The Kulitis Plant
The Kulitis Plant
The Kulitis Plant
The edible kulitis (Amaranthus spp.) belongs to the
Amarantheceae or Amaranth family. It is an erect annual plant,
strongly branching up to 2.5 m tall and with branched taproot.
The leaves are alternate, with long petioles, elliptical to
lanceolate or broad-ovate, dark green, light green or red and
simple. Flowers are borne in axillary clusters often spherical,
with a reduced but occasionally well-developed terminal spike;
upper clusters are often leafless. Fruits are dry capsule, close or
open. Seeds are shiny black or brown and relatively large (1200-
2900 seeds/g).
Amaranthus, collectively known as amaranth (Kulitis) or
pigweed, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60
species are presently recognized, with inflorescences and foliage
ranging from purple and red to gold. Although several species are often considered weeds, people
around the world value amaranths as leaf vegetables, cereals and ornamentals. Common names are
Amaranth, Chinese spinach, Tampala, Pigweed (English) and local names are Kulitis, Uray (Tagalog)
and Kudjapa (Cebu). It is an annual fast growing plant and easily cultivated in the gardens and
Production trends
Amaranthus blitum is important in East Africa as a frequently collected wild plant and a
popular vegetable in home gardens. The economic value as a market vegetable is limited, since
market growers prefer the more productive Amaranthus cruentus L. and Amaranthus dubius Mart.
ex Thell. No international trade has been reported, but probably it is occasionally imported as a
vegetable by Western countries from India or East Africa.
At present amaranth is grown in the USA, South America, India, China and Russia. The Czech
Republic is the most important grower in Europe (approx. 250 hectares).
Although most Filipinos grow amaranth as a green leafy vegetable, it is planted in some
parts of the world for its grain. The seeds are of “moderate importance” in the Himalaya region. It
was one of the staple foodstuffs of the Incas. It was also used by the ancient Aztecs and other Native
America peoples in Mexico.
Kulitis is very common in the grassland sometimes in cornfields together with Saluyot. It is
a weed found throughout the Philippines at lowlands and low altitudes, in open waste place,
gregarious and abundant along sand bars and margins of streams.
As per record of Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) there is no any data recorder in
their data base in terms of production area and volume of production of kulitis.
Nutritional Value
Amaranth is popular in India and other parts of Asia as the leaves provide two to three
times the nutrients of other leafy vegetables.
Kulitis is one of the most delicious and nutritious leafy vegetables. It contains vitamins (A, B6, C,
riboflavin, folate, and K) and dietary minerals (including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, zinc, and copper). Since it is very rich in iron therefore it is a good supplement for those
who has anemia. Its Vitamin C and calcium contentsare the best immune system booster and best
for strong bones development. Iron is absorbed by the body in the presence of Vitamin C. Since this
plant contains both, vitamin C supplement is not needed at all. Amaranth is also a rich of source of
calcium, iron and vitamin A as shown in Table 1. However their moderately high content of oxalic
acid inhibits the absorption of calcium and zinc, and also means that they should be avoided or
eaten in moderation by people with kidney disorders, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis.
Like the leaves, the seeds of amaranth are potent. Its protein content alone is higher than that
of other world grains: amaranth, 16 percent; rice, 7-10 percent; and corn, 9-10 percent. Their
combination of amino acids comes closer to a perfect protein (100) than any other major grains:
amaranth’s 75-87; compared with corn (44), wheat (60), and soybean (68).
In addition, amaranth grain is high in lysine, a limiting amino acid in many proteins. A
combination of amaranth and corn, for instance, scores an almost perfect 100.
Health Benefits
Many wild Amaranthus species are used as pot herbs. Used as ornamentals are A. tricolor
forms with red, yellow and green-colored leaves or leaf sections and A. cruentus with large bright
red inflorescences. Amaranthus weeds are used as fodder (pigweed). Vegetable amaranths have
medicinal properties good for young children, lactating mothers and patients with fever,
hemorrhage, anemia or kidney problems. It has considerable amount of potassium in the leaves
that might explain kulitis diuretic properties. Also, the potassium maintains the proper electrolyte
and acid-base balance in the body. Likewise it has high fiber content which help remove the toxins
and eliminate body wastes. The wild A. spinosus L. is used as a cure against venereal diseases and
as dressing on boils.
Several studies have shown that like oats, amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those
with hypertension and cardiovascular disease; regular consumption reduces blood pressure and
choles-terol levels, while improving antioxidant status and some immune parameters.
Culinary Importance
It is used in stews, sinigang and other dishes whenever spinach (Spinocea oleracea L.) is not
Amaranth grains may be popped and eaten like popcorn (called alegrias in Mexico, laddoos in
India and Pakistan), popped and ground into a delicious nutty-tasting flour, or ground without
popping. Pancake-like chapatis made from amaranth flour is reportedly a staple in the Himalayan
Also, amaranth is an excellent feed for ducks. A lady farmer from the Visayas used chopped and
macerated mechanically kulitis to feed her 35,000 Cherry Valley ducks.
Crop varieties
Based on the literature the following are locally known varieties of kulitis that commonly
used in the Philippines for food.
Amaranthus cruentus L. (Red/Purple/Blood-leaf) – Amaranthus
cruentus is a flowering plant species that yields the nutritious staple
amaranth grain. It is one of three Amaranthus species cultivated as a
grain source, the other two being Amaranthus hypochondriacus and
Amaranthus caudatus. In Mexico, it is called huautli and alegría and
in English it has several common names, including blood amaranth,
red amaranth, purple amaranth, prince's feather and Mexican grain
amaranth. In Maharashtra, it is called as shravanimath. It is a tall
annual herb topped with clusters of dark pink flowers. The plant can
grow up to 2 m (6 ft) in height, and blooms in summer to fall. It is
believed to have originated from Amaranthus hybridus, with which
it shares many morphological features. The plant is usually green
in color, but a purple variant was once grown for use in Inca rituals.
Amaranthus blitum L. – commonly called purple amaranth or slender
amaranth is an annual plant species in economically important plant family
Amaranthaceae. An herb that is small and stunted to rather tall and erect,
up to 100 cm tall; stem simple or branched, glabrous. Leaves arranged
spirally, simple without stipules; petiole 1–10 cm long; lamina angular
ovate, 1–10 cm × 0.5–6 cm, shortly cuneate at base, notched at apex, entire,
glabrous, green or more or less purple, pinnately veined. Inflorescence an
axillary many-flowered cluster, forming a false spike at apex of plant, with
male and female flowers intermixed; bracts up to 1 mm long. Flowers
unisexual, subsessile, with 3(–5) tepals up to 1.5 mm long; male flowers
with 3 stamens opposite tepals; female flowers with superior, 1-celled
ovary crowned by (2–)3 stigmas. Fruit a sub-globular to broadly ovoid-
ellipsoid capsule c. 2 mm long, indehiscent or bursting irregularly, crowned by stigmas, 1-seeded.
Seed lenticular, up to 1.5 mm in diameter, glossy dark brown to black.
Amaranthus dubius C. Mauritius - is a weedy plant widespread throughout the humid
lowland tropics. It originates from tropical America, where it is
common in the Caribbean region and from southern Mexico to
northern South America. The cultivated type may have been
developed from the weedy ancestor in tropical Asia (Indonesia,
India) and is found in several African and Central American
countries, where immigrants have introduced it. Amaranthus
dubius is a protected weed used as a pot herb in many African
countries, and it possibly occurs in all African lowland areas. It is
a cultivated vegetable in West Africa (Sierra Leone, Ghana, Benin,
Nigeria), Central Africa (Cameroon, Democratic Republic of
Congo), and East Africa (Kenya, Uganda), but is much less
common than Amaranthus cruentus L.
Erect annual herb, up to 150 cm tall; stems slender to stout, branched, glabrous or upwards,
especially in the inflorescence, with short to rather long hairs. Leaves arranged spirally, simple,
without stipules; petiole up to 8.5(–12) cm long; lamina ovate or rhomboid-ovate, 1.5–12(–22) cm ×
0.7–8(–14) cm, cuneate at the base, blunt or retuse at apex, mucronate, entire, glabrous or shortly
pilose, sometimes the centre of the lamina blotched red. Inflorescence spikelike or paniculate,
axillary and terminal, the terminal one up to 25 cm long, consisting of glomerules more or less
isolated at base of inflorescence and agglomerated towards apex; bracts up to 2.5 mm long, awned.
Flowers unisexual, subsessile, with (4–)5 tepals up to 2.5 mm long; male flowers usually near apex
of inflorescences, with 5 stamens c. 2 mm long; female flowers with superior, 1-celled ovary
crowned by 3 stigmas. Fruit an ovoid-urceolate capsule c. 1.5 mm long, with a short inflated beak
below the stigmas, dehiscing circularly, the lid strongly rugulose below the beak, 1-seeded. Seed
lenticular, compressed, c. 1 mm long, black.
Amaranthus tricolor L. - Amaranthus tricolor originates
from tropical Asia. In South and South-East Asia it is one of the
major leaf vegetables and the most important Amaranthus species.
Its domestication took place in prehistoric times and the wild
ancestor is not known. Weedy plants of Amaranthus tricolor can be
found occasionally. They are recently escaped from cultivation,
since Amaranthus tricolor is far from competitive with true weeds.
Amaranthus tricolor occurs as a quite rare exotic vegetable in
several African countries, apparently introduced by Indian
immigrants and occasionally cultivated around the big cities,
especially in East and southern Africa. Its cultivation has been
reported from Benin, Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania.
Ascending or erect annual herb up to 125 cm tall, with stout
stem, usually much branched; stem and branches angular, glabrous
or in the upper part with crisped hairs. Leaves arranged spirally,
simple, without stipules; petiole up to 8 cm long; lamina broadly
ovate, rhomboid-ovate or broadly elliptical to lanceolate-oblong, very variable in size, shortly
cuneate to attenuate at base, emarginate to obtuse or acute at apex, glabrous or thinly pilose on
lower surface of primary venation, green to reddish. Inflorescence an axillary, globose cluster up to
2.5 cm in diameter, the upper clusters sometimes forming a terminal spike, with male and female
flowers intermixed; bracts broadly ovate, about as long as tepals, awned. Flowers unisexual,
subsessile, with 3 tepals up to 5 mm long, having a long awn; male flowers with 3 stamens; female
flowers with superior, 1-celled ovary crowned by 3 stigmas. Fruit an ovoid-urceolate capsule up to 3
mm long, with a short beak below the stigmas, circumscissile, obscurely wrinkled, 1-seeded. Seed1–
1.5 mm long,shining black or brown, faintly reticulate.
Amaranthus spinosus L. (Uray) – Amaranthus spinosus originates probably from lowland
tropical South and Central America and was introduced into other warmer parts of the world
from about 1700 AD onwards. At present it occurs in all tropical and subtropical regions, including
tropical Africa, often gregariously and as a weed. It is sometimes found in temperate zones as well.
It is rarely cultivated. It is a stout, erect, smooth, branched herb, 0.4 to 1 meter high. Stems are
armed with slender, axillary spines. (The presence of spines differentiate it from kolitis
(Amaranthus viridis)). Leaves are glabrous, long-petioled, oblong to oblong ovate, or elliptic-
lanceolate, 4 to 10 centimeters long, obtuse, alternate.It has a reddish color on the undersurface of
the cotyledons and on the stem.
Flowers are very numerous, stalkless, green or greening-
white, about one (1) millimeter long, and borne in dense,
axillary clusters and in elongated terminal axillary spikes. Sepals
are 5 or 1-3, ovate to linear, often aristate. Petals are scarious.
Bracts are linear, bristle-pointed and as long as the sepals or
longer. Fruits are utricles, wrinkled, nearly as long as the sepals.
Seeds are minute, black and shining.
Kulitis adapts well under lowland condition at temperatures above 25 degrees centigrade
and night temperatures not lower than 15 degrees centigrade. It is a short-day plant that consumes
a large amount of water and thrives well in areas with six mm/day rainfall. It prefers fertile, well-
drained soil with a loose structure.
Kulitis is propagated by seeds. Flowering may start four to eight weeks after sowing. The
seeds mature after three to four months and are sources of planting materials. However, A. dubius
will continue its generative stage for a much longer period and when cut regularly, the plant may
become shrubby and perennial. At its mature stage, the leaves are succulent and suitable for
Kulitis is planted by either direct seeding or transplanting. The choice of planting method
depends on availability of seed and labor, and may also vary with growing season. Direct seeding is
appropriate when there are abundant seeds, labor is limited and watering is less frequent during
the dry season. Transplanting is preferred when there is limited amount of seeds, plenty of labor
and during the wet season when heavy rains and flooding are most likely to wash out the seeds.
The seeds are sown directly in rows 0.5-1.0 com deep and 10-20 cm apart. Within the row,
the seeds are sown 5cm apart and covered with a layer of compost or rice hull. Broadcasting is done
at a seeding rate of 2-5 g/m2 (20-50kg/ha). If transplanted, the seed requirement is only 2kg/ha
with plant density of 400 plants/m2
Although kulitis requires less management and can grow in poor soil, yield increases with
the use of fertilizer. A combination of both inorganic and organic fertilizers improves yield and
maintain soil fertility. The amount of fertilizer to apply depends on soil fertility, soil type, fertilizer
recovery rate and soil organic matter. Suggested fertilizer recommendations are shown in Table 2
at Asian Vegetable Researchand Development Center (AVRDC). Fertilizer recommend-dation
depends on local condition, conduct of soil analysis is highly recommended to determine the
available N, P K content of the soil and determine optimal rates of fertilizer to be applied.
Water Management
Kulitis needs water just after sowing or transplanting to have a good stand. As a rule, the
plants should be irrigated if wilting occurs at noontime. During the rainy season, drainage is
essential for plant survival and growth. Raised beds, clean furrows and large drainage canals
facilitate quick drainage of excess water after heavy rain. A way to gauge soil moisture content is to
take a handful of soil from the bottom of a 15-cm deep hole. If the soil holds together when you
release your grip, there is sufficient soil moisture; if the soil crumbles, irrigation is necessary. To
maintain vigorous plant growth, avoid over-irrigation which may enhance disease development
and nutrient leaching. Drip irrigation or micro-sprinkler irrigation can be used in areas with limited
water supply. If sprinkler irrigation must be used, avoid doing this in the late evening to prevent
Weed Management
Kulitis is small-seeded and slow to germinate, therefore, weed control is essential in its
early stage. A seedbed free of weed seeds allows the seedlings to get a head start on the weeds and
establish a canopy that can shade out emerging weed seedlings. Hand or hoe weeding can be
performed as needed.
Crop Protection
Insect pests and diseases must be controlled to ensure good yield and marketable quality.
Kulitis is susceptible to damage by foliar insects such as leafminers, leafroller caterpillars,
cutworms, aphids, flea beetles, and mites.
A. Insects
1. Leafminers (Liriomyza spp.)
Leafminers (Liriomyza spp.) are small flies, 1.3-
1.6 mm in length. The maggot makes long, slender, white
mines (tunnels) in leaves. Severely mined leaves may
turn yellow and drop. Severely attacked seedlings are
stunted and may eventually die. Control measures are
necessary when attack is severe, especially on young Leafminer (Liriomyza spp.) damage on leaf
Control: Pick off and destroy infested leaves in small growing areas. Maintain plant health with
organic fertilizers and proper watering to allow plants to outgrow and tolerate pest damage. The
parasitic wasp Diglyphus isaea is a beneficial insect that will kill leafminer larva in the mine. Use
yellow sticky traps to catch egg laying adults. Cover soil under infested plants with plastic mulches
to prevent larvae from reaching the ground and pupating. Neem oil will break the pests’ life-cycle
by preventing larva from reaching maturity. Neem oil may also have repellent qualities and
interfere with egg laying activities. Botanical
insecticides can be used to knock down adult insects
but have little effect on the protected larval stage
feeding inside the leaf.
2. Cutworms (Agrotis sp.)
Cutworms attack young seedlings. First instars
are 7-12 mm, fully grown caterpillars are 3.5-5 cm
long. The caterpillar emerges from the soil at night,
encircles the plant with its body and cut through the
Cutworm (Agrotis sp.) stem of young plants just above ground level. They
Early instars are about 7-12 mm long. Fully may also damage the plants underground. Cutworm
grown caterpillars are 35-50 mm long. damage causes plants to wilt and die. Cutworm
damage is usually minor and does
not normally warrant control. However, in severe outbreaks a young crop may be destroyed.
Control: Monitor damage by counting damaged and freshly cut young plants. Monitor cutworm at
dawn. Remove and destroy cutworms. Prepare field and remove weeds well ahead (10-14 days) of
planting the crop in the field. Ploughing exposes caterpillars to predators and to desiccation by the
sun. If the field is planted soon after land preparation, some cutworms may be alive and attack the
new crop.
3. Aphids (Aphis spp.)
Aphids are a major pest, causing leaves to curl
and become unattractive to customers.
Aphids feed by sucking plant sap. Small aphid
populations may be relatively harmless, but heavily
infested plants usually have wrinkled leaves, stunted
growth and deformed seeds. Plants, in particular young
plants, may dry out and die under heavy aphid attack.
Heavy attack on older plants may cause crop loss by Aphids (Myzus persicae)
decreasing flower and seed production. Damage may also Adult wingless females are oval-bodied, 1-2
reduce seed viability. mm in body length, of very variable colour.
Control: Monitor regularly the crop. Whenever
necessary spray only affected plants (spot spraying). Use biopesticides that are not harmful to
natural enemies (for instance neem, ashes, soapy water). Use neem and water extracts as foliar
sprays. Conserve and use natural enemies such as parasitic wasp Diglyphus isaea.
4. Spider mites (Tetranychus spp., Mononychellus spp., Oligonychus spp.)
Spider mites feeding on plants may cause
reduction in plant growth, flowering, and number of
seeds. Damage is most severe when mites attack young
plants. Mite damage may be particularly severe during
the dry season.
Control: Avoid planting next to infested fields. Avoid
frequent use of broad-spectrum pesticides, in particular
pyrethroids; this may lead to spider mite outbreaks. Use
overhead irrigation or wash plants with a strong jet of
Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) water to knock off mites and destroy their webs. Be sure
The adult female is 0.6 mm long. The male is
to spray the underneath of the leaves. However, this
should be done early in the day to allow the foliage to
dry. Wetness of the foliage for an extended period is conducive to development of fungal diseases.
5. Pigweed weevil (Hypolixus haerens)
Stem-boring weevils such as the pigweed weevil
are the most damaging causing plants to wither and lodge.
The adult weevil lays its eggs in branch crotches, and the
larvae bore through stems to the root collar hollowing the
stems. Feeding by larvae results in stems that are more
susceptible to wind breakage, thus increasing crop losses.
The larvae pupate in the stem.
Control: Uproot and destroy attacked plants to reduce Adult weevil in amaranth stem
number of weevils and prevent damage to healthy plants.
B. Diseases
1. Damping-off diseases (Pythium spp. Rhizoctonia solani)
The disease is caused by Pythium aphanidermatum, Rhizoctonia solani and Aphanomyces sp.
Seeds may rot in the soil before emergence (pre-emergence damping-off) or seedlings may exhibit
stem canker above the soil line and/or root necrosis. Affected seedlings eventually wilt (post-
emergence damping-off). The disease is favoured by high soil water content and low soil
temperatures. Also dense planting without sufficient aeration enhances disease development.
Control: Use disease-free seeds. Avoid over watering and dense planting.
2. Choanephora rot
Choanephora rot (also called Choanephora blight) is caused by fungus Choanephora
cucurbitarium. It causes wet rot of stems and leaves. Affected plant parts have hairy appearance
(silk-like threads) consisting of fungal spores. Infection is predisposed by injuries. During rainy
season it can cause heavy defoliation. The disease is spread by air currents and infected seeds.
Warm, moist conditions favor disease development.
Control: Use resistant varieties where available. Plant certified disease-free seeds. Avoid dense
planting to allow sufficient aeration. Practise good field sanitation. Spray copper when the disease
is observed
Kulitis is ready for harvest in 20-45 days after planting or sowing depending on variety and
plant type. Plants may be harvested once or several times. On-time harvesting is adopted for short
maturing and quick growing varieties such as A. tricolor. Whole plants are pulled from soil with
roots, washed and tied in bundles. With multiple harvests, young leaves and tender shoots are
picked at 2-3 weeks intervals. Eventually, the plants begin to flower and develop fewer leaves.
Frequent harvesting of leaves and shoots delay the onset of flowering and thus, prolongs the
harvest period. Kulitis and other leafy vegetables have large surface-to-volume ratio and lose water
rapidly. To reduce water loss, harvesting must be done during the cooler time of day such as early
morning or late afternoon.
Since kulitis wilts rapidly, common practice in markets and shops is to sprinkle it with water
to keep it fresh. If uprooted, kulitis can be kept fresh for some days by putting the roots in water in a
basin. Kulitis are sold in bunches or by weight.
Other Information
Kulitis is recognized as an easy-to-grow, cheap and very productive crop. It is among the
highest yielding leafy vegetable of the tropics with excellent nutritional value. Research should
focus on optimization of cultural practices, effective pest control and plant nutrition.
Cost of Production and ROI per hectare
Labor (P250/man-day (MD)
Clearing (20 MD) 5,000
Bed preparation (20 MD) 5,000
Manure application (10 MD) 2,500
Sowing (2 MD) 500
Transplanting (20 MD) 5,000
Topdressing (20 MD) 5,000
Spraying (20 MD) 5,000
Weeding (30 MD) 7,500
Irrigation (300 MD) 75,000
Harvesting/sorting (240 MD) 60,000
Miscellaneous (e.g. hauling, repairs, etc.) (10 MD) 2,500
Subtotal 173,000
Seeds (3 kg) 1,500
Manure (40 sacks) 10,000
14 -14 - 14 (6 bags) 7,500
46 - 0 - 0 (20 bags) 3,000
Pesticides 6,000
Fuel and oil 6,000
Packaging Materials 4,000
Miscellaneous (e.g. pail, gloves, etc.) 4,000
Subtotal 42,000
Interest on Production Loan at 21% per annum 51,368.10
Total (Variable Costs) 266,368.10
Land rental 25,000
Sprinklers (5 pairs) 2,500
Knapsack sprayer (1 unit) 500
Scythe (5 pieces) 100
Hoe (5 pieces) 500
Shovel ( 3 pieces) 360
Plastic drum (2 pieces) 650
Total (Fixed Costs) 29,610
TOTAL COSTS 295,978.10
Regular season(80,000 bundles/ha at P10/bundle) 800,000
Offseason (40,000 bundles/ha at P15/bundle) 600,000
Net Income
Regular season 504,021.90
Offseason (40,000 bundles/ha at P12/bundle) 304,021.90
Amaranth. General Information and Agronomic Aspects. http://www.infonet-
Amaranth (Amaranthus sp. L.). html
Backyard Gardening Technoguide. Philippine Council for Agricul-ture, Forestry and Natural
Resources Research and development Center (PCARRD) pp 18-19.
DA-NAFC Sub Committee on Fruits and Vegetables. Booklet on Indigenous Vegetables. 52p
Palada, M. C. and L. Chang. 2003. Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC)
Suggested Cultural Practices for Amaranth.International Cooperators’ Guide. Publication No.
03-552 AVRDC, Taiwan. 4p
Tacio, Henrylito D. Amaranth's Versatility, Nutritional Value for Humans and Ducks.