Grade 1 Science Lesson 6

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LESSON PLAN #6: Science

Subject: Science Grade: 1 Date: March 21st, 2019

Critical Inquiry Question: Can we build a chair? What components make up a chair?
What purpose does a chair serve?
Lesson: 6 Time: 65 mins
SLOs: From the Program of Studies

1: Select appropriate materials, such as papers, plastics, woods; and design and build
objects, based on the following kinds of construction tasks:
 construct model objects; e.g., furniture, equipment, boats, vehicles

4: Recognize that products are often developed for specific purposes, and identify the
overall purpose for each model and artifact constructed

Instructional Objectives: (Not outcomes, but lesson objectives. Not a description of

lesson procedure, but an indication of what students will know or be able to do by the
end of the lesson).

Student will understand that building a chair requires legs, a seat, and a back
Students will understand people often construct something for a reason


Students will be able to construct a model chair following the directions provided
Students will be able to identify aspects and components of their build

Key Questions:
What is the focus question for this lesson? What are some related questions?

Can we build a chair? What components make up a chair? What purpose does a chair


Marshmallows, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, cardstock, glue


Have materials sorted prior to class, have exemplars ready


Allow students to work in partners if needed

Lesson Procedure:

1. Gather student at carpet to begin class

2. Review
- What have we been doing thus far in science?
- What have we learned?
- What are some of your favorite parts?
3. Today’s class introduction
- Show Building Things in Fairytales booklet- explain we will be working out
of these today
4. Introduce, read and discuss story
- What did you think?
- What parts did you like?
- Did you notice anything that broke that we could try to fix?
5. Introduce activity and materials
- We want to see if we can make a chair for the character in the book
- How do we think we could use the materials to make a chair?
- What components does the chair have?
6. Ask students to return to their desks- teacher will drop off resources and hand out
building things in Fairytales book
7. Students will be expected to build chair and the fill out corresponding page of
8. Gallery walk of booklets and build when each student is finished
9. Final clad discussion and conclusion
- Which materials worked to make a strong chair?
- How did you make your chair?
- What were some similarities and differences you saw in other people’s chairs?


Student ability to construct a chair following instruction and given materials

Student ability to complete worksheet associated with task
Student ability to participate in class discussion and gallery walk

Lesson Reflection:

This is a space for notes after you’ve taught the lesson.

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