FTRC Week3 PracticeTest
FTRC Week3 PracticeTest
FTRC Week3 PracticeTest
1. What concept can best describe Matthew’s ability 6. As normal infant and toddler, which physical
to walk without a support at age of 12 months development did you go through?
because of the internal ripening that occurred in his A. Development of the motor skills from outward to
muscles, bones and nervous development? the center
A. Development B. Development of motor skills from the center of
B. Growth the body outward
C. Learning C. Development of the lower limbs before the upper
D. Maturation limbs
D. Simultaneous development of the limbs and
2. Which of the following learner’s characteristics trunk body
will affect most of the learners learning in the
academic areas? 7. In terms of their emotional behavior, babies
A. His affective characteristics respond to strange and unusual objects with a
B. His psychomotor characteristics general fear. Later, their fears become more specific
C. His cognitive characteristics and are more characterized by different types of
D. His socio-emotional characteristics behavior. Which of the following principles is
illustrated by this situation?
3. Which statement on physical development in A. Development follows a general pattern
infants and toddlers are TRUE? The cephalocaudal B. Development follows an orderly fashion
growth pattern shows _____. C. Development proceeds from specific to general
A. development of the upper limbs before the lower response
limbs D. Development proceeds from general to specific
B. development of the lower limbs before the upper response
limbs 8. Which of the following principles sets the
C. simultaneous development of the upper and rational for the institutionalization of early
lower limbs childhood education?
D. development of the muscular control of trunk A. There are expectations in the development
and arms before the fingers patterns.
B. Early development is more crucial than later
4. Which statement below best describes development.
development? C. Development is the product of maturation and
A. A high school student’s height increased from learning.
5’2 to 5’4 D. Every area of development has potential hazards.
B. A high school student’s change in weight from
110 lbs to 125 lbs 9. No matter how much Teacher Aldo tries to teach
C. A student learned to operate his computer Guia, 6 years old, the concept of fraction, he just
D. A student’s enlargement of hips can’t succeed. What could be the reason for this?
A. Teacher Aldo is male.
5. This includes changes in individual’s B. Guia is not yet physically mature.
relationships with other people, changes in C. Guia may not be fully ready yet for such a task.
emotions and changes in personality. D. Teacher Aldo may not have considered the
A. cognitive process principle that individual’s stage of development has
B. biological process certain hazards.
C. socio-emotional process
D. all of the above 10. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a
physical examination in Mrs. Manuel’s class. What
concept best describes the quantitative increase D. Every stage of development has characteristic
observed by Dr. Escoto among the learners in terms traits
of height and weight?
A. Development 15. Teacher Shirley always considers the family
B. Growth backgrounds of her students to better understand
C. Learning them. Which principle is considered?
D. Maturation A. Maturation precedes learning
B. Development rates vary amoing individuals
11. Which of the following statements best C. Each stage of development has characteristic
describes the relative significance of heredity and traits
environment upon the child’s development pattern? D. Development of an organism is the result of the
A. The role of heredity is clearly dominant. interaction of heredity and environment
B. Environment is more important than heredity.
C. Both play an insignificant role. 16. Human development begins in this stage.
D. The relation between heredity and environment A. Birth
can best be explained as an interaction. B. Conception
C. Schooling
12. Which situation best illustrates the concept of D. Early childhood
A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two 17. In chronological order, arrange the stages of
months pre-natal development in human growth.
B. A high school student gets a score of 85 in a I. Fertilization of zygote
mental ability test II. Blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus
C. An education student has gained knowledge on III. Male sperm and female egg chromosome unite
approaches and strategies in teaching different IV. Zygote divides to cells from 2 to 4 to 128
subjects A. I, II, III and IV
D. An elementary graders has learned to play piano B. IV, III, II and I
C. III, I, II and IV
13. A grade 6 twelve-year-old boy comes from a D. III, I, IV and II
dysfunctional family and has been abused and
neglected. He has been to orphanages and three 18. When is physical growth fastest?
different elementary schools. He can decode at the A. Infancy
second grade level, but he can comprehend orally B. Early Childhood
materials at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most C. Adolescence
probable causes of this student’s reading problem D. Late adolescence
is/are _____.
A. immaturity 19. All of the following analogies represent the
B. neurological factors right correlation between processes and changes in
C. emotional factors human development except for:
D. poor teaching A. cognitive: thought
B. emotional: mood
14. “Girls mature faster than boys”. Which principle C. social: relationship
of development of human development supports D. biological: language
A. Growth follow a pattern 20. What is the correct sequence of the periods of
B. Maturation precedes learning pre-natal development?
C. Developmental rates vary A. fetal, germinal, embryonic
B. embryonic, fetal, germinal
C. germinal, embryonic, fetal 26. It is a time of extreme dependence on adults.
D. embryonic, germinal, fetal Many physiological activities are just beginning.
A. Pre-natal
21. The fourth year high school student is in the B. Infancy
developmental stage of _____. C. Early childhood
A. late childhood D. Middle childhood
B. pre-adolescence
C. adolescence 27. The following are the developmental tasks in
D. early childhood adolescence except one, which one is it?
A. accepting one’s physique
22. Liza and Lida are identical twins who got B. preparing for an economic career
orphaned at 4 years old. They were separated and C. selecting a mate
raised by families of different socio-economic D. achieving mature relations with both sexes
status. After a few years, difference in their
academic performance was noted. What explains 28. Which among the following is a developmental
this difference? task under later maturity?
A. difference in intelligence A. selecting a mate
B. difference in nature B. learning sex differences and sexual modesty
C. difference in genetic C. achieving adult social and civic responasibility
D. difference in nurturing D. adjusting to decreasing health
23. This is a time for work and a time for love, 29. This corresponds to preschool years.
sometimes leaving little time for anything else. A. Infancy
A. early adulthood B. Early childhood
B. adolescence C. Late childhood
C. middle adulthood D. Prenatal
D. late adulthood
30. The major features of the prenatal stage is the
24. As a high school teacher, which of the following development in _____.
should you expect in the adolescent’s A. social
developmental task? B. physical
A. Achieving masculine and a feminine social role C. motor
B. Developing attitudes towards social groups or D. intellectual
C. Getting started in an occupation 31. According to Erik Erikson, the psychological
D. Taking civic responsibility stages of human development start from _____ to
25. According to Robert Havighurst’s A. birth: death
developmental tasks, reaching and maintaining B. infancy: adulthood
satisfactory performance in one’s occupational C. early childhood: adolescence
career is supposed to have been attained during D. minority: seniority
A. Early adulthood 32. The conflict faced by an individual at every
B. Middle adulthood stage of psychosocial development is
C. Old age developmental _____.
D. Adolescence A. equilibrium
B. changes
C. crisis
D. confusion B. exclusion
C. overextension
33. When a child is often left crying for a long time, D. fanaticism
he/she will soon develop _____ among people
around him. 39. Young adult form intimate relationships with
A. shame others or become alone because of a failure to do
B. mistrust so.
C. anxiety A. Autonomy vs shame and doubt
D. autonomy B. Industry vs inferiority
C. Intimacy vs isolation
34. Children learn to be self-sufficient in many D. Trust vs mistrust
activities such as toilet training, walking, and
exploring. If restrained too much they learn to doubt 40. This is the virtue in late adulthood.
their abilities and feel humiliated. A. love
A. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt B. hope
B. Industry vs Inferiority C. fidelity
C. Intimacy vs Isolation D. wisdom
D. Trust vs Mistrust
41. In Piaget’s Cognitive Development, when a
35. This virtue is the capacity for action despite a mother explains to the child that “cats unlike dogs,
clear understanding of one’s limitations and past do not bark,” the child is in the process of creating a
failures common to 3-6-year-old children. new cognitive structure. What term did Piaget use
A. hope to describe the child’s cognitive experience?
B. courage A. Accommodation
C. wisdom B. Assimilation
D. fidelity C. Equilibrium
D. Schema
36. According to Erikson, what reason can explain
behind a person inhibited from taking a role, a 42. Joey, seven-year old girl, knows how to arrange
challenge or opportunity and reason out that objects or things according to weight, shape, color
“nothing ventured, nothing lost”? or size. Joey as a young learner has already
A. Antipathy developed which concept according to Jean Piaget?
B. Inhibition A. Conservation
C. Sociopathy B. Decentering
D. Malignancy C. Reversibility
D. Seriation
37. Raymond gets a lot of pleasure from working.
Based on Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of 43. When Anton was 5 months old, he looked at a
Development, this act of Raymond shows _____. toy train; but when his view of the train was
A. Intimacy blocked, he did not search for it. Now that he is 9
B. Trust months old, he does search for it, reflecting his
C. Industry development of the concept of:
D. Identity A. object permanence
B. animism
38. This is a maladaptation in early adulthood C. assimilation
which refers to the tendency to become intimate too D. conservation
freely, too easily without any depth to intimacy.
A. promiscuity
44. A child who can solve abstract problems in C. Pre-operational
logical fashion is in the _____ stage. D. Sensorimotor
A. sensorimotor
B. preoperational 50. Piagetian stage characterized by the
C. concrete development of abstract systems of thought that
D. formal allow them to use propositional logic, scientific
reasoning and proportional reasoning.
45. In order to gain basic understanding of the A. Concrete operations
environment, the individual uses exploration thru B. Formal operations
motor capabilities. This is seen in _____. C. Pre-operational
A. sensorimotor D. Sensorimotor
B. preoperational
C. concrete 51. This is the support or assistance that lets the
D. formal child accomplish a task he cannot accomplish
46. In the formal operational stage, which is/are A. scaffolding
adolescents capable of doing to solve a problem? B. prior knowledge
I. Formulate hypotheses C. schema
II. Systematically test hypotheses D. schemata
III. Reason out
A. I, II and III 52. Mr. Flores always gives clues, example, and any
B. I and II form of encouragement to make his students grow
C. II only as independent learner.
D. III only A. motivation
B. assimilation
47. The Piagetian stage characterized by the ability C. integration
to use symbols and words to think, intuitive D. scaffolding
problem-solving, but thinking limited by rigidity,
centration, and egocentrism. 53. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is
A. Concrete operations important for learning. What does this imply?
B. Formal operations A. Since they are not capable of interaction,
C. Pre-operational children in the crib have no learning yet.
D. Sensorimotor B. Children learn well by passive representation of
48. The Piagetian stage, characterized by the ability C. Children learn from adults and other children.
to develop goal-directed behavior, means-end D. Children are independent problem solvers.
thinking, and object permanence.
A. Concrete operations 54. This is referred to by Vygotsky as the difference
B. Formal operations between an individual can learn unassisted and the
C. Pre-operational learning that could be achieved with support from a
D. Sensorimotor more knowledgeable person.
A. scaffolding
49. Piagetian stage characterized by the B. transductive reasoning
development of logical operations for seriation, C. zone of proximal development
classification, and conservation. Thinking is tied to D. all of the above
real events and objects.
A. Concrete operations 55. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by
B. Formal operations demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow
motion and physically guiding his students through
correct movements. As his students become more 61. Mark stole a bar of chocolate form a
skillful, he stands back from the mat and gives convenience store when he was very hungry. He
verbal feedback about how to improve. With doesn’t think he did anything wrong since no one
Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did teacher H do? noticed him stealing. Mark is probably in which
A. Guided participation Kohlberg’s stages of moral development?
B. Peer interaction A. preconventional
C. Apprenticeship B. conventional
D. Scaffolding C. post-conventional
D. b and c
56. Which is essential in the cognitive development
of persons according to Vygotsky? 62. Ricky does everything to get passing grades
A. independent thinking because his Mom will take his play station away if
B. social interaction he gets bad grades.
C. individual mental work A. Punishment-obedience
D. scientific thinking B. mutual benefit
C. Social approval
57. Which of the following is true according to D. law and order
A. knowledge is individually constructed 63. A civic action group protests the use of pills for
B. knowledge is constructed between people as they family planning saying that although the
interact government allows this, it is actually murder
C. knowledge is gained through reinforcement because the pills are abortificient (causes abortion).
D. knowledge is gained in a passive manner A. Law and order
58. One learns Math by building on Math lessons B. social order
previously learned. This is an application of the C. Universal principles
_____ theory. D. social approval
A. Physiological
B. S-R 64. John decides to return the wallet he found in the
C. Constructivist canteen because he believes it’s the right thing to
D. Humanist do.
A. Law and order
59. The theme of Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory B. social order
emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given C. Universal principles
by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help D. social approval
enables the child to move from the zone of actual
development to a zone of proximal development. 65. Karen decides to return the wallet she found in
Such assistance is termed _____. the canteen so that people will praise her honesty
A. competency technique and think she’s a nice girl.
B. active participation A. punishment-obedience
C. scaffolding B. mutual benefit
D. collaboration C. social approval
D. law and order
60. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?
A. social contract 66. Individuals define their moral values based on
B. universal ethical principle their individual conscience instead of what
C. law and order authorities or the social order expects them. What
D. good boy/good girl
level of Kohlberg’s moral development do these D. oral receptive
individuals belong to?
A. post-conventional 72. Oedipus and Electra complexes are reactivated
B. conventional at this stage but directed toward other persons of the
C. pre-conventional opposite sex. Which stage is this according to
D. formal Freud?
A. anal
67. Jinky lets Hannah copy during math test B. phallic
because Hannah agreed to let her copy during sibika C. latency
test. D. genital
A. punishment-obedience
B. mutual benefit 73. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is closer
C. social approval to her father. These instances are under _____.
D. law and order A. oedipal complex
B. latent stage
68. When Mika is asked why she should not hit her C. phallic stage
brother, she responds “Because Mommy says so D. pre-genital stage
and if I do I will get yelled at.” Mika’s level of
moral development which of Kohlberg’s level? 74. When a little girl who says she wants her
A. pre-conventional mother to go on vacation so that she can marry her
B. conventional father, Freud believes that he is voicing a fantasy
C. post-conventional consistent with?
D. autonomous morality A. Oedipus Complex
B. Theory of the mind
69. Billy knows that when he goes out to dinner he C. Electra Complex
needs to follow certain rules and mind his manners D. Crisis of Initiative vs Guilt
at the table. Such standards are example of:
A. moral rule 75. Psychosexual development that occurs between
B. conventional rule the ages 3 and 6. The source of pleasure is the
C. post-conventional rule genitals.
D. pre-conventional rule A. Phallic
B. Genital
70. If an infant is denied oral satisfaction, he/she C. Latency
may experience later oral symptoms such as D. Oral
overeating, smoking, or dependency on others. The
term best describes this is: 76. Described as the final stage of human sexual
A. anal expulsive development. According to Freud’s theory, this
B. anal retentive stage begins at puberty and constitutes mature adult
C. oral aggressive sexuality.
D. oral receptive A. phallic
B. genital
71. As an adult, Cindy is uptight and extremely C. latency
rigid, often unwilling to make even small D. oral
adjustments in her schedule. Cindy is described in
Freudian term as _____. 77. According to Freud, all that we are aware of is
A. anal expulsive in the _____ level.
B. anal retentive A. conscious
C. oral aggressive B. unconscious
C. subconscious or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is
D. nonconscious illustrated?
A. Generalization
78. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when B. Acquisition
a student strikes a classmate at the height of anger? C. Extinction
A. Id D. Discrimination
B. Superego
C. Ego 84. If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the
D. Id and Ego interact child may fear not only that black dog but also other
large dogs. Which conditioning process is
79. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, illustrated?
you cheat yourself” says the voice from within you. A. Generalization
In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at B. Discrimination
work? C. Acquisition
A. Id D. Extinction
B. Superego
C. Ego 85. Teacher D claims: “If I have to give
D. Id and Ego interact reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after
the response.” Which theory supports Teacher D?
80. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. A. Operant
For sure the child won’t cheat again in short span of B. Cognitive theory
time, but this does not guarantee that the child C. Social-cognitive theory
won’t cheat ever again. Based on Thorndike’s D. Humanist theory
theory on punishment and learning, this shows that
_____. 86. Learning has taken plance when a strong bond
A. punishment strengthens a response between stimulus and response is formed. This is
B. punishment remove a response based on the theory of _____.
C. punishment doesn’t remove a response A. constructivist
D. punishment weakens a response B. predisposition
C. categorization
81. In classical conditioning, the natural and D. connectionism
unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus
(UCS) is known as the: 87. Teachers are very much aware of the need of
A. unconditioned stimulus motivation before discussing the main lesson. This
B. conditioned stimulus is anchored on which of Thorndike’s laws of
C. unconditioned response learning?
D. conditioned response A. Law of Readiness
B. Law of Exercise
82. What is a reinforcer? C. Law of Effect
A. any event that strengthens or increases a D. Law of Recency
B. something the individual finds pleasant 88. Observational learning has four major
C. anything that decreases a response processes. This process involves the actual
D. an incentive performance of an observed behavior.
A. reinforcement
83. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming B. attention
dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on leash C. retention
D. motor reproduction
95. A Filipino Masters degree graduate is surprised
89. The sudden reappearance of a response after a to know that he cannot proceed to the doctorate
period of extinction is called: program applied for in Louvain, Belgiu, because of
A. stimulus generalization the short year basic education. Based on
B. stimulus discrimination Bronfenbrenner’s theory, to which system in
C. extinction environment can this be attributed?
D. spontaneous recovery A. Mesosystem
B. Exosystem
90. Which of these does not belong to C. Chronology system
Bronfenbrenner’s microsystem as a factor of human D. Macrosystem
A. Family 96. Based on his ecological theory, which would be
B. School statements from Bronfenbrenner.
C. Peers I. Recognize that the school cannot work in
D. Local Politics isolation
II. Schools must connect with communities
91. Of the five different levels of environment in III. Create a situation where the kids are more part
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, which is the of the community
closest to the learner and the most influential? A. I and II
A. microsystem B. I, II and III
B. mesosystem C. II and III
C. macrosystem D. I and III
D. exosystem
97. Twelve-year-old Kevin lives a country with
92. Which is an example of a child’s mesosystem very low governmental standards for public
that does not work favorably for the child? education. As a result, he is barely literate. The
A. The child is not in good terms with his peers. public policies that impact Kevin’s education are
B. There is so much hostility at home. part of the _____.
C. The child’s parent and teacher are at odds. A. chronosystem
D. The child is sickly. B. macrosystem
C. mesosystem
93. Which is an example of a child’s exosystem that D. microsystem
does not work favorably for the child?
A. A child gets bullied in school. 98. Which of the following is a teaching
B. Mother gets a job promotion and so has less time implications of Ecological Systems Theory?
for supervision of her child’s homework. A. anticipate students’ progression through his eight
C. The teacher plays favorites. stages of human development
D. The child is asthmatic. B. emphasize the need to socialize and interact with
others to learn
94. The anxiety of a child whose father belongs to C. validate that each child is unique and
the army increases every time his father leaves for independent from his family and environment
duty. This proves that a child’s environment, D. take into accout the changing nature of society
particularly affects a child’s development. and society’s influence on the student
A. microsystem
B. mesosystem 99. This is one of Bronfenbrenner’s four social
C. exosystem levels or systems which refers to the relationship
D. macrosystem between home and school, and parents and friends.
A. microsystem
B. chronosystem 106. Which psychological theory states that the
C. exosystem mind insists on finding patterns in things that
D. mesosystem contribute to the development of insight?
A. Piaget’s psychology
100. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which is the B. Gestalt psychology
highest level of need? C. Kohlberg psychology
A. Esteem D. Bruner’s psychology
B. Safety
C. Social 107. According to gestalt school of thought _____.
D. Self-actualization A. an individual perceives things as a whole
B. reinforcement and rewards can change behavior
101. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes all of the C. an individual learns from experiences
following needs except: D. none of these
A. Physiological
B. Psychological 108. The organization of the visual field into figures
C. Belongingness and background is called:
D. Self-actualization A. gestalt perceptions
B. perceptual sets
102. Before belonging needs can be met, which of C. figure-ground relationships
the following must be met first? D. grouping principles
A. Esteem
B. Physiological 109. Which group of pscyhologists researched how
C. Self-Actualization we organize perceptual experiences into the whole
D. None of these, belonging is first perception?
A. Behavioral psychologists
103. States that in all possible organizations that B. Structural psychologists
could be perceived from a visual stimulus, the one C. Gestalt psychologists
that will most likely occur is the one that possesses D. Perceptual psychologists
the best, simplest and most stable form.
A. similarity 110. According to the principle of similarity,
B. closure objects that look similar are likely to be perceived
C. proximity as:
D. pragnanz A. belonging in the same group
B. constant in color and shape
104. This law states that things that are near each C. farther away than unique, dissimilar objects
other are tend to be grouped together. D. occluding retinal disparity
A. Law of continuity
B. Law of proximity 111. The most basic Gestalt grouping principle that
C. Law of similarity involves seeing items that resemble each other as
D. Law of closure part of the same group is:
A. context
105. This law states that incomplete figures tend to B. continuity
be perceived as complete. C. figure-ground
A. Law of continuity D. similarity
B. Law of proximity
C. Law of similarity 112. Because the two teams wore uniforms of
D. Law of closure different colors, Kathy perceived the ten different
basketball players as two distinct groups. This best designed, you make sure that the students
illustrates the principle of: understand each step in the process. You are:
A. closure A. providing feedback to the learners
B. color constancy B. providing learner guidance
C. proximity C. assessing learner performance
D. similarity D. gaining attention of the learners
113. If you briefly saw a picture of your mother’s 118. You have each of the students demonstrate
face but part of the picture was missing, your brain stop, drop and roll techniques in front of the group.
might fill in the missing piece of the visual image You ask the learners to pay careful attention to each
because of which Gestalt principle? other’s performances and to be ready to offer
A. closure helpful hints to make things better. You are:
B. color constancy A. enhancing retention of the instruction
C. proximity B. recalling information learned previously
D. similarity C. eliciting performance
D. presenting stimulus material
114. You present the learners with pictures of a
fireman, a fire engine, and a burning house. You 119. On the next class day, you have students
also have the sound of a siren playing in the perform the stop, drop and roll technique for you.
background. You are trying to: You also ask the learners to list five important
A. elicit performance from the learners reminders about Fire Safety. You are:
B. provide guidance for the learners A. assessing performance
C. have the learners recall information B. providing feedback
D. gain attention of the learners C. presenting stimulus material
D. recalling information
115. You tell the learners that in today’s class, they
must pay careful because they will be learning 120. According to the information processing
about fire safety and steps they should take in case theory, information moves from _____ to working
of a fire. You are: memory, to long-term memory.
A. providing learner guidance A. sensory memory
B. informing the learners of the objective of the B. short-term memory
instruction C. episodic memory
C. enhancing the learner’s retention of your D. permanent memory
D. presenting stimulus material to the learners 121. Which is true of sensory register?
A. processes information
116. You show the learners a short movie clip that B. encodes information for future retrieval
demonstrates the practice of stop, drop and roll if C. is the input from the environment
clothing catches a fire. You are: D. is the last stage of human memory
A. providing feedback to the learners
B. enhancing learner retention of the instruction 122. Short-term memory is sometimes referred to as
C. presenting stimulus material to the learners working memory because:
D. providing learner guidance A. in order to hold information in short-term
memory, we must use it
117. You assist the learners in designing posters B. it takes effort to move information from sensory
that will help them to teach their family members memory to short-term memory
the stop, drop and roll technique. As posters are
C. it is the only part of our memory system that we goes way beyond the reasonable level, the children
must actively engaged to retrieve previously learned could:
information A. become independent
D. creating short term memories is a difficult taks B. have a feeling of competence
requiring lot of practice C. have a sense of shame and doubt
D. become more active than passive
123. The simplest way to maintain information in
short-term memory is to repeat the information in a 129. Erikson’s stages of development focus on:
process called A. hierarchy of needs
A. chunking B. conflicts throughout lifespan
B. rehearsal C. pleasurable erogenous zones
C. revision D. infancy and childhood development needs
D. recall
130. Yeri, seven-year old girl, knows how to
124. Memory researchers define forgetting as the: arrange objects or their things according to weight,
A. inability to retain information in working shape, color or size. Yeri as a young learner has
memory long enough to make use of it already developed which concept according to Jean
B. sudden loss of information after head trauma Piaget?
C. inability to retrieve information from long-term A. conservation
memory B. decentering
D. process by which information is lost in transit C. reversibility
from short-term memory to long-term memory D. seriation
125. Pre-natal development begins from conception 131. Of Piaget’s cognitive concepts, which refers to
to birth when a sperm unites with an ovum to form the process of fitting new experiences to a
a single cell called: previously created structure or schema?
A. chromosomes A. assimilation
B. embryo B. schema
C. mitosis C. accommodation
D. zygote D. equilibrium
126. The following are the developmental tasks 132. At what level of Kohlberg’s stages of moral
under Early Adulthood except: development is Little Jaemin who behaves well to
A. selecting a mate get a strawberry jelly from her teacher?
B. taking on civic responsibility A. pre-conventional
C. getting started in occupation B. conventional
D. developing adult leisure time activities C. post conventional
D. can’t be determined
127. Which among the following is achieved during
the Middle Childhood stage? 133. Jun is motivated to improve his metacognitive
A. social independence skills. Which of the following ways does not
B. personal independence advance metacognition?
C. economic independence A. accepting new knowledge
D. emotional independence B. assessing one’s own thinking
C. learning how to study
128. Most Filipino parents have the tendency to be D. learning to organize thoughts
overprotective about their children. If this tendency
134. Last Song Syndrome (LSS) happens when you
cannot sing any other songs because a more recent 139. Which of the following describes the
and popular song keeps on playing in your mind. maladaptive tendency in middle adulthood?
Based on Information Processing Model, this A. The person believes that he alone is right.
happens because new information is blocking out B. The person becomes very negative and appears
old information. This phenomenon is known as: to hate life.
A. memory decay C. The person does not participate in activities or
B. proactive interference contribute to society.
C. retroactive interference D. They no longer allow time for themselves, for
D. repression rest and relaxation.
135. Joy, a seven-year-old girl, wants to become a 140. What is Oedipus complex?
KPOP idol someday. She always uses her hair brush A. Girls developing unconscious sexual attraction
as her mic and perform her favorite song, Lovesick towards their father.
Girls, in front of her mother. What pre-operational B. Boys developing unconscious sexual attraction
ability did Joy manifest? towards their father.
A. symbolic function C. Girls developing unconscious sexual desire for
B. transductive reasoning their mother.
C. animism D. Boys developing unconscious sexual desire for
D. egocentrism their mother.
136. Sungjae is aware that he studies more 141. Children in concrete-operational stage think
effectively and works better in a quiet library rather logically but only in terms of concrete objects.
than at home where there are a lot of distractions. Which of the following is an example of this?
Among the categories of metacognitive knowledge, A. Child perceives different features of objects and
which is/are exemplified in this situation? situation.
A. person variable B. Child perceives the relationship in one instance
B. task variable and then use that relationship to narrow down
C. strategy variable possible answers in another similar
D. all of the above situation/problem.
C. Child thinks logically by applying a general rule
137. Irene is well acquainted with the songs to a particular instance or situation.
Nobody, Way Back Home, Colors, but she did not D. Reasoning appears to be from particular to
know, until she was told, that these were all KPOP particular: a causes b, then b causes a
songs. What process of meaningful learning is
exemplified? 142. Which of the following describes the
A. derivative subsumption malignant tendency in the eighth stage?
B. correlative subsumption A. This person cannot believe anyone would mean
C. superordinate learning them harm.
D. combinatorial learning B. Characterized by depression, paranoia and
possible psychosis.
138. Jennie repeats the information she just learned C. The person becomes very negative and appears
verbatim, either mentally or aloud. What method for to hate life.
increasing information did she use? D. The person believes that he alone is right.
A. context
B. rehearsal 143. If parents are there the minute the first cry
C. elaboration come out, will lead the baby into the maladaptive
D. personalization tendency which Erikson calls:
A. hope C. The child plays alone, with toys different from
B. fanaticism those of others, and be uninterested or unaware of
C. presumption what others around them are doing.
D. sensory maladjustment D. The child plays with others bound by some
agreed upon rules and roles. The goal is maybe to
144. Which of the following virtues below is make something, play a game or act out something.
developed if you get a proper, positive balance of
industry vs. inferiority? 149. Addicts who recover in the context of a drug
A. competency treatment facility may experience a resurgence of
B. willpower craving for their drug of choice once they leave the
C. courage facility and come into contact with people, places or
D. hope things associated with the drug. In classical
conditioning, this is called:
145. The person feels as if everything must be done A. generalization
perfectly; mistakes must be avoided at all costs. B. discrimination
This describe the malignant tendency in stage: C. spontaneous recovery
A. 8 – Integrity vs Despair D. extinction
B. 7 – Generativity vs Stagnation
C. 3 – Initiative vs Guilt 150. Ni-ki automatically salivates at the thought of
D. 2 – Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt an ice cream. The ice cream in this situation
represents the:
146. What is a measurable limitation that interferes A. unconditioned response
with a person’s ability? B. unconditioned stimulus
A. disability C. conditioned response
B. handicap D. conditioned stimulus
C. impairment
D. all of the above 151. When the learner reaches a point where no
further improvements can be expected, he is in a so-
147. Kohlberg identified six stages of moral called:
reasoning into three major levels. Which of the A. development crisis
following correctly describes the third stage? B. learning plateau
A. The person will follow the law because it is the C. regression
law. D. repression
B. One is motivated to act by the benefit that one
may obtain later. 152. In the cognitive and metacognitive factors,
C. The person acts because he/she gives importance what process is involved when the learner is able to
on what people will think or say. link new information and experiences in meaningful
D. One is motivated by fear of punishment. He will ways?
act in order to avoid punishment. A. construction of knowledge
B. goal-directed learning process
148. With Mildred Parten’s stages of play in mind, C. learning of complex subject matter
which of the following describes associative play? D. strategic thinking process
A. The child plays with toys similar to those near
him, but only plays beside and not with them. No 153. When the successful learner can create and use
interaction takes place. repertoire of thinking and reasoning ways to
B. The child plays with others. There is interaction achieve complex learning goals, what cognitive and
among them, but no task assignment, rules and metacognitive factors is involved?
organization agreed upon. A. nature of learning process
B. goals of the learning process whom and what theory of development was this
C. strategic thinking process technique based?
D. context of learning process A. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
B. Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning
154. Which of the following does not intrinsically C. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
motivate and influence the learner to learn? D. Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
A. emotional state
B. interests and goals 159. It is a stage of moral development
C. habits of thinking characterized by Kohlberg that is associated with
D. high scholastic ratings the development of one’s conscience having set of
standards that drives one to possess moral
155. Below are the six aspects of study habits listed responsibility to make societal changes regardless
in no particular order. Which should be the correct of consequences to oneself.
logical and systematic sequency of the six aspects? A. universal ethical principle
1. Note-taking and reading B. social approval
2. Organizing and planning the work C. mutual benefit
3. Preparing an assignment/project D. law and order
4. Motivation
5. Managing school work stress 160. A learner who feels more comfortable to learn
6. Working with others with the aid of abstract symbolism such as
A. 4-2-6-5-1-3 mathematical formula or written word, possesses
B. 4-2-5-6-3-1 what kind of sensory learning style?
C. 4-3-5-2-6-1 A. visual-iconic style
D. 4-1-3-5-6-2 B. imagery learning style
C. visual enactive style
156. On what condition(s) can a learner effectively D. visual-symbolic style
learn despite different opportunities and constraints
for learning that interfere? 161. Which of the following characterizes left-
A. when learning materials for learning are brained dominant individual?
appropriate, suited to his developmental level A. visual, responds to tone of voice, responds to
B. when the learning activity is interesting and emotion
enjoyable B. processes information in varied order, random,
C. when he is ready and capable to perform a gestures when speaking
particular task C. verbal, responds to word meaning, plans ahead,
D. all of these mentioned are favorable conditions responds to logic
for effective learning D. impulsive, less punctual, prefers frequent
mobility while studying
157. Which of the following does not belong to the
stages of personality dimensions of Erik Erikson’s 162. Which of the following categories of
Psychosocial Development during infancy and exceptional learners is described as having
childhood? difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention with
A. Trust vs Mistrust recurrent hyperactive-impulsive behavior?
B. Industry vs Inferiority A. emotional/conduct disorders
C. Intimacy vs Isolation B. learning disabilities
D. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt C. autism
D. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
158. Scaffolding is a teaching technique in assisting
a learner to accomplish a given learning task. From
163. Edward Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory of C. self-actualization, esteem, love and
Learning came up with three primary laws. Which belongingness, safety, physiological
law/s states that when a connection between D. self-actualization, love and belongingness,
stimulus and response is strengthened, learning is esteem, safety and physiological
satisfying: when weakening, learning is annoying?
A. Law of Exercise 168. Which of the following is an example of a
B. Law of Effect positive punishment in BF Skinner’s Operant
C. Law of Readiness Conditioning?
D. All of the above A. a teacher promises extra time in the play area to
children who behave well during the lesson
164. You can take the horse to the river, but you B. a mother gave additional household chores to her
cannot force the horse to drink. Which law(s) of daughter who failed their final examination
learning by Thorndike is/are analogous to his C. a student who always comes late is not allowed
statement? to join a group work that has already began
A. Law of Effect therefore loses points for that activity
B. Law of Exercise D. a teacher announces that a student who gets an
C. Law of Readiness average grade of 1.25 for the two grading periods
D. All of the above will no longer take the final examination
165. Fear of the dentist from a painful experience, 169. Which of the following best reflects negative
fear of heights from falling off a high chair when reinforcement?
we were infants or even fear of falling in love after A. Teresa is scolded when she runs through house
a failed relationship are learned through: yelling
A. observational learning B. Aditya is praised for having the best essay in
B. classical conditioning class
C. operant conditioning C. A child who improves their grade in math to an
D. insight learning A is exempted from having to wash the dishes after
dinner for a month
166. Mrs. Ramos taught her four-year-old son to tie D. A police officer gives a ticket to a driver who is
his shoe lace by following sequential step. Mrs. speeding, reducing their available money
Ramos gave her child reinforcement (reward) every
time the boy performed the step until he was able to 170. Positive reinforcement _____ the likelihood of
do the entire sequence successfully. What process a behavior, and negative reinforcement _____ the
of learning did the boy use to learn in tying his shoe likelihood of a behavior.
lace? A. increases, increases
A. behavior shaping B. decreases, decreases
B. negative reinforcing C. increases, decreases
C. behavioral chaining D. decreases, increases
D. classical conditioning
171. What is the underlying principle of learning in
167. Which of the following shows the correct order the Social Learning Theory proposed by Albert
of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from top to Bandura?
bottom? A. people can learn by observing the behavior of
A. physiological, safety, love and belongingness, others and the outcomes of those behavior
esteem and self-actualization B. learning has to be presented by a permanent
B. physiological, safety, esteem, love and change in behavior
belongingness, self-actualization C. a child learns more effectively with the aid of
teaching machines
D. modeling is not favorable in learning, hence it 177. The bird in a cage is given food every ten
does not provide positive behavior vicariously minutes regardless of how many times it presses the
bar. This is an example of what kind of
172. Which is the correct sequence in modeling the reinforcement schedule?
behavior of others? A. fixed interval
A. attention – motivation – retention – motor B. fixed ratio
reproduction C. variable interval
B. attention – motor-reproduction – retention – D. variable ratio
C. attention – retention – motor reproduction – 178. A small jewelry business owner gives
motivation customer freebies after every two purchases from
D. motivation – attention – retention – motor her shop. This is an example of what kind of
reproduction reinforcement schedule?
A. fixed interval
173. Children learn what they live by. Treat them B. fixed ratio
with respect and they will respect others. Shout at C. variable interval
them and they will be shouting at others, too. How D. variable ratio
would you explain this behavior?
A. They are easily impressed. 179. Student Jun blamed his low exam score on
B. They are imitative. their instructor rather than his own lack of
C. They cannot tell right from wrong. preparation. What defense mechanism is applied in
D. They are observant. this situation?
A. Denial
174. I cannot forget my friend’s birthday for it B. Rationalization
comes one day after my birthday. Which principle C. Repression
of association as applied to memory explains this? D. Sublimation
A. contiguity
B. similarity 180. A child may complain that there is little ice
C. contrast cream left in a big bowl but will be satisfied if the
D. frequency ice cream is transferred to a little bowl, even though
nothing is added. Piaget termed this children’s
175. The recall of an object or idea triggers recall of tendency to focus on only one aspect of a situation,
other objects like it. Which principle of association problem, or object and neglect other significant
as applied to memory is this? features as:
A. contrast A. animism
B. frequency B. centration
C. similarity C. conservation
D. contiguity D. egocentrism
176. The bird is given food after it presses the bar 181. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is
three times, then after ten times, then after four closer to her father. These instances are under:
times. This is an example of what kind of A. genital stage
reinforcement schedule? B. latent stage
A. fixed interval C. phallic stage
B. fixed ratio D. oral stage
C. variable interval
D. variable ratio 182. If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the
child may fear not only that black dog but also other
large dogs. Which conditioning process is B. insight learning
illustrated? C. analytical learning
A. Discrimination D, trial and error learning
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition 184. If you have to develop in the students a correct
D. Generalization sense of right and wrond, with which should you be
concerned according to Freud?
183. Wendy has been staring at a tangram. She is A. superego
figuring out how to solve it and suddenly, an idea B. ego
flashed in her mind and excitedly she was able to C. id
learn how to solve the tangram. This exemplifies: D. superego and ego
A. metacognition
1. D 35. B 69. B 103. D
2. C 36. B 70. D 104. B
3. A 37. C 71. B 105. D
4. C 38. A 72. D 106. B
5. C 39. C 73. C 107. A
6. B 40. D 74. C 108. C
7. D 41. A 75. A 109. C
8. B 42. D 76. B 110. A
9. C 43. A 77. A 111. D
10. B 44. D 78. A 112. D
11. D 45. A 79. B 113. A
12. A 46. A 80. D 114. D
13. C 47. C 81. C 115. B
14. C 48. D 82. A 116. C
15. D 49. A 83. D 117. B
16. B 50. B 84. A 118. C
17. D 51. A 85. A 119. A
18. A 52. D 86. D 120. A
19. D 53. C 87. A 121. C
20. C 54. C 88. D 122. A
21. C 55. D 89. D 123. B
22. D 56. B 90. D 124. C
23. A 57. B 91. A 125. D
24. A 58. C 92. C 126. D
25. B 59. C 93. B 127. B
26. B 60. B 94. C 128. C
27. C 61. A 95. D 129. B
28. D 62. A 96. B 130. D
29. B 63. B 97. B 131. A
30. B 64. C 98. D 132. A
31. B 65. C 99. D 133. A
32. C 66. A 100. D 134. C
33. B 67. B 101. B 135. A
34. A 68. A 102. B 136. A
137. C 149. C 161. C 173. B
138. B 150. B 162. D 174. A
139. D 151. B 163. B 175. C
140. D 152. A 164. C 176. D
141. A 153. C 165. B 177. A
142. C 154. D 166. C 178. B
143. D 155. A 167. C 179. B
144. A 156. D 168. B 180. B
145. D 157. C 169. C 181. C
146. A 158. D 170. A 182. D
147. C 159. A 171. A 183. B
148. B 160. D 172. C 184. A