Garde 1 Art Lesson 1

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Subject: Art Grade: 1 Date: March 7th, 2019

Critical Inquiry Question: What does love mean to us?
Lesson: Time:
SLOs: From the Program of Studies

G.L.O: Individual Activity

Concepts A. Feelings and moods can be interpreted visually.
B. Specific messages, beliefs and interests can be interpreted visually, or symbolized.

Instructional Objectives: (Not outcomes, but lesson objectives. Not a description of

lesson procedure, but an indication of what students will know or be able to do by the
end of the lesson).

Students will understand that the term “love” can mean different things
Students will understand that feeling, emotions, or messages can be represented visually
through art


Students will demonstrate the ability to trace straight and curved lines
Students will demonstrate creativity through use of colors and design on assignment

Key Questions:
What is the focus question for this lesson? What are some related questions?

How can we represent our understanding of the word love through a visual


Paper cut in halves, oil pastels, introductory text, large poster sized paper to glue leaves,
Modge Podge, glue


Cut paper into halves, cut stencils of leaves for students to use

Get students to work in pairs if they need extra help with tracing leaves

Lesson Procedure:
(Use numbered or bulleted steps. Indicate lesson introduction, development and
conclusion to clarify the flow of the lesson. Write it with enough detail that a substitute
teacher could teach the lesson.)

1. Gather students at carpet to start Art class

2. Introduce concept and DEHR Program to students
- Explain the topic and ask if there’s any questions
- We’re going to be talking about different kinds of love
- Tell students we’re going to read a book that can help us understand many
different ways people can love and have relationships
3. Read the introductory text
- What kinds of things did we see?
- Is there anything you guys noticed that was interesting?
- Are there any questions you guys have about the book?
- Ask students to go back to their desks for the next portion of the activity
4. Introduce the assignment
- Show the students a picture of the end goal of what we are trying to
- What do we notice about this picture? Lots of color?
- Brainstorm class list of words that we could use to describe the feelings of
love or positive relationships
- Explain to students that over the next two art classes we will be working on
completing this task in 2 parts
5. Introduce first part- tracing
- Show students the paper halves they will be using and the stencils
- Scaffold for students on the carpet how we can use stencils to trace images we
want to make look the exact same
- Check for student understanding
6. Ask students helpers to come out and distribute the materials
- Each pair of students will get one stencil between them- encouraged to work
together to try and get a good second image
- If students finish early their next task is to pick a word to use- ask teacher to
write them on their leaf for them
7. Clean up/ final discussion if time permits


How will you know if students met your lesson objectives? What assessment tool or
strategy are you using? What are you looking for in this formative assessment?

Students will listen to instructions and participate in class discussion

Students will listen to the book and ask questions to further understand
Students will contribute accurate words to brainstorming activity
Students will properly trace and cut leaf stencils, and pick word for their assignment

Lesson Reflection:

This is a space for notes after you’ve taught the lesson.

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