A Brief Study On Paddy Applications With Image Processing and Proposed Architecture

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2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

A Brief Study on Paddy Applications with Image

Processing and Proposed Architecture

Sofianita Mutalib, Mohd. Hafiz Abdullah Shuzlina Abdul-Rahman, Zalilah A. Aziz

RIG Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Computer and RIG Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Computer and
Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
[email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Agriculture industry is one of the main economic farmers fail to detect the plant defects while it is still in its early
activities in Asean countries. The activities involved a lot of crop stages this could result in loss of yields or quality of crops. An
planting and yield production in paddy, rubber, oil palm and so integration of computer vision and AI technique would help to
forth. Meanwhile in Malaysia, paddy is the third most widely detect the plant defect in real time. The expected system would
planted crop after oil palm and rubber. Rice, produced by paddy,
is considered to be one of Malaysia and Asean staple food and
be able to connect the information and provides solutions on
cereal crops. Due to its importance, there are a lot of efforts to how to manage the defects. Thus, farmers are able to produce
ensure its safety, by having crop management of paddy plants more and healthier yield of production for Malaysian folks.
such as, disease early detection system. The conventional way to This research will adopt an appropriate method of AI so that,
detect plant defects is through human vision and it requires deep the delivered information will be more precise. In the future,
knowledge and understanding of the plant. The knowledge is the result of this research will be significant in providing
gained through years of experience and observation. Therefore, information from planting the crops till processing the final
the intelligent methods in this research are expected to assist the products. This paper elaborates the related studies in Section
farmers in identifying leaf diseases. In this paper, we present the II. Subsequently, the proposed architecture is described in
studies that deployed image processing technologies in paddy
domain. Subsequently, we propose the architecture of our system
Section III and finally, the conclusion is presented in Section
for identifying the early stage of the leaf diseases and finding the IV.
weed species. The proposed system is expected to reduce the risk
of diseases from becoming worse which may minimize the paddy
yields. The development of expert systems and agricultural
information systems has been started years back since 1970s
Index Terms—Agriculture, Image Processing, Leaf, Paddy and progressing until now. The early application and
Diseases, Weed, Supervised Method. information systems were mostly providing information and
implementing rules or fuzzy rules for decision making [1].
I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, most systems accept unstructured data such as,
Malaysia has developed its economy through agriculture spatial data, images and so forth. The elaboration of related
from many years back. The Malaysia Government programs studies is divided into three subtopics, which include paddy
have encouraged many research and technology development applications, image capturing methods and image processing
including data processing and analytics. Entry point projects methods that can be implemented and suitable in paddy
(EPPs) for example, is to be executed in many sectors applications. The purpose of the application could be various.
including universities. One of the EPPs main projects is to We analyzed the literatures and we conceptualized the existing
collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture in order to enrich application into three main purposes.
the agriculture information and communications technology. A. Identification of Paddy Fields
The purpose of this research is to apply Artificial Intelligence
(AI) methods, namely neural network and fuzzy algorithms, in Qulin and colleagues [2] makes use of Radarsat’s Syntethic
developing an intelligent recognition system for agriculture. Aperture Radar (SAR) data for detecting the paddy fields by
Most of the current tasks in agriculture are still depending on leveraging the edge detection and extraction. The edges were
the manual method. For example, the traditional ways to detect enhanced by 2D directional filtering algorithm before they
crop defects is still performed through human vision. were detected by using the non-linear operator to threshold the
Technically, one requires deep knowledge and image. A research conducted by Hoang and colleagues [3] used
understanding of crop defects in order to identify the type of polarimetric radar data from Radarsat-2 satellite and Support
defect that infects the plant, but this method could be Vector Machine (SVM) for rice field classification. Then the
troublesome as it requires a lot of energy and patience. If the thresholding method based on rice backscattering in Horizontal

978-1-5090-1181-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 124

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

transmit-Horizontal receive (HH) polarization was applied to Author Images Related Methods
the data. The processed polarimetric data was classified by the Nguyen et al.,
VGA camera
Genetic Programming (GP)
SVM to identify rice field. Later, Ichikawi and the team [4] 2013 [7] classifier
depend on RapidEye satellite to identify paddy fields. The C. Paddy Disease Detection and Nitrogen Level
images used was orthorectified, segmented and the
Kurniawati, Abdullah, Abdullah and Abdullah [8] extracted
combination of Red, Green, Blue (RGB) channels and Near
the lesion type (Using thresholding based on local entropy and
Infrared (NIR) channel were used for generating normalized
Otsu’s method), boundary colour, spot colour and damaged
difference vegetation index (NDVI) and bimodal histogram
leaf colour. The features will be processed by production rules
from NDVI for each segment. The histogram served as the
based of experts’ knowledge with forward-chaining method in
comparison of the types of fields which are paddy, other crop
determining the type of diseases. Meanwhile, Orillo, Cruz,
and uncultivated land. Table 1 shows the summary of the
Agapito, Satimbre, and Valenzuela [9] also extracted features
several existing paddy field detection systems.
of the leaf, including segments of disease, mean of RGB
channel, standard deviation of RGB channel and mean of HSV
channel and these features were evaluated by Backpropagation
Author Images Related Methods Neural Network (BPNN) to determine the type of the disease.
Qulin et al., 2004 [2] Satellite
2D directional filtering Later, [10] also developed BPNN to detect type of paddy leaf
algorithm diseases using the RGB and fuzzy rules extraction.
Thresholding method
Hoang et al., 2011 [3] Satellite
SVM Other than diseases, the amount of nitrogen in of paddy leaf
Ichikawa et al., 2014 [4] Satellite Histogram Analysis
is also important in order to determine their health. Orillo,
Emperador, Gasgonia, Parpan, and Yang [11] used close-up
images of paddy leaf and all features were processed by BPNN
B. Paddy Leaf Isolation and Detection to detect the colour level based on Leaf Colour Chart (LCC)
and manage to get the accuracy of 93.33%. The comparison is
This section presents several researches done on paddy leaf.
done between leaves’ colour of segmented sections of paddy
The develop application involves mainly distinguishing and
field and Leaf Colour Chart (LCC). Other research
extracting paddy plants and leaves from its surroundings. Tang
conducted [12] using pictures taken from UAV and with lens
has conducted research with a close-up leaf extraction from
correction technique they managed to get the weighted
complicated background using Hue, Saturation and Intensity
accuracy of 95.04%. Discussed researchers above are shown in
(HSI) colour channel, marker-controlled watershed
Table III.
segmentation, and solidifies measure for choosing best channel
for extraction, albeit without using paddy as the subject [5] and
they managed to differentiate between targeted leaf and the
complicated background which includes soil, interference, and Author Images Related Methods
overlap of non-targeted leaves. Kurniawati et al., 2009
Close up Thresholding based on local
Next, Ponti [6] tried in isolating crops from other elements images entropy and Otsu’s method
Rule based system
in aerial images. The research uses a low cost remote sensing Close up RGB and HSV
device (Helium gas balloon) for capturing the bean crop field Orillo et al., 2014 [9]
images BPNN
and vegetation indices to improve the contrast and visualization Adzhar et al., 2015 Close up
of the vegetation. After that, the image is processed with mean- [10] images
Close up
shift filter, converted into a binary image using Otsu’s method Orillo et al., 2014 [11]
and the original method was segmented based on the binary
Aidil et al., 2015 [12] UAV HSV and BPNN
image. Another research, which has been done by Nguyen and
team [7] by utilizing Genetic Programming (GP) in order to
detect rice leaf from rice field images. A classifier program D. Paddy Grain Classification
using genetic programming was evolving it with 20x20 pixels
of various parts of rice plant images, both positive (Leaf parts) Some researchers also investigate on the possibility to
and negative (Non-leaf parts). Table II shows the brief differentiate between paddy types through their grains as
description on paddy leaf applications. shown in Table IV. The research would focus on grade quality,
evaluated the exterior quality of the grain, which are head rice
rate, chalkiness, and crackles [13]. By improving the grey
images of the grain using Three-sect Linear Transformation
Author Images Related Methods method, the chalkiness is greatly enhanced and easily extracted
Hue, Saturation and based on chalk’s grey pixel value range. The crackles were
Tang et al., 2009 Intensity (HSI) colour
Close up images
channel, marker-controlled
detected based on the difference curve generated from grey
watershed segmentation exponential difference where a grain’s curve with trough
Aerial (remote
Mean-shift filter, converted shown that it was crackled. Another research proposed a
Ponti, 2013 [6] into binary image using classifier for the grade of the grain, whether it Premium, Grade
Otsu’s method
1, Grade 2 or Grade 3 [14]. This research applied Co-

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture feature extractor and To enable all the methods of remote sensing and
variance, means and RGB and HSV channels as the colour photogrammetry, to be carried out, specific devices which act
features of the grain images and BPNN as the classifier. Later, as carriers for the imaging sensors must be used. The most
a team had been conducted on finding the automatic way to commonly used carrier devices are airborne (Aircrafts and
differentiate multiple type of grain, which are Xiannong, UAVs) and space-borne (Satellites). The main factor that will
Jinyougui, You166, Xiannong, Medium You using images of be evaluated in deciding on which device to use is the device’
the grains were segmented, and the features extracted were cost. According to DroneApps [19] and Brown [20], cost of
ratio of the sound area to the area of the whole section and ratio launch and operation of popular Landsat 8 satellite was
of the sound area to the area of embryo part and they were estimated to be around 855 million USD, Cessna 172 aircraft
processed by BPNN classifier [15]. Other than that, a classifier has cost around 300, 000 USD and UAV can be bought with
system is developed and able to differentiate between regular the price around 100 to 13 million USD depending on the
rice and sticky rice based on unmilled grains exterior features and target users. To overcome the high price, some of
characteristics [16]. organizations which own the devices provide image capturing
services for masses at a low price per kilometre [19] . Other
than price, the capabilities of each device also take into
TABLE IV. APPLICATION FOR PADDY GRAINS consideration. Satellites can capture images at meter level and
cover a large part of the land. The drawbacks of satellites are
Author Images Related Methods
Three-sect linear
the resolution of the captured images are not good for detailed
transformation observation, satellites can only revisit a place after three days
Yao et al. [13] Grey grain images Principle Component and the image captured can be easily affected by bad weather .
Analysis (PCA) and Compared to satellites, UAVs can capture an area at very
Regression Analysis
Pabamalie &
low level (centimetres) resulting in high resolution images
RGB and HSV which are suitable for detailed observation and they also can be
Premaratne, 2010 Grain images
[14] deployed quickly to the targeted destination. Unfortunately, the
OuYang et al., drawbacks of UAVs, are they can only capture smaller scale of
Grain images Segmentation, BPNN
2010 [15]
land per image resulting from limited flying height, their flight
Punthumast et al.,
2012 [16]
Grain images RGB histograms time is limited by their battery capacity and inclement weather
may cause them to fly off the course [20, 21]. The best
compromises in terms of capabilities are aircrafts. It is because
E. Image Capturing and Preprocessing aircrafts can capture images at higher resolution than satellites
Most of the paddy applications used either images from and capture large areas per image compared to UAVs. Paddy
close up or aerial photography. The method used for capturing leaves and grains, most likely are captured using a digital
these images is aerial photography, which includes remote camera in order to have more precise and close up images.
sensing and photogrammetry [17]. Remote sensing makes use However, the use of airborne devices or small drones could be
of new technologies such as advances sensors, satellites and necessary in order to cover more area and spaces of paddy
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to capture remote images, fields.
as shown in Fig. 1. Meanwhile, photogrammetry is the The initial stage of pre-process usually involves image
extension of aerial photography and remote sensing. It uses combination. An image of an area is usually too large to be fit
images captured from different angles of the same area to be into a single image, especially for camera sensors attached to
processed for generating a three-dimensional map [18]. airborne devices. This is because airborne devices can only fly
at low altitude when taking pictures which limits the coverage
of the camera [22]. To overcome this, multiple shots will be
Image Capturing taken across the area and the smaller images will be combined
Devices into one, single large image of an area. According to Zhang,
Lin, Wen, Zhang, Liu, and Wang [22], one of the methods to
combine these smaller images is through the use of an image
Aerial Photography Close Up Camera mosaic together with phase-correlation method to detect
matching region for combination. Other than that, Global
Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System
(INS) also can be used for determining the location of each
Satellites Aircrafts and Unmanned image along the path of flight [23]. The image also will be
Aerial Vehicles (UAV) processed with other image pre-processing algorithm before its
features can be extracted. The most common image pre-
processing used is conversion of image from Red, Green, Blue
Fig. 1. Image Capturing Methods. (RGB) channels to Grayscale. This is required for some feature
extraction algorithms that use grayscale level, such as Smallest
Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus (SUSAN) and

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

Forstner [24, 25]. Other pre-processing methods such as processes. We explained the experimental setup for paddy
contrast boost, noise removal and region isolation are also used leave diseases only; while the weed checker module is still
to increase the chances of processing success [26]. under reviewed and experiment.
Based on previous research, we proposed the architecture
Learning Layer
for the paddy plant recognition system. The purpose of this
system is to recognize paddy plants that were infected with Activities Devices or Components
diseases and later the farmer will be given steps in controlling
the diseases. Without the system, farmers need to contact the Paddy Leaf Diseases
expert from local research institute to inspect the paddy field
and observe the symptoms. In the absence of the expert, an
early screening can be performed as the system could Bacterial
recognize the type of disease and the farmer can take pre- Leaf Blight
caution actions prior to the arrival of the expert and able to
control diseases at the early stage. As shown in Table V and
Table VI, we simplify the architecture into two layers: the
Leaf Blast
input layer for image capturing and the image preprocessing
and learning engine for the screening of the paddy diseases. Supervised method

Training and testing

Fuzziness Checking
Input Layer
Activities Devices or Components

Weed Checker
Image Processing Digital
• Size Camera/Pi Echicochloa
• Adjustment Camera crus-galli
• Image Enhancement
HSV method Raspberry Pi
(Hue,Saturation,Value) 2 hyssopifolia
• Image Segmentation
Python OpenCV

We include Weed Checker module in the architecture as

paddy field might be threated by other wild plants. This
module is proposed as many researchers also have developed
the automatic weed detection. Weed detection has been
developed by some other researchers in different plants, such
as oil palm and corn. A group of researchers had built a system
to detect broad and narrow weeds in oil palm plantation [27].
They used Gabor wavelet and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
algorithm to obtain the feature vectors named difFFTgabor for
each weeds images and SVM as the classifier. There is also
another research that constructed a weed recognition system
Fig. 2. Flow of the process of core engine.
and integrated it with cultivator robot, however, the system is
more on detecting crops in a corn field [28]. The system
applied frequency filtering based on FFT2 and density filtering IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP FOR PADDY LEAVE DISEASES
to distinguish between crops, weeds and background and they The images of paddy leaves with and without disease were
managed to obtain the accuracy of 92.8% for 80 samples. The obtained from MARDI research station in Bertam, Pulau
flow of the core engine for learning the leaf features and Pinang. The images were captured using Canon 550D with two
classification is shown in Fig. 2. It involves the activities of lenses, Canon 50 mm 1.8 F and also Canon 20-80 mm with 4 -
development the prototype, evaluation and integration. Once 5.6 F lenses. Total images we had collected are 1207 leaves
the prototype is ready, the user, such as MARDI and farmers with diseases at different stages and 239 healthy leaves.
will be asked to get involved in improving the content and

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

The core engine mainly has three stages; the first stage is problems and also noises and learning algorithms, within or
the pre-processing and to perform auto segmentation of the outside of the portable devices.
images, next stage is to determine the type of diseases by
applying the back-propagation neural network and finally the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
fourth stage is to recognize the stages of these diseases by The authors would like to thank Research Management
using fuzzy logic[10]. Centre of Universiti Teknologi MARA for REI Grant 19/2015
in pursuing the research.
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