How To Improve Your Psychological Well-Being

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How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

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How to Improve Your Psychological Well-

Your emotional health is key to a happy life
By Amy Morin, LCSW, Editor-in-Chief Updated on February 10, 2022
Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD



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The phrase “psychological well-being” is used to

Table of Contents describe an individual’s emotional health and overall
Why Your functioning. The author of a study published in
Psychological Well- Applied Psychology: Health and Well‒Being describes
Being Matters psychological well-being as “the combination of
feeling good and functioning eEectively.” [1]​
Creating Purpose

Positive Thinking Researchers also have found that the absence of

distress doesn’t necessarily indicate a person has
Relationships high psychological well-being. High psychological
well-being is about feeling happy and doing well.
People with high psychological well-being report
feeling capable, happy, well-supported, and satisHed
with life. Page 1 of 9
How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

Why Your Psychological Well-

Being Matters
Studies have discovered that people with higher
psychological well-being are more likely to live
healthier and longer lives. They are also more likely
to enjoy a better quality of life. [2]​ Better
psychological well-being also is associated with
fewer social problems.

For instance, research has found that people with

high psychological well-being are less likely to
engage in criminal activity or abuse drugs and
alcohol. In addition, positive psychological well-
being tends to predict higher earnings and more
prosocial behavior, such as volunteering.

People also are more likely to enjoy positive

psychological well-being when they have their
basic needs met. Living in a safe area, having
enough food, and having adequate shelter are all
important factors for emotional health.

If you’re looking to improve your psychological well-

being, there are several things you can do to feel and
function better. Here's an overview of four things you
an do to improve your overall sense of well-being.

Related: How to Find More Happiness in Your Life

Creating Purpose
Living a life with meaning and purpose is key to
improving your psychological well-being. [2]​ Your
purpose doesn’t necessarily have to involve changing
the world or Hnding a career devoted to helping
others though.

Instead, you might make it your purpose to be kind

every day. Or, your purpose might involve making the
world better by encouraging others to take care of the
environment or adopt pets from the shelter. Maybe
your purpose is being an advocate for those who are
hurting like bullied students, the homeless, or
victims of abuse.

If you feel like your life lacks purpose, don’t worry.

There are many ways you can Hnd purpose in life and
build a life that has more meaning. Begin by thinking
about the legacy you would like to leave behind. Write
down how you’d like to be remembered at the end of
your life, or think about the impact you want to leave
on the planet. Then, establish some objectives that
can help you reach those goals. Page 2 of 9
How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

Working toward your goals will give you a

reason to get out of bed every day, beyond
earning money.

Positive Thinking
Thinking positively also improves your psychological
well-being. In turn, as your psychological well-being
improves, it becomes easier to think positively and
feel good overall. Fortunately, you can begin creating
that positive cycle with a few simple strategies.
Here's an overview of the ways you can increase the
positivity in your life.

Write About a Better Future

Take a few minutes and write down all the good
things that could happen to you in the future.
Imagine how you could be spending your time and
who you would be spending it with if you were living
your best life.

You also may want to devise a plan on how you can

make that happen. Make small, measurable goals
that will help you achieve that better future. Then,
put a plan into place. When you're working toward a
better future—even if the steps are really small—it
gives you a sense of purpose and something to look
forward to.

Related: What Is a Life Coach?

Recall Positive Life Events

Spend time thinking about some of the best
memories of your life. Whether it's a family vacation
you went on 10 years ago or an award you won at
work two years ago, recalling the happiest times in
your life can bring more positivity to your mindset.

Recognizing the good things that have happened to

you over time—the people you have built memories
with or the good times that you have experienced—is
an important part of improving your well-being.
They serve as reminders of the fullness life has to
oEer, especially when circumstances may be pulling
you down.

Related: Positive Psychology vs. Positive Thinking

Perform Acts of Kindness

Doing nice things for other people reminds you that
you have the power to make a diEerence in the world.
Giving to others also helps you think more positively
and feel happier. Helping a neighbor in need, Page 3 of 9
How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

volunteering for a community activity, or raising

money for a charity are just a few simple ways to
improve your psychological well-being.

Also, look for ways to be kind to others in your

everyday life. Doing so beneHts you in a number of
ways. In fact, researchers indicate that individual acts
of kindness releases both endorphins and oxytocin—
the feel good hormones—as well as creates new
neural connections. [3]

Consequently, kindness can become a self-

reinforcing habit that takes less and less eEort
to perform. There's also some evidence linking
kindness and healing. [3] So, look for ways to be
kind to others and your body and mind will
thank you.

Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness, which means staying in the moment,
has been linked to a multitude of beneHts, ranging
from increased happiness to better resilience. [1]​
Although mindfulness is a skill that takes practice
and dedication, over time you can get better at
learning how to be present and in the moment. Doing
so has a number of beneHts too.

For instance, studies suggest that mindfulness helps

people manage stress, cope with serious illnesses,
and reduce anxiety and depression. In fact, people
who practice mindfulness are better able to relax,
have improved self-esteem, and possess more
enthusiasm over life. [4]​

What's more studies have found a link between

mindfulness meditation and changes in the parts of
the brain responsible for memory, learning, and
emotion. This discovery is not surprising because
mindfulness requires you to pay attention to your
thoughts, your actions, and your body. [4]​

Express Gratitude
Whether you send letters to people telling them how
much you appreciate them or you write about the
things you feel thankful for in a journal, expressing
your gratitude will keep you focused on all the good
things in life. You can even express gratitude on
social media.

Learning to be grateful in everything you do will

become a way of life. You'll discover you can be
thankful for little things like the beauty of sunset as
well as the big things like a new job or a visit from
friend. Finding things to be thankful for everyday is a
simple but eEective way to boost your psychological
well-being. Page 4 of 9
How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

Related: Cultivate Gratitude to Feel Happier

Identify Your Strengths

Feeling capable and conHdent is important. One of
the best ways to accomplish this task is to remind
yourself of the things you’re good at or the character
strengths you possess. Try reeecting on your past
achievements and the qualities that helped you

Write down these things as a reminder of what you

have to oEer the world. And, if there's an area that
you feel needs improvement, don't be afraid to list
that too. Working on improving yourself is a great
way to impact your overall well-being.

Practice Forgiveness
Letting go of past hurt and anger is key to good
psychological well-being. Forgiving someone doesn’t
mean you have to allow that person to hurt you
again. Instead, forgiveness is about releasing yourself
of the anger that's holding you back and keeping you
bound to that person.

Forgiving another person frees you to put your

energy into more positive things rather than
ruminating on past hurts and oEenses. If the person
who wounded you is still a threat to your overall
well-being, it also may help to erect some boundaries
to safeguard yourself from further unnecessary pain.

Related: How Self-Compassion Helps You Cope

Fostering Relationships
Studies show that loneliness takes a serious toll on
your emotional and physical health. [5]​ In fact, one
study found that being lonely was as lethal as
smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Just being around
people, however, isn’t the solution. Instead, it’s
important to form deep connections with other

The quality of relationships matters more than

the quantity when it comes to improving your
psychological well-being.

While contact over social media can be a good way to

keep in touch when you can’t visit a friend in person,
there’s no real substitute for the beneHts of face-to-
face contact. Have coEee with a friend, eat dinner
with your family, and call a loved one just to chat.

Strong social support also is important to staying

psychologically healthy. If you lack a support system, Page 5 of 9
How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

take steps to meet more people. Join community

activities, get acquainted with your neighbors, or
reach out to old friends.

Related: Social Support Is Imperative for Health

Press Play for Advice on Being Human

Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy
Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind
Podcast shares what it means to be 'wholly
human,' featuring GRAMMY award-winning
singer LeAnn Rimes. Click below to listen now.

Follow Now
Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google

A Word From Verywell

Psychological well-being is a key part of feeling
happy and being able to function day-to-day. It's
easier than you may think to develop healthy habits
that can foster your emotional health.

Start small and try practicing one or two strategies to

maximize your psychological well-being, such as
writing down a few of your strengths or happy
memories. Over time, you will see the eEects that
these practices have on your positivity and overall
mental health.

Read Next: Step by Step Guide to Happiness

5 Sources

By Amy Morin, LCSW, Editor-in-Chief

Amy Morin, LCSW, is the Editor-in-Chief of
Verywell Mind. She's also a licensed clinical
social worker, psychotherapist, and
international bestselling author. Her books,
including "13 Things Mentally Strong People
Don't Do," have been translated into more than
40 languages. Her TEDx talk, "The Secret of
Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most
viewed talks of all time. Page 6 of 9
How to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being 22/01/23, 10:13 AM

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