Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics I: Calendar Activity Sheets Flash Card Pocket Chart

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics I

(Using a Calendar- Months of the Year)

At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to achieve atleast 75%
proficiency level in the following behavior:
Cognitive: Name and tell the months of the year in the right order.
Psychomotor: Trace and write the months of the year.
Affective: Show appreciation of being able to recognize months of the year.


Topic: Using a Calendar- Months of the year
Prerequisite Skill: Counting and Enumerating
References: PELC Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics I
Materials: Calendar Activity Sheets
Flash card Pocket Chart
Teaching Approach: Collaborative, Interactive and Constructive Approach
Subject Integrated: English
Values focus: Cooperation and Attentiveness
Time Frame: 90 minutes


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Song
d. Checking of Attendance

1. Review
Before we start our lesson for today, let us
review your past lesson yesterday. What have
you studied yesterday?  We have studied about the days of the

How many days are there in a week?  There are 7 days in a week.
 The days of the week are Monday,
So, can you tell me what are the days of the
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
week? Saturday, and Sunday.

(Write the days of the week in order and let

the pupils read them twice.)

2. Motivation
When is your birthday?
When is Christmas celebrated?
(The pupils will answer the questions
When is our town and barangay fiesta and share their own experiences.)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

I will read you a story about a Grade 1

pupil named Allan. Listen as I read the story. (the class will listen attentively as the
teacher reads the story)
After the end of classes on March, Allan
was excited because next month, he will go to
Manila to spend his vacation at his cousin’s
place. When the month of April came, he
went to Manila. There, he visits his cousin
John. John take him to the park and they also
played at the playgrounds there. They also
shop at the mall. He did not notice that it is
already the end of April and he has to go
He went back home on May. He was so
excited and he can’t wait to tell his friends
what he experienced during his vacation in
(after reading, ask the pupils)
Who was the Grade one pupil in the
story?  Allan.
When did their classes ended?  March.
What did he do after their classes ended?  He went on a vacation.
When did he went to Manila?  He went to Manila on April
When did he went back home?  May.

2. Posing a Problem
In the story, Allan was excited after
classes because he will go for a vacation
next month after the end of classes. So
(let the pupils think and solve the problem)
what month would Allan go for a

3. Discussion
In the story, Allan’s classes ended on
(the pupils summarize the story in
March then he went to Manila on April
sequence emphasizing the months
then stayed there for one month so he
mentioned in it)
went home on May. (write the month on
the board)

 January
What other months do we have?  February
Can you give one?  March
 April
 May
 June
 July
 August
 September
 October
(Using flash cards of months and calendar  November
show to the class the name of months  December
that they give.)

How many months do we have in all? (count together)

How many months are there in a year? There are twelve months in all.
Let us count. Therefore, there are twelve months in a

Let us arrange the months of the year in

the right order. (Let the pupils arrange
the months in a pocket chart while asking
them specific celebrations to guide them (Read the months in the pocket chart in a
to arrange the months in the right order. right order after arranging them.)
Ask questions which relate to their
individual experiences.)

(Show a calendar)
This is a calendar, this is where we see (Let the children observe the calendar)
the dates and months in a year. What do
we call this again? What did you observe? (Pupils’ answers)
How do we use a calendar?

4. Group Activity
(Divide the class into 3 groups.)
Now class, I will group you into 3. We will
have a group activity. But first, what
should we do if we will have a group (let the children suggest standards. Then
activity? What are the standards in doing post a chart with written standards then let
group activity? the children read it.)

Standards to be followed in Group Activity

 Read and follow the directions carefully.
 Work quietly.
 Cooperate with the group.
 Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in
your working area.

(Each group will have a set of flash cards (Each member should cooperate with the
with the twelve months. In 10 minutes, group)
they will arrange the cards of months in
order.) (Let the group read their work in front of
(Checking of the work of each group) the class.)

5. Generalization
There are twelve months in a year.
The first month is January.
The twelve months are January, February,
March, April, May, June, July, August, (Guide the class in enumerating the months
September, October, November, of the year without looking at the calendar
December. or chart.)
6. Individual Activity
Trace the name of each month. Then
write the month again on the right side. (Pupils will do the activity)
(Give the class an individual activity sheet)

7. Assimilation
Board work:
Write which month does each holiday
celebrated. 1. New Year’s Day (January)
1. New Year’s Day 2. All Saint’s Day (November)
2. All Saint’s Day 3. Christmas Day (December)
3. Christmas Day 4. Valentine’s Day (February)
4. Good Friday 5. Independence Day (June)
5. Independence Day

Direction: Arrange the months of the year in
by numbering it from 1 to 12.
____ June ___6_ June
____ December ___12_ December
___1_ January
____ January
___7_ July
____ July ___11_ November
____ November ___2_ February
____ February ___3_ March
____ March ___8_ August
____ August ___9_ September
____ September ___4_ April
___5_ May
____ April
___10_ October
____ May
____ October

V. Assignment
Read books on months of the year.
Identify how many days are there in
each of the following months.

1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December

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