The Design and Applications of High-Performance 2019

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The Design and Applications of High-Performance

Ray-Tracing Simulation Platform for 5G and
Beyond Wireless Communications: A Tutorial
Danping He , Member, IEEE, Bo Ai , Senior Member, IEEE, Ke Guan , Member, IEEE,
Longhe Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Zhangdui Zhong, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Thomas Kürner, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The application scenarios and requirements are Index Terms—Channel modeling, cloud computing, 5G and
more diverse in the fifth-generation (5G) era than before. In beyond wireless communications, high-performance comput-
order to successfully support the system design and deploy- ing, millimeter wave, MIMO, ray-tracing simulation, vehicular
ment, accurate channel modeling is important. Ray-tracing (RT) communication.
based deterministic modeling approach is accurate with detailed
angular information and is a suitable candidate for predict-
ing time-varying channel and multiple-input multiple-output I. I NTRODUCTION
(MIMO) channel for various frequency bands. However, the HE FIFTH generation (5G) communication is expected
computational complexity and the utility of RT are the main
concerns of users. Aiming at 5G and beyond wireless commu-
T to support diverse scenarios and applications to include
but not limited to enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra
nications, this paper presents a comprehensive tutorial on the
design of RT and the applications. The role of RT and the reliable low latency communication (URLLC) and massive
state-of-the-art RT techniques are reviewed. The features of aca- machine type communication (mMTC) [1]. eMBB is tar-
demic and commercial RT based simulators are summarized geting high data rate mobile broadband communications, in
and compared. The requirements, challenges, and developing ultra-dense networks (UDNs), moving scenarios (vehicular and
trends of RT to enable the visions are discussed. The prac-
tices of the design of high-performance RT simulation platform rail communications) [2]–[5] and virtual reality applications;
for 5G and beyond communications are introduced, with the URLLC is defined for applications that have stringent latency
publicly available high-performance cloud-based RT simulation and reliability requirements [6], [7], such as the communica-
platform as the main reference. The hardware structure, net- tions that can enable autonomous driving [8] and the control
working, workflow, data flow and fundamental functions of a networks in industrial plants; mMTC is the basis for connectiv-
flexible high-performance RT platform are discussed. The appli-
cations of high-performance RT are presented based on two 5G ity in Internet of Things (IoT), which allows for infrastructure
scenarios, i.e., a 3.5 GHz Beijing vehicle-to-infrastructure sce- management, environmental monitoring, and healthcare appli-
nario and a 28 GHz Manhattan outdoor scenario. The questions cations [9], [10]. In order to meet various requirements of 5G
on how to calibrate and validate RT based on measurements, and beyond communications, the future new radio not only
how to apply RT for mobile communications in moving scenar- considers the traditional sub-6 GHz but also considers the
ios, and how to evaluate MIMO beamforming technologies are
answered. This tutorial will be especially useful for researchers millimeter-wave (mmWave) band and terahertz (THz) band to
who work on RT algorithms development and channel mod- overcome spectrum scarcity and provide wide bandwidth from
eling to meet the evaluation requirements of 5G and beyond hundreds of MHz to several GHz [11]–[15]. Efficient transmis-
technologies. sion technologies like massive multiple-input multiple-output
(MIMO) are proposed [16]–[18] to improve system capacity.
Manuscript received October 15, 2017; revised June 11, 2018; accepted New network architectures are proposed for various applica-
August 7, 2018. Date of publication August 16, 2018; date of current ver-
sion February 22, 2019. This work was supported in part by NSFC under tions [19]–[21]. In order to effectively support the design,
Grant 61771036, Grant 61501021, and Grant 61725101, in part by the Beijing deployment, and evaluation of the 5G and beyond wireless
Natural Science Foundation under Grant L161009 and Grant L172020, in communication technologies, accurate channel characteriza-
part by the National Key Research and Development Program under Grant
2016YFE0200900, in part by the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control tion and modeling are of great importance.
and Safety Project under Grant RCS2018ZZ006 and Grant RCS2017ZT008, The channel modeling approaches in the literature can be
and in part by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. (Corresponding classified as stochastic and deterministic channel models. For
author: Ke Guan.)
D. He, B. Ai, K. Guan, L. Wang, and Z. Zhong are with the State the stochastic model, there are two types of geometry-based
Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong stochastic channel models – GSCM and GBSM. The GSCM
University, Beijing 100044, China, and also with the Beijing Engineering families include WINNER-style (e.g., 3GPP spatial chan-
Research Center of High-speed Railway Broadband Mobile Communications,
Beijing 100044, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; nel model (SCM), extended SCM (SCME) [22], WINNER
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). (WIM1), WINNER II (WIM2) [23]–[26], WINNER+
T. Kürner is with the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Technische (WIM+), 3D MIMO channel models [18], [27], and
Universität Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany (e-mail:
[email protected]). QuaDRiGa [28]) and COST-style (e.g., COST2100 [29], [30]).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/COMST.2018.2865724 The GBSMs [31]–[36] can be divided into regular-shaped
1553-877X  c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

GBSMs (RS-GBSM) (such as one-ring, two-ring, and ellipse Section III introduces the propagation principles and mod-
models), irregular shaped GBSMs (IS-GBSMs), and non- els that can be implemented in RT. The reviews of the RT
geometrical stochastic models (NGSMs) [37], [38]. In acceleration techniques are provided and the selected RT based
principle, these generic models can theoretically gener- simulation tools are compared in Section IV. The designs of the
ate channel impulse responses (CIRs) from the scattering hardware structure, networking, workflow, data flow and fun-
geometry [39]–[41]. However, when they are implemented for damental functions for realizing a flexible high-performance
certain scenarios of interest, it is still critical to determine the RT platform are introduced in Section V. The applications
values of probability distribution parameters and validate the of high-performance RT to 5G scenarios are presented in
models according to channel measurements [42], [43]. Section VI. Conclusions are drawn in Section VII.
On the other hand, the deterministic modeling methods are
based on either full-wave solutions such as method of moments
(MoM) [44], Finite Element Method (FEM), finite-difference II. T HE ROLE OF RT IN 5G S YSTEMS AND B EYOND
time domain (FDTD) [45] and Finite Integration Technique The popularity of RT is increasing in 5G and beyond wire-
(FIT), or asymptotic technique like ray tracing (RT) [46], [47] less communications. In the standardization organizations, the
and uniform theory of diffraction (UTD). Full-wave solutions map-based hybrid channel modeling approach is adopted by
are much more complex than the asymptotic techniques, and both 3GPP [54] and ITU-R WP-5D [55] in 2016 for evaluating
the later can be used purely, or as a hybrid technique. The 5G communication technologies, and RT is a key step of this
combination between RT and uniform theory of diffraction approach. In IEEE Standards working groups (802.11ad and
(UTD) [48] is frequently applied to radio coverage predic- 802.15 3d-2017), RT has been successfully applied to assist
tion [49]. Compared to stochastic channel modeling, RT needs developing stochastic channel models for various scenarios in
higher computation time, and it strongly depends on detailed the mmWave and THz bands. The deeper reason that RT plays
and reliable environment description, which requires efforts a more important role than before is manifold:
and time to reconstruct. However, RT can accurately describe First of all, RT is less restricted by bandwidth and the
multi-path effects for a given environment model and deploy- carrier frequency compared with measurement based stochas-
ment configuration. It has been applied to radio frequencies for tic channel modeling approaches. Its applications can be
field prediction in the indoor and the urban environments since found from sub-6 GHz to THz, and from narrowband
the early 1990s [50], [51]. In the recent decades, it has also to ultra-broadband in various environments with approved
been utilized to investigate the propagation characteristics and accuracy [12], [56]–[62].
models in a number of complex scenarios such as multi-floor Secondly, the evaluation of key MIMO technologies such
stairwell [52] and open-trench drains [53], which demonstrated as beamforming and beam tracking have high demands on
the capability and advantages of RT to quantitatively identify channel spatial resolution. The sizes and shapes of the MIMO
the fundamental propagation mechanisms. arrays, which significantly influence the propagation and sys-
Aiming at 5G and beyond wireless communications, this tem design, can be very different in practical applications.
paper presents a comprehensive tutorial on the design of RT By taking advantage of the high spatial resolution of the RT
and the applications. The role of RT and the state-of-the-art results, [63]–[67] propose and verify the RT-assisted beam-
RT techniques are reviewed. The features of academic and forming algorithms. In [67], RT is used to compute MIMO
commercial RT based simulators are summarized and com- gain matrices and determine achievable data rate with var-
pared. The requirements, challenges and developing trends ious MIMO transmission modes. The authors show that, in
of RT to enable the visions are discussed. The practices urban microcells, data rate prediction using site-specific RT
in the design of high-performance RT simulation platform is more informative than using stochastic models. With the
and the applications for 5G and beyond communications help of RT, a new beamforming mode-switching algorithm
are introduced, with the publicly available high-performance is proposed with lower switching rates by a factor greater
cloud-based RT simulation platform (CloudRT) as the main than 10.
reference. The hardware structure, networking, workflow, data Thirdly, in the moving communication scenarios of 5G and
flow and fundamental functions for realizing a flexible high- beyond, not only the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) but also
performance RT platform are discussed. The applications of the surrounding scattering objects can move. Due to the con-
high-performance RT are provided by studying two 5G scenar- straints on the capability of measurement equipment, device
ios, i.e., a 3.5 GHz Beijing vehicle-to-infrastructure scenario installations and workforce, the time-varying channel mea-
and a 28 GHz Manhattan outdoor scenario. Based on which, surements and MIMO channel measurements become more
the issues on how to calibrate and validate RT based on mea- difficult. Obtaining comprehensive channel parameters is chal-
surements, how to apply RT for mobile communications in lenging. The measurement-based stochastic modeling is more
moving scenarios, and how to evaluate MIMO beamforming challenging and complex than before in describing the birth
technologies are tackled. This tutorial will be especially useful and death of multi-path components, the coherence between
for researchers who work on RT algorithms development and different drops and the correlations of key parameters. As
channel modeling to meet the evaluation requirements of 5G an alternative, RT is an effective method to overcome the
and beyond technologies. limits of both channel measurements and stochastic mod-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section II, els. The academic research works in [68] and [69] combine
the role of RT in 5G systems and beyond is discussed. constrained mmWave channel measurements with extensive

RT simulations to explore angular domain channel charac- reflected (transmitted) field is calculated by Fresnel equation
teristics. Similarly, in IEEE 802.11ad task group [70], [71], for different polarizations [88].
channels are measured and RT is combined to develop stochas- Calculation of the diffracted rays is more complicated com-
tic channel models for 60 GHz indoor scenarios. IEEE pared with the above rays. In the 1960s, Keller [89] developed
802.15.3d [72], [73] work on an amendment of the stan- the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) by applying the
dard targeting at 100 Gbit/s data links operating in the band Fermat’s principle and formulating the law of diffraction: the
from 252 GHz to 325 GHz. THz channels are measured diffracted rays lay on the exterior surface of a cone (Keller’s
with limited deployment configurations, and RT is used to cone), which has its vertex at the diffraction point and an
explore and model comprehensive channel parameters for opening angle equal to that formed by the incident ray with the
more deployments. Based on this approach, 3D stochastic edge. However, the result of GTD is not continuous across the
channel models are realized and standardized for wireless data shadow boundaries. Thus, the UTD method was pioneered by
center [74], wireless front/back-haul [73], indoor communica- Kouyoumjian and Pathak [48], which is valid for perfect elec-
tions [60], [75], intra-device [76] communications and kiosk tric conductors (PEC). For lossy wedges, the authors of [45]
downloading applications [62]. Moreover, by taking advan- and [90]–[93] developed heuristic methods to determine UTD
tage of the accuracy in tracing rays, RT has been combined diffraction coefficients. For the wedges with impedance sur-
with different stochastic channel modeling approaches, e.g., a faces, the electromagnetic diffraction is formulated by Tiberio
deterministic approach to model by combining a neural net- et al. [94] and Rojas [95]. The diffraction coefficients for trans-
work and a 3-D RT algorithm is proposed in [77] for complex parent wedges are modeled in [96] and [97]. Apart from the
indoor environment communications. In [78], the stochastic UTD families, the uniform asymptotic theory (UAT) meth-
and deterministic models are combined, and a one-nuclei- ods can also provide continuous diffracted field across shadow
based channel model is proposed. A Geometry-based Efficient boundaries developed in [98] and [99]. Comparisons between
propagation Model for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communica- UTD and UAT methods can be found in [100]. Besides,
tion (GEMV2 ) is proposed and validated in [79] and [80], some multi-edge diffraction models, such as the Deygout
in which RT is used to determine the influence of moving model [101], [102], the Epstein-Peterson model [103], have
vehicles and blockage of static objects. The RT developed by been widely used in combination with other propagation
Universität Karlsruhe [81] can support both moving train and mechanisms, empirical models or improved for different envi-
vehicles in the simulation scenario. The CloudRT [82], [83] ronments [104]–[107]. Other theories of diffraction like the
developed by Beijing Jiaotong University can support vari- physical optics method [108] and the spectral method [109],
ous mobile scattering objects, e.g., moving train for mmWave [110] have been studied as well.
railway communications [84], [85], multiple mobile robots in The scattered rays from rough surfaces have been stud-
smart warehouse scenarios at sub-6 GHz [86]. ied for many different objects, e.g., building façades
[111]–[121], trees [122]–[125], lampposts [126], [127], vehi-
cles [126]–[128], traffic signs [129], [130], and railway typical
III. P ROPAGATION P RINCIPLES AND M ODELS FOR RT objects [84], [85]. The scattering from building façades is
In the RT, the channel transfer function H(f ) at frequency divided into specular and non-specular components [111],
f is expressed as the coherent sum of different multi-path and a sort of effective roughness (ER) is associated with
components Hi (f ) coupling with the polarimetric Tx and Rx each building wall which takes into account not only
antenna radiation patterns (Gtx , Grx ): real surface roughness but also wall discontinuities, small
    objects effects, etc. The authors then modified the ER
Hi (f ) = ai (f )ejϕi (f ) δ θAOD − θAOD,i δ θEOD − θEOD,i model by orienting the scattering pattern lobe toward the
·δ θAOA − θAOA,i δ θEOA − θEOA,i (1) specular direction [112], and the “Directive Model” and
NRays “Backscattering Lobe Model” are proposed for different sur-
 face irregularities. The “Directive Model” has been incorpo-
H(f ) = G tx Hi (f )Grx (2)
rated into RT and validated at sub-6 GHz bands and mmWave
bands [84], [85], [113], [115], [116], [131] in both urban and
where ai is the amplitude of ray i. ϕi is the phase of ray i. railway environments. Regarding the scattering of the vege-
θAOD,AOA,EOD,EOA are the azimuth angle of departure/arrival tation, the multiple scattering theory (MST) [132], [133] is
and elevation angle of departure/arrival. the most common method in obtaining the coherent and inco-
The basic rays in RT can be classified as direct rays, herent scattering fields. In the current version of ITU-R Rec.
reflected rays, transmitted rays, diffracted rays and scattered P.833-9 [134], MST is incorporated to model the propagation
rays [87]. Calculations of the direct rays and reflected rays with vegetation. Bistatic radar cross section (RCS) has been
are fundamental. The direct rays are related to the line of used to investigate the scattering propagation upon metalic
sight (LOS) propagation mechanism and are calculated by objects like lampposts, bus shelters [126] and various traffic
using Friis equation. The reflected (transmitted) rays cor- signs [130]. The geometries of the objects were decomposed
respond to the reflection (transmission) of radio waves at as discretized conductor cylinders, boxes, circular and rectan-
interfaces between different media. The propagation direction gular plates, etc., which have closed-form RCS expressions.
of a reflected (transmitted) ray is determined by the Snell’s By summing up the decomposed parts, the total RCS of a
law with image-based method [88]. The magnitude of the complex object can be obtained.

IV. ACCELERATION T ECHNIQUES been proposed [150]–[152]. NVIDIA OptiX developed an RT

“Image method” based RT is computationally expensive engine which can realize efficient parallel RL computation on
when the number of scattering objects and ray intersections the GPU [153], based on which, the works in [154]–[156]
increase. Thus, applying acceleration techniques is inevitable adapted and realized efficient 3D electromagnetical wave prop-
and many efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of agation simulators. Apart from GPU acceleration, [82], [83]
RT. Efficient computer graphics algorithms, such as dimen- proposed a multi-threaded and distributed CPU comput-
sion reduction, space partitioning, etc., are proposed. The ing method to accelerate RT computation for numerous
basic principle of dimension reduction method is to speed simulation tasks. The results indicate that the speedup of
up the process by simplifying the 3D environment model compute-intensive tasks via parallel hardware technology is
to 2D or 2.5D [135], [136]. Although this method improves outstanding.
the efficiency in tracing rays and is suitable for fast net- Besides the academic RT simulators, there are already rec-
work planning in large scale environments, the accuracy is ognized commercial RT based simulators used by industry and
reduced, and therefore, it is not suitable for evaluating and academia. Table I summarizes the features of the selected com-
planning 3D deployments. The space partitioning is done by mercial and public available academic RT based simulators.
constructing visibility tree and partitioning the propagation All of the commercial tools support MIMO/massive MIMO
environment into small sub-spaces (tree nodes) so that not simulations and include empirical, RT and hybrid empirical/RT
all the surfaces are traversed when detecting intersections. A models:
number of structures have been proposed for handling multi- WinProp [157] was originally designed by AWE
dimensional point data, and a survey of methods can be found Communications limited that was later acquired by Altair
in [87] and [137]. Among those methods, the K-d tree space HyperWorks in 2016. WinProp engine supports simulations
division algorithm [138], [139] and binary space partitioning for frequency up to 75 GHz. This tool supports a wide
(BSP) algorithm [140]–[142] are the most common methods in range of propagation scenarios. Compared with other selected
accelerating RT. Although space partitioning methods require commercial tools, it is the only one that supports mobile
more time in pre-processing the environment model, it is able scattering objects in the simulation. Beyond the standard RT,
to significantly accelerate the tracing ray procedure without it employs acceleration techniques including the dimension
reducing accuracy. An alternative technique that originating reduction, space partitioning, Intelligent Ray Tracing (IRT)
from computer graphics is the “shooting and bouncing” based and Dominant Path Model (DPM).
RT method, called “ray launching” (RL) [77], [143]–[146]. Ranplan Professional [158] developed by Ranplan Wireless,
According to the workflow, rays are launched from a fixed Tx supports simulations from 100 MHz to 70 GHz for both
in all relevant directions, discretized into small angular incre- the indoor and outdoor environment, whereas the material
ments, field strength is summed up at all potential Rx points database enables up to 60 GHz for RT simulation. Mobile scat-
and the ray search is stopped when energy falls below a min- tering objects are not supported. Dimension reduction, space
imum or a given maximum number of interactions is reached. partitioning, and hybrid RL/RT are the acceleration techniques
The computation time of RL depends on the spatial resolu- for tracing multiple transmissions, reflections, diffractions and
tion in launching rays. The accuracy of RL is greatly reduced scattering.
for those rays traveling long distances from the transmitter EDX Advanced Propagation [159] developed by EDX
(divergence). In these situations, important interactions may be Wireless, supports simulation over a frequency range from
missed by such ray tracers [147]. Ray splitting can be a solu- 30 MHz to 100 GHz. It is mainly for urban indoor and
tion: more rays are introduced after a given distance from the outdoor environments, and does not support mobile scatter-
Tx to reduce the angular separation [148]. Also, proper angu- ing objects. Free space propagation including atmospheric
lar discretization methods based on polygonal shapes can be losses, wall reflection, corner and edge diffraction, wall and
adopted to overcome resolution limitations [149]. Moreover, foliage transmission, scattering due to wall roughness are the
RL is basically an area oriented algorithm and therefore not main concerned propagation mechanisms. Dimension reduc-
very well suited for point to point prediction (e.g., moving tion technique is applied for acceleration.
scenarios, MIMO channel). Volcano [160] by Siradel can simulate sub-6 GHz and 5G
In the moving scenarios where both the scattering objects mmWave band up to 73 GHz. It provides reflection, trans-
and communication devices can move, the visibility relation- mission and diffraction mechanism, with dimension reduction,
ship of surfaces might change between snapshots. Moreover, space partitioning RL acceleration techniques. The current
in order to analyze small-scale features like Doppler spectrum, version does not support mobile scattering objects in the
coherence time, and quasi-stationary region, the sampling dis- simulated scenario.
tance of snapshots (granularity) in RT should be comparable Wireless Insite [161] developed by Remcom, provides
with the wavelength. Hence, the number of simulation snap- empirical models and ray tracing coupled with empirical mod-
shots increases when the simulated frequency increases. When els for a frequency range from 50 MHz to 100 GHz. This tool
the Massive MIMO is applied to moving scenarios or UDN does not support mobile scattering objects. It employs dimen-
with many communication devices, the number of simula- sion reduction and RL acceleration algorithms, as well as GPU
tion tasks is massive and only applying the aforementioned and multi-threaded CPU hardware acceleration.
“algorithm-based” acceleration techniques is not sufficient. CrossWave [162] is a high-performance universal prop-
Recently, parallel multi-core GPU-based RL algorithms have agation model based on the cooperation between Orange


Labs and Forsk. This model is developed for 200 MHz - A. Networking and Hardware Components
5 GHz simulations mainly for GSM, UMTS, LTE networks. As shown in Fig. 1, the hardware components of CloudRT
Dimension reduction, RL acceleration algorithms, as well as include an HPC cluster, a data storage server and user equip-
multi-threaded distributed CPU computing is supported. ment (UE). The HPC contains 96 computing nodes (1600
Aster [163] developed by Forsk, is more advanced than CPUs and 10 GPUs), 1 managing node and 1 Web server. The
CrossWave. This tool can support below and above 6 GHz RT engine is installed on the computing nodes to realize paral-
including the mmWave bands. Similar as CrossWave, it also lel processing. The simulation tasks and computing resources
employs dimension reduction, RL and multi-threaded dis- are monitored and controlled by the managing node. The mes-
tributed CPU computing as acceleration methods. Both tools sage passing interface (MPI) is employed to assign tasks to the
do not support mobile scattering objects. computing nodes. The HPC cluster and the data storage server
According to the above discussions, the RT that enables are interconnected via switches with 10 Gbps data rate per
5G and beyond communication channel simulation should link, which makes sure that the network input/output (I/O) will
efficiently and accurately support mobile scattering objects, not be the bottleneck of the data I/O of the whole platform.
massive MIMO and massive task, and the developing of flex- The HPC and the data storage server can be either within the
ible high-performance RT platform is highly demanded to same local network as the UE or on the cloud. The CloudRT
realize the vision. belongs to the later case and is open access to the community
via The UE of CloudRT can be a
personal computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS. With
V. T HE D ESIGN OF H IGH -P ERFORMANCE RT a Web browser, MATLAB, and SketchUp installed, users
In this section, the discussions on the design of high- can prepare the needed models, configure/trigger simulation
performance RT will use the practices on CloudRT as the tasks and download results. The demand on UE access data
main reference. The networking and hardware components, rate is much less than that on the data I/O of the HPC, i.e.,
workflow, data flow and models are introduced. 100 Mbps per UE connection is enough.

Fig. 1. Networking of CloudRT.

Fig. 3. Data flow of CloudRT.

characterization, as well as the propagation modeling and algo-

rithms that improve the efficiency and accuracy of the RT. The
outputs of the data analytic layer can be used for link/system
level simulation, network planning, and antenna design.
The models, libraries and databases on the data storage
server are introduced as follows:
Environment Library: Contains the 3D environment mod-
els for RT simulation. Geometry and material information are
Fig. 2. Workflow of CloudRT.
the key elements of an environment model. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
are some 3D models of railway scenarios and urban scenar-
B. Workflow ios reconstructed via SketchUp tool. The geometric shapes of
objects are described and different materials are assigned to
As shown in Fig. 2, registration and logging in are required the surfaces of the objects. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
before users accessing the functions and models of the format [164] is used for data (configuration, model description,
CloudRT. After successful authentication and authorization, etc.) transmission for CloudRT simulation. It is a lightweight
simulation tasks can be configured via the user interface (UI) format based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming
on the website. Environment model, antenna pattern, snapshot, Language, which is easy for humans to read and write, and
frequency, propagation mechanism, computation nodes should easy for machines to parse and generate. An add-on is devel-
be specified. Parallel computing is automatically realized if oped in ruby to directly export the SketchUp model to JSON
the number of snapshots in the task is greater than 1, and the format with required properties listed in Table II. The objects
maximum computing resource is constrained by the requested are grouped by layers (e.g., buildings, cars, etc.), and the poly-
number of computing nodes. By clicking the “submit” but- gons are described by the composition of triangles with the
ton, the simulation is triggered at the HPC. Simulation results corresponding material names. The assigned materials in the
contain CIRs and the details of all the traced rays for each environment modeled should exist in the material library; If
snapshot, including the type of rays, intersection order, time of not, it should be added to the material library before conduct-
arrival, complex field intensities, path loss, 3D angles of depar- ing a simulation. The Web UI allows the users uploading and
tures and arrivals, intersected plane IDs, intersected points, managing their environment models for RT simulation.
inbound and outbound angles at intersected points. Based on Besides the vector data, the raster data are also widely
which, key channel parameters like path loss, power delay used. Raster data, like digital elevation model (DEM), is
profile (PDP), root-mean-square delay spread, Rician K-factor, especially in describing large scale terrain variation (moun-
etc., can be calculated for further analysis. tains, desert, etc). SketchUp is just one of the computer-aided
design (CAD) tools that can model vector 3D environments
C. Data Flow and Models for RT simulation. The aforementioned commercial tools sup-
As shown in Fig. 3, there are 5 layers in the data flow port designing simple models, importing complex models from
of the platform: data collection layer, data transport layer, CAD tools, converting raster data to vector data, and hybrid
data storage layer, data analytic layer, and application layer. use of vector data and raster data. The support of different data
In the data source layer, various data are collected and con- types can make the RT more flexible in simulating different
verted to the predefined structure. Then, they are transported environments.
to the data storage server (in the cloud), which is composed of A major concern about RT utilization is the need for a
disk arrays with I/O managing system. Three libraries (envi- detailed and precise description of the environment [66]. A
ronment library, material library, and antenna library) and preferred digital map precision should be comparable to the
three databases (user database, task database, and measure- considered wavelength [108]. The rougher and the more incor-
ment database) are constructed to manage different data and rect the scenario is modeled, the poorer the corresponding
models for the simulation platform. Based on which, the data prediction accuracy will be. As reported in [165], errors of the
analytic layer can realize RT-based channel modeling, channel positions of walls within ±2 m in the 95% of cases result in a


Fig. 4. 3D environment models of railway scenarios.

Fig. 5. 3D environment models of indoor and outdoor scenarios.

1 dB increase in the standard deviation of the prediction error is developed based on a modified physical optics and MST
for microcell communication. In the early 21st century, satel- approach in [170]. In [171], the forest is composed of trees fol-
lite imagery became widely available and affordable. Many lowing the uniform distribution with the separation of 8-10 m.
Geographic Information System (GIS) companies bought ser- A tree is modeled by an 8-facet polygonal prism with the
vices from satellite operator to obtain high-resolution images diameter of 6-10 m, and each facet consists of 2 m × 2 m
and reconstructed 3D maps. The reported precision of satellite- quadrangles. Each polygonal canopy prism volume is com-
based digital map is 0.6 m in the azimuth domain, while posed of leaves and branches where leaves are modeled as
the error in the elevation domain might reach 3 m–5 m. The thin lossy dielectric discs and branches are modeled as thin
Airborne Laser Scanning approach can achieve an error less lossy dielectric cylinders, all having prescribed location and
than 0.01 m [166] but the cost is much higher than the satel- orientation statistics. The scattered field of the tree is obtained
lite imaging. Multi-stereo image based scenario reconstruction by using the multiple scattering theory of Foldy-Lax [132].
is widely applied nowadays, 3D street view, museum virtual For human blockage, MacCartney et al. [172] and Kunisch and
tour are typical applications [167]. While it is also a very Pamp [173] provide simple models based on the double knife-
tough work to fetch images with different stereos and requires edge diffraction (DKED) model. Similar to the model given by
a lot of efforts on reconstructing 3D models. To reduce the the METIS project [174], the human body is approximated by
cost and efforts on map digitalization, He et al. [168] pro- a cuboid with infinite vertical height. Jacob et al. [175] extend
pose an image-based automatic 3D scenario reconstruction the double knife edge model to a multiple knife-edge model,
approach. A machine learning algorithm is developed to auto- and a person is assumed to be composed of six knife edges.
matically recognize and extract multiple objects from images. Material library stores different material parameters for
The proposed method is incorporated to RT and the path loss different propagation models. The propagation models that
results are validated by COST231 measured data in Munich are implemented on the current version of CloudRT are
scenario [169] at 947 MHz frequency. summarized in Table III.
Vegetation and the human body can be important objects Accordingly, the dielectric parameters, transmission loss,
to propagation channel, but modeling their 3D geometries is scattering coefficients, and equivalent roughness are needed,
challenging. ITU-R P.833 [134] distinguishes the case of a and applying appropriate material parameters in the RT is a
woodland and an isolated tree, and different modeling meth- pre-condition to obtain practical results. In Rec. ITU-R P.
ods are given. For example, in woodlands, it is only necessary 2040 [177] and Rec. ITU-R P.1238-7 [178], the dielectric
to consider specific attenuation in dB/m at the frequency of parameters and transmission loss of some typical indoor
interest and obtain the resulting signal attenuation based on the and outdoor materials, like concrete, glass, wood, and
path length through the vegetation. In both [134] and [170], a resin, are provided for some frequency points within 1
tree can be modeled by cuboid, sphere or cylinder. Based on GHz–100 GHz. Many parameters are provided in academic
the MST, the canopy of a tree is usually modeled as a cylin- researches [179]–[183] for various objects and frequencies.
drical volume containing thin disks representing the leaves, Nevertheless, the types of material of existing works are a
and randomly distributed and oriented cylinders representing small part of the real environments, and applicable frequen-
the branches [122]. A new scattering model of tree canopies cies and propagation models are limited. In this work, JSON


Fig. 7. Examples of antenna patterns.

User database records user profile and authorities. The

basic authorities include running RT simulations, upload-
ing and editing models, checking simulation progress, and
downloading results.
Task database has all the information related to simula-
tion tasks. The specified environment model, antenna pattern,
snapshot, propagation models, frequency ranges, requested
computing resources (e.g., CPUs or GPUs) and correspond-
ing simulation results are recorded. A log file is generated
when a simulation task is triggered, and the progress of the
task can be tracked real-time through the user interface.
Measurement database is constructed to store the measured
propagation and channel data with various scenarios, materials,
antenna types, frequencies, and mobility. The data are useful
for further analysis of channel characterization, RT calibration,
and propagation modeling.
Fig. 6. Examples of materials in the material library.


A 3.5 GHz V2I scenario (Scene-I) and a 28 GHz out-
door scenario (Scene-II), where measurements are conducted,
are considered as two practical 5G scenarios to introduce the
applications of RT. Based on the case studies, the questions
on how to calibrate and validate RT based on measurements,
how to apply RT for mobile communications in moving sce-
narios, and how to evaluate MIMO beamforming technologies
are answered.

A. Introduction of Measurement Campaigns

is used to describe material information and key attributes, 1) Scene-I: The V2I measurement was conducted in 2017
including the applicable frequency range, material name, and in Zhongguancun Cuihu Tech Park, Beijing. Fig. 8(a) and
electromagnetic (EM) parameters, which are listed in Table IV. Fig. 8(b) show the measurement routes. The Tx is placed at
With this format, the material parameters can be modified or the intersected corner of two roads with a height of 2.55 m.
new material can be added with high flexibility. Fig. 6 shows A planar antenna with a gain of 16 dBi is used, and the tilted
examples of materials in the library, which are studied via ded- angle is θ = 10 degree. The Rx is placed on the top of
icated propagation measurement approach like [179]–[183]. a Suburban Utility Vehicle (SUV) with a height of 1.88 m.
Moreover, material parameters can also be calibrated based A biconical antenna is used and the antenna gain is 0 dBi.
on channel measurements, and the details are presented in Fig. 8(c) and Fig. 8(d) show the deployment of antennas and
Section VI-B. their patterns, respectively. The width of the road is approx-
Antenna library stores information for various types of imately 14 m. In route1, there are buildings along two sides
antennas. Users can create their own antenna radiation pat- of the road. Only one side of route2 has buildings, and the
terns and upload them to the library. JSON is used to describe other side is a fence with advertisements. Buildings are with
the key properties, including the applicable frequency, angu- a height of 15-20 m. The average distance between two build-
lar resolution, 3D polarimetric pattern (listed in Table V). ings in route1 and route2 is 10 m and 8 m, respectively. As the
Fig. 7 shows different examples of the uploaded antenna pat- measurement was conducted in March, there was no leaf on
terns. Details of antenna pattern implementation and MIMO the trees. A few cars parked on the street. In the whole mea-
simulation are introduced in Section VI-D. surement run, there was no people or car moving on the road

Fig. 10. 28 GHz measurement campaign: (a) Map of Tx and Rx locations,

Fig. 8. Measurement campaign: (a) Bird’s view of the measured routes, (b) Reconstructed 3D environment model.
(b) Street view of the measured routes, (c) Antenna deployments, (d) Antenna

B. RT Calibration and Validation

As mentioned above, necessary inputs for an RT simula-
tion includes the environment model, antenna model, snapshot
configuration and material parameters for EM calculation
according to the propagation models. The first three inputs
can be obtained either from practical measurements or from
virtual reality; however, the material parameters that deter-
mine the reliability of RT result can only be obtained through
measurement. One can either look for references of typical
material parameters [177], [178], or determine each material
parameter via propagation measurements [186], [187], or cal-
Fig. 9. Measurement system.
ibrate the RT simulator from a few channel measurements
using optimization approaches [62], [188]. The commercial
M EASUREMENT PARAMETERS tools (Table I) have integrated measurement based calibra-
tion function. However, the current versions are for calibrating
empirical models based on measured reference signal receiving
power rather than for calibrating the multi-path propagation
parameters of the involved materials. In practice, materials
are diverse while the categories are limited in the available
references. Obtaining parameters from individual propagation
measurements for different propagation mechanisms is accu-
rate for most homogenous materials, but is not suitable for
composite materials or multi-layer materials. Calibrating RT
and the propagation condition was LOS for the two routes. from a few channel measurements is feasible for all types of
Fig. 9 shows the channel sounding system, and a summary of materials, and is more efficient than individual dedicated prop-
the measurement parameters are given in Table VI. The NI agation measurement. However, its accuracy depends on an
PXIe-5673E is used at the Tx, and the NI PXIe-5668 is used appropriate combination of different propagation mechanisms
at the Rx. The carrier frequency is 3.5 GHz with a bandwidth for the whole scenario. Therefore, it does not always lead to
of 100 MHz. After connecting an amplifier to the transmitter, the same high precision as dedicated propagation measure-
the total transmission power at the antenna output is 43 dBm. ments. In this study, we present the experiences on calibrating
The XHTF3311 Global Positioning System (GPS) is used at RT based on channel measurement for the two considered
the Rx. With rubidium clocks, the synchronization of both Tx scenarios.
and Rx is ensured. The calibration workflow is shown in Fig. 11, which begins
2) Scene-II: 28 GHz propagation measurements were con- from environment modeling, deployment configuration, and
ducted in 2012 in downtown Manhattan around NYUs main parameter initialization. The locations and antenna patterns of
campus, with a maximum RF transmit power of 30.1 dBm Tx and Rx are the same as in the measurement. The recon-
over an 800 MHz first null-to-null RF bandwidth and a max- structed 3D environment model of Scene-I is shown in Fig. 12.
imum measurable dynamic range of 178 dB. The map of There are 7 types of objects and 7 materials (Table. VII)
Tx and Rx locations is shown in Fig. 10(a) and the recon- in the environment model. The LOS path, scattering, and up
structed 3D environment model is shown in Fig. 10(b). Details to 4th order reflections are considered. The initialized dielec-
of the measurement description can be found in [184]. The tric parameters are listed in Table VIII. The cost function is
omnidirectional SISO path loss data are provided in [185]. defined as the mean absolute error of the power delay profile



Fig. 11. Workflow of RT calibration based on channel measurement.


Fig. 12. Reconstructed 3D environment model for Scene-I.

between simulation result and measured data along with all

the evaluated snapshots s:
which is reduced from 9.47 dB to 1.73 dB after 10 itera-
 tions. The calibrated parameters are provided in Table VIII.
A(s) = abs(Prt (s, τ ) − Pm (s, τ )) (3) Fig. 13(b) compares the calibrated PDP at a single snapshot
τ =0 and the RT result agrees well with the measurement in terms of
cost = A (4) delay and amplitude. Fig. 14 demonstrates the traced rays of a
snapshot in route2. The path losses (PLs) of the RT and mea-
where τ is the excess delay, s denotes the snapshot index, Prt surement are fitted based on the close-in free space reference
and Pm represent the power delay profile (PDP, in dBm) of the distance (CI) path loss model:
RT and measurement. In this work, a down threshold of 30 dB  2  
relative to the maximum power is used to keep the influence of 4π d0 d
PL(d)[dB] = 10log10 + 10nlog10 + Xσ
dominant paths. The phase of the signal can be categorized into λ d0
interception and relative parts. The interception part is usually (5)
influenced by complex superposition of initial phase, material
properties, traveling distance, reference frequency and noise, where Xσ is a zero mean Gaussian random variable with
which is often modeled as random parameters within [−π, π ] standard deviation σ in dB. d0 is the reference distance and
in standard channel models, such as WINNER, 3GPP, and d > d0 = 1. Fig. 13(c) and Fig. 13(d) compare the PLs
METIS models [24], [189], [190]. The relative part, which between measured data and the calibrated result for route1 and
is determined by complex superposition of traveling distances route2, respectively. The fitted CI model parameters are com-
(delay) and amplitudes of rays, is more important to reproduce pared in Table IX. In route1, the difference ratios of n and σ
small-scale channel characteristics. Thus, calibrating the RT between the simulation result and measurements are 1.06%
in terms of ray amplitude and delay according to (3)-(4) is and 5.93%, respectively. The difference ratios of n and σ in
sufficient and critical. route2 are 6.03% and 5.93%, respectively.
Totally 4080 measured CIRs along the two routes are Different measurement data can result in different cost func-
selected and are split into a calibration set (2 CIRs for each tion and calibration result. In Scene-II, only omnidirectional
route) and a validation set (4076 CIRs). Simulated annealing path loss data are publicly available [185]. As the small-
method [62], [188] is employed to reduce the cost iteratively scale information is missing, the cost function is re-defined
by simultaneously seeking appropriate dielectric parameters by comparing the path loss between RT and measurement all
for all the considered materials. When varying the maximum the Tx/Rx pairs. Following the same framework in Fig. 11,
reflection order from 1 to 4, the cost decreases from 4.89 dB the RT is calibrated and detail results can be found in [191].
to 1.73 dB. Fig. 13 compares the results when the maximum The environment model of Scene-II is shown in Fig. 10(b).
reflection order is 4. Fig. 13(a) is the progress of the cost, As the building material is much more complex in Scene-II

Fig. 13. Calibration result and RT validation for Scene-I: (a) The calibration progress, (b) PDP comparison of a snapshot in route2, (c) Path loss comparison
for route1, (d) Path loss comparison for route2.

Fig. 14. Traced rays of a calibrated snapshot in route2.

Fig. 15. Workflow of simulating moving scenarios.

compared to Scene-I, a uniform material is assigned to sim-
plify the modeling. The mean absolute errors of the calibrated
RT with up to 3 and 4 reflection orders are 3.72 dB and
2.05 dB, respectively. The difference ratios of n and σ are
3.95% and 3.21%. The dielectric parameters calibrated in this
scenario can be used in similar environments, which bring ben-
efits on simplifying the environment model, but also reduce
the accuracy of the simulation result. In addition, varying the
combination of propagation mechanisms (e.g., the maximum
reflection order) has an influence on the calibration result.
The work on effectively determining dominant propagation
mechanisms is still needed to improve the performance of RT Fig. 16. Modeling of moving objects and mobility pattern along route2.
The validation results of both scenarios indicate that RT
can practically reflect the target propagation environment after Scene-I is used as stationary part of 3D environment model.
calibrating with a few measurement samples. Thus, reliable The height of the Tx is increased to 6 meters. A bus and
channel information can be generated for environments with an SUV are modeled as moving scattering objects which are
similar materials. Moreover, other channel information like driven in the same direction along route2 (see Fig. 16). The
angles, the influence of objects/materials, which were not SUV is in front of the bus and the speed of the bus is slower
captured from the measurements, can be analyzed via RT than the SUV. The height of the bus is 3.7 m, which is 1.82 m
simulations. higher than the Rx on the SUV. Up to 2nd order reflections,
diffraction, and scattering are considered, and the other config-
C. Support of Moving Scenarios urations are the same as mentioned before. The PDPs along the
moving distance are shown in Fig. 17. The LOS path between
In the moving scenarios, not only the Tx and Rx can move,
the Tx and the Rx is blocked by the bus when SUV is moving
but also the scattering objects can move. Aiming at support-
farther than 159 m.
ing these features, the workflow shown in Fig. 15 is used by
CloudRT. The moving scattering objects and stationary objects
should be modeled separately. Dynamic mobility patterns of D. Support of MIMO Channel and Beamforming
moving objects and Tx/Rx should be defined prior to simu- Another important feature of the CloudRT is to support
lation. After all the models and configurations are uploaded MIMO channel simulation and beamforming evaluation. As
to CloudRT, the geometry and visibility relationship of the shown in Fig. 18, Scene-II is used in this case. 4 small-cell
objects are updated for each snapshot. base stations (S-BSs) are deployed linearly on the street. A

Fig. 17. PDP of the moving scenario.

Fig. 18. Deployment of mmWave wireless backhaul scenario in Manhattan

Fig. 20. MU-MIMO backhaul link capacity vary with array size.

observed. The BL channel state information is collected and

channel matrix is obtained via RT simulation. By applying
zero-forcing beamforming (ZFBF) algorithm, the weights are
obtained. The antenna elements at the UPA are then excited
with the corresponding weights. The equivalent antenna radi-
ation patterns of the 4-by-5 array and the 4-by-25 array are
compared in Fig. 19. When the array size increases, the beam-
forming gain increases, and the beam width decreases. The
variation of the BL capacity with the array size is shown in
Fig. 20, the capacity of each BL link increases nonlinearly as
the array size increases. As the distance between the S-BS1
Fig. 19. Comparison of equivalent ZFBF beam pattern between 4-by-5 and and M-BS is the farthest, the capacity of S-BS1 is the smallest.
4-by-25 UPAs.

single omnidirectional antenna is used at the S-BS with a In this paper, a comprehensive tutorial is presented on
height of 5 m and the separation distance between S-BSs is the design of high-performance RT and the applications for
50 m. A macrocell base station (M-BS) is placed on top of 5G and beyond wireless communications. The role of RT
a building whose height is 73 m. Thus, the total height of and the state-of-the-art RT techniques are reviewed. The fea-
M-BS is 75 m. A uniform planar array (UPA) is used to real- tures of academic and commercial RT based simulators are
ize Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) summarized and compared. Aiming to fulfill requirements
connections between the M-BS and S-BSs, which is called of the 5G system and beyond, RT should support massive
wireless backhaul links (BL). With this deployment, there is simulation tasks for moving scenarios and MIMO simula-
no object blocking the LOS paths of the BLs. The antenna tion with high performance (accuracy and efficiency), good
elements of the UPA are omnidirectional and the transmission usability and availability. The practices in the design of high-
power is 40 dBm. LOS path, up to 4th order of reflected paths, performance RT simulation platform and the applications for
scattering path and diffracted paths are considered. By vary- 5G and beyond communications are introduced, with the
ing the array size from 4-by-5 to 4-by-25 with 0.5 λ element publicly available high-performance cloud-based RT simula-
spacing, the influence on MU-MIMO channel capacity can be tion platform – CloudRT ( as a

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Comput. Graph., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 159–170, Feb. 2011. Conf. Infrared Millimeter Waves 13th Int. Conf. Terahertz Electron.,
[157] (2018). Altair WinProp. [Online]. Available: https:// vol. 2. Williamsburg, VA, USA, Sep. 2005, pp. 594–595. [182] K. Sato et al., “Measurements of reflection and transmission character-
[158] (2018). Ranplan Professional. [Online]. Available: https:// istics of interior structures of office building in the 60-GHz band,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 1783–1792, Dec. 1997.
[159] (2018). EDX Advanced Propagation. [Online]. Available: http:// [183] T. Tosaka, K. Fujii, K. Fukunaga, and A. Kasamatsu, “Development of complex relative permittivity measurement system based on free-space
[160] (2018). SIRADEL Volcano. [Online]. Available: https:// in 220–330-GHz range,” IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 102–109, Jan. 2015.

[184] T. S. Rappaport, G. R. MacCartney, M. K. Samimi, and S. Sun, Ke Guan (S’10–M’13) received the B.E. and
“Wideband millimeter-wave propagation measurements and channel Ph.D. degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University in
models for future wireless communication system design,” IEEE Trans. 2006 and 2014, respectively. He is an Associate
Commun., vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 3029–3056, Sep. 2015. Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Rail
[185] G. R. Maccartney, T. S. Rappaport, M. K. Samimi, and S. Sun, Traffic Control and Safety and the School of
“Millimeter-wave omnidirectional path loss data for small cell 5G Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing
channel modeling,” IEEE Access, vol. 3, pp. 1573–1580, 2015. Jiaotong University. In 2015, he has been awarded
[186] G. D. Chirico, “Device and material characterization at mm-Wave and a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Post-Doctoral
terahertz,” in Proc. 6th U.K. Europe China Millimeter Waves THz Researchers. In 2009, he was a Visiting Scholar
Technol. Workshop (UCMMT), Rome, Italy, Sep. 2013, pp. 1–2. with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
[187] J. Jemai, T. Kürner, A. Varone, and J.-F. Wagen, “Determination of From 2011 to 2013, he was a Research Scholar with
the permittivity of building materials through WLAN measurements at the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
2.4 GHz,” in Proc. IEEE 16th Int. Symp. Pers. Indoor Mobile Radio Germany. From 2013 to 2014, he was invited to conduct joint research in
Commun., vol. 1. Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2005, pp. 589–593. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. His current research interests are in the
[188] S. Priebe, M. Kannicht, M. Jacob, and T. Kürner, “Ultra broadband field of measurement and modeling of wireless propagation channels, high-
indoor channel measurements and calibrated ray tracing propagation speed railway communications, vehicle-to-x channel characterization, and
modeling at THz frequencies,” J. Commun. Netw., vol. 15, no. 6, indoor channel characterization for high-speed short-range systems includ-
pp. 547–558, Dec. 2013. ing future terahertz communication systems. He was a recipient of the 2014
[189] “Spatial channel model for MIMO simulations (release 6),” 3rd Gener. International Union of Radio Science Young Scientist Award, seven Best Paper
Partnership Project, Sophia Antipolis, France, Rep. TR 25.996, Awards for his research papers, the Huawei Excellent Student Award of China
Sep. 2013. in 2013, and the First National Scholarship for Ph.D. Candidates in 2012.
[190] “Scenarios, requirements and KPIs for 5G mobile and wireless system, He has authored/co-authored two books and one book chapter, over 180
deliverable D1.1,” METIS Project, New York, NY, USA, Rep. ICT- journal and conference papers, and one patent. He is the Pole Leader of
317669-METIS/D1.1, May 2013. European Railway Research Network of Excellence. He is an Editor of
[191] S. Wei et al., “Calibration of ray-tracing simulator for millimeter-wave the IEEE ACCESS, IET Microwave, Antenna & Propagation, and Physical
outdoor communications,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. Communication, and a Guest Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
USNC/URSI Nat. Radio Sci. Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, Jul. 2017, V EHICULAR T ECHNOLOGY. He serves as the Publicity Chair in PIMRC
pp. 1907–1908. 2016, the Publicity Co-Chair in ITST 2018, the Track Co-Chair in EuCNC,
the Session Convener of EuCAP 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, and a TPC
Member for many IEEE conferences, such as Globecom, ICC, and VTC. He
has been a member of the IC1004 and CA15104 initiatives.

Danping He (M’16) received the B.E. degree

from the Huazhong University of Science and
Technology in 2008, the M.Sc. degree from the
Université Catholique de Louvain and Politecnico
di Torino in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree from the Longhe Wang (S’17) was born in Rizhao, China, in
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2014. In 2012, 1992. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with
she was a Visiting Scholar with the Institut national the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and
de recherche en informatique et en automatique, Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.
France. She was with Huawei Technologies from His research interests include ray-tracing acceler-
2014 to 2015 as a Research Engineer. From 2016 ation algorithm based on high performance comput-
to 2018, she was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with ing techniques, large-scale coverage prediction, and
the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong mmWave channel modeling.
University, where she is currently an Associate Professor.
She has authored/co-authored over 40 papers, three patents, and one IEEE
Standard. Her current research interests include radio propagation and chan-
nel modeling, ray tracing simulator development, and wireless communication
algorithm design. She was a recipient of five Best Paper Awards for her
research papers.

Zhangdui Zhong (SM’16) is a Professor and an

Advisor of Ph.D. candidates with Beijing Jiaotong
University, where he is currently the Director of the
School of Computer and Information Technology
Bo Ai (M’00–SM’10) received the master’s and and a Chief Scientist of the State Key Laboratory
Ph.D. degrees from Xidian University, China, in of Rail Traffic Control and Safety. He is also
2002 and 2004, respectively. He was an Excellent the Director of the Innovative Research Team of
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (with great Hons.) Ministry of Education, and a Chief Scientist of
with Tsinghua University in 2007. He is currently Ministry of Railways in China. He is an Executive
with Beijing Jiaotong University as a Professor Council Member of Radio Association of China,
and an Advisor of Ph.D. candidates. He is the and the Deputy Director of Radio Association of
Deputy Director with State Key Laboratory of Rail Beijing. His interests are wireless communications for railways, control the-
Traffic Control and Safety. He is an Associate ory and techniques for railways, and GSM-R system. His research has been
Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C ONSUMER widely used in the railway engineering, such as Qinghai-Xizang Railway,
E LECTRONICS and an Editorial Committee Member Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy Haul Railway, and many high-speed railway lines
of journal of Wireless Personal Communications. of China.
His current interests are the research and applications OFDM tech- He has authored/co-authored seven books, five invention patents, and over
niques, HPA linearization techniques, radio propagation and channel mod- 200 scientific research papers in his research area. He was a received the
eling, GSM for railway systems, and LTE for railway systems. He has MaoYiSheng Scientific Award of China, ZhanTianYou Railway Honorary
authored/co-authored six books, 140 scientific research papers, and 26 inven- Award of China, and Top 10 Science/Technology Achievements Award of
tion patents in the above area. He is an IET Fellow. Chinese Universities.

Thomas Kürner (S’91–M’94–SM’01) received the He participated in the European projects FP-5-IST-MOMENTUM on
Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering and the methods for “Automatic Planning of Large-Scale Radio Networks,” ICT-
Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Karlsruhe, FP7-SOCRATES on “Self-Organisation in Wireless Networks,” FP7-SME-
Germany, in 1990 and 1993, respectively. From GreenNets on “Power Consumption and CO2 Footprint Reduction in Mobile
1990 to 1994, he was with the Institut für Networks by Advanced Automated Network Management Approaches,”
Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik, University of FP7-SEMAOUR on “Self-Management for Unified Heterogeneous Radio
Karlsruhe, researching on wave propagation model- Access Networks,” Medea+-Qstream on “Ultra-High Data Rate Wireless
ing, radio channel characterization, and radio net- Communication,” and H2020-iBroW on “Innovative Ultra-Broadband
work planning. From 1994 to 2003, he was with Ubiquitous Wireless Communications Through Terahertz Transceivers.” He
the Radio Network Planning Department, headquar- has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHICULAR
ters of the GSM 1800 and UMTS operator E-Plus T ECHNOLOGY since 2008 and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON A NTENNAS
Mobilfunk GmbH & Company KG, Düsseldorf, where he was a Team AND P ROPAGATION since 2016. He represents Technische Universität
Manager radio network planning support responsible for radio network plan- Braunschweig at the Next Generation Mobile Networks alliance as an
ning tools, algorithms, processes and parameters from 1999 to 2003. Since Advisory Member. He has actively contributed to the channel modeling doc-
2003, he has been a Full University Professor for Mobile Radio Systems ument supporting the standardization of IEEE 802.11ad. He is currently a
with the Technische Universität Braunschweig. In 2012, he was a Guest Voting Member of IEEE 802.15 and is chairing the IEEE 802.15 IG THz and
Lecturer with Dublin City University within the Telecommunications Graduate the IEEE 802.15.3d TG 100G. He is the Project Coordinator of the “Terahertz
Initiative in Ireland. His working areas are indoor channel characterization Communications for Future Personal Area Networks” (TERAPAN) project
and system simulations for high-speed short-range systems including future funded by the German Ministry of Research and Development. He is a mem-
terahertz communication system, propagation, traffic and mobility models ber of the Board of Directors of the European Association on Antennas and
for automatic planning and self-organization of mobile radio networks, car- Propagation (EurAAP) and chairs the EurAAP WG Propagation. He served
to-car communications as well as accuracy of satellite navigation systems. as the Vice-Chair Propagation at the European Conference on Antennas and
He has been engaged in several international bodies such as ITU-R SG 3, Propagation in 2007, 2009, and 2014. He is a Founding Member and Co-
UMTS Forum Spectrum Aspects Group, COST 231/273/259, where he chaired Organizer of all six editions of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing
the working group “Network Aspects,” COST 2100 and COSTIC 1004. Networks.

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