SDLP 02 - Organization and Organization Structures

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Agusan del Sur National High Grade

School 11
School Level
Grade 11
Learning Organization and
Detailed Teacher Michael R. de Leon
Area Management
Lesson Plan
Teaching Dates January 7-11, 2019
Quarter III
and Time Second and Third Sessions

A typical DLP contains the following parts: Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures, Remarks and Reflection - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

I. Objectives or Learning Competencies

At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
1. discuss the nature of organization (ABM_AOM11-Ih-j-15); and
2. distinguish the various types of organization structures (ABM_AOM11-Ih-j-16).
II. Content/s
III. Learning Resources
1. Cabrera, H., Altajeros, A., & Benjamin, R. (2016). Organization and management. Quezon City, PH:
Vibal Group, Inc.
2. Arbuckle, K. (2018). The ultimate household chore list. Retrieved: January 7, 2019 from
IV. Procedures
Instructional Models,
Strategies, & Methods Direct Instruction
I. Prayer
Daily Routine
II. Checking of Attendance
1. What was our lesson last meeting?
1. Reviewing previous 2. What are the steps in making a decision?
lesson or presenting 3. True or False: You can always change your mind about a decision you’ve
the new lesson made.
4. Explain: There is probably no one right choice; and few decisions are totally
After planning, organizing follows. The goals and objectives established during
planning will all go to waste without effective organizing, through the
development of a designed structure of roles for effective performance. It
2. Establishing a requires an interlacing of decision and communication work units to coordinate
purpose for the efforts toward the organizational goals and objectives that were set earlier. To
lesson function well, organization structures and their specific roles must be understood
by all members of the organization. Rules and regulation principles must also be
put into practice. However, that organizing depends on the specific situation of
the firm.
Ask the students on how they divide the household chores in their home.
1. Who washes the dishes after every meal?
2. Who takes out the trash, compost and recycling (as needed)?
3. Presenting examples
3. Who does a quick wipe-down of bathroom surfaces?
/ instances of the
4. Who cleans up spills, dirt, and other messes?
new lesson
5. Who sweeps/mops the floor?
6. Who washes the clothes?
7. Does dividing of household chores make the work done easily and faster?
4. Discussing new Class Reporting CRITERIA PERCENT
practicing new skills
Language 15
Total 100

Organization and Management

Michael R. De Leon
Differentiation of the Organization’s Internal Environment
Differentiation in organizations involves division of labor and specialization
(Bateman & Snell, 2008). These necessarily result from the organization’s
composition – many different work units with different kinds of tasks, using
different skills and work activities coordinating with one another for a common
Division of labor involves assigning different tasks to different people in the
organization’s different work units. Related to it is specialization, the process in
which different individuals and units perform different tasks. An organization’s
overall work is complex and would be too much for any individual, therefore,
the bigger the organization, the more work units or work divisions and
specializations are to be expected.

Integration of Work Units

Integration is another process in the organization’s internal environment which
involves the collaboration and coordination of its different work units or work
divisions. Coordination refers to the procedures that connect the work activities
of the different work divisions/units of the firm in order to increase collaboration
and coordination. The more highly differentiated one’s organization is, the
greater the need for integration among the different units.

Ask: Why is it important for an organization to divide the works/tasks to different

Types of Organization Structures
An organization structure is a system made up of tasks to be accomplished,
work movements from one work level to other work levels in the system,
reporting relationships, and communication passageways that unite the work
of different individual persons and groups. The types of organizational structures
1. Vertical structure
A vertical structure clears out issues related to authority rights,
responsibilities, and reporting relationships.
Authority rights refer to the legitimate rights of individuals, appointed in
positions like president, vice president, manager, and the like, to give
orders to their subordinates, who in turn, report to them what they have
5. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills

2. Horizontal structure
A horizontal structure refers to the departmentalization of an
organization into smaller work units as tasks become increasingly varied
and numerous.

Organization and Management

Michael R. De Leon
Types of Department:
a. Line departments
Line departments deal directly with the firm’s primacy goods
and services; responsible for manufacturing, selling, and
providing services to clients.
b. Staff departments
Staff departments support the activities of the line departments
by doing research, attending to legal matters, performing public
relations duties, etc. Meanwhile, departmentalization may be
done using three approaches:
 Functional approach
Where the subdivisions are formed based on specialized
activities such as marketing, production, financial
management, and human resources management.

 Divisional approach
Where departments are formed based on management
of their products, customers, or geographic areas

 Matrix approach
It is a hybrid form of departmentalization where
managers and staff personnel report to the superiors, the
functional manager, and the divisional manager.
3. Network structure
It is a collection of independent, usually single function
organizations/companies that work together in order to produce a
product or service. Such network organizations are each capable of
doing their own specialized work activities independently, like

Organization and Management

Michael R. De Leon
producing, distributing, designing, etc., but are capable of working
effectively at the same time with other network members.
Role playing:
Group the students into three. Let them play roles on different managers and staff
6. Developing Mastery personnel in an organization showing authority, responsibilities and division of labor.
(Group Activity) Group 1: Vertical structure
Group 2: Horizontal structure
Group 3: Network structure
7. Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills in Ask:
daily living. 1. Give the importance of organizing in business companies.
8. Making 2. What is the negative effect of not having division of labor in organizations?
generalizations and 3. Why should organizations be encouraged to have an organization chart?
abstractions about
the lesson.
1. What are the types of organization structures? Briefly define each.
2. Summarize how authority operates in the vertical organization structure.
9. Evaluating learning
3. Give the difference between a line department and staff department.
4. In your opinion, who have greater responsibilities, the line department
managers or the staff department managers? Explain your choice.
1. Construct an organization chart of your school’s high school department.
2. Get a copy of a big business organization’s organization chart through the
10. Additional activities
internet and compare it with your school’s high school department’s
for application or
organization chart. List down the similarities and/or differences that you
3. Research on the CEO’s work details. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of being a CEO?
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on this
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

Organization and Management

Michael R. De Leon
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared: Checked:


Subject Teacher, SST-1 Assistant Principal-Designate

Organization and Management

Michael R. De Leon

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