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Solid waste management response of selected public secondary school science


Article  in  International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES · July 2017

DOI: 10.21833/ijaas.2017.07.016


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2 authors:

Van Ryan Kristopher R Galarpe Brawner Brian L Heyasa

University of the Philippines University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines


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International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(7) 2017, Pages: 110-115

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International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences

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Solid waste management response of selected public secondary school

science teachers
Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe 1, *, Brawner Brian L. Heyasa 2

1Physics Department, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Cagayan de Oro 9000, Philippines
2Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Cagayan de Oro 9000,


Article history: This paper tried to descriptively determine the practice of secondary public
Received 19 January 2017 schools in Cagayan de Oro Philippines, vital sector to initialize information
Received in revised form drive in students and community. This was conducted to identify the extent
27 May 2017 of the Department of Education (DepEd) and Republic Act 9003 mandate on
Accepted 3 June 2017 SWM to public secondary schools. A survey questionnaire was administered
to 45 science teachers and followed by ocular visit to surveyed schools.
Keywords: Overall, the survey showed positive level of awareness, attitude, and
DepEd practices of teachers towards SWM. Practices however were selectively
RA 9003 better in some schools through establishing recycling and composting
Solid waste management options. Generally, the absence of a recommended material recovery facility
(MRF) was common. Present findings served as basis to review existing
policy framework in DepEd and the local government units (LGUs) to
support SWM in educational sectors.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by IASE. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction An integral part of this policy is the ideal

involvement of public secondary schools as
*In the Philippines the abiding policy for solid institutions situated in every community clusters.
waste management (SWM) is the Republic Act 9003 However, recent studies revealed poorly managed
or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of solid wastes (SW) evidenced by the use of landfills
2000. The mandate of the policy stipulated in the and unregulated dumpsites (Galarpe and Parilla,
National Solid Waste Management Strategy 2012- 2012; Galarpe and Parilla, 2014; Galarpe, 2015; Su,
2016 report cited the following to be implemented at 2008; Su, 2005; Cortez and Ching, 2014; Ejares et al.,
the local government units (LGUs): 2014) in the country. This pressing condition
essentially showed gaps in the local institutional
1. Creation of a Solid Waste Management (SWM) implementation of the policy. The Department of
Board (city/municipal and provincial levels), Education (DepEd) is considered significant in policy
2. Creation of a SWM Committee (barangay level), implementation along with the LGUs. The institution
3. Submission of a 10-year SWM Plan accommodates the bulk of younger population and
(city/municipal levels), must be given proper training on SWM. Further,
4. Establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities schools with better SWM practice showed positive
(MRF) per barangay or cluster of barangays and response by providing SW recycling options (Smyth
city/municipal centralized MRF, et al., 2010; Mbuligwe, 2002; Mason et al., 2003;
5. Closure of open dumpsites and conversion into Malakahmad et al., 2010; Kelly et al., 2006; Felder et
controlled dumpsites by 2004 (city/municipal al., 2001; De Vega et al., 2003; 2008). Consequently,
levels), schools can implement a structure to mitigate SWM
6. Banning of controlled dumpsites by 2006 issues. Locally, the city division of DepEd on 2015
(city/municipal levels). issued a mandate (Memorandum 696) to participate
in SWM and waste segregation in coherence with the
local government.
The implementation however of this mandate to
* Corresponding Author. respective schools was not measured. It is with this
Email Address: [email protected] (V. R. K. R. Galarpe)
https://doi.org/10.21833/ijaas.2017.07.016 purpose that this study was conducted, to identify
2313-626X/© 2017 The Authors. Published by IASE. qualitatively and descriptive the implementation of
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license RA 9003 and DepEd Memo 696 to selected public

Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe, Brawner Brian L. Heyasa/ International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(7) 2017, Pages: 110-115

secondary schools in Cagayan de Oro. The objectives 5. Do you know about segregation of waste?
of the study were to determine the level of (i) 6. Do you know the principle of waste
awareness; (ii) attitude; and (iii) practices among minimization?
selected secondary public school teachers. The study 7. Do you know the complications of improper
similarly, aimed to identify gaps and best practices of waste management?
SWM practices in participating schools. 8. Do you think that local authorities have a role to
play in the management of house hold
2. Materials and methods waste/school waste?
9. Do you know the effective mechanism for house
2.1. Framework of the study hold waste/school waste management?
10. Are you aware about electronic/electrical waste?
The study was mainly descriptive survey aimed 11. Do you know how to dispose the
to determine qualitatively the level of awareness, electronic/electrical waste?
attitude, and practices among selected science
teachers from public secondary schools in Cagayan 2.3.2. Attitude questions
de Oro, Philippines (Fig. 1). These parameters were
assessed as basis for advocacy development 1. Improper waste disposal is a threat to the
program (Cruz and Tantengco, 2017), and policy environment.
checking on SWM. In other studies these parameters 2. Solid waste management is the sole responsibility
were valuable to draw baseline data for of school
environmental-demographic analysis (Babaei et al., 3. Solid waste management is the sole responsibility
2015; Licy et al., 2013; Ugulu et al., 2013; Ifegbesan, of local authority.
2010; Ifegbesan, 2011) 4. I am also responsible for the generation of solid
Science teachers were chosen owing to fit waste.
environmental awareness. Environmental literacy of 5. I also have a role to minimize the solid waste.
teachers was also seen essential in establishing the
baseline environmental education policy (Liu et al., 2.3.3. Practices questions/statements
2015) like SWM.
1. Are you committed to minimize the waste?
2.2. Conduct of the study 2. Do you segregate school wastes?
3. Do you have solid waste bins for biodegradable
The study was initially conducted in the and non-biodegradable?
University of Science and Technology of Southern 4. Do you throw your waste outside the
Philippines (USTP) during the lecture series school/perimeter?
orientation among science teachers. A total of 45 5. Do you see garbage on roadside while coming to
science teachers from 21 public secondary schools school?
were purposively identified as the study To extrapolate an estimate of their SWM
respondents. Ocular visits were also conducted in practices, three further questions were asked which
their respective schools to verify the existing included: (i) the type of SW; (ii) the amount of waste
practices. generated daily; (iii) type of disposal method.

2.3. Survey questionnaire 2.4. Data analysis

The survey questionnaire was anchored from the All results were expressed using descriptive
study of Licy et al. (2013), Ugulu et al. (2013), statistic. The mean, percent, and standard deviations
Ifegbesan (2010), and Ifegbesan (2011) with were presented to summarize the response.
modifications to fit for the study locale. The survey
questionnaire composed of three measures, namely, 3. Results and discussion
awareness (11 questions), practices (5 questions),
and attitude (5 questions), respectively. 3.1. Awareness

2.3.1. Awareness questions Overall the teachers were aware with the abiding
government policy (RA 9003) on SWM. This was
1. Are you aware about Republic Act 9003 or evidenced by 100% positive response (Table 1).
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000? Teachers were similarly incorporating SWM
2. Do you have solid waste management discussions in their respective classes as part of
topics/lectures/curriculum in your school? curriculum instructions, although, about five
3. Do you have material recovery facility in your responded negatively. Integration of SWM to
school? curriculum is enforcement to SWM legislation (Imam
4. Did you ever attend any awareness program et al., 2008).
conducted by local authority/ school regarding The teacher’s awareness however towards MRF
house hold waste management? (56%) was low attributed to absence of MRF facility

Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe, Brawner Brian L. Heyasa/ International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(7) 2017, Pages: 110-115

in both community and school. Similarly, awareness unaware about e-waste disposal owing to absence of
towards e-waste (78%) was low with 38% of the collection mechanism. Present findings can also be
teachers being unaware about e-waste disposal. The associated to little trainings attended about SWM
result supports the previous findings of Cultura et al. (22% of the teachers).
(2013) that households in Cagayan de Oro were

Table 1: Level of awareness among public secondary school teachers towards SWM
Questions Yes No Not sure
Are you aware about Republic Act 9003 or Ecological Solid Waste
45 (100%) 0 0
Management Act of 2000?
Do you have solid waste management topics/lectures/curriculum in 40
5 (11%) 0
your school? (89%)
Do you have material recovery facility in your school? 25 (56%) 19 (42%) 1 (2%)
Did you ever attend any awareness program conducted by local
35 (78%) 10 (22%) 0
authority/ school regarding house hold waste management?
Do you know about segregation of waste? 44 (97%) 0 1 (3%)
Do you know the principle of waste minimization? 41 (91%) 4 (9%) 0
Do you know the complications of improper waste management? 45 (100%) 0 0
Do you think that local authorities have a role to play in the management
43 (96%) 2 (4%) 0
of house hold waste/school waste?
Do you know the effective mechanism for house hold waste/school
43 (96%) 2 (4%) 0
waste management?
Are you aware about electronic/electrical waste? 35 (78%) 10 (22%) 0
Do you know how to dispose the electronic/electrical waste? 28 (62%) 17 (38%) 0

Public secondary schools SWM 3.2. Attitude

About 98% of the surveyed teacher’s recognized

improper waste disposal as threat to the
Level of teachers’ Ocular visit to schools environment (Table 2).
response Sparingly 27% and 14% of the teachers perceived
i. Awareness that SWM be the sole responsibility of the school and
ii. Attitude Recommendations
iii. Practices the local authority. Teachers generally agreed that
they similarly have the responsibility on SWM (93%)
Fig. 1: Framework of the study
and to minimize SW generation (95%). Source
reduction, reuse and recycling measures, frequency
Participation to training programs on SWM and of waste collection, staff participation in training
waste disposal method is a vital factor for programs and waste disposal method are factors to
influencing attitude towards SWM (Begum et al., affect attitude towards SWM (Begum et al., 2009).

Table 2: Attitude of public secondary school teachers towards SWM

Questions Yes No Not sure
Improper waste disposal is a threat to the environment. 44 (98%) 1 (2%) 0
Solid waste management is the sole responsibility of school. 12 (27%) 33 (73%) 0
Solid waste management is the sole responsibility of local authority. 14 (31%) 31 (69%) 0
I am also responsible for the generation of solid waste. 42 (93%) 2 (4%) 1 (3%)
I also have a role to minimize the solid waste. 45 (100%) 0 0

3.3. Practices that SW generated in schools was mainly plastics,

papers, food waste, and polyethylene (PET) bottles
All teachers were found to reduce their waste (Fig. 2). Present result was in agreement with waste
generation in schools (Table 3) however this characterization studies in the Philippines revealing
commitment was differed with existing practices. plastics and papers as dominant SW (Paul et al.,
About 22% of teachers do not segregate school SW, 2012; Zurbrugg, 2002; Bernardo, 2008; Galarpe and
reflecting poor practice. A total of 27% of the Parilla, 2014).
teachers responded an absence of biodegradable and The perceived amount of SW in schools were
non-biodegradable waste bins in schools, resulting above 1kg daily, followed by <1kg and0.5 kg to 1kg
to throwing of SW outside the school perimeter (Fig. 3). This volume of waste is expected owing to
(67%). the large population of students in public secondary
Present result is attributed to lack of appropriate schools.
waste bins in schools to encourage better recycling While surveyed teachers responded that
behavior (De Vega et al., 2003; 2008; Smyth et al., recycling was the common practice for disposal (Fig.
2010; Kelly et al., 2006; Malakahmad et al., 2010; 4), this however do not reconcile with previous data
Mason et al., 2003). Throwing of SW outside school about throwing SW outside school perimeter and
perimeter will result to litter and spillages in schools lack of segregation practice (Table 3).
(Elemile and Benjamin, 2011). It was also evident
Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe, Brawner Brian L. Heyasa/ International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(7) 2017, Pages: 110-115

This may be an imposed awareness drive being although there was lack of two bins for
claimed as a practice. In some schools, they have biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Present
improvised recycling waste bins intended for PET findings on disposal method through throwing to
bottles mainly found in school gates and canteens trash bins and burning were in agreement with
which were perceived as recycling option for the socioeconomic studies of adjacent communities in
entire school. Further data presents throwing to disposal sites (Galarpe and Parilla, 2014; Galarpe,
trash bins as the second option for disposal method, 2015).

Table 3: Practices of public secondary school teachers towards SWM

Questions Yes No Not sure
Are you committed to minimize the waste? 45 (100%) 0 0
Do you segregate school wastes? 35 (78%) 10 (22%) 0
Do you have solid waste bins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable? 33 (73%) 12 (27%) 0
Do you throw your waste outside the school/perimeter? 15 (33%) 30 (67%) 0
Do you see garbage on roadside while coming to school? 41 (91%) 4 (9%) 0

Fig. 2: Types of SW generated in public secondary schools Fig. 4: Perceived SW disposal methods in public secondary

Fig. 3: Estimated amount of SW generated in public

secondary schools Fig. 5: Overall response of public secondary school
teachers towards SWM
Further, composting of SW ranked third as 1. DepEd Memorandum No. 58, s. 2011- Creating the
disposal method. Composting activities is mainly a Task Force on National Greening Program,
tributary to the greening program of DepEd (DepEd 2. DepEd Cagayan de Oro Memo 696 s. 2015 –
Memorandum No. 58, s. 2011 ‘Creating the Task Participation in the Barangay Solid Waste
Force on National Greening Program’) through Management and Waste Segregation,
establishing school gardens. Overall teachers were 3. DepEd Order 10 Series 2016-Policy and Guidelines
positively aware about SWM with majority able to for the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and
practice SWM appropriately. Further, partial Hygiene in Schools (WinS) Program.
willingness towards SWM was marginal (Fig. 5)
although policy frameworks are existing. Public secondary schools also organized student
based organization named “Youth Environment in
3.4. Best practices Schools-Organization”. This primarily acts as
environmental stewards in respective schools to
Below are existing policy frameworks that DepEd promote environmental awareness which include
and the LGUs had established to support SWM. These SWM.
policies were implemented at certain level enabling Although conservative in numbers, some public
institutional arrangements between public secondary schools practiced recycling of PET bottles.
secondary schools, the LGUs, and the Department of Mainly bins for recyclables were placed adjacent to
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR): school gates and canteens (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7).

Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe, Brawner Brian L. Heyasa/ International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(7) 2017, Pages: 110-115

Likewise, this practice may stimulate positive compositing. Despite the available alternative SWM
attitude towards recycling, reducing, and reusing option it was evident that MRF and SWM consistency
(Ivy et al., 2013; Malakahmad et al., 2010; Omran et implementation were absent. Extrapolating from this
al., 2009). it can be inferred that most schools failed to
implement completely RA 9003 although positive
responses were recorded. Present findings should be
the basis for policy making to ensure enforcement of
RA 9003 in public secondary schools.

Fig. 6: Waste Bin for PET bottles in Bonbon National High


Fig. 8: Waste Bin in PN Roa Sr. National High School

Fig. 7: Waste Bin for PET bottles in Lumbia National High


3.5. Gaps and recommendations

Fig. 9: Waste Bins in Kauswagan National High School

During the school visit and ocular inspection

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