Jan:Feb Report 2019

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Dear Ones,
Can you believe that 1/6 of 2019 has already gone into the history Betty (Mrs. J.C.) Choate
books??? Can you believe that the J.C. Choates have been contacting churches, (Continuing the work begun
by J.C. in 1962)
raising funds for foreign mission work, and making reports on the work being done
708 Burton Drive
for 59 years?!!! Yes, that means I am an old woman (and obviously, admittedly, Winona, MS 38967
since J.C. has been with the Lord for 11 years, that picture is of a younger me!) but 662-283-1192
a happy old woman because of the wonderful visionary husband God gave me for email: Choate@
all these years (he’s still my husband, but over there...) and the on-going privilege WorldEvangelism.org
Web site:
to continue to be involved deeply in the work of bringing God’s message to the
world. gospelgazette.com
Would you like a little coverage on our “World Evangelism” team and what we Sponsor:
are doing? Liberty Church of Christ
689 Highway 25
The American Team Dennis, MS 38838
Wayne and Janet Barrier, along with their sons,
Co-worker with
Joey and Jeremy, under the oversight of the Double Wayne and Janet Barrier
Springs Church of Christ and the Madison Church Jerry and Paula Bates
of Christ visit supporting churches in the States to keep Louis & Martha Rushmore
them informed of what is going on overseas. At Heritage Shane and Emily Fisher
Joey Barrier
University in Florence, AL they conduct Mission Train-
Jeremy Barrier
ing sessions. With the team, they take leading respon-
sibility for our May retreat each year at the Maywood
Bible Camp in Hamilton, AL. They have seminars and
do other work with churches in India and Sri Lanka,
but a great part of their work is in Myanmar, the Phil-

ippines, and in Viet Nam, crossing over into China.

In Myanmar and the Philippines, they teach in Bible
training schools, as well as do-
ing outreach with local men in various cities
where they are needed. Email addresses:
[email protected] and [email protected].

Louis and Martha Rushmore, sponsored by the Siwell

The Voice
of Truth

Road Church of Christ, spend several weeks each year

in Guyana, working with all of the congregations there
in Bible training and outreach. They also spend time in
India and Myanmar, teaching in Bible schools, and here
in the States they visit supporting churches. Louis serves
as the Editor of our quarterly
magazine, The Voice of Truth
International, and does quite a
lot of writing of study materials.
He also has the Gospel Gazette
website, with thousands of
sound biblical articles that can
be shared. Email address: rush-
[email protected].
Jerry and Paula Bates,
sponsored by the Strickland
Church of Christ, live in Wi-
The Rushmores pictured with students and Christians in Yangon, Myanmar.
nona when they are not overseas.
They are out weekends
and most Wednesday
evenings reporting to
supporting churches and
raising additional funds
for the overseas work.
In the office, Paula is
our accountant, Jerry is
the office “in charge”
and also takes care of
book orders and receiv-
ing shipments. Overseas,
they go to numerous places in India, Nepal, Myan-
mar, and Viet Nam where Jerry teaches in seminars
and Paula enjoys classes with the ladies. Jerry also
makes two-week trips to Nigeria, Ghana, Ukraine, We usually have volunteer groups to come in to help with
and other countries to teach in Bear Valley Schools. unloading the pallets of printed materials that are stored and
Email address: [email protected]. shipped throughout the world from our office building.

In answer to many
prayers, a new young
couple will be joining our
team in March: Shane and
Emily Fisher, sponsored
by the Springer Church
of Christ. They recently
returned to the States after
working for four years
with church efforts in
Jerry teaching in one of the Bible schools in India.
South Korea. They will be raising sup-
port and working in the office in Winona, probably making their first trip to India in the fall
of this year. What a blessing it is to have these young, dedicated Christians as a part of the
team, able to carry on into the years to come! Email address: [email protected].
In this age of technology, not much could be done without a programming expert.
Dennis Larson is our man for that job, even though he is not a “full time” part of the
team. He and Sharon spend a few days in Winona three or four times a year, and they are
also an important part of our Maywood retreat.
There are also our two special “Barbara”s! Barbara Wright works one day a week, usually, on files and ac-
counting of The Voice of Truth International subscriptions and contributions. Barbara Oliver helps with the
accounting concerning contributions for the other funds when Paula and Jerry are out of the country. These two
sweet sisters are a continual blessing and I am so thankful for them.
And, of course, none of us could do anything if we did not
The Billions of
have faithful American brethren praying for us and sending their
souls in that support month after month, even decade after decade. We are
Us distant world thankful to be the bridge that enables you to reach across the
American world to bring the Gospel to those who might never hear it, other-
brethren wise.

The Overseas Team

Our overseas team continues to grow, but I will name a few of the brethren and include some photos of activi-
ties on that side. In Pakistan we do limited work with Asghar Ali in Lahore and with Shahid Khokhar in Toba
Tek Singh; in Sri Lanka we work with Harold Thomas; in India we help Earnest Gill with the North India Bible
School; in New Delhi we work with Sunny, Francis, and Vinay David; in Kakinada we work with Joshua, Ricky,
Ronnie, and Robin Gootam; in Madurai we work with Philemon Rajah and his sons-in-law, Kingsly, Antony,
and Pradeep; in Batlagundu we work with Arjunan; in Kangayam we work with Rajanayagam and his son-in-
law, Benny; in Kerala we work with P.K. Varghese; in Bangalore we work with P.R. Swamy; in Myanmar we
work with Philip BianViak and Winsome Vertannes. The men and churches in these places have extensive Bible
training programs, Bible correspondence work, radio or TV programs, and they print books and monthly magazines,
in addition to the personal outreach in follow-up work. Through the combined efforts of local Christians and Ameri-
can Christians who go for short-term work, it is said that the church in India numbers more souls than in the US!
Thousands attend area-wide meeting in Kakinada

Earnest Gill

Philemon’s J C School of Evangelism P.R. Swamy

Philemon’s blind school

P.K. Varghese

Kingsly and Antony The Joshua Gootam family

with Bibles for

Philip, Winsome, Myanmar Christians


Vinay and Francis

Philemon Sunny
Me (Betty) with a ladies’ group in one of my return trips to India.
The Gospel is our mission. The world is our home.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18).
[Angels are] “...ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation...” (Hebrews 1:14).

Don’t miss out on these treasures! Mrs. J.C. Choate

The latest issue of Global Harvest is available World Evangelism
Non Profit Organization
now. Many will receive a free copy because P.O. Box 72
U. S. Postage Paid
we are trying to make more brethren aware Winona, MS 38967
Permit No. 12
of its existence. We do need you to order
the magazine ($5 per annual issue), so that Change Service Requested
its future publication can be secured. The
church needs this mission information.
News!!! The Voice of Truth International, our
116-page teaching magazine is now printed in
color! If you do not already receive it, now is
the time to subscribe! Four issues of TVOTI
are $15, 8 issues are $25; or the congregation
can enlist for a box of 35 copies of each issue
for $30 a month or $350 a year. Place Label Here
We now have 120 titles, full-color,
pocket-sized tri-fold tracts that will
be extremely useful to you in your
outreach ministry. In packets of 25,
they are only 10 cents each. BBC

The Old One on the Team...

And, of course, there’s ME, sponsored by the Liberty
Church of Christ! I am so thankful to be blessed to continue
with the work J.C. and I used to do together. I am
involved with whatever the team is doing here in
the States — accompanying them to visit supporting
churches whenever I can, helping with the annual
Maywood Retreat and our annual team meeting here
in Winona, and staying in touch via phone and email
with everyone. In my home office, I do writing and
layout work on The Voice of Truth International,
Global Harvest, and books that we publish, of which
the number of titles now is about 250. You might be interested to know that the little book,
The Church of the Bible, written by J.C. when we lived in Sri Lanka, is our most popular title. It has been
translated into about 50 different languages, with about 150,000 copies printed and sold or given away!
He continues to work!!!
It is also my job to stay in contact with co-workers overseas, to keep up with commitments there,
and to write checks for the radio and TV programs we do there, for the magazines and other materials
that are printed, and for many of the additional expenses that are incurred by the men we work with on
that side of the world. As planned, the Bates and Rushmores continue to enlarge the overall work and to provide funds
for new undertakings. I am so thankful for them and for all that they do. At this point, in spite of my age (almost 79),
my mind and health seem to be good, but in time my part of the work will gradually be transferred to others of the
team. God has supplied — and will surely continue to supply — the talents and willing hearts that are needed.
Love, hugs and prayers, Betty

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