Research 2
Research 2
Research 2
Chapter 1
Since the last few decades technology has grown immensely and has
and has spread its reach to almost every corner of the world. With these
development social networking sites are becoming more and more popular
among students especially in Pakistan. Statistics for 2011 suggested that around
However, the question remains that whether Facebook has any impact on
including one which suggests how children with lower attention span focused
more on Facebook and children with higher attention span spent less time on
on this issue. Previous researches were mostly based on one social networking
site such as Facebook. A research was done by Madge, Meek, Wellens and
Hooley (2009) based on the universities in the U.K. The study showed negative
However, the study didn’t focus on which students were using Facebook and
what time of the day they used it the most. Moreover, the sample used for the
focused on the use of internet and its effects on academic performance. The
results suggested a negative relationship. However, the study was carried out in
the same cultural environment and within the same city; therefore it did not
identify which social networking sites were being used. Moreover, it did not
highlight at what time of the day it was being used the most which resulted in
Mahmood and Shafique (2008) at one of the university in Pakistan which focused
The study analyzed a sample of 300 users and the analysis assessed the
The results suggested a positive relationship among students and internet usage,
and 63 percent of the total students mentioned that they used internet regarding
academic related work only. Nevertheless, this study only focused on internet
Majority of these studies were carried out at least 5 years ago. As the time
passed, the use of social media has increased. Therefore, more extensive study
The advent of the internet in the 1990s led to major developments in the
The coming into being of these sites revolutionized the world of communication
entertainment. The evolution of the internet has led to its usage as the best
and connection tools. These networking sites are referred to as social media
discourse which enables people to create contents, share them, bookmark them
and network at a prodigious rate (Jha and Bhardwaj, 2012). This has breached
the gab that existed in communication where people had to rely solely on
traditional methods such as letters and phone calls as a mode of getting in touch
use of social media. Social media is fast changing the public discourse in the
society and is setting trends and agenda in topics that ranges from the
environment and politics to technology and the entertainment industry (Asur and
Huberman, 2010). The driving factors for adoption of social media are the
These factors have made the adoption of social media very easy and have
provided on the internet is that they are frequently free or require marginal
social media as it comes with both positive and negative effects. There is a
in universities. There have been various views andopinions which recognize four
(2007), argued that students are socially connected with one another and
reviewed that social network websites grab students’ attention and then diverts it
Research has proved the heavy presence of social media usage among
students. Wiley and Sisson (2006), for instance argue that previous studies have
found that more than 90% percent of tertiary school students use social
networks. It is also found out that, students use social networking sites (SNSs)
approximately thirty (30) minutes throughout the day as part of their daily routine
life (Nicole, Charles, and Cliff, 2007).This shows the level at which students are
patronizing these sites and this may bring along both positive and negative
in order to learn how the use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) has an impact on
This study aims at investigating the main idea of social media networking,
its importance and utilization. The study aims to answer the following questions:
of the students?
of the students?
factors that might influence the nature of this relationship, and its tentative impact
students, teachers and beyond. It is expected that the results will provide a
Ormocanon local context. It will also help the school administrators and faculty
members recognize the extent to which university students’ use social media and
in what ways it might impact their academic engagement and performance, and
accordingly make more informed decisions with regard to the usage of social
This study aims to determine the impacts of social networking sites on the
a form of a questionnaire. This study also aims to provide people the knowledge
Although the research has reached its aims, there were some unavoidable
limitations. First, because of the time limit, this research was conducted only
Figure 1 discusses about the process of making the research. In the theoretical model
the independent variable is social media and dependant variable is academic performance.
Chapter II
familiarizes the reader with contrasting perspectives and viewpoints on the topic.
Related Literature
Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon for quite some time. Though it
all started has been a hobby for several computer literates individual has
changed to become a social norm and existence-style for students around the
world (Nicole, 2007). According to Nicole, (2007), students and teenagers have
peers, share information, reinvent their personas and showcase their social live.
(2009) stated that social media has a negative association with students’
through the use of social media platforms. People around the globe have been
addicted to the internet which has given rise to more students using social media
more often than before. Nalwa&Anand (2003) advised and recommended that
those who are addicted users love to use the internet to set back their personal
media platforms (Facebook, watzappetc) users usually devote lesser time to their
studies has to compared to nonusers did and subsequently has lower GPAs. It
was also mentioned by Karpinski, & Duberstein (2009), that among the major
studies to find out the influence of social platforms users, for instance a study on
students’ academic performance is affected the more they use Facebook. Social
platforms are mainly used by students for socializing activities rather than
In addition (Oye, 2012) said that majority of students feel that social
conducted by Shana (2012) it was ascertain that students use platforms mainly
for chatting and making friends. ‘’The consequences of internet and social
seen that internet has spread its wings to reach teenager’s school life. It was also
observed by Young that students are more dependent on internet to access info
that pertain their academic life as well as entertainment. Additionally, Young said
that internet, though take a lot of time, and have less impact on studies. It was
observed by Wang (2011) that impact of social platforms rest on the degree of
Seo (2004) confirms Jeong statement when he opined that the negative influence
of internet is only on excessive users and not on all users. Rather (2013, p. 69)
avers that: the social platforms which are being used today with great desire and
enthusiasm have altered the way of using internets in this modern age by
defining online tools and utilities which allow users for communication,
especially teens and youth are using technology through innovative ways due to
which they are referred to as millennial and have changed the way they think,
work and communicate even though they are in formative years of their life.
Today’s youth because of social platforms have become technology addicts and
Related Studies
Studies found out that academic outcome of students who spent most of
their time interactingusing social media are positive because they were able to
share and generate ideas and concepts related to their studies. They also use
these sites for having fun as these social media sites are helpful in their
academic work. A similar study revealed that online social media had improved
the communication between the faculty member and students which facilitate the
development of the ideas and the courses. Based on the information collected, it
is noticeable to say that the use of the social media during the lecture time is not
Mensah &Nizam concluded in their study that social media platforms has
institutions. Nevertheless, among the six variables used in their study, time
students who lack time management can easily fall prey to the negative impact of
social media. Likewise, health and addiction, students who are engrossed with
social media platforms ends up skipping meals which has health impact.
there was a strong positive relationship between the use of social media and
respondents use social media sites to chat rather than for academic purpose.
Based on the study of Alwagait, Shazad and Alim, it was found that social media
usage on weekly basis displayed a positive skew where most students do not
use social media excessively. Respondents in their study felt that time
academic performance besides excessive social media use. Study in Kogi State
University found out that the exposure of the students to social media have effect
on their academic performance. Evident show that social media have negative
time on social media are likelyto perform poorly in their academics this is
because instead of reading books, thy spend time chatting and making friends
via social media and this will definitely have negative effect on their
academic performance. Another study shows that students are not only affected
by social media, employees and employers too. A U.K. firm released a study
showing that people who use Facebook , Twitter and other social networks while
servant but a dangerousmaster and a two-edge sword has been revealed in the
findings of the study. Despite the benefits that students can harness from social
caused by the use of social media which could have serious consequences on
the academic life of students. One of the negative effect of social media is piracy.
The primary motivator for Australians of all ages illegally downloading movies
According to Landry, social media a tool that could be used for good or
bad, it all depends on the person. Social media has its layers of good and bad.
Yes, it is easier to remember the bad rather than the good but, social media sites
Chapter 3
This section will explain the research methodology used for the research
under study. The overall design or strategy that helps in obtaining the desired
basically a confirmation that the problem under study has been analyzed and
and validity, analysis of data and ethical issues involved in the research process.
Research Design
situation. The research design of this product is purely qualitative i.e. using
questionnaires. The reason behind choosing this design is because this study
research. Questionnaires, surveys, case studies and interviews are the examples
Research Locale
study in the said school because the school provides theneeded results for the
researchers’ study.
Research Tools
enables the researcher to establish the range and distribution of some social
All the responses were collected online and were accessed using 5-point
A= Agree and SA= Strongly Agree. Questions used for the questionnaire for both
variables were adopted from multiple authors which included Ogedebe and
Limayem (2012).
Research Procedure
use social media, their usage and duration of use belong to qualitative data. For
this research, the chosen data collection method is questionnaire. Since the
designed, the most suitable and cost effective method is conducting surveys
various impacts. To support the study, information relevant to the study were
obtained. Data were acquired from the respondents of the study which were 55
respondents were specializing cookery. The instrument for data collection was
To gather data for the three research questions, survey, review of literatures and
The survey questionnaire contains clear and simple seven likert-scale questions
that elicited information about the students’ use of social media: Strongly Agree
(SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD) (Osharive,
2015). Each item in the survey questionnaires are intended to answer the
research sub problems. The data that were gathered were collected by random
graphs were analyzed and interpreted for the readers to understand better the
To determine the appropriate sample size, Slovin’s formula was used. Slovin's
n = N / (1 + N e2)
n = number of samples
N = total population
e = error tolerance (0.05)
n = N / (1 + N e2)
=55 / (1 + (55x ((0.05) 2))
= 55 / 1.1375
= 48.35 or 48
gathered and recorded in the third chapter. Here, the whole study was decided
into its constituent parts of the categories according to the specific questions
previously done survey and organized the collected outcomes in order to bring
into focus the essential features of the study. The data were collected and then
of the students?
of the students?
For first and second research question, aside from literature review, mode was
used. For the third research questions, average weighted mean was utilized.
The collected data were used to analyze the impact of social media on students’
academic performance.
Presentation of Data
Once I interrupt my 12 22 11 2 1
study time with
social media, I lose
Table 1 shows the results obtained from the survey for the effect of social
Interpretation of Data
According to the results of the survey, it was found out that twenty-seven
agreed that social media has negative effect on their academic performance. It
was revealed on interview with the respondents that sometimes they don’t have
time to make assignment or study because they had long been on social media;
one did not face such problem; six answered neutral; and one revealed that they
following: twenty-one strongly agree of the positive effect; twenty agreed; four
claimed that it neutral neither positive nor negative; and two stronglydisagree of
Summing up, it turned out that the internet occupies a specific place in the
life of student respondents. Majority of the respondents cannot leave their phone
even during the class session.Majority of them performs homework through the
internet, watch the series every day, but it does not interfere with their
educational process.
In this chapter, the results, findings, of the whole study are summarized
and translated into valid and reliable conclusions which later forms the basis for
Summary of Findings
The purpose of this study was to understand the effect of social media to
the academic performance of the student. The entire study was conducted during
the academic year of 2018-2019. The study used the descriptive method of
research. This study involved the effect of social media to the academic
performance of the student. Based on the gathered data, the researchers found
out that the primary motives for using social networks for them are the search for
friends, classmates and communication with them. The time spent on informal
relaxation time, and in addition get ready for exams. Most students spend around
Almost half of those surveyed admit that using the social network helped
them in their personal lives and communicating with friends, organizing leisure
and in search of interest groups, some argue that social networks did not affect
their way of life in any way, and only a few acknowledged that social networks
Summing up, it should be noted that social networks, becoming an integral part
of the students’ full life, took up most of their free time. Having superseded the
and verbal correspondence. The informal organization, and not the course book
and the instructor, moved toward becoming for them the main colleague in
anticipation of exams. Often the student does not have time to absorb the
information received in the lessons. After all, in the phone or tablet screen, there
are things much more interesting - correspondence with peers, news tapes, all
kinds of social networks, and, of course, YouTube videos. Also, all the free time a
student can spend on the Internet. Instead of doing sports, reading a book,
chatting with their peers "live," preparing for lessons or just walking, he will spend
time on social networks. Of course, this negatively affects their physical and
with peers through social networks can help a student socialize, find new friends,
discuss with them issues related to studies. In addition, in social networks, a child
can relax for a while and get distracted from the everyday academic routine.
Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that social
media becomes an integral part of the student's full life, took up most of his spare
time. The time spend by the respondents on social media stressed that the
So, the social media, which also has a familiar name as a social networks
positive and negative factors of the spiritual and intellectual development of the
younger generation.
Thus, it can be concluded that social media have both positive and
could have.
social networks as a tool not only for communication and entertainment but also
for learning.
enlighten students more about the possible implications of social media usage on
Students should make sure that they use these social networking sites
Students must minimize the time they spend on social media to avoid
The school authority should also restrict access to certain social media
sites that may be prone of distracting students’ attention during school hours as a
Finally, students themselves must realize all the potential harm from
excessive use of social networks, and responsibly approach the learning process
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Appendix A
Name: (Optional)____________________________
Directions: Please read each statement carefully and choose the most
appropriate answer.
Statement: SA A N SD D