The Effects of Online Gaming To The Physical Health of The Grade 11 Humanities and Social Science Students at Nasugbu East Senior High School 4

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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the study's background, the problem statement,

the theoretical and conceptual framework, the scope and limitation of the

study, the significance of the hypothesis, and the definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Similar to compulsive gambling, impulse control disorder, which does

not entail drug usage, is the term used to describe video game addiction.

Furthermore, overuse of video games, as well as excessive or obsessive usage of

computer games, are other terms for it (Greenfield & Young, 2009). According

to Mehroof et al. (2010), excessive computer game use can have an impact on a

person's personality traits, such as anxiety, sensation seeking, neuroticism,

and hostility. These are signs that a person is developing a gaming addiction.

The brain is also impacted by computer addiction; when gamers look at

pictures of video games, parts of the brain linked to drug addiction urges also

seem to light up (Ko, C et al. 2010).There are two categories of gaming:

"excessive gaming" and "addictive gaming." These categories differ from one

another in that, although two gamers may play for the same amount of hours

every day, they may have very different psychological motivations and

interpretations of what gaming means in their lives. Not the amount of time

spent gaming, but rather the detrimental effects on other aspects of life, should

be used to define gaming addiction (Griffiths, M. et al. 2010). Of the online

gamers in a volunteer sample, 41% admitted to using gaming as a means of

escape. Seven percent of the same sample were considered "dependent".

According to Hussain et al. (2010), these gamers exhibited a number of

behavioral traits that are linked to more well-known types of addiction, such as

mood manipulation, tolerance, and relapse. Men play video games online the

most. Higher levels of online gaming addiction among male gamers are

associated with older ages, lower levels of self-esteem, and lower levels of

discontentment with everyday life. According to Ko et al. (2010), this

association did not apply to female gamers. Technology abuse is comparatively

uncommon. Men are more prone than girls to become addicted to video games.

Girls are more inclined to play platform and puzzle games, whereas boys are

more likely to play violent or aggressive games (Griffiths, 2008). 3.5% to 1.5%

of teenagers in Germany who use the internet exhibit symptoms of gaming

addiction. Higher rates of anxiety and sadness as well as worse academic

performance are linked to gaming addiction (Peukert et al. 2010). According to

Zheng et al. (2016), there is a positive correlation between computer game

addiction and sensation-seeking, achievement motivation, a positive

assessment of one's intelligence, and a poor assessment of one's interpersonal

skills. Sixty-three percent of the German teenagers in the sample met the

authors' diagnostic criteria for gaming addiction. According to Klaus et al.

(2018), these teenagers were primarily male and had little formal schooling.

Academic achievement and gaming addiction are inversely correlated (Chiu et

al. 2010). Finding out the effect of online games is the goal of this study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The study examines the spending behavior of Grade 11 Humanities

and Social Science students of Nasugbu East Senior High school

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age; and
B. Sex

2. What are the effects of online game addiction to the student’s physical

3. Is there a significant difference on the effect of online games to the

physical health of the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Science Students
at Nasugbu East Senior High School students when grouped according to
profile variables?

1.3 Theoretical Framework

The recent inclusion of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in Section III

(“Emerging Measures and Models”) of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5; American Psychiatric

Association, 2013) appears to have increased the interest of researchers in the

development of new standardized psychometric tools for the assessment of

various online addictions. IGD has been characterized by a “persistent and

recurrent use of the Internet to engage in games, often with other players,

leading to clinically significant impairment or distress” (APA, 2013, p. 795). The

DSM-5 asserts that further empirical evidence is needed to confirm the nine

criteria proposed for the clinical diagnosis of IGD, and to formally define IGD as

a mental disorder in future editions of the DSM. Of the nine criteria, seven

criteria are identical to those of gambling disorder and five criteria to substance

use disorder (Petry et al., 2014), and refer to preoccupation with Internet

games, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, unsuccessful attempts to control

participation in Internet games, loss of interest in previous hobbies, continued

excessive use of Internet games, deceiving family members, use Internet games

to escape, and losing a significant relationship, job or education, or career

opportunity. To be diagnosed as a disordered gamer, five (or more) out of these

criteria need to be endorsed over a period of 12 months (APA, 2013)

1.4 Hypothesis

Ha: There is a significant difference on the effect of online games to the physical

health of the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Science Students at Nasugbu East Senior

High School students when grouped according to profile variables.

Ho: There is no significant difference on the effect of online games to the

physical health of the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Science Students at

Nasugbu East Senior High School students when grouped according to profile


1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The main objective of this study is to provide specific information

about the effects Online Gaming to the Grade 11 Students. This study also

includes the student’s personal information such as their age and sex as well

as the effects of Online Gaming to the student in their Academic Performance

and in their physical health, finally, this study is also limited to 25 Grade 11

Humanities and Social Science students, male and female, enrolled in the first

semester, the School Year 2023-2024, Nasugbu East Senior High School. Each

of the respondents are given a questionnaire to answer. The selected students

came from different sections to prevent subjective perceptions.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The result of this study is significant to the following group:

Students. This study may give information to the students about how

online gaming affects the life of a students.

Teachers. This study may serve as the way to the teachers to determine

the students who are addicted to online games so they can help the students to

avoid being addicted to online games.

Family. This study is significant to the family because it may help them

to know if their children are addicted to online games.

Future researchers. It would help the future researchers that are

interested in this study. It will serve as their basis and their background about

their research.

1.7 Definition of Terms


Online Gaming Addiction- A internet gaming disorder, is characterized

by severely reduced control over gaming habits, leading to negative impacts on

various aspects of life such as personal, social, educational, and occupational



Impulse Control- are psychiatric conditions characterized by

impulsivity, the failure to resist temptations or urges, and the inability to

control certain behaviors.


Escapism- refers to the act of using activities or behaviors to distract

oneself from reality or unpleasant emotions.

Tolerance- Some studies suggest that the need to increase time spent on

gaming may not necessarily equate to the need for an increasing dose, as other

factors beyond time spent gaming can motivate and maintain excessive


Dopamine- a crucial neurotransmitter and hormone in the body, playing

a significant role in various essential functions


Interpersonal Relationships- Refers to the connections between

individuals and how online gaming addiction can negatively impact

relationships with family, friends, and peers.


Cognitive Distortions- are irrational thoughts that shape how

individuals perceive the world, feel, and act.

Behavioral Activation- It focuses on increasing engagement in adaptive

activities, decreasing activities that maintain or worsen depression, and solving

problems that limit access to rewards.

Relapse Prevention- This type of therapy is commonly used to treat

substance addiction and has shown promise in treating children and

adolescents with problem gaming and internet gaming disorder due to the

similarities between these behavioral addictions and substance addiction.

Psychoeducation- It involves educating patients and their families

about the illness, problem-solving skills, communication training, and self-

assertiveness training.

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