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The key takeaways are that Global Harvest aims to spread the gospel throughout the world and that technology provides amazing opportunities for evangelism today.

The church was established in Sri Lanka in 1967 when J.C. and Betty Choate went there hoping to get Indian visas and ended up converting several people including Lilani Thomas' father Reggie Gnanasundaram.

Lilani Thomas and her family faced a communal riot in 1983 that destroyed their home and they barely escaped with their lives. Her father also suffered two heart attacks, leading to heart surgeries in Houston both times.


There are sheep out there,

waiting to be taught....
Mission Information Magazine
Churches of Christ
Editor: Wayne Barrier
Founding Editor: J.C. Choate
Associate Editor, Design, Lay-out:
Betty Burton Choate
World Evangelism Publications

Team Members and Contact Information: — even those that seem closed or antagonistic
Wayne and Janet Barrier: 3000 County Road 10, Flor- toward Christianity. God has truly
ence, AL 35633; Email: [email protected]; Phone: supplied!
256-766-2807. On the other hand, it has been
Mrs. J.C. (Betty) Choate: 708 Burton Drive, Winona, MS many years since the world has
38967; Phone: 662-283-1192; Website: WorldEvangelism. seemed so volatile. We could be
org; Email, [email protected]. on the brink of major conflict, en-
Jerry and Paula Bates: P.O. Box 172, Winona, MS 38967; gulfing humanity in the worst of
Phone: 870-897-2373; Email: [email protected]. wars.
Louis and Martha Rushmore: 705 Devine St., Winona, Since the work of the church
MS 38967; Phone: 662-739-3035; Website: gospelgazette. is the spreading of salvation
com; Email: [email protected] through the preaching of the
Barbara Oliver: 607 Devine Street, Winona, MS 38967; Gospel, if we will do our part,
Phone: 901-517-7274; Email: [email protected] God will overrule to bless us
with opportunity. Let us be pray-
Edmon L. Gallagher: [email protected] ing for each other!
Nathan B. Daily: [email protected]
Joey Barrier: [email protected]
Are you a part of our
support team yet???
Jeremy Barrier: [email protected]
SINGLY, we can’t
What is the purpose of Global Harvest??? do much;
What else could it be but to say, throughout its pages, “Lift
up your eyes and see that the fields are white unto harvest”? TOGETHER,
These are pivotal times. With technology and commu- we can
nication being what they are, we have such amazing and evangelize the
powerful tools for reaching into any country with the Gospel world!

W e invite submission of feature and report articles from biblically-sound brethren, along with
colored photographs, for inclusion in future issues of Global Harvest.

D isclaimer: We believe that we must answer to God for what we teach and promote. It is our purpose
to be biblical in all that we do and, to the best of our knowledge, we will not promote in these pages
the work of unsound brethren. Because we cannot personally know all that anyone believes and teaches,
we ask your help in guarding against unknowingly publicizing those who are either liberal or fanatical.
If such material is inadvertantly printed, we ask your understanding and cooperation.
Global Harvest Volume 12 2017

U.S. Activities Foreign Activities

Editorials u Southwest School of Evangelism .... Makinde.....39
u The Brazil Mission Model ..............Wayne Barrier..6 u School of Biblical Studies ......Solomon Aguh... 40
u What the Great Commission Means..J.C. Choate...7 u Mauritius ............. Sylvio Salomon.......................41
Specials and Services u Restoration Roots in Africa .. John Reese...........42
u The “Lost and Found” Bible .... Lynn Camp.......42
u Provisions for the Age ..... BBC...........................4 u Myanmar Mission..... Wayne Barrier................. 53
u Tracts for Evangelism and Growth.................. 13 u Working with the China Team .... Joey Barrier...54
u In Search of the Lord’s Way ....Chris Lyon....... 17 u Jungle Churches .... Jeremy Barrier......................55
u House to House ......Matt Wallin......................... 17 u Persecution in Myanmar .... Philip Lian........... 55
u Apologetics Press ......Dave Miller...................... 21 u The Gospel in South Korea .... M. Parsley........ 56
u World Video Bible School ................................. 22 u McKee’s Indonesia Report .. Colin McKee...... 57
u World Bible School ......John Reese.................... 23 u Work in the Philippines .... A. Brumley............. 59
u Mission Printing ......Richard Renfro................. 23 u Parkers in the Pacific ....... Wayne Parker.......... 60
u Project Rescue ...... Ronnie Crocker................... 24 u Pacific Bible College .... Robert Martin.................60
u Focus Press ......Jack Wilkie................................ 25 u Sonlight in the Pacific ....... Randy English........ 61
u Gospel Broadcasting Network ......Blackman... 26 u Campaign in 2019 ...... Kent O’Donnell.............62
u World English Institute ......Richard Ady.......... 27 u Walk by Faith ......... Lilani Thomas.......Back Cover
u Encourage One Another ......Jeff Jenkins.......... 28 Pakistan and India
u Valley Cities Church ......Arthur Barry............... 20 u Meetings in Pakistan ..... Sajjad and Ali............ 43
u Endless Mountains Church ......Jeff Wyeth....... 20 u Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan .... Shahid Khokhar.. 44
Team Reports u Chandigarh, India........... Earnest Gill............... 45
u One Gospel for All ... Jerry Bates.........................8 u Activities in New Delhi, India .... Davids.......... 46
u From Guyana to Myanmar ... Louis Rushmore.. 9 u Eliya School of Theological Studies....Elijah...... .47
u The Voice of Truth International ...... .............. 12 u The Work Goes On .... Ricky Gootam............... 48
u Maywood Missionary Retreat...........................14 u Evangelism in Tamil Nadu ... Philemon Rajah.. 49
u World Evangelism School of Missions..............15 u Ministry throughout Tamil Nadu .... Arjunan.....51
u Work in Kangayam... S. Rajanayagam.............. 52
Central and South America,
Europe and Asia
u Biblical Institute of Central... ....George Hall... 29 “World Evangelism Publications” [formerly
J.C. Choate Publications] is a service, rather
u A Prayer from the Heart .... Randal Matheny... 31
than a business. Yes, we print and sell books
u Iglesia de Cristo ...... Helmut Garcia.................. 32 here in the States, written by faithful brethren.
u Northern Ireland Report ..... Maurice Brown... 33 We print enough to sell enough to give away
u “WhatsApp” ...... Kenneth Peters....................... 34 many thousands each year. We know this part
u The Work in Romaina ...... Harvey Starling...... 35 of our work will continue to bear fruit for many
u French Speaking World ......Barry Baggott....... 36 decades, after all of us have gone to our re-
u New Work in Italy ......Scott Shanahan.............. 37 ward. Betty (Mrs. J.C.) Choate
u Hunger Preparation in Malawi ... R. Stephens......38
A4 little quiz from the pages.. Global
8. The French language is spoken in Harvest
how many
1.In the Brazil mission model, U.S. missionar- countries? P. 36
ies primarily serve as ____________, while the 9. In 1898 ________ __________, moved to Af-
________ __________ do the outreach. P.16 rica and did much to spread the Gospel through-
2. Name some ways the influence of Christ and out Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. P. 42
Christianity have changed the world. P. 18 10. What happened to Ivan Martos’ Bible? P. 42
3. Name some tools God has supplied to enable 11. Who works with churches of Christ in Paki-
Christians today to evangelize the world. P. 19 stan? P. 43, 44
4. What effects would persecution have on 12. What religion is dominant in India? P. 46
Christians today? P. 25 13. In the Telugu language, what does “Satya-
5. Christians in Lima, Peru go into the _______ vani” mean? P. 48
Mountains and the _________ jungles to evan- 14. Since work was begun among blind people
gelize and to encourage churches. P. 32 in India, approximately how many have been
6. What method does Kenneth Peters use for converted? P. 49
Bible studies with people in other countries? P. 34 15. Going forward, we walk by faith, but when
7. Christians in Romania are translating what we look back we can see God’s ____________
into their language? P. 35 care in our lives. Back Cover

Provisions for the Age

Betty Burton Choate

Naturally, before we do any- which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). ers. There­fore, it is necessary for our own
thing, we would want to be absolutely “Go and teach all nations ...” (Mat- soul’s sake that we be “mission minded”.
sure that it is necessary. This principle thew 28:19). “How shall they believe in The words of our Lord are still
would apply to mission work just as it him of whom they have not heard? And ringing in the ears of the church: “Go
would to any other undertaking. how shall they hear without a preach- into all the world and preach the gos-
I believe there are four reasons er?” (Romans 10:14). Going on, we pel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
that make evangelization of the entire have such statements from the Bible as Never, as long as time stands, will we
world during our generation a neces- these: “In meekness, instruct­ing those be free of that responsibility.
sity. The first two reasons are based on that oppose themselves.” “Preach the It is a burden on the soul, but as
the individuals involved: Myself and word.” ­“Let him know, that he which we have seen in looking back over the
the person to whom I must teach the converteth the sinner from the error of past decades, we don’t carry the bur-
truth. Every Christian should reason his ways hides a multitude of sins.” “Be den alone. In fact, God Himself is the
from this point of view, first. ready always to give an answer to every visionary and the enabler, so that it is
Is it necessary, for my own sake, to man that asketh you a reason of the possible for us to do in this 21st Cen-
evangelize the world? From our former hope that is in you.” “For when for the tury what the church of the first century
studies we have found that the answer to time ye ought to be teachers, ye have did! How can that be accomplished?
this question is “YES”. It has been said need that one teach you again which Originally, Jesus spoke to His
that “you can’t go to heaven alone,” and be the first principles of the oracles of apostles — twelve men! Today, there
this is true. As Christians we must be do- God.” “And others save with fear, pull- are literally millions of Christians in
ing all within our power to win, either ing them out of the fire.” the world, with hundreds of millions of
directly or through out combined efforts, These verses, and many, many oth- copies of the complete Word of God!
at the least, one soul to Christ during our ers, teach us of our duty not only to our- What advantages we have!
lifetime. If we don’t make this our task, selves but also to the rest of mankind. If But there is much more! Through
we are refusing to obey countless com- we are to be saved, it is not enough that seas, rivers, roads, and airports, the entire
mands in the New Testament. “Let your we obey the first principles of the Gos- world is accessible to us, wherever we
light so shine . . . that they may see your pel — the remainder of our obedi­ence may choose to go: just buy a ticket, get
good works, and glorify your Father lies in the teaching of that truth to oth- Continued on page 19
Global Harvest 5

We Need Your Help!

In order to make Global Harvest the informative, useful, and inspiring magazine we envision, we
must have input from brethren, churches, and program projects throughout the brotherhood and all over the
world. We will try to make you aware of services available and of needs you might help to cover.

We need four things from our readers/participants:

(1) Your name, address, phone number, and email address.
(2) Submissions of articles (with accompanying high quality color photos; if sent over the internet, pho-
tos must be at least 200 dpi and 4x5 in size). Articles need to be story-form, rather than general ‘report’ form;
they need to focus on a particular event, specific method of work, some turn of events, an exemplary person,
etc. Writing should be succinct, professionally done, without exaggerations or embellishment of truth to make
a more exciting story, allowing 750 to 1000 words for one page, preferably 11 pt., “Times New Roman”.
(3) Please understand that we cover services made available through brethren of printing, magazines,
and various programs of work. We do not solicit or accept paid advertisements.
(4) At this time it is our intention to print Global Harvest twice yearly, in the interest of helping bre-
tren to be more aware of what is being done and of what needs to be done. Financial support will be greatly
appreciated from brethren who will make a personal donation to receive the magazine individually, and
from congregations that will pay for bundles to be supplied to their members.
Individual donation: $5.00 per copy
Congregational donation: $75.00 per 25 copies;
$125.00 per 50 copies
6 Global Harvest


The Brazil
Mission Model Wayne Barrier
World Evangelism Missions team co- ingness to share ideas and support of
ordinated the event and provided guid- one another as they do their separately
ance for the program of speakers. I was sponsored, overseen, and supported
greatly impressed with the quality of works. The components of their work
Heritage Christian University’s efforts discussed by these Brazil work- include (1) Mass evangelism using ra-
Center for Mission Training and Infor- ers representing the major population dio, television, and literature (2) fol-
mation (CMTI) recently hosted a forum centers of the country. They described low-up evangelism using Gospel meet-
to bring together a group of former and their work, results, and plans. I believe ings, campaigns, correspondence study
current missionaries from Brazil with their combined effort is one of the most and intensive Bible teaching seminars,
individuals representing congregations effective programs in the world. I was and (3) extensive education and train-
interested in foreign missions. The impressed by their cooperation, will- ing efforts to support congregational
formation and development.
Wayne and Janet Barrier World Missions (Jeremy Barrier, Mass evangelism programs were
have been involved in mission work Madison Church of Christ). Joey
designed to fit local and regional needs.
for over 30 years and their work is Barrier, who serves as co-director
These included (1) television or radio
overseen by the Double Springs, Al- of World Evangelism Missions, and
Jamie Barrier also work under the broadcasts to very large populations in
abama congregation. Wayne serves
as the Double Springs missions’ min- oversight of the Double Springs the Portuguese language, (2) regional
ister and directs their World Evange- congregation. and local programs to target specif-
lism Missions program with work in Wayne and Janet have served as ic groups, (3) extensive translation,
Asia, Latin America, and Europe. adjunct faculty members of several printing and distribution of teaching
The Barriers coordinate integrated colleges over the past 40 years, in- literature in Portuguese. Mass media
evangelism efforts including mass cluding Heritage Christian Univer- programs generate large numbers of in-
media teaching, follow-up cam- sity and Faulkner University. Wayne terested listeners and viewers that are
paigns, and training of brethren for presently serves on the board of di- provided teaching literature to begin
teaching and leadership. The pro- rectors for Heritage Christian Univer- the process of study.
gram involves a team of 10-12 U.S. sity and Janet serves as a Heritage
Follow-up evangelism programs
workers and 30 foreign co-workers. faculty member. Wayne is Editor
of Global Harvest and a staff writer provide more personal Bible study to
To accomplish training goals, World
Evangelism Missions funds and for The Voice of Truth International. those responding to mass evangelism
directs the operation of 10 Bible Wayne, Joey and Jeremy direct the efforts. Campaigns, Gospel meetings,
schools in Asia that provide training Maywood Missionary Retreat, the small study groups, and intensive Bible
to over 500 students yearly. Con- World Evangelism School of Mis- teaching seminars are used. These ef-
tinuous campaign efforts to provide sions, and the newly formed Heri- forts are resulting in many baptisms
follow-up to mass media programs tage Christian University Center for and formation of new congregations.
are coordinated and supported by Mission Training and Information. Missionaries and local brethren work
the Double Springs team. The Barriers are blessed to work together to conduct this phase of work.
In addition, the Barriers help with together with their children, Jenny, Bible teaching materials are adapted
radio, literature, and television pro- Jamie, Joey, and Jeremy and their from numerous books and tracts already
grams directed by the Winona, Mis- families. They have seven grand-
available in the US. They are translated
sissippi World Evangelism team. children. The Barriers live in the
They also closely cooperate with Florence, Alabama area.
and printed in the Portuguese language.
Continued on page 16
Global Harvest 7

the Great Commission
Means to Me
J.C. Choate [Deceased]

“Go ye into all the world, and the first one is to the church; the sec-
preach the gospel to every creature. ond one is to the world.
He that believeth and is baptized shall What did he say to the church?
J.C. and Betty Choate be saved; but he that believeth not Go and preach.
moved to Pakistan to begin the shall be damned” (Mark 16:15,16). What did he say to the world? Be-
Lord’s church in Karachi in 1962. Our Saviour spoke these words to His lieve and be baptized.
Following five years of work, with apostles just before His ascension into For years, we of the body of
six congregations established, heaven to take His place at the right Christ have won­dered at the blindness
they moved to Colombo, Sri Lan- hand of God. These men who were
ka to plant the church in that city.
of our religious friends when they fail
gathered around Him had followed to understand the second command,
In 1968 they moved to New Delhi, Him since His baptism by John in the
the capital of India. that they must believe and be baptized
Jor­dan River; they were loyal and faith- to be saved. But we have neglected to
In 1974 it became possible to be- ful to Him even though they did not
gin airing the Gospel over Radio turn the mirror around and look at our-
always understand Him. But this com- selves in it. Is it any more unforgivable
Sri Lanka, “the Giant of Asia”, with
mand they could under­stand. Peter had for them to refuse to obey than it is for
India as the target of programs in
five of her major languages. J.C. just asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time us? As individual Christians we have
did broadcasts in English, Sun- restore again the kingdom to Israel?” complied with the second command,
ny David spoke in Hindi, Joshua and Christ’s answer had been, “Tar­ry but we have somehow failed to see the
Gootam was the Telugu speaker, ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be importance of the first one-to go and
P.R. Swamy preached in Tamil, endued with power from on high: ... preach this Gospel to others. Are we
and P.K. Varghese was the Malay- after that the Holy Ghost is come upon also blind to the whole truth?
alam speaker. The printing of liter- you, ... ye shall be witnesses unto me
ature — monthly magazines, Bible When I think of our attitude to-
both in Jerusalem, and in Ju­dea, and
correspondence courses, study ward the great commission, I am re­
in Samaria, and unto the uttermost
books, and tracts — put follow-up minded of the statements Jesus made
part of the earth” (Acts 1:6-8).
tools in the hands of local preach- concerning the man with a beam in his
ers and Christians. The result has Christ was speaking to the men eye who tried to pick the mote from his
been widespread teaching of the who would be the first members of His neighbor’s eye. And He said, “Thou
Truth and a great harvest of souls. body, the church, and He was giving hypocrite!” That isn’t a very pretty
Television has replaced much them the instructions they were to fol- word, is it? And yet many times we
of the radio coverage. Preacher low. This command to go into all the are no more than pious hypocrites. We
training schools have been estab- world and preach the good news of the can’t see that we are failing our Lord
lished, as well as a program for gospel was not an idle one — it was even more than is our neighbor who is
training local Christians to evan- to be the propelling force that should
gelize [JC School of Evangelism].
in religious error, probably out of igno-
move God’s people not only in the first rance of Jesus’ command to the lost.
J.C. went to his eternal reward in century, but throughout every genera-
2008, but the work that he began And that ignorance may be be-
tion since that time.
continues through the efforts of cause we as his neighbor have never
In making the statement we have
the World Evangelism team.
just quoted, Jesus gave two com­mands: Continued on page 18
8 Global Harvest

One Gospel for All People

Jerry and Paula Bates
be discarded to the trash piles of history. rural and urban lifestyles. Within the
We must realize that people are living in same country one can experience huge
many different situations; therefore, one economic/sociological contrasts. While
method that works well with one group some can cite statistics of widespread
will be relatively ineffective with anoth- and growing access to the internet, there
er. Thus, all methods should be utilized continues to be millions of people with
as much as possible. little access to the internet, many hav-
Notice some examples of great ing little access even to electricity. For
contrasts in ways of living that we many, simply obtaining clean drinking
have recently seen. In some parts of water is a daily chore. For those people,
India one can still see people tilling the a well pumping clean water is the great-
ground or harvesting the crops by hand. est blessing to their livelihood and is a
On the other hand, combines are becom- greater concern to them than obtaining
As we have traveled many differ- the “living water”. Some live in large
ent places over the last ten years, we have beautiful homes while others live in
come to realize that the world is a com- squalor, sometimes almost within sight
plex place. Modern technology often ex- of one another. Many have grown up
ists side-by-side with ways of living as learning about God, Jesus and spiritual
old as ancient man. As the title suggests, things from birth, while there are still
there is one Gospel for all of the nearly millions of people who have no knowl-
eight billion people on the earth. Howev- edge of the one true God. Their spiritual
er, there is no one method of teaching that activity consists of going to an idolatrous
will reach the world. Oftentimes, people temple and offering a sacrifice to that
look for one method or the best method god in hopes of obtaining a blessing.
to reach the lost, and they seek to utilize ing more common. One can see large The above discussion illustrates
that method almost to the exclusion of trucks transporting materials from one the diversity that exists among the peo-
options. Sometimes, they even decry the place to another, while horse or ox carts ples of the earth. One should not expect
use of other methods as being old, out-of- continue to use the same roads. There one method to work equally well among
date and ineffective and therefore should is a great amount of difference between all groups of people. As we travel to
many countries and places, endeavor-
Jerry and Paula Bates: Jerry attended Freed-Hardeman University and ing to teach others about God, we have
Mississippi State University. After beginning preaching, he earned his MAR come to realize even more that there is
from Harding Graduate School of Religion in Memphis, TN, and now holds a place for all methods reaching the lost.
an M.DIV from Heritage Christian University. He has been preaching for 25 We believe that one should listen to the
years, working with churches in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi. native workers as to what is needed,
Since 2007 Jerry and Paula have been working with World Evangelism rather than dictating to them how to do
in Winona, MS, associated with the late J.C. Choate and his wife, Betty. He their work.
serves as Associate Editor of The Voice of Truth International, and Paula
also works daily in the office, serving as the bookkeeper. In addition to print-
As we talk with various people
ing and distributing vast amounts of literature, World Evangelism sponsors about evangelism, we have seen many
many TV/radio programs and Bible schools, primarily in India. Jerry and methods being used. World Evangelism
Paula make 3-4 mission trips each year, working with the TV speakers, Bible sponsors TV/radio programs, primarily
schools, and national coworkers. in India, which bring in hundreds of con-
Jerry’s passion is teaching in Bible schools, and he also serves as instruc- tacts every week. There are numerous
tor in some Bear Valley Bible Institute’s extension schools. He has taught other similar programs in India and other
courses in Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Nepal, Myanmar, Viet Nam, and India.
Continued on page 10
Global Harvest 9

From Guyana to Myanmar with the Rushmores

Louis Rushmore
women; Martha taught sisters in Christ. tor Christians in 14 churches of Christ
While our primary focus was on edifi- that are even further in the bush and off
cation of Christians, we also had op- the grid than he is. He also continues
portunities to engage non-Christians to teach some courses at the school of
with the Gospel. preaching that he formerly directed.
My Guyanese co-speaker in 2018 Later in the year, we were able to
was brother Thomas George. He is a re- finalize purchase of and have delivered
markable Christian and well-versed in a new, robust ATV to other Amerindian
God’s Word. It was an honor for us to brethren. These brethren reside atop a
be fellow-laborers for Christ. Brother mountain, also not far from the border
George is the past director of an in- with Brazil but elsewhere in Guyana
Overseas in 2018, we concen- country school of preaching in the in- from where brother George lives. Four
trated our efforts abroad in Guyana in terior adjacent to the border with Bra- brothers in Christ will alternate using
South America and Myanmar (Burma) zil. He is an Amerindian and supports the ATV and taking the Gospel to dis-
in Asia. January 30 through March 2, himself with subsistence farming— tant villages where there are churches
Martha and I traveled throughout the vegetables, cows, pigs and chickens. of Christ assembling. There are no
tropical nation of Guyana. There, we Brother George is a humble man who roads in this part of the country. Chris-
hosted two different programs in venues lives beyond the trappings of the 21st tian brethren from the lowlands ac-
within reach of every church of Christ century—without amenities we take companied the ATV as it was flown to
in the nation. One series of workshops for granted (e.g., electricity, radio, TV, brethren in the highlands and presented
was intended to edify church members Internet, running water, etc.). However, to them.
in general, whereas a second series of because of his fervent zeal and knowl- These two Gospel Chariots will
seminars presented more in-depth les- edge of the Bible, he is positioned to assist fellow Christians in a remote part
sons for preachers as well as additional do a wonderful work for God. Through of the world to strengthen Christians
Christian brothers and sisters who are funds placed in my hands by support- and reach out with the Gospel of Christ
particularly interested in working for ers, we acquired a used motorcycle and to non-Christians, too. These dear
our Lord. I spoke to male Christians funded anticipated maintenance for a brethren who are using these convey-
and to general audiences of men and year, so that brother George can men- ances are unsurpassed in their passion
for sharing the Word of God under con-
Louis and Martha Rushmore married on January 1, 2017. Louis ditions not much unlike those trod upon
and Bonnie Rushmore were friends with Bob and Martha Noland for the by the apostle Paul and other first cen-
past 25 years or so; Bonnie and Martha were best friends. Both Louis and tury Christians. We could learn much
Martha lost their spouses to cancer in 2015, and only in December of last from these Guyanese Christians!
year they decided to marry. Being associated with a ware-
Bob Noland was a preacher for many years, and he also served as an house of Christian literature, Martha
elder. Consequently, his wife Martha was an active wife of a preacher and and I were enabled to haul new and
of an elder. She brings that experience to her marriage to Louis and ac- reclaimed Bible materials, communion
companies him to his stateside preaching appointments nearly every week ware, etc. to a shipper for shipment to
across several states. Martha joins Louis in daily office and literature ware- Guyana. Possibly $100,000 worth of
house duties at the World Evangelism Building in Winona, Mississippi.
literature and Bibles made its way to
Louis Rushmore is an avid writer of Bible study books, tracts and Guyana, whereupon, it was distributed
religious articles, many of which have been translated into numerous lan-
to nearly every church of Christ in that
guages. He is Editor of The Voice of Truth International and Gospel Ga-
zette Online magazines. Martha Rushmore is a Staff Writer for VOTI and a
nation. The country is small enough
Ladies’ Day and ladies’ class speaker. and eager brethren there are sufficiently
Continued on page 11
10 Global Harvest

One Gospel for All People

Continued from page 8 languages, with about 150,000 copies people in that country. Large quantities
countries sponsored by other Christians, printed since 1968. It is still by far our of The Voice of Truth and the Seekers
and these also bring in numerous con- most popular book and has helped con- Bible Course are printed in Braille and
tacts. They can potentially reach literally vert thousands of people to New Testa- distributed to the blind, as well as audio
millions of people with the Gospel, but ment Christianity. Nevertheless, there Bibles. However, since most blind peo-
results often take time to appear. For ex- are many languages in which it has not ple are very poor, and many are angry at
ample, we know of one person in India been printed, and we plan to soon print it God and life in general due to their situ-
who was converted primarily by listening in the Ukrainian language. Other books ation, benevolent aid must be coupled
to radio teaching, yet he listened for three can greatly help the church to grow spiri- with evangelism before many can be
years before ever calling in for more tually in certain areas, but again, we rely reached among this group, which Phile-
study. Regardless, all contacts require on the native workers to decide what is mon is also doing.
personal teaching at some point. most needful, since we obviously cannot This brief discussion doesn’t even
We help print massive amounts print everything. In recent years we have touch many additional ways one can use
of literature in various forms. We have helped print Rust As A Witness by V. P to spread the Gospel, but hopefully, this
learned that printed materials are a great Black in several languages, which have will help one to realize that all methods
help in evangelism; however, there are helped many congregations to grow in can and should be used. Our passion is
different uses of literature. On our last giving, and we will continue to print this personally teaching in different coun-
trip to India, we were talking with one book in other languages. tries in seminars, churches and Bible
brother who distributes large quanti- schools, and as we travel, we are con-
ties of literature, and he remarked on its tinually looking for ways to help the na-
importance. He commented that most tive people to be more effective in their
people were too busy to engage in long ministries. While it is truly a joy to look
personal Bible discussions but will read into the faces of eager students as we
a piece of literature. He especially likes help them better understand the Bible,
distributing tracts because they are short, we feel we can be even more effective
easy to read and cheap to print. However, by giving them additional tools to en-
he also stated that tracts do not work well able them to be effective in their work.
among college students. Since tracts are Some of our co-workers love to There are many more opportunities and
printed on just a single sheet of paper, teach through seminars. Sometimes,
they may often be thrown away, but stu- they will gather contacts from TV pro-
dents will keep and read books like The grams in particular locations for a day
Voice of Truth International. All of our of intensive teaching. This allows them
co-workers in India print a short month- to simultaneously teach many people
ly magazine, and they believe that this basic doctrines of the Bible, and several
method works extremely well. These baptisms often result from gatherings
magazines are cheap to print, and thou- like this. As we travel, we also use this
sands can be easily distributed by mail to method to teach deeper lessons, such as
interested people regularly. leadership, to several preachers or other needs than we are able to fulfill, but it
On the other hand, nothing can Christians over a period of several days. seems that God can utilize even meager
completely replace books consisting of These people can then go back to their efforts to accomplish great things. Do
longer discussions of a topic. Books of congregations and teach them the addi- not worry so much about doing great
this type can, alone, often take a person tional truths they have learned. things, or what is the best thing to do.
from unbelief to being ready to give his Sometimes, one needs to focus on Rather, simply concentrate on doing
life to the Lord in baptism. One such a specific group of people. For example, whatever one can and, with God’s help,
book, The Church of the Bible, has our co-worker in India, Philemon, works we can truly accomplish great things in
been translated into at least 50 different extensively with the 15 million blind His kingdom (Ephesians 3:20). V
Global Harvest 11

From Guyana to Myanmar with the Rushmores

Continued from page 9 funds with others traveling to India for the ongoing Hindi
TV broadcast and follow up. In addition, we sent money for
the publication of Christian literature in various Indian lan-
Stateside, Martha and I continued to travel to con-
gregations to apprise them of our mission work or to pres-
ent biblical lessons. Our travels took us to speaking ap-
pointments in Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama,
Florida and Ohio. Whether traveling or back in the office
in Winona, Mississippi, we worked on The Voice of Truth
International and Gospel Gazette Online, a quarterly print-
ed religious journal and a monthly Internet magazine. I also
published some books this year. Tracts and books combined,
I have nearly 30 pieces of literature in print presently, and I
have plans of publishing a few more books that I have put
Delivery of the ATV transport to brethren in Guyana. together over the last forty-six years—should the Lord grant
me to live long enough and to be able to fund them.
dedicated so that we can contribute to making a real differ-
Martha and I labor under the oversight of the elders of
ence for good with the Gospel of Christ in Guyana.
the Siwell Road Church of Christ, 4075 South Siwell Road,
October 4-22, Louis and Martha served our Lord in Jackson, MS 39212. Our Christian ministry is made possible
Myanmar. I taught for two weeks in a Bible school about by Christians and churches of Christ, for which we are heart-
an hour from Yangon. On behalf of the Bear Valley Institute ily thankful. We covet your prayers. V
of Bible, I taught courses to several men, and Martha taught
ladies. Myanmar is also a tropical nation with a jungle set-
ting. As was the case in Guyana, also in Myanmar, it was Books and Tracts by
my pleasure to not only worship with our Christian brethren
but on occasion to preach for them, too. Some of our closest
Louis Rushmore:
relationships among Christians are with those abroad.
Though not going to India this year (or Singapore and
Sri Lanka), we continued to interact with Christians in vari-
ous locations in both northern and southern India. We sent

For prices and to order, call:

World Evangelism Publications
The Rushmores with one of the classes in Myanmar. 662-283-1192
12 Global Harvest

We have individual subscriptions in the US for The Voice

The of Truth International for $15 for a one-year subscription
or $25 for two years. Congregations can receive a box of 35

Vo i c e o f T rut h copies of 4 issues for $350 per year.Many congregations do

order boxes to be shared among their members and/or given
to contacts in their area. Because so many copies are shared
I n t e r nat i o na l overseas, free of charge, some time back we came close to
the “overdrawn” point in the TVOTI bank account, so we
Betty Burton Choate made an appeal to churches and brethren to put us in their
budgets for monthly contributions so that we could continue
Volume 100!!! A milestone in our history! The first issue
using the magazine as a major outreach tool. We are very
of The Voice of Truth International was printed in 1994, a
thankful that the response to that appeal was enough to keep
small printing for the beginning because there were no sub-
us solvent.
scribers and no supporters. J.C. Choate served as the Editor,
Because The Voice of Truth International was intended
with Byron Nichols as the Associate Editor. The format was
primarily as a study tool for people in nations where other
similar to Reader’s Digest, a perfect-bound black-and-white
biblically sound materials would not be available, each is-
booklet with graphics and divided into topical articles. Nu-
sue carries about fifteen topics: God; Evidences; The Word
merous well-known and biblically sound brethren were in-
of God; Salvation; The Church; Doctrine to Live By;
vited to be staff writers.
Christianity in Action; Worship; Daily Christian Living;
What changes have come about during these intervening
The Christian Home; Textual Studies; Bible Characters;
24 years? The format itself remains the same except that,
Charts and Outlines; Humor; Poems; additional fillers.
now, we have upgraded to full color, making each issue a
As issues continued to accumulate, in effect a library of ma-
treasure to read and preserve.
terials dealing with the various topics would be available for
The intention from the beginning was to make The Voice
the recipients! V
of Truth International a magazine that could be shared with
brethren and seekers all over the world. Currently it is print-
ed in India for circulation in that country and to surrounding
nations. Usually seventeen to twenty-two thousand copies
are shipped to the States for churches and individual sub-
scribers here, and for mailing to about 60 other countries,
making a total of approximately 35,000 to 40,000 copies of
each quarterly issue! Six thousand copies are also printed in
Nigeria and an additional five thousand in Ghana.
In addition to the English copies, The Voice of Truth In-
ternational is translated and printed in the Indian languages
of Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Paite, and also Braille. A few issues
were also translated into Spanish, and we would like to do
more but are in need of capable volunteers who can do the
translation and layout.
Global Harvest 13

Available NOW! Full-color, pocket-sized, tri-fold tracts on 109 topics, writ-

ten in old-time Gospel clarity. Call 662-283-1192 for a list of the titles and to
place your order.
These conveniently-sized 
tools will be helpful for out- 
reach and for strengthening
J.C. Choate

young Christians. Our spe-

cial price is only fifteen cents
each, or $7.00 for 50, plus

J.C. Choate

We are thrilled with the increasing use of the u Satan — Do You Recognize Him?
tracts we have printed, in English, and in a grow- u Fig Leaves Are Back in Style!
ing number of languages overseas. In addition to u How Do We Approach God?
the original 76, these new titles have been added: u The Heavens Declare
seven studies by Louis Rushmore: u The Wrath of God
u The Foreknowledge of God Explained u The 21st Century Holocaust
u What About Instrumental Music in u Doubts and Fears: Satan’s Challenge
Christian Worship? u Women’s Liberation or Exploitation of Women?
u The New Testament Church Is Divine in u Where Grace and Mercy End
Organization u Why Did God Do This to Me?
u Did Dinosaurs Really Exist? u True Science? It Follows a Known Path!
u To Drink or Not to Drink? u He Lifted Up His Eyes
u The Nuts and Bolts of Pornography u How Do I Wear Christ?
u Foul Language u What Does Prayer Accomplish?
u The Soul and Its God
one tract by Ron Williams: u In a Time of Persecution, Can I Endure?
u When Families Deal with Grief and Loss
u To Whom and Through Whom?
these new titles by Jerry Bates: It is our intention to continue to add to the titles
u Will a Man Rob God? we offer. Many churches are ordering these handy-
u How to Study God’s Word sized, succinct, and biblically-sound tracts.
and these by Betty Burton Choate: We encourage you to order a set for $20, or bundles
u Training Children in Obedience of a single title at $2.50 for 25. Call 662-283-1192,
u Training Children in Disobedience or order online at
14 Global Harvest

Maywood Missionary Retreat

Plan to join us!

The 13th Annual Maywood Missionary Re- Hey!

treat is scheduled for May 2-4, 2019. Missionaries How would you like to give away
from all over the world come together each year for a million dollars?
2 days of exciting meetings, fellowship, meals, and It’s fake, of course (Uncle Sam hasn’t started printing
retreat. The Maywood environment is excellent for million dollar bills YET) but God’s plan of salvation on
“recharging and regrouping” for the next year of the back is real. This is an eye-catching little tract.
work. Speakers cover topics ranging from current
35 cents each;
mission work issues to personal experiences and $30 for 100.
workprograms. About 100 are expected this year. Call 662-283-1192
Contact Joey Barrier at 256.577.6999, joeybar-
[email protected], Janet Barrier at 256.766.2807,
[email protected], or Betty Choate at 662. email: Choate@
282.1192, [email protected]. org
Global Harvest 15

World Evangelism School of Missions

Plans are complete for World Evan- ditional seminar in the fall at a location Joey, and Jeremy Barrier.
gelism School of Missions activities in to be determined. In addition to seminars and forums,
2019. Seminars are planned for January, A mission forum is planned for the annual Missionary Retreat also
February, August and November. Top- September of 2019. The monthly provides mission work training and in-
ics for seminars include Missionary seminars and missions forums will be formation. The retreat is at Maywood
Sponsor Relationships and Report- conducted at Heritage Christian Uni- Christian Camp in Hamilton, Ala-
ing, Finance and Financial Manage- versity in cooperation with their Center bama on May 2-4, 2019. Contact Joey
ment, Logistics and Foreign Travel, for Missions Training and Information Barrier (256.577.6999), Wayne and
Mission Field Relationships, The (CMTI). Several guest missionaries Janet Barrier (256.766.2807), or Betty
Biblical Pattern for Mission Work, will be speakers, along with Wayne, Choate (662.283.1192).
Evangelistic Program Development,
Teaching and Preaching in the Mis- The “World Evangelism” team...
sion Field, Training Local Workers. Through the Bible, God, Himself, chose the written
These lectures will provide excellent word as His enduring tool for reaching the world with His
guidance from experienced men for any message. In our six decades of mission work [including
churches and individuals interested in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, Myanmar, Viet
Nam, and seminars and teaching in Bible schools in
entering into a new mission effort. We
numerous additional nations], through monthly magazines,
encourage you to make plans to attend, Bible courses (in conjunction with WBS), and books, we
contact us, and reserve space in our fa- have augmented the effects of radio and television programs in the major languages of India, re-
cilities for your overnight stays. Our first sulting in the establishment of hundreds of congregations and the saving of hundreds of thousands
concern is obeying the Lord’s command of souls. Our quarterly magazine, The Voice of Truth International, is shared
with brethren throughout the world, and is printed in bulk in India, Nigeria, and
to take the Gospel to the entire world. Ghana. Here in the States more than 200 books written by faithful brethren, and
Let’s work together to do that. 120 pocket-sized, tri-fold, full-color tracts are featured in our catalog. Each year,
A weekend seminar for an individ- thousands are shared free of charge with brethren overseas. We are so thankful to
be tools in God’s work of evangelizing the world. Check our website: Worl-
ual congregation is planned for Janu-; for personal contact: [email protected]; cata-
ary 27, 2019 at the Madison Church of log:World Evangelism, P.O. Box 72, Winona, MS 38967; phone: 662-283-1192.
Christ (Madison, Alabama) with an ad-

Lest We Forget Mission

Dr. Philip Slate has worked diligently to bring together the
mini-biographies of brave missionaries of the early Twenti-
eth Century. These men and women — 84 of them — are
pictured in the collage shown on the front cover of his book.
Anyone reading the book will be by
humbled by the courage and faith Wayne Barrier
of these Christians who blazed the $10.00
trail for those of us who would fol-
low them. The perfect
Lest We Forget is affordably study material
priced at $8.00 per copy and can be for anyone con-
ordered from World Evangelism, sidering doing
P. O. Box 72, Winona, MS 38967; mission work in
Phone: 662-283-1192.
a foreign field.
16 Global Harvest

The Brazil Mission Model Guide book and Commentary

for Bible reading for a year!
Continued from page 6
The final component of the process is training and edu-
cation of Bible teachers, leaders, and preachers. Missionar-
ies lead these efforts in most areas, but local brethren are
also involved everywhere and lead in many locations. Spe-
cific efforts include (1) future preacher and teacher training
camps and programs, (2) preacher training, (3) leadership
training, (4) Bible class teacher training, (5) mentoring in
every training category, (6) equipping of preachers, teachers,
and leaders with study materials, guidance, and opportuni-
ties to work. Positive meaningful feedback was emphasized
in this phase of the evangelism process.
The Brazil workers reported on efforts conducted over
a 40-plus-year period. During this time, the church has
grown from less than 50 known brethren to hundreds of con-
gregations in the country. Congregations are developing at
different rates and there are several with hundreds of mem-
bers led by elders. Brazilian congregations are sponsoring
and supporting mission work in their own country as well.
This model is Biblical and if used will produce the best pos-
sible results in almost every field across the world.
Order from: David Conley: [email protected]
The Brazil model is strong, effective, scripturally or Order from: World Evangelism Publications
sound, and financially efficient. Missionaries from the US
P.O. Box 72, Winona, MS 38967
primarily serve as leaders with much work conducted by the
local brethren. Congregations are forming and local breth-
ren are leading their worship.
Speakers for this program were Randy Short, Jamie
Richardson, Roger Copeland, F.H. Gates, and Dr. Kirk Broth-
ers. The CMTI program is directed by Joey Barrier. >

Mission Training Manual

Wayne Barrier
This manual is used as the textbook for mission
training classes conducted by brother Wayne Bar-
rier in response to requests by individual congre-
gations. They are also part of the curriculum of
Heritage Christian University, taught by Joseph We have news that
and Jeremy Barrier in evening sessions. $10.00 brother Keith Sisman of
Cambridge, England, died
Missionary Stories unexpectedly. He was a
great student and writ-
Wayne and Janet Barrier
er of the history of the
This is a delightful book, illustrated with many
pictures in full color, so that the reader has a
church. You don’t want to
small glimpse of the people who are featured
miss his book, Traces of
in the stories. You will experience events in the Kingdom. Order from
Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Viet Nam
and Cambodia, getting to know the Barriers
Keith’s website is a trea-
who have been involved in foreign mission
sure to study:
work for more than thirty years. $7.00
Global Harvest 17

Chris Lyon

As the SEARCH staff travels live.” My response is “Yes, you can get good hearts, it will grow!
around the country visiting different the program where you live, either by During the next several months
lectureships, Gospel meetings, and cable television, Internet, satellite TV, SEARCH is asking for as many
family encampments, we find many radio, or regular airwave TV.” churches as possible to work with us.
members of churches of Christ who I was talking recently on the SEARCH will provide, at no charge,
have never heard of IN SEARCH OF phone with a preacher from a church graphics and information regard-
THE LORD’S WAY. While we under- of Christ in Pennsylvania. I had called ing where and when the program can
stand that some people have simply him the week before to ask if he would be seen in your area. Please have an-
given up on television due to the de- follow up on a request from a lady in nouncements made about SEARCH
cline in decent programming, this me- his town. She had completed the cor- during assembly times and use our
dia is still the number one method of respondence course SEARCH offers lis- graphics in your bulletin each week.
reaching the masses with information. teners. He promptly called and talked Let’s work together and make an ef-
After thirty-seven years of con- with her and was very encouraged by fort to let congregations be more aware
tinual weekly sharing the good news via her response. This preacher went on of this ministry. SEARCH is ready to
radio and television to every comer of to say how difficult it is in his part of assist you in reaching into your com-
this nation and several other countries, Pennsylvania when the members try munity with the Love of Christ and the
we wonder why so many in the USA door knocking. SEARCH gets into plan of Salvation. >
look blank when SEARCH is men- homes and hearts when other efforts In Search of the Lord’s
tioned in conversation. Others say things don’t seem to work! Our goal is to
like “I think my grandparents watched work with the local church of Christ
Way, P.O. Box 371, Edmond,
that program when I was a kid.” Or, “I to evangelize as many as will listen to OK 73083, (405) 348-3242, (800)
don’t think we can get that where we the Gospel. When the seed is planted in 321-8633;

House to House / Heart to Heart com. View past issues at housetohouse.

is a tool that helps local churches of com. We will even provide a free web-
Christ spread the gospel. The front and site for your congregation (example
back pages are personalized with your here:
information. Share House to House to House to House works with con-
invite people to your services, advertise gregations in every state in the US and
an event, write an article, and share an has gone into more than 80 countries.
attractive presentation of the truth with Each issue is printed in English, and sev-
those you hope to reach with the gos- eral are printed in Spanish and French.
pel. Each copy costs just 0.34! Find Contact Matt Wallin at matt@houseto-
more information at get.housetohouse. to get started.
18 Global Harvest

What the Great Commission Means to Me

J.C.Choate [Deceased]
Continued from page 7 will we wake up to the pit that lies be- But this is more than a responsi-
fore us, and all mankind? bility; it is a privilege. Just think: you
tried to share the truth with him! But there is another reason for have a Saviour! He has wiped away
To most of us, the great com- going into all the world and telling the your past sins, and continues to plead
mission is no more than a few words story of Jesus. Just think for a min- with God on your behalf. He has giv-
that we believe, but not very strongly. ute: What would this world be to- en you full instructions as to how to
We have heard our duty along this line day without the influence of Jesus conduct your life. He has blessed you
pointed out so many times that our Christ? What would your own life be abundantly with both material and spir-
ears have callouses on them about an with­out Him? Think what a blessing itual gifts. He has promised to save you
inch-and-a-half thick and our hearts are this one Man —God’s Son — has been for all eternity; to give you a home with
covered by an even thicker shell. And, to all those who have accepted Him! Himself and the Father. How much
brethren, we just don’t much care! We And yet there are millions of peo- more could a people ask? And yet, all
are content to drift along in our little ple who have never even so much as that He wants in return is for you to
world of indifference and let the rest of heard the name of”Jesus”. They have share this blessing of Christianity with
mankind go by, unsaved. not even an inkling of an idea that al- the rest of the world! Can we be true
I wonder: What will it take, short most two thousand years ago this Jesus Christians and do any less? I think not.
of that final jolt at the end of the jour- died for their sins. They have never Christ gave everything He had,
ney, to get us to realize that the direc- been told of the perfect example after even His life, for mankind; not only
tion every “little world of indif­ference” which they can pattern their own lives. for you and me, but also for those
floats toward is HELL! We can’t drift They have received none of the bless- in other lands who have never heard
and float into eternal salva­tion — we ings that come to all Christians. Just His name. Surely, if He gave all, we
have to paddle like the devil is after place yourself in their position for a can at least share what we have from
us, because he is! And the majority of minute. Wouldn’t such a life be one of Him with those who deserve it as
us have already been caught, and just terrible darkness? Well, you as a Chris- much as we. May God help us, as the
don’t realize it. Brethren, the conse- tian can turn that darkness into light. It church and as individual Christians,
quences of failing to preach the Gospel is your responsibility to do everything to refocus our aim in life so that we
to all the world is eternal punishment in your power to see that these people will “Go ye therefore and teach
for every person responsible. When hear the story of Jesus. all nations...” >

Will You Take the Prepare to

have your
Challenge? intellect,
1. Will you determine today to and exist-
give just $1.00 extra each Lord’s ing beliefs
day for missions? set on fire
2. Will you encourage others in the congregation when you
read this book! Paperback
to do the same, working toward 100% participation
and Hardback available.
among the membership, to reach the goal?
Michael Shank:
Please write us: World Evangelism Team, P.O.
[email protected]
Box 72, Winona, MS 38967; or call: 662-283-1192; [email protected]
or email: [email protected].
Global Harvest 19

Provisions for the Age

Betty Burton Choate

Continued from page 4 ble School, World English Institute, ELSE SEEMS MOST EFFECTIVE
on that plane, and in a matter of hours House to House printings, Apologet- IN THE GROWING ARSENAL OF
you can be almost anywhere on this ics Press, Focus Press, Search for the TOOLS! Sufficient funds would be
earth, with access to those citizens. Lord’s Way, Mission Printing, Gospel continually given to provide man-power
When you get there, you have Broadcasting Network, and other orga- to keep everything going smoothly, and
many tools for evangelism: word of nized efforts too numerous to name. If for the necessary follow-up tools!
mouth, advertisements through many all of us continue our individual works What we need, first, is a strong,
mediums, radio, TV, printed materials, but also pool our talents and materials faithful-to-the-Word congregation to
and public gatherings. to further utilize the tools God is sup- take the leadership in sponsoring this
But look at the many great ad- plying, we CAN bring the Gospel to the proposed work, and then we need
ditional tools God has supplied for whole world in this generation! every member of the Lord’s church
our use, just in the past two and three I am compelled to think of one to be made aware of this new effort
decades: We have the Internet, You- point J.C. made in his appeals for so that all of us can work together to
Tube, Facebook, WhatsApp indi- help with the work he wanted to do: achieve the goal of evangelizing the
vidual Websites, and other mass-media He said that if each American Chris- whole world! Let’s get on board!
methods of connecting. Many churches tian gave just $1.00 more each Sun- Brethren, I beg you to listen to this
today are putting their worship servic- day, to be set aside in the treasuries idea and to set in motion this great work
es on the Internet, making the lessons for the sole purpose of world evange- in the congregation of which you are a
available for people all over the world! lism, there would be approximately member. Convince the Christians un-
Countless sermons have been shared $1,250,000 additional dollars more der your influence to partner with us, so
over YouTube and on individual church EVERY WEEK for world evange- that our Lord’s parting command to His
websites. Through Facebook, thoughts lism! In a year’s time, that would be people can be obeyed. Please contact
and even lessons can be shared with about $62,400,000, with not one pen- us with your commitment to work to-
“friends” everywhere, inviting re- ny subtracted from the local budget! gether: >
sponses and interaction. Souls can be Now, what could be done with that
World Evangelism
introduced to the Truth and can be won money, accumulating every year? THE
to Christ through these exchanges. Winona, Mississippi 38967
We also have great avenues through WORLD-WIDE 24-HOUR-A-DAY
World Video Bible School, World Bi-

Choose a wonderful gift for

yourself or someone you love
— or select these classbooks
for the next 3 quarters of study:
Three books — 13-lesson studies of
God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit —
that will enrich your spiritual life. $8.00
each or a special price for the three, $18
plus shipping. Hurry! Don’t miss out on
this best gift of gifts!
Excellent for class or personal study.
Call 662-283-1192 or write [email protected] to place your order.
20 Global Harvest

Valley Cities Church of Christ ENDLESS MOUNTAINS

in Sayre, Pennsylvania CHURCH OF CHRIST
Arthur Barry Jeff Wyeth

This was the first church once, but Sandy did not have a single I was at the soup kitchen and sev-
child in class this past Sunday. Sandy eral came and sat by me and we had a
plant of the Antioch Initiative
has taught the class for three years now great conversation about baptism--Amy
launched 10/19/14 and is the only
and this is only the second time that has Stirling, Alica Ball, and three others. I
congregation of the church of talked with a couple of the soup kitchen
Christ in Bradford County, PA. happened. She does enjoy getting to sit
in on the adult class, though. workers also. I also received a couple
The Lord’s Church in Sayre con- of calls from Oliver Houck, the one I
tinues to hold out the word of life in this We have given thought to offering
an after-school homework club for lo- baptized, and I spoke with the other
community, though the desired response girl that was baptized, Alisha Whitsell.
is still not forthcoming. VBS was a great cal children as we see that as a definite
need. I have spoken to the area schools I was at Wal-Mart looking for someone
success thanks to the devotion and hard to talk to and went downtown to walk,
work of the brethren who came from and the idea is welcomed enthusiasti-
cally. There is nothing of this kind ex- hoping to find others.
Kittanning and Camp Hill. Quite a few I also got a request to lead some-
contacts were made, and I enjoyed fol- cept for something just beginning for
Athens elementary children, sponsored one to Christ in Liberia, Africa. This is
lowing up with Chuck and Elizabeth a woman who has become a widow and
Talada who joined us in church with by the local Calvary Baptist group.
We knew this building is in a great is unhappy with her Catholic church. I
their two sons the next Sunday. I studied notified someone I knew in the church
with them the following Tuesday and location and we intend to utilize our
porch in ways that afford us an informal of Christ over there to help that widow
received very positive feedback from find the truth. After losing her husband
Chuck and the boys. Plans were made interface with the neighbors. One idea
is to have “Prayer on the Porch” once she has lost hope in having a way to
for a further visit, and they were excited feed her kids and herself. My contact
about coming to church again. Unfortu- a week. Another is to have coffee and
donuts out there, or hot chocolate as it person in Liberia said they would give
nately, that is as far as things went and God-like assistance.
they have not answered the door, or the gets colder. Any ideas are welcome.
This Saturday some brethren from Wednesday, I had a Bible study
phone, since then. with Carl Wiesneski and his wife, Eliz-
I had talked briefly with Chris- the Kittanning church will be treat-
ing us to our annual early Thanksgiv- abeth. She has Alzheimers so things
topher, a wounded warrior as he came don’t mean much to her. We talked
out to sit on his porch. He said he was ing dinner and we are hoping to have
visitors for that. I have had positive re- over two hours. He explained that they
interested in studying the Bible, but he would be going to their winter home in
had a friend arriving for a visit, so he sponses from several contacts we have
been working with. Maryland soon. I also spoke with two
told me to look out for him on the porch other men who sat beside us.
and stop for a visit some other time. A Plans have been confirmed for a
visit from Sojourners next July 8-18, Teresa had a ladies Bible study
few days later I saw him on the porch with Molly Rivera, Mary Grace Deste-
and parked my car. When I climbed out, thanks to Dave and Lynn Laton, from
Prattville, Alabama, who have been fano and Kelly Donovan. We had a
he got up and headed inside. I called to very nice Bible study and picked up
him and he looked at me but continued involved in the church planting in this
area. We will be hosting a Gospel meet- Mary Grace from her new place about
in and closed the door behind him. 10 miles away & took her home and
A fair bit of the work follows that ing in conjunction with this activity.
then Faye and her family. The van is
pattern and it is hard not be discouraged We are still waiting for our num-
doing for us what we wanted it for. We
sometimes. I am praying for God to bers to grow, but we are also still count-
are helping many but it also gives me a
open hearts, and there are still contacts ing on God to hear our prayer to open
chance to have Bible studies. >
that are promising. Of the 10 young- hearts. May it be so. >
For contact with the Barrys and the
sters who visited for VBS we have May all the glory be His.
Weyths, go to:
been able to get four to church at least Arthur and Sandy Barry Don Myers: [email protected]
Global Harvest 21

Apologetics Press
Our History and What We Believe
Dave Miller
In the accepted (1 Thessalonians 5:21; Acts can receive by confessing faith in Jesus
late 1970s, 17:11; 1 John 4:1; John 8:32). Christ as the Son of God (Romans 10:9-
there was a God exists, and man can know 10), repenting of sin (Acts 26:20), and be-
need to make available more scriptur- that God exists, by means of His mani- ing immersed in water for the remission
ally sound and scientifically accurate fold revelations, both in nature and of past sins (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38).
materials in the field of Christian apolo- through the inspired Word of God, the Those enjoying salvation are (a)
getics. The idea for Apologetics Press Holy Bible. members of the one, true, undenomi-
was born—an idea that soon became a The Bible depicts Deity as sin- national church (described in the New
reality. The necessary legal steps then gular, i.e., there is one and only one Testament), which is the body of Christ
were taken to allow the work to be rec- divine essence or Being (Deuteronomy (Ephesians 2:22-23; 4:4), and (b) those
ognized as non-profit and tax-exempt 6:4; Isaiah 45:5; James 2:19). However, who are living faithfully in service to
by both State and Federal governments. the Bible also clearly depicts God as a God (Revelation 2:10).
In 1985, Apologetics Press moved into triune Being—three distinct persons At some unknown point in the
its own custom-built, 11,000-square- within the one essence—with a triune future (Matthew 24:36), Jesus will be
foot building that was debt free upon nature (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians “revealed from heaven with His
completion. Financial records are man- 13:14). Each person of the Godhead mighty angels, in flaming fire
aged by certified public accountants, (the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) taking vengeance on those who
who also submit to the appropriate is fully Divine. do not know God, and on those
agencies all documentation required by The entire material Universe who do not obey the gospel of
State and Federal law. was specially created by this al- our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessa-
Currently, Dr. Dave Miller serves mighty God in six days of approxi- lonians 1:7-8), while the righteous will
as the Executive Director. Dr. Miller, mately 24-hours each, as revealed in be given “eternal life” in heaven (Mat-
Kyle Butt, Eric Lyons, and Dr. Jeff Genesis 1 and Exodus 20:11. thew 25:46). >
Miller compose the fulltime profes- Both biblical and scientific evi-
sional writing staff, assisted by an aux-
Welcome to the
dence indicate (a) a relatively young
iliary staff of scientists and other writ- Earth, in contrast to evolutionary and Apologetics Press
ers including Dr. Joe Deweese, Dr. Jerry old Earth views of a multi-billion-year Bible Class Curriculum
Fausz, Dr. Michael Houts, Dr. Branyon age for the Earth, and (b) that many of the
May, Dr. Justin Rogers, Dewayne Bry- Earth’s features must be viewed in light
ant, James Spencer, Dr. Caleb Colley, of the universal, catastrophic flood of
Kevin Cain, Dr. Earl Edwards, Rob- Noah’s day (as described in Genesis 6-8).
ert C. Veil, Jr., Melvin Otey, and Matt Christianity is the one true re-
Vega. A.P. also has an excellent office ligion (John 14:6), and Jesus Christ is
support staff that includes secretaries, the only divine, resurrected Son of God
a production administrator, a graphics- and Savior of the world (1 John 4:14). “When are you going to pro-
design artist, and a general manager. The 66 books of the Bible are duce a Bible class curriculum?” For
What We Believe fully and verbally inspired of God, a period of many years, that question
and have been transmitted faithfully; has been posed to Apologetics Press
The following principles of truth
hence, they are inerrant and authorita- over and over again. It is hard to be-
are accepted by those who actively lieve that the desire of so many has
participate in the work at Apologetics tive, and a complete guide for moral
now come to fruition. We are pleased
Press: and religious conduct.
to announce the release of the Apolo-
Faith in God and the Bible must Salvation is a free, gracious, un- getics Press Bible School Curricu-
be based on evidence, and not blindly merited gift from God which mankind lum: Exploring God’s Word.
22 Global Harvest

This year has been good to us! With your help the Free Online Bible School
Lord’s work here continues to grow by leaps and bounds. 13,000 students are now actively taking studies through
We are producing more new programs, and reaching even the Free Online Bible School. Almost 9,000 of these stu-
more souls than we ever have before. Your help is essential dents are not yet Christians, making this an excellent evan-
to making these Bible lessons available to millions of people gelism tool.
all over the world.
One Nation Under God
In fact, this year to date, the free online videos have
This faith-based fiction novel is a powerful story about
received over 4,000,000 views! With these online views
God’s providence for His nation and His people. The author
skyrocketing, DVDs are in less demand. However, we esti-
is Rudy Cain and written by Elizabeth Turner Beall.
mate that we will still send out over 150,000 DVDs to places
all around the world. Let me share with you some of the Other Projects Completed:
other exciting news and also a few of the new programs you Biblical Timeline - 10 lessons on 2 DVDs by John Hall.
are helping us to produce. Poster is also available.
Proof for God Bind Us Together- 7 lessons on 2 DVDs by Doritta Johnson
We were blessed to have Kyle Butt come and teach this Colossians - Online School Program by Russell Haffner
needed program. In 8 lessons, Kyle presents the evidence Church History 2 - 18 lessons on 5 DVDs by Chuck
for God and His divine Word. One particular lesson in this Horner
program received over 135,000 views online within the first Ultimately the success of these efforts is in God’s hands,
month of being made available! but we know that without your help none of this would have
Premarital Counseling been possible. Please continue to assist us in this great work
In this important series of 8 lessons, Glenn Colley for the church as much as you can. Also when possible, tell
shares wisdom designed for couples who will soon marry others who may be able to help. Our commitment to you is
and who want to help create a happy, durable, Christian to continue to provide new and exciting tools that are useful
home. in reaching the lost and in edification. With this thought in
mind we are moving toward making as much of our DVD
Apocrypha material as we can available on the internet where it can
As always, Don Blackwell has done an amazing job in be accessed for use in evangelism and edification, free of
this 31-minute lesson as he looks at the background and con- charge. To accomplish this great task we ask you to please
text for recognizing the canon of inspired books of the Bible. continue helping WVBS through your prayers and financial
New Website support. Thank you. May God bless you and your family,
We are blessed to have a new and updated store web- and may He always receive the glory.
site that gives a fresh look and easier access to WVBS pro- Present Student Enrollment: 12,934
grams. Viewers can navigate to the WVBS Online School, Formal Students: 3,440
the Free Video, and the Store websites all from one place at Informal Students: 2,310 Auditing Students: 7,184
Free Online Videos
This is where we continue to see phenomenal growth. Enjoy free access to 372 faith-building,
As mentioned above the number of views has continued to Bible-based videos.
skyrocket. Last month alone, our online videos received Internet SEARCH campaign
over 25,000 views. You are an essential part of making these
videos available! 1-512-398-5211 office 1-877-
398-5211 order online [email protected]
Global Harvest 23

World Bible School

About Us: mail like spiritual “pen pals”. WBS can Christians sharing Jesus with WBS.
often help them connect their Students O Each year, about 18,000 WBS
WBS is one of the most proven,
with local Christians for further study, Students request baptism. (That’s one
cost-effective means of equipping Chris-
fellowship and even baptism. baptism request for every $77 given to
tians to fulfill the Great Commission.
The ministry has taught millions of truth- WBS’ Bible lessons provide pure WBS.) >
seekers by mobilizing tens of thousands Bible Truth. They share the Good News
of everyday, volunteer Christians. of Jesus, the plan of salvation, how to
develop a personal relationship with the
WBS teaching is something Chris-
Lord and Christian living. Learn more.
tians of all ages can do on their own as
a WBS Study Helper. Churches can use WBS by the Numbers:
WBS programs to equip their members O Over 1.5 million studying the Bible
and involve them in evangelism. at a time.
WBS Study Helpers provide Bi- O One student enrolls every thirty
ble lessons to Students, encourage them seconds.
and guide them to grow in faith and
O Students in all the world’s 200-plus
knowledge. They can share Jesus with
web-based lessons as online friends. John Reese:;
They can also use printed lessons by O Some 8,000 volunteer, everyday 800-311-2006

Mission Printing, A Work of Churches of Christ

loads of WBS Bible correspondence
courses in different languages from
Bro. Jim McPeak in California, pal-
let loads of Bible commentaries from
Truth for Today in Arkansas, and
trailer loads of biblical material from
World Evangelism in Mississippi.
This year, several missionaries
have visited and toured our facility in
Arlington, TX. They have come from
Cameroon, South Africa, Ghana, Nige-
ria, Kenya, Australia, and India. We have
just started an effort to help Bro. Paul
Oppong of the North Bronx, New York
church with tens of thousands of booklets
Mission Printing has great vol- We ship four ocean containers per year for distribution in the Northeast United
unteers, especially like those shown with more than 750,000 booklets of re- States. There are many thousands of im-
above at the Belt Line Rd. Church of ligious material to many different plac- migrants in some of the major cities of
Christ. We are blessed with more than es. Mission Printing is helping many that area, and Paul is anxious to distrib-
30 congregations who participate in groups throughout the brotherhood by ute our material. God continues to bless
the collating and stapling of our tracts shipping their biblical material in our Mission Printing in “World Evangelism
at their facilities. They help Mission containers. We have shipped boxes of by the Printed Page.” >
Printing to supply 3 million free gos- children’s Bible flip charts from the
pel booklets to the world each year. Global Seedsowers in Abilene, pallet Richard Renfro [email protected]
24 Global Harvest

Ronnie Crocker

Evangelism is somewhat like a killed. We read about the thrill of 2:25,26), he enters our 1-year in-
competitive sport. Ephesians 6 tells victory, as multitudes of souls were house drug program and resides in
us our opponent is not “flesh and added to the Lord’s church. One one of our 12 apartments.
blood”. In addition to describing of them, a terrorist of churches of The Balm of Gilead we offer
our protection, it also illustrates a Christ before he was converted, led and apply is the Bible. We are as-
power God provides to His minis- the spread of the Gospel into Eu- saulted with the agony of defeat
ters, which is the Word of God. rope and the rest of the world!! when our restoration (Galatians
In the 1970s ABC’s Wide World Today, through the efforts of 6:1) efforts are rejected. We feel
of Sports transmitted great sport- foreign mission works like the the thrill of victory when a sinner
ing events right into our homes! World Evangelism Team (the Bar- is converted “from the error of his
We enjoyed the Olympics, World riers, Bates, Rushmores, and sister way” and his soul is saved “from
Series, Super Bowls, and big box- Choate), we see the Gospel continu- death” (James 5:19,20)!
ing matches. This show began with ing to span the globe! Evangelisti- Certainly, the apostle Paul felt
exciting music and video clips, as cally, these brethren feel the emo- the agony of defeat over the souls
the announcer said, “Spanning the tional ups and downs, as they make who rejected his efforts to save
globe to bring you the constant va- disciples worldwide! them (Romans 9:1-5). The thrill of
riety of sport! The thrill of victory, At Project Rescue ( his evangelistic victories in Philippi
and the agony of defeat! The human, we feel the range of surely motivated Paul to keep on
drama of athletic competition. This emotional extremes on a daily ba- keeping on: “Therefore, my be-
is ABC’s Wide World of Sports!” sis, as we live among 20 recovering loved and longed-for brethren,
In the book of Acts, we see the addicts! The typical man we try to my joy and crown, so stand fast
Gospel spanning the globe with reach obeyed the gospel in his pre- in the Lord, beloved.” Philippians
eternal implications. We read about teens and wandered into the world 4:1
the agony of defeat as people re- of drug addiction in his late teens. The Thrill of Victory
jected the Gospel, ministers were In his thirties, after he ruined his and the Agony of Defeat!
imprisoned, and Christians were life with prodigal living (2 Timothy Our “joy and crown” consists
of members of the churches of Christ
coming to us from 22 states (so far).
Through this ministry of reconcili-
ation (2 Corinthians 5:18,19), we
serve as a bridge back from the far
country for our prodigal (drug ad-
dicted) sons, grandsons, brothers,
fathers, and husbands. It is exciting
to see our program members being
reconciled back to God, the Lord’s
church, their families, the work-
place, and society as a whole. >
Global Harvest 25
Brad Harrub, Focus Press, Inc.
Listen Live Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 10:00 CST;
Contact Us: Address: 625 Bakers Bridge Ave, Suite 105
Franklin, TN 37067; Phone: 615-324-5870;; 866-313-6474

If Persecution Begins in America

Jack Wilkie
There are two ways to learn life’s important lessons: by in threats of financial loss, imprisonment, or even death, and I
observation and study of the information available to us (the suspect we’d start finding more reasons to get along.
wise way of learning), or by the experience that comes from 3. Half-hearted Christians would have to make a
not observing and studying (commonly called “learning les- decision. Right now it’s incredibly easy to be a “Christian.”
sons the hard way”). Very little commitment is demanded of most churchgoers
I’ve often heard it said that persecution would be a today. Should we come to a time in which following Jesus
good thing for the church, but I think that view is based on is life or death, however, casual Christianity would rapidly
the second way of learning – the idea that we would learn the disappear. Jesus said, “He who is faithful in a very little
lessons of persecution the hard way. But I’m not convinced thing is faithful also in much; and he who is un-
we have to go through persecution to learn. Shouldn’t we be righteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also
faithful and do the things we’re supposed to do without hav- in much” (Luke 16:10), a point he reiterated in the parable
ing to be threatened first? of the talents (Matt. 25:21, 23).
On the other hand, maybe these are lessons we do have If a person can’t sacrifice time, preferences, sinful hab-
to learn the hard way. Whether it takes that catalyst or not, the its, or the things of this world for Jesus now, why would they
lessons are there to be learned just by looking at what hap- be willing to do so at the cost of their own life? On the other
pened to the early church. Here are four that stand out to me: hand, those who are faithful in that way now will be the only
1. We would be fully dependent on one another. ones who remain should times of persecution come. There
The kind of love and unity Jesus commanded in John 13-17, will be no such thing as a half-committed Christian.
“Love one another as I have loved you”, would be Continued on page 41
followed with “the world will hate you” in John 15:12- Where did we come from? It is a basic question
25, and John said the same thing in his letter (1 John 3:13- that most science textbooks address first. The
16). The answer to persecution is care for one another. If we common answer is Big Bang cosmology, assert-
are confronted everywhere, without, with hatred, the only ing that before the Big Bang there was nothing.
natural choice is to turn within to find love and support. But is this logical from a scientific perspective?
2. A lot of our petty divisions would go away. The Is there a better answer?
more the world hates us, the more we turn toward each other
In this powerful DVD Dr. Brad
for love and community. And when we do that, we begin to
Harrub reveals the fallacy
realize that we’re on the same team with people we might
of the Big Bang theory and
not have cared for before. I’m not saying doctrine would be
shares with students how
thrown out the window. What I am saying is that the minor
true science fits beautifully
issues that divide us now – matters of opinion, personality
with the creation model. Us-
disputes, judging one another, etc. – would suddenly be seen
ing modern textbook exam-
for how ridiculous they truly are. Church hopping or avoiding
ples, Dr. Harrub dismantles
one another would be a thing of the past. Congregations look-
the evolution and points out
ing down on each other or refusing fellowship with each other
the complexity and design re-
over minor differences or past hurts would be unthinkable.
ally observed in nature.
Unity of the church isn’t valued very highly right now. Throw
26 Global Harvest

Gospel Broadcasting Network:

How Do We Reach Everybody?
8900 Germantown Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654; Phone: (662) 874-5508
Don Blackman
GBN: Your 24/7 Resource our resources are available free of charge to help lead you
for Truth and Salvation to salvation through the truth of Jesus Christ, if you’re not a
The Gospel Broadcast- Christian, or to help you grow if you are. Please browse our
ing Network delivers the message of salvation to people website to see a variety of Biblical resources to help you
of every age through a variety of resources. GBN live more effectively serve the Lord such as:
Christian radio is changing hearts with the truth of the How can GBN help you reach your local
Gospel all day every day. Our goal is to save souls for community through Public Access Television?
eternity, worldwide, by providing free online Christian re- Has your local congregation been looking for new
sources that answer your faith-based questions. ways to reach those in your community? Many communi-
Our mission follows Mark 16:15 of the New Testa- ties are unaware that their local public access television
ment, which says, “Preach the Gospel to every crea- station can be utilized by any resident of the community
ture.” Our goal is to fulfill God’s desire for all people to to put Gospel material on the air. GBN can help you get
know the truth of His Word so that they may be saved and on your local TV station with already completed TV epi-
spend eternity with Him. The Lord gives us this awesome sodes that will point viewers to your local congregation.
responsibility, and He also gives us the ability to accom- For more information contact GBN on how you can bring
plish His will. We are reaching lost souls and those who this Gospel programming to your local television.
want to go deeper into the Gospel by offering: While local TV will help you get into many living
A 24 hour a day, seven days a week broadcasting rooms, there are also new avenues such as Instagram that
satellite network that’s accessible worldwide. Hearing allow congregations to connect with a younger audience
the Gospel at any time helps bring people to Christ and who spend a lot of their time on their mobile devices.
supports existing Christians. GBN can also help you establish an Instagram account
Live streaming videos that cover topics relevant to where you can reach a younger generation with the Gos-
today’s secular culture and provide advice for Christians pel and point them to your local congregation.
who are in the world, but not of the world. Other Services:
GBN’s “Truth About” video series, where we Christian videos for kids that teach important
share the Bible’s teachings on a variety of topics, includ- Biblical principles. The entertaining and enlightening
ing gambling, social drinking, tattoos and many other is- cartoons star Howie and Honey and illustrate moral les-
sues. The speaker shares chapters and verses directly from sons on a level young children can grasp. “Digger Doug’s
the Bible. Underground” program is also popular because it features
Free Bible Correspondence Courses in coopera- familiar characters from Discovery magazine.
tion with International Bible Teaching Ministries. These Mobile apps for any platform, so you can take
courses make learning the Bible easy and offer an experi- GBN with you wherever you go. Apple iOS, Android,
enced teacher for answering questions. Amazon Fire and Windows phones make it easy and con-
GBN documentaries, educational videos and oth- venient to watch or listen to everything GBN has avail-
er popular GBN airings on our GBN Youtube channel. able to share the Good News.
These videos can also be shared with others seeking the GBN’s Daily Devotional email service so that you
Word of God. can receive thought-provoking and inspirational devo-
Our Bible-based offerings help you navigate your dai- tions in your inbox every day.
ly struggles by communicating the truths of God’s Word. The GBN newsletter, which keeps our members up
Every individual faces his unique challenges in life. All to date on all the happenings at GBN. [] >
Global Harvest 27

Wor ld En g l i sh Ins t i t ut e
Richard N. Ady
World English Institute (WEI) English, but they discover something and sign
is a spinoff from my family’s mission far more important. up as a teacher. The rewards are “out
experience in Taiwan half a century ago Through WEI, the Lord has led of this world.” —Richard N. Ady in
when we used English classes to attract thousands of Atheists, Communists, Gresham, Oregon >
students, and the Bible to lead them to Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, even Sa-
Christ. A one-hour English class was tan worshipers to Christ. He has used
followed by a Bible lesson translated WEI to plant churches of Christ in at
into Mandarin Chinese. Students stayed least twenty-five nations and to build
for the Bible class to improve their pro- up congregations in many other places.
nunciation and their comprehension of In the beginning, WEI was a post-
spoken English. Some seed fell in fer- al correspondence ministry, but it is
tile soil, and God gave the increase. now a predominantly Internet outreach
When it appeared that China ministry. The WEI teaching website is
was opening up to Christianity in the encrypted so that students who live in
late 80s, World English Institute was nations hostile to Christianity can study
born with China as the target, but God without risk. Thousands of WEI stu-
had something bigger in mind. Since dents live in Muslim nations where it
1989, the Lord has used WEI to intro- is a capital offense to convert to Chris-
duce people to Christ in every nation tianity.
on earth. Most WEI students enroll to If you are willing to let God use
learn English, but their interest often you to save people who are lost and
shifts to the Bible. They come to learn can’t find their way, log on to www.

We often have requests/orders

Every living thing must
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be cultivated — tended — or Church of the Bible. This simple
it wastes away from neglect 13-lesson coverage of the Lord’s
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tivated day by day or they will cess of 150,000 copies have been
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Many marriages are like truths. The three titles [The Gos-
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But, ah! The marriage that copy, 25% off for orders of 25 or
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happiness planned first in the 662-283-1192
mind of God!
from Betty Bits
28 Global Harvest

Seven Ways
Preachers Can
Encourage One
Jeff Jenkins

It happens over, and over, and but be careful brother, about saying ENCOURAGE
over again. We hear about preachers someone who has needs to get over it. A PREACHER’S FAMILY
losing their jobs or dropping out of At least until you’ve walked in their If you know a brother who is
ministry because the pressures are so shoes. struggling, be sure to ask him how his
great. This article is not about who is So, most of us who preach under- family is doing? If your wife is a good
right or wrong when a preacher loses stand these thoughts and feelings. This encourager, ask her to call the strug-
his job. I’m certain there is enough is a plea to all of us who preach to en- gling preacher’s wife. Ask about the
blame to go around. This is a plea courage, strengthen, support, and love children. See if there is anything that
from my heart that those of us who are a fellow preacher who is struggling. can be done to encourage the family.
preaching brothers will do everything Let’s consider how we can encourage TALK TO OUR FATHER
we can to encourage one another. and support one another. If you are not It has been my personal practice
With apologies to those of you a preacher, why not join in with us as to keep a running list of preachers who
who are reading this who are not we seek to encourage one another. I know are dealing with difficulties, as
preachers, it is true that there is no OFFER WORDS OF well as preachers who have contacted
one who can understand the life and
ENCOURAGEMENT me to ask for prayers.
work of a preacher better than another
As we mentioned earlier, there I do my best to pray through that
preacher. I have talked to more preach-
are enough negative and critical words list on a weekly, sometime daily basis.
ers than I can count who are suffering
spoken in our world. Those of us who One of the greatest gifts we can give to
in silence. They have been chastised
are preachers don’t need to add to what a brother who is struggling is the gift
by their elders, their deacons, or some
has already been said. of knowing we are praying for them. If
well-meaning fellow Christian.
Remember that as Christians you tell someone you are going to pray
Their feeling is that they are un-
we have been charged with speaking for them write it down and be sure you
der-appreciated. They feel that few re-
words, that are “good for edification follow through. (If you would like to
ally know all that they do. They feel
according to the need of the moment, be added to my list, please send me a
that few really care about their families,
so that it will give grace to those who private message, no details needed!)
their health, their mental well-being,
and their spiritual walk with the Lord. hear.” (Ephesians 4:29) EXTEND GRACE & FORGIVE
Okay, take a deep breath. I know Make a phone call or a personal There are times that the preacher
that some of you guys who are reading visit, send an email, a letter, a text, or who is struggling is the one who is in
this would say, “Jeff, I’ve never felt a Facebook message. Sit down with the wrong. Perhaps he has brought his
that way, and those who have need to someone who is hurting and just listen. struggle on himself. I am not writing
get over it.” I’m thankful you’ve never Listen with your heart. Show compas- this to say that preachers are always
been treated like that or that you’ve sion and concern. There are many ways right.
never been made to feel that way, we can encourage. Continued on page 30
Global Harvest 29

Biblical Institute of Central America

A Two-Year Bible School to prepare evangelists and church leaders
from the Caribbean to the Pacific shores of Central America
George Hall
God desires a close intimate re- best way to accomplish that is to teach to join with BICA students in Guatemala
lationship with His children… all His brothers how to bring their brothers. It and Honduras to support local churches
children. This desire is the basis of the is a two year intensive training program by evangelizing in the community, con-
Great Commission. God wants those for evangelists and church leaders! In structing of new or upgrading of exist-
who know Him and love Him to “go the students’ two years of preparation, ing church buildings, promoting and
into all the world” to tell those who they will develop an extraordinary ca- participating in campaign work, and en-
don’t know God that He desperately pacity and passion to convert the lost. couraging BICA students. We work with
wants to have a relationship with them. Each student in his/her years at BICA your group as a partner to find the right
BICA has found a very effective way to will have the experience of presenting combination of ministry opportunities
accomplish God’s command. more than 700 Bible studies to the lost. for your team. U.S. staff volunteers as-
It is buried in the very words of We send sustainable evangelists sist groups in the planning process and
Matthew 28. Teach them? Yes… Bap- into the mission fields! These evan- in arranging travel plans. Mission op-
tize them? Yes…but the first phrase gelists will preach and serve for the portunities are available year round.
after “go” is “make disciples” What is glory of God for at least 40 years… W h y S h o u l d Yo u
a disciple?... a follower? Yes… but our and all across the world, all without Go With BICA?
definition of disciple is a follower who relying on foreign support. We are l God calls us to spread the Gospel
teaches others how to make disciples... not opposed to foreign support for l Short-term missionaries can make
disciples teaching other disciples how our students but we realize it is unre- a lasting difference
to teach other people to be disciples! alistic to find support for almost 800
l Teams help reach lost souls with
BICA has also found this process of our current BICA graduates and
the Good News
to be most effective when local believ- each additional in the future. There-
fore, we teach them to have ministries l Participants grow in faith and re-
ers teach other people in their commu-
that are self-sustainable by providing turn home with renewed energy to
nity. A person from another nation or
them the capital for the start of busi- be disciples
culture can be effective to some degree,
but in Central America, the most effec- nesses when they graduate. l BICA leadership staff members
tive teacher is another Hispanic, prefer- Our costs are low for training each accompany, lead, and transport the
ably someone from their country. student! We are positively influencing group trip in its entirety
BICA currently has schools in the growth of the churches of Christ in l Americans are able to join native
Honduras and Guatemala. It is our Central America and the establishment evangelists and local medical profes-
dream to expand to other Central Ameri- of new churches of Christ all within a sionals
can countries. There is a sense of nation- reasonable and conservative budget. l The mission strengthens church
al pride that makes the spreading of the We prepare women. BICA is one member relationships - cross culture
good news of Jesus even more effective. of the few institutes who prepare women for team members and supporters
BICA’s vision is to teach believ- to be powerful evangelists, to be leaders l The team connects others from
ers in every Central American country in women’s and children’s ministries, outside the church to help with the
how to reach their fellow citizens. We and to be the perfect partner if their hus- cause… encouraging community in-
will continue to pursue that dream by band shares in the ministry as well. volvement
training local evangelists to teach their MISSIONS LIKE NEVER BEFORE l The trip supports and encourages
neighbors while also working to provide Are you looking for a mission op- evangelists who are actively saving
for themselves and their families. portunity for church, team, family or souls
Andrew and Philip brought their friends? Mission teams partnering with l Team members build relationships
brothers to Jesus. We are instructed to BICA are growing in number and enthu- in Central America
bring “all nations” to Jesus. We feel the siasm. Currently, the opportunity exists Continued on page 30
30 Global Harvest

Biblical Preachers Can

Institute Encourage One Another
Continued from page 29
Continued from page 28 brother knows that we won’t drop him
I know from my own life that all it will mean the world to him. Since
What are the learning about the return of my wife’s
of us have to constantly watch our-
Team Requirements? selves. Our own decisions and choices cancer, one of my preaching brethren
l Suggested minimum age, high can bring pain to our lives and the lives has texted me regularly just to say he is
school junior (parental consent doc- of our family. That is why we must praying for us. It has meant more to us
ument required) constantly examine ourselves to be than he’ll ever know.
l Application sure that we are, “In the faith.” (2 Cor- BUILD UP PREACHERS IN THE
l Background check inthians 13:5) PRESENCE OF OTHERS
l Passport DON’T PRY OR Work overtime not to be critical
l Immunizations ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS of a preacher in the presence of other
Some people (and this includes preachers, church leaders, or members.
How do you plan for the trip?
some of us who preach) pride them- If someone hears you “speaking out of
l Our US staff volunteers help you school”, they will not feel that they can
through each step. We suggest you: selves in knowing every sordid detail
trust you when they need to be able to
l Pick a trip leader (coordinator) or about every problem in the church. reach out.
two They want to be able to “report” to oth-
ers about the heartaches of those who Brothers, those of us who preach
l Announce the plans for the trip are blessed to be a part of a very special
are suffering.
and prospective dates fraternity. The best friends I have in my
I have seen preachers who pry
l Request response for those inter- life are preachers. Some of them are old-
into the lives of people just so they
ested (get emails and text numbers er, some of them are younger, and some
will know. Be careful to not “stick your
for group communication) of them are my age (some of you are
nose,” where it is not needed. Be care-
l Host a planning meeting thinking, that would be the same as the
ful about asking too many questions.
l Set deadlines for application, de- Someone who is hurting will tell you older ones)! God has blessed my life be-
posit, and payment schedule what they want you to know or what yond measure by my preaching brothers.
l Set up an online donation site that they feel you need to know to be able Let’s help one another during dif-
is specific to the trip to help. ficult times. Let’s reach out to one an-
l Get your congregation involved other. Let’s thank God for one another.
(prayer, fund-raising, collecting Dear Father, we know that we
items) have some brothers who are hurting
l Send regular emails and texts with right now. Help us, dear God, to reach
Please don’t overlook this very out to them. Help us to encourage them
reminders and updates
important part of the helping process. in every way possible. Help us to pray
Is the Lord Calling You? Many times, we reach out to a hurting
This mission experience will brother, pray for him, encourage him, for those around us who are hurting.
forever impact the lives of those that and then we forget about him. Dear Father, please give a special mea-
go, those that are served, and those sure of Your grace to those who need it
Hurts and pains don’t quickly go right now. In the Name of the One who
that help in prayer and support of away. Make another phone call, send
the faithful servants. > another note, reach out again, sometime will give us rest we pray, Amen. >
Jeff Jenkins: thejenkinsinstitute@gmail.
George Hall: [email protected] after the initial contact. When a hurting com

Will you GO, or will you SEND?

Global Harvest 31

A Prayer from the Heart

J. Randal Matheny

True and living God, Christ, and instill in them love in its to contribute to a small effort already
Your works go before you and purest form. begun.) On November 15, Brazil’s
proclaim Your glory. In Christ we see Thank you, Lord, for reconcilia- Proclamation of the Republic, we
Your love and goodness, the justice tion, to give us peace with You and in celebrated the 30-year anniversary of
brought to man. You are worthy of ourselves, for peacemaking as our ob- the church’s start here!
praise. jective. We rented a venue for the day,
We love You, and desire that You Thank You for the recorded his- about five minutes from our home.
dwell in our hearts. Come to us, for we tory, in Scripture, of Your work to save Douglas’s wife, Ludmila, planned a bar-
have come to the Rock that shelters us mankind, for Your patience with the becue that went off exceptionally well.
above all tempests. stubbornness of Israel and with the re- Afterwards, four men spoke between
Forgive us of the sin of anxious- calcitrance of the church. songs and prayers. Ten non-Christians
ness, O Lord, that inner turmoil over our What a wonderful God You are to joined us for the day. Two of the oldest
many responsibilities or the dread con- love and save us! converts, Paulo Lelis and José Roberto
cerning current events. Give us, Father, from the East Side congregation, spoke
BBQ for region’s 30-year Mark about their spiritual journey. These
a sense of abundance and fullness that
come from the bounty of Your goodness. The Gospel penetrated our Val- meetings encouraged the congregations
We are thankful for technology ley area in October, 1988, when two and offered a vision for the work that the
that permits us to do more, be more ef- Brazilian families were sent from the Lord Jesus Christ gave us to do. For that
ficient in our work, have greater con- state capital. (Vicki and I arrived in SJ- we are thankful. >
tact with loved ones and friends, share Campos in 1995 from Belo Horizonte, Randal Matheny: [email protected]
the Gospel with the lost.
Father, bless the work of the
Good News in Argentina. May the
brethren here be strong in faith. Send
more workers into the field.
Uphold the work of Colin and
Lisa Graham in Bangor, North Ireland,
and give them fruit from their labors.
Bless parents as they rear their
children in the fear of Your Name,
transmit to them the joy of serving
These Forthright Publications are available. For prices and more information, you
may call Barbara Oliver at 901-517-7274 or email [email protected].
32 Global Harvest
lism Training Seminar in the first week
in December 2019.
Although we are not a wealthy
congregation (located in Lima city in
the northern area), all our efforts in
these past years have been focused on
visiting and helping out with church
work with the neediest congregations
around this whole nation.
Our church does mission trips
to the Andes Mountains and Amazon
jungle`s remote areas four times a year,
to teach and preach God`s Word and
do the best we can, although money
resources are not enough for the many
things that need to be done over there.
Together with some local church
workers, we do those mission trips
and we thank God for this work, since
many people have obeyed the Gospel
Dear brethren in the Lord and and up (both men and women), March of Christ, and those church members at
God´s faithful workers, my best regard 2020, to be held every three months dur- those remote locations are visited and
and season’s greetings from Montecarlo ing that year at the Montecarlo church encouraged. They are always happy for
congregation in Lima city, Peru. Hoping building`s facility, starting from a Tues- us to help out on door-knocking and
this message finds you in good health day morning and continuing through the having Gospel campaigns for them to
both physical and spiritual, and may God next week (almost 12 days in total). That stay faithful and work harder to build
continue to bless you and your church would be a three-years’ Bible program up the Lord`s church.
work ministry in this current year. in which some church members around I hope you all consider to partner
I am back in town after spending the city and within Peru will be well- with us and to visit us in Peru anytime.
time with a rural congregation in the An- trained, and we make an open invita- We will always be glad to have you, ei-
des mountain areas for about ten days. tion for you to help us out on this church ther in this coming year or in the near-
project. We will also be very grateful for est future. Romans 10:15 >
We want to let you know that we
are planning to launch a Bible training you to come over to visit us, so we can Helmut Garcia: this is our church face-
host a five-days’ Mission and Evange- book site:
center and missions with 10 students ideCMontecarloPeru

Spanish Materials Available for Evangelism and Grounding in the Faith

Class and study books.

The Voice of Truth International magazine WORLD EVANGELISM Call 662-283-1192
Global Harvest 33

Northern Ireland Report

Maurice Brown
I was born in Belfast, Northern On Sunday morning, I had the and Tami was able to visit with some
Ireland, where I attended the Church honor of preaching at the church of of her friends from the church there.
of Ireland in my younger years. After Christ in Bangor, which is small in num- We also had a short tour of the church
much searching, I came in contact with ber, but big in heart. We received a lov- building, which had been recently ren-
the church of Christ in Belfast, and be- ing and warm welcome, even though it ovated. It was a great ending to a won-
came a Christian in 1978. I am currently was a cold day! In the foyer was a rack derful trip to Northern Ireland! >
a preacher for the Broadway Church of full of tracts and literature that had been Maurice Brown: mbrown53@comcast.
Christ in Rockford, Illinois, but I enjoy sent to the church by the World Evan- net
going back to my home country once a gelism team. The members were very
year, if possible. In October 2018, my grateful and appreciative. To show their
wife, Tami, who is originally from Ten- appreciation, they gave me a check
nessee, joined me as we visited with my for $1293.54! Robin Coulter traveled
family, as well as church family. 68 miles by train to worship and fel-
Northern Ireland has five church- lowship with us. He is a member of the
es of Christ, consisting of the Westway church of Christ in Coleraine, and it was
congregation in Belfast, two congrega- the first time we had seen him in over
tions in Bangor, one in Newtownards, 30 years. We enjoyed spending the af-
and one in Coleraine. Tami spent 2 ternoon with him and catching up on the
years in Coleraine, as part of a mission- news. Tami and I went back to Bangor
ary team in the early 1980’s. for the Sunday evening service. We par-
We spent several days giving out ticipated in some great Gospel singing
about 600 postcards through the let- and heard a sound Biblical message by
terboxes of various homes in Belfast. Michael Keaney. After worship, he and
These cards offered a free Bible Cor- his wife invited us to their home for a
respondence Course and contact infor- “wee cuppa tea” and a nice chat.
mation on the church of Christ. There is On the day before we left to travel Door-to-door distribution of tracts
also a year-round weekly advertisement back to the USA, we drove to Coleraine, and invitations to meetings.
in the Belfast Telegraph newspaper to
bring awareness of the church. Over the
last several years, Brother Michael Ke-
aney, who preaches for the church that
meets on Southwell Road in Bangor, has
kindly taken charge of sending Bible
courses to anyone who responds to the
ad or sends in one of the cards.

Michael Keaney &

Jackie Thompson Tract rack with copies of The Voice of Truth International.
34 Global Harvest

My Experience with “WhatsApp” Kenneth Peters

I find social media, especially WhatsApp, a way of mak- that book.) We are currently going through Paul’s first epistle to
ing a positive contribution to personal Bible study. One day, a the Corinthians. After one of the Gospel accounts, I move on to
sister in Christ living in Germany, with whom I was having a Acts, then to the Epistles. At the present time, we are half way
telephone conversation, asked me a question about the Bible through 2nd Corinthians.
teaching on the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. I suggested to her that I also study with another blood brother who lives in the
she first read John 16 and then we would have a discussion, Caribbean Island of St Vincent. I introduced him to the book
to which she agreed. Before we started our discussion, I asked of Mark using a study aid called 90 Days Walk with Jesus
her to read Acts 2 and then the end of Luke 24. After explain- through the Eyes of Mark, written by Malcolm Chusham.
ing the passages, especially how connected they are, I asked I asked my brother to order one copy of that book from the
her if she would like to continue studying the Bible over the Internet, which he did. It uses a method in which the student is
telephone. She said she was interested. Then she requested required to answer the questions asked, applying them to his
that we continue with John. That was the beginning of this own life. My brother liked the method so much that he is plan-
experience of Bible study via WhatsApp. ning to start a course in his congregation based on that book
So we studied John’s Gospel and went on to look at his and its study method.
epistles. After those books, we went back to Acts and from The way I conduct a study is quite simple. I ask the stu-
there we proceeded with the other Gospel books. We have dent to read the chapter we have decided to study. After the
completed the study of the whole New Testament and we are reading, I ask the student to tell in their own words what they
now in the Old Testament. From once a week initially, our understand from the passage. Then I let them say what they
study soon upgraded to two days weekly. Also, she is now have learned from the passage we have read. For example, in
seeing situations where she can help to spread the Gospel mes- a study of the conversation with Nicodemus, I ask the student
sage this way. She said she is in touch with two young Muslim to tell how one gets into the kingdom of heaven, instead of me
women, so by the blessing of God it is all possible. telling them. One more example is related to the unity of the
In the meantime, I happened to speak with another sister church. After studying the subject of the church in Acts and
in Christ, a resident of New Jersey, to whom I mentioned my other passages, I ask the student to tell how many churches
study with the sister in Germany and immediately she said there are. When they ask questions, I answer either using ele-
she was interested in Bible study. She was so excited about ments straight from the Bible or from church materials.
the idea that she wanted to study almost every day. But the This teaching experience takes place in a social setting,
only problem with that was the time difference of five hours and I believe this makes it even more valuable and appreciated
between the UK and New Jersey. So we decided to study three by people, beside the fact that the telephonic conversation on
days a week. WhatsApp is free of charge.
Then I was speaking with my youngest blood brother who So I now have altogether four students in various parts
lives in Barbados. When I told him I needed to get off the phone of the world.
because I had a scheduled appointment to study the Bible with I benefit a lot from this whole personal evangelism ex-
someone in Germany he thought it was a good deed/enterprise, perience because it helps me search the Scriptures in prepara-
to which I retorted that it would be better if he would join us in tion for my lesson. The questions the students ask equally help
the study. He said he would. I thought he was only joking, but me to dig the Scriptures. Also, after a lesson I go over it for
I realized that he was serious. He asked when we should start. I a check of what I have studied with the student. In this way
suggested once a week on Saturday but he thought that wasn’t I grow in the knowledge of the Bible. Also the brother in St.
enough; he wanted us to study three times a week. Again the Vincent has started the study with his wife and his 13 year-old
time difference was a challenge: he gets up 3 a.m. for the study, son. The sister in New Jersey now is challenging some Jeho-
which corresponds to 8 a.m. UK time. He is so eager that if I vah’s Witnesses to study with her, all thanks to her knowledge
miss calling him at 8 a.m. on the dot, he calls me. I gave him the gained through simply studying the Gospel message. >
choice to start the study either with the Gospel of Mark or John
and he went for John (everyone seems to want to begin with Kenneth Peters lives in Eastbourne, East Sussex, England
Global Harvest 35

The Work in Romania

Harvey Starling

all teach Calvinism and have been readily available to the

BIBLE public. These new commentaries written by faithful Gos-
TRAINING pel preachers, mostly men from the Sunset Bible Institute
SCHOOL in Lubbock, TX, will help students of the word to learn and
UNDERWAY IN grow in Bible truth.”
ROMANIA A shipment of Bibles arrived a few days ago to use in
the work of the seven churches. In the past five years over
The 18th annual Bible Training School in Pitesti, Ro- 5,000 Bibles have been purchased and distributed in concen-
mania began Sunday night with orientation for all students trated efforts to get the Gospel to the people of Dolj, Arges
and instructors. Marc Curfman and Joel Inman, both capa- and Valcea Districts. The financial sacrifices of congrega-
ble and very experienced Bible teachers, are instructing 40 tions and individuals in the U.S. make the purchase of these
students from the seven churches in Dolj, Arges and Valea Romania Bible possible. They are used in regular assemblies
Districts. The training school is completely funded by the in the seven churches and in every special evangelistic ef-
Glendale church in Murray, Kentucky. The classes continue fort’ as well as in one-to-one studies.
for two full weeks, with graduation on the last Friday of the
school. There are 60 hours of class room teaching plus ex- ROMANIAN LADIES
tensive outside study. The average age of the students is 39 CONTINUE TO MAKE QUILTS
years. They receive no payment for attending the school, but The special project to make quilts for the needy con-
lodging and food as well as all study materials are provid- tinues in the seven churches in Dolj, Arges and Valcea. Pat
ed. A number of those in the school are men who presently Starling helped to get the work started some 15 years ago
preach in the seven churches, children’s Bible class teachers, when so many were in need of warm bedding. The need con-
and others who desire a greater knowledge of the Scriptures. tinues today even though hundreds of quilts have been made
The two full weeks is extensive, and several take their va- through the years. Over 30 ladies participate in this work
cation in order to attend. Others are retired, and some are with the quilt materials coming from both the U.S and Ro-
university students who begin classes the following week. mania. Ladies in the U.S. contribute materials for the quilt
tops and these are taken to Romania by U.S. teachers. In
recent years that has been Daryl and Ann Newton. The Mid-
way church provides funds for the flannel and filler which
Plans are underway to translate and print a complete
is needed to make the quilts. Also several sewing machines
set of New Testament commentaries from English into the
have been purchased for this work. >
Romanian language in the near future. The book of Acts has
already been printed, and the book of John has been trans- Harvey M. Starling: [email protected]
lated and is at the printers now.
Plans now call for the books of Hebrews, Romans and
Galatians to be completed in the coming year. Adi Voicu,
along with other Romanian Christians, have excellent
knowledge of the English language and have helped to trans-
late scores of booklets and tracts now in use by the seven
churches. According to one of the U.S. men involved in the
entire project, “This project of translating and printing com-
mentaries of every New Testament book in the Romanian
language will be a blessing to the Lord’s church is Romania
for generations. Several Romanian denominations have had
commentaries by their own scholars for many years. They Friday night youth study in Craiova, in the book of Acts.
36 Global Harvest

Help Take the Gospel

to the French-Speaking World
Barry Baggott

Few people realize in how many up the Lord’s church throughout the couragement, and help in evangelism to
nations the French-language is used French-speaking world. local congregations. And in other cases
around the world and how much is yet A school of preaching in Ivory they teach courses in schools of preach-
to be done in taking the Gospel to those Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), West Africa, ing or provide in-depth training and/or
nations. Over 600 million people live trains faithful men from various Afri- refresher courses to evangelists already
in the 57 countries and territories that can countries to serve as evangelists. serving on the field.
consider themselves part of the French- Crieve Hall fully supports this work, Much of the literature and many
speaking world. Yet we have no more which is directed by Ivorian Christians. of the radio broadcasts mentioned
than five American missionaries living Crieve Hall also oversees a lit- above are made available on Internet
and working among French-speakers in erature ministry called French World websites for French-speakers anywhere
these countries, and almost all of these Outreach, which provides over 90% of in the world. A French site intended
are in just two European countries. the printed materials used by French- especially for Muslim seekers of truth
In spite of a shortage of mis- speaking churches around the world. has also been created and is receiving
sionaries to the French world, much Crieve Hall provides the facilities for nearly 100,000 visits per year. (There
progress has been made in the past 30 the work, a team of volunteers, and sup- is considerable overlap between the
years. The number of French-speaking port for two full-time workers, Barry French-speaking world and the Muslim
countries where the church of Christ Baggott and Garrett McGilvray. Over world.)
has been established has gone from 200,000 pieces of Gospel literature are Fi n a n c i a l N e e d s
11 to 34. The number of congregations provided each year through this work. As already mentioned, the Crieve
has increased from fewer than 90 to These include tracts and booklets, New Hall congregation provides full support
nearly 700. Schools of preaching in six Testaments, correspondence courses, for the school of preaching in Ivory
French-speaking countries are current- Bible school curriculum, song books, Coast, facilities for the literature minis-
ly training scores of local evangelists. periodicals, commentaries and other try in Nashville, and salaries for Barry
A wide selection of printed materials books for Bible study. and Garrett. Help from other congre-
in French has been developed for use in Another means of teaching God’s gations and from individuals is gladly
evangelism and grounding of converts. word to French-speakers around the received for other needs such as travel
Weekly Gospel radio broadcasts are world is an extensive radio ministry funds and money for printing and ship-
heard in at least 14 French-speaking involving numerous weekly broadcasts ping of literature.
countries in Africa and the Caribbean. heard in 11 countries. Many of these The two most urgent needs at
Nevertheless, an extraordinary lessons are prepared and recorded by the present time relate to the radio
amount of work is yet to be done. It is Barry Baggott, while follow-up is done ministry and the teaching periodical,
true that we must be busy evangelizing by local Christians in each country. Chemin de Vérité (Way of Truth):
to reach the lost in the United States, Barry and Garrett also make mul- Radio: Several weekly radio broadcasts
where only one out of 240 people is tiple mission trips each year to French- in the African countries of Ivory Coast,
a member of the New Testament speaking countries, mostly to countries Chad and the Democratic Republic of
church, but the task of reaching the where no American or European mis- the Congo are currently underfunded.
French-speaking world is even more sionaries are serving the Lord’s church. In most cases, $50 per month would be
daunting: only one of 44,000 is a New The objectives of each trip depend on sufficient to keep a program on the air.
Testament Christian! the needs in the particular country. In Chemin de Vérité: We send bun-
The Crieve Hall Church of Christ some cases they are working to establish dles of this periodical free of charge to
in Nashville, Tennessee, is working on the church where it does not yet exist. In
several fronts to evangelize and build others they are providing grounding, en- Continued on page 37
Global Harvest 37

New Work in Italy French-Speaking

Scott Shanahan World
Please accept my apologies for not sending any up- Continued from page 36
dates lately. We have been traveling around a lot the last few every French-speaking congregation around the world for
weeks trying to secure sponsorship and support for our new which we have an address, as well as individual copies to
work. We continue to move forward with the work in Italy isolated Christians, Bible correspondence course students,
and are hopeful that it will be a reality soon. and many other Truth-seekers. It is used as a tool for evan-
gelism, for grounding Christians in sound doctrine and for
We hope this report finds you well. Rebecca, Violet and edifying and strengthening them in their spiritual lives. For
I are happy to announce that we have a new overseeing con- many congregations, this bimonthly publication is the only
gregation for our work in Italy. The Margaret Street church printed teaching material they receive in the course of a year.
of Christ in Milton, Florida has decided to accept oversight
Unfortunately, because of ever-increasing postage
of our work! We are very happy with their decision to take
costs and the growth of the French-speaking churches
our sponsorship. They are a great, loving congregation whose
and our mailing list (it has grown from about 1,400 in
elders want to be more than just a sending and receiving point
1993 to over 19,800 today), as well as the loss of some
for funds. They want to be intimately involved in our work
regular support from congregations that were unable to
and our spiritual development. We look forward to working
continue this year, the funds that we receive for producing
with them. We will be moving down to Milton in a few weeks
and shipping Chemin de Vérité are woefully inadequate.
and then start making our final plans for Italy. For those of
In fact, the monthly shortfall for this important tool for
you whom we have not yet visited we will try our best to see
evangelism and edification has risen to about $1,500 per
you before we leave. I’ll be in touch to try and arrange a visit.
month. If you or your congregation would be willing to
If you are a congregational or individual supporter of contribute monthly to enable us to meet this need, please
the work, you can start sending your support to: let us know. Or, if you can arrange for Barry or Garrett
Margaret Street Church of Christ, ATTN: Italian to speak to a church or group of Christians who might
Missions, 6745 Margaret Street, Milton FL 32570
help, please do so. >
If you’ve already sent your support to Dunlap, do not
Barry Baggott, Crieve Hall Church of Christ, 4806 Trousdale
worry about it; they will forward it along to Margaret Street
Drive, Nashville, TN 37220; Phone: 1-615-781-2137: email: fwo.
when they get it. Thank you so much for all your prayers and
[email protected]
continued support! We love you all very much and we should
be in touch soon with great news about the work. >
Scott Shanahan: [email protected]
Teaching through a French Vacation Bible School.
38 Global Harvest

Hunger Preparation Ahead of Famine for Malawians

“Then the King will say to Old Testament whom God instructed to Three of these projects have been com-
those on his right, ‘Come, you create grain storage facilities in order pleted in less than a year, and plans
who are blessed by my Father; to fend off major famine. Joseph com- call for more examples for their neigh-
take your inheritance, the king- plied, and the nation was saved. bors, showing what can be done when
dom prepared for you since the These projects follow intense people band together to solve a prob-
creation of the world. For I was educational preparation through dis- lem. Of even greater importance is the
hungry and you gave me some- tribution of 10,000 booklets, half in fact the Malawians handled the heavy
thing to eat, I was thirsty and you English and half in the native language, lifting on these projects. The Malawi
gave me something to drink, I was Chichewa, that teach the story of Jo- Project gave only minimal funding, the
a stranger and you invited me in, seph, and the way he prepared for fam- Malawi churches did the rest.
I needed clothes and you clothed ine. These booklets were followed by Four members of the Malawi Proj-
me, I was sick and you looked the use of drip irrigation projects to help ect Board traveled to Malawi in Sep-
after me, I was in prison and you raise additional food to offset famine. tember and October to see these projects
came to visit me.’” Matthew 25:34-36 The next step was funding assistance first-hand. Helping feed people is what it
We have heard these verses quot- for concrete floors, doors, windows and is all about. This program is yet another
ed, but the Malawi Project and a group roof panels, for a storage facility. way to help them help themselves. For
of Malawians are doing something to The Malawian groups took it more information on the Malawi Proj-
help combat hunger before its unwel- from there, in one case 18 churches ect, and its assistance programs, go to:
comed arrival. While direct food aid is joined together to raise and store grain. >
necessary in times of crisis and famine,
this church-related effort works to com- Crowd at Joseph 2
bat hunger in one of the poorest nations
in the world. However, it is important
to help fend away famine ahead of its
unwelcomed arrival. When rains fail
or too much rain prevails, or invasion
of insects occurs, crops fail and people
suffer. That is when the Malawi Project
steps in with aid. Waiting for the crisis
to arrive is not enough.
In the past two years the Malawi
Project has worked with community
based organizations, churches, and lo-
cal tribal authority to create what is
known as the Joseph Projects. These
programs are named after Joseph in the
Global Harvest 39


Greetings from staff and students
the summary of recent activities.
1. OVERVIEW: The Diploma
(year-1) and Advanced Diploma (year-
2) students reported fully for classes as
scheduled. Presently, we are through
with the following subjects. Evange-
lism-1, NT Church-1, Life of Christ-1,
The Pentateuch, OT-History (Joshua 5. OTHER COMMENTS: A
-Esther), Denominational Doctrines, lover of good things just donated a
Prison Epistles, Gospel of John, 1,2&3 fairly used bus to South West Nursery
John and the Book of James. & Primary School to convey the less
2. SPECIAL ACCOMPLISH- privileged children to the school from
MENT: One of our August 2018 grad- Monday to Friday.
uates, brother Andrew Adeolu, is now Also, I will be teaching on The
serving as the evangelist of the just GODHEAD on October 14 in Isheri-
established Lord’s church in Bachita Oshun congregation, Mile-12 on Octo-
town, Kwara State. Brother Andrew ber 21 and in Agege on October 28.
is one of our present year-2 students, CONCLUSION: We deeply ap-
a native of Ilesha in Osun State. He is preciate your partnership and support
happily married and blessed with a kid. for African countries and beyond. May
His mission is spreading the good news the Lord keep on blessings all our joint
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Stud-
ies for Bear Valley Bible Institute of Nigeria
in the rural area. effort in Christ Jesus, amen. > and Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan)
3. EVANGELISM: Students of
the school were able to evangelize in
Asejire-Oyo State, Asejire-Osun State,
Egbeda town-Oyo State, Ikire-Osun
State, Butubutu village and environ-
ment and Ido-Ekiti in Ekiti State in the
month of September, and our joint ef-
fort was blessed with five converts and
two restorations.
The school van broke down twice during
the month of September, and we were
able to change the van gear and some
other components that go along with it.
Also, the printer and photocopy
machines cost us some money. We
bought toner for the two printers and
complete drum unit for the photocopy
machine. Six thousand copies of The Voice of Truth International are print-
Lastly, the school now employs a ed in Nigeria under brother Makinde’s oversight, and circulated
brother as the school driver. throughout the country.
40 Global Harvest

Jos, Nigeria: School of Biblical Studies

Solomon Aguh
68 SOULS ADDED are in good health, and each is planning When the School of Biblical Stud-
TO THE KINGDOM to move to a new area to start preaching ies, Jos, started in August 20, 1989, we
Since our graduation of 2017, at four new congregations. were located on the Ring Road that
with a student body of 137 students, I met with the children at our by-passed the city of Jos. We were in
our Weekend Evangelism Program has school on Friday morning. The school a village named Furaka, whose water
proven to be a tremendous success. conducts two sessions each day be- was supplied by a stream. One of our
Brother Naphtali Dagasamah contin- cause of limited classroom space. first tasks was to locate water and drill
ues to match our students to locations The first session is from 7:30 am until a bore hole on our campus. Our Lord
throughout the area every weekend. 12:00 and the second is from 1:00 un- provided a good source of water. We
We now have over 14 congregations til 5:30 pm. When we can build three allowed the villagers to bring buckets
in and around the city of Jos. Through more buildings, which will give us six twice each day and collect water for
this program our students learn to take more classrooms, we can have all 800 drinking. They have done this for over
the knowledge they learn in the class- children during the day, and none will 25 years. This Christian act of kindness
room and apply it to the people in the have to travel home from school in has helped cement our friendship and
streets and villages. Our students have the dark. Each building costs $12,000. love for each other.
averaged conducting 651 Bible studies Would you or your congregation care Through the years the city of Jos
per month! They have baptized 68 peo- to help? has grown to over a million people, and
ple who believed, repented, confessed OUR KITCHEN we now find ourselves part of the city.
and expressed a desire to be baptized The construction of our dormi- Our first bore hole lasted 20 years but
into our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. tory is complete. The only task remain- finally went dry. The city installed a wa-
God’s word is still powerful! ing is the painting of the top floor and ter main along the Ring Road, but their
Our graduates in Chad (Pierre, Sa- the outside of the structure. We plan to service is sporadic at best. Sometimes
bastian, and Lazarus) had a two-day Gos- start this task in late October during the we will go weeks without city water. A
pel meeting planned, and I was sched- dry season. few years ago, we drilled another bore
uled to do the preaching. The subject hole that provided us a limited source
We do not have central feed-
was Church Growth. Over 320 brethren of good drinking water.
ing at the school, so each student is
came from 11 congregations in a 50-mile required to provide his/her own food. When we increased our student
radius. The sessions went well, and we We do have a small outside kitchen for body to 137 students, we found we
had 26 baptisms! Lazarus and Sabastian the ladies, who now live in the former needed an emergency source of wa-
male dorm, and we have constructed ter that could only be provided by
a temporary kitchen for the male stu- our owning a water tanker truck. You
dents. Most students form groups and helped us obtain this tremendous gift.
prepare their food on a small kerosene With the funds you provided, we found
stove. Funds were not available, so the a very good Mercedes truck shipped
temporary kitchen was a project born to Nigeria from Germany. It has a die-
of necessity. We had to use used metal sel engine and a new water tank. We
roofing so rodents are a constant prob- bought and installed a water pump and
lem, along with sanitation. painted the inside of the tank with anti-
rust paint. Your gift is now in service!
The cost of construction of a
May our Lord bless you for your love
proper kitchen building is $7,843.57.
and support for us. Thank you. Thank
Will you help us with this project?
you. Thank you! >
Please send a check to the Church of
Christ, 1175 Pickwick Street, Savan- Riverchase Church of Christ: 1868
nah, TN 38372: attn. SBS kitchen. Montgomery Highway, Birmingham, AL
Thank you for your support in the past. 35244. Phone: 205 988-5808
Global Harvest 41

The Church in Mauritius continues to Grow

Sylvio Salomon
As you may know, I was converted of God, in my family my mother and my 2003 and now their daughter! Bruno is
and baptized by missionary Russell Du- sister were baptized. After our wedding, also one of the two Brunos with whom
Pont, sent and sponsored by the Benton Marianne, my wife, was baptized. Then, I share the pulpit, ready for the future,
church of Christ in Benton, Kentucky as young adults, my two daughters were and for generations to come!
to established the church here in 1970. baptized, and before they got married, For me, this is the best event
I was privileged to be among those both sons-in-law will be baptized. of this year, by the grace of God. He
foundation members of the church in Now I want to share with you this helped us to witness our two grandchil-
Mauritius. Between the 35/40 students great event, which took place at Joanne dren added to the church, which is the
qualified to be in the first Bible school & Merlin’s place at Palmar. Melia and fourth generation of Christians in our
in the Indian Ocean. I am the only one Maiva, their two daughters, were bap- family, and a good sign for our next
remaining in that group, fighting for the tized and added to the church. At the generation. I truly hope that they will
doctrine of the church of Christ as it is in same time, the daughter of Bruno & continue to put God first in all.
the Bible until now, and for the remain- Marie Claire Toi was baptized. Bruno is Please add Mauritius to your
der of my life in this world, God will- the son of Harold Toi, baptized in 1980. prayer list. >
ing. Out of this beginning, by the help Bruno & Marie Claire were baptized in Sylvio Salomon: [email protected]

It should not take the threat of persecution to get us

If Persecution Begins... to find out what is really essential and what is merely pref-
erence or personal pettiness. We should be willing to look
past differences of opinion without being forced to do so (see
Continued from page 25
Romans 14).
4. Prayerlessness would be absurd. In my experi-
Churches should not tolerate half-hearted, one-foot-in
ence, prayer is often an afterthought today. We add a couple
and one-foot-out Christianity. Jesus challenged those who
of prayers to our worship times. We keep a prayer list of
would follow Him (Luke 9:57-62), yet we try to provide as
those who are sick. But the idea of regularly (as in, every
easy of a path as possible to get as many as we can in the
week or so) gathering solely for the purpose of prayer is
door. Let’s not wait for persecution to force our hands in
given little thought in many cases. If we were dealing with
challenging people with the call of Christ.
great persecution, though, I suspect that’s another thing that
would change quickly. Prayer should be one of the driving factors of every sin-
gle congregation. It shouldn’t take a severe illness or hard-
Just look at the early church in the book of Acts – they
ship to call us to prayer now, and it certainly shouldn’t take
didn’t do anything without prayer. One of my favorite ex-
mass persecution to cause us to devote ourselves to prayer
amples is found in Acts 4:24-31, where Peter and John were
in the future.
released from arrest and immediately gathered with the
church to pray – not that they would not be arrested or perse- What lessons do you think persecution would teach us?
cuted again – but for more boldness and confidence to keep Can we learn them without having to be persecuted first?
preaching. Once again, the point is that we shouldn’t have to We’re excited to announce the launch of our new podcast!
learn the hard way. It shouldn’t take imprisonments and death Each month the Think Deeper podcast will take an in-depth
threats to get us to do what we should already be doing. The look at the topic covered in that month’s issue of Think mag-
question is whether we’re willing to learn from the knowl- azine. In our inaugural episode, Joe Wilkie joins the show to
edge that is readily available to us, or if we will stubbornly discuss transgenderism. He shares clinical insights into the
refuse to do what we should unless we are forced to do so. issue from a counselor’s perspective, the statistics, tips for
parents, and thoughts for how the church can be loving yet
Will we learn from the information available, or will
we wait until times are difficult before we do what they did?
Subscribe:Apple Podcasts (iPhone users)
It should not take external pressure to make us love each
other with the same self-sacrificial attitude Jesus had (Philip- Google Podcasts (Android users) or, our
pians 2:1-8). We should do so because He first loved us. YouTube channel >
42 Global Harvest

Restoration Roots in Africa

John Reese
The Sherriff family had been in- God had struck him with lightning: ‘I ing place in the United States. He came
volved in the Restoration Movement — didn’t send you to Africa to get rich. I over here and visited some of our early
in Great Britain. They helped carry the sent you to Africa to preach the Gospel Christian schools. The first recruits were
movement to John Sherrff’s birthplace, to the people.’ Then Sherriff realized, W.N. and A’Delia Short. They went to
New Zealand. Later John joined the gold ‘I’ve got people here from Zambia, from Africa in 1921 and worked with Sher-
rush in Johannesburg, South Africa. In Malawi, and from all over this country. riff for two years. Then they moved up
1898 he moved to Bulawayo in what is That’s where we’re going to get started.’ to join Peter Masiya to open Sinde Mis-
now Zimbabwe, and opened stone works “So he started teaching his work- sion there. My (John Reese) father and
that employed workers in transit to the ers how to read, how to understand the his wife, Alice, went there in 1926.
South African gold mines. At this point, Bible and how to preach. Then he start- John Sherriff passed away in
Roy Merritt picks up the story: ed sending them back to their homes, 1935, but his influence continues with
“One night Sherriff saw a fire in saying, “Don’t go on down to Johan- some 3,000 churches of Christ in Zam-
one of the laborer’s huts. Concerned nesburg. Go back and take the Gospel bia, and many thousands in Malawi and
that the fire might spread, he rushed to your people.” Zimbabwe. >
across to the worker’s compound. Restoration churches today that
Drawing aside the blanket across the exist in Zambia, Malawi, and Zimba-
hut’s door, he noticed that the laborer bwe have their roots in that singular
was looking at a scrap of paper in the event. The first missionary who went to
light of a candle. ‘What’s that?’ Sher- Zambia was Peter Masiya. He started
riff asked. The man said, ‘I don’t know. the first church in Mukuni near Victoria
I just saw it blowing in the street this Falls. Later he moved to Mujala near
morning.’ He handed it to Sherriff. what is known today as Sinde Mission.
“When Sherriff saw it was a page John Sherriff had heard that
out of the New Testament, it was as if there was a restoration movement tak-

The “Lost and Found” Bible

Lynn Camp
In July 1961, I boarded the Dan- stop on the Hungarian side. Checking all found your Bible. Not knowing what it
ube Express at Vienna’s West Train Sta- passengers, they came to Ivan. His ID was, one of them took it to his grand-
taion, travelling to Budapest behind the and travel documents were in order. But mother who immediately recognized it
Iron Curtain. What a contrast between one guard made Ivan open his briefcase. as a Bible. Word spread quickly through
free Austria and Communist-occupied Finding Ivan’s personal Bible, he held the little village on the border. Some of
Hungary — so dark and drab! Busi- it up for all to see and angrily shouted, our older people had possessed Bibles
nesses were closed. Signs were banned. “What is a man in your position doing before they were banned and remem-
People hardly dared to speak or smile. with a Bible?” Before Ivan could re- bered the significance and power of the
Carefully contacting names accu- spond, the guard threw the Bible out of Word of God. We decided to conceal
mulated in Vienna, we met Ivan Martos, the window of the moving train. the discovery while those who so de-
an officer of the National Bank of Hun- About two years later, at another sired would make handwritten copies.
gary. He traveled to Vienna twice each Vienna meeting with Ivan, he was as The joyful task lasted two years. Please
year for bank conferences. Later, I ar- upbeat as he had been downcast be- forgive our keeping your Bible so long.
ranged to meet Ivan at West Train Sta- fore. He had received a postal package But you might like to know that we are
tion. When he arrived, he looked like he in Budapest — it was his Bible! An now a secret band of about 30 who
had lost his best friend. Indeed, he had. apologetic note explained: have baptized each other and seek to
Ivan related his bitter experience. Guards “Our children were playing one follow Jesus in our daily lives.” >
had boarded the train at the next-to-last day along the railroad tracks. They From ACTION,
Global Harvest 43

Meetings in Pakistan
Sajjad Bano and Asghar Ali

I greet to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I am so glad

to inform to you about 20th Annual Gospel Meetings which
were held at Malir Church of Christ from 12 to 14 Octo-
ber 2018, and this year brother Asghar Ali came to Karachi
from Lahore for the Gospel preaching . He is senior minister
of the Church of Christ in Lahore and he came with his son-
in-law, brother Obed Arthur. He is also a preacher of the
church and works with brother Asghar in Lahore.
It was so wonderful and glorious Gospel Meeting and
seminar in these four days. Big crowds came to listen to the
Word of God. On 16 October we arranged a seminar. Its topic
eleven people were baptized and came in Kingdom to have
salvation in the glorious name of Jesus Christ.
Sajjad Adil: [email protected]
[Note; the work of establishing congregations of the church
in Karachi began in 1962 with the arrival of the J.C. Choate family.]

Report from Asghar Ali

on the Karachi Meeting:
We both, Obed and I, reached Karachi on October 11,
2018 Thursday at 6:00 in the evening. Brother Sajjad with
brother Waris came to Karachi International Airport to pick
us up.
We hired a local taxi and went to Malir Church of Christ.
On our arrival, Sunday school children were doing practice
with their teacher. We were welcomed by some members in
the church and after having tea we went to the auditorium and
had some discussion with church members, Sunday school
teachers, and their singing team. The singing was very much
appreciated by Obed who openly commended them. We ac-
companied the church members till 9:30 pm in the night and
then we had dinner with brother Sajjad at his residence near-
by. At about 11:00 pm we were given a room in the church Proper meetings were started from Friday evening
building for sleeping. Before leaving us, Brother Sajjad asked at 8:00 pm and topic was the beginning of the Kingdom/
brother Obed to share a message with the school children on Church and second coming of Christ, which was to be
Friday morning at 9:00 am. shared in three days from Friday to Sunday by me. The
The meeting was started at 9:15 in the morning with building was full on all three days, especially on Sunday.
prayer, and Brother Obed shared a message with the chil- Monday was rest day and on Tuesday I had a full-day semi-
dren concerning how we need to stand for our faith. After- nar on instrumental music in the church building and it was
wards, he had a meeting with the school teachers and he full. This session was very useful and interactive. Questions
advised them to be firm in truth and teach the same to the were welcomed and people learned a lot. >
children. Asghar Ali: [email protected]
44 Global Harvest

Growth of the Lord’s Church in Pakistan

Shahid Khokhar

There was a time when we were seekers, looking for the

truth. We visited different churches to learn, to know and to re- Shahid teaching in a home study.
alize the truths in our lives, but it seemed everything was not
practiced exactly the way it is written in the Bible. We could
have never imagined that the Word could make us alive spiri-
tually and open our minds to a new world, a world filled with
wisdom, a world that is no more a secret for us, a world where
our souls can breathe freely. The Word fed us and brought nour-
ishment to our empty souls. We felt that our missing part was
being filled and we became hungry for more. It was not so long
before we found the website named World Bible School and
logged on to it. We could never believe that such a “minor” de-
cision changed our lives as we started our regular lessons with
utmost interests. Our motivated and dedicated teachers, like sis-
ter Mary McKinney, encouraged us to concentrate on the given
verses from the Gospel. We shared the same teachings of the for brother Waqas who are helping us in Burewala and Mul-
Bible with our other brothers and sisters and they believed and tan: they need our prayers and encouragement in spread-
in this way with a small number, the church of Christ began in ing the truth among different sects of believers in Christ.
the city called Hyderabad in Pakistan. We are glad to inform you that our elder son, Sterling,
It has been eight years now since we started preaching is enthusiastically studying the “Life of Christ” from https://
the Word to our Christian brothers and sisters and we are in English and he is prepar-
glad that God has not only kept us in one city, but with His ing himself for baptism soon. He is in his thirteenth year, and
will and the encouragement of the World Evangelism team, we are encouraging him that besides his academic degrees,
God’s message is also spreading in the cities of Punjab, i.e. he should also go for his religious studies. Our little Joy is
Toba Tek Singh, Multan and Burewala. In this month, five studying in the 2nd grade and is much interested in art work
more souls were added to the church of Christ and we pray and dolls. The youngest boy, Stanley, has taken his place in
that they remain strong in His Word. The congregation in Nursery class, but is struggling to concentrate on his studies
Multan is growing fast in numbers and I am asked by more as both the older ones take their mother’s attention.
individuals to visit their families in the outskirts of Multan. We are studying and translating the following tracts in
I am thankful to brother Shadman who was once my student Urdu and Punjabi for our brother and sisters.
on mobile phone for learning, and now he is supporting me 1. The New Testament Church is Divine in Origin by
in preaching and in visiting different families in his location. Louis Rushmore
I would like to make a request for brother Shadman and 2. From the Beginning by J.C. Choate
3. The Thief on the Cross by J.C. Choate
We have also started sharing the book by Steve Williams,
The more Excellent Way, with brother Waqas and Shadman.
They had some questions from the 1st book of Corinthians
and this book has really helped us to make them understand
the 13th chapter in a more detailed and clear meaning.
We are thankful for your prayers and contribution to
spread His kingdom in this part of the world.
All congregations send their love and prayers for you
all. Blessings, Shahid and Congregation in Toba Tek Singh >
Shahid Khokhar: [email protected]
Global Harvest 45

Chandigarh, India
Earnest Gill
I do not know who will be used many people. Brother Russel had asked
by the lord to help us with the money me last year to get the price but this year
for our own place, but I have firm faith he did not come and wrote me that he will
in Him that once we start asking and no longer be able to help with the Bibles
He knows that our need is genuine, He and any other activity.
responds positively. I believe the Lord will provide,
I believe we can achieve anything but thought it good to let you know so
with the help of the Lord. I have learnt that you can also join us in prayer.
that we only can try to solve a problem, This year we are in need of 500
We pray all is well with you and once we know what it is. I mean first Bibles. One Bible costs us about $3.
the lord bless you with a sound health we need to realize that there is a need. We have ordered 5000 song books, and
and mind for many more years. We are Now when we have accepted that, I each one costs us $0.68. The Govern-
doing fine. Just get busy and making ar- think the Lord will show the way. ment has levied 18% GST on printed
rangements. We do get rain here these I have been granted a 10-year visa material. That has raised the prices
days and, as you know, Kerala got worst. for US. I had no plan but maybe the Lord very high, but I believe song books are
I had sent a text message to the has one. It was my cousin who invited necessary for the growing congrega-
printer several days ago but perhaps he me on her husband’s 50th birthday, and tions. We have been asking the breth-
did not read it. On Saturday I talked to I applied in March. I got the visa after ren to share the cost with us. Some
him and then he again gave the price 2 months, when I went to the embassy. have already come but they will pay for
for 2000 and 3000 for Holy Spirit in They granted it, even when the time was themselves only. Postage, too, has been
Punjabi. For 2000 with the same qual- gone, and they knew I had no purpose to increased a lot. For sending 10 books
ity of paper will cost $2730 and for go. Maybe there is something that we do to a place we are asked to pay Rs. 100.
3000 copies $3650. not know but the Lord knows. We have a problem in the neigh-
I also checked for Worship, As the last quarter of the year borhood. They had called the Police
Godhead, and Covenants in Punjabi starts, I am wondering about the next several times, claiming disturbance by
for 2000 copies each. Each will cost year’s lectureship because brother Rus- the students and classes we have. We
$650 (a total of $2000). One will be a sel is no longer able to come and help rented another place for the students.
little more as there are additional pages with the finances. We have not declared We also had to move to another
in that. the dates yet, but believe that we need apartment and the owner stopped us to
Regarding the price of the land, to arrange for the expenses before the do church activities. We are now very
yes, prices in the city have become so time of the lectureship is on us. Brother restricted but the Lord has been giving
high, but we need a place somewhere. Russel used to call me near this time us strength. We have started praying that
I have been trying to find something and send 1/2 the amount early. That we should have a college campus where
available outside Chandigarh. Lately I was $2000. Last year he sent 100% and many people may be trained in the com-
visited a neighboring village and was did not attend the lectureship. We have ing years and have a place of worship.
told that a plot of land may be avail- been grateful for his contribution and It is good to learn that Ricky is
able there for Rs. 4-5 million ($60,000 efforts to make it possible. planning to start a Youtube channel
to $70,000). I think if we get this kind He had been supplying us 400 Hin- “BIBLE KI BAAT”. We already have
of deal, we can ask them to give us 1/2 di Bibles each year for the past several started but could not upload the stuff
acre. That will be a great place where years. We have composed and printed because we need a basic setup to record
we can start more things. In the city, a song book containing Hindi, English, the things. Moreover their language is
near our place, but in Mohali, there is Punjabi, Sadri (Bihari), Dogri (Jammu Telugu and we need to work in Hindi
a new area developing and plots are & Kashmir’s language). The script for and Punjabi. Pray for us. >
about Rs 13,000 to-18,000 per sq yard. the regional languages is the same that is
Plots of 200-500 sq/yards are available. used in Hindi. That way it can be used by Earnest Gill: [email protected]
46 Global Harvest

Activities in New Delhi, India

Vinay David

Had a good trip to Balco in the cen- from 2 Kings chapter 5 about the little area so that they could help them with
tral part of India in the month of April, Jewish maid who served Naaman’s wife. their obedience.
2018. On this trip, I was accompanied On this particular Sunday, we had 3 Yes, we did talk to Ricky Gootam
by my father, Francis, as well as the Bar- young girls obeying the Lord. I was glad about the “Lads to Leaders” program. It
riers: Jeremy and Kerry. We had great to baptize them, and I hope and pray that will be a wonderful thing if a program
2 full days of Bible Seminar from the they remain faithful to Jesus and to His like this can be run in India. In today’s
Book of Ephesians and Colossians. Dur- “One True Church of the Bible.” These world, many young people are losing in-
ing this trip, one Hindu girl obeyed the three are now worshiping with the terest in spiritual matters. The churches
Lord, and another young girl came for- church that meets in Faridabad village, need to show more concern about them
ward to study more about Jesus before where brother Wilson preaches. Wil- since they are the future pillars of the
she decided to obey Him in baptism. son and five of his family members church. Anyhow, Ricky, will be sending
Again, in the middle of June, were baptized on September 13, 2008. us some details regarding how to devel-
2018, I went back to Balco for a week, and the church has been meeting there op such a program In India.
and worked with the local congregation. regularly. Brother Wilson taught these In regards to airing our Hindi TV
I bought them five new ceiling fans be- three who were baptized. They all live programs on YouTube channel, the
cause it was very hot inside the church in the same village. Shubhsandesh channel people have al-
building when I was speaking. As you The TV work has been going ready put our programs on YouTube. In
know, both May & June are the hottest strong. I just finished recording a fresh fact, the Telugu TV programs are also
months in India. The temperatures go up set of sermons. Many responses and on their channel. You just have to type
to 115-120 degrees Fahrenheit. So the contacts for the Hindi Bible correspon- the speaker’s name, and it will show
ceiling fans provided the church great dence courses, Hindi Bibles, and Hindi their program. I shared this informa-
relief from the heat. tracts are still being generated from our tion with Ricky too, but he says the TV
I also helped the congregation in TV programs. channel has not put all our programs,
building a baptistery inside the church As I said, the Bible correspondence and that might be true. Anyhow, in
building so that they don’t have to work has been running well. In fact, just regards to securing some financial as-
travel far to a river or a lake to baptize recently two of my students expressed sistance from Delhi congregation to
people. Actually, conversion is banned their desire to obey the Lord. They said run this YouTube thing, I told Ricky
in this particular state of India (Chhat- that they want to become members of that he needs to talk to the elders about
tisgarh). Moreover, there is a strong the New Testament church. I was so glad this matter since they are in charge of
presence of Hindu fundamentalists to hear about this, and I have forwarded church financial matters. >
and extremists, which makes the situ- their contacts to local preachers in their Vinay David: [email protected]
ation even more sensitive and volatile.
So when somebody is being baptized, Jerry and Paula Bates were with the church in New Delhi, India.
it has to be done in a very hidden and
quiet manner. In fact, sometimes when
people are being baptized in a river or
a lake, questions are being asked by the
local people about their act. So keeping
these things in mind, I decided to help
them build a simple baptistry inside the
church building. This will be safer, and
convenient for the future.
The Delhi congregation has been
doing well. One Sunday back, I spoke
Global Harvest 47

Elijah Vivek Sanamanda

The month of September has been and Raju Matta in the mornings. Our With the generosity of the breth-
very successful and productive for the pulpit minister, brother Ebenezer, has ren we have installed 12 hand pumps
mission of the Lord. It has been a won- been overseeing the Personal Evange- for water in the community, which
derful sight to witness seven new souls lism part of the course in the afternoon. have been helping the people have ac-
being baptized for the remission of their Two of our baptized women, cess to water for their entire household.
sins and accepting “Christ as their Lord”. students from ESTS, Mangamma & We have been having a lot of pow-
Among the seven newly baptized Raghava, are very effective in teaching er cuts due to various reasons. With the
souls, three are the result of the ef- other women. We here in India believe support of the brethren we were able
forts of the preaching school and they that women can be the key to evange- to purchase a 62.5 KV power genera-
come from the same family. Brother lizing the entire family. tor with an automatic panel to meet the
Prasad Savarapu has been a full-time Students have been doing well so needs of electricity at the living facility,
teacher for 30-plus years. He was a far in terms of learning and implement- studio and especially the water plant.
member of the Roman Catholic faith ing the strategies for reaching souls. The generator has been scheduled to
for more than 42 years. In the last ten Soon we plan to have a door-knocking be delivered on Oct 5th and would be
months, as he planned to retire May campaign in the nearby village of Peru- completely installed before the of third
2018, he wanted to preach Christ, palem. Please pray that the students do week of October.
so he approached us to learn in the well in having a fruitful campaign and Please keep all these efforts in
ESTS School. This July as he started having a godly impact on the ones they your prayers, which are being dedicat-
to attend classes, study more into the meet in the course of the campaign. ed towards taking physical waters in to
word and understand about the Lord’s Our water plant has been the key the community, through which we hope
Church, he studied the Bible with his for us reaching souls in our communi- to teach about Christ and quench their
wife, Pusha and his son Pranay, about ty. On a daily basis, students have been spiritual thirst.
being part of the Lord’s Church. The distributing about 420 – 480 tins (hold- Our Bible studio construction
result of this effort has been the bap- ing 5 gallons) of water, which is ap- has been through a fair number of ups
tism of their family. proximately 2000 – 2020 gallons a day. Continued on page 53
Brother Prasad is a very diligent
learner and wants to drink into the
deep waters from the Bible. He plans
to graduate this December from the six
months course and start working with
the local church — Palakol Church of
Christ — in the mission efforts.
ESTS has been having classes for
five days a week (Mon-Fri) with Satur-
day being a time for practical training –
Personal Evangelism. The classes this
month have been geared towards “The
Plan of salvation” in the morning ses-
sions and “Personal Evangelism” train-
ing in the afternoon sessions. Classes
for the month of September have been
taught by two of the elders – Venkanna Distribution of Bibles to newly baptized members.
48 Global Harvest

The Work Goes On... Ricky Gootam

Our TV programs are going very well. We have been in gu language first, then we are going to see how that program
mass media out-reach since 1975. We are known as “Satya- goes in Andhra Pradesh, and then we will take it from there
vani” which means “Voice of the Truth”. We had this name throughout the country. There are 29 states in India and not
from the time we started. We were on the radio, we are on all the states have strong churches. The church is stronger in
the TV and now we are entering to internet. Many of the the South India.
sermons are posted on Youtube but we are working of hav- Below is a group of students from Oklahoma State
ing our own “Youtube live” channel called “Satyavani”. To University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. These are nice college
set it up we are looking at $1500 for onetime investment and students who came and worked with us from July 4th to July
$380 (for cloud steaming, internet and one person to manage 27th.
that every month). We are praying to start this very soon and
make it a reality at the end of August. We wanted to launch
this on October 1st. We are also thinking of developing an
app so that everyone all over can be reached via internet.
Our TV programs right now come in three different sat-
ellite channels twice a week, and one channel comes twice
every day. So we have an audience of 1 million viewers all
over India. Every month 1200 finish our Bible courses and
every day we get 200 responses.
The Church in Kakinada is healthy. We have able men
who can lead and families who support all the things we do
from Kakinada. The congregation right now is 250+ (not in-
cluding children). We have 130 families who are involved at
Satyavani Church of Christ.
We had Brother Lucus from Italy and Sister Liz from
West Virginia for two weeks. They study in college in West
Virginia. They were going to climb Mt. Everest in Napal, and We had brother Roger Wright from June last week to
one of our common friends suggested they go and see us in July 5th. He has been with the church in Vincennes, Indiana
Kakinada, India. They stayed with us in Kakinada for a week for many years. That church and the Ford family from there
and worked with are instrumental in the work with the Kakinada School of
our Children home Preaching. Roger has been coming to India every two years
kids. We had 350 for the last 23 years. When he was here, he got to work in a
children from dif- village called “Shahpuram” and also with some of the chil-
ferent villages dren home kids in Kakinada. He was here when the OSU
come to Kakinada college students came, so he counseled what to do and what
that week. Next not to do when they are in India.
year we are plan- While the OSU group was with us we had another group
ning to start a pro- from Oklahoma and Texas. This was led by my friend Lanny
gram called “Lads whom I have known from summer camps in Oklahoma. He is
to Leaders—India” a great Gospel preacher. Thirteen Americans came with Lanny
from Kakinada, India. So we wanted to give the kids and some from July 21 to July 26th. We had our preachers’ workshop in
of the preachers what is this and how we are going to do this. Kakinada and also preachers’ wives workshop at which some
In this picture above you can see a “work book” which American brethren spoke and the American ladies spoke to
will be in Telugu on “Lads-to-Leaders: India”. This book has the preachers’ wives. Three hundred and fifty were present
18 chapters, and we are translating the materials to the Telu- Continued on page 50
Global Harvest 49

Evangelism in Tamil Nadu

P h ilemo n Rajah and Kingsly Rajah

The J.C. School of Evangelism personally with 200 new contacts, and results. Thank you for upholding this
program started in the year 2007. Now we gave the Bible as a gift to 60 people work. Surely, our television programs
we have completed 10 graduation pro- who had completed the course. These are helping the growth of the local con-
grams and are presently training in same students through their efforts dur- gregations.
the cities of Arakonnam (Tamilnadu), ing their summer vacation time worked Insight for Blinds
Yeswanthpur, and Mysore (Karnataka). tirelessly and brought more than 12 souls through Braille literature and
This 18- month training program is de- to obey the Lord in baptism. Through Bible Camps
signed to motivate church members in the intensive classroom and field train- The Gospel and benevolence work
the field of evangelism. We thank God ing of our school of evangelism program among the visually challenged people
for the opportunity He is giving us to they continue to harvest. We humbly is giving wonderful results since 1998.
motivate and empower these Christian thank God for honoring the sincere ef- Nearly 600 blind people have been
men and women who do have the zeal forts of His children. Also this month added to Lord’s church, and many more
and burden to find new souls for their in the same place, they have organized blind men and women are having the
congregation among their day to day a soul-saving festival and to encourage opportunity to know Jesus Christ and
problems and challenges. those course-completed people on to the message from cross for the first time
The response from the members salvation. Please pray for these efforts. in their lives through our Insight Bible
of the Lord’s Church is tremendous. We Apart from the monthly school Camps for the Blinds and the Braille
had a report from one of the graduated of evangelism program, we are hav- literature that we produce and distrib-
schools that they had added some 35 ing one-day special Bible classes ev- ute through the camps. Though we face
new souls this year through the students’ ery month in 3 places for our television financial challenges now and then for
efforts. Also in another area, where the contacts. They are taught basic lessons, carrying forward this ministry, God has
school program is currently going on, and we are leading them to Christ with been always gracious in our efforts to
last month during the Bates’ visit they the help of the local congregations. This reach the blinds for Christ.
distributed and studied the Bible courses outreach effort is bringing tremendous During the time of the Bates visit-
ing us in November 2018, we had the In-
sight Bible camp in two places. The first
one was organized in the Trichy district,
135 kms. from our Madurai city. As we
do for every Insight camp, we had also
made two preliminary visits to arrange a
rental place and food for the participating
blinds and to invite them personally for
the camp. We expected some 120 people
but they turned out in good numbers, that
is 190 attended the camp! Brother Jerry
encouraged them with the word of God
from John 3rd chapter, and it was really
an eye opener message for them. Nearly
80 who could read the Braille language
were provided with THE VOICE OF
TRUTH BRAILLE magazine, a new
Participants of recent Insight Bible camp for blinds and Braille literature to be volume printed through our new Braille
given to them, displayed. 200 blinds were encouraged through word of God printer purchased for the Insight office
and benevolence.
Continued on page 50
50 Global Harvest

The Work Goes On...

Continued from page 48 Tribal Jungle village, mountain vil- In some of the villages it is hard to be
that day in Kakinada. After we finished lage churches where we had to walk a Christian because in India 80% are
our classes for the preachers and their some places as there are no roads. We Hindus.
wives we gave 15 cycles to the Indian opened two church buildings, one in
preachers. “Kolapari” and “Venkatapuram” vil-
lages in which we have been working
for the past three years. We also gave
5 public audio systems to five tribal
jungle churches.
With the college students from
Oklahoma, we went to many Jungle
and tribal villages to evangelize in the
northern part of the state of Andhra Thank you for all your prayers
Pradesh. We were near the borders for the work with us from Kakinada,
There were 23 Americans in of Orissa State, Aruku Tribal jungle India. The church in Stillwater, Okla-
brother Lanny’s group. This was villages, Tuni area and also in Vijay- homa is the overseeing congregation
first time a group that big stayed and anagram and Visakapatnam district and stateside coordinator of funds for
worked with us. They did a lot of work churches. Ricky Gootam’s mission work in the
with our children’s home and with our In the month of July with all our Kakinada area. >
preachers and with many villages. traveling and preaching, 42 obeyed the E-mail: [email protected] Web
They got to visit our Leper Colony, Gospel of our Lord and were baptized. —

Evangelism in Tamil Nadu

Continued from page 49 them the Gospel message by distribut-
in Madurai. Also Braille Bible lessons, ing the Christian hand bills and Bible
SEEKERS, lesson 1 & 2, printed by us, lessons. This effort is giving tremen-
were distributed to them. Twenty people dous result in bringing them to God.
were provided with AUDIO BIBLE in The second Insight Bible camp
the Tamil language, costing $48, as a gift was held in Madurai city at our “new”
for completing the eight Seekers Braille place purchased for the camp. It is actu-
lessons. Our visually challenged Gospel ally an old building which needs to be Paula and Jerry giving audio Bibles
workers studied with these 20 people in repaired. Hence we conducted the camp to those who completed the Braille
person, one to one, and taught them the in a temporary cloth shed (Shamiyana Bible Lessons.
Bible lessons. tent). By the grace of God and love of
We are expecting many of the at- Christians, we have purchased this
tendees to the camp to obey the Lord place. We humbly thank the compas-
in baptism soon. All of the participating sionate Christians for helping towards
people were provided with a bag of rice this cause.
(5kg) and lunch as a gift, to show the love Kindly pray for this work among
of Christ. the socially neglected under-privileged
Many of the participants in the people of India. >
camp made a promise to meet at least
one sighted person daily and share with Philemon Rajah: [email protected]
Global Harvest 51

Ministry throughout Tamil Nadu

B. Arjunan

We are very glad to work with the World Evangelism is helpful to teach heathen people. This man received a copy
Team as fellow-workers in preaching the Gospel and fulfill- and introduced it among his congregation members.
ing the Lord’s commandment throughout Tamil Nadu and We run ‘World Evangelism Bible School’ and train the
sometimes in neighboring states. We are grateful for World students to preach the Gospel. The preachers who are work-
Evangelism in evangelizing and harvesting souls through our ing together with us teach classes in their places every week.
media works as TV, Radio and our monthly magazine, and Brother Jerry and sister Paula teach students twice in a year
we are glad to share that now we have 10 thousand readers when they come to India.
approximately! Though we print 7000 copies, the recipients Our Batlagundu church meets in the new place and is
share their magazines with others by making Xerox copies worshiping God every Sunday. Some new souls are com-
and distributing themselves. Out of these readers, we have ing from different villages and attending the worship service
78 students who attend the quiz and win by answering 10 regularly. We have Bible study program every Thursday. A
questions regularly. These questions will be taken accord- man who has been attending the study understood the word
ing to the doctrine only covering the whole Bible. So we and obeyed and took baptism. His name is Joshua. He be-
are very happy about these students’ enthusiasm. Thus our longed to a denomination church, ‘Layman Evangelical Fel-
magazine ‘The Word of Christ’ reaches the unreached. lowship’. Now he is steadfast in knowing the true doctrine,
We had gone to Turicorin, the Pearl City, to meet our and he sometimes comes to our house to study and learn
magazine readers there personally. These people are regu- scripture even on week-days. Three more people from one
lar participants in ‘Quiz’ of our magazine and score good family were baptized.
marks. To encourage them, we presented them Bibles. After
this session the ladies’ discussion from the Scripture took
place. Glory answered them from the Scriptures. I had a
class for World Evangelism Bible School students also after
preaching in the special meeting. It was wonderful.
We’ve finished our Second Round of Readers’ Seminar
successfully. We thank God for His wonderful help in con-
ducting such seminars. We had a new thought of introducing
our monthly magazine and the publications of World Evan-
gelism in all districts of Tamil Nadu State personally without
missing. We started our journey of the First Round in 2001
at Nagercoil district, a coastal city, and accomplished our
goal in 2008 at Tirupur district, the 32nd one. With sister
Betty’s encouragement and counseling we started our Sec- Arjunan (left) with readers and TV viewers in Chennai
ond Round in 2016 at Tuticorin, a coastal district and ac- On 27th of September six preachers were invited for a
complished our trip in June 2018 successfully at Sivagangai special Bible study program. They attended and decided to
district. Thus we have gone through all districts of Tamil establish the Lord’s church in their villages. We discussed
Nadu twice and were in personal touch with many readers. about evangelizing in our country where Hinduism is the
Through our TV ministry many doors have been opened dominant religion. The Indian Government is vigorously
to meet denomination people and preachers to share the spreading their Hindu religion and building the temples
doctrine of Christ. One of the denomination preachers who everywhere day by day. Some of the judgments of our Su-
previously belonged to RSS, a Hindu Formation, invited us preme Court also are against the doctrine of our Holy Bible.
to speak to his congregation in Ramapuram in Chennai. He Please pray for India.
loved to read sister Betty’s book,‘Can Man Find The Way We pray for World Evangelism Ministries and we ask
to God?’ which was translated by us in Tamil. This book is that you also pray for us. >
moving fast among our readers and viewers. Many inform
us that it is very useful to learn the only way to God, and it B.Arjunan: [email protected]
52 Global Harvest

The Lord’s Work in Kangayam

and Tamil Nadu
S. Rajanayagam

I am very happy to submit this work report on behalf of a small thing. The other one, who obeyed the Gospel in our
Tamil World Evangelism, stationed at KANGAYAM, Tamil last Bible Camp in the month of May led several to accept
Nadu, India to the World Evangelism that functions from the one true church and she is committed to bringing more
Winona, MS, USA for the Global Harvest journal. from her old group. These are two examples to prove how
First of all, we thank God for having blessed us to have the Lord’s work, through the TV outreach, is effective.
a working relationship with World Evangelism since 1988 We have established contact with many churches across
and we are more thankful to God for the privilege of spread- Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry and are working closely with
ing the Gospel in several capacities such as TV, monthly them through our regular visits, sending literature, holding
and quarterly journals, printing tracts on a number of topics, Gospel meetings, etc. Of course, we send our monthly maga-
sending Bible correspondence courses to hundreds and, of zines to as many of the churches as we aware of and they all
course, distributing Bibles to many so that they can know the appreciate its usefulness. The printed page always has sus-
word of God. I want all of you to be aware that the Lord’s tained power.
work is growing amidst challenges in this country of India. Recently, we conducted a Bible seminar for the preach-
As we aware, no force can halt the marching of His army as ers and their wives. It was attended by around 40. Brother
the Lord Almighty is our commander-in-chief. Jerry Bates taught on Bible Hermeneutics and Paula Bates
The church where I preach is a self-supporting one, taught “wise women”. We were encouraged by these lessons.
having facilities to hold meetings with large groups of peo- The Bates have a plan to conduct two such seminars each
ple. So, we have been conducting Bible Lectures for the past year to teach on different subjects that are in Masters level
21 years and the latest one was on October 18 and 19, 2018, of Bible school education. Since many of us here took Bible
having the theme, “The Mind of Christ”. It was a well attend-
ed and, by our record book, at least 35 congregations from
the States of Tamil Nadu and Pondichery participated. We
had TEN different speakers, who did a wonderful job that re-
ally stimulated the minds of those who gathered, comparing
our thinking with the Mind of Christ. Above all, we had 6
baptisms and through this act FOUR different congregations
benefitted numerically.
Since the media rules the world, we as Christians are
to make use of the modern tool that helps us to reach people
even in remote areas. By the support of World Evangelism,
I preach the Gospel of Christ three times each week on a
satellite channel that reaches a number of countries and the
Tamil speaking people who live in those countries are listen-
ing. On their request, we send our literature to enable them
All India Preachers Fellowship Seminar in Hyderabad:
to know more, and we visit them if they are in our country Antony, Kingsly, Vernon Douglas, and Philemon Rajah
to study with them. Many who obeyed the Gospel through were among the many who attended.
TV are now an asset to the local churches. I would like to
share information about two ladies who are in Karaikkal, a courses on the basic level, these deeper studies help a lot. We
town in another State of india. One is from Roman Catholic thank God for this wonderful opportunity.
background and the other one is from a Pentecostal back- Before I wrap up this article, I want to thank our
ground. Since there is no church building for the Christians motherly-care sister Betty for anchoring this great work
in Karaikkal to meet in, the former Roman Catholic lady that spreads its wings in different directions of the globe.
opened her big house for the church meeting, which is not Continued on page 54
Global Harvest 53

Myanmar Mission, 2018 ELIYA SCHOOL OF

Wayne Barrier
Myanmar is a Southeast Asian
nation of about 58 million people
nus, Jon Lucius, Daniel Hamm, Mark STUDIES
Reynolds, Dr. Steven Christian,
with most having a Buddhist back- George Achard, Jake Leonard, and Continued from page 47
ground. The current work program is Adam Miller. In addition to the US
and downs in the building process. We
led by the Double Springs, Alabama teachers, several local brethren are
are working diligently to get it up and
congregation and involves a combi- now teaching classes.
functional before the end of December
nation of regional campaigns, local The new Bear Valley Bible In- 2018. We have two sound engineers
meetings and training of local teach- stitute program entered the second who are working with this project as
ers, preachers, and leaders. year in the fall of 2018 with 9 stu- they finish up their previous commit-
Three major work sessions dents seeking a BA degree in Bible. ments in other projects. There is a scar-
were held in 2018. During these ses- These students can become leaders in city of quality materials for finishing
sions, teams of US workers visited future training programs. the interior of the studio. The outside
several areas of the country to assist In addition to work in Myan- construction of the studio is complete
with campaigns and to teach in Bible mar, several team members assisted and we have received the raw materials
schools located in Yangon, Hmawbi, with a training program for workers for the studio insulation. The project
Myitkina, Kalay, Taungyii, Magway that travel into central China for cam- has been delayed for reasons that are
Division, and Mandalay. Bible class- paigns and Gospel meetings. These beyond our control in respect to con-
es were provided for about 120 stu- trips are made several times each struction. We are striving to get things
dents who desire to develop teaching, working and we covet your prayers for
year and are reaching many people
preaching, and leadership skills. completion of this studio project.
that have never had an opportunity
The following months — Octo-
Teachers over the past year in- to hear the Gospel. Literature is be-
ber, November and December — are
cluded; Wayne Barrier, Don Posey, ing translated and printed in local
the months in which many Indian cul-
Joey Barrier, Jamie Barrier, Louis languages throughout the country.
tural and traditional pagan celebrations
and Martha Rushmore, Jerry and Bibles are also being purchased and take place all around the country. Some-
Paula Bates, Robin Dunaway, Damon distributed in the region. > times on these occasions Christians are
Vincent, David Conley, L.T. Gurga- Wayne Barrier: [email protected] persecuted, and we ask your prayers for
our safety and also that Christians will
stand their ground in Christ when fac-
Class Books by ing these challenges.
Betty Burton Choate We appreciate each one of you
Growing in the Image of Christ, $7.00 who keep us in your prayers, support
The Role of Woman, $6.00 our work, and most importantly en-
courage us to continue our efforts in
Search for Truth, $7.00 reaching the souls that are “white unto
Can Man Find the Way to God? $6.00 the harvest” in India.
Excellent for class There is a great need for Bibles
($3.50 each) and song books ($1.00
or personal study. each) to strengthen those who are be-
Call 662-283-1192 ing evangelized, please pray and sup-
or write port this need. We are grateful to every
choate@worldevan- one of you and are upholding you all in our fervent prayers. God Bless. >
to place your order. Elijah Woodroy: [email protected]
54 Global Harvest

Working with the China Team from Myanmar

Joey Barrier
In October I met with the “Chi- have been granted permission to freely as they are going into highly atheist
na Team” as they reported on the last preach and teach in China. They report- areas. Along with these teaching ma-
year’s activities. The team consists of ed that over the last 5 years, they, along terials and books, we are flooding the
8 men who live in northern Myanmar, with those whom they have taught, areas with Bibles.
working closely with Jay Ahti and have baptized 1260 people in China! We also have been able to access
his wife Nancy who currently live in Several of these men have stepped new areas using the internet. Jay Ahti
southern Myanmar. down as “pastors” of denominational has already held several training ses-
Jay Ahti directs, organizes, and groups to become evangelists, teach- sions at the border of Myanmar and
leads the campaign efforts that are ing the “truth of the Bible” that they China with students from Yunnan Prov-
reaching into the Kachin state of have learned in our training sessions. ince that he met via the internet!
Myanmar, the Yunnan Province of As they go, they distribute literature Please pray for the work in China
China, Tibet, Northern Laos, and that has been translated by Jay Ahti and as it is still very dangerous and very dif-
hopefully very soon, into northern his wife Nancy. One of the latest books ficult. Many have sacrificed everything
Vietnam. These campaigns are carried that has been translated and distributed to reach this massive population. Please
out by Jay Ahti with eight Christian is the Apologetics Press book “How do keep them in your prayers!!! >
men from northern Myanmar. Three you know God is Real” by Kyle Butt.
of these have dual citizenship and They are very excited about this book, Joey Barrier <[email protected]

The Lord’s Work in Kangayam

Here’s how we at
“World Evangelism”
can help with your
Prison Ministr y:
Our printing work is a tool to
help get the Gospel out. We
have two rules: Never go into
debt on printing, and print
enough to sell enough to pay
Brother and sister James L. Stofel attended the opening ceremony the printer, then sell at a dis-
for a children’s home which they have helped to establish in Chen- count or give away what re-
nai, India. More than 500 were present for the happy occasion. mains. Our inventory includes
25 basic study books that are
Continued from page 52 churches, and the individual support- offered for evangelism, prison
It’s always an encouragement and mo- ers. We do sincerely thank, from the ministry, and as follow-up ma-
tivation to see and know her working bottom of our hearts, all the churches terials for Bible courses at the
to keep the ball moving. The zeal that and individuals that extend moral and rate of $1.50 per copy. Call us
we have seen in brother J C Choate is financial support for this cause. May if we can help you with your
still shining through her, of course with God bless and continue to bless. Please outreach:
the full cooperation and support of all pray for us. >
who are involved with the World Evan-
gelism Team, the sponsoring elders, the S. Rajanayagam: [email protected]
Global Harvest 55

Jungle Churches in Malaysia:

Encouraging Churches & Mourning Losses
Jeremy Barrier
Amidst the noise of crickets, workers who continue their efforts. the following Saturday after his death,
toads, and the such, I woke up at 5 This coming December we anticipate we were also mourning with his widow
am to the sound of a variety of birds, a “Bible Camp” taking place here, and Linda and their children: Gregory, Ben-
animals, and insects that were not are excited that the village churches are jamin, and Valerie.
completely familiar to my ears! I was all going to unite to carry it out. On an island that daily experi-
deep in the jungles of Malaysia, one While this work was extremely ences temperatures above 90 degrees,
of the richest, most biodiverse islands exciting and enriching, we were also re- in this time of year there is a massive
on planet earth. Churches of Christ ex- minded that the growth they experience rain fall that comes every afternoon
perienced an explosion of growth here is hard-earned. As we say “two steps for- and cools down the island into the
in the Kampong areas (i.e., jungle vil- ward, one step back”. Thomas Koh, who 80’s and makes it quite pleasant. This
lages) beginning back in 2006, so this initially baptized 26 people at one time is the cooler, rainy season. As we fin-
past week, we traveled to visit some of here, had to travel 6 hours every Sun- ished up our time here, visiting with
the new churches here in Sabal Kruin, day for over three years to help sustain churches and hopefully offering some
Nyelitak, Sabal Tapang, and Sabal Ap- the 200+ baptisms as they formed into encouragement to them to face another
ing. Gijs Bardoel, one of my students new churches. As Thomas was traveling day and another year, I was mindful on
at Heritage Christian University, and I back and forth to help these churches, my last afternoon here as I watched the
were traveling with Thomas Koh—the one of the men of the church in Kuching rains coming in, that even during the
local preacher in Kuching who was was ‘holding down the fort’ there, so to hardest moments of life, God does not
instrumental in starting these church- speak. His name was Poh Khee Yiong. forget us. He does not fail to send a re-
es—, as well as three coworkers from We were sad to learn that just days prior freshing rain to offer relief. I hope that
Singapore who were leading this ef- to our arrival to the island of Borneo, we, as the people of God, can offer this
fort: Matthew Tan, Richard Phang, and Poh passed away on Sunday, October hope to those around us. >
Gary Liew. My experiences here have 14, 2018, after a two-year battle with Jeremy Barrier, the son of Wayne and
always impressed me, both the church- lymphoma. While we were celebrat- Janet Barrier, helps with short-term
es that continue here and also the co- ing the growth of these new churches, teaching trips to Asia.

Persecution in
Philip VanBiak Lian

Yes, persecution of believers in

Christ is severe but none of the Lord’s
church is persecuted physically. This
persecution is happening in Rakhine
state and by the Buddhists. One preacher
of Evangelical church that I know was
beaten badly and was put in hospital but
discharged yesterday. Buddhist commu-
nities do not want Christianity to come
in. That’s why they attack. This has been
happening since a long time ago. We
pray and watch. >
Philip: [email protected]
56 Global Harvest

The Gospel in South Korea

Malcolm Parsley

a fine young man and exceptionally sincere about wanting to

follow the Bible. He is a freshman at K.C.U. His parents came
for his baptism. He said the family has always had family de-
votionals every evening, yet they do not attend any worship
services. They are very friendly. I talked to them and several
others. Also I warmly invited them back, but so far they have
been out of town each Sunday since then. Please be praying
with us that we might be able also to bring them to Christ.
North korea?
Stateside brethren continuously ask about what I feel
about the North Korea situation. From here it appears what
little change that has occurred has been of little importance,
for no major decisions have been made. The North wants a
YONGSAN CHURCH NEWS piece-meal process so Kim can get a lot out of the deal and
Well, the Yongsan congregation is now down to just still be able, along the way, to back out and yet have gained
one U.S. Military family, and they will be leaving in the near a lot of what he wants. A signed peace treaty would be real
future. However, we are beginning to pick up some Ameri- progress. Please keep praying. I do believe the Father has
cans that are here to teach English and are employed by Ko- His hands in this and progress has been made. The general
rean companies. We are praying, looking for, and hoping that direction has moved toward what we all want in the end. The
even more will come. One of the good things that has come Lord’s time-table is just a little bit slower than mine, but I
out of this scarcity of men is that some of them who in the am not complaining. He always knows best! I just want to
past were shy about helping in the services are now volun- go North and take His word to the millions of lost and suf-
teering, and their volunteering has encouraged even more. In fering who will love the Father and His Son when they are
this way it has been a blessing that would not have occurred introduced to Them. Please keep praying.
because we have tried to get these others to help all along, Sermons on the Web
but fear of making a mistake has ruled until now. Someone the other day was surprised to learn that all
KC University 60th Anniversary of my Kangnam sermons are on our WEB site (http://the The congregation wants to keep
Jun Seo Kee brought a sermon titled “Between Hope
their English and their children’s English maintained. They
and Hope”. It was a fine lesson. Other uplifting talks were
have requested the sermons be interpreted so that they will
brought by local dignitaries and a senator. I have attended
get both the English and the Korean. >
nearly every one of these, and they all try to bring something
Malcolm Parsley: [email protected]
to encourage the students. This is naturally good for them for
they change every four years unless they go on the graduate
school and then it is six. It is hard to believe the school is 60
years old. I came during its second year so no graduations
had occurred at that time, but I have seen a lot of students
come and graduate. May our Father bless them all that they
will all be a blessing to the Father and His school.
The picture above is of brother Shane Fisher, brother
Jun Hun Bae and myself in my office during the time brother
Bae confessed Christ and requested baptism. Shane had been
teaching him and had the honor of baptizing him. We felt we
needed to take a picture for him and all to enjoy. Brother Bae is
Global Harvest 57

McKees’ Indonesia Report

Colin McKee

Ch im a l a , Ta n z an ia, A frica Gage and Kelly Coldwater who were is eternal and he acted both in O.T.
Ellen and I celebrated 55 years of visiting there will return in December times as well as N.T. times. Although
marriage this year, and 50 years of in- with their two children for 6 months to the name Christ was not applied to him
volvement in missions in S.E. Asia. Our start an agricultural program that should in the O.T., He, as one of the three was
latest trip to Indonesia took us first to enable the preacher students to be self- interacting in various ways. John 1 and
Tanzania in Africa. Dalraida church of supporting as well as providing income Colossians 1 show that He was the in-
Christ, our over-seeing congregation, for other facets of the work. Howell strument of creation in the presence of
asked us to go along with John Kackl- and Mary Ferguson also went with us the Father. 1 Peter 3:19,20 show that in
eman II and Adam and Andrew Gifford to Chimala as he will be the new state- the Spirit he inspired Noah to preach to
to survey the work at the Chimala Mis- side coordinator for the mission. They the generation before the flood. Noah
sion near Mbeya. Dalraida will be taking will make two trips per year there and moved by the Spirit of Christ, was the
the oversight of that mission and wanted the rest of the year will be raising and tool of God to warn those rebels of his
a first hand evaluation of the work. securing funds for the work. We were time to repent. They did not do so, and
Chimala is quite remote; a one- able to spend some time with Richard are said to be “in prison” at the time of
hour flight from Dar Es Salaam to and Carol Rogers who are resident mis- Peter’s epistle. They were not in prison
Mbeya, then a two-hour drive from sionaries there and Cheryl Bode who (Hadean world) when Noah through
Mbeya to Chimala. The church has a has been the hospital administrator for Christ preached to them, but when Peter
complex there consisting of about 500 the last six years. wrote they were dead and in confine-
acres with a hospital, elementary, mid- Almost all the buildings in that ment until judgment day (1 Peter 4:6).
dle, and high schools and a preaching area are made from mud brick which are “It seems non Christians pray and
training school. There is also a piece of fire dried in their front yards. Most now receive blessings. How can this be?”
property of 200+ acres up on the moun- have tin roofs, whereas 25 years ago the Ans: Our universe operates on what
tains that is accessible by a treacherous, norm was a thatched roof, which a few we call “laws of nature” that govern
unpaved, and very bumpy road with still retain. The church buildings in the everything around us. A non-Christian
hairpin curves and deep ravines. I don’t villages have cement benches without may follow sound principles of sow-
see how it can be traveled in the rainy backs for pews. We enjoyed our few ing and cultivating and reap a good
season. Some of the missionaries in the days at Chimala and the opportunity to crop the same as a Christian. He may
early years of the work lived there. meet the workers and the brethren and apply sound principles in business and
The terrain of that area is rugged see the Lord’s work in another part of become wealthy. A non-Christian may
and since it was the dry season the land- the world. His church is truly universal. receive certain blessings because he fol-
scape looked somewhat bleak. On our Nias, North Sumatra, Indonesia lows the principles of truth and honesty
Sunday morning at Chimala, I preached We held our usual Intensive Bible and right living, but the true spiritual
at a small congregation about 10 miles Course for village preachers and teachers blessings of salvation, forgiveness and
from the compound. Bill and Cyndi in Gunung Sitoli. The class was on the fellowship with God are limited to His
Stinson took us with them for worship gospel of John, but as is always the case, obedient children. Three men who were
there. They have worked with the Chi- we had a lot of questions covering a wide not members of the church came to fol-
mala mission for 20 years, supported by variety of topics. Some were engendered low the course and were baptized on the
the New York Avenue church in Arling- from the text, but others dealt with ques- third day of the seminar.
ton Texas, where Bill was once an elder. tions from personal study and interac- Medan, North Sumatra
There were 16 locals present. tions with acquaintances. For example : The Sunday worship service at Se-
They were very friendly and the “How did Christ in the spirit layang was crowded with many young
audience was attentive and receptive. preach to those of Noah’s generation couples, children, pre-teens, teens and
We visited a second congregation in the since he was not known as Christ before older families. After worship the teens
afternoon where Bill did the preaching. his generation?” I explained that Christ Continued on page 58
58 Global Harvest

McKees’ Indonesia Report

Colin McKee

Continued from page 57 ing for the truth while taking correspon- Ellen’s Notes
did a program of spiritual songs which dence courses from several denomina- As Colin said, we began our trip
they had been practicing. They all had tions until he somehow found a web site by visiting Tanzania, Africa. This was
matching outfits with the church insig- of the church and began taking a course our first trip to that vast continent. We
nia. We had nightly Bible classes and from our brethren. He immediately rec- have read several books about various
experienced a number of transportation ognized that what he was studying was works of our brethren in Africa over the
problems getting to and from the build- what he had been looking for! Through years and were thrilled to have the op-
ing. The becak (motorcycle with side them he finally made contact with portunity to visit Tanzania. The country
car) didn’t want to run properly so we brother Jacob and obeyed the Gospel. is renowned for its wildlife and beautiful
had some delays. Then the light gave The Depok congregation now meets in scenery. There are game reserves on the
out temporarily one night on the way his home. There are still true seekers Serengeti Plain and Ngorongoro Crater,
back to the hotel, but after a few minutes who want the truth and who are will- with an abundance of local fauna. Afri-
decided to live again. Brother Ndruru is ing to commit themselves to it when ca’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, is in
doing a great job of ministering to and they learn it. the north and its largest lake, Lake Vic-
serving the church there. Earthquake and Tsunami toria, extends into northern Tanzania.
Bekasi, West Java The island of Sulawesi was hit by Lake Tanganyika, the world’s largest
We again stayed at the Connor a large earthquake and tsunami while fresh water lake, and one of the deepest
House orphanage where the church we were in Medan about 1500 miles in the world, forms part of the western
also meets for services. They have five away. Over 2000 bodies were recov- border. It was the dry season and most
children and one adult as residents now. ered and about 5000 are missing since of the trees were bare, although some re-
We conducted a Saturday Bible seminar the village, Balaroa, where they lived tained their leaves, and there were many
which was well attended and I preached was swallowed up by the liquefied earth large trees with beautiful purple blooms.
at Sunday services the next day. Daniel caused by the quake. Another village They say that during the rainy season,
and Naomi Setiabudi continue to do an had 400 acres of houses and business the scenery is breathtaking.
outstanding job of taking care of the wiped away. One woman was dragged As always, we are happy to return
residents of the home. One young girl, 10 miles by the tsunami but managed to Indonesia and visit with the Chris-
Queen, age four, is having health prob- to hang on to a roof and made it safely tians there and when we are in Bekasi I
lems that are puzzling to the doctors. through. Another lady was submerged especially enjoy staying in the Connor
Please remember her in your prayers. in mud up to her chin for 3 days but House with Naomi, Daniel, and the little
was finally rescued. Some reports said ones. While we were still in Bekasi we
Jakarta, Block M the structural damage was worse in Su- received word that our son, Marcus, had
On Saturday we had a Bible class lawesi that in the province of Aceh a been diagnosed with thymic carcinoma
and fellowship at brother Jacob’s house few years ago where about 250,000 per- and we were, of course, heart-broken. We
in the Sunter area. They asked that I teach ished. Thankfully none of our brethren trust that through the Lord and His provi-
a lesson on the Christian family. We had were affected. dential care through doctors, nurses, and
a lot of discussion after class and then a Rad io other means he will be able to overcome
fine meal of soto ayam (chicken soup). Our short wave radio program still this. We are so grateful for all the out-
On Sunday we had a joint worship draws a lot of attention. From June to pouring of love and care from so many.
of the Block M congregation and the October we had visits from 25 countries, I don’t know how people can survive the
Sunter, Depok, and Tanah Abang con- with 66 downloads of programs in PDF heart-break and tragedies of this world
gregations and a fellowship meal after format. During September we had 39 without our Lord God. We appreciate the
services. The building was jam packed hits from Indonesia, the largest for any love and support of all of you. >
and worship was uplifting. I met brother period so far. There were 193 visits to Colin &Ellen: [email protected];
Tarigan who had for years been search- the site during July-October. 205-590-1376
Global Harvest 59

Spiritual and Humanitarian Work in the Philippines

Allon Brumley

We work very hard with the children here. As they say, a little dirt that is on top of the rocks, and it grows, some, but
“The children are the future.” A lot of our kids have learned doesn’t really produce. The roots do not get enough soil. Most
the names of the New Testament books already and now we do not even fertilize. The large commercial farmers do, but
are teaching them Psalm 23. Nicol the small home gardeners do not.
Barro is barely 5 years old, and she Once we get a few spots going, it will be a lot easier to
has learned the books of the New not only teach the people but also convince them that small
Testament. The kids are such a gardening can work. We also plan to even do a lot of container
blessing to work with and they are growing and help them get started with this too.
so sweet. As part of the teaching proj-
In my last report I told about ect, we started our first compost
a girl, Susanna, who was very bin this month, a layer of brown, a
poor and had clothes with holes. layer of green and a layer of cow
We had her and her sister, Susan, manure. By using wire, it gets good
over. Ritchel (my wife) had for air circulation and all you have to
three days been taking some of the do is slip it off the pile to “turn” it. I
clothes that were too big and cutting turn it every week.
them down and styling them to fit the I built a new “seedling” table
two girls. We also bought both the girls for the program. The ants ate some
a pair of pants. They, of course, were seeds that we planted directly in
very happy and so were we because we the ground, so starting the seeds
were able to help. By the way, Ritchel from cups might help keep the ants
does all the sewing by hand. at bay. We have tons, millions, bil-
Our new Livelihood Program lions, trillions, and more of ants and
starts up next month. It actually is a different types and species of them
real good program for all involved and too. Mama is sending me a box of
it does not take a lot of money, which is Borax. Thank you, Mama!!!
a good thing for us right now. Our adults are already get-
What we are going to do is ting very excited. The pictures are
teach the people how to do 4’x of a garden spot we picked out
4’ plots or gardening, beds that and have started cleaning out to
are raised and filled with soil, plant a garden.
which they do have available PLANNED UPCOMING WORK/PROJECTS
and can get fairly easily. This is P Continue to work on and plan our “livelihood” program
what we had to do on our prop- as funds allow us.
erty because all we have is sand
P We mostly are concentrating on the new Tambo area to
– no dirt. We will teach them
build the church there for the next few months.
how to maintain the soil, rotate
Please consider us in your budget and please continue to
the crops, how to do companion
pray for us. We only have one month worth of funds left in our
planting, and of course we will
account, again, as of this typing.
teach them how to make compost. We will also teach them
how to plan out their planting so all their crop does not come And again, some of you have been adding a little extra
in all at once. Remember, most do not have a refrigerator. each month for us. AND THAT IS GREATLY APPRECIAT-
ED! Thank you very much! >
Most of the people in this area, again, are very poor and
very uneducated. What most people do is plant something in Allon Brumley: [email protected]
60 Global Harvest

Parkers in the Pacific Islands

Pacific Bible College
Robert H. Martin
Wayne Parker
We are approaching the end of our reporting time here
in the states. It has been quite an eventful journey. Think- P R O D U C T I V E PA C I F I C I S L A N D S
ing back on all of the wonderful loving Christian brothers BIBLE COLLEGE CLASSES
and sisters we have had the privilege to worship with, sing I N TA R AWA , K I R I B K AT I
with, laugh with, and fellowship with in the past few months, These were the most productive classes ever for me in
it’s truly humbling and encouraging to think that we have Tarawa, Kiribati. We had more than 50 students to attend.
such an amazing support system keeping the work going and I taught the class on Leadership in the Church and 1,2, &3
growing in Micronesia. As we return, we are bringing new John. We had brethren to comed from 3 islands, representing
tools, insights, and ideas with us and are excited to get back 4 congregations.
in the field and get back to work. We had two broth-
As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to budget ers to receive their PIBC
for the new year. As we have told many of you while we diploma; brother Tabera
have been on the road, our goal has been to raise at least Tenieu and Teunaia
$1200 more in monthly support, and we still need at least Bonobati. Then we had
$1000 more monthly in order to complete our upcoming a very encouraging and
goals in Micronesia. Please keep us in mind and prayerfully historical happening,
consider becoming a part of this great work if you’re not the appointing of two
already, or increasing support if you are and it is feasible. elders and two deacons
We realize that there are many others out there in the mission of the Eita congregation!
field and that it can be quite a challenge for individuals and The two elders ordained where Teeta Wiauea and Tabera
congregations to decide how to use their mission funds. Teunaia and the two deacons were Toaiti Teatu and Teunaia
In making plans for the next couple of years, we are Bonobati. Now the
limited by our current budget. We would like to make at Eita congregation
least two more visits next year to work in Chuuk. It is vital has appointed a
that the Christians there receive leadership training, encour- third elder, brother
agement, and instruction. They face so many challenges and Bonobati. The ap-
are always strengthened and encouraged by our visits. Also, pointing of elders
we would like to visit Kosrae and follow-up on some of the and deacons at the
work done there in years past by the Shanahans. Eita congregation
in Tarawa, Kiribati
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. I’m sorry comes as a result
we have fallen behind on our newsletters. We have been of many years of teaching, edifying, and training. These
going non-stop in the States and have rarely had decent in- new elders will have much growing to do spiritually but this
ternet or so much as an hour of available time, and unfortu- should strengthen the church also.
nately, motion sickness has prevented us from working on it
I am humbled to work among these beloved brethren and
while on the move. As we return, back to the island, we will
give the Lord all the honor and glory. There are already other
resume our monthly or bi-monthly newsletters. We should
congregations that have appointed elders and we thank the
have one out in the next few weeks. Again, we cannot thank
Lord. We pray that many more congregations in the Pacific
you enough for all of the love and support you have given
Islands that have faithful, older, and good men that desire the
and continue to give our family. >
office of elders and deacons will appoint them. >
Wayne Parker: Robert H. Martin: [email protected]
Global Harvest 61

PACIFIC BROADCAST PROJECT tion’s coverage area is being greatly expanded through the
The Pacific Broadcast Project is comprised of three use of FM translators. An FM translator simply receives the
different works, each of which has grown considerably in primary signal of the radio station and then re-transmits it
goals of serving the Lord and the people of the Pacific Island to hard to reach, distant areas. In addition to these improve-
nations. First, the project includes a radio Bible ministry ments, the radio station will be installing a new tower for its
entitled Sonlight In The Pacific Radio which we began in primary antenna, plus increase its team of those providing
1995. These radio Bible programs are produced twice each excellent audio content for our daily broadcast.
week for distribution to radio stations and individuals in the We want to bring the Gospel in truth to remote resi-
Pacific Islands. dents like Gideon Alamu in the Solomons. Short-wave radio
Second, the Pacific Broadcast Project includes an FM facilities can accomplish this great task!
Radio Station in the country of American Samoa which we Short-wave Radio: The Way to Reach People
began working to develop in June 2000. Licensed by the in Every Nation of the Pacific!
FCC in August, 2004, KULA-LP FM 95.1 operates 24 hours Years ago, while I was working in the Solomon Islands,
a day/7 days a week, with extensive programming in Bible, I had the privilege of studying with Gideon Alamu. Brother
culture, education, and health. Gideon lives in a very remote area of the Western Province.
The third element of the Pacific Broadcast Project is the One day after a long journey by canoe, we came upon this
development and operation of an International Short-wave man and began studies. He was baptized and has remained
Radio Station. This high frequency international broadcast faithful to God to this day! In Gideon’s native thatch home,
facility will primarily serve the millions of Micronesian, he has a short-wave radio. Short-wave radio is far superior
Melanesian, and Polynesian people living throughout thou- than other radio broadcasts because of its ability to reach
sands of scattered islands in the Pacific. long distances. Short-wave receivers are popular in the Pa-
FM Radio: Bringing God’s Word To Thousands cific Island nations and readily available, allowing Pacific
on Tutuila Island and Beyond Islanders to listen to the broadcast in their own homes. As
With the FM station broadcast fully underway in the with any great “tool” used in teaching God’s Word, radio
country of American Samoa, we are now able to focus on a broadcasting is not intended to be an absolute replacement
second phase of improvements for this great work that God for Christians teaching God’s Word “face to face”. But even
has blessed us with. First, we are making additions to the the apostles and Jesus recognized that in their absence their
daily broadcast. One of the most recognizable needs is for us words through letters would teach, encourage, and equip
to present regular programming in the various languages that others. Today, their words can do the same for millions of
are used in our nation, with Samoan being the greatest need. people in the Pacific through short-wave broadcasting. >
Other programming in Tongan, Korean, Philippine, and Chi- Randy English: [email protected]
nese, will likewise be added to the broadcast. Although the
number of people using languages other than English and
Samoan may be small, they nonetheless are present in the
country of American Samoa and therefore we believe it is a
great opportunity to reach them with programming in their
own language. Second, architectural plans have now been
completed for the radio station facility here in American
Samoa and construction can soon begin. The need for this
facility is great and once completed it will be of immediate
use in advancing the station’s daily work. Third, the sta-
62 Global Harvest

Kent O’Donnell

ing a campaign. It is truly a life changing activity.

● Add to this the camaraderie and friendship that come from
spending two weeks with other committed soul seekers “on
the front line.” It takes the meaning of fellowship to a new
level (Philippians 1:3-7; 2:25; Colossians 4:7-14).
This is where YOU come in...
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful,
● Palmerston North is a city of 86,000+ souls, and with the but the workers are few. “Therefore beseech the Lord of
whole Manawatu district it = 117,000+ souls. the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Mat-
● The church of Christ has existed in this city since 1976. It thew 9:37-38)
has undergone several periods of growth and decline.
● Currently, the congregation has 57 members, a strong
Will You Be a Work er
family nucleus, a broad age range, a solid leadership, and in ou r Cam p aign Ef f ort s in 2019?
strives to be faithful in teaching & practice. However, it is ● All who are of good, sound Christian character, with a
not content to simply preserve the status quo. hard-working desire to win souls are needed.
● The congregation desires to grow in faith and number, to ● Age is not a barrier, but a realistic level of maturity and
have an eldership, and to be financially independent (i.e., physical health is required.
able to fund it own operations and fully pay a preacher’s ● Evangelistic experience is certainly welcomed, but not
income without outside support). necessary. Training is provided, and new workers will be
● These goals take time to develop, and finding interested paired with seasoned workers.
contacts in evangelism is a difficult and slow process in New Accommodations/Catering/Transport
Zealand. But with a significant workforce, in a concentrated ● The local brethren can provide accommodation in their
effort, we can cover a wide area in a short amount of time, homes at no cost to the campaign workers. Motels are avail-
and find a lot of contacts quickly. able; however you will have to pay for this yourself.
● We have found that two-week door-knocking campaigns ● The local congregation will also provide breakfast and
are an effective means to achieve just that. dinner and most lunches each working day, though cam-
The Benefits of Campaign Works paigners are advised to have cash on hand if they wish to
● Many people are given a chance to hear the Gospel (Ro- purchase their own meals, or if other situations mean they
mans 10:14-15). In the 2017 effort more than 4000 house- can’t eat at the church building.
holds & individuals were provided that opportunity. ● You will be responsible for your own travel costs to and
● Scores of souls have been won as a result of past campaigns, from Palmerston North (e.g., airfare, train/bus tickets). [Spe-
including several current members (cf. Galatians 6:9). cial travel financial assistance may be considered on a case
● The host congregation is built up and encouraged with by case basis, but is not guaranteed.]
the mutual blessings of serving and being served (Romans ● During the campaign, vehicles will be provided to drop
1:12), not to mention the potential growth in numbers (1Cor- off workers to door-knocking areas and Bible studies. If you
inthians 3:6-7). can bring your own vehicle it would be most appreciated
● Campaigners gain a wealth of knowledge and skills from and your fuel costs during the campaign will be reimbursed
both their training & field work. This “wealth” goes home by the local congregation.
with them to use in their local evangelism and can be shared ● Campaign vehicles cannot be counted on for possible
with the members of their own congregation. days off or non-campaign activities - studies get the priority.
● Participants also undergo significant personal develop- You will be responsible for fuel or any other costs associ-
ment. There are few better ways to grow in faith, sharpen ated with non-campaign activities. More could be said, but
your spiritual sword, increase your usefulness in the cause participation in a campaign is better experienced than de-
of Christ, learn to humbly rely on His strength, and bask in scribed. Come, see for yourself! >
the real joy and satisfaction of meaningful service, than dur- Kent O’Donnell:[email protected]
Global Harvest 63


Continued from back cover was a God-fearing child and would not his need for further funds ($20,000) for
the top of my blouse and he asked me compromise her Christian principles. the treatment. His friend casually told
what happened? I said, “You put it She even refused to marry unless the Harold give him the bank details of the
there.” Boy, was he surprised, looking at person she married was a Christian. A patient. We thought he at least would
one of his patients, 25 years later! big dilemma. Then comes Prasanna: come forward with about $1000. When
During each of these surgeries the Ex-Navy and a pharmacist, but a Bud- we got the bank statement we could not
brethren of the Deer Park Church of dhist! He met Julia in the state phar- believe our eyes: he had deposited the
Christ in Houston, with brother and sister macy course, and seeing her character equivalent of almost $20,000! For a sin-
General George, and brother and sister and behavior, he bravely came to meet gle local man?? God’s providence!
Frank Koctar, specially blanketed us with her father to ask her hand in marriage. Brother Nihal’s daughter, Julia,
concern and love, taking those foreigners Brother Nihal was not going to see his and her husband are both pharmacists.
in as their own in Christ. beloved daughter married to a non-be- Julia is working for the state Medical
In 2004 our family had another liever. Prasanna turned out to be a dili- Supply Division. The irony and prov-
major shakeup. My only sister, Cyn- gent student of the Bible, believed and idence was that she was in charge of
thia, lost her husband, Daniel, tragically. was baptized, and finally got the hand so many cancer-related drugs and
They were married for ten years and she of his bride! God was working! the government gave them to her,
had a son and a daughter, aged 10 and 4. In 2015 brother Nihal was di- free of charge! Unbelievable. How
Also in 2004 a huge tsunami hit agnosed with leukemia. Harold and I marvelous is our God in bringing all
the east coast of India and Sri Lanka. were very concerned as he was needed the pieces of our church history and
Help came pouring in from our Ameri- for the work, being highly respected in our families together so perfectly!
can brethren, and the Colombo church the community and in the Church. My mother, Mahes, passed away
was able to do much relief work in Ne- Harold learned of a UK-based on the 25th of October 2018. Bro. Nihal
gombo. As a result of this, my father Sri Lankan doctor, a pioneer in the passed away on 19th November 2018.
baptized a family, and a congregation treatment of blood cancer, operating From the time he fell ill in late 2015
was formed. Every week after morning from a private hospital. We needed to till the last Sunday of his life, he never
worship in Colombo, my father, another raise $30,000 funds for the treatment, missed a day of partaking of commu-
brother Nimal, Harold and I, would go of which our local congregation gave nion. On the 18th, even in a very weak
to Negombo to conduct an evening wor- about $10,000. Brother Wayne and sis- condition, he was worried only of miss-
ship service. ter Betty came to the rescue, raising ad- ing Sunday communion.
Kalum Gamage, a devout Catholic, ditional funds from American brethren. Today when we look back, why
is our child in Christ. He was a co-worker Every day Harold would visit did all these things happen in our
with Harold in the rubber factory, but af- brother Nihal, sit with him, study with lives? Another new chapter in Sri Lanka
ter much teaching he obeyed the Gospel him and share good humor. In the process Church history was in the making: The
and has become a pillar of strength to the our faith levels increased so much that the next generation of members are ready to
church and to us personally. Harold and doctors and nurses and staff members of carry forward. Harold has now started
I, with Kalum joining us, continued with the hospital were surprised at our attitude Bible study with the 3rd generation of the
the worship service in Negombo. of good cheer. Brother Nihal would talk Wennappuwa brethren: 4 boys, (cousins
A congregation had been start- to the staff, teach them what the Bible of Julia) late teens and early 20’s. All
ed in Wennappuwa in 1975. With the says and that this world is not our home, have already proved their worth by tak-
passing of the years and the deaths of but that we are sojourners. ing turns to be with brother Nihal in the
earlier leaders and preachers, brother We prayed without ceasing. When hospital, giving him the chance to have
Nihal Perera was holding together the the months continued, our finances were one to one Bible lessons with them. Ev-
congregation. He joined us in Negom- dwindling. Then we saw, again, the ery day in the hospital was a Bible study
bo for Sunday evening worship. mighty hand of God working. Harold till the end. And so the Lord’s work goes
was talking to an old school mate about on, walking by faith! >
Brother Nihal’s daughter, Julia,
It is a simple line that many have heard, but to us, members of the Lord’s
body, it is a powerful statement of fact.
I am Lilani Thomas, from Colombo, Sri Lanka. I still remember when my
Papa brought me to the US in 1970 for heart surgery at the age of 6. It was a
life-threatening surgery which was performed by Dr. Denton Cooley of St. Luke’s
Hospital in the Houston Medical Center. Dr. Cooley responded to a plea from a
desperate father to save his daughter’s life. Not only did he perform a successful
surgery but he also waived his charges for what the newspapers called “the girl
from the other side of the world”! Unbelievable.
When I look back now, how did it all start? How did the church have its
beginning in Colombo? How did I end up ( as I proudly say) as the “first daughter”
of the Church of Christ in Sri Lanka?
Brother J.C. and Betty Choate came to our island (In December 1967) in the
hope of getting their Indian Visas. During almost a year that they spent here, the church was established. One of the first
converts was my father, Reggie Gnanasundaram. In 1970 after my heart surgery my father decided to dedicate his life to
teach the pure Gospel and he continued until his death in 2007.
Brother. L D. Willis and brother Gordon Hogan held meetings here. Brother Frank
Pierce moved to Colombo and worked to build up the church. Around 1978 brother J.C.
requested funds to build a meeting place in Colombo. Brother Wayne Barrier was given
the task of raising funds and the Pine hill Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama provided
much of the needed help. Brother Wayne’s unwavering spiritual support and bringing many
teachers to encourage us has never waned through the years.
Sister Betty Choate, I count as my “other mother”. She has been a major role player in
my life, from the time she helped to bring me to the US for heart surgery, being with me in
the hospital room till today, to laugh and cry together for we have shared joy and suffering.
We have all walked by faith
and, now, when we look back, it is
amazing to see how the hand of our
Father in Heaven has guided our
ways: The meeting place in Colombo
was completed in 1981. Brother JC
and all the brethren came every year like clockwork to encourage
us. When the radio programs for India began airing on our “Gi-
ant of Asia” radio station in Ceylon, I cannot forget how brother
J.C. would bring heavy loads of tapes to be aired. My father was
the “bridge” between the station and brother J.C., submitting the
tapes and keeping a check on the station’s often-incorrect financial
records. The church grew throughout India as many rendered obe-
dience to the Gospel.
Looking back again, there was a major shakeup in 1983. We were affected by a terrible communal riot in which our
home was destroyed and we barely saved our lives. My father refused to leave our Island for safer pastures. He kept on
repeating to us, “What about the Church?”
In 1984 my father suffered a heart attack from the shock of seeing his life savings destroyed. My sister and I accom-
panied him to Houston for heart bypass by Dr. Denton Cooley. Again, he operated FREE of charge!
As soon as we came back home my father started looking for a husband for me. I was not going to be given in mar-
riage to a non-Christian! Then came Harold Thomas. He had been searching for the true Gospel teaching. He had noticed
the Church of Christ signboard and was thinking, “I must go and see what is being taught.” He studied for 2 years and he
was convinced and believed and was baptized. In December of 1987 we were married! What providence!
In 1995 my father had to undergo another bypass. Again in Houston, Dr. Denton Cooley operated free of charge! I
think my family should be in the Guinness record books. WHY? World famous heart surgeon, Dr. Denton Cooley, per-
formed surgery 3 times FREE OF CHARGE in one family! Before the surgery Dr. Cooley noticed the scar of a surgery from
Continued on page 63

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