Shri Satyadhyanatheertharu
Shri Satyadhyanatheertharu
Shri Satyadhyanatheertharu
Sri Gurubhyonamaha
Sri Parama Gurubhyonamaha
Srimad Anandateertha
Bhagavatpadacharya Gurubhyonamaha
Sri Satyatma Teertha Gurubhyonamaha
We think very normal about the
authority and power of Lord. Lord is not
a normal authority but he is a
supernatural / sarvottama authority.
When we visit this highest authority
called Lord Sriman Narayana he will ask
us who are you ? When we inform him
that I am a normal person. Even then
Lord shows his love and affection
towards us.Sriman Madhvacharya tells
“Unnata prarthitha ashesha
samsadhakam” in Dwadasha stotra. If
we go to Lord with the
recommendations of those who have
dedicated their lives in the service of
Lord then Lord will look at us. The
mantra says “Unnata” which means
those who are highly ranked in Jnana
Bhakti and Vairagya but not the loukika
ranked officers like Minister / MLA / MLC
/ MP / Police officer etc.
If we go to him with the
recommendations of the said people
then we will become near to him more
quickly and Lord will listen to our
grievances and provide us with
suitable solutions.So one should not
goto Lord directly instead we should go
to him thru GURU. The anusandhana
should be we going through our GURU
and then the antaryami tattvabhimani
devata residing in GURU and their
antaryami Sri Bharatiramana
Mukhayaprana Vayudev residing in
tattvabhimani devatas and the residing
antaryami Sri Lakshmi Devi of Vayu and
finally Sarvantaryami Sriman Narayana,
then our greviences will he heard
Then how to get this done ? What
should we do ? Mudradharana is one of
the simple and best medium to get
this done.To make his recommendation
reach there we dont have any option
like sending a letter / email etc to let
Lord know that I am your devotee and
please look at me. If we apply Shanka
Chakra ityadi symbols on our body then
Lord will know that he is my devotee.
Lord know everything as he is
Sarvajnya but if we apply Shanka
chakra Gada Padma on our body then
Lord will be pleased. These symbols are
Vaishnava symbols and after seeing this
Lord will know that he is a Vaishnava
and my devotee.But who will be
recommending this for us ? Those who
are the abhimani devatas for chakra /
shanka / gada / padma recommend our
name to Lord then Lord will listen
to us.Those who perform Tantra sarokta
nitya pooja know this very well that who
are the abhimani devatas of all these
weapons which are in the hands of Lord.
The abhimani devata for Chakra is
Durga who is sakshat wife of Lord
Narayana. This has been told by
Srimadacharya in Sriman Mahabharat
Tatparya Nirnaya. So when we apply
chakra it is known that this person is
near sambandhi of Durga devi. So
those who is near to ones wife their
work will be done priority other wise
one knows what happens when husband
does not listen to his wife. The whole
equation will change at home. This is on
a lighter note and daily experienced in
our loukika life.
Lord Narayana does not have any
problem or issues with his wife Sri
Mahalakshmi and she herself will do
what is liked by her husband. There is
one more Abhimani GOD for Chakra. As
we see in our daily life that there will be
a head of the department and under
whom other officers work. So here
Durga is head of the department when
it comes to Chakra. In the same way
the other abhimani Devata for chakra is
Pradyumna/ Kama who is SON of the
Lord Narayana. The same KAMA is born
through Sri Krishna as Pradyumna and
another is born as Skanda through Lord
Rudra whos is also happen to be the son
of Lord’s grandson Rudra. So here the
relation is with wife Durga / son
Pradyumna / and Skanda who is son of
Lords grandson Rudra. So we can tell
Lord that I am related to yoru wife / son
/ great grandson please bless me. This
we cannot tell daily as we tend to do
proper anusandhana and thats the
reason we should apply chakra on our
Then comes Shanka. Who is Shanka ?
The abhimani GOD for Shanka is
whos is son of Pradyumna and grand
son of Lord Narayana. So here one is
devotee of wife / devotee of son /
devotee of grand son. These many
recommendations are rare to see.
Again Sriman Mahalakshmi is the Head
Abhimani of shanka who is always near
to LORD.
Then comes Gadha. Sakshat Vayu is
abhimani devata for Gadha who is very
nearest and dearest to Lord after
Mahalakshmi. Lord Mukhyaprana is
abhimani of Gadha. Sriman
Madhvacharya tells that “Pradhana
angam hi Maruti”. So Vayu is very near
and dear to Lord. Applying Gadha
mudra makes one dearer to LORD.
Then comes Padma. The abhimani
devata for Padma is Bhudevi. Then who
is Bhudevi? Bhudevi is also wife of Lord
Narayana. Sri Bhu Durga are three
consorts of Lord Narayana. Sri is
Shanka / Bhu is Padma / Durga is
Chakra and for Gada it is Vayu who are
abhimani devatas and all these are ver
near and dear to Lord.
And again for Chakra and Shanka the
next abhimani devatasare Pradyumna
and Aniruddha who are son and
grandson of Lord. So if we go to Lord
with these devatas recommendation and
applying these symbols we too get
dearer to HIM and we succeed in
endeavours all through our life.
Anusandhana of all these should be
done while applying Gopichandana
Mudra daily.
Chakra abhimani are Kama and
Pradyumna. Here Pradyumna is also
Kama. There are two types of Kama.
One is Shubha Kama and Ashubha
Kama. For Ashubhakama like Atyachara
/ Ananya / Theft etc the abhimani is a
demon by name Kalanemi. Kalameni is
none other than Kamsa who is the
enemy of LORD. Those who listened
Bhagavata will come to know that who
are Pradyumna and Kamsa.Pradyumna
is SON of LORD and Kamsa is UNCLE of
Lord. Here if one does Shubha KAMANA
then Lord will bless him like he blessed
his son Pradyumna and if one does
Ashubha KAMANA then Lord will destroy
and kill us as he did to his uncle Kamsa.
So we should become like Pradyumna
who is a symbol of Shubha Kamana and
thats the reason we should apply
chakra. We should pray at Lords feet to
make us like his son Pradyumna. So
applying Chakra is a medium for us to
pray and beome like Pradyumna.
The solution is simple. Just apply chakra
with this anusandhana and then apply
chakra mudra. We have many problems
in life and if we do this anusandhana
while applying chakra then it will save
us like it saved King Ambarisha. This is
just not an imagination but TRUE.
Upanishad Antar bahishya yat sarvam
vyapta Narayano Hari. So Lord is there
always in all directions who is always
with his weapons and he is never empty
handed. So to get rid of Asuri Shakti
one should do anusandhana of the
related ABHIMANI GOD and the
Antaryami Lord Sriman Narayana to get
rid of the dusta asuri shakti.
Shankabhimanini is Mahalakshmi. In
Chandogya Upanishad shanka is named
as SAHAMANA. Chakra is called JUHU.
Who does bhog of Asuras in his agni /
sudarshana jwala thats why chakra is
called JUHU. In the same way
SAHAMANA, where MANA means
Pramana/Proof. This SAHAMANA is
respnsible for the knowledge which one
gets thru Veda / Shastra / Upanishad.
So if one who apply shanka mudra
dharana gets eligible to earn shuddha
jnana. One should pray to Sridevi to
earn this knowledge, this has been told
in GEETA BHASHAYA by Srimadacharya.
Gada is none other than Vayudeva. We
should pray to him to provide us with
inspirationto do patha / pravachana and
sachastra manana and shravana.
Remember this statement is not
mechanical or blind belief but true.
Padama is Bhu. Bhudevi who is
responsible for us to earn wealth. In
Teekakrutapada Stotra Sri Satyapriya
Teerha Swamiji tells ‘adhyakshi kruta
kshobhanam’. The wealth with which we
can earn jnana bhakti vairagya is
Padma. So we have to do Padma mudra
dharana to earn this. Here
KSHOBHANAM means Lord Vishnu. Bhu
devi is also responsible for doing nitya
kainkarya like pooja / satkarma /
guruseva etc. So we should pray to
Bhudevi to provide us with the real
wealth of jnana bhakti to do seva to
Lord Narayana and all others things.
In summary
Chakra – Dusta Shakti samhara.
Shanka – Shuddha Jnana.
Gada – Sachastra pravritti.
Padma – Seva kainkarya.
One should do anusandhana of all these
while doing mudra dharana whether it is
sheetala or taptra mudra. One will think
how can we do all these while taking
tapta mudra dharana where we are only
concerned when will swamiji come and
finish the task and when we will be
relieved from this job. So it is
recommended to do Anusandhana of all
these before taking the mudra andthen
stand in the queue. If you start doing
the anusandhana after standing in the
queue then you will not be able to
complete it and nor Swamiji can wait till
you do it and then give Taptamudra
after that. If still not possible do it after
taking the mudra to please the GOD.
So it is recommended to do
anusandhana of all what has been told
in todays pravachana before applying
gopichandana mudara to our body
otherwise it is of no use doing it.
After this beautiful Amrutopadeaha
Swamiji made everyone to chant
for 16 times and then concluded todays
Click the link to listen to pravachana
I would like to repeat again that I have
tried my best to translate what has
been told by Swamiji today and what
little has been understood by me in
total. Please forgive me for my mistakes
if any.
Sri Bharatiramana
Mukhyapranantargata Sri
|| Sri 1008 Satyadhyana Teertha
Gurubhyonamaha ||
Brief history of Sri 1008 Satyadhyana
Teertha Sripadangalavaru
Sripada’s Digvijaya
After completing Mahasamaradhane at
Rajamahendry Sri Satyadhyana
Teertharu left for Kashi. In between he
halted at many places and did prachara
and won over many pundits in debate
and proved that Srimadacharya’s
Shastra is the only correct shastra. He
gave many shastra pramana to prove
the same and many people accepted
defeat at his lotus feet. Such was his
knowledge in our great shastra. Later
he reached Gaya. There used to live a
great advaiti pundit by name “Sri
Chandrasekhara Bhatt”. He had invited
Swamiji for a debate and swamiji
accepted that and entered into a debate
at the famous place called Akshaya
Vatika. There he won against him and
Sri Chandrasekhara Bhatta accepted his
defeat and prostrated in front of
Swamiji. Later he proceeded to Kashi.
There also he defeated many people
and gave them Vaishnava Diksha. Kashi
is famous for Vidwans and Viddwatta. It
is supposed to be the home ground of
many pundits. There he happened to
discuss many issues with
Mahamahopadyada pundits of that time.
Some of them are Sri Jayadev Mishra,
Sri Vamanacharana Bhatta, Sri
Shivakumara Shastri. Later they sent a
message to Swamiji to come for a
|| Sri Gurubhyonamaha ||
|| Sri Parama Gurubhyonamaha ||
|| Srimad Anandateertha
Gurubhyonamaha ||
|| Sri Satyadhyana Teertha
Gurubhyonamaha ||
Namaskara Hari Bhaktarige,
Today on occasion of Chaaitra Shuddha
Ekadashi (Kamada) I pay my tribute to
Sri Satyadhyana Teertharu by
translating the Marathi article from Sri
Dwaita Siddhanta Kesari, published
from Pune – Maharastra.
Continued…After Kashi Digvijaya
From Kashi Sri Satyadhyana Teertha
Swamiji has arrived in Reva on
invitation of the Sansthana king. There
the king of Reva has requested Swamiji
to accept his hospitality and perform
Sansthana Maha Pooja of Rama Devaru.
After that Swamiji proceeded to Madras.
There Swamiji had a debate with Sri
Mahamahopadyaya Sri Hari Shastri for
continuously three days. Later Sri
Shastri bowed to Swamiji and accepted
his defeat.
There use to live a Maha pundit in
Kumbhakonam who belongs to Vishistha
Advaita sect. He called him self by
tehname “Chatu Shastra Kalpataru
Seshacharya”. He has challenged the
people there that anybody who can
debate with him on the topic “Does any
Taratamya exists in Mukti or not”. To
this Swamiji has accepted his challenge
and made him accept his defeat. Before
this one sadgruhasta from the village
has informed him that if you feel that
you are “Chatu Shastra
Kalpataru” then you should prove this
by defeating Swamiji of Uttaradimatha
Sri Satyadhyana Teertharu. This has
hurted his ego and made him to
challenge Swamiji. He told the person
that your Swamiji will not be able to
answer my questions and will accept
defeat on this topic. All his ego was
crushed and made him bow in front of
Debate with Sri Lokmanya Tilak
Balgangadhar Lokmanya Tilak wrote a
book by name “GITA RAHASYA” while
he was in Mandala Jail in the year 1916.
Tilak was an extraordinary intellectual
person with radical ideas. He as raised
many doubts over Sri Adi
Shankaracharyas Adwaita and has
refuted his philosophy. Basically he has
raised many doubts on the topic “Do
any intellectual need to perform karma
or not?”. In some of the places he has
also raised objections over Acharya
Madhva’s philosophy and his Gita
Bhashya. Dwaita Siddhanta supports
that “An intellectual needs to perform
his Karma” irrespective of his
intellectuality and knowledge. Sri Tilak
has ignored all these, which is
supported by Dwaita Siddhanta and
made remarks against Acharya. This
was brought to the notice of Swamiji.
He immediately without making any
delay asked one of his shishya Sri Anna
Rao Devele a leading Lawyer of Chikkodi
to write to Tilak. Swamiji has asked him
to convey to Tilak that he can make it
as per his convenience to come and
discuss about the remarks what he has
made in his book. Either he can come
and meet him or he was ready to make
to his convenient place. Later Tilak
replied to this letter from Ahmedabad
and said that he would certainly meet
His Holiness at Chikkodi. At that time
Congress party was to hold its regional
meeting at Belgaum from 10th to
12th April in the year 1917.
Tilak reached Chikkodi after the
congress party meeting at
Belgaum.Several scholar’s intellectuals
and eminent citizens also came to
Chikkodi to meet Swamiji. Prominent
amongst them were Mahadev
Paranjape, Sri Narasimha, Chintaman
Kelkar, J.C.Karandikar etc. With full
respect Tilak bowed to Swamiji and
after exchanging pleasantries they
started to discussion. The discussions
went on for 3-4 days, but Tilak was in
hurry and he was suppose to leave that
place and left the discussions in
between. In their course of discussions
Tilak has given many references to what
he has written in his book “GITA
RAHASYA”. Swamiji has asked him a
straight and simple question and made
him quite. Swamiji said what was the
necessity for Sri Krishna to give the
discourse and upadaesha to Arjuna in
the battlefield. To this Swamiji told Tilak
that Lord has been always with the
Dharma and he has punished those who
are against it. The battlefield was the
right place for Arjuna to preach the
same and win over the Kauravas who
were totally against the Dharma. To this
he asked Tilak who was the fortunate
person to listen this live? Tilak was
surprised and was keep quite for some
point of time. To this Swamiji again
informed him it was Kapiraja Lord Vayu
in the form of Mukhyaprana Devaru who
was on the flag of Sri Krishna and
Arjuna’s chariot who has listened all
what has been preached by Lord
Krishna to Arjuna directly. What more
evidence you want to prove that what
our Acharya has written is more than
correct because our Srimadacharya
himself is the third incarnation of Lord
Vayu Hanuman. HE quoted many
pramanas for this. By listening all this
Tilak simply was not able to speak. He
later informed Swamiji to come to Pune
to take the discussion further in leisure.
Swamiji has accepted his invitation and
informed him that he will visit Pune
soon. The 17th April 1917 issue of Kesari
newspaper carried a detailed report of
this historic meet at Chikkodi.
Swamiji continued with his travel and
later reached Pune. Swamiji was given a
rousing welcome and taken in a
procession from Rameshwar mandir to
Tulasibagh Ram mandir. Swamiji set his
camp at Tulasibagh Ram Mandir. Tilak
use to visit Swamiji daily and use to
discuss with him on many topics. He use
to make notes of all being discussed. He
use to ask Swamiji many doubts
regarding religion, dharma, religious
practices rituals etc and Swamiji use to
clear all of his doubts. Swamiji use to
substantiate his stand with quotations
from scriptures, Vedas, Upanishads etc.
Tilak was simply amazed at Sri
Satyadhyana Teerthas learning, his
sharp intellect and his outstanding
memory. Everybody was surprised as
how Swamiji convinced Tilak
irrespective of knowing Marathi
language. All the discussions happened
between Tillak and Swamiji use to get
published in a magazine, which use to
get published by name “Madhva
Siddhantha Sudhakar” in those days.
On Jyestha Krishnapaksha dwithiya
(Thursday) an evening programme was
arranged to honor His holiness by the
citizens of Pune at Anandashram. The
Kesari newspaper carried Tilak’s
invitation to His Holiness and names of
Moreshwar, Gopal Deskmukh,
Narasimha, Chintaman Kelkar and many
other prominent Punekar’s were
included. A grand function was arranged
for Bhiksha at Tulasi Bagh. That day
Lokmanya Tilak applied Angara Akshata
and this was widely published in next
day’s edition of Bhopatkar’s Bhala
the headlines.Which means Tilak
has applied a black line called
Angara and Akshata.
Later all present at the function praised
Swamiji for his intellectual knowledge
and dynamic personality. Lokmanya
Tilak spoke at the length of describing
his brilliant personality and said “If I
were to study Philosophy I would surely
study under His Holiness or if he were
to enter the political arena I will
definitely be his follower. Several
newspapers like Kesari, Jnanaprakash,
Chitramayajagat, Bhala reported this
Wherever Sri Satyadhyana Teertha went
he won accolades and captured hearts
with the same ease. Such was his
magnetic personality.
I again take an opportunity to inform
everybody that my Grandfather Late Sri
Dadacharya Kale was a live spectator
for this grand event. Swamiji has
specially called him to be part of the
discussions as he has translated some
of the discussions in Marathi to
Lokmanya Tilak. We are very fortunate
to be part of this great family. Again all
credit goes to Sri Satyadhyana
Teertharu for his love and affection that
he has bestowed on us. We still
remember him daily before we do our
Urdhvapundara Mudra Dharane before
Sandhyavandane. We are fortunate to
use the Mudra, which has been given by
him to our grandfather. Swamijis
Aashirwada is still felt by us today also
without which we cannot start our daily
rituals as Gopichandana and Mudra
dharane is must for all of us.
I again request the learned members to
correct me wherever I went wrong. I
made and humble effort to translate the
same from Marathi Magazine. I take the
blame on me for the mistakes and not
the Author Late Sri Ramacharya
Balacharya Avadhani who was a great
personality. All praise for him for writing
so many books and magazines
regarding our Siddhantha in Marathi
Language. Maharastra and people like
me cannot forget him for his
contributions of his books in Marathi. I
pray Lord Sri Hari for him and end by
translation here. More in my next mail.
Reference : Dwaita Siddhanta Kesari
Marathi Magazine and Anecdotes from
the life of Sri Satyadhyana Teertha by
Sri Pt. Malagi Jayathirthacharya.
!!! Bharatiramana Mukhyapranantargata
Sri Krishnarpanamastu !!!
!!! Haraye Namaha !!!
Shrisho Vijayate !!!
!! Sri Gurubhyonamaha !!!
!! Sri 1008 Srimad
Gurubhyonamaha !!
!! Sri 1008 Satyadhyana Teertha
Gurubhyonamaha !!
Continued after Pune Digvijaya…
After Shri Swamiji completed Pune
digvijaya, Swamiji proceeded toward
Bijapur. Swamijis Pune visit changed
the lifestyle of Punekars and many
people were blessed with his sheer
presence. Prominent amongst the
Haribhaktas were (Sarva Sri) Mule,
Dandekar, Nigudkar, Karhade,
Kokanashata etc… After Swamiji left
Chikkodi, he travelled extensively in
Maharashtra and blessed people of
Sangli, Miraj, Kolhapur, Karhad, Vai,
Rasaripur, Kalgaon, Kale, Satara,
Shiraval and other towns. All these
villages were blessed with presence of
Swamiji as it was quite long since any
Peethadhipati had come and blessed
these places. Vaishnavism was on the
decline in these places but Sri Swamijis
sanchara to these places revived the
faith and Swamiji blessed them all with
the Darshana of Sri Moola / Digvijaya
Rama Devaru and Sita Devi.
Many people requested Swamiji to keep
coming to all these places, as it was
necessary for the people to enhance
their affinity towards their Matha & Mutt
and at the same time keep them aware
of all irreplaceable rituals like Tapta
Mudradharane. Swamiji has blessed all
these people and litened to their woes
with a lot of love and patience. During
Swamiji’s initial visit to this place, not
even a single Haribhakta came forward
with financial assistance for bhikshe, not
because these Haribhaktas could not
afford it, but it was because they were
really not aware that they need to come
forward and make a contribution in any
form possible, this was due to the fact
that not many peetadhipatis had visited
these places in near past. Acting to
nullify this situation, Swamiji ordered
the Diwan of Shri Uttaradi Mutt to
ensure that the mutt itself bears the
burden of all the expenses and he also
ensured that no Haribhakta was left out
without Mudhradharane or Theertha
Prasada. Swamiji ensured that the
people were kept updated and were
aware of our siddhantha and practices
by extensively travelling to such areas.
Many Shishyas of Swamiji have
contributed towards keeping our
tradition alive in Maharashtra,
prominent amongst them were Sri
Mahish from Sangli, Shri Khuperkar /
Shri Pundit Rao from Kolhapur, Shri
Mangle from Kalgaon, Shri
Gajendragadkar from Satara etc.
Swamiji then decided to head for
Bijapur as Chaturmasa was fast nearing.
By ensuring a watertight and accurate
itinerary, Swamiji reached Bijapur on
Ashada Shuddha Dashami. After
completing Chaturmasya at Bijapur,
Swamiji extensively traveled villages
surrounding Bijapur and blessed them
all. Later he continued his sanchara to
Gulbarga and decided to visit Malkhed
on occasion of Mahasamarahane of
Tikarayaru. He had invited many
pundits from Karnataka / Maharastra /
Andhra / Tamilnadu for the grand event.
As per Swamijis instructions Sri
Rangacharya met Sri Vasudevshastri
Abhyankar and informed him that “Sri
Uttaradi Mutt Ubhaya Swamiji Sri
Satyadhyana Teerthau has invited you
to attend Mahasamaradhana at
Malkhed”. Sri Vasudev Shastri agreed to
come to Malkhed but put forth some
conditions for his coming to the
Mahasamaradhana. He requested that
Swamiji not have any debate/discussion
with me on Dvaita – Advaita vivaada.
Sri Rangacharya conveyed this demand
Swamiji. Hearing this Swamiji
immediately informed Shri Vasudev
Shastri that he will not engage him in
any debate related to Dvaita/Advaita
vivaada, but would like to have a
discussion/debate on Vyakarana
Shastra. To this Shastriji readily agreed
but requested Sri Rangacharya to
inform Swamiji that the
debate/discussion should happen in a
friendly environment with total
sportsmanship. Later Sri Vasudevshasrti
came to Malkhed from Pune with his
shishyas. Prominent people who attend
Samaradhane were Sri Sridhar Shastri
Pathak, Rangacharya Raddi,
Maratheshastri from Vai, Balacharya
Gajendragadkar from Satara etc…
Sri Satyadhyana Teertharu decided to
play role of Neutral Umpire between
opposite teams. On one side sat great
Kannada pundits from Mysore and on
the opposite were Pundits from
Maharashtra. One side was Vidwan’s in
Nyaya and the other side was experts in
Vyakarana. Almost 15000 people
gathered to attend Mahasamaradhane.
The both rival teams were surprised to
see that the discussion continued for
close to 5 days, which was a matter of
surprise at that time.
One side was lead by Sri Abhyankar and
they were experts in Vykarana and
Swamiji was playing a role of an umpire
for the same. A pundit from the
opposite party decided to ask a question
using a unique method called
NYAYAGHATIT. To this Sri Abhyankar
Shastri requested the defending party
not to choose this method and rightly
so, Sri Swamiji intervened and
prevented the discussion based on
Nyayagathi. Everybody was very happy
that the Swamiji mediated and
prevented an ugly scene. They all
praised Swamiji for the same. At the
end the debated ended in a mutually
constructive way and everybody who
participated were honored by Swamiji
with Sambhavane , Mantakshade and
Later Swamiji stayed for some more
days at Malkhed and decided to
continue his travel to Raichur, Bellary
etc. After accepting Ashrama, it was for
the first time that Swamiji was visiting
some of these places. Many popular and
prominent people from Sholapur like Sri
Nana Vaidya, Shri Gavai, Shri Kakade
etc. visited Bijapur and requested
Swamiji to conduct his next
Chaturmasya at Sholapur. Swamiji
readily accepted their request and
decided to stay at Sholapur for his next
Chaturmasya. He later came to
Sholapur on Shaka 1840 Ashada
Shudha Pournima. Sholapur had many
Madhva families and matched big cities
at that time.
The Haribhaktas of Sholapur gave
Swamiji an excellent reception and
performed all rituals with pomp and
gaiety. Many people from surrounding
villages about 50 miles came and stayed
at Swamijis chatra and participated in
chaturmasya festival. Many people
utilized the presence of Swamiji at
Sholapur and conducted Bhiksha /
Padapooja with total devotion. After
Sholapur Swamiji travelled to Akkalkot
and Naldurg. Sri Sarasswati Mahostava
was performed at these places with
great pomp and gaiety. He stayed at
these places for some time and later
decided to travel to Hyderabad.
At that time Hyderabad was gripped
with plague due to which Swamiji
decided to stay in Secunderabad, which
is attached to Hyderabad and called as
twin city of Hyderabad. Swamiji stayed
at Secunderabad for many days. Later
Plague also spread to Secunderabad due
to which he decided to send many of his
disciples to their respective villages.
From Secunderabad Swamiji decided to
travel to Malkhed as Mahasamaradhana
was nearing again.
During his trip to Malkhed Swamiji
visited Chincholi and upon request of
locals he decided to perform
Mahasamaradhana at Chincholi only. As
many as 10,000 people attended the
Mahasamaradhana in this tiny village.
Such was the greatness of Swamiji, that
people from wide and far participated in
large numbers. Wherever he use to go
people use to gather and no one use to
go away without Teertha Prasada.
The same we can see today also.
Wherever present Swamiji too visits we
see an ocean of people. That’s all the
greatness of Parampare and
Ramadevara Aashirwda on mutt and its
After completing Mahasamaradhana at
Chincholi, Swamiji proceeded towards
Malkhed where Sri Akshobhya Teertha,
Sri Jayateertha and Sri Raghunatha
teertha Moola Vrindavana’s are there
and Sri Satyajnana Teertha Swamijis
Mritika Vrindavan is housed. This place
was of a lot of importance to Swamiji
and he was highly attached to this holy
place. We can see the same attachment
with our present Swamiji as well.
Swamiji then decided to continue his
Patha karyakrama there at Malkhed and
made his Shishyas to learn Sriman
Nyasudha and later decided to perform
Sudha mangala for the very same
students. He decided not perform any
more sanchara until he completes the
Sudha Mangala and decided to sell off
his horses and bullock carts. He later
asked one of his shishya to send all
Elephants except one to the village
where he had Jahagiri at that time.
Pleasant information went around all
stating that the Swamiji had decided to
perform Sudha mangala at Malkhed,
this resulted in a very large gathering
with people wanting to hear Sudha from
Completing Sudha Mangala was a very
important part of every Madhva pundit’s
life. Everybody desired and felt elated to
complete his Mangala under Swamiji in
the erstwhile days.Elucidating Sudha
was not a simple job by any standards.
Many famous pundits Shishyas were
called for this job. Prominent amongst
them were Sarvasri Narasimhacharya
Varkhedkar, Chincholi Krishnacharya,
Malagi Vedavyasacharya, Galgali
Venkannacharya, Jevali Raghavacharya,
Koulagi Yadunathacharya, Toravi
Krishnacharya, Pandurangi Jayacharya,
Pangari Tatacharya, Yagniya
Vitthalacharya etc. Apart from these
famous pundits, Sri Kudli Akshobhya
Teertha Mutt Junior Swamiji had come
there with the Senior Swamiji. The
junior pontiff had come to Malkhed to
complete his Sri Sudha Patha under Shri
Satyadhyana Theertharu. The Junior
Swamiji was also honored with the title
“Tankasali Swami”.
The routine during those days was
interesting; daily Sri Sudha Patha used
to start at 7:00 AM in morning and end
at 10:30 AM. Following this, Swamiji
used to perform Sri Rama Devara pooje
and used to take some vishraanthi.
Again from 2:00 PM patha would start
and continue till about 6:00 PM. There
use to be two different kinds of people
who use to come for Sudha patha. The
first batch were students who were
learning pursuing patha under Swamiji
and the rest were great scholars and
experts. Swamiji ensured that it was
great learning experience for all who
were studying under the swamiji. For
the new it was fresh learning and it was
the same for the learned too, such was
the greatness of Swamiji. Every day
was a new learning for all of them.
Swamiji used to patiently answer every
question the students put forth and
used to clear their doubts with great
ease. Swamiji was so patient that he
would never feel offended even if the
questions raised were out of context or
not relevant to the current area of
Sri Satyadhyana Teertha
Sripadangalavaru has credit of
producing thousands of Shishyas and
some of them were Mathadhipathis and
Peethadhipatis. Prominent
Mathadhipatis amongst them were
·Sri Sri 1008 Vidyamanya Teertha
Sripadangalavaru (Bhandarkeri Mutt
· Sri Sri 1008 Lakshmisha Teertha
Sripadangalavaru (Kundapur Mutt
Vyasaraya Mathadhipathi)
· Sri Sri 1008 Vidyasindhu Teertha
Sripadangalavaru (Subrahmanya Mutt
·Sri Sri 1008 Lakshmindra Teertha
Sripadangalavaru (Shiroor Mutt
· Sri Sagarkatte Vyasaraja Mutt
· Sri Kudli Akshobhya Teertha Mutt
· Sri Vallabhacharya (Pithadhipathi) Sri
Krishna Dikshitji Maharaj.
Sri Satyadhyana Teertha
Sripadangalavaru has a rare distinction
of teaching and producing so many
Peethadipathis. This distinction also
goes to erstwhile Swamiji Sri
Satyapramoda Teertharu and present
pontiff of Sri Uttaradimatha Sri
Satyatma Teertha Sripadangalavaru.
Both of them have distinction of
teaching Kaniyoor Mutt
Sri Satyadhyana Teertha Swamiji was
well versed with Nyaya, Vyakarana,
Mimamsa and other schools. Apart from
our Srimadacharyas tattvavada he was
well versed with the other Vedantha
schools. He has studied all granthas
written by Sri Adi Shankaraharya, Sri
Ramanujacharya and Sri
Vallabhacharya. Because his sheer
diversity of knowledge, he used to clear
the doubts in whatever topics being
asked to him. He was well aware with
the loopholes of other Schools, which
helped him to prove that what
Srimadacharya has preached us is right.
This Sudha Patha continued for almost 4
months and on shaka 1842 Jyestha
Vadya Dashami, Shri Sudha Mangala
was concluded. Many pundits from
different regions came to attend this
Sudha Mangala. On the very same day,
after completing Sri Ramadevara Pooje,
Swamiji gave a discourse on the last
chapter of Sriman Nyanasudha. After
that he completed Hastodaka for all
Swamijis Moola Vrindava. He took out a
grand procession of Srima Nyanasudha
Gratha on that day. Almost 2000
Vaishnavas from different places
attended the procession. After the
procession, Swamiji distributed
clothes/sambhavane to all students who
passed out the examinations.
Swamiji decided to host a sumptuous
meal for all the people who attended
the Sudha Mangala. He then went into
kitchen to inspect what’s going on
there. He decided to prepare “Hurnada
Kadabu” to all the devotees who came
to attend the program. Many students
were betting on each other for eating
more number of Kadbu’s. Swamiji asked
the cook to prepare everything in pure
ghee and preparing Kadbu’s for almost
3000 people was not an easy job. He
later asked students to join the cook
and asked them to give a helping hand
to prepare the same. A big heap of
Kadabus almost 6 feet height was
prepared. Swamiji never liked things,
which move on slow pace. He never
used to move from the place until the
tasks were completed. He never ever
liked delays.
Most of the people who came to
complete their Sudha Mangala were
aged. They use to have their lunch at
Mutt and in evening it was not possible
for them to come to the mutt in evening
time with their wives and children. He
ordered everybody to prepare his or her
own food back at home. All necessary
ingredients were sent from the mutt to
everybody’s home to enable him or her
to prepare food at their respective
It was also greatness of Swamijis
Poorvashrama wife popularly known and
recognized by name Avvanoor who use
to take care of all the students who
stayed at Mutt. She was like a mother
to most of the students who use to stay
with Swamiji, leaving their respective
village, parents and home. Apart from
this the total responsibility of
Akshobhya Teertha Mutt (Tankasali
Swamiji) was on Uttaradimutt and
Swamiji use to take care of them.
Through this the author of the book
Late Sri Ramacharya Balacharya
Avadhani want to inform that he was
about 12 years of age when this Sudhan
Mangala concluded at Malkhed. He was
also present at Malkhed at that time.
After completing Malkhed Sudha
Mangala in sannidhana of Sri Tikarayaru
Swamiji again started his digvijaya tour
and arrived at Raichaur for and stayed
there to complete his next chaturmasya.
After completing Chaturmasya at
Raichur on request of Gadwal residents
Swamiji decided to celebrate Deepavali
Mahostava at their place. Later he
stayed at a place called Kuntargi for
some days, which was near to Gadwal.
As per his daily routine of teaching
patha to students Swamiji was about to
go for his bath and at that time the
Diwan of mutt has brought all the posts
and mail which was on the name of
mutt. One of the mails was a book,
which was sent by registered post in the
name of Swamiji. Usually nobody use to
address any mails on Swamijis name.
All private and Govt mails were
addressed in the name of Diwan.
Swamiji was surprised to see the mail
on his name and he was very much
eager to open it and see what’s inside.
He just tore the cover of the book and
was looking very furious. Diwan was
very much surprised and asked Swamiji
what is the book. Swamiji informed him
that the books name is “CHANDRIKA
KHANDANAM”. The book was all about
defaming the great grantha Tatparya
Chandrika that was written by Sri
Vyasaraja Swamiji.
This book was written by a Advaiti
Pundit Sri Ramasubbashastri of
Kumbhakonam. He was honored by title
Mahamahopadhya by that time
government, and such was his name
and fame in those days. Sri
Ramasubbashastri uses to have a small
gurukul of his own and had some 50
students at his place for Patha and
Pravachana. He purposely wrote this
book and sent this book in the name of
Swamiji. In other words he challenged
Swamiji by sending this book by
registered post just to make sure that
he has received this book. As soon as
Swamiji opened this book he got very
furious to see it and decided to go
through the book page by page and
later informed the students to bring
writing material. He informed all of
them what was in that book and decided
to write a book against it by name
informed all students that he is going to
go for his bath and pooje only after
writing initial pages of the book and this
is how started writing the book. After
writing some pages Swamiji left for his
bath and completed Pooja and Teertha
Prasada. Immediately after completing
this he again started writing and this
went for some more days. Later Swamiji
decided to move to Tirupati. He stayed
there for some days and published the
immediately sent a copy to Sri
Ramasubbashastri and was waiting for
his reply. This is how Swamiji was, he
never uses to tolerate anything, which
was talked, listened or written against
our great Yatis and tattvavada.
Like every time I request the learned to
forgive me for anything, which is
incorrect and not properly translated by
More translation about “CHANDRIKA
MANDANAM” in my next mail…..
Some of the famous student names who
studied all Shastra under Swamiji in my
next mail…
I am sending this mail on very
auspicious day ie. Sri Hanuman
Jayanthi. I take one more opportunity
to inform all of you that how we are
blessed with Aashirwada of Sri
Bhimasena Devaru. In my uncles house
(cousin of my father Late Sri
Bimacharya Jadcharla) we have a
Pratime of Lord Bhimasena Hanuman
Devaru on a small stone, which was
found by his ancestors 200 years ago.
My uncle’s great grandfather was a
famous ayurvedic vaidya in those days.
Their Kuladevata was Sri Bhimasena
Swamy of Motakpally (near to
Gudmitkal – Gulbarga). It so happened
that he was washing his clothes near to
pushkarni on a small stone, which was
very soft. He decided to take it back
home and thought that it will be very
useful for him to prepare the medicines.
To his surprise he found a Hanuman
picture carved exactly as the Main God
in Garbhagudi of the temple. He was so
joyous that he brought the Pratime
keeping on his head all the way from
Motakpally to Hyderabad by walking
that too in suddha Madi halting at some
places in between. Motakpally is almost
200 Kms from Hyderabad. We have lost
all our ancestors but still we are blessed
with Sri Bhimasena Anjaneya Swamy
who is still intact at my uncle’s place.
Above all I am very fortunate to have
soubhagya of doing Pooja every year to
this great Hanumanji. I often visit my
uncles house to perform pooja of this
great idol. May Sri Vayurupi Bhimasena
Devaru bless all of us and give us more
and more opportunities to serve him
like this every year.
!!! Jai Shri Raam !!!
!!! Sri Bharatiramana
Mukhyapranantargata Sree
Krishnarpanamastu !!!
!!! Sri Madhvesharpanamastu !!!
Sr i
Motakpally Hanuman replica idol at
my uncle (Late Sri Bimachary
Jadcherla’s) house.