Anchor Bolt Design For Concrete Resting

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Project No :

Foundation bolt calculation

Document No :

Node no = 13
Shear forces Value taken from staad support max. reaction
Max Fx = 4 kN
Max Fz = 1.3 kN
Tensile force Value taken from staad support max. reaction
Max Fy = 18 kN

Foundation Bolt design

Number of Foundation bolts for design (N) = 1
Bolt material = A 36 (Assumed )
Material yield stress Fy = 250 MPa
Resultant Tensile force Fv 18 kN
Resultant Shear force Fh 4.20595 kN
Material allowable stress for tension Sat = 0.66*Fy
= 165 N/mm2
Material allowable stress for Shear Sas = 0.4*Fy
= 100 N/mm2
Required foundation bolt diameter (For tensile) Dt =
= 12 mm
Required foundation bolt diameter (For shear) Ds =
= 8 mm (AISC-Connection
Exp 6.2 Pg 6-18)
Required length of bolt L = 12 D
= 144 mm
Hook length required Lh = 1.7 (Tall /2) / 0.7 fc' d
= mm

1 Staad model supporting points(foundation bolt) considered as pinned support
2 Above calculation as per AISC Allowable Steel Design


Provided foundation bolt diameter D = 12 mm

Foundation bolt embedded length L = 144 mm
Node L/C Force-X kN Force-Y kN Force-Z kN Moment-XMoment-YMoment-Z kNm
13 101 -3.969 18.009 -8.567 0 0 0
15 101 3.976 17.27 -8.577 0 0 0
13 105 -3.402 15.436 -7.343 0 0 0
13 106 -3.402 15.436 -7.343 0 0 0
13 107 -3.402 15.436 -7.343 0 0 0
13 103 -3.402 15.436 -7.343 0 0 0 Fx
13 102 -3.402 15.436 -7.343 0 0 0 Fy
13 104 -6.106 15.292 -7.728 0 0 0 Fz
15 104 2.989 15.143 -6.991 0 0 0
15 106 3.408 14.803 -7.352 0 0 0
15 103 3.408 14.803 -7.352 0 0 0
15 105 3.408 14.803 -7.352 0 0 0
15 107 3.408 14.803 -7.352 0 0 0
15 102 3.408 14.803 -7.352 0 0 0
1 101 -3.563 13.677 -6.376 0 0 0
5 101 3.565 12.981 -6.366 0 0 0
13 1 -2.835 12.863 -6.119 0 0 0
15 1 2.84 12.336 -6.126 0 0 0
9 101 -0.002 12.323 -5.775 0 0 0
1 103 -3.054 11.723 -5.465 0 0 0
1 105 -3.054 11.723 -5.465 0 0 0
1 106 -3.054 11.723 -5.465 0 0 0
1 102 -3.054 11.723 -5.465 0 0 0
1 107 -3.054 11.723 -5.465 0 0 0
5 104 2.476 11.664 -5.201 0 0 0
13 110 -2.552 11.577 -5.507 0 0 0
13 111 -2.552 11.577 -5.507 0 0 0
13 109 -2.552 11.577 -5.507 0 0 0
1 104 -4.823 11.52 -5.737 0 0 0
15 108 2.137 11.443 -5.153 0 0 0
13 108 -5.256 11.433 -5.892 0 0 0
5 107 3.055 11.126 -5.456 0 0 0
5 103 3.055 11.126 -5.456 0 0 0
5 105 3.055 11.126 -5.456 0 0 0
5 102 3.055 11.126 -5.456 0 0 0
5 106 3.055 11.126 -5.456 0 0 0
15 110 2.556 11.102 -5.514 0 0 0
15 109 2.556 11.102 -5.514 0 0 0
15 111 2.556 11.102 -5.514 0 0 0
9 105 -0.002 10.562 -4.95 0 0 0
9 102 -0.002 10.562 -4.95 0 0 0
9 103 -0.002 10.562 -4.95 0 0 0
9 106 -0.002 10.562 -4.95 0 0 0
9 107 -0.002 10.562 -4.95 0 0 0
9 104 -1.796 10.499 -4.925 0 0 0
1 1 -2.545 9.77 -4.555 0 0 0
3 101 -0.003 9.668 -2.438 0 0 0
5 1 2.546 9.272 -4.547 0 0 0
5 108 1.712 8.882 -3.837 0 0 0
9 1 -0.002 8.802 -4.125 0 0 0
1 109 -2.29 8.793 -4.099 0 0 0
1 110 -2.29 8.793 -4.099 0 0 0
1 111 -2.29 8.793 -4.099 0 0 0
1 108 -4.06 8.589 -4.371 0 0 0
5 109 2.292 8.345 -4.092 0 0 0
5 111 2.292 8.345 -4.092 0 0 0
5 110 2.292 8.345 -4.092 0 0 0
3 107 -0.002 8.286 -2.09 0 0 0
3 106 -0.002 8.286 -2.09 0 0 0
3 102 -0.002 8.286 -2.09 0 0 0
3 103 -0.002 8.286 -2.09 0 0 0
3 105 -0.002 8.286 -2.09 0 0 0
9 110 -0.001 7.922 -3.713 0 0 0
9 109 -0.001 7.922 -3.713 0 0 0
9 111 -0.001 7.922 -3.713 0 0 0
9 108 -1.796 7.858 -3.688 0 0 0
3 104 -0.788 7.854 -2.054 0 0 0
3 1 -0.002 6.905 -1.741 0 0 0
11 301 -3.817 6.338 0.918 0 0 0
3 109 -0.002 6.215 -1.567 0 0 0
3 111 -0.002 6.215 -1.567 0 0 0
3 110 -0.002 6.215 -1.567 0 0 0
3 108 -0.788 5.783 -1.532 0 0 0
1 302 0.026 3.807 -3.322 0 0 0
5 302 -0.026 3.807 -3.322 0 0 0
11 104 -0.776 1.975 -5.426 0 0 0
11 108 -0.896 1.925 -4.002 0 0 0
5 301 -2.086 1.527 0.859 0 0 0
15 301 -1.853 1.387 1.215 0 0 0
11 5 -0.784 1.11 0.17 0 0 0
3 302 0 0.667 -0.542 0 0 0
5 9 0.001 0.599 -0.648 0 0 0
1 9 -0.001 0.599 -0.648 0 0 0
5 5 -0.362 0.336 0.16 0 0 0
11 101 0.559 0.233 -6.648 0 0 0
7 101 -0.562 0.215 -6.652 0 0 0
15 5 -0.261 0.213 0.225 0 0 0
11 106 0.479 0.2 -5.698 0 0 0
11 105 0.479 0.2 -5.698 0 0 0
11 103 0.479 0.2 -5.698 0 0 0
11 107 0.479 0.2 -5.698 0 0 0
11 102 0.479 0.2 -5.698 0 0 0
7 106 -0.482 0.185 -5.702 0 0 0
7 107 -0.482 0.185 -5.702 0 0 0
7 102 -0.482 0.185 -5.702 0 0 0
7 103 -0.482 0.185 -5.702 0 0 0
7 105 -0.482 0.185 -5.702 0 0 0
11 1 0.399 0.167 -4.748 0 0 0
7 1 -0.402 0.154 -4.751 0 0 0
11 111 0.359 0.15 -4.274 0 0 0
11 109 0.359 0.15 -4.274 0 0 0
11 110 0.359 0.15 -4.274 0 0 0
7 109 -0.361 0.138 -4.276 0 0 0
7 110 -0.361 0.138 -4.276 0 0 0
7 111 -0.361 0.138 -4.276 0 0 0
3 9 0 0.114 -0.079 0 0 0
13 302 0.053 0.108 -4.652 0 0 0
15 302 -0.053 0.108 -4.652 0 0 0
9 9 0 0.063 -1.366 0 0 0
9 301 -5.608 0 0 0 0 0
3 301 -2.849 0 0 0 0 0
9 5 -1.122 -0.04 0.015 0 0 0
13 9 0.016 -0.055 -0.883 0 0 0
15 9 -0.016 -0.055 -0.883 0 0 0
13 5 -1.69 -0.09 -0.24 0 0 0
1 5 -1.106 -0.127 -0.17 0 0 0
3 5 -0.491 -0.27 0.022 0 0 0
9 302 0 -0.537 -0.938 0 0 0
11 9 0 -0.632 -0.888 0 0 0
7 9 0 -0.632 -0.888 0 0 0
7 5 -1.055 -1.132 -0.183 0 0 0
13 301 -1.853 -1.387 -1.215 0 0 0
1 301 -2.086 -1.527 -0.859 0 0 0
7 104 -2.17 -1.626 -5.994 0 0 0
7 108 -2.049 -1.672 -4.568 0 0 0
11 302 0.002 -3.98 -3.27 0 0 0
7 302 -0.002 -3.98 -3.27 0 0 0
7 301 -3.817 -6.338 -0.918 0 0 0
7 107 -0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
7 103 -0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
7 106 -0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
7 105 -0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
7 102 -0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
11 107 0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
11 105 0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
11 103 0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
11 102 0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
11 106 0.449 -0.28 -5.699 0 0 0
7 101 -0.524 -0.327 -6.648 0 0 0
11 101 0.524 -0.327 -6.648 0 0 0
9 302 0 -0.51 -0.837 0 0 0
11 9 0.001 -0.623 -0.882 0 0 0
7 9 -0.001 -0.623 -0.882 0 0 0
7 202 -1.078 -0.942 -4.854 0 0 0
7 5 -1.006 -1.012 -0.15 0 0 0
13 301 -1.793 -1.297 -0.774 0 0 0
1 301 -1.774 -1.521 -0.547 0 0 0
7 108 -1.946 -1.83 -4.514 0 0 0
7 104 -2.058 -1.9 -5.939 0 0 0
11 302 0.002 -3.247 -2.755 0 0 0
7 302 -0.002 -3.247 -2.755 0 0 0
7 301 -3.102 -4.795 -0.585 0 0 0
Project No :
Foundation bolt calculation
Document No :

Node no = 2
Shear forces Value taken from staad support max. reaction
Max Fx = 5 kN
Max Fz = 5 kN
Tensile force Value taken from staad support max. reaction
Max Fy = 90 kN

Foundation Bolt design

Number of Foundation bolts for design (N) = 1
Bolt material = A 36 (Assumed )
Material yield stress Fy = 250 MPa
Resultant Tensile force Fv 90 kN
Resultant Shear force Fh 7.07107 kN (√(��^2)/(Fz^2))

Material allowable stress for tension Sat = 0.66*Fy

= 165 N/mm2
Material allowable stress for Shear Sas = 0.4*Fy
= 100 N/mm2
Required foundation bolt diameter (For tensile) Dt = √(4∗𝐹𝑣)/(𝜋∗𝑆𝑎t)
= 27 mm
Required foundation bolt diameter (For shear) Ds = √(4∗𝐹ℎ)/(𝜋∗𝑆𝑎�)
= 10 mm (AISC-Connection
Exp 6.2 Pg 6-18)
Required length of bolt L = 12 D
= 324 mm
Hook length required Lh = 1.7 (Tall /2) / 0.7 fc' d
= mm

1 Staad model supporting points(foundation bolt) considered as pinned support
2 Above calculation as per AISC Allowable Steel Design


Provided foundation bolt diameter D = 27 mm

Foundation bolt embedded length L = 324 mm

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