive set,

M F 'ZFc-repiacement + V = K'
and M is closed under F. Suppose a E M and a < ",M. Then either M is
a witness for a E A or there is a witness for a E A which is an element of
M or a fj. A.
To prove the claim suppose N is a witness for a E A, a E M and
that M is not a witness for a E A. Since ot does not exist and since the
transitive sets M, N are closed under F it follows that for each f3 < a,
p(f3)M C P(f3)N or p(f3)N C p(f3)M. There are two cases depending on
whether or not a is a cardinal of M. First suppose a is a cardinal of M.
Then for some f3 < a, p(f3)N M. However a is an uncountable cardinal
of N and so there exists a E N such that a c f3 for some f3 < a, a ~ M
and L[a] F 'V = K'. Therefore M C L[a]. However a# EN hence a is an
indiscernible for M and so a is an Erdos cardinal in M, a contradiction.
Now suppose a is not a cardinal of M. Arguing as above it follows that
there exists a set a C a, a E M such that L[a] F 'V = K' and such that
N C L[a]. Let'Y be an indiscernible of L[a] above a with 'Y E M. It follows
that N"( witnesses a E A. This proves the claim.
For every set a, a# exists and so there is a definable class tree which
projects to the graph of F in any set generic extension of V. Therefore
by the claim the set A * is universally Baire. It remains to show that A
is not constructible from a real. Suppose x E IR and A E L[x]. We may
assume that L[x] F 'V = K'. Further we may also assume that A contains
all the indiscernibles of L[x] below WI since A must contain a tail of them.
Let M be the smallest transitive set closed under F such that x E M and
M F ZFc-repiacement. Therefore M F 'V = K'. Let a be the second
uniform indiscernible of M. a is an indiscernible of L[x] and so a E A. M
is not a witness for a E A and so by the claim there is a witness N with
N E M. By the choice of M, x fj. N. Therefore N C L[x] a contradiction
since a is an indiscernible of L[x] and yet is a successor cardinal of N. 0
The previous theorem is quite general. For example assume ADL(JR) and
let 'Y be the least Erdos cardinal of H a DL(JR). Then in H a DL(JR) n V"( there
is a set A for which A * is universally Baire and A is not constructible from
a real.


In this section we consider the relationships between determinacy and
the universally Baire sets. We will prove in this section that if ADL(JR)

holds in every set generic extension of V, then every subset of the reals
which is in L(JR) is universally Baire. We conjecture that the converse is
also true. By the results of Martin-Steel and Woodin [13,26], we conclude
that if there are two Woodin cardinals then every universally Baire set is
determined. So in particular, if there are two Woodin cardinals and every
subset of the reals which is in L(JR) is universally Baire, then AD L (IR) holds.
Further the theory of L(JR) is absolute for forcing extensions by posets of
size less than the second Woodin cardinal.
Theorem 3.4, which characterizes when every ~~ set is universally Baire
can be reformulated as follows.
Theorem 5.1. The following are equivalent:
(1) Every ~~ set of the reals is universally Baire.
(2) Det:g:t holds in every set generic extension of the universe.

Theorem 5.2. H AD L (IR) holds in every set generic extension of V, then

every A ~ JR which is in L(JR) is universally Baire.
Proof The proof depends on the following theorem due to Solovay, see
Theorem (Solovay). Assume that ADL(IR) holds and JR# exists. If A ~
JR, A E L(JR) , and A is definable over L(JR) from finitely many Silver
indiscernibles for L(JR), then there is a definable tree T such that A is
the projection of the tree T.
So it follows from the theorem that under the hypothesis of the theorem,
there are two definable trees T and T* such that JR# = p[T] and JR -JR# =
p[T*]. Since JR# is a definable countable union of sets in L(JR) which are
definable over L(JR) from finitely many Silver indiscernibles for L(JR), one
can merge countably many trees in a definable way to get the desired tree.
We now proceed to prove the theorem.
Notice that under the hypothesis of the theorem it follows that in every
set gene~ic extension of V, JR# exists. We need only show that JR# is
universally Baire.
Let K, be an infinite cardinal. Let Col(w, K,) be the partial order for the
Levy collapse of K, to w. Let G be a Col(w, K,)-generic over V.
Then in V[G], JR# exists and AD L (IR) holds. Applying the quoted the-
orem above and the remark following it, let T, T* be two ground model
trees such that
JR# = p[T] , & JR -JR# = p[T*].
Then the following lemma finishes the proof.

Lemma. Assume that T is a tree in VI and VI ~ V2 and both satisfy ZFG.

If in V2, p[T] = R# then in Vi, p[T] = R#.

To see this, we show that in VI the projection of the tree T satisfies the
properties of being a sharp of the set of the reals. Then by the uniqueness
we have R# = p[T].
Since in V2 the projection p[T] is the sharp of the set of the reals, it
follows easily that in VI, p[T] is a well-founded, complete, consistent R#-
like theory. The only potential problem is the witness condition.
So let us check this.
To simplify notation let a E p[T] be a code for :3 x ",(x, ro, eo), where
ro is a real parameter and Co is the constant for (the least) Silver in-
discernible. We show that there is some b E p[T] which is a code for
",(t(rO,rl,Co,'" ,cm),ro,co) where t is a term, rl is an additional real pa-
rameter and CI, •.. ,Cm are additional constants for Silver indiscernibles.
Look at the set A of all such codes. Since the coding is done in a uniform
Borel way, there is a tree S such that both in VI and V2 the projection p[S]
of this tree S is the set of all such codes in the respective models. Now
merge the two trees Sand T to get T * S so that

p[T * S] = p[T] np[S].

Then in V2 , T * S is ill-founded. Hence in VI, the tree T * S is ill-founded.

We are done. 0
The following theorem offers some evidence that if every set in L(R) is
universally Baire then ADL(R) holds in every set generic extension of V.

Theorem 5.3; Suppose that every set in L(R) is universally Baire and
that ADL(R) holds. Then ADL(R) holds in every set generic extension of
Proof. (sketch), Suppose ADL(R) holds and that R# exists. For each k < w
let rk be the pointclass of sets in L(R) which can be defined by a ~I formula
in L(R) using k indiscernibles as parameters. Solovay's theorem (cf. the
proof of Theorem 5.2) that every set in L(R) is Souslin actually states that
for each k every set A E rk admits in a canonical fashion a scale each norm
of which is in u{rj I jEw}.
For each k let Gk ~ w X WW x WW be the canonical universal rk set. For
each JEW and x E wW , let Gj,a; be the set,

It follows from the nature of the scales that exist that for all k E wand
for all jEw, x E WW if Gj,x =I- 0 then there exists Y E Gj,x such that
for alll E w, G~(k,j,l),x = {Yl}, where Yl(i) = y(i) if i :::; land Yl(i) = 0
otherwise. Here n: w x w x w -+ w is a (recursive) function which depends
on the actual (cooperative) choice of the scales. For each k E w let Tk, T;;
be trees witnessing that G k is universally Baire with G k = p[Tk ].
Since every set in L(JR) is universally Baire we have that IR# is universally
Baire. Let T, T* be trees that witness JR# is universally Baire with JR# =
p[T]. Suppose that V[G] is a set generic extension of V with G ~ 1P'. It
suffices to show that p[T] = JR# in V[G]. Again by absoluteness p[TJV[G]
is an JR# like theory. We need verify the witness condition. To verify the
witness condition return to V. Fix a cardinal 8 with IP' E Vo and such that
for each k E w,
IP' If- p[T] = p[S]
1P'1f- p[Tk] = p[Sk],p[T;;] = P[SkJ
where S = TnVo, Sk = TknVo, etc. Now choose a countable set X -< Vo+1
such that {IP', Sk, Sk} ~ X. Let 9 ~ X n IP' be X-generic and let M be the
transitive collapse of X.
Note that
(Sk,Sk I k,i E w) EX
and so
(G k n M[gJI k E w) E M[g].
We shall show the following. Suppose N is a transitive model of
ZFc-replacement and that

(G k n N IkE w) EN.
Then (JR#)N = N n JR#. From this it follows that
(JR#)M[g] = IR# n M[g] = p[S n X] n M[gJ.

Now suppose x E N n WW and that Gj,x =I- 0. By the remarks above

there exists Y E Gj,x such that for alll E w, G~(j,k,l),x = {Yl} where Yl is
defined as above. Finally for each lEW, Yl E N. Further the function n is
recursive and so it follows that YEN. Thus for each k E wand for each
JEW, x E N n WW if Gj,x =I- 0 then Gj,x n N =I- 0. From this it follows that
(IR#)N = IR# n N. This completes the proof. 0
The previous theorem is really quite general. For example the version
for the projective sets is true: Suppose every projective set is determined

and is universally Baire. Then projective determinacy holds in every set

generic extension of V.
As we have indicated in the presence of large cardinals every universally
Baire set is determined. In fact even more is true, every universally Baire
set is homogeneously Souslin.
Theorem 5.4. Assume there are two Woodin cardinals. Then every uni-
versally Baire set is homogeneously Souslin and (therefore) determined.
This theorem follows from the following theorems of Martin-Steel [13]
and Woodin [26] together with Theorem 2.l.
Theorem 5.5 (Martin-Steel). Assume 8 is a Woodin cardinal. 1fT is
a tree which is 8+ weakly homogeneous then the set WW - pIT] is homoge-
neously Souslin.
Theorem 5.6 (Woodin). Assume 8 is a Woodin cardinal. Suppose T, T*
are trees such that,

Col(w, 8) If- pIT] = WW - p[T*].

Then both trees T, T* are < 8 weakly homogeneous.

Corollary 5.1. Assume there is a proper class of Woodin cardinals. Then
a set A ~ WW is universally Baire if and only if the set A is co-homogeneously
Schilling and Vaught [17] associate to every Borel set A E WW an op-
eration, GA, on subsets of a topological space using a game quantifier.
They show using Borel determinacy that this operation preserves the Baire
property in any topological space. Using the previous corollary one can
generalize their results to any universally Baire set (assuming there is a
proper class of Woodin cardinals) and to more complicated operations.
If there exists a Woodin cardinal then any tree can be forced to be weakly
Theorem 5.7 (Woodin). Assume that 8 is a Woodin cardinal. liT is a
tree, then there exists some A < 8 such that for each generic G ~ Col(w, A),
Tis < 8 weakly homogeneous in V[G].
Corollary (Woodin). Assume that 8 is a Woodin cardinal. Then there
exists K, < 8 such that if G ~ Col(w, K,) is generic, then in V[G] every
projective set is < 8 weakly homogeneous Souslin.
Remark. The corollary can be proved from a much weaker hypothesis.
The following theorem is an unpublished result of Woodin.

Theorem 5.8 (Woodin). Assume there are infinitely many strong cardi-
nals below K,. Suppose G is generic for Col(w, K,). Then for every projective
formula cp(x) there is a class tree T", ~ (w x Ord)<w such that

p[T",l = {x E IR I cp(x) }

in every set generic extension ofV[GJ.

Corollary. Assume that there are infinitely many strong cardinals below
K,. H G ~ Col(w,K,) is V-generic, then in V[GJ, every projective set is
universally Baire.


In this section, we list seven questions which we think are interesting.

1. Assume that every projective set is universally Baire. Is it the case
that every projective sentence is absolute with respect to every set generic
extension? In fact, is it the case that for each projective formula cp there is
a class tree which represents cp in every set generic extension?
2. Assume that every set of reals which is in L(IR) is universally Baire.
Is 1R# invariant under set forcing? Is there a class tree which projects to
1R# in every set generic extension of the universe?
3. Assume that A is a set of reals. Assume that every set of reals
which is projective in A is universally Baire. Let B be a set of reals which
is projective in A. Is there a class tree T such that T projects to B in every
set generic extension of V (in the obvious sense)?
4. Assume that (A, 1R)# is universally Baire. Does there exist a class
tree which projects to (A,IR)# in every set generic extension (again in the
obvious sense)?
5. Assume that A is a subset of WI and that B is universally Baire
where Bjs any set projective in A*. Is A constructible from a real? (cf.
Theorem 4.2).
6. Assume that 1R# is universally Baire. Does ADL(IR) hold? Let A be
a set of reals. Assume that (A, 1R)# is universally Baire. Does ADL(A,R)
7. Assume that V is (projectively) absolute with respect to every set
generic extension. Or even weaker simply assume that in every set generic
extension of V, every projective set has the property of Baire. Is every
projective set universally Baire?

By Theorem 5.3 the answer to (2) is yes if one assumes in addition that
ADL(IR) holds. A positive answer to (5) would likely yield a positive answer
to (2) in the strong sense that if IR# is universally Baire then ADL(IR) holds
and so a positive answer to (5) would likely give a partial answer to (6).
One can show that a positive answer to (3) implies a positive answer
to (4). By the results indicated in the previous section one cannot hope
to prove that if every projective set is universally Baire then every projec-
tive set is determined. The pointclass of the projective sets is simply not
sufficiently closed. For more on this see [26].

Acknowledgments. This paper was written during the year 1989-90 when
Magidor and Woodin were at MSRI, 1000 Centennial Drive, Berkeley CA
94720, and Feng was visiting the Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley.
Feng would like to thank the Department for its hospitality and to thank
Professor Hugh Woodin for his support.


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20. J. Silver, Measurable cardinals and A~ well-orderings, Ann. Math. 94 (1971), 414-
21. R. Solovay, A model of set theory in which every set of reals is Lebesgue measurable,
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22. J. Steel, The Core Model Iterability Problem, Manuscript (June 1990).
23. A. Stone, Nonseparable Borel sets, Rozprawy Mathematyczne, 1962.
24. H. Woodin, On the strength of projective uniformization, Logic Colloquium '81 (J.
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26. H. Woodin, Large cardinals and Determinacy, in preparation.









Cardinal arithmetic had been one of the central themes in set theory,
but in the late 60's and early 70's, it seemed that there were actually very
few theorems that could be proved about cardinal arithmetic. For example,
except for some trivial facts, the behavior of cardinal exponentiation (which
is the only non-trivial operation in cardinal arithmetic) is almost completely
arbitrary, and the accepted system of axioms for set theory, ZFC, does not
yield any structure theory for cardinal arithemetic.
The most dear formulation of the lack of any deep structure is Eastons's
result [Ea]; namely that for regular cardinals, the only theorems one can
prove in ZFC are the trivial fact of monotonicity of exponentiation (a < f3
implies 20< ~ 2/3) and the Zermelo-Konig inequality (the cofinaIity of 20< >
In [Ea] it is shown that for every reasonable "function" F, from cardinals
to cardinals, which satisfies the above requirements there exists a model of
set theory in which for regular a, 20< = F(a).
In the models constructed by Easton there was a very simple rule that
determines the exponents of singular a, 20< for a singular was the smallest
cardinal having cofinaIity > a and not smaller than 2/3 for f3 < a. (Hence
for instance if a is strong limit, i.e. f3 < a implies 2/3 < a, then 20< = a+.)
More formally, for singular a

The above assumption became known as the Singular Cardinals Hypoth-

esis (SCH). Is SCH a theorem of ZFC? H it were, then the study of cardinal
arithmetic would be completely finished and we would have a very simple
and complete classification of all possible behaviors of the function a _ 20<.
It would mean that we know all there is to know about cardinal arithmetic.
Fortunately, for the career of the authors, but probably unfortunately for
mathematics, the situation turned out to be much more complicated.


The main difficulty in getting a model which is a counterexample to

SCH is that the forcing notion used to increase the size of the power set of
a cardinal a is nicely behaving when a is regular (for instance it introduces
no bounded subset of a), but it has disasterous effects when a is singular;
and typically when using it, a ceases to be a cardinal.
The saving idea was to start from a model in which a is regular, blow
up 2'" to any desired value, keeping a strong limit, and then make a singu-
lar, without changing the fact that a is strong limit and without collapsing
cardinals. Having a forcing notion that keeps a a cardinal while making a
singular requires some special properties of a, and the standard assumption
is that 0: is a measureable cardinal. Making this assumption, we have the
forcing notion introduced by Prikry, [Prj, which starts from a measurable
cardinal", and makes it singular of cofinality w, by creating what bacame
known as a Prikry sequence for ",--complete ultrafilter U on",. (A sequence
(O:nln < w) is called a Priky sequence for U if the sequence is eventually in-
cluded in every A E U.) Prikry's forcing does not add any bounded subsets
to "', and it satisfies the ",+ --c.c. It follows that no cardinals are collapsed.
We get that ", is still a strong limit cardinal in the extension. So we are
now faGed with the problem of getting a model with a measurable cardinal
violating the GCH. In 1971 Silver was able to get such a model, starting
from the strong assumption of having a l-extendible cardinal. Combining
the results of Prikry and Silver one gets a model which violates SCH; so
SCH is not a theorem, unless the large cardinals used by Silver are incon-
sistent with ZFC. In the model produced by Silver and Prikry the violation
of SCH occurs at a very large cardinal. In [Mal] a model was constructed
in which the smallest singular cardinal, i.e. ~w violates SCH.
The results of Prikry, Silver and [Mal] seemed to be weaker in several
senses than the results of Easton for regular cardinals. First, the consis-
tency assumption made was stronger than the natural assumption of the
consistency of ZFC. Second, it was not clear to what extent one has the
same freedom in determining the powers of singular cardinals as one has for
regular cardinals. For instance, the fact that one starts with a measurable
cardinal ", violating the GCH immediately implies, by the usual reflection
properties of measurable cardinals, that there are unboundedly many car-
dinals below ", that voilate GCH. So if one uses Prikry's forcing in the
extension, ", which is the counterexample to SCH is not the first cardinal
violating GCH. Straightforward forcing notions to rearrange GCH below ",
collapse cardinals above ", in such a way that ", is not a counterexample to
SCH anymore. Similar obstacles were encountered in the construction of
[Mal] where the method for collapsing cardinals below ", in order to make

it Nw did require leaving some cardinals untouched, and they were exactly
the cardinals which left an unbounded sequence of cardinals below K, at
which GCH was violated. So naturally there arises the problem: "Can a
singular cardinal be the first counterexample to GCH?"
In the early 70's it was generally believed by set theorists that the above
weakness of the proofs are only artifacts and, for singular cardinals, one
should expect the complete analogues of the results for regular cardinals.
The situation was dramatically changed in 1975 when Silver proved what
became known as "Silver's singular Cardinals Theorem" claiming that a
singular cardinal of cofinality > No can not be the first cardinal violating
the GCH. So here is a non-trivial theorem about cardinal arithmetic which
applies only to singular cardinals. Further results followed, for instance the
Theorem of Galvin and Hajnal [GH] giving a bound for powers of singular
cardinals of uncountable cofinality.
Silver's theorem triggered a striking series of results, which became the
cornerstone ofInner Models Thoery. They were Jensen's Covering Theorem
for L, the Jensen-Dodd Covering Theorem for the Core Model K, and
the Mitchell Core Model with its weak covering properties. These results
showed that the use made of large cardinals assumptions in the construction
of the models of SCH was really necessary.
Shelah has proved many further deep theorems, extending the Galvin-
Hajnal bound also to singular cardinals of cofinality No and (in many cases)
improving them. His most recent result shows that N~o < max(2 No, NW4 )'
One cannot avoid comparing these deep results with the absence of any
deep theorems restricting the powers of regular cardinals.
One is now faced with the problem of classifying all the possible behaviors
of powers of singular cardinals. Natural test problems are the problem like
the problem mentioned above "Can a singular cardinal be the first cardinal
violating GCH?" (In view of Silver's result it must have cofinality No.) and
the problems like "Is it possible that every cardinal violates the GCH?"
"Assuming that 2No < Nw , how large can N~o be?" (Is Shelah's bound the
best possible?)
The first test problem was handled in [Ma2J, where starting from stronger
large cardinals ("huge") a model was constructed in which GCH holds be-
low Nw and 2No = Nw +2 ' Concerning the third problem: the original con-
struction of [Mal] gave as a possible value for Nw any cardinal of the form
Nw + a + 1 for a :s; w. Shelah in [Shl] showed that a change in the construc-
tion can give as possible value for N~o any Nw+a+l for a < WI. SO the best
possible upper bound for N~o is NWl (and it is still open whether this is
actually an upper bound). Since the constructions used by Shelah in [Shl]

followed [Mal], GCH was failing below Nw . The methods of Shelah and
[Ma2] were combined by the second author (unpublished) to get models
for every given a < WI in which GCH holds below Nw and 2N", = NW +ct +1'
Again very large cardinals were used in these proofs. The second prob-
lem was solved by Foreman and Woodin [FW], who constructed a model
in which every cardinal violates the GCH. The construction of models in
which a singular cardinal is the first counterexample to GCH required as-
sociation of the cardinals between K and 2/t to cardinals below K. Actually
each K < a < 2/t had to have its set of associates below K such that for
different a's the corresponding sets were disjoint. This meant that these
methods could not have produced a model in which K is singular, GCH
holds below K and 2/t > K+/t. Was there some hidden theorem?
Another class of problems comes up naturally. The results of Jensen,
Jensen-Dodd and Mitchell showed that some large cardinals are needed for
the failure of SCH. More formally, if SCH holds then some inner model
has some large cardinals. The definitions of large cardinals form a natural
hierarchy. It is very desirable to pin down, if possible, the exact large
cardinal notion equiconsistent with the statement under study. The linear
scale of large cardinals is used to measure the degree of independence of the
statement, or dually, what risk of inconsistency is involved in assuming the
truth of this statement. In case such an exact equiconsistency result is not
available, the alternative is to give as tight consistency bounds as possible,
a lower bound (namely a large cardinal notion whose consistency is implied
by the statement under consideration), and an upper bound (namely a large
cardinal notion whose consistency implies the consistency of the statement).
The closer these two bounds are, the better the result.
Until 1988, the results of Mitchell gave the best lower bounds; namely,
...,SCH implies the existence of a sequence of measurable cardinals Kn such
that O(Kn) ~ Kn-l' For ...,SCH at a singular cardinal of cofinality > No
Mitchell proved the much better lower bound O(K) = K++. (Mitchell in
[Mil] introduces an heirarchy of measurable cardinals, which are determined
by their order: O(K) = I means simply being measurable. O(K) = K++ is
the largest possible order. The hierarchy can be generalized to hyperme-
asurables and so we can talk about O(K) = A for A = K++. The notion
of a strong cardinal is equivalent to O(K) = 00). This lower bound was
much weaker than the large cardinals used in [Mal] and [Shl], and even
more so for the cardinals used in [Ma2]. So pinning down the exact consis-
tency stength of ...,SCH became an important research problem. The major
step towards solving this problem was made by Woodin in [Wo] (These
results will be included in the forthcoming book [C-Wo]. See also [Ca]).

He lowered the upper bound substantially by getting models for ,SCH and
also for the failure of GCH at a measurable cardinal, starting from hyper-
measureable cardinals. His final result was one that can get ,SCH from
a cardinal '" having the following property: "There exists an elementary
embedding j : V ~ M, where M is transitive, M'" c M, for", the crit-
ical point of j and ",+2 = j(1)(",) for some! : '" ~ ",." He also showed
that like in [Mal] one can get the failure of SCH at Nw • The assumption
above together with GCH was needed for getting 2Nw = Nw +2' For get-
ting 2Nw = Nw+a+l for a < WI, one needed the obvious strengthening of
the above assumption to ",+a = j(1)(",). He later showed that one could
dispense with the function! and simply require j(",) ~ ",+2. Gitik in [Gil
proved that Woodin's condition can be forced starting from 0("') = ",++.
So the upper bound became 0("') = ",++. In recent work Gitik combined
Mitchell's methods with the pc! theory of Shelah (see [Sh2]) to improve
the lower bound to 0("') = ",++. Thus the consistency strength of ,SCH
was finally pinned down at 0("') = ",++. If '" was a singular strong limit
cardinal such that 2'" = ",+n, then Gitik's lower bound was 0("') = ",+n,
provided the Mitchell's Covering Theorem can be generalized to the higher
core models .. (The analoguous problem for 2'" = A+ where A ~ ",+w is still
open.) The constructions of Woodin described above were along the lines
of [Mal], hence they did not produce models with GCH below '" (where
'" is the first counterexample to SCH). So there remained the (unlikely)
possibility that the consistency strength of "A singular cardinal is the first
violating GCH" could be much higher than that of ,SCH. But Woodin
modified his construction, and assuming GCH and the existence of an ele-
mentary embedding j : V ~ M such that M'" c M and j ("') ~ ",+2, where
'" is the critial point of j, he constructed a model in which GCH holds below
Nw and 2Nw = ~w+2' The method of proof involved collapsing cardinals in
a special way so as to get rid of the cardinals below '" initially violating
GCH and some essential ingredients of it seemed not to work if one wanted
higher values fqr 2Nw while keeping GCH below Nw ; so again one was left
with the possibility that the consistency strength of "GCH below Nw and
2Nw = Nw +3 " could be much higher than that of the same statement with
Nw +3 replaced by Nw +2 '
In this paper we present a different method of constructing models vio-
lating SCH. The main merit of this new method is that we eliminate the
need to blow up 2'" while", is still regular, hence we are not forced to have
an unbounded set of cardinals below 2'" violating the GCH while '" is still
regular, and so it is much easier to have GCH below the counterexam-
ple to SCH. The idea is to start with some large cardinal '" (of course we

have to use some large cardinal!) and then add simultaneously many new
w-sequences to K" such that K, becomes singular of cofinality w and 21< be-
comes large. Thus the two steps essential to all the previous proofs become
merged into one step. The construction adds no new bounded subsets K,
and it satisfies the K,++ -chain condition (so if we started from a model of
GCH, we still have GCH below K,). No cardinals are collapsed (one needs
a special argument for K,+). The idea is that if for a given A we want to
introduce A many new w-sequences into K" we might try to add Prikry se-
quences for a system (Uo:la < A) of A many K,-complete ultrafilters on K,.
(Of course if A > K,++ we must have many repetitions among the Uo:'s).
A typical condition for adding a Prikry sequence for an ultrafilter U has
the form, (ao, .. . ,an, T) where (ao, . .. ,an) is a finite sequence (giving an
initial segment of the Prikry sequence (anln < w) for U) and T is a tree of
possible continuations of the sequence (ao, ... , an) such that if pC q E T
then the set {alq ,-..., {a} E T} is a set in the ultrafilter U. (In the case
U is normal one can replace T by one set A E U). For a fixed U the ar-
guments of Prikry show that no new bounded subsets of K, are introduced.
However, if one tries to do the same construction A many times (even for
different U's) in a straightforward way, then it is not true that no now
bounded subsets of K, are introduced. For instance, if one uses the product
forcing of the two Prikry forcings for UI and U2, getting the two Prikry
sequences (anln < w) and (.8nln < w), the set {nl.8n < an} is a new sub-
set of w. Typically, cardinals are collapsed. In order to block the above
example one has to assume some "coupling" between the different Prikry
sequences, so that the relation between two different ones will not generate
a new bounded subset of K,. The most natural coupling can be created if
in the ground model we have I : K, - K, such that one Prikry sequence is
obtained from the other one by applying I to it's members. One can easily
verify that if (anln < w) is a Prikry sequence for UI , thus (.8nln < w) is
a Prikry sequence for U2, and for all n (or only for sufficiently large n's)
I(an) = f!n then I is a Rudin-Keisler projection of UI to U2. (Namely
I reduces the problem of membership in U2 to that of membership in UI ,
i.e. A E U2 ¢} I-I(A) E Ud So we assume that Wo:la < A) form a
directed system under Rudin-Keisler reductions. Namely there is a partial
order -< on A, such that if a -< .8, there is a Rudin-Keisler reduction Ifjo:
of Ufj to Uo:. It is also natural to require that this system is commutative,
Le. if a -< .8 -< '1 then for some A in U-Y' and for all x E A the equality
l/3o:(f-yfj(x)) = l-yo:(x) holds. So now the idea is to introduce for each Uo:
from our system a Prikry sequence (.8n(a)ln < w), such that if a -< '1, then
.8n(a) = l-yo:(.8n('Y)) for large enough n. In order to guarantee that the

sequences will all be different (remember that the Ua's can be the same
for different a's), one should require that if a -< ,,/, (3 -< ,,/, then for some
A E U'Y and all x E A the inequality f'YO/(x) =I- f'Y{3(x) holds. There are
further technical condition on the system of ultrafilters (UO/la < oX) which
are all incorporated in the notion of a "nice system of ultrafilters."
In Section 1 it is shown that if one has a nice system of ultrafilters on r;,
of length oX and one forces with the forcing notion intended to introduce the
Prikry sequences as described above, then 2K ? oX, no new bounded subsets
of r;, are introduced and the forcing satisfies r;,++ -C.c. A special argument
shows that r;,+ is not collapsed. So if oX > r;,+ we get a model in which r;,
violates SCH and GCH holds below r;,. How does one get a nice system
of ultrafilters of a given length oX? In Section 1 it is shown that having an
elementary embedding j : V --+ M such that VK +A <; M is enough. This is
a hyper-measurable assumption, much weaker than an assumption used in
[Ma2] or its generalizations. Also note that if r;, is strong, then oX is arbitrary
and for every oX we get a model in which r;, is the first cardinal violating
GCH, it is singular and 2K ? oX. So no bound can be proved in general
about powers of singular cardinals even if one assumes GCH below r;,. The
assumption used can be somewhat weakened; in a forthcoming paper it will
be shown how to start from o( r;,) = oX and force a nice system of ultrafilters
of length oX.
In Section 2 it is shown how to get the singular cardinal r;, of Section 1
to be Nw , at least in the case 2K = r;,+m for finite m. So using what seems
to be the exact consistency strength needed (which is much weaker than
what was used before for the case m > 2) one gets a model of "GCH holds
below Nw and 2~'" = Nw +m +2 '"
In Section ~ we merge the methods of Section 2 with Shelah's [Shl] to
get (for each a < Wi) a model of "GCH below Nw and 2~'" = Nw+a +1'"
Again this is a major improvement in the strength of the large cardinals
"Old problems never die, they just fade away." The singular cardinals
problem is an example. In spite of all the progress, some very interesting
open problems are still left. We already mentioned the problem of finding
out whether Shelah's bound for N~o is the best possible. The first cardi-
nal which according to the present knowledge, cannot be ruled out as an
improvement of Shelah's bound is NW1 ' So a subproblem is: "Can one get
a model in which Nw is a strong limit and 2~'" ? NW1 ?" It seems that
completely new methods are called for in solving this problem. It seems
plausible that, the consistency strength needed for getting a model in which
Nw is a strong limit and 2~'" ? NWl is much higher than what was sufficient
for the statements considered in this paper.

Similar problems concern the first cardinal fixed point, i.e. the first K
such that K = N/t. Shelah proved many important bounds for powers of
cardinal fixed points, but no such bound was proved for the first cardinal
fixed point. The methods of this paper can be used to get for each 0: < WI
a model in which K is the first cardinal fixed point; GCH holds below K and
2/t has 0: many cardinal fixed points below it. However, it is not known
how to get a similar model, in which 2/t has WI many fixed points below it.
Arguments similar to the Nw-case indicate that the consistency strength
of the statment "If K is the first cardinal fixed point, then 2/t has WI fixed
point below it and K is strong limit" is much larger than the cardinals
used in this paper. The first singular cardinal for which we know that no
bound on its power set can be proved is the first cardinal fixed point of
order W ([Sh1], see Def. 4.13 below). For small fixed points of countable
cofinality the problem is open. It seems that cardinal arithmetic still has
some surprises for us in stock.
We tried to keep the notation of this paper rather standard. A fair
amount of acquaintance with forcing techniques is expected. We shall refer
to many notions of large cardinals, not all of them properly documented
in the })ublished literature, but the paper should be understandable even
without knowing the exact definitions.


Given K which is an appropriate large cardinal and A > K, we shall

present in this section a forcing notion that will make K singular of cofinality
W while simultaneously introducing A many W sequences in K. Our forcing
notion will not introduce any bounded subsets to K and will not collapse
any cardi~als. The exact assumption on the ground model we need is that
K carries a "nice system of ultrafilters".In order to motivate this, rather
technical, definition we shall start from the the assumption that K is the
critical point of an appropriate elementary embedding and we shall define
a certain sequence of ultrafilters defined from this embedding. Absracting
the properties of this sequence of ultrafilters gives the definition of "nice
sequence of ultrafilters" .
Suppose j : V ~ M is an elementary embedding of V into a transitive
model M with the critical point K. Let A be a successor ordinal or a
cardinal of cofinality > K+. Assume that (a) V/t+A ~ M and (b) for a
function 1>.. : K ~ K j(1).)(K) = A. Suppose for simplicity that V satisfies
GCH. Note that under the above assumptions we have /t+V/t+A ~ M.
Let us define now an extender which catches M up to V/t+A and forms

a K++ -directed system. For a technical reason we would like also to have
the normal measure generated by j, i.e. U = {X ~ K IKE j (X)} to be
"covered" by every measure of the extender. Fix some well-ordering -< of
V,., so that for every inaccessible cardinal a < K -< la+h(a) : a+I.>·(a) +-t
[a+J.>.(a)l:5 a + and -< (a) = {a}. Consider a set A = {8 < K+Alj(-<)(8) is a
of K+ A of cardinality $ K+ with the minimal element K and for every
'Y E j( -<)(8) j( -<)('Y)n(K+A\K) ~ j(-<)(8)}. Define for 81.82 E A 81 <,A 82 iff
81 E j( -<)(82). Then (A, $,A) will be a partial ordered set which is K++-
directed and has the minimal element K.
For every 8 E A let us define an ultrafilter Uo over K as follows:

X E Uo {:=:} 8 E j(X) .

If 82,A ~ 81, then U02 can be naturally projected onto U01 . Let US define
the projections (11"62 61 I 8u ~ 81). Proceed as follows. Set 11"66 = id for every
8 E A. Set 11"62 61 (0) = 0 for every 82,A ~ 81. Let 1I"6,.,(a) = min(-< (a) nOn)
for every 8 E A, 0 < a < K. Let now 82 ,A > 81 ¥=- K. Consider the following
commutative diagram:

where N62 ~ {Tlt(V, U62), i02 is the corresponding elementary embedding

and k62 ([flu6) = j(f)(82).
The critical point of k02 is (K++)N62 > K+. i02 (-<)([id] U6 2) is mapped
by k02 to j( -<)(82). Since the cardinality of the last set is $ K+ in M, the
same is true in N 62 . So jH)(82) = k~2(i02(-<)([id]U62). Pick 8i to be the
element of i62( -<)([id] U6 2) which is mapped by k02 on 81. Now, any function
representing 8i in N62 will project U62 onto U61. Let t : K - t K be such a
function. Find a set X E U6 2 so that for every v E X 1I"61,.,(t(V)) = 1I"62"'(V).
t(v), if v E X\{O}
11"66 ()v = {
2 1 v, otherwise
Denote by i6 : V - t No ~ Ult(V, Uo) and let k6102 : N6 1 - t N62 be defined
for 81 <,A 82 as follows k61 02([flu61 ) = [glu62 , where g(a) = f(1I"0261 (a)).
One can easily show that under these definitions for 81, 82 E A we have

11"011«11) = 11"021«11) for all II E Ii. Also if Ih ~A 02 then 11"0201 (11"011«11)) =

Then « No I 0 E A), (k 0102 I 01 <A 02 » is a Ii++ -directed commuta-
tive system. Further we shall identify it with (UO,1I"0102 I 0 E A,01 <A 02).
Notice that each Uo is a P-point ultrafilter since 0 which defines it sits
between Ii and Ii+,x = Ii+i (h.) (I<) .
In the sequel we shall use an arbitrary sequence of ultrafilters, having
the properties of the sequence defined from j. Let us list the properties we
need. (Note that in the definitions below 0 plays the role of the minimal
member of Ai this role was played in the sequence defined above by Ii.)
Let Ii be a fixed measurable cardinal.
Suppose that (A, <A) is a Ii++ -directed partial ordered set.
Definition 1.0. A sequence (Ua I a E A) of Ii-complete ultrafilter over
sets of cardinality /'i, is called a Rudin-Keisler directed commutative, iff there
exists a sequence (1I"a{3 I a, (3 E A and a 2:A (3) of projections so that
(1) 1I"a{3 projects Ua onto U{3, i.e.

(2) 1I"aa is the identity, for every a E A.

(3) (commutativity) for every a > A (3 > A 'Y there is X E Ua so that
for every II E X

(4) for every a =f. (3 and'Y in A, if'Y > A a, (3 then

Definition 1.1. A set U =« (Ua Ia E A), (1I"a{3 I a, (3 E A and a 2:A

(3) :» is called a nice system if
(1) A has the least element 0
(2) (Ua I a E A) is a Rudin-Keisler directed commutative sequence
(3) Uo is a normal measure over /'i,.
(4) for every a E A Ua is an ultrafilter over /'i,
(5) (1I"a{3 I a,(3 E A and a 2:A (3) satisfies conditions (1)-(4) of Defini-
tion 1.0
(6) (full commutativity at 0) for every a 2:A (3 , II < /'i, 1I"aO(II) =
11"{30 (11" a{3 (II))

(7) (independence of the choice of projection to zero) for every a, (3 E

A\{O} , v < K ?raO(V) = ?r,8o(v)
(8) for every a E A Ua is a P-point ultrafilter, i.e. for every f E J<K, if
f is not constant mod Ua, then there exists X E Ua such that for
every v < K I Xnf-1"{v}1 < K.

Let us call1AI the length of U.

Let us point out the following.

Proposition 1.1.1. Let (A, <A) be a K++ -directed partial order and (Ua I
a E A) a Rudin-Keisler directed commutative sequence of P-points. Then
there exists a nice system of the length IAI.

Proof. Let a E A. Consider i : V -+ N where N is the directed limit of

the directed system of the structures of the form Ult(V, Ua ) where a E A.
Define a normal ultrafilter U over K to be the set of all X ~ K so that
K E i(X). We like to add U to the sequence as its least element. Let ia :
V -+ Na be the natural embedding of V into Na = Ult(V, Ua ). Define U~
by X E U~iffK E ia(X).Note that for a which is large enough (according
to <A) we have U~ = U.Define A' = {a E A I a::f. 0 and U~ = U}. Let
<A'=<A tA'. Define A* = A' U {OJ let <A* tA' =<A' and 0 <A* a for
every a E A'. Clearly A* is still K++-directed and IA*I = IAI. Denote U
by Uo. Consider (Ua I a E A*). Obviously, it is a Rudin-Keisler directed
commutative sequence of P-points W.l. of g. we can assume that all Ua's
are concentrating on K.
For every a E A" let us replace each Ua by an isomorphic ultrafilter
U~ over K2. Set U = Uo. If a E A* a ::f. 0, then set X E U~ {=:::}
(K, [id]u,.) E ia{X), where ia : V -+ Na ~ Ult(V, Ua ). Then the function
8 : K2 -+ K defined by 8(a,(3) = a will project each U~ (a E A*\{O})
onto Uo. Fix some a : K2 +-+ K a coding of pairs such that atv2 : v 2 +-+ v
for every cardinal v. Let U~ be the isomorphic image of U~ by a, for
every a E A\{Q}. Set U = Uo. Then (U~ I a E A*) is still a Rudin-
Keisler directed commutative sequence of P-points. Let (?ra ,8 I a :::;A* (3)
be a sequence of projection witnessing this. We shall use it to define a new
sequence of projections (?r~,8 I a <A* (3) which will satisfy conditions (5),(6)
and (7) of Definition 1.1. Set ?r~a = id for every a E A*. For a E A*\{O},
v < K let ?r~o(v) = 8(a- l (v», i.e. the first coordinate of the pair coded by
v. Clearly ?r~,o projects U~ onto U and it does not depend on a. Suppose
now we have a, f3 E A*\ {OJ, a > A* (3. Define always ?r~,,8(0) = O. Pick a
set X E Ua so that for every v E X ?r~o(v) = ?r~o(?ra,8(v». Such X exists
since [?r~olu~ = [?raolu~ [?r~olu; = [?r,8olu; and ?rao(v) = ?r,8o(?ra,8(v» on a

set of v's in Uo<' Define

if v E X\{O}
Then 7r~f' projects U; onto Up and for every v < /'i, 7r~o(v) = 7r;o(7r~f'(v)).
So, U =«: U; I a E A* >, < 7r~f' I a, f3 E A*, a <A* f3 :» is as desired. [J
Remark 1.2. The system constructed above from an embedding j : V -+
M, M :2 V,.+.>. is a nice system of the length /'i,+'>'. The strength of this
assumption is o(/'i,) = /'i,+'>' + 1. But for a nice system alone, the existence
of a Rudin-Keisler directed commutative sequence of P-points is sufficient,
by Proposition 1.1.1. It will be shown in [G-M] that o(/'i,) = /'i,+'>' for A a
successor ordinal or /'i, < ciA < A is enough for a Rudin-Keisler directed
commutative sequence of P-points to exist in a generic extension. On the
other hand, by Mitchell [Mi4] for A = 2 and by [G4], modulo the weak
covering lemma for hypermeasures, o(/'i,) = /'i,+'>' looks also necessary for
Let U be some fixed nice system.
For v < /'i"O < 8 E A let us denote 7r6,O(V) by yO. By a-increasing
sequence of ordinals we mean a sequence (VI, ••• , vn) of ordinals below /'i,
so that
° ° °
VI < v 2 < ... < Vn •

For every 8 E A by X E U6 we shall always mean that X for v}, V2 E X

if vr < v~ then I{a E X I aO = vnl < v~. Since U6 is a P-point, most of
its sets satisfy this condition. Also the following weak version of normality
holds: if Xi E U6(i < /'i,) then also X = Ai<",Xi = {v I Vi < vO v E Xi} E
Let v < /'i, and (v}, ... , vn} be a finite sequence of ordinals below /'i,. Then
v is called permitted for (v},. .. , vn } if vO > max{v? lIS; i S; n}.
Let us now define a forcing notion for adding IAI w-sequences to /'i,.
Definition 1.3. The set of forcing conditions P consists of all the ele-
ments p of the form {(-y,p'Y) I 'Y E g\{maxg} U {(maxg, pma:x g, T)}, where
(1) 9 ~ A of cardinality S; /'i, which has a maximal element (i.e. A;::: than
every element of g) and 0 E g. Further let us denote 9 by supp(P), max(g)
by me(p), T by TP and pma:x(g) by pmc (me for the maximal coordinate).
(2) for 'Y E 9 p'Y is a finite a-increasing sequence of ordinals < /'i,.
(3) T is a tree with a trunk pmc consisting of a-increasing sequences. All
the splittings in T are required to be on sets in Umc(P), i.e. for every 7J E T,
if TJT ;::: pmc then the set
SUCT{7J) = {v < /'i, I 7Jnv E T} E Umc(p) .

Also assume that for "'1 T ~ "'2T ~ pmc

(4) for every 'Y E g, 1fmc (p),"Y(max(pmC)) is not permitted for p"Y
(5) For every v E SUCT(pmc)

Ih E 9 I v is permitted for p"Y}1 ~ vO

(6) 1fmc (p),O projects pmc onto pO, in particular, pmc and pO are of the
same length.
Let us give some intuitive motivation for the definition of forcing condi-
tions. We like to add a Prikry sequence for every U6(8 E A). The finite
sequences p"Y ("( E suppp) are initial segments of such sequences. The sup-
port of p has two distinguished coordinates. The first is the O-coordinate
of p and the second is its maximal coordinate. The O-coordinate or more
precisely the Prikry sequence for the normal measure will be used further
in order to push the present construction to Nw • Also condition (6) will
be used only for this purpose. The maximal coordinate of p is responsible
for extending the Prikry sequences for 'Y's in the support of p. The tree
TP is a set of possible candidates for extending pmc and by using the pro-
jections map 1fmc (p),"Y ('Y E suppp) it becomes also the set of candidates
for extending p"Y's. Instead of working with a tree, it is possible using the
diagonal intersection.6.* to replace it by a single set. Condition (4) means
that the information carried by max(pmC) is impossible to project down.
The reasons for such a condition are technical. Condition (5) is desired to
allow the use of the diagonal intersections.
Definition 104. Let p, q E P. We say that p extends q(p ~ q) if
(1) supp(P) ;2 supp(q)
(2) for every 'Y E supp(q) p"Y is an endextension of q"Y
(3) pmc(q) E Tq
(4) for every 'Y E supp(q)
p"Y\q"Y = 1fmc(q),"Y "«pmc(q)\qmc(q»)t (length (pmc)\(i + 1)) where
i E dompmc(q) is the largest such that pmc(q) (i) is not permitted for
(5) 1fmc(p),mc(q) projects T$mc into Timc
(6) for evelY'Y E suppq, for every v E SUCTP(pmc), if v is permitted for
p"Y. then

1fmc(p),"Y(v) = 1fmc (q),"Y(1fmc(p),mc(q) (v)) .


In clause (5) above we use denote, for tree T which is a tree of finite
sequences, 1] E T, by T1j the subtree above 1], namely all the finite sequences
J.t such that 1]~ J.t is in T.
Intuitively, we are allowing to add almost everything on the new coordi-
nates and restrict ourselves to choosing extensions from the sets of measure
one on the old coordinates. Actually here we are really extending only the
maximal old coordinate and then we are using the projection map. This
idea goes back to [G1] and further to Mitchell [Mil].
Definition 1.5. Let p, q E P. We say that p is a direct or Prikry
extension of q(p 2::* q) if
(1) p 2:: q
(2) for every 'Y E supp(q) p"Y = q"Y.
Our strategy would be to show that (P,:5, :5*) is a K-weakly closed forcing
satisfying the Prikry condition and K++ -c.c. Where K-weakly closedness
means that (P, :5*) is K-closed and the Prikry condition means the follow-
ing: for every statement 0" of the forcing language and for every q E P there
is P*2:: q deciding 0".
The :prikry condition together with K-weak closedness insure that no new
bounded subsets of K are added. K++ -c.c. takes care of cardinals 2:: K++.
Since K will change its cofinality to No, an argument similar to those of
[M2], 4.2 will be used to show that K+ is preserved. Condition (6) of the
definition of nice system insures that at least IAI-many w-sequences will be
added to K.
Lemma 1.6. The relation :5 is a partial order.
Proof. Let us check the transitivity of:5. Suppose that r :5 q and q :5 p.
Let us show that r :5 p. Conditions (1) and (2) of Definition 1.4 are
obviously satisfied. Let us check (3), i.e. let us show that pmc(r) E Tr.
Since p 2:: q 2:: r, mc(r) E supp(q), qmc(r) E Tr and

P mc(r)\qmc(r) = 7r"mc(q),mc(r) (pmc(q)\qmc(q)) .

Also pmc(q) E Tq. By (5) of 1.4 (for q and r) 7rmc(q),mc(r) projects Time
subtree of ~me(r)' Hence pmc(r) E Tr and, so condition (3) is satisfied.
Let us check condition (4). Suppose that 'Y E supp(r). We need to show
that p"Y\r"Y = 7r~c(r)'''Y(pmc(r)\rmc(r)). In order to simplify the notation,
we are assuming here that every element of pmc(r)\rmc(r) is permitted for
r"Y. Since q 2:: r,q"Y\r"Y = 7r~c(r),"Y (qmc(r\rmc(r)). So, we need to show
only that p"Y\q"Y = 7r~c(r),"Y (pmc(r\qmc(r)). Since p 2:: q,pmc(q) E Tq and

p'Y\q'Y = 7r::' c (q),'Y (pmc(q)\qmc(q)). Using condition (6) of 1.4 for q ~ rand
the elements of pmc(q)\qmc(q), we obtain the following

p'Y\q'Y = 7r::' c(q),'Y (pmc(q\qmc(q))

= 7rmc (r),'Y (7r::' c (q),mc(r) (pmc(q\qmc(q)))

= 7r"mc(r),'Y (pmc(r)\qmc(r))

The last equality holds by condition (4) of 1.4 used for p and q.
Let us check condition (5), i.e. 7rmc (p),mc(r) projects T:-me into T;-me(r).
Since p ~ q, T:me is projected by 7rmc(p),mc(q) into Time. Since q ~
r,7rmc (q),mc(r) projects Time into T;me(r). Now, using condition (6) for p
and q with 'Y = me(r), we obtain condition (5) for p and r.
Finally, let us check condition (6). Let 'Y E supper), v E SUCTP(pmc)
and suppose that v is permitted for p'Y. Using condition (5) for p and q,
we obtain that 7rmc(p),mc(q)(v) E SUCTq(qmc). Recall, that it was required
in the definition of a condition that each splitting contains splitting below
it in the tree. Denote 7rmc(p),mc(q)(v) by o. By condition (6) for q and r
7rmc (q),'Y(o) = 7rmc (r) ,'Y (7rmc(q) ,mc(r) (0)). Using (6) for p and q, we obtain

7rmc(p),'Y(V) = 7rmc(q),'Y(7rmc(p),mc(q) (v» =

=7rmc(q),'Y(o) = 7rmc(r) ,'Y (7rmc(q),mc(r) (0)) .

Once more using (6) for p and q,

7rmc(q),mc(r) (7rmc(p),mc(q) (II)) = 7rmc(p),mc(r) (II) .

This completes the checking of (6) and also the proof of the lemma. 0

The main point of the proof appears in the next lemma.

Lemma 1.7. Let q E P and a E A then there is p ~* q so that a E
Proof. If a <A me(q), then it is obvious. Thus, if a E supp(q), then we
can take p = q. Otherwise add to q a pair (a, t) where t is any a-increasing
sequence so that max(qmC) is not permitted for t.
Suppose now that a 1A mc(q). Pick some (3 E A so that (3 ~A a and
(3 ~A mc(q). W.l. of g let us assume that (3 = a. We shall define p to be
of the form

where q' is constructed from q by removing Tq from the triple (mc(q), qmc, Tq),
t is an a-increasing sequence which projects onto qO by 7raO and the tree T
will be defined below.
Consider first the tree To which is the inverse image ofT:",c by 7r a ,mc(q) ,
with t added as the trunk. Then Po = q' U {(a:, t, To)} is a condition in
P which is "almost" an extension and even a direct extension of q. The
only problematic thing is that condition (6) of Definition 1.4 may not be
satisfied by Po and q. In order to repair this, let us shrink the tree To a
Denote SUCTo(t) by A. For v E A set Bv = h E supp(q) I 'Y i=
mc(q) and v is permitted for q'Y }. Then IBvl :s; vO, since 7ra ,mc(q)(v) E
SUCTq(qmc), vO = 7ra o(v) = 7rmc (q),O (7ramc(q)(v)) and q being in P, satis-
fies condition (5) of Definition 1.3. Clearly, for v, fj E A, if vO = fjo then
Bv = B o, and if vO > fjo then Bv :2 Bo. Also, if v E A and vO is a limit
point of {fjo I fj E A}, then Bv = U{Bo I fj E A and fjo < vO}. So the
sequence (Bv I v E A) is increasing and continuous (according to vo - 8).
Obviously U{Bv I v E A} = supp(q)\{mc(q)}. Let (~i I i < "') be an
enumeration of supp(q)\mc(q) such that for every v E A

Pick now for every i E A a set Gi ~ A, Gi E Ua so that for every v E

Gi 7ra,dv) = 7rmc(q)'~i(7ra,mc(q)(v)). Let G = An Lli<I<Gi = {v E A I
'v'i<vOV E Gi}. Then G E Ua.
Define now T to be the tree obtained from To by intersecting every level of
To with G. Let us show that condition (6) of Definition 1.4 is now satisfied.
Suppose'Y E supp(q). If 'Y = mc(q), then everything is trivial. Assume that
'Y E supp(q)\{mc(q)}. Then for some io < '" 'Y = ~io' Suppose that some
v EGis permitted for q'Y. Then ~io = 'Y E Bv. Since Bv ~ {~i I i < vO},
io < vo. Then v E Gio ' Hence

So condition (6) is satisfied by p. It means that p*? q. D.

Lemma 1.8.
(a) (P,:S;) satisfies ",++ -C.c.
(b) (P, :s;*) is ",-closed.

Proof of (a). Let (Pa I a: < ",++) be a set of forcing conditions. W.l. of g.
let us assume their supports form a Ll-system and are contained in ",++.
Also assume that there are s and (t, T) so that for every a: < ",++ Pa fa: = s

and (p,,;c,po.) = (t,T). Let us show then that Pa and P/3 are compatible
for every a, (3 < K++.
Let a, (3 < K++ be fixed.
We would like simply to take the union Pa U P/3 and to show that this
is a condition stronger than both Pa and P/3' The first problem is that
Pa U P/3 may not be in P, since sUPP(Pa U P/3) = sUPP(Pa) U supp(P/3) may
not have a maximal element. In order to fix this, let us add say to Pa some
new coordinate 8 so that 8A ~ mc(pa) , mc(p/3)' Let p~ be the extension of
Pa defined in the previous lemma by adding 8 as a new coordinate to Pa.
Then p~ U P/3 E P. But we do need a condition stronger than both Pa and
P/3' The condition p~ U P/3 is a good candidate for it. The only problematic
things here are (5) and (6) of Definition 1.4. Actually, (5) can be easily
satisfied by intersecting T~1)mc with 7ri,:nc(P/3) "(r:*c). In order to satisfy
(6), we need to shrink p;' more. The argument of the previous lemma can
be used for this. CJ
Proof of (b). Let 8 < K and let (Pi I i < 8) be an ~*-increasing sequence
of elements of P. Pick a E A above {mc(pi) I i < 8}. Let P be the union
of Pi'S with Pi removed. Set T =
n7r~!nc(p) "(TPi). Also remove all
i<6 ' i

T'S with 8 from this tree. Let t be a o-increasing sequence so that

TO ~
7r~o(t) = pg. Consider P U {(a, t, T)}. Clearly, it belongs to P. Now, as in
Lemma 1.6, shrink T to a tree Ti so that pU {(a, t, Ti) }*~ Pi, where i < 8.
Let T* = n
Ti and consider r = P U {(a, t, T*)}. Then r*~ Pi for every
i < 8. CJ

Lemma 1.9. (P,~, ~*) satisfies the Prikry condition, i.e. for every state-
ment 0' of the forcing language, for every q E P there exists P ~* q deciding

Proof. Let 0' be a statement and q E P. In order to simplify the notation

we are assuming that q = ljJ. Pick an elementary submodel N of VI" for J1.
large enough containing all the relevant information of cardinality K+ and
closed under K-sequences of its elements. Pick a E A which is above all the
elements of N n A. Let T be a tree so that {(a, ljJ, T)} E P. More precisely,
we should write {(O, ljJ)} U {(a, ljJ, T)}. But let us omit the least coordinate
when the meaning is clear. If there is pEN so that pU{ (a, ljJ, T')} E P and
decides 0', for some T' S; T, then we are done. Suppose otherwise. Denote
SUCT( (}) by A. We shall define by induction sequences (Pv I v E A) and
(TV I v E A).
For this purpose fix some well ordering -< of A so that vY < vB implies
VI -< v2' We are assuming that A is just a subset of K and -< is the usual
well-ordering of ordinals.

Let v = minA. Consider {< a, (v), T(v) >}. If there is no pEN and
T' S;; T(v) such that P U {(a, < v >, T')} is in P and decides 17, then set
Pv = </J and TV = T(v)' Otherwise, pick some P and T' S;; T(v) so that
P U ({a, < v>, T')} is in P and decides u. Set Pv = P and TV = T'.
Suppose now that Pt; and Tt; are defined for every < v in A. We e
shall define Pv and TV. But let us first define p~ and p~. Define p~ to be
the union of all Pt;'S with E An v. Let p~ = {{-y,p~'Y) I 'Y E supp(P~)},
where for 'Y E supp(P~) p~'Y = p~'Y unless v is permitted for p"'Y and then
p~'Y = p~'Yn < 1ra'Y(v) >. If there is no pEN and T' so that q = P U {(a, <
v>, T')} E P, q*?:. p~ U ({a, < v >, T(v»)} and qliu, then set Pv = p~ and
TV = T(v)' Suppose otherwise. Let p, T' be witnessing this. Then set
TV = T' and Pv = p~ U (p\p~).
This completes the inductive definition. Set P = U PV' For i < K let

A, if there is no 8 E A such that 8° = i

c·- {
t - n {Sucrs ({8)) I 8 E A and 8° = i} , otherwise
Note that always Ci E Ua since A E Ua and this means by our agreement
that for Vb V2 E A if vr < vg then Ib E X I 'Yo = vrll < vg. Set
A* = An ili<,.,Ci . Then for every v E A* for every 8 E A if 8° < vO then
v E SUCTS ( (8) ). Let S be the tree obtained from T by first replacing T(v)
by TV for every v E A * and then intersecting all levels of it with A *.

Claim 1.9.1. pU {{a, </J,S)} belongs to P.

Proof The only nontrivial point here is to show that pU { (a, </J, S) } satisfies
condition (5) of the definition of P. So let v E Sucs( ()). By definition of
S, Sucs({)) = A *. Consider the set

Bv = b E supp(P) I v is permitted for p'Y} .

For every 8 E A let Bv,o = b E supp(po) I v is permitted for pD. Then
Bv = UOEA Bv,o. But, actually the definition of the sequence (Po I 8 E A)
implies that Bv = U{Bv,o 18 E A and SO < vOl. The number of 8's in A
with 8° < vO is ~ vO, since A E Ua and it means in particular, that for
every e< vO 1{8 E A I 8° = ell < vO. So it is enough to show that for
every 8 E A,8° < vO implies IBv,o I~ vO. Fix some 8 E A such that 8° < vO.
Since v E A* and 8° < vO, v E SucTs({8)). But Po U ({a, < 8 >, TO)} E P.
So, by the definition of P, IBv,o I~ vO.
CI of the claim.

Then, clearly, p U { (a, </J, S) } *?:. {(a, </J, T) }.


For 6 E Sucs( <» = A* let us denote by (p U {(a, </>, 8){)6 the sequence
{(" (P1')1t"a-y(6») I, E suppp} U {(a, < 6 >, 8(6))}' where

if 6 is permitted for p'Y


Note that (p U {(a, </>, 8)})6 is a condition and 71"0<1'(6) is added only for ,'s
which appear in the support of some Pe with eO < 6° and hence, with e < 6.
Also (p U {(a, </>, 8)} )6*~ P6 U {(a, < 6 >, T6).

Claim 1.9.2. For every 6 E Suc<> 8 iffor some q, R E N (pU{(a, </>, 8)})6
5* q U {(a, < 6 >, R)} and q U {(a, < 6 >, R) 11-0' (or -'0'), then (p U
{(a, </>, 8)} )611-0' (or -'0').
Proof. Note that such qU{(a, < 6 >,R)} is a direct extension Ofp6U{(a, <
6 >, T6)}. By the choice of P6 and T 6, then P6 U {(a, < 6 >, T6)} forces 0'
(or -'0'). But (p U ({a, </>, 8)} )6*~ P6 U ({a, < 6 >, T6)}.
[] of the claim.
Let us shrink now the first level of 8 in order to insure that for every 61
and 62 in the new first level

(p U {(a, </>, 8)} )61 11-0' (or -'0')


Let us denote such shrunken tree by the same letter.

Claim 1.9.3. For every 6 E Suc<> 8 (p U {(a, </>8)})6 It' 0'.
Proof. Suppose otherwise. Then every 6 in Suc<> 8 will force the same
truth value of 0'. Suppose, for example, that 0' is forced. Then pU{ (a, </>, 8)}
will force 0'. Since every q ~ p U {(a, </>, 8)} is compatible with one of
(PU {(a, </>, 8)})6 for 6 E Suc<> 8. This contradicts the initial assumption.
[] of the claim.
Now, climbing up level by level in the fashion described above for the
first level, construct a direct extension p* U{(a, </>, 8*)} of pU {(a, </>, 8)} so
(a) for every T/ E 8*, if for some q, R E N (p* U {(a, </>, 8*)})'I/ 5* q U
{(a, T/, R)} and qUi (a, T/, R)} 11-0' (or -'0'), then (P*u{ (a, </>, 8*)})'I/ 11-0'
(or -'0')

(b) IT"'1, "l2 E S* are of the same length then

(P* U {(a, ¢, S*) } )1)1 Il-lT (or -'IT)

(P* U {(a,¢,S*)})1)21I-lT (or -'IT)

As in Claim 1.9.3, it is impossible to have." E S* so that (p* U{ (a, ¢, S*) } )1)

decides IT. Combining this with (a) we obtain the following.
Claim 1.9.4. For every q, R, tEN, if q U {(a, t, R)} ~ p* U {(a, ¢, S*)}
then q U {(a, t, R)} does not decide IT.
Proof. Just note that q U {(a, t, R) }*.2:: (p* U {(a, ¢, S*)})t and use (a).
[J of the claim.
Pick some /3 E Nn A which is above every element of supp(P*). It is
possible since supp(P*) EN. Shrink S* to a tree S**, as in Lemma 1.7 in
order to insure the following:
for every v E Sues" «», for every "I E supp{p*), if v is permitted for
(p*)'Y, then 1I"0:-y{v) = 1I".8-y(1I"0:.8{v)).
Let 8-*** be the projection of S** to /3 via 11"0:.8' Denote p*U{ (/3, ¢, S***)}
by p**. Then p** EN and p** U {(a, ¢, S**)}* ~ p* U {(a, ¢, S*)}. Since N
is an elementary submodel there is some q E N q ~ p** deciding IT. Let,
for example, qll-lT. Pick some t E S** so that 1I"~.8{t) = q.8. Such t exists,
since by Definition 1.4 q.8 belongs to S*** which is the image of S** under
11"0:.8' Note also that mc{q) <A a, by the choice of N. Let R be a tree
obtained from Sr by intersecting Sr with 1I"~,!"c(q) (Tq) and shrinking, if
necessary, as in Lemma 1.7 in order to insure the equality of projections
1I"0:-y and 1I"mc(q),-y01l"0:,mc(q) for permitted 'Y's in supp{q). Then qU{ (a, t, R)}
will be a condition stronger than q. Hence, it forces IT. But this contradicts
Claim 1.9.4, since q U {(a, t, R)} ~ p* U {(a, ¢, S*)}.
Contradiction. [J
Remark. It is possible to replace K++ -directness by K+ -directness. For this
instead of working with one fixed a as the maximal element of supports,
an increasing sequence of the length K of a's should be used. The proof
becomes more complicated, but essentially no new ideas are needed.
Let G be a generic subset of P. By Lemma 1.7, for every a E A there is
pEG with a E supp(P). Let us denote U{pO: I pEG} by GO:.
Lemma 1.10.
(a) For every a E A, GO: is a Prikry sequence for Uo:, i.e. an w-sequence
s.t. for every X E Uo: it is almost contained in X.

(b) GO is an w-sequence unbounded in K,.

(c) If 0. =1= /3 are in A then GO< =1= Gf3.

Proof. (a) follows from the definition of P. (b) is a trivial consequence of

(a). For (c) note that there is 'Y E A'Y 2:.<\ 0.,/3. Condition (6) of the
definition of a nice system requires that {v < K, I 7r'j'O«v) =1= 7r'j'f3(v)} E U'j'.
This together with the definition of P implies that GO< =1= Gf3. IJ
Lemma 1.11. K,+ remains a cardinal in V{G}.
Proof. Suppose otherwise. Then it changes its cofinality to some J.t < K,.
Let 9 : J.t - (K,+)V be unbounded in (K,+)v. Pick pEG forcing this.
Suppose for simplicity that <P If- 9:'/1.-+'// unbounded. Pick an elementary

submodel N as in Lemma 1.10. Let 0. E A be above every element of

N n A. Pick a tree T so that {(C\!, <p, T)} E P. As in Lemma 1.9, define
by induction an ::;oO increasing sequence of direct extensions of {(o., <p, T)}
(qi U {(o., <p, Si)} I i < J.t) so that
(a) qi E N
(b) If for some q,R,t E N, somej < K,+ qU{(o.,t,R)} 2: qiU{(o.,<p,Si)}
v v
and q-U {(o., t, R)} If- 9 (i) =j, then

Using Lemma 1.8, find S so that U qi U {(o., <p, S)}o02: qi U {(o., <p, Si)}
for every i < J.t. Denote U qi by p. As in Lemma 1.9, pick /3 E NnA above
supp(P) and prpject S to /3 using 7r0<f3. Denote the projection by S*. Let
p* = p U {(/3, <p, S*)}. Then p* EN and p* U {(o., <p, S)}o02: p U {(o., <p, S)}.
Since N is an elementary submodel, for every i < J.t there will be q E N, q 2:
p* forcing a value of 9 (i). Then, using (b), as in Lemma 1.9, for some t E S

(P U {(/3, <p, S)})t will force the same value of 9 (i). But lSI = K,. So, all

such values are bounded in K,+ by some ordinal o. Which is impossible,

since N;2 K,+ and N F (<p1f-(9:'/1.-K+ unbounded».

Contradiction. IJ

Now combining the lemmas together, we obtain the following.

Theorem 1.12.
(a) V[GJ is a cardinal preserving extension ofV.
(b) No new bounded subsets are added to K,.

(c) cl'" = No
(d) ",No ~ IAI.
IT '" is a strong cardinal, then for every oX a nice system of a length ~ oX
can be constructed. The Solovay arguments [So-Re-Ka] for producing a
function I : '" --+ '" and j : V --+ M so that j(f)(",) > oX for supercompact
"', can work without changes also for strong "'_. Now, having I and j we can
use a nice system defined from them in the beginning. So, the following
Theorem 1.13. Let V be a model of GCH, '" be a strong cardinal. Then
for every oX there exists a cardinal preserving set generic extension V[G] of
V so that
(a) no new bounded subsets are added to "'.
(b) '" changes its cofinality to No.
(c) 2'" ~ oX.


In this section we shall define a forcing notion which will combine the
forcing of Section 1 with collapsing of cardinals in order to construct a model
satisfying GCH below Nw and 2N", = Nw +m for any m, 1 < m < w. The
ideas of this construction are going back to M. Magidor [Ml,2] and to H.
Woodin, see[Ca,G2]. The consistency of2 Nn = Nn+1 (n < w)+2 N", = Net+1
for every a < Wl was shown by M. Magidor using huge cardinal, for a = 1
H.Woodin, see [Cal, constructed such a model from 0("') = ",++.
Let 1 ~ m < W be fixed. We are going to construct a model satisfying
"2Nn = Nn.+l for every n < W and 2N", = Nw +m ". The initial assumption
will be the existence of a pm(",)-hypermeasurable cardinal, whose strength
is 0("') = ",+m + 1.
Actually, what will be used here is the existence of a nice system A of the
length ",+"1- so that the function I(a) = a+ m represents ",+m in the direct
limit of the system. By [G2], see also [G-M], 0("') = ",+m is sufficient for
this, but in a model of -'GCH, i.e. 0("') = ",+m is sufficient for constructing
a model satisfying "Nw is a strong limit cardinal and 2N", = Nw+m". But it
seems that 0("') = ",+m + 1 is needed for getting 2N", = Nw +m with G.C.H.
below Nw •
Let j : V --+ M be the embedding of pm("')-hypermeasurable cardinal,
i.e, crit(j) = "', '" M ~ M and V",+m ~ M. Assume that V F GCH. It is
not a restrictive assumption, since by W. Mitchell [Mi2], GCH holds in the
inner model for pm(",)-hypermeasurable.

Denote ~+m by).. Clearly!J\ : ~ -> ~ defined by f>..(0'.) = O'.+m represents

). in M, i.e. j(f)(~) = ).. Let U = « Un I 0'. E A), (7fo.f3 I O'.A ;::: f3 » be
a nice system of ultrafilters defined from j, as in Section 1. Consider the
following commutative diagram

Y k

~ N
where i : V -+ N ~ Ult(V, Uo), k([/luJ = j(f)(~).
We would like to have in V an M-generic subset of (Col().+,j(~)))M.
The way of obtaining it was pointed out by H. Woodin. Proceed as fol-
lows. Pick H o ~ (Col(~+m+1)N,i(~)))N, which is possible since both
(~+m+1)N and i(~) are of cardinality ~+ in V. Then let H be gener-
ated by k"(Ho). If D E M is a dense open subset of Col(>'+,j(~))M,
then for some ordinals ~1, ... ,~n,). > ~n > ... > ~1 > ~ and a function
9 : [~ln+l -+ VI< D = j(g)(~, ~1,'" '~n)' The set A = {a < ~I there
exist ordinals 0'.1,." ,an, 0'. < 0'.1 < ... < an < a+ m g(O'., al,'" ,an)
is a dense open subset of Col(O'.+m+l,~)} is in Uo. Define 9 : A -> VI<
as follows g(O'.) = n{g(a,al,'" ,an) 10'. < al < ... < an < O'.+m and
g(O'., all' .. ,an) is a dense open subset of Col(O'.+m+1, ~)}.
Then j(g)(K) is a dense open subset of D. But, also i(g)(~) is dense in
(Col«~+m+1)N, i(~)))N. Hence i(g)(K) n Ho 1= cp. It implies H n D 1= cp.
Now we are ready to define the forcing conditions.
Definition 2.1. The set of forcing conditions P consists of all elements
p of the form {(O, (Tt, . .. ,Tn),
(fo, ... ,In),F)}U{('Y,p'Y,b(p,,),)) I')' E g\{maxg,O}}U{(maxg,pmaxg,T)},

(1) {(O,h, ... ,Tn))} U {b,p'Y) i'YEg\{maxg,O}}U{(maxg,pmaxg,T)}

is as in Definition 1.3. Let us use the notations introduced there. So, we

denote 9 by supp(P) max (g) by mc(p), T by TP and pmax(g) by pmc. Also
let us denote further (Tl,'" , Tn) by pO, (fo, ... , In) by IP, for i < n Ii by
Jf,n by nP and F by FP.
(2) b(p, ')'), the bound over 1', is either or cardinal below K and above
sup (Uo::;i::;n Ii)' If b(p, ')') = 0, then we shall omit it.

The new meaning of ''permitted for" will be used further. Thus

v is called permitted for p'Y iff vO > max{(p'Y)O,b(p,')')}. We require
that condition (6) of Definition 1.3 holds now in this new sense.
(3) fo E Col{w, Tt}, fi E Col{Tlm+1, THt} for 0 < i < n and fn E
Col{Tri m +1 , It).
(4) F is a function on the projection of Tpmc by 'lrmc(p),O so that

F{(vo, ... ,Vi-I)) E Col{vt~+1,It) .

Let us denote the projection of T by 'lrmcO by TP,o.

(5) For every TJ E T:oo let F." be defined by F.,,{v) = F{TJn v ). Then
j{F.,,){It) belongs to H.
Let us call {(po,?,)} the lower part of p.
Intuitively, the forcing P is intended to turn It to Nw simultaneously
blowing up its power to It+m+1. The part of P, which is responsible for
blowing up the power of It is the forcing used in Section 1. The additions to
that forcing notion made here are responsible for the collapsing. Basically,
P is modeled after the forcing of [Mal] and its reduction to hypermeasures
made by H. Woodin see [Cal, [G2], or [C-Wo]. The function fo,··· , fn-l
provide partial information about collapsing already known elements of the
Prikry sequence for the normal measure Uo. F is a set of possible candidates
for collapsing between further, still unknown elements of tliis sequence.
Condition (5) is desired to insure that these candidates are compatible
at least modUo. This is crucial for proving that the forcing satisfies the
Prikry condition. Condition (2), namely the bound b(p, ')') is also needed
for this purpose. Since here we shall diagonalize over collapsing functions
of unknown yet collapse. Note, that for i < n we are starting the collapse
W1·th T i+m+1
.. . we In
, I.e. . t end t 0 preserve a 11 Ti, Ti+ , ••• , Ti+m+1 • The reason
for this, as it appears in the proof, is that H S; Col{ It+ m+1 , j (It)) is M-
generic and belongs to V. We were able to construct such H using the fact
that the hypermeasure producing M has all the generators below K+m.
The reason looks technical, but the recent work of S. Shelah [Sh3] and [G5]
suggest that it is more or less necessary to leave the gap of m + 1 cardinals
below in order to have the gap of the same width between K and 2/t.
Definition 2.2. Let p, q E P. We say that p extends q(p ~ q). IT
(I) ((O,pO)}U{(,)"p'Y,b(p,,),)) I')' E supp(p)\{mc(p),O}}U{(mc(p),pmc,
P)} extends ((O,qO)}U{(,)"q'Y,b(q,,),)) I')' E supp(q)\{mc(q),O}}U
{(mc(q), qmc, Tq)} in sense of Definition 1.4.
(2) for every ')' E suppq\{O,mc(q)} if sup C~p ff) ~ b{q,,),) or p'Y =f:.

q'Y, then b(p,'Y) = 0 otherwise b(p,'Y) = b(q,'Y)' If mc(p) =f:. mc(q),

then b(p,mc(q)) = O.
Intuitively, this means that if the bound on the old 'Y is overcome either
by increasing the collapsing parts of the condition or by adding new ele-
ments to q'Y (which are certainly above b(q,'Y)) it is impossible to set a new
(3) for every i < length (qO) = n q , If ~ 1'1
(4) for every'T} E T;oo, FP('T}) ~ Fq('T})
(5) for every i, n q :::; i < n P

If ~ Fq«pO\qO) ti + 1)
(6) min(p°\qO) > sup(rnglnq )

Definition 2.3. Let p, q E P. We say that p is a direct extension (or a

Prikry extension) of q (P*~ q) if
(a) p ~ q
(b) for every 'Y E supp(q) p'Y = q'Y.
The following lemmas are analogous to the corresponding lemmas of the
previous section and they have the same proof.
Lemma 2.4. The relation :::; is a partial order.
Lemma 2.5. Let q E P and a E A. Then there is p* ~ q so that a E
Lemma 2.6. (p,:::;) satisfies K++ -c.C.
If pEP and 'T E pO, then the set P / p of all extensions of p in P can be
split in the obvious fashion into two parts: one everything above 'T and the
second everything below r. Denote them by (P/p)"?:.T and (P/p)<T. Then
Pip can be viewed as (P/p)"?:.T x (P/p)<T. The part (p/p)<T consists of
finitely many LeVy collapses and the part (P/p)"?:.T is similar to P but has
a slight advantage, namely the Levy collapses used in it are r+m+1-closed.
Using this observation, one can show the following analog of Lemma 1.8:
Lemma 2.7. Let pEP and r E pO then (P/p)"?:.T ,:::;*) is r+m+1-c1osed.
Let us turn now to the Prikry condition.
Lemma 2.8. (P,:::;, :::;*) satisfies the Prikry condition.
Prool. Let a be a statement of the forcing language and q E P. We shall
find p* ~ q deciding a. In order to simplify notation, assume that q = ¢J.

Pick an elementary submodel N a E A and T as in Lemma 1.9. Con-

sider condition {(a, I/J, T)}. More precisely, we should write {(O, I/J, I/J, I/J)} U
{(a, I/J, T)}. But when the meaning is clear we shall omit {(O, I/J, I/J, I/J)}. Also
for function F as in Definition 2.1 of the forcing condition, we shall relax
sometimes condition (3) of 2.1, allowing dom F to be bigger than just the
projection (Tp"'c)o of Tpmc to the zero coordinate. Still the relevant values
will come from (Tprnc)o. If for some pEN {(O, I/J, f, F)}UpU{ (a, I/J, T')} E P
and decides 0", for some T' ~ T, f and F, then we are done. Suppose oth-

Claim 2.8.1. There are p, F and S in N so that

(a) {(O, I/J, I/J, F)} Up U {(a, I/J, S) }*~ {(a, I/J, T)}
(b) if for some q E N, qO, qOt, F', T' and 1,

- , UqU {(a,qOt,T)}
is a direct extension of {(O, I/J, I/J, F)} Up U {(a, I/J, T*)} and forces 0"

(or --'0") then also

{(O, qO, 1, F)} Up U {(a, qOt, Sqc.)}

forces the same.

Proof. Let A denote SUCT (( )). Assume that A ~ K and for VI, V2 E A VI <
V2implies vr
< vg. Let {(q?,};, qf) I i < K} be an enumeration of [K]<w x
U Col(b, vO) x [K]<w. W.l. of g. let us assume that for every V E A
{(q?,};,qf) Ii < va} enumerates [vo]<w x U Col(b,vO) x [vo]<w.
w:5,c<v O

Define by induction sequences (Pi I i < K), (Ti I i < K) and (Fi I i < K).
Set Po = I/J, TO = T and FO = I/J.
Suppose that Pj, Tj and Fj are defined for every j < i. Define Pi, Ti
and Fi.'
Set first p~' = U Pj' Let p~ = {(-y,p~'Y) I "( E supp(prn, where for
"( E supp(p~') p~'Y = p~''Y unless there is v E q't permitted for p~''Y and then
p? = p~''Y U the maximal final segment of 7r~'Y (qf) permitted for p~''Y.
If {(O, q?,};, I/J)} u p~ U {(a, q't, Tq't)} fj. P or it belongs P and there is no
pEN, T' and F so that {(O, q?,};, F)} Up U {(a, qf, T')} E P extends
{(O, q?,};, I/J)} U p~ U {(a, qf, Tq't)} and decides 0" or --'0", then set Pi =
p~', Ti = Tq't and Fi = I/J. Otherwise, pick some p, T' and F witnessing this.
Define then Ti = T', Fi = F. Set Pi = p~'Up*, where supp(P*) = supp(p\pD

and for every "I E SUppp* ("{,p'Y,max{b(p,r),U(Uhn) E p*. This means

that over the new 'Y's (i.e. "I ¢ SUppp~/) nothing below maxUh is not
This completes the inductive definition. Set p = U Pi. Define now a
subtree 8 of T by putting together all1i's (i < K,). The definition is level
by level. Thus, if 8 is defined up to level n and t sits in 8 on this level,
then set Sucs(t) = {v E A 1 vo > maxt and for every i < vo v E SUCTi«( })
and if t E Ti then v E Suer. (tn. So Sucs(t) E Uo..
Let us now put together all Fi's and define a function F on a sub-
tree of (8)°. It is not hard to do since for every i < K, [Filuo E Ho,
the ultrapower N ~ Ult(V, Uo) is closed under K, sequences and the forc-
ing CoIN (K,+m+1 ,j(K,)) is closed enough. Pick [Fluo to be a condition
stronger than all [Filuo' i < K,. Shrink 8 to tree so that every ",n v in
it F(",nv) E Col(v+ m+1, K,). Let us denote this tree still by 8. More pre-
cisely, the definition of F should be carried level by level, i.e. we should
define F'1 putting together all Fi so that", = qf.

Subclaim 2.8.2. For every i < K" if qf E 8 then

{(O,q?,h,F)} U (P)i U {(a,qf, 8)}

belongs to 'P and it is a direct extension of {(O, q?, 1. Fi) }U(P)iU{ (a, qf, Ti)},
where (P)i is obtained from P by extending p'Y's using 1T~'Y(qf) and correct-
ing b(p, 'Y)'s according to sup uK
The proof is similar to those of Claim 1.9.1. The bounds b(p,'Y)'s are
used in order ~o show that for every v E Sucs(qf) 1h E sUPPP 1v is
permitted for p'Y} I::::; vo. Namely the problem (in the simplest setting) is
due to the fact that 1Col(w, < K,)I = K,. So there will be K, indexes i such
that Ii E Col(w, < K,) and q? = qf = 0. Hence long unions of conditions
with p? = pf' :::; 0 should be taken. But the supports of Pi'S may increase.
The bounds b(p, "I) 's ("{ E supp(P)) where introduced in order to keep the
number of v's permitted for p'Y small.
The rest of the proof is as in Lemma 1.9.
cof the claim.
As in Lemma 1.9, it is possible to show that the assumption "q E N" is
not really restrictive. Briefly, if there is some q outside of N which is used
to decide (j, then there exists one also inside N.
So the following claim will provide the desired contradiction.

Claim 2.8.3. There exists F* and 8* so that

(a) r* = {(O, ¢, F*)} Up U {(a, ¢, S*)} *~ r
(b) for every q E N, R, G, f and fj, if {(O, fjo, f, G) }UqU{ (a, fj, R)} ~ roO
and {(O, fjo, f, G)} U q U {(a, fj, R)} II-u (or ...,u) then

{(O, ¢,/(O), FoO}} Up U {(a, ¢, 8*)}

forces the same, where /(0) is the first function in the sequence f,
i.e. a member of Col(w, ~).
Proof. Instead of dealing with fj, f of arbitrary length, let us concentrate
on the case of lfil = 1, 111 = 1. In this case the notation are much simpler
and it contains all the techniques needed for the general one. In order to
obtain the general case the argument below should be applied level by level
through the tree 8*.
So we like to show the following:
(*) There exist F* and 8* so that
(a) r* = {(O, ¢, F*)} Up U {(a, ¢, 8*)}*~ r
(b) for every q E N, R, G, /0, 11 and 1/, if

{(O, < I/0 >, /0, 11, G)} U q U {(a, < 1/ >, R)} ~ r*

and {(O, < I/0 >'/0,11, G)} U q U {(a, < 1/ >, R)} II-u (or ...,u)then
{(O, ¢, /0, F*)} Up U {(a, ¢, 8*)} forces the same.
Let (fOi Ii < ~) be an enumeration of Col(w, ~).
Define by induction sequences (Si Ii < ~) and (Fi I i < ~).
Stage O. Consider in M the following two sets

D == {b E Col(~+m+1, j(~)) I {(O, < ~ >, /00, b,

j(F)}} U j(P) U {(j(a), < a >, (j(8))<a>)} If---- j(u)}

D* = {b I bED or there is no element of D stronger than b}.

Then D* is a dense subset of Col(~+m+1 ,j(~)) in M. Pick FfJ to be a
function on the projection (8)° of 8 to the O-coordinate so that j(FfJ)(~) E
H n D* and {(O,¢,F6)} UpU {(a,¢,S)} ~ r. Set 8b = 8.
Now consider in V the following three sets.

Xi = {I/ E Sucso «» 11/° > sup(rng/oo) ,

for some gil 2 FfJ(I/O)

where i E 2,00- = 0-,10- = '0-, X 2 = SucSb «>

)\(Xo U Xl). For some i E 3
Xi E U0.' Set So = the tree obtained from Sb by intersecting all of its levels
with Xi' Let Fo = FM(So)o.
Note, that if for some q E N, R, G, v and g", {(O, < V O >, foo, g", G)} U
q U {(a, < v >, R)} is a condition stronger than TO = {(O, cp, Fo)} Up U
{(a, cp, So)} forcing 0- (or .0-) then {(O, < v O>, foo, g", Fo) UpU {(a, < v >
,So<,,>)} 11-0- (or .0-).
Then Suc<> So = Xo since v E Suc<> So. Hence for every v E Suc<> So
there exists g" :2 Fo(vO),

{(O, < vO>, foo, g", Fo)} Up U {(a, < v >, So<,,»} 11-0- .

Set g(v) = g" for v E Suc<> So. Then, in M j(g)(a) ~ j(Fo)(I£) =

j(F6)(I£) and

{(O, < 1£ >, foo, j(g)(a), j(Fo»} U j(p)

U {(j(a), < a >,j(So)<o.»} Ir----- j(o-) .

By the choice of p, F, and S, then also

{(O, < 1£ >, foo,j(g)(a),j(F»} U j(P)

U {(j(a), < a >,j(S)<o.>)} Ir----- j(o-) .

Hence j(g)(a) E D. But then j(Fo) (1£) ED. So

{(O, 1£, foo,j(Fo)(I£»,j(Fo»} U j(p) U {(j(a), < a >,j(SO)<a»} II-j(o-) .


C = {v E Suc<> So I {(O, v O, foo, Fo(v o), Fo)} Up

U {(a,< v >,(So)<,,>)}II--cr} E Uo..

Restricting now everything to C, we obtain a condition of the form

{< 0, cp, foo, G) }UpU{ (a, cp, R)} forcing 0-. Then also TO = {(O, cp, foo, Fo)}U
p U {(a, cp, So)} forces 0-.

Stage i. Choo'Se Si and Ft so that

HO, q" Ft)} Up U {(a, q" Si)} ~ {(O, q" Ft)} Up U {(a, q" Si')}

for every i' < i. Define F{ as F~ above, just replace foo by fOi and require
{(O, q" Ff) }UpU{ (a, q" Si) to be stronger than {(O, q" Ft) }UpU{ (a, q" Si)}·
Set S~ = Si. Define Fi , Si from F{, S: as above. Then ri = {(O, q" Fi )} U
p U {(a, q" Si)} will satisfy the following:
(**) If for some q E N, R, G, v and gv, {(O, < vO >, fOi, gv, G) }UqU{ (a, <
v>, R)} ~ ri and forces (j (or -,a) then {(O, q" fOi, Fi) }UpU {(a, q" Si)} Ira
(or -,a).
This completes the construction of (Fi Ii < K), (Si Ii < K).
Let us combine now (Si Ii < K) into one tree. Proceed as follows. Let
A = Suc<> S. Shrink A to a set A' E Ua so that for every v E A'
(i) if i < vO then sup(rngfoi) < vO;
(ii) if f E Col(w, vO) then for some i < vO f = fOi'
Set A* = {v E A' I Vi < vO v E Suc<> Si}. Then A* E Ua . Define
Suc<> S* to be A*. Let SdA* be the tree obtained from Si by intersecting
it level by level with A*. For every v E A* set S~v> = n{ (Si)<v> I i < vOl.
Now, for (Vb'" ,vn ) E S* let F*(vP, ... ,v~)) = U{Fi(vP, ... ,v~)) Ii <
It is easy to see that

r* = {(O, q" F*)} Up U {(a, q" S*)} E P

and it is stronger than r.

Suppose now that q E N,R,G,fo,h and v are as in (*)(b)' Then v E
Suc<> S* = A*,fo E Col(w,vO). So for some i < vO fo = fOi. Also
v E SUCSi«»'S~v> ~ (Si)<v> and F*(fj) 2 Fi(fj) for every fiE S* with
the first element v. Hence

Then, by (**), {(O,q"fOi,Fi )} UpU {(a, q"Si)} Ira (or -,a).

By the choice of r, then {(O, q" fOi, F) }UpU {(a, q" S)} Ira (or -,a). But
r* ~ r. SO HO, q" fOi, F*)} Up U {(a, q" S*)} Ira (or -,a).
IJ of the claim. This completes the proof of the lemma. IJ

Using Lemma 2.8 as replacement of Lemma 1.10 the arguments of 1.11

show the following.

Lemma 2.9. K+ remains a cardinal in Vp.

Lemma 1.10 transfers directly to the present forcing notion. For G a
generic subset ofP, a E A defines as in Section 1, GOt to be U{pOt I pEG}.
Let CO = {KO, K1, ••• ,Kn , ... }.
Lemma 2.10.
(a) For every a E A, GOt is a Prikry sequence for UOt .
(b) CO is an w-sequence unbounded in K.
(c) If a =F {3 are in A then GOI =F Gf3.

The next lemma is obvious.

Lemma 2.11. If T < K, T > No and T remains a cardinal in V[G], then for
some n T = Kn or for some m' S m T = K;tm'+I.
Combining now all the lemmas, we obtain the following.
Theorem 2.12. In a generic extension V[G) 2t-tn = Nn+1 for every n < w
and 2t-t", = N",+m'


In this section we shall modify the construction of Section 2 in order to
obtain a model satisfying GCH below N", and 2N", = N~+1 for any~, w <
e< WI· The crucial tool will be the method of S. Shelah [Sh2] allowing to
construct models with a countable gap between N", and 2t-t",.
Fix an ordinal e, e
w < < WI' Suppose that K is K + ~ + I-strong, i.e.
there is an elementary embedding j : V - t M with K a critical point and
M;2 VIt+e+l'
Pick an increasing sequence of finite sets {Dn I n < w} so that (~+
1)\1 = Un <", Dn. For each n < w, we would like to be able to collapse
all the cardinals between K++ and K+e+ 1, with exceptions for K+i+l for
i E D n , preserving enough of strongness of K. It can be easily achieved by
making the right preparation forcing below K. Actually, the models with
indestructible K as of R. Laver [1] or [G-Sh] can be used. But in order
to simplify the further argunIents, we would like rather to use the direct
construction for this particular case.
We define Coln (6) to be the combination of Levy collapses which are
intended to preserve only the cardinals of the form 6+i+1 for i E Dn between
6++ and 6H +1, where a is an inaccessible cardinal. Thus

Coln(a) = II Col(a+im +1, < a+im +1)


where (i m I m < IDnl) is an increasing enumeration of Dn. Let Add

= {J I I : 1 -* w} be an atomic forcing notion. It would decide generically
for which n < w to use Coln(b) on stage 8.
Define now on iteration (Pa , Qa I a ::; K). Set Po = cp. Qa = cp unless a
is an inaccessible. Then define in

V: Qr..I
a = Add* Col
(a), where Ia

is the name of the generic choice made by Add on stage a. Use on a limit
stage a the direct limit for inaccessible a and the inverse limit otherwise.
Then, for every n,i : V -* M extends in Vp,,*Col n (,.,) to an embedding
jn : VP,,*Col n (,.,) -* MP,,*Coln(,.,)*P' where pI = j(P,.,)/ P,.,*{ (0, n) }*Coln(K).
Denote MP,,*Coln(,.,)*P' by Mn and VP,,*Coln(,.,) by Vn-
Using i, define in V a nice system U =« Ua I a E A), (7raj3 I aA:::: /3 »
of the length KH+1, as in Section 1. Now, in Vn using in we define a nice
system ~n =«~na I a E A >, <~naj3 I aA;:::: /3» so that ~na ::2 Ua for
every a E A. Then ~ naj3 can be chosen to be 7raj3.
As in section 2, fix some H n E VP,,*Col n (,.,) which is Mn-generic subset

of (Col((K H +2 )V,j(K)))Mn • Note that (K+H2) is K+ 2+ID n l in Mn.

Let G,., ~ P,., be a generic subset. We shall work in V[G,.,]. Let En be
the complete Boolean algebra of regular open sets of CoIn (K). Denote by
(Tk,n the natural projection of Ek onto En for w > k :::: n.
We are ready now to define the main forcing notion for turning K to Nw .
Definition 3.1. A set P of forcing conditions consists of all elements p
of the form {r} U {(O, (71, ... ,7n ), (fo, ... ,In), F)} U {(,)"p"Y,b(p'/)) II E
g\{maxg, O}} U {(maxg,pmax g , T), where
(1) {(0,(7I, ... ,7n ),(fo, ... ,jn)}U{(,)"p1',b(P'/)) I1'Eg\{O}}
is as in Definition 2.1.
We shall use further the notation introduced there.
(2) T is a tree with a trunk pmc consisting of o-increasing sequences.
(3) F is a function on (Tpm.c)O so that for TJ E T,TJT> pmc, F(TJO) E
C~l«max(TJO))+2+m, K), where m = IEI1)I-ll, i.e. the collapsing
starts with «max(TJ))H+2)V.
(4) r E En.
Denote it further by p(col).
(5) r forces the following "for every TJ E t Sucr(TJ) E lfl1)l,mc(p) and
jl1)1 (F1)o )(K) E lfl1)I' where F1)o(vO) = F(TJOnvO) for every v E SUCT(TJ)".
Explanation. The set of conditions defined above is similar to those of Sec-
tion 2. The difference is that we like to preserve all the cardinals between
K and KH+1, but simultaneously to collapse all but finitely many cardi-
nals between 7 and 7 H + 1 for each element 7 of the zero coordinate. The

idea of S. Shelah [Sh2] for doing this, is to leave more and more cardinals
climbing up to '" along the zero coordinate, and to give only small pieces of
information about collapses between", and ",H+1, which finally would not
produce a real collapse. r = p(col) is such a piece.
Definition 3.2. Let p, q E P. We say that p extends q(p ~ q), if
(1) p\{p(col)} extends q\{q(col)} in sense of Definition 2.2.
(2) p(col) is stronger than O'mn(q(col)) in the forcing with B n , where
m = length (qO), n = length (PO).
Definition 3.3. Let p,q E P,p*~ q if
(a) p ~ q
(b) for every 'Y E supp(q) p'Y = q'Y.
The proofs of the following lemmas are more or less routine translations
of the proofs of corresponding lemmas of the previous sections.
Lemma 3.4. The relation :5 is a partial order.
Lemma 3.5. Let q E P and 0: E A. Then there is p* ~ q. so that
0: E

Lemma 3.6. Let pEP and l' E pO. Then (Plp)?:r,:5*) is (1'H+1)V_
closed, where (Plp)"?T is defined as in Section 2.
Lemma 3.7. (P,:5, :5*) satisfies the Prikry condition.
Lemma 3.S. ",+ remains a cardinal in y1'.
Lemma 3.9. (a) GO = ("'0, ... ''''n .. ') is an w-sequence unbounded in "'.
(b) If 0: =J (3 are in A then GO!. =J Gf3, where GO!. 's are defined as in
Section 2.
Lemma 3.10. If 1', No < l' < '" and l' remains a cardinal in yP",*1', then
there exists n such that "'n :5 l' < "'n+1 and for some m :5 IDn I+2 l' = ",;tm.
The new point here is to show that all the cardinals between ",+ and
",H+1 are preserved. Note that P satisfies now only ",H+2_c.c.
Lemma 3.11. Let 8,1 < 8:5 ~ be an ordinal. Then ",+6+1 is preserved in
yP.. *1'.

Proof. Suppose first that 8 is a successor ordinal. Let n < w be the least
so that 8 - 1,8 E Dn. Let q E P. Extend q to p so that Ipol > n. Consider
the forcing notion Pip = {t E Pit ~ pl. For every t E Pip, t(col) E Bm
for some m ~ n. Recall that then Bm is a complete subalgebra of Bn.
Also, ",+6+1 is preserved by forcing with Bn. Namely Bn splits into B n,l

XB n ,2 so that B n,1 is of cardinality::; ",+6 and B n ,2 is <5-closed. Force with

B n ,2. Let G(Bn,2) be a V[G,,}generic subset of B n ,2, where G" is V-generic
subset of P". Consider in V* = V[G", G(Bn,2)]

P~ = {t E P /p I t( col) n B n ,2 E G(Bn ,2)} .

Then, as in Lemma 2.6, P~ satisfies ",+O-c.c. So, ",+8+ 1 is preserved by

B n ,2 * P~.
But it is not hard to see that the forcing P /p can be completely embedded
into B n ,2 * P~. Hence P /p cannot collapse ",+0+1.
Suppose now that <5 is a limit ordinal. Let us use the notation introduced
in the previous case. The problem now is that B n ,1 and, hence P* may
fail to satisfy ",+8+1_ c.c. Using an appropriate inductive assumption we can
assume w.l. of g. that for every 1 < {j, ",+1' remains a cardinal in Vp,,*'P.
So, if ",+0+1 is collapsed then it changes its cofinality to some ",+1'+1 < ",+0.
Pick some n ~ n so that 1,1+ 1,1 + 2 E Dn. The previous argument gives
the splitting Bn ,2 * P;' so that P;' satisfies ",+1'+2_c.c. and Bn ,2 is ",+1'+2_
closed. Clearly, B n ,2 * P;' cannot change the cofinality of ",+8+1 to ",+1'+1.
Then, the same is true for P /p, since it is completely imbeddible into Bn ,2
Hence ",+8+ 1 is always preserved.
o of the lemma.
So the following holds:

Theorem 3.12. In Vp,,*'P GeH is true below ~w = '" and 2 Nw = ~~+1'

S. Shelah [Sh2] showed that the power of the least fixed point of order w
of the aleph function can take any reasonable value below an inaccessible.
A supercompact cardinal was used by him for this result. Let us indicate
how to obtain this result from a strong cardinal.
Definition 3.13. (Shelah [Sh2]) Let CO = the class of all infinite cardi-
nals. en+,l = {>. E en I en n >. has order type >.} and e w = en. The n
order of a cardinal '" is the maximal n ::; w such that '" E en. Thus, if '" is
of order 1, then it is a fixed point of the ~ function.
Theorem 3.14. Suppose that V is a model of GCH and", is a strong
cardinal in V without inaccessible above it then for every cardinal p, ",+ ::; p
there exists a generic extension V* of V so that in V* the following holds
(1) '" is the first element of e w (i.e. the first fixed point of ~-function
of the order w)
(2) 2" = p+

(3) all the cardinals and its cofinalities above Ii are preserved
(4) GCH holds below Ii


By S. Shelah [Sh2], Lemma 2.5 there exists an increasing sequence (Dn I
n < w) so that U Dn = {X I X is a cardinal, Ii++ < X ~ J.L+}, and for
every n < w there is no elements of C n between Ii and J.L+ in the generic
extension Vn of V obtained by preserving only elements of Dn as cardinals
between Ii++ and J.L+. Now, using a strongness of Ii, find j : V ~ M, so
(a) M;;2 V/L+' "'M ~ M and
(b) for some f : Ii ~ Ii,d: Ii ~ V", j(f)(Ii) = J.L+,j(d)(Ii) = (Dn In <
Using this j define a nice system U of the length J.L +. Define CoIn (6)
to be the product of the Levy collapses which preserves between 6++ and
(f(6))+ only elements of d(6)(n).
Now we continue exactly as in the previous construction. In the final
model Ii wili the least element of CW, 2'" = J.L+, all the cardinals above Ii
will be preserved and GCH will hold below Ii. Cl
Acknowledgments. This work was done while both authors were visitors at
MSRI during the logic year there. They would like to thank the organizers
for giving them this rare opportunity to work together.
The second author is partially supported by the U.S.-Israel Binational
Science Foundation, Grant No. 87-00040.

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ABSTRACT. We use ideas of Velickovic to derive from the Open Coloring

Axiom a number of statements which were originally proved by lengthy and
difficult forcing arguments.

Throughout this note, "ideal" means a proper ideal I in the Boolean

algebra pew) that contains Fin-the ideal of finite subsets of w. We often
identify a subset a <; w with its characteristic function. Thus pew) inherits
the product topology on 2w , and whenever we consider topological notions
(like "Borel ideal") we have this topology in mind.
In [J] and [JI], I formulated statements which I abbreviated C8P and
AT, and proved their consistency relative to ZFC by rather lengthy and
involved forCing arguments. Various consequences of AT have been derived
in [JI]-[J4].
Recently Boban Velickovic proposed an alternative approach: Instead
of using forcing, derive these consequences, and possible AT itself, from
the Open Coloring Axiom OCA (see Definition 0 below). He succeeded
in establishing that OCA + MA implies that pew) Fin has no nontrivial
automorphisms (see M). This was originally proved consistent by 8helah
using the oracle chain condition (see chapter 4 of [8]). It is still open whether
AT is also a consequence of OCA + MA.
In the present note we use the ideas of M to establish that a weak
version of AT, abbreviated WAT (see definition 10 below), does indeed
follow from OCA. We also show that all consequences derived from AT in
[JI]-[J4] follow from WAT, and thus from OCA.
I would like to thank Krzysztof Mazur for pointing out an error in a
previous version of this note.

o. Definition. By GCA we abbreviate the following statement: "For

every separable metric space X and every partition [xJ2 = /Co U /C 1 such
that /Co is open in [xJ2
• either 3Y <; X y is uncountable and [y]2 <; /Co
• or X = UnXn, where [XnJ2 <; /C1 for all n < w."

282 W. JUST

It is known that if ZFC is consistent, then so is the theory ZFC + OCA

+ MA (see [T]).
1. Definition. Let I be an ideal, M a subset of P(w). We say that Mis
an approximation of I, iff the following hold:
(i) M is downward closed, i.e., Va E MVb cab E M.
(ii) Va E TIn E w a - n E M.
M will be called a closed approximation of I if M is a closed subset of P(w).
2. Examples.
(a) Every ideal I is an approximation of itself.
(b) If I is an FIT-ideal, then there exists a closed approximation M of
I such that

I = {a C w: 3b E Fin a~b EM}.

(see [M]).
(c) In particular, if I = Fin, then in (b) we can take M = {0}.
(d) Let h : P(w) -+ R+ and define

.Lh = { Ii
a C w: m sUP"
I:mEann h(m)
= O} .

For a large class of functions h, called EU-functions in [JK], the family Ih

is an ideal. (More precisely, h is an EU-function, if I:nEw h(n) = 00 and
Iimm_oo(h(m)/I:n~m h(n)) = 0.) If f(n) = 1 and g(n) = n~l for all
nEw, then If and Ig are called the ideal of sets of density zero and the
ideal of sets of logarithmic density zero respectively.
If h is an EU-function, and Ih is the corresponding ideal, then let for
M(h) h(k) < }
,e = { a C W.· sUPnEw EkE"nn
Ek<n h(k) _ e .

Clearly; M (h, e) is a closed approximation of Ih.

(e) Let I be an ideal, M, N be approximations of I. Denote:
M (fJN = {a C w: 3b E M3c E N a = bUc}. Then M (fJN is also
an approximation of I. Moreover, if both M and N are closed, then so is
M (fJ N. Sometimes we shall write 2M instead of M (fJ M.
3. Definition. Let I be an ideal, M an approximation of I, and let
F : P(a) -+ P(w) (where a S;;; w). We say that F is M-precise, iff there
are Borel functions G n : P(a) -+ P(w) for n < w such that Vb S;;; a 3n <
w F(b)AGn(b) EM.

F is called semi-M-precise iff 3k3ao, ... , ak a = ao U ... U ak& Flai is

M-precise for every i :::; k.
F is called M-sharp (M-trivial) iff there exists a Baire measurable (con-
tinuous) function G : 1'{a) ---+ 1'{w) such that F{b)6.G{b) E M for every
b~ a.
The notions of semi-M-sharp and semi-M-trivial functions are defined
in an analogous way as semi-M-precise functions.
4. Definition. A function F preserves intersections (unions) mod M iff
(F(a) n F(b»6.F{a n b) EM (resp. (F(a) U F(b»6.F(a U b) EM.)
F is called Fin-invariant mod M iff F(a)6.F(b) EM whenever a6.b E
5. Fact. (a) Suppose a ~ w, F : 1'{a) ---+ 1'{w) preserves intersections
mod some ideal I and is M-sharp for some approximation M of I. Then
F is semi-I $ M-trivial.
(b) H moreover F preserves unions mod I, then F is I $ 2M -trivial.
(c) Suppose F : 1'(w) ---+ 1'(w) is Fin-invariant mod I and a, b ~ ware
such that a6.b E Fin. Then FI1'(a) is semi-I $ M-trivial (-sharp)
iff Fl1'{b) is.
Proof. Suppose the function G witnesses sharpness of F. Since G is Baire
measurable, there is some comeagre subfamily A ~ 1'{a) such that GIA
is continuous. Find a decomposition a = ao U al U a2 U a3 of a into four
pairwise disjoint sets such that for all x ~ ao U al and for all y ~ a2 U a3 we
have xU a2 E A and ao U yEA. Define for i E {O, I} and b ~ a2i U a2i+l:
Gi(b) = G{a2-2i U b) n F{a2i U a2i+1)'
Since F preserves intersections mod I, F{b)6.G i (b) E I $ M. This
proves (a).
To prove (b), let for b ~ a: G 2(b) = Go{bn (ao Uat}) U G1(bn (a2 Ua3».
Since I $ I = I, we are done.
(c) is obvious. 0

The following lemma generalizes Theorem 2 of [V].

6. Lemma. (a) Suppose a ~ Wi F: 1'(a) ---+ 1'{w) preserves intersections
mod some El-ideal I and is M-precise for some El-approximation M of I.
Suppose furthermore that A is an infinite family of pairwise almost disjoint
subsets of a.
Then the set {b E A : FI1'(b) is not semi-I $ M-trivial} is finite.
(b) Suppose moreover that A is contained in some comeagre subfamily
C of1'(a). Then we can find bE A and c c b so that c E C and
FI1'{c) is I $ M-sharp.
284 w. JUST

Proof. Let G n , n < w be functions that witness the M-precision of F.

The proofs of (a) and (b) are similar: In both cases we assume there is a
witness B = {b k : k E w} ~ A to the contrary. (In the case of (a) that
means FIP(b k ) is not semi-I EEl M-trivial, in the case of (b), FIP(b) is not
I EEl M-sharp whenever b E P(bk) n C. In both cases we may without loss
of generality assume that the bk'S are pairwise disjoint.)
Then we build inductively disjoint sets an and Xn and families B n =
{bk : k E w} for n < w so that for all n :
(1) Xn ~ an ~ a,
(2) UBn ~ a - Ui<nai,
(3) for every x ~ ~ - U<nai (Gn(Ui~nXi u x) n F(an))~F(xn) rt
IEElM. -
(4) for every k E w:
FIP(bk) is not semi-I EEl M-trivial (for the proof of (a))
resp. bk E P(bj ) n C for some j (for the proof of (b)).
If we succeed then we have reached a contradiction:
Let x = Un<wxn. It follows that (Gn(x) n F(an))~F(xn) I EEl M for
every n < w. But this is impossible, since (F(x) n F(an))~F(xn) E I and
Gn(x)~F(x) EM for some n < w.
It remains to show that under our assumptions the inductive construc-
tion can be carried out. Set B- 1 = B. Suppose (ai : i < n), (Xi: i < n)
and Bn-1 have been constructed and satisfy (1) to (4). Denote en =
a - (Ui<nai U b~-1) and Zn = Ui<nXi.
For Y ~ b~-1 define:

Notice that Hn is the inverse image of an analytic set under a Borel

function, and is thus analytic. In particular, Hn has the Baire property for
every n."

7. Claim. 3y ~ b~-1 Hn(Y) is not comeagre.

Proof. If Hn(Y) is comeagre for every y ~ b~-1, then the graph of FIP(b~-1)
is contained in the set

{(y,u) E p(b~-1) X P(w):

{x ~ en: (Gn(zn U Y U x) n F(b~-1))~U E I EEl M} is comeagre}. 0

8. Fact. Whenever X and Y are Polish spaces, and Z ~ X x Y is E},

then the set

{x EX: {y: (x,y) E Z} is comeagre in Y}

is also of class E}.

Proof See [K] or [Mo], page 262. 0

Since every total multifunction of class El has a Baire measurable um-

formization, FIP{bO'-l) is I9M-sharp, and thus by Fact 5{a) semi-I9M-
trivial, which contradicts both the (a) and (b) versions of (4). This proves
claim 7. 0
Back to the proof of 6, fix y ~ bO'-l and a basic clopen set [s] E P{en)
such that Hn{Y) is meagre in [s]. Let Uo = S-l{O}, Ul = s-l{I}, and
U = UOUUl' Find a decomposition en = c~Uc~ and subsets to C c~, tl C c~
such that Ul UXUtl-i - Uo f/. Hn{Y) for every i E {O, I} and x ~ c~. In the
case of the proof of (b), we require additionally that c~ n b,;-l - U E C for
i E {O, 1},j > O.
Now, for the proof of (a), observe that by inductive assumption (4), there
is i E {O, I} so that for infinitely many k the function FIP{b;:-l n c~) is
not semi-I 9 M-trivial. Let us assume, for concreteness, that this is true
for i = O. Then set an = bO'-l U U U c~ , Xn = Y U Ul U tl, and
Bn = {b;:-l n c~: the function F restricted to this set is not semi-
I9 M - trivial}.
For the proof of (b), we can define an, Xn as in the proof of (a), and set
Bn = {b;:-l n,c~ - U : k > O}. This completes the inductive construction,
and thus the proof of 6.

Let I be an ideal. By AT{I) we abbreviate the following statement:

"Let F : P{w) - P{w) be a function that is both Fin-invariant mod I
and preserves intersections mod I, and let A be an uncountable family of
pairwise almost disjoint subsets of P{w). Then FIP(a) semi-I-trivial for
all but countably many a EA."
By AT we abbreviate the assertion that AT{I) holds for every El-ideal I.

9. Definition. A family A of almost disjoint subsets of w is neat if there

is a 1-1 map e: w - 2<'" such that if a E A and n, mEa then e{n) ~ e{m)
or e{ m) ~ e{ n). (In other words, e is such that U e" a is an infinite branch
through 2<'" for every a E A).
286 W. JUST

10. Definition. By WAT we abbreviate the following statement:

"Let I be an ideal, and M a closed approximation of I. Furthermore,
let A be an uncountable neat family of pairwise almost disjoint subsets of
w, and let F : P{w) ~ P{w) be a function that preserves intersections mod
I. Then FJP{a) is semi-M E9M-precise for all but count ably many a E A."
11. Theorem. OCA ==> WAT.
Proof. The proof of Theorem 11 goes very much along the lines of the
proof of Lemma 2 in IV]. In what follows we assume OCA. Moreover, we
fix I, M, F and A as in the statement WAT.
Let e : w ~ 2<w witness that A is neat. Let X be the set of all pairs
(a, b) of subsets of w such that there exists c E A such that b ~ a ~ c, and
define the partition:

by {(ao, bo), (at. bl )} E Ko iff

(a) Ue"ao '!- Ue"al,
(b) ao n bl = al n bo,
(c) JF{ao) n F{b l ))6{F{al) n F{bo))~M E9 M.
Then Ko is open in the product of the separable metric topology T on X
obtained by identifying (a, b) with (a, b, F{a), F(b)).
Notice that if I = Fin and M = {0}, then we get exactly the partition
from [V].

12. Claim. There are no uncountable O-homogeneous subsets of X.

Proof. Suppose Y is an uncountable O-homogeneous set. Let c be the union
of all b such that for some a the pair (a, b) belongs to y. Let (a, b) be such
a pair. By (b) in the definition of Ko it follows that c n a = b and hence
(F{c) n F{a))6F{b) E I. Now by I(ii) we can find an uncountable Z c Y
and n < w such that ((F{c)nF(a))6F(b)) -n E M for all (a, b) E Z. Then
there are distinct (ao, bo) and (at. bl ) in Z such that F(ao) nn = F{al) nn
and F{bo) n n = F(bt} n n. It follows that if we denote F(ao) n F(bl ) = d
and F(at} n F(bo) = e, then d6e ~ w - n. It is easy to check that
d6e C ((F(ao) n F(c))6F(bo)) U (F{al) n F{c))6F{b l )). Since M E9 Mis
downward closed, it follows that d6e E M E9 M, contradicting point (c) of
the definition of Ko.

Now, by OCA, we can find a decomposition X = Un<wXn, where Xn is

I-homogeneous for all n. Fix for each n a countable subset 'Dn of Xn which

is dense in Xn in the sense of r. For each (a, b) E X, pick u(a) E A such

that b ~ a ~ u(a). Let 8 = {u(a) : (a,b) E Vn ; n < w}. We shall show
that F is semi-M E& M-precise on every c E A - 8.
Thus, fix any such c and decompose it into two disjoint sets C = Co U Cl
such that for every i E {O,l}, n < w and (ao,bo) E X n , if ao ~ Ci then
for every m < w there exists (aI, bl) E Vn such that: ao n b1 = al n bo ,
ao nm = al nm, bo nm = b1 nm, F(ao) nm = F(at) nm, and F(b o ) nm =
F(bt) nm.
This is done as follows. An increasing sequence (ni : i < w) is constructed
by induction. Let no = 0. Suppose (ni : i ::::; k) has been defined. Then,
nk+l is chosen sufficiently large such that for every x, y, U, v ~ nk and
every i ::::; k if there exist (a, b) E Xi such that an nk = x, b n nk = y,
F(a) n nk = u, and F(b) n nk = v, then there exists (a, b) E Vi with the
same property such that in addition an C ~ nk+l. This is possible since a
is almost disjoint from C whenever there is b such that (a, b) E V n . Finally,
Co = U{cn [nk,nk+t) : k is even}, and let Cl = C - Co·
For n < w, i E {a, I}, define a tree Tn,i C (2<W)4 as follows:
(s, t, u, v) E Tn,i iff
3m E w s,t,u,v E 2m ,
3(a, b} E Vn an Ci ~ m
(Xal m , xbl m , XF(a) 1m, XF(b) 1m) = (s,t,XF(ci)lm,v),

By Bn,i we denote the set of infinite branches through Tn,i' If dE Bn,i,

then d is of the form d = ((d)o, (dh, (dh, (dh).
13. Fact. Ifb ~ Ci and (Ci,b) E X n , then (ci,b,F(Ci),F(b» E Bn,i'

Proof. This follows immediately from the fact that Vn is dense in Xn and
from the choice of the Ci'S. 0
14. Fact. Let i, nand b C Ci be such that (Ci, b) E X n . Suppose
(Ci' b, F(Ci), d) ~ Bn,i' Then F(Ci) n (dtl.F(b» EM E& M.
Proof. Suppose b = (ci,b,F(Ci),F(b», d = (ci,b,F(Ci),d) witness the
contrary. Since M E& M is topologically closed and closed under subsets,
there is an mEw such that F(Ci) n (dtl.F(b» n m ¢. M E& M. We may
without loss of generality assume that blm, dim E Tn,i'
But now recall the reason why dim was put into Tn,i:
there are (ao, bo) E Vn such that
bo nm = bnm = bo nb
F(ao) n m = F(Ci) n m
288 W. JUST

F(bo) n m = d n m.
It follows from the choice of d, m that F(Ci)n(F(b)~F(bo))nm ~ MEeM.
On the other hand, ((Ci,b), (ao,bo)) E K:1 ; and since (a),(b) in the defi-
nition of K:o are clearly satisfied, we must have ...,(c), i.e.,
(F(ao) n F(b))~(F(Ci) n F(bo)) EM Ee M.
But since F(ao) nm = F(Ci) nm, we have (F(Ci) n (F(b)~F(bo)) nm S;;;
(F(ao) nF(b))~(F(Ci) nF(bo)). This yields a contradiction, since M EeM
is closed under subsets.

For nEw, i E {O,1} let Kn,i = {b: 3d E Bn,i (d)o = Ci & (dh = b}.
15. Fact. For nEw, i E {O,1} there exists a Borel function Gn,i
P(Ci) -+ pew) such that Vb E Kn,i (Ci, b, F(Ci), Gn,i(b)) E Bn,i'

Proof. This follows from the fact that every Borel set with compact sections
has a Borel uniformization (see [Mo], page 254). 0

Theorem 11 is an easy consequence of Facts 13-15.

Let us now look at some consequences of WAT.

16. Lemma. WAT + MA implies AT(X), where X is any Fu-ideal. In
particular, WAT + MA implies AT(Fin).
Proof. Assume WAT and MA, let X be an Fu-ideal, and let F,A be as in
AT(X). By 2(b), there exists a closed approximation M of X such that
M c X. In this case, X Ee M Ee M = I. Fix such M.
Use MA to find an uncountable family B of pairwise almost disjoint
subsets of w so that for all b E B there exist infinitely many a E A such
that a - b E Fin.
By [V" Lemma 3] and MA there is an uncountable C S;;; B and for every
c E C a decomposition c = Co U Cl such that the family Ci = {Ci : C E C} is
neat for i E {O,1}.
By WAT we find b E C such that FIP(b) is semi-M Ee M-precise. Fix
such b, and fix a decomposition b = bo U •.. U bk so that FIP(bi) is M Ee M-
precise for i ::; k. Let (an: n < w) be a sequence of elements of A which
are almost contained in b. By applying Lemma 6(a) k + 1 times we find
n so that FIP(a n n bi ) is semi-X Ee M Ee M-trivial for i ::; k. Recall that
X Ee M Ee M = X. But this means that FIP(b n an) is semi-X-trivial. By
Fact 5(c) we are done. 0

We now conclude that several interesting consequences of AT (Fin) also

follow from OCA + MA. (In fact, MA can be dropped from the assumptions
of 17-19. This is immediate from the proofs quoted below).

17. Corollary. OCA + MA implies that for every n < w, the topological
space (w*)n+l is not a continuous image of (w*)n.
Proof. See [J2] for definitions and a proof.
18. Corollary. OCA + MA implies tbat no nowbere dense P-subset of
w* is bomeomorphic to w* itself.

Proof. See [J3] for definitions and a proof.

19. Corollary. Suppose OCA and MA bold and every E~+2-set of reals
bas tbe property of Baire. If I is an ideal of class E~, and if tbe quotient
algebra P(w) /I can be isomorphically embedded into P(w) / Fin, tben I is
generated over Fin by at most one set.
Proof. See [JI, Theorem 0.6].

We conclude this note with an application of WAT to a problem of

Erdos and Ulam. Let f and 9 be as in example l(d). Erdos and Ulam
asked whether the Boolean algebras P(w)/If and P(w)/Ig are isomorphic
(see [ED. It was shown in [JK] that in the presence of CH these algebras
are indeed isomorphic, and later I showed that AT(Ig ) implies that they
are not isomorphic (see [J], [J4D. Here we show that WAT suffices for the
latter result.
20. Theorem. WAT::::} P(w)/If ¢ P(w)/Ig •
Proof. The argument in [J4] goes as follows: Suppose F : P(w) - P(w)
induces an isomorphism from P(w)/If onto P(w)/Ig • Choose an uncount-
able family A of pairwise almost disjoint subsets of w that are "large" in
the sense that every a E A contains infinitely many intervals of w of the
form [k, k· 2k). Then use AT(Ig ) and a version of Fact 5 to find a E A so
that F is Ig-trivial on a. The remainder of the proof is a ZFC argument
that F cannot both induce an isomorphism and be Ig-trivial on a large set.
In a WAT-setting we may argue as follows: Suppose F is as above, and
let A be an uncountable neat family of pairwise almost disjoint sets which
are large in the above sense. By WAT, for every e > 0 there are at most
countably many a E A so that FIP(a) is notsemi-M(g, e) EElM (g, e)-precise.
This allows us to pick a E A so that FIP(a) is semi-M(g, 2- n )EElM(g, 2- n )_
precise for all n < w.
Since a is large, we can find a family B of infinitely many pairwise disjoint
large subsets of a.
Since the family oflarge subsets of a is comeagre in P(a), by Lemma 6(b),
there is some b E B so that FIP(b) is Ig EEl M(g,2- 1 )-sharp. Now iterate
290 W. JUST

this construction to produce a C-decreasing sequence (b k : k < w) of large

sets such that FIP(b k ) is IgEBM(g, 2- k - 1 )-sharp and bW = nkEWbk is large.
Since F is Fin-invariant mod I g , the latter can easily be arranged by fixing
a finite portion of bW at every step. Clearly, FIP(bW ) is Ig EB M(g, c:)-sharp
for every c: > O. Since 2M(g,c:) ~ M(g,2c:), we infer from 5(a),(b) that
FIP(bW ) is Ig EB M(g, c:)-trivial for every c: > O.
In order to get to the starting point of the ZFC-part of the argument in
[J4J, it suffices now to prove the following:
21. Claim. If FIP(a) as above is Ig EB M(g,c:)-triviai for every c:, then
FIP(a) is Ig-trivial.
Proof. For c, d ~ w denote:
p( c d) = lim sup
E"'Enn(c.c.d) gem)
n-+oo I:",<n gem) .
Notice that p satisfies the triangle inequality, and that p(c, d) = 0 iff
c!:!.d E I g. Thus p can be considered a metric on P(w)/Ig; and it is not
hard to show that the metric space (P(w)/Ig,p) is complete.
Suppose the functions Fk : pea) _ pew) witness Ig EB M(g,2- k )-
triviality of FIP(a), i.e., p(F(b),Fk(b)) ~ 2- k for all k < w. Define

r = {(b,c): b ~ a & c ~ w & lim p(Fk(b),c) = O}


Since the sequence F = (Fk: k E w) can be encoded as a closed subset

of pea) x P(w)"', and since r can be defined from F by quantifying over
natural numbers only, the set r is Borel.
Since (Fk(b); k E w} is a Cauchy sequence in the sense of p, and since p
is complete, for every b ~ a there is some c so that (b, c) E r.
Moreover, if (b,c) E r, then c!:!'F(b) E I g.
We conclude that there is a Baire measurable uniforrnization G of r, and
this suffices by Fact 5(a),(b) applied to M = {0} to conclude that there is
a continuous one as well.
22. Corollary. DCA =? P(w)/If 't. P(w)/Ig.
23. Remark. Frankiewicz has shown in [F] that MA =? P(w)/If c::::
P(w)/Ig. His proof contains a substantial gap. In view of the results of
this note it seems rather unlikely that this gap can be bridged.
Acknowledgment. This research was supported by NSF grant DMS-8505550
during the author's stay at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
in 1989-90.

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[J1] Just, W., A modification of Shelah's oracle-c.c. with applications, Trans. AMS
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[V] Veliclrovic, B., OCA and automorphisms ofP(w)/ fin, Submitted for publication.




ABSTRACT. Using generalized recursive set functions, we define some no-

tions of classification and prove that if the universe has a Cohen real over L,
then there is no UIm-type classification of the countable torsion-free abelian

We consider a class of models C to be classifiable (Le., has a structure
theory) if there is an effective construction within set theory from the mod-
els in C to invariants depending only on the isomorphism types of C, and if
there is a way to effectively construct from each invariant, an example with
that invariant. We call a classification canonical if the construction from
invariants back to models with those invariants can be made canonical.
The divisible abelian groups, rank one abelian torsion-free groups, mod-
els of the language < Ei : i < Q > with Q an ordinal and each Ei an
equivalence relation such that for every i < Q Ei refines Ei+l, models of
a language with countably many unary relations, the countable homoge-
neous models of a finite relational language and the models of the theory
of «ww ,1) where f is a unary function s.t. f(." r-, i) = ." for." =f. < >
and f( < » =< >, are all examples of classes classifiable in the canoni-
cal sense. The-last example is interesting because although it is w-stable
and has NDOP, it is deep and therefore has 2A many models for every un-
countable >.. Ulm's classification of the countable torsion groups is not an
example of a canonical classification, but it is close to one. From a given ad-
missible UIm sequence one can effectively construct a group with that Ulm
sequence, but the construction is canonical only up to the choice of a bijec-
tion from w to the UIm sequence's length. There is a natural strengthening
of the notion of canonical classification which we call UIm-type classifica-
tion. The countable torsion abelian groups have such a classification by


UIm's theorem, whereas if the universe has a Cohen real over L, there is no
UIm-type classification of the countable torsion-free abelian groups.
In order to prove non-classification we need an exact definition for the
intuitive notion of effective construction within set theory. We define the
class of recursive set functions and define a set B as effectively constructible
from a set A if there is a set function F recursive in the cardinality function
such that F(A) = B. It should be noted that one needs a hypothesis
stronger than ZFC to prove the non-classifibility of the countable torsion-
free abelian groups because the canonical well ordering of L is recursive
in our sense, so that within L any reasonable class C of countable models
(reasonable in a sense to be defined later) is canonically classifiable by using
Scott sentences as invariants and by taking as the canonical example of a
model with a given Scott sentence cp as the least countable model M in the
sense of the well ordering of L such that M F cpo
What is the connection between Shelah's classification theory and the
type of classification defined above? It follows from Theorem 2.4 and the
proof of Lemma 2.9 in ISh] that for a countable first order theory T which
is not superstable or has OTOP or DOP, isomorphism type is not absolute
under ~xtensions of the universe preserving cardinals. As a result, such
theories cannot have a classification via generalized recursive functions.
How about for countable superstable T without OTOP or DOP? This is
still an open problem, but at the MSRI conference, Shelah and Hrushovski
found a finitary structure theorem for the superstable Ne-saturated models
with NDOP which is of the type defined here [Sh401].
For another approach to the classifiability of countable structures see
[F & S] . Also, Hodges & Shelah ask some questions of a similar flavor, cf.
[H], [H & S] . The author would like to thank his thesis advisor Paul Eklof
for many' helpful discussions.
Definition 1. A set function F is recursive in F 1 , ... ,Fk if it is a member
of the smallest class containing the initial functions and closed under sub-
stitution,' definition by recursion, the JL-operator, and random well ordering
by ordinals. The class of primitive recursive set functions in F 1 , ... ,Fk is
the smallest class containing the initial functions, closed under substitution,
and definition by recursion.
Initial functions:
(1) F(x) = Fi(x), 1 ~ i ~ k
(2) Pn,i(Xl,"" Xn) = Xi
(3) F(x) = 0
(4) F(x,y) =xU{y}

(5) C(x, y, U, v) = x if U E v, Y otherwise

(1) F(xl, ... ,Xn,YI,··· ,Ym) = G(XI' ... ,xn,H(xlJ··. ,Xn),YI, ... ,Ym)
(2) F(XI, ... , Xn , YI,··., Ym) = G(H(XI, ... , x n ), Yl,···, Ym)


F(XI, ... , Xn , z) =
G(U{(Xl, ... ,xn,U,F(XI,· .. ,xn,u)) : u E Z},Xl, ... ,xn,z)

The j.L-operator:
If 'v'Xl , ... , xn3a E ORD(G(Xb ... , Xn , a) = 0) where G is a n+1-ary set
function then j.LG is the n-ary set function such that for every Xl, ... ,Xn E
V, j.LG(XI' ... ' Xn) = the least ordinal a such that G(Xl, ... , Xn , a) = O.

Random Well Ordering by Ordinals

If for every-xl, ... , Xn E V

'v'X[(X = (a, j, xd /\ a is an ordinal /\

j is a bijection from a to xd ~ G(x, Xl,···, Xn) = ¢l

t-+ 3x[(x = (a,j,Xl) /\ a is an ordinal /\

j is a bijection from a to xd /\ G(x, Xl,· .. ,Xn ) = ¢l

Then the function F(Xl, ... , xn) defined from the recursive functions
G(x, Xl, ... , xn) by letting F(XI, . .. , xn) = ¢ if

3x[x = (a,j, Xl) /\ a is an ordinal /\

j is a bijection from a to xd /\ G(x, Xl, ... ,Xn ) = ¢l

and by letting F(XI, ... ,Xn ) = 1 otherwise is recursive.

Definition 2. # is the set function which takes every set to its cardinality.

All recursive set functions are .0. 1 definable and if V = L, then the class
of set recursive functions is the class of .0. 1 definable functions. We are now
ready to give a formal definition of classification.

Definition 3. A Class e of models is canonically classifiable if there are

set functions F 1 , F2 , F3 recursive in # such that:
(1) VM1,M2 E e,F1(Md = F 2(M2) ...... Ml £':! M 2 . If M ¢. e, then
F1(M) = </>.
(2) "Ix E V F2 (x) = 1 if x E {F1(M) : M E e} and F2(X) = 0 otherwise
(3) If Fl(M) E Inv(e,F1 ) = {Fl(M): M E e}, then F 3 (Fl(M)) £':! M.

In the formal definition of canonical classification Fl is an set algorithm

which calculates invariants from models in e, F2 determines whether a given
set is an invariant, and F3 constructs from a given invariant a canonical
model with that invariant.

Definition 4. If e is a class of models, a choice function F on the iso-

morphism types of e is a set function such that for every Ml and M2 in
e,F(M1) = F(M2 ) ...... Ml £':! M2 and F(M1) £':! MI, and "Ix E V, if x¢. e,
then F(x) = </>.

Theorem 1. If e is a class of models, then e is canonically classifiable

if and only if there is a choice function F on the isomorphism types of e
which 1S recursive in #.

Proof. Suppose e is canonically classifiable, and let Fl, F2, and F3 be func-
tions recursive in # that witness the classifibility of e. Then let F = F 3 (H).
Now suppose that F is a choice function on the isomorphism types of
e which is recursive in #. Define Fl(X) = F(x). Let F2(x) = 1 if
F(F(x)) = F(x) and </> otherwise. Let F3 = the identity function.
If e is a class of countable models, we change the definition of classifica-
tion sligh.tly. We use recursive functions defined on HC and we can drop
the random well ordering clause in the definition of recursive; otherwise the
definition is the same.

Definiti!ln 3'. A bijection witnessing function is a function from the count-

able infinite ordinals which takes each countable ordinal to a bijection from
w to the given ordinal.

Definition 3/1. A class e of countable models is canonically classifiable

if there are recursive functions of HC such that (1), (2), and (3) from
Definition 3 hold for en HC. C has an Ulm-type classification if there
are functions (on H C) F 1 , F2 , and F3 recursive in oracle G such that for
every substitution of G by a bijection witnessing function H, (1), (2), and
(3) from Definition 3 hold for en HC.

The Main Lemma. If M is a transitive model of ZFC and G is a Cohen

real over M, then there is no EI formula of set theory which in MfG] defines
a choice function on the isomorphism types of the hereditarily countable
torsion-free abelian groups.
Corollary 1. If M F ZFC and G is a Cohen real over M, then there is no
canonical classification of the countable torsion-free abelian groups within
Theorem 2. (Levy-Schoenfield Absoluteness) If L ~ M ~ V, M F ZFC,
mE HC M and t.p(x, y) is a flo-formula, then

V F 3xt.p(x, m) -t M F 3xt.p(x, m).

Corollary 2. If V has a Cohen real over L, then there is no Ulm type
classification of the countable torsion-free abelian groups.
Proof Assume there is a function F defined on HC such that F is recur-
sive in oracle G and for every substitution of a bijection witnessing function
H (which we denote F(H)) for G, F(H) defines a choice function on the
isomorphism-types of the countable torsion-free abelian groups within HC.
Let H' be any bijection witnessing function such that for a an ordinal
countable in L, H' (a) = the least bijection from w to a in the sense of the
canonical well ordering of L. Using Levy-Shoenfield Absoluteness one can
show that for every mE HCL[Gl, F(H)(m) = F[Gl(H'fL)(m). This a con-
tradiction since F(H'fL) in L[G] would be a EI definable choice function on
the isomorphism types in HC of the countable torsion-free abelian groups.

The author would like to thank Menachem Magidor and Tomek Bartoszyn-
ski for pointing out the following stronger version of the Main Lemma and
the resulting corollary.
Extended Main Lemma. If M is a transitive model of Z FC and G is a
Cohen real over M, then there is no EI formula of set theory with parame-
ters in HC M which defines in M[G] a choice function on the isomorphism
types of the hereditarily countable torsion-free abelian groups.
Proof. Exactly the same as the proof of the Main Lemma.
Corollary 3. There is a model M of ZFC such that for no EI formula
t.p(x, y, YI,' .. ,Yn) and PI,' .. ,Pn hereditarily countable parameters does
t.p(x, y, PI, ... ,Pn) define a choice function on the isomorphism types of the
torsion-free abelian groups.
Proof Iterate Cohen forcing WI times.


Here we give an informal idea of the direction of the proof. First we let
M F Z FC and define a set of fractions S ~ Q and a countable partial
ordering (P,~) such that the generic set G has closely associated with it
a group A ~ Q(w). Next we prove that the automorphism group of A
is isomorphic to S (under multiplication) and suppose in contradiction to
the Main Lemma that there is a El formula cp(x, y) of set theory and a
canonical copy C A of A such that

M[G] F VBVX[B ~ A -+ (cp(B,CA) 1\ cp(B, X) -+ X = CA)]

so there is apE G such that

p II- VBVX[B ~ A -+ (cp(B, CA) 1\ cp(B, X) -+ X = CA))]

so for every 7r E Aut(P, ~)

7rp II- VBVX[B ~ 7rA -+ (cp(B,7rCA) 1\ (cp(B, X) -+ X = 7rCA))]

By the construction of A, V7r E Aut(P,~) ia(7rA) ~ A by 7r- l . Therefore,
for all 'IT E Aut(P,~) such that trp E G we have CA = ia(7rCA). Now by
applying the Stable Names Lemma and using the rigidity of A (and thereby
of CA) we get a contradiction by exploiting the richness of Aut(P, ~).


Theorem 3. (ef. Jeeh 19.14) If cp(Xl, ... , xn) is a formula and 7r is an
automorphism of B, then for all Xl,'" Xn E MB

Lemma 2. (ef. Jeeh 19.16) If P is a separative partially ordered set,

p E P,7r E AutP, and Xl, ... ,Xn E MB then

Definition 5. We define a set of prime numbers Nl = {pi : i < w} and a

set of integers N2 = {mi : i < w} which are defined by induction on i < w as
follows: Let Po = 2. If Pi has been defined let mi = p~+l ..... p~+l + 1. If mi
has been defined, let PH 1 be a prime greater than mi. Let N~ = {m E w : m
is relatively prime to every element in Nt}. Note that N2 ~ N~. Let S =
the set of fractions with denominators and numerators relatively prime
to N 1 .

Definition 6. Let P" = {f : I is a function such that dom I is a finite

subset of Q(w) and rani S; {O, l}}. If PEP", let sp = {q E Q(w) : ij E domp
and p(ij) = l}. Let tp = {q E Q(w) : q E domp and p(q) = O}. Let Hp =
the universe of the subgroup of Q(w) generated by sp. Let H; = the set of
fractions that are equal to elements of Hp divided by integers in N~. Let
pI = {p E P" : H; n tp = 0 and for every ij E tp there exists a iJ.' E sp such
that iJ.' = nil where n is some integer whose prime factors are elements of
Nt}. If p E pI then define Op = n{Q(w) - H : H n tp = 0 and H is the
universe a subgroup of Q(w) such the H; S; H and every element of His
infinitely divisible by every prime in NH. Define an equivalence relation '"
on pI by defining PI rv 112 if and only if H;l = H~ and 0Pl = 0P2' Let
P = Pl/ "'. Define a partial ordering ::;; on P by defining P2 ::;; PI if and
only if H;l ::;; H~ and 0Pl ::;; 0P2'
Definition 7. If p is an element of pI then l(P) = sup{n : ij(n) =1= 0 and
q E domp}. If P is an element of P then l(P) = l(P).

We use elements of (Q - {O})W and automorphisms of wand compositions

of them to induce automorphisms of P. We define Aut(P,::;;) as the set
of all such alitomorphisms. If p E pI and 7r E (Q - {O})W then 7rp is the
function with domain = {7rij : q E dom p} and such that 7rp(7rij) = 0 iff
p(ij) = 0 where 7r(qI,'" ,qn) = (7r(1) . (ql), ... , 7r(n) . (qn)). Let 7rP = 1fp.
If p E pI and 7r is an automorphism of w then 7rp is the function with
domain = {7rq : ij E dom p} and such that 7rp( 7rq) = 0 iff p( ij) = 0 where
(7rij)(7rn) = ij(n). Let 7rP = 1fp.
Lemma 3. If p E pI and i < w, then there is an m E N2 such that if
7r E (Q - {O})W such that 7r(j) = 1 for j < i and 7r(j) = m for j ~ i then
p A7rP E pl.

Proof. Let sp = {qO,' .. , ijs}. For each j < w and each r ::;; s, let ij~(j) =
o j < i and let q,.(j) = ijr(j) if j ~ i. We can assume that for each
r ::;; S there is an integer nr such that nrij~ E Hp. If not, extend p to the
smallest p' E pI extending p such that q,. E Spl and work with p' in place
of p. Let n* = no· .... ns. Let kl = the smallest integer such that for
no i ~ kl' does Pi divides n* . n where n is an integer such that for some
r ::;; s, ijr/n E tp. Let k2 = the smallest integer such that for no i ~ k2' is
there apE N such that pi divides n* . n where n is an integer such that for
some r ::;; s, ijr/n E tp. Let k = max:{kI, k 2 }. Let m = mk' H; = H;"1fp

smce £or every r < - = qr
_ S 7rqr - + Pok+l ..... Pkk+l=l
qr' S'mce H*p = H*p"1fp' we
have H;"1fp n tp = 0. Suppose H;"1fp n t1fp =1= 0. Suppose ij E tp such that
7rij E H;"1fP' For each r ::;; s we have ijr + (m - 1)q,. = 7rijr where m - 1 =

Pok+l ' , , , . Pkk+l and q- = qr

- / n were
h n diVI'des Pok+l . , , , . Pk'
k+l There£ore, 1'f
a = p~+l ..... pZ+l In, aij~ E H; and ij = ijr/n = 'Trijr/n - aij~ which implies
that ij E H; = Hpl\1rp which is a contradiction of Hpl\1rp n tp = 0. 0

Lemma 4. Let pEP' and let ijl and ij2 be independent elements of Q(w)
in Hp. Then there is a Pi E Nt, t a positive integer and p" E P' such
that domp" = dompU{ijt!p1, ij2, ij2/pH and p"(ijdpD = 1,p"(ij2) = 1, and
p"(ij2/pD = o.

Proof. Let sp = {ik, ... , ij~}. Without loss of generality, ij2 ESp. Without
loss of generality, for each i,j < l(ijl) ijl(i) = ijl(j) or ijl(i) . ijl(j) = O.
(H not, multiply sp by a 'Tr E (Q - {O})W so that the assumption is true
about'Trsp. Lemma 4 holds for sp if and only if it holds for 'TrSp since'Tr is an
automorphism of Q(w). Without loss of generality, if ij E Hp then for each
i < l(ij) ij(i) is an integer, Hnot, multiply sp by a'Tr E (Q-{O})W so that the
assumption is true about 'Trp. Lemma 4 holds for sp if and only if it holds for
'TrSp since 'Tr is an automorphism of Q(w). Let Pi E Nl such that Pi does not
divide n for any n such that iJ',./n E tp. Extend p to p' by letting domp' =
dompU{ijdpH where t is a positive integer such that p~ > 21ij2(j)1 for every
j < l(iJ.2) and let p'(ijdpD = 1. Let ii'r/n E tp. To see that p' E P, suppose
aoiJO + ... + a8~ + aijdp~ = mij~/n where m is an integer whose prime
factors are not in N l . Then p~ij~/n E Hp, and since n and p~ are relatively
prime and n(mij~/n) E Hp,miJ',./n E Hp so ii'r/n E H;, a contradiction of
ij~/n E tp. Extend p' to P" E P' by letting domp" = domp' U {ij2/pH
and let p"(ij2/pD = o. Suppose aoiJO + ... + a8~ + ijdp~ = ij2/p~. Then
aijl = ij2 mod p~ which implies that for every i < w if ijl (i) = 0 then
ij2(i) = 0 and that for every i,j < w if ijl(i) = ijl(j) then ij2(i) = ij2(j).
This is a contradiction of our assumption that ijl and ij2 are independent,
Suppose aoiJO + .. , + a8ij~ + aijdp~ = mij2/p~ where m is an integer whose
prime factors are not in N l . Since m and p~ are relatively prime, ij2/p~ E Hp
which is a contradiction of what we have just shown.

Lemma '5. (P,~) is separative.

Let M be a countable transitive model of ZFC. Let G be a generic subset

of P.

Definition 8. H x E M[G]B define by induction on p(x), ic(x) as follows:

i) ic(0) = 0
ii) ic(x) = {ic(y) : y E domx and x(y) nG f:. 0}

Definition 9. If x E M[G]B define by induction on n E w,Dn(x) as

i) Do(x) = domx
ii) Dn+l(x) = U{domy: y E Dn(x)n}
Let D(x) = U{Dn(x) : nEw}.
Definition 10. If Xb"" Xn E MB then 7r E G Aut (Xl. ... ,xn ) if and
only if 7r E [(Q - {O})W]M[a) and for every Ao-formula cp(Vb ... ,Vm ) if
{YI,"" Ym} ~ D(XI)U" .UD(Xn)U{Xb··" xn} then there is ap1r.cp(1i1, ... ,Ym)
E P such that 7I"(P1r,cp(Yl> ... ,Ym») E G and P1r' cp(Yb"" Ym) Ir cp(YI, .. . , Ym)
or P1r,CP(Yl, ... ,Ym) Ir ""CP(YI, ... ,Ym) and if cp(VI,' .. vm) if of the form 3w E
VI W(w, VI.'" Vm ) then 3p E P such that 7rp E G and for some i E
domxl P Ir W(i,xI, ... ,xn ). We often drop the 71" on the subscript of
P1r .cp(Yl> ...•Ym)·
Remark. If Xl,"" Xn E MB then every 7r E [(Q - {O}w]M is an element of
GAut(Xb'" ,xn).
Theorem 4. Ifcp(vI, ... ,vm ) is a Ao formula and {yI, ... Ym} ~ D(xd U
... U D(xn) U {Xl,"" Xn}, and 71" E G Aut(Xl, ... , xn) then P1r.cp(Yl, ...•Ym) Ir
CP(Yb' .. , Ym) if and only if M[G] 1= cp(ia(7I"Yd,.·. ,ia(7I"Ym».
Proof. First we prove the theorem for X E y, X ~ y, y ~ x, and X = Y by
induction on r(p(x),p(y» where r is the canonical well ordering of Ord
x Ord. Then we prove the theorem by induction on the complexity of
CP(Vb.··, vm).
Definition 11. If X E MB, {q} E (Q - {O})(w) and it E D(x) then q
insures it (relative to x) if there exists {xo, ... ,xn } ~ D(x) U {x} such that
it = XO,Xi E doIhxi+1 for each i < n,xn = X, and there is apE P such
that P E Xn(Xn-I)· ... 'XI(XO) such that l(P) ::; l(q) and such that q(p) E G.
Remark. If q insures it (relative to x) and 71" E G Aut(x) is such that rrft(q) =
q then ia(7I"it) = ~a(7I"xo) E trcl ia(7rx) since7l"p E 7I"Xn (7rXn -I)" . "7I"XI (7I"Xo)
and 7rp E G. If ia(7I"it) E trclia(7I"x) then there is a k E w such that 1!fk
insures it. (Let k ~ l(P) for some P E Xn(Xn-l) ..... XI(XO»)'
Definition 12. If x E MB,it E D(x) and q E (Q - {O})W then q fixes it
if for every 71"1. 71"2 E [(Q - {O}w]M 7I"1~(q) = q = 7I"1~(q) implies ia(7I"Iit) =
ia(7I"2it). q fixes it at z if for every 71"1,71"2 E [(Q - {O})w]M 7r1~(q) = q =
7I"2~(q) implies ia(7I"Iit) = ia(7I"2it) = z.

Definition 13. If X E MB, and 71" E GAut(x) then 71" E UGAut(x) if

for every it E D(x) and for every k E w if 1!fk insures it and for every

ij E (Q - {O} )(w) extending 7rjk there is a ij' extending ij which fixes a then
there exists k' 2:: k such that 7ifk' fixes a.
Definition 14. H x E MB, and 7r E UGAut(x) then 7r E VUGAut(x)
if for every y E D(x) - {0}, Z E M[G] and k E w such that 1rfk insures
and fixes y, if for every extension ij of 7rtk there exists a ij' extending ij and
b E dom y such that if insures and fixes b at z then there exists a E dom y
and k' 2:: k such that 7ifk' insures and fixes a at z.
Stable Names Lemma. If x, Xl,··· , Xn E MB and D{x) U D{XI) U··· U
D{Xn) is countable in M and if k E w is such that iG{x) = iG(7rx) for every
7r E GAut{x,xl,··· ,xn) with 7r(i) = 1 for i < k, then for all y E D(x)
I. Whenever 7r E [(Q - {O})w]M such that 7r(i) = 1 for i < k and there
is a k' 2:: k such that 7rjk' insures y (relative to x) then there is a k" 2:: k'
such that 7rjk" fixes y.
II. If7r E VUGAut(x)nGAut{x,xl,··· ,xn ) such that 7r(i) = 1 for
i < k and there is a k" 2:: k such that 7rjk" insures and fixes y (insures y
relative to x) then iG (7rY) = iG (7r' y) for every 7r' E [(Q - {O} )W] M such that
7r'jk" = 7rtk".
Proof ,By induction on p(y). Without loss of generality k = O. Let 7r E
[(Q - {O} )w]M and let k' E w such that 7ifk' insures y.
Definition 15. Sy is the name with dom Sy = {( n, Sny) v : nEw} and
if X E dom Sy, Sy(x) = 1. Sny is the name with dom Sny = {7rY : 7r E
[(Q - {O} )w]M and 7r(i) = 1 for i < n and if x E dom Sny, Sny(x) = 1.
Let 8(x) be the formula which says x is a function with domain wand
such that Vn E w,x(n) has at least two elements. Suppose that I. of the
Stable Names Lemma does not hold. Then M[G] F 8(iG(7rsy)) and by
Jech 19.14, 19.16, and the Forcing Theorem there is a k" 2:: k' such that
V7r' E [(Q - {O})W]M7r'tk" = 7rjk" :=:} M[G] F 8(iG(7r'sy)).
Let S = {iG{7r'Y) : 7r' E GAUt{X,XI,·· ·xn ) and 7r'jk' = 7ifk'}. S is
countable in M[G] since iG{7r'y) E trcl iG{7r'x) = trcl iG{x) for 7r' such
that 7r'jk' = 7rjk' and iG(x) is hereditarily countable in M[G]. Well or-
der S as {Si : i < w}. We will define {7ri : i < w} E W«Q - {O})(w»)
such that if we let 7r* = U{7ri : i < w}, then 7r*tk' = 7rjk', 7r* E
VUGAut(x)nGAut(x,xl,··· ,xn ) and iG{7r*y) ~ S. This will contra-
dict the definition of S, so I. of the Stable Names Lemma must hold.
Definition 16. H ij E {Q - {O} )(w) extends 7ifk' then label ij with (yes, z)
ifthere is an a E domy such that ij insures (relative to y thru (a,y)) and
fixes a at z. Label ij with (no, z) if and only if for all 7r' E [(Q - {O})w]M
such that 7r'~(ij) = ij,z ~ iG(7r'y).

Claim. (Assuming that I. of Stable Names Lemma does not hold for y).
For every ij extending 7lfk' there exist ijl and ij2 extending ij such that for
some z, ijl is labeled (yes, z) and ij2 is labeled (no, z).

Proof. Let ij extend 7lfk'. Let 7f1 and 7f2 be elements of [(Q - {O} )w]M such
that 7f1~(ij) = ij = 7f2~(ij) and ia(7fIy) i= ia(7f2Y) and let z E ia(7fIY) and
Z ¢:. ia(7f2Y)' Let a E domy such that ia(7fIo') = z. Since there is an
extension of the form 7fIfk" which insures a (relative to y thru (o"y)), by
the induction hypothesis there is a kill such that 7fIfklll insures and fixes
o,. Let ijl be 7fIfk". If there is abE domy such that ia(7f2b) = z then
n n
117f2b ¢:. 7f2yll G i= 0, and II7fIo' = 7f2bll G i= 0 so there is a k2 2: kill E W
such that for every 7f' E [(Q - {O})w]M such that 7f'fk2 = 7f2fk2' 117f'b ¢:.
n n
7f'yll G i= 0,117f'7f2" I7f Io' = 7f'bll G i= 0 and ia(7f'7f2"I7fIo') = z. Let
ij2 = 7f2fk2· If there is no b E dom y such that iG( 7f2b) = z then let diJ be the
name with domdiJ = domy and for C E domddy let diJ(c) = 1. M[G] F z ¢:.
ia(7f2ddy)/\Z = ia(7fIo') so since 7fIfk"' fixes a at z, for all7f' E [(Q-{O} )w]M
with 7f'fk lll = 7f2fklll, M[G] F z = ia(7f'7f2"I7fIa) and therefore there is a
k~ 2: kill such that for all7f' E [(Q-{O} )w]M such that 7f'fk~ = 7f2fk~, M[G] F
z ¢:. ia(7f'diJ). Therefore M[G] F Z ¢:. ia(7f'Y)· Let ij2 = 7f2fk~. 0

Construction of 7f*. Let 7fo = 7ffk'. If F = {'P( WI, ... ,Wn ) : 'P is a Ao for-
mula and {WI," ·Wn } ~ D(x) U{X} UD(XI) U·· 'UD(xn) U{Xl,'" ,xn}},
then well order F as {'Pi (Will' .. ,Win,) : i < w}. Order D(x) as {o'i : i < w}
so that for every i E w there exists an JEW such that j > i and ai = aj.
For each a E D(x) and each ij such that ij insures (relative to x) and
fixes a, let Za,fj = {z : z E ia(7fa) for some 7f E [(Q - {O})w]M such that
7f~(ij) = ij}. Let Za = {z : z E Za,fj for some ij E (Q - {O} )(w)}. Order
Za as {Za,i : i E w} so that for every i E W there exists an JEW such
that j > i and such that Za,i = Za,j' If 7fi has been defined, define 7fiH as
follows: By the claim, there are extensions of 7fi, 7fil and 7fi2 such that for
some Z,7fil is marked (yes,z) and 7fi2 is marked (no,z). If Z E Si then let
7f~ = 7fi2 else let 7f~ = 7fil' Now if 7f~ insures ai let 7f~' be an extension of
7f~ which fixes ai if such an extension exists, else let 7f~' = 7f~. If 7f? insures
(relative to x) and fixes ai and if for every extension ij of 7f~' there exists a
ij' extending ij and b E domai such that ij' insures (thru (b, ai)) and fixes b
at Zai ,k where k equals the number of indices j such that j < i and ai = aj
then let 7ft = one of the ij' else let 7f~" = 7f?- Let 7f' E [(Q - {O} )w]M
be any extension of 7f~". If M[G] F 'Pi(ia (7f'WiJ, ... ,ia(7f'Wi n ) ) then
let Pcp ('Ill 1.1' .w·1-ni ) E II'Pi(Will'" ,wi)11 such that 7f'pcp(w ... '1.ni
~ nl, 'I. 1.1)
w' ) E G
and if 'Pi(Vil"" ,Vin.) is of the form 3w E VilWi(W,Vil"" ,Vin ) find
wE dom Wil such that M[G] F wi(ia(7f'w), ia(7f'WiJ"" ,ia(7f'Win :)) and

let P' E Ilwi(w, Wil'··· , wi n )1I such that 7r'p' E G. Let 7ri+l =7r'f(maximum
of {l(7r~'Y'),l(p'),l(pcpi(will'··· ,WinJ})· If M[G] 1= -'<Pi(ic(7r'Wil)'···'
ic( 7r'Wi n » then let Pr,oi (Will· .. ,Win.) E II-'<Pi(ic( 7r'Wit), ... , ic( 7r'Wi n.)) II
such th~t 7r'P,~·(w '11'
. ... , W· ni ) E G. 'Let 7ri+l = 7r'~maximum of{l(;t),

l(Pr,oi(Wil, .. ,Wi ni »)}). Let 7r* = U{7ri: i < w}.

Claim. If 7r~ is labeled (yes, z) then z E iC(7r*y). If 7r~ is labeled (no,z)
then z tj. iC(7r*y).
Proof. If 7r~ is labeled (yes, z) then for some aE dom(y) for every 7r' E
[(Q_{O})w]M such that 7r'~(7rD = 7r~, z = iC(7r'a) and 7r~ insures a (relative
to y thru (a, y) and relative to x). We have by the induction hypothesis (II)
and by the fact that 7r* E VUGAut(x) that z = iC(7r*a) E iC(7r*y). If 7r~ is
labeled (no,z) and if z E iC(7r*y) then for some a E dom(y), z = iC(7r*a) E
iC(7r*y) but then there is a k E w such that k > l(7rD and 7r* f k insures a.
By the induction hypothesis (I) and since 7r* E UG Aut (x ) there is a k' > k
such that 7r* f k' fixes a. We have by the induction hypothesis (II) and by
the fact that 7r* E VUGAut(x) and z = iC(7r*a) E iC(7r*y) that 7r* f k'
is labeled (yes,z), but this contradicts 7r~ having label (no,z). D(of claim
and of part I. of the Stable Names Lemma).
Proof of II. Let 7r* E VU G Aut (x) G Aut (x, xl, ... , x n ) such that 7r* (i) =
1 for i < k and let kIf be as in the hypothesis of II. Let q = 7r* f k". Let
7r' E [(Q - {O})w]M such that 7r' f kIf = 7r* f kIf. We must show that
z E iC(7r*y) if and only if Z E iC(7r'Y).
If z E iC(7r*y) then for some a E dom(y), z = iC(7r*y) but then there
is a kl 2: kIf such that 7r* f kl insures a thru (a, y). By the induction
hypothesis (I) for every a E D(y) and for every k E w if 7r f k insures a
then for ~very q E (Q - {O} )(w) extending 7r f k there is a ij' extending q
which fixes a. Therefore, since 7r* E U G Aut (x) there is a k' > kl such
that 7r* f k' fixes a. By the induction hypothesis (II), if 7r" E [(Q - {O} )w]M
such that 7r"fk' = 7r*fk', iC(7r*a) = iC(7r"a) since 7r*fk' insures and fixes a
(relative to x). Thus z = ic (7r* a). Now 7r*fk 1 insures a thru (a, y), so
z = ic( 7r" a) E ic (7r" y). Since ic( 7r" y) = ic( 7r' y), z E ic (7r' y).
Now let z E iC(7r'Y). We claim that for every extension ij' of 7r*fk" there
exists q" an extension of q' and b E dom y such that ij" insures and fixes b
at z. Indeed, given q', let 7r E [(Q - {O})w]M such that 7r'~(q') = ij'; since
7r*fk" = 7rfk" and 7r*fk" fixes y, z E ic (7rY). SO for some b E dom y, z =
ic (7rb) E ic (7rY). Then for some k3 2: 1(ij'), 7rfk3 insures b thru (b, y), so
7rfk3 insures brelative to x (because 7r*fk" insures y relative to x). Then by
induction hypothesis (I), there exists k4 2: k3 such that 7rfk4 fixes b. Let
ij" = 7rfk4 and the claim is proved. Since 7r* E VUG Aut(x) there exists

aE domy and k* 2: kif such that 7r*fk* insures and fixes a (relative to x)
at z. By inductive hypotheses (II), ia(7r*o') = z, so z E ia(7r*y). 0


Notation. If q E Ql(w) and a is a name, then {q, a} v is the name with do-
main {qV, a} and such that {q, a} v and (q, o,)V (a) = 1 and {q, a} v, (a) = 1.
(q, o,)V is the name with domain {{qV, {q, o, V} and such that (q, o,)V ({qV) =
1 and (q,O,)V({q,o'V) = 1.

Let A be the group whose universe is U{ H; : pEG} and let addition

on A be the restriction of addition on Ql(w) to the universe of A. Suppose
there is a EI formula <p(x, y) such that in M[G], <p(x, y) defines a function
such that for each hereditarily countable torsion-free group H there is a
unique isomorphic copy CH of H such that <p(H, C H ) and if HI and H2
are hereditarily countable torsion-free groups then CHl = C H2 if and only
if HI ~ H 2 . Then for some sets C A , f and UCA

M[G] F <p(A, CA)/\ (J is an isomorphism from A to CA)/\ (The universe of

CA is UCA)

<p(x,y) is of the form 3z'ljJ(z,x,y) where 'ljJ(z,x,y) is a ~o formula. Let x

be a hereditarily countable set such that

M[GJ F 'ljJ(x,A,CA) /\ (J is an isomorphism from A to CA)/\ (The universe

of CA is UCA).

One can show there exists hereditarily countable x which satisfies 'ljJ(x, A,
C A) by using tpe fact that A is hereditarily countable, the Mostowski Col-
lapse, and the Reflection Principle in order to find a countable transitive
model N containing A such that 3z'ljJ(z, x, y) defines a function in N. Then
CA and a witness for 3z'ljJ(z,A,CA) must be in N by the absoluteness of
'ljJ(z,x,y), and,by the absoluteness of 'ljJ(z,x,y),CA and the witness for
3z'ljJ(z, A, CA) in N satisfy 'ljJ(z, A, CA) in M[G].
Let C A and UCA be names for CA and U CA such that D(CA) and D(UCA )
are hereditarily countable. Let j be a name for f such that dom j =
{(q,7ro')V : q E Ql(W) , 7r E Aut(P, ::;) and a E dom UCA}. Let A be the name
for A such that domA = {(q)V : q E Ql(w)} and A((q)V) = u(q ~ 1)~ where
q ~ 1 denotes the element of pi whose domain is {q} and whose value at
q is 1, and u(q ~ 1)~ is the set of extensions of (q ~ 1)~ in P. Let x
be a name of x such that D(x) is hereditarily countable. By the Forcing
Theorem there is a p* E G such that

p* If- 'I,b(x, A, CA) /\ (j is an isomorphism from A to CA)/\ (The universe

of CA is UCA)'

By Jech 19.16 for every 11" E Aut(P, :::;)

11"P* If- 'I,b(11"X, 11"A, 11"CA) /\ (11"j is an isomorphism from 11"A to 11"CA)/\ (The
universe of nCA is nUcA)

So for every n E Aut(P,:::;) such that np* E G,

M[G) F 'I,b(ia(nx), ia(nA), ia(n(CA)) /\ (ia(nj) is an isomorphism from

ia(nA) to ia(11"CA))/\ (The universe of ia(nCA) is ia(nUcA ))

By Theorem 4 for every n E GAut(x,j,A,CA,UCA ) such that n is the

identity on the length of p* and for every n E Aut(P,:::;) such that np* E G,

M[G) F 7/'(ia(nx),ia(nA),ia(nCA)) /\ (ia(nj) is an isomorphism from

ia(nA) to ia(nCA))/\ (The universe of ia(nCA) is ia(nUcA))

So, for -every nEG Aut(x, j, A, CA, UCA) such that 11" is the identity on the
length of p* and for every n E Aut(P,:::;) such that np* E G,

M[G) F <p(ia(nA),ia(nCA)) /\ (ia(nj) is an isomorphism from ia(nA)

to ia(nCA)/\ (The universe of ia(nCA) is ia(nUcA))'

Note that for every nEG Aut(CA, UcAA, j) and for every 11" E Aut(P :::;),
11"-1is an isomorphism from A to ia(11"A) since ij E A iff 11"-lij E ia(nA).
So, for ev;ery nEG Aut(x, j, A, CA, UCA) such that 11" is the identity on the
length of p* and for every n E Aut(P,:::;) such that 11"P* E G,

By our assumption about <p(x, y) and the preceding equation, we have that
for every nEG Aut(x, j, A, CA, UCA ) such that 11" is the identity on the
length of p* and for every n E Aut(P,:::;) such that np* E G

So, for every nEG Aut(x, j, A, CA, UcA) such that 11" is the identity on the
length of p*, and for every n E Aut) such that np* E G, ia(nj)n- 11- 1 is
an automorphism of CA'

71"- 1 19!

For every 7r E G Aut(x, j, A, 6.,4., (;6.) such that 7r is the identity on the
length of p* and for every 7r E Aut(P,~) such that 7rp* E G, the above
picture holds (the diagram is not commutative).
Claim. The only automorphisms of A are multiplication by fractions in S.
Proof. If iiI and i12 are elements of A which are independent in Q(w) then
there can be no automorphism of A which sends ib to i12 because by
Lemma 4 the set Dibih = {p E P : p ~ {ql ---+ l,q2 ---+ 1}~ and such
that for some Pi E NI and some positive integer t,p ~ {ql/pt ---+ 1}~
and p ~ {/12 / pt ---+ O} ~} is dense below {ill ---+ 1, q2 ---+ I} ~; thus since
G Dqlq2 =I- 0, for some positive integer t we have ql/pt E A and q2/pt =I-
A. Since the set DqPi = {p E P : P ~ {q ---+ 1, q/pt ---+ O}~ for some positive
integer t} is ·dense below {ij ---+ I} ~ for all Pi E N I , no element of A but 0
is infinitely divisible by any element of N I , so the only possible automor-
phisms of A are multiplication by fractions of the form ml/m2 where ml
and m2 are elements of N~.
So, by the above claim, if 7r E G Aut(x, j, A, 6.,4., (;6.) such that 7r is the
identity on the length of p* or if 7r E Aut(P,~) such that 7rP* E G, then
for some ml and m2 elements of N~

(/) M[G] F iO(7rj) = ml/m2!7r

Let f = (ro,'" ,rn ) be an element of A. Let aE D O((;6.)

such that
M[G] F (f,ioJa)) E f· We have j((f,a)V)nG =I- 0. By (') and the
Stable Names Lemma, there is n' E w such that the identity sequence
in Q(n') insures and fixes a (In applying the Stable Names Lemma, (;6.
takes the place of x and a takes the place of if). Let pEP such that

p E j((f,a)V)nG. Let sa the name with domsa = {7rli: 7r E (Q - {O})W

and 7r is the identity on n'} and for every name in the domain let its value
be 1. Let p" E G such that p" II- sa has only one element (there is one
since M[G] F io(sa) has only one element).
Definition 17. If k E w, let 7r s k be the permutation of w such that for i <
k 7r s k(i) = k + i, for k ~ i < 2k 7r s k(i) = i - k, and for i 2: 2k 7r s k(i) = i.

Let nEw such that the identity sequence in Q(n) insures and fixes
a, such that n > l(p),n > 1(1'), and such that 1rsnP E G,1rsnP" E G
and 1rsnP* E G (By a simple denseness argument if pEG then there are
infinitely many nEw such that 1rsnP E G). Since 1r sn (r,a)V = (r,1rsna)V
and 1rsn [i((r, a)V)) G = 1rsn j((r, 1rsna) V) G =I- 0,n
M[G) F (r,ic(1rsna)) E iC(1rsnj)
By I. there are ml and m2 elements of N~ so that
So there is a pi E P such that pi E j((mI/m21rsnr, 1rsna)Y) G. If mEw n
let 1rl,m be the element of (Q - {O})W such that 1r(j) = 1 for j < nand
1r(j) = m, for j ~ n. By Lemma 3 and a simple denseness argument there
is an m E N~ such that m =I- 1 and such that 1rl,mP' E G. Let 1rm ,l be the
element of (Q - {O})W such that 1r(j) = 1 for n ~ j < 2n and 1r(j) = m
for j < n or j ~ 2n. Note that 1rl,mP E G since l(P) < n. Note also that
iC(1rl,ma) = ic(a) since the map 1r with domain n such that 1r(i) = 1 for
i < n fixes a. Therefore
M[G) F (r,iC( 1ri,ma)) = (r,ic(a)) E iC(1rl,mj)
which implies by I and 1rl,mr = l' that
By II and since 1rl,mP' E G we must have
(IV) M[G) F (mI/m21rsnr, iC(1rl,m1rsna)) =
(mI/m21rsnr,ic(1rsn1rm,la)) E iC(1rl,mj)
Since (l/m1r m,l)a = 1rm,la (by construction of P, multiplying or dividing
any equivalence class of pi by an element of N~ leaves the equivalence class
unchanged, and therefore multiplying or dividing any element of M B by an
element of N~ leaves the name unchanged) and p" If- a = (l/m1rm,l)a we
h ave p"I,rL a' = 1rm,la. and 1rsnP" I
r L ' = 1rsn1rm,la.
1rsna . S'Ince 1rsnP" E G ,
by IV,
(V) M[G) F (mI/m2 1rsnr, iC(1rsna)) =
(mI/m21rsnr, iC(1rsn1rm,la)) E iC(1rl,mj)
This is a contradiction since by II. and V. we have that
M[G) F iC(1rl,mj)(mI/m 21rsnr ) = f(mI/ m 21rsnr )
but by III. we know that iC(1rl,mj) = f1rl,m, so
M[G) F iC(1rl,mj)(mI/m 21rsnr ) = m· f(mI/ m 21rsnr ) (m =I- 1).

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ABSTRACT. We extend Jensen's El-absoluteness result to apply to the

core model for sequences of measures, provided that sharps exist and there
is no inner model of 31£0(1£) = 1£++. The proof includes a result on the
patterns of indiscernibles analogous to the one which arises in Jensen's

We say that a transitive model M of set theory is correct for a formula
¢ (or, equivalently, that ¢ is absolute for M) if for all reals x E M we have
M 1= ¢(x) iffV 1= ¢(x). Shoenfield proved in [Sho61] that
Theorem 1-.1. Any transitive model M of set theory containing wY is
correct for lJ~ formulas.
Jensen [Jen81] later extended theorem 1.1 by showing that if the sharp
of every real exists and there is no inner model with a measurable cardinal,
then the core model K for mice with a single measure is correct for lJ!
formulas. In this note we extend this result to the core model for sequences
of measures.
We write K = L(&) for the maximal core model for sequences of measures
originally constructed in [Mi84] and [Mi]. The preferred construction of K
has changed since those papers were originally written; we will follow the
new style but will try to make the exposition accessible to a reader without
prior knowledge of these developments. See [MiS90] for an exposition of
this new construction of the core model. In particular the model which we
call K is the model which was called K(:F) in [Mi84] and [Mi].
Theorem 1.2. Suppose that there is no model of3Ko(K) = K++, that
a# exists for every real a, and that M is a transitive model of set theory
such that K M is an iterated ultrapower of K. Then M is correct for lJ!
If Of does not exist then K is the Dodd-Jensen core model and the-
orem 1.2 reduces to Jensen's result. Our statement is actually slightly


stronger than that given in [Jen81] even this case, since it allows for pa-
rameters from M, but Jensen's proof does give this stronger version. The-
orem 1.2 follows immediately from theorem 1.3 below (we write (a, b)n for
the sharp of a real coding the pair (a, b) of reals).
Theorem 1.3. Suppose that there is no model of 3~o(~) = ~++, that
a and b are reals such that (a, b)n exists, and that </J is a II~ formula such
that V F </J(a,b). Suppose further that KM is an iterated ultrapower of
K. Then K M [b], the smallest model of ZF containing K M and b, satisfies
3x </J(x, b).
Theorem 1.2 can be given a slightly stronger statement which is some-
what analogous to the statement of Shoenfield's theorem: it is sufficient
that M contain an iterated ultrapower of any countable premouse. The
following conjecture probably gives something close to the correct analog
of Shoenfield Absoluteness for ~l formulas.
Conjecture 1.4. Suppose that the class of ordinals is measurable and that
K is the core model for cardinals up through a Woodin cardinal together
with a sharp for the Woodin cardinal, and let M be a model which contains
an iterated ultrapower of any countable iterable premouse m which does not
iterate out to be longer than K. Then M is correct for ~l formulas.
This conjecture, if true, would be the "correct analog" to theorem 1.1
in the sense that the negative large cardinal hypothesis -,3~o(~) = ~++ of
theorem 1.2 has been entirely eliminated. The assumption that the class of
ordinals is measurable is a strengthening of the assumption of theorem 1.2
that sharps exist. The assumption that sharps exist is necessary both for
the conjecture and for theorem 1.2: for example if On does not exist then
K is equal to L, which need not be correct for the ~l formula ''there is
a nonconstructible real". Steel has pointed out that the core model for
a Woodin cardinal alone would not be enough and that some stronger
assumption than the existence of sharps is necessary: If M is any fully
iterable minimal model for ''there exists a Woodin cardinal" then the set
of reals of M is Q3, which is II! definable. The assumption that the class
of ordinals is measurable can probably be reduced to a strong form of
ineffability, but some such assumption appears to be necessary to define
the core models (see [Ste90]). .
Magidor (private communication) has given an alternate proof of Jensen's
absoluteness result. This proof is somewhat easier than Jensen's and does
not require the covering lemma but it does not give the 'pattern of indis-
cernibles' result which Jensen's does-that for any real a there is a mouse

m and an ordinal 'Y < wi' such that beyond some point the indiscernibles
for L(a) are obtained by taking every ~h indiscernible for m. Our proof,
which is a direct extension of that of Jensen, uses the covering lemma even
more heavily that his does and gives a 'patterns of indiscernibles' result,
lemma 5.6, which is almost as strong as that of Jensen though much more
difficult to state. Steel has recently extended Magidor's method to give an
alternate proof of theorem 1.2 which works so long as there is no model
with a strong cardinal. This proof is substantially easier than ours, but
does not include the "pattern of indiscernibles" results and does not prove
the stronger theorem 1.3.
Prerequisites. It is assumed throughout this paper that the reader has
a good understanding of the basic theory [Mi74] of models L(U) of sets
constructed from a coherent sequence of measures, including iterated ultra-
powers of such models, the use of iterated ultrapowers to compare two such
models, and indiscernibles generated by iterated ultrapowers. This paper
also depends heavily on the theory of the core model and in particular on
the covering lemma. The following paragraphs summarize the fine struc-
ture and other core model theory used in the paper, but it is recommended
that the reader be previously acquainted with this theory, as described in
[Mi84], [Mi] and [MiS89].
We recommend one of two strategies for reading this paper. A full under-
standing of the proof will require a good understanding of the fine structure,
and for this the reader should be familiar with [Mi84], [Mi] and [MiS89]. An
understanding of the basic ideas of this paper, however, should be possible
with a considerably more superficial understanding of the fine structure.
This section was originally written with the aim that the paper should be
accessible at this level to a reader with only an understanding of [Mi74]
and some acquaintance with the fine structure of L. This aim is probably
impossible, but the next paragraphs should make it possible to read this
paper with a somewhat unsophisticated understanding of the details of fine
structure. These paragraphs should also be read by more sophisticated
readers, if only as an explanation of the notation and conventions used in
this paper.
The core model K which we are considering is exactly the same model
as the core model K(:F) described in [Mi] but we use a more modern pre-
sentation based on an observation of S. Baldwin. A detailed exposition of
fine structure theory using this presentation can be found in [MiS90]. It
should be noted the paper [MiS90] is primarily concerned with cardinals
larger than a strong cardinal and thus involves some complexity, notably

the use of iteration trees, which is not needed here. The first four chapters
of [MiS90] are particularly recommended.
There are three basic differences between the the presentation of the core
model given in [Mi84] and that used in this paper. A minor difference is a
change in the indexing of the sequence of measures: A coherent sequence e
is a function e ('Y) of a single variable, rather than a function F( "", {3) of two
variables as in [Mi74] and [Mi]. A measure U on "" on the sequence e will be
written e ('Y), where 'Y is an ordinal in the interval ",,+ < 'Y < ",,++, instead of
F("", {3) as in [Mi84]. A more significant difference is that the the members
e of the sequence are extenders rather than measures but in this paper all
of the extenders are equivalent to measures so the reader can safely ignore
this difference. We will in fact simply refer to and deal with the extenders
on e as measures. The third, and most basic, difference is that the sequence
e now contains partial as well as total measures. A member e(r) of the
sequence e is a total measure on the sets in L(er'Y), and only on those sets,
so that e(r) is a total measure on L(e) only if every subset of crit(e(r)) in
L(e) is already a member of L(e b). The effect of this gambit is to code the
mice into the sequence e. In [Mi84] it was necessary to to define the core
model ~[:F] to be the class of sets constructible using both the sequence F
and a class coding all of the F mice, but in the new presentation the core
model K is a model of the form L(e) and (as explained more fully in the
next paragraph) the mice of K are simply the initial segments of K. The
partial measures are important to the fine structure and as such will come
up in section 2, but for the most part they can be ignored in reading this
paper. Except when we specify otherwise, the word "measure" will always
refer to a total measure.
The mpdels M = L(e) or M = J-y(e) used in this paper will all be
itemble premise, which means that M satisfies three conditions: (1) e is
good, (2) Mis iterable, and (3) every initial segment of M is a mouse. The
first condition essentially says that e is a coherent sequence of extenders;
see [MiS90] for the details. The second condition says that every iterated
ultrapower of M is well founded (although in [MiS90] this is stated in terms
of iteration trees). The third condition asserts that J0. (e) is a mouse for all
ordinals a if M = L(e) or all ordinals a < 'Y if M = J-y(e). Because of this
requirement the definitions of a premouse and a mouse use a simultaneous
recursion on 'Y. A mouse is a premouse J,Ae) which satisfies an additional
condition which makes it look like what Dodd and Jensen call a core mouse
in [Dod82]. To explain this more fully we will have to go a bit more into
the fine structure of the models of Jo.(e). We will, of course, only give a
brief outline of the fine structure. The approach to fine structure which we

will use is different from, though basically equivalent to, that of [MiS90].
One advantage of this approach is that the definition is almost identical to
Jensen's definition in [Jen72J of the fine structure of L, thereby highlighting
the superiority of the new presentation of the core model (although the
proofs for K are, of course, still more difficult than those for L). The only
basic difference from the definition in L is at the beginning: if Q is an
ordinal such that £(Q) is defined then it is necessary to define a ~o code
An = (Jpo,Ao) for J a (£) in order to get a amenable structure with a
predicate for £(Q). This definition uses the same idea as the ~o codes used
in [MiJ. Once this is done we define the ~n projectum Pn, the ~n code
An = (Jpn (£), An), and the ~n standard parameter Pn by recursion on n
using exactly the same definition that Jensen used in L: If Pn, Pn and An
have been defined then
• Pn+1 is the least ordinal P such that there is a subset of P which is ~1
definable from parameters in An = (Jpn(£),An), but is not a member
of J a (£).
• Pn+1 is the least finite set of ordinals such that there is such a subset
definable from parameters from Pn+ 1 U Pn+ 1.
• An+l C Pn+l codes the set of ~l-sentences with parameters from Pn+1 U
The projectum, P = proj(Ja(e), of a premouse J a (£) is defined to be
lnin{ Pn : nEw}.
A fundamental theorem of the fine structure of L states that for each
nEw the nth projectum Pn is contained in the ~l-hull in An of Pn+1 UPn+1'
This need not be true for an arbitrary premouse J a (£). A premouse J a (£)
is said to be m-sound for m :::; w if for all n < m the ~n projectum Pn is
contained in the ~l-hull in An of Pn+1 U Pn+1, and the premouse J a (£) is
a mouse if Ja (£) is w-sound.
An embedding i: J a (£) -+ Jat (£') of premise is said to be fine structure
preserving if for each n the restriction of i to J pn (£) is a ~l-elementary
embedding between the ~n codes. We will define ultrapowers of mice in
such a way that the canonical embeddings do preserve fine structure. Two
observations about the iterated ultrapowers used in this paper will be useful
for this definition. The first observation is that every iterated ultrapower
will have increasing critical points, that is, if the iterated ultrapower is
(My: 1/ < ¢) with M Y +1 = ult(My, Ey) then crit(Ey) < crit(E~) whenever
1/ < 1/'. The second observation is that in every ultrapower of a mouse, and
in fact in every embedding k: m -+ m' of a mouse m, the critical point of i
will be at least as large as the projectum of m, so that if proj( m) = id. There
is actually one exception to this second observation, which will be discussed

below: we will use nontrivial embeddings of K = L(E) even though K is,

according to the definition, a mouse with proj(K) = 0, the order type of
the class of all ordinals.
Now suppose that M = J a (£) is a mouse, or more generally an n +
I-sound premouse, and that E is a measure on M with critical point /'i,
such that Pn+1 ~ /'i, < Pn. Then the mouse ultrapower of M by E is
defined as follows: start by taking the ordinary ultrapower i E : An --+ A~ =
ult(An, E) of the En code An of M. Then ~ will be the En code of a
n-sound premouse M' = Ja/(£'), and i will extend to a fine structure
preserving embedding i*: M --+ M'. This embedding i* will be what we call
the mouse ultrapower of M by E. This definition of the mouse ultrapower
can be readily extended to an iterated ultrapower provided that the critical
points of the iterated ultrapower are increasing, as is always the case in this
paper. Every ultrapower or iterated ultrapower of a mouse in this paper
will be a mouse ultrapower.
The following facts will cover most of our use of fine structure in this
Theorem 1.5. (1) Suppose that x E P(/'i,) n J a +1 (£) but x¢:. Ja (£), and
let i: Ja(£) --+ Ja/(£') be any iterated ultrapower of Ja (£) such that if/'i, is
the identity. Then x is definable in M = Ja/(£') in the same way that it is
definable in Ja ( £).
(2) Iii: Ja (£) --+ Ja/(£') is any cofinal fine structure preserving embed-
ding such that ifp is the identity, where p is the projectum of J a (£), then
i is an iterated ultrapower of J a (£).
This theorem has two major consequences. The first follows from
clause (1) above:
Corollary 1.6. (Comparability o/mice) Ii Ja(E) and Ja/(E') are mice and
[fp = £'fp then either pep) n J a (£) ~ Ja/(£') or pep) n Ja/(£') ~ Ja(E).
The second follows from clause (2):
Corollary 1.7. (The maximality principle) If Ja (£) is a mouse, /'i, 2:
proj(Ja (£)), and E is a measure on P(/'i,) n J a (£) which is coherent for
adding to Ja (£) such that ult(Ja(£), E) is well founded then E is already
on the sequence £, that is, E = £ b) for some index 'Y. Furthermore
if i: Ja (£) --+ J~ (£') is an iterated ultrapower then the same is true of
Ja/(£'), provided that ifproj(Ja (£)) = id and E was not used in the iter-
ated ultrapower i.
The phrase "is coherent for adding" means that there is an ordinal 'Y
such that the sequence £' = £f'Y U (,,(,E), which includes E as £'("(), is

good, which it will be recalled is the first criterion for J-y+l (e') to be a
The reader might wish to consider reading this paper under the (false)
assumption that only El codes are necessary. This means that Eo codes
do not arise and that a mouse is simply a structure m = JOI(e) with p =
proj(m) equal to pr;\ so that there is a new El-subset of p definable in
m, every subset of an ordinal v < p definable over m is in m, and m is
equal to the El-hull of p U Pl in m. Then mouse ultrapowers are ordinary
ultrapowers, and for any embedding which is the identity on p the term
"fine structure preserving" means El-elementary. As in most fine structure
arguments, all of the arguments of this paper apply to this special case
exactly as they apply to the general case-in fact the reduction of the En
case to the El case, repeated n times, is the basic idea behind the use of
fine structure.
The covering lemma is used in this paper in two different ways. First,
chapter 2 uses the fact that the core model K satisfies theorem 1.5(2), and
hence also the maximality principle 1.7 (with the mention ofthe projectum
p omitted). Thus the covering lemma allows us to make the core model K
an exception to the rule asserted above that Hproj(m) is always equal to
the identity whenever m is a mouse. See [Mi] for a proof of these facts.
The second, and more basic, application of the covering lemma comes
in the proof of lemma 3.7. The versions of the covering lemma which are
used are stated there as lemmas 3.B and 3.9 and should cause no problems
to the reader.
Notation. As is usual in descriptive set theory, we identify the real num-
bers with ww. If X is a set of ordinals then we write [x]n for the set of
size n subsets bf X, which we identify with the set of increasing sequences
of members of X of length n. If c, c' E [X] <w then we write c == c' if c
and c' have the same length. If in addition d, d' E [X]<w then we write
c, c' == d, d' if c == d, c' == d', and for all i and j we have Ci :5 cj iff di :5 dj.
We use n to stand for the class of all ordinals.
Martin-Solovay trees. Most of the proof of theorem 1.3 is concerned with
indiscernibles rather than with the n~ formula ¢. We make the connection
between the two via the Martin-Solovay analysis of E§ sentences, which we
use instead of the infinitary logic used by Jensen in [JenB1]. This analysis
was introduced in [MaS69] in a much more delicate form than we will require
here. In order to provide a visible destination for the main body of the proof
we will describe this analysis here rather than at the end where it logically

Suppose that ¢(x, b) is a II~ formula with parameter b. We will define

a tree T E K[b] such that any branch through T constructs a real r such
that ¢(r,b). The construction of the tree T depends on the real b and on a
pair (J, T) E K. The rest of the paper after this section will be concerned
with constructing the pair (J, T). The definition in K of the pair (J, T)
depends in turn on a finite set of parameters, and much of the work of this
paper will take place in the universe V, with a knowledge of a real (a, b)~
such that V F ¢(a, b), in order to show that this finite set of parameters
can be chosen in such a way that the real (a, b)~ determines a branch in V
through the tree T. By the absoluteness of well foundedness it follows that
there is also a branch in K[b], and hence there is a real (r, b)~ E K[b] such
that ¢(r, b).
Definition 1.8. A pair (J, T) is suitable provided that J is an uncountable
set of ordinals and for each T E T, there is nEw such that T is a function
from [J]n into the ordinals.
We write Tn for the set of n-ary functions in T. Assume that (J, T) is
suitable. By theorem 1.1, V F ¢(r,b) if and only if L(r, b) F ¢(r,b), so
we only need to consider the truth of ¢(r,b) in L(r,b). The tree T will
be defined so that any infinite branch of T constructs a pair (e, a), where
e = (r,b)~ for some real r such that L(r,b) F ¢(r, b) and a is a function
which will ensure that the alleged sharp e is well founded.
Definition 1.9. A branch through the tree T will be a pair (e,O') which
satisfies the 6 clauses listed below. Each of these clauses specifies a closed
set, that is, if any of these clauses fail for a pair (e, a) then there is nEw
such that the failure is evident in (e fn, a fn). Thus the tree T can be defined
to be the ,set of pairs (e, a) of finite sequences for which none of the clauses
have yet failed.
(1) e is the set of G6del numbers of the first order theory of a st,ructure

B= (B,i',h,Ga,CI, ... ).

(2) The G6del numbers of "ZFC + V = L(i', h)" and of the sentences
asserting that the ordinals Ci form a remarkable set of indiscernibles
(see [Sil71]) are in e.
(3) For nEw the G6del number of "n E iJ" is in e if and only if nEb.
(4) The G6del number of "¢(i', h)" is in e.
(5) If s is a term with n free variables in the language of M which
does not use any of the constants q and the G6del number of
"s(Ga, ... , Cn-I) is an ordinal" is in e then O'(s) E Tn.

(6) Suppose that s and s' are in the domain of a, that c and c' are
finite sequences from {C; : i E w} so that s( c) and Sf (c') make
sense, and that j and j' are arbitrary sequences in [Jj<w such that
c, c' == j,j'. Then the G6del number of "s(c) ~ s'(c')" is in e if and
only if O'(s)(j) ~ O'(s')(j').
Clauses (1) to (4) ensure that the first order theory coded by the alleged
sharp e is correct, while clauses (5) and (6) ensure that e is the theory of a
well founded model L(r, b) with a class of indiscernibles.
The rest of this paper will be concerned with defining the set J of ordinals
and the set T of functions, with the ultimate definition taking place inside
K although most of the actual work will take place outside it.
Summary of the proof. We conclude this introduction with an outline
of a proof of Jensen's result, followed by a discussion of what is necessary
to extend this proof to a proof of theorem 1.3. I believe that the proof of
Jensen's result outlined here is essentially the same as that given in [Jen81]'
though it is not easy to make the comparison.
The proof of Jensen's result proceeds under the assumption that L(p,)
does not exist, so all mice contain at most one total measure and K contains
no total measures. Let Ka be the core model as defined in L[a, bj. Then
K a =I- K, since (a, b)# gives an ultrafilter on L(a, b) and hence on Ka, so
let Mo be the least mouse not in K a and let j: Mo --+ M = ultn(Mo, Uo),
the n-fold iteration of Mo by its measure Uo. We now have two classes of
indiscernibles: the class I of Silver indiscernibles for L[a,bj given by (a,b)U
and the class C of indiscernibles in M generated by the iterated ultrapower
j. It is not hard to prove that IcC. Now there are two major lemmas
to be proved: the first lemma is that any map 1r : L(a, b) --+ L(a, b) yields
a map 1r*: M --+ M such that 1r* rn = 1r rn and 1r* r range(j) = id, and the
second lemma is that if c and c' are adjacent members of I then there are
at most count ably many members of C in the interval (c, c'). By the first
lemma, together with the fact that 1r* "c c C, it follows that the order type
of C n (c, c') is nondecreasing as c increases, and it follows by the second
lemma that for c sufficiently large the order type ~ of C n (c, c') is constant.
Then there is bEn such that 1\ b consists of every ~th member of C \ band
hence I \ b is definable in K. The set J of ordinals for the Martin-Solovay
tree is taken to be 1\ b. To get the set T of functions, define the function
s. for ~ < ~ by letting s.(v) be the ~th member of C above v. Now let A
be least such that j(A) ~ n and let T be the closure under composition of
the set containing (i) the constant functions, cv(x) = v for v < b, (ii) the

functions j(g) where 9 E Mo and g: [Al n ---+ A for some nEw, and (iii) the
functions s, for " < ~.
This choice of J and T is suitable, so any branch through the Martin-
Solovay tree T generated by (J, T) will give a solution to 3x ¢>(x, b). Fur-
thermore any embedding 7r of L( a, b) preserves the functions in T, that is,
7r*(r(c)) = r(7r(c)) for any rET and C E [Iln. Now set e = (a, W, and if s
is any n-term in the language of B let 0-( s) be any member of Tn such that
sL(a,b)(c) = o-(s)(c) for some sequence c E [I\~ln. This definition doesn't
depend on the choice of c: to see this, let c' == c be the first n members
of I \ 8 and suppose that o-(s)(c') = s(c'). Then there is an embedding
7r: L(a, b) -7 L(a, b) such that 7r(c') = c. Then o-(s)(c) = o-(s)(7r(c')) =
7r*(o-(s)(c')) = 7r(o-(s)(c')) = 7r(s(c')) = s(7r(c')) = s(c). Clause (6) of
definition 1.9 may be verified similarly, completing the proof that (e, 0-) is a
branch through T. It follows by absoluteness that there is a branch through
T which is a member of K[b] and hence there is a real r E K[b] such that
¢>(r, b). This completes the proof of the theorem.
In our proof, K a does contain measures. The first problem which this
gives rise to is that it is not obvious what is meant by "the first mouse not
in Ka",. since a mouse minK will be a mouse for &K tp for some ordinal p,
and &K tp will not in general be in Ka. We solve this problem in section 2 by
using iterated ultrapowers to carry out a modified version of the standard
comparison of the corelike models K and K a • During the construction K
may be replaced by a mouse which is in the current iteration of K, but not
in the current iteration of Ka, and then by successively smaller mice until
''the least mouse not in Ka" is reached.
In practice we construct the iterated ultrapower N of Ka first so that
we can th~n iterate K against N without moving N. The reason for this
procedure is that we need to have N definable in Ka.
Since we were dealing with sequences of measures, instead of a single
measure, Jensen's class C of indiscernibles is now replaced by a function C.
If &('}') is pne of the measures in M, then C('}') is the set of indiscernibles
for &("I). The second of the lemmas of the proof of Jensen's result becomes
our main lemma 3.1, which says essentially that the same measure is never
used more than p+ + wy times in the iteration j, where p is an ordinal
coming out of the construction of the iterated ultrapower M of K. More
precisely, if the order type of C('}') n ((3 \ a) is greater than p+ + wy then
either In (3 ct. a or there is &("(') with "I' > "I such that C('}") n (3 ct. a.
At this point we have to deal with a complication which does not come
up in Jensen's proof. In his argument M is taken to be ultn(Mo, Uo), where
both Mo and Uo are in K, and it follows that M is definable in K. In our

construction the iterated ultrapower j: K -+ M involves a choice of which

measure to use at each stage and hence need not be definable in K. In
addition, we not yet mentioned the model M from theorem 1.3, but have
worked exclusively with the true core model K. Both of these points are
dealt with in section 4, where we give a definition inside K M of a complete
iteration s: M 0 -+ M which mimics the construction of j: Mo -+ M. The
basic idea is to start with mice in K M which are iterates of the mice used
in j and then use every measure at least as many times in the iteration s
as the main lemma would permit it to have been used in the iteration j,
thus ensuring that j can be embedded into s. The definition of s depends
on a finite sequence of parameters, and we show that for the proper choice
of these parameters we can define an embedding t: M -+ M mapping
indiscernibles from C into the corresponding indiscernibles in the system C
generated by j. Then the pair (J, T) is suitable, where J = t "I and T is
the set of terms arising from the system C of indiscernibles.
Finally, in section 5 we define terms in M, and map these terms from
M to the terms in M in such a way as to use L( a, b) to construct a branch
in V through the Martin-Solovay tree T obtained from (J, T). It follows
that there is a branch through T in K M [b] and this completes the proof of
theorem 1.3.


Notation. Before starting the actual construction we will define some gen-
eral notions. As was pointed out in the last section we will follow the new
presentation of the core model (see [MiS90]) rather than that of [Mil, but
since we will avoid use of fine details of the core model, and because for
sequences of mE;)asures the model is in fact identical to that in [Mi84] and
[Mi], the difference should not cause major problems. The core model has
the form L(e), where e is a sequence of extenders. Some of the extenders
in e are only partial extenders, but except for a brief mention of this in
the proof of the- main lemma we will deal only with the total extenders in
e. In addition the assumption that there is no model of 3KO{K) = K++
implies that all of the extenders in e are isomorphic to measures, and from
this point on we will forget we ever knew that in some sense they really
are extenders. Thus, unless specified otherwise, the term "measure" always
refers to a measure which is total in the model M in which is occurs, and
when we refer to a measure e(-y) we will, unless specified otherwise, assume
not only that "I is in the domain of e but that e (-y) is a total measure in
the premouse being considered.
If e(-y) is a measure on K then we say that K is the critical point of e(-y),

written", = crit(£(-y». We use 0(",) for sup{ "( : '" = crit(£(-y))} and 0("')
for the order type of {"( : £(-y) is a total measure and", = crit(£(-y))}.
If "(' < "( and £ (-y) is a measure on '" then we write <1:£ (-y', "() for the
coherence junction, the least function g: '" ---t '" in the order of construction
of L(£) such that [gl£(-y) = "('. Thus if £(-y') exists then for all j E L(£)

{ v < '" : '<Ix E f"v (x n v E £(<1:£ (-y', "()(v)) {=} x E £(-y')) } E £(-y).

While the definition of the coherence function depends on the the sequence
£, the function only depends on £f(-y+ 1). For this reason we will normally
omit the superscript.
Definition 2.1. Suppose that jo,v: Mo ---t Mv is an arbitrary iterated
ultrapower with strictly increasing critical points, Mv+l = ult(Mv,£v(-yv))
where £v = jo,v(£). We define the sequence Cv oj indiscernibles generated
by the iteration jo,v by induction on v: Co(-y) = 0 for all "(; at successor
ordinals we have

and if v is a limit ordinal then C E Cv (-y) if and only if there are ordinals
v' < v and "(' such that c < "'v' = crit(jvl,v), "( = jvl,v(-Y') and c E CVI(-y').
Definition 2.2. If the sequence Dv of indiscernibles is generated by the
iterated ultrapower jo,v then a is an accumulation point for "( in Dv if one
of the following clauses holds:
(1) a is measurable in M v , a < "( ~ O£v(a), and for every 8 < a and
f3 < "( there is A such that f3 ~ A < O£v(a) and Dv(A) ct. 8.
(2) There is v' < v such that if", = jVI,v(a) then", < "( ~ O£v(",) and
for all 8 < a and f3 < "( in the range of jvl,v there is A such that
f3 ~ A < O£v ("') and Dv(A) n a ct. 8.
We say that a is a strict accumulation point for "( in Dv if a is an
accumulation point for "( and a E Dv(f3) for some f3 < "(.
There are several observations to be made on this definition. First, note
that if a is an accumulation point for "( and a < "(' < "( for clause (1) or '" <
"(' < "( for clause (2) then a is also an accumulation point for "('. However
we will be interested primarily in the largest ordinal "( such that a is an
accumulation point for ,,(, so that either "( = O£v(",) or Dv("() is bounded

in a. If a is an accumulation point for this '1 by clause (2) but a is not a

strict accumulation point for '1 then '1' = sup{ 17 : ill',IA17) < 'Y} ::; OE"(a)
and a is an accumulation point for 'Y' by clause (1). Finally notice that if
K is a limit point of CII ( 'Y ), then K is an accumulation point for 'Y + 1 in CII'
A cardinal K is an accumulation point for OE" (K) if every measure on K in
Ell is generated by indiscernibles. For the construction of N in this section
this will be true if "generated" means simply that each such measure EII (.),)
is the filter of subsets of K which contain all but a bounded subset of CII (.),).
The general case is given by definition 3.5.
The construction of M and N. We are now ready to begin the actual
construction. Recall that 4> is a II~ formula and a and b are reals such
that V 1= 4>(a,b), and hence L(a,b) 1= 4>(a,b)i and we want to prove that
K[bll= 3r4>(r, b). Let Ka be the core model K as defined in L(a, b). We
will work inside L( a, b) to define an iterated ultrapower N of Ka and then
we will define the model M to be a modified iterated ultrapower of K in
such a way that M is an iterated ultrapower of the least mouse not in N.
Set No = K a = L(Fo), and suppose that io,lI: No -- Nil has already
been defined. We will write FII for io,II(Fo) and VII for the system of
indiscernibleS generated by i o,II'
Definition 2.3. Let K be the least cardinal in Nil = L(FII ) such that one
of the following two conditions fails:
(1) If K is measurable in Nil then cfL(a,b)(K) = wf.
(2) VII('/') is unbounded in K for all 'Y such that F II ('/') is a total measure
on K.
If clause (1) fails then Nil+! = ult(NII , F II ('/')) where F II ('/') is the order 0
measure on K, ,while if clause (2) fails then N II+l = ult(NII,FII (,/,)) where
'Y < or"(K) is the least ordinal such that F II ('/') exists and VII('/') is bounded
in K.
If there is an ordinal v such that both conditions are true in Nil for all
KEn then we 'set Nil' = Nil for all v' > v. Set i = io,o, N = No = L(F),
and V = Vo, where n denotes the order type of the ordinals.
Proposition 2.4.
(1) The iterated ultrapoweri: Ka -- N is definable in L(a, b) from the
parameter wy.
(2) For all K such that oN(K) > 0 we have cfL(a,b)(K) = wf.
(3) Every ordinal K is an accumulation point for ON (K) in V.
(4) Each measure F('/') in N is countably complete.
(5) The ordinals of N have order type n.

Proof The proof is easy o

The definition of M is more complicated, since we are effectively looking
for a minimal mouse which is not in N. We will define a series of iterated
J.k . Uk -+ Mk
0,'" 0 "

by recursion on k and v, using the standard procedure for comparing K

with N, but using proposition 2.4 to show that N is not be moved in the
comparison. For k = 0, the model M2 will be £(&2). For k > 0 the model
M!; will be a mouse iteration of the mouse m = M~.
Definition 2.5. We define a sequence (M~ : k < k), by recursion on
k < k < w, using a secondary recursion on v to define iterated ultrapowers
jg,,,: M~ -+ M!; for v < Vk. First set M8 = K. Now suppose that M~ has
been defined, together with an iterated ultrapower jg,,: M~ -+ M!;. Let K
be the least cardinal in M!;, if there is one, such that one of the following
statements fails:
(1) PN(K) = PM~(K),
(2) .&!; f8 = Ff8, where 8 = OM~ (K) = ON (K), ie, M!; and N have the
same measures on K.
If clause (1) fails, with pN (K) ~ pM~ (K), then drop to a mouse: set Vk = 1I
and if M!;k = Ja(&!;k) then set M~+1 = Jf3(&!;k) where f3 is the least ordinal
such that P(K) n Jf3+1(&!;k) is not contained in N. Thus M~+1 is the least
mouse in M!;k with projectum at most K which is not a member of N. If
clause (2) fails in such a way that there is a 'Y E domain(t'!;) such that
'Y ~ O:1'"(K) and Ff'Y = &!; h then set M!;+l = ult(M!;, t'"b))·
This definition is justified by the following proposition, which implies
that the clauses above will always fail in the way described in the construc-
Proposition 2.6. If K is least such that one of the clauses of definition 2.6
fails then pN (K) ~ pM~ (K), and if pN (K) = pM~ (K) then ON (K) <
OM~(K) and FfON(K) = t'!;fON(K).
Proof For k = 0, the model M2 is an iterated ultrapower of K. By [Mi,
theorem 5.2] it follows that M2 contains all mice over its sequence of mea-
sures, and in particular all mice in N over the initial segment of F on which
they agree. Thus M2 contains every subset of K which is in N. By [Mi,
lemma 7.8] it contains all countably complete measures except those which
were used in the iteration, and in particular all of those in N. This implies
the second clause of the proposition.

If k > 0 then M[; is an iterate of a mouse m = Mt in which there is a

subset of proj(M[;) < K which is definable in M[; but is not a member of
N. Since the mice are linearly ordered it follows that the K-mice in N are
an initial segment of those in M[;. Thus M[; contains all subsets of K which
are in N. Furthermore, because M[; is an iterated ultrapower of a mouse
it contains all measures E which fit on the sequence £" such that crit(E)
is at least as large as the projectum of M[; and ult(M[;, E) is iterable,
except those which have been used in the iteration. By proposition 2.4, the
measures in N are all countably complete, and hence preserve the iterability
of M, and the measures on K can't have been used in the iteration since
the critical points are increasing. 0
Since the sequence of models M[; can only drop to a mouse finitely often,
clause (1) can only fail finitely often, so that the sequence of mice Mt has
a last member, M~. We do not know whether it is consistent with ZFC
that this construction never drops to a mouse, that is, that k = O.
The construction will stop at some v :5 n, and we will take M to be the
final model M". The next lemma implies that in fact the construction does
not stop before n, so that M = Mn. The model M is well founded and
- I
iterable, but
Proposition 2.7. The order type of the ordinals of M is longer than nj
hencen E M.
Proof. If the proposition is false then either M = N or M is an initial
segment of N. Now if k > 0 then Mt is a mouse and there is a subset x of
K = proj(Mt) which is definable in Mt but is not a member of N. Then
x is definable in M but since N satisfies ZF x is not definable in N, so M
must not be equal to N or an initial segment of N. Thus we can assume
that k = O. In that case M cannot be a proper initial segment of N, since
M is an iterated ultrapower of K which contains all the ordinals. Thus we
must have M = N.
The model N was defined in L(a, b) from the parameter wY,so if 7r' is any
embedding of L(a, b) into itself such that 7r'(wn = wy then 7r'tN: N -+ N.
Now let 7r' be an embedding which is not the identity such that 7r'(wn = wy
Since M = N, the map 7r'rN takes Minto M. Now consider the embedding
7r" i8,n: K = M8 - t M - t M. As stated following Corollary 1.7 the cover-
ing lemma implies that any embedding of K into a well founded model is
an iterated ultrapower of K. In particular 7r" i8,n is an iterated ultrapower,
but there can only be the one iterated ultrapower i8,n from K to M with
increasing critical points, since any such iterated ultrapower is determined
by the sequence of measures in the model M. Thus i8,n = 7r" i8,o. Now

the existence of (a, b)~ implies that we can choose the embedding 7f so that
for some c E 1 we have 7f(c) > j8,n(c). Then 7r(j8,n(c») ~ 7f(c) > j8,n(c),
so that 7r . j8,n cannot be equal to j8,n. 0

We are interested almost exclusively in l", and it will be useful later to

restrict our attention to a tail of that map. Let nZ be the least integer n
such that the critical point of j~,V+1 is at least as large as the En projectum
of Mi. Then nZ is nonincreasing with 1/, and hence is eventually constant.
Let f) be least ordinal such that 0 E j~,n "M~, and if k > 0 then n~ is
constant for 1/ ~ f). Then we write

. = J;;,;;+v:
Jo,v ·k .".
lV.LO --+
j = jo,n: Mo --+ M

Embeddings of M. As we have already observed in the proof of propo-

sition 2.7, the existence of (a, b)~ implies that the elementary embeddings
from L( a, b) into L( a, b) are the same as the order preserving maps 7f: I --+ I
on the indiscernibles 1 of L(a, b). We now want to extend such maps 7f to
maps 7f*: M --+ M. Again, we observe that N is defined in L(a, b) from
the parameter wYand hence if 7f(wf} = wY then 7frN: N --+ N.
Lemma 2.8. There is an ordinal p such that for any embedding 7f:
L( a, b) --+ L( a, b) with 7f rp = id there is an embedding 7f*: M --+ M such
that 7f* r(j 'Uo) = id and 7r* ro = 7fro.
Proof. If such an embedding 7f* exists, then it is clear what it must be.
Every member z of M can be written in the form z = j(f)(a) where
f E Mo and a E O. Since 7f*(j(f» = j(f) and 7r*(a) = 7f(a) we must have
7f*(z) = 7f*(j(f)(a» = j(f)(7f*(a» = j(f)(7f(a». Now we must prove that
this definition works. Note that if x E pM (0) then, regardless of whether
the general definition works we can write 7f*(x) = U{ 7f(x n~) : ~ EO}.
Claim. For each x E pM (0) there is Px E 0 such that 7f* (x) = x whenever
= id.
Proof. Since M n Vn = N, the initial segments x n ~ of x are members
of L( a, b) and thus can be written in the form x n ~ = gt; (Ct;) n ~ where
gt;: [o]m. --+ N is definable in L(a, b) without parameters and Ct; E [1]m.
for some mt; E w. Let nt; ::; mt; be the largest integer n such that Ct; rn c ~.
By Fodor's theorem we can find a stationary subclass I' of I such that
gf. = g, nt; = n, and Crnt; = d are constant on I'.

Set Px = max(d) + 1 and suppose that 1rfpx = id. We will show that
1r*(x) = x. If not then pick e E I' such that 1r(x n e) =f. x n 1r(e). First
suppose that 1r(e) = f.' E I'. Then 1r(x n f.) = 1r(g(ce) n e) = g(1r(ce» n e',
but since 1r( ce) fn = ce fn = d = ce' fn this is equal to g( ce' ) n f.' = x n f.',
contrary to assumption.
Now if f.' ¢. I' then pick 1r' so that 1r'fe' = id and e" = 1r'(f.') E I'. Then
(1r'·1r)(x)nf." = xne" by the last paragraph, so 1r(x)ne' = (1r"1r)(x)ne' =
(xnf.") ne' =xne'· 0
Now let p = sup{Px : x E P(S'l) n j"Mo }. If X = r1(S'l) E Mo then
IP(S'l) n j"Mol = IP(x) n Mol < S'l, so p < S'l. Now we will show that if
1rfp = id then the map 1r* defined by the equation 1r*(j(f)(a)) = j(f)(1r(a))
is well defined and one to one and preserves fine structure. If Zo = j(fo)(f.o)
and Zl = j(ft)(f.l) then we have

1r*(Zo) = 1r*(Zl) <==? 1r*(j(fo)(f.o» = 1r*(j(ft)(6))

<==? j(fo)(1r(f.o)) = j(ft) (1r(f.l))
(1) <==? 1r(eo, f.1) Ex = { (v, v') : j(fo)(v) = j(ft)(v') }.

Now x = j({(v, v') : fo(v) = ft(v')}) so p ~ Px and hence 1r(x) = x

and (1) is equivalent to 1r(eo,ed E 1r(x) and hence to (eO,el) E x, that is,
to Zo = j(fo)(f.o) = j(ft)(el) = Zl. Thus 1r*(zo) = 1r*(Zl) if and only if
Zo = Zt, and a similar argument shows that 1r*(zo) E 1r*(Zl) if and only if

We now give an equivalent alternate definition of 1r* as a generalized

ultrapower 7i". In order to simplify the description we will give the detailed
construction without considering fine structure. If k = 0, so that M is an
iterated ultrapower of K, then the construction given in the next paragraph
is accurate. Otherwise the construction is properly treated as a mouse
ultrapower: Let n = n~, the least integer such that the En projectum of
M is smaller than S'l. Then the construction described is applied to the
E n - 1 code of M and since M is an n - 1 sound premouse the resulting
embedding can be extended to a fine structure preserving embedding of all
The embedding 7i": M --+ M' is defined by treating 1r as an extender,
setting M' = {[(f,a)l~ : f E M and a E S'l}, where (f,a) (f',a') iff

(a,a') E 1r({ (v, v') : f(v) = f'(v') }), and setting 7i"(z) = [(cz,O)l~ where Cz
is the constant function, cz(f.) = Z for all f..
Now we will show that 7i" is the same as 1r*. We can define k: M --+
M' by k(j(f)(a)) = [(j(f),a)l~. It is easy to see that this embedding is
well defined. But k is onto, since if f E M then there is 9 E Mo and

{E n such that 1= j(g)({) so that if we define the function 9 on ordinals

<a,{3> coding pairs (a,{3) of ordinals by setting g((v,v'») = g(v)(v') then
[(f,a)]", = [(j(g), (11"({) , a»)]", = k((j(g)((1I"({), a»). Thus k: M ~ M'. In
order to show that -rr = k . 11"* it is enough to show that -rr tn = 11" to and
that -rrtj"Mo = ktj"Mo. The first is immediate, since -rrtN = 11" tN. For
the second, if we again write Cz for the constant function then we have
-rr(j(z)) = [(c;(z) , 0)]", = [U(c z), 0)]", = k(j(cz)(O)) = k(j(z)). 0
Now fix, for the remainder of the paper, an ordinal p which satisfies
proposition 2.8 and in addition is at least as large as IO(x)x n Mol, where
X = rl(O) E Mo.
We will write Cv for the indiscernibles for M generated by jo,v and Vv
for the indiscernibles for N generated by io,v' Let C be Cn and let V be
Vn. The following is a general fact about iterated ultrapowers.
Fact 2.9. For each a E Mv there is IE j ''Mo such that either a E 1'0
or there is "I E I '0 such that a E C("{). In the latter case "I is definable
from a, using j, as follows:
(1) ,.. = crit(£("{)) is the smallest ordinal such that ,.. ~ a and there is
.g E j ''Mo such that,.. E 9 '0, and
(2) "I is the unique ordinal such that £("{) is a measure on ,.., there is
9 E j ''Mo such that "I E 9 'h, and for all h E j ''Mo and x E h '0 we
have a E x iiI x E £("{).

Proposition 2.10. 1\ p is a subset ofC('Yo), where £("10) is the order 0

measure on O.
Prool. First, notice that if c E I\p then for all IE j"Mo we have f"cno c
c. Suppose to the contrary that { < c::::; I({) < 0 and pick 11" : L(a, b) - 7
L(a,b) so that 1I"tc = id and 1I"(c) > I({). Then 1I"*(f({)) ;::: 1I"*(c) = 1I"(c),
which contradicts the fact that 1I"*(f({)) = 1(1I"({)) = I({) < 1I"(c).
In particular there is no I E j "Mo such that c E I "c, so c E C("I) for
some or~nal "I by fact 2.9. Furthermore crit(£("{)) ;::: 0, but crit(£("{)) ::::; 0
since 0 = j(cx)(O) where Cx is the constant function. Thus crit(C("{)) = O.
Since c is an L(a, b) indiscernible c is regular in L(a, b) and hence ON ( c) = 0
by clause (1) of definition 2.3. Thus £("1) must be the order 0 measure on
O. 0


The main lemma below corresponds to the second of the two lemmas we
referred to in our summary of the proof of Jensen's result. The connection
between lemma 3.1 and Jensen's lemma, which stated that there are at

most countably many members of the class C of indiscernibles for M in

the interval between any two adjacent members of the class I of Silver
indiscernibles for L(a, b), is made by corollary 3.10 at the end of this section,
though unfortunately the statement of that corollary is a good deal messier
than that of Jensen's lemma. Corollary 3.10 will be used in the next section
to show that it is possible to work in K M and still define an iterated
ultrapower which is rich enough that j can be embedded into it.

Main Lemma 3.1. Let v E n be an arbitrary ordinal such that the

critical point K, of j",n is not in I and cf(K,) ~ p+, write v' for the least
ordinal such that crit(i"',n) ~ K" and suppose that K, is an accumulation
point for "I in C", the sequence of indiscernibles generated by jo,,,. Then
£" h = F", h·
Proof. Fix an arbitrary ordinal ). < "I such that £,,().) is a measure on K,.
Since K, is an accumulation point for "I > ). in C", the set Co = U{ C,,("!') :
"I' ~ ).} is unbounded in K, and can be used to generate £,,().). In the
lemma 3.7 below we will find a set D in L(a, b) such that D n Co is un-
bounded in K, and D generates one of the measures F", (fJ) in exactly the
same way that Co generated £,,().). Then £,,().) = F,,'(fJ) since D n Co is
unbounded, and it follows that ). = fJ by coherence. Since ). was arbitrary
this will complete the proof of the main lemma.
In the course of the proof we will use the symbol C to denote an un-
bounded subset of Co. At various places we will put conditions on members
of C which have the effect of making C smaller, so that at the end we will
have C c D.
We will be using some ideas from [Mi91b], beginning with the following

Definition 3.2. A set C c K, is a set of indiscemibles in K, over a model

M with a sequence F of measures if there is an assignment for C, that
is, a function p: K, -+ O(K,) such that for all functions f E M there is
a 6 < K, such that for all a E C \ 6 and all x E P(K,) n J"a we have
a Ex¢=> x E F({3(a».

Proposition 3.3. The set Co is a set of indiscernibles in K, for M", with

the assignment defined by (3(a) = fJ if and only if £,,(fJ) is a measure on K,
and a E C,,(fJ).

It is proved in [Mi91b] that if C is a set of indiscernibles in K, for the

core model K then there is a function h E K so that for all a E C we have
(3(a) E h"a. This clearly need not be true for Co, but the next proposition

says that it is true for a cofinal subset of Co. It is the only place in which
we use the assumption that cf(l\:) ~ p+.
Proposition 3.4. There is a function h E io,v ''Mo such that C = {a E
Co : (3(a) E h 'h} is colinal in 1\:.
Proof. By Fact 2.9, for each a E Co there is hOI. E io,v"Mo such that
(3(a) E hOI. "a. Since cf(l\:) ~ p+ > IO(x>x n Mol it follows that there
must be a single function h E i "Mo such that {a : hOI. = h}, and hence
{a E Co : (3(a) E h "a}, is cofinal in Co. 0
Let h and C be as given by this proposition, so that I\: is still an ac-
cumulation point for A + 1 in C although it may not be an accumulation
point for'Y in C. Now if {3 is an assignment for C then there is a function
(3G in Mv such that (3(a) = (3G(a) for all sufficiently large a E C, and in
particular there is essentially only one assignment having such a function
h. To see this, define Xh('Y) for'Y < I\: to be the least set x in the ordering
of Mv such that

Then for each sufficiently large a E C the ordinal 'Y = (3( a) satisfies


Furthermore there can be only one ordinal 'Y E h "a satisfying formula (1),
e e'
since if < < a and h(e) ~ h(e') then Xh(e') E evee') \ev(e), so that the
right hand side of formula (1) differs for 'Y = h(e) and 'Y' = h(e') at Xh(e')
while the left hand side does not involve 'Y. Hence formula (1) can be used
to define, in M v , a function (3G such that (3G(a) = (3(a) for all sufficiently
large a E'C.
Definition 3.5. We say that a set D genemtes a measure U in M via a
function 9 if a < g(a) :5 D(a) for all a E D and U is the filter of sets x C I\:
such that' for all sufficiently large ordinals a ED.

aEx if g(a) = D(a)

x na E e(g(a)) if g(a) < D(a).

In particular, the set C generates ev(A) in Mv via the function 9 defined

D(a) if A = (3G(a)
g(a) = <t(A,{3G(a))(a) if A < {3G (a).

To see this, note that if 0: E C and (3C(o:) = >. then 0: E C(>') and hence
for sufficiently large 0: we have 0: E x if and only if x E t',,(>.); while if
0: E C and (3C(o:) > >. then x E t',,(>.) if and only if {e E K. : x neE
t',,(<t(>',(3C(e))(e)} E t',,«(3C(o:)), and for sufficiently large 0: E C this is
equivalent to x n 0: E t'(g(o:)) since t't>. = t'"t>.. This function 9 is in M"
because (3c is in M", and since the models N", and M" have the same
subsets of K. it follows that the function 9 is a member of N",. We now
switch to working in N", with the aim of using 9 there. Let c be the largest
member of [ below K.. This exists since by the hypothesis K. is not a member
of [.
Proposition 3.6. There is a set X E L(a, b) such that IXIL(a,b) = c and
X n C is cofinal in K..
Proof. Every member of C may be written in the form gn(O:, c, Cl, ... , en)
where nEw, gn is the universal El function on n + 2 variables in L(a, b),
0: < c, and (Cl, ••• ,en) are the first n members of I above c. Since cf(K.) > w
there is an unbounded subset of C on which n is constant, so that if we set
X = {gn(O:, c, Cl,"" en) : 0: E c} then X n Cis cofinal in K.. 0
We can assume wlog that C eX. Now we have to find a set D of
indiscernibles in L(a, b) which contains a cofinal subset of C. The next
lemma abstracts the properties we need for this set.
Lemma 3.7. The following is true in L(a, b), where K. and v' are as in the
main lemma, X is given by proposition 3.6, and 9 is defined by (*) above.
There is a set D of indiscernibles in K. for N", such that the assignment (3D
for D is in N", and there is a function hEN", such that for sufliciently
large 0: in X

(3D(o:) E h'~ ifo: E D

h '~ n (K. \ 0:) -1= 0 if 0: ¢. D.
We will defer'the proof of lemma 3.7 until after we have finished the proof
of the main lemma. The first part of the proof works with any function h
satisfying the conditions of lemma 3.7, but in the course of the proof we
will choose h to also satisfy a further closure property.
Claim. C \ D is bounded in K..
Proof. Let 'fJ < v be such that h is in the range of if/," and suppose 0: =
crit(j'l/,,,) is in C \ D and is large enough that lemma 3.7 applies. Since
C C X it follows that there is (3 < 0: such that h«(3) E K. \ 0:, but this is
impossible because h«(3) E range(jl'/,") while i'l/'''(O:) = K.. 0

Thus we can assume wlog that C C D, and in fact since any subset of
D also satisfies lemma 3.7 we can assume that C = D. We will continue
to use f3c and f3D for the assignment functions for C and D, respectively,
since these functions also depend on the sequence £y and Fy' and hence
need not be the same.
This proof breaks down into two cases, depending on whether the set of
ordinals a: such that f3 C(a:) = A is unbounded in C. We will begin with
the easier case, that in which f3c (a:) is equal to A on an unbounded subset
of C. In this case we can assume wlog that f3c (a:) = A for all a: E C.
Define a function q by setting q(a:) equal to the least ordinal 1/, if there is
one, such that f3D(a:) = h(1/). Then q is a member of Ny, since h and f3D
are members of Ny" and q(a:) is defined and q(a:) < a: for all members of
D = C. Now q is in Mv since it is in N v', and since C = C(A) it follows
that {a: : q(a:) < a:} E £v'(A) and hence there is an ordinal ~ < K, such
that {a: < K, : q( a:) = 0 E £v' (A). Hence q( a:) = ~ for all sufficiently
large a: E C = D, so f3D(a:) = h(~) for all sufficiently large a: E D. Then
both Fyl(h(~)) and £v(A) are generated by C and hence FVI(h(~)) = £v(A).
This implies that h(~) = A, so that FVI(A) = £v(A) as was to be shown,
completing the proof of the first case.
Thus we can assume wlog that f3c (a:) > A for all a: E C, so that £v (A) is
the set of subsets x of K, such that x n a: E £y (g( a:)) for all sufficiently large
a: E C. Then g(a:) < O£"(a:) = 0 10,,1 (a:) for all sufficiently large a: E C. We
will begin this second case by enhancing the function h from lemma 3.7.
Claim. There is a function h E Nv' which satisfies clauses (1) and (2) of
lemma 3.7 such that for all a: E C there is an ordinal 1/ E h "a: such that
g(a:) = ([..r,,1 (1/, f3D(a:))(a:).
Proof. Let hI be any function satisfying clauses (1) and (2) of lemma 3.7
and set 1/0. = [gl.r",(,BD(o.)). Since f3D(a:) is in hI "a: and 1/0. is definable
from f3D (a:) together with finitely many parameters which do not depend
on a: there is a function h2 E Nvl such that 1/0. E h2 "a: for all a: E
D. Now g(a:) < O(a:), that is, a: E {ll : g(lI) < O(lI)}, for all a: E
D. It follows that for all sufficiently large a: E D the set {ll : g(lI) <
O(lI)} is in F v ,(f3D(a:)), so 1/0. < f3D(a:) and thus the coherence function
([..r", (1/0., f3D (a:)) exists. By the definition of the coherence function we have
[gl.r",(,BD(o.)) = 1/0. = [([..r", (1/0.,f3D(a:))l.r",c8D(0.))' Thus Bo. = {~ < K, :
g(~) = ([..r,,1 (1/0., f3D(a:))(~)} is in Fv' (f3D (a:)). Now Bo. is definable from 1/0.
and f3D(a:) together with parameters which do not depend on a:, so there
is a function h3 E Nyl such that Bo. E h3 "a: for all sufficiently large a: E D.
It follows that a: E Bo., that is, that g( a:) = 1/0., for all sufficiently large

a E D. Then any function h in N v' such that h "1/ = hI "1/ U h2 "1/ for limit
ordinals 1/ will satisfy the conditions of the claim. 0
Now define the function q in N v' by setting q(a) equal to the least ordinal
TJ (if one exists) such that g( a) = ItFv' (h( TJ), 'YD (a)). By the claim, q( a)
does exist and q(a) < a for all ordinals a E D = C. We will show that
q(a) is constant for all sufficiently large a E C. Define xT/' for TJ < K, to
be the least set x C K in the order of construction of L(:Fv ') such that
x E :Fv,(h(TJ)) but x ¢. :Fv,(h(TJ')) for any TJ' E K such that h(TJ') i= h(TJ)·
Now Xq(a) is defined in N v' from parameters hand q(a) < a, so there
is a function k E N v' such that Xq(a) E k"a. Since Xq(a) E :Fv,(h(q(a)))
it follows that Xq(a) n a E :Fvl(ltFv' (h(q(a)),,aD(a))(a)) = :Fv,(g(a)) =
e(g(a)). Now k is in Mv since it is in N v " so Xq(a) E e().) for all sufficiently
large a in C and (again using Xq(a) E k"a) it follows that

Xq(a) n a' E e(g(a')) = :Fv' (ltFv' (h(q( a')),,aD (a')) (a'))

for all a' > a in C = D. This implies that Xq(a) E :Fvl(h(q(a'))) and hence
h(q(a')) = h(q(a)), so q(a') = q(a). Thus there is an ordinal ~ such that
q(a) = ~ for every sufficiently large a E D. Then, as in the first case, we get
that :Fv' (h(~)) is equal to the set of subsets x of K such that x n a E e (g( a))
for every sufficiently large a E C, so that :Fv,(h(~)) = e v().). Thus h(~) =).
and :Fvl().) = e().), as was to be shown. 0
This completes the proof of the lemma 3.1 assuming lemma 3.7.

Proof of lemma 3.7. With the exception of one step the proof of this lemma
takes place entirely inside L( a, b), and all calculations are carried out in
L(a, b) unless otherwise noted. We will have two cases, depending on
whether range (io,v') is cofinal in K. In the simpler of the two cases, that
in which range (io,v') is not cofinal in K, the required set D is taken from
V v ' just as C was taken from Cv and the required version of the covering
lemma is a simple modification of the basic lemma from [Mil. In the case
in which range (io,v') is cofinal in K the set D of indiscernibles comes out of
the covering lemma itself and hence a stronger form of the covering lemma
will be necessary. In neither case is it necessary to know anything of the
proof of the covering lemma, or anything of core model techniques beyond
those which have already been used in this paper.
Suppose first that range (iO,vl ) n K C K' < K. The set of indiscernibles
in this case is the set D = U{VVI(TJ) : crit(:F(TJ)) = Ii}. Then D is a set
of indiscernibles, with ,aD (a) equal to the ordinal TJ such that a E VV' (TJ).
Now for each a E X there is ha E No such that either a E io,v,(ha)"a

or a E V v'("') for some", E io,v,(ho,)"a. We will use the covering lemma

to show that there is an ordinal 8 < It and a function u E N v ' such that
{io,v'(ho,): a E X} c u"8. Then the function h«a,~» = u(a)(~)
satisfies the requirements of lemma 3.7.
Recall that e is the largest member of I below It and set e* = e+ . We
will first show that e* = e+L(a,b). Suppose the contrary, so that le*1 = e in
L(a, b). This is the point at which we have to move out of L( a, b). Since
eEl there is an elementary embedding 7r: L( a, b) -+ L( a, b) such that
7rfe = id and 7r(e) > e. Let U = {x C e: e E 7r(x)}. Then UnK a E L(a, b)
since IP(e) n KaIL(a,b) = l(e+)KGIL(a,b) = e, and by the maximality of
the core model it follows that there is an ordinal 'Y such that U n Ka =
Fob), where Ka = L(Fo). Now 7rfKa: Ka --+ Ka, and we can define an
elementary embedding k: ult(Ka,U) --+ Ka by setting k([f]u) = 7r(f)(e),
so that k· i U = 7r. Then kf(e + 1) is the identity, but if ~ = oult(KG,U)(e)
then k(~) > ~ and hence ~;:::: (e++)ult(Ka,U). This contradicts the fact that
OKa(e) = k(~) < (e++)Ka.
Let", be the least ordinal such that io,v'("') ;:::: It, so that e::; ", < It since
eEl implies that io,n "e C e. Then each ho. is a function from", into 0(",),
and since Ka = No 1= 0(",) < ",++ it follows that Ka 1= O(",)1J = ",+.
We will show that ",* = (",+)K a has cofinality greater than e. Since X has
cardinality e it follows that there is a function u' E No such that ho. E u' "(",)
for all a E X and so we can take 8 = sup(io,v' "",) < It and u = io,v,(u')r8.
Suppose that cf(",*) < e in L(a, b). If", = e then",* = e* = e+, so we
must have", ;:::: e+. Now we use
Covering Lemma I 3.8. ([Mil) If a is any successor cardinal of K then
(cf(a))W ;:::: lal.
In [Mi] this was stated for the special case in which a is the successor in
K of a singular strong limit cardinal J.I-, and was used to show that in this
case a is still the successor of J.I- in V. In our case we apply the lemma inside
L( a, b), so that the core model is Ka, and we take a = ",*. Suppose that
cf(",*)::; c. Then the lemma implies that 1",*1 = IcfKa(",*)I::; (cf(",*))w::;
& = e < c+ ::; 1",*1 This contradiction shows that cf(",*) > c and this
completes the proof of the first case.
Now suppose that range( io,v') is cofinal in It. Then there are no india-
cernibles D v ("') for measures", on It, so we take the indiscernibles from the
following version of the covering lemma instead.
Covering Lemma II 3.9. ([Mi], [Mi91a], [Mi91b]) Suppose It is an ordi-
nal and y is a set such that lylW < 14 Then there is a set D ofindiscernibles

and a function h E K such that

(1) If a E (y n "') \ D then h'~ n ('" \ a) =I- 0, and if a E D then
f3D(a) E h '~.
(2) Hw E y and w c ~ :::; '" then there is w' E h't such that w = w' n~.
(3) H 9 E Y and g: a ~ O(a) for some a E D then there is a function
g' E h'~ such that for all ~ < a we have g(~) = <t(g'(~), f3(a)) (a).
In applying lemma 3.9 we have the difficulty that it only gives indis-
cernibles for the sequence of measures in the core model. Since we will be
working in L( a, b) the core model will be K a and the sequence of measures
will be Fo. What we need instead are indiscernibles for the sequence F y '
of measures in the iterated ultrapower Ny' of Ka. We will begin by using
the set X to define a set X' of the same cardinality which will be used as
the set y of the lemma. Applying the lemma for Ka = No will give a set
D' of indiscernibles and a function h' in No, and we will then use these to
define the required set D of indiscernibles and function hE Ny"
First note that '" E range io,y' since otherwise the facts that range io,y'
is confinal in '" and '" is regular in Ny' would imply that there is an ordinal
v" < v' such that", = crit(iyll,y')' contradicting the minimality of v'. Set
",' = io~'("')' Now X' is defined as follows:
• For ~ach ordinal a in X the least ordinal a' such that io,v'(a') ~ a is a
member of X'.
• If a < io,v' (a / ) and a E 'Dv' ("') for some measure F y' ("') on io,y' (a / ) then
there is a function f: a' ~ O(a / ) in X' such that", E io,v' (I) "a.
• If a < io,v' (a / ) and there is no such", as in the last clause then there is
f: a' ~ a' in X' such that io,v' (I) "a ct. a.
To see that the function f required in the third clause always exists,
note that if a ¢ 'D y ' ("') for any ordinal '" then f can be chosen so that
a E io,v' (I) "a, while if a E 'Dv' ("') for some ordinal '" then there is a
function f and an '" E io,v,(I) "a such that a E 'D v'("')' If the critical point
of F v'("') is equal to io,y,(a' ) then the second clause holds for a. If it is not
equal to io,v' (a'Y then it must be smaller than io,v' (a' ) so that we can take
f' : a ' ~ a' and", E io,v' (I) "a \ a, satisfying the third clause.
Now we can apply lemma 3.9 in L(a, b), using X' and ",' for y and "',
since io,y' "c C c implies ",' > c and IX/lw = c < c+ :::; ",I. This yields a set
D' of indiscernibles for ",' over Ka and a function h' E Ka satisfying the
conditions of the lemma. Now define DC", to be
D = io,v' "(D' ) u U{ 'Dy, ("') : crit(Fy , ("')) E io,v' "(D/) }.

Now we will show that D satisfies the lemma. As before, let a be any
ordinal less then'" and let a' be least such that io,v' (a / ) ~ a. First we will

deal with the ordinals 0: in X \ D. For these we need only show that there
is a function h E NIJI such that h "0: n (I\: \ 0:) #- 0 for all 0: E X \ D. First
suppose that 0:' ¢ D'. Then h' "(0:') n (I\:' \ 0:') #- 0 and since io,IJ' "0:' C 0: it
follows that if we set hI = io,IJ,(h') then hI "0: n (I\: \ 0:) #- 0. Thus we can
assume for the rest of the proof that 0:' ED'.
Since 0: ¢ D it follows that 0: ¢ 'DIJI (11) for any measure FIJI (11) on
io,IJ' (0:'), so that there is I: 0:' -+ 0:' in X' such that io,IJ' (f) "0: <t 0:. By
lemma 3.9 there is I' E h'''(o:') such that 1= I'to:', so that io,IJ,(f') "0: n
(I\: \ 0:) #- 0. Then io,IJ,(f') E hI "0:, so if we set h2(~' e) = hI (~)(~') then
h2 "(0: x 0:) n (I\: \ 0:) #- 0.
Thus for the rest of the proof we will assume that 0: ED. We will
have to define f3D (0:) , show that it works as an assignment, and prove
that f3D(o:) E h"o:. First suppose that 0: = io,IJ'(O:'), in which case set
f3D (0:) = io,1J1 (f3D' (0:')) E hI "0:. We must show that this function f3D is an
assignment on io,1J1 "(D'). If I: I\: -+ P(I\:) is a function in NIJI then there is
a function I' E No and an ordinal 6o < I\: such that I = io,IJ , (f')(60). There
is 61 < 1\:' such that for all e E D' \ fh

Then whenever 0: = io,IJI(O:') > io,IJI(6I) we have

and it follows that if 6 = ma.x(60' io,IJ I (6 I )) then for all 0: in io,IJ' "(D') \ 6

and hence f3D is an assignment for io,IJ' "(D').

Thus we are left with the final case, in which 0:' E D' and 0: E 1)1J'(11)
for some, ordinal 110 such that crit(FIJI (110)) = io,1J1(0:'). By the choice of
X' there is I: 0:' -+ 0(0:') in X' such that 110 = io,IJI(f)(60) for some
60 E 0:, and by lemma 3.9(3) there is a function f': 1\:' -+ 0(1\:') in h'''(o:')
such that f(~') = rt(J'(~'),f3DI (0:'))(0:') for all e'
< 0:'. Then 11(0:) =
rt(io,IJI(f')(60), f3 D (o:))(o:). Set f3D(o:) = io,IJ,(f')(60) E h2 "(0: X 0:).
Now suppose that I: I\: -+ P(I\:) in NIJI. For all sufficiently large indis-
cernibles 0: E D \ io,1J1"D' and for all e< 0:

0: E I(e) {=? I(e) n io,IJI(O:') E FIJI(f3D(o:))

{=? f(e) n io,1J1(0:') E FIJI (rt(f3D (0:), f3D ' (io,IJI(O:')) )(io,1J1 (0:'))).

The last expression is equivalent to

since (3D(a) and (3D(io,v,(a')) = io,vl((3D' (a') are each in h "a', and (1) is
equivalent to f(O E FV ((3D(a)). This completes the proof that D is a set

of indiscernibles and hence the proof of lemma 3.7. 0

This completes the proof of lemma 3.7 and hence of the main result of
this section, lemma 3.1.
Corollary 3.10. For any ordinal d
(1) If8 = sup(dn(Iuu,yl>/,C(-y'))) then the order type ofC(-y)n(d\8)
is at most p+ +wf.
(2) If 8 = sup(d n (I u U/,/~/, C(-y'))) then the set of ordinals a E d \ 8
such that a is an accumulation point for, in C has order type at
most p+ +wf.

Proof. Suppose first that the hypothesis to clause (1) holds. If the order
type of C(-y) n (d \ 8) is not greater than p+ then we are done, so we can
assume that the limit", of the first p+ members of C(-y) above 8 is less
than d. Then", is an indiscernible in C, so there is an ordinal v such that
", = crit(jv,o). We may assume that there is also an ordinal A such that
, = jv,o(A), since otherwise C(-y) n ", would be empty. The definition of ",
implies that ", ~ I and", is an accumulation point for A + 1 in Cv , so if v'
is the least ordinal such that crit(ivl,o) > ", then the main lemma implies
that Fv r(A + 1) = £1' r(A + 1).

Set "'Ol = ~VI,VI+Ol("') and let ~ be the least ordinal such that either
"'f; = ivl,o (",), so that "'f; is not an indiscernible in D, or "'f; is in D(".,) for
some"., > " = iVI,o(A). Set ",' = "'f;. We will show that
i) D(-y') n (",' \",) has order type at most wf,
ii) ",' = j",v+l;("')' and either ",' = j""o("')' so that ",' is not an indis-
cernible in C, or ",' E C(".,) for some "., > " and
iii) D(-y') n (",' \",) = C(-y) n (",' \ ",).
The corollary follows easily from this: (ii) implies that either ",' 2: d or
£(-y) c ",', and then (i) and (iii) imply that the order type of C(-y) n (d \ 8)
is at most the sum of the order types of C(-y) n (", \ 8) and D(-y') n (",' \ ",),
which is at most p+ + wf.
First we prove clause (i). For a ~ ~ set AOl = iVI,VI+Ol(A). Take a
so that "'Ol is the supremum of the first wf members of D(,') above ",.
If no such a exists or "'Ol 2: d then we are done, so we can assume that

"'a < d. It follows that Vv'+a(A",) is unbounded in "''''' and by the def-
inition 2.3 of N this implies that V v ' +'" (e) is unbounded in "'a for every
measure FV'+a(e) on "'a with e < A",. Furthermore cfL(a,b) ("'a) = wY
VV'+a(A a ) = V(A') n "'0. is in L(a,b). By definition 2.3 this implies that
Nv'+a+1 = ult(Nv'+a, FV'+o.(7])) where 7] > Aa, so that either "'a = iv',n("')
(if crit(Fv'+a(7])) > "'a) or "'a E V(i v',n(7])) where iv"n(7]) > "I'. In either
case this implies that Q = ~, and this completes the proof of clause (i).
Now we show by induction on Q ::; ~ that

"'a = iv',v'+a("') = jv,v+o.("')

pMv+a("'a) = pNv'+a("'a)
Fv'+a t(Aa + 1) = fV a t(Aa + 1).
For Q = 0 this has already been shown to be a consequence of the main
lemma. If it is true for Q then since Q < ~ there is 7]0. < A such that
Nv'+a+1 = ult(Nv'+a, Eo.) where Ea = FV'+a('TJa)' But then fv+o.('TJa) is
also equal to Eo. and since fv+a t'TJa = Fv'+a t'TJa = Ft'TJa and 7]0. ~ domainF
we also have Mv+a+1 = ult(Mv+o., Ea). Thus Mv+a+1 and N v'+a+1 also
match as required.
This implies clause (iii), and that ",' = jv,v+l;("')' Now we note that
fv+l;t(A~ + 1) = Fv'+d(A~ + 1) = Ft(A~ + 1). Thus Mv+Hl must be an
ultrapower of MV+l; by some measure fv+l;('TJ) with'TJ > Aa· Then ",' = jv+n
if crit(fv+l;('TJ)) > ",', and otherwise ",' E C(jv+l;,n('TJ)) with jv+l;,n('TJ) > "I.
This concludes the proof of clause (ii) and hence of clause (1) of the lemma.
The proof of clause (2) of the lemma is similar. There is a slight com-
plication in this case since "I need not be a member of range(jv',n), but if
we take 1 to be the least member of range (jv' ,n) \ "I and do the first part
of the construction with 1 instead of "I then all of the accumulation points
for "I below", are also accumulation points for 1, so that if 1 = jv',n(>")
then as before F v' t>.. = fv t>... Since "I ::; 1 the second part of the argument
still shows that there cannot be more than wY accumulation points for "I
between ",' and the first member of U-y'>-Y CC'Y') , and this completes the
proof of clause (2). 0


This and the next section will complete the proof of theorem 1.3. In
this section we will work inside K M to construct a suitable pair (J*, T*)
and in the next section we will show that L( a, b) yields a branch through
the Martin-Solovay tree T associated with (J*, T*) in V. Since the tree T

is in K M [b] it follows that T has a branch in K M [b] and hence K M [b] 1=

3x4>(x, b).
Notice that although the work takes place inside KM it does use a finite
sequence of parameters which are chosen with knowledge from V. The
section can be divided into two parts. The first part constructs in K M
a model M 0 which mimics the construction of Mo and defines in V a fine
structure preserving embedding to: Mo --+ Mo. The second part constructs
an iterated ultrapower s: M 0 --+ M of M 0 which mimics the construction of
j: Mo --+ M. The iterated ultrapower s gives us the class J of indiscernibles
and the set T of terms. The connection between M and M will be made in
section 5 where we define a map t so that the following diagram commutes:


Recall that I is the set of Silver indiscernibles for L(a, b) which are larger
than p+. The map t will be defined by first letting t I map I isomorphically
onto J, and then observing that the set T of terms for M can be used to
define a set T M of terms for M. Every member of M can be written in
the form ".M (i) for some ".M E TM and i E [I]<w (although not all of these
expressions will denote any member of M), and thus we can define t(".M (i))
to be ".M (t(i)).
In order to show that L(a, b) induces a branch through the Martin-
Solovay tree associated with (J, T) we would like to show that if 71": J --+ J
is any order preserving map then there is a map 71"*: M --+ M such that
the diagram

1r*l 1r 1
commutes. We don't know if this is true in general, but we are able to
prove it for maps 71" which preserve successors and wth successors in J. For
e < w2 let sf (v) be the eth member of J larger than v. We modify the pair
(J, T) by letting J* be the set of members of J which are not of the form
sf(v) for any e < w2 , and letting T* be the terms in T, augmented by the
functions sf for e < w2 • The suitability of (J, T) implies that of (J* , T*),
and the existence of the maps 71"* implies that there is a branch through
the Martin-Solovay tree associated with (J*, T*), and this completes the

The construction of Mo and of to: Mo --+ Mo. -The k

construction of
Mo will depend on a finite set {k, (/lk: k < k), f), (Mo : 0 < k:::; k),,x}
_ A A A

of parameters in K. The first three have already been defined, and the
last two are defined below. The choice of these parameters comes from our
previous work in V and depends on a knowledge of the real number a, but
given this choice of parameters the construction of M 0 takes place inside
We define models M~ by recursion on k :::; k, along with maps t~: M~ --+
M~. Set ~ = M8 = K and let tg: M8 = K -+ KM be the iterated
ultrapower asserted to exist by the hypothesis of theorem 1.3. Suppose
that t~: M~ --+ M~ has been defined. We first define an iterated ultrapower
s~,v: M~ --+ M~ by a subsidiary recursion on /I. Recall that /lk was the
length of the iteration of M~, which stopped with the definition of Mt+l
as a mouse in M{;k. We write e~ for the sequence of measures in M~ and
C~ for the system of indiscernibles for M~ generated by s~,V"
If k = 0 then let ,x be the least ordinal such that critU2,v+l) < i8,v(,x)
for all /I < /10. Let C~ be the system of indiscernibles generated by s~ v'
and let'K be least the least measurable cardinal in M~ such that one of the
two following conditions fails, and such that if k = 0 then K < sg ,v(,x):
(1) If K is measurable in F(K) then cf(K) = /Ii; in K.
(2) K is an accumulation point for OM~ (K) in C~.
If such an ordinal exists then we set M~+l = ult(M~,e~(-y)) where if

case (1) failed at K then e~(-y) is the order 0 measure on K in M~ and if

case (2) failed then 'Y is the least ordinal such that e~(-y) is a measure on K
and C~ ('Y) is bounded in K. This construction will stop at some ordinal iik.
Now we use recursion on /I to define an increasing function uk: /lk --+ iik,
together with fine structure preserving embeddings tt:
M{; --+ M~k(v) so
that the following diagram commutes for /I' < /I :::; /lk:

M{;, Mk

(1) t:,l t~ 1
-k u(v'),u(v) -k
MO'k(V') I MO'k(v)

We set uk(O) = 0, and the map t~ is given by the induction hypothesis.

If /I is a limit ordinal then uk(/I) = sup{ uk(/I') : /I' < /I} and is defined tt
so that the rectangles (1) commute for /I' < /I. Now suppose that and tt

ak(v) are given, and Mi+l = ult(Mi, E). Then let a k (v+1) be v'+l where
v' is least such that M~'+l = ult(M~"E') for E' = Skk()u V,v ,(t~(E)). This
v' always exists by the construction of S~'Vk' Define t~+l by t~+l ([i] E) =
[S~(II)'II' (t~(f))] E"
Finally, set

and define M~+l = ti:,(M;+l) and t~+l = ti:,fM;+l.

For k = k recall that Mo = Mf, where D is least such that 0 E ji),0. "Mf.
We use exactly the same procedure as for k < k to define

together with an embedding to = t~ so that to: Mo ~ Mo.

The construction of M and of the pair (J, T). We are now just about
ready to define the iterated ultrapower SO,II: M 0 ~ Milby recursion on v,
together with the set T of terms and J of ordinals. Because the definition of
SO,II is detennined by the definition of the terms and the desired properties
of the terms, we will work backwards. First we will state a proposition
which gives the properties which we expect of the embedding and the terms,
and then we give the definition of the terms and of J assuming that the
embedding S = sO,0.: M 0 ~ M 0. = M has been defined. This definition
will then dictate the definition of the iteration s, since at each stage we
will take an ultrapower to generate an indiscernible that is needed as the
denotation of some term in T.
Proposition 4.1.
(1) For each nEw, T E Tn and c E [J]n there is a member x of M such
that x = TM (c).
(2) For each x E M there are nEw, T E Tn and c E [J]n such that
x = TM(c).
(3) J = {c E Cb) : 'iT E T'ic E [J n c]n (c =J TM (c» }, where £b) is
the order 0 measure on 0 in M.
(4) If 1f is any order preserving map from J into J then 1f extends to a
map 1f*: M ~ M defined by 1f*(T(C)) = T(1f(C)).

We now define the set T and class J, assuming that M and S = sO,0. have
been defined. Recall that X = r1(0). We write X for to(X), which will be
equal to S-l(O). The definition given below has been simplified by ignoring

fine structure. The functions f in clause (2) of definition 4.2 are actually
members of the E n - I code of M, where n = n~ is the least integer such
that the En projectum of M is smaller that than n. The En projectum Pn
of M is equal to the En projectum of M 0 and s P is the identity, and Mo
is (n - 1)-sound so that every member of M is definable from members of
the E n - I code of M. Furthermore the last sentence is also true with s, Mo
and M replaced by j, Mo and M.
Definition 4.2. The set T c M 0 is obtained by starting with the follow-
ing four classes of basic terms and closing under composition.
(1) IT x is any variable then::i; is a unary term.
(2) IT f is any function in M 0 with domain in [X]n for some n < w then
j is an n-ary term.
(3) IT e is any ordinal smaller than p+ + wy then it; is a binary term.
(4) IT e is any ordinal smaller than p+ + wy then at; is a ternary term.
The following definition gives the meaning of the basic terms from defini-
tion 4.2. The meaning of a term obtained from these terms by composition
is then given by recursion on the length of the term.
Definition 4.3.
(1) ::i;M(C) = c.
(2) jM (eo, ... ,en-I) = s(f)(eo, . .. ,en-I).
(3) it;M (-y, 0) is equal to 0 unless'Y E domain(&) and 0 < crit(&(-y)), in
which case it;M (-y, 0) is the eth member of C(-y) above o.
(4) at;M(1],'Y,O) is equal to 0 unless 'Y E domain(&) and 0 < K =
crit(&(-y)) < 'Y < 1] :5 Oe(K) , in which case at;M (1], 'Y, 0) is the
eth member v ofC(-y) above e such that v is an accumulation point
for &(1]).
Now we can take clause 4.1(3) as a definition of J. Note that if r is a
term, C E [J]n, and rM (c) = v E n then there is a term r' and sequence
C' E [J n{v + 1)]n such that r' (c') = v.

Now we define the iterated ultrapower s: M 0 - M n = M, defining

sO,v: M 0 - M v by recursion on v. The strategy in deciding which ul-
trapower to use at each stage is to check whether there is an indiscernible
which is needed as a denotation of a term from clause (3) or (4), but which
does not yet exist. IT there is such a missing indiscernible then the next
ultrapower is chosen so as to add it; otherwise the next ultrapower is chosen
to add a new member of J. The first clause of definition 4.4 will add an
instance of clause 4.2(4), the second will add an instance of clause 4.2(3),
and the default case will add a member of J.

Definition 4.4. Suppose that so,v: M 0 ~ M v has been defined, giving

the system Cv of indiscernibles. Then Mv+l = ult(Mv,£v(-;'v», where IV
is chosen as follows: Let (Ib, TJ,,x) be the lexicographically least triple (if
there is one) such that Ib ~ so,v(X) and one of the two following clauses is
(1) Ib < ,x < "I ~ OMv(Ib), £v(,x) is a measure on Ib, and there is 6 < Ib
such that the order type of the set of ordinals d E Cv (,x) n (6, Ib) such
that d is an accumulation point for "I in Cv is less then p+ + wy.
(2) £v(TJ) is a measure on Ib but there is 6 < Ib such that the order type
of Cv(TJ) n (Ib \ 6) is less than p+ + wy.
If clause (1) holds then set IV = ,x, if clause (2) holds then set IV = "I, and
if neither of the clauses holds for any triple (Ib, TJ,,x) then set IV = so,v(1")
where £oCl') is the order 0 measure on X in Mo.

Proof of proposition ,f..1. Clause 4.1(1), which asserts that every term de-
notes an ordinal, is proved by induction on the complexity of the term T.
Clause 4.1(2) is also proved by an induction: Every member of M is of the
form s(f)(c) where f E Mo and c is a sequence of indiscernibles arising
from the iterated ultrapower s. Thus it is enough to show that each of these
indiscernibles can be denoted by a term, but this follows easily from the
fact that indiscernibles from clauses (1) and (2) were only added because
they were required as the denotation of some term and all of the other
indiscernibles are in J. Clause 4.1(3) follows easily from the definition of
The proof of clause 4.1(4) uses a normal form for the terms T. The next
definition is a start towards the definition of this normal form.

Definition 4.5. A support sequence is a finite sequence s = ( (ci' ~i' fi' qi) :
i < k) of quadruples such that
(1) Ci E {1,2,3} for each i < k.
(2) ~i < p+,+ wy for each i < k.
(3) fi and gi are in s ''M0, and are each functions such that domain(/i) =
domain(gi) = [O]i.

Definition 4.6. A support sequence s is a support sequence for d if d is

a finite sequence of ordinals, and for all i < len( d)
(1) If Ci = 1 then c(fi(dti» is a measure on some ordinal Ib, fi(dti) <
gi(dti) ~ OM(Ib), and di = adfi(dti),gi(dti), di - 1 ).
(2) If Ci = 2 then gi(dti) = 0, cfi(dti) is a measure, and di =
se. (fi(dti), di-d·

(3) If ci = 3 then ';i = gi(dfi) = !i(dfi) = 0 and di is in J with

di > di - 1 ·
A sequence d is a support if it has a support sequence.
Notice that any support sequence corresponds, in a natural way, to a
term. If c is an increasing sequence from J of length equal to the number
of i < k such that Ci = 3 then we write s(c) for the unique sequence d, if
there is one, such that s is a support sequence for d and c = {d i : Ci = 3}.
We say that a term r( c) is in standard form if it has the form r( c) = f(s( c»
where f E range (s) and where there is no function h E range( s) such that
r(c) E h"[sups(c)]<w.
Proposition 4.7. If s is a support sequence of length n and c and
c' are in [J]n then s(c) exists if and only if s(c') does. Furthermore, if
¢ is any E 1 -formu1a with parameters from s'1i;J0 then the E nok code of
M satisfies ¢(.5(c» ~ ¢(s(c'». If k= 0 and ¢ is any formula then
M 1= ¢(s(c» ~ ¢(s(c'».
Proof. This is a straightforward induction on n. It depends on two facts:
one is the completeness of the iterated ultrapower j, which ensures that
any desired indiscernible or accumulation point exists, and the other is the
fact that C is a sequence of indiscernibles for Mover s"Mo. 0
We will show that for every term r there is a term r' in standard form
such that r(c) = r'(c) for all c E [J]<w. Thus proposition 4.7 implies
that if 7f : J -+ J is any order preserving embedding then the extension
7f' : M -+ M of 7f defined by setting 7f' (r( c» = r( 7f( c» preserves fine
Lemma 4.8. Suppose that d and e are supports, with support sequences
s and t respectively. Then dUe is also a support, and the support sequence
for dUe depends only on s and t.
Proof Let j be the least integer such that dj =f. ej or .5j =f. tj, so that
dfj = efJ' and sfj = tf]. We can also assume without loss of generality
that d = s(c) and e = t(c) for the same sequence c E [J]<w. If either
of the sequences d or e has length j then dUe is equal to the longer of
the two sequences and hence has a support sequence, so we can assume
that ej and dj both exist. We can assume without loss of generality that
d = d j :::; ej. We will construct a support sequence t' for e U {d} such that
t'fj + 1 = sfj + 1. The required support sequence for dUe is obtained by
recursion on j.
Write (c,';,f,g) for Sj, and write ~ = (ci,';i,fi,gi) for i < len(e). If
d = ej then the sequence t' defined by tj = Sj and t~ = ~ for i =f. j is

a support sequence for d such that t'fj + 1 = stj + 1, as required. Thus

we can assume that d < ej. In this case we define t'tj + 1 = stj + 1, as
required, and t~+l = 4 for i > j + 1. We can also set tj+2 = tj+1 except
when Cj+1 #- 3 and Cj+1 = C, h+1 = f and gj+1 = g, that is when d
and ej are indiscernibles or accumulation points of the same type, and are
respectively the ~th and ~jth such indiscernibles or accumulation points
above ej-l = dj - I . In this case we set tj+2 = (cj+b~',fj+bgj+l) where
~ +~' = ~j+1. Then t' is the required support sequence for e U {d}.
To complete the proof of the lemma we need to show that t' depends
only on the support sequences S and t. The construction described above
also depends on whether dj < ej, dj = ej, or dj > ej, but the completeness
of the iterated ultrapower s implies that the order of dj and ej is the same
as the lexicographic ordering of the quadruples

Since etj = dtj, proposition 4.7 implies that this order depends only on Sj
and~. 0
In order to complete the proof of proposition 4.1(4) we need to show
that for any term T there is a term T' in standard form such that T( c) =
T'(C) for every sequence c from J. Since any term will have the form
T = t(TQ, ... ,Tn-I) where t is one of the terms given by the four clauses of
the definition, the proof breaks down into four cases:
Case 1. If t comes from clause (1) then T is just a variable Xi and T( c) =
c;, which is a term in standard form.
Case 2. If t comes from clause (2) then we can assume that each of
the terms Ti is in standard form, Ti = fi(Si(C». FUrthermore we can
assume that fi is the identity, so that Ti(C) = fi(Si(C» = SUP(Si(c)),
since otherwise f could be replaced by the function l' defined by f' (iJ) =
f(fo(iJ) , ... , fn-l(iJ», which is also in range(s). By the lemma, the union of
the sequences Si (c) is a support d, with support sequence S depending only
on the support sequences Si, so that we can write T(C) = f(s(c)) = f(d).
This is a term in standard form unless there is a sequence a and a function
h E range(s) such that f(d) = h(a) and sup (a) < sup(d). In this case
define a function l' by setting f'(iJ) equal to the least sequence a such that
h( a) = f (iJ), where the sequences a of ordinals are ordered lexicographically
as decreasing sequences. Then f(d) = h(f'(d». If 1'(d) < sup(d) then by
using the normality of the measures in the sequence we can define a func-
tion 1" E range(s) such that f'(d) = 1"(dnsup(f'(d))+I). If j is least such

that dj > sup(f'(d)) then T(C) = f(d) = (hf")(drj) = (hf")«s fj)(c)),

and this last is a term in standard form.
Gases 3 and 4. In these cases T(C) is either of the form Re(To(C), T2(C)) or
ofthe form at;{To(c), Tl(C), T2(C)), where each ofthe terms Ti can be taken to
be in standard form, Ti = fi (Si (c)). By merging the three support sequences
we can assume that all the sequences Si are the same (actually, initial parts
of the same sequence). We can always take 12 equal to the identity, so that
T2(C) = SUP(S2(C)). Since Ti(C) E h"(T(C)) for some h E range(s) we have
that SUp(Si(C)) < T(C) for i = 1,2. Thus s(c) U {T(C)} is a support with
support sequence obtained by adding either (1, It, 0, e) or (2,12, It, e) to s.
This concludes the definition, in KM, of J and T. Proposition 4.1
implies that J and T are suitable. As stated at the beginning of the section,
we will actually use a modified pair (J*, T*). The set T* is obtained from
T by adding the functions sf (v) for e < w2 and closing under composition,
where sf (v) is the eth member of J above v, and J* = {v E J : Ve <
w2 v¢. si"v}. It is easy to see that the suitability of (J, T) implies that of
(J* , T*), so if T is the Martin-Solovay tree defined in K M [b] using J* and
T* then any branch through Twill give a solution to the formula 3x¢(x, b).
All that- remains is to prove that there exists a branch through T in V, and
hence in K M [b].

Since T c Mo, we can define TM to be {x E Mo : to(x) E T}. The
meaning of an expression TM(c) for T E TM and C E [I]n, is given by
definition 5.1 below.
Definition 5.1.
(1) xM (c) = c.
(2) jM (eo, ... ,en-I) = j(f)(eo, ... , en-I).
(3) If "( E domain(&) and 8 < crit(&h)) then ReM ("(,8) is the eth
member v of C("() above 8, provided that such an ordinal v exists
and that (v + 1) n Ie 8 and Ch') n v c 8 for all "(' > 'Y. Otherwise
ReM h, 8) is undefined.
(4) If "( E domain(&) and 8 < K, = crit(&('Y)) < 'Y < 1] ~ Oe(K,) then
ae M(1], "(,8) is the eth member v of Ch) which is an accumulation
point in C for 1], provided that such an ordinal v exists and that
(v+1)nI c 8andCh')nv c 8forall,,(' ~ 1]. OtherwiseaeM(1],,,(,8)
is undefined.
Notice that this definition is similar to definition 4.3 except for the
phrases beginning with the words "provided that" in clauses (3) and (4).

The corresponding clauses would have been redundant in definition 4.3,

since they are always true in M because of the completeness of the iterated
ultrapower s. In the present context it is quite possible that, for example,
t'b) and t'('y') might be measures on the same cardinal fi" with'Y < 'Y',
and that nevertheless the least member c of C('Y) is larger than the least
member d of C('Y'). Then i 1 M b',O) = d by definition 5.1, but i1 M b,O)
does not exist. To allow i1 M b, 0) = c would be wrong, as it would be
violate the natural order of the terms as given by the lexicographic order
of the quadruples (*) in the proof of lemma 4.8.
The analogue to clause (2) of proposition 4.1 is true in this context:

Proposition 5.2. Every set in M has the form 'TM (e) for some 'T E ~M
and e E [l]n.

Proof. As in the proof of clause (2) of proposition 4.1, it is enough to show

that every ordinal in U,\ C(A) \ I has this form. We do this by induction on
v. Suppose v E C(A) where A E J"v for some f E range(j). First suppose
that v is not an accumulation point for any 'Y > A. Then by corollary 3.10
there is 6 < v and ~ < p+ + wY such that v is the ~th member of C(A)
above 6. Then v = ie M (A, 6) and the induction hypothesis implies that 6
and A are denoted by terms. Hence v is also denoted by a term.
If, on the other hand, v is an accumulation point for some 'Y > A, then
the largest such 'Y is in J"v for some f E range(j). Then by corollary 3.10
there is 6 < v and ~ < p+ + wY such that v is the ~th member of C(A)
above 6 which is an accumulation point for 'Y. Then v = iteM b, A, 6), and
hence v is denoted by a term since by the induction hypothesis 6, A and 'Y
are denoted by terms. 0

We also have

Proposition 5.3. For every term 'T E 'I'M there is a term 'T' in standard
form such that whenever e E [I]n is a sequence such that 'T(e) is defined
then 'T'(e) is also defined and 'T(e) = 'T'(e).

Proof This is identical to the proof of the same proposition for M, which is
the last part of the proof of clause (4) of proposition 4.1. The proof shows,
in fact, that to('T') is the term of 'I'M which is in standard form and is equal
~~W. 0
Lemma 5.4. Let ttl be the map taking I isomorphically onto J. Then
t can be extended to a fine structure preserving embedding from M to M
such that t('TM(e)) = 'TM(t(e)) for all terms'T and all e E [l]<w such that
'Tm(e) is defined.

Proof. By proposition 5.2, every member x of M is represented by an ex-

pression x = rM(c), with r E TM and c E [IJ<w, and by proposition 5.3
we can assume that r is in standard form. Now define t( x) = rM (t( c)). We
need to verify that rM ( t ( c )) always exists and that this map preserves fine
structure, but this follows by the same proof as proposition 4.7. D D

We already know, by lemma 2.8, that if rr : L(a, b) ~ L(a, b) with rrfp =

id then rrfN extends to rr*: M ~ M. We would now like to show that rr*
preserves terms, that is, that if r E TM then rr*(r M (c)) = rM (rr(c)). The
problem is that rM (rr( c)) might not exists, even if rM (c) does. We do not
know whether this in fact can happen, but we will show that it does not
happen for sufficiently well behaved embeddings rr. The main result of this
section is lemma 5.6 below. Immediately after the statement of lemma 5.6
we will use it to complete the proof of the main theorem, theorem 1.3, and
after that the proof of lemma 5.6 will take up the rest of the paper.
Through the rest of this section we will always use c and d to denote
members of [I]<w.

Definition 5.5.
(1)s~(8) is the ~th member of I larger than 8.
(2) d is a 1J-conservative extension of c if for every member d of d \ c
there is acE c U {OJ and ~ < 1J such that either d = s~(c) or
C = s~(d)

(3) c ='7 d iff c= e

d and for each < 1J we have (i) Co = sf(O) if
and only if do = s~(O), (ii) for each i, Ci+1 = S~(Ci) if and only
if di+l = S~(di)' and (iii) for each i there an ordinal 8 < Ci such
that Ci = s~ (8) if and only if there is an ordinal 8 < di such that
di = s~(8).
(4) c, c' =
d,d' if and only if c, c' d, d' and c U c' ='7

In the rest of this paper, the letters f and 9 will always be used in
accordance with the following convention: the letter 9 is always used to
denote functions of the form

g(c) = g(c, do, ... ,dn - 1 ),

where 9 is definable in L(a, b) from parameters in p and do, . .. ,dn - 1 are

arbitrary members of I such that di > g(c), while the letter f always
denotes functions in j "Mo. Thus every ordinal v E n can be written in the
form g( c) for some function 9 and c E [I n (v + 1)] <W, and every set in M
can be written in the form f· g(c) where c E [I n (g(c) + l)]<w.

Lemma 5.6.
(1) Hc ==w2 d and r E TM then r(c) exists iffr(d) exists.
(2) Hd ==w2 C and f(g(c» = rM(c) then f(g(d» = rM(d).
(3) For any f, 9 and c, if x = f(g(c» then there is a term r E TM and
an w2 -conservative extension c' of c such that x = r(c')

Proof of theorem 1.3, assuming lemma 5.6. We will use lemma 5.6 to show
that there is a branch through the Martin-Solovay tree T associated with
(J*, T*). Let 1* be the set of w2-limit points of 1 and define T*M like
T*, by augmenting TM with the functions sI for i < w2 and closing under
composition. Thus lemma 5.6 is true for T*M, and in fact it remains
true for T*M even if ==w2 is replaced by == and instead of allowing an w2 _
conservative extension in clause (3) x is required to be equal to r(c). Recall
that a branch through the Martin-Solovay tree T is a pair (e, (f) where e is
the sharp of a pair (r, b) of reals and (f is a function which takes terms of
the structure 8 from definition 1.9 into the set J* of ordinals. The real e
will be (a,W, and we need to define the map (f. By lemma 5.6(3) we can
define a map (fM taking terms s of 8 with n free variables into terms in
T; M by lettip.g (fM (s) be some term r E T*M such that rM. (c) = sB (c) for
an arbitrary sequence c E [1]<w. Clauses (1) and (2) of lemma 5.6 imply
that (fM (s) does not depend on the choice of c. The final clause of the
definition of the Martin-Solovay tree clearly holds, since s(c) and (fM (s) (c)
are the same ordinal. Now if we set (f = to' (fM , so that (f maps the terms of
8 to members of T*, then the pair «a,
b)U, (f) is the desired branch through
Tin V. It follows by absoluteness that there is such a branch in K[b], and
hence there is a solution to the II~ formula ¢(x, b). D
The proof o{ lemma 5.6 will involve a series of observations:
Proposition 5.7. Iif(g(c» = f(g(c'» then there is g' such that f(g(c» =
f(g'(c n c'».
Proof. Let d c n c'. Order [1] <W, regarded as a class of descending
sequences of ordinals, lexicographically, and suppose that e is the least
sequence such that e ~ d and there is g' such that f(g'(e» = f(g(c». Let
ei be the least member of e such that ei ¢. d. It will be enough to show

(1) 3v < ei (Jg'( eo,···, ei-b v, eHb···, en-I) = fg'(e» ,

for then we will have v = gll(e') for some e' E [1 n (v + 1)]<w, so that
fg' (e) = fg'( eo, ... ,ei-b gil (e'), eHl, ... ,en-l ),

and since (e \ {ei}) U e' <lex e this contradicts the minimality of e.

Now ei ~ ene' so assume wlog that ei is not in e and let 7ro and 7rl
be embeddings such that 7ro(e) = 7rl(e), 7ro(e \ {ei}) = 7rl(e \ {ei}), and
7rO(ei) < 7rl(ei). Then we have
7ri(fg(e» = 1(7ri(g(e))) = Ig(7ri(e))
for i = 0, 1 and since 7ro(e) = 7rl (e) it follows that
(2) Ig'(7ro(e» = 7ro(fg'(e» = 7ro(fg(c»
= 7ri(fg(e» = 7ri(fg'(e» = Ig'(7rl(e))
Now if x = {(e,e') : I(e) = I(e')} then (2) says that (g'(7ro(e)),g'(7r1(e)) E
x. But x E range(j), so if v> max(g'(7ro(e»,g'(7rl(e» then xnv E N and
7rl(XnV) = Xn7rl(V). Thus (g(7ro(e),g(7r1(e))) E 7rl(X). Then since 7ro(e)
and 7r1 (e) agree except at ei, if we set e' = 7r1 (e) then we have
3v < e~ (g'« e~, ... ,e~_l,v,e~+1"" ,e~_d, g'(e'») E 7rl(X).
Since 7r1: L(a, b) -+ L(a, b) is elementary this implies that
3v < ei (g'( eo, ... , ei-t, v, ei+b ... , en-l ), g'(e)) EX,
which is equivalent to (1). D
Proposition 5.S. For all ordinals a and 'Y and all embeddings 7r from I
into I we have a E C("() iff 7r*(a) E C(7r*("(».
Proof Recall that by fact 2.9 we have a E C("() if and only if (1) 'Y E f"a
for some I E j "Mo and (2) if I is any function in j "Mo then 'tIx E f"a (a E
x {::=> x E £ ('Y ) ). Since 7r* is a fine structure preserving embedding of M
into itself such that 7r*(f) = I for all I E j"Mo the conditions (1) and (2)
are both preserved by 7r*. D
Corollary 5.9. IE go (e) E C(It (91 (e»)) and d == e then
go(d) E C(/t(gl(d))).

Prool. Pick 7ro and 7rl so that 7ro(e) = 7rl(d). Then by proposition 5.8
(1) go(e) E C(/t(gl(e))) iff 7ro(go(e)) E C(7ro(f1g1(e))).

7ro(flgl(e)) = /tgl(7rO(e») = /tgl(7rl(d» = 7ri(f1g1(d»
so the right hand side of (1) is also equivalent to g1(d) E C(/t (g1 (d))). D

Lemma 5.10. Consider formulas ¢ in the language of M with added

predicates for { (v, A) : v E C(A) } and {f : f E j ''Mo} and constants for
members of j ''Mo, and say that a formula ¢ is Llo if it has no quantifiers
(not even bounded quantifiers).
(1) Supposethat¢is~landthate==we'. ThenMp¢(e) ~ ¢(e').
(2) Suppose that ¢ is ~2 and e ==w2 e'. Then M p ¢(e) ~ ¢(e').

Proof By corollary 5.9 we see that if ¢ is Llo and e == e' then M p

¢(e) ~ ¢(e'). Now let ¢(e) be the ~l formula 3x'IjJ(x,e), and suppose
that M p ¢(e). Let x = fg(d) be such that M p 'IjJ(x, c). If e' ==w e
then we can find d' extending e' so that e', d' == e, d, but this implies that
M p 'IjJ(fg(d'),e') and hence M p ¢(e'). This proves clause (1).
Now suppose that e ==w2 e' and that M p ¢(e), where ¢(e) is the 'E 2
formula 3x'IjJ(x, c). Pick x = fg(d) so that M p 'IjJ(x, c). Then there is
an extension d' of e' such that e', d' ==w e, d. Since 'IjJ is a III formula,
clause (1) implies that M p 'IjJ(fg(d),e) ~ 'IjJ(jg(d'),e'). Thus we have
M p 'IjJ(fg(d'),e') and hence M p ¢(e'). 0
Suppose that v E U>. C(A) \ I. Then there is a unique A such that
v E C(A) and A E f"v for some f E j"Mo. We write A(V) for this unique
A. If v is a strict accumulation point, ie, v is an accumulation point for
some ordinal "'I > A, then there is a largest such "'I, which will either be
OM(crit(£(A(v)))) or the least ordinal such that "'I E f"v for some function
f E j"Mo and v n U,'2:,CC"Y') is bounded in v. In either case "'I E f"v for
some f. We write "'I(v) for this "'I. If v is not a strict accumulation point
then we set "'I(v) = A(V) + 1. Finally, let 8(v) < v be the larger of sup(Inv)
and sup U{ C(A') n v: A' ~ "'I(v)}. Thus 8(v) < v, and in this notation the
ordinal 8 which appeared in either case of corollary 3.10 is written 8(d).
Lemma 5.11. Suppose that v = gee) E U>. C(A) and v tf. I. Then there
is an w2-conservative extension d of e and functions go, h, gl, !2 and g2
such that gi(d) < v for i = 1,2,3 and

8(v) = go(d)

Furthermore, ife',d' ==w2 e,d and v' = gee') then 8(v') = go(d'), A(V') =
hgl(d'), and "'I(v') = !2g2(d').
Proof. We will first find the required functions Ii and gi and the w2 _
conservative extension d. For A(V) no extension is required. Let h be such
that A(V) E h "v, and take d E [v n I]<w so that A(V) = hgl(d) for some
function gl, with d :> e and d as small as possible. We claim that d = e.

If it is not then we can find sequences e', d~, and d 1 so that e, d == e', d~
and e, d == e', d 1 but d~ n d 1= e'. Then flgl (d~) =1= flgl (dJ.), since other-
wise proposition 5.7 implies that there is g' so that flgl(d~) = flg'(e')
and hence f W' (e ) = fl gl (d), contrary to assumption. By indiscerni-
bility and corollary 5.9 g(e') is in both C(fl(gl(d~))) and C(Jl(gl(dJ.))),
and since both gl (d~) and gl (d1) are less than g( e') this implies that
flgl(d~) = ),(g(e')) = flgl(dJ.), contradicting the claim.
Pick go, 12, g2 and d' so that -y(v) = h(g2(d')) and 8(v) = go(d'),
with d' E [I n v] <w. Let d be the sequence such that d', e ==w d, e and
each member of d \ e is as small as possible, so that d is a w2 -conservative
extension of e. We will show that -y(v) = hg2(d) and 8(v) = go(d).
First we consider -y(v). We can assume that v is a strict accumulation
point, since otherwise -y(v) equals ),(v)+l. Certainly hg2(d) ~ hg2(d') =
-y(v) and it follows immediately that v is an accumulation point for hg2(d).
Now consider the formula ¢(8, ,,(, v):

ViNaVf (8 < a < v /\ f(f3) ~ -y =} art C(J(f3))).

The formula ¢( 8, v, "() implies that v is not an accumulation point for any
ordinaI-larger than "(. It is a III formula and ¢(go(d'),hg2(d'),g(e)) is
true, so lemma 5.10 implies that ¢(go(d), hg2(d),g(e)) is also true. Thus
hg2(d) ~ hg2(d') so hg2(d) = hg2(d') = -y(v)
Now we show that go(d) = go(d') = 8(v). If 8(v) = max(1 n v), then
8(v) = max(env) since gee) < a for any a > max(cnv) in I. In that case
go(d') = max(e) = go(d). Now assume 8(v) rt I. Again we have go(d) ~
go(d') = 8(v). As before, the formula ¢(go(d),hg2(d),g(e)) is true. Since
hg2(d) = "(v) and gee) = v this says ¢(go(d),-y(v),v) which asserts that
Ch') n V c 8 for all -y' ~ ,,(v). But this implies that go(d) ~ 8(v), so
go(d) = 8(v).
Now we prove the last clause of the lemma. Suppose that e', d' ==w2 e, d
where d and the functions gi and fi are as above. Corollary 5.9 implies
that g(e') E C(flgl(d')) and hence ),(g(e')) = flgl(d'). The formula
¢(go( d'), hg2(d'), gee')) is true because ¢(go(d), hg2( d), gee)) is true, and
thus hg2(d') ~ "(g(e')), so it is enough to show that hg2(d') is an accu-
mulation point for g( e'). The statement that v is an accumulation point
for -y is

VaV!'Vf33f" 3e3p,
(a < v /\ f'(f3) < -y /\ f3 < v ===}

a < e< v /\ f'(f3) ~ f"(p,) /\ eE C(J"(p,))).


Since this is a II2 formula which is true of (g(C),hg2(d)), lemma 5.10

implies that it holds of (g(c'), hg2(d')), so that hg2(d') is an accumulation
point for g(c'). Thus hg2(d') = -y(g(c')).
If 6(g(c)) = max(I n (c \ g(c))) then go(d') = max(I n (c' \ g(c'))) =
6(g(c')), so we can assume that 6(g(c')) E Ch) for some -y ~ -y(g(c)). Then
since we know that hg2(d') = -y(g(c')), the truth of ¢(go(d'), hg2(d'), g(c'))
implies that go(d') ~ 6(g(c')). The statement that 6:::; 6(v) is made by the
II2 formula

This is true for (go(d),g(c)), so it is true of (go(d'),g(c')) and hence

go(d')= 6(g(c')). 0
Proof of clause (3) of lemma 5.6. It will be sufficient to prove that if g(c) is
an ordinal then there is a w2 -conservative extension d of c and a term such
that g(c) = r(d). We prove this by induction on the size of the ordinal
g( c). Assume that it is true of every ordinal less than v = g( c). If v = f' (a)
for some function f' and a < v then using proposition 5.7 we can assume
that a = g'(c) for some g'. By the induction hypothesis a = r'(d) for some
term r' and w2-conservative extension d of c, so v = i(r(d)) and r = i ·r'
is the required term.
Otherwise v is an indiscernible, and one of the clauses of corollary 3.10
holds for d = v. Then by lemma 5.11 we can write 6(v) = go(c'), A(V) =
!1(gl(C')), and in the case of clause (2) -y(v) = h(g2(C')) where c' is a w2_
conservative extension of c and gi(C') < v for i = 0,1,2. It follows by the
induction hypothesis that there are terms ri and a w2-conservative e~ension
d of c' such that gi(C') = ri(d) for i = 1,2,3. Then v can be written in the
form r(c'), where r is a term given by clause (4) of definition 4.2 if v is a
strict accumulation point, and clause (3) otherwise, taking < p+ + wy as
given by corollary 3.10. 0
We need one more fact before we can prove the rest of lemma 5.6. By
the results so far we can use induction on to show, for example, that for
e e' e
each A, 6 and there is ~ such that 11"* (itt (>\,6)) = it! (11"* (A), 11"* (6)).
The next lemma shows that the no new indiscernibles appear, and hence
e= e'·
Lemma 5.12. Suppose that v = g(c), that 6(v) < v' < v, and that
v' E C(A(V)) and (if v is a strict accumulation point) v' is an accumulation
point for -y(v) in C. Then v' = g'(c') for some function g' and some w2_
conservative extension c' of c.

Proof. If the lemma is false then v' = g' (d), where d is not a w2 -conservative
extension of c and if Q is the set of i < len(d) such that di is not in any
w2 -conservative extension of c t~len g'(d) actually depends on the members
di of d such that i E Q. Let gi for i = 0,1,2 and fi for i = 1,2 be as
in the last lemma. Then there is a sequence c' such that c' =w2 C and
the members of c' which are ~ot related by the functions s~ are spread
out enough that there is room for p+ + wi
+ 1 many disjoint sequences,
(d'" : a :::::: p+ + wi), such that

d"',c' =w2 d,c for a:::::: p+ +wi

d?', < d?", for a < a' :::::: p+ + wi and i E Q.

Then if we set v", = g'(d"') we have va. < va.' for a < a' < p+ + wi + 1,
and for all a :::::: p+ + wi
we have

l5(va.) = go(c') = l5(v'), 'x(va.) = JIgl(C') = ,x(v'),

and if v is a strict accumulation point

This contradicts corollary 3.10 which says that the order type of the set of
such ordinals cannot be grflater than p+ + wi. D
The remaining clauses, (1) and (2), of lemma 5.6 follow easily by an
induction on the complexity of the term 7, using lemmas 5.11 and 5.12.
This completes the proof of lemma 5.6 and hence of the main theorem.
The author would like to thank Tom Jech and Jean Larson, who listened
to the proof and insisted on understanding it, and John Steel who read the
original draft and made many useful suggestions.
This w~rk was partially completed while the author was visiting the
University of California, Los Angeles and the California Institute of Tech-
nology, and was partially supported by grant number DMS-8614447 from
the National Science Foundation.

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[MiS89] W. J. Mitchell and J. Steel, Fine Structure and Itemtion Trees, (in prepara-
[Sho61] J. R. Shoenfield, The Problem of Predicativity, Essays on the Foundations of
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[Ste90] J. Steel, The Core Model Itembility Problem, Handwritten notes (June 1990).


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ABSTRACT. We show that it is not provable in ZFC that any two countable
elementarily equivalent structures have isomorphic ultrapowers relative to
some ultrafilter on w.


§2. Elementarily equivalent structures do not have isomorphic ultmpowers.

H V is a model of CH then in a generic extension we make 2~o = N2
and we find countable elementarily equivalent graphs r, ~ such that for
every ultrafilter F on w, rw / F ~ ~w / F. In this model there is an ultrafil-
ter F such that any ultraproduct with respect to F of finite structures is
§3. The case of finite gmphs.
By a variant of the construction in §2 we show that there is a generic ex-
tension of V in which for some explicitly defined sequences of finite graphs
r n, ~n, all nonprincipal ultraproducts TIn r n/Fl or TIn ~n/F2' are ele-
mentarily equiVB;lent, but no countable ultraproduct of the r n is isomorphic
to a countable ultraproduct of the ~n'
§4. The effect of N3 Cohen reals.
We prove that if we simply add N3 Cohen reals to a model of GCH, then
there is at least one ultrafilter F such that for certain pseudorandom finite
graphs r n, ~n' the ultraproducts TInrn/F, TIn~n/F are elementarily
equivalent but not isomorphic. This implies that there are also count ably
infinite graphs r, ~ such that for the same ultrafilter F, the ultrapowers
rw /F, ~w / F are elementarily equivalent and not isomorphic.
§A. Appendix.
We discuss proper forcing, iteration theorems, and the use of (Dl)~2
in §4.


Any two elementarily equivalent structures of cardinality A have isomor-
phic ultrapowers (by [Sh 13], in 1971) with respect to an ultrafilter on 2A.
Earlier, as the culmination of work in the sixties, Keisler showed, assuming
2A = A+, that the ultrafilter may be taken to be on A [Keisler]. In par-
ticular, assuming the continuum hypothesis, for countable structures any
nonprincipal ultrafilter on w will do. As a special case, the continuum hy-
pothesis implies that an ultraproduct of power series rings over prime fields
Fp is isomorphic to the ultrapower of the corresponding rings of p-adic inte-
gers; this has number-theoretic consequences [AxKo]. Kim has conjectured
that the isomorphism TIp Fp[[tlJ/F :::: TIp 7l..p/ F is valid for any nonprincipal
ultrafilter over w, regardless of the status of the continuum hypothesis. In
fact it has not previously been clear what could be said about isomorphism
of nonprincipal ultrapowers or ultraproducts over w in general, in the ab-
sence of the continuum hypothesis; it has long been suspected that such
questions do involve set theoretic issues going beyond ZFC, but there have
been no concrete results in this area. For the case of two different ultrafil-
ters and on higher cardinals, see [Sh a VI]. In particular, ([Sh a VI, 3.13]) if
M = (w, <)W /D (D an ultrafilter on w), the cofinality of ({a EM: a > n
for every natural number n}, » can be any regular K E (N o,2 No ].
It does follow from the results of [Sh 13] that there is always an ultrafil-
ter F on A such that for any two elementarily equivalent models M, N of
cardinality A, MW / F embeds elementarily into N W/ F. On the other hand,
we show here that it is easy to find some countable elementarily equivalent
structures with nonisomorphic ultrapowers relative to a certain nonprinci-
pal ultrafilter on w: given enough Cohen reals, some ultrafilter will do the
trick (§4), and with more complicated forcing any ultrafilter will do the
trick (§2, refined in §3). The (first order theories of the) models involved
have the independence property but do not have the strict order property.
Every unstable theory either has the independence property or the strict
order property (or both) (in nontechnical terms, in the theory we can in-
terprate in a way the theory of the random graph or the theory of a linear
order), and our work here clearly makes use of the independence property.
The rings occurring in the Ax-Kochen isomorphism are unstable, but do not
have the independence property, so the results given here certainly do not
apply directly to Kim's problem. However it does appear that the methods
used in §4 can be modified to refute Kim's conjecture, and we intend to
return to this elsewhere [Sh 405].
A final technical remark: the forcing notions used here are <wl-proper,
strongly proper, and Borel. Because of improvements made in the iteration

theorems for proper forcing [Sh 177, Sh f], we just need the properness; in
earlier versions w-properness was somehow used.
In the appendix we give a full presentation of a less general variant of
the preservation theorem of [Sh f] VI §1.
The forcing notions introduced in §2, §3 here (see 2.15, 2.16) are of
interest per se. Subsequently specific cases have found more applications;
see Bartoszynski, Judah and Shelah [BJSh 368], Shelah and Fremlin [ShFr


Starting with a model V of CH, in a generic extension we will make

2No = N2 and find countable elementarily equivalent graphs r, A such that
for any pair of ultrafilters F,F' on w, rw /F 'f. AW /F'. More precisely:
2.1 Theorem. Suppose V I=CH. Then there is a proper forcing notion
'P with the N2-chain condition, of cardinality N2 (and hence 'P collapses
no cardinal and changes no cotinality) which makes 2No = N2 and has the
following effects on ultraproducts:
(i) There. are countable elementarily equivalent graphs r, A such that
no ultrapowers rw / F1, AW / F2 are isomorphic.
(ii) There is a nonprincipal ultrafilter F on w such that for any two se-
quences r n, An of tillite models for a countable language, if their ul-
trapowers with respect to F are elementarily equivalent, then these
ultrapowers are isomorphic, and in fact saturated.

2.2 Remark. The two properties (i,ii) are handled quite independently by
the forcing, and in particular (ii) can be obtained just by adding random
2.3 Notation. We work with the language of bipartite graphs (with a spec-
ified bipartition P, Q). rk,l is a bipartite graph with bipartition U =
. u u
Uk,l, V = Vk,.e, .IUI = k and V = Um<l (m)' where (m) denotes the set
of all subsets of U of cardinality m. The edge relation is membership. We
also let roo be the bipartite graph with lUI = No specifically U = w and V
the set of all finite subsets of U. The theory of the r k,l converges to that
of roo as l, k/l ---t 00.
2.4 Remark. Our construction will ensure that for any sequence (kn' In)
with In, kn/ln ---t 00 and any ultrafilters Ft, F2 the ultraproducts
I1.Tkn . ,I,.., / F1 and r~/F2 are nonisomorphic. In particular, if rfin is the
disjoint union of the graphs r2n,n, and r is the disjoint union of rfin and
roo, then rfin and r are elementarily equivalent, but any isomorphism of

rW IF and rfinl F would induce an isomorphism of an ultrapower of roo

with some ultraproduct TIi r2ni,niIF. (Note that the graphs under consid-
eration have connected components of diameter at most 4.)
2.5 The model. We will build a model N of ZFC by iterating suitable
proper forcing notions with countable support [8h b], see also [Jech]. The
model N will have the following combinatorial properties:
PI. If (An)n<w is a collection of finite sets with IAnl - - - t 00, and 9 :
W - - - t W with g(n) - - - t 00, and li (i < WI) are functions from W
to W with li E TIn An for all i < WI, then there is a function H
from W to finite subsets of W such that: H(n) has size at most g(n);
H(n) ~ An; and for each i, H(n) contains lien) if n is sufficiently
large (depending on i).
P2. Ww has true cofinality Wll that is: there is a sequence (Ji)i<Wl which
is cofinal in Ww with respect to the partial ordering of eventual
domination (given by "f(n) < g(n) for sufficiently large n").
P3. For every sequence (Ak : k < w) of finite sets, for any collection
Bi(i < wI) of infinite subsets of w, and for any collection (gi)i<Wl
of functions in TIk A k, there is a function f E TIk Ak such that for
-all i,j < WI, the set {n E Bi : fen) = gj(n)} is infinite.
P4. 2l-l1 = ~2'

Note that (P3,P4) imply 2l-lo = ~2.

2.6 Proposition. Any model N of ZFC with properties (P1-P2) satisfies
part (i) of Theorem 2.1. More precisely, the following weak saturation
property holds for any ultraproduct r* = TIn rkn,lnlF for which In - - - t
00, (in < k n ) and fails in any countably indexed ultrapower of roo: (t)
Given Wr elements of Ur * , some element of V r * is linked to each of them.
Proof Our discussion in Remark 2.4 shows that it suffices to check the
claim regarding (t). First consider an ultraproduct r* = TIn r kn,ln IF for
which In, - - - t 00, In < k n .
Given ~I elements ai = lilF E r* we apply (PI) with g(n) = In -
1, An = Ukn,ln' H picks out a sequence of small subsets of Ukn,ln' and if
b E V r * is chosen so that its n-th coordinate is linked to all the elements
of H ( n ), then this does the trick.
Now let r* be of the form r~/F. We will show that (t) fails in this
model. Let (Ji : i < wI) be a cofinal increasing sequence in W w, under the
partial ordering given by eventual domination. Remember Uroo = w. Let
ai = fil F for i < WI. Let b E V r * be represented by the sequence bn of
elements of V in roo. Let Bn be the subset of Uroo coded by bn ; we may

suppose it is never empty. Define g(n) = sup Bn and let i be chosen so

that fi dominates 9 eventually. Then off a finite set we have fi(n) f/. B n ,
and hence in r*, ai and b are unlinked. 0
2.7 Proposition. Any model N of ZFC with the properties (P3,P4) sat-
isfies part (ii) of Theorem 2.1.
Proof. We must construct an ultrafilter F on w such that any ultraproduct
of finite structures with respect to F is saturated. The construction takes
place in N2 stepsj at stage a < N2 we have a filter Fa generated by a
subfilter of at most Nl sets (Bi)i<Wl containing the cobounded subsets of
w, and we have a type P = (<Pi)i<Wl over some ultraproduct fhAklF of
finite structures to realize. (More precisely, since the filter F has not yet
been constructed, the "type" p is given as a set of pairs ('Pi(Xj y), f<i» where
f(i) = (f~i), ... ) with fJi) E ilk A k , P is closed under conjunction, and p
is consistent in a strong sense: for each <Pi there is a function gi such that
'Pi(gi(n)j f~i)(n); ... ) holds for all n in some set which has already been put
into F.) By (P4) we can arrange the construction so that at a given stage
a we only have to deal with one such type.
By (P3) there is a function f E ilk AklF such that for all i, j < Wt, the
set {n E B j : j(n) = gi(n)} is infinite, where gi witnesses the consistency
of 'Pi' We adjoin to F all of the sets Xi = {n E W : 'Pi (f(n)j f~i)(n), ... )}.
The resulting filter is nontrivial, and- is again generated by at most Nl
sets. Furthermore our construction ensures that f I F will realize the type
p = {'Pi(Xj f~i) IF, ... )} in the ultraproduct.
One may also take care as one proceeds to ensure that the filter which
is being constructed will be an ultrafilter. 0
2.8 Outline of the construction
In the remainder of this section we will manufacture a model N of ZFO
with the properties P1-P4 specified in 2.5. We will use a countable support
iteration of length W2 of ww-bounding proper forcing notions of cardinality
at most Nt, starting from a model M of GOH. (See the Appendix for
definitions and an outline of relevant results.) By [Sh 177] or [Sh f] VI§2
or A2.3 here, improving the iteration theorem of [Sh b, Theorem V.4.3],
countable support iteration preserves the property:

"Ww-bounding and proper" .

Thus every function f : w --+ w in N is eventually dominated by one

in M, and property P2 follows: W w has true cofinality Wl in N. Our
construction also yields P4: 2Nl = N2 • The other two properties are more

specifically combinatorial, and will be ensured by the particular choice of

forcing notions in the iteration. The next two propositions state explicitly
that suitable forcing notions exist to ensure each of these two properties; it
will then remain only to prove these two propositions.
2.9 Proposition. Suppose that (An)n<w is a collection of finite sets with
IAnl --+ 00, and 9 : w --+ w with g(n) --+ 00. Then there is a proper
ww-bounding forcing notion P such that for some P-name IJ the following
holds in the corresponding generic extension:
IJ is a function with domain w with IJ(n) ~ An and IIJ(n) I ::; g(n) for
all relevant n, and for every f E TIn An in the ground model, we have
fen) E IJ(n) ifn is sufficiently large (depending on f).
2.10 Proposition. Suppose M is a model of ZFC, and (Ak : k < w) is a
sequence of finite sets in M. Then there is an W w-bounding proper forcing
notion such that in the corresponding generic extension we have a function
"1 E TIk Ak satisfying: for all f E TIk Ak and infinite B ~ w, both in M, "1
agrees with f on an infinite subset of B.
We give the proof of Proposition 2.10 first.
2.11 Definition. For A = (Ak : k < w) a sequence of finite sets of natural
numbers, for simplicity IAkl ~ 2 for every k, let Q(A) be the set of pairs
(T, K) where T ~ Ww is a tree and K : T --+ w, such that for all Tf in T
we have:
1. Tf(l) E Al for l < len(Tf).
2. For any k ~ K(Tf) and x E Ak there is p in T extending Tf with
p(k) = x.

We take (T', K') ~ (T, K) iff T' is a subtree of T. By abuse of notation,

we may write "T" for "(T, K)" with K(Tf) the minimal possible value, and
we may ignore the presence of K in other ways.
We use Q(A) as a forcing notion: the intersection of a generic set of
conditions defines a function Tf E TIk A k , called the generic branch.
We also define partial order~::;m on Q(A) as follows. T::;m T' iffT ::; T'
1. T n m?w = T' n m?w;
2. K(Tf) = K'(Tf) for Tf E Tn m?w.
Note the fusion property: if (Tn) is a sequence of conditions with Tn ::;n
Tn+l for all n, then sup Tn exists (and is a condition). We pay attention
to K in this context.
2.12 Remark. With the notation of 2.11, Q(A) forces:

For any f E Ilk Ak and infinite B ~ w, both in the ground model, the
generic branch "1 agrees with f on an infinite subset of B.
2.13 Proof of Proposition 1.10. It suffices to check that Q(A) is an Ww_
bounding proper forcing notion. We claim in fact:

Let (T, K) E Q(A), m < w, and let g be a Q(A)-name for an

(*) ordinal. Then there is T', T :Sm T' such that for some
finite set w of ordinals, T' If- "g E w" .

This condition implies that Q(A) is ww-bounding, since given a name [

of a function in w w, we can find a sequence of conditions Tn and finite sets
Wn of integers such that (Tn) is a fusion sequence (Le. Tn :Sn Tn+l for all
n) and Tn If- "[(n) E w n"; then T = sup Tn forces "[(n) :S max Wn for all
At the same time, the condition (*) is stronger than Baumgartner's
Axiom A, which implies a-properness for all countable a.
It remains to check (*). We fix T (and the corresponding function K :
T ~ w), g,-m as in (*). For vET let TV be the restriction of T to the
set of nodes comparable with v. For v in T, pick a condition (Tv, Kv) by
induction on len(v) such that Tv 2:: TV and T/ <l v&v E TrJ ==? Tv 2:: TrJ and
Tv If- "g = av" for some avo We may suppose Kv 2:: K on Tv. Set ko = m,
and define kl inductively by

k/+l =: max(kl + 1, max{KrJ(T/) + 1: T/ E Tn klW}).

Let (T/j)j=2 .... ,N, be an enumeration of T n 91 W. (It is convenient to begin
counting with 2 here.) For vET with vrk 1 = T/j, we will write j = j(v).
Let T' be:

{T/ : 3v> E T extending T/, len(v) 2:: kN, and v E Tvfkj(v)}

Observe that for T/ of length at least kN, the only relevant v in the
definition of T' is T/ itself. That is, T/ E T' if and only if T/ E TrJfkj ("I)' In
particular T' is a condition (with K'(T/) :S K rJfkj ("I)(T/) for len(T/) 2:: kN)'
Also, since T' n kN?w ~ U{Tv : vET n kN2:W}, we find T' If- "g E {a v :
vET n kN2:W}". Notice also that T'rkl = Trk 1 .
The main point, finally, is to check that we can take K' = K on T'nm2: w.
Fix T/j E T'n m2: w , k 2:: K(T/j), and x E A k ; we have to produce an extension
v of T/j in T', with v(k) = x. Let T/h be an extension of T/j of length k1 ,

such that 'T/h has an extension vET with v(k) = x. If k < kh' then
vf(k + 1) E T', as required.
Now suppose k 2:: kh+1, and let 'T/ be an extension of'T/h of length kh.
Then TTJ 5; T', and k 2:: KTJ("l)' Thus a suitable v extending 'T/ exists.
We are left only with the case: k E [kh' kh+1)' In particular k 2:: k2' so
k > K ("lh) for all 'T/h in Tn kl~. This means that any extension Of'T/h of'T/

of length kl could be used in place of our original choice of'T/h. Easily there
is such h' #- h (remember IAkl 2:: 2 and demand on K). But k cannot lie
in two intervals of the form [kh' k h+1), so we must succeed on the second
try. 0
2.14 Logarithmic measures
We will define the forcing used to prove Proposition 2.9 in 2.16 below.
Conditions will be perfect trees carrying extra information in the form of
a (very weak) "measure" associated with each node. These measures may
be defined as follows.
For a a set, we write P+(a) for P(a) \ {0}. A logarithmic measure on a
is a function II II : P+(a) - - N such that:
1. x 5; Y ==? IIxil ~ IIYII;
2. If x = Xl U X2 then for some i = 1 or 2, IIxili 2:: IIxil - 1.
By (1), II II has finite range. If a is finite (as will generally be the case
in the present context), one such logarithmic measure is IIxil = Lln2lxlJ.
2.15 The forcing notion £T
We will force with trees such that the set of successors of any node carries
a specified logarithmic measure; the measures will be used to prevent the
tree from being pruned too rapidly. The formal definition is as follows.
1. £T is the set of pairs (T, t) where:
1:1. T is a subtree of w>w with finite stem; this is the longest
branch in T before ramification occurs. We call the set of
nodes of T which contain the whole stem the essential part
of T; so T will consist of its essential part together with the
proper initial segments of its stem. We denote the essential
part of T by ess(T).
1.2. t is a function defined on the essential part of T, with t('T/)
a logarithmic measure on the set SUCCT("l) of all successors
of'T/ in T; we often write II IITJ (or possibly II II~) for t('T/).
For 'T/ a proper initial segment of the stem of T, we stipulate
t('T/)[succ('T/)] = o.
2. The partial order on £T is defined by: (T2' t2) 2:: (Tb tl) iff T2 5; Tb
and for 'T/ E T2 t2('T/) is the restriction oftl('T/) to P+(SUCCT2('T/)).

3. We define £T[(T,t)] to be {(T', t') E £T : (T', t') ~ (T, t)} with the
induced order. Similarly for £Tf, £Td , and CTj (see below).

2.16 The forcing notion £Tj

£Tf is the set of pairs (T, t) E £T in which T has only finite ramification
at each node.
£T d is the set of pairs (T, t) E £T such that for any m, every branch of
T is almost contained in the set {ry E T : 'Vv ~ ry II succT(v)llv ~ m} (i.e.
the set difference is finite).
£T is £Tf n £Td. For T E £Tf, an equivalent condition for being in
£T~ is: limkinf{1I succT(ry)ll7J : len(ry) = k} = 00. Note: £T~ is an upward
closed subset of £Td.
We make an observation concerning fusion in this connection. Define:
1. (Tb tt) ~* (T2' h) if (TI , tl) ~ (T2, t2) and in addition for allry E
ess T 2 , II SUCCT2 (ry) 11~2 ~ II SUCCT1 (ry) 11~1 - 1.
2. (TI,t l ) ~m (T2,t2) if (TI,tl) ~ (T2,t2) and for allry E T2 with
IlsuccTl(ry)ll7J ~ m, (so ry E ess(TI» we have IIsuccT2(ry)lI7J ~ m
(hence ry E ess(T2) when m > 0).
3. (TI,tt) ~:n (T2,t2) if (Tt,h) ~m (T2,t2) and for allry E T2 with
Ilsucc(ry)lI~l ~ m, we have SUCCTt(ry) ~ T 2 •
If (Tn, t n ) is a sequence of conditions in £Tj with (Tn, t n ) ~~ (Tn+l, t n+1)
for all n, then sup(Tn, t n ) exists in £Tj.
We also mention in passing that a similar statement holds for £T d, with
a more complicated notation. Using arguments like those given here one
can show that £Td is also proper. This will not be done here.
For ry E T, (T, t) E £T we let T7J be the set of vET comparable with ry,
t 7J = tress(T7J): so (T, t) ~ (T7J, t7J); we may write (T, t)TJ or (TTJ, t) instead
of (TTJ, tTJ).
We will now restate Proposition 2.9 more explicitly, in two parts.

2.17 Proposition. Suppose that (An)n<w is a collection of finite sets with

IAnl ---+ 00, and that 9 : w ---+ w with 9 ---+ 00. Then there is a
condition (To, to) in £Tj such that (To, to) forces:
There is a function If such that IIf(n) I < g(n) for all n [more exactly,
IIf(n)1 < max{g(n), I}l , and for every f in the ground model,
f(n) E If(n) for n sufliciently large.
Proof. Without loss of generality g(n) > 1 and An is nonempty for every
n. Let an = {A ~ An : IAI = g(n) - I}, To = UN I1n<N an, and define

a logarithmic measure II lin on an by IIxli n = max{l : if A' S; An has

cardinality 21, then there is A E x containing A'}. Set to('1) = II Ihen 17'
Obviously (To, to) E CTj, (a pedantic reader will note To ~ w>w and
rename) For a generic branch 1] of To:

(To, to) II-CTj "11](n)I < g(n) for all n;"

(To, to) II-CTj "For f in the ground model, fen) E 1](n) for all large n."
2.18 Proposition. The forcing notion CTj is ww-bounding and proper.
It remains only to prove this proposition.
2.19 Lemma. If(T, t) E CTd and W is a subset ofT, then there is some
(T', t') E CTd with (T, t) :5* (T', t') such that either:
(+) every branch of T' meets W; or else
(- ) T' is disjoint from W.
Proof. Let TW be the set of all 'I} E T for which there is a condition (T', t')
such that T' has stem 'I}, (TI7, t) :5* (T', t'), and every infinite branch of T'
meets W. (TI7 is the set of vET comparable to 'I}; so it is a tree whose
stem contains 'I}.)
If the stem of T is in T W we get (+). Otherwise we will construct
(T', t') E CTd such that (-) holds, (T, t) :5* (T', t'), and T' n TW = 0. For
this we define T' n nw (and t' = t f ess(T'» inductively.
If n :5 len(stem(T» then we let T' n nw be {stem(T)fn}.
So suppose that n ~ len(stemT) and that we have defined everything
for n' :5 n. Let vET' nnw, and in particular, v f/. TW. Let a = SUCCT(V),
al = an TW, a2 = a\al' Then for some i = 1 or 2, Ilailiv ~ Ilallv -1.
Since rJ. TW, it follows easily that lIalliv < Iiali v - 1; otherwise one
pastes together the conditions (Tv" tv') associated with v' E al to show
v E TW. Thus lIa211v ~ lIali v-1. Let T' n (SUCCT(V» be a2. As we can do
this for aJl vET' nnw, this completes the induction step. 0
2.20 Lemma. If g is an CTj-name of an ordinal, (T, t) E CTj, m < w,
and II succT'I}1I17 > m for 'I} E ess(T) , then there is (T', t') E CTj with
(T, t) :5m (T', t'), and a finite set w of ordinals, such that (T', t') 11- CT' "g E
Proof. Let W be the set of nodes v of T for which there is a condition
(Tv, tv) with (Tv, tv) m ~ (TV, tV) such that (Tv, tv) forces a value on g.
We claim that for any (Tbtl) *~ (T,t), Tl must meet W. Indeed, fix
(T2' t2) ~ (Tb tI) forcing "g = /3" for some /3. Then for some v E T2, all

extensions 1] of v in T2 will satisfy II SUCCT2 (1]) 11'1 2:: m, and (T2' t2)V witnesses
the fact that v E W. Thus if we apply Lemma 2.19, the alternative (-) is
not possible.
Accordingly we have some (TI' tI) *2:: (T, t) such that every branch of
(TI, h) meets W. Let Wo be the set of minimal elements of W in T I .
Then Wo is finite. For v E Wo select (Tv, tv) with (Tv, tv) ~ (T, t)V and
(Tv, tv) If- "g = av" for some avo Form T' = U{TV : v E W o }. 0

2.21 Lemma. If (T, t) E £T1, g is an £T1-name of an ordinal, m < w,

then there is (T', t') E £71 with (T, t) ~;", (T', t'), and a finite set of
ordinals w, such that (T', t') If- "g E w".

Proof. Fix k so that II succ(1]) 11'1 > m for len(1]) 2:: k. Apply 2.20 to each
TV for vET of length k + 1. 0

2.22 Proof of 2.18. As in 2.13, using 2.21. 0

This completes the verification that the desired model N can be con-
structed by iterating forcing.


We continue to use the bipartite graphs rk,l introduced in 2.3. Varying

the forcing used in §2, we will get:

3.1 Theorem. Suppose that V satisfies CH, and that (km In), (k~, l~) are
monotonically increasing sequences of pairs (and 2 < l~ < k~ < In < k n <
l~+1) such that:

(1) k~/l~ ---> 00;

(2) (knll n ) > (k~)ndl~, for each d> 0, for n large enough;
(3) In l~ > k~_I'
Then there 1s a proper forcing P satisfying the N2 -cc, of size N2 , such
that in V'P no two ultraproducts II r ki ,IJ.ri, II r k; ,1:!.r2 are isomorphic.

More precisely, we will call a bipartite graph with bipartition (U, V)

NI-complete if every set of WI elements of U is linked to a single com-
mon element of V (property (t) of Proposition 2.6), and then our claim
is that in V'P, no nonprincipal ultraproduct of the first sequence rkn,ln is
NI-complete, and every nonprincipal ultraproduct of the second sequence
rk~,l~ is; furthermore, as indicated, this phenomenon can be controlled by
the rates of growth of k and of llk.

3.2 Definition. Let f, 9 be functions in Ww. A model N of ZFC is (I, g)-

bounded if for any sequence (An)n<w of finite sets with IAnl = fen), there
are NI sequences Bi = (Bi,n : n < w), indexed by i < WI, with:
(1) Bi,n ~ An for all n
(2) For all i < Wt, IBi,nl < g(n) eventually
(3) Ui TIn Bi,n = TIn An in N
3.3 Lemma. Let (kn ), (In) be sequences with In, kn/ln - - 00, and let
fen) = (~:), g(n) = kn/l n . Suppose that N is a model of ZFC which is
(I,g)-bounded. Then no ultraproduct TIn rkn,/n/F can be Nl-complete.
Proof. Let Bi have properties (1-3) of 3.2 with respect to An = Vkn,ln' For
each i, choose ai E TIn Ukn,ln so that ai(n) is not linked to any b E Bi,n, as
long as IBi,nl < g(n) (so lnlBi,nl < k n ). Then ai/F(i < wt} cannot all be
linked to any single b in TIn rkn,/n / F, for any ultrafilter F. 0
3.4 Definition. For functions f, 9 E Ww we say that a forcing notion 'P has
the (I, g)-bounding property provided that:

For any sequence (Ak : k < w) in the ground

model, with IAkl = f(k), and any 1] E TIk Ak in the
generic extension, there is a "cover;' B = (Bk : k <
w) in the ground model with Bk ~ Ak, IBkl < g(k)
(more exactly, < Max{g(k) , 2}), and "1(k) E Bk for
each k.

Similarly a forcing notion has the (F,g)-bounding property, for F a

collection of functions, if it has the (I, ge)-bounding property for each f E F
and eacn c > O. In this terminology, notice that ({f}, g)-bounding is a
stronger condition than (I, g)-bounding.
3.4A Definition. Call a family F g-c1osed if it satisfies the following two
closure conditions:
1. For f E F, the function F(n) = TIm<n(l(m) + 1) lies in F;
2. For f E F, f g is in F.

Proof of 3.1. We build a model N of ZFC by an iteration of length W2

with countable support of proper forcing notions with the (F, g) bounding
property for a suitable family F, all of which are of the form (1::rJ)[(T,t)l;
and we arrange that all of the forcing notions of this form which are actu-
ally (F, g)-bounding will occur cofinally often. (In order to carry this out
one actually makes use of auxiliary functions (ft,gl) with ft eventually

dominating F and gl eventually dominated by any positive power of g, but

these details are best left to the discussion after 3.5.)
One can show that a countable support iteration of proper (F, g)-bound-
ing forcing notions is again (F, g)-bounding. This is an instance of a general
iteration theorem of [8h f, VI] but we make our presentation self-contained
by giving a proof in the appendix-A2.5. If we force over a ground model
with CH (so that CH holds at intermediate points in the iteration) then
our final model is (F, g)-bounded, and by 3.3 no ultraproduct of the rkn,ln
can be N1 -complete.
One very important point still remains to be checked. It may be formu-
lated as follows.
3.5 Proposition. Let fo,go, h : w ----t w\{O, 1} and suppose that (An)n<w
is a sequence of finite nonempty sets with IAnl ----t 00. Assume:

(1) TIIAmlh(m) < go(n) for every n large enough;


(2) ----t 00.
In ITi<n fo (i)

Then there is a condition (T, t) E CTj such that (CTj)[(T,t)] is (fo,90)-

bounding and (T, t) forces:
There is a function lJ such that lJ(n) ~ An, IlJ(n)1 < hen) for all n, and
for every f in the ground model, fen) E lJ(n) for·n sufficiently large.
Continuation of the proof of 3.1. We will now check that the proof of the-
orem 3.1 can be completed using this proposition.
We set f*(n) = (7:), g(n) = kn/ln' hen) = l~, and An = Uk!,.,l!,.. (80
IAnl = k~.) Let Fo be the set of increasing functions f satisfying
lim In h(n)/(gd(n - 1) In fen - 1))
----t 00 for all d > o.
If fo E Fo and go is a positive power of g, then conditions (1,2) of 3.5
hold by condition (2) of 3.1 (for (2) of 3.5 note for d = 2 that gd(n-1) > n).
Furthermore Fo is g-closed (this uses the fact that g(n) 2: n eventually by
(2) of 3.1), and f* E Fo· By diagonalization find /1, gl satisfying (1,2)
of 3.5 so that fl eventually dominates any function in the g-closure of
f*, and gl is eventually dominated by any positive power of g. Apply
the proposition to (/1, gl, h) and observe that an (/1, gl)- bounding forcing
notion is (g-closure of f*, g)-bounding. We let F = g-closure of {f*}.

Forcing with the corresponding (£7j)[{T,t») produces a branch lJ so that

if lJ(n) is thought of as an element bn E Vk;.,l;', then for all f E IInAn in
the ground model, and any ultrafilter F on w, f /F is linked to lJ(n)/F in
IInrk;.,I;./F. 0
3.6 Terminology
A logarithmic measure II lion a is called m-additive if for every choice
of (ai)i<m with Ui ai = a, there is i < m with Ilaill 2:: lIall - 1.
3.7 Lemma. Suppose f,g: w ~ w \ {O, I}, (T,t) E £71, and:
i. for every 'f/ E ess(T), t('f/) is IIi<lenl"/ f(i)-additive;
ii. for every n we have IT n (n+1)wl < g(n).
Then (£71)[{T,t)] is (f,g)-bounding.
Proof. Let F(n) = IIi<n f(i). Suppose that (An)n<w E V, IAnl :::; f(n),
and (T, t) II- "'f/ E IIn An". By fusion as in 2.19-2.22 there is (T', t') E £71
with (T', t') i (T, t) such that for every n the set
W =: {v E T' : (T'V, t') forces a value on !I(n)}
meets ~very branch of (T', t').
For each n, choose N(n) large enough that (T'V, t') forces a value 'f/:J on
!Irn for each vET' n N{n)w. Thus 'f/:J E IIi<n Ai. By downward induction
on k < N(n), for vET' n kW choose 'f/:J E nw and s(v,n) C;;;; SUCCT'(V) so

118(v,n)lIv 2:: IISUCCT'(V)lIv -1;

'f/~rmin{k,n} = 'f/~I rmin{k,n} for v' E s(v,n).
Since I{'f/v rmin(k,n) : v' E succT'(v)}1 :::; F(k) and IIllv is F(k)-additive,

this is e~ily done. Let T~ = {v E T' : (Vl < len(v) n N(n» vr{l + 1) E
8(vrl, n)}.
We now define Til C;;;; T' so that for all k the set X k of n for which
Til n k~ = T~ n k~ is infinite. For this we proceed by induction on k. If
Til n k~ has been defined, then we can select X C;;;; X k infinite such that
for n E X and v E Til n "'w, 8(V, n) = 8(V) is independent of n. We then
Til n {k+ 1 )w = {v E T' n k+1w : vrk E Til n kw and v E 8(vrk)}

Observe that (Til, t rT") *2:: (T', t'), and (Til, t rT") forces:
"For any k, if n E XN{k) and n 2:: k, then
!Irk = 'f/~ rk for some v E Til n kw".

Indeed, for any v' of length N(k) in T", if v' E T~ then 11~' = 11:;' tk =
11:;,rktk. Since IT" n kHwl $; IT n k+lwl < g(k), this yields the stated
bounding principle. 0

3.8 Proof of 3.5. Let Fo(n) = TIi<n fo(i). Let an = {A ~ An : IAI =

h(n) -I}, To = UN TIn<Nan, and define a logarithmic measure II lin on
an by: for a ~ an

lIali n = max{l: for all A' ~ An of cardinality $; Fo(n)l,

there is A E a containing A'}.

Set to(11) = II II len '1'

Obviously II lin is Fo(n)-additive and ITn(nH)wl = TIm<n(IAml)(h(m)-l)
which is (by condition (1) of 3.5) < go(n), so (CTj) [(To ,to)] is (fo, go)-
bounding by lemma 3.7.
We need to check that lIanlin - 00:

I lnh(n)
lIanll n = max{l : Fo(n) < h(n)} '" In Fo(n) .

So (2) from 3.5 guarantees it. 0


In this section we show that a weaker form of the results in §§2, 3 is
obtained just by adding N3 Cohen reals to a suitable ground model. This
result was actually the first one obtained in this direction. This construction
is also used in lSh 345] and again in [Sh 405].

4.1 Theorem. If we add N3 Cohen reals to a model of [2Ni = NiH (i =

1,2) & O{6<Ns:cof6=N2}]' then there will be a nonprincipal ultrafilter:F on
w and two seqqences of pseudorandom finite graphs (r~J, (r~) such that
TIn r~/:F ¢ TIn r~/:F. In fact the same result will apply if the sequences
r~, r~ are replaced by any subsequences.

Here we call a sequence (r~) of finite graphs pseudorandom if the theory

of r~ converges fairly rapidly to the theory of the random infinite graph;
cf. 4.4 below. The only condition needed on the two sequences in Theorem
4.1 is that the r~ and r~ are of radically different sizes (4.5 below). As
a variant (with very much the same proof) we can take all r~ equal to
the random infinite graph, keeping (r~) a sequence of pseudorandom finite
graphs, and obtain the same result for a suitable ultrafilter.

4.2 Corollary. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1 there are elementar-
ilyequivalent countable graphs r~, r~ and a nonprincipal ultrafilter F on
w with (r~)W IF i=- (r~)W IF.

This is proved much as in Remark 2.4, noting that large pseudorandom

graphs are connected of diameter 2.
4.3 Remark. With more effort we can replace the hypotheses on the ground
model in Theorem 4.1 by:

adding only N2 Cohen reals. In the definition of AP below, :[ would then

not be an arbitrary name of an ultrafilter; instead AP would be replaced
by a family of N1 isomorphism types of members of AP, (using No in place
of Nl in clause 4.8 (i) below) which is closed under the operations used in
the proof.
The same approach allows us to eliminate the <l from Theorem 4.1.
With the modified version of AP and N3 Cohen reals, we can replace
<l{O<N 3 :cofO=N2} by <l{O<N3:cofO=Nd, which in fact follows from the other
hypotheses [Gregory, Sh 82].
We will not enlarge on these remarks any further here.
4.4 Definition. A finite graph r on n vertices is sufficiently random if:
i. For any two disjoint sets ofvertices Vl, V2 with IVl UV2 1 ::; (logn)/3,
there is a vertex v linked to all vertices of Vl , and none in V2 ;
ii. For any sets of vertices Vl, V2 with IVi I > 3 log n there are adj acent
and nonadjacent pairs of vertices in Vi x V2 •
iii. If Yi, V2 , V are three disjoint sets of vertices and P ~ Vl X V2 , with
IPI, IVI > 5 log n, and if all pairs in P have distinct first entries,
then some v E V separates some pair (vI, v 2 ) E P in the sense
that: [R(v l , v) {=::} -'R(v 2 , v)]. Here R is the edge relation (in the
appropriate graph).
For sufficiently large n most graphs of size n are sufficiently random. We
call any sequence of sufficiently random graphs of size tending to infinity a
sequence of pseudorandom graphs.
(See [Bollobas] for background on random graphs.)
4.5 Notation
i. (r~), (r;') are two sequences of sufficiently random graphs such
that for any m,n we have IIr;,,1I > IIr;'1I 5 or IIr;'11 > Ilr;"11 5 . (11rII
is the number of vertices of r.) These sequences are kept fixed. r

is the infinite random (homogeneous) graph. If we replace II r~/ F

by rw /F throughout, the argument is much the same, with slight
ii. IP' is the forcing notion that adds N3 Cohen reals to V. fa is the
name of the a-th Cohen real as an element of Ww. For A ~ N3 , IP'fA
denotes {p E IP' : domp ~ A}.

4.6 Discussion
Working in the ground model we will build a lP'-name for a suitable
nonprincipal ultrafilter:[. We will view the reals fa as (for example)
potential members of the ultraproduct II r~. We will consider candidates
Ya for (representatives of) their images under a putative isomorphism, and
d""efeat them by arranging (for example) that the set of n for which

- - --
R(xa(n),x,a(n» iff -,R(Ya(n),Y,a(n»
gets into :[.
Note however that this must be done for every two potential sequences
(~l(n» and (e(n» indexing the ultraproducts IIn r~l(n/:[' IIn r~2(n/:[
to be .formed. At stage a we deal with sequences ~~(n), ~~(n) E vlPta
(which are guessed by the diamond). We require {n : Xa~n) E r~!"'(n)} E:[
where Ca E {I,2} is a label, and another very important requirement is
that for any sequence (An : n < w) E vlPta with 4n ~ r~~", (n) and
14nl/llr~!"'(n)11 small eno~gh, the set {n : fa(n) f/. 4n} E :[. -(This sort
of condition is an analog of the notion of a r-big type in [Sh 107].) It
will be used in combination with clause (ii) in the definition of sufficient
The name :[ is built by carefully amalgamating a large set of approxi-
mations to the final object, using the combinatorial principle ON2' which
follows from the cardinal arithmetic [Gregory]; this method, which was
illustrated in [Sh 107], is based on the theorem from [ShHL 162]. (The
comparatively'elaborate tree construction of [ShHL 162] can be simplified
in the presence of 0; it is designed to work when N2 is replaced by a limit
cardinal and 0 is weakened to the principle DlA .) In what follows, the con-
nection with [ShHL 162] is left somewhat vague; the details will be found
in §A3 of the Appendix. In particular, in §A3.5 we show how the present
A'P fits the framework of §A3.1-3.
4.7 A notion of smallness
If F is a filter on w, k E ww, c E {I,2}, then a sequence (An: n < w)
of subsets of the r~(n) (i.e. An ~ r~(n» is (F, k, c)-slow if there is some d

such that F-lim [IAnl! ( IWh(n) II . (log Ilfh(n) Il)d)] = O. Later on we will
deal primarily with the case c = 1, to lighten the notation, and we will then
write "(F, k)-slow" in place of "(F, k, 1)-slow".
It should perhaps be emphasized that here (as opposed to §3) c is merely
a label.

4.8 Definition. We define the partially ordered set AP of approximations

as follows. The intent is that the approximations should build the name of
a suitable ultrafilter:[. Recall that the sequences (f~) (with c E {1, 2})
are fixed (4.5(i)). Also bear in mind that the ultrafilter must eventually
"defeat" a potential isomorphism between two ultraproducts 11nf~'(n)!:['
1. An element q E AP is a quadruple (A,:[,e,!:) = (Aq,:[q,eq,!:q) where
i. A ~ ~3 has cardinality ~I; e = (ca : a E A) with each Ca an element
of {1, 2};
ii. :[ is a lP'rA-name of a nonprincipal ultrafilter on w, and if we set
:[r(Ana) =: :[r{x: X is a lP'r(A n a)-name for a subset of
w}, then :[r(A n a) is a lP'r(A n a)-name for all a;
iii. !:= (l~a : a E A) with Isa a lP'r(A n a)-name of a function from w to
iv. For each a E A, and each lP'r(A n a)-name (4n : n < w);
if If-Pr(Ana) "(4n)n<w is (:[ra, Isa, ca)-slow" then
If-p "{n: ;ra(n) E ftCn) \An} E :p'. We write A = Aq, F = Fq,
and so on, when necessary.

2. We take q ~ q' if Aq ~ Aql and q'rAq = q.

Some further comment is in order here. When we begin to check that

:[ is indeed the name of an ultrafilter such that for any pair of sequences
lsI (n), 1s 2 (n), the ultraproducts 11 (n / : [ are nonisomorphic, we will no-
tice that there is an automatic asymmetry because the sequences (f~) and
(f;,) are s<;> different: on some set in:[ we will have If~'(n)1 > Ir~:'(n)15
holding with {c, c*} = {1,2} in some order. The parameter Ca in an ap-
proximation can be viewed as a guess as to the direction in which this
asymmetry goes (after adding Cohen reals); the notion of an approxima-
tion includes a clause (iv) designed to be useful when Is a coincides with a
particular Isc in the context just described.
On the other hand, we could first use <> to guess Ca, Is~a, and many
other things; in this case we do not actually need to include these kinds of
data in the approximations themselves, though it would still be necessary
to mention them in clause (iv). Alternatively, the set AP could also be

used as a forcing notion, without <>, and in this case the c and Is would
have to be included. So the version given here is the most flexible one.
4.9 Claim (Amalgamation)
1. Suppose tha.t qo, qb q2 E AP, Aql S; 8, Aq2 = AqO u {8}, and qo ::;
qbq2. Then we can Hnd r ~ ql,q2 in AP.
2. If q1,q2 E AP, a < Na, domq1 S; a, and q2ra ::; ql, then there is
r ~ Q1,Q2 in AP.

Proof 1: Let A = Aq;, J! =:['1" A = A1 U {8},c = c~2 and Is = 1s~2.

In particular ~ S; :[1, :[2, and we have to combine them into one ultrafilter
:[ in V PtA • The point is to preserve 4.8(iv), that is to ensure that IPrA
forces the relevant family of sets (namely, :[1,:[2, and sets imposed on us
by 4.8(iv» to have the finite intersection property.
If P E IP rA forces the contrary, then after extending P suitably we may
suppose that there is a (IPrAd-name g of a member of:[1, a (IPrA2)-name
f! of a member of :[2, and - since A1 = An 8 - a (IPrA1)-name (4n :
n < w) forced by P to be (:[1, Is, c)-slow (as in (iv) of 4.8) so that letting
f = {n < w : ~6(n) E r~:(n) 4n} we have:

P II-PtA "gn f!n f = 0".

(Le. we used the fact that there are three kinds of requirements of the form
"a set belongs to F " , each kind is closed under finite intersections).
Let Pi = pfA for i = 0,1,2. To clarify the matter choose H'l S; IPfAa
generic over V so that Po E H'l. Note that Is is a (lPfAa)-name (4.8(iii».
In V[HOj, for each n < w let

.?n[HOj = {v E r~(n)[HOj :
For some p~ E IPfA2 with p~ ~ P2 and p~ fAa E HO,

p~ II-Pt A2 "~6(n) = v and n E f!"}.

Then (Qn : n < w) is not (~f8,Is,c)-slow, since (Qn : n < w) is a IPfAa-

name, Q2 E AP, and P2 II- "For n E f!, ~6(n) E .?n" (and (iv) of 4.8(1».
Also in V[HOj, let f!+[HOj = {n: for every p~ E H'l, p~ UP2}f-"n ¢ f!"}. As
Q2 E AP, we have f!+ E ~[HOj. For each n E f!+[H6jlet

4~,[HOj =: {v E r~(n)[HOj: For no p~ ~ P1 in IPfA1 with p~ fAa E H'l,

p~ II-PtAl "n E g and v ¢ 4n."}

Let 4~[HOj = 0 if n ¢ f!+.

Easily (4~ : n < w) is .co-slow. Hence in V[HO] the sequence Wn \ 4~ :

n < w) is not (.co [HO])-slow. We can compute the values of I}n and 4~ in
V[HO]. So we can find n E ~+[HO] with I}n \4~ =1= 0, and choose v E I}n \4~.
Then there are p~ E IP'fA I /Ho, p~ ? PI' and p~ E IP'fA2/Ho, with p~ ? P2'
so that:
p~ II- "n E Q, and v (j. 4 n ".

2 "n E b_and
_6 x (n) = v"
Now P ~ p~ U p~ E IP'fA and p~ U p~ forces "n E Q, n ~ n (;)' (over HO),
contradicting the choice of p. This completes the proof of 4.9 (1).
2: Let [(Aq2 \ a) U{sup Aq2}] = {8i : i ~ 'Y} in increasing order. Define
inductively ri E AP, increasing in i, with q2 f(A n 8i ) ~ ri, dom ri ~ 8i ,
ro = ql; then let r = r'Y'
At successor stages i = j + 1 we apply 4.9 (1) to q21(Aq2 n 8j ), rj,
q21[Aq2 n (8 j + 1)].
If i is a limit of uncountable cofinality, we just take unions:

ATi = UAT,; Fi = UF'; gTi = UgT,; ~Ti = U~T,;

~<i ~<i ~<i ~<i

while if i is a limit of cofinality No, we have actually to extend U~<i :ET ,

to a IP'fAT i-name of an ultrafilter in VlPrKi. However, in VlPr Ki , U~<iF'
is interpreted as a filter including all cofinite subsets of w, hence can be
completed to an ultrafilter. 0
4.10 Claim
1. If qi (i < 8) is an increasing sequence of members of AP, with
8 < N2 , then for some q E AP, q? qi for all i < 8.
2. Itql,q2 E AP, a < N3 , q21a ~ ql, anddomqlndomq2 = domqlna,
then there is r ? ql, q2 in AP.

Proof. 1: We may suppose 8 = No or NI . Let A =: Ui Aqi be enumerated

in increaSing order as {aj : j < 'Y} for the appropriate 'Y, and set a'Y =
sup A. We define an increasing sequence of members r j of AP for j ~ 'Y
by induction on j so that:

qifaj ~ rj for all i < 8.

In all cases we proceed as in the proof of Claim 4.9. The only difference
is that we deal with several qi, but as they are linearly ordered there is no

2: This is proved similarly to part (1): let 'Y = sup(domql U domq2).

Choose by induction on (3 E (dom ql Udom q2 U {'Y} ) \ a an upper bound r {3
of qd(3 and q2 r(3, increasing with (3, with dom r {3 = (3 n (dom ql U dom q2).
The successor step is by 4.9(i). The limit is easy too. Note: if dom qdE has
only finitely many classes, when (31 E (32 iff AyE domQ2 b < (31 {:} 'Y < f32],
then 4.9(ii) suffices. 0
4.11 Proof of Theorem 4.1: The construction. We define an increasing se-
quence GO< S;;; {q E AP : Aq S;;; a} of N2-directed sets increasing in a, and
a set of at most N2 "commitments" which GO< will meet. In particular we
require that 'rI(3 < a 3q E GO< ((3 E Aq), and at each stage a we may make
new commitments to "enter some collection of dense sets" - in set theoretic
terminology - or equivalently, to "omit some type" - in model theoretic
terms. We make use of O{6<l'ta: cof6=1't2} to choose the commitments. The
combinatorics involved in meeting the commitments are treated in [ShLH
162], and are reviewed in §A3 of the Appendix. Our summary of the con-
struction in the present section will be less formal.
At a stage 6 < Na with cof 6 = N2, we will "guess" lP'-names ~~,~~,..f6'
a condition p6 E lP'r6 and a parameter e{j E {1,2}, explained in connection
with (4) below, and attempt to "kill" the possibility that p6 forces:

"..f(j : TIn r~Hn) ~ TIn r~~(n) induces a map which can be extended
to an isomorphism:

(Here we have taken e{j = 1; otherwise the roles of 1 and 2 in this - and in
all that follows .-- must be reversed.)
We will refer to the genericity game of [ShHL 162], as described in §A3 of
the Appendix. In that game the Ghibellines can accomplish the following.
For 6 < Na, they determine a set of compatible approximations G{j which
together will determine an ultrafilter Ff6 on w in VlP't{j (specifically, GO< is
a subset of {r E AP: Domr S;;; a} which is directed, increasing in a). The
Guelfs set them tasks which ensure that the ultrafilter F which is gradually
built up by the Ghibellines has all the desired properties. .
Let Fo be a fixed nonprincipal ultrafilter on w, in the ground model and
without loss of generality there is q EGo with F q = Fo. For 6 < Na of
cofinality N2 , let q'6 be an approximation ({6}, .e{j, (e{j), (~?)), where ~ is
the lP'f{6}-name of some ultrafilter on w extending Fo such that

(1) {n: q;{j(n) E r~:6(n)} E ~;


(2) {n: fo(n) ~ An} E:[o for any (.ro,~~6,co)-slow sequence (An) in
the universe V
The Ghibellines will be required (by the Guelfs) to put q6 in G0+ 1 . The
Ghibellines are also obliged to make commitments of the following form,
which should then be respected throughout the rest of the construction.
(These commitments involve a parameter 0: > 0" to be controlled by the
Ghibellines as the play progresses: of course these commitments have to
satisfy density requirements.)

For every 0: > 8, every q E GOl with 8 E dom q,

every k~-e6(n) (really a (lP'f8)-name)
and every (lP'fAO)-name ~
of a member of TIn r~~(~) :
if (q,~) ~ (q*, ~*) over 0" + 1, then there will be some r in G Ol ,
pi E lP'fAT, and some lP'f(AT n 8)-name f of a member of
with r 2:: q, pi 2:: po, .fo(f) is a lP'f(AT n 8)-name, and:
pi Ihl'fAr "{n: r~hn) F R(f(n),fo(n)) {::=}
r~!~:6(n) F -,R(.fo(f)(n),~(n))} E Y"

There is such a commitment for each q*, ~* with q6 ::::: q* E AP, q* fO" E
GO, and ~* a (lP'fAq*)-name of a member of TInr~~(nr So apparently we
are making ~3 commitments, which is not feasible, but as we are using
isomorphism types this amounts to only 2~1 = ~2 commitments, and this
is feasible. This is formalized in §A3.6 in the Appendix.
These commitments can only be met when the corresponding set of
approximations is dense, but on the other hand we have a stationary set
8 of opportunities to meet such a commitment, and we will show that for
any candidate .f for an isomorphism, either we kill it off as outlined above
(by making it obvious that .f(fo) cannot be defined), or else - after failing
to do this on a stationary set - that .f must be quite special (somewhat
definable) and hence even more easily dealt with, as will be seen in detail
in the next few sections.
After we have obtained GOl for all 0:, we will let :[Ol be U{:[q : q E GOl}
(that is, the appropriate (lP'fo:)-name of a uniform ultrafilter on w). Letting
G =: G~3 =: UOl GOl, also :[ = :[~3 is defined.

4.12 Proof of Theorem 4.1.· The heart of the matter. Now suppose toward
a contradiction that after :E has been constructed in this way, there are
lP'-names f, ~l, ~2, and a condition p E lP' such that:

which induces an isomorphism of the corresponding ultraproducts with re-

spect to :[" .
Actually, we will want to assume in addition that p forces:


which could force us to increase p and to switch the roles of 1 and 2 in

all that follows; this is why we have carried along a parameter e in our
definition of AP.
We will say that a set A <;;;; N3 is (f, ~l , ~2 , P)-closed if:
i. ~1,~2 are (lP'fA)-names; ffA is a (lP'fA)-name;
ii. p II-PtA: "ffA is a function from TIn ql(n) onto TIn r~2(n)
which (interpreted in lP'fA) induces an isomorphism from
TIn r~l(n/(:EfA) onto TIn r~2(n/(:EfA)".
iii. p II-PtA: "{n: Ilr~l(n)11 > Ilr~2(n)lI} E :EfA."
Properly speaking, the only actual closure condition here is clause (ii). Note
that the condition in (iii) can be strengthened to:

by the choice of the sequences (r~) (i = 1,2).

Let C be {8 < N3 : cof (8) = N2, 0 is (f,?f1,?f 2, p )-closed}. Clearly the
set C is unbounded and is closed under N2-limits. By our construction, for
a stationary subset Be of C we may suppose that for 8 E Be: fo = ffo,
pO = p, efj = 1, ~fj = ~l, and that 8 was (f,~1,~2,p)-closed. So q'6 E GHl,
and we can find q E G such that ~ =: f(ffj) is a (lP'fAq)-name, 0 E Aq.
At stage 0 in the construction, the Ghibellines had tried to make the
commitment (*)~.,z., with (q*,~*) = (q,~). They later failed to meet this
commitment, since-otherwise there would be some r 2:: q in G, some p' 2:: p
in lP'fAr, and some [lP'f(Ar n o)]-name of a member f of ql(n)' for which
(t) holds:

p'll-ptAr "{n: [rk1 F R(f(n),ffj(n))


rk2 F --,R(ffj(f)(n),~(n))]} E :P".


and ~ is .f(:£o). But p forced .f to induce an isomorphism, so we have a

The failure to make the commitment (* )~,~, implies a failure of density,
which means that for some (q', l) ~ (q,~) over 0 + 1 - and hence also for
(q,~) - taking qo = qro, we will have:
(i) 0 is (.f,~1,~2,p)-closed.
(ii) p E lP'rAqO, 0 E Aq, €q = 1, ~~ = ~l,.fo = .fro;
(iii) ~ is a (lP'rAq)-name for a member of fIn r%~(n);
(iv) For all r ;::: q in AP such that rrO E GO, and :£ a (lP'rArtO)-name,
with 1/. =: .f(:£) a (lP'rArtO)-name, we have:
(*)'E,l! p II- "The set {n: r~l(n) 1= R(:£(n),:£o(n)) iff
q2(n) 1= R(1/.(n) , ~(n))} is in :C".
(Note: another possibility of failure, q fj. GOl, is ruled out by the choice
of q).
Now we analyze the meaning of (* )'E,y' Consider the following property
of (lP'io)-names :£,y for a fixed choice of 8 E C, q E AP with 0 E Aq, and ~
a (lP'iAq)-name. -

(**)x,y For all r ;::: q in AP such that rrb E GO and :£, y are (lP'iAriO)-
- - names, (* )'E,l! holds. -

We explore the meaning of this property when 1/. is not necessarily


(Ci<h) If:£ is a (lP'rb)-name, 1/. = .f(:£), then (**)'E'l!'

To si:Q1plify the analysis, let H be generic for lP'io. Let :£ be a lP'io-name
of a real, A ~ O. We say :£ is unrestricted for (H, A, ~1) if:
There is no (.fi A, e)-slow sequence Wn)n<w in V[H rA] such that:
{n: :£(n) E r~l(n) \.?n} == 0 mod.f°[H].
Observe that if sup A < 'Y < 0 and ~7 = ~1 , then the Cohen real :£7 is
forced (in lP'ib) to be unrestricted for (H, A, ~1).

4.12A Claim. If:£1,:£2 are (lP'rb)-names of functions in fIn r~l(n)' 1/. is

a (lP'ib)-name of a member of fIn q2(n)' and both pairs (:£1, 1/.) and (:£2, 1/.)
satisfy the condition (**) above, then:

p II-pto ":£1 = :£2 mod.fi8[H] or both are restricted for (H, AqO, ~1)."

We will give the proof of this, which contains one of the main combi-
natorial points, in paragraph 4.13. For the present we continue with the
proof of the theorem. We first record a consequence of the claim.

(02) If:f, 1i are (lP'f8)-names with :f forced by

lP'i8 to be unrestricted for (H,AqO,~I), and the pair (:f,'!l)
= '!l mod :[6"
satisfies (**):P'1!' then p 1f-lI'r6 ".f(:f)
Indeed, if H ~ lP'f8 is generic over V, and .f(:f)[H] = '!l1[H] f. '!l[H] mod
:[6, then since.f is onto (in V[H], as 8 is (.f,~I,~2,p)-closed), there is a
(lP'f8)-name:f' with .f(:f')[H] = y[H], so :f'[H] f. :f[H] mod :[6. Now:f,:f',y
contradict (elm). Thus (.f) holds. As (01) + (02) holds for stationarily
many 8's, it holds for 8 = ~3 (in the natural interpretation).
In what follows, we use the statements (01) + (02) as a kind of "defin-
ability" condition on .f; but we deal with the current concrete case, rather
than seeking an abstract formulation of the situation.
Let S = b E Se : .f(:f,.) is (forced by p to be equal to) a [lP'ib + 1)]-
name }. We claim that S is stationary. Let G' ~ ~3 be closed unbounded,
and let 8 E Se be taken with G' n Se unbounded below 8. Let q E G be
chosen so that .f(:f6) is a (lP'fAq)-name, let qo = qf8, and 'Yo = sup Aqo.
It suffices to check that for 'Yo < 'Y < 8 with 'Y ESe, we have 'Y E S.
So let Tl E G 6 be chosen so that '!l1 =: .f(:f,) is a (IP'rATl )-name. It
suffices to show that 1il is (forced by p to be equal to) a (1P'IlATl n b + 1)])-
name. Otherwise, by a density requirement (Appendix, §A3) we can find
a 1-1 order preserving function h with domain AT1, h is the identity on
ATl n b + 1), h(min(ATl \b + 1))) > sup AT1, with T2 =: h(rl) in GO. Let
'!l2 = h('!lI)· T~en (** h-y,1!; holds for i = 1,2, so p 1f-lI'r6 "'!l1 = '!l2 mod:[o",
but by 4.14 below we can ensure that this is not the case (by making
additional commitments, cf. §A3).
Now for,), E S let q, E G,+1 be chosen so that ~, = .f(:f,) is a (lP'fAq-y)-
name, and let 1; = sup(Aq-y n')'). By Fodor's lemma we can shrink S so that
i' and Ao = Aq-y n i' and q, fi' are constant for,), E S. Now choose 81 < 82
in S, and let qi = qo;, Ai = Aq; for i = 1,2, so Al = Aql = Ao U {81 },
A2 = Aq2 = Ao U {82}; also let A =: Al uA2; we now let qdi' be called qo.
Let F = :[q;, and set
4 =: {n: r~l(n) F= R(:f61 (n), :fo2(n)) ~ r~2(n) F= --'R(~Ol (n), f62(n))}.
We want to find rEAP with AT = A so that r ;::::: ql,q2, and p If-
"4 E r"· This will then mean that .f could have been "killed", after all,
and will complete the argument.

Suppose this is not possible, and thus as in 4.9 (1) for some p' 2: p in
lP'f A, if p~ = p' fAi for i = 0,1,2, we have:
a (lP'fAl)-name g of a member of .fl;
a (lP'fA2)-name Qof a member of .f2; and
a lP'-name Q =: {n : f02(n) E ql(n)\4n} associated with a (lP'fAl)-
name (4n)n<w of an ('El, lsI )-slow sequence; with
p/lhl'tA "g n Qn Qn 4 = 0"
We shall get a contradiction. Let H O <;;;; lP'fAo be generic over V.
We define for every n the following (lP'fAO)-names:

cl!n~[Fl] = ((u,v) E r~l(n) x r~2(n) :

For some p~ E lP' fAl with p~ 2: p~ and p~ fAnE HO ,
p~ 1f-]P'tAdHo "[?Ol (n) = u, u ¢. 4n, nEg and ?lh (n) = v]"}

Cl!n;[HO] = {(u,v) E r~l(n) x rk2(n) :

For some p~ E lP'fA2 with p~ 2: p~ and p~iAo E HO,

p~ 1f-ll'tA2/Ho "[?02(n) = u, n E Qand ?02(n) = v]"}

and for i = 1,2 and u E r~l(n) we let

4~ =: {u: (3v)(u,v) E cl!n~}

Now in V[H°], (4~: n < w) is not (~,lsl)-slow, and thus the set:

belongs to .co[H]. Choose any such n, and by finite combinatorics we shall

derive a contradiction. Remember that we have assumed without loss of
generality that Ilql(n)11 > Ilq2(n)11 5 for a large set of n modulo .fiAo,
so wlog our n satisfies this, too. Let gi : 4~ ----4 r~2(n) be such that
gi(V) E Cl!nn(v). Now I range(gi) I ~ II r~2(n)
2 II, so there are bl ,b2 E r~2(n)
such that for i = 1,2:

Now by 4.4(ii) we find ai, a~ E g-l(bi ) for i = 1,2 with r~l(n) 1== R(al, a2)
and--,R(ai,a~). Aseitherr~l(n) I==R(b1,b2)orql(n) I==--,R(b1,b2 ),wecan
show that it is not forced by p' that n f/. g n Qn ~ n 4, a contradiction. 0
4.13 Proof of the Claim 4.12A from 4.12. We first recall the situation. We
(i) 8 is (..€,,~1,~2,p)-cl08ed; qo = qj8;
(ii) p E lP'jAqO, 8 E Aq, E: q = 1, ~~ = ~l, £Ii = £j8;
(iii) ~ is a (lP'fAq)-name for a real;
(iv) For all r ~ q in AP such that d8 E ali, and q; a (lP'IArfli)-name,
with y =: £(q;) a (lP'jArfli)-name, we have:
(*)'§,; p II-- "The set {n : r~l(n) 1== R(q;(n),q;Ii(n)) iff r%2(n) 1==
R(l1(n), ~(n))}
is in J?" .
We defined the property (** )'§'1! as follows:
(**)x,yFor all r ~ q in AP such that rj8 E ali and q;, yare
- - (lP' IArfO)-names, (* )'§,'!! holds. -

Claim .. If q;1, q;2 are (lP'f8)-names of functions in ITn ql(n)' ¥ is a (lP'18)-

name of a member of ITn q2(n)' and both pairs (q;1, ¥) and (q;2, 11) satisfy
the condition (** )'§,y above, then:
p II-- Pfo "q;1 = q;2 ~od.f18[Hl or both are restricted for (H, AqO, ~1)."

Proof. Suppose that p :S :P E lP'r8 and:p forces the contrary; so without loss
of generality


(6) :p II-- "q;1 is unrestricted for (H, AqO, ~1 )."

Choose any q1 ~ qo with q1 E ao

so that q;1,q;2,y are lP'IAql-names. Now
we will construct r ~ Q1,ql(8 + 1), with r in AP-and Ar = Aql U {8}, so

By 4.9(2) we can also find r' ~ r, q, and then (7) contradicts (** )'§l,y &
(**)'§2,y. Thus to complete the proof of our claim, it suffices to find r. -
This is the sort of problem considered in 4.9(1), with an additional
set required to be in .c1(Aql U {8}). The Qo, Q1 under consideration here

correspond to the qo, ql of 4.9(1), and we let q2 be qf(8 + 1). Following

the notation of 4.9(1), set 12 = :f'li, ~ = Aq; for i = 0,1,2, and A =
Al U {8} = Al U A2. We need to find r ~ q},q2 as in 4.9(1), with (7)
Suppose on the contrary that p ~ p' E IP' fA and p' forces "There is
no :f as required". Then extending p', we may suppose that we have a
IP'fAl-name g for a member of :fl, a IP'fA2-name Q for a member of :f2,
a IP'fAl-name for an (:fl, ll/)-slow sequence (4n) (associated with a power
d < w - cf. 4.7), such that setting:

we have:
P'lI-PtA "g n Qn g n rJ = 0"
Let p~ = p/fAi for i = 0,1,2, and take HO S;; IP'fAo generic over V.
Without loss of generality, for some natural number d:

'p~ II- "n E g ===} :fl(n) =/:. :f2(n) and

14n l ~ IIql(n) II . (log IIr~l(n) ID d (and 4n S;; r~l(n»)'"

We are interested in .{1n[HO]=:

{v E r~l(n) :
for some p~ ~ p~ with p~fAo E HO, p~ Il-lP'tA2:"n E Qand :fo(n) = v"}

(which is a (lP'fAo)-name). Clearly the sequence (.{1n) is not (:fl,~l)-slow

in V[sO].
For each n let us also consider the set ¥ n [HO] =:

{(A, VI, V2) : A U {VI, V2} S;; r~l(n)' VI =/:. V2,

and for some pt with pt ~ p~, pt fAo E HO,
PI"11-"n E g, A
_ n -A
- , :f1()_
n - V}, :f2()_"}
n - V2·


As fa is unrestricted over Ao in V[H°], for the .en-majority of n we



Now (by (6)), also for the .en majority of n we have:

(10) On =: {VI E ql(n) : There are A,V2 so that (A,VI,V2) E ¥n}

has at least Ilr~l:n)1I members

Now it will suffice to find n, V E lln and (A,VI,V2) E ¥n so that


as we can then choose p~ E IP'fAI, p~ E IP'fA2 with p~' ~ p~, p~'fAo E HO for
i = 1,2, so that:

P"1 If- "n E a

_, A
_n = A , xl(n)
_ = VI , x_ 2(n) = V2'" , p"
2 If- "n E b
_ and
_6 x (n) = V"
and hence p~ U p~ If- "n E g n Qn {; n q/' , a contradiction.
So it remains to find n, V and (A, VI, V2). For n sufficiently large satisfy-
ing (8-10), we can choose triples ti = (Ai, vi, V~) E ¥ n for i < 5 log IIql(n) II
with all vertices vi distinct from each other and from all v~. By the pseu-
dorandomness of r~l(n) (more specifically 4.4(iii)), the set
8 = {v E r~l(n) : For no i < 5 log 1!r~l(n)1I do we have R(vi, v) ~
-'R(v~, v)}
has size at most 5 log IIr~l(n)lI. So if 8' =: 8 U U{Ai : i < 5 log IIql(n)II},
then we will have: 18'1 ~ IIr~l(n)II(log IIr~1(n)lI)d+2, so there is v E lln \
8'. Since v ~ 8', for some i (11) will hold with (A, VI, V2) = (Ai, vi, V~). 0
The last detail
The following was used in the proof of 4.12 (after 3.12A slightly before
Claim. Assume q2 ff3 ::::; ql, A ql ~ f3. Let qo = q2 ff3, and write Ai for A qi ,
A = Al U A 2 , and:P for :Pi. Let p E IP'fA and Pi = pf~. Then we
can find r with AT = A and r ~ ql,q2, so that for any (IP'r~)-names 1!.i
(i = 1,2) of members of TIn r~2(n) if:

for (i = 1,2) and for all (:lP'fAo)-names 1J.', then we have:


Hence p II-PtA "if 1J.i #- 1J.'mode for i = 1,2 and 1J.' a (lP'fAo)-name
then 1J.I #- 1J.2 mode"·
Proof. We use induction construction. Much as in the proof of 4.9, we must
deal primarily with the case in which Aq2 = Aqo u {,8}. Suppose toward
a contradiction that P ::5 p' E lP'fA, and with p~ = p'fA for i = 0,1,2 we
i. a (lP'fAd-name g of a member of :{l;
ii. a (lP'fA2)-name ~ of a member of :{2j
iii. a (lP'fA)-name g = {n : ~.8(n) E r~2(n) \4n} associated with a
(lP'fAI)-name (4 n )n<w of a (.fl, ~l)-slow sequence; and
iv. a (lP'fA)-name 4 = nf.,, 1 4;, for a finite intersection of sets of the
form 43, =: {n : y~(n) #- y~(n)}, with each yi. a lP'fA-name of a
-3 -3 -3
member of I1n r~2(n)' such that for each i = 1,2 and j = 1, ... ,N:

Pi II- "1J.~ #- 1J.' mode for any (lP'fAo)-name 1J.' of a member

of I1nr~2(n)""

and that P' II- "g n ~ n g n 4 = 0". Let HO be generic over V, Po E HO,
and let us define in V[sO]:

and there is p~ E lP'fAll p~ ~ PI' p~fAo E sO, and

p~ II-PtAl "4n = A, 1J.~(n) = Ul, ••• '1J.~(n) = UN, and nEg".}

p~ E lP'fA2' p' ~ P2' p~ fAo E HO and

P; II-PtA2 "~.8(n) = Vo, 1J.~(n) = VI ••• '1J.~(n) = VN and n E ~"}

Without loss of generality, for some d,
PIlI-: "For nEg, 14nl::5 IIr~2(n) II . (log IIr~2(n) ID d ."


By the assumption on ~i, ... ,~~,

{n: there is (A,ul, ... ,UN) E ~~, Ulfi:.·. ,UN tt <Tn } E;:O.

Hence without loss of generality:

For nEg" there are (A, U{, ... ,U~) E ~;., for j ::::; N + 1, with

(3) The sets {u{, . .. ,u~} (for j ::::; N + 1) pairwise disjoint.

As q2 E AP,

(4) If (Qn : n < w) E V[HOj is (;:0, l!;)-slow then

{n: There is (VO,Vl, ... ,VN) E ~~ with Vo tt Qn} E;:O
Let g,+ =: {n : ~;. i= 0, ~~ i= 0, moreover, ~;. satisfies (3)} (a lP'fAo-
name of a member of .PJ). So for n E g,+, there are (N + I)-tuples
(An,j,u~,j, ... ,u1; / ) for j ::::; N + 1 with the sets {u~,j, ... ,u~j} pair-
wise disjoint. Let Qn = Uj~NAn,j for n E g+, Q n = 0 for n tt g+.
So (Qn)n<w E V [HOj is (;:0, e)-slow, hence for some n E g+, there is
(vo, Vl, •. · ,VN)' E ~~, with Vo tt Qn. Now for some j ::::; N + 1 we have
I\~l Vi i= u~,j. Choose p~ E lP'fA2' p~ ~ P2, with p~fAo E HO and p~ If-
"n E Q, ff3(n) = vo,l\~l~~(n) = vi". Choose p~ E lP'fAl, p~ ~ Pl'
with p~ fAa E sO and p~ If- "n E g, ..1n = An,j, and for all i = 1, ... ,N
Y l (n) = un,j." Now P' Up' If- "n E an b n c n d}' a contradiction.
_l l 1 2 - - - -,
This finishes the case A2 = Al U {B}. The general case follows as in
4.9(2). At successors we apply the case just treated. Limits of uncountable
cofinality are handled by taking unions. At limits of cofinality w we have
to repeat the first argument with some variations; we do not have to worry
about £, so the fact that there are several ffJ involved is not a problem.
The problem in this case is of course to extend the union of the ultrafilters
constructed so far to an ultrafilter in a slightly larger model of set theory,
while retaining the main property for new names Y~. -, 0


AI. Proper and a-proper forcing

ALl Proper forcing
Let P = (P,:::;) be a partially ordered set. A cardinal ,X is P-large if
the power set of P is in VA (the universe of all sets of rank less than 'x).
With P fixed and ,x P-Iarge, let V>. be the structure (VA; E, P, :::;).
1. For M ~ VA and PEP, P is M-generic iff for each name of an ordinal
g with gEM, P II- "g E M".
2. P is proper iff for all P-Iarge ,x and all countable elementary substruc-
tures M of v.~ with P E M, each p E M has an M-generic extension
AI.2 Axiom A
P satisfies Axiom A if there is a collection :::;n (n = 1,2, ... ) of partial
orderings on the set P with :::;1 coinciding with the given ordering :::;, and
:::;n+! finer than :::;n for each n, satisfying the following two conditions:
1. If P1 :::;1 P2 :::;2:::; P3 :::;3 .•. then there is some pEP with Pn :::;n P
for all n;
2. For all PEP, any name g of an ordinal, and any n, there is a
condition q E P with p :::;n q, and a countable set B of ordinals,
such that q II- g E B.
The forcings used in §§2,3 were seen to satisfy Axiom A, and the fol-
lowing known result was then applied.
AI.3 Proposition. IfP satisfies Axiom A then P is proper.
Proof. Given a countable M ~ VA and pEP n M, let gn be a list of all
ordinal n~es in M, and use clause (2) of Axiom A to find qn, Bn E M
with qn E P, Bn countable. P :::;1 q1 :::;2 q2 :::; ... and qn II- "gn E Bn. Then
use clause (1) to find q ~ all qn; this q will be M-generic. 0
AI.4 Countable support iteration
Our notation for iterated forcing is as follows. ~o is the name of the
a-th forcing in the iteration, and Po is the iteration up to stage a. The
sequence Po is called the iteration, and the ~o are called the factors. It is
assumed that ~o is a Po-name for a partially ordered set with minimum
element 0, and that Po+! is Po * ~o.
In general it is necessary to impose some further conditions at limit
ordinals. We will be concerned exclusively with countable support iteration:
at a limit ordinal a, P6 consists of a-sequences p such that pra E Po for
a < a, and 11-1'", p(a) = 0 for all but countably many a < a.

A1.5 Proposition. Let 'Po< be a countable support iteration of length >.

with factors go< such that for all a < >., 11-1'0 "go< is proper." Then 'PA is
See [Sh b, Sh f, or Jech] for the proof.
In §§2,3 we need additional iteration theorems discussed in [Sh b] in
the context of w-proper forcing. Improvements in [Sh 177] or [Sh f] make
this unnecessary, but we include a discussion of the relevant terminology
here. This makes our discussion compatible with the contents of [Sh b].
A1.6 a-Proper forcing
Let a be a countable ordinal. Then 'P is a-proper iff for every 'P-
large >., every continuous increasing a + I-sequence (Mi)i~o< of countable
elementary substructures of VA with'P E M o, every pEP n Mo has an
extension q E P which is Mi-generic for all i :5 a.
Axiom A implies a-properness for a countable. For example we check
w-properness. So we consider a condition P in Mo, where (Mi)i<W is a
sequence of suitable countable models satisfying, among other things, Mi E
Mi+1' There is an Mo-generic condition PI above p, and we can take PI E
Mt, si~ce Ml -< VA' Similarly we can successively find Pn+1 E P n Mn+1
with Pn+1 Mn-generic, and Pn :5n Pn+1' A final application of Axiom A
yields q above all the Pn.
Countable support iteration also preserves a-properness for each a [Sh
b]. Furthermore it is proved in [Sh b, V4.3] that countable support iteration
preserves the following conjunction of two properties: w-properness and
ww-bounding. So [Sh b] contains most of the information needed in §§2,3,
though we will need to add more concerning the iteration theorems below.
A2. Iteration.theorems
A2.1 Fine* covering models
We recall the formalism introduced in [Sh b, Chap. VI] for proving
iteration theorems. We consider collections of subtrees of w>w that cover
Ww in the sense that every function in Ww represents a branch of one of the
specified trees, and iterate forcings that do not destroy this property. Of
course the precise formulation is considerably more restrictive. See discus-
sion A2.6.
Weak covering models
A structure (D; R) consisting of a set D and a binary relation Ron D
is called a weak covering model if:
1. For x, tED, R(x, t) implies that t is a (nonempty) subtree of w>w,

with no terminal nodes (leaves); we denote the set of branches of t

by Br(t).
2. For every 'fJ E ww, and every x E dom R, there is some tED with
R(x, t) and 'fJ E Br(T). In this case, we say: (D, R) covers Ww.
(D; R) should be thought of as a suitable small fragment of a universe
of sets, and R( x, t) is to be thought of intuitively as saying, in some manner,
that the tree t has "size" at most x. In the next definition we introduce an
ordering on the "sizes" and exploit more of our intutition, though certain
intuitively natural axioms are omitted, as they are never needed in proofs.
Fine* covering models
A structure V = (D; R, <) is called a fine* covering model if (D; R)
is a weak covering model, < is a partial order on dom R with no minimal
element, and:
(1) If x,y E domR with x < y, then there is Z E domR with x < Z < y
(and D =i 0 and for every y ED there is x < y in D).
(2) x < y & R(x, t)-implies R(y, t).
(3) In any generic extension V* in which (D; R) is a weak covering
model we have:
(*) for x < y (from dom R) and tn E D with R(x, tn) for all
n there is tED with R(y, t) holding and there are indices
no < nl < . " such that: for all 'fJ E Ww: if 'fJ fni E Uj :5i tj
for all i then 'fJ E Br(t).
o if'fJ E ww, 'fJn E ww, 'fJnfn = 'fJfn for n < wand x E domR
then for some t, R(x, t), 'f/ E Br(t) and for infinitely many
n we have 'fJn E Br(t).
In particular we require (*) and 0 to hold in the original universe V. Ob-
serve also that in (3*) we have in particular to ~ t.
Note that (3)+ below implies (3).
(3)+ In any generic extension V* (of V) in which (D, R) is a weak
covering model we have:
(*)+ For x < y and tn ED with R(x, tn) for all n, there is tED with
R(y, t) holding and there are indices 0 = no < nl < ... such that
for all 'fJ E Ww if 'fJfni E Uj :5i tnj for all i, then 'fJ E Br(t); we let
w={nO,nl, ... }.
[Why (3)+ => (3)? assume (3)+, so let a generic extension V* of
V in which (D, R) is a weak covering model be given, so in V*, (*)+
holds. First, for 0 of (3) let 'fJ, 'fJn, Y be given, let x < y; as "(D, R) is
a weak covering model in V*" for each n < w there is tn E D such that

R(x, t n )&1Jn E Br(t n ). Apply (*)+ to X, y, tn and get t which is as required

there. Second, for (*) of (3), let x < y,tn(n < w) be given. Choose in-
ductively y/,xn,x < Xn < y' < y, Xn < Xn+l (possible by condition (1».
Choose by induction on n, k n , t~ such that: to = t*, R(xn , t~), t~ ~ t~+l
and [v E tn+l&vtkn E t~ ::} v E t~+l]. For n = O-trivial, for n + 1 use
(*)+ with (Xn, Xn+b t~, tn+b tn+b ... ) here standing for (x, y, to, tI, t2, . .. )
there, and we get t~+l' Wn (for t,w there), let k n = Min(wn \ {O}), easily
t~ as required. Now apply (*)+ to (y/,y,to,ti, ... ) and get t,(ni: i < w};
thinning the ni's we finish].
A forcing notion P is said to be V-preserving if P forces: "V is a fine*
covering model"; equivalently, P forces: "(D; R) covers ww." So this means
that P does not add certain kinds of reals.
In this terminology, we can state the following general iteration theo-
rem ([Sh 177],[Sh-f]V1§I, §2):
A2.2 Iteration theorem. Let V be a fine* covering model. Let (Po, ~p :
O! ~ 6, f3 < 6) be a countable support iteration of proper forcing notions
with each factor V-preserving. Then P6 is V-preserving.
Proof We reproduce the proof given in [Sh b, pp. 199-202], with the mod-
ifications suggested in [Sh 177]. We note that in the present exposition we
have suppressed some of the terminology in [Sh b] and made other minor
alterations. In particular our statement of the main theorem is slightly
weaker than the one given in [Sh fl. We have also suppressed the discussion
of variants of condition (3*) in the definition of fine* covering model, which
occurs on pages 197-198 of [Sh b]; as a result we leave a little more to the
By [Sh b, V4.4], if 6 is of uncountable cofinality then there is no prob-
lem, as all new reals are added at some earlier point. So we may suppose
that cf 6 = No hence by associativity of CS iterations of proper forcing
([Sh-b], III) without loss of generality 6 = w.
We claim that If-pw "(D; R) covers ww." (Note that this suffices for the
proof of the iteration theorem.)
Fix x E domR, p E Pw, / a Pw-name with p If- "/ E ww." We need
to find an extension p' of p M"d a tree tED with R(;, t) such that p' If-
"/ E Br(t)." As in the proof that countable support iteration preserves
p;operness, we may assume without loss of generality (after increasing p)
that ten) is a Pn-name for all n.
By induction on n we define conditions pn E Pn and Pm-names tm,n
for m ~ n with the following properties:
(1) If-Pi "p(i) ~ pn(i) ~ pn+l(i)" for i < n;

(2) If G m ~ Pm is generic with m ~ n, then in V[Gml we have

(pn(m), ... ,pn(n-1)) If- pn / p ", "[(n) = ~m,n'" This is easily donej
for each n, we increase pn n times, once for each possible m. By
(1) we have pin ~ pn ~ pn+1.
We let f_ffi be the Pm-name for an element of Ww satisfying: f_m (n) =
~m ,n for n 2 m, f_ m (n) =_fen) for n < m. Then we have:
(3) (0, ... ,O,pn(m)) If-p"'+l "[m in = [m+lin"
(4) If-Pn "fin
_ = fin."
Choose Xl < X' < X and then inductively Xl < X2 < ... with all
Xn < x', and choose a countable N -< VA (with >.. P-large) such that all
the data (xn)n<w, (Pn, Qn)n<w, [, (pn)n<w' (~m,n)m~n<w lie in N. We
will define conditions qn E P n and trees tn ED (not names!) by induction
on n with qn+lin = qn (hence we may write: qn = (qO,ql, ... ,qn-l)) and
tn ~ tn+l' satisfying the following conditions:
(A) pin ~ qnj
(B) qn is (N, Pn)-genericj
(C) qn If- "[n E Br(tn)";
(D) R(x3n' tn);
(E) For m < n < w we have qm If-p", "qm and pn(m) are compatible in
Suppose we succeed in this endeavour. Then we can let q = Un qn.
By condition (2) in A2.1 for every n < w R(x I, t n ) (as X3n < X l Let
(ni : i < w) be a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers and t be
as guaranteed by (*) of condition (3) of A2.1 (for (t n : n < w),x',x) so
R(x, t) and: if 1]ini ~ Uj~i tj for each i < w then 1] E t. Let g(i) =: ni'
By (E) above there are conditions q:.r, with qm If-p ", "q:.r, E !l?m' q:.r, 2
qm,pg(m)(m)." Let q' = (qb,q~, ... ). Then q' 2 q 2 p and for m ~ n ~
gem) we will have (if we succeed in defining qn, t n ) q'in If-Pn "fin
= fin",

Now we have finished proving the existence of p', t (see before (1)) as re-
quired: q' If- "[ E Br (t)", as t includes the tree: {1] E w>w: For all
i, 1]ini E Uj~i tj}; and R(x, t) holds. Hence we have finished proving

If-pw "(D; R) covers w w". So it suffices to carry out the induction.
There is no problem for n = or 1. Assume that qn and tn are defined.
Let G n ~ Pn be generic with qn E Gn . Then f_n+ 1 becomes a Q _n [Gnl-name
In+l = [n+1/Gn for a member of Ww. As Pn+1 preserves (D, R), for every
r E !l?n [G n] and every y E dom R there is a condition r' 2 r in !l?n [G n ] such


(*) r' If- ''In+l E Br(t')" for some t' E D with R(y, t').

For each m < w, applying this to r =: pm(n), y = X3n we get r' = r~, t' =
t~+1; we could have guaranteed t~+1 ~ t~+2' Now choose by induction
on I < w, r;;',l E Qn[Gnl such that: r~,o = r~, r;;',l ::; r;;',I+1' r;;',I+1 forces
a value to In+l II. SO for some 17~ E Ww[Gn], r;;',l 1f-"ln+1 II = 17~ Ii". Note
17~lm = fnlm. Without loss of generality, (r~,t~,r;;',£,17~ : n,m,i < w)
belongs to N. Applying (3®) from A2.1 (to 17 = f_n [G n ], 17m = 17~) we
can find T~ E D n N[Gnl = D n N such that R(X3n, T~), f-n E Br(T~)
and 17~ E Br(TD for infinitely many m < w. Applying (3*) from A2.1
(to T~,t'i,t~, ... and X3n,X3n+1) we obtain a tree T~I. Returning to V,
we have a Pn-name T for such a tree. For s E Pn , if s If- "T = T" for
some tree T in V, let T( s) be this tree. Let U be the open dense subset of
s E P n for which T(s) is defined. Some such function TO belongs to N,
and U E N. If qn is in the generic set G n , then some s E Un N is in G n ,
by condition (2). Let un N = {Si : i < w}. Applying (3*) there is a tree
tn+1 satisfying:
(a) R(X3n+3, tn+1)'
(b) tn ~ tn+1'
(c) for every T E (Rang R) nN such that R(X3n+2, T) for some kT < w
we have:
vET & v IkT E tn =? v E tn+1
We shall prove now
(d) suppose Gn ~ P n is generic over V with qn E Gn , and k * <
w. Then there is q', pk*(n) ::; q' E Qn[Gnl n N[G n ], such that
q'If-"f_n+ 1 E Br(t n+1)" (though tn+l is generally not in N).
Proof of (d). As qn E G n necessarily for some s E Pn n N we have s E G n
so (c) applies to Ts and Ts = T~I[Gnl (as T~I = T~I[Gnl is well defined
and also T~ is ~ell-defined and belongs to N n D not only N[Gnl n D, as
D ~ V). By the choice of T~ the following set is infinite

w = {i < w : 17': E Br(T~)}

By the choice of ti'+1' for every i E w there exists k i < w such that 17 E
ti'+1 &17lki = 17ilki ==? 17 E T~I. To show (d), choose i E W \ k* (exists as
W is infinite, k* will be shown to be as required in (d)).
Nowr~k E NnQn[Gnl is well-defined, and anyq', pi(n) ::; q' E Q~[Gnl
which is (N, Qn[Gn])-generic is as required (note that pk* (n) ::; pi(n)).

We can assume without loss of generality that Qn is closed under

countable disjunction, so we can find rn compatible with pn (m) for all m
such that:
(qQ, ... ,qn-l, q~) II-Pn +1 ''In+1 E Br (t n+1)".
Now find qn 2: q~ such that (qQ, ... ,qn-l, qn) is (N, "Pn +1)-generic. This
completes the induction step.
[If this infinite disjunction bothers you, define by induction on n se-
quences (q~ : ", E n+lu;) where q~ E ~n is such that for every ", E '"'w the
condition (q~t(i+1) : i < n} is generic for N and q~ is above p1/(n) (n).] 0
A2.3 The ww-bounding property

We leave the successor case to the reader (see A2.6(2)).

A forcing notion "P is ww-bounding if it forces every function in Ww in
the generic extension to be bounded by one in the ground model. In §2 we
quoted the result that a countable support iteration of proper ww-bounding
forcing notions is again ww-bounding, which is almost Theorem V.4.3 of [Sh
b]. In Chapter VI, §2 of [Sh bj this result is shown to fit into the framework
just given. Here D is just a single collection T of treesj to fit D into the
general framework given previously, we would let A be any suitable partial
order, D = AUT, and R = A X T. The set T will consist of all subtrees of
w>w with finite ramification (as we have no measure on how small t E Tis,
so <, R are degenerate).
In a generic extension of the universe, the set T (as defined in the
ground model) will cover Ww if and only if every function in Ww is dominated
by one in the ground model. In fact the only relevant trees are those of
the form Tf = {", E w>w : ",(i) :::; f(i) for i < len",} with f in the ground
model. Tl}us the ww-bounding property coincides with the property of being
V-preserving, where V is essentially T, more precisely 'D = (A x Tj R, <)
for a suitable R, < (which play no role in this degenerate case). Thus to
see that the general iteration theorem applies, it suffices to check that such
a V will be a fine* covering model. We have to check the final clause (3) of
the definition of fine* covering model. In fact we will prove a strong version
of (3)+.
For any sequence of trees Tn in T, there is a tree T such that for all
", E ww, if",N E Uj$i T j for all i, then", E Br(T).
We will verify that this property holds in any generic extension V*
of V in which V covers ww. Let T* = {", E w>w : for all i :::; len(",),
",fi E Uj$i Tj }. If T* is in V this will do, but since the sequence (Tn)
came from a generic extension, this need not be the case. On the other
hand the sequence T* fn of finite trees is itself coded by a real f E ww, and

as V covers ww, there is a tree T- in D which contains this code f; via a

decoding, T- can be thought of as a tree TO whose nodes t are subtrees of
n~ with no maximal nodes below level n, so that for any s, t E T- with
s ::; t, s is the restriction of t to the level of s, and such that the sequence
T* fn actually is a branch of TO. Let T be the subtree of w>w consisting of
the union of all the nodes of TO. Then T still has finite ramification, lies in
the ground model, and contains T* .
A2.4 Cosmetic changes
(a) We may want to deal just with Br(T*), where T" a subtree w>w
(hence downward closed). So D is a set of subtrees of T" , so we
can replace D by {{17 E "'>w : 17 E T or (3l)[17fl E T & 17f(l + 1) ~
T"} :TE D}.
(b) We may replace subtrees T" of w>w by isomorphic trees.
(c) We may want to deal with some (Di; R;" <i) simultaneously; by
renaming without loss of generality the Di are pairwise disjoint,
and even: /'\1.=1,2 tl E D i ,&il '" i2 ==? BrTI n Brt2 = 0. Then we
use (U Di; UR;" U<i) to get the result.
(d) We may want to have (D; R) (Le. no <); just use (DU~ xD; R', <)
. where R'(x,t) iff x = (q,y), q E ~,y E D,R(y,t),
(q1.Yl) < (q2,Y2) iff ql < q2&Yl = Y2·
A2.5 The (f,g)-bounding property
We leave the successor case to the reader (see A2.6(2».
Let F be a family of functions in "'w, and 9 E "'w with 1 < g(n) for all
n. We say that a forcing notion P has the (F,g)-bounding property if:

For any,sequence (Ak : k < w) in the ground model, with

IAkl E F (as a function of k), and any 17 E TIk Ak in the generic
(*) extension and e > 0, there is a "cover"- B = (Bk : k < w) in
the ground model with Bk £; Ak, [lBkl > 1 ~ IBkl < g(k)E]
and '1(k~ E Bk for each k.

This notion is only of interest if g( n) - 00 with n.

We will show that this notion is also covered by a case of the general
iteration theorem of §A2.2.
Let Tj,g [T/,g] be the set of those subtrees T of Un TIm<n f(n) of
the form Un TIm<n B m , such that IBnl < max{g(k) , 2} [such that IBnl ::;
max{2,g(k)E}], where as usual f(n) is thought of as the set {O, ... ,f(n)-
I}. Let TF,g be UfEF'EE~+ T/,g. Our fine* covering model is essentially
TF,g, more accurately, it is the family of {(Tj,g U ~+; R, <) : f E F},

where 5+ is the set of positive rationals, < is the order on 5+' and
R(e, t) =: e E 5+ &t E T/. g . See A2.4(c).
Call a family F g-closed if it satisfies the following two closure condi-
1. For f E F, the function F(n) = TIm<n(J(m) + 1) lies in Fj
2. For f E F, f g is in F.
If F is g-closed, f E F, and (An)n<oo are sets with IAnl = fen),
then the function f'(n) = the number of trees of the form TIm<n Bm with
Bm ~ Am and IBml < gem) is dominated by a function in F.
Using the formalism of §A2.2, we wish to prove:
Theorem. If F is g-closed then a countable support iteration of (F,g)-
bounding proper forcing notions is again an (F, g)-bounding proper forcing.
Since the V-preserving forcing notions are the same as the (F, 9 )-
bounding ones, we need only check that V is a fine* covering model. Again
the nontrivial condition is (3)+, i.e.,
Let f E F. For any sequence of trees Tn in Tj,g, R(e / , Tn), e' < e
(in 5+)' there is a tree T in D satisfying R(e, T) and an increasing
sequence ni such that for all 'fJ E ww, if 'fJrni E Uj:S;i Tnj for all i, then
'fJ. E Br(T).
This must be verified in any generic extension V* of V in which V
covers ww. Working in V, choose (ni)i<w increasing so that no = 0 and for
ni ::=; n we have minn>ni g(n)(e-e')/2 > i + 1. For ni ::=; n < niH set:

Bn = {'fJ(n) : 'fJ E U{Tj : nj ::=; n}.

(For n < no let Bn = {'fJ(n) : 'fJ E To}.) If the sequence Bn was in the
ground m~del, we could take T = Un TIm<n Bm. Instead we have to think
of the sequence Bn as a possible branch through the tree of finite sequences
of subsets of fen) of size at most (say) max{l, g(n) -I}. As F is g-closed,
TF,g cont~ins a tree T- which encodes a tree TO of such subsets, for which
the desired sequence Bn is a branch in V*, so that the number of members
of TO of level m is ::=; gem) (e-e')/2 (or is ::=; 1). Let B~ = UbETO ben). Then
Bn ~ B~, limn --+ oo IB~I/ge(n) = 0 and UnTIm<n(B;;') is in V. 0
A2.6 Discussion
This was treated in [Sh-f,VI] [Sh-f, XVIII §3] too (the presentation in
[Sh-b, VI] was inaccurate). The version chosen here goes for less generality
(gaining, hopefully, in simplicity and clarity) and is usually sufficient. We
consider below some of the differences.

A2.6(1) A technical difference

In the context as phrased here the preservation in the successor case of
the iteration was trivial - by definition essentially. We can make the fine*
covering model (in A2.1) more similar to [Sh-f, VI §1] by changing (3*) to

For Yo < Yl < ... y < x in dom Rand tn E D such that R(Yn, t n )
(*)' for all n, there is tED with R(x, t) holding and indices
no < nl < ... such that [11 E w>w & Ai lIflli E Uj~i tj =} 11 E t].

We can use this version here.

A2.6(2) Two-stage iteration
We can make the fine* covering model (in A2.1) more similar to [Sh-f,
VI §1] by changing (3*). In the context as presented here the preservation
by two step iteration is trivial - by definition essentially. In [Sh-f VI, §2]
we phrase our framework such that we can have: if Qo E V is x-preserving,
91 is X-preserving (over VQo, 91a Qo-name) then QO*91 is x-preserving.
The point is that X-preserving means (D, R, <) v-preserving, i.e. (D, R, <)
is a de~tion (with a parameter in Va). The point is that if VI = Vo Qo,
V2 = Vi-I then for 11 E (Ww) V2 and x E dom R, we choose Y < x and tED VI
such that 11 E Br(t), R Vl(y, t), then we look in Vo at the tree of possible
initial segments of t getting TED VO such that t E Br(T) , R Vo(y, T). If
y was chosen rightly, U Br(T) is as required. Here it may be advantageous
to use a preservation of several (D, R, <)'s at once (see A2.4(c)).
A2.6(3) Several models - the real case
We may ~onsider a (weak) (fine*) covering family of models
(D£, R£, <i) : l < l"') (actually a sequence) i.e. not that each one is a
cover, but simultaneously.
(A) We say (D,R) = (D£,R£): l < l"') is a weak c.f.m. if each D£ is a
set, Ri a. binary relation, l* < wand
1. Ri(X, t) implies that t is a subtree of w>w (nonempty, no
maximal models).
2. Every 11 E Ww is of kind l for at least one l < l * which
means: for every x E dom Ri for some t, we have
Ri(X,t)&11 E Br(t).
(B) We say (D, R, <) is a fine* c.f.m. if:
o. (D, R) is a weak family.
1. If x E domRi =} (3z)z <i x and'r/y <i X 3z(y <I. Z <£ x)
(and D =F 0).

2. X <£ Y & R£(x, t) => R£(y, t).

3. For any generic extensions V* in which (D, R) is a weak
(*) for every f. < f.* and y <£ x (from domRI.) and tn E DI.
with RI.(y, t n ) for all n there is tED with RI.(x, t) and
there are indices no < nl < ... such that for every 'TJ E Ww:
if 'TJffi-i E Uj:$i tj for all i then 'TJ E Br(t).
® if f. < f.*, 'TJ E w w, 'TJn E w w, 'TJnfn = 'TJfn, x E domRI. and
'TJ, 'TJn are of kind f., then for some t *, R£(x, t *), 'TJ E Br(t *)
and for infinitely many n < w, 'TJn E Br(t *).

Theorem. H(D;R, <) is aline* c.lm., (Pa , ~{3 : a:::; ti,{3 < a) is a count-
able support iteration of proper forcing notions with each factor (D; R, <)-
preserving. Then P6 is (D; R, <)-preserving.

Proof. Similar to the previous one, with the following change. After saying
that without loss of generality ti = wand, above p, for every n, fen) as a Pn -
name, and choosing x n , x', we do the following. For clarity think that our
universe V is countable in the true universe or at least ~3(lPwl) v is. We let
K = {(n,p"G) : n < W,p E Pw , G ~ Pn is generic over V and pfn E Gn }.
On K there is a natural order (n,p, G) :::; (n',p',G') if n:::; n', Pw F p:::; p'
and G ~ G'. Also for (n,p, G) E G and n' E (n, w) there are p', G' such that
(n,p,G) :::; (n',p',G'). For (n,p,G) E K let L(n,p,G) = {g : 9 E (Ww) V[G]
and there is an increasing sequence (PI. : f. < w) of conditions in Pw/G,
p :::; Po, such that PI. II- [rf. = gff.}. So:
9 E L(n,p,G) => [fn = gfn
(n,p,G):::; (n',p',G') => L(n',p',G') ~ L(n,p,G)' 0

Theorem. There are f.* and (n,p, G) E K such that

if (n,p, G) :::; (n',p', G') E K then there is 9 E L(n',p',G') which is of the
f.* 'th kind.

Proof. Otherwise choose by induction (nl., pi, GI.) for f. :::; f.*, in K, in-
creasing such that: L(nHl,pHl,GH1) has no member of the f.'th kind. So
L(nt~pt~Gtj = 0 contradiction.
So without loss of generality for every (n,p, G) E K, L(n,p,G) has a
member of the f.* 'th kind. Now we choose by induction on n, An, (p." : 'TJ E
n+!w,'TJfn E An), (f : 'TJ E An), (q." : 'TJ E An), and tn such that
(A)' An ~ nW,Ao = {()},'TJ E An => (3Nof.)('TJ~(f.) E An+!) P." E Pw n
N,p<> = P,P." :::; p."-(I.),p.,,fn :::; qn'
(B)' q,., is (N, 'Pig,.,)-generic, q." E 'Pig,., and [f. < Ig'TJ => q."ff. = q,.,tl.]·

(C)' q'T/ II- "/ E Br(tn ) is of the .e*'th kind" when'fJ E An and / is a
-'T/ -'T/
(D)' R3n(X3n, tn), tn s;;; tn+l.
(E)' P.,{l) II-pw "11/ r.e = l.,{l) r.e = [f.e".
This suffices, as Xn < x' so An R(x', t n ) hence for some (ni : i <
w) strictly increasing and t as guaranteed by (*) of (3) we find v E Ww
increasing fast enough and let q = Un<w qvtn. In the induction there is
no problem for n = 0,1. For n + 1; first for each 'fJ E n+1w we choose .e,
work in V Pn+1 and find (P1/-{l) : .e < w), 1'T/' and without loss of generality
they are in N. For'fJ E nw there is a Pn+1-name t'T/ E N of a member
of D, Rl(X3n, t1/)' 1'T/ E Br(t1/)' (3°o.e)I'T/-{l) E BrU'T/). Now we can replace
P1/-{l) by P'T/-{l')' .e' = Min{m : m ::::: .e,l.,{l) E Br(t1/)}. We continue as
in A2.2. Note: it is natural to use this framework e.g. for preservation of
P-points. 0

A3. Omitting types

A3.1 Uniform ~tial orders

In the proof of Theorem 4.1 given in §4 we used the combinatorial

principle developed in [ShLH162]. (Cf. [Sh107] for applications published
earlier.) This is a combinatorial refinement of forcing with AP to get a
JP>3-name :t with the required properties in a generic extension. We now
review this material.
With the cardinal >. fixed, a partially ordered set (P, <) is said to be
standard >.+ -uniform if P s;;; >.+ x P A(>.+) (we refer here to subsets of >.+ of
size strictly less than >.), satisfying the following properties (where we take
e.g. P = (a,u) and write dom(p) for u):
1. If P $; q then domp s;;; domq.
2. For all p, q, rEP with P, q $; r there is r' E P so that p, q $; r' $; r
and dOIpr' = dompUdomq.
3. If (Pi)i<6 is an increasing sequence of length less than >., then it
has a least upper bound q, with domain Ui<6 dompi; we will write
q = Ui<6 Pi, or more succinctly: q = P<{j·
4. For all pEP and a < >.+ there exists a q E P with q $; p and
domq = domp n a; furthermore, there is a unique maximal such
q, for which we write q = pra.
5. For limit ordinals 0, pro = Ua<6 pra.
6. If (Pi)i<{j is an increasing sequence of length less than >., then
(Ui<{jPiHa = Ui<{j(Pir a ).

7. (Indiscernibility) If p = (a, v) E P and h : v - v' ~ A+ is an order-

isomorphism onto V' then (a,v') E P. We write hlP] = (a,h[v]).
Moreover, if q:::; p then h[q] :::; hlP].
8. (Amalgamation) For every p, q E P and a < A+, if p fa:::; q and
dompndomq = dompna, then there exists T E P so that p, q :::; T.
It is shown in [ShHLI62] that under a diamond-like hypothesis, such
partial orders admit reasonably generic objects. The precise formulation is
given in A3.3 below.
A3.2 Density systems
Let P be a standard A+-uniform partial order. For a < A+ , Pol denotes
the restriction of P to pEP with domain contained in a. A subset G of Pol
is an admissible ideal (of Pol) if it is closed downward, is A-directed (i.e. has
upper bounds for all small subsets), and has no proper directed extension
within POl' For G an admissible ideal in POl' PIG denotes the restriction
ofP to {p E P :pfa E G}.
If G is an admissible ideal in Pol and a < {3 < A+, then an (a, (3)-
density system for G is a function D from pairs (u, v) in P). (A +) with u ~ v
into subsets of P with the following properties:
(i) D(u,v) is an upward-closed dense subset of {P E PIG: dom(p) ~
v U {3}j
(ii) For pairs (Ul,VI), (U2,V2) in the domain of D, if UI n {3 = U2 n {3
and VI n {3 = V2 n {3, and there is an order isomorphism from VI to
V2 carrying UI to U2, then for any 'Y we have ('Y, vd E D( Ul, vd iff
("!,V2) E D(U2,V2).
An admissible ideal G' (of P'Y) is said to meet the (a, (3)-density system
D for G i.f 'Y ~ a, G' ~ G and for each U E P).("!) there is v E P).('Y)
containing U such that G' meets D(u,v). .
A3.3 The genericity game
Given a standard A+-uniform partial order P, the genericity game for
P is a game of length A+ played by Guelfs and Ghibellines, with Guelfs
moving first. Th~ Ghibellines build an increasing sequence of admissible
ideals meeting density systems set by the Guelfs. Consider stage a. If a
is a successor, we write a- for the predecessor of aj if a is a limit, we let
a- = a. Now at stage a for every {3 < a an admissible ideal Gf3 in some
Pf31 is given, and one can check that there is a unique admissible ideal Ga-
in Pa- containing Uf3 <a Gf31 (remember A 3.1(5)) [Lemma 1.3, ShHL 162].
The Guelfs now supply at most A density systems Di over G for (a,{3i)
Q -

and also fix an element gQ in PIG;;. Let a' be minimal such that ga E PQI

and a.' 2: sup f3i. The Ghibellines then build an admissible ideal G a , for
Pa' containing a;; as well as ga, and meeting all specified density systems,
or forfeit the match; they let Gall = G a , n a" when a ~ a" < a.'. The
main result is that the Ghibellines can win with a little combinatorial help
in predicting their opponents' plans.
For notational simplicity, we assume that Go is an ~2-generic ideal on
APf6', when cf 6' = N2 which is true on a club in any case.
A3.4 DI>.
The combinatorial principle Dh states that there are subsets Qa of
the power set of a for a < A such that \Qa\ < A, and for any A ~ A the
set {a : A n a E Qa} is stationary. This follows from 0>. or inaccessibility,
obviously, and Kunen showed that for successors, DI and 0 are equivalent.
In addition Dl>. implies A<>. = A.

A3.5 A general principle

Theorem. Assuming Dl,>., the Ghibellines can win any standard A+ -uni-
form P-game.

This is Theorem 1.9 of [ShHL 162].

In our application we identify AP with a standard ~t -uniform partial
order via a certain coding. We first indicate a natural coding which is not
quite the right one, then repair it.
First try
An approximation q = (A,:E, €,~,) will be identified with a pair (T, u),
where u = A, and T is the image of q under the canonical order-preserving
map h : A +-+ otp(A). One important point is that the first parameter
T comes from a fixed set T of size 2~1 = ~2 j so if we enumerate T as
(Ta)a<~2 then we can code the pair (Ta,U) by the pair (a,u). Under these
successive identifications, AP becomes a standard ~t -uniform partial order,
as defined in §A3.1. Properties 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are clear, as is 7, in view of
the uniformity in the iterated forcing IP, and properties 3,8 were, in essence
but not formally, stated in Claim 3.10.
The difficulty with this approach is that in this formalism, density
systems cannot express nontrivial information: any generic ideal meets any
density system, because for q ~ q' with dom q = dom q', we will have q = q' j
thus D(u,u) will consist of all q with domq = u, for any density system D.
So to recode AP in a way that allows nontrivial density systems to be
defined, we proceed as follows.

Second try
Let ~ : Nt +4 Nt x N2 order preserving where Nt x N2 is ordered
lexicographically. Let 11" : Nt X N2 - - t Nt be the projection on the first
coordinate. First encode q by ~[q] = (~[A], ... ), then encode L[q] by (T, 11" [A]) ,
where T is defined much as in the first try - a description of the result of
collapsing q into otp 11" [A] x N2, after which T is encoded by an ordinal label
below N2. The point of this is that now the domain of q is the set 1I"[AJ,
and q has many extensions with the same domain. After this recoding,
AP again becomes a Nt -uniform partial ordering, as before. We will need
some additional notation in connection with the indiscernibility condition.
It will be convenient to view AP simultaneously from an encoded and a
decoded point of view. One should now think of q E AP as a quintuple
(u,A,.f,e,~) with A ~ u X N2 • If h: u +4 v is an order isomorphism, and
q is an approximation with domain u, we extend h to a function h* defined
on Aq by letting it act as the identity on the second coordinate. Then h[q]
is the transform of q using h*, and has domain v.
In order to obtain least upper bounds for increasing sequences, it is
also necessary to allow some extra elements into AP, by adding formal
least upper bounds to increasing sequences of length < N2 •
This provides the formal background for the discussion in §3. The ac-
tual construction should be thought of as a match in the genericity game
for AP, with the various assertions as to what may be accomplished cor-
responding to proposals by the Guelfs to meet certain density systems. To
complete the argument it remains to specify these systems and to check
that they are in fact density systems.
A3.6 The major density systems
The main density systems under consideration were introduced im-
plicitly in 4.11. Suppose that 6 < N2, q E AP with 6 E domq ~ N2,
qZ S; q, and ~ is a (lP'tdomq)-name. Define a density system Dg,~(u,v) for
u ~ v ~ N3 with Ivl S; Nl as follows. First, if otpu S; otpdomq then let
Dg,~(u,vY degenerate to APtv. Now suppose that otpu > otpdomq and
that h : dom q - - t U is an order isormorphism from dom q to an initial
segment of u. Let q* = h[q]. Call an element r of AP a (u, v)-witness if:
1. u ~ dom r ~ v;
2. r ~ q*;
3. for some p E PtAr with p ~ pO, and some (lP'trAr n 6])-name :J;,
.E'o(:J;) is a (lP't[Ar n 6])-name; and:
4. p'If-lI'rAr "{n: [r!~(n) F R(:J;(n),:J;o(n)) -{=:}

r%~(n) F -,R(.E'o(:J;)(n), ~(n))]} E P."


Let Dg,~ (u, v) be the set of rEAP with dom r = v such that either r
is a (u, v)-witness, or else there is no (u, v)-witness r' ~ r.
This definition has been arranged so that Dg,~ (u, v) is trivially dense.
In §4 we wrote the argument as if no default condition had been used to
guarantee density, so that the nonexistence of (u, v )-witnesses is called a
"failure of density". Here we adjust the terminology to fit the style of [ShHL
Now we return to the situation described in 4.12. We had P-names f,
~l, ~2, and a condition pEP, satisfying conditions (3,4) as stated there,
and we considered the set C = {e < N3 : cof(e) = N2, e is (f,~1,~2,p)_
closed}, and a stationary set Se on which ffe, p, e6, ~~ were guessed by
O. Then ~ =: f(:f6) is a (PfAq)-name for some q E G. Let u = domq,
qo = qfo. Now we consider the following condition used in 4.12:
(iv) For all r ~ q in AP such that rfe E G6, and:f a (prAr t6)-name, with
y =: f(:f) a (PfAr t6)-name, we have:
(*);,ll p II- "The set {n: r~l(n) 1= R(:f(n),:f6(n)) iff
r~2(n) 1= R(rt(n), ~(n))} is in:e".
We argued in 4.12 that we could confine ourselves to the case in which
(iv) holds. We now go through this more carefully. Suppose on the contrary
that we have r ~ q in AP with rre E G6, and a (prAr t6)-name :f, so that
rt =: f(:f) is a (PfAr t6)-name, and a condition p' ~ p, so that
p'll- "The set {n: ql(n) 1= R(:f(n),:f6(n))
iff r~2(n) 1= R(rt(n) , ~(n))} is not in :e".

Let a > sup(domr), u = {o} U domr U {sup domr}. Let q* E G,

q* ~ rfo,q, an<l.let 7r collapse u to otpu. Set D = D:~!l,""[~l' Fix v£; ct,
and r' E G a n D(u, v). We can copy r via an order-isomorphism inside
ct x N2, fixing rfe, so that the result can be amalgamated with r', to yield
r", which is then a (u,v)-witness above r'. Since r' E D(u,v), this means
that r' is itself a. (u, v )-witness in Ga. As this is all that the construction in
4.12 was supposed to achieve, this case is covered by the discussion there.
A3.7 Minor density systems
In the course of the argument in 4.12, we require two further density
systems. In the course of that argument we introduced the set

S= h E Se : f(:f1') is a [prb + 1)]-name},

and argued that S is stationary. This led us to consider certain ordinals 'Y <
0, with eof cofinality N2, and an element rl E G6, at which point we claimed

that we could produce a 1-1 order preserving function h with domain AT!,
equal to the identity on AT! n ('Y + 1), with h( min (AT! \ ('Y + 1))) > sup AT!,
and h[rlJ E Cli. More precisely, our claim was that this could be ensured
by meeting suitable density systems.
For 0: < N2, q E AP fN2, define D~ (u, v) as follows.
If ({ o:} U otp dom q) ~ otp u then let D~ (u, v) degenerate. Otherwise, fix
k : ({ o:} U dom q) ---t U an order isomorphism onto an initial segment of u,
and let (3 = inf(u \ range k). Let D~(u, v) be the set of rEAP with domain
v such that r fv \ u contains the image of q under an order-preserving map
ho which agrees with k below 0: and which carries inf(Aq \ (0: x N2)) above
(3 (i.e., above ((3,0)). The density condition corresponds to our ability to
copy over part of q onto any set of unused ordinals in (v \ (3) X N2 , recalling
that Idom rl < N2 for any rEAP, and then to perform an amalgamation.
For our intended application, suppose that 'Y, 8, rl are given as above,
and let u = ("(}UdomrlU{sup dom rl). Let 7l' be the canonicalisomorphism
of u with otpu, and 0: = 7l'C"/), q = 7l'[rlJ. As Cli meets D~, we have v ~ 8,
and r E Cli n D~(u, v). Then with h = ho 07l', we have hhJ S; r, and our
claim is verified.
Finally, a few lines later in the course of the same argument we men-
tioned that the claim proved in 4.14 can be construed as the verification that
certain additional density systems are in fact dense, and that accordingly
we may suppose that the condition r described there lies in C.
Acknowledgments. This paper owes its existence to Annalisa Marcja's hos-
pitality in Trento, July 1987; van den Dries' curiosity about Kim's con-
jecture; the willingness of Hrushovski and Cherlin to look at §4 through a
dark glass; and most' of all to Cherlin's insistence that this is one of the
fundamental problems of model theory.
This is Number 326 in the publication list.
The author thanks the BSF, the Basic Research Fund, Israeli Academy
of Sciences and the NSF for partial support of this research.

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ABSTRACT. Assuming 0" does not exist, ~ is an uncountable cardinal and

for all cardinals >. with ~ :$ >. < ~+w, 2.\ = >. + , we present a "mini-coding"
between If, and ~+w. This allows us to prove that any subset of ~+w can
be coded into a subset, W of ~+ which, further, ''reshapes'' the interval
[~, ~+), i.e., for all ~ < 6 < ~+, ~ = (card 6)L[wn61. We sketch two appli-
cations of this result, assuming 0" does not exist. First, we point out that
this shows that any set can be coded by a real, via a set forcing. The sec-
ond application involves a notion of abstract condensation, due to Woodin.
Our methods can be used to show that for any cardinalI', condensation for
I' holds in a generic extension by a set forcing.


Theorem. Assume that V 1= Z Fe + "O~ does not exist", and, in V, K, ~

N2 , Z ~ K,+w and for cardinals A with K, :5 A < K,+w, 2A = A+. THEN
there is a cofinality preserving forcing S(K,) = S(K" Z) of cardinality K,+(w+l)
such that if G is V-generic for S(K,), there is W ~ K,+ such that V[GJ =
V[W], Z E L[W, Z n K,], for all cardinals A with K, :5 A < K,+w, and for all
limit ordinals 8 with K, < 8 < K,+, K, = (card 8)L[wn.sl.

Our forcing S(K,) can be thought of as a kind of Easton product between

K, and K,+w of partial orderings which simultaneously perform the tasks
of coding (§1.2 of [1]) and reshaping (§1.3 of [1]). Our new idea is to
introduce an additional coding area used for "marking" certain ordinals.
This "marking" technique is the crucial addition to the arguments of §1
of [1]. We appeal to the Covering Lemma twice: in (3.1), and again in
the proof of the Proposition in (3.3). The referee has informed us that the
hypothesis that 0# does not cannot be eliminated. Jensen first used this
hypothesis in [1] to facilitate certain arguments, and then realized that his
uses were eliminatable. It is not the purpose of this paper to discuss the
nature of Jensen's appeals to the Covering Lemma; the interested reader
may consult pp. 62,96 and the Introduction to Chapter 8 of [I] for insight


into Jensen's uses of the Covering Lemma, and how he was able to eliminate
them. In [2), S. Friedman presents a rather different, more streamlined
approach to avoiding such uses of Covering. It should be clear from the
preceding that Jensen's appeals to the Covering Lemma are of a rather
different character than ours.
To better understand the role of this "marking" technique, let us briefly
recall some material from [1). Let us first consider the possibility of coding
R S;;; K+ into a subset of K, when K is regular. In order to use almost disjoint
set coding, we seem to need extra properties of the ground model, or of the
set R, since, in order to carry out the decoding recursion across [K, K+) we
need, e.g., an almost disjoint sequence b = (bet: a E [K, K+)) of cofinal
subsets of K satisfying:

for all 0 E [K, K+), (bet: a :5 0) E L[R nO),

and is "canonically definable" there.

Such a b is called decodable, and it is easy to obtain a decodable b if R


If (**) holds, we say that R promptly collapses fake cardinals.

Of course, typically (**) fails, and the ''reshaping'' conditions of §1.3 of
[1) are introduced to obtain (**) in a generic extension. Our K and R, from
the previous paragraph are called 'Y and B in §1.3 of [1). Unfortunately, the
distributivity argument for the reshaping partial ordering given there seems
to really require not merely that H-y+ = L-y+ [B), but that H-y++ = L-y++ [B),
where B S;;; 'Y+' This will be the case if B is the result of coding as far as 'Y+ ,
but that is another story, which leads to Jensen's original approach to the
Coding Theorem. Our appeals to the Covering Lemma focus on this point:
essentially; to prove a distributivity property of the reshaping conditions.
As already indicated, in Jensen's treatment, the appeals to the Covering
Lemma were designed to overcome different sorts of obstacles and proved
to be eliminatable.
Our approach to guaranteeing that the unions of certain increasing chains
of reshaping conditions collapse the suprema of their domains is to have
"marked" a cofinal sequence of small order type. Because of the need to
meet certain dense sets in the course of the construction, it is too much
to expect that the ordinals we intentionally marked are the only marked
ordinals. However, what we will be able to guarantee is that they are the

only members of a certain club subset which have been marked. The club
will exist in a small enough inner model, thanks to the Covering Lemma.
This argument is given in (3.3). We are grateful to the referee for suggest-
ing the use of "fast clubs" in the argument of (3.3). This allowed us to
streamline a more complicated argument (which also suffered from some
[probably reparable) inaccuracies) in an earlier version of this paper. We
use "I" to mark ordinals. To guarantee that this does not collide with
requirements imposed by the "coding" part of the conditions, we set aside
the limit ordinals as the only potentially marked ordinals and do not use
them for coding.

1.1. Summary and organization

We now give a brief overview of the contents of this paper. In §2, we

build to the definition, in (2.5), of the S(,..), along with auxiliary forcings,
Sk("'). In §3, we prove that the S(,..) are as required. The heart of the
matter is (3.3), where we prove the distributivity properties of the Sk("').
Preliminary observations are given in (3.1) and (3.2). The former shows
that only increasing sequences of certain lengths are problematical. The
latter IS a rather routine observation about how the coding works. In the
argument of (3.3), we use this in the context of forcing over N, a transitive
set model of enough ZFC, introduced in the proof of (3.3), below. In (3.4)
we put together the material of (3.1)-(3.3) to prove the Theorem. In (3.5)
we make a few remarks and briefly sketch the applications mentioned in
the abstract.
The partial ordering SeT, A), introduced in (2.2), below, is the analogue
of the reshaping partial ordering of §(1.3) of [1). It adds a subset of A+,
which, together with T, promptly collapses fake cardinals in (A, A+). The
partial ordering Pit, T, g, introduced in (2.4), is a version of the coding
partial ordering of §(1.2) of [1), relative to g. We require that T ~ ,..+, 9 E
B(T, ,..+). If p E Pit, T, g, then p will have the form (R(p), rep)); R(P) is the
"function part" of p and r(p) is the "promise part" of p. We require that
R(p) starts to code not only T, but also 9 and that R(p) E B(Tn,.., ,..). If 9
were not merely a condition but generic for SeT, ,..+), then Pit, T, g would
just be the usual forcing for the almost-disjoint set coding of the "join" of
T and g, with the extra requirement above, that for conditions, p, R(p),
together with Tn,.., collapses sup dom R(p).
Finally, the S(,..), introduced in (2.5), is the forcing which accomplishes
the task of coding and reshaping, between ,.. and ,..+. It is defined relative
to the choice of a fixed Z ~ ,..+w such that HIt+n = LIt+n [Z n ,..+nJ, for all
n :::; w. The elements of B(,..), are w-sequences, (p(n): n < w), where

for all n < w, p(n) = (£(p(n)), r(p(n))), £(p(n)) E S(Z n K-n, K-n) and
p(n) E PW,n, znW,n+l, i(p(n+1»' Thus, letting G be the canonical name for the
generic of S(K-), letting G(n) be the canonical name for {£(p(n)) : pEG},
and letting W(n) be the canonical name for UG(n), S(K-) is a sort of Easton
product of the PW,n, znW,n+l, W(n+1)'

1.2. Notation and terminology

Our notation and terminology is intended to be standard, or have a
clear meaning, e.g., o.t. for order type, card for cardinality. A catalogue
of possible exceptions follows. When forcing, p :5 q means q gives more
information. Closed unbounded sets are clubs. The set of limit points of a
set X of ordinals is denoted by X'. A~B is the symmetric difference of A
and B, and A \B is the relative complement of Bin A. For ordinals, a:5 {3,
[a, {3) is the half-open interval b : a :5 'Y < {3}. The notation for the three
other intervals are clear. It should be clear from context whether the open
interval or the ordered pair is meant. OR is the class of all ordinals. For
infinite cardinals, K-, Hw, is the set of all sets hereditarily of cardinality
< ,K-, i.e. those sets x such that if t is the transitive closure of x, then
card t < K-. For ordinals a, {3, we write a > > {3 to mean that a is MUCH
greater than {3i the precise sense of how much greater we must take it to
be is supposed to be clear from context. For models, M, SkM denotes the
Skolem operation in M, where the Skolem functions are obtained in some
reasonable- fixed fashion. In this paper, we often suppress mention of the
membership relation as a relation of a model, but it is always intended that
it be one. Thus, (M, A, ... ) denotes the same model as (M, E, A, ... ).
All other notation is introduced as needed (we hope).


2.1 Definition. If 9 is a function, 9 = {x E dom g: g(x) = I}.

2.2 Definition. If,X is a infinite cardinal, T ~ ,x, then 9 E S(T, ,x) iff
there's 6 = 6(g) E (,x, ,X+) such that 9 : (,x, 6) -+ {D, I} and for all
a E (,x, 6] :

(*)a,9 (card a)L[T, 91a) =,X (we say: 9 promptly collapses a).
S(T, ,x) = (S(T, ,x), ~).

2.3 Definition. Let K be an infinite cardinal, T ~ K+, 9 E SeT, K+).

b g = (b~ : a E (K+, 6(g)]) is a sequence of almost disjoint cofinal subsets
of successor ordinals f3 E (K, K+) which are multiples of 3, such that for all
a E (K, 6(g)], (~: E (K+, aJ) is canonically defined in L[T, gla].

2.4 Definition. With K, T, 9 as in (1.5), p = (£(P), reP»~ E PI<, T, 9 iff

(1) £(P) E S+(T n K, K),
(2) if a E (K, 6(£(P») , a = 3a' + 1, then £(p)(a) = 1 iff a f E T. (we
say: £(P) codes T),
(3) reP) : dom reP) - t K+, dom reP) E [dom g]<I<+, and whenever
a E dom reP), r(p)(a) ~ eE b~ n 6(£(P» , £(p)(e) = g(a),
(4) ifa!. a2 E dom reP) andg(al) #g(a2), then ~1 \r(p)(al)nb~2 \
r(p)(a2) = 0.
For p, q E PI<, T, g, P ~ q iff £(P) ~ £(q), reP) ~ r(q)j PI<, T, 9 = (PI<, T, g, ~

2.5 Definition. Let K be an infinite cardinal. For n ~ w, let Kn be K+n.

Let Z,~ Kw be such that for all n ~ w, Hl<n = LI<,,[ZnKn]. p E S(K, Z) =
S(K) iff dom p = w, for all n < w, pen) = (.e(p(n» , r(p(n») , .e(p(n» E
S(Z n Kn, Kn) and pen) E Pl<n, Znl<n+l, i(p(n+1». For p, q E S(K), P ~ q
iff for all n < w, .e(p(n» ~ .e(q(n», r(p(n» ~ r(q(n». S(K) = S(K, Z) =
(S(K), ~).
If k < w, Sk(K) = Sk(K, Z) = {pl[k, w) : p E S(K)}j ~k is the obvious
projection of ~ onto Sk(K). Sk(K) = Sk(K, Z) = (Sk(K), ~k)'


Our ultimate goal in this section will be to prove that for cardinals K
with K ~ N2, for all k < w, Sk(K) is (Kk' 00)- distributive. As will be clear
from what follows, by this we mean that the intersection Kk open dense sets
is dense, and not the weaker notion involving fewer than Kk open dense sets.
We denote the latter notion by « Kk, oo-distributive. A useful first step
will be to establish something stronger than this latter notion.
3.1 Proposition. For all k < w, Sk(K) is < Kk- complete.
Proof. Let (J < Kk, (Pi: i < (J) be a ~k-increasing sequence from Sk(K). For
i < (J, k ~ n < w, let 6i (n) = 6(£(pi(n»), so, for such n, (bi(n): i < (J) is
non-decreasing. Let b(n) = sup {bien) : i < (J}. Let .e(p(n» = U{.e(pi(n» :
i < (J}, r(p(n» = U{r(pi(n» : i < (J}, and let pen) = (.e(p(n», r(p(n))), for

k :$ n < w. We shall prove that P E Sk(K.). The only difficulty is to prove

that for k :$ n < w, (card 6(n))L[Znn .. , l(p(n»] = K.n. IT () is a successor
ordinal or 6(n) = 6i (n) for some i < (), this is clear. Otherwise, 6(n) is a
limit ordinal of cofinality:$ cf () < K.n , so, by the Covering Lemma, already
(cf 6(n))L < K.n. But then, since (Va < 6(n))(card a)L[Znn.. , l(p(n»] :$ K.n,
the conclusion is clear. 0

(3.2) Before proving the main lemma of the section, in (3.3), it will be
helpful to simply remark (the proofs are easy, and the reader may consult
[2] for an outline) that letting G be the canonical name for the generic,
letting G(n) be the canonical name for {.e(p(n)) : pEG}, and letting W(n)
be the canonical name for U G( n), then for all k < w,

II-Sk(n) "(Vk:$ n < w)W(n), Z n K.n E L[Z n K.k, W(k)] ".

We shall use a variant of this fact with no further comment below, in the
proof of the main lemma. We note only that by an easy density argument, it.
can be shown that for k :$ n < w and a E [K.n+1' K.n+2), there is 'fl < K.n+1
such that whenever e E b~(n+1)lo: \ 'fl, W(n)(e) = 0 => W(n)(e + 1) =
W'(n + l)(a), and that {e E b~(n+1)lo: : W(n)(e) = O} is cofinal in K.n+1'
Thus, W(n + l)(a) is read by: W(n + l)(a) = i iff there is a final segment
x ~ b~(n+1)lo: such that for all eE x, W(n)(e) = i.

(3.3) We are now ready for the main Lemma.

Lemma. For all k < w, Sk(K.) is (K.k' oo)-distributive.
Proof. We first note that it suffices to prove that for all k < w
(*k Let Po E Sk(K.), let X be regular X» 22""'; let < (*) be a well-
ordering of Hx in type X; let M = (Hx' < (*), {Sk(K.)}, {Z}, {Po});
let N -< M, K.k + 1 ~ INI, card INI = K.k. Then there is Po :$k p*
which is (N, Sk(K.) n INI)-generic.
The argument that (*)k suffices is well-known, so fix the above data. With-
out loss of generality, we may assume that [lNI]<nk ~ INI. It will often
be convenient to work with the transitive collapse of N, so let 71' : N - N
be the .inverse of the transitive collapse map; thus, [lNIl<nk ~ INI. Let
a = 71'-1 = the transitive collapse map. IT X ~ INI and (N, X) is
amenable, then we let 71'(X) = U{7I'(anX) : a E INI}, and similarly for a(Y)
if (N, Y) is amenable. We let Kn = a(K.n). We also let (}n = sup (INI nK.n ).
For k < n < w, note that Kn = (K.n)N, and that Kk+1 = (}k+1' Note
that by applying Proposition 3.1 to forcing over N with a(Sk+1(K.)), we

easily construct p E a(Sk+l(K)) which is (N, a(SkH(K)))-generic, such

that a(po)l[k + 1, w) is extended by p, in a(:::;kH), such that for k + 1 :::;
n < w, pen) ~ INI and all proper initial segments of pen) lie in INI. In
view of the discussion in (2.2), for forcing over N,

N[P] F "(Vn)(k + 1 :::; n < w =?- pen) E L[u(Z n KkH), p(k + 1)]".
Thus, N[P] F "a(Z n Kw) E L[a(Z n KkH), p(k + 1)]".
A crucial observation is:

Proposition. ORn INI < ((kk+l)+)L.

Proof. Let {) = OR n INI, () = sup (OR n IND. Note that
7r1L-N : Le ~El L(J, with critical point kk+l. If {) ~ ((kkH)+)L, then OU
exists, which proves the Proposition. 0

Thus, (ej kn)L :::; (ej kkH)L, for all k + 1 :::; n < w. Typically, of course,
kkH is a (regular cardinal)L. Let XkH = Z n kk+l, hkH = .e(p(k + 1)).
We shall construct in V, p(k) which is IN I-generic for Pl<k, Xk+l, hk+ll as
defined in N. Among other properties, letting hk = .e(p(k)), hk will code
hkH. This will be clear from the construction; we shall use this fact before
showing that (ej kkH)L[Znl<k, hkJ = Kk. This is exactly what is required to
show that if we define p by letting pen) = (7r(.e(p(n))) , 7r(r(p(n)))) (recall
our convention about 7r(X) for (N, X) amenable), then p E Sk(K) (and p
is INI-generic for Sk(K) n INI).
We shall have hk = .e(ql<k)' r(p(k» = r(ql<k)' where qi = (.e(qi) , r(qi))
and (qi : i :::; Kk) is defined recursively in V, with qo = a(po(k)). For
this, in V, we Jet (Di : i < Kk) enumerate the dense subsets, in INI, of
P I<k, Xk+l, hk+l' as defined in N. For all () < Kk, (Di : i < 8) E INI, in
virtue of the closure property we have assumed for INI. For all i < 8, we'll
have qi E INI, so, by the same observation, for () < Kk, (qi : i < 8) E INI.
Also, for j <: kk+l, letting D(j) be the subset of P I<k, Xk+l, hk+l consist-
ing of those r with o(.e(r)) ~ j, as defined in N, clearly D(j) is dense and so
is among the Di . This will guarantee that sup {O(.e(qi)) : i < Kk} = kk+l,
provided that we know that qi+l E D i . This will be part ofthe construction
and will also guarantee the genericity of p.
For i < Kk, we'll set C¥i = O(.e(qi)). For limit () :::; Kk, we let .e(@) =
U{.e(qi) : i < ()}, r(q(J) = U{r(qi) : i < ()}. If () < Kk, by the covering
argument of the proposition of (2.1), these are always conditions, and, if
() < Kk, as noted above, (qi : i < ()) E INI, so also q(J E INI. SO, we must
define qi+ 1, where our crucial work is done.

For each ai ::; a < "I < kk+1, a a limit ordinal, we define p"!' <>, 1 ~ qi as
follows: r(p"!' <>,1) = r(qi); if ai::; (3 < "I and (3 == 1 (mod 3) then
R(p"!' a, 1)((3) = 0 if (3' (j. Z & = 1, if (3' E Z, where (3' is such that (3 =
3(3' +1. If"( ~ ai+"'k, we fix a subset b E INlnL, b ~ "'k which codes a well-
ordering of "'k in type "I, and for (3 < "'k, we set R(p"!' a, 1)(ai + 3(3 + 2) = 0
if (3 (j. b & = 1 if (3 E b. If ai + "'k ::; (3 < "I and (3 == 2 (mod 3), we set
R(p"!, a, 1)((3) = O. Similarly, if "I < ai + "'k, we set R(p"!' <>, 1)((3) = 0 for all
ai ::; (3 < "I such that f3 == 2 (mod 3).
If ai ::; f3 < "I and for some T E dom r(qi), f3 E b~k+1 \ r(qi)(T), then
R(p"!' a, 1)((3) = h k+1(T). Note that in virtue of (4) of (1.4), this is well-
defined. For all other successor ordinals, ai ::; f3"1 which are multiples of 3,
we set R(p"!, a, 1 )(f3) = O.
Now, suppose (3 is a limit ordinal, ai ::; (3 < "I. We set
R(p"!, "', 1)((3) = 0, unless (3 = a & = 1), if (3 = a (in this case, we mark
Then, let p"!' "', 2 ~ p"!' "', 1 be chosen canonically in D i . Now C'Y, a) 1--7
p"!' a, 2 is definable in N, and so, for each "I, in N, we can compute a
bound, 'TJC'Y) < kk+1, for sup {dom R(p"!' "', 2) : ai ::; a < "I, a a limit
ordinal }, as a function of "I. Iterating 'TJ in N gives us a club, E i , of
kk~1' Ei E INI. Now, (HKk+2)N = LKk+2[a(Z)nkk+2], so all clubs of kk+1
which lie in INI, and, in particular, E i , lie in L[a(Z) n kk+2J. Already in
L, card kk+2 = card kk+1. So, in L[a(Z) n kk+2J there is () < (kk+1)+
such that all clubs of kk+1 which lie in INI, in fact, lie in Le[a(Z) n kk+2J.
This, however, readily gives us that unless (card kk+1)L[u(Z) nK k+2] = "'k
(and in this case, there is no problem in proving that q"'k is a condition),
there is a club C of kk+l, C E L[a(Z) n kk+2], such that C grows faster
than any c~ub of kk+1 which lies in INI. In particular, C grows faster than
E i , so that for sufficiently large "I < kk+l, all Ei-intervals above "I miss C.
In V, fix C* ~ C, o.t. C* = "'k, C* a club of Kk+1'
The idea of the above is that in constructing p"!' a, 1, we have "marked"
a and OUL hope is that in passing from p"!' <>, 1 to P"~ cr, 2, we have not
inadvertently "marked" anything else. While this is too much to hope for,
in general, we shall be able to get that we have not marked anything else
in C, provided we choose "I sufficiently large so that every interval of E i ,
above "I, misses C. So, GOOD's winning strategy, finally, to go from qi to
qi+b is to take "I to be the least ordinal> ai, "I E C which, as above, is
sufficiently large that the interval [,,(, 'TJC'Y))nC = 0, and such that there
is a* E raj, "I) n C* and then to take qi+1 = P"~ a*, 2. Thus, GOOD has
"marked" a member of C* and nothing else in C, while obtaining qi+1 E D i .
Now, since, as remarked above, we know from the construction that hk

codes h kH , in L[Z n I\:k, hk], we can recover u(Z) n K:k+2, and therefore C.
But then, by the construction, we have that {a E C : (h k (a), hk (a + 1)) =
(1, I)} is a cofinal subset of C*. Thus, as required, (cf K:k+l)L[ ZnK k, hkl =
I\:k. This completes the proof. 0

(3.4) Taken together, (3.1)-(3.3) give us the following Lemma, which, in

turn, gives us the Theorem of the Introduction:

Lemma. Forcing with 8(1\:) preserves cofinalities, GCH, and if G is

V-generic for 8(1\:), then, in V[G] there is W ~ 1\:+ such that V[G] = V[W],
Z E L[W, Z n 1\:] and for all n ::; w, HKn = LKJW] and for I\: < a < Ii+,
(card a)L[wna1 = 1\:.

Proof. Of course W = U{£(p(O)) : pEG}. It is a routine generalization

of arguments from Chapter 1 of [1] to see that for all k, there is Qk E
VSk(K) such that 8(1i) ~ 8 k (l\:) * Qk, and [f-Sk(K) "Qk is I\:kH- c.c. and
card Qk = I\:kH". Further, for k = 0, (2.3) gives us that 8(1\:) is (I\:, 00)-
distributive and clearly card S(Ii) = Ii;!;. Thus, preservation of GCH

is clear, as is the preservation of all cardinals except possibly I\:;!;. The
argum~nt here is routine: if this failed, then letting (cf 1i;!;)VS(K), for
some 0 < k < w, I = I\:k. But then, since (cf 1\:;!;)VSk(K) > I\:k, forcing
with Qk over VSk(K) would have to collapse a cardinal 2: likH which is
impossible. 0

3.5 Remarks and applications

(1) If we s~art from an arbitrary Z' ~ liw , we can, of course, code Z'
by first coding Z' into a Z, as above (e.g., by coding Z' into Z on
odd ordinals), and then proceeding as above.

(2) In work in progress, we are attempting to develop a combinatorial

approach to coding the universe by a real (when 0# does not exist).
Part of our approach is to use the Easton product of the 8(1\:), for
I\: = N2, or I\: a limit cardinal, as a preliminary forcing, to simplify
the universe before doing the main coding.

(3) Several people have observed that the 8(1\:) afford a method of cod-
ing any set of ordinals using a set forcing over models of GC H
where 0# does not exist. This can be done as follows. Let X ~ A,
and assume, without loss of generality, that A 2: N2 • Code X into a
Z ~ A+w, where Z has the properties assumed above. Then, force

with S(A) to get W, as above. Finally, since W reshapes the inter-

val (A, A+), we can continue to code W down to a real, using one
of th~ usual methods of coding by a real.
(4) Woodin has introduced the following abstract notion of condensa-
tion. A ~ 6 has condensation iff there's an algebra, A E V with
underlying set 6, such that for any generic extension V' of V:

(*) if X ~ 6 and X is the underlying set of a subalgebra of A,

and 7r: (A*, A*) -+ (AIX, A n X), where 7r is the inverse of
the transitive collapse map, then A* E V.
6 has condensation iff for all A ~ 6, A has condensation. This
notion has been investigated by Woodin's student, D. Law, in his
dissertation [3], and by Woodin himself.
S. Friedman has observed that using (3), above, it can be shown
that for any cardinal jJ., we can force condensation for jJ. via a set
forcing. We omit the proof, except to say that according to Fried-
man, this is not a routine consequence of the usual sort of con-
densation for L[r], but rather involves a closer look at the coding

Acknowledgments. The research of the first author was partially supported

by the NSF, the Basic Research Fund of the Israel Academy of Science
and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. The research of the
second author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-8806536 and
the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, and, for the preparation of
the final version of this paper, by a grant from the Reidler Foundation.
This paper is Number 294 in the first author's publication list.
We are hoth grateful to the administration and staff of the Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute for their hospitality during portions of 1989-90.


1. A. Beller, R. Jensen and P. Welch, Coding the Universe, London Mathematical

Society, Lecture Notes Series, vol. 47, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982.
2. S. Friedman, A guide to 'Cod.ing the universe' by Beller, Jensen, Welch, J. Symbolic
Logic 50 (1985), 1002-1019.
3. D. Law, Doctoral dissertation, CaliJornia Institute oj Technology (to appear).



Mathematical Sciences Research Institute


Volume 20 Dazord and Weinstein (eds.): Symplectic Geometry,

Groupoids, and Integrable Systems
Volume 21 Moschovakis (ed.): Logic from Computer Science
Volume 22 Ratiu (ed.): The Geometry of Hamiltonian Systems
Volume 23 Baumslag and Miller (eds.): Algorithms and
Classification in Combinatorial Group Theory
Volume 24 Montgomery and Small (eds.): Noncommutative Rings
Volume 25 Akbulut and King: Topology of Real Algebraic Sets
Volume 26 Judah, Just, and Woodin (eds.): Set Theory of
the Continuum



In the paper "Vive la Difference I: Nonisomorphism of Ultrapowers of

Countable Models" by Saharon Shelah,the following corrections should be

Lines 6-18 from the bottom 0/ page 959 should read:

2.9 Notation. We work with the language of bipartite graphs (with a spec-
ified bipartition P, Q). r",l
is a bipartite graph with bipartition U
. u U
U",i, V = V",i, lUI = k and V = Um<1 (m)' where (m) denotes the set
of all subsets of U of cardinality m. The edge relation is membership. The
theory of r",1 converges as I, k/l - 00 to a complete theory which we call
Too. Let roo be a model of Too of power No such that we U and for every
b .E V the set b n w is finite.

The top line 0/ page 961 should read:

suppose it is never empty. Define g(n) = sup Bn n w and let i be chosen so

The author wishes to thank U. Avraham and E. Hrushovski for pointing

out the inaccuracy.

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