Corrugated Plate Separator (CPS) For

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Corrugated Plate Separator (CPS) For

Oil/Solids Removal

More Than a Water Treatment Company, an Compact, Efficient Design

Established Leader in Oil/Water Separation The configuration and number of plates of the CPS
units provide enough effective area for free oil
Corrugated Plate Separators (CPS) provide economical removal down to 15 ppm with greater than 60 micron
and effective removal of oil and solids from removal.
wastewater by gravity, in a smooth, efficient
automatic flow. Since the plates are arranged parallel to each other
with a 3/4-inch (2 cm) spacing, the separator is able
With more than 3,000 installations in operation, this to tolerate up to 1000 ppm total suspended solids
proven design has no moving parts and provides without affecting the effluent quality.
consistent operating results for simple and better
separation. Typically, these units are one-fifth the size of an
in-ground API separator, and produce a finer effluent
Corrugated Plate Interceptor quality.
At the heart of the CPS is the Corrugated Plate
Interceptor (CPI) plate pack. Features and Benefits
 Better effluent quality - removes free oil
The plate pack design minimizes the distance a free droplets 60 microns or larger
oil droplet must rise before coming into contact with  Superior solids handling - tolerates 1000 ppm
other oil droplets. total suspended solids
 Low maintenance design - no moving parts
This design ensures that the oil droplets coalesce on  Quality construction - design meets API standards
the undersides of the corrugated plates, facilitating
the free oil removal process.

Water Technologies
Operating Process
Oily water enters the CPS unit to the influent receiving At the top of the unit, the separated oil forms a layer and is
compartment. Here, the velocity is slowed and the flow is skimmed by an adjustable trough or weir. The clean effluent
directed into the quiescent zone above the CPI pack(s). Gross, flows upward through the clear effluent compartment, then
free oil droplets rise, and the flow containing residual small over the adjustable effluent weir and out of the separation
free droplets and solids particles enters the CPI in a laminar unit.
flow condition.
Separated solids in the CPI pack flow down the valleys of the
The CPI pack is uniquely designed to increase the separation corrugations to the bottom of the CPI pack. Another gutter
surface area by using a series of parallel plates, arranged to shields them from the flow leaving the plate pack
allow small, free oil droplets to coalesce and separate from the compartment. The use of a down-flow pack configuration
carrier fluid. Separation is based on the differences in the ensures the entire water phase passes through the plate pack.
specific gravities of the fluids and the liquid temperature.
Because the pack is positioned at a 45º incline, separation is
Separated oil rises to the peaks of the corrugations in the enhanced and the risk of plugging the media is minimized.
parallel plates, then moves upward along these peaks to the
top of the pack. As the separated oil is diverted to the top of Test units are available for on-site use.
the separator, it is protected from the flow entering the CPI by
a gutter.

Water Adjustable oil Separated

Level Bucket Weir Oil




CPI Pack
(at 45º angle)

Prefabricated CPI plate rack, designed for

easy removal as an assembly.

Outlet Pipes

Siemens © 2009 Siemens Water Technologies Corp. The information provided in this literature contains merely general
Water Technologies OGS-CPSdr-DS-0309 descriptions or characteristics of performance which in actual case
411 Commercial Parkway Subject to change without prior notice. of use do not always apply as described or which may change as a
Broussard, LA 70518 result of further development of the products. An obligation to
tel: 337.837.3071 provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly
agreed in the terms of the contract.
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